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READING distinguishing main ideas from details

VOCABULARY using a thesaurus
WRITING writing an extended definition
GRAMMAR contrast and concession connectors


What happens when a

language disappears?
A Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. Which languages can you speak? Which one is spoken by the most
people? What other languages would you like to learn? Why?

2. Do you think your identity is connected to the language that

you speak? Why or why not?
3. Look at the photo. How do people preserve their language?
What might cause a language to disappear?

2 UNIT 1
UNIT Read an article from a government website and a
book excerpt. Gather information and ideas to develop
an extended definition of a word or concept from
another language or culture.

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer

these questions.

1. Why does Sophy think that languages are

never lost?
2. Why do her classmates disagree with her?

ONLINE C Go online to watch the video about how language

works in the brain. Then check your comprehension.

integral (adj.) being an essential part of


MRI (n.) magnetic resonance imaging, a
method of using a strong magnetic field
to produce an image of the inside of a
person’s body
psycholinguist (n.) a scientist who
studies how the mind processes and
produces language
superimpose (v.) to put one image on
top of another so that the two can be
seen combined

ONLINE D Go to the Online Discussion Board

to discuss the Unit Question with
your classmates.

Please Watch Out For Steps

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E Work with a partner. Read the customs from various countries. Decide
where each custom belongs in the chart and write its letter. Then add
your own examples.

a. In Bulgaria, shaking your head back and forth
means “yes,” and up and down means “no.”

b. In South Korea, it is polite to leave some rice at

the bottom of your bowl.
c. In France, people kiss on the cheek—sometimes
three or four times—to greet each other.

d. In the US, it can be threatening to stand closer

than 18 inches to someone you don’t know
very well.

e. In Japan, it is rude to wear your shoes inside

someone’s house.

Feature of Culture Custom/Behavior Your Example

A firm handshake is considered
1. Greetings c
professional in the United States.

2. Styles of dress

3. Personal space

4. Gestures

5. Politeness

F Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. Do you think that any of the various customs listed in Activity E are related
to language? Which ones? Why or why not?
2. How does your behavior change when you speak a different language?

4 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?


READING 1 History of the Maori Language

UNIT You are going to read a page from the New Zealand government’s History
Online website that describes the history of the Maori language. The Maori
are the indigenous people (original inhabitants) of New Zealand. Use the
article to gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Skim the Web page. Answer these questions.

1. Who is the Web page written for?

2. Where in the text do you expect to find the main ideas?

B. QUICK WRITE How can indigenous (native) languages be protected?

Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this section for
your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words you know. Then work with a partner
to locate each word in the reading. Use clues to help define the words
you don’t know. Check your definitions in the dictionary.

assimilate (v.) oblige (v.)

confine (v.) persist (v.)
divorced from (phr.) predominant (adj.)
ethnicity (n.) revival (n.)
initiative (n.) suppress (v.)
integral (adj.) target (v.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 5

A. Read the Web page and gather information on what happens when a
language disappears.

History of the Maori Language

Decline and revival
1 In the last 200 years, the history of the
Maori language (te reo Maori) has been
one of ups and downs. At the beginning of
the 19th century, it was the predominant
language spoken in Aotearoa (the Maori
name for New Zealand). As more English
speakers arrived in New Zealand, the Maori
language was increasingly confined to Maori
communities. By the mid-20th century, there
were concerns that the language was dying
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
out. Major initiatives launched from the
1980s have brought about a revival of the and prominent Pakeha2 to speak Maori.
Maori language. In the early 21st century, Their children often grew up with Maori
more than 130,000 people of Maori ethnicity children and were among the most fluent
could speak and understand Maori, one of European speakers and writers of Maori.
the three official languages of New Zealand. Particularly in rural areas, the interaction
between Maori and Pakeha was constant.
Maori: A common means
of communication Korero Pakeha (“Speak English!”)
2 For the first half century or so of the 4 Pakeha were in the majority by the
European settlement of New Zealand, the early 1860s, and English became the
Maori language was a common way of dominant language of New Zealand.
communicating. Early settlers1 had to learn Increasingly, the Maori language was
to speak the language if they wished to trade confined to Maori communities that existed
with Maori because settlers were dependent separately from the Pakeha majority.
on Maori for many things at this time. 5 The Maori language was not understood
3 Up to the 1870s, it was not unusual as an essential expression and envelope3
for government officials, missionaries, of Maori culture, important for the Maori

1 settler: a person who goes to live in a new country 3 envelope: a container, used metaphorically to suggest
2 Pakeha: Maori word for people who were originally from that a language might contain information about
Europe and also for the English language. Today it a culture
refers to any non-Maori.

6 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

in maintaining their pride and identity as a cities due to the war, and Maori moved into
people. Maori was now officially discouraged. urban areas in greater numbers. Before the
Many Maori themselves questioned its war, about 75 percent of Maori lived in rural
relevance in a Pakeha-dominated world areas. Two decades later, approximately
where the most important value seemed 60 percent lived in urban centers.
to be to get ahead as an individual. 9 English was the language of urban New
6 The Maori language was suppressed in Zealand—at work, in school, and in leisure
schools, either formally or informally, so that activities. Maori children went to city schools
Maori youngsters could assimilate with the where Maori was unheard of in teaching
wider community. Some older Maori still recall programs. The new, enforced contact
being punished for speaking their language. of large numbers of Maori and Pakeha
Many Maori parents encouraged their children caused much strain and stress, and the
to learn English and even to turn away from language was one of the things to suffer.
other aspects of Maori custom. Increasing 10 The number of Maori speakers began
numbers of Maori people learned English to decline rapidly. By the 1980s, less than
because they needed it in the workplace 20 percent of Maori knew enough of their
or places of recreation such as the football traditional language to be regarded as native
field. “Korero Pakeha” (Speak English) speakers. Even for those people, Maori was
was seen as essential for Maori people. ceasing to be the language of everyday use
in the home. Some urbanized Maori people
A language lives
became divorced from their language and
7 Despite the emphasis on speaking English,
culture. Others maintained contact with
the Maori language persisted. Until the
their original communities, returning for
Second World War4 most Maori spoke Maori
important hui (meetings) and tangihanga
as their first language. They worshipped5 in
(funerals) or allowing the kaumatua (elders)
Maori, and Maori was the language of the
at home to adopt or care for their children.
marae6. Political meetings were conducted
in Maori, and there were Maori newspapers Seeds of change
and literature. More importantly, it was the 11 From the 1970s, many Maori people
language of the home, and parents could reasserted8 their identity as Maori. An
pass on the language to their children. emphasis on the language as an integral
part of Maori culture was central to this.
The lure of the city Maori leaders were increasingly recognizing
8 The Second World War brought about the dangers of the loss of Maori language.
momentous7 changes for Maori society. There New groups emerged that were committed to
was plenty of work available in towns and strengthening Maori culture and the language.

4 Second World War: also called World War II (1939–1945) 8 reassert: to make other people recognize again your
5 worship: to pray right or authority after a period when this has been
6 marae: Maori word for a meetinghouse or a place for in doubt
formal discussions
7 momentous: very important or serious

| Reading and Writing 7

12 Major Maori language recovery programs Waitangi. The Waitangi Tribunal agreed with
began in the 1980s. Many were targeted the Maori and recommended a number of
at young people and the education system, laws and policies. In 1987, Maori was made
such as a system of primary schooling9 an official language of New Zealand.
in a Maori-language environment. 14 There are now many institutions working
to recover the language. Even so, the
Legislating for change decline of the Maori language has only just
13 Efforts to secure the survival of the Maori been arrested11. There is a resurgence12
language stepped up in 1985. In that year the of Maori, but to survive as a language,
Waitangi Tribunal10 heard the Te Reo Maori it needs enough fluent speakers of all
claim, which asserted that the Maori language ages as well as the respect and support
was a taonga (a treasure) that the government of the wider English-speaking and multi-
was obliged to protect under the Treaty of ethnic New Zealand community.

9 primary school: elementary school, starting at about 11 arrested: stopped

age 5 and continuing until age 12 to 14 12 resurgence: the return and growth
10 Waitangi Tribunal: a court created to honor the Waitangi
Treaty of 1840 between Great Britain and the Maori
people. Under the treaty, the Maori accepted British rule,
and the British agreed to treat the Maori fairly.

Vocabulary B. VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from

Skill Review
Reading 1. You may need to change the form of the word or phrase to
When you see a new
word, look at the
make the sentence grammatically correct.
words and sentences
around it. This can assimilate (v.) ethnicity (n.) oblige (v.) revival (n.)
help you find the
meaning in context. confine (v.) initiative (n.) persist (v.) suppress (v.)
divorced from (phr.) integral (adj.) predominant (adj.) target (v.)

1. Words or phrases that are out of style sometimes experience a

and become popular again.

2. The language spoken by most of the people in a country is the

language of the country.

3. It is hard to a language to a certain community and

never allow it to be spoken outside that place.

4. A government can help to create new laws, for

language programs in schools, for example.

8 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

5. Many people are proud of their , that is, their racial
and cultural background.

6. Some people in the United States want to the use of

languages other than English in public schools.

7. Learning a new language is one way that people can blend in with, or
into, a new society.

8. It takes a long time to learn a new language, so you must

by taking classes and practicing speaking.

9. Some people think language lessons should very

young children because they learn new languages so fast.

10. Immigrants often worry that they will forget their customs and become
their culture.

11. A person’s language is such a central and part of her

culture that she should try to preserve it.

12. Some parents do not believe their children should to

learn a language other than the one they speak at home.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Complete the timeline with information from Reading 1.

1800 1860s 1939–45 1970s 1987 2000s

Maori is the Waitangi Tribunal

predominant agreed that
in New Zealand.
(World War II)

| Reading and Writing 9

E. Match each subheading with the correct main idea.

Subheadings Main ideas

1. Decline and revival a. After English became the

dominant language, Maori was
suppressed and many Maori had
to learn English.

2. Maori: A common means b. The Maori language has had

of communication periods of use and disuse over
the last two centuries, but it is
currently undergoing a revival.

3. Korero Pakeha (“Speak c. After the Second World War, the

English!”) majority of Maori lived in cities,
and some lost their knowledge
of their traditional language and
4. A language lives d. At first, Europeans used Maori
to communicate with the local
5. The lure of the city e. The Maori language survived in
public and private places.
6. Seeds of change f. In 1987, Maori became an official
language of New Zealand, but
more speakers and more support
are necessary for its survival.
7. Legislating for change g. More recently, the Maori have
begun to reassert their identity as
Maori by learning and speaking
the Maori language.

F. Find two pieces of evidence (examples, facts, or quotations) from

Reading 1 that support these statements. Write them below the
statement. Include the paragraph number where you found the

1. Europeans who lived in New Zealand before the 1870s learned Maori.

10 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

2. Both the Maori and the Pakeha were responsible for the increase in the use
of English after 1860.

3. The Maori language survived until the mid-20th century because most
Maori lived in rural areas where Maori was still an important language for

4. As the 20th century progressed, there were fewer native speakers of Maori,
but some Maori in the cities maintained a basic knowledge of their language.

5. Starting in the 1970s, the Maori realized that they needed to save their
language in order to maintain their cultural identity.

6. The Waitangi Tribunal helped to make Maori an official language and
raise its status in New Zealand.


G. List reasons why the Maori maintained their traditional language. Then
list reasons why the Maori learned to speak English. Write the paragraph
number in which you found the information next to each reason.

Maori language English language

Used in religious ceremonies (Para. 7) Needed in the workplace (Para. 6)

| Reading and Writing 11

H. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true. Write the number of the paragraph where you
found the answer.

1. The Maori language has been in steady decline since the arrival of
Europeans in New Zealand. Paragraph:

2. The Maori people have always maintained their native language with
pride. Paragraph:

3. In the early 20th century, the Maori language survived in both public
and private settings. Paragraph:

4. Maori people were forced to move to the cities during and after the
Second World War. Paragraph:

5. Although some city Maori lost contact with their language, others
maintained links to their traditions. Paragraph:

6. The resurgence of Maori since the Waitangi Tribunal guarantees the

survival of the Maori language. Paragraph:

ONLINE I. Go online to read Languages in Switzerland and check your comprehension.


A. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. Do you think the efforts to save the Maori language will continue to be
successful? Why or why not?
2. Is it important for society to try to save languages that are in danger of
disappearing? Should governments create laws to encourage the protection
of endangered languages?
3. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a common
language of worldwide communication alongside native languages? How
would local languages be affected? Would all languages be affected in the
same way? Who would benefit and lose most from this situation?

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 5 as you think about what you learned.

12 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

Reading Skill Distinguishing main ideas from details
Main ideas are the major points that support the focus of a piece of writing. If you
can find the main ideas and distinguish them from the supporting details, you will
understand the purpose and focus of the writing. In most texts, you can find main
ideas by doing the following:
• paying attention to repeated vocabulary, which may be key words
• looking for words in the headline or title of the text
• reading subheadings and the captions of any graphs or illustrations
• watching for words that introduce conclusions and main ideas, such as
therefore, as a result, so, (more/most) importantly, finally, and to conclude
• focusing on words in bold, italics, or different colors
The position of the main ideas may depend on the genre, or type of text, because
there are different ways of organizing information.
Academic writing is divided into paragraphs that usually contain one main idea. The
main idea is often stated near the beginning of the paragraph and summarized at the
end, so read the first and last sentences of each paragraph carefully. Remember that
all the main ideas in the text are usually connected to the central focus, argument, or
thesis of the paper. This is often stated near the end of the introduction.
News articles, whether in print or on the Web, have to catch readers’ attention
and then keep them reading. They frequently use headlines and subheadings to
give main ideas.
Business communication has to be brief, efficient, and persuasive, so main ideas
are often stated early and repeated at the end of the text. Bullet points, bold text,
and repetition are often used to draw the readers’ attention.

A. Read the excerpts. Identify the genre of the writing. Then write the main
idea in a sentence.

When people move to a new culture, they usually experience a series
of different feelings as they adjust to their new surroundings. A new
culture is not necessarily another country or a place where another
language is spoken. Therefore, this adjustment can occur in any situation
where a person’s normal rules of behavior no longer work. The process of
adapting to these differences has four stages and is called culture shock.


Main idea:

| Reading and Writing 13

Solution: Say It Again Language Learning Program
The company is interested in investing in a language learning program.
There are two suitable programs available: Say It Again and Language
Now. We recommend Say It Again for these reasons:
• cost—19 percent less
• technical support—included in price
Say It Again will meet our needs at a lower cost and with better service.

Main idea:

Language Researcher Faces Challenges
Dr. Wilde’s research is certainly exciting. It could change the way we
think about the original inhabitants of New Zealand. But it is not without
difficulty. “Of course, the greatest challenge will be getting the local chiefs
to talk to me,” Wilde admitted. “Without their cooperation, my project
can’t go forward.” Gaining the trust of the local population is just one of
the many challenges facing Dr. Wilde in his research.

Main idea:

Languages change through two processes: internal change and
language contact. Internal change occurs slowly over time as words or
phrases shift in meaning or grammatical structure. For instance, the Old
English a nadder, meaning “a snake,” gradually became an adder, the
modern word, when the n became attached to the article. The second
source of change is external, and it occurs when another, usually more
powerful, language comes into contact with it.


Main idea:

14 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

New Zealand in the 1830s
New Zealand was largely a Maori world in the 1830s. There were
perhaps 100,000 Maori, divided into major iwi, or tribes. Relations
between groups could be tense, and conflict was common. Maori
traditions and social structures prevailed, but more Europeans arrived
in New Zealand throughout the decade. There were about 200 in the
North Island in the early 1830s. By 1839, there may have been 2,000
throughout the country (including around 1,400 in the North Island),
attracted by trade and settlement.

Critical Thinking Tip

In Activity B, you will

make generalizations
about where main
ideas are found in

Main idea:

different genres.
When you generalize,
you use specific B. How would you find the main ideas in the following types of writing?
information to make Discuss your answers with a partner.
general rules. This
shows you understand
the information in
1. an email 3. an advertisement
a thorough way.
2. a business letter 4. a newspaper editorial

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice distinguishing main ideas from details.

READING 2 When Languages Die

UNIT You are going to read an excerpt from the book When Languages Die, by
linguistics professor K. David Harrison. In it, Dr. Harrison examines the
traditional knowledge that is lost when a language becomes extinct (that is,
when nobody speaks it anymore). Use the article to gather information and
ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW What knowledge do you think can be lost when languages
die? Make three predictions.

| Reading and Writing 15

B. QUICK WRITE Where in the world do you think languages are in danger
of dying? Why do you think this is happening? Write for 5–10 minutes in
response. Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.
C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.
Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

abandon (v.) indigenous (adj.) scenario (n.)

cure (n.) in jeopardy (phr.) shift (n.)
exploit (v.) in the face of (phr.) substitute (v.)
habitat (n.) retain (v.) wake-up call (n. phr.)

~ Oxford 3000™ words

D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. Read the book excerpt and gather information on what happens when a
language disappears.

When Languages Die

1 What exactly do we stand to lose when
languages vanish? It has become a cliché1
to talk about a cure for cancer that may be
found in the Amazon rain forest, perhaps
from a medicinal plant known only to local
shamans2 (Plotkin 1993). But pharmaceutical
companies have spared no efforts to get at K. David Harrison
this knowledge, and in many cases, have
exploited it to develop useful drugs. An identified, named, described, or classified
estimated $85 billion in profits per year is by modern science (Hawksworth & Kalin-
made on medicines made from plants that Arroyo 1995). Therefore, we need to look
were first known to indigenous peoples to indigenous cultures to fill in our vast
for their healing properties (Posey 1990). knowledge gap about the natural world.
2 An astonishing 87 percent of the world’s But can they retain their knowledge in the
plant and animal species have not yet been face of global linguistic homogenization3?

1 cliché: a phrase or saying that has been used so many times 3 homogenization: a process in which everything becomes
that it no longer has any real meaning or interest the same
2 shamans: traditional healers or medicine men

16 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

3 Much—if not most—of what we know about 6 Languages package and structure knowledge
the natural world lies completely outside of in particular ways. You cannot merely
science textbooks, libraries, and databases, substitute labels or names from another
existing only in unwritten languages in language and hold onto all of the implicit4,
people’s memories. It is only one generation hidden knowledge that resides in a taxonomy,
away from extinction and always in jeopardy or naming system. Still, each language and
of not being passed on. This immense indigenous people is unique, and language shift
knowledge base remains largely unexplored takes place at different speeds and under very
and uncataloged. We can only hope to access different conditions. Can we then predict how
it if the people who possess and nurture it much traditional knowledge will successfully
can be encouraged to continue to do so. be transferred and how much will be lost?
4 If people feel their knowledge is worth 7 Some scientists have tried to do just that.
keeping, they will keep it. If they are told, or The Bari language (1,500–2,500 speakers)
come to believe, that it is useless in the modern of Venezuela was studied by linguists who
world, they may well abandon it. Traditional asked how much knowledge of the plant world
knowledge is not always easily transferred was being lost and how much retained. The
from small, endangered languages to large, Bari live in a close relationship with the rain
global ones. How can that be true if any idea forest and have learned to use many of its
is expressible in any language? Couldn’t plants for food, material goods, medicine, and
Solomon Islanders talk about the behavior construction of houses. One scientist found
patterns of fish in English just as easily as that the loss of Bari traditional knowledge
in Marovo, their native language? I argue corresponded with decreasing use of forest
that when small communities abandon their resources and a shift from the traditional
languages and switch to English or Spanish, hunter-gatherer lifestyle, along with a shift to
there is also massive disruption of the transfer speaking Spanish. His conservative estimate
of traditional knowledge across generations. of the rate of knowledge loss should be a
This arises in part from the way knowledge wake-up call to all: “I estimate that the real
is packaged in a particular language. loss of ethnobotanical5 knowledge from one
5 Consider Western !Xoon, a small language generation to the next may be on the order
of Namibia (the exclamation mark is a click of 40 to 60 percent.” (Lizarralde 2001).
sound). In !Xoon, clouds are called “rain 8 This is a dire6 scenario: Bari people
houses.” By learning the word for cloud, a who have limited connection with the
!Xoon-speaking child automatically gets forest have lost up to 45 percent of
(for free) the extra information that clouds traditional plant names. Similar patterns
contain and are the source of rain. An of knowledge erosion7 may be observed
English child learning the word cloud gets among indigenous peoples all around the
no information about rain and has to learn world as they undergo a cultural shift away
on her own that rain comes from clouds. from traditional lifestyles and languages.

4 implicit: suggested without being directly expressed 6 dire: very serious; terrible
5 ethnobotanical: describing customs and beliefs about plants 7 erosion: the process of gradually destroying or weakening
and agriculture held by a group of people something over a period of time

| Reading and Writing 17

9 Some researchers offer hope for the promise that humanity will be able to survive
persistence and resilience8 of very basic without making use of this accumulated
forms of traditional knowledge. A study ecological knowledge. Perhaps we will grow
by anthropologist Scott Atran (1998) plants in greenhouses and breed animals in
tested residents of Michigan on their laboratories and feed ourselves via genetic
knowledge of local animals. He concluded engineering. Perhaps there are no new
that elements of folk knowledge persist medicines to be found in the rain forests. All
even when people have been schooled such arguments appeal to ignorance: we do
in modern scientific classification. not know what we stand to lose as languages
10 Though folk knowledge may persist in and technologies vanish because much or
modern cultures, we are also losing traditional even most of it remains undocumented. So
knowledge at an alarming rate. This loss it is a gamble to think that we will never use
is accompanied by a severe reduction in it in the future. Do we really want to place
number of species and range of habitats. so much trust in future science and pay so
Perhaps future technologies hold enough little attention to our inherited science?

8 resilience: the ability of something to return to its original


Tip for Success

In Reading 2, the
name(s) and year in
parentheses form
a citation. Citations
Atran, Scott (1998). Folk biology and the anthropology of science: Cognitive universals and
cultural particulars. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21: 547–609.
Hawskworth, D.L., and M.T. Kalin-Arroyo (1995). Magnitude and distribution of biodiversity. In
V.H. Heywood (ed.), Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
pp. 107–192.
tell you that an idea Lizarralde, Manuel (2001). Biodiversity and loss of indigenous languages and knowledge in
comes from another South America. In L. Maffi (ed.), On Biocultural Diversity. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian,
source. You can look pp. 265–281.
in the publication’s Plotkin, Mark (1993). Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice. New York: Viking.
references list for Posey, Darrell A. (1990). Intellectual property rights and just compensation for indigenous
full information knowledge. Anthropology Today 6(4): 13–16.
about the source.

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 2. Read
the sentences. Then write each bold word or phrase next to the correct
definition. You may need to change verbs to their base form and nouns
to the singular form.

1. Some researchers hope that plants from the Amazon rain forest can
provide a cure for cancer.
2. To develop new drugs, some drug makers have exploited the knowledge
that people of the Amazon have about native plants.
3. The indigenous people of the Amazon know more about its native plants
than researchers from other countries do.

18 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

4. People can still retain some traditional knowledge even if they give up some of
their old ways of doing things.
5. It can be hard for people to resist doing what others ask, but sometimes we must
be strong in the face of pressure.
6. Old ways of doing things are in jeopardy when the only people who know those
traditions grow old and die.
7. People may abandon their native languages if they think they are useless.
8. You cannot simply substitute words from one language into another.
9. Many groups have made a shift away from the traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
10. Many scientists believe that recent changes should be a wake-up call that gets the
attention of people all over the world.
11. If we take the most negative view of the future, we can picture a disastrous scenario.
12. The loss of large parts of the rain forest has reduced the habitats of many native
Amazon species.

a. (phr.) in a dangerous position or situation and likely to be

lost or harmed

b. (n.) a description of how things might happen in the future

c. (n.) a medicine or medical treatment for an illness
d. (n.) a place where a particular type of animal or plant is
normally found

e. (phr.) despite (problems, difficulties, etc.)

f. (n. phr.) an event that makes people realize that there is a

problem they need to do something about
g. (v.) to leave a thing or place; to stop supporting or believing
in something
h. (v.) to use in place of
i. (v.) to use something in order to gain as much from it as possible
j. (v.) to keep
k. (n.) a change in position or direction
l. (adj.) belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it
from somewhere else

| Reading and Writing 19

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Each statement summarizes the main idea of a paragraph in Reading 2.

Write the paragraph number next to the summarizing statement.

7 1. As the Bari people become divorced from their surroundings and

their language, they lose a lot of traditional knowledge.
2. Some traditional knowledge survives even in modern societies in
the United States.
3. Scientists could find new treatments for serious diseases from plants
that only indigenous people know about.
4. Information can be lost in translations from indigenous languages.
5. We should not trust science to replace the knowledge that is being lost
in indigenous communities.
6. Indigenous people know more about many plant and animal species
than scientists.
7. This pattern of knowledge loss exists all over the world.

8. If information is lost in translation, it may be impossible to measure

how much traditional knowledge is being lost.
9. Traditional knowledge is in danger of disappearing if we do not
encourage the people who hold it to preserve it.
10. In some languages, words contain extra information about the things
they describe.

E. Scan Reading 2 and write the correct numbers.

1. Number of speakers of Bari: 1,500–2,500

2. Proportion of the world’s plants and animals that are unknown to modern
3. Amount of profits made per year on medicines based on indigenous
4. Lizarralde’s estimate of the loss of knowledge about plants and animals in
5. The year of Scott Atran’s study in Michigan:

20 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

F. Why does the author include these examples and statistics? Circle the
answer that best connects each example or statistic to the main idea.

1. An estimated $85 billion in profits per year is gained on medicines made

from plants that were first known to indigenous peoples for their healing
properties. (Paragraph 1)
a. to show that drug companies make too much money
b. to show that indigenous knowledge is valuable
c. to show that drug companies treat indigenous cultures badly
2. An astonishing 87 percent of the world’s plant and animal species have
not yet been identified, named, described, or classified by modern science.
(Paragraph 2)
a. to support the importance of traditional knowledge for modern science
b. to criticize scientists for not studying more plants and animals
c. to explain that the author is surprised about the number of
unidentified species

3. Couldn’t Solomon Islanders talk about the behavior patterns of fish in

English just as easily as in Marovo, their native language? (Paragraph 4)
a. to suggest that it is impossible to talk about the behavior of fish
in English
b. to suggest that Marovo can be translated into English without any loss
c. to suggest that English words might not carry the same information
as words in Marovo

4. In !Xoon, clouds are called “rain houses.” (Paragraph 5)

a. to make fun of the !Xoon word for clouds
b. to show how a language packages information in a word
c. to suggest that !Xoon is more useful than English
5. Bari people who have limited connection with the forest have lost up to
45 percent of traditional plant names. (Paragraph 8)
a. to emphasize how cultural changes can lead to the loss of
traditional knowledge
b. to demonstrate that 55 percent of traditional plant names have
been retained
c. to criticize the Bari people for forgetting traditional plant names

G. Write answers to these questions in your own words, using information

from Reading 2. Provide the paragraph numbers where you found the

1. What is “global linguistic homogenization”? Paragraph:

| Reading and Writing 21

2. Why is global linguistic homogenization a threat to indigenous knowledge?

3. What is the difference between the !Xoon and English words for cloud?

4. What does Dr. Harrison mean by the “transfer” of traditional knowledge,

and why is it important? Paragraphs:

5. What was the purpose of the research conducted with the Bari people in
Venezuela? Paragraph:

6. Why does Dr. Harrison describe Atran’s research in Michigan as hopeful?


7. Which arguments does Dr. Harrison believe are “appeals to ignorance”?


8. Why does he believe such arguments are ignorant? Paragraph:


A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 16 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Have you ever tried to translate directly between two languages or used an
online translation program? How accurate was the translation?
2. Can you think of examples of words or idioms that lose meaning when
translated into English? How can you express the same ideas in English?
3. Dr. Harrison clearly does not believe that science can replace all the
indigenous knowledge that is being lost. Do you agree with him? Support
your opinion with examples from the text or your experience.
22 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?
B. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. The professor at the end of the video says that language “is an integral
part of our human nature.” Does this claim affect your understanding of
language loss?
2. What can be done to save languages such as Bari that are in danger of
extinction? Would the strategies that worked for the Maori language work
in other cultures?
3. Is bilingualism an option for endangered languages? Can a language such
as English or Spanish exist alongside native languages?

Vocabulary Skill Using a thesaurus

A thesaurus is a reference book that gives you synonyms, words with similar
meanings, and antonyms, words with opposite meanings. Learning synonyms
and antonyms is a good way to build your vocabulary, and it allows you to use
more variety in your writing and speaking. You should always be sure to check
the meaning and use of new words carefully. The Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus lists
collocations and appropriate contexts for using each synonym correctly.

headword (the most frequent

synonym in the group) knowledge noun part of speech

knowledge experience literacy scholarship

l l l l

synonyms for knowledge, learning wisdom lore

l l

listed in order of frequency These are all words for the information, understanding,
and skills that you learn through education or experience.
general meaning of all the PAT TERNS AND COLLOCATIONS
j knowledge / learning / wisdom about sth
words in the knowledge group j great knowledge / experience / scholarship / learning / wisdom
j ancient / traditional / folk knowledge / wisdom / lore
shows the words that often j to acquire knowledge / experience / literacy / learning / wisdom
j to gain knowledge / experience / wisdom
collocate with the synonyms in j to increase your knowledge / experience / learning
the group (e.g., about, great, gain) knowledge [U, sing.] the information, understanding,
and skills that you gain through studying sth or doing
sth: You do not need to have specialist knowledge to express
an opinion about language. k There will be a test of your
common collocation, general knowledge (= your knowledge about things
with an explanation generally). ◊k He
hasa awide knowledge
wide knowledgeof ancient history
of music and.
f ignorance
painting. Z IGNORANCE
, See also, See know

antonym and the headword cross-reference to another
to look up for more entry that is connected with
information (ignorance) this word (i.e., look up know
under the headword learn)

Adapted from Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus: A dictionary of synonyms by Diana Lea © Oxford University Press 2008.

| Reading and Writing 23

A. Complete each sentence with a word from the remainder of the
thesaurus entry for knowledge. Use a different word in each sentence.
Discuss your choices with a partner.

knowledge noun experience [U] the knowledge and ability that you have
gained through doing sth for a period of time; the process
knowledge experience literacy scholarship
l l l l of gaining this: I have over ten years' teaching experience.
k Do you have any previous experience of this type of
learning wisdom lore
l l

These are all words for the information, understanding, work? k She didn't get paid much, but it was all good
and skills that you learn through education or experience. experience. k We all learn by experience. f inexperi-
PAT TERNS AND COLLOCATIONS literacy [U] the ability to read and write: The government
j knowledge / learning / wisdom about sth is running a campaign to promote adult literacy (= the
j great knowledge / experience / scholarship / learning / wisdom ability of adults to read and write). f illiteracy
j ancient / traditional / folk knowledge / wisdom / lore scholarship [U] the serious study of an academic subject
j to acquire knowledge / experience / literacy / learning / wisdom and the knowledge and methods involved: Oxford became
j to gain knowledge / experience / wisdom one of the great centers of medieval scholarship.
j to increase your knowledge / experience / learning learning [U] knowledge that you get from reading and
studying: He is a teacher of great intellect and learning. See
knowledge [U, sing.] the information, understanding, also learned Z INTELLECTUAL 2
and skills that you gain through studying sth or doing wisdom [U] the knowledge that a society or culture has
sth: You do not need to have specialist knowledge to express gained over a long period of time: We need to combine
an opinion about language. k There will be a test of your ancient wisdom and modern knowledge. See also wise
general knowledge (= your knowledge about things Z WISE
generally). ◊k He
hasa awide knowledge
wide knowledgeof ancient history
of music and. lore [U] knowledge and information related to a particular
f ignorance
painting. Z IGNORANCE
, See also, See know subject, especially when this is not written down; the
stories and traditions of a particular group of people: an
expert in ancient Celtic lore

Adapted from Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus: A dictionary of synonyms by Diana Lea © Oxford University Press 2008.

1. K. David Harrison’s of living with indigenous people

enables him to write persuasively about their cultures.

2. Modern medicine is turning to traditional cultures for their


3. The indigenous people of Australia retain traditional

about the land and its history.

4. Studying textbooks is important, but this type of can

ignore facts that are not written down anywhere.

5. Young people are learning Maori from elders to

preserve their culture.

6. Writing a book or article about one’s field is an example of


7. One way to save the knowledge of the Bari is through

campaigns so that it can be written and retained.

24 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

Tip for Success

No two words have

exactly the same
meaning and use.
Check the exact
B. Write an appropriate synonym for each underlined word. Use your

thesaurus or dictionary.

: Indigenous people in many countries have faced

similar problems.
meaning of new
words in a dictionary
or thesaurus before 2. : The shift from native languages to Spanish can be
you use them. seen across Central and South America.
3. : Multiculturalism is the idea that people of different
cultures and ethnicities can live and learn together.
4. : One opinion about multiculturalism is that it puts
national unity in jeopardy.
5. : Linguists say that half of the world’s languages
are dying.

6. : Until recently, native cultures kept knowledge by

passing it from one generation to the next.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with using a thesaurus.

| Reading and Writing 25


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an extended definition of a word or concept
from a different language. You will use specific information from the readings,
the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Writing an extended definition

New words or concepts that are complex are often introduced in an extended
definition. An extended definition is an analysis of a concept. It helps the reader
understand by focusing on different features of the concept. Extended definitions
frequently answer these questions:

Culture shock
What is it? Culture shock is a feeling of confusion and anxiety
that somebody may feel when he lives in or visits
another country.
What is it not? It is not unusual, and it is not an illness. It is a normal part
of the experience of living abroad.
What is it similar/ If you have ever felt uncomfortable or lost in a new place,
dissimilar to? such as a new school where you don’t know anyone, you
have come close to understanding culture shock.
What does it Culture shock is divided into four stages, from the
consist of? initial excitement to complete adjustment. The four
stages are . . .
What are its Culture shock can lead to feelings of depression,
characteristics? isolation, and confusion, but ultimately it leaves the
traveler with a deeper understanding of his old and
new cultures.
What are some For example, when I lived in France, I was embarrassed
examples? to speak. If I used a word incorrectly, I thought people
would laugh at me. I felt very alone.
How does it work? Culture shock affects everyone differently, and people go
How is it used? through the stages at different speeds. Most people do
reach a comfortable level of adjustment eventually.
Why is it It is important to understand culture shock so that you
important? are not surprised when you encounter these feelings.

26 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

A. Read this extended definition of language. Underline and number (1–5)
the information that answers the questions below.

What Is Language?
Language is one of the distinguishing capacities of human beings. The
dictionary defines language as the system of communication in speech and writing
that is used by people of a particular country or area, but in reality, language
is much more than communication. A particular language comprises not only
grammar and vocabulary, but also aspects of its speakers’ culture, their traditional
knowledge, their rules of behavior, and their forms of social interaction. For
instance, the vocabulary of the Marovo language reflects the Solomon Islanders’
understanding of fish behavior. In Japanese, the complex system of honorifics
(suffixes added to names that indicate the relationship between speaker and
listener) expresses the complex social roles that are important in that country.
This deeper definition of language helps explain why translation is often so difficult
and why so much human knowledge is lost when a language dies.

1. What is language? 4. What are some examples of language?

2. What is language not? 5. Why is language important?

3. What does language consist of?

Writing Tip
When you write
an academic essay,
indent the first line
of each paragraph,
B. WRITING MODEL Read a longer extended definition contrasting a
concept that is not quite the same in two languages. Then complete the
chart with information from the model.

use left-justified
formatting, and Wit or Humor?
double-space your
Laughter appears to be a universal human reaction, but what makes us laugh
text. Do not skip an
extra line between is deeply cultural. As an Englishman living in France, I have learned that even
paragraphs. though our countries are separated by a narrow stretch of water, our senses of
humor are a million miles apart. Even the words fail to translate adequately:
English “humor” is certainly not the same as French esprit.
The French word esprit is often translated in English as wit, a rarely used word
that is hard for many people to understand. When English speakers use humor,
they are trying to make others laugh with them. When the French employ esprit,
they are often asking listeners to laugh at someone else. That is, a funny person
in English demonstrates an ability to share humor, whereas being funny in France
in certain social situations might mean making fun of someone else. Esprit can,
therefore, be mocking or even, some would say, a little mean.
An example that contrasts these two cultural concepts will help explain the
difference. The French movie Ridicule shows us the dark side of a culture in
which social status depends on the ability to make jokes about other people. The

| Reading and Writing 27

jokes may be funny, but they are also hurtful. Such jokes are examples of esprit:
witty, but perhaps not humorous. Towards the end of the movie, one of the main
characters is standing with an English friend on a cliff above the English Channel.
A gust of wind blows the Frenchman’s hat into the water. The Englishman smiles
and observes, “Better your hat than your head!” After a pause, his French friend
laughs. “Ah! That’s the English sense of humor!” The Frenchman struggles to
understand humor whose purpose is not to mock, but to enjoy the strangeness of
life. Although Ridicule is set in the 17th century, and French society has certainly
changed since then, the spirit of esprit lives on today in many ways.
Just as the French esprit has no exact English equivalent, it is very hard to
translate humor into French. When the French watch British comedies, they often
cannot see what is supposed to be funny. The British have a love of silliness that
is unfamiliar in France. For instance, one of the most popular types of theater
in England is the traditional pantomime. A pantomime is usually a well-known
children’s story adapted for the stage. A lot of physical humor is added: the
actors pretend to hit each other, they put cream pies in other characters’ faces,
and they get confused in ways which audiences find very funny. The children
laugh at the silliness, while adults recognize other jokes that are meant for them.
Unsurprisingly, there is no such thing as a French pantomime.
I live through these cultural differences in comedy on a daily basis. When I tell
jokes and make fun of myself, my French friends wonder why I lack self-confidence.
Often I am the only person in the room who does not laugh at a display of great
esprit. However, despite these moments of culture shock, I would hate to see English
humor or French esprit change. Both cultures have developed their different styles of
comedy over many centuries, and laughter plays an important role in both countries.
Humor and wit release tension and create social connections. They are responses to
difficult situations and ways to tell the truth even when it is painful or unpopular.

English French

1. What is the word? humor esprit

2. What does it mean when people use

this concept?

3. What are some examples?

4. Why is it important in the culture?

5. Why is it confusing to people from the

other culture?

28 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

C. Read the two writing models in Activities A and B again and discuss
these questions with a partner.

1. What is the purpose of the first sentence of both definitions?

2. How are the two definitions organized?
3. What words do the writers use to connect ideas in each definition?
4. How do the writers conclude their definitions?

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with writing an extended definition.

Grammar Contrast and concession connectors

Contrast and concession connectors join ideas with different meanings. In
a concession, you acknowledge an opposing idea and then show that it is less
important than your idea.
The coordinating conjunctions but and yet are used to join two contrasting
independent clauses of equal importance. Yet is stronger than but and introduces
an unexpected contrast or concession with the first clause. Use a comma between
the clauses.

[ The Maori language was dying, but recent initiatives are now saving it.
Traditional knowledge could save lives, yet modern medicine often ignores it.

The subordinators although, though, or even though are used in a dependent clause
when the main clause is an unexpected contrast or a concession to the idea in
the dependent clause. Even though is stronger than although and though. While
introduces a direct contrast or opposition to the idea in the main clause.
Although Europeans learned Maori at first, the English language

[ soon dominated.
The Maori have retained their language while the Bari are losing theirs.

Transitions are adverbs and phrases that show the relationship between the ideas
in one sentence and the ideas in the next. A period or semicolon is necessary to
separate the independent clauses. However, the most common transition, can be
used to show differences of various kinds.
[ The Maori language was dying. However, recent initiatives are saving it.

On the other hand introduces opposite but not contradictory ideas or qualities of
one topic, often with a positive versus negative contrast.
The Maori have successfully saved their language. The Bari, on the other hand,
[ are losing theirs.

| Reading and Writing 29

A. Circle the best connector to complete each sentence.

1. (But / Although) some words in French look like English words, they have
different meanings.
2. Sign language consists of hand signals instead of words. (However / On the
other hand), it is a fully functional language.

3. Many Latin words survive in English (but / even though) Latin has not
been spoken for centuries.
American Sign Language
4. In many countries, an indigenous language is used for daily communication
(while / even though) another language is used for official business.
5. The word algebra looks like a Latin or Greek word, (yet / however) it comes
from Arabic.

6. Some immigrants retain their native languages, (but / however) more

lose theirs.
7. Speaking two languages is sometimes seen as a disadvantage for young
children, (but / yet) most linguists believe that the opposite is true.

8. (Although / Yet) some governments officially protect native languages,

their survival is not guaranteed.

B. Combine each pair of sentences into one. Use the connector in


1. (although) The children did not all speak the same language. They learned
to communicate.
Although the children did not all speak the same language, they learned

to communicate.

2. (while) There are more than 6,000 languages in the world. The United Nations
operates with only 6 official languages.

3. (yet) The translation was accurate. The book was extremely difficult
to understand.

30 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?

4. (however) Researchers have studied most of the world’s languages. New
languages are still being discovered.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with contrast and concession connectors.
D. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write an extended definition

UNIT In this assignment, you will write an extended definition of a word or concept
from a different language that cannot be translated exactly into English. As
you prepare your extended definition, think about the Unit Question, “What
happens when a language disappears?” Use information from Reading 1,
Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your ideas.
Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist on page 32.

ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.


A. BRAINSTORM Think of one or two words, phrases, or concepts from
a language you know that lose their meaning when translated. Then
follow these steps.

1. Write about the words, phrases, or concepts for ten minutes without stopping.
Then read your freewriting and underline the best ideas to develop.
2. Choose one word, phrase, or concept from your freewriting in Step 1.
Check (✓) at least four questions you can answer to define it. Make notes.
■ What is it?
□ ■ What are its characteristics?

■ What is it not?
□ ■ What are some examples?

■ What is it similar to?
□ ■ How does it work?

■ What is it different from?
□ ■ How is it used?

■ What does it consist of?
□ ■ Why is it important?

| Reading and Writing 31

B. PLAN Follow these steps to plan your extended definition.

1. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the graphic

organizer and outline for your extended definition.
2. Decide how many paragraphs you need and what information you are
going to write in each paragraph.


C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your extended definition. Go to
iQ Online to use the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write your extended definition.

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s extended definition. Then go online
and use the Peer Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise, and rewrite your
extended definition.
C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the
final draft of your extended definition. Be prepared to hand in your work
or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Have you adequately defined the concept so that readers will have a clear
understanding of how it is used?

□ ■
□ Have you used a variety of sentence types and lengths?

□ ■
□ Are main ideas arranged appropriately and supported with convincing details?

□ ■
□ Do you use appropriate contrast and concession connectors?

□ ■
□ Have you checked new words and collocations in a dictionary or thesaurus?

□ ■
□ Does the extended definition include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the extended definition for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—What happens when a language

disappears? Is your answer different now than when you started the unit?
If yes, how is it different? Why?

32 UNIT 1 | What happens when a language disappears?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

cure abandon indigenous
ethnicity assimilate integral
habitat confine predominant
initiative exploit Phrases
revival oblige divorced from
scenario persist in jeopardy
shift retain in the face of
substitute wake-up call

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can distinguish main ideas from details. (p. 13)

VOCABULARY I can use a thesaurus. (p. 23)
WRITING I can write an extended definition. (p. 26)
GRAMMAR I can use contrast and concession connectors. (p. 29)

I can gather information and ideas to develop an

OBJECTIVE extended definition of a word or concept from a
different language or culture.

| Reading and Writing 33


READING identifying contrasting ideas

VOCABULARY reporting verbs
WRITING using evidence to support an argument
GRAMMAR noun clauses


What is the difference

between work and fun?
A Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. What do you do for fun? Are your leisure activities the
same as your parents’ or grandparents’ were at your age?

