My City Roll & Write (Texto Castellano)
My City Roll & Write (Texto Castellano)
My City Roll & Write (Texto Castellano)
1 thick writing pad with 192 game sheets
(printed on both sides)
3 special dice
You also need a pen each.
Tip: If you use pencils, you can use an
eraser to correct mistakes when drawing.
A notice:There are enough game sheets so that you can play each game,
each chapter or the entire campaign multiple times. Maybe you like a
chapter or some individual games so much that you want to play them
again and again. Games 3, 6 and 12 are particularly varied as a combined
Each of you receives a game sheet of the same game, which you lay out in
front of you. You start with game 1. The three dice are laid out. Each game
consists of a number of rounds. At the beginning of each round, the 3
dice are rolled by any person. This results in the shape and type of
building to be drawn. The result applies to everyone.
If one of the dice shows the blank side or the compass, then only
the building shown on the other die is built.
Note: The circle only has a meaning from game 4 onwards.
Fit:Can you or do you want one?Do not draw buildings, you announce
this and must place the . on your game sheetcolor in the next free circle
in the line "do not build buildings".. If all 6 circles are already painted
there, you can no longer pass.
If you cannot or do not want to build the building in this case, you must end
the game for yourself.
End game for yourself:alwaysafter thisthe dice were rolled at the
beginning of a round, you can decide to end the game for yourself.
Then no circle is drawn. No other buildings are allowed to be drawn in.
The rules just mentioned can be supplemented or changed in the
individual games by special rules.
A game ends when everyone has finished the game for themselves. Then the rating
Fit:Depending on how many circles you have colored in the line “Do not build
buildings” on your game sheet, you can read off your minus points under the last
colored circle. You enter these negative points in the box at the end of the line.
trees:For every tree younot overbuilthave, you get1 point. You enter
these points in the box of the corresponding row of your game sheet.
stones:For every stone younot overbuilthave, you get1 minus point. You
enter these negative points in the box of the corresponding row of your
game sheet.
Empty fields:For each field younot overbuilthave, you get1 minus point.
You enter these negative points in the box of the corresponding row of your
game sheet.Note: Spaces with trees or stones do not count as empty spaces.
tree +1 17
Stone -1 2
Empty field -1 4
game win
Finally, add up all of your points and enter them in the sum field at
the bottom right of your game sheet. Whoever has the most points
wins the game.
On the game sheet of the last game of each chapter, you add the
points from the other two games of this chapter to determine the
overall victory of the chapter.
In the solo game you can read how successful you were for each
chapter. This achievement chart is on page 12 of this rulebook.
Tip:So that everyone is attentive, it is best to say out loud the shape and type of
building after the dice have been rolled.
The building shapes occur with different probabilities: the two-L and
the two-building occur most frequently, the useful one less frequently.
The large buildings are less common - but because there are many
possible shapes, don't underestimate them either.
game 1
You are the first settlers to have reached the new land and erect your buildings along
the river. The whole country between mountains and forest will soon become your
settlement area.
This game uses the basic rules explained on pages 2-4. So you can
start right away.
game 2
After you have initially built your buildings as you like, your community
agrees on a planned procedure. Orderly districts are now emerging.
Building Groups:From game 2, you will receive a score for each of the at the
end of a gamethree building types additional points. To do this, each
person checks for each of the three building types how many buildings theirs
consists oflargest group of this type of building connected at the sides
consists. You get as many points as there are buildings in this group. So try to
build as many buildings of the same type as possible.
game 3
The community continues to grow. In order to improve the water supply, a well is being drilled
in the east of the settlement, from which as many buildings as possible should of course
There are 4 buildings adjacent to this fountain.
Chapter 2: The Churches
game 4
With more and more settlers, the church is coming to your community.
The church builders have precise ideas about which buildings should be
built. When developing your city, you must now consider where to build
church buildings. Because your building space is limited.
Churches:From game 4, the side of the dice with thecirclea special
meaning. If the circle is rolled, the other two dice are ignored and a
church is built instead. To do this, everyone paints the next free circle
in the line “Build Church” at the bottom of their game sheet in the
order shown. Then they draw in the shape of the church that is
shown below this circle. Once all of the existing circles have been
filled in, the circle has no meaning for the rest of the game. Then the
building that the other two cubes result in is built again.
You all build the same church. So you can see which big churches might
still have to be built in the future. As usual, the mirrored form can also
be built for the church buildings.
Churches are marked by circles.
Tip: If you have a colored pencil, you can draw in the churches in color and
thus distinguish them even better from the three building types.
Important:If you pass when building a church, you have totwoColor the circles in
the line "Do not build buildings".
game 5
The churches are gaining increasing influence in your community. The different
groups of settlers therefore seek proximity to the churches in equal measure in
order to be heard.
Church Points:If buildings of all 3
different building types are adjacent to a
church on at least one side, you receive
3 points for this church.
Note: In games 5 and 6 there are 2 fountains on your game sheets. You
can get 4 additional points per fountain.
game 6
The demands of the churches for more and more land for the large church
buildings means that other groups of settlers also claim part of the scarce building
land for themselves.
