Mockboard Exam in PHN
Mockboard Exam in PHN
Mockboard Exam in PHN
Multiple Choice.
Direction: Choose and encircle the CORRECT answer from the choices given.
1. These are social conditions in which people live and are related to social, economic, political
and environmental circumstances which influenced our well-being.
A. Equity factors C. Immediate conditions
B. Health determinants D. Social determinants of health
2. Counseling, education and adoption of specific health practices or changes in lifestyle are
measures of :
A. Primary prevention C. Tertiary prevention
B. Secondary prevention D. None of the above
3. Medications, dialysis, chemotherapy, and surgery are methods of:
A. Secondary prevention C. Tertiary prevention
B. Primary prevention D. Level 4 health care
4. Handwashing, staying-away from crowded places, getting enough rest, exercise are examples of
A. Primary prevention C. Tertiary prevention
B. Secondary prevention D. Both A and B
5. The sum total of customs, values, traditions, arts, history and others norms that are learned and
shared by different group of people is known as :
A. Heredity C. Traditions
B. Culture D. Behaviors
6. This phase of COPAR consist of activities such as site selection, preliminary social investigation,
networking with local government units , NGOs and others.
A. Pre-entry phase C. Organization-Building Phase
B. Entry Phase D. Community Action phase
7. A rough measure of mortality because it is largely influenced by age and sex composition of the
A. Cause-specific mortality C. Prevalence rate of deaths
B. Crude Death rate D. Age-specific death rate
8. The standard classification for a low birth weight infant is :
A. less than 2.500 grams C. 5,500 grams or less
B. 4,000 grams D. 6.500 grams or less
9. The highest level of the structural organization of the living body which is made up by 11 organ
systems such as skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, among others is the :
A. Chemical level C. Organismal level
B. Tissue level D. Cellular level
10. The recommended range of weight gain during pregnancy taking into account the mother’s
prepregnancy weight for height or BMI for a normal-weight woman, BMI 19.8-26.0.
A. 10 -18 lbs C. 25 -35 lbs
B. 19 -24 lbs D. 35-40 lbs
11. Beginning the second trimester of pregnancy, RENI for energy is increased by :
A. 200 kcal/day C. 450 kcal/day
B. +300 kcal/day D. 440 kcal/day
12. Nutrients required in higher amounts during pregnancy due to their roles in the synthesis of red blood
cells :
A. Protein and chromium C. Calcium and Vitamin A
B. Folate and Vitamin B12 D. Vitamin E and Vitamin C
13. Considered as the most difficult nutrient to meet during pregnancy :
A. Iron C. Vitamin D
B. Protein D. Vitamin B6
14. All of the following nutrients are required in higher amounts during pregnancy due to their roles in the
synthesis of red blood cells.
A. Protein and chromium C. Calcium and Vitamin A
B. Folate and Vitamin B12 D. Vitamin E and Vitamin C
15. An important parameter in assessing a child’s nutritional status :
A. Growth rate C. Long-bone size and density
B. Blood lipid profile D. Onset of walking and talking
16. What organ(s) are the first to reach maturity during development of fetus ?
A. Heart and lungs C. GIT
B. Liver and kidneys D. CNS and Brain
17. The hormone responsible for the release of mother’s milk:
A. Calcitonin C. Estrogen
B. Progesterone D. Prolactin
18. During the first trimester of pregnancy, morning sickness is a common occurrence. As an ND, your
advice is sought. You may give the following instructions EXCEPT :
A. eat high carbohydrate food like crackers
B. fluids should be taken before or after meals
C. Withhold food until she feels better
D. take dry foods before arising
19. The recommended weight gain for a pregnant woman during her third trimester :
A. 1 lb.per month . C. 3 lbs. per month
B. 2 lbs. per month D. 1 lb. per week
20. The 1st two weeks of conception is the ___________period?
A. Organogenesis C. Growth
B. Implantation D. None of the above
21. An additional 500Kcal/day throughout lactation is recommended considering the following factors
except :
A. Milk content C. Maternal fat reserves and patterns of activity
B. Milk production D. Compensate for the iron in breastmilk
22. Type of feeding when a bottle is given after the breast milk to complete a feeding
A. artificial B. mixed C. Complemental D. supplemental
23.To ensure that the nutritional needs of infants after six ( 6 months ) are met, complementary foods
must be ?