2. Can you think of a job that you would find fun?

What would make work fun?
3. Look at the photos. What makes these jobs fun?
What might make these jobs stressful?

34 UNIT 2
UNIT Read an article from The New York Times Magazine and
an article from Black Belt Magazine. Gather information and
ideas to develop an argumentative essay on why a particular
leisure activity should or should not be considered work.

B Listen to The Q Classroom online and discuss

these questions.

1. What activities do the students consider fun?

2. What activities do the students consider work?
3. Do you agree with the students’ responses? Why
or why not?

ONLINE C Go online to watch the video about gardening as a leisure activity.

Then check your comprehension.

compositions (n.) pieces of art

jammed (adj.) very full; crowded
landscaper (n.) someone who improves
the appearance of an area of land by
changing the design and planting trees,
flowers, etc.
liven up (phr.) to make something more
interesting or exciting
splurge (v.) to spend a lot of money on
something that you do not really need

ONLINE D Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss

the Unit Question with your classmates.

E Look at the pictures. Would you describe the activities as fun or work?
Circle your answers. Then discuss your answers in a group.

1. fun / work 2. fun / work 3. fun / work

4. fun / work 5. fun / work 6. fun / work

7. fun / work 8. fun / work 9. fun / work

F Discuss these questions in a group.

1. Think of your favorite sports. What are the benefits of being a professional
athlete in these sports? What are the drawbacks?
2. All of the following are Olympic events. Which do you consider to be
sports? Why or why not?

tae kwon do snowboarding target shooting show jumping on a horse

36 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?


READING 1 Laid-Back Labor: The $140 Homemade Scarf

UNIT You are going to read an article from the column “Freakonomics” in The New
York Times Magazine. It was written by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt,
the authors of the popular series of Freakonomics books, and it discusses
how to define work and fun. Use the article to gather information and ideas
for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Do you think people work more now than in the past? After
you read the article, come back and check your prediction.
■ Yes

■ No

B. QUICK WRITE Do you have a hobby that people might pay you to do?
Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this section for
your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrases in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words or phrases you don’t know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

boom (n.) leisure (n.)

consensus (n.) menial (adj.)
engage in (phr. v.) respectively (adv.)
gray area (phr.) the going rate (phr.)
incentive (n.) the odds are (phr.)
labor (n.) thriving (adj.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 37

A. Read the article and gather information on the differences between work and fun.

By Stephen J. Dubner
Laid-Back Labor: The $140 Homemade Scarf and Steven D. Levitt

1 During the late 19th century, piano 30 percent in 1920. On a more personal note:
manufacturing was one of New York City’s largest one of the authors of this column has a sister
industries. Every right-minded American family, who runs a thriving yarn4 store, while the other
it seemed, wanted to fill its home with music. is married to a knitting devotee who might buy
The advent of the player piano1—a music-making $40 worth of yarn for a single scarf and then
machine that required zero talent—drove the spend ten hours knitting it. Even if her labor
boom even further. By the 1920s, some 300,000 is valued at only $10 an hour, the scarf costs
pianos were being sold in the United States each at least $140—or roughly $100 more than
year, roughly two-thirds of them player pianos. a similar machine-made scarf might cost.
2 But a pair of newer Knitting: a way to relax
technologies, the radio and 4 Isn’t it puzzling that so many
the phonograph2, soon began middle-aged Americans are
to drive the piano into a deep spending so much of their
disfavor that continues to this time and money performing
day. Last year, Americans bought menial labor when they don’t
only 76,966 pianos. That’s a have to? Just as the radio
decrease of 75 percent over a and phonograph proved to be
period in which the population powerful substitutes for the
more than doubled. As much as knitting for fun piano, the forces of technology
people may love music, most have greatly eased the burden
of them apparently don’t feel the need to make of feeding and clothing ourselves. So what’s with
it for themselves. According to Census Bureau3 all the knitting, gardening, and “cooking for fun”?
statistics, only 7.3 percent of American adults have Why do some forms of menial labor survive as
played a musical instrument in the past 12 months. hobbies while others have been killed off? (For
3 Compare this with the 17.5 percent of adults instance, we can’t think of a single person who,
who currently engage in what the Census since the invention of the washing machine,
Bureau calls “cooking for fun.” Or consider that practices “laundry for fun.”)
41 percent of households have flower gardens, 5 Economists have been trying for decades to
25 percent raise vegetables, and 13 percent measure how much leisure time people have
grow fruit trees—even though just 1 percent and how they spend it, but there has been
of Americans live on a farm today, down from precious little consensus. This is in part because

1 player piano: a piano that can play automatically 4 yarn: thick thread (usually made of wool or cotton) that is
2 phonograph: a record player (old-fashioned) used for knitting
3 Census Bureau: the US government agency that collects
information about the population

38 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

it’s hard to say what constitutes leisure and have contributed mightily to this upsurge: in
in part because measurements of leisure over 1920, employed men spent only 2 or 3 hours
the years have not been very consistent. a week on home production, but they averaged
6 Economists typically separate our daily 11 hours by 1965 and 16 hours by 2004.
activities into three categories: market work 9 But how many of those home-production hours
(which produces income), home production are in fact leisure hours? This, it seems, is the
(unpaid chores), and pure leisure. How, then, real question here: What makes a certain activity
are we to categorize knitting, gardening, and work for one person and leisure for another?
cooking? While preparing meals at home can 10 With no disrespect toward Ramey and Francis,
certainly be much cheaper than dining out how about this for an alternative definition:
and therefore viewed as home production, Whether or not you’re getting paid, it’s work if
what about the “cooking for fun” factor? someone else tells you to do it and leisure if you
7 In an attempt to address such gray areas, the choose to do it yourself. If you are the sort of
economists Valerie A. Ramey and Neville Francis person who likes to mow5 your own lawn even
classified certain home activities as labor and though you can afford to pay someone to do it,
others as leisure. In their consider how you’d react
Enjoyment of Activities
recent paper “A Century I I if your neighbor offered to
Playing Sports 9.2 I
of Work and Leisure,” I
pay you the going rate to
they employed a 1985 Fishing 9.1 mow his lawn. The odds
are that you wouldn’t
time-use survey in which
Knitting - 7.7
people ranked their accept his job offer.
enjoyment of various Gardening - 7.1 I 11 And so a great many
activities on a scale of 0 people who can afford
Cooking 6.6
to 10. Knitting, gardening, not to perform menial
and cooking were in Paying Bills - 5.2 I labor choose to do
the middle of the scale, so, because—well,
Cleaning 4.9
with a 7.7, 7.1, and 6.6, Home Leisure
why? An evolutionary
respectively. These ranked Laundry 4.8 I I
biologist might say
well behind some favorite 0 2 4 6 8 10 that embedded in
activities—such as playing our genes is a drive
sports and fishing (which scored 9.2 and 9.1)—but to feed and clothe ourselves and tame our
firmly ahead of paying bills, cleaning the house surroundings. An economist, meanwhile,
and, yes, doing the laundry (5.2, 4.9, and 4.8). might argue that we respond to incentives
8 But here’s where it gets tricky. Ramey and that go well beyond the financial; and that,
Francis decided that anything at or above fortunately, we are left free to choose
a 7.3 is leisure, while anything below is home which tasks we want to do ourselves.
production. (Knitting, therefore, makes the grade 12 Of course, these choices may say something
as leisure; gardening and cooking do not.) This about who we are and where we come from.
leads them to calculate that we spend less time One of us, for instance (the economist, who
doing market work today than we did in 1900 but lives in Chicago), grew up comfortably in
more time in home production. Men, it seems, a midwestern city and has fond memories

5 mow: to cut grass using a machine or tool with a special blade

or blades

| Reading and Writing 39

of visiting his grandparents’ small farm. grow his own food—but he is happy to spend
This author recently bought an indoor hours shopping for and preparing a special dinner
hydroponic6 plant grower. It cost about $150 for family and friends. Such dinners, even if
and to date has produced approximately the labor were valued at only $10 an hour, are
14 tomatoes—which, once you factor in more expensive than a similar takeout meal.
the cost of seeds, electricity, and even a 14 Maybe someday the New York guy will get
small wage for the labor, puts the average to cook a meal with some of the Chicago
price of a single tomato at roughly $20. guy’s cherry tomatoes. It might become
13 The other one of us (the journalist, who lives one of the most expensive meals in recent
in New York) grew up on a small farm and was memory—and, surely, worth every penny.
regularly engaged in all sorts of sowing, mucking,
From “Laid-Back Labor: The $140 Homemade Scarf” by Stephen J. Dubner and
and reaping.7 He, therefore, has little desire to Steven D. Levitt, The New York Times, May 6, 2007. © 2007 Stephen J. Dunbar and
Steven D. Levitt. Used by permission.

6 hydroponic: growing in water or sand, rather than in soil

7 sowing, mucking, and reaping: farm chores

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 1. Read
the sentences. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each
bold word or phrase.

Vocabulary 1. When an activity becomes popular, companies that make equipment for
Skill Review the activity often have a boom in their sales.
In Unit 1, you
a. increase b. problem c. benefit
learned how to
use a thesaurus. 2. People who engage in gardening often form groups to share their plants
Can you find good
synonyms for some
and gardening tools with each other.
of the vocabulary a. have to do b. enjoy c. participate in
words in Activity B?
3. My sister’s knitting store is thriving because every knitter in town buys
supplies there.
a. popular b. successful c. unusual
4. He didn’t consider making his own furniture to be labor because he
enjoyed it so much.
a. hard work b. a waste of time c. unnecessary work
5. Gardening, cooking, and knitting used to be considered menial tasks, but
they are now expensive hobbies for many people.
a. physical or difficult b. boring or unskilled c. useless or hopeless
6. Although we know how many hours Americans work each week, we still
don’t know how much leisure time they have.
a. occupied b. spare c. uninterrupted
7. People pursue so many different hobbies that there is little consensus
about the best way to spend free time.
a. agreement b. cooperation c. argument
40 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?
8. Some economists say there is a gray area between work and hobbies
because it can be difficult to identify when a hobby becomes work.
a. unclear difference b. opposition c. empty space
9. Fewer Americans live on farms today compared to 1920: 1 percent and 30
percent, respectively.
a. honestly b. most likely c. in that order
10. I didn’t know the going rate for professional photographers, so I asked
several of my friends how much they paid for such services.
a. how fast the average person can do something
b. the lowest price or salary for something
c. the typical price or salary for something
11. The odds are that you prefer playing sports to doing laundry.
a. it is true b. it is obvious c. it is likely
12. People choose to do some types of work because of various incentives,
such as extra money or some sort of special benefit.
a. help to make work b. types of motivation c. offers

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Complete the summary of Reading 1 in your own words.

Some leisure activities that were popular in the past are less popular
today because of developments in technology . On the other hand,
some activities that used to be considered
are now popular as . Economists divide
our time into market work, , and pure
leisure. In one study, economists Valerie Ramey and Neville Francis found
that we do less than in 1900 but more
. However, authors Stephen Dubner and Steven
Levitt suggest a different definition of work and leisure: an activity is work if
and leisure if .
7 8
According to economists, people today do menial tasks when they don’t need
to because .

| Reading and Writing 41

E. Skim the article to find the meaning of these numbers and statistics.
1. 76,966: the number of pianos sold in the US last year

2. 7.7:
3. 16 hours:

4. $20:
5. 1%:

6. 4.8:

F. Answer these questions. Use specific information from the article.

1. Was playing the piano considered work or leisure by many Americans in

the late 19th and early 20th centuries? How do you know?

2. Is playing the piano considered work or leisure by many Americans now?

How do you know?

3. How do the authors calculate that a homemade scarf costs $140?

4. Why do “gray areas” exist between home production and leisure?

5. How did Ramey and Francis distinguish between home production and

6. What problem do the authors note with Ramey and Francis’s conclusions?

7. What non-financial incentives explain why the authors grow tomatoes and
cook special meals?

42 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

G. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true.

1. A homemade scarf costs more when you put a value on the time you
take to make it.
2. An example of menial labor that is not popular today as a hobby is
growing vegetables.
3. The difference between market work and household production is
that market work happens outside the house.
4. Ramey and Francis classify knitting, gardening, and cooking as
leisure activities.
5. According to Ramey and Francis, men do more chores today than
in 1920.
6. If you mow your own lawn because you want to, you probably would
not accept money to cut your neighbor’s lawn.
7. Evolutionary biologists might say that we have a natural desire to do
as little work as possible.
8. The author who likes growing tomatoes enjoyed visiting his
grandparents’ farm as a child.
9. The other author prefers cooking to growing vegetables because his
parents owned a restaurant when he was a child.

ONLINE H. Go online to read The Blurring of Work and Leisure and check your


A. Discuss these questions in a group.
1. Think about the activities you do in your daily life. Which would you pay
someone else to do for you if you could? Why?
2. The authors of this article both live in the United States, where it is possible
for many people to buy food and clothes cheaply. Do you think their opinions
would be different if they lived in another country? Why or why not?
3. The authors of “Laid Back Labor” claim that economists do not agree
about the definition of leisure. After reading this article, how would you
define work and leisure? Use your own examples to support your opinion.

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 37 as you think about what you learned.

| Reading and Writing 43

Reading Skill Identifying contrasting ideas
Authors often present several different opinions in order to provide a balanced
argument. They may also add their own opinion, which might differ from those
of other experts. To follow the authors’ arguments and main ideas, it is important
to recognize whose opinion you are reading and to be aware of different opinions
in a text. Here are some words and phrases you can look for to identify a new
opinion or a different opinion.

Words that introduce an opinion Words that show a different opinion

According to economists, . . . . . . but/yet this is not always true.
In a recent study, Dubner found . . . Some say . . . while/whereas others argue . . .
A critic might say . . . However/On the other hand, . . .
Some people regard/see this as . . . I disagree with Dubner about . . .
Francis argues/claims/states that . . . Gardening is not work, but rather/instead . . .
We believe/think that . . . A different/alternative/contrasting idea is . . .

A. Read the paragraph. Circle words that introduce an opinion and

underline words that show a different opinion. Then compare your
answers with a partner.

Do Americans have more leisure time than in the past? Economists cannot
reach a consensus on this question. For example, Ramey and Francis C)
that Americans have about the same amount of leisure time as they did in
1900 and slightly less than they did about 40 years ago. However, according
to another study by Aguiar and Hurst, American adults actually have more
leisure time than they did about 40 years ago. The differences result from
disagreement over what constitutes work. Ramey and Francis consider the
whole population, whereas Aguiar and Hurst only look at working-age adults,
and they do not regard engaging in schoolwork and homework as labor.
Rather than focusing on this difference, we believe that both studies support
an alternative conclusion: Americans certainly do not have less leisure time
than in the past.
Source: Adapted from Kristie M. Engemann and Michael T. Owyang (2007, January), “Working Hard or Hardly Working? The
Evolution of Leisure in the United States.” The Regional Economist,
t 10–11.

44 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

B. Complete the chart with the different opinions on the question
Do Americans have more leisure time now than in the past? Use your
annotations from Activity A to help you.

Do Americans have more leisure time now than in the past?

Ramey and Francis’s opinion

Aguiar and Hurst’s opinion

The authors’ opinion

C. Reread the article “Laid-Back Labor: The $140 Homemade Scarf.” Circle
the words and phrases in paragraphs 7–11 that introduce an opinion and
a different opinion. Then compare your answers with a partner.

In Activity D, you
will paraphrase •
Critical Thinking Tip

the definitions and

opinions from the
D. Complete the charts. Use your own words to describe the definitions
and opinions.

What is the definition of leisure?

article. Paraphrasing Levitt and Dubner Leisure is something you choose to
helps you understand
and remember do; no one tells you to do it.
information better. It
is also very important Ramey and Francis
in writing. You will
practice this skill more
thoroughly in Unit 6.

Why do people choose to do menial labor when they don’t have to?
Evolutionary biologists

Economists (including the authors)

ONLINE E. Go online for more practice identifying contrasting ideas.

| Reading and Writing 45

READING 2 Tae Kwon Do for Health
UNIT You are going to read an article from Black Belt Magazine about tae kwon
do. Tae kwon do is a martial art (a fighting activity like karate or judo) that
originated in Korea and is now included in the summer Olympic Games.
Use the article to gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Do you think martial arts like tae kwon do are sports or leisure
activities? Why? Write three reasons.

B. QUICK WRITE What characteristics does a sport need to be included in

the Olympic Games? Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember to
use this section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrase in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words and phrases you don’t know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

boost (v.) it dawned on me (phr.)

devotion (n.) pass your prime (phr.)
emerge (v.) regard as (phr. v.)
estimate (v.) rhythm (n.)
evolve (v.) sophisticated (adj.)
execute (v.) strategy (n.)
Oxford 3000™ words

i Q -.____1D.-Go-
ONLINE online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

46 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

A. Read the article and gather information on the differences between work
and fun.

Tae Kwon Do for Health

by Kim Soo
Kim Soo is a Houston-based martial
arts pioneer and member of the
Black Belt Hall of Fame.

1 The martial arts have evolved over the past

century, and their purpose has changed. In an
earlier era, they were used mainly for warfare. A
person studying martial arts trained to become Tae kwon do
a superior soldier and better serve his country
or his emperor. His highest honor was to die in During demonstrations, extreme acrobatics1 and
combat. The emphasis in training was on physical deadly-looking movements are the focus. However,
ability, while the values centered on loyalty, this misses the true purpose of the martial arts.
devotion, and discipline. The health of the person 3 In fact, sparring2 should benefit both parties,
was of low importance. No one trained for self- which means that there should be no winners
improvement; indeed, some of the traditional or losers. Additionally, tournament fighting
methods in martial arts were detrimental to sets the stage for martial arts enthusiasts to lose
physical well-being. For example, punches used to sight of the goals of training. They may be left
be performed with the mouth closed, exhaling on thinking that after passing their prime, there’s
impact. Although this boosts speed and power, no more reason to train. Therefore, the question
practicing it daily will take a toll on your health. emerges: what is the true purpose of martial arts?
But of course, soldiers back then didn’t live long 4 The purpose of martial arts today is to promote
enough to develop long-term health problems. health and longevity,3 and training must reflect
2 Today, many martial arts enthusiasts regard those goals. Students today aren’t preparing
what they do as sport, which means importance to die for their country, and fortunately most
is placed on awards and tournament victories. of us will never encounter a physical attacker.
Indeed, modern tae kwon do is an Olympic Modern-day enemies are internal rather than
event, and as such, it emphasizes tournament external: stress, depression, worry, and insecurity.
fighting. During training, practitioners learn Many of us must fight these enemies on a
how to perform sophisticated moves in order daily basis and defeat them through training
to defeat their opponents and win medals. that develops mental and physical balance.

1 acrobatics: acts and movements

2 sparring: to make the movements of a fight for practice
3 longevity: long life

| Reading and Writing 47

5 Some tae kwon do masters brag4 about staying 9 There is balance of movement and balance of
healthy by running on treadmills and lifting weights mind. When techniques are practiced, they must
at the gym. In reality, though, traditional tae kwon do be balanced to ensure the body isn’t harmed by
forms have everything a person needs to stay mentally repeated unbalanced movements that may strain
and physically healthy. At the same time, if practice the anatomy. At the same time, without proper
is conducted in the wrong way, it has the power to breathing, your health will be at risk. Not only
cause harm. Focusing on only speed and power is is proper breathing fuel for the body, but it also
like taking small amounts of poison every day, while establishes proper rhythm. The body can then
practicing the right way has the power to heal. follow this rhythm to execute a safe, powerful
6 When I started the martial arts, we had to tae kwon do movement. Running provides a
figure all this out by ourselves while training useful comparison: you may be able to run five
to exhaustion. Consequently, many of us miles without rhythm, but if you run like that
suffered serious injuries such as broken bones. every day, eventually your health will suffer.
The instructors’ attitude was that the toughest 10 So how did I cure my back problem? I practiced
would survive. Most students didn’t see the the aforementioned6 principles while training.
benefits of training and soon dropped out. I practiced the basic forms with a new focus on
7 I suffered serious health problems while training, breathing, balance, and rhythm every day, over and
all because of poor training methods. Ironically, I over. Incorrect training had harmed my body, and
became less healthy than people who didn’t practice correct training was healing it. My way of teaching
martial arts. After enduring pain for 10 years, I these principles came to be known as “natural way
was advised to undergo back surgery with only martial arts,” or Chayon-Ryu. Its goal is to preserve
an estimated 50–50 chance of improvement. and enhance the martial arts enthusiast’s health.
Since the surgery would require me to stay in 11 I’d like to share another personal story. A friend
bed for a long time, I chose physical therapy, sent me a shocking demo video. He was performing
traditional Chinese medicine, and acupuncture5 fancy moves in preparation for a competition. When
instead. However, nothing provided much relief. I saw him a few months later, he said he couldn’t
8 One day during this dark period in my life, I sleep or eat and felt nervous and anxious all the time.
exited the health studio on a gorgeous day with I said I wasn’t surprised. His training lacked proper
a bright blue sky, but to me, it looked as gray and breathing and rhythm. He could kick high and
gloomy as my future. The thought of martial arts demonstrate impressive techniques, but there was no
making me sick had brought me to that low point. balance. I told him his problem was his own workouts.
However, through meditation and training, I 12 The simple question of whether martial arts
came to the understanding that the principles and training is good for your health can be answered
teaching methods I was using were wrong, which with a not-so-simple response: yes and no.
was the real reason for my poor health. Instead Tae kwon do can save your life, but it can also
of doctors and acupuncturists, the solution to destroy it. You have to practice correctly, using
my problem lay in my training. In essence, I was the right principles. The traditional Asian
putting too much emphasis on the technical and method of instruction is sometimes part of the
physical aspects. It dawned on me that my focus problem. Few people have the patience to train
should be on balance, breathing, and rhythm. long enough to understand the basic principles.

4 brag: talk too proudly about something you’ve done 6 aforementioned: mentioned before, in an earlier sentence
5 acupuncture: a method of treating pain by pushing thin
needles into particular parts of the body

!Jl£1$1iiiQIJIQl£E",-"'!""---w-•-----------•----------,w,w--·- 1JW$4

48 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

13 Martial arts teachers in my home country, in battle. They’re seeking health, longevity,
South Korea, are astonished to learn that I have and relaxation, in addition to self-defense.
students who have been with me for 20, 30, 14 A martial art is more than a sport, more
or 40 years. That fact strengthens my message than tournament strategy, more than self-
that an incorrect understanding of the purpose defense. When taught right, tae kwon do is a
of the martial arts results in poor teaching way of life that combines philosophical insight
methods, which leads to students who have with physical training to create mentally
the wrong attitude, get injured, and ultimately strong and independent individuals who can
give up. Today, people should study tae kwon fight frailty and weakness as well as internal
do to increase personal happiness, not to die enemies like doubt, insecurity, and stress.

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 2. Read
the sentences. Then write each bold word or phrase next to the correct
definition. You may need to change verbs to their base form and nouns
to the singular form.
1. Fighting techniques have evolved from simple to very complex.
2. Professional athletes practice daily and show great devotion to their sport.
3. Studying hard should boost your performance in school.
4. Martial arts are regarded as a waste of time by those who do not
understand their benefits.
5. Martial arts enthusiasts make very sophisticated moves in competitions.
6. In many sports, professional athletes over age 30 have passed their prime.
7. A question which emerges from this discussion is whether tae kwon do is
a sport or a leisure activity.
8. It is estimated that tae kwon do is practiced in over 100 countries.
9. When I started running long distances, it dawned on me that I needed to
do more training.
10. It is important to have good rhythm in your arms and legs when you run.
11. Good training in a sport allows athletes to execute techniques perfectly.
12. Checkers is a game of strategy that requires players to think ahead to
their next several moves.
a. (v.) to guess the approximate size of something
b. (n.) a careful plan to reach a goal
c. (phr. v.) to consider (as); to see in a certain way
d. (adj.) complicated or highly developed

| Reading and Writing 49

e. (v.) to appear or start to exist
f. (v.) to develop gradually
g. (v.) to perform an action
h. (n.) spending a lot of time or energy on something
i. (n.) a regular, repeated pattern of movements
j. (phr.) to be too old to do something at a high level
k. (v.) to make something increase a lot
l. (phr.) to become obvious or easy to understand

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Cross out the incorrect answer to each question. Write the paragraph
numbers where you found the correct answers.

1. What are the main ideas of the article?

a. Tae kwon do is emerging as a popular sport.
b. Tae kwon do should be practiced mainly for its health benefits.
c. Tae kwon do has filled different purposes throughout its history.


2. What does the article say about the early history of tae kwon do?
a. It was a way of fighting.
b. It was a competitive sport.
c. It combined physical skill with devotion to country.


3. What is the author’s opinion about tae kwon do tournaments?

a. They encourage bad training habits.
b. They are exciting to watch.
c. They make winning too important.

4. What should be the purpose of tae kwon do today, according to the article?
a. Mental balance
b. Long-lasting physical health
c. Speed and power


50 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

5. How did the author injure himself?
a. He did dangerous moves in a competition.
b. His instructors believed that injuries were part of learning tae kwon do.
c. He trained too hard because little was known about the effects of this
type of training.

6. What remedies did the author try to solve his health problems?
a. Surgery
b. Acupuncture
c. Different training techniques

7. What did the author contribute to the world of martial arts?

a. An improved method of teaching tae kwon do
b. A new strategy for winning tournaments
c. An ideal purpose for martial arts


8. In what ways can martial arts be good for you, according to the author?
a. They make you emotionally stronger.
b. They can help you to live longer.
c. They give you techniques to fight your enemies.

E. Summarize the main ideas of the article by completing the table in your
own words.

Stage Purpose(s) of Training techniques Advantages and

tae kwon do disadvantages of
training techniques
Early history

Martial arts as a
modern sport

(“natural way
martial arts”)

| Reading and Writing 51

F. With a partner, explain the meaning of these statements from the article.
1. “Soldiers back then didn’t live long enough to develop long-term health
problems” (Paragraph 1).

2. “There should be no winners or losers” (Paragraph 3).

3. “Modern-day enemies are internal rather than external” (Paragraph 4).

4. “Focusing on only speed and power is like taking small amounts of poison
every day” (Paragraph 5).

5. “Proper breathing is fuel for the body” (Paragraph 9).

6. “Martial arts teachers in my home country, South Korea, are astonished to

learn that I have students who have been with me for 20, 30, or 40 years”
(Paragraph 13).

G. As you read in the article, tae kwon do is an event in the summer

Olympic Games. Supporters of this status might make these arguments
in favor of tae kwon do as a competitive sport. With a partner, use
evidence from the reading to argue against these positions.

1. The purpose of tae kwon do has always been to defeat your enemies, so it is
appropriate to use it for competition.

2. Sporting events encourage tae kwon do practitioners to develop new and

more sophisticated moves and kicks.

52 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

3. Sports are supposed to be tough. Only the strongest athletes should be able
to survive the training and compete at the highest levels.

4. Martial arts are methods of self-defense, so the focus of tae kwon do

should be on speed, power, and technique. Competitions show which
athletes have the best skills in these areas.


A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 46 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Do you think that physical activities such as martial arts can improve your
mental health?

2. After reading the article, do you think tae kwon do should be considered a
sport? Why or why not?
3. When an activity like a hobby or martial art becomes a competitive sport,
do you think there is always a risk that it will lose its original purpose?

B. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. In Reading 1, the authors suggested this definition of work and leisure:

“Whether or not you’re getting paid, it’s work if someone else tells you to
do it, and leisure if you choose to do it by yourself.” Do the examples in the
video and Reading 2 support or challenge this definition? Why?

2. The authors of Reading 1 described research that divided work and

leisure according to how enjoyable people find an activity. Based on this
definition, would amateur and professional sports be considered work or
leisure? Why?

| Reading and Writing 53

Vocabulary Skill Reporting verbs
When writing academic papers (research reports, essays, etc.), you often need
to report information, ideas, or research by other authors. The choice of verb in
the main clause can show your attitude toward the source. The verb can imply a
supporting, distancing, or neutral attitude about the author’s ideas or opinions.
Use a dictionary to help you understand the exact meaning and use of different
verbs so that you can accurately express your opinion and recognize other
authors’ attitudes.

Example Type of verb Explanation

The authors prove Supporting Prove means “to use facts or evidence to
that leisure time show that something is true;” the authors
has increased. have convinced you that leisure time
has increased.
The authors say Neutral Say means “to give information;” you are
that leisure has reporting the information the authors gave
increased. without expressing your own opinion.

The authors claim Distancing Claim means “to say that something is true
that leisure time although it has not been proved and other
has increased. people may not believe it;” you do not
accept the authors’ conclusion that leisure
time has increased.

Adverbs can also have a supporting or distancing effect on a sentence. For

example, “The authors argue convincingly . . . ” means you are persuaded by the
argument, whereas “The authors supposedly prove that . . . ” shows doubt about
their conclusions.

A. Read the sentences. Do the words in bold have a supporting, neutral, or

distancing effect? Circle the correct answer.

1. Although most people would prefer to have more leisure time, a minority
of experts unconvincingly argue that people don’t need any leisure time
at all.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

2. Research unfailingly demonstrates that people are more productive after

they’ve had a vacation.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

54 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

3. The author’s analysis and the scientific evidence validate the position that
individuals do not need the same amount of leisure time to be satisfied.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

4. A United Nations report states that a certain amount of unemployment is

inevitable in all economies.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

5. The authors incorrectly contend that people value their leisure time more
than their time at work.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

6. Some economists tell politicians how to present employment data in

different ways to support their position.
a. supporting b. neutral c. distancing

B. Choose five ideas, opinions, facts, or statistics about sports, work, or

leisure. Write sentences that show your attitude. Use a dictionary or
thesaurus to find other reporting verbs or adverbs.






C. Exchange your sentences from Activity B with a partner. Read each

sentence. Identify your partner’s attitude.
ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with reporting verbs.

| Reading and Writing 55


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an argumentative essay on why a particular
leisure activity should or should not be considered work. This essay will include
specific information from the readings, the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Using evidence to support an argument

Most academic writing requires you to make an argument and try to persuade the
reader that your opinion is correct. Writers use evidence (examples, quotations,
statistics, explanations, etc.) to make their arguments more convincing. All
evidence must be relevant (meaningful and connected to the topic), or it will
confuse and not convince the reader.
The authors of Reading 1, for example, used several types of evidence to support
their argument. They argued that activities that were once considered work are
now considered hobbies. They used these types of evidence:
• statistics (Twenty-five percent of Americans grow vegetables.)
• comparisons (Only 1 percent of Americans live on farms now, compared
with 30 percent in 1920.)
• personal examples (The sister of one of the writers runs a yarn store.)
• analysis/mathematical calculations (If we calculate labor at $10 an hour,
the actual cost of a homemade scarf is $140.)

Tip for Success

Different academic
subjects have
different rules for
good evidence, so
A. Read each section of this draft outline of an essay. The essay will argue that
playing video games is a sport. Answer the question after each section.

Video Games Are a Real Sport

always find out what The gaming industry has seen a boom in recent years. Video games have developed
kind of evidence your from childhood hobbies into a massive, worldwide industry. As with other leisure
reader will accept.
Ask your teacher activities, this has resulted in “professional amateurs” and finally full-time professional
or look closely video gamers. As a result, video-game playing can now be called a real sport.
at your readings
for examples.
1. What evidence could the writer add to this section of the essay? Check (✓)
all the appropriate answers.
■ a. Dubner and Levitt define sport as “an activity that you do for

pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a
special area and according to fixed rules.”
■ b. Video games are similar to rugby, which began as a game at an

English school and became an international professional sport.

56 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

■ c. The video-game industry is worth roughly $5 billion in

South Korea.
■ d. My friend plays video games all the time, and she even won a prize

at a regional competition last year.

Video games are a sport because they are played by amateurs and professionals for
both pleasure and profit.

2. What evidence could the writer add to this section of the essay? Check (✓)
all the appropriate evidence.
■ a. I conducted an informal survey of students in my class, and 85

percent said that they sometimes or often played video games.
■ b. I think that about 85 percent of teenagers play video games.

■ c. National and international professional gaming leagues exist.

This makes video games similar to baseball, which is played in
community parks and also in major leagues.
■ d. Some video games are expensive, so some young people cannot

afford them.

Critics of professional video-game leagues suggest that gaming does not qualify as a
sport because it is not a physical activity and it is a game of chance more than skill and
strategy. However, these objections are not valid.

3. What evidence could the writer add to this section of the essay? Check (✓)
all the appropriate evidence.
■ a. Good video-game players need excellent motor control and reflexes

in the arms, hands, and fingers.
■ b. Not all sports involve movement; shooting is an Olympic sport,

for example.
■ c. Some people argue that card games should be a sport because they

also take skill and practice to master.
■ d. More sophisticated video games clearly require strategy; for

example, players may have to control a character, solve puzzles, and
shoot at monsters.

| Reading and Writing 57

B. WRITING MODEL Read a student’s essay arguing that playing video
games should not be regarded as a sport.

Competitive Video Gaming

When most people think about sports, mile is more than 15 seconds faster than
they imagine athletes engaged in intense Bannister’s famous run. Video games, on
physical and mental competition. They the other hand, are limited by the capacity
probably do not imagine young people of the software and hardware. Top scores
sitting in front of flat-screen TVs or are determined as much by the game
staring at their cell phones. Remarkably, designers as by the players, who have
professional video gamers claim that few opportunities for truly game-changing
their hobby should be regarded as a innovations, strategies, and techniques.
sport alongside soccer, golf, and tennis. In fact, the role of the computer is the
However, competitive video gaming does most important reason why video games
not meet any of the criteria for a sport, cannot be considered a sport. A sport is
and its players are not athletes. a contest between humans to see who
Professional sports demand a level is the strongest, fastest, most strategic,
of devotion and skill that exceeds the or most skillful. However, even when
ability of amateurs. For example, I play players compete against each other in a
golf in my leisure time, but I might only video game, a machine decides how the
play once or twice a month, whereas a game will run. Today’s game consoles,
professional will play every day. Thanks computers, and cell phones are highly
to their physical strength and knowledge sophisticated devices, and they can surely
of the game, professional golfers achieve affect the outcome of the competition.
scores that most amateurs could not There is no guarantee of fairness.
dream of reaching. In fact, professional Supporters of the video game industry
and amateur golfers do not even play on could argue that nature influences the
the same courses, and when they do, they result of sporting events, for instance
start from different places on the course. high winds during a golf tournament or
Video games, on the other hand, are rain at a soccer game. The comparison is
commercial products that are the same not persuasive, though, because natural
for everyone. They demand little physical conditions affect all athletes equally. The
ability, and high scores can be reached computer could give an unfair advantage
by almost anyone with enough time. to one player. Hacking is even possible, so
Therefore, there is simply nothing special the outcome of a game could be fixed, and
about successful video gamers. perhaps no one would ever know.
Furthermore, in real sports, the only For all these reasons, video games
limit is the skill level and physical fitness should remain a popular and enjoyable
of the participants. In 1954, an amateur leisure activity or even a profession for
British athlete, Roger Bannister, became the some. However, gaming is not a sport, and
first man in the world to run a mile in less players are not professional athletes. Real
than four minutes. His record stood for just sports are not decided by a combination of
over a month. Today, the world record for a luck and computer technology.

58 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

C. Complete this outline of the model essay in Activity B.

First reason:
Supporting explanation:
Second reason:
Supporting example:
Third reason:
Supporting explanation:
Reasons why the counter-argument is wrong:

D. Evaluate the essay. Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. Do you find the argument persuasive? Why or why not?
2. Are there any claims or reasons that you find weak? Why?
3. One argument that could be added is that sports require physical fitness,
whereas video games do not. Where could you add this point? How could
you develop it into a paragraph?
4. What advice would you give this writer to revise the essay?

ONLINE E. Go online for more practice with using evidence to support an argument.

Grammar Noun clauses

When writers include other people’s speech, thoughts, questions, or results in
their writing, they often use noun clauses. A noun clause is a dependent clause
that can replace a noun or pronoun as a subject or object.
main clause noun clause
[ Some economists say that we have less free time now than in the past.

Tip for Success

The word that may

be deleted in a
noun clause, but
There are three types of noun clauses:
• Noun clauses formed from statements

noun clause
it is usually kept in
academic writing. [ Many Americans say (that) they cook for fun.

| Reading and Writing 59

Tip for Success

In academic writing,
you should try to
present a balance of
opinions. One way
• Noun clauses formed from wh- questions

noun clause

We asked the man why he plays video games.

to do this is by using
noun clauses; for
example, Professional • Noun clauses formed from yes/no questions
gamers argue that

video games are a noun clause
real sport. However,
many traditional
TV networks wonder if/whether people will watch video-game competitions.
athletes insist that a
sport requires special Noun clauses formed from questions always have sentence word order (subject-
skill and intense verb). They do not have the inverted word order typically used in questions, and
physical training.
they omit the form of do that is needed to form questions.
[ ✗ We asked the man why does he play video games.
Remember that you can use different verbs in the main clause to show your
attitude toward the information in the noun clause. (See page 54.)

A. Complete the paragraph with words from the box. Use each word once.

if how that which who why

Although most people would say gardening is

a hobby, for a few enthusiastic gardeners, it is almost a sport. If you’ve
ever wondered anyone would grow a one-meter-long
cucumber or a 770-kilogram pumpkin, here’s your answer. Amateur
gardeners bring their produce to competitions where judges measure
them to determine fruits and vegetables are the
largest. Every year, pumpkin growers gather near San Francisco to see
has grown the heaviest orange gourd. After the results
are announced, all the gardeners want to know the
winners will share their secrets. But few champion growers will reveal
they turned ordinary vegetables into giants.

60 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

B. Complete each sentence using a noun clause with an appropriate
reporting verb from the box. Use each verb once.

argue discuss feel study wonder

1. Cooking food is less enjoyable than eating it.

Most Americans feel that cooking food is less enjoyable than eating it.
2. How much time do we spend doing work?
Ramey and Francis
3. What makes an activity work for one person and leisure for another?
The authors
4. Something is leisure if you choose to do it yourself.
Dubner and Levitt
5. Are video games as popular in rural places as in urban areas?
Some readers

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with noun clauses.

D. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write an argumentative essay

UNIT In this assignment, you will write an argumentative essay arguing why a
particular leisure activity should or should not be considered work. As you
prepare your essay, think about the Unit Question, “What is the difference
between work and fun?” Use information from Reading 1, Reading 2, the
unit video, and your work in this unit to support your essay. Refer to the
Self-Assessment checklist on page 62.

ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.


A. BRAINSTORM Think of an activity that you enjoy and do not get paid
to do. Choose one of the examples from the chapter or something else.
Brainstorm ideas why it should or should not be considered work.

| Reading and Writing 61


It should / shouldn’t be regarded as work because:

- B. PLAN Follow these steps to plan your argumentative essay.

1. List your three best ideas from Activity A that support your position.

iQ-1ONLINE 2. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the graphic

organizer and outline for your argumentative essay.

iQ-1 - -
ONLINE C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your essay. Go to iQ Online to use
the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write your essay, arguing whether the leisure activity you chose should be
considered work or not. Support each main idea with evidence from your
knowledge, experience, and reading.

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s essay. Then go online and use the Peer
Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your essay.
111 Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write
the final draft of your argumentative essay. Be prepared to hand in your
work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Does the essay build a convincing argument using main ideas
supported with good evidence?

□ ■
□ Are contrasting ideas introduced clearly?

□ ■
□ Did you use noun clauses effectively?

□ ■
□ Are there a variety of reporting verbs?

□ ■
□ Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

62 UNIT 2 | What is the difference between work and fun?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.
1. What is something new you learned in this unit?
2. Look back at the Unit Question—What is the difference between work and
fun? Is your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes,
how is it different? Why?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

boom boost menial
consensus emerge sophisticated
devotion estimate thriving
incentive evolve Adverb
labor execute respectively
leisure Phrasal Verb Phrases
rhythm engage in it dawned on me
strategy regard as gray area
pass your prime
the going rate
the odds are

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to
the page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can identify contrasting ideas. (p. 44)

VOCABULARY I can recognize and use reporting verbs. (p. 54)
WRITING I can use evidence to support an argument. (p. 56)
GRAMMAR I can recognize and use noun clauses. (pp. 59–60)

I can gather information and ideas to develop

UNIT an argumentative essay on why a particular
OBJECTIVE leisure activity should or should not be
considered work.

| Reading and Writing 63


READING previewing a text

VOCABULARY Latin and Greek roots
WRITING writing with unity
GRAMMAR quantifiers
Media Studies


How well does a

picture illustrate
the truth?

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.

1. How can a photograph change what we see?
2. How can advertisements alter your view of a product
or service?

3. Look at the photo. Which parts of the photo are real?

What visual tricks are being used? Why?

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer these


1. How did the students answer the question?

2. Do you agree or disagree with their ideas? Why?

ONLINE C Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the Unit

Question with your classmates.

64 UNIT 3
UNIT Read an article from Fast Company and an excerpt
from a textbook. Gather information and ideas to
create a proposal for a print or Web advertisement.

D Work with a partner. This chart lists several different types of images and
graphics. In what kinds of texts can you find these images and graphics? Why
would this type of image or graphic be used in this type of text? Complete the
chart with your answers.

Image or graphic What kind of text? Why?

Photograph newspaper to show people and
events in the article






E Number the types of images and graphics from 1 (most objective,

or realistic) to 6 (most subjective, or influenced by personal feelings).
Explain your decisions to your partner.

F Have you ever seen images or graphs that were deceptive? Where?

66 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?


READING 1 Infographics Lie: Here’s How

UNIT You are going to read an article about infographics (graphs, figures, maps,
and other ways of displaying data) by Randy Olson from the business
magazine Fast Company. Use the article to gather information and ideas for
your Unit Assignment.

Reading Skill Previewing a text

Before you read a text, it is helpful to make guesses about its content. Preview a
text by following these steps:
• Look at the text without reading it: What type of text is it? Who wrote it?
Who is it written for?
• Read the title and subtitles or headings: What is the topic of each section?
• Look at the pictures, illustrations, and graphs, and read the captions: What
do you expect to read about in the text?

Previewing a text helps you:

• predict the content of the reading using your existing knowledge
about the topic.
• read faster because you have already thought about the ideas.
• make connections between the text and the graphics.
• recognize main ideas and details or examples.

A. Preview Reading 1 on pages 69–71. Circle the answer that best completes
each statement.

1. This reading is probably from .

a. an online magazine
b. an academic book
c. a student essay

2. According to the title and first sentence, the article is probably about .
a. the benefits of using infographics
b. ways that infographics can trick readers
c. techniques for creating infographics on computers

| Reading and Writing 67

3. The three headings within the text are probably recommendations for .
a. readers of infographics
b. designers of infographics
c. critics of infographics

4. Color and structural cues are .

a. features of data presentation
b. parts of the data source
c. types of data alterations

5. Excluding data, transforming data, and the use of statistics are .

a. features of data presentation
b. aspects of the data source
c. types of data alterations

Critical Thinking Tip

Activity B asks you to

interpret information
from visual sources such
as graphs and maps
B. Look at the infographics (the graphs and maps) in Reading 1. Discuss
your predictions with a partner.

1. Which states in the map in Figure 1 stand out to you the most? Why?
and apply it to textual
information in the
reading. This helps you
understand the reading 2. Could the two graphs in Figure 2 represent the same data? Why or why not?
better and gives you a
deeper understanding
of the topic.
3. What do you think Figure 3 means?

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice previewing a text.


A. PREVIEW Based on the preview you have just done, predict three main
ideas you will read in the article.



B. QUICK WRITE How do you think graphs and other graphical representations
of data might be unreliable? Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember
to use this section for your Unit Assignment.

