Module 2 Blood and Bloostain Analysis Forensic 3
Module 2 Blood and Bloostain Analysis Forensic 3
Module 2 Blood and Bloostain Analysis Forensic 3
The significance of blood and bloodstains as evidence in crimes of violence is obvious such
that we need not place emphasis on this. The test for the identification of blood is employed as
an important part of the routine investigation in many case of violent death. The specimen usually
submitted is fresh blood or fluid blood, dried blood and clotted blood. Very often it is brought to
the laboratory in the form of dried red or brown stains on weapons, clothing or other objects.
1. CBSUA Website
2. Supplementary Online Learning Materials
Blood film showing red blood cells and different types of white blood cells
A. Water: constitutes 90% of plasma volume.
B. Solutes: constitutes 10% of plasma. and include plasma proteins and other organic
compounds as well as inorganic salts.
1. Plasma proteins.
Plasma contains a rich variety of soluble proteins, 7% by volume. Important examples
a. Albumin. This is the most abundant plasma protein (3.5-5 g/dL of blood) and is
mainly responsible for maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood.
The erythrocytes constitute the densest fraction and end up at the bottom of the tube.
The percentage of packed erythrocytes per unit volume of blood is termed hematocrit.
In adults, normal hematocrit values vary from 35 to 50% and are sex dependent.
Leukocytes are less dense and less numerous (about 1 % of blood volume) and form a
thin white or grayish layer over the erythrocytes (buffy coat).
On top of the buffy coat is a thin layer of platelets.
The least dense is the clear layer of plasma, which constitutes 42 - 47% of the blood
and overlies the buffy coat.
A- Erythrocytes (RBC)
RBCs are structurally and functionally specialized to transport oxygen from the lungs to
other tissues. Their cytoplasm contains the oxygen binding protein hemoglobin. Mature RBCs lack
nuclei and cytoplasmic organelles, which they lose during differentiation. Mature erythrocytes
therefore have a limited lifespan (120 days) in the circulation before they are removed by
macrophages in the spleen and bone marrow.
Erythrocytes (RBC) are anucleated corpuscles (nucleated in embryonic and fetal mammals
and in other vertebrates). They are biconcave disks about ~7μm in diameter, 2μm thick at its
rim and less than 1μm at its center. They contain hemoglobin, which fills almost the entire
Erythrocytes are elastic and can withstand deformation. Their number is about 4.5-5 million/mm³,
the number is more in males than in females.
The lifespan of an erythrocyte in the bloodstream is 100-120 days i.e. about 5×10¹¹ erythrocytes
are formed/ destroyed each day.
Erythron (census): whole mass of RBCs & their precursors in bone marrow.
RBCs are considered as 'yardstick' for estimating dimensions of other cells in sections, (the
diameters of relative cells are about 7μm).
Differential Cell Count: Blood is also studied by spreading a drop on a slide to produce
a single layer of cells (blood smear). The cells are stained, differentiated by type, and counted to
reveal disease-related changes in their relative numbers. The smears are usually stained with dye
mixtures (eg, Wright's or Giemsa) containing eosin and methylene blue. Blood cells and their
components exhibit 4 major staining properties that allow the cell types to be distinguished:
Basophilia: is affinity for methylene blue. Basophilic structures stain purple to black.
Azurophilia: is affinity for the oxidation products of methylene blue called azures.
Azurophilic structures stain reddish-purple.
The differential leukocytic count is the percentage of each type of WBCs in blood,
and would typically produce the following cell frequencies:
~ 60% neutrophils (50% - 70%)
~ 4% eosinophils (>0% - 5%)
~ 0.5-1% basophils (>0% - 2%)
~ 5% monocytes (1% - 9%)
2- Eosinophils
Eosinophils are small 12-18μ in diameter, slightly larger than neutrophils. Eosinophils
represent 1-6% of the total white cell count, and show diurnal variation (greatest in morning;
least in afternoon). Their nuclei usually have two lobes that hidden by the numerous granules,
Eosinophils contain some large rounded vesicles (~1 μm) in their cytoplasm. The specific
granules contain lysosomal enzymes, and electron-dense, proteinaceous crystal composed of
major basic protein (MBP). Smaller granules: contain aryl sulfatase and acid phosphatase. Life
span: Eosinophils circulate in blood for 3 to 8 hours before migrating to connective tissue where
they last for 10-12 days. Eosinophilia: Increase the number of eosinophils above the normal as
in parasitic disease; and in allergic disorders.