A. Timely and safe C. Sanitary and appropriate
B. Adequate and properly fed D. Both A and B
24. When something touches a baby’s lip or cheek, baby opens mouth, puts tongue down and forward,
this reflex is called ?
A. Sucking reflex C. Rooting Reflex
B. Swallowing reflex D. None of the above
25.This term is usually used when referring to a baby feeding from the breast.
A. Sucking C. Suckling
B. Feeding D. Attachment
26. An important etiological factor in kwashiorkor is:
A. dietary vitamin deficiency C. carbohydrate deficiency
B. dietary protein deficiency D. dietary fat deficiency
27. This refers to the simultaneous occurrence of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overnutrition
and obesity and other nutrition-related chronic diseases.
A. Integrated health problems C. Double burden of malnutrition
B. Complex malnutrition D. Multifactorial causes of malnutrition
28. It is a technique for assessing nutritional status based on medical and physical examination based on
patient’s history, weight, changes in usual diet, etc.
A. Medical history C. Mini Nutritional Assessment
B. Subjective Global Assessment D. Dietary History
29. Physiologic anemia of pregnancy is due to:
A. Increased blood volume C. Iron deficiency
B. decreased blood volume D. B12 deficiency
30. When an infant reaches six months of age, it is depleting its stores of:
A. Fat B. Iron C. Calcium D. Vitamin A
31. Which of the following is a common draw back to the food frequency questionnaire?
A. Non-compliance
B. Atypical intake on the recording day
C. Conscious alteration of diet during the recording period
D. It does not quantify amount of intake
32. Severe protein energy malnutrition during infancy can lead to:
A. A predisposition towards atherosclerosis later in life
B. An increased number of fat cells
C. Permanent retardation of growth and mental retardation
D. Hyperactivity
33. Which of the following assesses body fat distribution as an indicator of health risk?
B. Anthropometry
C. Waist-to-Hip ratio
D. Percentage of usual body weight
34. All are conditioning factors which can lead to secondary deficiency disease except:
A. Poor food habits C. Malabsorption
B. increased nutrient excretion D. increased nutrient requirement
35. It is a measure of abdominal or visceral fat ( android obesity ) in relation to the risk of metabolic
A. Waist to hip ratio C. Skinfold thickness
B. Waist Circumference D. Weight-for-height
36. Which of the following is a practical marker of optimal weight-for- height and an indicator of obesity
or protein-calorie malnutrition ?
A. Body weight as % of ideal weight
B. Percentage of usual body weight
C. Waist-to-Hip Ratio
D. Body Mass Index
37. Traces the cause and effect of malnutrition of each life stage
A. UNICEF Framework on factors affecting malnutrition
B. Man-agent-environment triad
C. Vicious cycle of malnutrition
D. Nutrition throughout the life stages
38. A continuous and spiraling cycle in nutrition that may lead to development and underdevelopment :
A. UNICEF Framework on factors affecting malnutrition
B. Man-agent-environment triad
C. Vicious cycle of malnutrition
D. Nutrition throughout the life stages
39. Xerophthalmia and infection often occur together. A frequent and important precipitating infection is:
A. Measles C. Bronchitis
B. Diarrhea D. Primary complex
40. A condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients for fully productive, active
and healthy lives
A. Hunger C. Low food intake
B. Food insecurity D. Low purchasing power
41. _______ is ensured when all households and all individuals within those households have sufficient
resources to obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet.
A. Availability C. Acceptable
B. Access D. Good nutritional status
42. It is a method of delivering goods and /or services to a selected group of individuals or households
rather than every individual or household in the population
A. Intervention C. Program setting
B. Targeting D. Project selection
43. It is the process of developing low bulk, highly nutritious foods with desired nutritional and sensory
attributes for the nutritionally at risk groups that include preschoolers
A. Food Fortification C. Food formulation
B. Supplementary feeding D. Food Preservation
44. It refers to the immediate effects, often behavioral, resulting directly from project outputs that maybe
necessary to achieve a desired impact
A. Input indicators C. Outcome indicators
B. Output indicators D. Impact indicators
45. It is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal and
relating with followers and making them change.