68 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words and phrases in the
reading. Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning
of each word or phrase. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown
words and phrases.

campaign (n.) scale (n.)

distort (v.) skyrocket (v.)
error-prone (adj.) take . . . with a grain of salt (phr.)
manipulate (v.) transformation (n.)
misleading (adj.) unprecedented (adj.)
prominent (adj.) visualize (v.)
Oxford 3000™ words

i Q -.___1D.-Go-
ONLINE online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. Read the article and gather information on how well a picture illustrates
the truth.

Infographics Lie: Here’s How by Randy Olson

1 We live in an age of Big: Big Computers, benefit and even profit at our expense. We
Big Data, and Big Lies. have a natural tendency to trust images more
than text. As a result, we’re easily fooled by
2 Faced with an unprecedented torrent1 of
data visualizations. Fortunately, there are three
information, data scientists have turned to the
easy steps we can follow to save ourselves
visual arts to make sense of big data. The
from getting duped2 in the data deluge.
results of this unlikely marriage—often called
“data visualizations” or “infographics”—have Check the data presentation
repeatedly provided us with new and insightful 4 The subtlest way a data visualization can
perspectives on the world around us. fool you is by using visual cues to make
3 However, time and time again we have data stand out that normally wouldn’t. Be
seen that data visualizations can easily be on the lookout for these visual tricks.
manipulated to lie. By misrepresenting, 5 1. Color cues: Color is one popular tool for
distorting, or faking the data they visualize, making certain data more prominent than
data scientists can twist public opinion to their the rest. When considering the map below,
1 torrent: a large amount of something that comes 2 dupe: to trick or cheat someone
suddenly and violently

| Reading and Writing 69

Kentucky and Utah (the darkest and the looking at the same data, but with different
lightest) will most likely stand out to us first. scales on the y-axes3. Notice how such a
NH simple structural change can make differences
WA VT in the data look much more significant. Is
an increase of 15 fraudulent visualizations
MI CT from last year really “skyrocketing”? Don’t
NV IL IN DE let the structure of the visualization decide
MO NC that for you. Always check the numbers
AZ OK AR SC that the visualization is representing.
FL Check the data source
AK 8 Make sure the data source is reliable. Data
HI collected by an amateur is more error-prone
Figure 1
Figure 1: Percentage of smokers by US state than data collected by a professional scientist.
Do a quick Web search to see if the people who
6 If the map in Figure 1 were showing collected and organized the data have a good
percentage of the population that smokes track record of collecting and distributing data.
(where dark colors indicate more smokers and
9 You should also make sure the data source
light colors fewer smokers), we might quickly
isn’t biased. A drug company may be inclined to
conclude that Kentucky has a serious smoking
present fake data showing that their latest drug
problem. But what if we looked at the raw
is more effective than it really is, or a political
numbers and saw that 27% of Kentuckians and
campaign may manipulate data to discredit
23% of Utahans smoke? Now, there’s not so
their political opponents. Think twice when
big of a difference after all. Make sure to look
considering data provided by biased groups.
at what the colors actually represent before
drawing a conclusion from the visualization. 10 Generally, we can trust data provided by
government organizations, university research
7 2. Structural cues: Structure is another centers, and non-partisan4 organizations.
popular tool for making data immediately However, we should look more closely at data
stand out. In the bar charts in Figure 2, we’re provided by for-profit companies, political

Number of Fraudulent Data Number of Fraudulent Data

Visualizations is Stable Visualizations is Skyrocketing!
1000 1000

500 990

0 0
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
Figure 2: Changes in fraudulent visualizations, 2013–2015

3 y-axis: the vertical axis (a fixed line against which the 4 non-partisan: not supporting the ideas of one particular
positions of points on a graph are measured) political party or group of people strongly

70 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

organizations, and advocacy groups. If the data 15 Comparing statistics is even trickier. If a
source isn’t listed, take the data visualization survey shows that 50% of Latinos and only
with many grains of salt. 30% of Caucasians6 enjoy watching baseball,
those results could easily have been purely
Check the data alterations due to chance if the survey interviewed
11 Many data sets require a little bit of only 20 people of each ethnicity (Figure 3).
housecleaning before they can be visualized, If the visualization doesn’t indicate the
but excessive editing can be a sign of researchers’ confidence in the comparison
misrepresented data. Every good data (called statistical significance), then we
visualization will come with explanations shouldn’t be confident in their comparisons.
describing how the data was manipulated Percentage Who Enjoy Baseball
from its raw form into the visualization you 50
see. Read the explanations, and watch
out for the following data alterations.
12 1. Excluded data: Ensure that the
explanations for excluding that data are
reasonable. Sometimes the “explanation” may 30
be that the data inconveniently contrasted
with the story the author wanted to tell.
13 2. Transformed data: Data transformation, 20
the process of converting data from one
format to another format, can complicate the
relationships between data. It’s difficult to
interpret a finding such as “The log transform5
of a city’s productivity is related to the log
transform of the city’s population.” See how






that doesn’t make any sense to us in practical






terms? While a transformation can make




complicated mathematics accessible, it can also



potentially be misleading. Be wary if several

Figure 3: Baseball supporters by ethnicity
transformations have been applied to the data.
14 3. Statistics: Statistics are an often-abused 16 If the details on the data alterations
tool in data science. “Fatal shark attacks aren’t provided with the visualization,
have risen 100% this year” sounds like an always keep in mind how easy it is to
alarming statistic until you realize that only make data lie when it’s visualized.
one person was fatally attacked by a shark 17 Remember: To save yourself from
last year. Check the raw numbers when data getting tricked by deceitful data, check the
visualizations present only the statistics. presentation, data source, and alterations.

5 log transform: a statistical procedure that can be applied 6 Caucasian: a member of any of the races of people who
to raw data have pale skin

| Reading and Writing 71

Vocabulary B. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 1. Choose one to
Skill Review complete each sentence. You may need to change the form of the word
In Unit 1, you or phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.
learned how to use
a thesaurus to check
the meaning of campaign (n.) manipulate (v.) scale (n.) transformation (n.)
synonyms. Look up
distort, manipulate, distort (v.) misleading (adj.) skyrocket (v.) unprecedented (adj.)
and misleading in error-prone (adj.) prominent (adj.) take . . . with a grain of salt (phr.) visualize (v.)
your dictionary or
thesaurus to find
other similar words. 1. A graph must not important data by
making differences look greater than they actually are.

2. The photograph was in a(n) position on

the home page of the website.

3. The of the map made the distance look

short, but it took all day to drive between the two cities.

4. Our last advertising was successful; a

week’s worth of ads increased sales by 20 percent.

5. A good graph helps readers to the data

described in the text.

6. The number of complaints last year as

readers became more aware of data misrepresentation.

7. that email promising large cash rewards


8. The picture has been to hide cracks.

9. Analyzing data can often be a complex and


10. The chart is because it does not state the

number of people interviewed.

11. After so many , it was impossible to

retrieve the raw data.

12. The newspaper took the decision to

publish an article explaining its policy for creating infographics.
72 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?
ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Put the main ideas of the article in the correct order. Write the number(s)
of the paragraph(s) where you found them. Two of the sentences are NOT
main ideas. Write X next to them.

1. Graphical choices in data representations can be deliberately deceptive.


2. More Latinos than Caucasians enjoy watching baseball.


3. Infographics help us visualize large amounts of information.


4. Some sources of data should not be trusted to present data accurately.


5. It is important to know how the information in an infographic has been

changed from the raw numbers. Paragraph(s):

6. Pharmaceutical companies may produce infographics that exaggerate

the benefits of drugs they make. Paragraph(s):

7. It is easy to be manipulated by infographics because most people believe

what they see more than what they read. Paragraph(s):

E. Look again at the infographics in the article. Complete the table using
information from the text.

Figure What does it appear to show? What does it actually mean?


| Reading and Writing 73

F. Which pieces of advice are recommended in the article? Check the
correct answers and write the paragraph number containing the advice.

■ 1. Make sure the scientists who collected the data are experienced

professionals. Paragraph:

■ 2. Do not trust infographics that use color to show differences. Paragraph:

■ 3. Read the scale on the vertical axis (or y-axis) carefully. Paragraph:

■ 4. You should be highly suspicious of infographics that do not indicate the

source of the data. Paragraph:
■ 5. It is important to check the actual numbers when reading a graph that

displays percentages. Paragraph:
■ 6. You should look carefully for the date when the information was collected,

as infographics sometimes present old information. Paragraph:

G. Why should readers be careful if they see the following infographics?

Support your answer with ideas from the article.

Visitors to Middleton Art Museum

City Crime Rates

Number of Visitors

Zone 1


Zone 4 Center
40 t- Zone 2

Zone 3

2010 2015
□ □
1 Year 2



74 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

Average Time of Car Crashes*
Customers Prefer Shop 60
Smart Orange Juice

Number of Crashes





























Time of Morning
*U.S. drivers age 46-65

3 Our brand Other brands




ONLINE H. Go online to read The Many Lives of Identity Thieves and check your


A. Discuss these questions in a group.
1. Have you seen graphs, tables, or infographics that have been distorted
using the tricks described in Reading 1? Why do you think this was done?
2. Do you agree with the author that people are more easily persuaded by
images than by text? Why or why not?
3. In what other ways can graphs, infographics, maps, or diagrams be misleading?

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 68 as you think about what you learned.

| Reading and Writing 75

READING 2 Phototruth or Photofiction?
UNIT You are going to read an excerpt from the college textbook Phototruth or
Photofiction? Ethics and Media Imagery in the Digital Age by Thomas Wheeler.
It asks how far journalists can go when manipulating photographs. Use the
excerpt to gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Think about the title and look at the picture on page 77. What do
you predict the writer will say about manipulating photographs in journalism?
■ It is always acceptable.
□ ■ It is never acceptable.

■ It is sometimes acceptable.

B. QUICK WRITE Why might someone want to change a photograph? Write for
5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Read aloud these words from Reading 2. Check (✓) the
ones you know. Use a dictionary to define any new or unknown words.
Then discuss with a partner how the words relate to the unit.

alteration (n.) document (v.) legitimate (adj.)

bias (n.) ethical (adj.) provoke (v.)
concoct (v.) inherent (adj.) scrutinize (v.)
credible (adj.) left in the dark (phr.) tempting (adj.)

Oxford 3000™ words

online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. Read the article and gather information on how well a picture illustrates
the truth.

Phototruth or Photofiction? printer, editor, or viewer. Photography is not

absolute “reality.” It is not unqualified “truth.”
1 Any discussion of “manipulated” photography It is not purely “objective.” It was never any of
must begin with the recognition that photography those things, and it has always been subject
itself is an inherent manipulation—a to distortion. Indeed, many of its earliest
manipulation of light, a process with many practitioners were more concerned with
steps and stages, all subject to the biases concocting fantasy than documenting reality.
and interpretations of the photographer, They were artists, not journalists.

76 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

2 Still, one branch of photography—called 5 It seems that with each new graphics
“photojournalism”—has acquired a special software program or photo app, the
standing in the public mind. Newspaper and opportunities for fictionalizing images
magazine readers generally believe that a become ever more numerous and tempting.
photo can reflect reality in a credible way. One result is that “the objective ‘truth’ of
3 But why? Why has photography seemed photographs has become something of a
so inherently realistic for so long? Much of quaint3 concept” (American Photo). Michael
the trust in photojournalism comes from Morse of the National Press Photographers
average citizens’ everyday experiences with Association agrees: “People have no idea
personal photography. We point our cameras how much alteration is going on.” This
and cell phones at ourselves, our families, raises thorny ethical challenges for
friends, and vacation sights and view the professionals, educators, and students alike.
files and prints as legitimate documents 6 For decades, photojournalists and editors
that “capture” the events and scenes in have opposed misleading alterations,
meaningful ways. Countless millions of us particularly in “hard news” photos (images
take “selfies”1 and snapshots or collect our of war, crime scenes, political events, natural
photos in albums , on social media, and on disasters, etc.). As computer manipulations
hard drives for future generations, not only have become more common, however,
for entertainment or curiosity value but as adherence to photojournalistic norms has given
evidence of the way we once looked and the way to the temptations of commerce, even in
way the world once worked. As Dartmouth respected newspapers and news magazines.
College professor Marianne Hirsch has 7 For example, during the processing of
said, “People say if there was a fire, the first National Geographic’s February 1982 photo
thing they would save is their photo albums. of the Great Pyramids of Giza, a pyramid
We almost fear we’ll lose our memories if was digitally shifted to make the image fit
we lose our albums.” The same is probably the cover. The alteration provoked much
true now of digital photo collections. controversy, not so much because it was
4 This credibility has survived despite drastic (it was relatively insignificant)
photography’s history of occasional duplicity2.
However, digital manipulation may challenge
this trust more than a century and a half
of other methods of fakery. Commentators
have observed, “There’s nothing new
about faking photos,” but that is not quite
right. There is something new. Computer
technology has made photo doctoring much
easier to do and accessible to many more
people with nothing more sophisticated National Geographic’s February 1982
than the phone in their pockets. photo of the Great Pyramids of Giza

1 selfie: a photograph you take of yourself with a smartphone 3 quaint: attractive in an unusual or old-fashioned way
or camera
2 duplicity: dishonest behavior that is intended to make people
believe something that is not true

| Reading and Writing 77

but because it appeared in a magazine • In March, 2012, after a number of tornadoes
long respected for its authenticity. in the American Midwest, a graphic design
8 In 1998, National Geographic editor Bill student in Michigan posted a photo of a
Allen said, “Nearly two decades ago we moved tornado on a popular social media site.
one pyramid to get the same effect as if the The photo quickly spread until it was
photographer had walked perhaps fifty yards posted on the Web page of a local TV
to the left before taking the photograph. station and was even broadcast on the
And yet after all that time, one of the most evening news. The student then admitted
common questions I’m asked is, ‘Do you it was a fake. WNEM news director Ian
guys still move pyramids?’ This reminds all Rubin said, “We’ve used this experience
of us of just how fragile our credibility is. If as a reminder to the whole news team to
you lose it, it’s almost impossible to ever get review viewer-submitted photos with the
it back. It’s why we’re such fanatics about meteorologists before they go on the air.”
disclosure4 now at National Geographic.” • In Sydney, Australia, in 2013, a man called
9 Kenneth Brower’s article in the May 1998 Dimitri di Angelis tricked investors into
Atlantic Monthly listed a number of faked giving him $8 million, in part by showing
nature photos and sequences, including a polar them photographs of himself with world
bear in Antarctica that appeared in a full-page ad leaders and movie stars. The photos were, of
for National Geographic Online (there are no course, created using computer software, and
polar bears in Antarctica; there are polar bears di Angelis was sent to prison for 12 years.
in the Arctic—and also in the Ohio zoo where 12 Some professionals might consider a few
this particular animal was photographed!). of this chapter’s examples to be relatively
innocuous6, but in most cases readers and
10 The following are just some of the many
viewers were left in the dark until the truth
other examples of “photomanipulation”
was revealed. In these images, photography’s
that have appeared in print:
presumed relationship to reality was
• The winner of a spelling bee5 sponsored by disrupted. Readers might have a simpler
the New York Daily News was photographed description: they might call the photos lies.
for a story in the New York Post, which
13 The inherent trustworthiness once
removed the name of its rival newspaper from
attributed to photography is withering7,
the image of the winner’s identification card.
even as amateur photos flood the Internet.
• In all of their outdoor photos of the 1984 From now on, assumptions about the ability
Summer Olympic Games, editors at of photos to tell the truth will increasingly
the Orange County Register changed be scrutinized—for good reason. Visual
the color of the Los Angeles sky journalists will have to accommodate these
(notorious for its smog) to clear blue. shifts and re-examine their own practices and
11 There are many more recent examples ethics if they are to successfully separate their
of digital deception, such as these: work from cartoons, fantasy, and fiction.

4 disclosure: the act of making information public 6 innocuous: not harmful or dangerous
5 spelling bee: a competition in which participants have to 7 withering: growing weaker before disappearing completely
spell difficult words correctly

78 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and a phrase from Reading 2. Read
the paragraphs. Then write each bold word or phrase next to the correct
definition. You may need to change verbs to their base form and nouns
to the singular form.

Newspaper articles can never tell the entire truth: some element of lying
is inherent in all journalism because it is impossible for one article to include
all the details of the story. Journalists may also manipulate the order in which
they present information to achieve more drama or other effects in their
writing. Choosing details and the order to describe them is considered proper
and ethical behavior for journalists. Editors can even reflect their paper’s
political bias when writing opinion pieces about elections and politics.
In book publishing, many companies do not always scrutinize the
information authors write. A best-selling book can make a lot of money, so
some authors find it tempting to make up lies. In one famous case, a writer
concocted a completely fictitious history about himself. The writing seemed
credible, so most readers believed his story. However, the writer later was
unable to document the facts in the book, and he was revealed as a fake,
which provoked controversy for him and his publisher. Although the writer’s
tale was not legitimate, many people still found it meaningful. Even these
readers agree that they would rather not be left in the dark, wondering
whether or not a story is true. They would rather be aware of any major
alteration of facts that could turn a good true story into just a good story.

1. (v.) to cause a particular reaction or have a

particular effect
2. (phr.) prevented from learning something
3. (v.) to invent a story, an excuse, etc.
4. (n.) a strong feeling in favor of or against one
group of people or one side in an argument,
often not based on fair judgment
5. (n.) a change to something
6. (v.) to look at or examine somebody or
something carefully
7. (adj.) can be believed or trusted
8. (adj.) morally correct or acceptable
9. (adj.) valid; fair

| Reading and Writing 79

10. (adj.) existing as a basic or permanent
part of somebody or something
11. (v.) to prove or support something
with evidence
12. (adj.) attractive, making people want to
have it or do it

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Answer these questions. Write the number of the paragraph where you
found each answer. Then compare your answers with a partner.

1. Why are photographs always manipulated in some way? Paragraph

2. Why do most people trust the photographs they see in the news media?

3. How is digital fakery different from earlier forms of photographic

manipulation? Paragraph

4. What does the example of the pyramid in National Geographic say about
the credibility of photojournalism? Paragraph

5. Why are the examples in this reading important even though many of
them are relatively minor changes? Paragraph

80 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

E. Match each sentence with the correct person or publication.

1. Photographs have such great value for many people that we are
almost afraid of losing our memories if our photo albums are lost.
2. It is old-fashioned to believe that photographs are inherently objective.

3. Most magazine readers do not realize how much photographs have

been manipulated.
4. When people stop believing in your honesty, it is very hard to
convince them otherwise.
5. Many nature photographs in magazines have been faked (for
example, showing a polar bear in Antarctica).

a. Bill Allen of National Geographic

b. Atlantic Monthly article by Kenneth Brower

c. American Photo magazine
d. Professor Marianne Hirsch of Dartmouth College

e. Michael Morse of the National Press Photographers Association

F. What is your opinion? Rank the examples of manipulated photographs

in the article in order from 1 (least serious) to 6 (most serious). Compare
your answers with a partner or group and justify your rankings with
specific evidence from the reading.

a. National Geographic’s pyramids

b. National Geographic Online’s polar bears

c. The New York Daily News’s report on a spelling bee

d. The Orange County Register’s photograph of Los Angeles

e. The social media photo of a tornado

f. Dimitri di Angelis’s fake photographs

G. Find and write the phrase from the text that the pronouns in bold refer to.

1. It is not purely “objective.” (Paragraph 1) photography

2. They were artists, not journalists. (Paragraph 1)

| Reading and Writing 81

3. However, digital manipulation may challenge this trust more than
a century and a half of other methods of fakery. (Paragraph 4)

4. This raises thorny ethical challenges for professionals, educators, and

students alike. (Paragraph 5)

5. It was relatively insignificant. (Paragraph 7)

6. If you lose it, it’s almost impossible to ever get it back. (Paragraph 8)


A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 76 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Are photographs important to you? Why or why not?

2. Do you think of photography more as an art form or a type of journalism?
Please explain.
3. Do you care if a photograph in a magazine or newspaper has been
manipulated? Why or why not?

B. Before you watch the video, discuss these questions in a group.

1. What can images of space tell us about our universe?

2. Do you know the names of any patterns of stars? Why do you think many
cultures have looked for familiar shapes in the stars?
3. How reliable do you think pictures created by telescopes are?

82 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

iQ- ONLINE C. Go online to watch the video
about the world’s largest
constellation (n.) a group of stars that forms
a shape in the sky and has a name

telescope. Then check your
cosmos (n.) the universe
faint (adj.) cannot be clearly seen
inhospitable (adj.) difficult to stay or live in,
especially because there is no shelter from
the weather
orbit (v.) to move in a curved path around a
much larger object, especially a plan
planet or star

D. Think about the video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. Both readings suggest that images are persuasive but often untruthful.
Should this affect the way we view images from the Very Large Telescope,
or do different rules apply to astronomical pictures?

2. How could marketers use the manipulation techniques described in the

readings to advertise products and services?

Vocabulary Skill Latin and Greek roots

Identifying Greek and Latin roots (or stems) will help you recognize and
understand new words. Words with these roots are especially common in formal
written English, so using these words will aid in reading comprehension and add
sophistication to your writing.

Common roots

Root Meaning Examples

mot-/mov-/mob- move promote, immobile
just-/jur- right, legal justify, jury
her-/hes- stick coherent, cohesive
vid-/vis- see, notice evidence, visible

You should also watch for other roots when you recognize groups of words with
similar meanings.

A. Read each sentence. Using your knowledge of roots, circle the word or
phrase that best matches the meaning of each bold word.

1. The patient reported reduced mobility.

a. ability to speak b. ability to read c. ability to move

| Reading and Writing 83

2. You need to choose an adhesive that works on wood.
a. paint b. pencil c. glue
3. I don’t envisage any problem with this plan.
a. remember b. create c. expect
4. She was angry at the injustice of the professor’s decision.
a. humor b. unfairness c. danger
5. The student was motivated to study hard by her teacher.
a. moved b. told c. warned

6. There is an inherent problem with this type of car.

a. unusual b. unavoidable c. annoying
7. She was unable to provide a justification for her behavior.
a. plan b. wish c. good explanation
8. Successful companies are often led by great visionaries.
a. people with a lot of money
b. people with a lot of power
c. people with a lot of imagination

Tip for Success

Learning Latin
and Greek roots
can improve your
English spelling. For
B. Look at the sets of words below the box. The common root is bold.
Choose the answer in the box that best defines each bold root. Then
explain your choices to a partner.

break follow life thousand

example, if you know
millimeter comes circle/round law other/different write
from milli-, you will
remember to write
it with a double l.
1. hemisphere, spherical, atmosphere sphere =
2. alternative, alteration, alter alter- =
3. sequence, second, sequel sequ-/sec- =
4. survive, vivid, revive viv- =
5. description, postscript, scribble scrip-/scrib- =
6. legitimate, legal, legislation leg- =
7. millennium, millimeter, millipede milli- =
8. fragile, fragment, fraction frag-/fract- =

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with Latin and Greek roots.

84 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an advertisement proposal. This proposal
will include information from the readings, the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Writing with unity

In good writing, each paragraph has unity: it explores one idea. This helps readers
understand all the main ideas in a text. If you mix different ideas in a paragraph,
your readers may become confused, and your writing will not be effective.
Sometimes, one idea needs several paragraphs, in which case each paragraph should
describe one part of the idea. This keeps the reader focused on one point at a time.
The complete piece of writing (essay, article, report, etc.) also needs unity. All the
points and ideas in the paragraphs should support one topic, argument, thesis, or
purpose. This will keep your writing clear, interesting, and persuasive.

-~• Writing Tip

In Unit 2, you learned
to give evidence
to support an
argument. A proposal
A. Read these paragraphs from an advertisement proposal for a café. Cross
out one sentence to improve the unity of each paragraph. Explain your
reason to a partner.

is another kind of
1. At the top of the Web page advertising Roy’s Silver Spoon Café, three images
persuasive writing, will rotate. The first image is a digitally enhanced photograph of a cup of
so you should give coffee that appears to show steam rising perfectly from the smooth surface
details and reasons of the drink. In the second picture, two friends are shown sitting at a table in
to support your
recommendations. the café. The Web page also shows the menu and weekly special coffees. The
final photograph is of Roy himself, but we will manipulate the photo to make
it look as if he is standing on top of the building to welcome customers.
2. The most important part of our proposed website design is your new logo.
A shiny silver spoon stands proudly in the center of the café’s name. A
new, more modern font has been chosen to bring your business up to date.
Roy’s name appears in silver to make it more prominent and to match the
color of the spoon. The next change we recommend is to include customer
comments on the Web page.
3. The first page of your current website is dominated by a map of the town,
showing the location of the café. We recommend moving this to another
page, with directions and hours of operation. The home page is the first
impression a new customer gets of your business, and while it is important to
be able to find your café, thanks to navigation software and smartphones, an
address is probably enough. There will also be a page to promote upcoming
events at the café. In place of the map, we would like to write a paragraph
explaining the history of the café and the atmosphere you create there.

| Reading and Writing 85

B. A graphic designer working for an advertising agency is writing a proposal
for a magazine advertisement for a local business, Rudy’s Plumbing Supply.
Look at the designer’s notes in the cluster diagram. Then follow the
instructions below.

Include other towns to show

Put Rudy’s at center Make building tall customers come from them

A. B.

Use strong color to Include interstate to show

attract attention Rudy’s is worth traveling to

Advertisement Ideas for

Rudy’s Plumbing

Major roads and interstates Omit name of bad neighborhood

C. D.

Address Make roads leading to

Rudy’s look straighter

1. Label each cluster with an idea from the box. You will not use one idea.

Basic features of the map Make Rudy’s look more accessible

Information about other businesses Stimulate demand
Make Rudy’s look impressive

2. Check (✓) each idea that the designer could include without affecting the
unity of the proposal. Write X if an idea does not fit anywhere.
a. Add this line of copy (text): “Just around the corner!”
b. Include Rudy’s website.

c. Print a customer’s review of Rudy’s service.

d. Suggest that people don’t mind traveling a long way to go to Rudy’s.

e. Put a photograph of Rudy at the top to add personal appeal.

86 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?
Tip for Success

Notice the format

of this business
proposal. A proposal
is a common
C. WRITING MODEL Read the model proposal and answer the questions.

Tildon Advertising
form of real-world 290 West Main, Tildon, PA
writing. Proposals
always include the From: Liz Madison, Account Executive
company’s name To: Mr. Rudy Swenson, Manager, Rudy’s Plumbing Supply
and address as
Date: March 14
well as the date.
Re: Ad Proposal
Dear Mr. Swenson,
1 Thank you for asking us to design a magazine advertisement for your
store. Please find below a description of the ad we are proposing.
2 The centerpiece of the ad is a map. Maps are excellent attention-getters.
The map will contain all the practical information customers need to find
your business: the address, the major roads, and the nearby interstates.
Obviously, most of your customers are local, and few of them need the
interstate to get to your store. However, we want to show them that your
store is so good that a number of customers might also come from far away.
In this way, we can stimulate a great deal of demand for your business.
3 In addition to including the interstate, we will mention the names of
several neighboring towns. You might attract a few customers from other
towns, but mainly we will show that your business is popular and known
throughout the region.
4 In our meeting, you asked us to stress the accessibility of your business,
and our ad will make customers feel comfortable about visiting you. You
told us you were concerned that your business is not located in the best
part of town. Therefore, we recommend omitting the name of your
neighborhood and some road names. The ad will encourage new customers
to visit you and judge the quality of your service, not the neighborhood.
5 A good impression is also achieved by using strong colors in the ad and
drawing your building from an angle that increases the scale of the
building. The building will be at the center of the ad, and its prominent
position and size will bring in plenty of new business.
6 We hope you approve of this proposal. We feel that it tells a truthful and
persuasive story about Rudy’s Plumbing Supply. Please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions.

1. Write the purpose or main idea of each paragraph. Use the cluster diagram
in Activity B to help you.
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:

| Reading and Writing 87

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:
Paragraph 5:

Paragraph 6:
2. What idea does the writer use to give unity through the entire proposal?

D. Work with a partner. Add a new paragraph between paragraphs 5 and

6 of the writing model. Your paragraph should be about a slogan for
Rudy’s Plumbing Supply.

1. Choose a slogan from the suggestions below or write your own.

■ “For service you can trust, call Rudy today!”

■ “Your local plumbing expert”

■ “Rudy’s goes the extra mile!”

■ Your idea:

2. Brainstorm ideas for your paragraph by answering these questions.
a. Why does Rudy’s need a good slogan?

b. Why have you chosen this slogan?

c. How will you use the slogan in the ad?

3. Organize your ideas and add a clear first and final sentence, plus any other
ideas you have to write a paragraph that has unity.
4. Swap your paragraph with another pair. Discuss these questions.
a. Does the paragraph have unity? Is every sentence related to the slogan?
b. Are the ideas in the paragraph in a clear and logical order?
c. What advice would you give the writers to improve their paragraph?

ONLINE E. Go online for more practice with writing with unity.

88 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

Grammar Quantifiers
Quantifiers are words that modify nouns and noun phrases and talk about
amounts. They give information about how much (for a noncount noun) and how
many (for a plural count noun). Quantifiers generally come before the noun.
Noncount nouns

little much a large amount of too much

a little a great deal of so much
Plural count nouns

few several a large number of too many

a few many so many
Both count and noncount nouns
no hardly any plenty of most (of ) all
none of any / some a lot of/ lots of almost all

Be especially careful with these quantifiers:

A few / a little have positive meanings: the quantity is small but still important.
[ There is a little demand for the product, so we will keep selling it.

Few / little have negative meanings: the quantity is almost zero.

[ There is little demand for the product, so we will stop selling it.

Use a lot of instead of much in affirmative sentences.

✓ We did a lot of advertising this year.
[ ✗ We did much advertising this year.

Any is used in negative sentences and questions to mean some.

[ Do you have any questions? Yes, I have some questions.

However, any can also mean “it doesn’t matter which” in affirmative sentences
with a singular count or noncount noun.
[ Look in any book for an example at any time.

| Reading and Writing 89

Almost all means nearly 100 percent.
Note: Do not use almost by itself; it is an adverb, not a quantifier.
✓ Almost all people take photographs.
[ ✗ Almost people take photographs.

A. Circle the correct quantifier to complete each sentence.

1. Some / Any magazine photographs are manipulated.

2. Your ad should not contain too much / too many details.
3. Almost / Almost all our trust in photography comes from our experience with it.

4. Anyone can fake a photograph with the right software and little / a little
5. Few / A few readers are using our map, so we must improve it.
6. I will draw attention to your business by using a lot of / much color.

B. Circle the correct response to each comment or question.

1. I don’t like this book. There’s too much text, and there aren’t enough pictures.
a. You’re right. There are some photographs.
b. You’re right. There are few photographs.
2. Is this a popular magazine?
a. No, few people read it.
b. No, a few people read it.
3. Why do you think this ad uses a map?
a. Because it has so much good information.
b. Because it has hardly any good information.
4. Can you finish the proposal by tomorrow?
a. I don’t think so. I need little more time.
b. I don’t think so. I need a little more time.
5. The survey found that 45 percent of people expect magazines to
manipulate photographs.
a. OK, but plenty of people still trust photojournalists!
b. OK, but almost all people still trust photojournalists!

C. Look back at the model proposal in Activity C of the Writing Skill on

page 87. Circle the quantifiers in the proposal.

90 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with quantifiers.
E. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write a proposal

UNIT In this assignment, you will pretend that you work for an advertising agency
that designs print or Web advertisements. You will write a proposal for a
client, describing your ideas for an ad. As you prepare your proposal, think
about the Unit Question, “How well does a picture illustrate the truth?“ Use
information from Reading 1, Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this
unit to support your ideas. Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist on page 92.

ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.


A. BRAINSTORM Complete the following tasks.

1. Work with a partner. Choose a product or service for another pair of students
to advertise: for example, your school, a business you know, a product you
use, or something that does not exist yet. Imagine you represent that product
or service. Write a paragraph describing it and the type of advertisement you
want to create, such as a poster, a website, or a newspaper ad.

2. Exchange paragraphs with another pair. Read and discuss the paragraphs. Ask
for clarification as necessary. You are going to write a proposal to convince the
other pair to hire you to design an ad for their product or service.
3. With your partner, answer these questions.
a. What type of graphic will you use in the ad? Draw or describe in words
the photograph, drawing, infographic, map, or other graphic you will use.

b. How will the graphic make the ad persuasive?

| Reading and Writing 91

c. How will the graphic help promote the product or service?

iQ- -
ONLINE B. PLAN Go to the Online Resources to download and complete a cluster
diagram and an outline for your proposal. In your cluster diagram,
write your main ideas for the ad in the circles. Then connect supporting
details, explanations, and examples outside each circle. Refer to the
cluster diagram on page 86 if you need a guide.

ONLINE C. WRITE Use your 1111
PLAN notes to write your proposal. Go to iQ Online to
use the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write your proposal using your cluster diagram and any other ideas from
your discussions in Activity A on page 91. Think about the unity of each
paragraph and of the entire proposal.

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s proposal. Then go online and use the
Peer Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your proposal.

C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the final
draft of your proposal. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Is each paragraph written with unity?

□ ■
□ Does the entire proposal have unity?

□ ■
□ Are quantifiers varied and used correctly?

□ ■
□ Does the proposal include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the proposal for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

92 UNIT 3 | How well does a picture illustrate the truth?

iQ-.___ID.- --REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—How well does a picture illustrate the
truth? Is your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes,
how is it different? Why?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

alteration concoct credible
bias distort error-prone
campaign document ethical
scale manipulate inherent
transformation provoke legitimate
scrutinize misleading
skyrocket prominent
visualize tempting
left in the dark
take . . . with a grain of salt

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to
the page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can preview a text. (p. 67)

VOCABULARY I can use Latin and Greeks roots to understand
words. (p. 83)
WRITING I can write with unity. (p. 85)
GRAMMAR I can use quantifiers correctly. (pp. 89–90)

UNIT I can gather information and ideas to create a

OBJECTIVE proposal for a print or Web advertisement.

| Reading and Writing 93


READING making inferences

WRITING organizing supporting ideas
GRAMMAR parallel structure and ellipsis
International Relations


Why is global cooperation

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. Have you ever worked with someone from another country?
What were the benefits of cooperating with this person?

2. What issues or problems in your country do other countries also

have? How do they affect you personally? Would cooperating
with other countries help solve these problems?
3. Look at the photos. How do you think these people are working
together? Why does global cooperation benefit different countries?

94 UNIT 4
UNIT Read an article from The New York Times and an article
from Maclean’s news magazine. Gather information
and ideas to write an essay about the importance of
global cooperation.

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer

these questions.

1. What ideas do Marcus, Felix, Yuna, and Sophy

have about why global cooperation is important?
2. What ideas do you have to add to their discussion?

ONLINE C Go online to watch the video about saving endangered

plant seeds. Then check your comprehension.

bank (v.) to collect and save for future use

fluctuating (adj.) changing frequently

in size, amount, quantity, etc.
fortress (n.) a strong building or place
that is protected against attack
leukemia (n.) a serious disease in
which too many white blood cells
are produced, causing weakness and
sometimes death
properties (n.) qualities or
characteristics something has

ONLINE D Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the Unit Question

with your classmates.

E Complete the survey. Compare your rankings with a partner.


Cooperation Survey
Rank the success of global cooperation in the
following fields from 1 (highest) to 8 (lowest).

Stopping the spread of disease

Preventing hunger
Maintaining peace

Developing new technology

Advancing science and medicine

Protecting the environment

Exploring space

Improving education

F Choose a successful example of global cooperation from a field in the

survey. Write three reasons why you think it was successful.

G Discuss these questions with your partner.

1. Would the different countries in your example have achieved the same
results working alone? Why was it important that the different countries in
your example worked together?

2. Choose one of the fields in the survey for which you gave a low ranking.
How might countries better cooperate in this field?
3. In your opinion, are there any fields in which it is impossible for countries
to work together successfully? Why?

96 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?


READING 1 In Norway, Global Seed Vault Guards

Genetic Resources
UNIT You are going to read an article from The New York Times that reports on the
international response to the dangers threatening the genetic diversity of
the world’s food supply. Use the article to gather information and ideas for
your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW What do you think might cause plants to become extinct?
Write three possible reasons.



----'• Writing Tip

Brainstorming ideas
before you write can
help you to write
more fluently.
B. QUICK WRITE How could countries work together to protect the world’s
plant life? Take a couple of minutes to brainstorm ideas. Then write for
5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this section for your Unit
C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.
Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

confront (v.) extinct (adj.)

conserve (v.) genetic (adj.)
consolidate (v.) inevitable (adj.)
crucial (adj.) Plan B (n.)
devastating (adj.) urgency (n.)
erosion (n.) vulnerability (n.)

Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 97

A. Read the article and gather information about why global cooperation is important.

In Norway, Global Seed Vault

Guards Genetic Resources By Elisabeth Rosenthal

1 LONGYEARBYEN, Norway: With plant species 3 The seed vault is part of a far broader effort to
disappearing at an alarming rate, scientists and gather and classify information about plants and
governments are creating a global network of plant their genes. In Leuven, Belgium, scientists are
banks to store seeds and sprouts1—precious scouring3 the world for banana samples and cryo-
genetic resources that may be needed for man to preserving their shoots4 in liquid nitrogen before
adapt the world’s food supply to climate change. they become extinct. A similar effort is under way
in France on coffee plants. A number of plants,
most from the tropics, do not produce seeds that
can be stored.

Global Seed Vault

interior of the Global Seed Vault
2 This week, the flagship of that effort, the
Global Seed Vault, received its first seeds 4 For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks
here—millions of them. Bored2 into the middle has been amassing5 seed and shoot collections.
of a snow-topped Arctic mountain, the seed Labs in Mexico banked corn species. Those in
vault has as its goal the storing of every kind of Nigeria banked cassava. These scattershot efforts
seed from every collection on the planet. While are being consolidated and systematized, in part
the original seeds will remain in ordinary seed because of better technology to preserve plant
banks, the seed vault’s stacked gray boxes will genes and in part because of rising alarm about
form a backup in case natural disaster or human the trajectory6 of climate change and its impact on
error erases the seeds from the outside world. world food production.

1 sprout: a new part growing on a plant 4 shoot: the part that grows up from the ground when a plant
2 bore: to make a long, deep hole with a tool or by digging starts to grow
3 scour: to search very carefully because you are looking 5 amass: to collect something, especially in large quantities
6 trajectory: the direction that something is taking
for something

98 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

5 “We started thinking about this post-9/11 because it could identify genetic material and
and on the heels of Hurricane Katrina,” said plant strains that are better able to cope with
Cary Fowler, president of the Global Crop a changed environment. At the Global Seed
Diversity Trust, the nonprofit group that runs Vault, hundreds of grey boxes containing
the vault. “Everyone was saying, ‘Why didn’t seeds from Syria to Mexico were being moved
anyone prepare for a hurricane before?’ this week into a freezing vault to be placed in
6 “Well, we are losing biodiversity every day—it’s suspended animation. Collectively they harbor 9
a kind of drip, drip, drip. It’s also inevitable. We a vast range of characteristics, including the
need to do something about it.” ability to withstand a drier, warmer climate.
7 This week, the urgency of the problem was 11 Climate change is expected to bring new
underscored as wheat prices reached record weather stresses as well as new plant pests into
highs and wheat stores dropped to the lowest agricultural regions. Heat-trapping carbon dioxide
level in 35 years. Droughts7 and new diseases emissions will produce not only global warming
cut wheat production in many parts of the world. but also an increase in extreme weather events,
8 “The erosion of plants’ genetic resources is like floods and droughts, the Intergovernmental
really going fast,” said Rony Swennen, head Panel on Climate Change concluded.
of crop biotechnics at the Catholic University 12 Already, three-quarters of biodiversity in crops
of Leuven, who has cryo-preserved half of the has been lost in the last century, according to
world’s 1,200 banana varieties. “We’re at a the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Eighty
critical moment, and if we don’t act fast, we’re percent of corn varieties that existed in the 1930s
going to lose a lot of plants that we may need.” no longer exist today, for example. In the United
States, 94 percent of peas are no longer grown.
13 Seed banks have operated for decades, but
many are based in agricultural areas, and few
are as technologically advanced or secure as
the Global Seed Vault. Earlier efforts had been
regarded as resources for gardeners, scientists,
farmers, and food aficionados rather than a tool
for human survival.
14 The importance and vulnerability of seed banks
have become apparent in recent years. Centers
banana varieties in Afghanistan and Iraq were destroyed during
conflicts by looters who were after the plastic
9 The United Nations International Treaty on containers that held the seeds. In the Philippines,
Plant Genetic Resources, ratified8 in 2004, a typhoon demolished the wall of a seed bank,
created a formal global network for banking destroying many samples.
and sharing seeds, as well as studying 15 In reviewing seed bank policies a few years ago,
their genetic traits. Last year, its database experts looked at the banks in a new light, said
received thousands of new seed varieties. Fowler of the Global Crop Diversity Trust. “We said,
10 A well-organized system of plant banks could ‘We may have some of the best seed banks in the
be crucial in responding to climate crises world, but look at where they are: Peru, Colombia,

7 drought: a long period of time when there is little or no rain 9 harbor: to contain something and allow it to develop
8 ratify: to make an agreement officially valid by voting for or
signing it

| Reading and Writing 99

Syria, India, Ethiopia, and the Philippines.’ So a lot 21 Just as efforts to preserve biodiversity increase,
of us were asking, ‘What’s Plan B?’” economics encourages farmers to focus on fewer
16 The goal of the new global plant bank system is crops. But those seeds may contain traits that will
to protect the precious stored plant genes from prove advantageous in another place or another
the vagaries10 of climate, politics, and human error. time. Scientists at Cornell University recently
Many banks are now “in countries where the political borrowed a gene from a South American potato to
situation is not stable and it is difficult to rely on make potatoes that resist late blight, a devastating
refrigeration,” said Swennen, the biotechnics expert. disease that caused the Irish potato famine11 in
Seeds must be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius the 19th century.
(minus 4 Fahrenheit), and plant sprouts that rely on 22 “You need a system to conserve the variety so
cryo-preservation must be far colder. it doesn’t go extinct,” Fowler said. “A farmer may
17 “We are inside a mountain in the Arctic because make a bowl of porridge with the last seeds of a
we wanted a really, really safe place that operates strain that is of no use to him, and then it’s gone.
by itself,” Fowler said. And potentially those are exactly the genes we will
need a decade later.”
18 Underground in Longyearbyen, just 1,000
23 Scientists are also working to learn more about
kilometers, or 600 miles, from the North Pole,
the genetic characteristics of each banked seed—
the seeds will stay frozen regardless of power
crucial knowledge that is often not recorded.
failures. The Global Crop Diversity Trust is also
Ultimately, plant breeders will be able to consult a
funding research into methods for storing genetic
global database to find seeds with genes suitable
material from plants like bananas and coconuts
for the particular challenge confronting a region,
that cannot be stored as seed.
like corn with a stalk that is strong enough to
19 The vault was built by Norway, and its operations resist high winds or wheat that needs less water.
are financed by government and private donations, 24 “The seed vault is adding a new dimension to
including $20 million from the United Kingdom, an evolving global system,” Swennen said. “We
$12 million from Australia, $11 million from should have done it sooner. But the technology
Germany, and $6.5 million from the United States. and the global interest weren’t available.”
20 The effort to preserve a wide variety of plant genes
From “Near Arctic, Seed Vault Is a Fort Knox of Food” by Elisabeth Rosenthal, The
in banks is particularly urgent because many farms New York Times, February 28, 2008. © 2008 The New York Times. All rights reserved.
Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The
now grow just one or two crops. They are particularly printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of the Material without express
vulnerable to pests, disease, and climate change. written permission is prohibited.