Start at the church:The printed church building on the game sheet
counts as the first building to build adjacent to. This church also
scores 3 points if it is adjacent to buildings of all 3 different building
Note: Because the printed church building
is already considered your first building,
you can later add buildings drawn on
different sides of the church.
Chapter 3: Challenges
Wallet:In Chapter 3 games, you collect not only points but also
purses. Who in the ratingat the end of this chapterowns the most
or second most pursesthen20 or 10 bonus points. During each game,
the successfully collected money bags are colored. At the end of each
game, the money bags collected are transferred to the framed field and
colored in there as well.
Note: In this game you want to be the first to complete some tasks. Since it is
sometimes an advantage that the others do not know where to draw a new
building, you can exceptionally draw your new building behind closed doors
until everyone else has drawn this building.
game 7
Persistent heavy rain causes the river to burst its banks and devastate the country.
The plateaus on the mountains and the Säg offer safety from these water masses
The swampy ground only allows the construction of smaller ones
Note: Buildings on the five wide river spaces are not considered
adjacent if the river runs between them.
game 8
After the flood you open up the two forest areas to gain building land
for reconstruction. The last church buildings are built with the wood
obtained in this way.
forest fields:The green forest fields can now also be built over. Whoever builds
over all forest spaces first receives 5 points. If several do this in the same round,
they all get 5 points. If you have built over all forest spaces at the end of the
game, you receive 1 money bag. Empty forest spaces, like any other empty space,
score 1 negative point.
game 9
Gold! Much of the earth was churned up by the flood. Gold is now being
found at the edge of the settlement area. The news spread like wildfire
and the run for gold began...
goldfields:The game sheet shows 5 gold fields. Whoever builds over
all 5 gold fields first receives 5 points. If several do this in the same
round, they all get 5 points. If you have covered all 5 gold fields at the
end of the game, you receive 2 money bags. However, gold fields that are not
built over do not score negative points here.
Note: In game 9, the side of the dice with the compass has no special
meaning and the building shown on the other two dice is built again. This
makes the game easier because there are more small buildings again.
Bonus Rating for Chapter 3:When determining the overall victory of Chapter
3, not only the points from the three games of the Chapter are combined, but
also the bonus points for the purse are taken into account.
To do this, you first transfer your collected purses from the three games.
Whoever colored the most purses gets 20 bonus points. Whoever painted
the second most money bags gets 10 bonus points. All others get
In solo playthere are 20 bonus points for 7-9 colored purses and 10
bonus points for 6 purses. There are no bonus points for less purses.
Chapter 4: Bandits
game 10
The gold rush reaches its peak. But he also attracts bandits onto the
scene. To keep your city safe, you must arrest the bandits.
bandits:Bandits cannot be overbuilt. Instead, they must be
surrounded. This happens when buildings are adjacent to all sides
of the space where a bandit is located. Then you can cross out this
bandit. At the end of the game, each bandit that is not surrounded is worth 3
minus points. Also, at the end of the game, any bandits that are not
surrounded will be carried over to the next game by removing them
draws on the same squares of the next
game sheet; i.e. from game 10 to game
11 and from game 11 to game 12.
game 11
The bandits are threatening your city more and more. In order to corner them,
you replan your neighborhoods and build fortresses across the land.
Fortresses:From game 11, the side of the dice with thecircle
again a special meaning. If the circle is rolled, the other two dice
are ignored. Instead, a fortress is built. To do this, everyone
paints the next free circle in the line “Build any fortress” at the bottom of
their game sheet and then draws a fortress.
Only when all existing circles have been painted does the compass lose
its special meaning for the rest of the game. Then the building shown
on the other die is built again.
fortshave tobe built. They are drawn on any space that does not
already have a building or bandit. Stones and trees may be built
over. Strongholds do not have to be adjacent to an already drawn
building. You can continue playing from any fortress. This also
applies if your buildings are no longer all connected to each other.
This way you can get to the bandits more easily and surround them.
game 12
There are still some bandits in your town. Nevertheless, you set out to improve
the structure of your city in order to set the course for a successful future.
This last game offers you many chances to win extra points. This is
the case if you always build buildings, keep all trees, build over all
stones and leave no empty fields.For example, you don't get +14
points for preserving all 14 trees, but +20 points. Complete groups
are now worth 6 points each. But every bandit that you haven't
surrounded by the end of the last game means 6 minus points.
Achievement table for the solo game
The author:
Reiner Knizia, born in 1957, lives in Munich. The Doctor of Mathematics has
published numerous games at home and abroad. One of his greatest
successes, in addition to winning the German Games Prize four times, is the
“Game of the Year 2008” award for Keltis, which was published by KOSMOS
Verlag. The author is a specialist in games that offer a lot of freedom of
choice with simple rules. After his big game "My City", which was nominated
for game of the year, he also offers new challenges again and again in My
City Roll & Write - this time in a compact form.
The author would like to thank everyone who contributed to the development of this game,
especially Sebastian Bleasdale, Jens Jahnke, Simon Kane, Andi Stamer, Jennifer Sorensen, Britta
Stöckmann, Michael Wang, Annekatrin Wernstedt, Stefan Willkofer and Peter Wimmer.