Newspapers Axis
Newspapers Axis
Newspapers Axis
Copyright © 2022 by Kathryn S. Olmsted.
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For Eric
1. The Good Haters
2. The Celebrity Strongman
3. The World’s Greatest Publisher
4. The Ordinary Joe
5. The Empire Crusader
6. The Lady Newspaperman
7. Undominated
8. “Hitler Agrees with the Daily Express”
9. Foreign Wars
10. The Dictator Bill
11. Which Side Are You On?
I AM GRATEFUL TO THE many archivists and librarians who helped me with
this project, with special thanks to archivists Virginia Lewick at the
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Spencer Howard and Craig
Wright at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, Eric Gillespie at
Cantigny Park, and Anne Thomason at the Lake Forest College Archives
for providing exceptional assistance. I also thank Davor Mondom at
Syracuse University for photographing documents for me. I conducted the
initial research for this book while enjoying fellowships at Clare Hall and at
the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities at the
University of Cambridge.
Here at UC Davis, Daniel Goldstein at Shields Library agreed to buy
twelve years of microfilm of the San Francisco Examiner, and Brian Scheu,
Jeremiah Daniel-Padgett, Sarah Ainsworth, and Isabella Ainsworth trawled
through those reels to help locate articles. Isabella also found and
photographed documents for me and read the entire manuscript with care
and precision. Jason Newborn assisted me by obtaining microfilm of the
Washington Times-Herald and other texts through interlibrary loan. I also
appreciate the support of the Academic Senate Committee on Research.
I benefited greatly from colleagues who provided insights. Todd Bennett
was kind enough to read chapter 10 and helped clarify my understanding of
the role of visual media in the intervention debate. Matthew Pressman,
Andrew Johnstone, and Christopher McKnight Nichols alerted me to key
documents and works. I also received helpful advice from colleagues who
heard me present parts of this project at conferences. I am grateful to Mark
Brilliant, Caitlyn Rosenthal, Nils Gilman, Robin Einhorn, and Brooke
Blower for providing helpful feedback on the first draft of my proposal for
this book at the Greater Bay Area Modern American Political Economy
Seminar. I am especially indebted to Brooke, who gave astute advice each
time she heard me present a different iteration of the project. I also
appreciate the comments I received after presentations at the Organization
of American Historians annual conference and two conferences of the
Boston-California-London political history group. Special thanks to
Jennifer Burns, Jim Campbell, John Huntington, Bruce Schulman, and
David Astin Walsh for their comments at these venues. Here at UC Davis,
Ari Kelman generously read an entire draft and provided constructive
suggestions for the manuscript.
Thanks also go to my agent, Lisa Adams, who expertly guided me
through the publication process, and my editor at Yale University Press, Bill
Frucht, who helped sharpen the arguments and the text. Robin DuBlanc was
a superb copyeditor.
I am, as always, most grateful to my husband and colleague, Eric
Rauchway, who not only traveled to archives with me and photographed
documents for me, but also shared his many insights on the New Deal.
Lord Rothermere was the most notorious of these press barons because of
his blatantly pro-fascist views. In news articles that he wrote himself, the
publisher praised Benito Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany as the
“best-governed nations in Europe to-day.” He rhapsodized about the
“immense benefits” the Nazis had brought to Germany, claiming that Hitler
had “saved his country from the ineffectual leadership of hesitating, half-
hearted politicians.” While conceding that the Nazis might have committed
some “minor misdeeds,” Rothermere argued that they needed to control the
“alien elements” and “Israelites of international attachments” who were
“insinuating themselves” into the German state.9 He also cheered the
British Union of Fascists (“Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” read one infamous
headline) because he believed Britain needed a right-wing party to take over
national affairs “with the same directness of purpose and energy of method
as Mussolini and Hitler have displayed.”10
By contrast, Lord Max Beaverbrook, owner of the London Daily
Express, Sunday Express, and Evening Standard, was no Nazi apologist.
But he did encourage readers and British policy makers to dismiss or
appease Hitler throughout the 1930s. He believed in “splendid isolation”:
protecting the British Empire while ignoring conflicts on the European
continent. “The policy for Britain is plain: no more truck with the
foreigners,” he wrote in 1933. “No more European trammels on our
freedom. Backs to the Continent and faces to the Empire!”11 He repeatedly
assured his readers that Britain need not bother itself about Hitler’s anti-
Semitism or his threats to neighboring countries. The publisher also tried to
prevent his readers from hearing alternative viewpoints. Because
Beaverbrook regarded his longtime friend, the Tory MP and anti-Nazi
Winston Churchill, as a warmonger and an enemy of the empire, he fired
Churchill as his columnist in 1938. Beaverbrook insisted until the last
possible moment that Hitler posed no threat to Britain. As late as August
1939, he assured his millions of readers there would be “no war this
year.”12 Just three weeks later, the Nazis invaded Poland and World War II
began in Europe.
Across the Atlantic, William Randolph Hearst, one of the most
dominant figures in American media history, owned the largest newspaper
chain in the world. At his peak, he published twenty-eight newspapers. One
in four Americans read his Sunday papers. He also owned thirteen
magazines and a news syndication service that sent news, photos, and
features around the world. A pioneer in new media, he produced feature
films, serials, and newsreels.
Hearst’s critics at the time called him a fascist, though the articles he
himself wrote were never overtly pro-Nazi. He did, however, do business
with the Third Reich, and his critics believed that the Nazis had bribed him
in return for favorable coverage.13 In private, Hearst praised Hitler’s
“enormous energy, intense enthusiasm . . . and great organizing ability”; in
public, he predicted that the Nazis would soon turn away from anti-
Semitism.14 His admiration for fascists extended to Mussolini, whom he
called “a marvelous man.”15 Hearst hired Mussolini, Hitler, and other top
fascist officials to write self-serving articles for the Hearst press.
Like Beaverbrook and Rothermere, Hearst worried that the “white race”
would be eclipsed and destroyed by “savage races” if European nations
fought one another. He was not a pacifist. He had warned his readers
against the “yellow peril” for decades and frequently demanded that his
government prepare for war against Asian nations; he also argued for
various U.S. invasions in Latin America. But he maintained that the United
States should not intervene in Europe in either world war. Even after
America joined World War II, Hearst told his readers that the war in Europe
had begun much like the Continent’s previous conflicts: “a tribal squabble”
over “trivial commercial advantages or inconsequential territorial tracts,”
characterized by “hatred and jealousy of this European nation for that or the
other European nation.”16 The “vilest deed” Nazi Germany had committed
was to unite with Japan and turn an intra-race dispute into a world war by
allying “against its own white race with the yellow peril.”17
In addition to Hearst, America’s most influential publishers included a
trio of cousins: Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune, Joseph Medill
Patterson of the New York Daily News, and Eleanor “Cissy” Medill
Patterson of the Washington Times-Herald. Grandchildren of Joseph Medill,
an early owner of the Chicago Tribune and a founder of the Republican
Party, the cousins built on their inheritance to acquire a media empire
second only to Hearst’s. And like Hearst, they used their papers to
proselytize for nationalism, appeasement, and isolation.
McCormick enjoyed a reputation as the most reactionary major
publisher in the United States—the “greatest mind of the fourteenth
century,” one critic called him.18 He viewed Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal
as not merely wrongheaded but a plot to destroy the Constitution, the
republic, and the liberties of the American people. He singled out
Roosevelt’s Jewish advisers, such as Supreme Court Justice Felix
Frankfurter, as members of a foreign-directed conspiracy against
Like Hearst, McCormick was a hemispheric imperialist who supported
U.S. invasions of Latin America while warning against the dangers of
confronting Hitler. He never wrote pro-Nazi stories or editorials or made
business deals with the Nazi government. But he did allow a pro-Nazi
reporter to cover European news for the Tribune, even after it became clear
that the reporter was unreliable and biased. (He became a Nazi propagandist
during the war.) McCormick told his readers that neither Germany nor
Japan threatened the United States. When the United States joined the war,
McCormick insisted that the struggle was pointless, that Roosevelt was
incompetent in directing it, and that the president might have conspired to
enter it so that he could become a totalitarian dictator and create a one-
world “superstate.”
Known as “the colonel,” his rank in the U.S. Army in World War I,
McCormick was an ultra-nationalist who questioned the patriotism of his
American political enemies and even the legitimacy of their laws.
McCormick went so far as to defy national security laws by printing two
stories based on secret information. One, published before the United States
entered the conflict, exposed the military’s secret war plans; and the second,
printed during the war, could have revealed to the Japanese that American
cryptographers had broken their codes.
McCormick’s cousin Joseph Medill (“Joe”) Patterson also vehemently
opposed American entry into World War II. Like Hearst, he worried that a
war in Europe would lead to the “passing of the great race” and allow
“yellow hordes” to invade America.20 To avoid this racial catastrophe, he
urged his government to appease Germany and, after 1940, Japan. His
newspaper covered anti-Semites so sympathetically that Jewish groups
organized boycotts against it.
Joe’s sister, Cissy Patterson, ran the largest newspaper in Washington,
D.C., and was the first female publisher of a major U.S. metropolitan daily
in the twentieth century. She did not have strong political opinions or write
many editorials. But she printed her brother’s editorials in her newspaper
almost every day beginning in 1941, putting them in the hands of national
policy makers. She also published stories by the Patterson/McCormick
reporters, who slanted the news in favor of isolationism.
These proprietors published the most popular newspapers in their
countries, and indeed the world. In 1930, Rothermere’s Daily Mail sold
more copies, 1,845,000, than any other daily in Britain; after a few years of
decline, it still enjoyed sales of 1,580,000 in 1937. The Daily Express
increased its daily sales from 1,693,000 in 1930 to 2,329,000 in 1937 to
claim the title of the world’s best-selling daily newspaper. By contrast, the
staid, respectable, pro-appeasement Daily Telegraph sold 637,000 copies a
day and the London Times just 192,000.21
In the United States as well, the papers that earned the least respect sold
the most copies. In 1937, the distinguished and interventionist New York
Times reported 472,000 daily sales and 712,000 on Sundays; the New York
Herald Tribune, another high-end, internationalist publication, sold 327,000
daily papers and 476,000 on Sundays. (Unlike in Britain, Sunday
newspapers were not separate publications with distinct staff, but rather
weekend editions of the daily newspaper.) These might seem like
impressive numbers, but they were just a fraction of the circulation of the
most popular isolationist papers. The tabloid Daily News, the nation’s best-
selling newspaper, sold more than 1,600,000 daily copies and 2,800,000
Sunday copies. The Chicago Tribune, America’s most popular broadsheet,
boasted 800,000 daily sales and more than 1,000,000 on Sundays; and the
Hearst chain had more than 6,889,000 daily and 7,364,000 Sunday sales.22
Estimating four readers per copy, it is likely that the
McCormick/Patterson press reached more than 12 million Americans daily
and 20 million on Sundays. Hearst had 30 million readers, and the Mail and
the Express together counted about 16 million British readers. As tensions
in Europe reached crisis levels in the late 1930s, more than 60 million
people in both countries got their news from these isolationist newspapers.
These publishers did not always agree on domestic political issues.
Rothermere, Hearst, and McCormick were on the far right in the 1930s;
they consistently opposed government spending, high taxes on the rich, and
labor unions, and they believed that liberals and leftists in their countries
were stooges for the Bolsheviks. They fabricated stories to draw false
connections between the New Dealers or Labour Party members and the
Soviets. Beaverbrook and Joe Patterson, on the other hand, never showed
much concern about the dangers of communism, either at home or abroad.
They appeared to be sincere believers in democracy, at least in the Anglo-
American world. Patterson was a genuine liberal who endorsed Franklin
Roosevelt for the presidency three times and was an ebullient promoter of
the New Deal’s policy revolution.
But they all shared the same assumption about foreign policy. It would
be disastrous, they believed, for their nations to endanger their own interests
by confronting the Nazis.
This is the first book to analyze how British and American press lords
worked together to delay and undermine the Anglo-American alliance
against Hitler. A transnational approach, as opposed to a focus on a single
nation, reveals common arguments, beliefs, and language in the debate
about resisting Nazism. An Anglo-American analysis can help us better
understand where “isolationism” comes from, how the term was used, and
what it meant.
In the United States, some opponents of intervention in Europe
disavowed the term isolationism because they believed that it lacked
nuance, and scholars have expressed reservations about it in the years since.
Many different groups in Britain and America opposed a confrontational
policy with Hitler: imperialists as well as pacifists, Socialists and fascists,
Democrats and Republicans, Tories and Labour Party members. Given the
breadth of this coalition, some historians have argued that “isolationist” and
“isolationism” should be used with skepticism, if not completely retired.23
A transnational study, however, can help uncover the origins and
meaning of the term. Since the Victorian era, British public officials had
used the phrase “splendid isolation” to describe a system of imperial
preference and protection. “This policy of splendid isolation,” as
Beaverbrook said in 1933, “is the traditional policy of the Conservative
Party. It was the policy of Disraeli, of Salisbury, and of Joe Chamberlain,”
he continued, referring to past Tory prime ministers.24 Once Hitler came to
power and Beaverbrook worried that his nation might become involved in
the affairs of Europe, the Express publisher frequently used “isolationism”
and “isolationist” to describe his insistence that Britain should remain aloof
from the repression and pogroms in Nazi Germany. By 1934, he believed
that he was making headway in persuading other Britons in the media as
well as those in government to adopt his policies. “We are all Isolationists
now,” he crowed in one editorial.25 Rothermere also used “isolation” and
“isolationism” to describe his preferred foreign policy, though he was not as
much as an evangelist for the terms as Beaverbrook.26
Beaverbrook did not confine his enthusiasm for isolationism to Britain:
he also worked to promote the language and substance of isolationism in
the United States. In April 1935, for example, he wrote a piece for the
Hearst press explaining the ideology of “the section of opinion to which I
belong—the Isolationists.” He argued, “Britain should make no alliances
except with the United States, that we should incur no obligations, no
responsibilities, no liabilities to any nation outside the Empire except in
relation to the Anglo-Saxon race.” It was through splendid isolation, he
said, that Britain could gain “freedom of will and action” and avoid
“Continental intrigues and maneuvers.”27
Joe Patterson, who worked with Beaverbrook to promote isolation on
both sides of the Atlantic, also eagerly embraced the term isolationist. As
early as 1925, in an obituary for Senator Medill McCormick of Illinois,
Patterson’s cousin, the Daily News described the anti–League of Nations
lawmaker as “an isolationist.”28 Patterson called himself, his sister, and his
cousin Robert McCormick “the isolationist furies,” and referred to his allies
in Britain, both Beaverbrook and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, as
isolationists as well.29 He angrily rebutted the interventionists’ attempts to
make the term an epithet. “We’ve been accused by some readers of being an
isolationist paper. You bet we’re an isolationist paper,” the News stated in
1938.30 In 1944, during the war, Patterson wrote an editorial proclaiming
himself an isolationist, even though the “world-savers” had tried to make
the term a “brand of infamy.”31
Hearst was not as enthusiastic about the term isolationist, and
McCormick explicitly disavowed it. But they both argued for similar
policies even as they used different language. Hearst preferred the phrase
“America First”—the slogan some of his newspapers wore on their front-
page nameplates from 1919 into the 1960s. But for Hearst, “America First”
and “isolationism” meant essentially the same thing: a refusal to participate
in “squabbles” among Europeans. “Your columnist is an isolationist, yes,”
he wrote in his front-page column in November 1941, shortly before U.S.
entry into the war.32 McCormick described himself as a “nationalist,” but he
allowed his reporters to use “isolationist” in their news stories.33
When they spoke of “isolation” or “isolationism,” the mass-circulation
publishers did not mean that they wanted to cut off all contact with other
nations. For Rothermere and Beaverbrook, “splendid isolation” meant
defending the British Empire, imposing high tariffs on nonimperial
products, and refusing formal alliances with other nations. Beaverbrook
explained his meaning: “isolation for Britain, isolation splendid and secure
through our closer relations with the Empire.”34 It might seem strange to us
today, but in the 1930s British imperialists believed they could best defend
the empire through what they called isolationism.
The U.S. press lords practiced an American version of splendid
isolation. They opposed the League of Nations and what they called
“entangling alliances,” echoing George Washington; they supported tariffs
on imported goods, strict immigration controls, and a military strong
enough to dominate Latin America and project U.S. power into the Pacific.
They argued that isolationism meant opposing any “meddling” in European
Though these publishers did not want to isolate America or Britain from
the world, they did want their governments to work in isolation from other
major powers, especially those in continental Europe. Far from being
neutralist, noninterventionist, or anti-militarist, they were committed to
military interventions in their formal (British) or informal (American)
empires; they believed, in effect, in a kind of autarkic imperialism.
These British and American press barons opposed resisting Hitler
because they either sympathized with the Nazis (in Rothermere’s case) or
failed to sympathize with the Nazis’ victims. They worried that challenging
the Nazis would endanger what they most cared about: the imperial power
of their respective nations.
The most conservative of these press lords did not always achieve their
domestic goals, at least in the short term. Franklin Roosevelt won reelection
to the presidency in 1936, 1940, and 1944, despite the overwhelming
opposition of the mainstream media. In Britain, after Prime Minister
Baldwin proved that a canny leader could outflank the publishers,
Rothermere and Beaverbrook never again wielded as much power over
Conservative Party politics.
Given their limited success in domestic politics, how do we know that
the newspaper owners played a major role in shaping public views on
foreign policy? It can be difficult to assess the relative influence of
newspapers on public opinion as opposed to other sources of information.
We do know, though, that leaders of both nations believed that the
isolationist publishers wielded enormous influence on perceptions of
foreign policy.
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his cabinet read the national
newspapers closely to discern the public mood. Scientific polling did not
come to Britain until 1937, and policy makers paid little attention to the
polls before 1939. “The lack of faith in the emerging science of opinion
polling,” explains historian Daniel Hucker, “ensured that the press remained
the principal means of gauging opinion.”35 If the press supported
appeasement, Chamberlain believed, then the public must as well. At least
one poll suggests that he was correct. In a 1938 survey on the possibility of
war, a plurality of Britons—35 percent—said they based their opinions on
what they read in the newspapers.36
As in England, newspapers in the United States helped mold the
public’s views on national and foreign affairs. Eighty-two percent of
Americans read a daily newspaper regularly, and 57 percent said they got
most of their news—and, presumably, many of their opinions—from the
papers.37 As a result, leaders of both parties monitored and tried to
influence print coverage. Former president Herbert Hoover, desperate to
return to a leadership role in the Republican Party, read thirty papers a day,
and he assiduously courted their publishers and editors.38 Anti-
interventionist senators like Burton Wheeler of Montana and Robert
Reynolds of North Carolina routinely entered the Patterson/McCormick
editorials into the Congressional Record.39 Archibald MacLeish, the
director of the Office of Facts and Figures, expressed the views of many
Roosevelt advisers when he declared that the press “played a larger part
than any other instrument,” including government, in “shaping the public
. . . mind.”40 President Roosevelt complained to his aides that the right-
wing press barons made it difficult for him to convince Americans to take
more forceful action against aggression abroad. “It’s a terrible thing,” he
once told an adviser, “to look over your shoulder when you are trying to
lead—and to find no one there.”41
To keep tabs on the news and opinion in the mass-circulation dailies,
Roosevelt read eleven papers each morning, including a Hearst paper and
two Patterson/McCormick dailies, and received editorial summaries of
other newspapers from his staff. He also realized the value of opinion
polling much sooner than Chamberlain did. He hired pollsters and directed
them to keep him informed of the public’s shifting views on neutrality.42
After the war in Europe began, Roosevelt set up several different
information and propaganda agencies to survey the press and devise
strategies to combat the publishers’ isolationist views.43 When they
continued to question the value of the war after the United States joined it,
he criticized the press lords directly, insisting in one Fireside Chat, for
instance, that the war effort must not be impeded by “a few bogus patriots
who use the sacred freedom of the press to echo the sentiments of the
propagandists in Tokyo and Berlin.”44
Roosevelt attacked the press barons not out of personal pique but as a
political necessity. He understood that their pro-appeasement, anti-
interventionist, and even pro-Nazi press coverage and editorials made it
harder for ordinary Americans and Britons to understand the threat Nazi
Germany posed. Moreover, once their countries joined the war, the policies
the press lords had advocated for so long—and in some cases continued to
promote—impeded their governments’ efforts to win the war.
Scholars have found it challenging to evaluate the coverage of these
newspapers because of the difficulty of accessing them. Despite the
immense reach of the Hearst press and of the New York Daily News, for
example, archivists only recently digitized these papers and added them to
major databases. Some important papers, such as the Washington Times-
Herald, are still available only on microfilm as of early 2021. Thus
researchers have, quite understandably, focused more on the digitized
Washington Post than the better-selling Times-Herald.45
Historians have also tended to dismiss the more popular papers because
they were rowdier, angrier, and generally less respectable than their more
sedate rivals. Because these publications were overtly anti-intellectual, it’s
easy to overlook them as key sources of ideas. “It would be ludicrous to
devote as much space or attention to Lord Beaverbrook’s or Lord
Rothermere’s few unsophisticated and obsessive ideas as to the
development of important ideas and attitudes in the columns and offices of
the quality newspapers,” writes one historian of the British press.46 In the
United States, scholars of the right-wing media have mostly focused on the
post–World War II period and on special-interest periodicals or broadcasters
with a relatively small reach.47 Yet in the 1930s and 1940s, media
conservatism was not a fringe phenomenon: the mainstream media was the
far-right media.48
Even at the time, opinion leaders underestimated these newspapers’
influence because they were sensational rather than sober. Elite journalists’
dismissal of his newspaper infuriated Joe Patterson. In 1938, when the New
York Times reprinted a New York Herald Tribune editorial as part of a
roundup of media opinion but did not print anything from his Daily News,
Patterson fumed that “the News currently has three times the circulation of
the Times and five times that of the Herald Tribune. If the Times pretends to
collect cross sections of press opinion on important national affairs and
print them for its readers’ full information, it ought to include the News
He had a point. The Times should have acknowledged the News’s
powerful influence, and so should we today. The more highbrow, quality
newspapers may have influenced opinion leaders, but Rothermere,
Beaverbrook, Hearst, McCormick, and the Pattersons shaped the views of
millions of ordinary Americans and Britons. Their divisive politics and
sometimes hateful messages had enduring appeal, as the recent resurrection
of the phrases “America First” and “Britain First” show.50
The isolationist press lords trumpeted their love for their country,
festooned their newspapers with waving flags and soaring eagles, and
promoted war bonds. Yet they also tried desperately to undermine public
officials’ anti-fascist, interventionist policies before the war and, in the case
of the American publishers, sought to contradict the nation’s commander in
chief during the war. They demonized liberals and internationalists, they
invented and spread conspiracy theories, and they encouraged Americans
and Britons to view everyone who did not think as they did as an “alien.” In
fighting against resistance to fascism, they helped lay the foundation for the
nationalist, racist, and anti-Semitic Right that we live with today.
Unlike the American press lords, who were born to wealth and privilege,
the most significant British newspaper magnates worked their way up from
the middle to the top. Alfred Harmsworth Jr., the son of a barrister, showed
an early talent for journalism and for entrepreneurship. At age sixteen he
dropped out of school to work as a freelance writer and editor. By his
twenties he had saved enough money to start his own publishing business.
To help run his growing company, Alfred brought in his brother Harold,
who resigned a civil service job to manage what grew into the family media
empire. Alfred had more journalistic talent than his brother, but Harold was
a business mastermind who figured out how to monetize his brother’s
creative genius.2
In 1894, the Harmsworth brothers bought their first daily newspaper, the
Evening News, and two years later they launched the Daily Mail. The
Mail’s founding marked a watershed moment in journalism history. Other
editors credited Alfred Harmsworth with revolutionizing their craft. He was
“a consummate journalist, who changed the whole course of English
journalism,” wrote Geoffrey Dawson, the longtime editor of the London
Times.3 A research group in the 1930s went so far as to declare that the first
issue of the Daily Mail “may be taken as the beginning of modern
That was a bit of an exaggeration. Britain’s Sunday newspapers had
used sensational techniques in their reporting for years, as had American
publishers like Charles Dana and James Gordon Bennett. But Harmsworth’s
contribution, as historian Adrian Bingham has said, was to “transfer these
populist techniques to the arena of the national morning newspaper.”5
London’s morning dailies were dull gray broadsheets filled with transcripts
of political speeches—reading matter “suitable,” one report put it, “only for
those who could retire to their clubs at four o’clock and spend two or three
hours in digesting it.”6 The Daily Mail was aimed at the masses. It was,
sniffed Lord Salisbury, a newspaper “written by office boys for office
boys.”7 But there were millions of office boys and their equivalents, and the
paper sold.
Alfred Harmsworth was not just inventive; he was also lucky. He
entered journalism just as the field was changing quickly. Telegraphs and
trains, and then telephones and automobiles, made it simpler to gather the
news; rotating cylinder presses made it easier and cheaper to print it.8
Embracing new mass-production and mass-distribution methods, the
Harmsworths manufactured inexpensive papers and put them on trucks and
trains to distribute throughout London and the nation.
The introduction of universal public schooling in Britain in 1870
created a huge market for these cheaper popular papers. Millions of new
readers were looking to occupy their time as they traveled to their jobs in
the nation’s burgeoning cities, but they had little interest in the staid quality
papers. The new public schools, Harmsworth told a friend, “are turning out
hundreds of thousands of boys and girls annually who are anxious to read.
They do not care for the ordinary newspaper. They have no interest in
society, but they will read anything which is simple and is sufficiently
The large retailers of the expanding consumer economy wanted to reach
these new readers, and they paid high prices to place advertisements where
their potential customers could see them. These ads in turn underwrote the
cost of the newspapers and made them still cheaper for people of modest
means. Readership continued to climb through the early decades of the
twentieth century. By the late 1930s, circulation of national British dailies
topped 10 million copies, or roughly one for every family.10
Because advertisers wanted to reach as many consumers as possible, the
popular newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic experimented with
innovative graphics and content to catch the eyes of commuters.
Harmsworth learned about bold typography from Americans like Pulitzer,
and American publishers adopted Harmsworth’s circulation-boosting sales
techniques such as beauty contests, guessing games, and gifts for new
subscribers, including everything from insurance to household appliances.11
Above all, Harmsworth found that he could sell more newspapers by
celebrating the British Empire and demonizing its critics. “The British
people,” he was quoted as saying, “relish a good hero and a good hate.”12
There were many opportunities to find heroes and hates in foreign conflicts.
During the Boer War and the Boxer Rebellion, the Mail’s jingoistic
coverage helped it become the first daily in Britain to sell a million
copies.13 Harmsworth did not reach this historic sales level through
rigorous fact-checking. In one infamous example, the Mail reported that the
Boxers, an ultranationalist Chinese secret society, had “completely wiped
out” all the white people in the diplomatic quarter in Beijing, but not before
they had “outraged English women and tortured children.”14 The massacre,
it turned out, was entirely fictitious—an example of “faked news,” as it was
called at the time.15 Other journalists began calling the Daily Mail the
“Daily Liar.”16
Despite the criticism from other journalists, readers kept buying the
Mail, and Harmsworth’s newspaper empire continued to expand. He
founded the Daily Mirror, the first modern British tabloid, in 1903. He
bought the Observer, Times, and Sunday Times, among other publications,
over the next two decades. His growing power was recognized in 1904
when he became a baronet and then, the next year, Baron Northcliffe.
The “Napoleon of Fleet Street,” as Northcliffe liked to be known,
continued to sell newspapers by warning of potential dangers abroad. He
stirred up so much hatred against the Germans that some critics accused
him of causing World War I. “Next to the Kaiser,” said one Liberal Party
writer, “Lord Northcliffe has done more than any other living man to bring
about the war.”17
Northcliffe did not want to rule the country directly, though. Instead, he
preferred to shape the policies of the men who did. “Heaven forbid that I
should ever be in Downing Street,” he wrote in a private letter. “I believe
the independent newspaper to be one of the future forms of government.”18
He believed he and his fellow press barons were a kind of shadow
government of the people—a government as legitimate as, or perhaps even
more legitimate than, the one formed by elected representatives. His
influence reached its peak during World War I, when he helped to topple
Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.19
In building a power base outside the Tory Party, Northcliffe set the mold
in Britain and America for a press lord who pulled the levers of power in
national politics. Later press critics would coin the term Northcliffe complex
to describe a media baron who wanted, as George Seldes explained, to “rule
or to manipulate the strings of the stooges who rule.”20
While critics like Seldes saw Northcliffe as a villain, some publishers
admired his swagger. Keith Murdoch, an Australian editor, regarded
Northcliffe with such affection and awe that other editors called him Lord
Southcliffe. “You have been the biggest influence and the biggest force over
me,” he wrote Northcliffe.21 Murdoch’s son, Rupert, followed his father’s
example and became the most successful heir of the Northcliffe tradition.
The prime minister after Asquith, David Lloyd George, was more
attuned than his unlucky predecessor to the power of the press barons. To
secure their loyalty, he asked the king to bestow honors on the owners of
the largest provincial and national papers, including Harold Harmsworth,
who became Lord Rothermere in 1919. These press lords did not inherit
their peerages; they were ennobled and given seats in the House of Lords by
politicians grateful for their support. In America, the term press lords was
metaphorical, but in Britain it was literal.
Yet Northcliffe wanted more than a title. As World War I ended, he
demanded a seat at the treaty negotiations in Versailles and insisted that he
needed to approve Lloyd George’s choices for his cabinet. The prime
minister responded by excoriating Northcliffe in Parliament, charging that
he was trying divide the British from the French, and that not even his
“diseased vanity” could justify “so black a crime.”22 Lloyd George
meaningfully tapped his head when he said the words “diseased vanity,”
alluding to the rumors that Northcliffe was losing his mind to syphilis.23
Northcliffe was indeed succumbing to dementia, though probably from a
blood infection, not a sexually transmitted disease.24 He died in 1922.
Because he had no legitimate offspring—his four children had been born
outside of marriage—his brother Harold stood ready to inherit Britain’s
most formidable media empire.
MONEY!” The letter revealed, the Mail said, “a great Bolshevik plot to
paralyse the British Army and Navy and to plunge the country into civil
The Zinoviev letter, according to the Mail, proved that the communists
were “the masters of Mr Ramsay MacDonald’s Government.” To fight back
against the “murderous, alien despotism” seeking to destroy British “flesh
and blood,” the paper urged a vote for “a Conservative Government which
will know how to deal with treason.”36 The controversy did not seem to
depress the Labour vote, but it polarized British politics and persuaded
many formerly Liberal voters to defect to the Tories, hastening the eventual
demise of the Liberal Party. Stanley Baldwin’s Conservatives won a
smashing victory in the election, and Rothermere believed he—the
publisher who had revealed Labour’s treachery—deserved the credit for
tipping the vote to the Tories and depriving Labour of perhaps one hundred
seats in Parliament.37
Because he thought he had won the election for the Tories, Rothermere
felt betrayed by the moderate policies of the Conservative government he
helped put in power. Women over age thirty and working-class men had just
won the right to vote in 1918, and Baldwin tried to appeal to these newly
enfranchised voters by moving the Conservative Party a bit to the left. The
new premier decided to work with, not demonize, the leaders of the Labour
Party; he favored giving India more autonomy; and though he raised tariffs,
he refused to hike them as much as Rothermere wanted. Baldwin also
supported expanding the franchise to give women twenty-one to thirty the
right to vote. Rothermere was horrified by this proposal, largely because he
believed younger women would vote Labour. He campaigned vigorously
against the “Fatal Flapper-Vote Folly,” claiming it would “bring down the
British Empire in ruin.”38
Rothermere argued that Baldwin proposed to beat Socialism with
“semi-Socialism,” a strategy doomed to fail. He resolved to oust Baldwin as
Conservative leader. This political crusade—his most ambitious foray into
domestic political combat—would unite him with another major press lord
of his day, Max Beaverbrook. Though the two men would fail to reshape
the Tory Party, each would play a key role in influencing British policy
toward the Nazis.
Beaverbrook was Harold Rothermere’s fiercest competitor and also his
constant friend. The two became close during their service in the House of
Lords in the 1910s; Beaverbrook said that Rothermere gave him his first
tour of Parliament and taught him the rules. After the deaths of
Rothermere’s sons in the war, Beaverbrook invited his rival to his country
home, providing a place for him to recover. Rothermere, who had few close
chums, called Beaverbrook his “greatest friend”; Beaverbrook, who had
many, regarded Rothermere as his best friend in newspapers.39
Rothermere and Beaverbrook agreed that the most important political
issue in interwar Britain was the defense of the empire. And the best way to
protect it, they believed, was to wall it off from the rest of the world. They
extolled splendid isolation: free trade within the empire; high tariffs to
discourage the importation of goods, including food, from the outside; and
no alliances with other countries. They believed these metaphorical walls,
both economic and diplomatic, would protect British dominions—
including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa—as well as
British colonies.40
The press lords thought that under Baldwin’s leadership, the
Conservative Party was not doing enough to safeguard the empire. In 1930
they grew so disgusted with Baldwin that they tried to start their own
political party, the United Empire Party, in hopes of replacing Baldwin with
someone—perhaps Beaverbrook—who shared their views on protecting the
empire.41 In a private letter, Rothermere told Beaverbrook that control of
the Tory Party was within their grasp: “If you, with my assistance can
overthrow the Central Conservative organisation, the Conservative Party is
But Baldwin countered with a furious and clever attack on the press
barons, calling their papers “engines of propaganda for the constantly
changing policies, desires, personal wishes, personal likes and dislikes of
two men.” These men, he said, printed “direct falsehood, misrepresentation,
half-truths.” The prime minister continued his assault with a widely quoted
statement: “What the proprietorship of these papers is aiming at is power,
and power without responsibility—the prerogative of the harlot throughout
the ages.”43
Rothermere and Beaverbrook were strong enough to force the leader of
their party and their country to criticize them personally, but not powerful
enough to beat him. After the Beaverbrook-Rothermere candidate lost a
crucial by-election, Baldwin confirmed his hold on the Tory Party and
negotiated a deal with Beaverbrook, who agreed to drop the press lords’
challenge to the party leadership in return for some concessions on trade
policy. The publishers would not attempt again to destroy Baldwin’s career
or to reshape the nation’s domestic politics. But they would continue to try
to mold its foreign policy, especially toward Germany. In Rothermere’s
case, this meant praising the Nazis and advocating a British alliance with
Some British and American citizens who had experience with Nazi
Germany understood from the start the menace posed by Adolf Hitler. Sir
Robert Vansittart, the head of the British diplomatic service, warned his
colleagues of the dangers of Nazism as early as 1930, and his concerns
grew once Hitler gained power three years later. “Hitlerism is exceedingly
dangerous,” he wrote in 1933. “I do not think that anything but evil and
danger for the rest of the world can come out of Hitlerism.”44 Britain’s
ambassador in Berlin, Sir Horace Rumbold, reported to his government on
the Nazis’ establishment of the first concentration camp in 1933 and
explained that hatred of the Jews was central to Hitler’s worldview and
policies. It would be a mistake to assume, Rumbold wrote, that anti-
Semitism was “the policy of his wilder men whom he has difficulty in
controlling.”45 The leaders of the Labour Party, though divided at first over
how to oppose Hitler, decided by the mid-1930s to support British
rearmament and collective security through the League of Nations.46 A few
Conservative MPs, most notably Winston Churchill, also began to warn of
the dangers of Hitlerism.
Yet many other Britons viewed Hitler as the inevitable product of the
unfair Treaty of Versailles. British politicians and journalists had come to
see the postwar settlement, which had fixed the blame for the conflict on
Germany and forced it to yield territory and pay reparations, as punitive and
vengeful. Rothermere agreed, writing extensively about the failures of
Versailles as well as those of the Treaty of Trianon, which had ended the
Allies’ war with Hungary.
Rothermere’s views of these treaties were shaped in part by a
mysterious princess who, according to British intelligence, later became a
spy for Hitler. In Monte Carlo in 1927, Rothermere fell under the spell of an
attractive, flirtatious Viennese-born woman, Stephanie Hohenlohe-
Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst, who had once been married to a Hungarian
prince. The princess persuaded the press lord that the Treaty of Trianon had
oppressed Hungarians by forcing millions of them into the newly created
country of Czechoslovakia and the expanded nation of Romania.
Rothermere took up the cause of border revision with great enthusiasm,
writing several editorials about the injustices of the postwar settlements.47
Some influential Hungarians, thrilled that the English publisher favored
them with his editorial attention, named squares and streets after him, hung
his picture in public buildings, and even invited him to be their king. (He
declined but suggested his son instead.)
Although many Britons felt guilty about the postwar treaties,
Rothermere’s opinion of the fascist leaders in Italy and Germany went
beyond sympathy. He approved of the fascists’ ideas, especially their
opposition to Bolshevism. He also liked their style, which he described as
strong, vigorous, and manly. Scholars of fascism highlight its “extreme
stress on the masculine principle and male dominance,” as Stanley Payne
has said, as well as its anti-communism, anti-liberalism, and militarism, all
of which appealed to Rothermere. His esteem for its ideas and tactics led
him to promote fascism throughout Europe, first in Italy, then in Germany,
and finally in his home country. Because of his power in the media, he
helped legitimize and normalize fascism in the national discourse.48
When Benito Mussolini became the first major European leader to
establish a fascist dictatorship, he earned the Daily Mail’s deep respect. In
1923, a year after Mussolini’s rise to power, Rothermere extolled the Italian
dictator for rescuing civilization: “In saving Italy,” he wrote, Mussolini had
“stopped the inroads of Bolshevism which would have left Europe in ruins.
. . . In my judgment he saved the whole Western world.”49 Over the years,
as Mussolini banned opposition parties, ordered the murder of his leading
political opponents, and used his black-shirted thugs to assault and terrorize
dissidents, Rothermere praised his “exalted motives” and “courageous and
intelligent leadership,” qualities that had brought justice and “disciplined
liberty” to Italy.50 He was, Rothermere concluded in 1928, “the greatest
figure of our age. . . . Mussolini will probably dominate the history of the
twentieth century as Napoleon dominated that of the early nineteenth.”51
But Adolf Hitler soon surpassed Mussolini in Rothermere’s estimation.
The press lord first wrote about Hitler on September 24, 1930, when he
traveled to Germany “to examine at close range” what he saw as a
momentous historical occasion: the Nazis’ remarkable showing in a recent
election, when they increased their number of seats in Parliament from 12
to 107, making them the second-strongest party in the Reichstag. The
headline of his story predicted the dawning of a new historical era:
Rothermere correctly assessed the historical significance of the Nazi surge
to power. “To underestimate the importance of these events would be folly,”
he wrote, “and in my belief to overestimate it would be difficult.”
Rather than foreseeing danger in the Nazi victory, however, Rothermere
saw hope. He praised Hitler and his supporters for confronting Communism
with a manly vitality that put the democratic parties to shame. He hoped
that the Germans would establish some sort of “great national combination
under German hegemony” in central Europe so that there would be “a
strong, sane government to set against the pressure of Soviet lunaticism.”52
In other words, the Nazis should redraw the map of Europe and place much
of it under their control.
When writers for other newspapers expressed astonishment at
Rothermere’s embrace of Hitler’s party, he hit back against his critics.