10 vagaries: changes that are difficult to predict or control 11 famine: a lack of food during a long period of time in a region

Vocabulary B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and a phrase from Reading 1. Read
Skill Review
the sentences. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each
In Unit 3, you learned
to identify Latin and
bold word or phrase.
Greek roots (or stems)
in new words. As you 1. The seeds of each plant carry all of the genetic information necessary to
work through this transfer characteristics from a parent plant to a new plant.
unit, look for Latin
and Greek roots and a. related to nutrition or ingredients b. related to development or origin
use them to help
you understand 2. There are so few members of some plant species left that they are in danger
new vocabulary. of becoming extinct.
a. gone forever b. overgrown

100 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

3. The Global Seed Vault in Norway is trying to consolidate many smaller
collections of rare plant seeds and shoots from all over the world.
a. bring together in a single place
b. sell for a large amount of money

4. Some scientists worry that the loss of plants and animals all around the
world is inevitable because of global warming and human activity.
a. faster b. unavoidable

5. Fears of rapid climate change give many scientists a sense of urgency

about gathering rare seeds and shoots while there is still time.
a. immediate importance b. value
6. Natural disasters, as well as the effects of erosion over time, can lead to
the loss of a plant’s natural habitat.
a. human activities b. destruction and wearing away

7. The Global Seed Vault will play a crucial role in protecting the world’s
food crops from weather disasters and climate change.
a. small b. very important
8. Plants have even more vulnerability to climate change and natural
disasters than animals do because plants cannot move to other areas.
a. ability to protect oneself
b. openness to attack or damage
9. Seeds are stored in many different locations, but the Global Seed Vault
is a Plan B in case of disasters at other storage sites.
a. an alternative solution in case the first idea or arrangement
does not succeed
b. a single, obvious best solution to a problem
10. Food crops are always in danger from devastating diseases and
natural disasters.
a. extremely destructive and damaging
b. minor and easy to stop
11. It is important to conserve seeds and shoots so that future generations
can enjoy and use the same plants we have today.
a. plant b. look after and save

12. Many of the challenges confronting the world can be solved only through
global cooperation.
a. facing or threatening b. hiding from or tricking

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

| Reading and Writing 101

D. Based on the information in Reading 1, each of the following statements
is false. Correct the statements to make them true.

1. Plant species are disappearing quickly, but scientists and governments are
not doing much to save them.
2. The Global Seed Vault has the goal of storing seeds from North America
and Europe in case an emergency destroys any of them.
3. The United Nations International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources
created a global network for banking and sharing seeds, but it ignored the
need to study their genetic traits.
4. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change decided that plants will
be affected by global warming, but not by extreme weather events.
5. The Global Seed Vault is located in a dangerous place that is too cold to
protect seeds and plant sprouts.

6. Preserving plant genes in the Global Seed Vault won’t protect the world’s
food supply from changing climate conditions or new plant diseases.

E. Match each detail with the country it is associated with.

1. Norway a. This country is the location of the Global Seed
2. Belgium b. This country was the location of a potato
famine in the 19th century.
3. France c. This nation donated $20 million to the Global
Seed Vault.
4. Mexico d. Ninety-four percent of peas are no longer
grown here.
5. Nigeria e. Scientists in this country are searching the world
for banana samples and preserving their shoots.
6. the United States f. A typhoon hit a seed bank here, destroying
many samples.
7. Afghanistan g. Scientists in this country are searching for and
preserving coffee plant samples.
8. the Philippines h. Labs here banked cassava.
9. the United Kingdom i. Seed banks in this country were destroyed in
10. Ireland j. Labs here banked corn species.

102 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

F. Look back at Reading 1 and match each title to the most appropriate paragraph.

2 4 10 12 13 14 15 19 20 23

1. Seventy-five Percent of Plant Varieties Already Lost Paragraph

2. Organizing Previously Uncoordinated Efforts Paragraph

3. Finding Out More about Plant Genes Paragraph

4. Funding from Around the World Paragraph

5. Global Seed Vault Begins Operations Paragraph

6. Geographical Motivation for an Alternative Plan Paragraph

7. Many Seed Banks Exposed to Conflicts and Disasters Paragraph

8. Safeguarding Against Negative Climate Changes Paragraph

9. Previous Seed Banks Not Focused on Survival Paragraph

10. Farmers Growing Fewer, More Vulnerable Crops Paragraph

G. Based on the information in Reading 1, write five reasons for the creation
of the Global Seed Vault. Then put a check (✓) beside the reason you think
is the most important. Explain to a partner why you think that reason is
the most important.
ONLINE H. Go online to read the magazine interview Safeguarding the World’s
Network and check your comprehension.


A. Discuss these questions in a group.
1. Will the global partnerships formed while working on the Global Seed Vault help
the world in other ways? Why or why not?

Writing Tip
In Unit 3, you learned
about writing with
unity. As you write
your response to
Activity B, be sure to
2. Do you think the scientists and governments in the article will be successful in
preserving seeds and shoots from around the world? What are the consequences
for humanity if the Global Seed Vault project is not successful?

3. Does your home country have any unique plants or crops that aren’t found
maintain unity by
anywhere else? Should they be preserved in the Global Seed Vault? Why or
checking that each why not?
of your sentences
supports your main B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at your
idea. Quick Write on page 97 as you think about what you have learned.

| Reading and Writing 103

Reading Skill Making inferences
Writers often use facts and opinions to suggest ideas rather than giving the ideas
to the reader directly. The reader has to determine, or infer, what the writer is
saying. Making an inference is making a logical conclusion about something
based on the information that is given. Making inferences while reading a text can
improve your overall comprehension and help you become a more critical reader.
This excerpt is taken from Reading 1:
[ Bored into the middle of a snow-topped Arctic mountain, the seed vault . . .
The text doesn’t need to say exactly what kind of place is best for preserving the
world’s seeds and shoots. From the information in the excerpt, you can infer that
it is a place that needs to be safe and secure, as well as cold and far away. You
come to this conclusion because of clues such as bored, snow-topped, Arctic, and
middle of a . . . mountain.

Critical Thinking Tip

When you infer ideas

from a text, you are
using separate pieces
of information as clues
A. Match each excerpt from Reading 1 with the correct inference.

1. With plant species disappearing at an alarming rate, scientists and

or evidence to support governments are creating a global network of plant banks to store
a conclusion. This seeds and sprouts—precious genetic resources that may be needed for
analytical process shows
a deeper understanding
man to adapt the world’s food supply to climate change. (Paragraph 1)
of the material.
2. In Leuven, Belgium, scientists are scouring the world for banana
samples and cryo-preserving their shoots in liquid nitrogen before
they become extinct. (Paragraph 3)
3. Those [seed banks] in Nigeria banked cassava. (Paragraph 4)
4. Collectively they [seeds from many different countries] harbor a vast
range of characteristics, including the ability to withstand a drier,
warmer climate. (Paragraph 10)
5. Eighty percent of corn varieties that existed in the 1930s no longer
exist today, for example. In the United States, 94 percent of peas are
no longer grown. (Paragraph 12)
6. Seeds must be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius (minus 4
Fahrenheit), and plant sprouts that rely on cryo-preservation must be
far colder. (Paragraph 16)
a. These seeds are important because the genetic information they contain
will help grow food despite climate change and global warming.

104 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

b. Some food crops are more important in certain countries than others.
c. The world’s food supply is in danger.
d. Some rare varieties of important food crops are hard to find, and they are
in danger of disappearing soon.

e. Cold areas of the globe, such as the Arctic, are excellent locations for
seed banks.
f. Farmers are growing fewer varieties of crops compared to the past.

B. Read each statement. What can you infer from the information in
the statement? Write your inferences. Then compare your inferences
with a partner.

1. Statement: Bored into the middle of a snow-topped Arctic mountain,

the seed vault has as its goal the storing of every kind of seed from every
collection on the planet.
Inference: As many of the world’s seeds as possible need to be stored in a
safe place that is cold and far away.

2. Statement: Mexico is the perfect place for corn seeds to be banked.


3. Statement: Scientists cheered when the United Nations International

Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources finally created a formal global network
for banking seeds and studying their genetic traits.

4. Statement: In the Philippines, a typhoon demolished the wall of a seed

bank, destroying many valuable samples.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice making inferences.

| Reading and Writing 105

READING 2 Building the Perfect Spaceman
UNIT You are going to read an article from the weekly news magazine Maclean’s
about preparing to become an astronaut aboard the International Space
Station. Use the article to gather information and ideas for your Unit


A. PREVIEW Look ahead to quickly read only the first sentences of
paragraphs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. Then discuss with a partner what
examples of international cooperation you might find in this article.

As you read, check to confirm if your ideas are included in the article.
Writing Tip B. QUICK WRITE What kinds of international cooperation do you think
Receiving feedback are necessary for successful space exploration? Write for 5–10 minutes
from a peer can be in response. When you are finished, exchange your Quick Write with
a valuable part of
the writing process.
a partner. Give your partner advice on how to improve his or her ideas.
Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.
C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words you know. Then work with a partner
to locate each word in the reading. Use clues to help define the words
you don’t know. Check your definitions in the dictionary.

daunting (adj.) mission (n.)

devote (v.) mundane (adj.)
dominate (v.) navigate (v.)
inhabit (v.) orbit (n.)
intensively (adv.) quarantine (v.)
mediator (n.) reassemble (v.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

106 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

A. Read the article and gather information about why international
cooperation is important.

Building the Perfect Spaceman

Inside NASA’s training facility that turns mortals1 into who will blast off from Kazakhstan aboard the
astronauts, and one into spaceship commander Soyuz in December and soon after will become
by Kate Lunau the first Canadian to take command of the ISS.
Canada has invested heavily in the station, which
has been inhabited by a rotating crew since 2000,
but Canada only gets to send so many astronauts
there. For 20 years, Hadfield has worked tirelessly
to prove himself in an astronaut corps dominated
by the US and Russia. Canada has paid its dues
by contributing the robotics systems that built
and maintain the ISS, finally earning a spot for one
of its own at the controls of what Hadfield calls
“the world’s spaceship.”
3 Sandoz knew her time with Hadfield was
limited; this was his last week of training in
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield in training Houston before the launch. At 10:15 a.m.,
right on time, he breezed in3 wearing a neatly
1 FROM THE OUTSIDE, Building 9 at the NASA tucked-in polo shirt—the unofficial uniform at
Johnson Space Center, a sprawling complex on Johnson—with the crew patch of Expedition 35,
the outskirts of Houston, is nondescript2. Inside, which portrays a moonlit view of Earth from the
it’s like Willy Wonka’s factory, if Willy were a rocket ISS as the sun peeks from behind it. Assigned
scientist. The hangar-like facility is filled with to Expedition 34/35 in September 2010, he’s
robots, moon buggies, and spaceship mock-ups. been training intensively in the US, Russia, and
Robonaut, a humanoid robot with a golden head, elsewhere for the mission. It isn’t his first space
sits next to Spidernaut, a robot prototype with flight, but it will be the longest he’s spent off the
eight arched legs. There’s an Orion capsule and ground. Hadfield will be on the ISS until May,
a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. But what dominates making him only the second Canadian (after
the vast room is a full-size mock-up of the Robert Thirsk) to do a long-duration mission.
International Space Station (ISS), an Earth-orbiting 4 The list of skills to master is daunting. Hadfield
spaceship built by 15 countries, including Canada. has to be a scientist, a plumber, an electrician,
2 One recent Monday morning, astronaut trainer trilingual, a spokesperson, a mediator, an
Gwenn Sandoz waited there for Chris Hadfield, engineer, and now, of course, a commander.

1 mortals: ordinary people with little power or influence 3 breezed in: arrived in a cheerful and confident way
2 nondescript: having no unusual features

| Reading and Writing 107

“The entire partnership is trusting the vehicle, and in Star City, Russia, from 2001 to 2003,
the crew, to his good judgment and command,” says overseeing ISS crew activities. (Astronauts who
Edward Tabarah, deputy director of the astronaut travel to the ISS have to speak English and
office of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Russian; Hadfield is fluent in both. Canadians
5 On Dec. 19, Hadfield, US astronaut Tom must speak French, too.) And he was chief
Marshburn, and Russian cosmonaut Roman of robotics at the NASA Astronaut Office at
Romanenko will squeeze themselves into the Soyuz, Johnson, then chief of ISS operations.
their knees squished up to their chests. Good 9 In 1992, the CSA assigned Hadfield to the
weather, bad weather, the Soyuz almost always Johnson Space Center, home to NASA’s astronaut
leaves on schedule. Two days after they blast off, corps. Active Canadian and Japanese astronauts
they’ll arrive at the ISS, joining a crew of three other are based here permanently, and those from the
astronauts already there. Until March, Hadfield European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia come
is the mission flight engineer. He then assumes frequently to train. Fresh recruits spend two years
command. in basic astronaut training. Preparing for a mission
6 As he prepared to leave Houston for a last to the ISS can take another 2 1/2 years.
visit to Canada—then on to Germany for more 10 In the years Hadfield has spent training for
training—Hadfield was his usual affable4 self, but this mission, mainly split between Russia and
with an undercurrent5 of intensity people around Houston, even the most mundane aspects of life
him noticed: he was wearing the weight of command. on the ISS have been endlessly rehearsed. In one
“I’ve devoted my whole life to being in a position five-hour drill, which consumed a recent Tuesday
where, at 53 years old, somebody would say, ‘We afternoon, Hadfield, Marshburn, and Romanenko
want you to command our spaceship,’” Hadfield convened7 at Building 9 for a “daily ops” session,
remarked one evening, sitting in the giant ISS essentially a day in the life of the station. Hadfield
mock-up after a busy day of training, “and I could took apart and reassembled the toilet. (Urine
say, ‘Okay. I know what I need to do.’” on the ISS is recycled into drinking water.) This
7 Hadfield, who was selected as one of four training is important because life on the ISS is
new Canadian astronauts in 1992—beating out unpredictable. For example, on Sept. 5, American
about 5,330 hopefuls—has been into space astronaut Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide,
twice. In 1995, he was the first Canadian mission from Japan, ventured out on a six-hour spacewalk
specialist on a NASA space shuttle mission, to fix a failing component, one that carries power
visiting the Russian space station Mir, and the from the space station’s solar arrays to its systems.
first Canadian to operate the Canadarm6 in orbit. The culprit8, a faulty bolt, seemed to be jammed,
In 2001, on an 11-day space shuttle flight to so they used an improvised tool—a toothbrush—to
the ISS to deliver and install the Canadarm2, clear the blockage.
Hadfield performed two spacewalks, another 11 Hadfield acknowledged the space program
first for Canada. He spent more than 14 hours “goes in waves.” We’re currently in a dip. In 2011,
outside, traveling around Earth 10 times. (The NASA’s 30-year space-shuttle program ended,
ISS circles the world 16 times per day.) leaving the Russians with the only viable way
8 He was also NASA’s director of operations of getting astronauts to the ISS. (The U.S. has
at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre encouraged commercial companies to develop

4 affable: pleasant, friendly, and easy to talk to 7 convene: to come together for a formal meeting
5 undercurrent: a hidden feeling whose effects are felt 8 culprit: a thing responsible for causing a problem
6 Canadarm: a large robotic arm used to move, capture, and
release objects in outer space

108 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

new ways of bringing humans to low-Earth orbit.) Four days before departure, the astronauts’
The station is scheduled to be decommissioned families will arrive with Jeremy Hansen, the crew
in 2020, although many expect that to be extended. support astronaut, whose job is to escort them
But while President Obama has talked about to the launch site and help them navigate the
sending space explorers to asteroids or to Mars, process. After a thorough health screening,
in this age of cutbacks, such missions sound like Hadfield’s immediate family will be allowed a short
science fiction. “Saying we’ll go to Mars in 15 or visit. Extended family can see him through a glass
20 years, that’s saying some other president, divider. Then he’s gone, off to the International
budget, and Congress,” says astrophysicist Space Station.
Adam Frank, who blogs about the cosmos and 13 When asked what he’ll miss most aboard the
culture for National Public Radio. “We need ISS, Hadfield cites the basics like being able to
somebody to say 10 years. That’s what Kennedy drive out for a slice of pizza on a whim. Then he
did with the moon.” becomes more somber. “The contact,” he says.
12 Two weeks before the launch, Hadfield, “This is a scientific monastery. It’s not normal
Marshburn, and Romanenko will arrive in human life where you hug somebody, or can
Kazakhstan and be quarantined with a small be with your family. I’ll miss that.” He shrugs.
entourage of others, including Tabarah. “But for me it’s all part of the same life.”

B. VOCABULARY Complete each sentence with one of the vocabulary words

from Reading 2. You may need to change the form of the word or phrase
to make the sentence grammatically correct.

daunting (adj.) inhabit (v.) mission (n.) orbit (n.)

devote (v.) intensively (adv.) mundane (adj.) quarantine (v.)
dominate (v.) mediator (n.) navigate (v.) reassemble (v.)

1. Space station commanders must themselves to the

welfare of their crews. As a result, safety has to be their number one concern.

2. Astronauts have to know how to take apart and

equipment on the International Space Station in case it needs to be repaired.

3. The International Space Station is usually by a crew

of six people.

4. While many people are attracted to the idea of becoming an astronaut,

there are many dangers involved, and the idea of spending so many days
in space can be .

5. Crew members preparing to travel to the International Space Station are

so that they don’t become sick before the big journey.

| Reading and Writing 109

6. When people are working together in a small space like the
International Space Station, it is important to have someone acting as a
who can help the crew avoid arguments.

7. One of the future to the International Space Station

is going to include the international recording artist Sarah Brightman.

8. Having an astronaut as part of the family can be very complicated, but

NASA provides support to help families the situation.

9. People who want to become astronauts have to study

in order to master the necessary science, math, and languages.

10. Although life on the International Space Station seems adventurous, there
are still many tasks that have to be performed, such
as cooking and cleaning.

11. The training facility was by a huge pool that took up

all the space in the building.

12. The International Space Station is located in low-Earth ,

and it circles the planet about 16 times per day.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Number the main ideas in the order they are presented in Reading 2.

a. The space program has good times and bad times.

b. Boring duties on the International Space Station must be practiced
many times.
c. Canada has contributed much to the International Space Station.
d. While the exterior of the NASA Johnson Space Center is quite plain,
the interior resembles a fictional fantasy place made up of many
strange-looking things.
e. There are many skills that have to be learned in order to become an
International Space Station commander.
f. Hadfield’s experience makes him ready to command and know what
to do in almost any situation.

110 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

E. Match each detail with the main idea (a–f in Activity D) that it supports.
There are two supporting details for each main idea.

1. The mission depends on Hadfield’s sound decisions and ability to

2. The plan is to stop using the International Space Station after the
year 2020.
3. The Robonaut looks like a human with a golden head.
4. Canada contributed to the International Space Station mainly in the
field of robotics.
5. Hadfield has many abilities, including being a scientist, plumber,
electrician, and more.
6. Hadfield has operated the Canadarm in space.
7. Canada can send only a limited number of astronauts to the
International Space Station.
8. Hadfield put a toilet back together after taking it apart.
9. The room is filled by a life-size model of the International Space Station.

10. Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide fixed part of the International
Space Station with a toothbrush.
11. Hadfield has been on spacewalks.

12. The space shuttle program has ended, and Russians have the only
way to get to the International Space Station.

F. Based on the information in Reading 2, what has each of the following

countries contributed to the International Space Station? You may have
to infer a county’s contribution. Include as many ideas as you can.

1. The United States:

2. Russia:

3. Canada:
4. Kazakhstan:

5. Germany:
6. Japan:

| Reading and Writing 111

G. Match the following people in Reading 2 with the statements that best
describe them.

a. Chris Hadfield c. Roman Romanenko e. Edward Tabarah

b. Akihiko Hoshide d. Gwenn Sandoz f. Robert Thirsk

1. An official in the Canadian Space Agency who comments on Hadfield’s

command and is together with Hadfield just before his mission.
2. The first Canadian to spend a long time in space on a mission.

3. An astronaut trainer who worked with Hadfield to help prepare him

for his mission.
4. A Canadian astronaut with many years of experience preparing to become
the commander of Expedition 35 to the International Space Station.
5. A Russian cosmonaut who is going to the International Space Station
with Hadfield.
6. An astronaut who fixed a broken part of the International Space
Station with a toothbrush during a six-hour spacewalk.

H. Answer the following questions based on the information in Reading 2.

You will have to infer some of your answers.

1. Why does Hadfield call the International Space Station the world’s

2. Why does Hadfield have to master so many skills?

3. Why does Hadfield have to be trilingual, including English, Russian, and


4. Why do the astronauts and cosmonauts come from different countries?

112 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

5. Why did Hadfield have to take apart and reassemble a toilet?

6. Why did Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide improvise with a

toothbrush to fix the faulty bolt and clear out the blockage?

7. What does Hadfield mean by saying the space program “goes in waves?”

8. Why is the US encouraging commercial companies to find ways of

transporting people to low-Earth orbit?

9. Why does a mission to Mars seem like science fiction?

10. What does Hadfield mean by saying that the International Space Station
is like a scientific monastery?

11. What examples of global cooperation are found in Reading 2?


A. Discuss the questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 106 as you think about what you have learned.

1. What kinds of challenges do you think you would face if you were working
on a collaborative global project like the International Space Station?
Would you be successful working on a project like this?
2. Is global cooperation necessary for a project like the International Space
Station to be successful? Why or why not?
3. Could the resources being used for the International Space Station be put
to better use? In your opinion, what projects are more important than the
International Space Station? Why?

| Reading and Writing 113

B. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. Which do you think is a better example of global cooperation—the Global

Seed Vault or the International Space Station? Why?
2. Do you think there will be more of these sorts of global initiatives in the
future? Why or why not?

Vocabulary Skill Prefixes

Tip for Success Understanding the meanings of the different parts of a word is an important
way to build vocabulary. A prefix can be added to the beginning of a word to
Apply new ideas
to information you change or add meaning, or to create an entirely new word. For instance, the un- in
have already learned. unhappy changes the root word, happy, to mean its opposite. Another example
For example, while is tele- (over a long distance; far) and the word vision (the ability to see). They
studying prefixes,
remember what combine to create the word for a piece of electronic equipment with a screen to
you learned about watch moving pictures (television). Use a dictionary to learn more about various
Latin and Greek prefixes. For example, in this dictionary entry for co-, you learn that it can be used
roots in Unit 4.
with a variety of root words and in different parts of speech. It adds the meaning
of “together with” to the root word.

co- /koʊ/ prefix (used in adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and

verbs) together with: co-produced x cooperatively x co-author

In this dictionary entry for mal-, you learn that this prefix can also be used with a
variety of root words and in different parts of speech.

mal- /mæl/ combining form (in nouns, verbs, and adjectives)

bad or badly; not correct or correctly: malpractice
x malodorous x malfunction

All dictionary entries are from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learners of English © Oxford University Press 2011.

114 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

A. Write the correct prefix from the box next to its definition below and
on page 116. Then write as many words as you know that can use each
prefix and their parts of speech. Check your answers in a dictionary and
add to the chart if possible.

bio- dis- im- mal- non-

cryo- geo- inter- multi- re-

Possible parts
Prefix Definition Possible words of speech
1. multi- more than one; many multicolored, nouns, adjectives

2. not

3. involving the
use of very low

4. (also il- / in- / ir-) not;

the opposite of

5. of the earth

6. again

7. between; from one

to another

8. bad or badly; not

correct or correctly

| Reading and Writing 115

Possible parts
Prefix Definition Possible words of speech
9. not; the opposite of

10. connected with living

things or human life

B. Complete each sentence with the correct prefix from the chart.

1. When parts of the Soyuz spacecraft break down, they need to be

re placed before the Soyuz can travel to the International Space Station.

2. Some scientists use -preservation to store banana plant shoots.

3. The design of the Soyuz spacecraft is so strong that even if there are a couple
of functions, the crew will most likely land safely on Earth.

4. One of the main goals of the Global Seed Vault is to preserve the
diversity of the world’s edible plant species.

5. The scientists working on the International Space Station don’t worry

about politics because it’s their job to solve engineering problems.

6. The Global Seed Vault is run by a(n) profit group.

7. The space station was built by a(n) national partnership.

8. The governmental panel came to the conclusion that extreme

weather events were going to increase in the future.

9. The age of the Soyuz spacecraft is material because its design is robust.

10. Plant species are appearing at a very fast rate all around the world.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with prefixes.

116 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an essay describing the importance of
global cooperation. This essay will include information from the readings, the
unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Organizing supporting ideas

Tip for Success A piece of writing is coherent when the ideas are organized in a logical way. The
order of ideas and supporting ideas depends on the writer’s subject and purpose.
Expository writing
fully explains and Three of the most common methods of organization are explained below.
describes an author’s
ideas on a subject. Specificity
Classification writing
puts people, things, Specificity works well with descriptive essays, expository writing, and
or ideas into groups. classification essays.
• Organize your ideas from the more general to the more specific.
• Give one or more general ideas with increasingly specific supporting ideas,
facts, and examples.

This form of organization works well with persuasive essays, comparison and
contrast essays, and business letters.
• Organize your ideas from the least to the most important. Readers tend
to remember best what they read last. This organization strengthens your
argument by building up to the strongest ideas.

Time organization works well with process essays, narrative essays, cause and
effect essays, case studies, biographies, book reports, and short stories.
• Follow a chronological order.
• Organize your information from the past to the present or from the
present to the past.
• Organize a process from the beginning to the end or from the end to
the beginning.

| Reading and Writing 117

A. Look at the brief outlines for short paragraphs answering the question
“What is a good example of global cooperation?” Decide if the ideas
have been organized according to specificity, emphasis, or time.

1. Type of organization:
Global Polio Eradication Initiative
a. In 1988, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution to eradicate polio.
b. Nelson Mandela started the Kick Polio Out of Africa campaign in 1996.
c. The service club Rotary International had raised $500 million in the
fight against polio by 2003.
d. In 2004, 23 countries in west and central Africa immunized more than
80 million children.
2. Type of organization:
The World Health Organization (WHO)
a. The WHO works towards the highest possible levels of health for people
around the world.
b. It supports the development and strengthening of health systems in
every country.
c. It sets health standards for health systems to follow.
d. It carries out worldwide campaigns for people to eat healthier food.
3. Type of organization:
International Migratory Bird Day
a. International Migratory Bird Day is celebrated in Canada, the United
States, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.
b. This day can involve bird walks and presentations.
c. People learn about threats to migratory birds on this day.
d. By raising public awareness of migratory birds, people can save them
from danger and extinction.

B. WRITING MODEL Read this response to an essay question on a political

science test. Then answer the questions with a partner.

What is a good example of global cooperation?

International peace parks are a fences between the countries in the
good example of global cooperation. parks, and animals are free to move
An increasing number of peace parks wherever they want in the park. Three
can be found all over the world. peace parks in particular illustrate
International peace parks are protected how these sorts of global initiatives
areas that are located on the borders can bring different countries closer
of two or more countries. There are no together.

118 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

The first peace park in the world, Finally, the first peace park in Africa,
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, was
Park, was established in 1932. It lies founded on May 12, 2000, between
on the border between the United Botswana and South Africa. These two
States and Canada, and it was created countries currently work together to
as a symbol of friendship and peace manage the park as a single ecological
between these two countries. The unit. Kgalagadi is a large wildlife reserve
United Nations Educational, Scientific in which people are also able to move
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) freely across the international borders.
recognizes this park as a biosphere International peace parks such
reserve and a World Heritage Site. as Waterton-Glacer, La Amistad, and
Another peace park that is also Kgalagadi show that global cooperation
a UNESCO World Heritage Site is is possible. Because of these successful
located in Central America. La Amistad examples, the number of international
International Park is shared by Costa peace parks is sure to increase in the
Rica and Panama, and it was created future. It is hoped that people and
in 1988. It is very remote, and Costa organizations around the world will
Rica and Panama work together to continue to promote the collaboration of
manage the park and maintain its different governments in the creation of
fragile tropical environment. more transfrontier parks like these.

1. What is the main idea of this essay?

2. What are the supporting ideas for the main idea?

3. How are the supporting ideas organized?

4. Is the organization of the supporting ideas effective? Why or why not?

5. Is there another way the supporting ideas could have been organized? If so,
what is it?

Tip for Success

When answering an
essay question on a
test, write out your
thesis statement
C. Complete these steps to write a brief outline for a paragraph on the topic
What is a good example of global cooperation?

1. Decide on a good example of global cooperation that you are familiar with.
first, before you start 2. Brainstorm a list of five to six ideas that support your choice as a good
writing your essay. example of global cooperation.
This will help you
organize your ideas
and ensure you are
3. Check (✓) the three or four ideas that you are going to use in your outline.
happy with the most
important sentence 4. Decide if you are going to organize your ideas according to specificity,
of your essay. emphasis, or time.
5. Number your ideas in the order that you want to include them in your outline.

| Reading and Writing 119

D. WRITING MODEL During an essay exam, a student wrote the following
response to the question, “Why is global cooperation important?” Read
the essay. Then answer the questions that follow.

The Importance of Global Cooperation

Because of globalization, it is now including exchanging information and
easier than ever to share information conducting research. These countries
and trade goods all around the world. have been very successful in reducing
Rapid advances in information and the harmful elements that cause acid
communications technology have rain. For example, according to
resulted in what seems to be a much Environment Canada, sulphur dioxide
smaller world. One of the main benefits emissions that cause acid rain have
of a shrinking world is that global been reduced by 57% in Canada and
cooperation is now much easier. 67% in the United States since 1990.
Global cooperation is very important By working together, Canada and the
because it can help countries solve US are protecting the environment on
problems that cannot be solved by both sides of the border.
one country alone, and it can promote Global cooperation does not just
peace and understanding between help to preserve the environment. It can
different nations. also promote peace among different
Global cooperation is vital because countries. The European Union provides
many of the world’s problems cannot a good example of former enemies
be solved without help from other now working together. This cooperation
countries. Take, for example, the started in the 1950s, when six European
environment. There are, unfortunately, countries, including France and Germany,
many environmental problems that created the European Coal and Steel
affect the entire planet today. However, Community, which fostered economic
countries can work together to solve cooperation in those industries. Soon,
these environmental problems. At the another agreement was signed, in 1957,
world-wide level, the United Nations to create a common market in Europe.
Environmental Programme (UNEP) Countries in the common market
coordinates international efforts that stopped charging customs duties when
affect the land, sea, and air for the trading with other member countries.
192 member states of the United Agricultural cooperation also began
Nations. The UNEP promotes around this time. The success of the
sustainability for the entire planet’s European Common Market encouraged
environment. At a more regional more countries to join, and in 1973
level, the United States and Canada there were a total of nine members,
are working together to fight the including the United Kingdom. By 1979
air pollution that leads to acid rain. there was a European Parliament,
These two countries are members whose members were elected directly
of an international joint commission by the citizens of the member countries.
that has agreed to work on air quality. More countries continued to join in the
They do this in a number of ways, 1980s, and by 1993 there was a single

120 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

market for all members. The cooperation through global cooperation. Peaceful
continued with the introduction of the coexistence is also promoted through
euro, with 12 countries using this countries working together. These two
currency in 2002. Now, people and examples demonstrate the importance
money can move freely throughout the of global cooperation. The planet is
European Union, and former World War II sure to face more challenges in the
enemies now live in peace. future, but if countries can collaborate
Major world problems such as air on the solutions, the problems are
pollution and acid rain are best solved sure to be overcome.

1. What is the main idea introduced in the introductory paragraph?

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

3. What supporting ideas are included in the second paragraph?

4. Have the supporting ideas in the second paragraph been organized

according to specificity, emphasis, or time?

5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

6. What supporting ideas are included in the third paragraph?

7. Have the supporting ideas in the third paragraph been organized

according to specificity, emphasis, or time?

8. What is the conclusion in the last paragraph?

ONLINE E. Go online for more practice with organizing supporting ideas.

| Reading and Writing 121

Grammar Parallel structure and ellipsis
When words, phrases, and clauses are used in a series in the same sentence, they
should have parallel structure. That is, they should have the same grammatical
form. Using parallel structure makes it easier for the reader to understand a text,
especially when a sentence is more complex or contains several supporting points.
Dedication and tolerance are two things people need if they want to cooperate.
Adjective + noun
Those who work side by side with their Russian counterparts say that
strong relationships and mutual respect have resulted from the many
years of collaboration.

When you use parallel structure, you often omit words that are repeated in a
phrase or sentence. This is called ellipsis. You can use ellipsis with modals or verb
forms that have auxiliary verbs, such as the present continuous or present perfect.
In parallel structure, the auxiliary verbs are usually omitted.
Modal could
A collaborative space program could build greater understanding, promote
world peace, and improve scientific knowledge.
Present perfect auxiliary verb have
Scientists have identified and solved several problems related to the Global
Seed Vault.

A. Read each sentence. Underline and correct each error in parallel


1. The French scientists are taking part in an expedition to the Amazon rain
forest, a conference in Rio de Janeiro, and discussing with Brazilian coffee
farmers. a discussion

2. Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts are working on

experiments, build new space station modules, and learning together.
3. The scientists cataloged the seeds, cryo-preserved the shoots, and have sent
them to the Global Seed Vault.
4. Global warming has many people worried, feeling concerned, and
frustrated about the future.

5. The rusty launch site, abandoned buildings, and uneven sidewalks are
surprising to Americans because of the dependability, famous, and
prestige of the Russian space program.

122 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?

B. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use parallel structure.

1. The Global Seed Vault is an important resource that could save many plants,

2. Future global collaborations should focus on promoting peace,


3. Peace parks encourage global cooperation,


4. The World Health Organization has monitored health problems,


5. Global cooperation is important in order to fight poverty,


ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with parallel structure and ellipsis.
D. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write an essay

UNIT In this assignment, you will write an essay that answers the Unit Question,
“Why is global cooperation important?” Use information from Reading 1,
Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your ideas.
Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist on page 124.

;Q-~1Go-to the
-Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.


A. BRAINSTORM Based on the readings and your own personal knowledge, think
about why global cooperation is important or why international cooperation is
not important. Record your best two or three main ideas. Provide two or three

supporting ideas or details for each main idea.
B. PLAN Review Activity A and decide which information you want to include
in your answer. Then complete these tasks to organize your ideas.

1. Check (✓) the method of organizing your ideas that fits best with the
information you plan to include in your essay.
■ specificity
□ ■ emphasis
□ ■ time

| Reading and Writing 123

iQ-ONLINE 2. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete your outline of
your essay based on the method you have chosen. Plan a four- or five-
paragraph essay, depending on the number of main ideas you have to
support your thesis statement.


C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your essay. Go to iQ Online to use
the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write an essay answering the Unit Question, “Why is global cooperation

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s essay. Then go online and use the Peer
Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your essay.

C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the
final draft of your essay. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Is there a logical order to the main ideas?

□ ■
□ Is there a logical order to the supporting ideas?

□ ■
□ Are parallel structure and ellipsis used correctly?

□ ■
□ Are there words with prefixes?

□ ■
□ Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—Why is global cooperation important? Is
your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes, how is it
different? Why?

124 UNIT 4 | Why is global cooperation important?


Circle the words you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

erosion confront crucial
mediator conserve daunting
mission consolidate devastating
orbit devote extinct
Plan B dominate genetic
urgency inhabit inevitable
vulnerability navigate mundane
quarantine Adverb
reassemble intensively

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can make inferences. (p. 104)

VOCABULARY I can use prefixes. (p. 114)
WRITING I can organize supporting ideas. (p. 117)
GRAMMAR I can use parallel structure and ellipsis. (p. 122)

I can gather information and ideas to write

OBJECTIVE an essay about the importance of global

| Reading and Writing 125


READING following ideas

VOCABULARY using the dictionary: verb complements
GRAMMAR passive voice to focus information
WRITING connecting information
Urban Planning


What makes
a public place

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.

1. What public places do you spend time in (for example, parks,
libraries, banks, or malls)?

2. Does your hometown or the town where you are living now
have many public places you can walk to? What are they?
3. Look at the photo. How can art affect a public place like a
subway station? Why would a city plan a station like this?

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer these


1. How did the students answer the question?

2. Do you agree with their ideas? Why or why not?

ONLINE C Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the Unit
Question with your classmates.

126 UNIT 5
UNIT Read an article from The Economist and an article from
The New York Times. Gather information and ideas to
write an analysis essay that evaluates a public place
and suggests how it may be improved.

D If you were designing a new library for your town or school, how
important would each feature be? Complete the questionnaire.
Circle the number that best corresponds to your opinion, from 1
(Not at all important) to 5 (Very important).

What do you want in

your new library?

Not at all Very

Feature important (1) important (5)

1. Wireless Internet (WiFi) access 1 2 3 4 5

2. Lots of windows and views 1 2 3 4 5

3. E-books and tablets 1 2 3 4 5

4. Places to work in a group 1 2 3 4 5

5. Coffee shop 1 2 3 4 5

6. Access to public transportation 1 2 3 4 5

7. Bright colors 1 2 3 4 5

8. Your idea: 1 2 3 4 5

Write your three most important features:

E In a group, discuss your answers for Activity D and explain the reasons
for your choices. As a group, agree on the three most important features.
Present your group’s top three features to the class.

128 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?


READING 1 The New Oases

UNIT You are going to read an article from the news magazine The Economist
that describes a change in the design of public places caused by modern
technology and lifestyles. Use the article to gather information and ideas
for your Unit Assignment.

Reading Skill Following ideas

When you read longer texts from newspapers, magazines, and books, you often
have to follow complicated ideas and understand how the ideas develop. It is
important not just to recognize these ideas, but also to understand how they
connect to present a story or argument. Here are some tips that can help you
follow ideas through a text:
When you see a pronoun (it, they, them, her, who, which, etc.), make sure you
know the referent (the noun that the pronoun replaces). Find the referent by
scanning back in the text.

[ The new library is a beautiful building. It is light, open, and welcoming.

Demonstrative pronouns such as this and these usually refer to the last idea, not
just the last noun (for example, the last sentence or the entire last paragraph).
Stop and ask yourself this question: What was the idea?

[ Many students rely on their laptops. This means that they can work anywhere.
A sentence or paragraph might begin with a word or phrase that acts as a
summary of the previous idea. Often, the word is a different part of speech (for
example, a noun instead of a verb).
When you see a summary word or phrase, check that you understood the last
idea and expect examples, supporting details, or a new topic to come next. In this
example, “This shift” refers to the change in the design of public buildings. Details
regarding the change follow.

The design of public buildings has changed. This shift can be seen
[ everywhere, from university libraries to public parks.

| Reading and Writing 129

Critical Thinking Tip

Activity A asks
you to recognize
the referent for
each pronoun.
A. Read the paragraph about an urban designer named Ray Oldenburg.
Write the referent below each bold word or phrase.

Ray Oldenburg is an urban sociologist from Florida who writes about the
To understand 1
complicated texts,
you must understand
prior information
and apply your
importance of informal public gathering places. In his book The Great Good
knowledge of

Place, Oldenburg demonstrates why these places are essential to community


and public life. The book argues that coffee shops, general stores, and other

“third places” (in contrast to the first and second places of home and work)

are central to improving communities. By exploring how these places work


and what roles they serve, Oldenburg offers tools and insight for individuals

and communities everywhere.

Source: Adapted from Ray Oldenburg. Project for Public Spaces. Retrieved October 12, 2010, from http://www.pps.org/

B. Complete each second sentence with a noun from the box. Your choices should
reflect the meaning of the phrases in bold in the first sentence.

concept spaces problem shift term

1. In recent years, more effort has gone into the design of public places. These
function as an alternative to the home and the office.

2. Today, more people are using smart phones and tablet computers for business.
This makes the traditional office seem old-fashioned.

3. It has been nearly two decades since Oldenburg first used the expression third
places. Since then, many companies have used the to
describe their stores and restaurants.
130 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?
4. Oldenburg believes that third places could strengthen a community.
This has been a powerful motivation for many urban

5. Sometimes people in third places interact with just their computers,

not other people. Some café owners are trying to solve this

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice following ideas.


A. PREVIEW Look at the photograph on page 133. It shows the Stata
Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a university
in the US. What do you think people do in this building? Write three
predictions. After you have read the article, check to see if your
predictions were correct.




B. QUICK WRITE What makes public places like university buildings and
libraries attractive and functional for you? Write for 5–10 minutes in
response. Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words you know. Then work with a partner
to locate each word in the reading. Use clues to help define the words
you don’t know. Check your definitions in the dictionary.

controversy (n.) in decline (phr.) neutral (adj.)

encounter (v.) intentionally (adv.) nomadic (adj.)
form bonds (phr.) isolated (adj.) pop up (phr. v.)
hybrid (adj.) mingle (v.) specialized (adj.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 131

A. Read the article and gather information on what makes a public place appealing.

The New Oases

1 Frank Gehry, a celebrity architect, likes to cause The fact that people are no longer tied to
aesthetic controversy, and his Stata Center at specific places for functions such as studying or
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) learning, says Mr. Mitchell, means that there is
did the trick. Opened in 2004 and housing MIT’s “a huge drop in demand for traditional, private,
computer-science and philosophy departments enclosed spaces” such as offices or classrooms,
behind its façade1 of bizarre angles and windows, and simultaneously “a huge rise in demand
it has become a new landmark. But the building’s for semi-public spaces that can be informally
most radical innovation is on the inside. The entire appropriated to ad-hoc3 workspaces.” This shift,
structure was conceived with the nomadic he thinks, amounts to the biggest change in
lifestyles of modern students and faculty in mind. architecture in this century. In the 20th century,
Stata, says William Mitchell, a professor of architecture was about specialized structures—
architecture and computer science at MIT who offices for working, cafeterias for eating, and
worked with Mr. Gehry on the center’s design, so forth. This was necessary because workers
was conceived as a new kind of “hybrid space.” needed to be near things such as landline
2 This is best seen in the building’s “student phones, fax machines, and filing cabinets.
street,” an interior passage that twists and 4 The new architecture, says Mr. Mitchell, will
meanders through the “make spaces intentionally multifunctional.”
complex and is open to Architects are thinking about
the public 24 hours a day. light, air, trees, and gardens,
It is dotted with nooks
and crannies2. Cafés and

Flexibility is what
separates successful
all in the service of human
connections. Buildings will
have much more varied
lounges are interspersed spaces and cities from
with work desks and shapes than before. For
unsuccessful ones.
whiteboards, and there
is free Wi-Fi everywhere.
” instance, people working on
laptops and tablets find it
comforting to have their backs
Students, teachers, and visitors are cramming
for exams, napping, instant-messaging, to a wall, so hybrid spaces may become
researching, reading, and discussing. No part curvier, with more nooks, in order to maximize
of the student street is physically specialized the surface area of their inner walls.
for any of these activities. Instead, every bit 5 This “flexibility is what separates successful
of it can instantaneously become the venue spaces and cities from unsuccessful ones,”
for a seminar, a snack, or relaxation. says Anthony Townsend, an urban planner at

1 façade: the front of a building 3 ad hoc: arranged or happening when necessary and not
2 nooks and crannies: small, quiet places that are sheltered or planned in advance
hidden from other people

132 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

the Institute for the Future. America’s, were moving only
Almost any public space between their first and second
can assume some of these places, making extra stops only
features. For example, a at alienating6 and anonymous
not-for-profit organization in locations such as malls, which
New York has turned Bryant in Mr. Oldenburg’s opinion fail
Park, a once-derelict4 but as third places. Society, Mr.
charming garden in front of Oldenburg feared, was at risk
the city’s public library, into of coming unstuck without
a hybrid space popular with these venues for spreading
office workers. The park’s ideas and forming bonds.
managers noticed that a lot 8 No sooner was the term
of visitors were using mobile coined than big business
phones and laptops in the queued up to claim that it was
park, so they installed Wi- building new third places. The
Fi and added some chairs most prominent was Starbucks,
with foldable lecture desks. a chain of coffee houses that
The idea was not to distract interior “student street” of the Stata Center started in Seattle and is now
people from the flowers of MIT hard to avoid anywhere.
but to let them customize Starbucks admits that as it went global, it lost
their little bit of the park. its ambiance7 of a “home away from home.”
6 The academic name for such spaces is However, it has also spotted a new opportunity
third places, a term originally coined by the in catering to nomads. Its branches offer not
sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his 1989 book only sofas but also desks with convenient
The Great Good Place. At the time, long before electricity sockets. Bookshops are also offering
mobile technologies became widespread, Mr. “more coffee and crumbs,” as Mr. Oldenburg
Oldenburg wanted to distinguish between the puts it, as are YMCAs8 and public libraries.
sociological functions of people’s first places 9 But do these oases for nomads actually play the
(their homes), their second places (offices), and social role of third places? James Katz at Rutgers
the public spaces that serve as safe, neutral, and University fears that cyber-nomads are “hollowing
informal meeting points. As Mr. Oldenburg saw it, them out.” It is becoming commonplace for a café
a good third place makes admission free or to be full of people with headphones on, speaking
cheap—the price of a cup of coffee, say—offers on their mobile phones or laptops and hacking
creature comforts5, is within walking distance away at their keyboards, more engaged with their
for a particular neighborhood, and draws a group email inbox than with the people touching their
of regulars. elbows. These places are “physically inhabited
7 Mr. Oldenburg’s thesis was that third places but psychologically evacuated,” says Mr. Katz,
were in general decline. More and more people, which leaves people feeling “more isolated than
especially in suburban societies such as they would be if the café were merely empty.”