A. Advocacy C. Nutrition Education
B. Mobilization D. Leadership
46. It refers to the state of health, illness, and physiological conditions that affect the digestion,
metabolism and utilization of food in the human body for growth, development and maintenance of vital
A. Food Consumption C. Nutrient utilization
B. Food Distribution D. Food production
47. Children of poor families who are expected to be undernourished were found to be thriving well. They
are characterized as resilient children and referred to as___________
A. Malnourished children C. Positive Deviants
B. Functional children D. None of the above
48. The “ food system “ models illustrates :
A. A set of processes that involves production, processing, distribution and use of food
B. Malnutrition is a result of the combined effects of several factors
C. Physiologic differences that increase vulnerability to infections and imbalance in food intake
D. All of the above
49. “ Hidden Hunger “ means ?
A. Hunger is being experienced but not expressed or just tolerated
B. Denial of the hunger situation so as not to reflect poor economy
C. Body has long been hungry for micronutrients but not recognized due to non appearance of
D. Body has a coping mechanism for nutrient deficiencies
50. A graphic depiction of Daily Food Guide :
B. Food Pyramid D. Food Model
51. Which of the following questions is answered by monitoring ?
A. Where the needs met
B. What is the level of participation of various stakeholders
C. Where the intervention strategies appropriate to the target population
D. Was the program appropriate for the problems identified
52. Poor knowledge on nutrition due to limited education is a _____ cause of undenutrition.
A. Immediate C. Basic
B. Underlying D. All of the above
53. Refers to the intermediate effects, often behavioral, resulting directly from project outputs that maybe
necessary to achieve a direct impact.
A. Input indicators C. Outcome Indicators
B. Output Indicators D. Impact indicators
54. A method of delivering goods and /or services to a selected group of individuals or households rather
than to every individual or household in the population.
A. Intervention C. Program setting
B. Targeting D. project selection
55. Which of the following considerations involves social sustainability ?
A. Nutrition programs are acceptable to the clients/stakeholders
B. The organization has taken measures in order to sustain projects outputs
C. Funding source is sufficient to carry out the necessary activities for the people
D. There is a mechanism to share the individual knowledge and skill among staff
56. ______ of foods is ensured when all households and all individuals within those households have
sufficient resources to obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet.
A. Availability C. Acceptable
B. Access D. Good Nutritional Status
57. Evaluation done at the planning stage to assess feasibility of the formulated plan
A. Process C. Ex-ante
B. On-going D. Ext-post
58. Involves grassroots planning :
A. Sectoral Approach C. Community Nutrition Approach
B. Systems Approach D. Development Approach
59. Social safety net during periods of physical and economic displacement for immediate rehabilitation.
A. Food Assistance C. Micronutrient Supplementation
B. Food Fortification D. Nutrition education
60. The capacity of an intervention to keep its institutional, social, technical, financial and political
requirements is known as :
A. Sustainability C. Cost-effectiveness
B. Feasibility D. Effectiveness
61. It refers to the epidemiological approach which explains the occurrence, nature and extent of a
A. Triple A Approach C. Vicious cycle of malnutrition
B. Man-Agent-Environment Triad D. Schema showing the main linkages
between Food system and individual Nutritional status
62. Basic principles in planning wherein specific range and operational limits are established to minimize
problem and assume objective attainment.
A. Workability C. Flexibility
B. Involvement D. Balance
63. Provides basis for decisions on policies, program design of PPAN implementation
A. Human Resource Development C. Advocacy
B. Resource Generation D. Research
64. Required number of days for an effective supplementary feeding
A. 125 C. 115
B. 120 D. No required days
65. Supplementary feeding should provide _________ requirement for energy and ____ requirement for
A. 1/3, ½ C. ¼, 1/2
B. ½, 1/3 D. ½, ¼
66. Nutrition-related interventions are the following except :
A. Food for work C. Growth monitoring
B. Livelihood assistance D. Diet Counseling
67. These are changes in the conditions of the target population as a result of the program. It generally
reflects he primary objectives of the program or project.