Using the gendered language common to many of his articles about
fascism, he made fun of “the old women of three countries—France,
Germany, and our own.” His opponents, he claimed, were losing readers
and relevance because they did not appreciate the boldness of Hitler’s
vision. “A new idea invariably produces this effect upon the pompous
pundits who pontificate in our weekly reviews and those old-fashioned
morning newspapers whose sales and influence alike sink steadily month by
month towards vanishing-point.”53
In response to his critics, Rothermere directly addressed the Nazis’ anti-
Semitism—something his first article on Hitler had not mentioned. He
agreed with Hitler that “the Jewish race” had “shown conspicuous political
unwisdom” over the years. “Tactlessness,” he wrote, “has always been one
of the outstanding defects of the children of Israel.” But he believed “Jew-
baiting” was “a stupid survival of medieval prejudice,” and the Nazis
should appear more tolerant if they wanted international support.54
Rothermere seemed to object to Jew-baiting for instrumental reasons.
He generally empathized with his “blood-kindred,” as he called the
Germans, in their efforts to strip Jews of citizenship and civil rights.55 But
he worried that violent attacks on Jews might alienate world opinion. He
did not seem to grasp that the Nazi Party’s anti-Semitism was not a tactic
but a central reason for its existence.
Hitler saw the Daily Mail and its proprietor as useful allies, and he did
all he could to flatter the British press lord. In a special interview granted to
a Mail reporter shortly after Rothermere’s long tribute to Nazism, he
praised Rothermere’s unparalleled ability to understand the essence of
Nazism, particularly the party’s “life and energy.” “To have seized upon this
outstanding fact,” he told the Daily Mail correspondent, “shows that Lord
Rothermere possesses the true gift of intuitive statesmanship.”56
Over the next two years, as the Nazi Party gained seats in the Reichstag,
the Daily Mail continued to extol its leader’s virtues. In a 1932 article
headlined “Hitler’s Triumphal Tour of East Prussia: Received Like a
Prophet; 400 Miles of Cheers,” the Mail’s reporter touted Hitler as “the man
who has revived Germany’s faith in herself.” The ranks of unsmiling,
brown-shirted Nazis, their right hands raised as they marched past Hitler’s
car, inspired the reporter to write: “They filled me with respect.”57
The Mail boosted Hitler even as the Nazis used terrorist tactics against
their political enemies. In the German national elections of 1932, the Nazis
won a plurality of the vote. President Paul von Hindenburg, thinking he
could control Hitler, appointed him chancellor in January 1933. When the
Reichstag building was torched by a mad anarchist in February, Hindenburg
issued an emergency order that suspended civil rights and due process. The
Nazi government began to arrest its political opponents, hold them without
trial and, starting in March 1933, only two months after Hitler came to
power, put them in the first concentration camp, Dachau. Nazi Germany
became a police state with no protections for individual rights. The
Sturmabteilung (SA), or Storm Troopers, also known as the Brownshirts,
assaulted their political and cultural enemies with no legal consequences.
Now that he controlled the state and its police powers, Hitler called a
new election. When the Nazi vote share rose to 44 percent, British and
American reporters in Berlin deplored what they saw as the death of
German democracy. As many observers noted, the election was tainted by
the daily terror meted out by the Storm Troopers. One British magazine
correspondent portrayed the “brutal beatings, killings, suicides of dismissed
intellectuals, the lacerated backs, cripplings and ruined existences which
have marked the triumph of Hitlerism.”58
But the Daily Mail saw a “relaxation of tension” in Germany. “Herr
Hitler has won his majority cleverly. If he uses it prudently and peacefully,”
the Mail editorialized, “no one here will shed any tears over the
disappearance of German democracy.”59
Not only the Daily Mail’s editorials but its news stories betrayed a pro-
Nazi bias. Rothermere’s reporters understood that their boss’s sympathies
lay with Hitler. Some, like the Mail’s correspondent in Berlin, Rothay
Reynolds, censored themselves to align their stories with Rothermere’s
views.60 Others had no need of self-censorship. Rothermere’s star European
correspondent, G. Ward Price, eagerly embraced the Daily Mail policy on
the Nazi regime. In a 1938 book, he described Hitler as a gentle soul who
loved children and dogs and had a soldier’s “aversion” to war.61
But his employer outdid even Price in his support for the Nazi regime.
In his most famous, or infamous, commentary on Hitler and the Nazi Party,
Rothermere journeyed to “somewhere in Naziland,” as his dateline put it, in
July 1933 to see the Nazis in action for himself. In an article headlined
“YOUTH TRIUMPHANT,” Rothermere wrote: “Something far more significant
than a new Government has arisen among the Germans. There has been a
sudden expansion of their national spirit like that which took place in
England under Queen Elizabeth. Youth has taken command.”
Rothermere dismissed those who pointed to the Nazis’ use of terror to
maintain order. He had no patience, he reiterated, with “the old women of
both sexes” who filled British newspapers with reports of “Nazi atrocities.”
The Nazis needed to act with determination to control the “alien elements”
within Germany: “In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were
twenty times as many Jewish Government officials in Germany as had
existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were
insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative
machine.” Hitler, he concluded, had “saved his country from the ineffectual
leadership of hesitating, half-hearted politicians.”62
The Nazis later used Rothermere’s “Youth Triumphant” article as
propaganda.63 Hitler himself believed Rothermere was “one of the very
greatest of all Englishmen” and that the Mail was “doing an immense
amount of good. I have the greatest admiration for him.”64
Harold Rothermere possessed “the true gift of intuitive statesmanship,”
Adolf Hitler said, because the Daily Mail publisher appreciated the
Nazi Party’s “life and energy.” The two men met several times,
including on this occasion in 1934. (Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo /
Alamy Stock Photo)
Rothermere’s cheerleading for the Nazis continued over the next several
years. In early 1934, he argued that the African colonies taken from
Germany after World War I should be returned to the Nazis. “We cannot
expect a nation of ‘he-men’ like the Germans,” he wrote, “to sit forever
with folded arms under the provocations and stupidities of the Treaty of
Versailles.”65 A few months later, after the Night of the Long Knives, when
Hitler ordered the arrest and execution of dozens of Storm Troopers who he
claimed were plotting against him, the Daily Mail praised him for heroic
and speedy action against treachery. “Herr Adolf Hitler, the German
Chancellor, has saved his country,” read the lede of the Daily Mail news
Rothermere enjoyed Hitler’s hospitality in December 1934, when the
dictator invited him to a dinner party in his official residence in Berlin. The
press baron, assisted by his friend Princess Stephanie, reciprocated by
hosting Hitler at a grand dinner at the Hotel Adlon, the finest hotel in
Germany. During the dinner, Hitler launched into an interminable
monologue and prevented anyone else from talking, but Rothermere came
away impressed.67 Never before, he told his readers, had the chances for
Anglo-German friendship been better. “Their interests, our own, and those
of the entire civilised world will be best served by close and friendly co-
operation between us.”68
Rothermere’s admiration for fascism was not limited to the Continent. For a
time, he was also the most significant booster of the British Blackshirts. By
publicizing and promoting Oswald Mosley’s fascists, he hoped to legitimize
the most racist, anti-Semitic, and violent social movement in 1930s Britain.
A British aristocrat soon to inherit his family’s baronetcy, Mosley was a
war veteran and a charismatic speaker. He had served as a Tory member of
Parliament, then defected to Labour, and finally started (and quickly
dissolved) an independent political party called the New Party. In 1932 he
formed the organization for which he would become infamous: the British
Union of Fascists (BUF), popularly known by the nickname inspired by its
uniforms, the Blackshirts.69
The BUF tried to emphasize its patriotism by putting “British” in its
name and placing the Union Jack emblem on its jackets. But the movement
clearly owed much to European fascism—from its uniforms, modeled on
those of the Italian fascists, to its anti-foreign, anti-Semitic policies. Like
the continental fascists, the BUF stressed the need for racial purity and
called for the end of all immigration. Jews, who were part of the “alien
menace,” had to put “Britain First” or risk deportation.70 Regardless of any
apparent loyalty to Britain, all Jews in a fascist Britain would be regarded
as foreigners and denied citizenship and civil rights.71 Mosley also
proposed establishing an authoritarian state with dictatorial powers.
Parliament would still exist, but it would be organized along corporatist
lines, with representatives for occupations and industries rather than
Mosley maintained that the Conservative Party was failing to conserve
Britain’s racial hierarchies and to stop its slide into economic depression,
Communism, and degeneracy. “The function of modern Conservatism,” he
wrote, “is merely to fit a weak brake on the runaway machine of liberal-
Socialist ideas. Blackshirt policy scraps the whole machine and substitutes a
new engine of modern design.”72
In emulation of Mussolini’s Blackshirts and Hitler’s Brownshirts,
Mosley established a paramilitary squad to brutalize political opponents.
Called the Fascist Defence Force, the private army comprised a few
hundred men, mostly veterans, who were trained to intimidate and harass
political enemies.
Rothermere saw in Mosley the same virtues he perceived in the Nazis:
the youth, vitality, and strength he believed were necessary to defeat
communism. Unlike the Conservative “semi-Socialists,” Mosley proposed
to meet the Red threat with force and, if necessary, brutality. In January
1934, in a news article he wrote and headlined “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!”
Rothermere proclaimed that the British Union of Fascists was breaking the
“stranglehold which senile politicians have so long maintained on our
public affairs.” Though the movement was distinctly British, he insisted, its
tenets resembled those of the fascists in Italy and Germany, “beyond all
doubt the best-governed nations in Europe to-day.” The article ended by
giving the mailing address of the BUF in London for the benefit of the
young men who wanted to join. These potential recruits should remember
that black shirts did “not cover Faint Hearts!”73
The Rothermere press cheered on the Blackshirts for several more
months. His Sunday Dispatch ran so many articles praising them that one
historian has called it “a house journal for the BUF.” The paper offered cash
prizes every week for the best letter from a reader on “Why I Like the
Blackshirts” and gave away free tickets to Blackshirt rallies.74 Reporters at
the Daily Mail began wearing black shirts to work to show solidarity with
their boss’s politics.75
Rothermere could continue to praise Hitler in print because his
advertisers raised no serious objection, but his support for fascists closer to
home soon lost him readers and advertising money, especially after the
Blackshirts’ thuggish tactics became clear for all to see. In June 1934, when
the BUF staged a huge rally at Olympia, an event hall in West Kensington,
the evening did not go as planned. Socialists, communists, and other anti-
fascists had infiltrated the gathering. When they began booing, the fascists
turned in fury on the interlopers. According to one newspaper account,
“Blackshirts began stumbling and leaping over chairs to get at the source of
the noise. There was a wild scrummage, women screamed, black-shirted
arms rose and fell, blows were dealt.” The BUF’s paramilitary forces began
beating the protesters and dragging their limp bodies from the building,
whereupon they beat them some more.76
The Daily Mail tried to justify the violence. G. Ward Price called the
victims “Red hooligans” who “got what they deserved.”77 But some
Conservative members of Parliament—and, more critically for Rothermere,
many of the Daily Mail’s advertisers—denounced the Blackshirts’ assaults
on their fellow Britons. According to Mosley’s memoir, Rothermere
approached him privately a few weeks after the Olympia riot to confide that
department store owners had pressured him to end his support for the
BUF.78 The Daily Mail and its sister papers stopped overtly promoting the
BUF after July 1934, though they still provided plentiful coverage of the
In domestic matters, Rothermere found himself constrained by his
advertisers and his pocketbook. But he would discover that he had much
more freedom to influence foreign policy. Advertisers had forced him to
drop the British fascists. It would take a world war to persuade him to
distance himself from the German kind.
Rothermere did have a patriotic explanation for his praise of the Nazi
government. At the same time that his paper acclaimed Hitler as the savior
of Germany, he told British leaders privately that he was stroking the
dictator’s ego as part of his plan to protect Britain.
Rothermere wrote Winston Churchill in a private letter that the British
should use “the language of butter” with Hitler because it was prudent to
flatter dictators who lived in “an atmosphere of adulation and awestruck
reverence.”80 He claimed to other acquaintances that he needed to make
friends with Hitler to keep open an avenue for diplomacy should British and
German relations deteriorate, telling one correspondent, “I think when the
emergency comes this relationship might be of great value to this
He also argued that his government needed to spend more money on
defense, particularly on airplanes, in case the Germans eventually turned on
Britain. He wrote many editorials calling for a massive expansion of
airplane production and even paid for the design and construction of a
bomber called the “Britain First” (the slogan of the British fascists), which
later became the prototype for the RAF’s Blenheim Bomber. Years later, as
the Nazi regime went to war with his beloved England, the publisher
defended himself by pointing to his consistent support of British
Rothermere’s decision to praise the Nazis while calling for more arms to
defend Britain against them struck many observers as contradictory and
bizarre. In August 1934, Churchill, who was friends with Rothermere and
who earned huge sums by writing articles for his papers, wrote to his wife
that he was “disgusted” by the Daily Mail coverage of Hitler. Rothermere,
he said, wanted the British to be very “strongly armed and frightfully
obsequious at the same time.” Nevertheless, Churchill concluded, it was “a
more practical attitude than our socialist politicians. They wish us to remain
disarmed and exceedingly abusive.”83
Rothermere’s defenders credit his argument that he had hidden reasons
for flattering Hitler and maintain that he worked consistently for his
country’s best interests.84 But his affection for the Nazis went far beyond
any self-appointed mission to help the British government. His praise for
Hitler predated the Nazis’ rise to power; his first rapturous article on the
Nazis appeared in 1930, years before any but the most optimistic Nazi
sympathizers believed Hitler would rule Germany or could threaten the
British. Moreover, Rothermere showed his esteem for fascism in many
ways, not just in his stories about Hitler. A longtime fan of the Italian and
Hungarian fascists, he did more than anyone else to give credibility to
Mosley, the would-be Hitler of Great Britain.
The Daily Mail was unsurpassed among British and American
mainstream papers in its consistent enthusiasm for the Nazi government.
But even when other newspaper publishers were not actively pro-Nazi, their
support of isolation had consequences that were just as grave.
Hearst’s editorial pages argued for his preferred policies in a hectoring style
that might remind present-day Americans of former President Trump,
especially the undisciplined use of capital letters. “The first session of the
Seventy-fourth Congress,” he wrote in a typical screed, “was the dividing
Jefferson, Madison and Lincoln and the PREDATORY SOCIALISTIC America of
Roosevelt, Wallace, Tugwell, and Frankfurter.”6 College journalists
parodied his style in a 1936 editorial that called Hearst a “REAL RED-
Some Roosevelt backers worried that Hearst’s attacks would erode the
president’s support. One of Eleanor Roosevelt’s friends in the media,
George Allen of the Columbia Syndicate, told her that he had traveled
around the middle of the country and “found but one force effectively
combating the Administration; namely, the Hearst papers.” Eleanor routed
the letter to her husband and wrote in the margin: “F.D.R.: I’m sure this is
true.”45 But Roosevelt refused to believe that the publisher retained much
influence over his readers’ political views. There was “no question,” he
wrote to another concerned supporter, “that the political influence of these
papers has been infinitely reduced during the past few years.”46
Hearst did not just denounce Roosevelt in his papers; he intended to
choose the next president. He first hunted for a Democrat to oust Roosevelt
from office, then suggested forming a third party, and finally resolved that
he would “depend on the Republican Party to rescue the country from
experimental Socialism, and restore it to sound and stable Americanism.”47
For the nominee, he settled on Kansas governor Alf Landon, one of the few
Republicans to win office in the great Democratic sweep of 1934.
After Landon won the GOP presidential nomination, Hearst put his
entire media empire—twenty-eight newspapers with 30 million readers,
thirteen magazines, eight radio stations, and a newsreel company—at the
service of his campaign.48 Hearst also personally directed his papers’ news
coverage, from ordering a series of articles on New Dealers’ corruption or
“reactionary,” “dishonest,”
and “unspeakable.” “I wonder,” said one columnist, “if that rag ever prints a
word of truth except racing and baseball results.”1 Its publisher, Robert
McCormick, was too strident even for his chief rival in editorial
intemperance. In 1938, William Randolph Hearst explained privately that
he wanted to be “strategic” in his anti–New Deal coverage, because “if we
are violent, we will only do [what] . . . the Tribune is doing—help those we
are trying to oppose.”2
Press analysts saw McCormick as the worst offender among the right-
wing publishers. One such critic, John Tebbel, noted in 1947 “with shame”
that many newspapers printed “outright lies” to smear labor unions and the
New Deal, but that “few were more unabashed in their apparent lying than
the Tribune.”3 Liberal journalist George Seldes wrote a 1938 book about the
ways newspaper owners twisted the news and concluded that McCormick
and the Tribune were the most dishonest of all. “I know of no newspaper,”
he wrote, “which is so stupid and vicious in its attacks on labor, no paper so
consistent in its Red-baiting, and no paper [that] in my opinion is such a
great enemy of the American people.”4
Like Rothermere and Hearst, McCormick believed that the liberal
intellectuals and public officials of his country were stooges—perhaps
unwitting, perhaps not—of communist revolutionaries. He even published
fake news stories to expose what he saw as a real plot against the
Constitution by President Franklin Roosevelt.
Unlike Hearst and Rothermere, though, the colonel did not personally
meet with Hitler or praise him in print (in fact, he wrote some anti-Nazi
articles early on). McCormick was a far-right activist who believed the
United States had no security interests in Europe and should not take
measures to confront or resist Hitler. He consistently argued that German
aggression was understandable because of the injustices of the Treaty of
Versailles, and that the Nazis’ territorial ambitions were not much different
from British imperialism.
McCormick identified himself as an American nationalist—by which he
meant a white Protestant American nationalist—fighting against
“internationalists” (often code for Jews) who would draw the United States
into unnecessary struggles. Like Hearst and Rothermere, he failed in his
early domestic political crusades but would find success in shaping the
nation’s foreign policy.
While the Daily Mail and the Hearst papers inaugurated a new tradition of
sensationalist journalism, the Tribune modified an old one: the newspaper
as partisan organ. In the nineteenth century, newspapers tended to identify
expressly with a political party and serve unabashedly as its voice. The
Tribune was Republican from the days of Abraham Lincoln, and it
remained so under McCormick.
Joseph Medill, McCormick’s grandfather, bought into the Tribune’s
ownership before the Civil War and was an early booster of Lincoln as well
as a founder of the Republican Party. He became majority owner after the
war and turned the paper into a leading mouthpiece of Republicanism in the
Midwest. Medill’s Tribune argued for hard-line, far-right policies,
especially against unions, urging police to shoot strikers and mobs to lynch
labor leaders. Medill made no attempt to keep his editorial opinions out of
the news pages. In its news stories and headlines, for example, the Tribune
referred to labor leader and Socialist Eugene V. Debs as “Dictator Debs.”5
Medill’s two surviving children helped consolidate their family’s wealth
and journalistic legacy through their marriages: Katharine (Kate) wed
Robert Sanderson McCormick, a nephew of the harvester king Cyrus
McCormick; and Elinor (Nellie) married Robert Patterson, the Tribune’s
Washington correspondent. When Medill died in 1899, he left his fortune to
his daughters and his journalistic inheritance to Patterson, who took over
the paper.
All four of Medill’s surviving grandchildren would follow his example
and use the Tribune to fatten their bank accounts and increase their political
influence. One, Medill McCormick, served in the U.S. Senate until his
death by suicide in 1925. The other three grandchildren chose to exercise
power through the media.
Robert Rutherford McCormick, the most conservative Medill
grandchild, ultimately took charge of the family newspaper and turned it
into the most popular broadsheet in the country. Born in 1880, McCormick
learned in childhood to revere the political and economic system that
brought wealth and power to men like himself. A more traditional
conservative than Hearst, or indeed than his cousin Joe Patterson,
McCormick never dabbled in mass politics. He believed in hierarchies of
race, class, and gender and opposed any political movement that threatened
McCormick disliked many individuals and classes of people, but he
nursed a special hatred for the British. He first encountered the English at
age nine, when his father, thanks to his family connections, received a
posting as a diplomatic attaché with the U.S. embassy in London. His
mother sent Bertie, as they called him, to a boarding school in Hampshire,
where the young American adopted a lifelong enthusiasm for London
tailors, cricket, polo, and riding to hounds. He seemed to love all things
British except the people, whom he saw as arrogant and condescending. “It
has long been a habit of the English,” he wrote years later, “to berate and
abuse Americans.”7
McCormick responded to what he saw as British arrogance by
developing a fierce sense of nationalism. He and his brother Medill tried to
ward off any tendency toward Anglicization by reading vernacular
American novels like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.8 He was
disgusted by the red-coated, high-stepping guards at Buckingham Palace
and the adoring throngs that greeted Queen Victoria’s carriage. To
emphasize his distinctiveness (and superiority), Bertie draped an American
flag over his bed.9 Throughout his life he expressed contempt for
Americans who, in their weakness and insecurity, desperately sought
approval from English aristocrats.10
When it came time for prep school, McCormick’s parents sent him to
Groton, where Franklin Roosevelt was a year behind him, though the two
boys did not know each other well. Already an Anglophobe, Bertie learned
from his time in Connecticut to despise New Englanders as well. He once
again found himself patronized. His father suggested a cutting line to use in
response to his classmates’ condescension: “Tell them they are descendants
of Boston tradesmen and you are descended from Virginia gentlemen.”11
Though Bertie continued to resent New Englanders’ snobbery, he decided
to attend Yale along with his brother Medill and cousin Joe. He later
remembered aspects of his college years with great fondness, especially the
gatherings where he and his classmates would belt out, “For God, For
Country, and For Yale.”12
In 1910, after his uncle Robert Patterson’s suicide, McCormick seized
the opportunity to take over his grandfather’s greatest legacy, the Tribune.
He and his cousin Joe convinced their mothers and the other stockholders to
let them run the paper. Drawing lessons from Hearst and Pulitzer, the
cousins worked together to turn the old-fashioned daily into a lively journal
that could hold its own against Hearst’s Chicago morning paper, the
Examiner. The Tribune grabbed commuters’ attention with eight-column
bold headlines, while its features, funnies, Hollywood gossip, and advice
columns helped to build reader loyalty. Joe Patterson showed a talent for
choosing and developing popular comic strips, including, in later years,
Little Orphan Annie and Dick Tracy. Soon after the cousins took over, the
Tribune embedded a new slogan, “The World’s Greatest Newspaper,” in its
nameplate on the front page.13
Though they admired and respected each other’s business sense, the
cousins clashed over editorial policy. Patterson favored reforms to help the
working classes, while McCormick opposed progressive taxation and union
rights. They hit on the idea of alternating control of the editorial page each
month.14 Even at the time, however, they knew this compromise could not
work as a long-term strategy.
Four years after the cousins took over management of the newspaper,
the outbreak of the Great War in Europe provided opportunities for
journalistic adventure and, for McCormick, tests of his “manliness” and
leadership skills. He covered the early years of the conflict as the Tribune’s
correspondent and grew fascinated with war, especially the subject of male
courage on the battlefield. “I have tasted the wine of death, and its flavor
will be forever in my throat,” he wrote in a 1915 book on his experiences as
a war correspondent.15 After returning to Chicago, he jumped at the chance
to participate in a North American war. In 1916, McCormick joined a
cavalry regiment of the Illinois National Guard in hopes of taking part in an
American invasion of Mexico. Rebel leader Pancho Villa had led raids on
U.S. territory, including an attack on the town of Columbus, New Mexico,
that killed more than a dozen Americans. In response, President Wilson sent
U.S. soldiers into Mexico in search of Villa and mobilized one hundred
thousand additional troops at the border. Wilson stopped short, though, of
the full-scale invasion demanded by McCormick and his newspaper.
McCormick stayed in Texas throughout the confrontation, and eventually
headed back to Chicago, disappointed that there would be no war.16
In 1917, U.S. entry into the Great War finally gave McCormick the
opportunity to experience war as a soldier, not just as a journalist.
McCormick joined the army as a commissioned major and later earned a
promotion to colonel. He served on General Pershing’s staff in France, went
into the field as an artillery commander, and fought in the battle of
McCormick’s wartime service was the most exciting period of his life,
in part because war provided what he viewed as a “male mission.”17
Women were working in many different industries by the 1910s, and his
own paper employed several as reporters and features editors. Yet the
battlefield continued to exclude women and thus gave each soldier a chance
to be “exalted in the sense of his manhood.”18 McCormick revered this
male space. “Here men stand alone,” he wrote, “the preservers, the admired
of women. Here they glory in their masculinity and resent any suggestion
that the males of another race can excel them.”19 Proving his masculinity
would remain a lifelong concern, and slurring political opponents in
gendered terms such as “hysterical effeminates” would become one of his
favorite editorial techniques.20
McCormick’s contempt for Europe did not keep him from paying for
bureaus and full-time foreign correspondents to be stationed there
throughout the 1930s. The Tribune was one of just seven U.S. newspapers
with a foreign news service, a very costly enterprise.73 McCormick
regarded the foreign desk as his “pet project,” correspondent William Shirer
remembered, and personally directed (and hectored) his reporters. “He ran
it himself,” Shirer wrote, “rarely informing either his managing editor or his
foreign editor of the Napoleonic orders he sometimes peppered us with or
his cryptic criticisms scrawled on the margin of our dispatches which came
almost daily.”74
McCormick’s European correspondents helped inform his foreign
policy views. The publisher required his foreign reporters to send him
weekly unpublished letters on their regions. As he struggled to understand
Hitler and the Nazis in the early 1930s, he received diametrically different
analyses from his Berlin bureau chief, who was a committed anti-fascist,
and from his eastern European correspondent, a future Nazi agent.
The Tribune’s Berlin bureau chief, who shaped the paper’s anti-Nazi
coverage until 1934, was also its sole female foreign correspondent.
Chicago-born Sigrid Schultz, the daughter of a prominent Norwegian artist,
had moved to Paris when she was seven years old and attended school and
university in Europe. Fluent in five languages, she began serving as a
translator and an assistant for Tribune correspondents after World War I. In
1926, McCormick hired her to run the paper’s Berlin bureau, making her
the only female European bureau chief for an American newspaper at the
time.75 As a woman holding a “man’s job,” Schultz worked hard to prove
her skills as a reporter. She particularly impressed McCormick with her
smart coverage of military issues. “You are a veritable Brunhilde,” he told
her in 1932, comparing her to the female warrior of Germanic myth. “Not
only is your article on artillery the best I have received from Europe but I
have sent it to men correspondents as a model for them to follow.”76 Years
later, even after he had disagreed with her coverage of European tensions,
he told one of his editors, “Schultz is our best correspondent.”77
Schultz understood from the start that Hitler posed a menace to Europe
and the world. In February 1933, as the Nazi leader consolidated his power,
she wrote McCormick that Hitler’s appeal, though “incomprehensible” to
her, was undeniably widespread in Germany. “He seems like a cheap
hysterical actor to me and most Americans in Berlin,” she said, “but one
can’t be blind to the fact that millions of Germans fall for him and will do
whatever he says.”78 The next month, she warned her boss that the Nazis
were using terror to control their enemies. “A terrific wave of
denunciations, recriminations, and suspicions is going over Germany,” she
wrote.79 One scholar has found that Schultz, along with her Tribune
colleague in Paris, Edmond Taylor, provided the most extensive coverage of
the Nazi terror of any American reporters in the first few months of Hitler’s
The Gestapo regarded Schultz as a political enemy and watched her
carefully. Nazi agents bugged her apartment and paid her maid and her
neighbor’s valet to file reports on her movements. One day, she came home
to discover that the Gestapo had planted anti-fascist propaganda in her
home. She had burned the documents by the time agents arrived to “find”
the materials and arrest her.81 But unlike many other anti-fascist reporters,
Schultz was never expelled from Germany—quite possibly because of the
Nazis’ high regard for McCormick.
Schultz influenced McCormick’s views on the Nazis during the first
year of Hitler’s dictatorship. The Tribune ran most of her stories without
major changes, and McCormick himself wrote some anti-Hitler articles
after he saw her in Berlin in the summer of 1933. During her boss’s visit,
Schultz began to worry that the colonel, who loved military pageantry,
would be impressed by the Nazi parades. To inoculate him against Nazi
propaganda, she shrewdly told him about rumors that Ernst Roehm, the
head of the Storm Troopers, was gay.82 Horrified that Hitler had allowed a
gay man into his inner circle, the colonel proceeded to publish several anti-
Nazi stories under his own byline. In one, he told his readers that Roehm
“was guilty of that crime that no man can live down.”83
But in June 1934, the colonel’s attitude changed when Hitler ordered the
execution of Roehm and dozens of other Nazi leaders in the Night of the
Long Knives. According to Schultz, McCormick from that point forward
saw the Nazis as “regular military-minded people who were anti-
communist,” rather than the “gangsters” he had condemned in 1933.84
By 1935, the Tribune’s editorial and news pages consistently justified
the Nazis’ threats to their neighbors as understandable responses to the
unfairness of the Treaty of Versailles.85 The victors of World War I, the
Tribune argued in a 1936 editorial, had deprived Germany of “sovereignty
over its national territory” by demilitarizing the Rhineland. “It was their
folly in imposing a needlessly harsh and humiliating treaty on the German
nation which gave Germany its dictatorship, and dictatorships can be
expected to produce wars.” Hitler was “the natural flowering of the
Versailles Treaty.”86
In addition to his relief that the Nazis were not harboring homosexuals,
it is possible that McCormick decided to moderate his paper’s anti-Hitler
views after he began to worry that a strong stand against Nazi aggression
might lead to U.S. involvement in another European war.87 The Continent,
the Tribune warned, was headed toward “the end of an epoch in white
civilization,” and the United States should do its best to avoid the inevitable
cataclysm. There was no need for America to help “the unfortunate people
who cannot stop their progress toward ruin.”88
McCormick might have softened his views on the Nazis for another
reason: the anti-Semitic reports he received from Donald Day. At the same
time that Schultz was warning McCormick of the Nazi terror, Day reassured
his boss that the Nazis were rational people who were mainly concerned
about the declining birth rate among Germans. Hitler had no intention of
starting a war, he told McCormick; it was only the Jews who were
“shrieking” about war. “Who is going to fight ‘THEIR WAR’ they don’t
know,” he wrote, “but they are certainly eager for one.”89 In Day’s view,
“Jews” were synonymous with “Bolsheviks.” He insisted that the real
danger to America came not from Nazis but from Jews, who had “begun
another campaign to nullify our immigration law. They are now making a
big fuss about America throwing open her doors for Jewish refugees from
Germany.” Their communist activities had caused Germany and other
European countries to kick them out, and now they were headed to the
United States, where they would add to the circle of Red advisers around
Roosevelt. “They have made Europe too hot to hold them,” he concluded.
“What they will do in America is already indicated in Washington.”90
McCormick seemed to find Day’s views of the Nazis more persuasive
than Schultz’s alarmist reports. In May 1933, as Schultz sent weekly letters
expressing horror at the Nazis’ treatment of Jews, her boss scolded her for
not appreciating the valid reasons for Nazi anti-Semitism. The Germans, he
explained, viewed their country in terms of race, not nation; and it made
sense that they would not want other “races” to have power in their state.
“In this country,” he told her, “a Jew obviously has as much right as a
person of any other race or religion, . . . but I can see the difference of point
of view in Germany.”91 McCormick said that he did not hate Jews, but
neither did he want the United States to protest German anti-Semitism—
and he warned that American Jews would provoke a backlash if they
continued to demand that their government oppose the Nazis. He told one
of his editorial writers, “I feel, of course, a very great sense of duty to
protect the Jews in this country, but not abroad.”92
McCormick presented a different model of the right-wing isolationist press
lord. Unlike Hearst and Rothermere, he never praised fascists or showed
any interest in fascism as an ideology. But he was, like Rothermere and
Hearst, extremely anti-communist and conservative on domestic and
foreign issues. Moreover, he retained as one of his key European
correspondents a man who sent weekly private letters revealing his hatred
for Jews and his sympathy for Nazis. In the end, McCormick agreed with
his fellow right-wing publishers that those who wanted to resist the
European dictators posed a greater danger to their own country than the
fascist leaders themselves. By the time Roosevelt won his second term, the
colonel from Chicago was poised, along with Hearst and, ironically, his
much more liberal cousin Joe, to oppose any efforts to challenge fascist
Unlike Rothermere, Joseph Medill Patterson was born into the elite, and
unlike Hearst and Robert McCormick, he felt guilty about his privilege.
One of four grandchildren of Joseph Medill, the founder of the Chicago
Tribune, Joe—like his sister Cissy and his cousins Robert and Medill
McCormick—grew up with immense wealth. He attended Groton and then
Yale, where his six-foot frame and broad shoulders helped him win a spot
on the rowing team, before he returned to Chicago to marry an heiress.
But as a young reporter for the Tribune, Patterson clashed with his
editors and his father, the paper’s publisher, over their conservative politics
and conventional journalism. He left the paper to work in city government,
where a brief stint as Chicago’s commissioner of public works convinced
him that American workers suffered terribly because of capitalists like those
in his family.3
In the early years of the twentieth century, Patterson moved to a farm
outside Chicago and began churning out socialist novels and tracts. In
Confessions of a Drone, an article he wrote for a socialist newspaper and
then published as a pamphlet, he blasted the economic system that forced
other people to support him in wealthy indolence. “The work of the
working people and nothing else,” he wrote, “produces the wealth, which
by some hocus-pocus arrangement is transferred to me, leaving them
bare.”4 He also wrote novels and plays that attacked various social ills:
alcoholism (a recurrent curse in the Medill family), the immorality and
ennui of the upper classes, racism, lynching, and restrictions on divorce.
The works received mixed reviews (“distinctly amateurish,” sniffed the
New York Times of one novel) but sold well.5 Literary success prompted
Patterson to modify his political views. According to a later New Yorker
profile, his “sampling of the delights of capitalism as a money-making
writer had convinced him that the profit motive . . . was really the thing that
made people work.”6
In 1910, his father’s suicide brought Patterson back into the family
publishing business. He and his ultra-conservative cousin, Robert
McCormick, took over the Chicago Tribune. Four years later, Patterson
jumped at the chance to become a war correspondent, covering the
European conflict for the Tribune from Belgium after the German takeover,
and the U.S. occupation of the port of Veracruz during the Mexican
In 1916, Patterson, like his cousin, joined the Illinois National Guard
and traveled to the southern U.S. border. His flirtation with Socialism
notwithstanding, he eagerly sought to bear arms to protect U.S. property.
Enlisting as a private, he refused friends’ offers to get him commissioned as
an officer.
Like McCormick, Patterson eventually left Texas without invading
Mexico. But the next year he would witness and participate in a much
bigger conflict. After the United States joined the Great War, he enlisted in
the American Expeditionary Force. He served in five major battles,
survived German gas and machine-gun fire, and rose to the rank of captain
in the artillery.
During the Great War, Patterson discovered a new kind of journalism.
He began reading and admiring the London papers, particularly Lord
Northcliffe’s tabloid, the Daily Mirror. No American had yet tried to copy
the Mirror’s model of a half-size, sensationalistic newspaper aimed at urban
commuters. Patterson traveled to London on furlough to see Northcliffe.
The English press baron said he thought a New York tabloid was such a
good idea that if Patterson did not start one, he would do it himself.
Back in France, Patterson met with McCormick, his cousin and co-
publisher, at a farm near the front. As they sat on a pile of cow dung and
watched the German shells light up the night sky, Patterson asked for
permission to use the family company to start a tabloid in New York.7 His
new enterprise would be linked financially with the Tribune, but the two
papers would maintain separate newsrooms and editorial policies.
McCormick sensed a good business opportunity. “I’m with you,” he said,
and the two toasted the family’s new venture.8
The first issue of the Daily News, “New York’s new pictorial
newspaper,” hit the streets in June 1919, offering a $10,000 prize for its first
beauty contest and promising pictures of beautiful girls along with “sport
news, fashion news, society news, theatrical news, household hints,
editorials, humor” and, almost as an afterthought, coverage of local,
foreign, and national news.9 In its inaugural editorial, the News explained
that it was “going to be your newspaper. Its interests will be your interests.
. . . It will be aggressively for America and for the people of New York.”
The paper assured its readers that it would have no “entangling alliance
with any class whatever.”10
Other journalists regarded Patterson’s experiment as a joke, and it
seemed at first that he might have made a mistake. New York’s crowded
newspaper market, with seventeen major dailies, was saturated. The News’s
circulation fell to just twenty-six thousand daily sales. But New Yorkers
began to warm to the paper’s lively coverage of love nests, gangster
shootouts, and runaway heiresses. After two years it was New York’s
second-best-selling paper, behind Hearst’s Journal; a few years after that,
the News passed the Journal and became the top-selling paper not only in
New York but in the entire United States. Soon it would become the most
popular newspaper in American history in numbers of copies sold, then or
Patterson adopted some of the English tabloids’ proven methods for
boosting circulation and invented new ones. Under his leadership, the News
sponsored races and games that drew tens of thousands of participants.11 He
also paid attention to the comics page, knowing that a good selection of
strips could drive sales. Finally, he gave his readers a sense of ownership of
the paper through his expanded and highly entertaining letters pages. “Voice
of the People” attracted more than forty-six thousand contributions a year.12
The Daily News reflected the excitement of living in an American city
in the era of skyscrapers, jazz, flappers, speakeasies, gun molls, and new
moral standards. As one News editor explained, “The things people were
most interested in were, and in order, (1) Love or Sex, (2) Money, (3)
Murder. They were especially interested in any situation which involved all
three.”13 The News could not keep its middle-class audience if it covered
sex explicitly, but its editors were skilled at deploying euphemisms. As
Time wrote, “Constant readers of the News always read erotic for exotic,
philanderer for dilettante, lesbianism for bizarre friendship, kept for
showered with gifts, sexual intercourse for kiss.”14 But though the mores of
the era required the News to be discreet in its stories about sex, there were
no such restrictions on its coverage of crime and punishment. Patterson’s
paper published what Time called “the most sensational newspicture of the
decade” when its photographer sneaked a camera into the execution
viewing chamber at Sing Sing and snapped a shot of the famous murderess
Ruth Snyder at the moment of her death in the electric chair. “DEAD!”
screamed the headline over the page 1 photo. The News printed more than a
million extra copies of the picture to meet public demand.15
The News showed an unerring instinct for understanding its readers and
refused to talk down to them. News reporters and editors “are not
supercilious of the masses they cater to,” Editor & Publisher reported in
1934. “They like to think that they are a part of the crowd, that they share
its likes and dislikes, its passions and prejudices, its predilection for a good
belly laugh and a wistful sentimental tear.” The article reported that other
journalists dismissed the News for aiming at fourteen-year-olds rather than
grown-ups. But the paper’s general manager, Roy C. Holliss, found that
criticism “academic” and irrelevant. “A part of everyone’s mind is 14 years
old, or 8 years old,” he responded. “We try to edit the News to meet the
varied requirements of the average person’s mental equipment.”16
Patterson wanted his paper to appeal to “Sweeney,” an imaginary
working-class New Yorker who liked his news simple and entertaining. The
paper’s slogan was “Tell It to Sweeney! The Stuyvesants Will Take Care of
Themselves!” By “Sweeney,” the News staff meant an ordinary New
Yorker, working class or lower middle class, who worked hard, raised a
family, and hoped for a better life for his children. A News promotional
item for advertisers explained the slogan this way: “Sweeney and Mrs.