4 derelict: not used or cared for and in bad condition 6 alienating: making you feel as if you do not belong
5 creature comforts: things that make life, or a particular 7 ambiance: the character and atmosphere of a place
place, comfortable, such as good food, comfortable (also ambience)
furniture, or modern equipment 8 YMCA (The Young Men’s Christian Association): an
association-run community and sports center

| Reading and Writing 133

also planning to turn his café into an online social
A Third Place . . . network so that patrons opening their browsers
• is not expensive, or is free; to connect encounter a welcome page that asks
• usually offers food or drink; them to fill out a short profile and then see
• is easily accessible to many people; information about the people at the other tables.

• has “regulars” (people who go there often); 11 As more third places pop up and spread,
they also change entire cities. Just as buildings
• has a friendly atmosphere; and
during the 20th century were specialized by
• is a good place to meet old friends and function, towns were as well, says Mr. Mitchell.
new people. Suburbs were for living, downtowns for working,
and other areas for playing. But urban nomads
10 Many café owners are trying to deal with this make districts, like buildings, multifunctional.
problem. Christopher Waters, the owner of the Parts of town that were monocultures, he says,
Nomad Café in Oakland, regularly hosts poetry gradually become “fine-grained mixed-use
readings, and he actually turns off the Wi-Fi at neighborhoods” more akin9 in human terms to
those times so that people mingle more. He is pre-industrial villages than to modern suburbs.

9 akin: similar to

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 1. Read
the sentences. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each
bold word or phrase.

Vocabulary 1. Frank Gehry likes to create controversy to get people discussing his
Skill Review challenging, modern style of architecture.
In Unit 4, you learned a. fun b. disagreement c. harmony
about prefixes
that change the
meaning of words. 2. College students lead a nomadic lifestyle; every day they move among
Which words in dormitories, classroom buildings, and libraries.
Activity B can you a. traveling often b. being busy c. working hard
modify with a prefix
to give them the
opposite meaning? 3. The new building is a hybrid space suitable for both work and play.
a. different b. mixed-use c. beautiful
4. The building’s design is not specialized, so it can easily be adapted to
different purposes.
a. made for a b. unusual c. finished
particular use
5. To create a sense of community, city officials intentionally created a place
where people could sit and work during their lunch hour.
a. then b. accidentally c. deliberately

134 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

6. A good public space should be safe, neutral, and informal.
a. brightly colored b. open only for c. open for
some people all people
7. The city needs to spend more money downtown because many older
buildings are in decline.
a. being offered for sale b. getting worse c. being used
8. A community is stronger when people care about each other and form bonds.
a. work together b. play sports c. develop relationships

9. Customers in many coffee shops never talk to other people there, so they
feel isolated.
a. alone b. intelligent c. private
10. In good public places, people can mingle, getting to know new people if
they want.
a. sit together b. make noise c. mix and chat

11. If possible, architects should design places so that visitors encounter a

welcoming atmosphere in any public space.
a. meet with b. hope for c. appreciate

12. New public places pop up all the time in growing cities.
a. get larger b. appear suddenly c. fail

Barclay’s Center, Brooklyn, NY

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

| Reading and Writing 135

D. Complete this outline of the main ideas in the article. Use the Reading
Skill (Following ideas, page 129) to help you.

the Stata Center at MIT Bryant Park in New York City

Example 1: Stata Center Example 2:

A space A customizable space

Used for Not only a park but also


Academic term:


Oldenburg thought they were .


New third places were built by .


Problem: .


Conclusion: Third places change cities.

Districts become (like the Stata Center).


136 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

E. Read the statements. Write T (true), F (false), or I (impossible to know
from the article). Write the number of the paragraph that helped you.
Correct the false statements.

1. Gehry’s design is popular with everyone. (Paragraph: )

2. There is no need to make a formal appointment to use an area in the
“student street” for a meeting. (Paragraph: )

3. Buildings in the 20th century followed a limited number of forms.

(Paragraph: )

4. Curved walls will become more common because they increase the
amount of possible meeting space. (Paragraph: )
5. Future construction will use more color inside buildings.
(Paragraph: )

6. The term third spaces was first created by an architect. (Paragraph: )

7. Oldenburg blamed technology for the lack of third places.
(Paragraph: )

8. At Christopher Waters’s café, customers cannot use Wi-Fi at any

time. (Paragraph: )

F. The article describes three reactions to three modern problems.

Complete the chart with details from the article. Write the numbers of
the paragraphs where you found the information.

Problem Solution Paragraph(s)

1. Classrooms Spaces were specialized
and office because workers needed
buildings access to landline phones
and other equipment.

2. Bryant Park

3. Starbucks

| Reading and Writing 137

G. Circle the correct answers. Write a reason for your answer using
information from the article.

1. Why does the “student street” in the Stata Center have twists and curves?
a. to look inventive
b. because there are no landline telephones
c. to create controversy and something to discuss
d. to create space that is comfortable for different uses


2. According to Oldenburg’s definition, which is a third place?

a. a bookstore that holds free weekly discussion groups for local residents
b. a coffee shop with Internet access
c. a suburban shopping mall
d. a museum that charges people to attend public lectures


3. What can you infer from Reading 1 about people who live in the suburbs?
a. They work longer hours than other people.
b. They don’t have much contact with other people outside work.
c. They dislike shopping in urban centers.
d. They do not have access to coffee shops.


4. What is causing the shift to multifunctional districts, according to the last

paragraph of Reading 1?
a. third places c. modern architecture
b. the Internet d. changes in lifestyle


H. Use your understanding of Reading 1 to define these terms from the article.

1. “nomadic lifestyles” (paragraph 1):

2. “hybrid space” (paragraph 1):

3. “semi-public spaces” (paragraph 3):

4. “coffee and crumbs” (paragraph 8):

5. “cyber-nomads” (paragraph 9):

6. “monocultures” (paragraph 11):

138 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?
ONLINE I. Go online to read The New Third Places and check your comprehension.


A. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. Do you know a building like the Stata Center or a place like Bryant Park
that is multifunctional or has a hybrid purpose? Describe it and explain
whether it is appealing to you.
2. Do you agree with the idea that technology such as smartphones and
tablet computers can have an alienating effect? Do you like the ideas that
Christopher Waters had to encourage customers to mingle more?

3. Do you think third places differ from country to country? Why might
some third places in your country be less appealing elsewhere?

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 131 as you think about what you learned.

READING 2 A Path to Road Safety with No Signposts

UNIT You are going to read a profile from The New York Times about Dutch traffic
engineer Hans Monderman. Although he died in 2008, Monderman’s ideas
about cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists sharing roads are still popular today.
Use the article to gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Read the title, subheadings, and caption in the article. What do
you think Monderman did to make roads safer? Make three predictions.
B. QUICK WRITE How do you think urban planners can make towns and cities
friendly for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians? Write for 5–10 minutes in
response. Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.
C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.
Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

accommodate (v.) counterintuitive (adj.) negotiate (v.)

anticipate (v.) criteria (n.) proponent (n.)
appealing (adj.) division (n.) regulated (adj.)
concede (v.) fatal (adj.) reinforce (v.)
Oxford 3000™ words

| Reading and Writing 139

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. Read the article and gather information on what makes a public place

3 But in spite of the apparently anarchical1 layout,

A Path to Road Safety the traffic, a steady stream of trucks, cars, buses,
motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians, moved
with No Signposts along fluidly and easily, as if directed by an invisible
conductor. When Mr. Monderman, a traffic engineer
By Sarah Lyall and the intersection’s proud designer, deliberately
1 DRACHTEN, The Netherlands. “I want to take failed to check for oncoming traffic before crossing
you on a walk,” said Hans Monderman, abruptly the street, the drivers slowed for him. No one
stopping his car and striding—hatless, and nearly honked or shouted rude words out of the window.
hairless—into the freezing rain. 4 “Who has the right of way?” he asked rhetorically2.
“I don’t care. People here have to find their own way,
negotiate for themselves, use their own brains.”
5 Used by some 20,000 drivers a day, the
intersection is part of a road-design revolution
pioneered by the 59-year-old Mr. Monderman.
His work in Friesland, the district in northern
Holland that takes in Drachten, is increasingly
seen as the way of the future in Europe.
6 His philosophy is simple, if counterintuitive.
7 To make communities safer and more
Pedestrians, bicycles, and cars all share this intersection in appealing, Mr. Monderman argues, you should
Drachten without the need for traffic lights or road signs.
first remove the traditional paraphernalia3 of their
2 Like a naturalist conducting a tour of the jungle, roads—the traffic lights and road signs; the center
he led the way to a busy intersection in the center lines separating lanes from one another; even the
of town, where several odd things immediately speed bumps, speed-limit signs, bicycle lanes, and
became clear. Not only was it virtually naked, pedestrian crossings. In his view, it is only when
stripped of all lights, signs, and road markings, the road is made more dangerous, when drivers
but there was no division between road and stop looking at signs and start looking at other
sidewalk. It was, basically, a bare brick square. people, that driving becomes safer.

1 anarchical: without order 3 paraphernalia: a large number of different objects, especially

2 rhetorically: asked only to make a statement or to produce an the equipment that you need for a particular activity
effect rather than to get an answer

140 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

8 “All those signs are saying to cars, ‘This is your bring Mr. Monderman’s work to wider attention,
space, and we have organized your behavior so remembers with fondness his own first visit.
that as long as you behave this way, nothing can 15 Mr. Monderman drove him to a small country
happen to you,’” Mr. Monderman said. “That is road with cows in every direction. Their presence
the wrong story.” was unnecessarily reinforced by a large traffic sign
9 The Drachten intersection is an example with a picture of a cow on it.
of the concept of “shared space,” a street 16 “He said: ‘What do you expect to find here?
where cars and pedestrians are equal, and Wallabies5?’” Mr. Hamilton-Baillie recalled.
the design tells the driver what to do. “‘They’re treating you like you’re a complete idiot,
10 “It’s a moving away from regulated traffic and if people treat you like a complete idiot, you’ll
toward space which, by the way it’s designed and act like one.’ Essentially, what it means is a
configured, makes it clear what sort of behavior transfer of responsibility to the individual and
is anticipated,” said Ben Hamilton-Baillie, a the community.”
British specialist in urban design and movement 17 Dressed in a beige jacket and patterned shirt,
and a proponent of many of the same concepts. with scruffy facial hair and a stocky build,
11 Highways, where the car is naturally king, are Mr. Monderman has the appearance of a
part of the “traffic world” and another matter football hooligan6 but the temperament of
altogether. In Mr. Monderman’s view, shared- an engineer, which indeed he trained to be.
space schemes thrive only in conjunction with He was working as a civil engineer building
well-organized, well-regulated highway systems. highways in the 1970s when the Dutch
government, alarmed at a sharp increase in
Social Space traffic accidents, set up a network of traffic
12 Mr. Monderman is a man on a mission. On a safety offices. Mr. Monderman was appointed
daylong automotive tour of Friesland, he pointed Friesland’s traffic safety officer.
out places he had improved, including a town 18 In residential communities, Mr. Monderman
where he ripped out the sidewalks, signs, and began narrowing the roads and putting in
crossings and put in brick paving on the central design features like trees and flowers, red
shopping street. An elderly woman crossed slowly brick paving stones, and even fountains
in front of him. to discourage people from speeding. This
13 “This is social space, so when Grandma is principle is now known as psychological traffic
coming, you stop, because that’s what normal, calming, where behavior follows design.
courteous human beings do,” he said. 19 He made his first nervous foray into7 shared
14 Planners and curious journalists are space in a small village whose residents were
increasingly making pilgrimages4 to meet upset at its being used as a daily thoroughfare
Mr. Monderman, considered one of the field’s for 6,000 speeding cars. When he took away
great innovators, although until a few years ago the signs, lights, and sidewalks, people drove
he was virtually unknown outside Holland. more carefully. Within two weeks, speeds on
Mr. Hamilton-Baillie, whose writings have helped the road had dropped by more than half.

4 pilgrimage: a journey to a place that is connected with 6 hooligan: someone who behaves in an extremely noisy way
someone or something that you admire 7 make a foray into: to attempt to become involved in (a new
5 wallaby: an Australian animal like a small kangaroo activity)

| Reading and Writing 141

20 In fact, he said, there has never been a fatal 22 Recently a group of well-to-do parents asked him
accident on any of his roads. to widen the two-lane road leading to their children’s
school, saying it was too small to accommodate
Limits of Shared Space what he derisively8 calls “their huge cars.”
21 Mr. Monderman concedes that road design 23 He refused, saying the fault was not with the
can do only so much. It does not change the road, but with the cars. “They can’t wait for each
behavior, for instance, of the 15 percent of drivers other to pass?” he asked.
who will behave badly no matter what the rules
From “A Path to Road Safety with No Signposts” by Sarah Lyall, The New
are. Nor are shared-space designs appropriate York Times, January 22, 2005. © 2005 The New York Times. All rights
everywhere, like major urban centers, but only reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of
the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission
in neighborhoods that meet particular criteria. of the Material without express written permission is prohibited.

8 derisively: in a way that shows that he thinks something is


B. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 2. Read the sentences.
Then write each bold word next to the correct list of synonyms.

1. In most countries, driving is a regulated activity.

2. Drivers learn traffic laws when they get their licenses, but signs reinforce
the laws in case drivers forget them.
3. Urban planners try to anticipate conflict between cars and pedestrians
when they design streets.

4. Most street planners try to create a strict division between the road and
the sidewalk.
5. Whenever possible, roads are built to accommodate all the vehicles that
are likely to use them.

6. Streets can be hard to negotiate if rules are complicated or there is a lot

of traffic.
7. Despite many safety measures, sometimes there are fatal accidents on
the roads.
8. Many home buyers think houses on large, busy streets are less appealing
than those on small, quiet streets.
9. One street designer is a proponent of a planned shared-space movement
and is trying to convince other people of the plan’s value.

142 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

10. The shared-space approach is counterintuitive to traditional street design
because it removes the traditional traffic signs and signals.
11. Shared-space designers concede that the idea does not work everywhere.
12. There are several criteria for a successful shared space; only streets that
meet these guidelines are likely to succeed.

a. (v.) admit • acknowledge • recognize

b. (v.) expect • await • look for
c. (v.) clear • get around • get past • pass
d. (v.) adapt • fit • suit • receive • shelter • work with
e. (v.) strengthen • cement • make stronger • repeat
f. (adj.) surprising • unexpected • contrary to
usual thinking
g. (adj.) deadly • lethal
h. (adj.) popular • attractive • desirable
i. (n.) standards • measures • guides
j. (adj.) overseen • policed • supervised • governed
k. (n.) separation • split • partition
l. (n.) advocate • champion • supporter • promoter

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Check (✓) the techniques that Monderman used for improving

intersections. Then discuss with a partner why he did or did not
use each method.

1. adding more road signs

2. forcing cars, bikes, and pedestrians to share the same space

3. removing lane divisions

4. making roads wider

5. adding more pedestrian crossings

6. reducing the speed limit on highways

| Reading and Writing 143

7. letting people negotiate their own behavior

8. changing roads in major cities

9. planting trees and flowers

10. making road surfaces look the same as sidewalks

E. Answer these questions. Then circle and number information in the

article that supports your answers.

1. Why are intersections like the one in Drachten safe?

2. In Monderman’s view, why are roads with road signs, speed limits, and
lane markings more dangerous?

3. Why don’t shared-space ideas apply to highways?

4. Why does Monderman find road signs and other traditional ways of
regulating traffic to be insulting?

5. Why did Monderman refuse to widen a road leading to a school?

144 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

F. Read the statements. Write T (true), F (false), or I (impossible to know
from the article). Write the number of the paragraph that helped you.
Correct the false statements.

1. Monderman is compared to a naturalist in a jungle because people

are out of place in his intersections. (Paragraph: )
2. Someone is directing traffic in the intersection in Drachten that the
reporter visits. (Paragraph: )
3. There has been an increase in deadly car accidents since Monderman
redesigned the roads in Drachten. (Paragraph: )

4. In the “traffic world,” drivers do not respond to the design of the

roads; they respond to road signs. (Paragraph: )
5. Hamilton-Baille met Monderman because the Dutchman’s work was
famous in Britain. (Paragraph: )

6. Monderman suggested that the Dutch government create traffic safety

officers in response to increasing car accidents. (Paragraph: )

7. Monderman’s experiment with psychological traffic calming was

unsuccessful. (Paragraph: )
8. Monderman believed that even the worst drivers would respond
positively to shared spaces. (Paragraph: )


A. Discuss the questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 139 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Could Monderman’s ideas work in your home country or in the place you
live now? Why or why not?
2. In some cities, cars are not allowed or are heavily restricted in the
downtown area. What do you think about this idea?
3. Who is responsible for making a town or city safe and friendly for all its
citizens: urban planners, local authorities, or the citizens themselves?

| Reading and Writing 145

B. Before you watch the video, discuss these questions in a group.

1. Many cities have areas that are not very attractive, such as unused factories
or parking lots. What can be done to make them more appealing?
2. Think of a park you know well. How could you redesign it as a third place?

3. Do you think local governments should invest money in public parks, or

should donors and businesses pay the costs?

ONLINE C. Go online to watch the video

engage (v.) to succeed in attracting and
about Millennium Park in
keeping someone’s attention and interest

Chicago. Then check your
comprehension. eyesore (n.) a building or an object that is
unpleasant to look at
raise the bar (phr.) to set a new, higher
standard of quality or performance
relic (n.) an object, a tradition, or a system,
etc. that has survived from the past
renowned (adj.) famous and respected

D. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss
these questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in

1. Do you believe that the design of public spaces should change to better
suit our behavior (as in Reading 1 and the video), or should we change our
behavior to meet the expectations of the design (as in Reading 2)?
2. How do you think technology will affect the design of buildings, roads,
parks, and cities in the future?

Vocabulary Skill Using the dictionary: verb complements

The main verb controls the pattern of a clause or sentence. Knowing the verb
complements, or the types of words and phrases allowed with the verb, is important
in improving your writing and speaking. For example, some verbs can be followed by a
direct object (transitive verbs), but others cannot (intransitive verbs). The dictionary can
help you write better sentences by telling you which complements are possible or required
with each verb: objects, prepositional phrases, noun clauses, infinitives, or gerunds.

146 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

[I] means [T] means
intransitive. The
stop k /stɑp/ verb, noun
transitive. The verb
S verb (-pp-)
verb can be used b NOT MOVE 1 [I, T] to no longer move; to make someone or is followed by a
without an object. something no longer move: The car stopped at the traffic direct object (a
lights. x We stopped for the night in Tampa. x ~ sb/sth He was
stopped by the police for speeding.
noun or pronoun).
b NOT CONTINUE 2 [I, T] to no longer continue to do some-
thing; to make someone or something no longer do
something: ~ (doing sth) That phone never stops ringing!
x Please stop crying and tell me what’s wrong. x She criticizes

everyone and the trouble is, she doesn’t know when to stop.

~what means the x Can’t you just stop? x ~ sb/sth Stop me (= make me stop sb means somebody
verb is followed by talking) if I’m boring you. x Stop it! You’re hurting me. x sth means something
a wh- noun clause. ~ what… Mike immediately stopped what he was doing.
HELP Notice the difference between stop doing some-
A that noun clause thing and stop to do something: We stopped taking pictures
is not possible means “We were no longer taking pictures.”: We stopped to
take pictures means “We stopped what we were doing so
here. that we could start taking pictures.”
b END 3 [I, T] to end or finish; to make something end or

This additional finish: When is this fighting going to stop? x The bus service
stops at midnight. x ~ doing sth Has it stopped raining yet? x
note explains ~ sth Doctors couldn’t stop the bleeding. x The umpire was
the difference in forced to stop the game because of heavy rain.
meaning between b PREVENT 4 [T] to prevent someone from doing something;

two complements.

When a verb can be followed by a prepositional phrase, it is especially important to

use a dictionary because it is very difficult to guess the correct preposition.
~(with sb): This (for/about sth):
use of negotiate negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/ verb 1 [I] ~ (with sb) (for/about Use for or about to
sth) to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion: The
is intransitive, so
it does not take a
direct object. Use
position negotiating skills 2 ·
We have been negotiating for more pay. a strong negotiating
2 [[TT]]~~sth
to something by formal discussion: to negotiate a deal/

contract/treaty/settlement x We successfully negotiated the

agree to
say what you are

with to add the release of the hostages. 3 [T] ~ sth to successfully get over or
person you are past a difficult part on a path or route: The climbers had to
negotiate a steep rock face.
negotiating with.

A. Are the bold verbs transitive or intransitive? Write T (transitive) or

I (intransitive). Check your answers in a learners’ dictionary.

1. This is best seen in the building’s “student street,” which twists and
meanders through the complex.
2. Architects are thinking about light, air, trees, and gardens.

3. Bookshops are also offering “more coffee and crumbs.”

4. He led the way to a busy intersection.

5. The drivers slowed for him.

6. Mr. Hamilton-Baillie’s writings have helped bring Mr. Monderman’s
work to wider attention.
7. It does not change the behavior, for instance, of the 15 percent of
drivers who will behave badly no matter what the rules are.
8. Mr. Monderman began narrowing the roads.

| Reading and Writing 147

B. Five of the bold words in the paragraph below have verb complement
errors. Read the paragraph. Then complete the tasks below.

The design of my high school did not appeal me. It was built to
accommodate 1,000 students. However, more than 1,500 students
occupied the building. The designers did not anticipate. Every day, we
had to negotiate with the crowded corridors and staircases to go to class.
The principal told that they could not improve the situation. However,
he conceded that a better system was necessary. Consequently, some
staircases were called as “up” stairs. When you wanted to go down a
level, you looked for the “down” stairs.

1. Look up each bold verb from the paragraph in a learner’s dictionary. Find the
meaning that fits the context. Write the correct complement in the chart.

Correct in paragraph?
Verb Complement Yes No
a. appeal verb + to somebody ■
□ ■

b. accommodate ■
□ ■

c. occupy ■
□ ■

d. anticipate ■
□ ■

e. negotiate ■
□ ■

f. go ■
□ ■

g. tell ■
□ ■

h. improve ■
□ ■

i. concede ■
□ ■

j. call ■
□ ■

k. look ■
□ ■

2. Is the complement of each verb correct in the paragraph? Check (✓)

Yes or No in the chart.
3. For each complement that is incorrect, write the correct sentence.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice using the dictionary to identify verb

148 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an essay analyzing a place you know.
This essay will include information from the readings, the unit video, and your
own ideas.

Grammar Passive voice to focus information Part 1

Forming the passive
In most active sentences, the subject of the verb is also the agent: that is, it does
the action of the verb.
active sentence

The architect designed the new library in a modern style.


In a passive sentence, the agent of the verb is not the subject. The passive voice is
formed with be + the past participle of a transitive verb.
passive sentence

The new library was designed in a modern style (by some architect).
subject agent

The by phrase containing the agent is often omitted in academic writing.

Focusing information
The passive is used when you want to focus on the result or receiver of the action
instead of the agent of the action.

[ The entire structure was conceived with the nomadic lifestyles of modern
students and faculty in mind.
The focus is on The entire structure, not the architect who conceived it.
The passive also allows writers to report opinions without saying whose they are.
[ His work in Friesland . . . is increasingly seen as the way of the future in Europe.
The focus is on Monderman’s work, and the sentence emphasizes his reputation; it
is not important who specifically has this opinion.
Active voice is more common than passive voice. The passive should not be used
in contexts where active sentences are more direct and easier to understand.
However, the passive voice can be useful in academic and other formal writing.

| Reading and Writing 149

A. Read each sentence. Circle the best sentence to follow it. Then explain
your choice to a partner.

1. Monderman distinguished the “social world” of the town from the “traffic
world” of the highway.
a. Engineers design the traffic world for cars.
b. The traffic world is designed for cars.
The first sentence ends with “the traffic world,” so the traffic world should be
the focus of the next sentence. The engineers are not important.

2. Small towns and villages are examples of the social world.

a. There, we decide how to behave based on politeness and human contact.
b. There, behavior is determined by politeness and human contact.

3. Many drivers do not notice the schools, shops, and people that they pass.
a. Road signs distract them from the social world.
b. They are distracted from the social world by road signs.
4. Thanks to road signs, villages often appear to be part of the traffic world.
a. Therefore, drivers often speed through them.
b. Therefore, they are often driven through too fast.
5. Traditional traffic-calming techniques, such as stop signs, are ineffective.
a. Drivers simply speed up between the stop signs.
b. Cars are simply driven faster between the stop signs.
Source: Activity text adapted from Vanderbilt, Tom. Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) (2008).
New York: Knopf, 189–190.

B. Read the paragraph. Complete each sentence with the correct passive or
active form of the verb. Use your dictionary if you are not sure whether a
verb is intransitive or transitive in this context.

Online social media sites are considered (consider) third

places. According to some experts, these websites
(need) because they fit our nomadic lifestyle better than traditional third places.
For example, social media can (access) from
any computer or smartphone anywhere in the world. However, some users
(encounter) unexpected problems. One study found
that family time (decrease) because of increased use
of the Internet. Ironically, we (isolate) by technology
that (design) to connect us. Proponents of online

150 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

social media (concede) that these sites
should be used responsibly. Children’s use of such sites, for example, should
(regulate) by their parents.

Grammar Passive voice to focus information Part 2

Focus information with passive infinitives and passive gerunds
Two other forms of the passive are the passive infinitive and the passive gerund. These
structures, which both require complements, can help make sentences more logical
and focused because they avoid introducing a new grammatical subject into the
sentence. If you don’t know whether a verb takes a gerund or an infinitive complement,
look it up in a learner’s dictionary. A few verbs allow both types of complement.
? The road needs someone to widen it.

[ ✓ The road needs to be widened.

? Customers like coffee shop owners treating them as members of a community
✓ Customers like being treated as members of a community.
Remember that only transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice. Intransitive
verbs do not have a passive form. However, many verbs have both transitive and
intransitive meanings. (See the Vocabulary Skill on pages 146–147.)

C. Complete each sentence with a passive infinitive or a passive gerund.

Use your dictionary if you are not sure which is the correct complement.

1. The architect agreed to be interviewed (interview) for

this story.

2. The building seems (design) for modern

student life.
3. I appreciate (tell) about the problem, and
I will try to find a solution.
4. Cyclists keep (hit) by drivers at this

5. The Internet has started (see) as an

obstacle to human interaction.

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with the passive voice.

E. Go online for the grammar expansion.

| Reading and Writing 151

Writing Skill Connecting information Part 1
Good paragraphs have unity and are written in a logical order (see the Writing
Skills in Units 3 and 4.). They contain clues to help readers follow the main
ideas. To achieve this, most clauses and sentences follow a regular pattern of
information: old information followed by new information. Often, the new
information in one sentence becomes the old information—and, therefore, the
beginning—of the next sentence.
The old-new pattern allows writers to connect sentences logically while
developing ideas.
old (third place) new

No sooner was the term coined than big business queued up to claim that it
was building new third places.
old new

The most prominent was Starbucks.

old new

Starbucks admits that as it went global, it lost its ambiance.

This is called linear information structure because the logic flows in a straight
line. The new information in one sentence becomes the old information in the
next. You can use this pattern to create smooth, logical connections between the
sentences in your paragraphs.

A. WRITING MODEL Read the first two paragraphs in a description of

another third place. Then complete the tasks below.

“The Third Place” Coffeehouse

“The Third Place” is the name of a coffeehouse in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Raleigh is the home of the state capitol and many businesses. However, many
workers have not had options for spending their time in locations other than their
first places (homes in the suburbs) and second places (downtown offices). The Third
Place is a friendly café that fills this gap.
When you walk into The Third Place, you first see cozy, inviting chairs. Behind
them, on the walls, are colorful rugs, suggesting an international theme. Between
the rugs, you will see pictures taken by local photographers. The photos are
changed monthly and really help to develop a sense of community. This feeling of
community is enhanced by the customers, who represent the range of Raleigh’s
inhabitants. Businesspeople, students, and families can be found at The Third Place
on any day of the week.

152 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

1. If a sentence contains old information, circle the old information.
2. Connect each circled phrase to the new information in the previous sentence.
3. Discuss with a partner how the last sentence in paragraph 1 is linked to the
previous sentence.
4. Underline the three passive verbs in the second paragraph. Explain why the
passive voice is used in each case.

Writing Skill Connecting information Part 2

In Activity A, you saw an example of linear information structure, in which the
new information in one sentence becomes the old information at the start of
the next. An alternative organization is constant information structure. In this
pattern, the same old information is used at the start of several sentences, and
each sentence adds new information on the topic. Use constant information
structure to define or explain a complex topic.
The new architecture . . . will make spaces intentionally multifunctional.
Architects are thinking about light, air, trees, and gardens, all in the service of
human connections.
Buildings will have much more varied shapes than before.
Synonyms and pronouns help you to avoid repetition and make a smooth flow
of information.

B. Read the next paragraph in the description of The Third Place coffeehouse. Then
complete the tasks below.

(1) The menu at The Third Place is varied. (2) It is available from 11 a.m. to
7 p.m. (3) Much of the food is homemade and includes creative sandwiches,
delicious soups, and fresh salads. (4) All the meals are vegetarian and use
local ingredients. (5) Weekly specials offer something new even to regular
customers. (6) And, of course, good coffee is served all day and evening!
(7) will keep you coming back.

1. Discuss with a partner how the first words in sentences 2–6 are related to
The menu in sentence 1.
2. With your partner, complete Sentence 7 with the appropriate information.

| Reading and Writing 153

C. WRITING MODEL Read the model of a student’s analysis essay about a
third place.

A Third Way for Modern Libraries

1 Because of the recent rapid growth in can be borrowed in the library or by logging in at
e-books and e-readers, some have questioned home. Databases of newspapers and academic
the need for libraries, with their shelves articles are also available. E-readers and other
of dusty books and outdated technology. technology can even be borrowed for a week
Libraries have responded to the challenges at a time. Proponents of good old-fashioned
and opportunities of digital reading in many books should also be satisfied at the library.
different ways. One solution can be found at To make room for the new seating, many of
my local public library in Kirkwood, which is a the books have been moved to the basement,
good example of a relevant modern library that but librarians promise to retrieve them in less
mostly succeeds in accommodating the needs than an hour. Furthermore, as a good example
of both traditional and digital users. of Kirkwood’s hybrid strategy, books can be
2 The overall design of the Kirkwood Library requested online or by a smartphone app; the
is fresh and appealing. Large picture windows books will then be waiting at the information
look out over a children’s playground and the desk on the patron’s arrival at the library.
woods beyond, giving the building an open 4 Kirkwood Library meets most of the criteria
and welcoming atmosphere. These windows for a successful modern-day library. It provides
also reduce the need for artificial lighting, easy access to print and digital materials, and
which, in addition to the installation of solar its flexible seating makes the space useful
panels and a rooftop garden, make this an for multiple purposes. However, users may
environmentally friendly library. No barriers encounter two problems. One small difficulty
obstruct the entrance to the library from the is that the electric outlets in the reading area
lobby, and an information desk is positioned are all located along the walls, meaning that
close by the entrance, but not so close that it most users cannot charge their tablets and
might intimidate first-time visitors. Flat-screen laptops from their seats. Patrons who are not
TVs announce library events and community yet familiar with digital resources may also
activities, which users can learn more about by encounter problems using the new technology,
scanning special codes on their smartphones and there is currently little support available
or tablets. Most noticeably, visitors are greeted, for them.
not by stacks of books, but by a large reading 5 Both criticisms can easily be solved.
room with comfortable chairs and tables Additional electric outlets can be provided
that can be moved together for small-group around the building, with the possibility of new
discussions or separated for more isolated high-tech charging mats on the armrests of
reading and studying. chairs in the future. Librarians could also do
3 In addition to these design features, the more to anticipate the needs of patrons who
library’s resources have also been updated. are new to digital libraries. They could offer
In fact, Kirkwood could be considered a hybrid workshops and provide written instructions for
library because of its commitment to both digital using the e-books and databases. With these
and print media. The library’s e-book collection improvements, Kirkwood is in a strong position
has been vastly expanded, and digital books to be a sustainable library of the future.

154 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

Writing Tip
In Units 3 and 4, you
learned about unity
and coherence. Notice
how paragraphs that
use these types of
D. Highlight examples of these writing techniques in the essay.
1. linear information structure
2. constant information structure
4. descriptive language
5. evaluative language
information structure 3. passive voice to organize information
have unity and form
a coherent essay.
E. Answer these questions. Then decide whether the paragraphs below have
linear (L) or constant (C) information structure.

L 1. In paragraph 1, what old information does one solution (in the third sentence)
refer to?

2. In paragraph 2, what do you notice about the subjects of the first five sentences?

3. In paragraph 3, what is the connection between the second and third sentences?

4. In paragraph 3, what is the old information in the last sentence?

5. In paragraph 4, what synonym is used for problem?

6. In paragraph 5, what does the phrase these improvements in the last sentence
refer to?

ONLINE F. Go online for more practice connecting information.

Unit Assignment Write an analysis essay

UNIT In this assignment, you will write an analysis essay about a particular public place and
suggest ways to make it more appealing. As you prepare your essay, think about the
Unit Question, “What makes a public place appealing?” Use information from Reading 1,
Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your ideas. Refer to the
Self-Assessment checklist on page 156.

ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.


A. BRAINSTORM Choose a public place that you know well. Follow the steps below
to brainstorm ideas about the place.

1. List descriptions of the place, its design, the people who use it, and the activities
that happen there.

| Reading and Writing 155

Tip for Success

When comparing
and contrasting,
it is important to
develop strong
2. Make a chart to evaluate the place. Write a list of criteria that make a
public place appealing in the first column. Explain why your place does or
does not meet those criteria in the second column.

Criteria Evaluation + Reasons

criteria to support
your conclusions. easy to meet with others yes: well-maintained tables with
three or four comfortable chairs

3. Make a list of suggestions for improving the public place based on your
negative evaluations. Use ideas from Readings 1 and 2 to help you.

;Q-1 - ONLINE B. PLAN Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the graphic
organizer and outline for your analysis essay.


C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your essay. Go to iQ Online to use
the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write your analysis essay to describe and evaluate a public place. Connect
information using clear information structures.

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s essay. Then go online and use the Peer
Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your essay.

C. EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the

final draft of your essay. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Did you use linear and/or constant information structure clearly?

□ ■
□ Is your evaluation criteria clear?

□ ■
□ Is the passive voice used appropriately?

□ ■
□ Did you use the correct verb complements?

□ ■
□ Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

156 UNIT 5 | What makes a public place appealing?

iQ-L--1D.- --REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—What makes a public place appealing?
Is your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes, how is
it different? Why?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Adjectives Adverb

controversy appealing intentionally
criteria counterintuitive Phrasal Verb
division fatal pop up
proponent hybrid
Verbs isolated
in decline
accommodate neutral
form bonds
anticipate nomadic
concede regulated
encounter specialized

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can follow ideas. (p. 129)

VOCABULARY I can use the dictionary for help with verb
complements. (pp. 146–147)
GRAMMAR I can use the passive voice to focus information.
(pp. 149 and 151)
WRITING I can connect information. (pp. 152 and 153)

I can gather information and ideas to write an

OBJECTIVE analysis essay that evaluates a public place and
suggests how it may be improved.

| Reading and Writing 157


READING anticipating content through questions

WRITING paraphrasing
GRAMMAR modals of possibility


How can we
turn trash into

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.

1. What do you do with things you no longer use? What do you
throw away? What do you recycle?

2. Do you think society is wasteful? How could people decrease

the amount of garbage they throw away?
3. Look at the photo. What materials were used to make this
house? Would you live in this house? Is this a good way to
use our trash?

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer these


1. Why does Marcus think we should turn trash into treasure?

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

2. How do Yuna, Felix, and Sophy answer the Unit Question?

Whose ideas do you agree with the most? Why?

ONLINE C Go to the Online Discussion board to discuss the Unit

Question with your classmates.

158 UNIT 6
UNIT Read an article from New Scientist and an article
from The Atlantic news magazine. Gather information
and ideas to prepare a business plan that describes a
recycling company to potential investors.

D Take the quiz on waste disposal. Write the letter of each definition next
to the correct location. Then write two examples of things that can go in
each location.


a. a place for decaying organic waste that can
eventually be mixed with soil to grow plants
b. a place where waste is sorted before it is used to
make new products
c. a container or machine for burning garbage
d. a place where large amounts of garbage are put
into the ground and covered with earth

1. landfill
2. incinerator

3. composter
4. recycling depot

E What is the alternative to throwing away your garbage? Think about

the five items in the chart below. What else could you do with them?
Write your ideas.

Garbage What else can you do with these items?

old cell phones
plastic drink bottles
old laptops
old TVs
bicycle wheels

160 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?


READING 1 Garbage of Eden

UNIT You are going to read an article from New Scientist magazine that examines
the unique way that Singapore is dealing with its garbage. Use the article to
gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.

Reading Skill Anticipating content through questions

Being an active reader is the key to becoming a better reader. One way to be an
active reader is to think about the topic of a text and form questions before you
begin reading. Base your questions on the information or content you think will
be in the reading. Use question words (who, what, where, when, why, and how).
Then, while you read, keep your questions in mind and look for the answers.
For example, this title, subtitle, and photo are from a newspaper article.

Stop! I’m Full

No more room in local landfill; it will
close at the end of this year.

These are possible questions to ask before reading the article:

Who is in charge of this landfill?

[ What kinds of garbage are in this landfill?

Where is this landfill?

| Reading and Writing 161

When was the landfill opened?

[ Why is the landfill full?

How will this landfill be cleaned up so it doesn’t harm the environment?
While reading the article, note any answers to your questions. After you finish reading,
use the answers to your questions to help you identify the main ideas of the text.

A. Read the title and subtitle of Reading 1 on page 163. Also look at the photos
and landfill plan that accompany the article. Use the wh-word question
chart to write six questions that you think the reading should answer.

Question Answer






B. As you read the article “Garbage of Eden,” look for the answers to your
questions. Annotate your text to remind you where you found the
answers. Do not complete the chart yet.
ONLINE C. Go online for more practice anticipating content through questions.


A. PREVIEW What are three possible ways Singapore could get rid of its
waste in an environmentally friendly way? As you read, check to see if
your ideas are similar to the ideas presented in the article.


162 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

--• Writing Tip
Using transitions
between ideas can
improve the smooth
flow of information
B. QUICK WRITE How can a landfill site become a place of natural beauty?
Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this section for
your Unit Assignment.

in your writing. C. VOCABULARY Read aloud these words from Reading 1. Check (✓) the
Think of appropriate ones you know. Use a dictionary to define any new or unknown words.
transitions to insert
between your ideas. Then discuss with a partner how the words will relate to the unit.

abundant (adj.) constraint (n.) dubious (adj.) obsolete (adj.)

anticipate (v.) contaminated (adj.) elimination (n.) sustainable (adj.)
conservation (n.) disposal (n.) incinerate (v.) thrive (v.)
Oxford 3000™ words

i Q -.___1D.-Go-
ONLINE online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. Read the article and gather information on how we can turn trash into

Garbage of Eden
Want to be at one with nature? Take a
stroll around Singapore’s island of trash.
By Eric Bland

1 SINGAPORE’S only landfill is a 20-minute

ferry ride south from the main island. On Pulau
Semakau, coconut trees and banyan bushes
line an asphalt road. Wide-bladed grass, short
and soft, forms a threadbare1 carpet. The only
visible trash is a bit of driftwood on the rocky
shore, marking high tide in an artificial bay.
Water rushes out of the bay through a small
opening, making waves in the Singapore Strait. ecotourists on Pulau Semakau
The smell of rain is in the air.

1 threadbare: thin layer

| Reading and Writing 163

2 You would never know that all the trash From trash to ash
from Singapore’s 4.4 million residents is being 5 Since 1999, garbage disposal companies
dumped here 24 hours a day, seven days a have been recycling what they can—glass,
week—as it will be for the next 40 years. This plastic, electronics, even concrete—and
is no ordinary landfill: the island doubles as incinerating the rest. The Tuas South
a biodiversity hotspot, of all things, attracting incineration plant3, the largest and newest of
rare species of plants and animals. It even four plants run by the Singapore government,
attracts ecotourists on specially arranged is tucked away in the southwest part of the
guided tours. Eight years in the making, the main island. A recent visit by New Scientist
artificial island is setting an example for the found it surprisingly clean and fresh. The
future of conservation and urban planning. incinerator creates a weak vacuum that sucks
3 Pulau Semakau, which is Malay for the foul air from the trash-receiving room into
Mangrove2 Island, is not the first isle of trash the combustion4 chamber.
to rise from the sea. That dubious honor 6 Not that incineration is problem-free. When
goes to a dump belonging to another island Singapore began burning garbage, its carbon
nation, the Maldives, off the southern coast of emissions into the atmosphere rose sharply
India. In 1992, the Maldives began dumping while its solid carbon deposits dropped,
its trash wholesale into a lagoon on one of according to data gathered by the Oak Ridge
its small islands. As the island grew, it was National Laboratory in Tennessee. During the
named Thilafushi; its industries include a last couple of years, however, its emissions
concrete manufacturing plant, a shipyard, and have stabilized. “Our recycling program has
a methane bottler. been more effective than we anticipated,”
4 What distinguishes Semakau from says Poh Soon Hoong, general manager of
Thilafushi—and most any other landfill—is that the Tuas South plant.
its trash has been incinerated and sealed off 7 Once they started burning trash, the big
from its surroundings. Singapore burns more question was where to put the ash. In 1998,
than 90 percent of its garbage, for reasons of the government built a seven-kilometer-long
space. Since its independence from Malaysia rock bund5 to connect two offshore islands,
in 1965, Singapore has grown to become one Semakau and Sekang, and named the new
of the world’s 50 wealthiest nations. Not bad island Pulau Semakau. The complex cost about
for a city-state little more than one-quarter the 610 million Singapore dollars (US $400 million).
size of the smallest US state, Rhode Island. The first trash was dumped there in April 1999,
Its rapid rise, however, created a huge waste the day after the last landfill on the main island
problem. In the early 1990s, the government closed. “We weren’t trying to design an island
began to heavily promote a national recycling that would attract tourists,” says Semakau’s
program and to campaign for industry and manager, Loo Eng Por. “Disposing of the waste
residents to produce less waste. was a matter of survival.”