A. Outcome indicators C. Input indicators
B. Impact indicators. D. Output indicators
68. What is usually the first step in program planning?
A. implementation of the plan C. Monitoring and evaluation
B. Community diagnosis/situational analysis D. Objective formulation
69. It is a nutrition-oriented “bottom-up“ participatory, multidisciplinary, holistic developmental approach
that is community-based where people generate their own development program according to their
problems, needs and resources, with several interacting key components chosen and implemented by the
people themselves.
A. Mothercraft Health and Nutrition Center
B. Primary Health Care
C. Barangay Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI)
D. Community-Based Management Information System
70. In breastfeeding counseling, reflecting back what a mother’s says is one of the skills needed among
BF counselors. Which of the following responses shows “ reflects back “ ?
Statement : My mother says that I don’t have enough milk..
A. Do you think you have enough ?
B. Why does she think that ?
C. She says that you have a low milk supply ?
D. Why did your mother said that ?
71. It is the provision of public health service to children such as growth monitoring, micronutrient
supplementation, immunization, deworming and integrated management of childhood illnesses
A. Health Education
B. Maternal, newborn and Child Health and Nutrition( MNCHN )
C. Nutrition in Essential Health services
D. Garantisadong Pambata
72.. A consumer-centered approach that help program planners identify ideas, messages, products and
behaviors that will stimulate people to perform better health and nutrition behaviors:
A. Social marketing C. Interaction communication
B. Product research D. Health belief model
73. Inadequate access to food, inadequate care and insufficient health services and poor environmental
sanitation are factors associated with child malnutrition and these are considered as:
A. Outcome of child malnutrition C. Underlying causes at family level
B. Basic causes at societal level D. Immediate causes
74. This criteria in selecting intervention shows relationship between the total cost or cost per beneficiary
relative to the output.
A. Relevance C. Ease in evaluation
B. Cost-effectiveness D. Ease in targeting
75. Assigning, motivating, communicating and coordinating functions of management:
A. Directing C. Controlling
B. Organizing D. Planning
76. It is based on the assumption that the more the varied the diet, the better is its nutritional quality.
A. Dietary Diversity Score C. Qualitative Evaluation
B. Frequency or infrequency D. Nutrition Index
77. Under this approach, the different department/ministries promotes and spearheads activities related to
food and nutrition concerns according to their functions.
A. Multisectoral approach C. Sectoral Approach
B. Triple A approach D. Systems Approach
78. This type of planning is based on the principle that people will support a program if it is based on their
felt needs.
A. Self-determined C. Joint Planning
B. Pre-determined D. None of the above
79. A food balance sheet is all of the following except:
A. it measures the food actually consumed or ingested by the population
B. it is a national account of the country’s annual food production
C. it is used as a basis for monitoring changes and forecasting patterns of food
D. data obtained can be used to formulate agricultural policies
80. A type of planning where the community, down to the household level, is given the opportunity to view
the extent of its problems and to act on them:
A. Bottom-up planning C. top-down planning
B. strategic planning D. public consultation
81. The following are “ direct nutrition interventions “ EXCEPT “?
A. Food Formulation C. Growth Monitoring
B. Small Livestock production D. Supplementary Feeding
82. Which of the following is NOT considered as “ nutrition-related interventions ?
A. Food for Work C. Growth Monitoring
B. IGP D. Resource Generation
83. Referred to as the Breastfeeding Code of the Philippines
A. EO 123 C. E.O. 51
` B. PD 491 D. RA 8172
84. It declared nutrition as the priority concern of the Philippine government and July as the Nutrition
A. PD 1286 C. PD 1569
B. PD 491 D. EO 51
85. The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
A. RA 8172 C. RA 2674
B. RA 7600 D. RA 7160
86. Planning programs, projects or activities by involving local leaders, implementers and the people
themselves is called:
A. Participatory Planning C. Developmental Planning
B. Program Planning D. Local Level Planning
87. It strengthened the Barangay Nutrition Program by providing Barangay Nutrition Scholars in every
A. RA 7600 C. PD 491
B. PD 1569 D. RA 8980
88. All are examples of developmental interventions except:
A. Employment generation C. Infrastructure development
B. Food fortification D. Agricultural development
89. Short term intervention except:
A. Supplementary feeding C. Nutrition education
B. OPT D. Micronutrient supplementation
90. The strategy/strategies of Republic Act 8976 or the Philippine Food Fortification Program.
A. Voluntary fortification of staples through SPS program
B. Mandatory fortification of staples
C. Diamond Seal in all processed foods
D. Both A and B
91. The first step in planning a nutrition education program is :
A. Establishment of educational objectives
B. identification of the nutrition problem
C. educational diagnosis
D. none of the above
92. The most basic knowledge required of a nutrition educator:
A. Fundamentals of food and nutrition science
B. Physiologic, psychologic and environmental determinants to eating
C. Environmental and social implications of food system
D. Interpersonal communication
93. If PD 491 is an example of a Nutrition Policy; PPAN as Nutrition Plan and NNEP as Nutrition
Program, a good example of Nutrition activity is
A. Sangkap Pinoy Seal
B. Philippine Food Fortification Strategic Plan
C. Promotion of IYCF
D. Counseling of Mothers on IYCF
94. The right-based approach in Nutrition Program Management implies observance of principles in NPM
and this principle talks about reaching the unreached, prioritizing the disadvantaged, abandoned.
A. Principle of Integration
B. Principle of Justice and Solidarity
C. Principle of Participation
D. Principle of Equity and Social Exclusion.
95. Minimum use of resources at minimal cost and reasonable speed and with the most impact on
nutrition is known as:
A. Effectiveness C. Equity
B. Efficiency D. Comprehensiveness
96. Activities such as one-on-one and group consultations and dialogues, seminars, rallies, news making
events like launching and awarding ceremonies are examples of :
A. Social Mobilization C. Social Marketing
B. Nutrition Advocacy D. Nutrition Promotion
97. This phase of Nutrition Program Management covers supervision and coordination, delivery of
services, reporting of performance and best practices:
A. Phase 1 : Plan Preparation and Adoption
B. Phase 2: Implementation
C. Monitoring and Evaluation
D. Sustainability and Re-planning
98. This phase of Nutrition program management analyzes the results of monitoring and evaluation and
these information are used to improve nutrition program interventions.
A. Phase 1: Plan preparation and adoption
B. Phase 2: Implementation
C. Phase 3 : Monitoring and Evaluation
D. Phase 4 : Sustainability and Re-Planning
99. The former name of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute:
A. National Food and Agriculture Council
B. National Science and Development Board
C. Food and Nutrition Research Center
D. None of the above
100. The primary target groups for the National Nutrition Education Program ( NNEP ) are the following
except :
A. Pregnant mother only C. Mothers of preschoolers and school children
B. Lactating mothers D. caregivers of children
Prepared by:
1 D 21 D 41 B 61 B 81 C
2 B 22 C 42 B 62 C 82 D
3 C 23 D 43 C 63 D 83 C
4 A 24 C 44 C 64 B 84 B
5 B 25 C 45 D 65 A 85 B
6 A 26 B 46 C 66 D 86 A
7 B 27 C 47 C 67 B 87 B
8 A 28 B 48 A 68 B 88 B
9 C 29 A 49 C 69 C 89 C
10 C 30 B 50 B 70 C 90 D
11 B 31 D 51 C 71 C 91 A
12 B 32 C 52 B 72 A 92 A
13 A 33 C 53 C 73 C 93 D
14 B 34 A 54 B 74 B 94 D
15 A 35 B 55 A 75 A 95 B
16 D 36 D 56 B 76 A 96 B
17 D 37 D 57 C 77 C 97 B
18 C 38 C 58 C 78 A 98 D
19 D 39 A 59 A 79 A 99 C
20 B 40 A 60 A 80 A 100 D