Sweeney are ambitious and expectant of Life. They believe in God, the
United States and life insurance. They respect education, and want the kids
to have plenty of it. . . . And remember, when you talk to Sweeney, the
people of bluer blood and more money who read The News will
understand; whereas if you talk to the Stuyvesants, the Sweeneys won’t
listen. You can’t lose by saying it so Sweeney understands.”17
“Sweeney” apparently wanted his editorials to have the same breezy,
cheeky style as his news stories. The Daily News, unlike most papers, was
popular in part because of its editorials, not in spite of them. A Gallup poll
found that 28 percent of men and 15 percent of women who bought big-city
newspapers read the editorials. But according to an internal survey, News
editorials had much higher readership: 60 percent of men and 41 percent of
women.18 The News appealed to New Yorkers by presenting clear, forceful
arguments in straightforward, often colloquial language. The editorial page
called its opponents “saps”; told lying politicians “no dice”; and did not
hesitate to say “GOSH!” in response to amazing events. In 1936, when a
News headline asked if the United States might be called to “Fight for
France Again??,” the paper had a quick retort: “There is but one American
answer that we know of to that talk; and that answer is: ‘Nuts.’ ”19
Patterson’s personal mailbag was full of letters expressing admiration
for the News’s unique style. “I believe that your editorials are the best-
written editorials in the country,” read one typical missive, this one from
Chester Bowles, an advertising man who later became a diplomat, governor,
and congressman. “They are simple and vivid and keyed to the hopes and
beliefs of the great majority of people who make up the United States.”20
Though he did not write the editorials himself, Patterson took
responsibility for their content and style. He met with his chief writer,
Reuben Maury, each morning to discuss the day’s editorial. Patterson did
not want Maury to come up with his own ideas but, as a New Yorker profile
of Maury explained, to “put the Patterson ideas into words.” The New
Yorker writer compared them to ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his dummy,
Charlie McCarthy. The partnership clearly worked. Over the years they
wrote more than ten thousand editorials, and Maury won the 1941 Pulitzer
Prize for editorial writing.21
In 1930, Patterson signaled the Daily News’s importance to New York
by commissioning Raymond Hood, the celebrated architect who designed
the Tribune Tower in Chicago and later the Rockefeller Center in New
York, to build a $10 million, thirty-six-story headquarters for the paper on
East Forty-Second Street. Around the exterior entranceway, a massive
frieze depicted workers, businessmen, and craftsmen all living in harmony;
above the tableau, Patterson immortalized an oft-quoted (and possibly
misattributed) line of Abraham Lincoln (a statesman who had won office
partly through the efforts of the publisher’s grandfather). “God must have
loved the common man, because HE MADE SO MANY OF THEM.” The words
honored the common people filing through the entrance below.
The building captured Patterson’s aspirations for his newspaper: bold
and theatrical, it compelled attention and respect; yet it was also, as its
letters pages proclaimed, the voice of the people. The News gave the people
what they wanted and made sure their voices were heard.
After the stock market crash of 1929, Patterson decided that the people
wanted fewer sensational murder stories and more news about the hardships
they faced every day. “We’re off on the wrong foot,” he announced one day
in the newsroom. “The people’s major interest is no longer in the playboy,
Broadway and divorces, but in how they’re going to eat, and from this time
forward we’ll pay attention to the struggle for existence.”22
In 1932, after three years of Depression, Patterson decided that Franklin
Roosevelt was the best presidential candidate to help the people on the front
lines of this struggle. Unlike Hearst, who fantasized a New Deal that would
serve his own interests, Patterson seemed to grasp the essentials of the
president’s domestic policy as well as Roosevelt’s call for “bold, persistent
experimentation.” The Daily News publisher not only endorsed Roosevelt
for president in 1932 but stated in an Inauguration Day editorial that the
paper would support him for at least a year, to give the new chief executive
the time and flexibility he needed to embark on audacious reforms.23
The Daily News showed its affection for Roosevelt by launching a
campaign to raise money to build a swimming pool at the White House,
knowing that swimming was the president’s preferred form of exercise
because of his weakened legs. Shortly after taking office, the president
thanked Patterson sincerely for the gesture and the support it represented:
“The thought that this campaign was initiated voluntarily, without my
knowledge or sanction, and subscribed to so generously means as much, if
not more, than the pool itself.”24
Patterson’s editorial policy, in short, differed dramatically from that of
his cousin. Robert McCormick once reassured a correspondent that though
the cousins jointly owned the Chicago Tribune and the Daily News, they
had agreed to give each other complete autonomy to run their respective
newspapers. “On many subjects we are in agreement,” McCormick wrote,
“but . . . on the New Deal, our views are as far apart as the poles.”25
Patterson’s support for collective solutions to the nation’s problems
made him an unusual newspaper publisher. In the 1930s, there was no such
thing as what critics today call “the liberal media.”26 Americans and Britons
who complained about bias in the media typically talked about the
“conservative press.” As A. J. Liebling famously said, “Freedom of the
press is guaranteed only to those who own one,” and the owners of big-city
newspapers, which sold millions of copies and dominated the media
landscape, were rich men who had the resources to invest the vast sums
needed for modern production and distribution.27
Patterson backed Roosevelt in some of the most significant domestic
policy fights of the 1930s. Almost alone among news barons, he wanted to
abolish child labor even though the ban would mean newspapers could no
longer hire young boys to distribute their copies. The News also strongly
endorsed the Social Security Act and hired “trained attendants” to help
confused citizens fill out their first Social Security forms. More than twelve
hundred New Yorkers showed up to the first day of the News’s information
clinic on the new program. Anna Rosenberg, the regional director of the
Social Security Board, thanked Patterson personally for providing the clinic
and for running a series of articles aimed at calming the fears of Americans
who were concerned about the registration process.28 Unlike Hearst,
Patterson also endorsed the “general aim” of Roosevelt’s proposals for
higher taxes on the rich and union rights for workers, though he found fault
with some of the details.29
Patterson was happy to help an administration headed by a man he
considered “one of the most admirable and courageous and high-hearted
citizens this country ever produced, as well as . . . one of our greatest
Presidents.”30 In late 1933, after nine months of the Roosevelt
administration, he pledged $5,000 to the Democratic Party, explaining that
he could see for himself the positive effects of the New Deal. “I believe it is
largely due to the policies of President Roosevelt that we have come a long
way out of the slump,” he wrote in a private letter. “At all events, our
business is considerably better than it was last year.” The News had added
165 employees and, Patterson said, was making “more money net,” as were
all other New York newspapers and their large advertisers. “We indeed have
something to be thankful for this Christmas.”31
Patterson would become one of the Democrats’ top donors. He
contributed to key Democratic races around the country and gave $25,000
to the Democratic National Committee—and arranged to launder the
contribution so that he would not have to pay taxes on it.32 In total,
Patterson donated $28,100 to the DNC and Democratic candidates during
Roosevelt’s first term (more than $500,000 in today’s money), making him
the party’s fifth-largest donor.33
Roosevelt valued Patterson’s editorial support even more than his
monetary contributions. More than 60 percent of dailies nationwide
opposed the president’s bid for a second term, yet the Daily News cheered
his every move and gave him almost sole credit for the economic recovery.
“Our only mistake,” the News argued right before the election, “seems to
have been that we didn’t have a New Deal soon enough.”34 One pro-
Roosevelt publisher, J. David Stern of the Philadelphia Recorder, called
Patterson’s editorials “the best and strongest in the country. I wish they
received even wider publication than your great newspaper gives them.”35
Roosevelt’s advisers agreed. Jim Farley, the head of the Democratic
National Committee, praised Patterson in February 1936 for the News’s
editorials. “You are certainly doing a splendid job and I want you to know I
appreciate it very, very much,” he wrote.36
Keenly aware of the value of their support, Roosevelt cultivated
friendships with the few media moguls who supported him. Over the next
several years, Patterson and his wife dined at the White House, at
Roosevelt’s family home in Hyde Park, and on the presidential yacht.37
Perhaps the warmth of their early alliance helps explain the bitterness of
their later feud.
Joe Patterson, the publisher of the first American tabloid and the best-
selling paper in American history, the New York Daily News, called
himself, his cousin, and his sister “the isolationist furies.” Patterson’s
Daily News editorials worried that European wars would lead to “the
passing of the great race,” as eugenicist Madison Grant had predicted.
(George Moffet, Moffet Studio, Chicago, Digital Collections—Lake
Forest College,
Throughout Roosevelt’s first term, Patterson agreed not only with the
president’s domestic reforms but also, surprisingly, with his foreign policy.
He thought the president was appropriately tough on what the News called
the “ferocious” Japanese nation.38 At the same time, he thought—
incorrectly, it turned out—that the president shared his belief that the
United States should ignore aggressive actions by the fascist dictators in
Unlike Hearst and McCormick, Patterson had no fear that Roosevelt
wanted to amass dictatorial power. In 1935, when Congress debated a bill
designed to keep the United States out of foreign wars, the News advocated
more presidential authority, not less. The proposed Neutrality Act, written
by Senate isolationists, banned the sale of “arms, ammunition, and
implements of war” to any foreign country involved in a war. Patterson
supported neutrality, but unlike Hearst, he thought the president should
determine when to use the law. “It seems to us,” said a News editorial, “that
the best way to safeguard our neutrality would be to leave the job of
safeguarding it to the President. He should be given the power to embargo
arms shipments in any way he might see fit; not commanded to embargo
them all over the map.”39
Patterson was also an avid booster of Roosevelt’s efforts to expand the
U.S. Navy in the Pacific. Almost every Monday during 1934 and 1935, the
News ran an editorial headlined “Two Ships for One,” urging the U.S.
military to “build two fighting ships for every fighting ship Japan builds.”40
Like Hearst, Patterson believed Japan posed a great danger to the United
States and that a war between the two powers might be inevitable. But
unlike Hearst, Patterson trusted the president to manage U.S.-Japanese
tensions. He heaped scorn on peace activists who thought an expansion of
the U.S. Navy might provoke Japan, and he applauded Roosevelt for
ignoring “pacifist bunk.”41 Fortunately, the News explained, Roosevelt
understood the Japanese menace: “We hope and believe the President will
continue this policy of looking out for American safety first, even though
some of us stay asleep to what is fermenting on the other side of the
Patterson believed the United States must take a firm stand against the
Japanese, whom he saw as a wily and savage people. “We cannot afford to
take any chances with such a nation of fighting cocks,” the News
editorialized in 1935. “Give them an inch and they take a mile, as they have
been doing in Asia for the last four years.”43 The News speculated
frequently on the strategies Japan might use to attack the United States. In
its most imaginative scenario, the paper suggested that the Japanese would
conquer Baja California and use it as a base to launch Viking-style raids on
West Coast cities, which they would then hold hostage until they received
tribute from the U.S. government.44 In 1934, the News congratulated
Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. for removing millions of dollars
of gold from the San Francisco mint, where the editorial writers thought it
was vulnerable to a Japanese heist, and relocating it to Denver.45
The News published its most extreme anti-Japanese views in the “Voice
of the People” section—in letters that some critics thought were written by
the paper’s staff. These ordinary voices warned white Americans of the
yellow peril and of the dangers of dividing the “white race” by meddling in
Europe. “Wake up, dear white people, or you will be laid to rest forever,”
wrote a correspondent identified only by his initials in 1936. “Don’t you
know the yellow race is becoming stronger on this earth each and every
day? Catastrophe is inevitable, unless the white race patches up its insane
internal difficulties and forms a united front.”46
In contrast to his truculence toward Japan, Patterson seemed indifferent
to the brutalities of Hitler’s regime. In the early days, the News seemed
uninterested or even amused by the Nazis. In March 1933, as Storm
Troopers terrorized and imprisoned hundreds of Jews, homosexuals,
socialists and other political opponents, and as the Nazi regime opened its
first concentration camp, the Daily News thanked the Nazis for closing
nudist colonies. “When we saw pictures of some nudists in the raw, an anti-
nudism crusade by anybody on any grounds seemed more than justified,”
the News joked. “Hitler has shown himself to be a true friend of all us true
As the Nazi oppression of Jews continued, News editorials dropped their
jocular tone but still argued that the events in Germany had nothing to do
with Americans. In 1935, the News worried that a U.S. boycott of the
Olympic games the next year in Berlin might lead to conflict. Americans
could consider joining a boycott, the News said, but the United States
“shouldn’t go any further than that in expressing our disapproval of Hitler’s
maltreatment of the Jews.” Hitler had done nothing to justify a military or
diplomatic response or even economic sanctions. “Just because you
wouldn’t invite some man to your house for dinner, you aren’t obligated to
fight him. Nor are you obligated to refuse to do business with him to your
own profit.”48
Patterson’s insistence on dismissing and ignoring Hitler’s brutal
treatment of Jews in Germany posed a potential obstacle to his friendship
with the president. For years, Roosevelt had believed that Hitler threatened
democracy and civilization. He had written in his copy of Mein Kampf that
the English edition minimized the dangers of Nazism. “This translation is
so expurgated as to give a wholly false view of what Hitler really is or says
—The German original would make a different story.”49 He understood that
anti-Semitism was central to the Nazis’ ideology and not, as the press
barons thought, a peripheral strategy that they could be persuaded to
abandon. Like Winston Churchill, writes the historian William Kinsella,
Roosevelt showed an “intuitive prescience” about the evils of German
But in his first term, the president focused on domestic issues and paid
little public heed to Nazi persecution. It was only later that Patterson’s and
Roosevelt’s differences on the proper response to German anti-Semitism
would divide them. During the 1936 presidential campaign, the Daily News
repeatedly stated that Democrats were far more likely than Republicans to
isolate the country from the developing crises in Europe. When the
president declared, “I hate war!” in a campaign speech, the News noted that
he had “voiced the present feelings of the vast majority of us” and praised
his determination to preserve American neutrality.51 On another occasion,
the News lauded Roosevelt’s foreign policies and called Alf Landon, the
Republican nominee, a “Meddlesome Mattie” who might involve the
United States in a European war. “The best way to stay out,” the News
concluded, “is with a President who has given us a strong national defense
and kept on good terms with the rest of the world.”52
Patterson supported Roosevelt’s foreign policy throughout his first term.
He believed the president would safeguard the United States from European
conflicts, though he did worry that other “meddlesome” officials—mostly
Republicans—might create problems by trying to resist Hitler. It was in this
context that he teamed up with a London publisher to persuade the citizens
of Britain and America to embrace “splendid isolation.”
O a modern metropolitan
day in 1930, America’s first female editor in chief of
WAR”—a headline the paper would repeat often over the next year, right up
to the outbreak of war. The press lord argued that the Nazi dictator was
simply too reasonable to opt for war at the moment. “Hitler has shown
himself throughout his career to be a man of exceptional astuteness,”
Beaverbrook opined. The Nazis were not ready for a war, and the German
public would not support one. It was absurd to think that Hitler would
choose war under those circumstances.46 Privately, Beaverbrook assured
British government officials throughout the fall that he would place his
publishing empire at their disposal. “My newspapers will do anything to
help you in your difficult negotiations with these Central European
countries,” he wrote the foreign secretary. “Or indeed,” he added, “in any
direction. Besides, I am in agreement with your policy, and I can give you
the strongest support.”47
Harold Rothermere no longer controlled the Daily Mail at the time of
the Sudeten crisis, but he did what he could to help the cause of
appeasement. In April 1938, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, he
had turned the paper over to Esmond Harmsworth, his surviving son and
heir. Harmsworth believed his father’s political activism had hurt the Mail’s
circulation. Readership had declined slightly in 1930, when Rothermere
tried to depose Stanley Baldwin as Conservative Party leader; failed to
regain any ground during the Mail’s pro-Mosley period; and started to slide
in earnest in 1935, as Rothermere persisted in backing Hitler even as other
British papers began to see him as a threat.48
But although Rothermere no longer directly managed the paper, he still
wrote occasional pro-Nazi articles and editorials, and kept up a friendly
correspondence with Hitler. In May 1938, he assured his readers that they
could trust Hitler’s word: “There is no man living whose promise given in
regard to something of real moment I would sooner take.” The German
dictator was a gentleman with a “great sense of the sanctity of the family.”49
In addition to Rothermere’s personal articles, moreover, the Mail’s editorial
policy remained firmly in favor of appeasement. It vigorously backed the
prime minister and maintained that the British should not impede Hitler’s
quest to unite his “race” under the swastika.50
The Daily Express and Daily Mail were far from alone in supporting
Chamberlain and appeasement. The Times of London, owned by Lord Astor
and edited by the pro-appeasement Geoffrey Dawson, rivaled the Express
and the Mail in its support for the Nazi takeover of the Sudetenland. The
national newspapers’ backing for appeasement dismayed the career
diplomats in the Foreign Office who wanted Chamberlain to take a harder
line with Hitler. They believed that the isolationist press had failed to
inform the British people of the Nazi threat. “Lord Beaverbrook and other
‘peace at any price’ publicists,” one official wrote, “must bear a heavy share
of the blame.”51
Though many British newspapers endorsed appeasement in 1938, only
Beaverbrook and Rothermere went so far as to ask the cabinet for more
government control over the press—in effect, for the state to work harder to
spin the news. “The newspapers are all anxious to help the Prime Minister
and to help you,” Beaverbrook wrote to the foreign secretary, Lord Halifax,
on September 16, 1938. But they needed “guidance” from the cabinet. He
urged Halifax to designate a minister “to guide the newspapers in their
policy, to strike out errors and to crush rumours.”52 On the same day, he
made a similar plea to the prime minister, recommending that Chamberlain
ask Beaverbrook’s good friend, Home Secretary Sam Hoare, to meet with
journalists and steer their coverage.53 Chamberlain agreed, and Hoare soon
began conducting daily meetings with the nation’s top editors. Rothermere
sent his own plea to Halifax, asking the government to curb newspapers
whose inflammatory “cartoons and comments” against Germany might
provoke a war.54
Beaverbrook and Rothermere wanted the government to manage their
rivals’ newspapers, not their own, for their news stories and editorials
already put an exceptionally positive spin on Chamberlain’s policies.
Beaverbrook’s Daily Express in particular acted as the government’s
mouthpiece. On September 22, for example, while the prime minister was
in Germany, Beaverbrook personally wrote a front-page editorial that could
have come straight from Chamberlain. Under the headline “THIS IS THE
The Daily News began to write about supposed Jewish influence in the New
Deal precisely when President Roosevelt began taking a stronger stance
against German fascism. That was no coincidence. Unlike Beaverbrook,
who, in backing appeasement, needed only to cheer on the appeasers on
Downing Street, Patterson faced a much greater test. As 1939 began, he and
other isolationists in the media confronted an increasingly vocal anti-fascist
in the White House.
Kristallnacht horrified Roosevelt on a visceral level. Even though he
had distrusted the Nazis for years, the pogrom against German and Austrian
Jews marked a turning point for him. He counted Jews among his close
friends and was genuinely appalled by the Nazis’ brutality. He began to see
Hitler as inherently irrational—a “wild man” who “believes himself to be a
reincarnation of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ,” as he told a group of
senators early in 1939—and therefore a leader who could not be
appeased.20 He also worried that the Nazi regime posed a genuine threat to
democracy worldwide and to U.S. security. On November 14, less than a
week after Kristallnacht, the president convened a secret meeting of
military leaders and warned them that the United States needed to increase
its airplane production capacity from twelve hundred to ten thousand planes
per year to prepare to meet the Nazi threat.21
Publicly, at a press conference the next day, Roosevelt announced that
Americans were “deeply shocked” by the pogroms and that he himself
could “scarcely believe that such things could occur in the twentieth century
of civilization.”22 He stunned the Germans by recalling the American
ambassador, who would never return to his post in Nazi Germany. The
appeasers in the British and French governments worried—correctly, as it
turned out—that Roosevelt’s response portended a new, more strongly anti-
Nazi policy for the United States.23
In his State of the Union address of 1939, the president continued to
speak about the menace of dictatorships abroad. He argued that Americans
needed to “prepare to defend not their homes alone but the tenets of their
faith and humanity on which their churches, their governments and their
very civilization are founded.” He asked Congress to appropriate an
additional half-billion dollars for defense spending and to revise the
Neutrality Act. Nothing less than the “defense of religion, of democracy,
and of good faith among nations” was at stake. “To save one we must now
make up our minds to save all.”24
But Roosevelt’s campaign to awaken the American public to the
dangers of Nazi Germany faced a stiff challenge: American anti-Semitism,
abetted by the popular press. American voters had to be convinced that
resisting Hitler would not lead to a war to save Jews. As in Britain, deep
prejudice prompted Americans to blame Jews for others’ hatred of them. In
April 1938, 58 percent of Americans told pollsters that the anti-Semitic
persecution in Europe was wholly or partly the Jews’ fault.25
A large majority of Americans did not even want to allow more Jewish
refugees fleeing Nazi violence to immigrate to the United States. Congress
had staunched the flow of immigrants in 1924 by passing the National
Origins Act, a law with such explicitly racist conditions and results that
Hitler envied it.26 It banned most immigration from Asia and allotted quotas
to European countries. A regulation promulgated by President Hoover in
1930 further reduced immigration by requiring all potential newcomers to
prove they would not become a “public charge,” meaning that they had to
arrive with enough money to support themselves and their families for an
indefinite period. Because Nazi Germany refused to allow Jews to take their
money out of the country, very few refugees were admitted. U.S.
immigration quotas allowed more than twenty-five thousand immigrants
from Germany per year, but most of those slots went unfilled.27
In 1937 and 1938, President Roosevelt took some administrative steps
to allow more Jews fleeing Hitler to enter the United States. He combined
the German and Austrian quotas, extended the temporary visas of visiting
Germans, and quietly ordered the State Department to relax its
interpretation of the public charge provision. German and Austrian
immigrants to the United States used all of their quota slots in 1939.28
But Roosevelt hesitated to do more. Only 5 percent of Americans in
1938 wanted to raise immigration quotas to admit more refugees, and two-
thirds sought to keep out all refugees, even those allowed under the existing
quotas.29 The young did not escape discrimination. Two-thirds of
Americans opposed a 1939 bill to allow ten thousand German refugee
children—most of them Jewish—to come to the United States.30
The president worried that measures to help Jewish refugees might
provoke an anti-Semitic backlash that would prevent him from achieving
his overall goal of preparing Americans to resist Nazism. Historian Robert
Herzstein, in Roosevelt and Hitler, asks his readers to remember
Roosevelt’s entire record on Nazi anti-Semitism, not just his reluctance to
revise immigration quotas. The president’s “increasingly bold” anti-fascist
policies, Herzstein contends, “would one day culminate in the isolation of
the anti-Semitic right at home, and the destruction of the Nazi regime in
Europe.”31 Allan Lichtman and Richard Breitman, in FDR and the Jews,
come to a similar conclusion: “Oddly enough, he did more for the Jews than
any other world figure, even if his efforts seem deficient in retrospect. He
was a far better president for Jews than any of his political adversaries
would have been.”32
By early 1939, the isolationists recognized that Roosevelt was
becoming an increasingly bold enemy of their cause. One of his most
important supporters in the press, Joe Patterson, began to worry that the
man he had called “one of our greatest presidents” was now, as he wrote to
Beaverbrook, “acting contrary to the wishes of most of his followers in his
present foreign policy.” Roosevelt’s anti-fascist tendencies made it all the
more important for Britain to continue to appease, not resist, Hitler;
otherwise, both Britain and America could get drawn into a conflagration.
“Of course, in the event of war,” Patterson added, “our sympathies would
get aroused as they did before and in the end we too might be in it. That’s
what I’m afraid of.”33
they respond, now that the war that they had fought
so hard to avoid had finally begun?
For some American press lords, the period from September 1939 to
November 1940 was a time to fight back with increasing fury. As Roosevelt
and his aides launched an effective public relations campaign for aid to the
Allies, Hearst and McCormick discovered that their power to shape public
opinion on foreign policy was waning. The unprecedented third-term bid by
a president they despised could bring their nation inching closer to war. And
so they predicted, in ever more apocalyptic tones, that the election of 1940
might be the last democratic vote in American history. Joe Patterson,
meanwhile, stayed loyal to his president by clinging to the hope that
Roosevelt could keep the country out of war.
The British publishers greeted the start of the war with a mixture of
sulky resignation and trepidation. Beaverbrook criticized the British war
effort until suddenly, in a dramatic twist, he found himself in charge of
producing enough airplanes to win it. Rothermere, meanwhile, faced the
embarrassing prospect of becoming the subject of juicy tabloid articles
when one of his former friends threatened to publish his private letters to
his “dear führer” for the world to see.
Rothermere’s troubles had begun in 1938 when he decided to fire Princess
Stephanie Hohenlohe, his “political representative” on the European
continent. Up to that point, the princess had enjoyed a substantial income as
Rothermere’s aide. A government agent reported in her MI5 file that the
mysterious Viennese-born aristocrat, whom it labeled an “adventuress,” had
“wormed her way into society circles in London” and “exercised
considerable influence” over Rothermere, who was twenty-three years her
senior.1 In 1932 he began paying her the considerable sum of £5,000 per
year to introduce him to major European figures.2 Over the next several
years, he gave her more than £51,000, equivalent to about $3.5 million in
today’s money.3 At the same time, British intelligence heard reports that she
was a Nazi spy, and that Hitler had offered to pay her hundreds of
thousands of pounds to influence Rothermere to promote the return of
Polish land to Germany.4
Rothermere chose to end his attempts at European diplomacy in January
1938—he did “not wish to be considered an international busybody,” he
told Hohenlohe—and cut off her funds.5 She angrily warned him that he
needed her help to negotiate the political environment in Germany. When
Rothermere refused to restore her salary, she threatened to sue him for
breach of contract.
Hohenlohe claimed that she had letters from Rothermere that promised
her an annual income. She did not. She did, however, possess letters that
could seriously embarrass him if they came out during her lawsuit. The
princess’s cache of documents included cables and personal letters from
Rothermere to Hitler in which the publisher flattered the dictator in
embarrassingly sycophantic terms. In 1938, Rothermere wished Hitler good
luck for “another successful year of Your wonderful regiem [sic]” and
assured him that the English were impressed by the effectiveness of his
methods: “Every day in England there is developing the opinion that
parliamentarism is unable to meet the needs and so the problems which
confront modern democracies.”6 When Austrians endorsed their country’s
annexation by the Reich in a rigged election, Rothermere congratulated the
dictator for “your excellency’s marvelous triumph in the plebiscite” and
added that “your star is rising higher and higher but has not yet shone with
its full effulgence.”7 A few months later, he expressed his “strong belief”
that with his “wise statesmanship,” Hitler would find a way to resolve the
problems between England and Germany, “two branches of the same big
Nordic stem.”8 After the Munich agreement, Rothermere compared Hitler
to Frederick the Great of Prussia, who was highly regarded in Britain. “May
not Adolf the Great become an equally popular figure? I salute your
excellency’s star which rises higher and higher.”9 Hohenlohe also possessed
a memo in which Rothermere asked officials in Hungary to enthrone his son
as their king, and some copies of Hitler’s pleased responses to the
publisher’s praise.10
Rothermere had already transmitted copies of his Hitler correspondence
to British officials as part of his apparently earnest campaign to improve
relations between the two countries. But even considered as private
diplomatic efforts to mediate between Britain and the Nazi regime, the
letters were shamefully obsequious. Did he need to call Hitler, the man who
had already sent tens of thousands to concentration camps, “Adolf the
Great”? The princess secured copies of the letters from Berlin, probably
with the aid of her lover, Fritz Wiedemann, a close adviser to Hitler until
early 1939. Wiedemann sent Rothermere a not-so-subtly threatening letter
expressing regret at the unpleasantness that would result if they were made
public.11 But Wiedemann and Hohenlohe miscalculated: bristling at the
audacity of the blackmail attempt, Rothermere refused to pay. So
Hohenlohe followed through on her threat and filed suit against him in an
English court.
The British government learned about the princess’s attempts to squeeze
Rothermere in March 1939, when a Hungarian lawyer arrived at a border
control post at Victoria station with a satchel full of incriminating
correspondence. Under prodding from immigration officials, the attorney
explained that he had come to London for his client, Hohenlohe, and he
opened his briefcase to show them some documents, which he said were
part of her breach-of-contract suit against Rothermere. The letters were
“astonishing,” a passport official reported; they included one in which
Rothermere urged Hitler to invade Romania, and another praising the
annexation of Czechoslovakia.12
The letters would have been embarrassing at the time that the border
police found them. But by the time Hohenlohe got her day in court, they
might have appeared treasonous. One of Rothermere’s lawyers privately
visited the Home Office shortly after the start of the war in September 1939
and asked the British government to expel the princess from the country as
a Nazi spy and toss her suit out of court.13 The government declined, and let
the legal process run its course.
The trial began in November and garnered a lot of press attention,
especially from American correspondents, many of whom portrayed
Hohenlohe as a gold digger and a pathetic, middle-aged vamp.14 It lasted
just six days. Because she did not have evidence for her breach-of-contract
claim, the judge ruled against her and ordered her to pay court costs.
The trial was embarrassing for Rothermere, who had to endure salacious
stories in American publications about his “ludicrous” relationship with
Hitler and his absurd desire to make his son king of Hungary.15 But this
discomfort was minor compared to what might have happened if the court
had disclosed his letters to Hitler.
Possibly because the judge wanted to help the press lord dodge a
scandal, or because Hohenlohe did not want to give up her one remaining
trump card, the trial concluded with the public still unclear about what,
exactly, the former Daily Mail publisher had said to the leader of Nazi
Germany. The lawyers read some snippets into the record, but the
correspondence remained under seal. The judge assured the onlookers that
there was nothing untoward in them. “From first to last, there is nothing
discreditable to Lord Rothermere, or to the writers of any of the letters in
this bundle,” he announced.16 Notably, Hohenlohe’s cache only included
letters that dated from before her lawyer’s furtive trip to London in March
1939. She did not have copies of the unctuous missives Rothermere had
sent to Hitler and Ribbentrop that summer.
Rothermere was surprisingly generous to his blackmailer after the trial,
perhaps because the letters remained secret. When she lost her suit, he
covered her court costs—some £10,000—and offered to pay her to leave
Britain and relocate to the Continent. Hohenlohe took the money for the
court costs but refused to move to war-torn Europe. Instead, she came up
with the cash for tickets for her mother and herself to go to America, where
her lover, Wiedemann, was serving as German consul in San Francisco.17
The stash of letters would remain private until after her death in 1972.
Another British press lord was also eager to erase the memory of his
actions. The stress of winning his case against Princess Hohenlohe had
worsened Harold Rothermere’s health problems. In March 1940 he wrote
Beaverbrook from Egypt that he worried about becoming a permanent
invalid.72 But the sudden ascendancy to power of his old friends Max and
Winston briefly cheered him. “My dear Max,” he cabled Beaverbrook from
France, on his way back to England, “overjoyed at last some governmental
use has been found at this critical juncture for you[r] glittering abilities.”73
He asked if he could serve his nation by encouraging American firms to
produce more aircraft for Britain. “Am dying to help the country in this
great crisis under your leadership; sure results may be quite
extraordinary.”74 Beaverbrook agreed to give his friend a mission. “I will
want your services in America and hope you will go there at once.”75
Not everyone thought it was a good idea to send the proven Naziphile to
North America as Britain struggled to secure U.S. aid. Foreign Secretary
Halifax angrily complained to Beaverbrook that Rothermere was
prophesying doom for Britain, and wanted him stopped from going to the
United States.76 In fact, it’s possible that Rothermere inspired a defeatist
editorial in the Daily News. On August 15, 1940, the News referred to “an
observer just over from England” who said that the British people “did not
want to fight Hitler’s army” and wondered if the war was worth fighting.
This “observer” predicted that Churchill, “a born fire-eater and possibly the
most enthusiastic hater Hitler has in the world,” would be tossed from the
cabinet and replaced by Beaverbrook, who would then sue for peace.77 The
identity of the source is unknown, but Rothermere was in North America at
the time.
Beaverbrook responded to Halifax by claiming he did not know whether
Rothermere had already arrived in the United States. “In any case he is an
old man,” Beaverbrook concluded.78 Rothermere was gravely ill. After a
few months surveying some Canadian and American factories, he traveled
to Bermuda with his granddaughter and checked himself into a hospital, his
heart failing. He died there in November 1940.
Beaverbrook wrote a generous note of condolence to the new Viscount
Rothermere. “Your father,” he said, “was a man of immense charm and
endless kindness. . . . He conferred on me many benefits. I hope that I was
not entirely the debtor, but so it seems to me at present.”79 He was being
overly modest. According to Collin Brooks, an editor who accompanied
Rothermere to North America, Beaverbrook and Esmond Harmsworth had
invented the “mission” to America and contrived to send Rothermere away
from Britain, possibly because they thought his pro-Hitler past might lead
to his arrest if he stayed.80
PLANS!” The article quoted from what the reporter called an “astounding
document” that included a “blueprint for total war on a scale unprecedented
in at least two oceans and three continents.” The Daily News and the
Washington Times-Herald also ran the story.125
President Roosevelt and his military and policy advisers were furious
about the security breach. At a press conference the next day, Secretary of
War Henry Stimson defended the war planning process and blasted the
Tribune. Of course U.S. military leaders had made plans for war with
Germany, he argued; they routinely investigated “every conceivable type of
emergency which may confront this country and every possible method of
meeting that emergency.” He questioned the “loyalty and patriotism” of the
publishers who had printed the secret plan and accused them of giving
“gratification” to the nation’s enemies.126
In private, Stimson urged the president to prosecute McCormick, saying
it was the only way to end “this infernal disloyalty” in the
McCormick/Patterson press.127 Other Roosevelt advisers agreed. Attorney
General Francis Biddle suggested that McCormick could be charged with
espionage; Interior Secretary Harold Ickes thought he might be guilty of
McCormick maintained that his decision to publish the document was
not treasonous but proof of his patriotism. Now the nation could finally
debate the real costs of “an adventure in Europe,” he said in an editorial,
without the distractions of the administration’s “wishful thinking and
downright lying.”129 Privately, McCormick wired his Washington bureau to
praise them for “the greatest scoop in the history of journalism.” The bureau
chief framed the colonel’s telegram and hung it on his office wall.130
It did not stay there for long.
Robert McCormick’s truce with Roosevelt and his foreign policy was
exceedingly brief and insincere. The day after Pearl Harbor, the Tribune ran
a short, three-paragraph editorial that called for vengeance against the
“insane clique of Japanese militarists” and promised, after a fashion, not to
blame the administration for the attack. “Recriminations are useless,” the
Tribune declared, pleased with its noble decision to refrain from them, “and
we doubt that they will be indulged in. Certainly not by us. All that matters
today is that we are in the war.”17 Maybe that was all that mattered on
December 8, but within two weeks the colonel would happily indulge in
Like Hearst, McCormick argued that “our single war aim must be the
crushing of the Japanese,” not battling in Europe—in particular, not fighting
for what the Tribune saw as the nation’s lazy, incompetent, sometimes
malevolent allies in Britain and Russia.18 The Tribune portrayed Great
Britain as forever tricking the United States into sacrificing lives and
treasure to defend its empire. Readers learned that snobbish British
aristocrats would never thank the gullible Americans who were fighting and
dying for them and that British imperialists had made it a nasty habit to
“defame and traduce every other nation” without exempting “the fond
friends and allies who are saving her from destruction.”19
The Soviets, in McCormick’s eyes, were even shiftier and more
ungrateful than the British. The British wanted Americans to save their
empire for them; the Soviets wanted to destroy the republic. The Tribune
told readers that America’s Russian allies plotted to sow “economic
confusion and unrest” in the United States as “the prelude to despair and
revolution.”20 Because Stalin wanted to take over the world, the Nazis had
played a useful and even heroic role in stopping his westward advance. In
February 1942, a front-page, full-color Tribune editorial cartoon featured an
enormous Russian bear chasing a terrified Hitler into the English Channel.
“Who will tell him to go back home and settle down?” the caption read.21
The Tribune’s favorite villains remained the “internationalists,” code for
Jews and New Dealers. On McCormick’s orders, the Tribune news stories
identified Jews by their original, non-Anglicized names—as in “David K.
Niles (whose real name is Nayhus)” or “[Walter] Winchell’s real name is
Lipschitz.”22 Tribune editorial cartoons regularly gave Roosevelt’s Jewish
advisers hooked noses and swarthy complexions. Treasury Secretary Henry
Morgenthau Jr., Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter (the “dwarflike
Vienna-born former Harvard law professor”), and adviser Samuel
Rosenman, among others, appeared in Tribune cartoons whispering secrets
behind their hands.23
The Tribune’s affinity for anti-Semitic tropes offended one of
McCormick’s Jewish employees, the editorial writer Leon Stolz, who
protested privately to the colonel. In a long memo in spring 1944, Stolz
objected to the Tribune’s frequent use of the term “international bankers”
(which, he said, meant “rich and scheming Jews who are determined to
destroy their countrymen for the advantage of foreigners”) and the paper’s
tendency to focus on the Jewish origins or names of its opponents. Unaware
that McCormick had personally ordered the use of these hoary stereotypes,
he suggested that the colonel should tell the Washington bureau to be more
sensitive to Jewish concerns.24 Arthur Henning, the Tribune’s Washington
bureau chief, reacted angrily when McCormick forwarded the memo to
him. “I challenge Stolz,” he wrote, “to show any anti-Jewish matter
originating in this bureau or even any matter that he and other Jews in the
most hypercritical moments of an inferiority complex could pronounce anti-
Jewish.” Stolz had never been a loyal McCormick man, Henning
concluded: “I have been wondering for years what he is doing in the
Tribune organization.”25
McCormick showed his tolerance for anti-Semitism through his choice
of friends and employees. He socialized with right-wing activist Merwin K.
Hart, even after his cousin Joe warned him that Hart had “a reputation of
being a leading or the leading ‘Fascist’ ” in New York.26 He rented space in
Tribune Tower to Harry Jung, the head of a prominent anti-Semitic group.
Most notably, he retained Donald Day as a foreign correspondent until fall
1942, long after it was clear that Day was a Nazi sympathizer. Over the
years Day sent McCormick and his editors many letters laced with anti-
Semitic diatribes, noting in October 1941, for example, that Germans had
little respect for Americans “so long as our foreign policy is being largely
directed by the Red Sea Pedestrians.”27 Finally, in August 1942, the U.S.
legation in Sweden charged Day with helping the Nazis place their
propaganda in American newspapers and took away his passport.28 The
Tribune ordered him home, but he instead joined the Finnish army to fight
against America’s wartime ally, the Soviet Union. Two years later, he
surfaced as a radio broadcaster of Nazi propaganda in Berlin. In one of his
last broadcasts, shortly before the Soviet invasion of Berlin, he said: “It is
hard to believe that a Christian people should gang [up] with a barbaric
nation to try to exterminate another Christian nation, solely because the
victim of this conspiracy expelled the Jews from its country.”29
McCormick despised New Dealers for some of the same reasons he
distrusted Jews: their alleged “alien notions of social and political
organization.”30 The Tribune’s readers learned that the wild-eyed radicals in
the Roosevelt administration treated the war like a “bigger and gaudier
WPA project” and a chance to enact their mad schemes.31 Their “diabolical
conspiracy” would destroy American freedoms and the republic itself.32
Notably, the Tribune frequently worried that alien forces threatened the
republican form of government, but rarely expressed concern about the
potential loss of American democracy or democratic norms. McCormick
and other New Deal opponents believed that when liberals spoke of
democracy they actually meant mob rule, collectivism, and tyranny.33
In the Tribune’s view, the New Dealers had provoked the war and were
fighting it with criminal inefficiency. The bureaucrats in Washington
—“those who willed the war”—deserved to be “driven from their hiding
places and sent to the front where they can share some of the agony they
have created.”34 Having started the war, the New Dealers were scheming to
use it “to develop a planned state in this country along accepted communist
lines.”35 These treacherous government insiders sometimes deliberately put
American troops at risk to help the communist cause. In a 1944 speech,
McCormick declared that the administration had allowed American soldiers
to suffer “untold tortures in Japanese prison camps” because the Reds in
Washington wanted to send troops to help the Soviets rather than free the
Because McCormick was so convinced that the Roosevelt
administration had provoked, and was losing, an unnecessary war, he had
little respect for its military secrets. The Tribune had already courted an
espionage indictment by printing a stolen copy of military contingency
plans—“FDR’S WAR PLANS”—on the front page right before Pearl Harbor. It
went even further the following spring when it revealed a U.S. code-
breaking triumph—and thus endangered American lives.
