MMPI Answer
MMPI Answer
MMPI Answer
Start : 23:13
Finish : 23.59
Answer :
Raw K %
Scale Scale Description T Score
Score Score Answered
True 215 37.9
False 352 62.1
? 0 0.00
VRIN Variable Response Inconsistency 8 61 100
TRIN True Reponse Inconsistency 9 50 100
F Infrequency 5 51 100
Fb Backside F 2 51 100
Fp Infrequency Psychopathology 1 48 100
L Lie 5 56 100
K Correction 17 54 100
S Superlative Self-Presentation 30 56 100
FBS Fake Bad Scale 14 undefined 100
Hs Hypochondriasis 3 12 48 100
D Depression 23 61 100
Hy Hysteria 19 45 100
Pd Psychopathic Deviate 16 23 50 100
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Male 30 58 100
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Female 30 undefined 100
Pa Paranoia 17 75 100
Pt Psychathenia 16 33 64 100
Sc Schizophrenia 24 41 75 100
Ma Hypomania 15 18 45 100
Si Social Introversion 33 58 100
D1 Subjective Depression 11 61 100
D2 Psychomotor Retardation 7 59 100
D3 Physical Malfunctioning 2 43 100
D4 Mental Dullness 5 62 100
D5 Brooding 2 51 100
Hy1 Denial of Social Anxiety 3 45 100
Hy2 Need for Affection 6 47 100
Raw K %
Scale Scale Description T Score
Score Score Answered
Hy3 Lassitude-malaise 2 48 100
Hy4 Somatic Complaints 3 52 100
Hy5 Inhibition of Aggression 3 48 100
Pd1 Familial Discord 2 51 100
Pd2 Authority Problems 2 42 100
Pd3 Social Imperturbability 4 52 100
Pd4 Social Alienation 5 57 100
Pd5 Self-alienation 3 48 100
Pa1 Persecutory Ideas 3 58 100
Pa2 Poignancy 5 69 100
Pa3 Naivete 8 65 100
Sc1 Social Alienation 7 68 100
Sc2 Emotional Alienation 1 50 100
Sc3 Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive 5 72 100
Sc4 Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 6 71 100
Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective
Sc5 3 61 100
Sc6 Bizarre Sensory Experiences 3 55 100
Ma1 Amorality 0 35 100
Ma2 Psychomotor Acceleration 5 49 100
Ma3 Imperturbability 2 41 100
Ma4 Ego Inflation 4 56 100
Si1 Shyness/Self-Consciousness 8 59 100
Si2 Social Avoidance 7 67 100
Si3 Self/Other Alienation 2 41 100
ANX Anxiety 4 47 100
FRS Fears 3 48 100
OBS Obsessivness 6 53 100
DEP Depression 3 48 100
HEA Health Concerns 4 48 100
Raw K %
Scale Scale Description T Score
Score Score Answered
BIZ Bizarre Mentation 2 51 100
ANG Anger 9 59 100
CYN Cynicism 6 44 100
ASP Antisocial Practices 1 34 100
TPA Type A 9 50 100
LSE Low Self-esteem 1 41 100
SOD Social Discomfort 18 73 100
FAM Family Problems 4 47 100
WRK Work Interference 9 54 100
TRT Negative Treatment Indicators 5 52 100
A Anxiety 8 47 100
R Repression 17 54 100
Es Ego Strength 41 58 100
MAC- MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-
16 37 100
R Revised
AAS Addiction Acknowledgement 1 41 100
APS Addiction Potential 14 undefined 100
MDS Marital Distress 2 46 100
Ho Hostility 17 48 100
O-H Overcontrolled Hostility 15 59 100
Do Dominance 15 45 100
Re Social Responsibility 24 60 100
Mt College Maladjustment 13 53 100
GM Masculine Gender Role 36 47 100
GF Feminine Gender Role 33 62 100
PK Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 11 55 100
PS Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 19 61 100
D-O Depression, Obvious 12 60 100
D-S Depression, Subtle 10 48 100
Hy-O Hysteria, Obvious 5 51 100
Raw K %
Scale Scale Description T Score
Score Score Answered
Hy-S Hysteria, Subtle 14 45 100
Pd-O Psychopathic Deviate, Obvious 3 42 100
Pd-S Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle 13 60 100
Pa-O Paranoia, Obvious 5 61 100
Pa-S Paranoia, Subtle 12 69 100
Ma-O Hypomania, Obvoius 6 47 100
Ma-S Hypomania, Subtle 9 46 100
dem Demoralization 5 54 100
som Somatic Complaints 3 52 100
lpe Low Positive Emotions 4 50 100
cyn Cynicism 3 43 100
asb Antisocial Behavior 1 37 100
per Ideas of Persecution 1 56 100
Dysfunctional Negative
dne 7 54 100
abx Aberrant Experiences 4 59 100
hpm Hypomanic Activation 10 45 100
AGGR Aggressiveness 7 45 100
PSYC Psychoticism 5 56 100
DISC Disconstraint 9 39 100
Negative Emotionality /
NEGE 7 46 100
Introversion / Low Positive
INTR 16 61 100
FRS1 Generalized Fearfulness 2 62 100
FRS2 Multiple Fears 1 41 100
DEP1 Lack of Drive 1 46 100
DEP2 Dysphoria 1 50 100
DEP3 Self-Depreciation 0 41 100
DEP4 Suicidal Ideation 0 45 100
HEA1 Gastrointestinal Symptoms 1 57 100
Raw K %
Scale Scale Description T Score
Score Score Answered
HEA2 Neurological Symtoms 1 47 100
HEA3 General Health Concerns 1 48 100
BIZ1 Psychotic Symptomatology 1 54 100
BIZ2 Schizotypal Characteristics 1 47 100
ANG1 Explosive Behavior 3 58 100
ANG2 Irritability 4 56 100