1. Contain receptors for IgE which stimulates the immune system.
2. Their granules contain histaminase and arylsufatase enzymes that break down histamine
and leukotrienes.
3. Major Basic Protein, which can function as a cytotoxin, and involved in the response of
the body against parasitic infections.
4. Produce eosinophil-derived-inhibitor, which inhibits mast cell degranulation.
3- Basophils
Small granulocytes with a diameter of 8 to 10μm. Their nucleus is bilobed which hidden
by the large cytoplasmic granules. Their number is ~1% of differential white cell count. The
granules are not as numerous as those in eosinophils and have metachromatic stainability with
toluidine blue. Their specific granules (about 0.5 μm) appear quite dark in EM pictures. They
contain heparin, histamine lysosomal enzymes and leukotrienes. Their cell membrane contains
receptors for IgE (produced in response to allergens); that triggers rapid exocytosis of granular
contents (degranulation).
1. Heparin and histamine are vasoactive substances, dilate the blood vessels, make vessel
2. walls more permeable and prevent blood coagulation.
3. They facilitate the access of lymphocytes and other antibodies to the site of infection.
Non-granular leukocytes
1- Monocytes
Monocytes are large cells, 12-18μm in diameter; represent 2-10 % of the differential
cell count. Monocytes are highly motile and phagocytic cells; i.e. they are the precursor of tissue
phagocytes that migrate into tissues. Their nucleus less dense than lymphocytes; deeply
indented, kidney or C-shaped. Their cytoplasm is pale grayish blue with small pink to purple
stained lysosomal granules, and contain cytoplasmic vacuoles (frosted glass). Monocytes contain
granules (visible in the EM) which are similar to the primary granules of neutrophils, i.e.
Lysosomes containing acid phosphatase, aryl granules. They contain also secondary granules of
unknown function.
2- Lymphocytes
Lymphocytes represent 20 to 40% of the differential white cell count. There are two
structural types:
o T- helper lymphocytes
o T- suppressor lymphocytes
o T- memory lymphocytes
- Upon exposure to antigens B-lymphocytes differentiate into antibody producing plasma cells
that produce antibodies which directed against foreign antigen.
- T-lymphocytes represent the "cellular arm" of the immune response (cytotoxic T cells) and may
attack foreign cells, cancer cells and cells infected by e.g. a virus.
- Lymphopenia: decrease the number of lymphocytes less than 20% as in AIDS, and in aplastic
Clotting Factors:
Clotting involves a cascade of molecular interactions among several plasma proteins and
ions (clotting factors I - XIII). The cascade can be initiated by 2 converging pathways, each of
which results in the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin by the enzyme thrombin. Other factors
act as promoters and accelerators of the clotting process or help stabilize the fibrin once it has
formed. An inherited abnormality in factor VIII results in the clotting disorder known as
The lifespan of an erythrocyte in the bloodstream is 100-120 days i.e. about 5×10¹¹
erythrocytes are formed/ destroyed each day.
Erythron (census): whole mass of RBCs & their precursors in bone marrow.
RBCs are considered as 'yardstick' for estimating dimensions of other cells in sections, (the
diameters of relative cells are about 7μm).
Hemoglobin Each hemoglobin molecule consists of polypeptide subunits, each includes an iron-
containing heme group. Hemoglobin (Hb) exists in a different forms, distinguishable on the basis
of the amino acid sequence of their subunits. In humans, only 3 forms are considered normal in
postnatal life: HbAI constitutes 97%, HbA2 2%, and HbF 1% of the hemoglobin of healthy adults.
HbF makes up around 80% of the hemoglobin of newborns, however; this proportion gradually
decreases until normal adult levels are reached at about 8 months of age. HbS is an abnormal
form of HbA that is found in patients with sickle cell anemia. Unlike HbA, HbS becomes insoluble
at low oxygen tensions and crystallizes into inflexible rods that deform the RBCs, giving them the
characteristic sickle shape. When the rigid sickled cells pass through narrow capillaries, they
cannot bend as normal RBCs do. They may become trapped, obstructing blood flow through the
capillary, or rupture, decreasing the number of RBCs available for oxygen transport (anemia).