Before the battle of Midway, American cryptographers had cracked
Japan’s naval code and learned the locations of Japanese ships. The
knowledge gave the U.S. Navy a crucial victory. Understandably, the U.S.
military did not want the Japanese to know that it could read their secret
messages. Yet on June 7, 1942, the Tribune published an article headlined
“Navy Had Word of Jap Plan to Strike at Sea.” The story, which had a
Washington, D.C., dateline and no byline, read: “The strength of the
Japanese forces with which the American Navy is battling somewhere west
of Midway Island . . . was well known in American naval circles, several
days before the battle began, reliable sources in the naval intelligence
disclosed here tonight.”37 It also ran in the Daily News and the Washington
When Chief of Naval Operations Ernest King saw the story in the
Times-Herald, he ordered an inquiry immediately. King and other navy
officers worried that the Japanese would change their codes after reading
the article, hiding those messages from U.S. code breakers.38 Justice
Department investigators, who took over the navy’s investigation, learned
that Tribune reporter Stanley Johnston, on board a U.S. transport ship in the
Pacific, had obtained a copy of a top-secret cable that summarized the
contents of the intercepted Japanese communications. Johnston apparently
did not know that the U.S. Navy had secured the information through code
breaking. But he did understand that he was not supposed to see or write
about the dispatch. He did anyway.
Attorney General Francis Biddle impaneled a grand jury to consider
whether the Tribune had violated the Espionage Act. The navy, however,
refused to cooperate with the inquiry once its intelligence agents realized
that the Japanese had not changed their codes in response to Johnston’s
story, because they, like the Tribune and its reporter, failed to grasp the
significance of his scoop. The grand jury dismissed the charges.39
To McCormick, the espionage investigation was not a sign that his
reporter might have endangered national security but rather a transparent
attempt to silence the anti-Roosevelt press. “An administration,” the
Tribune announced in a front-page editorial, “which for years has been
seeking by one sly means or another, but always with complete futility, to
intimidate this newspaper has finally despaired of all other means and is
now preparing criminal prosecutions.”40 After the Justice Department
dropped the Midway case, the Tribune wisely stopped mentioning it, but
throughout the war it continued to run news articles about the
administration’s “smear brigade” and “vilification plot” to “discredit all
nationalists as defeatists and traitors.”41 McCormick felt even more
persecuted when the Justice Department launched—and ultimately won—
an antitrust suit against the Associated Press for refusing, under pressure
from McCormick, to sell a membership to the Tribune’s rival, Marshall
Field’s Chicago Sun.42
McCormick saw himself as the nation’s truest patriot, a heroic fighter
for real Americanism. In 1944 he would add a new slogan to the Tribune’s
masthead, “An American Paper for Americans,” though he noted, in an
editorial, that he hoped Hearst’s Chicago paper would “not object to the
obvious similarity” (Hearst’s motto was “An American Paper for the
American People”).43 McCormick’s defense of his own patriotism led to
one of the most embarrassing incidents of his life: the leak of a letter that
revealed the extent of his narcissism. When a former Tribune reporter
objected to McCormick’s relentless criticism of the war effort, the colonel
shot back a letter explaining that “this country would be lost” without him.
In the colonel’s telling, he was personally responsible for many key
moments in U.S. military history. No one seemed to appreciate, he wrote,
“that I introduced the ROTC into the schools; that I introduced machine
guns into the Army; that I introduced mechanization; I introduced
automatic rifles. I was the first ground officer to go up in the air and
observe artillery fire. Now I have succeeded in making that the regular
practice in the Army. I was the first to advocate an alliance with Canada. I
forced the acquiring of bases in the Atlantic Ocean.” He had not succeeded
in everything, of course: “I did get the Marines out of Shanghai,” he
maintained, “but was unsuccessful in getting the army out of the
The letter circulated among incredulous journalists, who found it
endlessly amusing. Navy Secretary Frank Knox’s paper, the Chicago Daily
News, published a facsimile under the headline “Whatta Man!” and soon
began running a series of cartoons about “Colonel McCosmic,” a pompous,
fat old man who crowed about his military expertise: “You do not know it,
but I crossed the Delaware before Washington did!”45 At Roosevelt’s
request, Army Air Forces General Hap Arnold investigated McCormick’s
boasts and found them untrue. “Perhaps Colonel McCormick had a dream,”
he concluded.46 The president noted to Archibald MacLeish of the Office of
War Information that McCormick and his cousins “deserve neither hate nor
praise—only pity for their unbalanced mentalities.”47
In April 1945, the man who had been president for twelve years—through
recovery from the Great Depression, and through World War II almost until
its end—suddenly died. Many Americans reacted to the news of
Roosevelt’s fatal stroke with just one word: “No!” Newspapers around the
country recorded the horrified responses of elected officials and ordinary
citizens. “It doesn’t seem possible,” a Detroit woman said. “It seems to me
that he will be back on the radio tomorrow, reassuring us all that it was just
a mistake.”107
Most of Roosevelt’s enemies in the press managed to report his passing
without rancor. Hearst responded with dignity. The news pages of his
papers were filled with stories about Roosevelt’s historic accomplishments
as president, while a full-page editorial described his death as a “calamity”
and praised him fulsomely as a leader whose legacy would live “in all the
annals of recorded time.”108 McCormick was privately exuberant—he
handed $10 bills to elevator operators and pressmen in celebration—but he
managed to stifle his jubilation at the death of his enemy long enough to
write a brief editorial to “express the deep sorrow which all Americans feel
at the passing of their chosen leader.”109
But Joe Patterson declined to respect the custom of refusing to speak ill
of the dead. The day after Roosevelt’s passing, the Daily News was possibly
the only major newspaper not to publish a tribute on its editorial page.
Instead, Patterson used the space for a series of Roosevelt’s quotations,
including his “again and again and again” line, thus managing to accuse the
dead president of being a liar without saying so directly.110 The next day,
Patterson did publish an editorial obituary for Roosevelt, and it was vicious.
Some of Roosevelt’s domestic reforms had been positive, the News
conceded, but his foreign policy was historically unpopular. “There were
grave misgivings in this country over Roosevelt’s open sympathy with the
Allies from the outbreak of the European war in 1939,” the editorial
explained. “Furious differences of opinion were aroused by his One World
ideas after we got into the war.” Future historians might well condemn him,
the News said. “No one can say now with authority whether the US could
have stayed out of it to its own ultimate benefit, whether it will eventually
add up on the plus or the minus side as regards human welfare and progress,
and so on. The decision on those questions must be left to history.”111
A month later, in a shockingly tasteless editorial headlined “Three of the
Big Ones Dead in a Month,” the News grouped Roosevelt with the dictators
who had ruled the nation’s main European enemies: “Each of these three
departed headmen—Roosevelt, Mussolini, Hitler—was touted in his time as
the man without whom his country and his people could not get along.” It
seemed certain that the Germans and the Italians were better off without
their late leaders, and Americans might learn the same about Roosevelt, the
News implied. “As quite a few of us were saying in the 1944 Presidential
campaign,” the editorial stated, “no man is indispensable.”112 The New York
Post expressed the disgust of many Roosevelt supporters when it responded
that the News had failed in its attempt to dishonor the late president;
instead, Patterson “dishonored only himself, and the grave in which he will
eventually lie.”113
When the Allies finally defeated the Axis, the McCormick/Patterson
press once again stood outside the consensus. To those who had hoped for a
total victory over fascism, the end of the war, first in Europe in May, and
then in the Pacific in August, was a moment of triumph and self-
congratulation. In New York, Time publisher Henry Luce cabled
Beaverbrook days after the German surrender. “As they say in Oklahoma
it’s a beautiful morning and few earthly powers had more to do with the
suns rising than you my friend. Hail to the victor.”114
But to the McCormick/Patterson cousins, the end of the war was not just
a time for celebration but a long-awaited opportunity to spread more
conspiracy theories about its origins. The cousins had, of course, suspected
since the moment of the attack on Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt had
deliberately provoked it. They assumed two facts not in evidence: first, that
the Roosevelt administration must have known that the Japanese would
bomb Hawaii. As the Daily News said, “Pearl Harbor was one of the most
logical of all possible places for the Japs to attack us; we all knew that.”115
Second, they believed Roosevelt had provoked the conflict: that he “kept
blowing bellicose blasts at Germany and prodding Japan,” the News
contended, until the United States was “hurled into the war.”116
Throughout the conflict, McCormick and Patterson hinted frequently at
a conspiracy that might or might not ever be exposed. “Some day some
historian, digging through the Presidential archives at Hyde Park, may
come across some papers which will reveal the full story of Pearl Harbor,”
the News editorialized. “Or he may not. Those papers may not be there, or
anywhere, by that time.” In a cartoon next to the editorial, Uncle Sam
clutched a scroll titled “Pearl Harbor” and looked beseechingly at a
beautiful woman wrapped in a sash labeled “history.” “The truth is being
kept from me now but someday I’ll learn it from you,” he says to her.117
By 1944, Pearl Harbor revisionists, as they called themselves, were
networking with other right-wing journalists, academics, and public figures
to learn and expose what they termed the truth about December 7. One of
the leaders in this campaign was John T. Flynn, an author and journalist
best known for his anti-Roosevelt screeds. In fall 1944, just before the
presidential election, Flynn persuaded McCormick to publish the results of
his massive investigation of the events at Pearl Harbor. The story was a
little tentative. It charged Roosevelt with criminal incompetence but not
necessarily conspiracy. Flynn also buried his lede; not until the last
paragraph of an article of several thousand words did he make his point:
that the commanders at Pearl had been “crucified to shield the guilt of the
After the war, Flynn felt free to make his argument more explicit, and
the Medill grandchildren gave him a platform to spread it. On September 2,
1945, the McCormick/Patterson papers published Flynn’s now-it-can-be-
told story, which promised to expose the real facts of the war’s origins.
Flynn accused Roosevelt administration officials of knowing that the
Japanese would attack U.S. forces on December 7, 1941 (which they did),
and of withholding this information from the Pearl Harbor commanders
(which they did not). In fact, as later investigations revealed, top U.S.
military and diplomatic leaders knew that the Japanese planned to assault
American possessions somewhere in the world on December 7, but they did
not know where or when the attack would occur. U.S. intelligence had
failed to predict or prevent the Pearl Harbor strike for many complicated
reasons, but Flynn and the Tribune fixed the blame “squarely upon Franklin
D. Roosevelt.”119
The Tribune story prompted a congressional investigation. That inquiry,
along with the three investigations that preceded it, all reached the same
conclusion: Roosevelt and his aides did not know the place or hour of the
Japanese attack, and were in fact surprised that it came at Pearl Harbor.120
McCormick was convinced that the evidence proved otherwise. Flynn’s
investigation, he said, showed that Roosevelt and his advisers had been
engaged in a “terrible conspiracy”—the worst conspiracy in American
history—to “tempt and force Japan into an attack upon American
possessions,” including the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, and Hawaii.
The plotters knew when and where the Japanese would strike, yet they
“explicitly withheld” this information from military commanders. The
anxiety that Knox and Roosevelt felt “that the truth should be known,” he
surmised, caused their premature deaths.121
This was sheer fantasy. To believe this conspiracy theory, one had to
think that Knox, Roosevelt, and other national leaders had engaged in a
massive, convoluted plot to draw America into war, knowingly killed
thousands of Americans in the process, and then hid or faked evidence to
conceal their crime. But that’s how McCormick and his cousins saw the
history of World War II. In their view, neither Japan nor Germany ever
posed a real threat to the United States; the American people fought for
three and a half years for no purpose except to gratify Franklin Roosevelt’s
ego. The cousins used their media empire throughout the war to promote
these theories. Now they were determined to continue their fight against the
New Dealers and their foreign policy into the postwar era.
T hemarginalized.
end of the war left the isolationist press lords feeling aggrieved and
Everything they had fought so hard to avoid had come to
pass, including the creation of international institutions and widespread
support for multilateral diplomacy. With the Allied victory and the
revelation of the horrors of the Holocaust, their prewar positions were
universally discredited. They had lost the most important foreign policy
debate of their time.
In some respects, the press barons’ era had passed. But in other ways,
they had seeded the ground for a new media landscape.
After his confrontation with the president in December 1941, Joe Patterson
told his friends that he only wanted to “outlive that bastard Roosevelt.”1 He
succeeded, but just by a year. He fell ill from a liver ailment in fall 1945
and died the following May, aged sixty-seven.
On the day after Patterson’s death, the News’s editorial space was left
mostly blank. In its center, framed by black lines, two brief paragraphs
announced the publisher’s passing and pledged to continue his editorial
policy: “Those who are left behind will do their best to keep this page and
the paper what we believe he would want them to be.”2 For decades
afterward, the Daily News would be known for its populist, nationalist
coverage.3 As Time magazine said in a remarkably harsh obituary, Joe
Patterson had established a News tradition of advocating “blind prejudices”
in an “adroit, insidious, vindictive” fashion.4
After Patterson’s death, control of the News passed to the five-person
board of News Syndicate Inc., which included Cissy Patterson and Robert
McCormick.5 Joe Patterson’s sister and cousin did not direct day-to-day
operations, but they ensured that the paper hewed to the populist and
nationalist editorial line that Joe had found so successful. As late as 1947,
the Daily News still identified itself as a member of the “isolationist
Cissy Patterson lived for another two years after her brother passed. The
Washington Times-Herald, like the Daily News, continued to rail against the
United Nations, communists, and Democrats. In November 1946, when the
Republicans took back control of Congress for the first time since 1930, she
and her cousin took credit for the victory. “Congratulations,” McCormick
cabled her after the vote. “I wish Joe were here to share our triumph.”7
She died in the summer of 1948, at age sixty-six, of sudden congestive
heart failure.8 Henry Luce’s Time magazine took the opportunity to publish
another nasty obituary of a Patterson. Cissy had been “vain, shrewd, lonely,
and lavishly spoiled” and “perhaps the most hated” woman in the country,
though also a great “newspaperman.”9
Patterson left only part of her estate to her daughter. The newspaper
itself she bequeathed to seven top editors (all men). But Franklin
Roosevelt’s policies of taxing the rich followed her beyond the grave: there
was not enough cash to pay the inheritance taxes of 65 percent, or more
than $11 million on the $17.9 million estate, without selling some assets.
Eugene Meyer, the Republican, Jewish owner of the Washington Post—the
recipient of Cissy’s “pound of flesh” in the early 1930s—offered to buy the
Times-Herald. To avoid this takeover by a rival who supported international
engagement, Robert McCormick swooped in and bought the paper, which
he called “an outpost of American principles” in the unfriendly territory of
Washington, D.C.10 Five years later, however, in ill health and tired of the
strain of running major papers in two cities, McCormick sold the Times-
Herald to Meyer for a profit of $2.2 million.11
William Randolph Hearst lived long enough to see his country join the kind
of internationalist institutions he had fought against for decades. But he had
the compensating pleasure of living through the Second Red Scare. He
assembled a stable of vitriolic anti-communist columnists and reporters and
used his front pages to celebrate the inquisitions of allegedly Red artists,
actors, directors, and teachers. The Hearst newspapers would become
among the greatest champions of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the
movement associated with him.
When Hearst died in 1951 at age eighty-eight, not all journalists
mourned him. Many obituaries noted his “evil qualities,” as the Manchester
Guardian termed them. “He was essentially a demagogue,” the Guardian
concluded. “He recognised and exploited . . . the tremendous motive power
which can be got by giving vent to the grievances of the poor and the
unhappy.”12 The editors of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which was owned
by the Pulitzer family, decried Hearst’s “jingoism, his imperialism, his
isolationism, his nativism” while applauding the American people for
declining to elect him to high office.13 The Dayton Daily News noted that
he had “outlived his times, and the strictly personal journalism which he
embodied is happily not likely to recur.”14
Like the Dayton Daily News editors, many newsmen believed after Hearst’s
death that a historic period in Anglo-American journalism was ending.
“Today,” reported Newsweek in 1952, “the international society of press
giants has drawn in its roster until it is one of the most exclusive clubs in
the world. There are, in fact, only two men, on either side of the Atlantic,
who can claim full, all-privilege membership: Robert Rutherford
McCormick, in his Tribune Tower in Chicago, and Lord Beaverbrook.”15
McCormick’s influence continued to grow after the war. Until 1954, he
directly controlled the Tribune and the Times-Herald, which together sold
almost 1.2 million copies a day. He also owned and set policy for the Daily
News, which sold 2.25 million copies a day.16 With an average of four
readers per copy, McCormick addressed almost 14 million Americans every
day, and more on Sundays. He was unequaled among American media
titans, and he planned to make the most of the time remaining to him.
McCormick saw himself as more than a newspaper publisher. He was
also a political activist who excelled in networking with other hard-right
intellectuals and politicians. Not only did he use his newspapers to spread
his anti–New Deal and isolationist views, he also funded and organized
others who wanted to turn back the clock on American domestic and
foreign policy.
On the domestic front, McCormick remained convinced that
conservatives should oppose any and all movements that aimed to disturb
existing social hierarchies. Like his cousins, he demanded stricter
immigration controls (“The country is full,” he said).17 He also denounced
President Harry Truman’s desegregation proposals as “a new form of
slavery” and complained that “professional civil rights leaders” were
“stirring up racial discord for profit.”18
The liberation of the Nazi death camps and the revelation of the full
extent of what became known as the Holocaust did not prompt McCormick
to see World War II as a noble struggle, or to show sympathy to Jews. In
1950 the Tribune cemented its reputation for peddling anti-Jewish
conspiracy theories when it “revealed” that America was actually governed
by a “secret government” consisting of three Jews: New York senator
Herbert Lehman, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and former
Treasury secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr.19 When Jews criticized the story,
McCormick directed his editor to respond, but not in a manner that seemed
“too apologetic.” The Tribune, he said, did “not intend to stand for
censorship in the name of non-discrimination.”20
As his racial and foreign policy views fell from favor, McCormick felt
increasingly victimized by minority groups. Some Jews and Catholics
thought that “the majority have no rights that the minority need consider,”
he wrote in a private letter in 1950. “And what is worse, they seem to be
dominating the government today.”21
Max Beaverbrook lived for almost two decades after the war, which gave
him time to try to control his historical legacy. His biographers Anne
Chisholm and Michael Davie counted more than a dozen books or research
projects after the war that he either wrote, commissioned, influenced, or
funded.42 In addition to trying to sculpt the history of his life and times,
Beaverbrook worked to bolster his reputation as a philanthropist in the
Canadian province where he grew up, giving millions of pounds to the
University of New Brunswick and other Canadian universities, public
libraries, and parks.43
He tried to manage his image in history because he had diminishing
power to shape the present. As World War II ended, he was selling 5 million
papers every day, more than anyone else in Britain. Yet he no longer
influenced the British government or a majority of the electorate. In the
election of 1945, his newspapers vociferously supported Winston
Churchill’s divisive, disastrous campaign, in which the prime minister
infamously attacked Labour leaders as incipient totalitarians who would
bring “some form of Gestapo” to England.44 Beaverbrook’s newspapers
relentlessly assailed Labourites as enemies of freedom and even called them
“the National Socialists,” despite their service in the coalition government
that had defeated the actual National Socialists.45
The Beaverbrook papers’ biased reporting that year made the press lord
himself a campaign issue. Clement Attlee, the Labour Party leader, pointed
to Beaverbrook’s “long record of political intrigue and political instability”
and his “insatiable appetite for power” before labeling him the public figure
“who is most widely distrusted by decent men of all parties.”46 The
Manchester Guardian’s correspondent reminded his readers that Stanley
Baldwin had once denounced Beaverbrook and Rothermere for exercising
“power without responsibility.” Now, the reporter explained, in an ominous
turn of events, this power was working in service to the Tory Party rather
than against it.47
Beaverbrook responded to the criticism as his isolationist friends in
America had done: by claiming he was maligned. “I make no complaint of
such incursions of animosity into the election,” he wrote in a letter to the
Guardian. “But I do complain that you should attempt to make me the
guilty man in a matter where, in fact, I have been the first, and the chief,
victim.” By using the phrase “guilty man,” Beaverbrook reminded readers
that he had not been included in the famous indictment of the guilty men
who had appeased Hitler and paved the way to war. Far from having power
without responsibility, he said, “now I have responsibility without power—
and apparently without even the right to hit back.”48 The Express printed
Beaverbrook’s plaintive note about his powerlessness on the front page for
his millions of readers.
For the rest of his life, Beaverbrook continued to crusade for empire and
isolation. He campaigned against the Marshall Plan, the United Nations,
and the European Common Market, which he said aimed to destroy Britain
as a sovereign state. He helped extend his imperialist ideals and
sensationalist methods to future generations by mentoring Rupert Murdoch,
who worked at the Express as a young journalist in the mid-1950s.49
Murdoch, the son of Keith Murdoch, the Australian editor who had studied
and revered Northcliffe’s papers, would eventually surpass even
Beaverbrook in the size, reach, and influence of his worldwide, right-wing
media kingdom.
Beaverbrook lamented the British public’s apparent lack of interest in
the dissolution of their empire. “The greatest and most promising bond of
human brotherhood that the world has ever known is under heavy fire,” he
wrote in 1952. “But the public here and abroad shrug their shoulders and
regard this calamitous spectacle with indifference.”50 When Britain offered
to turn over its bases in the Suez Canal Zone to the Egyptian government,
the “Empire Crusader” illustration in the Daily Express’s nameplate found
himself bound with chains. He would remain shackled until after
Beaverbrook’s death, from cancer, in 1964 at age eighty-five.
Beaverbrook remained a phenomenally successful newspaper publisher,
but he failed to diversify his company. After his death, as newsprint and
labor costs rose, his papers struggled. His oldest son, Sir Max Aitken,
gamely tried to follow in his father’s footsteps for more than a decade,
though he did renounce his title. “Certainly in my lifetime there will only be
one Lord Beaverbrook,” he explained.51 In 1977, he sold the newspapers to
an international conglomerate.
Though the Express changed hands a few times in the ensuing decades,
its foreign policy remained consistent: xenophobic, nationalistic, and
intensely anti-European. In 2010 the paper launched a campaign for the
British to leave the European Union and “win back their country,”
proclaiming that “the famous and symbolic Crusader who adorns our
masthead” would serve as the “figurehead” of the movement.52 The paper
relentlessly attacked the EU for reaching its “tentacles” into “every aspect
of our lives” and “ruining Britain,” and it slammed European migrants for
allegedly bringing crime and disease.53 The Express was jubilant when
Britain left the EU and claimed that its crusade against Brussels—“the
fastest growing and ultimately most successful press campaign in
history”—was responsible. “We Did It! Decade-Old Daily Express Crusade
Comes to an End with Brexit Victory” read one headline.54 The Empire
Crusader remains in the paper’s masthead to this day.
The passing of the press lords marked the end of an era. Life magazine
called McCormick “the last great bulwark in the U.S. of personal
journalism.”55 Beaverbrook was also mourned as the last of his kind. “Fleet
Street will never see his like again,” said a fellow media entrepreneur, Lord
Thomson.56 In Britain, the newspapers remained right-leaning and partisan,
but teams of top editors and managers, rather than one publisher, usually
dictated policy. In the United States, as competition from television and
later the Internet eroded newspapers’ profit margins, corporations bought up
papers and consolidated them. Hoping not to offend their readers, the new
owners tried to make their products more entertaining and less partisan. The
“big losers” in this process, as historian Si Sheppard has said, were the old-
style press barons who had ruled “their own empires of opinion.”57
Yet the press lords’ ideas did not die with them. Starting with
Northcliffe, they had discovered how to sell suspicion and hatred to a mass
audience. They had railed against the liberal elites whose affection for alien
ideas and alien peoples would endanger their supposedly racially
homogeneous nations. They had met the greatest crisis of the twentieth
century not by urging collective action against tyranny but by spinning
conspiracy theories, warning of race suicide, or even embracing fascism.
They imagined a white nation and then constructed its enemies—not the
Nazis, or even the Japanese, but the “warmongers” among their fellow
citizens who wanted to resist rather than appease the aggressors.
Far from recoiling in horror at their tactics, their successors would
refine them and learn to apply them to different circumstances. Xenophobia,
racism, anti-Semitism, and toxic nationalism still influence the debate over
Anglo-American foreign policy. The sense of victimhood articulated by the
right-wing publishers—their conviction that they, the richest and most
powerful people in their countries, were oppressed and marginalized by
foreign-minded internationalists—also continues to thrive among British
and American conservatives. The publishers and their friends on the right
had suffered a relative, not absolute, loss of influence. After the war, when
they had to share some of their power with people who were not like them,
they could not believe this change would benefit their country.
We can still hear the echoes of their voices today—in the anti-European
headlines of the Daily Express and the Daily Mail, in the angry populism of
Fox News and Breitbart, in the nationalist speeches of Boris Johnson and
Donald Trump. “From this day forward a new vision will govern our land,”
President Trump promised in his inaugural address. “From this day forward,
it’s going to be only America First—America First.”58 The last of the press
lords died more than half a century ago, but their heirs continue their
crusade for nation, for empire, for the “white race,” and for Britain and
America First.
AFC America First Committee Files, Hoover Institution,
Stanford, Calif.
AJC American Jewish Congress Archives, Center for Jewish
History, New York, N.Y.
BP Beaverbrook Papers, Parliamentary Archives, London
CTDP Chicago Tribune Departmental Papers, consulted at the
Colonel Robert R. McCormick Research Center of the First
Division Museum at Cantigny Park, Wheaton, Ill. (now
moved to Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.)
DNC Democratic National Committee Papers, Franklin D.
Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
DP Personal papers of Drew Pearson, Lyndon B. Johnson
Library, Austin, Tex.
EC Ernest Cuneo Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
ECP Edmond Coblentz Papers, Bancroft Library, University of
California, Berkeley
EMPP Eleanor M. Patterson Papers, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, N.Y.
FBP Francis Biddle Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
FDRL Papers of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, including
President’s Personal File (PPF), Official File (OF), and
President’s Secretary’s File (PSF), Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
FEG Frank E. Gannett Papers, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
HCP Harry Crocker Papers, Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences, Special Collections, Margaret Herrick
Library, Fairbanks Center for Motion Picture Study,
Beverly Hills, Calif.
HHL Papers of President Herbert Hoover, including the Post-
Presidential Individual File (PPI), Herbert Hoover
Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa
JBP John Boettiger Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
JMPP Joseph M. Patterson Papers, Lake Forest College, Ill.
RRMP Robert Rutherford McCormick Papers, consulted at the
Colonel Robert R. McCormick Research Center of the First
Division Museum at Cantigny Park, Wheaton, Ill. (now
moved to Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.)
SEP Stephen Early Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
SHP Stephanie Hohenlohe Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford,
TCA Tribune Company Archives, consulted at the Colonel
Robert R. McCormick Research Center of the First
Division Museum at Cantigny Park, Wheaton, Ill. (now
moved to Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.)
TNA The British National Archives at Kew, United Kingdom
TOHP Tribune Oral History Project, consulted at the Colonel
Robert R. McCormick Research Center of the First
Division Museum at Cantigny Park, Wheaton, Ill. (now
moved to Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.)
UCLA Archive Research & Study Center, UCLA Film and
Television Archive, University of California, Los Angeles
WRHP William Randolph Hearst Papers, Bancroft Library,
University of California, Berkeley
WTP Walter Trohan Papers, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library,
West Branch, Iowa
CT Chicago Tribune
DE London Daily Express
DM London Daily Mail
DN New York Daily News
NYT New York Times
SFE San Francisco Examiner
WTH Washington Times-Herald
1. Harold Rothermere, “Germany on Her Feet Again,” DM, December
28, 1934.
2. On the concentration camps, see Nikolaus Wachsmann, Kl (New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015). On repression in the early years of
the Nazi regime, see Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich in Power,
1933–1939 (New York: Penguin, 2005).
3. For circulation of the Daily Mail and Daily Express, see Political and
Economic Planning, Report on the British Press (London: Political and
Economic Planning, 1938), 116–17, and table 2.1 in Tom Jeffery and
Keith McClelland, “A World Fit to Live In: The Daily Mail and the
Middle Classes, 1918–39,” in Impacts and Influences: Essays on
Media Power in the Twentieth Century, ed. James Curran, Anthony
Smith, and Pauline Wingate (London: Methuen, 1987), 29. For
American circulation, see the annual editions of N. W. Ayer & Son’s
Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals (Philadelphia: N. W. Ayer
and Son). The circulation figures reflect the number of copies sold. At
the time, the newspaper industry assumed four readers per copy.
4. “Fourth Term Smear Tactics,” DN, November 10, 1943; “A Vigorous
Speech,” London Times, March 18, 1931.
5. “Mr. Bevin Throws out a Challenge,” Manchester Guardian, June 13,
6. “Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Royal Commission on the
Press,” in Royal Commission on the Press (London: His Majesty’s
Stationery Office, 1948), 4.
7. W. R. Hearst to Edmond Coblentz, May 1, 1933, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr.,
1933: May–Dec.,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
8. For more on the populist style of mass-market journalism, see Reece
Peck, Fox Populism: Branding Conservatism as Working Class
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), chapter 1; Daniel C.
Hallin and Paolo Mancini, Comparing Media Systems: Three Models
of Media and Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2004), chapter 7; and Adrian Bingham and Martin Conboy, Tabloid
Century: The Popular Press in Britain, 1896 to the Present (Oxford:
Peter Lang, 2015). On the populist style in politics, see Michael Kazin,
The Populist Persuasion: An American History (New York: Basic,
1995). For a discussion and definition of modern radical-right
populism, see Cas Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), especially 11–31,
9. “Youth Triumphant,” DM, July 10, 1933.
10. “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” DM, January 15, 1934.
11. Beaverbrook, “No More War,” DE, May 25, 1933.
12. “No War This Year,” DE, August 7, 1939.
13. Ferdinand Lundberg, Imperial Hearst: A Social Biography (1936;
repr., New York: Modern Library, 1937), 352; George Seldes, “How
Hearst Fed Nazi Propaganda to 30,000,000,” In Fact, March 13, 1944,
14. Letter to Joe Willicombe, published in Edmond D. Coblentz, William
Randolph Hearst: A Portrait in His Own Words (New York: Simon
and Schuster, 1952), 106; “W. R. Hearst Gives His Views on Hitler and
Conditions in Europe,” SFE, September 28, 1934.
15. Quoted in W. A. Swanberg, Citizen Hearst (New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1961), 430.
16. “In the News,” SFE, January 29, 1942.
17. “Remember Tarawa,” SFE, December 7, 1943.
18. “McCormick and His Tribune,” Sign, January 1947, 8.
19. “Invoke Lincoln Spirit in Fight for U.S. Liberty,” CT, February 13,
20. “Passing of the Great Race?” DN, March 24, 1941.
21. Jeffery and McClelland, “A World Fit to Live In,” 29.
22. Ayer Directory (1937). For estimates of Hearst’s total readership, see
David Nasaw, The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst
(Boston: Mariner Books, 2001), 405; George Seldes, Lords of the
Press (New York: Julian Messner, 1938), 227; Rodney P. Carlisle,
Hearst and the New Deal: The Progressive as Reactionary (New York:
Garland, 1979), 11; and Ian Mugridge, The View from Xanadu:
William Randolph Hearst and United States Foreign Policy (Montreal:
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995), 19.
23. For more on the imprecision of the terms isolationism and
internationalism, see Andrew Johnstone, “Isolationism and
Internationalism in American Foreign Relations,” Journal of
Transatlantic Studies 9, no. 1 (March 2011): 7–20; and Brooke
Blower, “From Isolationism to Neutrality: A New Framework for
Understanding American Political Culture, 1919–1941,” Diplomatic
History 38, no. 2 (2014): 345–76. Stephen Wertheim argues that
“essentially no one thought of him- or herself” as an isolationist. That
may have been true for intellectuals and foreign policy elites, but these
press lords—with the exception of McCormick—did use the term to
describe themselves. See Stephen Wertheim, Tomorrow, the World:
The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap,
2020), 4. For scholarly studies of noninterventionism in the United
States, see Wayne Cole, Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932–45
(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983); Justus Doenecke,
Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939–
1941 (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000); Warren Cohen,
The American Revisionists: The Lessons of Intervention in World War I
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967); Christopher McKnight
Nichols, Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of a Global Age
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2011).
24. “The Madness of Locarno,” DM, November 18, 1933. See also “Two
Voices: Two Policies,” DE, March 22, 1934; “The Last War Pictures,”
DE, March 24, 1934; Beaverbrook, “Britain Should Make No
Alliances Except with U.S.,” SFE, April 14, 1935; and “Britain Must
Keep Out,” DM, August 24, 1934. For the origins of splendid isolation
in Britain, see Christopher Howard, Splendid Isolation (London:
Macmillan, 1967); and David F. Krein, The Last Palmerston
Government: Foreign Policy, Domestic Politics, and the Genesis of
“Splendid Isolation” (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1978).
25. “Splendid Isolation,” DE, March 27, 1935. See also “Splendid
Isolation,” DE, March 26, 1935; and “Women of Britain!” DE, March
22, 1935.
26. See, for example, “Britain Must Keep Out.”
27. “Britain Should Make No Alliances Except with U.S.”
28. “Medill M’Cormick,” DN, February 26, 1925.
29. For Patterson’s phrase, see Walter Fitzmaurice, “McCormick and His
Tribune,” Sign, January 1947, 8. For the News’s description of British
appeasers as isolationists, see “England’s Isolation Party,” DN, August
15, 1938. The Tribune/News reporters began referring to “isolationists”
at least as early as 1933. See “Give Up Hope of Immediate
Stabilization,” DN, June 19, 1933.
30. “Alfred Duff Cooper,” DN, October 5, 1938. See also “What Will Be
Happening a Year from Now?” DN, September 17, 1938.
31. “Of Course We’re for America First,” DN, October 27, 1944.
32. “In the News,” SFE, November 17, 1941. For Hearst’s argument that
the United States had never been isolated, see “The Isolation Myth,”
SFE, February 21, 1935.
33. For McCormick’s dislike of the term, see “Independence,” CT, July 4,
1923; and “Isolation,” CT, June 25, 1933. McCormick did use the term
uncritically at least twice in the 1920s. See “Nearing the End of the
Treaty of Versailles and the League,” CT, March 26, 1925; and “The
Frontier against Asia,” CT, March 3, 1925.
34. Beaverbrook, “Empire Ever: Nazi-ism Never,” DE, January 14, 1934.
35. Daniel Hucker, Public Opinion and the End of Appeasement in Britain
and France (Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2011), 20.
36. Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge, Britain by Mass-Observation
(London: Cresset Library, 1986), 30.
37. Gallup Organization, Gallup Poll #1941-0229:
Newspapers/Presidential Election/Lease-Lend Bill/War in Europe,
Question 13, USGALLUP.41–229.QKT01 (Gallup Organization,
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion
Research, 1941); National Opinion Research Center (NORC), NORC
Survey: Attitude toward War in Europe, Question 1, USNORC.41–
102.R01A (National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Cornell
University, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research,
38. Hoover liked to invite journalists to the Bohemian Grove, the
exclusive men’s resort in Northern California. See, among many other
examples, Hoover to Roy Howard, May 6, 1942, Hoover to Boake
Carter, July 14, 1941, and Hoover to David Lawrence, June 13, 1938,
all in Post-Presidential Individual file, HHL.
39. See, for example, 86 Cong. Rec. 12580 (1940) and 87 Cong. Rec.
2698 (1941).
40. Archibald MacLeish, “The Responsibility of the Press” (address
delivered before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 17,
1942), in MacLeish, A Time to Act: Selected Addresses (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1943), 10.
41. Samuel I. Rosenman, Working with Roosevelt (New York: Harper and
Brothers, 1952), 167. See also Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt
and American Foreign Policy, 1932–1945 (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1979), 152.
42. For more on FDR’s mastery of the press and his reliance on opinion
polls, see David Greenberg, Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the
American Presidency (New York: Norton, 2016), chapters 20–27.
43. Grace Tully, FDR: My Boss (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
1949), 76–77, lists the newspapers Roosevelt read each day. On
propaganda agencies, see Richard W. Steele, Propaganda in an Open
Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 1933–1941
(Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985), 73–94.
44. Fireside Chat, April 28, 1942, The American Presidency Project,
45. For an astute assessment of the effects of digitization on historical
scholarship, see Adrian Bingham, “The Digitization of Newspaper
Archives: Opportunities and Challenges for Historians,” Twentieth
Century British History 21, no. 2 (2010): 225–31.
46. Franklin Reid Gannon, The British Press and Germany, 1936–1939
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971), vii.
47. See Nicole Hemmer, Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media
and the Transformation of American Politics (Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 2016); Heather Hendershot, What’s Fair on the
Air: Cold War Right-Wing Broadcasting and the Public Interest
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011); Heather Hendershot,
Open to Debate: How William F. Buckley Put Liberal America on the
Firing Line (New York: Broadside Books, 2016); and Bryan Hardin
Thrift, Conservative Bias: How Jesse Helms Pioneered the Rise of
Right-Wing Media and Realigned the Republican Party (Gainesville:
University Press of Florida, 2016). For a scholarly call for more
studies of right-wing media, see Kim Phillips-Fein, “Conservatism: A
State of the Field,” Journal of American History 98, no. 3 (December
2011): 735.
48. See Sam Lebovic, “When the ‘Mainstream Media’ Was Conservative:
Media Criticism in the Age of Reform,” in Media Nation: The
Political History of News in Modern America, ed. Julian Zelizer and
Bruce Schulman (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
2017), 63–76.
49. “We’re Annoyed with the N.Y. Times,” DN, January 6, 1938.
50. On the history of the term America First, see Sarah Churchwell,
Behold, America: A History of America First and the American Dream
(London: Bloomsbury, 2018).
Chapter 1. The Good Haters
1. S. J. Taylor, The Great Outsiders: Northcliffe, Rothermere and the
“Daily Mail” (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996), 73–74; Piers
Brendon, The Life and Death of the Press Barons (London: Secker and
Warburg, 1982), 108–9.
2. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 16.
3. Quoted in Collin Brooks, Devil’s Decade: Portrait of the Nineteen-
Thirties (London: MacDonald, 1948), 147.
