Trace Ability
Trace Ability
Trace Ability
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Table of Contents
Overview 3
Setup 4
Deal Processing 6
Enquiry 11
The financial institutions are subject to a high number of complex banking oper-
ational sectors that might have to prove to certain regulatory auditors or even cus-
tomers when there is a deviation in financial data such as account balance etc.
Banking institutions must be able to trace the property elements coming in a trans-
action request from multiple third parties into T24 System. Then this trace prop-
erties information send to a trace data repository called micro services for further
usage. This push operation is an asynchronous process from the main transaction
3 Overview
l To enable traceability for an application in T24, you need to setup
T24.TRACE.PARAMETER application as ID.
Setup 4
5 Setup
Deal Processing
With traceability enabled for an application or version in T24.TRACE.PARAMETER
and if IRIS has integrated to send traceability property elements as ‘key name value
pair’ in OFS header 25th position, then T24 accepts and extracts those elements,
and store them in T24.TRACE.INFO. T24.TRACE.INFO is a store and forward table in
T24, which is FIN level live table.
Sample OFS Request format with Traceability properties in User info header sec-
The Trace log storage is possible if the IRIS transactions or third parties send such
OFS request to T24 system where traceability enabled for that corresponding applic-
ation or version and then the incoming traceability property elements are captured
into this log only if it is a successful transaction in T24 system. The enquiry
T24.TRACE.INFO can be used to view this log content.
Deal Processing 6
7 Deal Processing
Deal Processing 8
Once the response for all these messages received at T24 side from this JMS queue,
then this message count in TraceabilityReplyQueue will be reduced accordingly and
corresponding T24.TRACE.INFO log entry is deleted for the successful response.
Otherwise, attempt tried count will be updated in MS.ATTEMPT by
T24.TRACEABILITY.SERVICE. T24.log updated for either Successful or failure
response for sending trace log message to Micro Service. Now, current all trace
logs are sent successfully, so T24.log also updated with successful response details
for corresponding trace log id i.e UUID.
In case of JMS failure or time out reason the T24 receives failure response will not
delete trace log in T24 and then When T24 Service re-try to send same message in
next iteration the MDB/Micro service will have intelligence to check whether same
message already posted in Micro service and it just sends back successful response
indicator to T24 so that trace log entry will be deleted from T24. There will not be
any duplicate message update in Micro service for any re-try attempt from T24.
T24 trace log posted by T24 service to Micro Service can be viewable from REST Cli-
ent with this URL if Micro service deployed and running on specific port and host.
Refer Micro Service Deployment guide for more details.
Now, Micro service running in 8085.
URL: http://localhost:8085/system/traceLogs?category=<anycategory>
Category is nothing but, the one which is sent in Json Message from T24 service.
Sample Json message format send by T24 service is:
9 Deal Processing
These are the values framed from T24.TRACE.INFO which is from OFS 25th position.
One of category key name CATEG.COMP.CODE has been used in URL to view mes-
sage in Micro Services.
GET URL: http://localhost:8085/system/traceLogs?category=CATEG.COMP.CODE:
Deal Processing 10
The Enquiry T24.TRACE.INFO can be used to view Trace log table in T24.
You can find the new enquiry link by navigating under System Administration menu
> ‘Traceability’ > ‘Trace Log Display’.
11 Enquiry