2 mangrove: a tropical tree that grows in mud or at the 3 plant: a factory

edge of rivers 4 combustion: the process of burning
5 bund: embankment or wall

164 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

recycling and waste elimination programs
will make its landfills obsolete.
9 One complaint about Pulau Semakau was
that it called for the destruction of mangroves
on part of the original island. Singapore’s
National Environmental Agency saw to it
that the mangroves were replanted in areas
adjoining the landfill. “We expected some
of the new mangroves to die off,” says Poh.
“But they all survived. Now we have to trim
Semakau Island Plan
them back.” The island now has more than
13 hectares8 of mangroves, which serve as a
8 How they do that is key to the island’s
habitat for numerous species.
success. At the receiving station, cranes6
unload the ash from barges7 into dumptrucks, 10 “Pulau Semakau is quite a success,” says
which drive out to one of 11 interconnected Wang Luan Keng of the Raffles Museum
bays, called cells, where they dump their of Biodiversity Research at the National
debris (see Plan). The seawater is first University of Singapore, and by all accounts
pumped out of a cell, which is then lined with the ecosystem is thriving—so much so that
a layer of thick plastic to seal in the trash since July 2005, the island has been open
and prevent any leakage. Materials that can’t for guided tours. “Visitors are stunned and
be burned or recycled, such as asbestos, amazed to see the rich biodiversity,” says
are wrapped in plastic and buried with dirt. Ria Tan, an expert in ecology who runs
Each month, samples are tested from the wildsingapore.com, a website on nature-
water surrounding a working cell, and so related activities in the area. At low tide,
far there is no sign of any contaminated nature groups walk the intertidal zone, where
water seeping into the ocean. Four of the they can see starfish, snails, and flatworms.
11 cells have been filled to about two meters Coral reefs are abundant off the western
above sea level, then topped off with dirt shore, and dolphins, otters, and green turtles
and seeded with grass. A few trees dot the have been spotted. Fishing groups come to
landscape. “Gifts from the birds,” says Loo. catch and release grouper, barracuda, and
“We plant the grass, but not the trees.” Once queenfish. Birdwatchers look for the island’s
all the cells are filled, which will be in 2030 most famous resident, a great billed heron
or so, workers will start over again, dumping named Jimmy, as well as brahminy kites
burnt trash onto the plots and covering it and mangrove whistlers9. In 2006, the island
with earth, gradually forming taller hills. logged more than 6,000 visitors, and that
The government predicts that by 2045 its number is expected to rise.

6 crane: a tall machine with long arms, used to lift and 8 hectare: a measurement equal to 10,000 square meters;
move heavy objects 2,471 acres
7 barge: a large boat with a flat bottom, used to carry 9 heron, kite, and whistler: types of birds that live
goods near water

| Reading and Writing 165

- - .ft.

11 The island is crucial to Singapore’s future. will be those the rest of the world will face
“People may say the Semakau landfill is bad,” eventually,” she says.
Tan says. “What is the alternative? Toss it 12 That is why the rest of the world should be
to some other country? Kill off some other watching: time will tell whether Semakau is a
habitat on the mainland? The garbage has useful model for conservation. Meanwhile, the
to go somewhere. I see the Semakau landfill island’s managers would like to see it become
as an example of one aspect of successful, a permanent nature reserve where people
sustainable urbanization.” Tan shares the can come to hike, relax, and learn about
concerns of city planners. “The resource nature, without a guide. As Loo says, “It’s a
constraints that Singapore faces today great place to get away from the boss.”

Vocabulary B. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 1. Read the sentences.
Skill Review
Then match each bold word with its definition.
In Unit 5, you
learned about verb
complements and 1. Many people are interested in the conservation of Earth’s resources
identifying whether so that future generations will benefit from them.
or not verbs can be
followed by a direct 2. Some countries incinerate their garbage before it is put into a landfill.
object. Consider the However, this often contributes to pollution in the atmosphere.
new verbs introduced
in this unit and
use a dictionary
3. The safe disposal of garbage is very important in order to protect
to confirm which the environment.
complements are
possible or required 4. The government anticipates that local landfills will become full in the
with each verb. next five years.
a. (v.) to expect and prepare for the fact

b. (v.) to burn
c. (n.) the protection of the natural world
d. (n.) the process of throwing away and removing

5. The local water supply became contaminated because someone

dumped toxic waste into the river.
6. The elimination of recyclable materials from people’s garbage reduces
the amount of trash that goes to landfills.
7. Environmental activists hope that one day everything will be recycled
and landfills will become obsolete.
8. The Maldives has the dubious honor of having the first island of trash
to rise from the sea.

166 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

e. (adj.) dirty and unsafe
f. (adj.) no longer used because they are out of date
g. (adj.) that you cannot be sure about; that is probably not good
h. (n.) the process of taking away

9. Although there are only a few trees on the island, they can thrive
because they have enough sunshine and fresh water.

10. Fish are abundant in this lake. They are everywhere you look!

11. Many countries want long-term, sustainable economic growth that

preserves their resources.

12. Putting constraints on the amount of garbage we can throw away

stops us from making more trash than the environment can handle.

i. (adj.) plentiful and existing in large numbers

j. (n.) a limit
k. (adj.) continued and environmentally friendly
l. (v.) to grow and develop well

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Look at the questions you wrote in the Reading Skill activity on page 162.
Complete the chart with the answers you were able to find in the reading.
E. Write short answers to these questions. Then tell a partner or group
which of your questions from the chart on page 162 helped you.

1. What kind of landfill does Singapore have?

2. What does Singapore do with its trash?

3. How is trash disposed of in Singapore’s landfill?

4. What is the state of the environment on and around the island?

5. What can the rest of the world learn from the Semakau landfill?

| Reading and Writing 167

F. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true.

1. The landfill is located 20 minutes by car from the main island.

2. The landfill took eight years to make.

3. Singapore incinerates less than 20 percent of its garbage.

4. Garbage disposal companies incinerate glass, plastic, electronics, and

5. Singapore has four incineration plants.
6. The rock wall that created the artificial island is 17 kilometers long.

7. The landfill is made up of 11 cells, which are being filled with waste.

8. Four of the eleven cells have been filled to about two meters above sea
9. The Government of Singapore plants trees on each filled cell.
10. Singapore’s National Environmental Agency destroyed all of the
mangroves on the original island.

G. Write the number of each true and corrected statement from Activity F
next to the main idea it supports.

Main ideas of Reading 1 Supporting details

1. Singapore has an environmentally
friendly and unique landfill.

2. Singapore is able to reduce a large

amount of the waste going into
its landfill.

3. Singapore has carefully planned

the building of its island landfill.

4. Singapore has done a lot to

maintain the natural environment
on and around its landfill.

168 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

H. Based on the information in Reading 1, number the following events in the
most logical order for creating an island out of trash. Compare your order
with a partner and explain why you think your order is the most correct.

a. Full landfill cells are covered with dirt and planted with grass seeds.
b. Interconnected empty landfill cells are built.

c. Landfill cells are full once they reach about two meters above sea level.
d. Ash and debris arrive on barges and are loaded onto dump trucks
by cranes.
e. Once the cells are filled, workers start again by adding waste to make
taller hills.
f. A thick plastic liner is inserted in each empty landfill cell.

g. Trucks drive to a working landfill cell to dump their loads of

incinerated trash.
h. Trash is burned in an incineration plant and taken to the island.

i. Monthly seawater samples are taken near working cells to check for
j. Seawater is pumped out of a landfill cell.

ONLINE I. Go online to read the magazine article From Fast Food to Fast Cars and
check your comprehension.


A. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. How did Singapore turn its trash into treasure? Is this project worth 610 million
Singapore dollars (about $400 million US dollars)? Why or why not?

2. Would Singapore’s solution to its garbage problem work in other countries?

Why or why not?

| Reading and Writing 169

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at
your Quick Write on page 163 as you think about what you learned.

Pulau Semakau: no ordinary landfill

READING 2 The Glorious Feeling of Fixing Something Yourself

UNIT You are going to read an article from the news magazine The Atlantic about
repairing broken things so that they can be used again. Use the article to
gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Look ahead at the pictures accompanying Reading 2. Then
write three or four questions that might be answered by this article.

B. QUICK WRITE Can old or broken items be repaired so that they can be
used again? Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Remember to use this
section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.

Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

adjust (v.) concept (n.) craftsmanship (n.) participant (n.)

appliance (n.) consequence (n.) device (n.) permeate (v.)
aptitude (n.) convene (v.) founder (n.) tinker (v.)

Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

170 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

A. Read the article and gather information on how we can turn trash
into treasure.

The Glorious Feeling of Fixing Something Yourself

When I mended my lamp at one of Portland’s repair
cafes, it was no longer “just” a lamp to me; I felt a
fierce sense of attachment to it.
By Christina Cooke

1 Along with his broken toaster, Steve Vegdahl

brought a slice of bread with him to Portland’s
repair cafe one day last month. By the time
he left, his toaster was working again—and
the sweet smell of toasted wheat permeated
the room.
2 “This is the highlight of my day,” Vegdahl said Repair PDX volunteer Bryce Jacobson tries to twist the knob to
my broken floor lamp.
as he waited for the chrome Sunbeam, probably
a 1950s model, to cool off so he could take it last May in a large, airy coffee shop, she said,
home. “I’m a software person; I don’t have a lot and about 35 have shown up to the monthly
of mechanical aptitude. I’m not good at taking gatherings since.
things apart.” 6 “We’re going back to some of the old values
3 Since a woman named Martine Postma our grandparents held and moving away from
established the first repair cafe in Amsterdam mainstream consumption,” said Cindy Correll,
in 2009, the concept of free events at which one of the cafe’s other organizers. “By reusing,
volunteers with repair skills assist participants we’re keeping things out of the waste stream and
with broken furniture, appliances, bicycles, eliminating the need to make another product.”
clothing, and toys has spread far and wide. Plus, she said, reusing requires fewer resources
4 More than 50 cafes operate throughout the than its more publicized counterpart recycling.
Netherlands, France, Germany, and the United 7 Correll attributes the success of fix-it ventures
Kingdom, and, in the US, people have begun like Repair PDX in part to the recent economic
convening regularly at coffee shops and event downturn. When money was tight, she said,
spaces in New York, Chicago, Palo Alto, Los “people started looking at things differently.”
Angeles, Seattle, and—as of earlier this year—my 8 When I carried my broken floor lamp into
hometown of Portland, Oregon, to fix busted items. Portland’s December gathering, held in a historic
5 Repair PDX founder Lauren Gross, 33, says the firehouse on the north side of town, numerous
Portland events attract people philosophically repairs were already underway.
opposed to waste as well as those who simply 9 At one table, Stan Jones shaved rotten foam
want a favorite item to work again. Around from around a stereo speaker with a thin blade,
50 people attended the first gathering, held preparing the surface for a new foam cover. At

| Reading and Writing 171

another, Brett Stern tackled an electric stand objects—radios, televisions, microwaves, etc.—
mixer, eventually offering to take the contraption are made to be tossed as well (though they’re
home for further inspection. Laurie Sugahbeare slightly less blatant4 about it).
fixed a necklace a woman had snagged on her 14 Last month when my washing machine began
sweater earlier that day. skipping the spin cycle, for example, my landlord’s
10 And Bryce Jacobson wrapped plumber tape first response was to have a brand-new machine
around the center rod of a broken coffee grinder delivered to the house. Replacing the washer,
to compensate for the stripped threads. “We’re he reasoned, would be cheaper and easier than
just buying a little time from the landfill,” he said, diagnosing the problem, finding new parts, and
acknowledging the jankiness1 of the solution. paying a handyman to install them.
11 Jacobson, who works as a regional solid waste 15 While I saw his point, I also regretted that the
planner by day, said he’s always liked to tinker. entire appliance would rust away in the landfill when
Even as a kid, he would take home appliances he probably just a small component had malfunctioned.
found in dumpsters, and he’d disassemble and 16 Though they’re a determined bunch, Portland’s
rebuild them. As a Repair PDX volunteer, Jacobson fix-it volunteers say they often encounter objects
wants to instill a repair ethic in participants—and that are not only impractical to repair, but
teach them the practical skills to back up the ideal. impossible too.
17 “An old appliance makes it easy, because you can
unscrew the bolts and take it apart,” said volunteer
Randy Greb, the man who revived5 Vegdahl’s
toaster. “Newer stuff, you can sometimes get it
apart, but it’s often hard to get back together.”
18 Across the board, tinkering is a challenge these
days. Unlike the radios of generations past, it’s hard
to get inside an iPod, and once you do, you face a
battery and computer chip rather than moveable
components that can be tweaked and adjusted.
19 Even the businesses that supply the repair
“I just have to admire the fixing of something—I love it!” says industry have become increasingly scarce: in an
a woman looking on as Repair PDX volunteers Bryce Jacobson attempt to boost plunging profits, RadioShack
(left) and Randy Greb (right) tackle a broken coffee grinder.
switched in 2009 from selling cables, connectors,
12 “One of the most powerful things to realize is that and widgets for garage and basement hobbyists to
you can actually fix your stuff when it’s not working,” selling smartphones and other wireless devices.
he said. “I like seeing people make that connection.” 20 The societal shift toward products that are
13 Despite recent efforts by people like Repair PDX untouchable, robotic, and useless when single
volunteers, repair culture stands counter to the parts break has given rise to a number of
dominant2, disposable mentality. While products unfortunate consequences. First off, our landfills
like disposable diapers and paper plates are have swollen: The average American throws
unabashedly3 designed for the dump, many other away 4.4 pounds of trash per day, compared

1 jankiness: a slang word for a temporary solution that 4 blatant: done in an obvious and open way
is not perfect 5 revive: to make something start being used again
2 dominant: more noticeable or common
3 unabashedly: without being ashamed or worried about what
people might think

172 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

to 2.68 pounds in 1960, according to the US easily, he advised me to install a new electrical
Environmental Protection Agency. connector and showed me how I’d fasten
21 Additionally, we’ve been forced into shallow the lamp’s wires to the new piece once I’d
relationships with our material possessions obtained it.
and have become increasingly dependent on 24 The next day, I visited the hardware store up the
manufacturers. And finally, overall craftsmanship road: four dollars and a few at-home adjustments
has declined, and we possess fewer objects worth later, the bulb lit up. I felt a surge of pride—and a
taking pride in and passing to the next generation. sudden, fierce attachment to the lamp.
(No one’s going to inherit my $32 athletic watch.) 25 While repairing rather than replacing may have
22 Back on the Repair PDX floor, I set my damaged become a rebellious action over the last few
lamp beside Jacobson’s table and explained the decades, Jacobson sees room for the concept
problem: The on/off knob had become too stiff to grow. From coffee grinders to speakers to
to turn, and though I’d been able to control the lawnmowers to furniture, Repair PDX alone has
light by screwing and unscrewing the bulb, that endowed6 a multitude of objects with new life.
strategy had stopped working as well. 26 “It might be a fringe activity, but so was stuff
23 Jacobson removed the shade, disconnected like Craigslist7 at first,” he said. “It’s got to start
the socket, and tried cleaning the device with with the curious ones, the people willing to take
a solvent. When the knob still did not rotate a risk.”

6 endow: to give something 7 Craigslist: a popular classified advertisements Web site

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 2. Complete each

sentence with a vocabulary word from the box. You may need to change
the form of the word to make the sentence grammatically correct.

adjust (v.) concept (n.) craftsmanship (n.) participant (n.)

appliance (n.) consequence (n.) device (n.) permeate (v.)
aptitude (n.) convene (v.) founder (n.) tinker (v.)

1. After the coffeemaker was fixed, the smell of freshly brewed coffee
the room.

2. Although many people may think they don’t have a(n)

for fixing broken items, with a little help and patience, they can learn to repair
many different kinds of things.

3. The repair cafe is a new that is helping people learn

how to fix old and broken items in a social atmosphere.

| Reading and Writing 173

4. There were over 50 at the repair cafe event last
Saturday, and most of them were able to fix the items they brought along.

5. Instead of throwing them away when they are broken,

like toasters, coffeemakers, blenders, and electric kettles can easily be
fixed and used again.

6. The university recycling club every week in the

student union building.

7. The of the repair club started the organization about

three years ago.

8. Many people enjoy with broken appliances because

fixing them results in a great sense of satisfaction.

9. The toast was popping out of the toaster too quickly. It was fixed by
the timer so that the bread stayed in the toaster for a
longer period of time.

10. Many electronic , such as smartphones and tablets,

are difficult for the average person to repair because they have so many
complicated parts.

11. Fixing items instead of throwing them away can lead to a lot of positive
, such as saving money and helping the environment.

12. Because of the high-quality , my father’s wristwatch

will last for many years.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

174 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

D. Match each subheading with the paragraphs it best describes.

Paragraphs Subheadings

1. Paragraphs 1–2 a. Values of Repairing and Saving

2. Paragraphs 3–4 b. Serious Consequences of Modern Products

3. Paragraphs 5–7 c. Repair Cafes around the World

4. Paragraphs 8–9 d. Opposition to a Disposable Society

5. Paragraphs 10–12 e. Predict Future Growth

6. Paragraphs 13–15 f. Power of Tinkering

7. Paragraphs 16–19 g. Toaster Success

8. Paragraphs 20–21 h. Some Stuff Too Hard to Fix

9. Paragraphs 22–24 i. Old Lamp Fixed

10. Paragraphs 25–26 j. Variety of Items Being Repaired

E. Circle the answer that best completes each statement.

1. Steve Vegdahl brought a slice of bread with him to Portland’s repair cafe
because .
a. he wanted to test his toaster after it was repaired to make sure it worked
b. he wanted to make the entire room smell like toast
c. he wanted to give the Repair PDX volunteer something to eat
d. he wanted to highlight how delicious toast could be
2. More than repair cafes can be found in the Netherlands, France,
Germany, and the United Kingdom.
a. 50 b. 33 c. 35 d. 20
3. Every month, about people come to the repair events in Portland.
a. 33 b. 35 c. 50 d. 20
4. Stan Jones, Brett Stern, and Laurie Sugahbeare were fixing a .
a. toaster, coffee grinder, and a necklace
b. stereo speaker, toaster, and a lamp
c. stereo speaker, electric stand mixer, and a necklace
d. coffee grinder, lamp, and an athletic watch

| Reading and Writing 175

5. Bryce Jacobson is a .
a. software person c. founder
b. reporter d. volunteer
6. In 2009, RadioShack stopped selling .
a. smartphones and other wireless devices
b. lamps and stereo equipment
c. cables, connectors, and widgets
d. toasters and coffee grinders
7. People in the United States today throw away trash per day than
people in the 1960s.
a. 1.72 pounds more c. 2.68 pounds more
b. 6.4 pounds less d. 4.4 pounds less
8. Christina Cooke’s athletic watch is an example of .
a. an object worth taking pride in c. something inexpensive
b. something she inherited d. high-quality craftsmanship

F. Match each of the following people with the statement that best
describes them. There are two extra statements that are not needed.

People: Statements:

1. Steve Vegdahl a. A person fixing a necklace

2. Martine Postma b. A person fixing an old coffee grinder with
plumber tape
3. Lauren Gross
c. The owner of a toaster that was repaired at
4. Cindy Correll Repair PDX
5. Stan Jones d. A person who fixed a broken lamp by following
6. Bryce Jacobson the advice of a Repair PDX volunteer

7. Randy Greb e. A person who said that older items are easier
to repair
8. Christina Cooke
f. The person who started the first repair cafe in
g. A person fixing a stereo speaker
h. The founder of the repair cafe in Portland
i. A repair cafe organizer who feels people are
returning to the values of their grandparents
j. A person trying to fix an electric stand mixer

176 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

G. Based on Reading 2, what answers can you infer to the following questions?

1. Why was getting his broken toaster repaired the highlight of Steve
Vegdahl’s day?
2. Why have repair cafes become so popular around the world?
3. How would you describe the “old values our grandparents held” that
Cindy Correll talks about?
4. Why would an economic downturn contribute to the success of repair cafes?
5. Why does Jacobson want to instill a repair ethic in people?
6. Why are products such as radios, televisions, and microwaves designed to
be thrown away?
7. Why did the author’s landlord want to replace the broken washer instead
of fixing it?
8. Why did RadioShack switch from selling cables, connectors, and widgets
to smartphones and other wireless devices?
9. Why isn’t anyone going to inherit the author’s athletic watch?
10. Why did the author feel such a sense of pride and fierce attachment to
her lamp?


A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 170 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Which item fixed at the repair cafe do you think was the most valuable?
Is this an item that you would fix if it ever became broken?
2. Why do you think Martine Postma started the first repair cafe?

3. Do you think that repair cafes will still be around in 10 years? Why or
why not?

B. Before you watch the video, discuss these questions in a group.

1. Why could it be a good business idea to recycle garbage into organic

fertilizer using worms?

2. How important is it to totally commit to a business idea and to put all of

your time and energy into it?

| Reading and Writing 177

ONLINE C. Go online to watch the video
buzzword (n.) a popular technical term that
about how the company

is connected to a specific topic or subject
TerraCycle creates its fertilizer.
contraption (n.) a machine or piece of
Then check your comprehension.
equipment that looks strange
gold mine (n.) a business or activity that
makes a large profit
trade secret (n.) a secret piece of information
that is known only by the people at a
particular company

about connecting
information. Use
linear information

Writing Tip
In Unit 5, you learned

structure or constant
D. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. Two different methods of turning trash into treasure were presented by the
readings in this unit: (1) incinerating waste and creating an artificial island
information structure and (2) fixing broken items so they can be used again. What are some
in your response positive and negative aspects of each of these solutions?
to Activity D.
2. Do you think governments or regular people are more effective at disposing
of trash or finding ways to turn it into treasure? Why?

Vocabulary Skill Suffixes

A suffix is an ending that is added to a root word. There are several suffixes that
form nouns. Some of them indicate people or concrete objects or things, and
others indicate more abstract nouns. The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
for learners of English has a list of suffixes with their meanings and uses.
Understanding the meaning of suffixes will help you build your vocabulary by
giving you clues to the meaning and function of new words.

Noun suffixes Suffix meaning Examples

-ation, -tion an action or process, or the conservation, production
result of it
-er / -or a person or thing that manufacturer, editor
-ist a person who does or believes ecotourist
in something
-ty, -ity the quality or state of biodiversity, clarity
-ment the action or result of agreement

178 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

A. Complete the chart with the correct form of each noun by using the most
appropriate suffix from the skill box. Use your dictionary to help you.

Not a person /
Verb abstract idea Person or thing
1. incinerate incineration incinerator
2. present
3. fertilize
4. invest
5. invent

B. Read the paragraph. Write the correct noun form of each word to
complete the sentence.

Waste disposal is a big issue all around the world. Many countries have
created new regulations (regulate) about recycling that encourage
(retail) and (manufacture)
2 3
to recycle their waste. This recycling keeps waste materials from being
burned in (incinerate) or dumped into landfills. The
(eliminate) of a large amount of garbage helps to
protect the environment and the (pure) of nearby lakes
and rivers. Many of these retail and manufacturing companies have now
started working with people such as (environmental)
to think of more ways to lower the amount of waste they produce. Also,
(invest) are putting their money into recycling
companies. With the increase in environmental awareness around the world,
their (invest) are starting to make a profit. As greater
numbers of (corporate) become aware of the importance
of recycling, recycling programs are sure to become more popular.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with suffixes.

| Reading and Writing 179


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write a business plan. This business plan will
include information from the readings, the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s words into your own words. A good
paraphrase keeps the same meaning and is about the same length as the original
text. Paraphrasing is a useful skill for both studying and integrating other people’s
ideas into your writing. However, it is important to cite the sources for other
people’s ideas that you use in your writing, even when you are paraphrasing.
Here are some tips for effective paraphrasing.
• Read over the text you want to paraphrase several times in order to completely
understand it.
• Take notes in your own words.
• Find good synonyms for some of the key vocabulary in the text.
Around 50 people attended the first gathering.
[ Approximately 50 people went to the first meeting.
• Write the paraphrase using your own notes without looking at the original.
• Change the grammatical structure of your paraphrase by:
Changing the order of the clauses
Since its independence from Malaysia, Singapore has become wealthy.
[ Singapore has become wealthy since its independence from Malaysia.
Changing to active or passive voice
Martine Postma established the first repair cafe in Amsterdam in 2009.
[ The first repair cafe was established by Martine Postma in 2009.
Changing the word forms
[ Pulau Semakau is quite a success. Pulau Semakau is quite successful.
Check your paraphrases against the original texts to make sure that they are
similar in content, but different in terms of vocabulary and grammar.

180 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

A. Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions. (Read each sentence
carefully in order to fully understand the meaning.)
1. Find synonyms for the underlined words. Change the order of the clauses.
Despite recent efforts by people like Repair PDX volunteers, repair culture
stands counter to the dominant, disposable mentality (Cooke, 2014).
2. Find synonyms for the underlined words. Change from the active to the
passive voice. Move the prepositional phrase “in the future” to the end of
the paraphrased sentence.
In the future, ecotourists will visit the island of Pulau Semakau on
specially arranged guided tours (Bland, 2007).
3. Find a synonym for the underlined word. Change from active to passive voice.
Move the final clause to the beginning of the sentence. Think of a different
way of stating “according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.”
The average American throws away 4.4 pounds of trash per day, compared
to 2.68 pounds in 1960, according to the US Environmental Protection
Agency (Cooke, 2014).

Tip for Success

When paraphrasing
someone else’s words
or ideas in your
writing, you should
B. Paraphrase each pair of sentences. Begin by reading the sentences
carefully and taking notes. Then write the paraphrase without looking at
the original. Use a variety of techniques as appropriate.

1. All the trash from Singapore’s 4.4 million residents is dumped on an

always reference the artificial island. This island could become one of Singapore’s main tourist
source, or tell the
reader where the attractions in the near future (Bland, 2007).
ideas came from.
According to Bland, Singapore dumps the garbage from its 4.4 million
This will help you
avoid plagiarism. citizens on an artificial island. In the near future, this island could become
one of Singapore’s main tourist spots.
2. Singapore burns more than 90 percent of its garbage for reasons of
space. Singapore will need to recycle more of its garbage to lower carbon
emissions in the atmosphere (Bland, 2007).
3. Along with his broken toaster, Steve Vegdahl brought a slice of bread
with him to Portland’s repair cafe one day last month. By the time he
left, his toaster was working again—and the sweet smell of toasted wheat
permeated the room (Cooke, 2014).
4. While repairing rather than replacing may have become a rebellious action
over the last few decades, Jacobson sees room for the concept to grow.
From coffee grinders to speakers to lawnmowers to furniture, Repair PDX
alone has endowed a multitude of objects with new life (Cooke, 2014).

Bland, E. (2007). Garbage of Eden. New Scientist Magazine.

Cooke, C. (2014, Jan 10) The Glorious Feeling of Fixing Something Yourself. The Atlantic.
Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com

| Reading and Writing 181

C. WRITING MODEL Read the model business plan, making note of the
underlined paraphrased ideas taken from Reading 1 and an article found
on the Internet. Look back at Reading 1 on page 163 to find the original
wording of phrases 1–3, and record the original quotes on the lines that
follow the business plan. Then analyze with a partner how the quotes
were turned into paraphrases.

The Clever Compost Company: Small Compost Bins

for People Who Love the Environment
The Clever Compost Company is an exciting new environmentally friendly company
that manufactures small compost bins made of 100% recycled plastic. Compost
bins are containers into which people can put their everyday kitchen scraps such
as vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and many other things, rather than throwing
them away. This food waste will soon turn into valuable compost that can be used
as soil for growing plants.
The Clever Compost Company believes in the motto that garbage can be
turned into gold. This approach has been inspired by what has been done in
Singapore with its garbage. Singapore has created a nature filled island out of
incinerated trash. (1) This island is an important place for many different kinds of
natural life, and it is surprisingly appealing to infrequently seen types of animals
and plants (Bland, 2007). Just like in Singapore, the Clever Compost Company
wants to help people create a little natural oasis out of unwanted trash.

Business Description
With the goal of diverting garbage from local landfills and creating high-quality
compost, the Clever Compost Company makes compost bins that are a
conveniently small size for individuals living in apartments and townhouses with
no gardens. The compost bins are made of 100% recycled plastic from old yogurt
containers, margarine tubs, and other similar plastics. This product has been
inspired by the success of TerraCycle. At TerraCycle, boxes of Capri Sun drink
pouches, old computer components, and cookie packages have been recycled into
pencil cases, picture frames, and kites, respectively (Feldman, 2009). However,
TerraCycle does not make compost bins, and the Clever Compost Company fills
this gap.
With landfills all around the world reaching their capacity, people everywhere
need to start throwing away less. As a result, businesses that come up with a
solution to prevent trash from being thrown away are going to be an excellent
investment. A good example of what the future may look like can be found in
Singapore, where (2) the limits on resources now are the same problems that
other places around the globe will have to deal with soon (Bland, 2007). However,
one of the drawbacks of Singapore’s solution is that they burn their garbage.
(3) When Singapore started to incinerate its trash, the amount of carbon it
released into the air increased rapidly (Bland, 2007). In an age of global warming,

182 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

it is not a good idea to release too many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The Clever Compost Company has one solution—the carbon in household kitchen
waste is kept in solid form as compost that can be used to grow plants, which
remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Finally, the creativity of this idea, coupled with its environmental goals, is sure
to make money. Although TerraCycle has struggled from time to time, since 2004,
Tom Szaky has made money: inventive recycling has contributed to TerraCycle’s
income annually increasing twofold (Feldman, 2009). The industry as a whole
appears ready to break into consistent profitability. More importantly, the Clever
Compost Company will avoid mistakes such as when the head of TerraCycle,
instead of making a recycled tote bag in-house, choose to make them with a local
producer that billed him $20 for each bag (Feldman, 2009).

Sales and Marketing

The potential customers for this product are environmentally conscious individuals
living in apartments and townhouses with only a small amount of outdoor space,
such as a balcony. In the first year of production, the compost bins will be
available in hardware stores and garden centers across North America, but there
are plans for global distribution.

The Clever Compost Company is set to create a highly successful product made
of 100% recycled plastic that produces compost, instead of garbage headed
toward a landfill. The small size of these compost bins makes them convenient for
the majority of people living in city apartments today, and they help to fight global
warming by keeping carbon in its solid form and avoiding incineration. All of these
factors, plus the need for environmentally conscious companies, combine to
create a financially solid investment in a product that will be a big seller in North
America, and eventually around the world.

Bland, E. (2007). Garbage of Eden. New Scientist Magazine.
Feldman, L. (2009, March 25). Garbage mogul makes millions from trash. CNN
Money. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com

Quote 1:

Quote 2:

Quote 3:

| Reading and Writing 183

D. Choose three of the paraphrases in the model business plan, and rewrite
them once more into your own words.




ONLINE E. Go online for more practice with writing a business plan.

Grammar Modals of possibility

We use modals to talk about possibilities in the future and to make predictions.
The choice of modal depends on how certain you are about the possibility of
something happening in the future.

Absolutely The local landfill will be full in ten years.

certain People won’t be able to get free bags in grocery stores anymore.
We cannot keep making more and more garbage without hurting the
With the building of the new nature reserve, the environmentalists
couldn’t be happier.
Very With the new recycling laws, people should start recycling at least half
certain of their garbage.
The fertilizer company should not go bankrupt because new investors
have been found.
People are very concerned about the environment, so our new
company ought to make a lot of money on our green products.
Somewhat More people may start buying reusable tote bags if they become cheaper.
certain Students may not buy our new recycled paper products because they
are more expensive than regular paper products.
Less The business could be making bracelets out of recycled toothbrushes
certain by next year.
Unrecyclable plastic might be banned in the next few years.
Consumers might not buy nonrecyclable products in the future.

184 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

A. Check (✓) the most appropriate level of certainty for each prediction.

1. The environment cannot be saved unless

everyone starts recycling waste.
2. A lot of recyclable products might be

- -



banned from landfills soon.
3. Old-fashioned incandescent lightbulbs ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

won’t be sold in stores by 2050.
4. The city should start seeing the benefits of ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

its new recycling program soon.
5. If something isn’t done soon, the landfill ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

ought to fill up quickly.
6. Consumers may be more interested in ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

buying recycled products if they become
less expensive.
7. The recycling program is a big success, and ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

the mayor couldn’t be happier.
8. A recycling depot could be built in the ■
□ ■
□ ■
□ ■

neighborhood if more people wanted one.

B. Read each green business idea and write a prediction about the success
or failure of the business. Then write a reason for your prediction. Use
modals of possibility in your predictions and reasons.

1. Recycle used toothbrushes into fashion bracelets for women.

Prediction: This idea might not be successful.

Reason: People may not want to wear somebody else’s old toothbrush
around their wrists.

2. Make umbrellas out of recycled newspapers.

3. Pay people to recycle their garbage (a garbage recycling company).

| Reading and Writing 185

4. Collect used coffee grounds from coffee shops and sell them to gardeners
as fertilizer.
5. Turn used cooking oil into gasoline for cars.

C. You live in a large city, and the only landfill in the area is almost full. What
is the future going to be like in this city? Write five sentences predicting
the future. Each sentence should contain a different modal of possibility.
A new landfill might be built on a farm outside of the city.

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with modals of possibility.

E. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write a business plan

UNIT In this assignment, you will pretend to start an innovative new company
that reuses or recycles garbage. You must find investors for your company.
As you prepare your business plan, think about the Unit Question, “How can
we turn trash into treasure?” Use information from Reading 1, Reading 2,
the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your ideas. Refer to the
Self-Assessment checklist on page 188.

i Q -,___1Go
-to the
ONLINE -Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.

Critical Thinking Tip

The Unit Assignment

asks you to develop
a business plan
for an innovative
A. BRAINSTORM What kind of businesses turn trash into treasure? In a
group or with a partner, discuss these questions. Then use a cluster
diagram like the one on page 187 to map your ideas for one business.

new company. In 1. What are three possible businesses that recycle or reuse trash?
developing this plan,
you will synthesize the 2. What kind of services or products would each company provide?
information from the
unit with your own ideas 3. Why would each business be attractive to potential investors?
and prior knowledge to
create something new. 4. Who would the customers be, and how would they buy the product or service?

186 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?

Trash into

B. PLAN Choose a business from Activity A. Follow these steps to prepare
to write your business plan for the new company that you want to start.

1. These are questions commonly asked by investors before they invest in a

new business. With a partner, answer each question.
a. What is the name of your business?
b. What kind of business is it?
c. What product or service are you going to provide?

d. Why is this business a great idea?

e. What are the main goals for this business?

f. Who are the customers going to be?

g. Where will you sell the product or service?

ONLINE 2. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the outline for your
business plan.


C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your business plan. Go to iQ Online
to use the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write a business plan for a company that reuses or recycles garbage. Use
examples and paraphrase when necessary.
2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist on page 188 to guide your writing.

| Reading and Writing 187

ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s business plan. Then go online and use
the Peer Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your
business plan.

C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write
the final draft of your business plan. Be prepared to hand in your work or
discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Does the business plan build a convincing argument using facts,
reasons, and examples?

□ ■
□ Has information from Reading 1 and Reading 2 been paraphrased
correctly where appropriate?

□ ■
□ Are modals of possibility used correctly to express predictions?

□ ■
□ Do nouns have the correct suffixes where appropriate?

□ ■
□ Does the business plan include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go online to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—How can we turn trash into treasure? Is
your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes, how is it
different? Why?

188 UNIT 6 | How can we turn trash into treasure?


Circle the words you have learned in this unit.

Nouns disposal permeate

appliance elimination tinker
aptitude founder thrive
concept participant Adjectives
consequence Verbs abundant
conservation adjust contaminated
constraint anticipate dubious
craftsmanship convene obsolete
device incinerate sustainable

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can anticipate content through questions.

(pp. 161–162)
VOCABULARY I can recognize noun suffixes. (p. 178)
WRITING I can paraphrase. (p. 180)
GRAMMAR I can recognize and use modals of possibility.
(p. 184)

I can gather information and ideas to prepare

OBJECTIVE a business plan that describes a new recycling
company to potential investors.

| Reading and Writing 189


READING identifying the author’s intent

VOCABULARY using the dictionary
WRITING summarizing
GRAMMAR subject-verb agreement


Why do people
want to change
who they are?

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.

1. If you could change any aspect of your personality, what
would it be? How would this improve your life?

2. Have you ever changed or wanted to change your physical

appearance? What did you change or want to change?

3. Look at the photo. What is this person changing? Why do

you think this person wants to change?

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer these


1. How did the students answer the question?

2. Do you agree or disagree with their ideas? Why or why not?

ONLINE C Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the Unit

Question with your classmates.

190 UNIT 7
UNIT Read an article from Scientific American Mind and
an article from Maclean’s news magazine. Gather
information and ideas to develop a summary and
response essay based on an informational text.

D Read the list of changes. Check (✓) whether you think each change
would affect a person’s appearance, personality, or both. Discuss your
answers in a group.

Change Appearance Personality

1. Dye one’s hair brown, blond, or black. ■
□ ■

2. Learn a new language. ■
□ ■

3. Smile more. ■
□ ■

4. Dye one’s hair purple, blue, or green. ■
□ ■

5. Go to a tanning salon. ■
□ ■

6. Live abroad for a year. ■
□ ■

7. Lose or gain weight. ■
□ ■

8. Shave one’s head. ■
□ ■

E Work with a partner. Describe the personality and lifestyle of each

person below. Give reasons for your descriptions. Be as detailed
as possible.

1 2 3 4

F The people above want to change. Read what each person wants and
write some advice. Discuss your answers with a partner or a group.
Would it be easy for them to change?

1. I think I’m too shy. I want to be more outgoing.

2. I want to look professional, but not too conservative.

3. I want to look the way I feel: young!
4. I want to live and work in another country.

192 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?


READING 1 Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard

UNIT You are going to read an article by Nikolas Westerhoff from the magazine
Scientific American Mind that looks at why it is so difficult for people to
change their lives and their personalities as they become older. Use the
article to gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW Why is change so difficult for some people? List three
reasons why people may not be able to change their lives or enjoy new
experiences. As you read, check to see if your reasons are similar to the
reasons presented in the article.



B. QUICK WRITE Why do some people want to change their lives and
personalities? Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Before you start,
spend a couple of minutes planning what you are going to write about.
Remember to use this section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrase in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words or phrases you don’t know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

competence (n.) intention (n.)

conceivable (adj.) lose one’s appetite (phr.)
conduct (v.) novelty (n.)
conscientious (adj.) the jury is still out (phr.)
consistency (n.) undertake (v.)
impulsive (adj.)
Oxford 3000™ words

i Q -.____1D.-Go-
ONLINE online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 193

A. Read the article and gather information on why people want to change.

Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard

Millions of us dream of transforming our lives,
but few of us are able to make major changes
after our 20s. Here’s why.
1 “The shortest path to oneself leads around
the world.” So wrote German philosopher
Count Hermann Keyserling, who believed that
travel was the best way to discover who
you are.
2 That was how 22-year-old Christopher
McCandless was thinking in the summer of
1990, when he decided to leave everything
behind—including his family, friends, and
career plans. He gave his bank balance of
People tend to be open to new experiences during their teens
$24,000 to the charity Oxfam International and early 20s.
and hitchhiked around the country, ending
up in Alaska. There he survived for about As Costa and McCrae found, this pattern holds
four months in the wilderness before dying true regardless of cultural background.
of starvation in August 1992. His life became 4 Although people typically lose their appetite
the subject of writer Jon Krakauer’s 1996 for novelty as they age, many continue to claim
book Into the Wild, which inspired the 2007 a passion for it. Voters cheer on politicians
film of the same name. who pledge change. Dieters flock to nutritional
3 Not every newly minted college graduate is programs advertising a dream figure in only
as impulsive and restless as McCandless was, five weeks. Consumers embrace self-help
but studies conducted since the 1970s by books promising personal transformation. And
personality researchers Paul Costa and Robert scientists tell us that novel stimuli1 are good for
R. McCrae of the National Institutes of Health our brains, promoting learning and memory.
confirm that people tend to be open to new 5 Yet even as people older than 30 yearn for
experiences during their teens and early 20s. what is new, many find themselves unable or
Young people fantasize about becoming an unwilling to make fundamental changes in their
adventurer like McCandless rather than following lives. Researchers say this paradox can be largely
in the footsteps of a grandparent who spent explained by the demands of adult responsibilities
decades working for the same company. But after and that unrealistic expectations may also play
a person’s early 20s, the fascination with novelty a part in thwarting2 our best intentions. Change
declines, and resistance to change increases. is rarely as easy as we think it will be.

1 stimuli: (pl. for stimulus) something that helps somebody or

something to develop better or more quickly
2 thwart: to prevent somebody from doing what they want to do

194 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

Nature or nurture? 10 But even negative events may have thoroughly
6 Psychologists have long identified openness positive results, according to sociologist Deborah
to new experiences as one of the “Big Five” Carr of Rutgers University. For example, many
personality traits, which also include widows are able to start life over again and
extroversion3, agreeableness, conscientiousness, to develop talents they never knew they had.
and neuroticism4. Considerable disagreement People who have been diagnosed with cancer
exists about how much these personality learn to redefine themselves as a result of
traits change after age 30, but most research the disease—and may even conquer their
suggests that openness declines in adulthood. cancer in the process. Survivors of natural
7 The fact that an age-dependent pattern of catastrophes often discover new strengths. But
decreasing openness appears around the we should not draw sweeping conclusions from
globe and in all cultures suggests, according to these examples, says psychologist William R.
biopsychologists, a genetic basis. But the jury is Miller of the University of New Mexico. Many
still out. As psychologist and personality researcher older people report that they have changed
Rainer Riemann of Bielefeld University in Germany little in spite of major life experiences.
points out, it is conceivable that people all over
the globe are simply confronted with similar life
demands and societal expectations. Young men and
women everywhere have to go out into the world
and find a partner and a livelihood. Later, they have
to care for their children and grandchildren. These
life tasks require commitment and consistency and
may serve as a catalyst for personality change.
8 Once a family and career are in place, novelty
may no longer be as welcome. New experiences
may bring innovation and awakening but also
chaos and insecurity. And so most people dream Over time we become creatures of habit.
of novelty but hold fast to the familiar. Over
time we become creatures of habit: enjoying the 11 The structure of one’s personality becomes
same dishes when we eat out, vacationing in increasingly stable until about age 60. “That means
favorite spots, and falling into daily routines. that a person who is particularly conscientious
9 “The brain is always trying to automate things at the age of 40 will be conscientious at 60
and to create habits, which it imbues5 with as well,” says psychologist Peter Borkenau of
feelings of pleasure. Holding to the tried and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in
true gives us a feeling of security, safety, and Germany. Stability decreases again, however,
competence while at the same time reducing after the age of 60. It seems that people are only
our fear of the future and of failure,” writes brain able to become more open to new experiences
researcher Gerhard Roth of the University of once they have fulfilled their life obligations—
Bremen in Germany in his 2007 book whose title that is, after they have retired from their careers
translates as Personality, Decision, and Behavior. and their children have flown the nest.

