PEOPLE Vs Deleon 1
PEOPLE Vs Deleon 1
PEOPLE Vs Deleon 1
Vicente de Leon y Flora entered the yard of Vicente Magat's house on Domingo Santiago
Street, Manila, and without violence or intimidation against persons nor force upon things, took,
with intent to gain, two game roosters which were in the yard, one with colored plumage valued
at P8 belonging to Diego Magat, and the other with white plumage and black spots, valued at
P10, belonging to Ignacio Nicolas. Vicente de Leon y Flora was prosecuted in the municipal
court for two crimes of theft, on the theft of Magat's rooster and the other that of Nicolas'. Upon
being arraigned, the accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced by the municipal court in each to
suffer the penalty of three years, six months and one day presidio correcional, to return the
stolen roosters to their respective owners and to pay the costs in both cases. The accused
appealed from this judgment to the Court of First Instance, and, upon being arraigned upon the
same informations, pleaded not guilty in both cases, which were tried jointly by agreement of the
parties approved by the court.
Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code states that theft is committed by any person who,
with intent to gain but without violence against, or intimidation of persons nor force upon things,
shall take personal property of another without the latter's consent. In other words, theft occurs
when someone takes and carries away someone else's property without permission and with the
intent to permanently deprive the owner of it.
In this case, the act of the accused in taking the roosters in the same place and on the
same occasion cannot give rise to two crimes having an independent existence of their own,
because there are not two distinct appropriations nor two intentions that characterize two
separate crimes. Under sound principles, the act of taking the two roosters, in response to the
unity of thought in the criminal purpose on one occasion, is not susceptible of being modified by
the accidental circumstance that the article unlawfully belonged to two distinct persons. There is
no series of acts here for the accomplishment of different purposes, but only one of which was
consummated, and which determines the existence of only one crime. Thus, there was only one
crime of theft.