Cairith - 1d4chan
Cairith - 1d4chan
Cairith - 1d4chan
From 1d4chan
For this reason, similarly to Tyton, Cairith has a deep philosophical opposition to necromancers and the undead,
arguing that such beings truly cannot appreciate life's struggles.
Amongst those who pray to the Amaranthine of the humblefolk, Cairith is quite popular. His dogma of growth,
strength and vigor appeals to community leaders and healers, whilst druids and rangers focus on his promotion
of the forest. Paladins invoke his dogma to give heart to those they defend. As the patron of the Sight, the
mystical ability to see into the future, he is regarded as something of a patron for all diviners. Finally, just as
Altus is called upon by any birdfolk who is suffering and wishes for the strength to perservere, so too do the
humblefolk call upon Cairith for that same purpose.
Cairith is envisioned as a massive, non-anthropomorphic stag whose mighty antlers are covered in moss and
flowering vines, which flow down onto his mane and shoulders, and whose hooves cause plants to sprout from
the earth wherever he walks. Where others see a tangle of vegetation, Cairith sees the plan of nature unfolding.
The way of nature is growth. Let nothing stifle you, and you will flourish.