CYN1 Misanthropic Beliefs 3 41 100
CYN2 Interpersonal Suspiciousness 3 48 100
ASP1 Antisocial Attitudes 1 35 100
ASP2 Antisocial Behavior 0 38 100
TPA1 Impatience 4 57 100
TPA2 Competitive Drive 2 44 100
LSE1 Self-Doubt 0 39 100
LSE2 Submissiveness 0 41 100
SOD1 Introversion 15 79 100
SOD2 Shyness 2 47 100
FAM1 Family Discord 1 40 100
FAM2 Familial Alienation 1 49 100
TRT1 Low Motivation 1 48 100
TRT2 Inability to Disclose 3 60 100
Scale Scale Description Question Answer Question Text
Koss-Butcher Critical Items - I have periods of such great restlessness that I cannot sit
KB1 218 True
Acute Anxiety Scale long in a chair.
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB1 223 False I believe I am no more nervous that most others.
Acute Anxiety Scale
I have had periods of days, weeks, or months when I
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB2 38 True couldn't take care of things because I couldn't "get
Depressed Suicidal Ideation
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB2 146 True I cry easily.
Depressed Suicidal Ideation
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB2 233 True I have difficulty in starting to do things.
Depressed Suicidal Ideation
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB3 37 True At times I feel like smashing things.
Threatened Assault
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB3 213 True I get mad easily and then get over it soon.
Threatened Assault
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB3 389 True I am often said to be hotheaded.
Threatened Assault
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB5 31 True I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job.
Mental Confusion
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB5 299 True I cannot keep my mind on one thing.
Mental Confusion
Koss-Butcher Critical Items - I have more trouble concentrating than others seem to
KB5 325 True
Mental Confusion have.
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB6 17 True I am sure I get a raw deal from life.
Persecutory Ideas
Scale Scale Description Question Answer Question Text
Koss-Butcher Critical Items -
KB6 145 True I feel that I have often been punished without cause.
Persecutory Ideas
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW1 17 True I am sure I get a raw deal from life.
Anxiety and Tension
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - I have periods of such great restlessness that I cannot sit
LW1 218 True
Anxiety and Tension long in a chair.
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW1 299 True I cannot keep my mind on one thing.
Anxiety and Tension
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW1 223 False I believe I am no more nervous that most others.
Anxiety and Tension
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW1 405 False I am usually calm and not easily upset.
Anxiety and Tension
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW2 165 False My memory seems to be all right.
Depression and Worry
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Sometimes I am sure that other people can tell what I am
LW4 466 True
Deviant Beliefs thinking.
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW5 Deviant Thinking and 307 True At times I hear so well that it bothers me.
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW5 Deviant Thinking and 427 True I have never seen a vision.
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW9 213 True I get mad easily and then get over it soon.
Problematic Anger
Scale Scale Description Question Answer Question Text
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW9 389 True I am often said to be hotheaded.
Problematic Anger
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW10 268 True I wish I were not bothered by thoughts about sex.
Sexual Concern and Deviation
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW10 12 False My sex life is satisfactory.
Sexual Concern and Deviation
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW11 57 True I hardly ever feel pain in the back of my neck.
Somatic Symptoms
I have had attacks in which I could not control my
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items -
LW11 182 True movements or speech, but in which I knew what was
Somatic Symptoms
going on around me.
Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - I am almost never bothered by pains over my heart or in
LW11 47 False
Somatic Symptoms my chest.