3 extroversion: liveliness and confidence; enjoying being with

other people
4 neuroticism: the state of not behaving in a reasonable, calm
way because you are worried about something
5 imbue: to fill with strong feelings, opinions, or values

| Reading and Writing 195

False hope springs eternal is that it is difficult to keep weight off over the
12 Even after age 60, it is difficult to completely long term, and finding an ideal life partner is
reframe your life. In fact, those who seek to often dependent on luck. Even if dieting proves
make large changes often end up failing even successful, other goals may remain out of
to make the most minor corrections. The more reach. But the false hope syndrome seduces
an individual believes he can set his own people into trying to overhaul their entire lives
rudder6 as he pleases, the more likely he is to all at once: the smoker and couch potato is
run aground7. That’s one reason why so many suddenly inspired to become a nonsmoker and
smokers who tell you that they can quit whenever marathon runner, but because he attempts
they want are still smoking 20 years later. too much too fast, he is doomed to fail.
13 In 1999, psychologists Janet Polivy and 15 The cure for false hope is to set more
C. Peter Herman of the University of Toronto reasonable goals and recognize that achieving
Mississauga coined a term for this phenomenon: even modest change will be difficult. And
false hope syndrome. Over and over, they say, if you are older than 30, remember that
people undertake both small and large changes your openness to new experiences is slowly
in their lives. Most of these attempts never get declining, so you are better off making a
anywhere, thanks to overblown expectations. new start today than postponing it until
14 Take the woman who believes that if she can later. Perhaps most important of all, try to
lose 20 pounds, she will finally meet the man appreciate the person that you already are.
of her dreams and live happily ever after. This 16 As the ancient Greek Epicurus put it: “Do not
fantasy is based on the notion that one positive spoil what you have by desiring what you have
change—losing weight—automatically brings not; but remember that what you now have
with it other desired changes. But the reality was once among the things only hoped for.”

6 rudder: a piece of wood used to control the direction of a

boat; figurative meaning: control your life
7 run aground: when a ship touches the ground and cannot
move; figurative meaning: to have trouble

Vocabulary B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 1. Complete
Skill Review each sentence. You may need to change the form of the word or phrase to
In Unit 1, you learned make the sentence grammatically correct.
about using a
thesaurus and how
learning synonyms competence (n.) consistency (n.) novelty (n.)
and antonyms is a
conceivable (adj.) impulsive (adj.) the jury is still out (phr.)
good way to build
your vocabulary. conduct (v.) intention (n.) undertake (v.)
How many synonyms
conscientious (adj.) lose one’s appetite (phr.)
and antonyms
can you find for
the vocabulary
words and phrases 1. The researchers are responsible for organizing the experiments, but their
from Reading 1?
assistants actually them.

196 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

2. People don’t like too much change because familiar experiences give them
a feeling of and control over their lives.

3. Many people start a diet with the best

of losing weight, but they find it difficult to change their behavior.

4. Some scientists believe personality characteristics are genetic, but

on this issue because no research has
proved this to be true.

5. As a person gets older, he may start to for

change and adventure, instead preferring to be comfortable and safe.

6. Some people are workers and always try

to do a good job.

7. Many young people are and make quick

decisions that are not based on a lot of thought.

8. Some people think that their hair needs to look different, so they style it
in every way.

9. When you a diet or exercise program, you

are also responsible for making a long-term change in behavior.

10. Lisa is learning English because she needs to have a high level of
in English in order to go to college in
the United States.

11. The of visiting a foreign country and

experiencing a lot of new things can be very exciting.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Match each section of the article with its main ideas.

a. Introduction (Paragraphs 1–5)
b. Nature or nurture? (Paragraphs 6–11)
c. False hope springs eternal (Paragraphs 12–14)
d. Conclusion (Paragraphs 15–16)

| Reading and Writing 197

1. People need to set reasonable goals, as even small changes are
difficult. It is more important to be happy with who you are.
2. As people become older, they are less open to change. This is true around
the world and in all cultures, suggesting that resistance to change has a
genetic basis. However, it may also indicate that people all over the world
simply have similar life demands and societal expectations.
3. While young people are usually open to new experiences, older people
are less interested in new experiences and are more unwilling to change.
4. People who try to make big changes in their lives often end up failing
to make even small changes. Their hopes are too high. Their desire for
change is unrealistic.

E. What is the overall main idea of Reading 1? Write down your ideas in one
or two sentences and compare with a partner.

F. Refer back to the reading as you answer these questions. For each
response, indicate the paragraph number(s) where you found your

1. What did Christopher McCandless do that is an extreme example of the

impulsiveness and restlessness of youth? (Paragraph: )

2. How do the examples of voters, dieters, and consumers show that people
continue to claim a passion for novelty as they get older?
(Paragraph: )

3. What are the “Big Five” personality traits? (Paragraph: )

198 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

4. What evidence is there for a genetic basis to declining openness in
adulthood? (Paragraph: )

5. What is the argument that there isn’t a genetic basis to declining openness
in adulthood? (Paragraph: )

6. According to the article, when are people able to become open to new
experiences again? (Paragraph: )

7. What is meant by the subtitle “False hope springs eternal”?

(Paragraph: )

8. What is false hope syndrome? (Paragraph: )

9. Why will the woman who believes that if she loses 20 pounds, she’ll meet
the man of her dreams and be happy probably not succeed?
(Paragraph: )

10. What advice does the article give to people over the age of 30 who might
want to change? (Paragraph: )

| Reading and Writing 199

G. Who do you think is more likely to leave his or her friends and family behind
and travel around the world for six months? Label the following five people
in the order of most likely (1) to least likely (5). Write the reasons for your
decisions and compare your answers with a partner.

19-year-old college student


27-year-old plumber
34-year-old writer
42-year-old doctor
68-year-old retired teacher

ONLINE H. Go online to read a book review of The Tipping Point and check your


A. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. How open to new experiences are you? What are some examples of new
experiences you have had?

2. Do you agree that the older people become, the harder it is for them to change?
How does this idea compare with the experiences of people you know?
3. Based on what you have read and your own experiences, do you feel that
the global pattern of being less open to change is genetic or a result of
societal pressures?

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 193 as you think about what you have learned.

200 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

Reading Skill Identifying the author’s intent
Authors can have many different reasons for writing. These reasons are the
author’s intent, or purpose. Everything you read has a purpose, and authors may
have more than one purpose for writing something. They may want to inform,
persuade, and/or entertain their readers. Authors do this through a combination
of their writing style, the inclusion of certain facts and ideas, and their choice of
particular words.
This chart gives three basic reasons authors have for writing something. Use the key
indicators and examples to help guide you in judging an author’s intent. Learning
how to identify an author’s intent will help you better analyze texts and become a
more critical reader.

Information Persuasion Entertainment

Intent explains, tries to make the entertains the
describes, or reader believe a reader
informs the reader particular idea,
about something think in a certain
way, or take action
Style expository writing persuasive writing narrative and
descriptive writing
Key indicators provides contains opinions, creates an image in
mostly factual feelings, and the reader’s mind
information or beliefs that may make the
gives instructions reader feel a strong
on how to do emotion; can be an
something interesting story or
an anecdote
Examples textbooks, lab some newspaper fiction, short
reports, directions, and magazine stories, novels,
cookbooks, some articles, editorials, poetry, comics,
newspaper and advertisements, graphic novels
magazine articles opinion essays,
academic essays

| Reading and Writing 201

A. Read these excerpts from Reading 1. Decide if the author is trying to
inform (I), persuade (P), or entertain (E). More than one answer may be
correct, so be prepared to defend your choices.

1. He gave his bank balance of $24,000 to the charity Oxfam

International and hitchhiked around the country, ending up in
Alaska. There he survived for about four months in the wilderness
before dying of starvation in August 1992.
2. Studies conducted since the 1970s by personality researchers Paul
Costa and Robert R. McCrae of the National Institutes of Health
confirm that people tend to be open to new experiences during their
teens and early 20s.
3. Psychologists have long identified openness to new experiences as one
of the “Big Five” personality traits, which also include extroversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
4. Over time we become creatures of habit: enjoying the same dishes
when we eat out, vacationing in favorite spots, and falling into
daily routines.
5. In 1999, psychologists Janet Polivy and C. Peter Herman of
the University of Toronto Mississauga coined a term for this
phenomenon: false hope syndrome.
6. The smoker and couch potato is suddenly inspired to become a
nonsmoker and marathon runner, but because he attempts too much
too fast, he is doomed to fail.
7. As the ancient Greek Epicurus put it: “Do not spoil what you have by
desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have
was once among the things only hoped for.”

Tip for Success

When you read a

newspaper or a
magazine, thinking
about the author’s
B. Work in a group. Discuss these questions about the author’s intent.
Be sure to give reasons for your answers.

1. In your opinion, why did Nikolas Westerhoff write this article about
the difficulty of change?
intent will help you
to decide on the 2. Find examples from the article to support your opinion of the
trustworthiness and
reliability of what author’s purpose(s).
you are reading.
3. How does identifying the author’s intent help you to become a
better reader?

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice identifying the author’s intent.

202 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

READING 2 Kids Want to Tan
UNIT You are going to read an article from the weekly news magazine Maclean’s
that considers why some people like to tan. It also discusses some of the
drawbacks of getting too much sun. Use the article to gather information
and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW What do you think are some of the possible dangers of
tanning? List three possible dangers of being exposed to too much
sun. As you read, check to see if the dangers you have identified are
mentioned in the article.



B. QUICK WRITE Why do you think some people like to tan, despite the
dangers? Write for 5–10 minutes in response. Use ideas and evidence
that you already know about to support your argument. Remember to
use this section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrase in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words or phrases you don’t know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

dermatology (n.) project (v.)

diagnosis (n.) scorching (adj.)
doom (v.) sun-kissed (adj.)
incidence (n.) trigger (v.)
olive-toned (adj.) urge (v.)
phenomenal (adj.) with a vengeance (phr.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 203

A. Read the article and gather information on why people want to change
the way they look.

Kids Want to Tan

Sun is the new tobacco: Why the young, especially, in the previous summer. It gets worse: while
just can’t quit more than a third of those surveyed said they
1 In winter, if there’s something special going on, knew someone who had skin cancer, almost
Norah-Jean Howard, 19, heads to the tanning half said people with tans look healthier.
salon for a little color. In summer, though, Howard 3 Teenage boys are the worst offenders, with only
might join friends around the pool, or maybe at 32 percent of those 15 to 17 reporting they’re
the trampoline in the backyard, to make sure she either very or somewhat careful under the sun.
keeps that sun-kissed glow. The alternative— “This lax3 behavior could explain findings from a
pallor1—is no alternative at all, and she doesn’t previous study published in the January 2003 issue
spend a lot of time worrying of the Journal of the American
about skin cancer. Academy of Dermatology in
2 Nevertheless, the which older white men had a
Canadian Dermatology higher incidence of skin cancer,”
Association says, “No the academy reported. The
tan is a good tan,” since Centers for Disease Control
all exposure to solar and Prevention in the United
radiation2—whether from States also confirms that white
the sun or a tanning males have the highest rates
lamp—damages the skin of contracting skin cancer,
to some extent. To the with around 25 incidences
sun-obsessed, you might of melanoma of the skin per
as well be saying, “No air is good air.” Young 100,000 people in 2010.
people, especially, have embraced tanning with 4 North Americans are chasing ultraviolet (UV)
a vengeance, heading to tanning salons and, radiation4 more vigorously than ever. According
in warm weather, soaking up the sun. Recently, to Statistics Canada, Canadians last year made
the American Academy of Dermatology released almost 2.5 million trips to Bermuda and the
a survey indicating 79 percent of youths Caribbean for stays of one night or more in 2010,
between 12 and 17 know sun tanning can be a searing 190 percent increase over the 860,000
dangerous. Furthermore, 81 percent recognize visits made in 2000. Similarly, the US 5-billion-
that sunburns during childhood up the risk of dollar tanning-salon market in North America has
skin cancer, yet 60 percent said they burned shown phenomenal growth, going from fewer

1 pallor: pale coloring of the face 3 lax: not strict, severe, or careful enough about work, rules, or
2 solar radiation: powerful and dangerous rays that are sent standards of behavior
out from the sun 4 ultraviolet (UV) radiation: radiation that causes the skin
to darken

204 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

than 10,000 outlets in the early 1990s to about grown. Kellett was in to see a specialist within a
50,000 today. “Gold equals healthy and white week, and a week after that, the dermatologist
equals ill,” says Daniel Maes, vice president used a local anaesthetic and removed the growth,
of global research and development for Estée which was about the size of a baby fingernail. Her
Lauder in Melville, NY. “Nobody wants to deal with prognosis6 —like any melanoma caught early—is
people who look ill. This is what pushes people to very good. “I always thought I was safe—I was
go lie down on a beach and get burned. They look proud of the way I would tan—but I basically tell
around and everybody looks better than them.” people that it’s not worth it,” says Kellett.
5 Skin cancer is the most common type of 7 Sun suppresses the immune system. It works
cancer in Canada, accounting for one-third of all this way: dendritic cells with amoeba-like arms
diagnoses of the disease, with 82,600 cases fight infections and are found in tissues throughout
forecast for 2014 by the Canadian Cancer Society. the body. They surround and swallow the infectious
There are three kinds: basal, squamous, and agent and deliver it to T cells7, which trigger an all-
melanoma. Basal and squamous are less serious out attack on the infection and also immunize the
and far more common than melanoma, and body against future assaults. The sun, however,
will account for roughly “down regulates” dendritic
76,100 cases in 2014. cells, preventing their
They’re usually treated activation, says Bhagirath
without hospitalization.
However, the incidence “
Gold equals healthy and
equals ill. . . . This is what
white Singh, scientific director of
the Institute of Infection and
of melanoma, with 6,500 pushes people to go lie down Immunity in London, Ontario.
diagnoses and 1,050 “Dendritic cells are really the
on a beach and get burned.
deaths projected for 2014,
has risen alarmingly—an
” central mechanism of the
immune orchestra,” says
average of 2.4 percent a Singh. “They control how the
year in men and 1.8 percent in women since 1992. immune system will mobilize.”
Various cancer agencies agree: since sun exposure 8 Even when people put on sunscreen, they
is linked to most skin cancers, reduced exposure often don’t put on enough to get the desired
to ultraviolet radiation would cut the number of SPF8 rating. That’s why Canadian dermatologists
new cancer cases to the same extent that quitting have upped their recommendation of SPF 15
smoking cuts cancer in tobacco addicts. to SPF 30, says Dr. Jason Rivers, a professor
6 Deborah Kellett grew up in Ontario and spent of dermatology at the University of British
a lot of time sunning herself in cottage country Columbia and former national director of the
north of Toronto. Kellett, 47, has olive-toned sun awareness program for the Canadian
skin and generally didn’t burn. Today, she lives in Dermatology Association. “You can lead by
Bedford, Nova Scotia, and has had a year to think example as a parent, so early education is
about her cancer. She had been keeping an eye5 important,” suggests Rivers. In fact, it’s not all
on a spot on her back, just below her armpit, for a bad news. The tanning-bed industry is under
few years when her family physician noticed it had mounting pressure. In March 2005, the World

5 keep an eye on something: to take care of something and 6 prognosis: an opinion, based on medical experience, of the
make sure it is not harmful likely development of a disease or an illness
7 T cell: a kind of white blood cell that plays an important role
in the human immune system
8 SPF: sun protection factor

| Reading and Writing 205

Health Organization—noting that more than two Thoughts of skin cancer cross his mind only when
million cases of skin cancer, of which 132,000 someone asks him about it. “I’m getting up there
are malignant9 melanomas, occur worldwide each in age,” shrugs Remenda. “I’m going to die of
year—urged regulators to restrict artificial tanning some kind of cancer, right?”
with UV light to those 18 and older. Along those 10 A few feet away, lying in the sand along the north
lines, Health Canada has taken steps that will shore of Lake Ontario, Gillian Parker feels guilty
require manufacturers to toughen warning labels for being caught out in the sun. The 24-year-old
on tanning equipment. As of 2013, six Canadian TV production assistant—fair-skinned, strawberry
provinces have already banned young people blond and freckled—usually doesn’t sunbathe.
under the ages 18 or 19 from using commercial Nevertheless, here she is, although she says she’s
indoor tanning services. watching the time carefully. “I already know that I’ll
9 Under a scorching noonday sun in Toronto’s probably get skin cancer,” says Parker, explaining
Beaches neighborhood, Jason Remenda, 34, how she’s burned throughout her life. Four years
languidly10 pushes his 21-month-old son Jaydn ago, she fell asleep for 45 minutes in the sun and
on a swing. Remenda, a parts manager for a ended up with blisters all over her chin. Her mother
Japanese car manufacturer, has a rare day off. has already had skin cancer—twice. “That’s why I
He’s wearing shorts, a baseball cap, and a thick feel I’m pretty much doomed.”
gold chain around his neck. The only SPF lotion 11 It’s the cry of a tan addict. Many of us, especially
anywhere near him is on his son. It’s his first young people, just can’t say no to the kiss of the
time out this year, and he never uses sunscreen. sun, even though it could be the kiss of death.

9 malignant: that cannot be controlled and is likely to cause death

10 languidly: moving slowly in an elegant manner, not needing
energy or effort

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 2. Read
the sentences. Then match each bold word or phrase with its definition.

1. In the summer, Norah-Jean loves to stay outside in order to keep her

sun-kissed glow.
2. The Canadian Dermatology Association says that sun tanning is
bad for the skin.
3. Young people in North America have started tanning with
a vengeance.
4. The American Academy of Dermatology reported that older white
men have a higher incidence of skin cancer.

a. (phr.) to a greater degree than is expected or usual

b. (adj.) made warm or brown by the sun
c. (n.) the scientific study of skin diseases
d. (n.) the extent to which something happens or has an effect

206 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

5. In the last 20 years, the tanning-salon market has shown
phenomenal growth.
6. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, accounting for one-
third of all diagnoses of the disease.
7. Cases of skin cancer are projected to increase this year by five percent.

8. Some people with olive-toned skin don’t think they need to worry
about sunburns.
e. (adj.) yellowish-brown in color
f. (n.) the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or a problem
g. (adj.) very great or impressive
h. (v.) to estimate what the size, cost, or amount of something will be in the
future based on what is happening now
9. Toxic chemicals can harm our cells and trigger the growth of cancer
in our bodies.
10. Last year, the World Health Organization urged governments to
control artificial tanning.
11. The summer sun can be scorching, so it is important to protect your
skin from burning.
12. Some people feel they are doomed to having skin cancer if their
parents have had it.
i. (v.) to recommend something strongly

j. (v.) to make something happen suddenly

k. (v.) to be certain to fail, suffer, die, or experience a terrible and unavoidable event

l. (adj.) very hot

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Answer these questions. Write the paragraph number(s) that contain

information to support your answers.

1. What is the main issue in the article?

2. Why do some people want to tan?

| Reading and Writing 207

3. What is the biggest danger associated with tanning?

E. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true.

1. Tanning under a solar lamp isn’t as dangerous as tanning in the sun.

2. Few people between 12 and 17 realize that tanning can be dangerous.
3. The majority of youths between 12 and 17 got burned by the sun the
summer before they answered a survey about tanning habits.
4. A research study from 2003 indicated that older white men had a
lower rate of skin cancer than others.
5. Today there are fewer than 50,000 tanning salons in North America.
6. At the time the article was written, melanoma was less common than
the other two types of skin cancers.
7. The incidence of melanoma is higher among women than men.
8. Although olive-skinned people may believe they are not at risk for
skin cancer, they actually are.
9. A lot of sun exposure is good for the immune system.
10. The World Health Organization is in favor of limiting tanning with
UV light to people over the age of 18.

F. Each of the phrases below can be a subtitle for one of the paragraphs in
the reading. Write the paragraph number beside the phrase that best
represents that paragraph. Not all of the paragraphs in the reading are
represented by the phrases in this activity.

Adolescent males take the least precautions

An example of a woman who feels skin cancer is inevitable
Skin cancer is widespread in Canada
Young people tan despite knowing the dangers
Having a darker complexion does not prevent skin cancer
Stronger sunscreens and tanning bed warnings are suggested
The sun hurts the body’s ability to heal
An example of a man who does not use sunscreen

208 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

G. Match the person with the ideas that are associated with them in the
article. Note that there is one more person listed than the associated ideas.

a. Norah-Jean Howard e. Jason Rivers

b. Daniel Maes f. Jason Remenda
c. Deborah Kellett g. Gillian Parker
d. Bhagirath Singh

1. A darker skin color is not much protection from skin cancer. While
she was happy with the way she could tan in her youth, she eventually
found a skin cancer growth that had to be removed.
2. He never really thinks about skin cancer unless someone asks him
about it. Because he is becoming older, he thinks he will get cancer

3. The sun negatively affects special cells that protect the body. This is
dangerous because those cells are very important to the immune
system, and they fight infections.
4. People look healthy if they have a tan, and they look unhealthy if they
do not have a tan. People want to look as good as the other people
around them.
5. Dermatologists have increased the suggested strength of sunscreen
because people do not use enough. Parents should also teach their
young children to use protection from the sun.
6. She has had very bad sunburns in the past. Her mother has had skin
cancer two times. As a result, she thinks she will probably get skin
cancer herself.

H. Read the questions. What answers can you infer based on the
information in the reading?

1. Why does Norah-Jean Howard head to the tanning salon if there is

something special going on?

2. Why do older white men have a higher incidence of skin cancer?

3. Why is skin cancer the most common type of cancer in Canada?

| Reading and Writing 209

4. Why did the World Health Organization urge regulators to restrict
artificial tanning with UV light to people 18 and older?

5. Why is the only SPF lotion anywhere near Jason Remenda on his son?

6. Why does Gillian Parker feel guilty for being caught out in the sun?


A. Discuss the questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 203 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Why do people continue to tan despite the dangers of skin cancer?

2. Should governments control the amount of time people can use a tanning
bed? Why or why not?
3. What determines whether or not someone is beautiful? Are attitudes
toward physical beauty the same all around the world? Is the desire to
change the way we look universal?

B. Before you watch the video, discuss these questions in a group.

1. How important are genetics in determining a person’s personality?
2. How important are the environment and surroundings in determining a
person’s personality?

ONLINE C. Go online to watch the video

about how a person can aphorism (n.) a short phrase that says
change his or her personality. something true or wise

Then check your missed the mark (phr.) failed at something

comprehension. mold (v.) to strongly influence the way
someone’s character, opinions, and so on,
stumbling blocks (phr.) things that cause
problems and prevent you from achieving
your aim
traits (n.) particular qualities in your personality

210 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

D. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. Which is more difficult to change: your appearance or your life? Can

changing your physical appearance change your personality or improve
your life? Why or why not?
2. What positive actions can people take if they really want to change their
personalities or improve their lives?

Vocabulary Skill Using the dictionary

It is important to make appropriate word choices when you write. The first word
that you think of when you are writing isn’t always the best word to express your
ideas. By looking critically at your vocabulary choices, you can choose words that
are the best fit for your writing purpose.
Synonyms may be misleading as no two words are exactly the same. A synonym
may be slightly different from the exact meaning you want, or it may be accurate,
but inappropriate for the audience, register, or genre of your writing. If you are
not sure of the exact definition or how to use the word, look it up in a dictionary.
The vocabulary choices you make need to match the audience for your writing.
Who is the target audience? American English speakers? British? Academic
scholars? The dictionary gives specific information about this sort of usage.
Register and genre
You should always be aware of the level of formality of a word or phrase. Formal
and informal writing often require different vocabulary choices. Are you writing
an article for a fashion magazine or for an academic journal? Are you posting a
comment online? You can check your dictionary to see if the word you are using
is appropriate or if a more suitable word exists.

ex•ac•er•bate /ɪɡˈzæsərˌbeɪt/ verb ~ sth (formal) to make
something worse, especially a disease or problem
SYN AGGRAVATE : The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain
drugs. d ex•ac•er•ba•tion /ɪɡˌzæsərˈbeɪʃn/ noun [U, C]

From the example, you can see that exacerbate is a verb that means “to make
something worse” and the noun form is exacerbation. You can also see that this
word is used in formal language and that it is used when talking about diseases
and problems, as in the example sentence. If you are writing or speaking in an
informal way, it is more appropriate to say “made worse” than “exacerbated.”

All dictionary entries are from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learners of English © Oxford University Press 2011.

| Reading and Writing 211

A. Circle the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each sentence in
a formal piece of writing in a magazine. Use your dictionary to help you.

1. Many physicians (beg / urge) tanning-salon owners to set strict rules for
the use of tanning beds by teenagers.
2. Some self-tanning lotions contain (bad things / toxic chemicals).
3. Consumers love self-help books that promise complete personal
(transformation / change).
4. People who are able to make a big change in their lives at an older age are
not afraid of (new stuff / innovation).
5. Because of false hope syndrome, people often (fail / mess up) when making
big changes in their lives.
6. Couch potatoes who suddenly (are inspired / want) to become marathon
runners may not have too much success.

B. Replace the words in bold with a more academic vocabulary word from
Reading 1 or Reading 2.
1. The sun’s rays are really hot , so it is very important to protect your skin.
2. It is important to clearly define your goals before you do an experiment.

3. It’s possible that skin cancer rates will increase significantly within the
next year.
4. People lose their appetite for new things as they age.

5. Too much exposure to radiation can set off dangerous changes in

skin cells.
6. My sister is thinking about becoming a doctor that specializes in the study
of the skin.

C. Choose ten vocabulary words from this unit. Write a sentence using each
word. Be sure to look up the words in the dictionary to see how they
are used.
ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with using the dictionary.

212 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write a summary and response essay. This essay
will include information from the readings, the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Summarizing

A summary is a shortened version of a text such as an article or textbook excerpt.
It is an objective piece of writing that does not contain any of your opinions or
ideas. To write a summary, determine the main ideas in the original text and write
a paragraph about them. Summarizing is a useful study aid to help you remember
and understand main ideas when you are taking an exam or doing research.
Here are some steps to help you write a summary.
Before you write: Read the text thoroughly. Use techniques you learned
in Unit 1 (“Distinguishing main ideas from details,” page 13) and Unit 4
(“Making inferences,” page 104) to determine the main ideas the author
is expressing.
As you write: Write a draft of the summary using your own words.
Follow these guidelines:
• Topic sentence: Introduce the piece by giving the author’s name, the title
of the piece, the source, and the general topic of the text.
• Body: Write the main ideas in the order they appear. Do not include details.
• Conclusion: One way you can end a summary is to briefly restate the main
ideas found in the reading.

After you write: Ensure that the summary is much shorter than the original text.
Read over your summary to see if it makes sense and expresses the main ideas of
the reading. Eliminate any unnecessary details. Then revise and edit your work.
• Always use your own words. Never copy the author’s words. (See
“Paraphrasing,” page 180, in Unit 6.)
• Do not overuse quotes. Use mostly indirect speech. A short quotation of a
key phrase may be included.
• Do not add your own ideas or opinions and do not change the writer’s
ideas and opinions.

| Reading and Writing 213

A. Read this article from the British newspaper The Guardian about the
dangers of sunbeds for children and teenagers. As you read, annotate
the text and underline the main ideas.

3 The research has also prompted a crackdown

Children as Young as 11 on tanning salons by local authority officers in
Knowsley’s public health protection division. They
Use Sunbed Salons have carried out an assessment of all 38 sunbed
salons in the area and have sent written warnings
By Sam Jones
to those that need to make changes. Any that
fail to comply could be prosecuted.
4 Richard Fontana, Knowsley council’s
principal environmental health officer,
said the survey had also revealed that some
young people were refusing to wear goggles
because they do not want white patches on
their face, even though tanning without them
a sunbed can cause problems including eye cancer.
1 Health campaigners have called for the rules “We were told one shop was holding tanning
governing tanning salons to be tightened after events inviting people to hire out the venue
a study showed that up to 8 percent of 11- to and turn it into a social event,” he said.
12-year-olds have used sunbeds in the past year, 5 Calls are growing for tighter restrictions on
with some children visiting tanning shops daily young people visiting tanning salons because
after school. The survey, based in Merseyside, the number of people with skin cancer has
England, also found that some salons allowed doubled in the past 10 years. Legally there is
mothers to take their babies into the booths nothing to prevent children from using sunbeds,
while they used sunbeds, and one even offered but the guidelines recommend they are only
children’s events. used by over-16s. Nina Goad of the British Skin
2 Philomena Zilinski of the campaign group Foundation said: “The advice of the World
Health in Knowsley said: “We surveyed young Health Organization is that people under 18
people because we wanted to find out why they should not use sunbeds. It is widely reported
were using sunbeds and how many times a that there are a number of short- and long-term
week. Some were going in every day after school health risks associated with using sunbeds.
and many were using them four times a week. Some users have also reported dry, bumpy or
People don’t seem to realize the health risks.” itchy skin. However, of more consequence are
Ms. Zilinski said many children were ignoring the potential long-term risks of sunbed use, of
the damage they were doing to their skin which skin cancer is the most significant.”
because they thought tanning made them 6 The popularity of tanning parlors among
look better and slimmer or helped clear up young people was highlighted this year when a
complaints such as acne. “The problem is that 15-year-old girl was warned by doctors that she
schoolchildren can afford to use them. Parents was likely to develop skin cancer by the age of
don’t have to give consent,” she added. 30 if she did not stop using sunbeds five times

214 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

a week. Hayley Barlow, from Liverpool, was but still goes at least three times a month. “All the
dubbed a “tanorexic”1 after experts found her skin girls you see in magazines are tanned and lots of
was closer to that of a 25-year-old than a teenager. my friends use sunbeds as well,” she said. “But I’d
She has tried to give up visiting tanning salons like to warn other teenagers not to use them.”

1 tanorexic: someone who tans obsessively, to the point of

making herself sick

Critical Thinking Tip

Activity B asks you to

assess whether the
summary is effective
or not. When you
B. Read the summaries and answer the questions. Discuss your answers
with a partner.

The article “Children as Young as 11 Use Sunbed Salons” by Sam Jones tells
assess, you use your us that 8 percent of 11- to 12-year-olds have used sunbeds in the past year. The
own knowledge and
opinions to judge article reports that children were ignoring the damage they were doing to their
another’s ideas. People skin because they thought tanning made them look better and slimmer. There
can form different, are 38 sunbed salons in the area, and some have been sent written warnings.
but equally valid
assessments. Making Some young people were refusing to wear goggles because they do not want
judgments based white patches on their face. The advice of the World Health Organization was
on the information that people under 18 should not use sunbeds. A 15-year-old girl was warned by
available and your own
values and beliefs can doctors that she was likely to develop skin cancer by the age of 30 if she did not
help you understand stop using sunbeds five times a week. She is a tanorexic, and she still goes at
a topic better. least three times a month to tanning salons.

1. Is this an effective summary? Why or why not?

The article from The Guardian newspaper “Children as Young as 11 Use

Sunbed Salons” by Sam Jones looks at the use of tanning salons by children and
teenagers. A survey has led health campaigners to ask for stronger government
rules and has caused local authorities to crack down on salons. The survey
showed that up to 8 percent of 11- to 12-year-olds have used sunbeds in the
past year and that children are not protecting themselves properly in the salons
because they want to look good. Another factor is that the number of people with
skin cancer has doubled in the last ten years. Right now, children can use tanning
salons, but government and World Health Organization guidelines state they
should be restricted to people over ages 16 and 18, respectively. Children may be
using tanning salons now, but health campaigners are working hard at changing
the rules.

| Reading and Writing 215

2. Is this an effective summary? Why or why not?

Sam Jones, in the article “Children as Young as 11 Use Sunbed Salons,”

informs us that many young people are using sunbeds. Some mothers are
even taking their babies into the booths with them. This is very dangerous,
and they are not good mothers. A survey was carried out that revealed a lot of
children are using tanning salons because they think a tan makes them look
better and slimmer. They have probably been reading magazines with tanned
celebrities. These kinds of magazines make children think that being tanned
is fashionable, but it is very dangerous. The number of people with skin cancer
has doubled in the last 10 years. I think there are going to be even more people
getting skin cancer in the future because of tanning. I hope Hayley Barlow
from Liverpool will stop tanning and realize that she is beautiful just the way
she is.

3. Is this an effective summary? Why or why not?

4. Which summary is the best? Why?

C. The article “Children as Young as 11 Use Sunbed Salons” was published

in December 2005. However, in 2011, the British government changed
the law and banned children and teenagers under the age of 18 from
using tanning salons. Do you agree with this change? Why or why not?
Discuss your answer with a partner.

D. WRITING MODEL A summary and response essay has two sections. After
the introduction, there is typically a summary section of one or two
paragraphs that summarizes the main ideas of a reading text. Next,
there is a response section of anywhere from two to four paragraphs,
depending on the number of main ideas that you are responding to.
The response section contains your opinions of or personal reaction to
the main ideas that you have just summarized. The essay then finishes
with a conclusion.

216 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

Read the summary and response essay below. Think about your opinion
from Activity C. Then answer the questions.

It often seems like many people are unsatisfied with their looks, and one
way people can try to change their appearance is by getting a tan. For many,
the easiest way to get a tan can be by visiting a tanning salon. However, in the
Guardian newspaper article “Children as Young as 11 Use Sunbed Salons,” Sam
Jones points out that children are now starting to use tanning beds. This article
raises many important issues: children should not be using tanning salons, the
rules regulating tanning salons have to be enforced, and the risks associated with
sunbeds need to be better publicized.
In his article, Sam Jones describes how young people were continuing to
use tanning salons despite the risks involved. Health advocates wanted to stop
children from going to tanning salons because of the large increase in the number
of people with skin cancer. If children use tanning salons, they risk developing
skin cancer later in life. A survey revealed that young people did not seem to
know about the dangers. They did not care about skin damage because they
thought having a tan could help clear skin problems. They also felt that a tan
helped them look better and thinner. To fight the abuse of tanning salons by young
people, local governments began enforcing the laws that did exist and started
issuing warnings to salons that weren’t obeying the laws. The article ends with
the example of a young woman who was addicted to tanning.
In the article, it appears that children were using tanning salons on a
regular basis. This is highly dangerous because children are too young to fully
comprehend the dangers of using tanning beds, and they will only see the
short-term benefits rather than the longer-term dangers. It appears that peer
pressure can also influence children and increase their desire to get a tan. The
best way to stop children from using sunbeds is by restricting their access to
tanning salons.
The article also mentions that local authorities began cracking down on
tanning salons that were not following the existing laws at the time of the survey.
The rules at the time of the article, such as the requirement to wear goggles,
needed to be better enforced. Better enforcement sends a strong message to
tanning salon owners that rule-breakers will be punished. Thus, when new rules
are put in place, such as the banning of children from tanning salons in 2011,
there is a better chance that businesses will follow this law.
Finally, the risks associated with using sunbeds have to be better publicized.
As mentioned in the article, many young people did not seem to realize the risks
associated with going to a tanning salon. As a result, Jones stated that some
children were tanning every day after school, and some young people were not
using protective eyewear. There have to be advertisements and public information
campaigns to let young people know the dangers, such as skin cancer, involved in
using tanning salons. Only then will fewer people seek artificial means to get that
sun-kissed look.

| Reading and Writing 217

All in all, the article by Sam Jones highlights the issues surrounding children
and tanning salons such as children’s access to tanning salons, enforcement
of the laws connected to tanning salons, and the lack of public awareness of
the dangers of tanning salons. Children may think that they can improve how
they look by tanning, but there are too many dangers involved. Now that children
are no longer permitted to use tanning salons, the rules for tanning salons are
better enforced, and the public knows more about the risks. It is hoped that the
numbers of people diagnosed with skin cancer will start to go down.

Writing Tip
The thesis statement
summarizes the
main ideas of the
essay and is usually
found in the first
1. What is the thesis statement for this essay? Restate the thesis statement in
your own words.

2. How would you evaluate the summary in this essay? Is it effective? Provide
reasons for your evaluation.

3. What is the first main idea that the essay writer responds to?

4. What is the essay writer’s reaction to the first main idea?

5. What is the second main idea that the essay writer responds to?

6. What is the essay writer’s reaction to the second main idea?

7. What is the third main idea that the essay writer responds to?

8. What is the essay writer’s reaction to the third main idea?

E. Using your own words, write a short summary of the model summary
and response essay in Activity D.
ONLINE F. Go online for more practice with writing a summary and response essay.

218 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

Grammar Subject-verb agreement
In every sentence, the main subject and verb must agree with each other. Singular
subjects agree with singular verbs, and plural subjects agree with plural verbs.
To avoid errors when writing, identify the main subject of the sentence and
the subjects of any clauses and check that they each have a verb that agrees.
Prepositional phrases, relative clauses, and noun clauses can be tricky.
Prepositional Phrases: A plural noun at the end of a prepositional phrase
modifying a singular subject can cause writers to make subject-verb agreement
errors. The subject, not the noun at the end of the prepositional phrase,
determines if the verb is singular or plural.
Sunbed use among young people is a public health concern.
[ prepositional phrase
Subject Relative Clauses: The verb in a subject relative clause agrees in number
with the noun that the clause modifies. The main verb of the sentence also agrees
with the noun.
Many physicians who are against the use of sunbeds treat people with cancer.
[ subject relative clause
Noun Clauses: A noun clause can be the subject of a sentence. Use a singular verb
in these sentences.
What personality studies have shown is that openness to change declines
[ with age.
noun clause

Quantifiers: When quantifiers (see Unit 3, pages 89–90) are used, they usually
precede a noun. Look at the noun and check that the main verb agrees with it.
Almost every teenager is open to new experiences. (singular)

l I want to diet because most of my money is spent on fast food. (noncount)

Most of my friends like to travel to new places and experience new cultures.

A. Underline the main subject in each clause of each sentence. Choose the
correct verb.

1. Many people (wants / want) to make big changes in their lives, but most of
these attempts never (gets / get) anywhere.
2. Openness (is / are) one of the “Big Five” personality traits, which also
(includes / include) extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
and neuroticism.
3. Voters often (votes / vote) for the politicians in an election who (pledges /
pledge) change.

| Reading and Writing 219

4. How much people desire to try new things (declines / decline) as people
become older.
5. Not every new college graduate (is / are) impulsive and restless.
6. Recommendations for stronger sunscreen use (was made / were made) by
the Canadian Dermatologists’ Association.
7. Many patients’ prognoses for a complete recovery from cancer (depends /
depend) on the type of cancer they (has / have).

B. Read the summary. Underline the twelve subject-verb agreement errors

and correct each error.

The article by Sam Jones, “Children as Young as 11 Use Sunbed Salons,”

reveal how young people, some as young as 11 or 12, goes to tanning salons.
Because so many young people in northern England is using tanning salons,
health campaigners wants stronger rules to control these places. A survey
about the effects of using sunbeds show that many young people is ignoring
the risks. They think that tanning in sunbeds improve the way they look. In
response to the survey, local authorities are making sure tanning salons in
this part of England is obeying the law. Another thing the survey reveals are
that some young people are not wearing protective goggles because they want
to look good. Additionally, the number of people who has skin cancer have
doubled in the last ten years. As a result, people are asking the government for
rules that controls the use of tanning salons by young people.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with subject-verb agreement.

D. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write a summary and response essay

UNIT In this assignment, you will write a summary and response essay for Reading 1
or Reading 2. As you prepare your essay, think about the Unit Question,
“Why do people want to change who they are?” Use Reading 1, Reading 2,
the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your ideas. Refer to the
Self-Assessment checklist on page 222.

ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.

220 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

A. BRAINSTORM You may respond to one of the following questions in your
summary and response essay: 1) Can people change who they are? or
2) Why do people want to change who they are? Decide which question
you will address. Then choose Reading 1 or Reading 2 and complete
these tasks.

1. Reread the article you chose and annotate as you read. Use these questions
to guide you.
a. How does the article relate to the question you chose?
b. What are the main ideas of the article?
c. What main ideas in the article do you agree or disagree with? Why?
d. What information in the article supports or disagrees with your point
of view?
e. Do you have any personal experience with or prior knowledge of this
topic? What facts and examples support or disprove the main ideas in
the article?

2. Discuss your answers with a partner who chose the same article.

B. PLAN Follow these steps to plan your summary and response essay.
1. Choose three main ideas from the article and write them below. Write
your personal reaction to each one and how each relates to the question
you are going to address in the response part of your essay.
Main idea 1:

Personal reaction:

Relation to question:

Main idea 2:

Personal reaction:

Relation to question:

| Reading and Writing 221

Main idea 3:

Personal reaction:

Relation to question:

ONLINE 2. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the outline for your
summary and response essay.


C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your summary and response essay.
Go to iQ Online to use the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write your summary and response essay.

2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s summary and response essay. Then
iQ-.___I__ go online and use the Peer Review worksheet. Discuss the review with
your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your
summary and response essay.

C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the
final draft of your summary and response essay. Be prepared to hand in
your work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Does the essay build a convincing argument using facts, reasons, and examples?

□ ■
□ Has information from Reading 1 or Reading 2 been summarized correctly
where appropriate?

□ ■
□ Have you made sure there are no subject-verb agreement errors?

□ ■
□ Did you use the dictionary to make appropriate word choices?

□ ■
□ Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

222 UNIT 7 | Why do people want to change who they are?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.
1. What is something new you learned in this unit?
2. Look back at the Unit Question—Why do people want to change who they
are? Is your answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes,
how is it different? Why?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

competence conduct ,f film conceivable film
consistency film doom conscientious
dermatology project ,f film impulsive
diagnosis trigger film olive-toned
incidence film undertake film phenomenal film
intention ,f urge ,f scorching
novelty sun-kissed
lose one’s appetite
the jury is still out
with a vengeance

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to
the pages in parentheses.

READING I can identify the author’s intent. (p. 201)

VOCABULARY I can use the dictionary to make appropriate
word choices. (p. 211)
WRITING I can write a summary. (p. 213)
GRAMMAR I can recognize and correct subject-verb
agreement errors. (p. 219)

I can gather information and ideas to develop

OBJECTIVE a summary and response essay based on an
informational text.

| Reading and Writing 223


READING organizing notes and annotations in a chart

VOCABULARY adjective/verb + preposition collocations
WRITING writing a cause and effect essay
GRAMMAR cause and effect connectors
Health Sciences


What energizes people?

A Discuss these questions with your classmates.

1. When do you have the most energy? Are you a morning
person or a night owl?
2. What causes people to suffer from low energy levels?

3. Look at the photo. What are these people doing?

How are they energizing themselves? What do you
do to energize yourself?

224 UNIT 8
UNIT Read an article from The St. Petersburg Times and an
article from The New York Times. Gather information
and ideas to prepare a cause and effect essay analyzing
two or three methods for boosting energy levels.

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer

these questions.

1. What energizes Sophy, Marcus, Yuna, and Felix?

Are you energized by the same things? Why or
why not?
2. According to Felix, why aren’t people getting
enough sleep nowadays? What are some other
reasons people might not be getting enough sleep
in today’s society?

ONLINE C Go online to watch the video about how different food choices can affect
your mood. Then check your comprehension.

cranky (adj.) bad-tempered

equation (n.) a problem or situation in
which several things must be dealt with
serotonin (n.) a chemical in the brain
that affects how messages are sent
from the brain to the body and that also
affects how a person feels
turned around (phr.) changed,

ONLINE D Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the

Unit Question with your classmates.

E Answer the questionnaire. Check (✓) the methods that you use to feel
more energetic.

D Take cold showers.

D Drink energy drinks or eat energy bars.
D Sleep seven to eight hours a night.
D Avoid processed sugar.
D Drink coffee.
D Drink eight glasses of water a day.
D Eat fresh fruit and nuts.
D Exercise three to four times a week.
D Eat a chocolate bar or some cookies.

Which are the least healthy two ways to

feel more energetic?

F Work in a group. Compare your results from Activity E. Choose the two
best ways to boost energy immediately. Choose the two best ways to
boost energy over a longer time period.