4. Political and Economic Planning, Report on the British Press (London:
Political and Economic Planning, 1938), 9.
5. Adrian Bingham, Gender, Modernity, and the Popular Press in Inter-
war Britain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), 22.
6. Political and Economic Planning, Report, 93.
7. Kennedy Jones, Fleet Street and Downing Street (London: Hutchinson,
1920), 202.
8. Key works on the journalism history of this era include Adrian
Bingham and Martin Conboy, Tabloid Century: The Popular Press in
Britain, 1896 to the Present (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015); John
Simpson, Unreliable Sources: How the 20th Century Was Reported
(London: Macmillan, 2010), chapters 1–12; D. G. Boyce, “Crusaders
without Chains: Power and the Press Barons, 1896–1951,” in Impacts
and Influences: Essays on Media Power in the Twentieth Century, ed.
James Curran, Anthony Smith, and Pauline Wingate (London:
Methuen, 1987), 97–112; Political and Economic Planning, Report;
James Curran and Jean Seaton, Power without Responsibility: The
Press and Broadcasting in Britain (London: Routledge, 1991);
Stephen Koss, The Rise and Fall of the Political Press in Britain: The
Twentieth Century, vol. 2 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1984); and George Boyce, James Curran, and Pauline Wingate,
eds., Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present
Day (London: Constable, 1978).
9. Max Pemberton, Lord Northcliffe: A Memoir (London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1922), 29–30.
10. Political and Economic Planning, Report, 8.
11. Political and Economic Planning, Report, 88–89; Adrian Bingham,
Family Newspapers? Sex, Private Life, and the British Popular Press,
1918–1978 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 205; “Britain’s
Beaverbrook,” Time, November 28, 1938.
12. The quotation is often attributed to Northcliffe. See, for example, Niall
Ferguson, The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and
Lessons for a Global Power (New York: Basic, 2004), 213.
13. Political and Economic Planning, Report, 94.
14. “The Great Tragedy,” DM, July 6, 1900.
15. Jones, Fleet Street and Downing Street, 313 (“faked news”).
16. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 54.
17. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 143. See also Bingham and Conboy, Tabloid
Century, 23–28.
18. Quoted in J. Lee Thompson, Politicians, The Press, and Propaganda:
Lord Northcliffe and the Great War, 1914–1919 (Kent, Ohio: Kent
State University Press, 1999), 125.
19. Bingham and Conboy, Tabloid Century, 72.
20. George Seldes, Lords of the Press (New York: Julian Messner, 1938),
21. Quoted in Taylor, Great Outsiders, 205.
22. Michael Kinnear, The Fall of Lloyd George: The Political Crisis of
1922 (London: Macmillan, 1973), 23.
23. Adrian Addison, Mail Men: The Unauthorized Story of the “Daily
Mail,” the Paper That Divided and Conquered Britain (London:
Atlantic Books, 2017), 70.
24. Northcliffe biographer S. J. Taylor investigated the sources of the
syphilis rumor and concluded it was untrue. See Taylor, Great
Outsiders, 219, 363.
25. Quoted in Ruth Dudley Edwards, Newspapermen: Hugh Cudlipp,
Cecil Harmsworth King and the Glory Days of Fleet Street (London:
Secker and Warburg, 2003), 76.
26. Cecil H. King, Strictly Personal: Some Memoirs of Cecil H. King
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969), 75, 76, 72.
27. Hugh Cudlipp, The Prerogative of the Harlot: Press Barons and
Power (London: Bodley Head, 1980), 146.
28. King, Strictly Personal, 76, 77.
29. Political and Economic Planning, Report, 97; Cudlipp, Prerogative of
the Harlot, 166.
30. King, Strictly Personal, 40; Taylor, Great Outsiders, 253.
31. Rothermere, Solvency or Downfall? Squandermania and Its Story
(London: Longmans, Green, 1921), viii, ix.
32. Rothermere, Solvency or Downfall? x.
33. Brooks, Devil’s Decade, 145.
34. For the definitive account, see Gill Bennett, The Zinoviev Letter: The
Conspiracy That Never Dies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
35. “Moscow Orders to Our Reds,” DM, October 25, 1924.
36. “Moscow’s Orders,” DM, October 25, 1924.
37. Bingham and Conboy, Tabloid Century, 74; Adrian Bingham, “ ‘Stop
the Flapper Vote Folly’: Lord Rothermere, the Daily Mail, and the
Equalization of the Franchise, 1927–28,” Twentieth Century British
History 13, no. 1 (2002): 24.
38. “Fatal Flapper-Vote Folly: Viscount Rothermere’s Open Letter to Mr.
Baldwin,” DM, November 18, 1927; “A Mad ‘Experiment,’ ” DM,
November 7, 1927. On Baldwin, see Roy Jenkins, Baldwin (London:
Collins, 1987).
39. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, May 7, 1934, BBK/C/285b, BP;
Beaverbrook to Esmond Rothermere, May 29, 1961, BBK/C/288, BP.
40. See, for example, Beaverbrook, “No More War,” DE, May 25, 1933.
41. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 272–73. On the United Empire Party, see
Jerry M. Calton, “Beaverbrook’s Split Imperial Personality: Canada,
Britain, and the Empire Free Trade Movement of 1929–1931,”
Historian 37, no. 1 (November 1974): 26–45.
42. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, February 2, 1931, BBK/C/287, BP.
43. “A Vigorous Speech,” London Times, March 18, 1931. Baldwin’s
cousin, Rudyard Kipling, had coined the phrase several years earlier
when feuding with Beaverbrook.
44. Quoted in Ian Colvin, Vansittart in Office (London: Victor Gollancz,
1965), 26–27.
45. Quoted in Martin Gilbert and Richard Gott, The Appeasers (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1963), 14.
46. See Matthew Worley, Labour inside the Gate: A History of the British
Labour Party between the Wars (London: I. B. Tauris, 2005); and John
Callaghan, The Labour Party and Foreign Policy: A History (London:
Routledge, 2007), chapters 3 and 4.
47. See Viscount Rothermere, My Campaign for Hungary (London: Eyre
and Spottiswoode, 1939).
48. Stanley Payne, Fascism, Comparison and Definition (Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1980), 7. See also Robert O. Paxton,
The Anatomy of Fascism (New York: Knopf, 2004); Federico
Finchelstein, From Fascism to Populism in History (Oakland:
University of California Press, 2017); and Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Strongmen:
Mussolini to the Present (New York: Norton, 2020).
49. “What Europe Owes to Mussolini,” DM, September 17, 1923.
50. “What Europe Owes to Mussolini”; “Mussolini’s Five Years,” DM,
May 2, 1927.
51. “Mussolini Today,” DM, March 28, 1928.
52. “Germany and Inevitability,” DM, September 24, 1930.
53. “My Hitler Article and Its Critics,” DM, October 2, 1930. For astute
analyses of gender and appeasement, see Bingham, Gender, Modernity,
and the Popular Press, and Julie V. Gottlieb, “Guilty Women,”
Foreign Policy, and Appeasement in Inter-war Britain (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
54. “My Hitler Article and Its Critics.” On fascist racism and anti-
Semitism, see Mark Hayes, The Ideology of Fascism and the Far Right
in Britain (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2014), especially 153–85.
55. Rothermere, “Germany on Her Feet Again,” DM, December 28, 1934.
56. “Hitler’s Special Talk to the Daily Mail,” DM, September 27, 1930.
57. “Hitler’s Triumphal Tour of East Prussia,” DM, July 18, 1932.
58. Quoted in Will Wainewright, Reporting on Hitler: Rothay Reynolds
and the British Press in Nazi Germany (London: Biteback, 2017), 103.
59. “Our Troubled World,” DM, March 7, 1933.
60. Wainewright, Reporting on Hitler, 101.
61. G. Ward Price, I Know These Dictators (New York: Henry Holt, 1938),
62. “Youth Triumphant,” DM, July 10, 1933.
63. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 292.
64. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 301.
65. “Germany Must Have Elbow Room,” DM, March 21, 1934.
66. “Arrested by Hitler,” DM, July 2, 1934.
67. Martha Schad, Hitler’s Spy Princess: The Extraordinary Life of
Stephanie Von Hohenlohe (Stroud, U.K.: Sutton, 2004), 36–37.
68. Rothermere, “Germany on Her Feet Again.”
69. See Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (London: Macmillan, 1975);
Martin Pugh, “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” Fascists and Fascism in
Britain between the Wars (London: Jonathan Cape, 2005); and Richard
Griffiths, Fellow Travelers of the Right: British Enthusiasts for Nazi
Germany, 1933–39 (London: Constable, 1980).
70. Oswald Mosley, Fascism Explained (n.p., 1933), 7.
71. Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley, 390.
72. Quoted in Pugh, Hurrah, 149.
73. “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” DM, January 15, 1934.
74. Pugh, Hurrah, 150.
75. Taylor, Great Outsiders, 283.
76. Quote from “Oswald Mosley’s Circus,” Manchester Guardian, June 8,
1934. See also “Sir O. Mosley at Olympia” and “Fascists at Olympia,”
both in London Times, June 8, 1934.
77. “Reds’ Futile Protests,” DM, June 8, 1934.
78. Oswald Mosley, My Life (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1968),
79. Martin Pugh argues that the Daily Mail did not promote the BUF “as
blatantly as before” the Olympia riot, but still reported on Mosley’s
speeches. Pugh, “The British Union of Fascists and the Olympia
Debate,” Historical Journal 41, no. 2 (June 1998): 536.
80. Rothermere to Churchill, July 17, 1939, in Martin Gilbert, Winston S.
Churchill, vol. 5, companion part 3 (London: Heinemann 1982), 1566.
81. Quoted in Taylor, Great Outsiders, 300.
82. Rothermere, My Fight to Rearm Britain (London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, 1939), 6. For an analysis of Rothermere’s views, see
Paul Addison, “Patriotism under Pressure: Lord Rothermere and
British Foreign Policy,” in The Politics of Reappraisal, 1918–1939, ed.
Gillian Peele and Chris Cook (London: Macmillan, 1975), 189–208.
83. Winston Churchill to Clementine Churchill, August 22, 1934, quoted
in Martin Gilbert, Prophet of Truth: Winston S. Churchill, vol. 5
(London: Minerva, 1990), 559–60.
84. See Edwards, Newspapermen, 77, and Taylor, Great Outsiders, chapter
Chapter 2. The Celebrity Strongman
1. James Creelman, On the Great Highway: The Wanderings and
Adventures of a Special Correspondent (Boston: Lothrop, 1901), 177–
78. The story is controversial and no documentary evidence exists to
support it. See David Nasaw, The Chief: The Life of William Randolph
Hearst (Boston: Mariner Books, 2001), 127.
2. Cora Older, William Randolph Hearst, American (New York: D.
Appleton-Century, 1936), 61. For other biographies of Hearst, see
Nasaw, Chief; Ben Procter, William Randolph Hearst: The Later Years,
1911–1951 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007); and W. A.
Swanberg, Citizen Hearst (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1961).
3. John D. Stevens, Sensationalism and the New York Press (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1991), 97; New York Morning Journal,
May 8, 9, and 10, 1898.
4. Creelman, Great Highway, 212.
5. On Hearst’s collections, see “$15,000,000 Worth,” Time, March 14,
1938; and David Nasaw, “Life at San Simeon,” New Yorker, March 23,
6. “The Record of the Supine Squander-and-Waste 74th Congress,” SFE,
August 28, 1935.
7. “In Defense of William Randolph Hearst,” University of Washington
Daily, reprinted in the Seattle Star as “This Puzzled Us, Too—At
First,” January 29, 1936, “William Randolph Hearst, 1936–44,” OF
846, FDRL.
8. Walter Lippmann, Liberty and the News (New York: Harcourt, Brace
and Howe, 1920), 67.
9. On the development of the doctrine of objectivity, see Michael
Schudson, “The Objectivity Norm in American Journalism,”
Journalism 2, no. 2 (August 2001): 149–70; Schudson, Discovering
the News: Social History of American Newspapers (New York: Basic
Books, 1978); and Richard L. Kaplan, Politics and the American
Press: The Rise of Objectivity, 1865–1920 (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002). On the newspaper industry and the
correspondents of the early twentieth century, see Alfred McClung
Lee, The Daily Newspaper in America: The Evolution of a Social
Instrument (New York: Macmillan, 1947); Quincy Howe, The News
and How to Understand It (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940);
Leo C. Rosten, The Washington Correspondents (New York: Harcourt,
Brace, 1937); David Halberstam, The Powers That Be (New York:
Knopf, 1979); and Donald Ritchie, Reporting from Washington: The
History of the Washington Press Corps (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2005).
10. Paul Alfred Pratte, Gods within the Machine: A History of the
American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1923–1993 (Westport, Conn.:
Praeger, 1995), 206.
11. Matthew Gentzkow, Edward L. Glaeser, and Claudia Goldin, “The
Rise of the Fourth Estate: How Newspapers Became Informative and
Why It Mattered,” in Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America’s
Economic History, ed. Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, March 2006), available at
12. Ferdinand Lundberg, Imperial Hearst: A Social Biography (New York:
Modern Library, 1937). See also Gray Brechin’s astute analysis in
chapter 5, “The Hearsts,” in Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power,
Earthly Ruin (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006).
13. Nasaw, Chief, 382.
14. “Japanese Entry into Siberia Is Not to Aid the Allies, but to Entrench
Japan,” SFE, March 4, 1918.
15. “Friends Betrayed into the Hands of Enemies,” SFE, February 12,
16. Quoted in Nasaw, Chief, 271.
17. Older, William Randolph Hearst, 415.
18. Cable from Watson, September 8, 1934, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1934:
July–September,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
19. “Hearst for Garner as Party Nominee,” NYT, January 3, 1932; Nasaw,
Chief, 453. See also “Whom Did Governor Roosevelt Have in Mind?”
January 8, 1932; “John N. Garner and Wall Street,” January 10, 1932;
and “More History for Senators Dill and Wheeler,” January 17, 1932,
all in SFE.
20. Eric Rauchway, Winter War: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the First Clash
over the New Deal (New York: Basic, 2018), 53.
21. Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Political Life (London: Allen
Lane, 2017), 120; Nasaw, Chief, 456.
22. Frank Luther Mott, “Newspapers in Presidential Campaigns,” Public
Opinion Quarterly 8, no. 3 (Autumn 1944): 357; “60% of Dailies
Support Dewey; Roosevelt Backed by 22%,” Editor & Publisher,
November 4, 1944, 9, 68.
23. Harold Ickes, America’s House of Lords: An Inquiry into the Freedom
of the Press (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1939), 8.
24. See letters in PPF 62, FDRL.
25. “All Americans Should Observe ‘President’s Day,’ Sunday, April 30,”
SFE, April 12, 1933.
26. For more on Gabriel, see Rauchway, Winter War, 190–93.
27. “Back to Democracy,” SFE, October 31, 1933; “Sinclair Theorist,
Hearst Declares,” NYT, September 2, 1934.
28. “Back to Democracy.” On Americans’ fears of dictatorship, see
Benjamin L. Alpers, Dictators, Democracy, and American Public
Culture: Envisioning the Totalitarian Enemy, 1920s–1950s (Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003).
29. “Communists Spur Drive in Schools for ‘Soviet U.S.,’ ” SFE, March
4, 1934.
30. Willicombe to Coblentz, December 17, 1934, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr.,
1934: July–December,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
31. “Americanism vs. Communism,” SFE, July 23, 1934.
32. Coblentz to Hearst, March 14, 1935, “Coblentz, Edmond David,
1935,” box 1, Outgoing, ECP.
33. “Willie and Bernie: Tory Publishers Seek Comfort in Each Other’s
Arms as Liberals Turn on Hearst,” Herald Magazine, March 28, 1936,
6, in “William Randolph Hearst, 1936–44,” OF 846, FDRL; see also
“Vilest Racketeer of All” in the same file.
34. White to Hearst, January 3, 1936; and Hearst to White, January 11,
1936, folder 37, carton 11, WRHP.
35. Hearst to Coblentz, April 9, 1935, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1935: January–
March,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
36. Harold Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, vol. 1 (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1953), entry for April 30, 1935, 354–55.
37. Coblentz to Hearst, May 9, 1935, “Coblentz, Edmond David, 1935,”
box 1, Outgoing, ECP. Edmond D. Coblentz, William Randolph
Hearst: A Portrait in His Own Words (New York: Simon and Schuster,
1952), 177–78, has slightly different wording.
38. Hearst to Bainbridge Colby and Coblentz, June 19, 1935, “Hearst,
Wm. R. Sr., 1935: April–June,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
39. Quoted in Nasaw, Chief, 514.
40. Memo to publishers and managing editors of all Hearst papers, June
27, 1935, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1935: April–June,” box 4, Incoming,
41. See Coblentz to Universal Service bureaus and all Hearst editors,
August 7, 1935, PPF 62, FDRL. See also Moley to Early, August 14,
1935, with attachment, box 7, SEP.
42. Statement, August 15, 1935, PPF 62, FDRL.
43. “Soak-Successful Bill Jammed through Senate; Record Peace-time
Levies,” SFE, August 16, 1935.
44. “Awake, American Patriots!” SFE, November 24, 1935.
45. George Allen to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, August 1, 1935,
“Publicity 1935,” OF 340, FDRL.
46. Roosevelt to General A. F. Lorenzen, July 6, 1935, PPF 2668, FDRL.
47. “Who Will Defeat Mr. Roosevelt? Asks Mr. Hearst,” SFE, October 6,
48. On Hearst and the Landon campaign, see George Wolfskill and John
A. Hudson, All but the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and His Critics,
1933–39 (New York: Macmillan, 1969), 190–94.
49. “Trans-Atlantic Instructions from Mr. W.R. Hearst,” date unknown but
apparently October 1936, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1936: Aug–Dec.,” box
4, Incoming, ECP.
50. Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 1, entry for November 7, 1936, 702.
51. “The Arms Embargo,” SFE, April 22, 1933.
52. Hearst to Coblentz, August 22, 1935, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1935: July–
December,” box 4, Incoming, ECP.
53. “The Record of the Supine Squander-and-Waste 74th Congress.”
54. “Passing Years Add to Mussolini’s Power, Says Millicent Hearst,”
SFE, May 11, 1930. On American admiration for Mussolini, see John
P. Diggins, Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972); and Katy Hull, The
Machine Has a Soul: American Sympathy with Italian Fascism
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021).
55. Louis Pizzitola, Hearst over Hollywood: Power, Passion, and
Propaganda in the Movies (New York: Columbia University Press,
2002), 263; Nasaw, Chief, 471. On the fascist leaders contributing to
the Hearst papers, see Nasaw, Chief, 470–77.
56. General Hermann Wilhelm Goering, “Nazi Germany Stands for
Maintenance of Legal Security, Declares Goering,” SFE, December 2,
57. Adolf Hitler, “Election Sign of New Peril, Says Hitler,” SFE,
September 28, 1930.
58. “Hearst Is Quoted as Hailing Nazi Vote,” NYT, August 23, 1934; see
also telegram, August 22, 1934, box 4, Incoming, ECP.
59. Hearst did not want to publicize his attendance at such a virulently
anti-Semitic event. But historian Louis Pizzitola has found evidence of
the Hearst party visit in Nuremberg, including hotel records and
newspaper accounts of George Hearst’s attendance at the rally.
Pizzitola, Hearst over Hollywood, 308–10.
60. “W. R. Hearst Discusses a Free Press, Racial Issues, World Peace,”
SFE, September 17, 1934.
61. Harry Crocker, undated, unfinished memoir, “That’s Hollywood,”
folder 26, quotes at XI-13 and XI-14, HCP; Coblentz, Portrait, 105.
Coblentz prints an account of Hearst’s interview with Hitler that
Hearst allegedly wrote himself at some unknown date. However, as
Louis Pizzitola has pointed out in Hearst over Hollywood (311–12), it
is written in the third person, and is an almost verbatim copy of
Crocker’s account.
62. Crocker, “That’s Hollywood,” XI-15–XI-16.
63. “W. R. Hearst Sees War Threat in Russia’s Entry into League,” SFE,
September 30, 1934; “W. R. Hearst Gives His Views on Hitler and
Conditions in Europe,” SFE, September 28, 1934.
64. Pizzitola, Hearst over Hollywood, 311–12.
65. Crocker, “That’s Hollywood,” XI-17.
66. Letter to Willicombe, published in Coblentz, Portrait, 106.
67. “Hearst Metrotone News, Inc. vol. 1, UFA Agreement, 1934,” Hearst
Newsreel Paper Documentation, UCLA, 13.
68. Pizzitola, Hearst over Hollywood, 318.
69. Hearst Metrotone News, Inc., Editorial Department Disposition Sheets,
weeks ending October 15, 1938; June 3, 1939; and September 29,
1939, UCLA.
70. Lundberg, Imperial Hearst, 352; Nasaw, Chief, 510; George Seldes,
“How Hearst Fed Nazi Propaganda to 30,000,000,” In Fact, March 13,
1944, 4; Sigrid Schultz to Robert McCormick, December 14, 1934,
folder 9, box 8, RRMP.
71. “Vilest Racketeer of All,” undated pamphlet, “William Randolph
Hearst, 1936–44,” OF 846, FDRL.
Chapter 3. The World’s Greatest Publisher
1. Robert Allen, quoted in “The Tales about Lewis and the CIO,”
Progressive, August 28, 1937, 8.
2. Hearst to White, April 25, 1938, in “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1938: April–
May,” box 5, Incoming, ECP.
3. John Tebbel, An American Dynasty: The Story of the McCormicks,
Medills and Pattersons (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947), 151.
4. George Seldes, Lords of the Press (New York: Julian Messner, 1938),
47. See also Stephen Bates, An Aristocracy of Critics: Luce, Hutchins,
Niebuhr, and the Committee That Redefined Freedom of the Press
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020), for a discussion of
perceptions of media bias at the time.
5. See, for example, “Dictator Debs Tells of Strike,” CT, July 6, 1894.
6. The most comprehensive biography of McCormick is Richard Norton
Smith, The Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick,
1880–1955 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997). See also Frank C.
Waldrop, McCormick of Chicago: An Unconventional Portrait of a
Controversial Figure (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966);
Tebbel, American Dynasty; and Lloyd Wendt, “Chicago Tribune”:
The Rise of a Great American Newspaper (Chicago: Rand McNally,
1979). On McCormick’s foreign policy, see Jerome Edwards, The
Foreign Policy of Col. McCormick’s “Tribune,” 1929–1941 (Reno:
University of Nevada Press, 1971).
7. McCormick to Leon Stolz, September 15, 1944, folder 4, box 9, I-61,
8. McCormick, “Memoirs,” CT, January 6, 1952.
9. McCormick, “Memoirs,” CT, January 6, 1952; Smith, Colonel, 48.
10. See, for example, McCormick to Leon Stolz, October 11, 1944, and
November 2, 1944, folder 4, box 9, I-61; and McCormick to Joseph
Ator, September 8, 1943, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP. On American
Anglophobia, see John E. Moser, Twisting the Lion’s Tail:
Anglophobia in the United States, 1921–48 (London: Macmillan,
11. McCormick, “Memoirs: Part II,” CT, February 3, 1952.
12. McCormick, “Memoirs: Part V,” CT, May 4, 1952.
13. The first use of “The World’s Greatest Newspaper” appeared in a
display ad in the Tribune on April 6, 1906. The paper started putting
the slogan in its nameplate on August 29, 1911.
14. Patterson to McCormick, folder 1, box 51, February 17, 1917, JMPP.
15. McCormick, With the Russian Army (New York: Macmillan, 1915),
16. McCormick, “Memoirs, Part XVIII,” CT, March 1, 1953.
17. McCormick, The Army of 1918 (New York: Harcourt, Brace and
Howe, 1920), 271.
18. McCormick, Army of 1918, 276.
19. McCormick, Army of 1918, 271.
20. See “The Word Is Coward,” CT, July 26, 1942.
21. A complete list of the stones appears in Pictured Encyclopedia of the
World’s Greatest Newspaper: A Handbook of the Newspaper as
Exemplified by the “Chicago Tribune” (Chicago: Chicago Tribune,
1928), 316–18.
22. Smith, Colonel, 253; Walter Trohan, Political Animals: Memoirs of a
Sentimental Cynic (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975), 19.
23. McCormick to Leon Stolz, June 19, 1944, folder 4, box 9, I-61, RRMP.
24. Seldes, Lords of the Press, 64.
25. McCormick to Beck, November 18, 1937, “Great Britain, Newspapers
—General, 1927–1951,” box 36, I-60, RRMP; “W. G. N. in London,”
CT, November 22, 1937.
26. Trohan, Political Animals, 15.
27. Burton Rascoe, Before I Forget (New York: Literary Guild of
America, 1937), 266.
28. Jack Alexander, “The Duke of Chicago,” Saturday Evening Post, July
19, 1941, 10–11, 70–75.
29. Edwards, Foreign Policy, 138.
30. McCormick to Blake, October 18, 1930, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
31. “American Intervention,” CT, March 20, 1928.
32. “Liberalism and Haiti,” CT, January 13, 1930.
33. Walter Trohan, “My Life with the Colonel,” Journal of the Illinois
State Historical Society (Winter 1959): 477.
34. McCormick to Blake, January 16, 1930, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
35. McCormick to Blake, February 23, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
36. McCormick to Blake, June 30, 1932, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
37. McCormick to Blake, March 20, 1932, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
38. McCormick to Blake, January 18, 1930, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
39. “Text of the President’s Final Campaign Address in the Capital of
Minnesota,” NYT, November 6, 1932.
40. “The President in the Campaign,” CT, November 4, 1932.
41. McCormick to Roosevelt, February 22, 1933, and May 6, 1933; and
Roosevelt to McCormick, May 16, 1933, all in PPF 426, FDRL.
42. McCormick to Blake, March 9, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
43. McCormick to Blake, April 9, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
44. McCormick to Blake, May 31, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
45. McCormick to Blake, July 1, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
46. McCormick to Henning, July 3, 1933, folder 16, box 20, I-61, RRMP.
47. McCormick to Blake, August 16, 1934, folder 10, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
48. McCormick to Blake, June 5, 1935, folder 10, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
49. McCormick to Blake, February 16, 1935, folder 10, box 8, I-61,
50. “Invoke Lincoln Spirit in Fight for U.S. Liberty,” CT, February 13,
51. Seldes, Lords of the Press, 56–57; Edwards, Foreign Policy, 106. See
also Carey McWilliams, A Mask for Privilege: Anti-Semitism in
America (Boston: Little, Brown, 1948), 184–206; and Donald S.
Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America: The Rise of Group
Prejudice during the Decade 1930–1940 (Washington, D.C.: American
Council on Public Affairs, 1941), 83–106.
52. Stolz to McCormick, no date but apparently 1944, folder 18, box 20, I-
61, RRMP.
53. McCormick to Arthur Henning, April 3, 1934, “McCormick, Robert,”
box 22, JBP.
54. McCormick to John Boettiger, July 5, 1933, “McCormick, Robert,”
box 22, JBP.
55. McCormick to Jackson Elliott, July 5, 1933, “McCormick, Robert,”
box 22, JBP.
56. TB to Arthur Henning, June 29, 1934, “McCormick, Robert,” box 22,
57. J. L. Maloney to Boettiger, October 9, 1934, “McCormick, Robert,”
box 22, JBP.
58. “Hunt Roosevelt Button Takers in Loop Crowds,” CT, October 14,
59. George Wolfskill and John A. Hudson, All but the People: Franklin D.
Roosevelt and His Critics, 1933–39 (New York: Macmillan, 1969),
60. “GOP Charges New Deal with Evasion on Tags,” CT, November 3,
61. George Seldes, “America’s Leading News Faker Joins Fascists,” In
Fact 5, no. 25 (September 1942).
62. “Moscow Orders Reds in U.S. to Back Roosevelt,” CT, August 9,
63. McCormick to Landon, August 13, 1936, “Landon, Governor Alfred
M., 1936–1949,” box 44, I-60, RRMP.
64. W. Cameron Meyers, “The Chicago Newspaper Hoax in the ’36
Election Campaign,” Journalism Quarterly 37, no. 3 (September
1960): 359, 358.
65. “Prove Tribune Story—$5,000!” Chicago Times, August 28, 1936.
66. Day to Beck, September 16, 1936, folder 8, box 3, I-62, RRMP.
67. Meyers, “Chicago Newspaper Hoax,” 364; “Soviets Take an Active
Hand in U.S. Election,” CT, August 29, 1936.
68. “Soviet Joins in New Deal Drive: Documentary Proof,” SFE,
September 20, 1936.
69. Chicago Tribune editorial page of March 11, 1936.
70. E. S. Beck to McCormick, October 21, 1936, “Landon, Governor
Alfred M., 1936–1949,” box 44, I-60, RRMP.
71. McCormick to Landon, October 28, 1936, “Landon, Governor Alfred
M., 1936–1949,” box 44, I-60, RRMP; “Landon’s Dare Thrills N.Y.,”
CT, October 30, 1936; “Roosevelt Talk Fails to Reply on NRA, AAA,”
CT, November 1, 1936.
72. Meyers, “Chicago Newspaper Hoax,” 362.
73. Edwards, Foreign Policy, 27.
74. William L. Shirer, Twentieth Century Journey: A Memoir of a Life and
the Times; The Start, 1904–1930 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1976), 349.
75. Lilya Wagner, Women War Correspondents of World War II (New
York: Greenwood, 1989), 97–99.
76. McCormick to Schultz, September 2, 1932, folder 8, box 8, I-62,
77. McCormick to Pat Maloney, May 26, 1939, folder 9, box 8, I-62,
78. Schultz to McCormick, February 20, 1933, folder 8, box 8, I-62,
79. Schultz to McCormick, March 27, 1933, folder 8, box 8, I-62, RRMP.
80. Gary A. Klein, “The American Press and the Rise of Hitler, 1923–
1933” (PhD diss., London School of Economics and Political Science,
1997), 285–86. For an analysis of American perceptions of Nazi
Germany, see Michaela Hoenicke Moore, Know Your Enemy: The
American Debate on Nazism, 1933–1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2010).
81. Transcript of Sigrid Schultz interview, April 5 and 6, 1977 (hereafter
Schultz oral history), part IV, 10, X-15, TOHP. See also Sigrid Schultz,
“Hermann Goring’s ‘Dragon from Chicago,’ ” in How I Got That
Story, ed. David Brown and W. Richard Bruner (New York: E. P.
Dutton, 1967), 75–81.
82. Schultz oral history, parts II and III.
83. Robert R. McCormick, “Germany Seen Living under Terror Reign,”
CT, August 12, 1933.
84. Schultz oral history, part III, 6.
85. Edwards, Foreign Policy, 94–95.
86. “Versailles Again,” CT, March 10, 1936.
87. See Klein, “American Press and Rise of Hitler,” 290.
88. “Warnings to the American People,” CT, August 4, 1936.
89. Day to McCormick, December 18, 1933, folder 6, box 3, I-62, RRMP.
90. Day to McCormick, February 26, 1934, folder 7, box 3, I-62, RRMP.
On Day, see John Carver Edwards, Berlin Calling: American
Broadcasters in Service to the Third Reich (New York: Praeger, 1991),
chapter 6.
91. McCormick to Schultz, May 5, 1933, folder 8, box 8, I-62, RRMP.
92. McCormick to Tiffany Blake, April 2, 1933, folder 9, box 8, I-61; see
also Blake to McCormick, March 31, 1933, in the same folder, RRMP.
Chapter 4. The Ordinary Joe
1. Jack Alexander, “Vox Populi,” New Yorker, August 6, 1938, 16–17.
2. Patterson to Henry Ozanne, September 11, 1939, folder 6, box 30,
3. On Patterson, see John Tebbel, An American Dynasty: The Story of the
McCormicks, Medills and Pattersons (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday,
1947); Jack Alexander, “Vox Populi,” New Yorker, August 6, 13, and
20, 1938; “1,848,320 of Them,” Time, July 3, 1939; and George Y.
Wells, “Patterson and the Daily News,” American Mercury, December
9, 1944.
4. Joseph Medill Patterson, The Confessions of a Drone (Chicago:
Charles H. Kerr, 1908), 5.
5. “Mr. Patterson’s Novel,” NYT, August 29, 1908.
6. Jack Alexander, “Vox Populi, II,” New Yorker, August 13, 1938, 21.
7. McCormick to Patterson, June 5, 1939, folder 2, box 54, JMPP.
8. “1,848,320 of Them.”
9. Display ad, NYT, June 26, 1919.
10. “Who We Are,” DN, June 24, 1919.
11. Bruce J. Evensen, When Dempsey Fought Tunney: Heroes, Hokum,
and Storytelling in the Jazz Age (Knoxville: University of Tennessee
Press, 1996), 70.
12. “1,848,320 of Them.” For more on how early twentieth-century
newspapers helped build communities among their readers, see Julia
Guarneri, Newsprint Metropolis: City Papers and the Making of
Modern Americans (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017).
13. Burton Rascoe, Before I Forget (New York: Literary Guild of
America, 1937), 277.
14. “1,848,320 of Them.”
15. “Dead!” DN, January 13, 1928; Tebbel, American Dynasty, 257–58.
16. “N.Y. News, Now 15, Holds Grip on Masses,” Editor & Publisher,
June 30, 1934.
17. John Chapman, Tell It to Sweeney: The Informal History of the “New
York Daily News” (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1961), 142.
18. John Bainbridge, “Profiles: Editorial Writer” (part 2), New Yorker,
May 31, 1947.
19. “Fight for France Again??” DN, May 23, 1936.
20. Bowles to Patterson, November 1, 1939, folder 4, box 28, JMPP.
21. John Bainbridge, “Profiles: Editorial Writer” (part 1), New Yorker,
May 24, 1947, 42. See also part 2, May 31, 1947, and part 3, June 7,
22. Tebbel, American Dynasty, 258.
23. “The New President and the New Deal,” DN, March 4, 1933.
24. Roosevelt to Patterson, March 30, 1933, PPF 245, FDRL.
25. McCormick to William J. Smith, August 17, 1936, “Patterson, Joseph
Medill, 1936–1939,” box 89, I-60, RRMP.
26. See Sam Lebovic, “When the ‘Mainstream Media’ Was Conservative:
Media Criticism in the Age of Reform,” in Media Nation: The
Political History of News in Modern America, ed. Julian Zelizer and
Bruce Schulman (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
2017); and Lebovic, Free Speech and Unfree News: The Paradox of
Press Freedom in America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 2016), chapter 2.
27. “The Wayward Press,” New Yorker, May 14, 1960, 109.
28. Anna Rosenberg to Patterson, December 15, 1936, folder 9, box 26,
29. “Is It Revolution? No—Evolution,” DN, June 21, 1935.
30. “The Gay Reformer,” DN, July 17, 1936.
31. Patterson to Amon Carter, December 26, 1933, folder 2, box 22, JMPP.
32. At the time, donors had to pay a gift tax—which topped out at 53
percent in 1936—on any contribution over $5,000. The DNC had a
plan to allow Patterson to avoid the taxes. The national committee
printed souvenir books to commemorate the Democratic convention,
arranged for the president to inscribe them, and sold them for $100
apiece, although they cost only $5 each. A DNC official suggested that
Patterson buy 250 of these books for $25,000. Doris Fleeson to
Patterson, May 14, 1936, folder 6, box 22, JMPP. Though the
convention book financing scheme caused a small scandal at the time,
it was legal. See Louise Overacker, “Campaign Funds in the
Presidential Election of 1936,” American Political Science Review 31,
no. 3 (June 1937): 473–98; Michael J. Webber, New Deal Fat Cats:
Business, Labor, and Campaign Finance in the 1936 Presidential
Election (New York: Fordham University Press, 2000), chapter 5.
33. See table VII in Overacker, “Campaign Funds,” 491.
34. “England Had a New Deal, Too,” DN, October 6, 1936.
35. Stern to Patterson, June 4, 1936, folder 9, box 26, JMPP.
36. Farley to Patterson, February 3, 1936, folder 10, box 22, JMPP.
37. See the letters in PPF 245, FDRL.
38. “Two Ships for One,” DN, February 4, 1935.
39. “About Staying out of This War,” DN, August 22, 1935.
40. “Two Ships for One,” DN, December 10, 1934. For the News’s
explanation of its campaign, see “Two Ships for One,” DN, October
21, 1935.
41. “Two Ships for One,” DN, September 10, 1934.
42. “Two Ships for One,” DN, January 7, 1935.
43. “Two Ships for One,” DN, February 11, 1935.
44. “Two Ships for One,” DN, December 3, 1934; “Two Ships for One,”
DN, January 14, 1935.
45. “West Coast Gold Moved Inland,” DN, September 3, 1934.
46. E.B., “Yellow Peril,” DN, March 14, 1936.
47. “Things to Be Thankful For,” DN, March 9, 1933.
48. “The World Is Full of Nerves,” DN, August 6, 1935.
49. Original available at FDR Library in Hyde Park, New York. Digitized
version available at
50. William E. Kinsella Jr., “The Prescience of a Statesman: FDR’s
Assessment of Adolf Hitler before the World War, 1933–1941,” in
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Man, the Myth, the Era, 1882–1945, ed.
Herbert D. Rosenbaum and Elizabeth Bartelme (New York:
Greenwood, 1987), 73. On FDR and anti-Semitism, see Richard
Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, FDR and the Jews (Cambridge,
Mass.: Belknap, 2013).
51. “Stay out of It,” DN, August 20, 1936.
52. “Let’s Stay out of It,” DN, August 1, 1936.
Chapter 5. The Empire Crusader
1. “From across the Atlantic . . . Comes This Tremendous Message,”
BBK/F/40, BP. For one reader’s description of his surprise at reading
the insert, see letter from C. J. Lawrence to Joseph Patterson, May 15,
1935, folder 7, box 21, JMPP.
2. Patterson to Beaverbrook, March 20, 1935, BBK/C/268, BP.
3. “The Glory of Empire: An Empire Day Message from Lord
Beaverbrook,” Evening Standard, May 24, 1934.
4. Beaverbrook, “This Task Awaits Us,” Evening Standard, July 10,
5. Glyn Osler to Robert McCormick, October 9, 1922, “Great Britain,
Newspapers—Beaverbrook, Lord (London Daily Express), 1937–
1954,” box 36, I-60, RRMP. The most complete biography of
Beaverbrook is Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie, Lord
Beaverbrook: A Life (New York: Knopf, 1993). See also the recent
biography by Charles Williams, Max Beaverbrook: Not Quite a
Gentleman (London: Biteback, 2019), and A. J. P. Taylor’s authorized
biography, Beaverbrook (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1972).
6. Quoted in Robert Blake, The Unknown Prime Minister: The Life and
Times of Andrew Bonar Law, 1858–1923 (London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, 1955), 90.
7. Chisholm and Davie, Lord Beaverbrook, 99–100, 135; Taylor,
Beaverbrook, 74, 99–100.
8. “Britain’s Beaverbrook,” Time, November 28, 1938.
9. “Idealist,” News Review, August 13, 1936.
10. On Churchill’s finances, see David Lough, No More Champagne:
Churchill and His Money (New York: Picador, 2015).
11. “Little Lord Beaverbrook,” Life, August 5, 1940.
12. A. J. P. Taylor, A Personal History (London: Hamilton, 1983), 221.
13. Arthur Christiansen, Headlines All My Life (London: Heinemann,
1961), 144.
14. Political and Economic Planning, Report on the British Press (London:
Political and Economic Planning, 1938), 231–32.
15. Beaverbrook, “What Wage Earners Tell Me,” DE, April 24, 1933.
16. “2,126,454 Copies Sold Each Day during June,” DE, July 6, 1936.
17. “Minutes,” Royal Commission on the Press, March 18, 1948, 4.
18. Beaverbrook, “Empire Ever: Nazi-ism Never,” DE, January 14, 1934.
See also Beaverbrook, “I Want Peace—with Isolation,” Reynolds,
November 26, 1933, filed in Beaverbrook scrapbooks, BBK/L/61, BP.
19. The first use of the crusader in the masthead that I could find was on
March 29, 1930.
20. Beaverbrook, “Newspaper-Making,” Sunday Express, July 7, 1935.
21. Robert Bruce Lockhart, The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, vol. 1,
ed. Kenneth Young (London: Macmillan, 1973), entry for March 6,
1933, 249. For an example of a DE editorial rebuking Hitler’s critics,
see “Hitler’s Critics Here,” DE, April 17, 1933.
22. David Lloyd George, “ . . . I Talked to Hitler,” DE, September 27,
23. Beaverbrook to Lloyd George, October 6, 1936, BBK/C/218b, BP.
24. “Nazi Footballers,” DE, November 29, 1935; Beaverbrook to
Ribbentrop, November 30, 1935, BBK/C/275, BP.
25. See, among others, Beaverbrook to Ribbentrop, August 4, 1936,
August 12, 1936, May 24, 1937, and undated 1938; Ribbentrop to
Beaverbrook, June 14, 1936 and March 15, 1939, BBK/C/275, BP.
26. Lockhart, Diaries, entry for July 3, 1934, 299.
27. See Martin Ceadel, “The First British Referendum: The Peace Ballot,
1934–5,” English Historical Review 95, no. 377 (October 1980): 810–
28. “Dragging You into War,” DE, October 25, 1934.
29. “Tear Up the Ballot Paper!” DE, November 17, 1934.
30. Beaverbrook to Patterson, March 9, 1935, BBK/C/268, BP.
31. Patterson to Beaverbrook, March 20, 1935, BBK/C/268, BP.
32. Patterson to Beaverbrook, March 20, 1935, BBK/C/268, BP.
33. See Beaverbrook to Patterson, letters dated April 11, 1935, April 29,
1935, and October 25, 1935, all in BBK/C/268, BP.
34. Quentin Reynolds, “Dreams for Sale,” Colliers, July 2, 1938.
35. “British Income Taxes Go Down,” DN, April 17, 1935.
36. “More English Views on American-British Peace Co-operation,” DN,
May 27, 1935; “Britons on American-British Co-operation,” DN, May
4, 1935; “America Hears the Voice of Britain,” DE, May 5, 1935. See
some of the original letters in folders 6 and 7, box 21, JMPP.
37. “Britain Should Make No Alliances Except with U.S.,” SFE, April 14,
38. “Splendid Isolation,” DE, March 27, 1935. See also “Splendid
Isolation,” March 26, 1935; and “Women of Britain!” DE, March 22,
39. Beaverbrook to Patterson, July 5, 1935, BBK/C/268, BP.
40. Alice Arlen and Michael J. Arlen, The Huntress: The Adventures,
Escapades, and Triumphs of Alicia Patterson (New York: Pantheon,
2016), 130.
41. Handwritten note, Patterson to Beaverbrook, July 26, 1935,
BBK/C/268, BP.
42. “Italy May Win Easily,” DM, July 15, 1935.
43. Beaverbrook, “We Cannot, We Will Not, We Must Not Police the
World Alone,” DE, September 27, 1935.
44. Beaverbrook, “Let Us Seek Peace,” DE, September 30, 1935.
45. Beaverbrook, “Are You for Peace?” DE, October 18, 1935.
46. “Two Ships for One,” DN, September 16, 1935.
47. “Whatever It’s Called, It’s War,” CT, October 8, 1937; “Mr. Hearst
Discusses the Ethiopian War and Crisis in Europe,” SFE, October 13,
1935. Hearst was influenced by Theodore Roosevelt, who talked about
the “waste spaces” of Africa and elsewhere. See, for example,
Theodore Roosevelt, African Game Trails: An Account of the African
Wanderings of an American Hunter-Naturalist (New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1910), xi, 416.
48. Hitler to Rothermere, May 3, 1935, in Fleet Street, Press Barons and
Politics: The Journals of Collin Brooks, 1932–1940, ed. N. J. Crowson
(London: Royal Historical Society, 1998), 282. Two of Hitler’s letters
to Rothermere are printed in this volume. These two, along with one
additional Hitler letter to Rothermere, are also reprinted in the
appendices to Martha Schad, Hitler’s Spy Princess: The Extraordinary
Life of Stephanie Von Hohenlohe (Stroud, U.K.: Sutton, 2004), and all
the letters are excerpted in S. J. Taylor, The Great Outsiders:
Northcliffe, Rothermere and the “Daily Mail” (London: Weidenfeld
and Nicolson, 1996), 294–97.
49. “As Friend to Friend, John Bull—Stay out of It!” DN, August 29,
50. “About Staying out of This War,” DN, August 22, 1935.
51. “Is It War?” DE, March 9, 1936.
52. “German Soldiers Re-enter the Rhineland,” DN, March 8, 1936.
53. David Deacon, British News Media and the Spanish Civil War:
Tomorrow May Be Too Late (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
2008) 61, 136–37.
54. “Spain: Lay Off,” DE, August 18, 1936.
55. “Toledo Falls, Alcazar Relieved,” DN, September 29, 1936.
56. “We’re All Americans First,” DN, November 23, 1936.
Chapter 6. The Lady Newspaperman
1. Beverly Smith, “Herald Angel,” American Magazine, August 1940,
110. Several women served as editors of American newspapers before
the twentieth century, but there had been no female editors of big-city
dailies for decades before Cissy Patterson took over the Herald in
1930. There were a few women who played major management roles
in large newspapers in roughly the same era, though none served as
editor in chief or publisher until years after Patterson’s trailblazing
editorship began. Helen Rogers Reid was the advertising director and
vice president of the paper owned by her husband, Ogden Mills Reid,
the New York Tribune (after 1924 the New York Herald Tribune). She
influenced major policy decisions at the paper, but did not get involved
with the day-to-day editorial decisions, and she did not take over the
presidency of the paper in her own right until 1947, after her husband’s
death. Eleanor McClatchy would become president of McClatchy
newspapers, headquartered in Sacramento, in 1936, after the illness of
her father, the previous president of the chain. Dorothy Schiff would
become the majority owner of the New York Post in 1939 and its
publisher in 1942. See Amanda Smith, Newspaper Titan: The
Infamous Life and Monumental Times of Cissy Patterson (New York:
Knopf, 2011), 318; and Ishbel Ross, Ladies of the Press: The Story of
Women in Journalism by an Insider (New York: Harper and Brothers,
1936), 135–41.
2. “Fourth Term Smear Tactics,” DN, November 10, 1943.
3. There are four biographies of Cissy Patterson. Her great-niece drew on
confidential family documents in Alice Albright Hoge, Cissy Patterson
(New York: Random House, 1966). See also Paul F. Healy, Cissy: The
Biography of Eleanor M. “Cissy” Patterson (Garden City, N.Y.:
Doubleday, 1966); Ralph G. Martin, Cissy (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1979); and the most complete biography, Smith, Titan.
4. Marguerite Cassini, Never a Dull Moment: The Memoirs of Countess
Marguerite Cassini (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1956), 201.
5. “Countess Seeks Only to Regain Her Child,” NYT, June 1, 1908.
6. Healy, Cissy, 110.
7. Smith, Titan, 234.
8. “Official Washington Satirized in a New Novel,” NYT, February 21,
9. Smith, Titan, 273.
10. Interview with Maryland McCormick, July 22, 1977, part IV, 1, X-15,
11. “Herald Angel,” 29; David Halberstam, The Powers That Be (New
York: Knopf, 1979), 182.
12. Smith, Titan, 307; Cuneo to Cissy Patterson, July 14, 1941, “Patterson,
Eleanor,” container 37, EC.
13. Joe Patterson to Cissy Patterson, May 2, 1928, folder 7, box 73, JMPP.
14. Brisbane to Franklin Roosevelt, September 6, 1932, PPF 1405, FDRL.
15. Smith, Titan, 317.
16. Hoge, Cissy Patterson, 93.
17. “Amazonian War Livens Capital,” Los Angeles Times, August 5, 1930;
“Directs Another Shot at Mrs. Longworth,” NYT, October 4, 1930;
Healy, Cissy, 8.
18. “Alicia in Wonderland,” Time, September 13, 1954, 52.
19. Quoted in Smith, Titan, 322.
20. Quoted in Healy, Cissy, 272.
21. Hearst to Brisbane, September 26, 1931, “Incoming Correspondence:
Hearst, William Randolph, 1930–1935,” box 1, EMPP.
22. Patterson to Hearst, October 11, 1931, “Outgoing Correspondence,
1930–1936,” box 1, EMPP.
23. N. W. Ayer & Son’s Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals
(Philadelphia: N. W. Ayer and Son, 1937), 142.
24. “Herald Angel,” 111.
25. Patterson to Hearst, September 11, 1935, “Outgoing Correspondence,
1930–1936,” box 1, EMPP.
26. Kathleen Cairns, Front-Page Women Journalists, 1920–1950 (Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 2003), 20, 31, 4.
27. Brisbane to Patterson, August 18, 1931, “Incoming Correspondence—
Brisbane, Arthur, 1931,” box 1, EMPP.
28. Cairns, Front-Page Women, 3. See also Ross, Ladies of the Press.
29. “Herald Angel,” 110.
30. “Herald Angel,” 110.
31. Martin, Cissy, 315–16.
32. Smith, Titan, 357–60.
33. Brisbane to Patterson, September 19, 1932, “Incoming
Correspondence—Brisbane, Arthur, 1932,” box 1, EMPP. For
Brisbane’s tips, see, for example, Patterson to Brisbane, January 27
and January 30, 1933, “Outgoing Correspondence—1930–1936,” box
1, EMPP.
34. Brisbane to Roosevelt, September 6, 1932, PPF 1405, FDRL.
35. Drew Pearson to Felicia Gizycka, September 15, 1932, p. 3, “Family,”
box 1 of 5 from G (Georgetown Office) 210, DP.
36. “Cissie’s Circle,” Town & Country, April 1, 1935, 33.
37. Harold Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, vol. 1 (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1953), entry for August 16, 1936, 662.
38. “Ickes Says Nation Is at Crossroads,” NYT, December 5, 1935.
39. “Ickes Hailed by the Communists!” SFE, December 12, 1935.
40. Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 1, entry for December 22, 1935, 492.
41. Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 1, entry for April 21, 1936, 559.
42. Patterson to Hearst, March 25, 1937, “Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,”
carton 23, WRHP. The timing is somewhat murky. Patterson later told
her staff that Meyer made the offer in August 1936 and she
immediately borrowed $1 million and leased the Herald. Some
Patterson biographers have taken her at her word. See Hoge, Cissy
Patterson, 162; and Smith, Titan, 380. However, a memo in the
William Randolph Hearst Papers to Tom White dated January 28, 1937
(“Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,” carton 23) clearly indicates that Patterson
and Hearst had not yet made a deal, and in her March 1937 letter to
Hearst, Patterson says that “nothing ever came of” the negotiations.
Martin, Cissy (378), puts the initial negotiations in January 1937 but
indicates that Patterson immediately asked to lease both papers. Time
(“Two for ‘Cissy,’ ” August 2, 1937) and Healy, Cissy (145), say
Meyer made an initial offer in January 1937, Patterson leased the
Herald in April, and she leased the Times in July. That timeline seems
to fit with the primary sources.
43. “Text of Ickes’s Address Alleging a Landon-Hearst Link,” NYT,
August 28, 1936.
44. Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 1, entry for August 25, 1936, 665.
45. Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 1, entry for October 21, 1936, 696.
46. Joe Patterson to Cissy Patterson, April 11, 1938, folder 12, box 73,
47. Patterson to Hearst, March 25, 1937, “Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,”
carton 23, WRHP.
48. Hearst to Patterson, March 28, 1937, “Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,”
carton 23, WRHP.
49. “Highest Salaries for 1935 Listed,” NYT, January 7, 1937; Ben Procter,
William Randolph Hearst: The Later Years, 1911–1951 (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2007), 213–17.
50. For a thorough summary of Hearst’s financial problems, see David
Nasaw, The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst (Boston:
Mariner Books, 2001), 527–42.
51. “Hearst Steps Nos. 2 & 3,” Time, July 12, 1937.
52. “Hearst to Disperse Vast Art Holdings,” NYT, March 2, 1938.
53. Nasaw, Chief, 536.
54. “American’s End,” Time, July 5, 1937.
55. Hearst to Patterson, June 14, 1937, “Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,” carton
23, WRHP.
56. “Morgenthau Hits Tax Ethics as Like Trade Code in ’90s,” NYT, June
18, 1937; “7 Named as Using Devices to Reduce Big Income Taxes,”
NYT, June 19, 1937; “Eleven Are Added to ‘Evasion’ List; Hearst Is
Included,” NYT, July 14, 1937.
57. Patterson to Hearst, July 19, 1937, “Patterson, Eleanor, 1937,” carton
23, WRHP.
58. “Two for ‘Cissy.’ ”
Chapter 7. Undominated
1. “Fate of the Court,” SFE, March 11, 1937.
2. “Mr. Roosevelt’s Assumptions,” CT, March 9, 1937.
3. Undated Gannett telegram to Roosevelt; and Gannett telegram to
Roosevelt, October 22, 1933, folder 1-8, box 1, FEG.
4. Gannett to Josephus Daniels, May 5, 1937, folder 1-28, box 1, FEG.
See also Richard Polenberg, “The National Committee to Uphold
Constitutional Government, 1937–1941,” Journal of American History
52, no. 3 (December 1965): 585–86; and Jeff Shesol, Supreme Power:
Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court (New York: Norton, 2010),
5. Quoted in Patricia Beard, Newsmaker: Roy W. Howard, the
Mastermind behind the Scripps-Howard News Empire from the Gilded
Age to the Atomic Age (Guilford, Conn.: Rowman and Littlefield,
2016), 198–99.
6. On the court fight, see Laura Kalman, “The Constitution, the Supreme
Court, and the New Deal,” American Historical Review 110, no. 4
(October 2005): 1052–80, and William Leuchtenburg, “Comment on
Laura Kalman’s Article” in the same issue, 1081–93; see also
Leuchtenburg, “The Origins of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ‘Court
Packing’ Plan,” Supreme Court Review 1966 (1966): 347–400.
7. Gauti Eggertsson, “Great Expectations and the End of the Depression,”
American Economic Review 98, no. 4 (2008): 1477.
8. Christina D. Romer, “What Ended the Great Depression?” Journal of
Economic History 52, no. 4 (December 1992): 760; Eric Rauchway,
The Money Makers: How Roosevelt and Keynes Ended the Depression,
Defeated Fascism, and Secured a Prosperous Peace (New York: Basic,
2015), 128–29.
9. James Patterson, Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal: The
Growth of the Conservative Coalition in Congress, 1933–1939
(Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1967), 192–93.
10. Harold L. Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, vol. 2 (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1954), entry for December 6, 1937, 260.
11. Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy,
1932–1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), 140.
12. The classic account of the United States and the Sino-Japanese conflict
is Dorothy Borg, The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of
1933–1938 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964).
13. See Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 145–
14. Address at Chicago, October 5, 1937, The American Presidency
15. “Speech on ‘War Fears’ Stirs Quick Action by League to Curb
Japanese,” CT, October 6, 1937.
16. “He, Too, Would Keep Us out of War,” CT, October 6, 1937.
17. “Why Can’t We Keep out of War,” CT, November 10, 1937.
18. “Roosevelt’s Speech and War Danger,” SFE, October 6, 1937.
19. Presidential press conference #400, October 6, 1937, 400-20, Press
Conferences of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidential Library and Museum,
20. Roosevelt to Colonel House, October 19, 1937, in F.D.R.: His
Personal Letters, 1928–1945, vol. 1, ed. Elliott Roosevelt (New York:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950), 719.
21. Quoted in Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign
Policy, 152.
22. “Shall We Take Them Now, or Try It Later?” DN, October 7, 1937.
23. “ ‘Give Me Four Years to Complete Unity,’ ” DE, March 19, 1938.
24. “Hitler’s 120-Mile Drive in Triumph,” DM, March 15, 1938.
25. “520 ’Planes Fly Past Hitler,” DM, March 16, 1938.
26. William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of
Nazi Germany (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), 351.
27. “Vienna Silent as Hitler Speaks,” DE, March 19, 1938. See also
“Thousands Vanish in Vienna; Girls Jump to Death,” DE, March 22,
28. “Vienna,” DE, March 14, 1938.
29. “Splendid Isolation,” DE, February 16, 1938.
30. “The Taking of Austria,” CT, March 20, 1938; “Isolation or
Participation in Foreign Complications, Which Is It Going to Be?”
SFE, March 20, 1938.
31. “Can Anything Be Done for the Austrian Jews?” DN, March 15, 1938.
32. Frank McDonough, Neville Chamberlain, Appeasement, and the
British Road to War (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998),
53–54; John Ruggiero, Hitler’s Enabler: Neville Chamberlain and the
Origins of the Second World War (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger,
2015), 66.
33. See his letter to Patterson, July 8, 1936, BBK/C/268, BP.
34. “Half-way to Heaven,” DE, March 21, 1938.
35. Quoted in A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook (London: Hamish Hamilton,
1972), 379. Beaverbrook excluded Andrew Bonar Law from his
assessment because he “never got a chance.”
36. The phrase “wilderness years” is used frequently by biographer Martin
Gilbert and others to describe Churchill’s political marginalization in
the 1930s. Life magazine used the phrase as far back as 1945. “The
Lives of Winston Churchill, Part III,” Life, June 4, 1945, 106.
37. “The Pre-war Attitude of the Evening Standard to Germany,” undated,
unsigned document in BBK/C/275, BP.
38. Entry for March 23, 1938, in Ivan Maisky, The Maisky Diaries: Red
Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, 1932–1943, ed. Gabriel
Gorodetsky (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015), 110.
39. “Winston Churchill,” DE, February 25, 1938.
40. House of Commons debate, March 24, 1938, vol. 333, col. 1451.
41. R. J. Thompson to Churchill, March 24, 1938, in Gilbert, Winston S.
Churchill, vol. 5, companion part 3 (London: Heinemann 1982),957–
42. Churchill to Thompson, April 11, 1938, in Gilbert, Churchill, vol. 5,
companion part 3, 987.
43. Patrick Campbell, My Life and Easy Times (London: Pavilion, 1967),
44. “Hitler Says He’ll Free Sudetens, Defies Britain,” CT, September 13,
45. Churchill to Lord Moyne, September 11, 1938, in Gilbert, Churchill,
vol. 5, companion part 3, 1155.
46. “There Will Be No War,” DE, September 1, 1938.
47. Beaverbrook to Halifax, November 14, 1938, BBK/C/152, BP.
48. S. J. Taylor, The Great Outsiders: Northcliffe, Rothermere and the
“Daily Mail” (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996), 314; Tom
Jeffery and Keith McClelland, “A World Fit to Live In: The Daily Mail
and the Middle Classes, 1918–39,” in Impacts and Influences: Essays
on Media Power in the Twentieth Century, ed. James Curran, Anthony
Smith, and Pauline Wingate (London: Methuen, 1987), figure 2.1, 30.
49. Rothermere, “Further Postscripts: The Real Hitler,” DM, May 13,
50. “No Further Obligation: Keep Clear and Arm,” DM, March 14, 1938.
51. Daniel Hucker, Public Opinion and the End of Appeasement in Britain
and France (Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2011), 42.
52. Beaverbrook to Halifax, September 16, 1938, BBK/C/152, BP.
53. Beaverbrook to Chamberlain, September 16, 1938, BBK/C/80, BP.
54. Quoted in Richard Cockett, Twilight of Truth: Chamberlain,
Appeasement and the Manipulation of the Press (London: Weidenfeld
and Nicolson, 1989), 94.
55. “This Is the Truth,” DE, September 22, 1938.
56. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 403.
57. Winston Churchill, The Second World War: The Gathering Storm, vol.
1 (London: Cassell, 1948), 249.
58. Arthur Christiansen, Headlines All My Life (London: Heinemann,
1961), 170–71.
59. “Peace,” DE, September 30, 1938.
60. “Premier’s Wife Mobbed,” DE, September 30, 1938.
61. “Premier at Palace Hears the Cheering,” DE, October 1, 1938.
62. “You May Sleep Quietly—It Is Peace for Our Time,” DE, October 1,
63. “You May Sleep Quietly—It Is Peace for Our Time.”
64. Reinhard Spitzy, How We Squandered the Reich, trans. G. T.
Waddington (Norwich: Michael Russell, 1997), 254.
65. See W. W. Hadley, Munich: Before and After (London: Cassell, 1944),
93–110. Key works on the British press and appeasement include
Cockett, Twilight of Truth; Franklin Reid Gannon, The British Press
and Germany, 1936–1939 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971);
and Benny Morris, The Roots of Appeasement: The British Weekly
Press and Nazi Germany during the 1930s (London: Frank Cass,
66. “Chamberlain,” DN, September 27, 1938.
67. Attlee: House of Commons debate, October 3, 1938, vol. 339, col. 52;
Churchill: House of Commons debate, October 5, 1938, vol. 339, col.
68. Quoted in Kenneth Young, Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in
Friendship and Politics (New York: James A. Heineman, 1966), 128.
69. John W. Wheeler-Bennett, Munich: Prologue to Tragedy (London:
Macmillan, 1948), 171.
70. Virginia Cowles, Looking for Trouble (New York: Harper and
Brothers, 1941), 180.
71. Will Wainewright, Reporting on Hitler: Rothay Reynolds and the
British Press in Nazi Germany (London: Biteback, 2017), 228, 230;
Geoffrey Cox, Countdown to War: A Personal Memoir of Europe,
1938–40 (London: William Kimber, 1988), 81–82. See also Cockett,
Twilight of Truth, 64–65.
72. Anthony Adamthwaite, “The British Government and the Media,
1937–1938,” Journal of Contemporary History 18, no. 2 (April 1983):
292. On March 5, 1938, during the Anschluss, a poll found that 58
percent opposed Chamberlain’s foreign policy. George H. Gallup, The
Gallup International Public Opinion Polls: Great Britain, 1937–1975,
vol. 1 (New York: Random House, 1976), 8.
73. Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge, Britain by Mass-Observation
(London: Cresset Library, 1986), 75.
74. Robert J. Wybrow, Britain Speaks Out, 1937–1987: A Social History
as Seen through the Gallup Data (London: Macmillan, 1989), 5.
75. Historians have argued for years over the necessity for and wisdom of
the strategy of appeasement. For a comprehensive summary of the
evolution of the historiography of appeasement, see Robert J. Caputi,
Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement (Selinsgrove, Pa.:
Susquehanna University Press, 2000). For defenses of the appeasers,
see Norrin M. Ripsman and Jack S. Levy, “Wishful Thinking or
Buying Time? The Logic of British Appeasement in the 1930s,”
International Security 33, no. 2 (Fall 2008): 148–81; and John
Charmley, Chamberlain and the Lost Peace (London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1989). For a counter-revisionist thesis, see R. A. C. Parker,
Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the
Second World War (New York: St. Martin’s, 1993). For a recent study
of appeasement that argues against the revisionist thesis, see Tim
Bouverie, Appeasing Hitler: Chamberlain, Churchill and the Road to
War (London: Bodley Head, 2019).
76. Ian Kershaw, Hitler 1936–1945: Nemesis (New York: Norton, 2000),
Chapter 8. “Hitler Agrees with the Daily Express”
1. On Kristallnacht, see Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich in Power,
1933–1939 (New York: Penguin, 2005), 580–592.
2. “German Press Vents Spleen on U.S.,” CT, November 18, 1938.
3. Lord Rothermere, “Some More Postscripts,” DM, May 6, 1938.
4. “The World Protests,” DM, November 14, 1938. On the Mail’s change
of view on the Nazis, see Will Wainewright, Reporting on Hitler:
Rothay Reynolds and the British Press in Nazi Germany (London:
Biteback, 2017), 237–38.
5. “A Black Day for Germany,” London Times, November 11, 1938.
6. DE, November 11, 1938.
7. “Pray for Tolerance,” DE, November 11, 1938.
8. “Black-out for Jews in Europe,” DE, November 12, 1938.
9. “A Domestic Issue” and “Each Claims to Be Right,” DE, November
17, 1938.
10. “Least said—,” DE, November 21, 1938.
11. Beaverbrook to Gannett, December 9, 1938, folder 1-55, box 1, FEG.
12. Beaverbrook to Patterson, January 25, 1939, BBK/C/268, BP.
13. “What’s in the Cards?” DN, February 14, 1939.
14. “Diplomatic Incidents,” DN, November 19, 1938; “Another Refugee
Problem,” DN, November 21, 1938.
15. “Is Hitler Losing His Grip?” DN, November 15, 1938.
16. “Diplomatic Incidents.”
17. On Americans’ failure to grasp the nature of Nazi anti-Semitism, see
Deborah E. Lipstadt, Beyond Belief: The American Press and the
Coming of the Holocaust, 1933–1945 (New York: Free Press, 1986).
18. “New Deal Probes Anti-Semitic Drive in New Congress,” DN,
December 15, 1938. For more on Pelley and other anti-Semites in the
Depression, see Leo P. Ribuffo, The Old Christian Right: The
Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression to the Cold War
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983).
19. “Anti-Semitism Here,” DN, December 16, 1938.
20. Transcript of conference with Senate Military Affairs Committee,
January 31, 1939, in Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs, 2nd
ser., January 1937–August 1939, vol. 13, ed. Donald B. Schewe (New
York: Clearwater, 1979), 203–4.
21. David Reynolds, From Munich to Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s America
and the Origins of the Second World War (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee,
2001), 46. See also Michael Sherry, The Rise of American Air Power:
The Creation of Armageddon (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1987), 79–80.
22. “Roosevelt: ‘Nazis Have Shocked Us,’ ” DE, November 16, 1938.
23. Robert E. Herzstein, Roosevelt and Hitler: Prelude to War (New York:
John Wiley and Sons, 1994), 233.
24. President’s Address to Congress, January 4, 1939, The American
Presidency Project,
25. Hadley Cantril and Mildred Strunk, Public Opinion, 1935–1946
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951), 381.
26. See James Q. Whitman, Hitler’s American Model: The United States
and the Making of Nazi Race Law (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2017), 43–46.
27. Sheldon Neuringer, “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Refuge for Victims of
Nazism, 1933–1941,” in Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Man, the Myth,
the Era, 1882–1945, ed. Herbert D. Rosenbaum and Elizabeth
Bartelme (New York: Greenwood, 1987), 86.
28. See the chart in Michael Dobbs, The Unwanted: America, Auschwitz,
and a Village Caught in Between (New York: Knopf, 2019), 296n37.
29. Cantril and Strunk, Public Opinion, 1150.
30. Cantril and Strunk, Public Opinion, 1081. When the question specified
that the children were mostly Jewish, opposition fell slightly, from 66
to 61 percent.
31. Herzstein, Roosevelt and Hitler, 237.
32. Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, FDR and the Jews
(Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 2013), 2.
33. Patterson to Beaverbrook, February 6, 1939, BBK/C/268, BP.
34. “There Is Every Prospect of Peace,” DE, January 18, 1939.
35. “No War!” DE, February 1, 1939. See also “I Believe It Is Peace for a
Long Time” and “Jitter-bugs Are on the Run,” DE, January 31, 1939.
36. Beaverbrook to Patterson, February 23, 1939, BBK/C/268, BP.
37. Daily Telegraph, March 16, 1939, quoted in Franklin Reid Gannon,
The British Press and Germany, 1936–1939 (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1971), 240; “Militarism in Action,” London Times,
March 16, 1939.
38. “Two German Notes,” London Times, April 29, 1939.
39. “Get on with It!” DM, March 11, 1939.
40. “Three New States,” DM, March 15, 1939; “Arms Alone Count,” DM,
March 16, 1939.
41. “Three New States.”
42. “What Next?” DM, March 17, 1939.
43. Daniel Hucker, Public Opinion and the End of Appeasement in Britain
and France (Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2011), 130.
44. “Not Our Concern,” DE, March 15, 1939.
45. “—But Not Here,” DE, April 1, 1939.
46. Undated 1938 note in BBK/C/275, BP.
47. Ribbentrop to Beaverbrook, March 15, 1939, and Beaverbrook’s
response, March 28, 1939, both in BBK/C/275, BP.
48. “Mad Dog Diplomacy,” CT, May 1, 1939.
49. Coblentz to Hearst editors, June 28, 1939, “Coblentz, Edmond David,
1939,” box 1, Outgoing, ECP.
50. “Defeat Anti-Neutrality Bill Now; It Would Lead to War!” SFE, June
29, 1939.
51. Hearst to John S. Brookes Jr., June 28, 1939, “Coblentz, Edmond
David, 1939,” box 1, Outgoing, ECP.
52. “Extension of Remarks of Hon. Hamilton Fish,” 85 Cong. Rec. 66
53. “F.D.R. Names Names,” DN, July 6, 1939.
54. “Neutrality Act Change Refused,” DN, July 20, 1939.
55. Beaverbrook to Halifax, June 22, 1939, BBK/C/152, BP.
56. Beaverbrook to Hoare, June 21, 1939, BBK/C/308a, 1937–1940, BP.
See also the Daily Express article on Patterson’s arrival in Britain,
“Best-seller Born on a Farm Heap Back of the Line,” DE, July 11,
1939; and the correspondence between Patterson and Beaverbrook on
arrangements for the trip in BBK/C/268.
57. Patterson, “Hitler’s ‘Lightning War’ Plan Ruined by Chamberlain,”
DN, August 3, 1939.
58. J. M. Patterson, “Reich Unready,” DN, August 1, 1939.
59. Patterson, “Hitler Holds Self Aloof in Role of Mystic, ‘Priest,’ ” DN,
August 2, 1939; and Patterson, “Hitler’s ‘Lightning War’ Plan Ruined
by Chamberlain.”
60. August 1, 1939.
61. “British Have Changed in a Year,” DE, August 5, 1939.
62. See Tim Bouverie, Appeasing Hitler: Chamberlain, Churchill and the
Road to War (London: Bodley Head, 2019), 340–41.
63. “Move to Drive Premier out of Office,” Sunday Express, July 16,
64. “No War,” DE, July 18, 1939; “Peace or Destruction,” DE, July 22,
1939; “Liabilities,” DE, August 4, 1939.
65. See Ronald Neame with Barbara Roisman Cooper, Straight from the
Horse’s Mouth: Ronald Neame: An Autobiography (Lanham, Md.:
Scarecrow, 2003), 62.
66. “No War This Year,” August 7, 1939. See also Sian Nicholas, “ ‘There
Will Be No War’: The Daily Express and the Approach of War, 1938–
39,” in Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age, ed.
David Welch and Jo Fox (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 200–
67. See, for example, “Beaverbrook Says ‘No War,’ ” Montreal Gazette,
August 11, 1939.
68. Arthur Christiansen, Headlines All My Life (London: Heinemann,
1961), 180.
69. Rothermere to Hitler, June 29, 1939, and Rothermere to Ribbentrop,
July 2, 1939, FO 1093/87, TNA; “Effusions”: covering note to H.J.W.
dated July 6, 1939, in the same file. See also Richard Norton-Taylor,
“Months Before War, Rothermere Said Hitler’s Work Was
Superhuman,” Guardian, March 31, 2005; and Richard Norton-Taylor,
The State of Secrecy: Spies and the Media in Britain (London: I. B.
Tauris, 2020), 144–45.
70. “Don’t Be Misled,” DM, August 26, 1939. See also “We Still Wait,”
DM, August 30, 1939.
71. “Liabilities.”
72. July 22, 1939, BBK/C/286, BP.
73. “Britain Stands by Poland,” DE, August 23, 1939; “Hitler: ‘My
Patience Almost Exhausted,’ ” DE, August 26, 1939; “Hitler’s Offer
Refused,” Sunday Express, August 27, 1939; “ ‘I Demand Danzig and
the Corridor,’ ” DE, August 28, 1939; “Britain Gives Last Warning,”
DE, September 2, 1939; “Beaverbrook, Cut off from Desk, Begs
Interviewer for ‘The News,’ ” Montreal Gazette, August 26, 1939.
74. Christiansen, Headlines All My Life, 181.
75. DE, September 4, 1939.
76. DE, September 4, 1939.
Chapter 9. Foreign Wars
1. Memo, May 19, 1938, Hohenlohe MI5 file, KV2/1696, TNA;
“Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe,” MI5 document, no date,
KV2/1696, TNA. On Hohenlohe, see Martha Schad, Hitler’s Spy
Princess: The Extraordinary Life of Stephanie Von Hohenlohe (Stroud,
U.K.: Sutton, 2004); Jim Wilson, Nazi Princess: Hitler, Lord
Rothermere, and Princess Stephanie Von Hohenlohe (Stroud, U.K.:
History Press, 2011); Franz Hohenlohe, Steph: The Fabulous Princess
(London: New English Library, 1976); and Karina Urbach, Go-
Betweens for Hitler (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), chapter
2. Letter to Major V. Vivian, August 9, 1939, Hohenlohe MI5 file,
KV2/1696, TNA.
3. “Law Report, Nov. 13,” London Times, November 14, 1939.
4. See memo to MI5, November 18, 1933, Hohenlohe MI5 file,
KV2/1696, TNA. See also “When Rothermere Urged Hitler to Invade
Romania,” Daily Telegraph, March 1, 2005.
5. Rothermere to Hohenlohe, January 19, 1938, box 1, SHP.
6. Rothermere to Hitler, January 1, 1938, box 1, SHP.
7. Rothermere to Hitler, April 4, 1938, box 1, SHP.
8. Rothermere to Hitler, July 6, 1938, box 1, SHP.
9. Rothermere to Hitler, October 1, 1938, box 1, SHP.
10. Copy of memorandum, Rothermere to Hohenlohe, no date, and letter,
Hitler to Rothermere, May 3, 1935, in box 1, SHP.
11. Undated, unsigned letter to “L.R.,” box 1, SHP.
12. Memo, March 7, 1939, re: Wittman, Hohenlohe MI5 file, KV 2/1696;
undated memo, re: Stephanie von Hohenlohe, Hohenlohe MI5 file, KV
2/1696, TNA.
13. Confidential memo, September 26, 1939, Hohenlohe MI5 file, KV
2/1697, TNA.
14. “Mystery Woman,” Time, November 20, 1939, “Lord Rothermere Gets
Bill for Boom to Make Him King,” DN, November 19, 1939.
15. “Mystery Woman.”
16. “Congratulations,” DE, November 16, 1939.
17. Schad, Hitler’s Spy Princess, 117–20; Wilson, Nazi Princess, 145.
18. “Owen, Frank,” by Michael Foot, Oxford Dictionary of National
Biography (published online 2004). Michael Foot later became the
leader of the Labour Party.
19. “Abolish This Ministry,” DE, November 15, 1939.
20. “Craze for Controlling,” DE, November 22, 1939.
21. “Millions—What For?” DE, January 2, 1940.
22. A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1972), 398.
23. Hugh Cudlipp, The Prerogative of the Harlot: Press Barons and
Power (London: Bodley Head, 1980), 284.
24. Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie, Lord Beaverbrook: A Life (New
York: Knopf, 1993), 371.
25. John McGovern, Neither Fear nor Favour (London: Blandford, 1960),
chapter 14, quote at 142. Beaverbrook’s biographer Taylor judged that
McGovern’s account of the meeting had the “ring of truth.” Taylor,
Beaverbrook, 405.
26. See the correspondence in PPF 5038, FDRL; and BBK/C/277, BP.
27. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, September 23, 1939, BBK/C/286, BP.
28. Memo attached to letter to Churchill, December 13, 1939, BBK/C/86;
Beaverbrook to Halifax, December 11, 1939, BBK/C/152, BP.
29. Halifax to Beaverbrook, December 16, 1939, BBK/C/152, BP.
30. Beaverbrook and Bennett to Halifax, January 23, 1940, BBK/C/152,
31. Franklin Roosevelt Fireside Chat, September 3, 1939, The American
Presidency Project,
32. Roosevelt, “Message to Congress Urging Repeal of the Embargo
Provisions of the Neutrality Law,” September 21, 1939, The American
Presidency Project,
33. “Lines Drawn in Fight to End Arms Embargo,” Kokomo Tribune,
September 22, 1939.
34. “500 Phila. Women ‘March’ at Capitol, Shout at Senators to Keep
Embargo,” Philadelphia Inquirer, September 22, 1939.
35. “Text of Lindbergh’s Speech,” Boston Globe, September 16, 1939.
36. “Arms Embargo Is in the Name of Peace, Neutrality,” SFE, September
22, 1939.
37. SFE, September 22, 1939.
38. “Red Asia Invades Europe,” SFE, October 9, 1939.
39. Willicombe to the editors of all Hearst newspapers, September 23,
1939, “Hearst, Wm. R. Sr., 1939,” box 5, Incoming, EDC.
40. “Repeal Arms Embargo and You Risk War, U.S. Told by Hiram
Johnson,” SFE, October 21, 1939. On the Mothers of America, see
“Mothers of America Unite for U.S. Peace,” SFE, October 21, 1939.
On the Hearst papers’ sponsorship of the group, see Rodney Carlisle,
“The Foreign Policy Views of an Isolationist Press Lord: W. R. Hearst
and the International Crisis, 1936–41,” Journal of Contemporary
History 9, no. 3 (July 1974): 224.
41. “We Need No Dictator,” CT, September 26, 1939.
42. CT, October 15, 1939, and October 22, 1939.
43. Taylor to McCormick, December 16, 1939, folder 5, box 3, XI-317,
44. See flyer “Hear the Truth about Col. McCormick,” July 29, 1941,
folder 6, box 3, XI-317, TCA.
45. “Why Did Edward Fall? Fascists Deposed Him!” CT, August 22,
46. “Col. M’Cormick Warns America of Red War Plot,” CT, July 5, 1939.
47. “Mad Dog Diplomacy,” CT, May 1, 1939.
48. “National Unity against War,” DN, September 22, 1939.
49. “National Unity against War.”
50. “No Use to Get Hysterical,” DN, September 2, 1939.
51. “War Is as Natural as Peace,” DN, November 20, 1939.
52. House of Commons debate, May 7, 1940, vol. 360, col. 1150.
53. On the parliamentary debate, see Lynne Olson, Troublesome Young
Men: The Rebels Who Brought Churchill to Power and Helped Save
England (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007), chapter 17.
54. Taylor, Beaverbrook, 407.
55. Beaverbrook, “What Is the Damage?” DE, May 6, 1940.
56. Chamberlain to Beaverbrook, May 6, 1940, BBK/C/80, BP.
57. Richard Cockett, Twilight of Truth: Chamberlain, Appeasement and
the Manipulation of the Press (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1989), 174.
58. Cockett, Twilight of Truth, 175.
59. House of Commons debate, May 13, 1940, vol. 360, col. 1502.
60. Quoted in Kenneth Young, Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in
Friendship and Politics (New York: James A. Heineman, 1966), 141.