226 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?


READING 1 A Healthy Lifestyle Can Reduce Fatigue,

Boost Energy
UNIT You are going to read a newspaper article from The St. Petersburg Times that
considers why many people often feel tired and worn out. Use the article to
gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW What makes people feel tired and worn out? Check (✓) what
you think are the three most common reasons. What else might take
away people’s energy?
■ lack of sleep
□ ■ financial problems

■ too much work
□ ■ poor diet

■ too much stress
□ ■ too much TV and too many video games

B. QUICK WRITE What types of things negatively affect people’s energy

levels? Write for 5–10 minutes. When you are finished writing, take a
couple of minutes to read over your ideas and choose the ones that
would go together in the most unified way. Remember to use this
section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.

Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

alleviate (v.) fatigue (n.) protein (n.)

carbohydrate (n.) hormone (n.) refined (adj.)
digest (v.) immune system (n.) restore (v.)
dilemma (n.) metabolism (n.) stamina (n.)

Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 227

A. Read the article and gather information about what energizes people.

A Healthy Lifestyle
Can Reduce Fatigue,
Boost Energy
By David Norrie

1 Look around you at the gym. Can you be the only

one wondering, “How can I get the energy to do
this?” And as you get older, it doesn’t get any easier. Does your energy level crash during the day?

Little wonder we are besieged1 by commercials for

pituitary gland, affects all aspects of cellular
products that promise to boost our energy. Why
metabolism, including protein synthesis and
the obsession with energy? Are we working harder,
breaking down fats. A lack of it lowers
not taking care of ourselves, or simply expecting
metabolism, causing fatigue and weight gain.
more out of each 24-hour day?
4 While humans typically need seven to eight
Experts generally agree on three culprits: sleep, hours of sleep each night, “what might be
stress, and diet acceptable and tolerable for one might not be for
2 Quality, uninterrupted sleep is essential in another,” Brown says. If you log a normal amount
helping the body repair tissue and restore itself, of sleep and continue to experience an abnormal
especially in people who exercise. Lack of sleep can lack of energy during the day, you might want to
impede your concentration levels and cause consult a physician. You might suffer from chronic
depression. Dr. John Brown, a sleep specialist at fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is far more
the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, refers to this distressful3 than feeling sluggish4 in the morning.
lack of quality sleep as “sleep debt,” comparable, he 5 While CFS can follow a severe illness, abnormal
says, to our society’s financial debt. stress, or death in the family, symptoms can also
3 Quality sleep has five stages, with the fifth result from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized
(rapid eye movement, or REM) commonly by temporary breathing interruptions during sleep,
associated with a deep sleep or dream state. It is often lasting from 10 to 20 seconds. The pauses in
important to get into the later stages of sleep breathing can occur dozens or hundreds of times a
because that is when the body produces growth night and put a tremendous amount of stress on the
hormone. Growth hormone, secreted2 by the respiratory system. Loud snoring, gasping for air

1 besiege: to surround somebody or something in large numbers 3 distressful: causing pain, upsetting
(especially by something unpleasant or annoying) 4 sluggish: moving, reacting, or working more slowly than
2 secreted: produced as a liquid substance normal and in a way that seems lazy

228 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

during sleep, and excessive daytime napping are signs morning and don’t feel fully awake until noon,
of sleep apnea. Typically a spouse first becomes aware with lulls in energy all day. Other symptoms
of the situation. Obesity is one major cause of sleep include inability to lose weight, difficulty
apnea. While obese white males have been studied remembering things, colds, and lightheadedness.
most thoroughly, the condition can affect anyone.
Eating yourself to exhaustion
Stressed out 10 As a trainer, the two biggest mistakes I see
6 When I was young there was little to worry people make are: 1) going into a good evening
about other than getting good grades and staying workout session having had their last meal
fit. Stress rarely becomes a dilemma until we around noon, or 2) the reverse, a person who
become adults, when work, family, and financial hurried a meal on his way to the gym thinking
matters expand exponentially. While these that would give him proper energy to work out.
common stress factors affect everybody’s life, 11 When and how often you eat are just as
some have a more difficult time coping and the important to your energy levels as what you eat.
stress manifests itself physically. Long periods without food tell our bodies to shut
7 Stress inhibits the immune system, detracts down and conserve energy. That fact has been
from our focus and often leads us back to the first programmed into our DNA, and it makes perfect
problem, lack of sleep. Exercise is one good way to sense when you think about it. In the days of
alleviate stress. But if your mind is cluttered with Neanderthal Man, food was more scarce. For early
worries during a weightlifting session or fitness man to survive during wintertime or periods of
class it becomes difficult to reach your potential food scarcity, the body’s metabolism would slow
and reap the benefits of a successful workout. down dramatically in what you would call
8 You’ve seen ads for weight-loss products that “survival mode.”
include some derivative of the word cortisol. While 12 To not so great an extent, when we go without
I do not endorse these products, the hormone food for even five to seven hours, we experience a
cortisol plays a critical part in how the body deals similar drop in metabolism, a halt in the burning
with stress. Cortisol itself, produced in the adrenal of fuel, and a lull in energy. But eating just before
cortex, does not pose a threat to the body; its exercise will do nothing but drain your body of its
purpose is to help our bodies deal with stress and ability to function at an optimum level, as your
maintain a healthy immune system. But prolonged organs are using energy to process and digest
stress can induce an overproduction of cortisol, food. That is why we feel tired after a large meal.
leading to an increase in blood pressure, blood 13 For your body to function as the well-oiled
sugar levels, and abdominal fat while suppressing machine it should be, it is better to eat small meals
the body’s ability to fight cold and infection. throughout the day, every two to three hours.
9 Extended anxiety puts the adrenal gland under Consider three basic meals a day with small snacks
enormous pressure to try to keep up with the in between. And by snacks, I mean fruits, nuts,
production of cortisol. This can eventually lead to energy bars, etc. Complex carbohydrates are the
a group of symptoms that some medical body’s preferred source of energy.
practitioners call adrenal fatigue. People with 14 But perhaps one reason some of us experience
adrenal fatigue typically feel drained5 in the fatigue is a diet skewed6 toward consuming protein

5 drained: weaker with less energy 6 skewed: directed toward something in an incorrect way

| Reading and Writing 229

in large quantities. High-protein meals build muscle more, the foods’ molecular structure has
and restore our bodies on a cellular level, but a lack changed, robbing them of their true nutrients.
of quality carbohydrates makes it much more Processed and refined foods are higher on
difficult for our bodies to produce energy. Here’s the the glycemic index, a scale that ranks
catch: not all carbohydrates are good for sustained carbohydrate-rich foods by how much they
energy. Refined sugars, found in sodas and candy raise blood glucose levels. Foods high on the
bars, give you a quick energy fix but do not provide a index burn quickly and release a rapid shot of
good source of long-lasting fuel, typically leaving the energy to the body. Again, this is not good for
body in what’s referred to as a “crash” state after they stamina and leaves the body in a crash state.
rush through the digestive system. Foods low on the glycemic index release energy
15 In addition to simple sugars, beware of more slowly and combat fatigue. Low-index
processed or refined foods, as they are more foods are typically lower in calories and fat
difficult to break down in digestion. What’s and higher in fiber.

Vocabulary B VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 1. Complete each
Skill Review
sentence with a word from the box.
In Unit 7, you learned
about making
appropriate word alleviate (v.) dilemma (n.) immune system (n.) refined (adj.)
choices. As you learn
new vocabulary,
carbohydrates (n.) fatigue (n.) metabolism (n.) restore (v.)
consider the audience digest (v.) hormone (n.) protein (n.) stamina (n.)
you are writing for,
the register you
should use, and
the genre you are
1. Chicken and beef are two foods that contain a lot of .
working within
to decide when 2. Some runners eat pasta or other foods with a lot of
to use a word. because they believe these foods will give them energy for a big race.
3. Too much caffeine and sugar can affect a person’s ,
speeding up nerve activities.
4. You need a lot of to be able to run a marathon.

5. A good diet and plenty of rest can help the symptoms

of minor illnesses and make you feel better.

6. After eating, you should allow your body time to the

food before you start any exercise.
7. After exercising, you should drink water to the fluids
lost during your workout.

230 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

8. Severe can be caused by too much exercise or a poor
diet, resulting in the desire to sleep all the time.
9. Many adults face a when they must choose whether
or not to take time away from work and family in order to exercise.
10. Stress can reduce the effectiveness of your and make
it easier for you to become sick.
11. An area of the brain called the pineal gland produces a
called melatonin that helps people get the right amount of sleep.
12. Soft drinks and candy bars often contain a lot of
sugar, which is not as healthy as the natural sugars in fruits.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Circle the answer that best completes each statement.

1. The main causes of low energy levels are .

a. carbohydrate-rich foods and refined sugars
b. poor sleep, too much stress, and bad diet
c. a lack of concentration and depression
d. working too hard and not taking care of ourselves

2 People need good-quality, uninterrupted sleep in order to .

a. help the body repair tissue and restore itself
b. digest their food efficiently
c. stop producing growth hormone
d. have enough energy to exercise
3. Stress and energy levels are related because .
a. exercise helps to get rid of stress
b. some people suffer from adrenal fatigue
c. too much stress has negative physical effects on the body
d. cortisol is not produced sufficiently when the body is under stress
4. When you eat, how often you eat, and what you eat .
a. affect the glycemic index
b. are not important for digestion
c. are programmed into your DNA
d. have a major effect on your energy level

| Reading and Writing 231

E. Correct these false statements with information from Reading 1. Write
the number of the paragraph in which the correct information is found.

1. It is better to eat large meals three times a day at breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. Paragraph:

2. People feel tired and lose weight when they have enough growth hormone.

3. Exercise is a bad way to deal with stress if you are not too worried about
things. Paragraph:

4. Food choices high on the glycemic index combat fatigue because they
release energy very quickly in the body. Paragraph:

5. Sleep apnea can result from chronic fatigue syndrome. Paragraph:

6. Going without food for several hours results in an increase in metabolism

and higher energy levels. Paragraph:

7. Refined sugars provide long-lasting energy. Paragraph:

8. High levels of cortisol have several positive effects on the body. Paragraph:

F. Using your own words, complete these notes based on information

found in the reading.


1. Good quality sleep is important for .

2. Later stages of sleep are when .

3. Human growth hormone affects .

232 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

4. CFS can be caused by .
5. Symptoms of sleep apnea include .
1. Adults suffer more from stress because .
2. Stress affects .
3. Stress can be helped by .
4. Cortisol is .
5. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include .
1. The two biggest mistakes people make are .
2. What people eat is as important as .
3. People feel tired after a large meal because .
4. It is better to eat .
5. The glycemic index is .

G. With a partner, respond to each of the following scenarios using

information found in the reading.

1. Sofia is feeling depressed, and she often has difficulty concentrating at

work. What would you suggest she do to improve her mood and ability to
2. Antwan has recently gained a lot of weight, and he has been feeling very
tired. What do you think might be the cause of his problems?
3. Nobuo suffers from increased blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and
weight gain. He also catches a lot of colds. What advice do you have for
Nobuo to improve his health?
4. For the past few months, Min Yung has had a lot of difficulty waking up in
the morning, and she has been feeling very tired and lightheaded. What do
you think could be the cause of her problems?
5. Pei Chen has a lot of energy throughout the day. What kind of eating
schedule do you think she might be following?
6. Theodore loves eating candy, but he still feels really tired sometimes. Why
might that be happening?

| Reading and Writing 233

ONLINE H. Go online to read the magazine interview Improving Athletic Performance
and check your comprehension.


A. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. Are getting enough quality sleep, lowering stress, and eating well realistic
ways to boost energy levels for people in today’s world? Why or why not?
2. Do you have enough energy to do the things you want to do? What are you
doing, or could you be doing, to boost your energy levels?
3. Are most people you know too busy? Do busy people suffer from fatigue
and low energy? Why or why not?

B. Choose one question and write a paragraph in response. Look back at

your Quick Write on page 227 as you think about what you have learned.

Reading Skill Organizing notes and annotations in a chart

A chart is a useful tool for organizing your notes and annotations from a reading.
Creating such a chart makes studying easier. Charts can also make it easier to
paraphrase and summarize a text for a report or essay. There are various charts
you can use depending on the type of text and the type of writing you plan to do.

Main ideas and details chart

This type of chart helps you identify and understand the relationship between
main ideas and details. Record the main ideas in the reading on one side of the
chart and the most important details on the other.

Main ideas Details

Lack of quality sleep • produce growth hormone when sleeping
decreases energy. • sleep apnea causes chronic fatigue syndrome

Cause and effect chart

This type of chart helps you identify and understand the causes (the events in a
story or the steps in a process) and the effects (the results of those events or steps).

Cause Effect
too much caffeine nervousness, very alert

234 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

Connections to the text chart
This type of chart helps you remember and understand the text in a more
meaningful way because you are connecting the text with something you
already know.
You can make connections between the reading and:
• things or events in your own life (text to self)
• other information you have read (text to text)
• issues, events, general knowledge in the world (text to world)

Ideas in Reading 1 Connections

One reason some of us Text to self: I always feel tired after eating a lot of
experience fatigue is protein—especially after eating a lot of meat.
a diet skewed toward Text to text: I read an online article that said high-
consuming protein in protein diets were unhealthy and might cause
large quantities. kidney problems.
Text to world: High-protein diets are still popular
with people who want to lose a lot of weight.

A. Write the number of each corrected statement from Activity E (page 232)
next to the main idea that it supports.

Main ideas Details

a. Good-quality sleep can reduce fatigue and boost energy.

b. Dealing with stress can reduce fatigue and boost energy.

c. Having a healthy diet can reduce fatigue and boost energy. 1,

B. Complete this cause and effect chart for Reading 1 with the missing
cause or effect.

Cause Effect
1. quality uninterrupted sleep body repairs tissue and restores itself
2. lack of sleep

3. lower metabolism, fatigue,

weight gain
4. sleep apnea
5. sleep apnea

| Reading and Writing 235

Cause Effect
6. worrying during exercise

7. increase in blood pressure, blood

sugar, and abdominal fat; harder to
fight cold and infection
8. no food for five to seven hours
9. fatigue
10. refined sugars

C. Complete the connections-to-text chart by identifying text-to-self,

text-to-text, and text-to-world connections you can make to the
information found in Reading 1.

Ideas in Reading 1 Connections

Poor sleep leads Text to self:
to fatigue.

Text to text:

Text to world:

High stress levels lead Text to self:

to fatigue.

Text to text:

Text to world:

Poor diet leads Text to self:

to fatigue.

Text to text:

Text to world:

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice organizing notes and annotations in a chart.

236 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

READING 2 A Jolt of Caffeine, by the Can
UNIT You are going to read a newspaper article from The New York Times that
discusses the growing popularity of energy drinks. Use the article to gather
information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. PREVIEW What do you think the article will say about the caffeine in
energy drinks? Check (✓) your answer.
■ Energy drinks have about the same amount of caffeine as coffee.

■ Energy drinks have much more caffeine than coffee.

■ Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee but less than most sodas.

B. QUICK WRITE What types of food and drink boost people’s energy
levels? Write for 5–10 minutes. Take two minutes to read over what you
have written and revise or edit your ideas. Remember to use this section
for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check (✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrase in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words or phrases you don’t know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

agitated (adj.) foster (v.)

bar (v.) minimal (adj.)
component (n.) mystique (n.)
concentration (n.) relative to (phr.)
contend (v.) take issue with (phr.)
disclaimer (n.) unfounded (adj.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

| Reading and Writing 237

A. Read the article and gather information about what energizes people.

caffeine than a typical cup of coffee. But the debate

A Jolt of Caffeine, persists. Four countries have barred the sale of
energy drinks with current levels of caffeine: France,
by the Can Denmark, Norway, and, two months ago, Argentina.
7 Critics contend that much of the skyrocketing
By Melanie Warner growth of energy drinks comes because
1 Every day Tom Cabrera, a 27-year-old auto consumers are getting physically addicted, either
mechanic who lives in Middletown, Rhode Island, by consuming the concoctions3 daily or guzzling
drinks a can of SoBe No Fear energy drink on his several at a time to elevate their mood.
way to work. Later in the day, if he goes to the 8 Roland Griffiths, a professor of behavioral
gym, he downs another before his workout. biology at Johns Hopkins University School of
2 He says he probably could not get through the Medicine, says the amount of caffeine necessary to
day without one. “It lifts me up. One minute I’m produce dependency and withdrawal symptoms is
dragging and then it’s like ‘Pow!’” he said, about 100 milligrams a day. A can of energy drink
widening his eyes. has 80 to 160 milligrams, depending on the size,
3 Loyal and enthusiastic customers like though such information is not listed on any cans.
Mr. Cabrera have helped propel caffeinated An eight-ounce cup of coffee typically has 100 to
energy drinks into the fastest-growing sector of 150 milligrams.
the $93 billion domestic beverage industry. Sales 9 Some energy brands go so far as to promote their
of energy drinks, which sell for $2 to $3 a can, addictiveness as a selling point. “Meet your new
have grown a torrid1 61 percent this year in the addiction! 16 oz of super-charged energy with
United States, according to Beverage Digest. advanced components and a great berry-passion
4 But that has scientists and nutritionists worried. fruit flavor,” reads the front page of Pepsi’s SoBe No
Energy drinks have as much sugar and roughly Fear website. Cans of Kronik Energy, made by an
three times the caffeine of soda, and some experts Arizona company, warn customers, “Caution: May
peg their popularity to their addictiveness. And Be Psychologically Addicting,” meant as a daring
with racy2 names like Full Throttle and come-on, not a serious warning.
Adrenaline Rush, critics say these drinks are 10 Nutritionists say that while it may be fine for
fostering caffeine addiction among teenagers. adults to have their dose of caffeine, they worry
5 Caffeine can cause hyperactivity and about children becoming hooked. “I suspect that
restlessness among children and is known to busy, driven teenagers are grabbing one of these
increase the excretion of calcium, a mineral much energy drinks instead of eating real food, which I
needed while bones are still growing. would be concerned about,” said Lola O’Rourke, a
6 Energy drink manufacturers say they do not registered dietitian in Seattle and a spokeswoman
market to children and their products have no more for the American Dietetic Association.

1 torrid: very hot; (figuratively) fast and strong 3 concoction: a strange or unusual mixture of things,
2 racy: having a style that is exciting and amusing especially a kind of drink or medicine

238 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

11 Cans of SoBe, Monster, and others carry a Coca-Cola, says the reason taurine, guarana,
voluntary disclaimer, warning that the fizzy carnitine, and ginseng are in Full Throttle is
liquid inside is “not recommended for children, because customers want them there.
pregnant women, or people sensitive to caffeine.” 17 “Energy drinks contain ingredients that
12 But the definition of “children” is not always consumers have come to expect and want to see,”
clear. Coke and Pepsi say they aim their products Ms. Merrill said. “We make no claims about any
at those older than 20. Rodney C. Sacks, chief of them. We believe in marketing our brand by
executive of the Hansen Natural Corporation, focusing on the brand’s personality, rather than
which sells the popular Monster brand, says that the ingredients.”
his product is appropriate for anyone over 13. 18 Mr. Cabrera, the auto mechanic, says he likes it
13 In addition to caffeine, other purportedly that his can of No Fear has strange-sounding
energy-enhancing ingredients in energy drinks ingredients, listed on the top of the can, but he
have attracted the attention of European health admits he has no idea what taurine, creatine, and
officials. When France banned Red Bull in 2000, arginine are.
health officials cited uncertainties about the 19 Kristi Hinck, a spokeswoman for SoBe
interaction of caffeine, the amino acid taurine, beverages, says that if consumers are curious
and glucuronolactone, a type of sugar that is about ingredients, they should do research. “We
produced by human cells and used in metabolism. encourage people to do their homework and look
14 Beverage companies say energy drinks have it up,” she said. “It’s part of the whole mystique
been safely consumed around the world for more about energy drinks.”
than a decade and that such concerns are 20 Some scientists say this mystique amounts to
unfounded. But they acknowledge that there little more than shrewd marketing of overpriced,
have been few studies looking at the particular caffeinated sugar water. “These are just caffeine
combinations of these compounds. In addition to delivery systems,” said Professor Griffiths at Johns
taurine and glucuronolactone, energy drinks have Hopkins. “They’re being marketed cleverly to
other unusual ingredients: guarana, a Brazilian imply they have other ingredients that may be
herb that contains caffeine; D-Ribose, another useful to some end.”
sugar used in metabolism; carnitine, arginine, 21 Henk Smit, a researcher in the department of
and creatine, three amino acids; and ginseng, an experimental psychology at the University of
Asian herb said to have antioxidant benefits. Bristol in Britain, decided to test the effectiveness
15 Red Bull, the Austrian company that makes the of energy drinks. In a study published in the
original energy drink, makes ambitious assertions medical journal Nutritional Neuroscience last year,
about its particular blend of these ingredients. Mr. Smit found that energy drinks were effective at
The company’s website boasts that Red Bull improving mood and performance, but he
“improves performance, especially during times concluded that caffeine was the crucial component.
of increased stress or strain,” “increases 22 “Any additional benefits of taurine,
concentration,” and “stimulates the metabolism.” glucuronolactone, or other ingredients are
16 Other manufacturers, however, are more minimal compared to those of caffeine, and from
circumspect4 in their claims. Mary Merrill, group what I know, are speculative at best for most of
director for sports and energy drinks at these ingredients,” he wrote in an e-mail message.

4 circumspect: thinking very carefully about something before

doing it because there may be risks

| Reading and Writing 239

23 Mr. Sacks, the Hansen chief executive, takes these other ingredients when I could just put in
issue with these findings. He says Monster is 2 more cents and double the caffeine?”
carefully made to deliver a smoother burst of 25 It is these other, more expensive ingredients
energy than other forms of caffeine. “When you that allow manufacturers to charge $2 to $3 a can
drink coffee you get jittery, agitated, and fidgety,” when a 20-ounce bottle of soda can be had for $1
he said. “Our experience is that you don’t get the to $1.50. And that, says Mr. Pirko of Bevmark, has
same effect with an energy drink.” everything to do with marketing. “You’re selling
24 Mr. Sacks says that if his aim were to simply get images to people who want to be powerful,” he
customers revved up on caffeine, he would have said. “It’s a head trip5.”
added more of it. “If I wanted to promote sales,
“A Jolt of Caffeine, by the Can,” from “A Jolt of Caffeine, by the Can; Caution: Energy
I could have doubled the caffeine,” he said. “It’s a Drink Profits May be Addictive” by Melanie Warner, The New York Times, November 23,
2005. © 2005 The New York Times. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected
cheap ingredient relative to the others. Why by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or
would I spend dollars and dollars per case for retransmission of the Material without express written permission is prohibited.

5 head trip: a feeling resulting from an action done mostly for

your own pleasure

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words and phrases from Reading 2.

Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box. You may
need to change the form of the word or phrase to make the sentence
grammatically correct.

agitated (adj.) concentration (n.) foster (v.) relative to (phr.)

bar (v.) contend (v.) minimal (adj.) take issue with (phr.)
component (n.) disclaimer (n.) mystique (n.) unfounded (adj.)

1. Some energy drinks contain a large amount of caffeine

the amount in coffee and tea.

2. Vitamins are one important of many energy drinks.

3. Energy drink companies create a about their drinks

by making the ingredients sound like little-known medicines.

4. People who drink too much coffee can become ,

restless, and nervous.
5. Regular users of energy drinks people who believe
the drinks should be banned.

6. Some governments the sale of energy drinks because

they want to keep people from using drinks that may be harmful.

240 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

7. Some people say that energy drinks improve their ,
so they can pay attention and think better.
8. People who criticize energy drinks that the drinks
have too much caffeine in them.
9. Scientists caution that energy drinks can start or an
addiction to the caffeine in the drinks.
10. The advertiser made claims that were , with no
research to support them.
11. For some people the effects are , but others suffer
severe headaches during caffeine withdrawal.
12. Energy drinks often carry a on their label warning
that the drink is not suitable for children or pregnant women.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Read the statements related to the main ideas in Reading 2. Write T (true)
or F (false) beside each statement. Correct any false statements.

1. Beverage companies claim that energy drinks are safe and can have a
number of benefits.

2. Many scientists consider energy drinks to be a healthy and safe

alternative to coffee.

3. There are worries about the negative effects of high levels of caffeine
in energy drinks, especially for children.

4. Energy drinks are big business, and their sales are growing fast.

5. The benefits of taurine, glucuronolactone, and other ingredients in

energy drinks have been scientifically proven to be much greater than
those of caffeine.

6. According to one study, the additional ingredients in energy drinks

have few benefits compared to caffeine, the most important ingredient.

| Reading and Writing 241

7. Scientists are worried that people who drink energy drinks are
becoming addicted because of the high amounts of caffeine.

E. Write the paragraph number in Reading 2 where each detail can be found.

Main idea Details Paragraph

1. Energy drinks a. Some people drink one or two energy drinks
are very popular. every day.
b. Energy drinks are the fastest-growing sector of
the beverage industry.
c. Sales grew 61 percent in one year.

2. Energy drinks d. Critics say energy drinks encourage caffeine

contain high addiction among teenagers.
levels of
e. Caffeine causes hyperactivity, restlessness, and
loss of calcium in children.
f. France, Denmark, Norway, and Argentina have
stopped the sale of energy drinks with current
levels of caffeine.

F. Use this chart to record your notes on the final part of the reading.
Remember to write only the most important details.

Main idea Details

1. Consumers are becoming
addicted to energy drinks.

2. Energy drinks contain

other energy-enhancing

3. Scientists say caffeine is the

most important ingredient
in energy drinks.

4. Energy drink companies feel

the other ingredients are

242 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

G. Scan through Reading 2 for statistical information. Answer the questions.
1. How old is Tom Cabrera?
2. How many dollars is the domestic beverage industry worth?
3. How much do energy drinks sell for?

4. How many countries have banned the sale of energy drinks?

5. How much caffeine is necessary to produce dependency and withdrawal

6. How much caffeine does a can of energy drink contain?

7. How much caffeine is in an eight-ounce cup of coffee?
8. How large is a can of Pepsi’s SoBe No Fear energy drink?
9. According to Coke and Pepsi, to what age group are their products marketed?

10. According to Rodney C. Sacks, what is an appropriate age to start

drinking Monster brand energy drinks?
11. In what year did France ban Red Bull?

12. What is the price of a 20-ounce bottle of soda?

H. Based on the information in Reading 2, what answers can you infer to the
following questions?

1. Why does Tom Cabrera drink one or two cans of energy drink every day?
2. Why are energy drinks such a fast-growing sector of the beverage industry?
3. Why are scientists and nutritionists worried about the increasing
popularity of energy drinks?
4. Why might some companies promote the addictiveness of their energy
drinks as a selling point?
5. Why might some companies put voluntary disclaimers on their drinks?

6. Why do energy drink companies add strange-sounding ingredients such

as taurine, glucuronolactone, and guarana to their drinks?
7. Why would an energy drink company avoid making claims about the
ingredients in its energy drinks and focus on a brand’s personality instead?
8. What point is Mr. Sacks trying to make by explaining that caffeine is
much cheaper than the other ingredients in energy drinks?

| Reading and Writing 243

A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 237 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Have you ever tried an energy drink? If yes, how did it make you feel?
If you haven’t tried one, would you?
2. A number of countries do not allow the sale of energy drinks with high
levels of caffeine. Do you think the government should step in and control
the consumption of these drinks? Why or why not?
3. Is the popularity of energy drinks mainly due to marketing or to their
beneficial effects? Explain your opinion.

B. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.

1. If people know that a good night’s sleep, reducing stress, and eating well are
sensible lifestyle choices that help to increase energy levels, why do some
people choose to use energy drinks instead?

2. Which method of boosting energy do you prefer: lifestyle changes as in

Reading 1 or energy drinks as in Reading 2? Why?

Vocabulary Skill Adjective/verb + preposition collocations

Some adjectives and verbs are often followed by certain prepositions. These
common word combinations are called collocations. Being familiar with these
patterns can increase your accuracy as you write and speed up your reading
comprehension. These charts show some common collocations found in
Readings 1 and 2.

Adjective + preposition

Adjective Preposition Example

curious about Consumers who are curious about the ingredients
in energy drinks can do some research.
appropriate for The chief executive says the energy drink is
appropriate for anyone over the age of 13.
aware of My spouse first became aware of my sleep apnea
when I started snoring loudly.
sensitive to Some people are sensitive to caffeine.

244 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

Verb + preposition

Verb Preposition Example

worry about Many university students worry about getting
good grades.
. .
focus on Some energy drink companies like to focus on the
brand’s personality rather than the ingredients.
refer to The tired feeling after a quick sugar rush is
referred to as a crash state.
. +-

deal with Cortisol helps our bodies deal with stress.

Cause or effect
The collocations result from and be caused by are used to express cause. Lead to
and result in are used to express effect. They are all common in academic writing.
Low energy levels result from people not getting enough exercise.
effect cause

Not getting enough exercise results in low energy levels.

cause effect

A. Complete each sentence with the appropriate preposition. If you need

help, look at the Vocabulary Skill Box or scan Readings 1 and 2. Then
check (✓) the sentences with collocations used to express cause or effect.

1. Some doctors refer a lack of quality sleep as a sleep debt.

2. Too much stress can result many problems, such as having
low energy and not being able to lose weight.

3. Busy people find it difficult to deal making healthy meals

on a daily basis.
4. Energy drinks are often marketed young adults who are
looking for a quick boost.
5. Sometimes, children’s behavioral problems result the effects
of too much caffeine.

6. Are consumers curious the strange-sounding ingredients

found in energy drinks?

| Reading and Writing 245

B. Combine the phrases (cause, effect, and collocation) into one sentence.
Change the verbs and nouns as necessary to create a grammatical sentence.

1. not get enough quality sleep / feel tired all the time / result from
Feeling tired all the time results from not getting enough quality sleep.

2. be obese / sleep apnea / can result from

3. high levels of caffeine / France, Denmark, Norway, and Argentina bar the
sale of energy drinks / lead to

4. eat a large, high-protein meal / feel tired / can be caused by

5. companies spend a lot of money on marketing them / an increase in sales

of energy drinks / may be caused by

6. drink an energy drink / feel wide awake and alert / can result in

C. Find five new adjective + preposition or verb + preposition collocations

in Reading 1 and Reading 2. Then write a sentence in your own words for
each new collocation.

Seven to eight hours of sleep can boost energy.

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with adjective/verb + preposition collocations.

246 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?


UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write a cause and effect essay. This essay will
include information from the readings, the unit video, and your own ideas.

Writing Skill Writing a cause and effect essay

People often write to understand the reasons behind something or the results of
something: causes and effects. The piece of writing can either focus on the causes
of a situation or event or it can focus on the results of a situation or event.
The causal analysis essay looks at multiple causes leading to one major result. It
usually begins by describing a particular situation and then analyzing all of the causes.
Thesis statement: Poor sleep, high stress, and a bad diet can lead to a lack of energy.
poor sleep

lack of energy
high stress ►

bad diet

The effect analysis essay examines how one major situation has a number of
different results. It usually begins by describing a particular situation and then
analyzing all of the effects.
Thesis statement: Too much caffeine can result in difficulty sleeping, headaches,
and nervousness.
difficulty sleeping

too much caffeine

► headaches


There are two common problems to watch for in a causal analysis or effect analysis
1. The relationships between cause and effect must exist and be logical. Avoid
mistaken causal relationships—jumping to conclusions without first checking
the logic of your argument.
✗ Drinking the right energy drink leads to happiness.
[ ✗ Eating a large meal with too much protein immediately results in illness.

2. The causal relationships must be supportable with details such as facts,

examples, statistics, quotations, and anecdotes.

| Reading and Writing 247

A. WRITING MODEL Read the model essay written in response to an English
composition class assignment. Then answer the questions with a partner.

English Composition 101 Midterm Essay Assignment:

Why do some students have very low energy and difficulty concentrating? Write an
essay analyzing why some students have trouble staying awake during class.
Class Time Is Often Sleepy Time
1 There is a serious problem that is growing on university campuses. In
ever greater numbers, undergraduate students are finding it difficult to
stay focused in class. It is routine to see students closing their eyes during
lectures or staring out the window. While some students hide behind their
books, other students move around in their chairs, trying to keep alert. Why
are students struggling to make the most of their class time? The reasons
for this struggle to stay awake lie in student jobs and university classes.
2 One culprit for this lack of focus in class is the increasing number of
students who are holding down part-time or even full-time jobs while
they are in school. As the cost of living continues to rise and tuition
fees increase, students are finding it necessary to have a job in order
to make ends meet. However, often the only jobs available to students
are low-paying ones that require long hours in order to make the money
necessary to go to school. The long hours cut into study time, forcing
students to study later and later into the night. It is not rare for a student
to arrive home from a part-time job at 9 p.m. and then to be faced with
another four or five hours of homework. It is hard to imagine being bright
and energetic for an early morning class after that.
3 Another explanation for why students are not focusing in class is that
classes can often be boring affairs that students must endure. One reason
may be that most professors are excellent researchers, but not necessarily
the best teachers. They are unable to engage students in learning and
instead lecture from prepared notes in a traditional manner. Students
today are what have been called digital natives, used to multitasking on
the Internet, listening to music on their smartphones, and watching TV in
a 500-channel universe. To suddenly ask them to listen to lectures read
aloud in a monotone voice leads to wandering minds.
4 Schedules packed with work and study, along with classes that do
not engage students’ attention, lead to difficulties focusing in class.
Something must change if university students are going to get the
most possible out of their programs of study. Students need to make
a commitment to work fewer hours, and universities need to make a
commitment to improve classroom lectures.

248 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

1. What type of essay is this?
■ causal analysis essay
□ ■ effect analysis essay

2. What is the thesis statement for this essay? Underline it.
3. What is the first topic sentence? Underline it twice.
4. Note the first major cause and its effect in the margin.
5. What is the second topic sentence? Underline it twice.
6. Note the second major cause and its effect in the margin.
7. What is the concluding statement? Underline it.

B. Complete this cause and effect chart for each main body paragraph of
the essay in Activity A.

Working part-time or full-time jobs is making students tired

and unable to focus.
Cause Effect
1. rising cost of living
2. students need a job
3. usually have low-paying jobs
4. have to study late at night
5. study late at night

Critical Thinking Tip

In Activity C,
you will create a
cause and effect
chart. Organizing
C. Imagine you have been assigned to write an essay based on one of the
readings in this unit. Choose Reading 1 or Reading 2 and create a cause
and effect chart in answer to one of these essay questions.

information in this 1. What are some reasons why people feel tired during the day?
way can help you
remember material 2. What can people do to boost their energy?
better and use it
more effectively 3. What are some effects of consuming energy drinks?
to express your
own ideas. 4. Why are energy drinks becoming so popular?

| Reading and Writing 249

D. WRITING MODEL Read the model cause and effect essay. Then fill in the
diagram that follows with the major effect in the rectangle, the main
causes in the ovals, and the associated important details on the lines.
Some of the information has been completed for you.

Tips for Graduate Students to Keep up Their Energy

In recent years, the multiple demands put onto graduate students seem to be
getting heavier and heavier. These demands, such as the pressure to pass exams,
the requirement to write a thesis or dissertation, and the need to have a part-time
job, can drain students of their energy. Some students may even feel trapped in
an exhaustion from which there is no escape. However, there are measures that
students can take to beat that feeling of being tired all the time. Namely, getting
lots of exercise, sleeping well, enjoying healthy drinks, and staying positive all help
maintain the high levels of energy that students need on a daily basis.
Exercise is known to boost energy levels. While students may find it hard to
carve out the time to exercise, thirty minutes of exercise three times a week is
enough to keep fatigue at bay. A great time to get mobile is early in the morning.
Students can try a light jog or a brisk walk before breakfast. This exercise will
get their blood flowing and carry oxygen to the brain, helping them to feel bright
and alert for the rest of the day. Another tip is to not stay sedentary all day.
When studying for long periods of time, students should get up and walk around.
For example, after every hour of studying, students should stand up and go for
a five-minute walk before hitting the books again. Finally, stretching before bed
is another way for students to keep themselves in top form. It can help tired
muscles get the oxygen they need to support an active lifestyle.
Along with exercising, getting enough good quality sleep is very important for
students who are feeling tired all the time. The key to getting good quality sleep
is having a comfortable mattress. A lumpy, secondhand futon or a twelve-year-old
mattress from home might be the culprit preventing a good night’s sleep. It is
important for students to speak with a sleep expert and find the right mattress
for their sleeping style. In addition, students should avoid using electronics before
going to bed. It might be fun watching YouTube videos before bed, but the glowing
blue light from the screen has been known to have a negative effect on sleep
quality. Lastly, a regular sleeping schedule is vital for maintaining normal energy
levels. Most people need at least eight hours of sleep a night. Thus, pulling an all-
nighter one night and then sleeping for twelve hours straight the next night is not
a good idea. The best plan is to go to bed every night at 10:30 p.m. and wake up
at 6:30 the next morning, fresh and ready to start the day.
Good hydration is another factor that can help maintain energy levels. The
first and best choice is plenty of water. To avoid feeling sluggish and dehydrated,
students should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Another good
drink for a quick pick-me-up is green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and it
has less caffeine than coffee. Being sugar free, it is also a much better choice than
soda pop or energy drinks, and students can avoid the sugar crash that comes

250 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

with consuming those types of sweetened beverages. Finally, a good investment
for students is a good quality juicer. Having enough vitamins and minerals is key to
staying energetic, but many students are not able to eat the recommended seven
to eight servings of fruits and vegetables. However, with a juicer, students can drink
their vitamins and minerals and find the energy they need for studying.
Finally, having a positive mental attitude is the most important factor
contributing to staying energetic. There are many challenges to being a student,
but it can help if problems are seen as opportunities for learning. By seeing
setbacks as learning experiences, students are less likely to feel depressed and
drained. For example, when students fail tests, they can analyze those tests so
that they can do better next time. Another tip to help keep students’ energy up is
to remember to smile. It may seem silly at first, but it is hard to feel depressed
and tired if you are smiling. Finally, it is important to see the good in people. The
professor may seem like an enemy at times, but there may be a reason behind
what he or she is doing. For example, those early morning quizzes might be to
ensure that students make it to class on time, thus helping them learn more in
the end. Holding people in a positive light will help students stay in a good mood,
thus helping them not feel drained and exhausted.
All in all, graduate students can keep up their energy levels with plenty of
exercise, good quality sleep, healthy drinks, and positive attitudes. It might be
hard at first, but putting these four pieces of advice into practice is sure to
boost energy levels. Once the benefits of having high energy levels start to be
enjoyed, living a healthy lifestyle will be natural.

Getting a
good sleep
Morning exercise

No electronics at bedtime

Learning experiences


ONLINE E. Go online for more practice with writing a cause and effect essay.
| Reading and Writing 251
Grammar Cause and effect connectors
Cause and effect connectors show the exact relationship between your ideas and

give your writing coherence.
Tip for Success The coordinating conjunction so follows the cause and is connected to the effect
In order to sound in a sentence. It does not usually start a sentence in formal academic writing.
fluent, use connectors [ People do not get enough exercise, so they suffer from low energy levels.
only when you need
to demonstrate a
clear relationship The subordinators because, due to the fact that, and since connect to the cause in
between ideas. a sentence. They are used in dependent (adverbial) clauses. Notice the use of the
comma when the dependent clause comes first.
Some people have low energy because they do not get enough exercise.
I have low energy levels due to the fact that I don’t eat enough
complex carbohydrates.
Since you feel so tired, you should stay home and rest.

The transitions as a consequence, as a result, because of this, consequently, for this

(that) reason, and therefore all follow the cause and are connected to the effect.

[ People do not get enough exercise. Consequently, they suffer from low energy.
People do not get enough exercise; for this reason, they suffer from low energy.

A. Underline the cause once and the effect twice.

1. Jody says his high energy level is due to the fact that he drinks an energy
drink every morning.

2. France, Denmark, Norway, and Argentina banned the sale of some energy
drinks because they contain high levels of caffeine.
3. Many customers like strange-sounding ingredients. Consequently, energy
drink companies add ingredients like guarana, D-Ribose, and carnitine to
their beverages.
4. Energy drinks contain caffeine. One study noted that because of this, these
drinks can improve mood and performance.

5. Energy drinks have a loyal, enthusiastic customer base. For this reason,
sales of energy drinks have grown quickly.

252 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

B. Draw an arrow from each cause to its effect.

Cause and Effect

1. She feels tired every day. → She’s not getting enough sleep.
2. I feel energetic while I work. I drink coffee in the morning.

3. People eat too many processed People suffer from low energy
and refined food items. levels and fatigue.
4. There is a lot of caffeine in People are becoming addicted to
energy drinks. energy drinks.
5. Energy drinks can give a boost People working long shifts buy
of energy. energy drinks.
6. He has symptoms of chronic He has sleep apnea.
fatigue syndrome.
7. People need quality, The body repairs tissue and
uninterrupted sleep. restores itself during sleep.

C. Rewrite the sentences in Activity B using these connectors. Change nouns

to pronouns as needed to make your sentences sound natural.

1. for this reason 5. because of this

2. because 6. as a consequence

3. as 7. since
4. due to the fact that

ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with cause and effect connectors.
E. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Unit Assignment Write a cause and effect essay

UNIT In this assignment, you will write a cause and effect essay that examines the
best methods for boosting energy levels. As you prepare your essay, think
about the Unit Question, “What energizes people?” Use information from
Reading 1, Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support
your ideas. Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist on page 254.
ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.

| Reading and Writing 253

A. BRAINSTORM Brainstorm a list of all the different ways of increasing
energy that you read about in this unit. Then complete the activities.

1. List the positive and negative effects that each energy booster has on people.

2. Review each energy booster and decide whether the positive effects
outweigh the negative effects. Then decide which energy boosters are best.

B. PLAN Follow these steps to plan your cause and effect essay.
1. Choose two or three energy boosters to examine in your essay. Think of
some reasons for using these methods. Then think of their positive effects.

ONLINE 2. Go to the Online Resources to download and complete the graphic
organizer and the outline for your cause and effect essay.

iQ-1 -

C. WRITE Use your PLAN notes to write your essay. Go to iQ Online to use
the Online Writing Tutor.

1. Write a cause and effect essay on the best methods for boosting energy levels.
2. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist to guide your writing.


ONLINE A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner’s essay. Then go online and use the Peer
Review worksheet. Discuss the review with your partner.

B. REWRITE Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your essay.

C. 1111
EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write
the final draft of your essay. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss
it in class.

Yes No

□ ■
□ Does the essay build a convincing argument using facts, statistics,
reasons, anecdotes, quotations, and examples?

□ ■
□ Does the essay use cause and effect connectors effectively?

□ ■
□ Are collocations with prepositions used correctly?

□ ■
□ Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

□ ■
□ Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

254 UNIT 8 | What energizes people?

ONLINE D. REFLECT Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—What energizes people? Is your
answer different now than when you started the unit? If yes, how is it
different? Why?


Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns mystique Adjectives

carbohydrate protein agitated
component stamina minimal
concentration Verbs refined
dilemma alleviate unfounded
disclaimer bar Phrases
fatigue contend relative to
hormone digest take issue with
immune system foster
metabolism restore

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.

READING I can organize my notes and annotations in a

chart. (pp. 234–235)
VOCABULARY I can use adjective/verb + preposition
collocations. (pp. 244–245)
WRITING I can write a cause and effect essay. (p. 247)
GRAMMAR I can use cause and effect connectors. (p. 252)

I can gather information and ideas to write a

OBJECTIVE cause and effect essay analyzing two or three
methods for boosting energy levels.

| Reading and Writing 255

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