61. Taylor, Beaverbrook, 411.
62. Martin Gilbert, Finest Hour: Winston S. Churchill, vol. 6 (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1983), 316.
63. Churchill, The Second World War: Their Finest Hour, vol. 2 (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1949), 13.
64. “The Battle of Britain,” London Times, June 1, 1945.
65. David Farrer, The Sky’s the Limit: The Story of Beaverbrook at M.A.P.
(London: Hutchinson, 1943), 95.
66. Richard Hough and Denis Richards, The Battle of Britain: The Jubilee
History (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1989), 325.
67. See John Terraine, The Right of the Line: The Royal Air Force in the
European War, 1939–1945 (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985),
68. Quoted in Taylor, Beaverbrook, 430. See also Chisholm and Davie,
Lord Beaverbrook, 395.
69. Terraine, Right of the Line, 192.
70. Denis Richards, The Royal Air Force, 1939–1945, vol. 1 (London: Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1974), 154.
71. Cato, Guilty Men (London: Victor Gollancz, 1940), 16.
72. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, March 2, 1940, BBK/C/286, BP.
73. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, May 15, 1940, BBK/C/286, BP.
74. Rothermere to Beaverbrook, May 17, 1940, BBK/C/286, BP.
75. Beaverbrook to Rothermere, undated, BBK/C/286, BP.
76. Taylor, Beaverbrook, 422.
77. “Report from England,” DN, August 15, 1940.
78. Taylor, Beaverbrook, 422.
79. Beaverbrook to Esmond Rothermere, December 5, 1940, BBK/C/286,
80. See N. J. Crowson, ed., Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics: The
Journals of Collin Brooks, 1932–1940 (London: Royal Historical
Society, 1998), entry for August 4, 1940, 270.
81. Memo, “Editorial Reaction toward Aid for the Allies,” June 10, 1940,
3, 4, Division of Press Intelligence, “National Emergency Council
1940,” OF 788, FDRL. See also Richard W. Steele, Propaganda in an
Open Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 1933–
1941 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985), 100. Historian Susan Dunn
argues that many white southerners’ British ancestry, their martial
traditions, and their concern for the impact of Nazi conquests on their
tobacco and cotton sales, as well as their “lingering gratitude to the
British for their sympathy toward the Confederacy,” help explain their
disproportionate support for aid to Britain. Susan Dunn, Roosevelt’s
Purge: How FDR Fought to Change the Democratic Party
(Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 2010), 221.
82. “Aid for Allies,” Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1940.
83. “Editorial Reaction toward Aid for the Allies,” 14.
84. “Editorial Reaction toward Aid for the Allies,” 2.
85. “Uncle Barbara Manville,” DN, June 8, 1940.
86. “Conscription,” CT, June 21, 1940.
87. “Republicans and the War,” CT, June 13, 1940.
88. On the election, see Susan Dunn, 1940: FDR, Willkie, Lindbergh,
Hitler—the Election amid the Storm (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2013).
89. “People’s Candidate,” SFE, June 29, 1940.
90. “In the News,” SFE, September 10, 1940.
91. “Disloyalty to American Principles,” CT, May 23, 1940.
92. Ickes, Freedom of the Press Today (New York: Vanguard, 1941), 9–10.
93. “Should Draft Roosevelt,” DN, July 10, 1940.
94. Churchill, Their Finest Hour, 404.
95. House of Commons debate, August 20, 1940, vol. 364, col. 1171.
96. “The America First Committee,” CT, September 7, 1940.
97. Ian Mugridge, The View from Xanadu: William Randolph Hearst and
United States Foreign Policy (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Press, 1995), 194n69, notes that the AFC sent Hearst an invitation to
join but he seems to have never responded. On the America First
Committee, see Wayne S. Cole, America First: The Battle against
Intervention, 1940–1941 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,
98. “The More We Think of It the Better We Like It,” DN, September 5,
99. “We Get the Bases,” CT, September 4, 1940.
100. “In the News,” SFE, September 5, 1940.
101. “In the News,” SFE, September 5, 1940.
102. See David Reynolds, From Munich to Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s
America and the Origins of the Second World War (Chicago: Ivan R.
Dee, 2001), 87–91, and Waldo Heinrichs, Threshold of War: Franklin
D. Roosevelt and American Entry into World War II (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1988), 10–11.
103. “U.S. Is Called Target of New War Alliance,” CT, September 28, 1940.
104. For a discussion of the Daily News’s sudden change of attitude toward
Japan, see “Editorial Writer, Part II,” New Yorker, May 31, 1947, 37.
105. “Two Ships for One,” DN, February 4, 1935.
106. “A War on Two Fronts?” DN, June 12, 1940.
107. “In the News,” SFE, October 9, 1940.
108. “Japanese Entry into Siberia Is Not to Aid the Allies, but to Entrench
Japan,” SFE, March 4, 1918.
109. “The Panic’s On,” CT, November 3, 1940; “In the News,” SFE,
November 6, 1940.
110. “One Man!” SFE, November 2, 1940.
111. “Texts of President Roosevelt’s Addresses in Boston and Hartford,”
NYT, October 31, 1940.
112. Samuel I. Rosenman, Working with Roosevelt (New York: Harper and
Brothers, 1952), 242.
113. “The Third-Term Candidate vs. the Organized Wealth Candidate,” DN,
November 1, 1940.
114. “Election Balance Sheet,” DN, November 7, 1940.
Chapter 10. The Dictator Bill
1. “Envoy Flies Here,” NYT, November 24, 1940.
2. “Envoy Lothian Claims Britain Is Going Broke,” CT, November 24,
3. See the account in John W. Wheeler-Bennett, King George VI: His Life
and Reign (New York: St. Martin’s, 1958), 521. But David Reynolds
argues that Lothian used different language. See David Reynolds,
“Lord Lothian and Anglo-American Relations, 1939–1940,”
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 73, no. 2 (1983):
4. Quoted in David Reynolds, The Creation of the Anglo-American
Alliance, 1937–41: A Study in Competitive Cooperation (London:
Europa Publications Limited, 1981), 152.
5. Churchill, The Second World War: Their Finest Hour, vol. 2 (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1949), 558.
6. Churchill, Their Finest Hour, 567, 566.
7. Press conference, December 17, 1940, The American Presidency
8. Fireside Chat, December 29, 1940, The American Presidency Project,
9. Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union, January 6,
1941, The American Presidency Project,
10. “A Bill to Destroy the Republic,” CT, January 12, 1941.
11. On the numbering of the bill, see Warren F. Kimball, “ ‘1776’: Lend-
Lease Gets a Number,” New England Quarterly 42, no. 2 (June 1969):
12. “Lease-Lend Bill Passage Likely in Senate Today,” SFE, March 8,
13. “Roosevelt Asks Absolute Power to Give Away U.S. Planes, Guns,
Warships,” SFE, January 11, 1941; “Senate Fight Opened to Beat
Dictator Bill,” SFE, January 14, 1941. See also “President’s Stand
Stirs Speculation,” SFE, January 7, 1941, “Bill Up Today Giving FDR
‘Blank Check’ in Aid for Britain,” SFE, January 10, 1941.
14. “Senators to Fight F.D.R. Bill,” CT, January 11, 1941.
15. See, for example, “Dictator Bill’s Death in House Appears Likely,”
CT, April 8, 1938; “House Adopts Farm Dictator Bill, 263 to 135,”
CT, February 10, 1938; “Bill Creating War Dictator Looses [sic]
Steam,” CT, March 6, 1938.
16. “Radio Talk Exposes Willkie Link to Propaganda,” CT, January 18,
17. “Kennedy to Oppose F.D. on Aid Bill,” WTH, January 17, 1941;
“Senate Passes Lend-lease Bill, 60-31,” WTH, March 9, 1941.
18. Philadelphia Record of April 17, 1941, quoted in “O’Donnell’s
$50,000,” Time, February 8, 1943.
19. “FDR Hits Wheeler’s Criticism as ‘Rotten,’ ” SFE, January 15, 1941.
20. See, for example, Warren Kimball, The Most Unsordid Act: Lend-
Lease, 1939–1941 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969),
21. “Willkie Okehs Lend-Lease Bill with Revisions; Wheeler Declares
Plan Means War,” SFE, January 13, 1941; “Protests Mount: Wheeler
Warns of Dictatorship,” CT, January 13, 1941. The Daily News and
Washington Times-Herald ran prominent stories on the Wheeler speech
but did not use that particular quote.
22. “Speak Up, America, on Lease-Lend Bill!” SFE, March 4, 1941.
23. “In the News,” SFE, February 6, 1941.
24. “Dictatorship thru Conspiracy,” CT, January 13, 1941; “A Bill to
Destroy the Republic,” CT, January 12, 1941. See also “War and
Dictatorship,” CT, January 17, 1941.
25. “Secretary Hull on the Dictatorship Bill,” DN, WTH, January 17, 1941.
26. DN, WTH, January 23, 1941.
27. DN, WTH, February 11, 1941.
28. Reynolds to Patterson, April 28, 1941, folder 3, box 32, JMPP.
29. “Unhappy New Year,” WTH, January 1, 1941.
30. “If We Invade Europe Again,” DN, February 4, 1941.
31. “We’re Not Anti-British,” WTH, February 23, 1941.
32. “New Deal Probes Anti-Semitic Drive on New Congress,” DN,
December 15, 1938; “Brief of the American Jewish Congress on
Exceptions to Record, Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion,”
June 19, 1947, folder 7, Daily News American Jewish Congress Brief,
box 584, I-77, AJC.
33. “The Big Bomb Plot,” DN, January 16, 1940.
34. “H.R. 1776 Becomes Law,” DN, WTH, March 13, 1941. See also
“What is Anti-Semitism?” DN, September 10, 1941.
35. “Wealth and the War Bill,” CT, February 17, 1941.
36. “Trying, with Some Effort, to Be Philosophical,” DN, February 15,
37. “Passing of the Great Race?” DN, March 24, 1941.
38. Patterson to Wood, January 14, 1941, folder 2, box 28, JMPP; Richard
Norton Smith, The Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R.
McCormick, 1880–1955 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997), 407.
39. Wood to McCormick, March 20, 1941, “Wood, Robert E., 1930–
1942,” box 138, I-60, RRMP; Wood to Patterson, October 31, 1941,
folder 2, box 28, JMPP.
40. Edwin S. Webster Jr. to Patterson, October 23, 1941, folder 2, box 28,
41. “Radio Talk Exposes Willkie Link to Propaganda.”
42. Richard W. Steele, Propaganda in an Open Society: The Roosevelt
Administration and the Media, 1933–1941 (Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood, 1985), 73–94. See also Linda Lotridge Levin, The Making
of FDR: The Story of Stephen T. Early, America’s First Modern Press
Secretary (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2008).
43. See Michael Leigh, Mobilizing Consent: Public Opinion and American
Foreign Policy, 1937–1947 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976), 62–
65; and Steele, Propaganda, 85–95, for debates over the creation of a
central propaganda agency.
44. For more on the CDAAA and other interventionist groups, see Andrew
Johnstone, Against Immediate Evil: American Internationalists and the
Four Freedoms on the Eve of World War II (Ithaca: Cornell University
Press, 2014).
45. “The America First Committee,” CT, September 7, 1940; Steele,
Propaganda, 77.
46. Nicholas John Cull, Selling War: The British Propaganda Campaign
against American “Neutrality” in World War II (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1995), 4.
47. In addition to Cull, Selling War, see Susan Brewer, To Win the Peace:
British Propaganda in the United States during World War II (Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 1997).
48. Bradley W. Hart, Hitler’s American Friends: The Third Reich’s
Supporters in the United States (New York: Thomas Dunne Books / St.
Martin’s, 2018), chapter 4. See also Francis MacDonnell, Insidious
Foes: The Axis Fifth Column and the American Home Front (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
49. “Marshall Field: The Native’s Return,” New Republic, November 3,
1941, 581–83.
50. “The American Century,” Life, February 17, 1941, 63, 64. On Luce,
see Alan Brinkley, The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American
Century (New York: Knopf, 2010).
51. N. W. Ayer & Son’s Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals
(Philadelphia: N. W. Ayer and Son, 1940), 212, 219, 636; Raymond
Fielding, The March of Time, 1935–1951 (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1978), 239.
52. Fielding, March of Time, 192–93, 195.
53. Fielding, March of Time, 268.
54. John Elliot Bradshaw Jr., “Projections of the Fatherland:
Representations of Germany in the Hearst Newsreels, 1929–1939”
(MA thesis, University of Southern California, 2005), 55, 56, 120, 186,
188. See also Kenneth Hough, “Home Invasions: Hearst Newsreels,
American Preparedness, and the Coming of World War II,” in
Rediscovering U.S. Newsfilm: Cinema, Television, and the Archive, ed.
Mark Garrett Cooper, Sara Beth Levavy, Ross Melnick, and Mark
Williams (New York: Routledge, 2018), 58–60; and the thirty-four-
hour compilation of selected Hearst Metrotone News and News of the
Day films on videocassette, The 1930s: Prelude to War (Los Angeles:
UCLA Film and Television Archives, 1998).
55. Ben Urwand terms Hollywood’s failure to criticize Hitler before 1939
“collaboration.” See Urwand, The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact
with Hitler (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013).
Thomas Doherty, in Hollywood and Hitler, 1933–1939 (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2013), agrees that the studios avoided
direct criticism of the Nazi regime but also places blame on domestic
groups and regulators.
56. Goldwyn is often credited with the line, but the earliest published
source attributes it to Moss Hart. See Fred R. Shapiro, ed., The Yale
Book of Quotations (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 343.
57. M. Todd Bennett, “The Celluloid War: State and Studio in Anglo-
American Propaganda Film-making, 1939–1941,” International
History Review 24, no. 1 (March 2002): 78, 76.
58. Bennett, “Celluloid War,” 75.
59. M. Todd Bennett, One World, Big Screen: Hollywood, the Allies, and
World War II (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012),
chapter 2.
60. Raymond Gram Swing, Forerunners of American Fascism (New York:
Julian Messner, 1935).
61. Patrick McGilligan, Young Orson: The Years of Luck and Genius on
the Path to Citizen Kane (New York: Harper, 2015), 621–23.
62. Richard Meryman, Mank: The Wit, World, and Life of Herman
Mankiewicz (New York: William Morrow, 1978), 268.
63. “ ‘Let America Set a World Example,’ Urges W. R. Hearst,” SFE,
April 30, 1939; James Creelman, On the Great Highway: The
Wanderings and Adventures of a Special Correspondent (Boston:
Lothrop, 1901), 177–78.
64. On the role of radio in the intervention debate, see David Holbrook
Culbert, News for Everyman: Radio and Foreign Affairs in Thirties
America (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976), 6; Betty Houchin
Winfield, FDR and the News Media (Urbana: University of Illinois
Press, 1990), 103–11; Gerd Horten, Radio Goes to War: The Cultural
Politics of Propaganda during World War II (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2002), 33; Steele, Propaganda, 136–46.
65. Culbert, News for Everyman, 4–5, 20.
66. Quoted in Winfield, FDR and the News Media, 104.
67. S. L. Brenner to Stephen Early, February 28, 1941, “Newspapers
1941–1942 Jan–July,” OF 144, FDRL.
68. Culbert, News for Everyman, 25; “Credits America with Sound
Sense,” Logan (Utah) Herald-Journal, July 11, 1939.
69. Horten, Radio Goes to War, 34.
70. Quoted in Cull, Selling War, 109.
71. Hadley Cantril and Mildred Strunk, Public Opinion, 1935–1946
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951), 523.
72. “Look at the Actualities,” CT, June 8, 1940.
73. U.S. Senate, 77th Cong., 1st sess., Subcommittee of the Committee on
Interstate Commerce, Propaganda in Motion Pictures, hearings
(September 9–26, 1941). On the hearings, see John E. Moser,
“ ‘Gigantic Engines of Propaganda’: The 1941 Senate Investigation of
Hollywood,” Historian 63, no. 4 (Summer 2001): 731–51; Bennett,
One World, Big Screen, 83–88; and Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D.
Black, Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and
Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies (New York: Free Press,
1987), 40–45.
74. U.S. Senate, Propaganda in Motion Pictures, 11, 17–18.
75. Quoted in Horten, Radio Goes to War, 37.
76. For movie attendance for 1941, see table Dh388–391, Historical
Statistics of the United States, Earliest Times to the Present: Millennial
Edition, ed. Susan B. Carter et al., vol. 4, Part D: Economic Sectors
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 1123.
77. Cantril and Strunk, Public Opinion, 973.
78. Cantril and Strunk, Public Opinion, 973, 975.
79. Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie, Lord Beaverbrook: A Life (New
York: Knopf, 1993), 397.
80. Atlantic Charter, August 14, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library and Museum,
81. Quoted in Elizabeth Borgwardt, A New Deal for the World: America’s
Vision for Human Rights (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 2005), 45.
82. Borgwardt, New Deal for the World, 34, 44.
83. Reynolds, Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance, 259.
84. Note, October 11, 1939, PPF 5038, FDRL.
85. Luce to Beaverbrook, July 13, 1943, BBK/C/22, BP.
86. Quoted in Martin Gilbert, Finest Hour: Winston S. Churchill, vol. 6
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983), 1178.
87. Quoted in A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook (London: Hamish Hamilton,
1972), 490.
88. Quoted in Kenneth Young, Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in
Friendship and Politics (New York: James A. Heineman, 1966), 209.
89. “Evolution of the Minority,” March 14, 1941, PSF (Subject): Lend-
Lease, box 141, FDRL; “Alan Barth, Retired Post Writer, Dies,”
Washington Post, November 21, 1979.
90. Barth to Ferdinand Kuhn Jr., October 10, 1941, PSF (Departmental):
Treasury: Morgenthau, Henry: Editorial Opinion, box 80, FDRL.
91. On other reporters’ views of Hearst and McCormick, see Leo C.
Rosten, The Washington Correspondents (New York: Harcourt, Brace,
1937), 357.
92. Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, vol. 3 (New York: Simon
and Schuster, 1954), entry for June 2, 1940, 199.
93. “The Heat Is Off,” CT, June 23, 1941.
94. “ ‘I Am the State,’ ” DN, November 10, 1941.
95. “Who’s Fuehrer Now?” DN, August 9, 1941.
96. “Text of Lindbergh’s Speech,” Boston Globe, September 16, 1939.
97. Charles Lindbergh, “Aviation, Geography, and Race,” Reader’s Digest,
November 1939, 66. For a vivid account of Lindbergh, Roosevelt, and
the debate over intervention, see Lynne Olson, Those Angry Days:
Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America’s Fight over World War II, 1939–
1941 (New York: Random House, 2013).
98. “The Text of Lindbergh’s Address in Des Moines Coliseum,” Des
Moines Register, September 12, 1941.
99. “Tolerance and Religious Freedom Must Be Preserved in U.S.,” SFE,
September 16, 1941.
100. John L. Wheeler to R. Douglas Stuart, September 16, 1941, “Chapter
Reactions to C. A. Lindbergh’s Des Moines Speech,” box 5, AFC.
101. McCormick to Lindbergh, March 7, 1941, “Lindbergh, Charles A.,
1927–1953,” box 50, I-60, RRMP.
102. “Lindbergh, Willkie, and the Jews,” CT, September 13, 1941.
103. “Lindbergh’s World Honors,” CT, September 21, 1941; “The
Circumstances Require This Explanation,” CT, September 20, 1941;
“World Honors Conferred on Lindbergh,” CT, September 21, 1941.
104. “Conversation Piece,” DN, September 18, 1941.
105. “What Is Anti-Semitism?” DN, September 10, 1941.
106. Patterson to Louis Harap, October 29, 1941, with boycott card
attached, folder 6, box 29, JMPP.
107. Barth to Ferdinand Kuhn Jr., October 10, 1941, PSF (Departmental):
Treasury: Morgenthau, Henry: Editorial Opinion, box 80, FDRL.
108. David Reynolds, From Munich to Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s America
and the Origins of the Second World War (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee,
2001), 155–56.
109. “More about the USS Greer,” DN, October 29, 1941. On the Greer
incident, see Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American
Foreign Policy, 1932–1945 (New York: Oxford University Press,
1979), 287–89.
110. Knox to Patterson, November 1941 (exact date uncertain), “Navy—
Knox, Frank, 1939–1941,” box 62, PSF, FDRL.
111. See Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 286;
and Churchill’s briefing to the war cabinet, August 19, 1941, 104–5,
National Archives reference CAB 65-19-20, TNA.
112. Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 587n24.
113. See Roosevelt’s comments on Stark’s proposed testimony: Roosevelt
to Stark, September 18, 1941, “Navy—Knox, Frank, 1939–1941,” box
62, PSF, FDRL.
114. Cantril and Strunk, Public Opinion, 1128. In October 1941, 58 percent
supported convoys, with 35 percent opposed.
115. “Roosevelt’s War,” DN, October 21, 1941.
116. Flynn to Patterson, October 6, 1941, folder 2, box 28, JMPP.
117. See Waldo Heinrichs, Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and
American Entry into World War II (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1988), 133–42.
118. Gerhard L. Weinberg, A World at Arms: A Global History of World
War II, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 252–
119. “C’mon, Let’s Appease Japan,” DN, November 24, 1941.
120. “In the News,” SFE, December 3, 1941.
121. “Mr. Knox Spies a War,” CT, October 27, 1941.
122. “Mr. Roosevelt and Time,” CT, November 29, 1941.
123. “ ‘Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat’—and Poverty,” DN, December 5,
124. “We Hope We’re Proved Liars, but We’re Afraid Not,” DN, December
6, 1941; “Why Should We Believe Him?” DN, December 7, 1941.
125. Some secondary sources say that the Daily News did not publish the
story, but in fact it did. See “ ‘War Plan’ Asks AEF of 5 Million,” DN,
December 4, 1941; and “Ask Congress Probe Plan for Giant AEF,”
DN, December 5, 1941. For the best summaries of the incident, see
Douglas M. Charles, J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-interventionists:
FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security State,
1939–1945 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2007), chapter 5;
and Jerome Edwards, The Foreign Policy of Col. McCormick’s
“Tribune,” 1929–1941 (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1971),
126. “Stimson Assails Telling War Plan,” NYT, December 6, 1941.
127. Quoted in Charles, J. Edgar Hoover, 123.
128. Charles, J. Edgar Hoover, 123; Ickes, Secret Diary, vol. 3, entry for
December 7, 1941, 660.
129. “The Real War Plan,” CT, December 4, 1941.
130. Smith, Colonel, 417, 419.
Chapter 11. Which Side Are You On?
1. “Fallen Hero,” American Experience, accessed January 25, 2021,
2. For a detailed discussion of Hearst’s whereabouts on December 7, see
Taylor Coffman, “Hearst and Pearl Harbor: A Memoir in 41 Parts,” 15,
accessed January 25, 2021,
3. “United Nation Marches to Victory,” SFE, December 8, 1941.
4. “In the News,” SFE, December 8, 1941.
5. “In the News,” SFE, January 29, 1942.
6. “In the News,” SFE, January 25, January 6, February 17, and January
29, 1942.
7. Roosevelt used the term “concentration camp” at the time. See press
conference #853, October 20, 1942, 157, Press Conferences of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library and Museum,
8. “In the News,” SFE, February 21, 1941.
9. Henry McLemore, “The Japs Stay until Feb. 24!” SFE, February 5,
10. “In the News,” SFE, February 17, 1942.
11. “Editorial,” SFE, November 8, 1942.
12. “In the News,” SFE, March 10, 1942.
13. “Editorial,” SFE, October 25, 1942.
14. See, for example, the letters dated December 24, 1941, January 26,
1942, and April 29, 1942, in part 1 of Hearst’s FBI file, FBI Records:
The Vault,
15. “Open Doors of Palestine,” SFE, April 20, 1944. See also “Keep
Palestine Open,” SFE, April 2, 1944. On the Hearst press and
Palestine, see Deborah E. Lipstadt, Beyond Belief: The American Press
and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933–1945 (New York: Free Press,
1986), 224–27.
16. “Jewish Leaders Thank Hearst Papers for Efforts to Keep Palestine
Open,” SFE, April 10, 1944.
17. “We All Have Only One Task,” CT, December 8, 1941.
18. “Our Principal Enemy,” CT, January 14, 1942.
19. “Poisoned News,” CT, July 15, 1944.
20. “America and France,” CT, November 30, 1942.
21. “If Stalin Conquers Europe,” CT, February 15, 1942.
22. “Fascist! That’s New Deal Tag for Its Critics,” CT, March 31, 1944;
“Smear Brigade Sets Stage to Keep FDR In,” CT, February 21, 1944.
23. “Fascist! That’s New Deal Tag for Its Critics.” For anti-Semitic
stereotypes, see the Chicago Tribune cartoons of January 11, 1943,
February 9, 1943, March 23, 1943, August 5, 1943, August 14, 1943,
December 27, 1943, and February 9, 1944.
24. Stolz to McCormick, no date but apparently 1944, folder 18, box 20, I-
61, RRMP.
25. Henning to McCormick, April 12, 1944, folder 18, box 20, I-61,
26. Patterson to McCormick, April 5, 1944, folder 6, box 54, JMPP.
27. Day to Maloney, October 28, 1941, “Editor’s Office, Misc., 1942–
1972, Day, Donald,” XI-125, CTDP.
28. Cable to Mr. Maxwell, August 26, 1942, “Editor’s Office, Misc.,
1942–1972, Day, Donald,” XI-125, CTDP; Maloney to Manly,
September 7, 1942, XI-125, CTDP.
29. Quoted in Mark Weber, foreword to Donald Day, Onward Christian
Soldiers: An American Journalist’s Dissident Look at World War II
(Newport Beach, Calif.: Noontide, 2002), vii. Day was interned for
nine months by the U.S. military after the war. Eventually he got his
U.S. passport back. He freelanced for the Daily Mail and the Tribune
and received a pension from the Tribune until his death in 1966. For
more on Day, see John Carver Edwards, Berlin Calling: American
Broadcasters in Service to the Third Reich (New York: Praeger, 1991),
chapter 6.
30. “The Dies Committee,” CT, March 13, 1942.
31. “Farewell to the Power of the Purse,” CT, March 19, 1942; “ ‘Wild’
New Deal Schemes Ripped in House Debate,” CT, March 4, 1942.
32. “Col. McCormick Warns of Plot to Betray U.S.,” CT, August 7, 1943.
33. John Tebbel, An American Dynasty: The Story of the McCormicks,
Medills and Pattersons (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947), 239.
34. “Pvt. Richard Graff,” CT, February 9, 1942.
35. “Probers Blast REA for Waste of War Metals,” CT, March 6, 1942.
36. “Col. M’Cormick Says Reds Balk Arms to Pacific,” CT, February 16,
37. “Navy Had Word of Jap Plan to Strike at Sea,” CT, June 7, 1942.
38. Trohan to McCormick, folder 7, box 4, XI-317, TCA.
39. On the Tribune’s Midway story, see Richard Norton Smith, The
Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick, 1880–1955
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997), 429–40; Dina Goren,
“Communication Intelligence and the Freedom of the Press: The
Chicago Tribune’s Battle of Midway Dispatch and the Breaking of the
Japanese Naval Code,” Journal of Contemporary History 16, no. 4
(October 1981): 663–90; and David Kahn, The Codebreakers: The
Story of Secret Writing (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967),
40. “In the Open,” CT, August 9, 1942.
41. “Smear Brigade Sets Stage to Keep FDR In: Vilification Plot Unfolds
Again,” CT, February 21, 1944; “Willkie or FDR, It’s All One to
Super-staters,” CT, February 28, 1944.
42. On the AP antitrust suit, see Sam Lebovic, Free Speech and Unfree
News: The Paradox of Press Freedom in America (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 2016), 76–84.
43. “On Slogans,” CT, August 10, 1944.
44. “Whatta Man!” Chicago Daily News, March 19, 1942, PPF 426,
45. “The Adventures of Colonel McCosmic,” Chicago Daily News, March
25, 1942.
46. Memo for the president, April 4, 1942, PPF 426, FDRL.
47. Roosevelt to MacLeish, July 13, 1942, PPF 6295, FDRL.
48. L. M. Birkhead, The Case against the McCormick-Patterson Press
(Girard, Kans.: Haldeman-Julius, 1945), 6.
49. Chalmers M. Roberts, “ . . . And When We Heard,” Washington Post,
December 7, 1991.
50. “Having a Wonderful Time,” WTH, June 21, 1942.
51. Memo, Early to Watson, December 10, 1941, PPF 245, FDRL.
52. “Textual Excerpts from the War Speech,” NYT, December 12, 1941.
53. Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich at War (New York: Penguin, 2009),
54. Grace Tully, FDR: My Boss (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
1949), 291–93, quote at 293; John Chapman, Tell It to Sweeney: The
Informal History of the “New York Daily News” (Garden City, N.Y.:
Doubleday, 1961), 186.
55. Chapman, Tell It to Sweeney, 181–86.
56. “Good-by Wasp,” DN, October 28, 1942.
57. “The White Man’s Burden,” DN, November 1, 1942.
58. October 30, 1944. See also “Give Our Boys a Break—Gas the Japs,”
DN, March 6, 1945; and “We Should Gas Japan,” DN, November 30,
59. “Russia First??” DN, February 6, 1942.
60. “The White Man’s Burden.”
61. “Antidote for Venom,” Camden (N.J.) Courier-Post, May 27, 1942.
For more on anti-Semitism in the war years, see Stephen H. Norwood,
“American Anti-Semitism during World War II,” in A Companion to
World War II, ed. Thomas Zeiler (Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell,
2013), 909–25.
62. Deposition of Robert S. Allen, quoted in “Early Testifies F.R. Termed
Convoys Story ‘Deliberate Lie,’ ” Camden (N.J.) Morning Post,
October 23, 1941.
63. See Betty Houchin Winfield, FDR and the News Media (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 1990), 68; Graham J. White, FDR and the
Press (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), 44–45; Carolyn
Sayler, Doris Fleeson: Incomparably the First Political Journalist of
Her Time (Santa Fe: Sunstone, 2011), 51–53; Chapman, Tell It to
Sweeney, 207–09.
64. John O’Donnell, “Capitol Stuff,” DN, October 3, 1945.
65. Mildred Beetman et al. to Patterson, October 3, 1945, folder 8, box 36,
JMPP. Other letters of protest are in the same folder. On Patterson’s
unfounded fears of an advertising boycott because of O’Donnell’s
column, see Patterson to McCormick, October 18, 1945, and October
22, 1945, both in folder 8, box 54, JMPP.
66. Robert E. Segal, “As We Were Saying,” American Israelite, December
14, 1950; O’Donnell, “Capitol Stuff,” DN, February 2 and October 27,
67. Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, “You Are Reading Pro-Nazi
Poison,” undated, folder 1, box 29, JMPP.
68. Quoted in Tebbel, American Dynasty, 265; Birkhead, McCormick-
Patterson Press, 19.
69. Birkhead, McCormick-Patterson Press, 16–17.
70. “Journalettes,” McComb (Miss.) Daily Journal, May 28, 1942.
71. “House Member Raps at Two Newspapers as Aids to Fascists,”
Cincinnati Enquirer, August 4, 1942.
72. “You’re a Liar, Congressman Holland,” DN, August 5, 1942.
73. Robert Conway to Mr. Fritzinger, memo on anti-News sentiment,
November 5, 1942, folder 1, box 29, JMPP.
74. Night watchman: Patterson to W. B. Denhart, April 30, 1942, folder 7,
box 28, JMPP.
75. Memo, Wallach to Patterson, December 8, 1942, folder 5, box 32,
JMPP. For an example, see the letter about “alien-minded elements”
headlined “Us and Our Public,” DN, November 12, 1942.
76. Patterson to Wallach, December 9, 1942, folder 5, box 32, JMPP.
77. Ayn Rand to Patterson, August 5, 1942, folder 3, box 32, JMPP.
78. “Our Asiatic Crusade,” DN, October 29, 1944.
79. “Of Course We’re for America First,” DN, October 27, 1944.
80. “What Are Our War Aims?” DN, June 13, 1943.
81. “Brave New World,” DN, June 7, 1942.
82. “Dewey on Taxes,” DN, October 6, 1944; “Capitol Stuff,” DN,
November 13, 1944.
83. “The Fourth Term Is the Issue,” DN, October 14, 1944.
84. “President Petulant at Pearson,” DN, September 2, 1943.
85. “Freedom on the Air,” DN, February 17, 1943.
86. “A Fourth Term for Caesar?” DN, August 9, 1942; Morris Ernst to
Patterson, August 7, 1942, folder 9, box 28, JMPP. The date on the
letter appears to be incorrect, for the editorial in question appeared
August 9. Patterson’s reply is dated August 11.
87. “Brave New World.”
88. “60% of Dailies Support Dewey; Roosevelt Backed by 22%,” Editor
& Publisher, November 4, 1944, 9, 68.
89. “Survey of Intelligence Materials No. 19,” April 15, 1942, Office of
War Information: Survey of Intelligence: April 1942, 3, 12, box 155,
90. Hadley Cantril, “Pre–Pearl Harbor Interventionists and Non-
interventionists,” August 3, 1942, “Interventionist Report (pre–Pearl
Harbor), Office of Public Opinion Research,” box 583, DNC. On the
role of isolationism in the 1942 midterms, see Richard E. Darilek, A
Loyal Opposition in Time of War: The Republican Party and the
Politics of Foreign Policy from Pearl Harbor to Yalta (Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood, 1976), 54–55.
91. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., “Franklin Delano Roosevelt,” Time, April
13, 1998.
92. On the Roosevelt administration’s propaganda efforts during the war,
see Steven Casey, Cautious Crusade: Franklin D. Roosevelt, American
Public Opinion, and the War against Nazi Germany (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2001); Michael Leigh, Mobilizing Consent:
Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, 1937–1947 (Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood, 1976), chapter 3; and Winfield, FDR and the News
Media, chapter 8.
93. FDR to Lowell Mellett, January 18, 1944, box 142, PSF Subject file:
Mellett, Lowell, FDRL.
94. Richard W. Steele, “Franklin D. Roosevelt and His Foreign Policy
Critics,” Political Science Quarterly 94, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 30;
Steele, Free Speech in the Good War (New York: St. Martin’s, 1999),
95. Department of Justice, memorandum, content analysis of the Chicago
Daily Tribune; the New York Journal American; and the New York
Daily News, all dated May 19, 1942, “Propaganda, Domestic,” FBP.
96. See Mark A. Stoler, The Politics of the Second Front: American
Military Planning and Diplomacy in Coalition Warfare, 1941–1943
(Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1977), 22–23; and Casey, Cautious
Crusade, 83–84.
97. Tom Driberg, Beaverbrook: A Study in Power and Frustration
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1956), 273.
98. Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie, Lord Beaverbrook: A Life (New
York: Knopf, 1993), 425. See also Bureau of Demobilization,
Industrial Mobilization for War: History of the War Production Board
and Its Predecessor Agencies, 1940–1945, Production and
Administration, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1947), 278–79; and Franklin Roosevelt, State of the Union
Address, January 6, 1942, The American Presidency Project,
99. Winston Churchill, The Second World War: The Grand Alliance, vol. 3
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948–53), 690.
100. Richard Toye, Winston Churchill: A Life in the News (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2020), 199; Clementine Churchill to Winston
Churchill, probably February 12, 1942, in Speaking for Themselves:
The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill, ed. Mary
Soames (London: Doubleday, 1998), 463–64.
101. Chisholm and Davie, Lord Beaverbrook, 428–29.
102. Beaverbrook, “To the Battlefield Let Us Go Forth . . . ,” DE, June 22,
103. Chisholm and Davie, Lord Beaverbrook, 433; Averell Harriman and
Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941–1946 (New
York: Random House, 1975), 133.
104. Quoted in Kenneth Young, Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in
Friendship and Politics (New York: James A. Heineman, 1966), 232.
105. “Mr. Churchill,” DE, September 21, 1942. On Churchill’s relationship
with the press during the war, see Toye, Winston Churchill, chapters 6
and 7.
106. Beaverbrook to Kennedy, September 8, 1942, BBK/C/193, BP.
107. Harold Orlansky, “Reactions to the Death of President Roosevelt,”
Journal of Social Psychology 26, no. 2 (November 1947): 239.
108. “President Roosevelt,” SFE, April 13, 1945.
109. Smith, Colonel, 454; “A Nation Mourns,” CT, April 13, 1945.
110. “Famous Sayings of Franklin D. Roosevelt,” DN, April 13, 1945.
111. “Roosevelt in History,” DN, April 14, 1945.
112. “Three of the Big Ones Dead in a Month,” DN, May 5, 1945.
113. Quoted in Tebbel, American Dynasty, 270.
114. Luce to Beaverbrook, May 10, 1945, BBK/C/227, BP.
115. “More Silence about Pearl Harbor,” DN, October 22, 1944.
116. “Of Course We’re for America First.”
117. “Three Years Ago Today,” DN, December 7, 1944.
118. John T. Flynn, “Records Bare Truth about Pearl Harbor,” CT, October
22, 1944.
119. John T. Flynn, “Exposes More Secrets of Pearl Harbor Scandal,” CT,
September 2, 1945.
120. See David Kahn, “The Intelligence Failure of Pearl Harbor,” Foreign
Affairs 70, no. 5 (Winter 1991): 138–53. On Pearl Harbor conspiracy
theories, see Kathryn S. Olmsted, Real Enemies: Conspiracy Theories
and American Democracy, World War I to 9/11 (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2009), chapter 2.
121. McCormick to Ator, September 9, 1945, and November 7, 1945, folder
5, box 9, I-61, RRMP.
1. Alice Albright Hoge, Cissy Patterson (New York: Random House,
1966), 185.
2. “Joseph Medill Patterson,” DN, May 27, 1946.
3. Matthew Pressman astutely analyzes the right-wing populism of the
Daily News from the 1940s to the 1960s in his unpublished conference
paper, “Tabloid Journalism and Right-Wing Populism: The New York
Daily News in the Mid-20th Century” (paper delivered at the annual
conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication, Toronto, August 2019).
4. “Passing of a Giant,” Time, June 3, 1946.
5. “News Elects New Officers,” DN, September 2, 1946.
6. “Strange Bedfellows, Etc.,” DN, March 30, 1947.
7. McCormick to Cissy Patterson, November 6, 1946, “Patterson Family:
Eleanor Medill Patterson, 1941–1948,” box 90, I-60, RRMP.
8. See Walter Trohan to McCormick, September 1, 1948, “Patterson
Family: Eleanor Medill Patterson, Death and Estate, 1948–1954,” box
90, I-60, RRMP.
9. “Cissie,” Time, August 2, 1948.
10. “Outpost,” Time, April 11, 1949.
11. Richard Norton Smith, The Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R.
McCormick, 1880–1955 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997), 517–18.
12. “W. R. Hearst,” Manchester Guardian, August 15, 1951.
13. “William Randolph Hearst,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 15, 1951.
14. “William Randolph Hearst,” Dayton Daily News, August 15, 1951.
15. “In the Beaver’s News Kingdom Empire Propaganda Comes First,”
Newsweek, April 28, 1952, 48.
16. “In the Beaver’s News Kingdom Empire Propaganda Comes First.”
17. McCormick to Ator, August 15, 1946, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
18. “Flying Carpet,” Time, March 20, 1950; McCormick to Ator, August
21, 1948, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
19. “3 Men Called a Government in Themselves,” CT, May 29, 1950.
20. McCormick to Maloney, June 10, 1950, “Lehman, Frankfurter and
Morgenthau,” box 44, I-60, RRMP.
21. McCormick to Wheeler, June 5, 1950, “Jewry, 1929–1950,” box 44, I-
60, RRMP. On conservatives’ use of the discourse of victimhood, see
Lee Bebout, “Weaponizing Victimhood: Discourses of Oppression and
the Maintenance of Supremacy on the Right,” in News on the Right:
Studying Conservative News Cultures, ed. Anthony Nadler and A. J.
Bauer (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), 64–83.
22. “How We Earned His Hate,” CT, June 11, 1948.
23. McCormick to Ator, May 26, 1953, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
24. “Rip Van Winkle Wakes Up,” CT, October 4, 1952.
25. McCormick to Ator, August 28, 1945, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
26. McCormick to Ator, June 27, 1947, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
27. McCormick to Ator, October 7, 1947, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
28. “Why Change Jackasses in Midstream?” CT, November 13, 1949.
29. See, for example, the Tribune’s suggestion that all foreign and
domestic intelligence be placed under Hoover’s control: “Intelligence
Flops,” CT, July 1, 1955.
30. McCormick to Ator, August 31, 1951, folder 8, box 8, I-61, RRMP.
31. “Eisenhower or Stevenson?” CT, October 26, 1952.
32. See the correspondence between Herbert Hoover and Henry Regnery
regarding Hoover’s efforts to raise money for Human Events, folder
“Regnery, Henry, 1945–1960,” box 183, PPI, HHL. On the founding of
Human Events, see “Human Events, 1944–,” in The Conservative
Press in Twentieth-Century America, ed. Ronald Lora and William
Henry Longton (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1999), 449–59. On the
old isolationists after World War II, see Justus D. Doenecke, Not to the
Swift: The Old Isolationists in the Cold War Era (Lewisburg: Bucknell
University Press, 1979).
33. On changes in the media after World War II, see Matthew Pressman,
On Press: The Liberal Values That Shaped the News (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2018). For more on conservatives’
attacks on the allegedly liberal media, see Eric Alterman, What Liberal
Media? The Truth about Bias and the News (New York: Basic, 2003).
34. Felix Morley, “An Adventure in Journalism,” in A Year of Human
Events (Washington, D.C.: Human Events, 1945), vii.
35. Nicole Hemmer, Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the
Transformation of American Politics (Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2016), 17.
36. For other scholars who find the origins of modern conservatism in the
1930s, see Joseph E. Lowndes, From the New Deal to the New Right:
Race and the Southern Origins of Modern Conservatism (New Haven:
Yale University Press, 2008); Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The
Businessmen’s Crusade against the New Deal (New York: Norton,
2010); Elliot A. Rosen, The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt:
Sources of Anti-Government Conservatism in the United States
(Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2014); Clyde P. Weed,
The Nemesis of Reform: The Republican Party during the New Deal
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1994); and Jefferson Cowie,
The Great Exception: The New Deal and the Limits of American
Politics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017).
37. McCormick to Walter Trohan, November 14, 1946, “Chicago Tribune
—McCormick, Robert R., 1944–47,” box 10, WTP.
38. “Col. McCormick Sees New Party With ’56 Slate,” CT, September 5,
39. “The Real Platform,” CT, August 20, 1952.
40. “ ‘For America’ Group Formed by 14 Leaders,” CT, May 8, 1954.
41. Hemmer, Messengers, 133.
42. Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie, Lord Beaverbrook: A Life (New
York: Knopf, 1993), 509–11.
43. Chisholm and Davie, Lord Beaverbrook, 462–66; “In the Beaver’s
News Kingdom Empire Propaganda Comes First,” Newsweek, April
28, 1952, 48–51.
44. “ ‘Gestapo in Britain if Socialists Win,’ ” DE, June 5, 1945.
45. “What Attlee Said: The National Socialists,” DE, June 6, 1945.
46. “Tories Will Regret Beaverbrook,” Manchester Guardian, June 21,
47. “Heavy Poll Foreshadowed by Party Organisers,” Manchester
Guardian, June 22, 1945.
48. “Who Are the Guilty Men?” DE, June 23, 1945.
49. Michael Wolff, The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World
of Rupert Murdoch (New York: Broadway Books, 2010), 71–72.
50. Beaverbrook, “Do You Care if We Lose the Empire?” Sunday Express,
January 27, 1952, in Beaverbrook scrapbooks, BBK/L/64, BP.
51. “Beaverbrook’s Title Is Renounced by Son,” NYT, June 12, 1964.
52. “Get Britain out of Europe,” DE, November 25, 2010.
53. “From Ferrets to Fish . . . New EU Laws That Are Ruining Britain,”
DE, June 24, 2014; United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High
Commissioner, press release, “UN Human Rights Chief Urges U.K. to
Tackle Tabloid Hate Speech,” April 24, 2015,
54. “We Did It! Decade-Old Daily Express Crusade Comes to an End with
Brexit Victory,” DE, January 10, 2020. For a discussion of the British
press and Brexit, see Angela Phillips, “The British Right-Wing
Mainstream and the European Referendum,” in Nadler and Bauer,
News on the Right, 141–56.
55. “The Tribune’s Colonel Dies,” Life, April 11, 1955, 47.
56. “Sir Winston’s Tribute,” Guardian, June 10, 1964.
57. Si Sheppard, The Partisan Press: A History of Media Bias in the
United States (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2008), 260. On the postwar
British press, see Jeremy Tunstall, Newspaper Power: The New
National Press in Britain (Oxford: Clarendon, 1996).
58. “Trump’s Full Inauguration Speech,” January 20, 2017, New York
Illustrations are indicated by italicized page numbers.
advertising, (i), (ii)
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1938), (i)
Aitken, Max. See Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron
Aitken, Max (Beaverbrook’s son), (i)
Allen, George, (i)
“America First” (as Hearst slogan), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
America First Committee (AFC), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n97
American Jewish Congress, (i)
American Society of Newspaper Editors, (i)
American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, (i)
Amery, Leo, (i)
anti-Asian racism: in Daily News, (i), (ii), (iii); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii); “yellow peril,” (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v), (vi). See also race and racism; white supremacy
anti-Semitism: Beaverbrook and, (i); British Union of Fascists and, (i);
Chicago Tribune and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Daily News and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v); FDR on, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); isolationism and, (i),
(ii), (iii); Jewish refugees and, (i); Kristallnacht and, (i); McCormick
and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); nationalism of today and, (i); Neutrality Act and,
(i); Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v); press lords’ appeasement and, (i); Rothermere and, (i), (ii). See
also concentration camps; Jews and Judaism; race and racism; white
appeasement: Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix),
(x), (xi); Chamberlain and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Churchill and, (i), (ii);
FDR and, (i); Halifax and, (i); Hearst and, (i); historiography of, (i)n75;
Kristallnacht and, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii);
Rothermere and, (i), (ii), (iii); Sudetenland crisis and, (i). See also
arms sales: bases-destroyers deal (United States and Britain), (i); Lend-
Lease and, (i); Neutrality Act and, (i), (ii)
Arnold, Hap, (i)
Asquith, H. H., (i)
Associated Press, (i), (ii)
Astor, Vincent, (i), (ii)
Atlantic Conference (1941), (i), (ii)
Attlee, Clement, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Austria: emigration from, (i); German occupation of, (i), (ii), (iii);
Kristallnacht and, (i)
Baldwin, Stanley, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
Barth, Alan, (i), (ii)
Batchelor, C. D., (i)
Battle of Britain (1940), (i)
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, (i), (ii); on American
press, (i); anti-Semitism and, (i); Baldwin and, (i); British war effort
and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); Chamberlain and, (i), (ii); Churchill and, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); as diplomat, (i), (ii);
editorial style of, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii); on German atrocities, (i); on
Hitler, (i), (ii), (iii); imperialism of, (i), (ii), (iii); isolationism of, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); Italian invasion of Ethiopia and, (i); League of
Nations and, (i); legacy of, (i); lifestyle and character, (i), (ii), (iii);
media empire of, (i); as minister of aircraft production, (i), (ii); on
newspapers as propaganda, (i); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v), (vi); political affiliation of, (i); Ribbentrop and, (i); Rothermere and,
(i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Sudetenland crisis and, (i)
Bennett, James Gordon, (i)
Bennett, Todd, (i)
Bevin, Ernest, (i)
Biddle, Francis, (i), (ii), (iii)
Bierce, Ambrose, (i)
Bingham, Adrian, (i)
Blackshirts. See British Union of Fascists; Mussolini, Benito
Black, Winifred, (i)
Blenheim Bomber, (i)
Boer War, (i)
Bolshevik Revolution, (i)
Borah, William, (i), (ii)
Bowles, Chester, (i)
Boxer Rebellion, (i)
Breitbart, (i)
Breitman, Richard, (i)
Brisbane, Arthur, (i)
Britain. See Great Britain
British Union of Fascists (BUF), (i), (ii)
Brooks, Collin, (i)
Browder, Earl, (i)
Cairns, Kathleen, (i)
Campbell, Patrick, (i)
Cantigny, battle of, (i), (ii)
Cantigny War Memorial of the First Division, (i)
Cantril, Hadley, (i)
cash-and-carry clause (Neutrality Act), (i), (ii), (iii)
Chamberlain, Neville: Anschluss and, (i)n72; appeasement and, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii); German invasion of Norway and,
(i); “guilty man” trope and, (i); newspapers’ influence on, (i);
Sudetenland crisis and, (i)
Chicago Examiner, (i)
Chicago Sun, (i), (ii), (iii)
Chicago Times, (i), (ii)
Chicago Tribune: Anschluss and, (i); anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv);
on British requests for aid, (i); circulation numbers of, (i), (ii), (iii); on
conflict with Japan, (i); foreign news service of, (i); Hoover endorsed
by, (i); on interventionist propaganda, (i), (ii), (iii); isolationism and, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv); Lend-Lease bill and, (i); Medill and, (i); Nazism and, (i);
Neutrality Act and, (i), (ii); as partisan organ, (i), (ii); on Pearl Harbor,
(i), (ii); slogan of, (i), (ii), (iii)n13; top-secret military documents
published in, (i), (ii), (iii); Willkie and, (i)
child labor, (i)
Chisholm, Anne, (i)
Christiansen, Arthur, (i), (ii)
Churchill, Clementine, (i), (ii)
Churchill, Winston, (i); bases-destroyers deal with United States, (i);
Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi);
cabinet appointment of, (i); Hearst and, (i); on Hitler, (i), (ii);
interventionism of, (i), (ii), (iii); premiership ascension of, (i); request
for American aid by, (i); Rothermere and, (i); on Sudetenland crisis, (i);
wilderness years of, (i), (ii)n36
circulation numbers: Chicago Tribune, (i), (ii), (iii); Daily Express, (i);
Daily Mail, (i), (ii); Daily News, (i), (ii); Luce’s magazines, (i); sales
and readership, (i)n3; Scripps-Howard papers, (i)
Citizen Kane (film), (i), (ii)
class: Daily Express and, (i); Daily News and, (i); Hearst on taxation and,
(i); newspaper readership and, (i), (ii)
Coblentz, Edmond, (i), (ii)n61
Cockett, Richard, (i)
collective security, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
comics, (i), (ii), (iii)
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, (i)
Communism and Red peril: Churchill on, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v), (vi), (vii), (viii); Ickes on, (i); McCormick and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v); Rothermere on, (i), (ii)
concentration camps: Anschluss and, (i); establishment of, (i), (ii), (iii);
FDR’s use of term, (i)n7; Kristallnacht and, (i); liberation of, (i);
political prisoners in, (i). See also anti-Semitism
conservatism: Hearst and, (i); McCormick and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); in media
environment of 1930s and 40s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); media favoritism
and, (i); newspaper ownership and, (i)
Conservative Party: Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii); British Union of
Fascists and, (i); Chamberlain and, (i); German invasion of Norway and,
(i); Rothermere and, (i), (ii)
conspiracy theories: Beaverbrook and, (i); Hearst and, (i); McCormick and,
(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); Joseph Patterson and, (i); Pearl Harbor
revisionism, (i); press lords’ legacy of, (i), (ii)
Coolidge, Calvin, (i)
Cooper, Duff, (i), (ii)
Coughlin, Charles, (i)
Council for Democracy, (i)
court reform, (i), (ii)
Creelman, James, (i)
Crocker, Harry, (i), (ii)n61
Cromwell, Oliver, (i)
Cudlipp, Hugh, (i), (ii)
Czechoslovakia: Churchill on, (i); invasion of, (i); Rhineland invasion and,
(i); Sudetenland crisis and, (i); Treaty of Trianon and, (i)
Daily Express: advocacy for European second front, (i); Anschluss and, (i);
Beaverbrook’s acquisition of, (i); Brexit and, (i); on British war
regulations, (i); circulation numbers of, (i); crusader in masthead of, (i),
(ii), (iii)n19; free insurance war and, (i); on invasion of Poland, (i);
isolationist campaigns of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); McCormick on, (i); on Nazi
atrocities, (i); Nazism and, (i); Rhineland invasion and, (i); Spanish
Civil War and, (i); Sudetenland crisis and, (i), (ii), (iii). See also
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron
Daily Mail: appeasement stance of, (i), (ii), (iii); Blackshirts and, (i),
(ii)n79; on Churchill, (i); circulation numbers of, (i), (ii); founding of,
(i); free insurance war and, (i); Hitler and Nazism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v); Mussolini and, (i), (ii); Rothermere and, (i); Spanish Civil War and,
(i); Zinoviev letter and, (i). See also Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth,
1st Viscount
Daily Mirror, (i), (ii)
Daily News: on aid to Allies, (i); anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v);
on bases-destroyers deal, (i); circulation numbers of, (i), (ii);
digitization of, (i); elitism and, (i), (ii); on FDR’s death, (i); founding
and development of, (i); on German atrocities, (i); isolationism in, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); on Japan, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); on
Lend-Lease bill, (i), (ii), (iii)n21; Lindbergh and, (i); Neutrality Act and,
(i), (ii); Pearl Harbor revisionism in, (i); Rhineland invasion and, (i);
Rothermere and, (i); Sudetenland crisis and, (i); top-secret military
documents published in, (i), (ii), (iii)n125; on U-boat attacks, (i); on
Willkie vs. FDR, (i). See also Patterson, Joseph Medill
Daily Telegraph, (i), (ii), (iii)
Daladier, Edouard, (i)
Dana, Charles, (i)
Davie, Michael, (i)
Davies, Marion, (i), (ii), (iii)
Dawson, Geoffrey, (i), (ii)
Day, Donald, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n29
Dayton Daily News, (i)
Debs, Eugene V., (i)
De Casseres, Benjamin, (i)
Democratic Party: gift tax and, (i)n32; Hearst and, (i), (ii); New Deal and,
(i), (ii); Joseph Patterson and, (i)
Denmark, German invasion of, (i)
Dewey, Thomas, (i), (ii), (iii)
Dilling, Elizabeth, (i)
Doherty, Thomas, (i)n55
domestic vs. foreign policy influence: Beaverbrook and, (i); Hearst and, (i),
(ii), (iii); Luce and, (i); McCormick and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi);
Cissy Patterson and, (i); Joseph Patterson and, (i); press lords’
effectiveness in, (i), (ii); Rothermere and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Dowding, Hugh, (i)
Dower House (Maryland), (i)
Dunn, Susan, (i)n81
Early, Steve, (i), (ii), (iii)
Eden, Anthony, (i), (ii)
Edward VIII (king), (i), (ii)
Eisenhower, Dwight, (i)
elections. See parliamentary elections; presidential elections
elitism and anti-elitism, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
“Empire crusader” (in Daily Express masthead), (i), (ii)
Encyclopedia of American Journalism, (i)
Ethiopia, Italian aggression against, (i), (ii), (iii)
Evening News, (i)
Evening Standard, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
fake news. See conspiracy theories; lies and falsehoods
Farley, Jim, (i)
fascism: Beaverbrook and, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson and, (i),
(ii); Rothermere and, (i), (ii), (iii); Spanish Civil War and, (i). See also
Nazis and Nazism
Fascist Defence Force, (i)
Field, Marshall, III, (i), (ii)
Fight for Freedom Committee, (i)
film industry and propaganda, (i), (ii)n55
Finland, Soviet invasion of, (i)
Fireside Chats, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Fish, Hamilton, (i)
Flynn, John T., (i), (ii)
Foot, Michael, (i), (ii)
For America, (i)
Ford, Henry, (i)
foreign policy influence. See domestic vs. foreign policy influence
Fortune, (i)
Four Freedoms speech, (i)
Fox News, (i)
France: failure to stop advance of fascism, (i); German invasion of, (i), (ii);
Sudetenland crisis and, (i), (ii)
Franco, Francisco, (i)
Frankfurter, Felix, (i), (ii), (iii)
free insurance war, (i)
“From across the Atlantic” (Beaverbrook pamphlet), (i), (ii)
Gabriel over the White House (Hearst film), (i)
Gandhi, Mohandas, (i)
Gannett, Frank, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Garner, John Nance, (i)
George VI (king), (i)
Germany: Atlantic conflict with United States, (i); Czechoslovakia invaded
by, (i); declaration of war against United States, (i); Munich agreement
and, (i), (ii); Nazi election victories in, (i); propaganda campaigns in
United States by, (i); Rhineland occupation by, (i); Scandinavian
campaigns of, (i); Soviet Union and, (i), (ii); Tripartite Pact and, (i). See
also Hitler, Adolf; Nazis and Nazism
Gestapo, (i)
Gilbert, Martin, (i)n36
Gizycka, Felicia, (i), (ii)
Gizycki, Josef, (i)
Goldwyn, Samuel, (i), (ii)n56
Gollancz, Victor, (i)
Göring, Hermann, (i)
Grant, Madison, (i)
Great Britain: Brexit and, (i); Chicago Tribune and distrust of, (i);
Czechoslovakia invasion and, (i); Daily News and distrust of, (i);
decolonization and, (i), (ii); Hearst papers and distrust of, (i); Hitler’s
Rhineland invasion and, (i); Poland and, (i), (ii); propaganda campaign
in United States by, (i); state influence on newspapers in, (i);
Sudetenland crisis and, (i). See also imperialism; specific leaders
Great Depression, (i), (ii)
Great War, (i), (ii), (iii)
Greer, U-boat attack against, (i)
Guilty Men (Foot, Owen, & Howard), (i)
Haiti, U.S. occupation of, (i)
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, (i), (ii), (iii)
Hanfstaengl, Ernst, (i), (ii)
Harbor Acres (Long Island), (i)
Harmsworth, Alfred. See Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount
Harmsworth, Esmond, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Harmsworth, Harold. See Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount
Harriman, Averell, (i)
Hart, Merwin K., (i)
Hart, Moss, (i)n56
Hearst, Millicent, (i)
Hearst, William Randolph, (i), (ii), (iii); anti-Asian racism and, (i), (ii), (iii);
anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); on bases-destroyers deal, (i);
Churchill and, (i), (ii); circulation numbers of, (i); Citizen Kane and, (i);
Communism and Red peril and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii);
death and legacy of, (i); editorial style of, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); Hitler and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n61; on
ideal newspaper, (i); imperialism of, (i), (ii); isolationism of, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv), (v); on Japan, (i), (ii), (iii); Landon’s presidential campaign
and, (i); League of Nations and, (i); Lend-Lease bill and, (i); lifestyle
and character, (i), (ii); on McCormick, (i); media empire of, (i); near-
bankruptcy of, (i); Neutrality Act and, (i), (ii); New Deal and, (i), (ii);
Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n42; Pearl Harbor and, (i);
political affiliation of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n97; Theodore Roosevelt
and, (i)n47; Willkie and, (i)
Hearst Metrotone News, (i)
Hecht, Ben, (i)
hemispheric imperialism, (i), (ii). See also imperialism
Hemmer, Nicole, (i)
Henning, Arthur Sears, (i), (ii), (iii)
Herzstein, Robert, (i)
Hindenburg, Paul von, (i)
Hitchcock, Alfred: Foreign Correspondent, (i)
Hitler, Adolf, (i); Anschluss and, (i); Battle of Britain and, (i); Beaverbrook
on, (i), (ii), (iii); early threat of, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n61;
invasion of Czechoslovakia and, (i); Joseph Patterson on, (i), (ii);
Rhineland invasion and, (i); Rothermere and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi),
(vii), (viii), (ix)n48; Schultz on, (i); Sudetenland crisis and, (i); war
declaration against United States, (i). See also anti-Semitism; Nazis and
Hoare, Sam, (i), (ii)
Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst, Stephanie, (i), (ii), (iii)
Holland, Elmer J., (i)
Holliss, Roy C., (i)
homosexuality, (i)
Hood, Raymond, (i)
Hoover, Herbert, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n38
Hough, Richard, (i)
Howard, Peter, (i)
Howard, Roy, (i), (ii), (iii)
Howey, Walter, (i), (ii)
Hucker, Daniel, (i), (ii)
Human Events newsletter, (i)
Hungary, (i), (ii), (iii)
Ickes, Harold: on Chicago Tribune, (i); FDR’s quarantine speech and, (i);
on Hearst, (i); on McCormick, (i); on New Deal, (i); on “newspaper
axis,” (i), (ii), (iii); on Joseph Patterson, (i); Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii)
immigration, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
imperialism: Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); decolonization and,
(i); Hearst and, (i), (ii); hemispheric, (i), (ii); interventionism vs., (i);
McCormick and, (i); newspaper readership and, (i), (ii); press barons
protecting, (i)
Independent Labour Party, (i)
international institutions: Beaverbrook on, (i); Hearst and, (i); Luce on, (i);
McCormick on, (i); Joseph Patterson on, (i); post-war creation of, (i)
International News Service, (i)
isolationism: after Pearl Harbor, (i); American aid to Allies vs., (i), (ii);
anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii); arms sales and, (i); Axis territorial
gains and, (i); FDR’s quarantine speech against, (i); origins and
meaning of, (i), (ii)n23, (iii)n29; Pearl Harbor and, (i); propaganda
campaigns against, (i); use of term, (i). See also specific press lords and
Italy: declaration of war against Great Britain, (i); declaration of war
against United States, (i); Ethiopia and, (i), (ii), (iii); Tripartite Pact and,
(i). See also Mussolini, Benito
Japan: China invaded by, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson’s views against, (i), (ii),
(iii); Tripartite Pact and, (i); United States and, (i), (ii). See also anti-
Asian racism
Jews and Judaism: Anschluss and, (i); Daily News boycott and, (i); film
industry and, (i); Hearst and, (i); isolationists’ concerns over, (i);
Kristallnacht and, (i), (ii); press ownership and, (i). See also anti-
Johnson Act (1934), (i)
Johnson, Boris, (i)
Johnston, Stanley, (i)
journalism: Hearst’s influence on, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); mass-production and
distribution, (i); Northcliffe’s influence on, (i); objectivity as ideal of,
(i); press lords’ legacy in, (i); women in, (i), (ii), (iii)n1. See also
newspapers; specific newspapers
Jung, Harry, (i), (ii)
Kearny, U-boat attack against, (i)
Kennedy, Joseph, (i), (ii)
King, Cecil Harmsworth, (i)
King, Ernest, (i)
Kinsella, William, (i)
Kipling, Rudyard, (i)n43
Knox, Frank, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Kristallnacht, (i)
Labour Party: Churchill on, (i); German invasion of Norway and, (i);
Hitlerism and, (i); Rothermere and, (i)
La Follette, Robert, Jr., (i)
Landon, Alf, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Latin America: Hearst advocating for U.S. intervention in, (i), (ii);
McCormick advocating for U.S. intervention in, (i), (ii)
Law, Andrew Bonar, (i), (ii)n35
League of Nations, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
League of Nations Union (advocacy group), (i)
Lehman, Herbert, (i)
Lichtman, Allan, (i)
Liebling, A. J., (i)
lies and falsehoods: Chicago Tribune and, (i), (ii); radio broadcasting and,
(i). See also conspiracy theories
Life, (i)
Lincoln, Abraham, (i)
Lindbergh, Charles, (i), (ii)
Lippmann, Walter, (i)
Lloyd George, David, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Long, Huey, (i), (ii)
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, (i), (ii)
Longworth, Nicholas, (i)
Los Angeles Times, (i)
Lothian, Philip Kerr, 11th Marquess of, (i), (ii)n3
Low, David, (i)
Luce, Clare Boothe, (i)
Luce, Henry, (i), (ii), (iii)
Lundberg, Ferdinand, (i)
MacArthur, Charles, (i)
MacDonald, Ramsay, (i), (ii)
MacLeish, Archibald, (i), (ii), (iii)
USS Maine, (i)
Maisky, Ivan, (i)
Manchester Guardian, (i), (ii)
Mandela, Nelson, (i)
Manion, Clarence, (i)
March of Time radio show and newsreels, (i)
Marshall Plan, (i)
Masaryk, Jan, (i)
masculinity and male dominance, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
mass production and distribution, (i), (ii), (iii)
Maury, Reuben, (i)
Mayer, Louis B., (i)
McCarthy, Joseph, (i), (ii)
McClatchy, Eleanor, (i)n1
McCormick, Maryland (wife of Robert Rutherford McCormick), (i)
McCormick, Medill, (i), (ii), (iii)
McCormick, Robert Rutherford, (i), (ii); America First Committee and, (i);
on American war effort, (i); anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v),
(vi); on bases-destroyers deal, (i); conspiracy theories and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v), (vi), (vii); death of, (i); dislike of British, (i), (ii); editorial style
of, (i), (ii), (iii); on Ethiopia, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi),
(vii), (viii); Hoover and, (i); on interventionist propaganda, (i), (ii);
isolationism of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); on Japan, (i); League of Nations
and, (i); legacy of, (i); Lend-Lease debate and, (i); lifestyle and
character, (i), (ii), (iii); media empire of, (i); Neutrality Act and, (i), (ii);
New Deal and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii);
Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii); Pearl Harbor and, (i), (ii), (iii);
political affiliation of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); top-secret military plans
published by, (i), (ii), (iii); Tribune’s foreign news service and, (i);
Willkie and, (i); World War I service of, (i)
McCormick, Robert Sanderson, (i)
McGovern, John, (i)
McLemore, Henry, (i)
Medill, Elinor, (i)
Medill, Katharine, (i)
Mellon, Andrew, (i)
Mexico, (i)
Meyer, Eugene, (i), (ii), (iii)
Monroe, James, (i)
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Mosley, Oswald, (i)
Mugridge, Ian, (i)n97
Murdoch, Keith, (i), (ii)
Murdoch, Rupert, (i), (ii)
Murrow, Edward R., (i), (ii)
Mussolini, Benito: Beaverbrook and, (i); Ethiopia threatened by, (i), (ii);
fascism and, (i); Germany’s war efforts joined by, (i); Hearst on, (i), (ii);
invasion of Poland and, (i); Munich peace agreement and, (i); Joseph
Patterson and, (i); Rothermere and, (i), (ii)
National Association of Broadcasters, (i)
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), (i), (ii)
nationalism: Beaverbrook and, (i); Blackshirts and, (i); Hearst and, (i);
McCormick and, (i), (ii); newspaper readership and, (i), (ii); Joseph
Patterson and, (i), (ii); today’s form of, (i)
National Origins Act (1924), (i)
National Recovery Administration (NRA), (i)
Nazis and Nazism: Anschluss and, (i); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii);
Churchill on, (i); Daily News and, (i); election victories of, (i); film
industry and, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii)n59; McCormick and, (i), (ii);
Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii); Rothermere and, (i), (ii), (iii);
terrorist tactics of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Neutrality Act, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); FDR and, (i), (ii), (iii); Hearst
and, (i), (ii); McCormick and, (i); Cissy Patterson and, (i); Joseph
Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii)
New Deal, (i); Daily News on, (i); fall of France and, (i); Gannett and, (i);
Hearst and, (i), (ii); Howard and, (i); Ickes and, (i); McCormick and, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson
and, (i), (ii), (iii)
newspapers: access to archives of, (i); class appeal of, (i), (ii); consolidation
of, (i); growing readership of, (i); influence of, (i). See also specific
News Syndicate Inc., (i)
New York American, (i), (ii)
New York Daily News. See Daily News
New York Herald Tribune, (i), (ii), (iii)n1
New York Journal, (i), (ii), (iii)
New York Post, (i), (ii)n1
New York Times, (i), (ii)
New York World, (i)
Night of the Long Knives (1934), (i), (ii), (iii)
Nixon, Richard, (i)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, (i)
Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount: free insurance war and, (i);
Hearst compared to, (i), (ii); media empire of, (i); Joseph Patterson and,
Norway, German invasion of, (i)
Nye, Gerald, (i)
objectivity as journalistic ideal, (i)
O’Donnell, John, (i), (ii), (iii)n65
Outcault, Richard, (i)
Owen, Frank, (i)
Pacific first strategy: Hearst on, (i); Joseph Patterson on, (i), (ii); Roosevelt
on, (i)
parliamentary elections: Baldwin’s victory in, (i); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii);
Zinoviev letter and, (i)
Pasley, Fred, (i)
Patria (Hearst serial), (i)
Patterson, Eleanor “Cissy” Medill, (i), (ii), (iii)n1; on American war effort,
(i); anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii); death and legacy of, (i); editorial
style of, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii); Hearst, William Randolph and, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv)n42; Ickes and, (i); isolationism of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); lifestyle
and character, (i), (ii), (iii); Neutrality Act and, (i); New Deal and, (i),
(ii); newsroom culture and, (i); as novelist and writer, (i); Joseph
Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii); Pearl Harbor and, (i), (ii); political
affiliation of, (i)
Patterson, Joseph Medill, (i), (ii); America First Committee and, (i), (ii); on
American war effort, (i); anti-Asian racism and, (i), (ii), (iii); anti-
Semitism and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v), (vi); Daily News developed by, (i); death and legacy of, (i); editorial
style of, (i); on elitism, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii),
(viii), (ix), (x); on Hitler, (i), (ii); Howey and, (i); isolationism of, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii); Italian invasion
of Ethiopia and, (i); League of Nations and, (i); Lend-Lease debate and,
(i); lifestyle and character, (i); McCormick and, (i), (ii), (iii); military
service of, (i); Neutrality Act and, (i); New Deal and, (i), (ii), (iii); as
novelist and war correspondent, (i); Pearl Harbor and, (i), (ii); political
affiliation of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n32; U-boat attacks and, (i); World War I
service of, (i)
Patterson, Robert, (i)
Patton, George, (i)
Payne, Stanley, (i)
“Peace Ballot” survey (1934), (i)
Pearl Harbor, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Pearson, Drew, (i)
Pelley, William, (i)
Philadelphia Inquirer, (i)
Pizzitola, Louis, (i), (ii)n59, (iii)n61
Poland: British guarantees to, (i), (ii), (iii); German invasion of, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv); League of Nations and, (i); Soviet invasion of, (i), (ii)
polling. See public opinion polling
populism: Beaverbrook and, (i); Daily News and, (i)n3; Hearst and, (i);
McCormick and, (i); newspaper readership and, (i), (ii), (iii)
presidential elections: Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); mainstream
media’s opposition to FDR in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); McCormick and, (i),
(ii), (iii); Cissy Patterson and, (i); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v); Willkie vs. FDR, (i)
press lords. See domestic vs. foreign policy influence; specific press lords
Pressman, Matthew, (i)n3
Price, G. Ward, (i), (ii), (iii)
Prohibition, (i), (ii)
propaganda: Beaverbrook and Patterson’s partnership in, (i), (ii);
Beaverbrook on, (i), (ii); Hearst’s dissemination of Nazi, (i), (ii); against
isolationism, (i), (ii); newspapers deployed as, (i); Spanish Civil War
and, (i)
public opinion polling: advent of, (i); Americans on joining war, (i), (ii),
(iii), (iv)n81; anti-Semitism and, (i), (ii)n30; British on Anschluss,
(i)n72; British on Chamberlain and Munich agreement, (i); British on
newspaper influence, (i); FDR and, (i), (ii)
Pugh, Martin, (i)n79
Pulitzer, Joseph, (i), (ii)
race and racism: Beaverbrook and, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv);
Lindbergh and, (i); National Origins Act and, (i); Joseph Patterson and,
(i), (ii), (iii); press lords’ legacy of, (i), (ii); Rothermere and, (i). See
also anti-Asian racism; anti-Semitism; white supremacy
radio: broadcast regulation of, (i); FDR and, (i); McCormick and, (i)
Rand, Ayn, (i)
Rascoe, Burton, (i)
rearmament: aircraft production and, (i); American aid and, (i); Churchill
on, (i); Daily Express on, (i), (ii); FDR and, (i); Germany and Munich
agreement, (i), (ii); Labour Party and, (i); Rothermere and, (i)
Red peril. See Communism
Reid, Helen Rogers, (i)n1
Reid, Ogden Mills, (i)n1
Remington, Frederic, (i), (ii)
Republican Party, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Reuben James, U-boat attack against, (i)
Reynolds, David, (i)n3
Reynolds, Robert, (i), (ii)
Reynolds, Rothay, (i)
Rhineland, German occupation of (1936), (i)
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Richards, Denis, (i)
Riefenstahl, Leni, (i)
Roehm, Ernst, (i)
Roosevelt, Alice. See Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Eleanor, (i), (ii)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (“FDR” in this index), (i), (ii); bases-destroyers
deal with Britain, (i); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii); court reform and,
(i); death of, (i); decolonization and, (i); Hearst and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); on Hitler, (i); interventionist efforts of, (i),
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v); Jewish refugees and, (i); Lend-Lease policy and, (i);
McCormick and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); Neutrality Act
and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); Panay bombing and, (i); Cissy Patterson
and, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii),
(viii), (ix), (x); propaganda campaign against isolationism and, (i), (ii);
on right-wing press barons, (i); third-term nomination of, (i), (ii); U-
boat attacks and, (i). See also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore, (i), (ii)n47
Rosenberg, Alfred, (i)
Rosenberg, Anna, (i)
Rosenman, Samuel, (i)
Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount, (i), (ii); anti-Semitism and,
(i), (ii); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); British Union of Fascists
and, (i); Chamberlain and, (i); Churchill and, (i); circulation numbers of,
(i); death of, (i); fascism and, (i), (ii), (iii); Hitler and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)n48; Hohenlohe scandal and, (i), (ii);
isolationism and, (i), (ii); Mussolini and, (i), (ii); political affiliation and
activism of, (i), (ii), (iii); Sudetenland crisis and, (i)
Rowlands, Archibald, (i)
Rumbold, Horace, (i)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, (i)
Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of, (i)
San Francisco Examiner, (i), (ii)
San Francisco general strike (1934), (i)
San Simeon (Hearst Castle), (i)
Schiff, Dorothy, (i)n1
Schlesinger, Elmer, (i), (ii)
Schultz, Sigrid, (i)
Scripps-Howard news chain, (i), (ii), (iii)
Selassie, Haile, (i)
Seldes, George, (i), (ii), (iii)
sensationalism, (i), (ii); Cissy Patterson and, (i), (ii); Daily News and, (i),
(ii); Harmsworth and, (i); Hearst and, (i)
Sentinels of the Republic, (i)
Sheppard, Si, (i)
Shirer, William, (i), (ii)
Sinclair, Upton, (i)
Smith, Gerald L. K., (i)
Smoot, Dan, (i)
Snyder, Ruth, (i)
Social Security Act, (i)
Soviet Union: Beaverbrook’s diplomacy to, (i), (ii); Finland invaded by, (i);
German invasion of, (i); German nonaggression pact with, (i);
Roosevelt granting recognition to, (i); Sudetenland crisis and, (i), (ii)
Spanish-American War, (i)
Spanish Civil War, (i)
Stalin, Joseph, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
Steffens, Lincoln, (i)
Stern, J. David, (i)
Stevenson, Adlai, (i)
Stimson, Henry, (i), (ii), (iii)
Stolz, Leon, (i), (ii)
Streicher, Julius, (i)
Sturmabteilung (SA), (i), (ii), (iii)
Sudetenland crisis, (i)
Sunday Dispatch, (i)
Sunday Express, (i), (ii)
“Sweeney” (Patterson’s everyman), (i)
tabloids, (i), (ii), (iii)
Taft, Robert, (i), (ii)
Taft, William Howard, (i)
taxes and taxation: Hearst and, (i), (ii); McCormick and, (i), (ii); Joseph
Patterson and, (i), (ii)n32
Taylor, A. J. P., (i), (ii), (iii)n25
Taylor, Edmond, (i), (ii)
Taylor, S. J., (i)n24
Tebbel, John, (i)
Tennessee Valley Authority, (i)
Thompson, R. J., (i)
Thomson of Fleet, Roy, 1st Baron, (i)
Time magazine, (i), (ii)
Times (London): appeasement stance of, (i), (ii); circulation numbers of, (i);
McCormick on, (i); on Nazi atrocities, (i)
Tory Party. See Conservative Party
Treaty of Trianon, (i), (ii)
Treaty of Versailles (1919), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Tribune Tower (Chicago), (i), (ii), (iii)
Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl), (i)
Truman, Harry, (i)
Trump, Donald, (i)
typography, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
U-boat attacks, (i)
Ufa (German film company), (i)
unions and unionization: Chicago Tribune and, (i), (ii); Hearst and, (i), (ii);
McCormick and, (i), (ii); Joseph Patterson and, (i)
United Empire Party, (i), (ii)
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United States: anti-Semitism in, (i); newspaper readership in, (i); war
production in, (i)
Urwand, Ben, (i)n55
Vandenberg, Arthur, (i)
Vansittart, Robert, (i)
Viereck, George Sylvester, (i)
Villa, Pancho, (i)
Voice of the People (Daily News), (i), (ii), (iii)
voters and voting, (i), (ii). See also parliamentary elections; presidential
Wallach, Sidney, (i)
Washington Herald and Washington Times-Herald: archives of, (i);
circulation numbers of, (i), (ii); on Lend-Lease bill, (i), (ii)n21; Cissy
Patterson and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n42; Pearl Harbor and, (i); sale to Meyer
of, (i); top-secret military documents published in, (i), (ii)
Washington Post, (i)
Welles, Orson, (i), (ii)
Wertheim, Stephen, (i)n23
Wheeler, Burton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n21
White, Stanford, (i)
white supremacy, (i); Beaverbrook and, (i), (ii); Daily News and, (i), (ii);
Hearst and, (i); Hitler and, (i); Lend-Lease opposition and, (i);
Lindbergh and, (i); McCormick and, (i); Joseph Patterson and, (i), (ii),
White, Tom, (i)
White, William Allen, (i)
Wiedemann, Fritz, (i), (ii)
Willicombe, Joseph, (i)
Willkie, Wendell, (i), (ii)
Wilson, Woodrow, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
women: in newspaper leadership positions, (i), (ii), (iii)n1; newspaper
readership and, (i)
Wood, Robert, (i), (ii)
World War I, (i), (ii), (iii)
World War II. See specific leaders; specific nations
yellow journalism, (i)
yellow peril. See anti-Asian racism
Zanuck, Daryl: A Yank in the RAF, (i)
Zinoviev, Grigori, (i)