Abnormalities of RBCs: usually named as anemia that are due to changes in shape, number,
or hemoglobin content.
Before collection, make careful notes describing the exact location and condition of
any blood or bloodstains you may find. Note down the general color and condition of
the bloodstains. If the stains has a bright red color and conditions of the bloodstains
becomes older; the red color change to dark brown color.
1. A) Collect the blood sample by picking up with a clean medicine dropper and place in
a test tube containing Sodium Fluoride.
B) Cover the test tube with stopper and seal.
C) Label the test tube bearing the initials or the name of the investigator and date of
the collection and seal. Label maybe in the form of paper pasted on the container or
a tag tied to the object.
2. A) in the absence of sodium fluoride, put the blood on a microscope slide or soak them
in pieces of blotting paper and let them dry carefully without any heat.
B) Place the dried stain in a pillow or white mailing envelope and seal by placing
masking tape across the flap of the envelope and label them by inscribing thereon the
case information.
The criminalist must be prepared to answer the following questions when examining dried blood:
1. Is it blood?
2. From what species did the blood originate?
3. If the blood is of human origin, how closely can it be associated to a particular
Wet blood has more value than dried blood because more tests can be run. For example,
alcohol and drug content can be determined from wet blood only. Blood begins to dry after 3-5
minutes of exposure to air. As it dries, it changes color towards brown and black. Blood at the
crime scene can be in the form of pools, drops, smears, or crusts. Pools of blood obviously have
more evidentiary value in obtaining a wet sample.
Blood Analysis
Drops of blood tell the height and angle from which the blood fell. The forensic science of
blood spatter analysis says that blood which fell perpendicular to the floor from a distance of 0-2
feet would make a circular drop with slightly frayed edges. Drops from a higher distance would
have more pronounced tendrils fraying off the edges (a sunburst pattern). A blood smear on the
wall or floor tells the direction of force of the blow. The direction of force is always in the
direction towards the tail, or smaller end, of the smear, or splatter. In other words, the largest
area of the smear is the point of origin (a wave cast-off pattern). Blood crusts need to be tested
with crystalline methods to make sure it's blood.
Surface texture is of paramount importance. In general, the harder and less porous the
surface, the less spatter results. The direction of travel of blood striking an object may be
discerned because the pointed end of a bloodstain always faces its direction of travel. The impact
angle of blood on a flat surface can be determined by measuring the degree of circular distortion.
At right angles the blood drop is circular, as the angle decreases, the stain becomes elongated.
The origin of a blood spatter in a two-dimensional configuration can be established by drawing
straight lines through the long axis of several individual bloodstains. The intersection or point of
convergence of the lines represents the origin point.
a. Passive
Passive bloodstains are drops created or formed by the force of gravity acting alone.
b. Transfer
A transfer bloodstain is created when a wet, bloody surface comes in contact with
a secondary surface. A recognizable image of all or a portion of the original surface may
be observed in the pattern, as in the case of a bloody hand or footwear.
c. Projected
Projected bloodstains are created when an exposed blood source is subjected to an action
or force, greater than the force of gravity. (Internally or Externally produced). The size, shape,
and number of resulting stains will depend, primarily, on the amount of force utilized to strike the
blood source.
Bloodstain pattern(s) resulting from blood exiting the body under pressure from a breached
• Cast-off Stains
Blood released or thrown from a blood-bearing object in motion
• Impact Spatter
Blood stain patterns created when a blood source receives a blow or force resulting in the
random dispersion of smaller drops of blood.
Velocity affects stain pattern
Directionality of Bloodstains
When a droplet of blood strikes a surface perpendicular (90 degrees) the resulting
bloodstain will be circular. That being the length and width of the stain will be equal. Blood
that strikes a surface at an angle less than 90 degrees will be elongated or have a tear
drop shape. Directionality is usually obvious as the pointed end of the bloodstain ( tail ) will
always point in the direction of travel.
< = 30 degrees
An extremely sensitive test that can be applied to minute stain. For many years,
the most commonly used preliminary test for blood. Its use has generally been discontinued,
as it is known carcinogen. A very delicate test and will detect blood when present in dilution
of 1:300, 000 parts. The Benzidine test never fails to detect blood even when very old,
decomposed stain with all sorts of contamination is examined. This test is more sensitive than
the guaiacum test and is valuable as a negative result. If the stain reacts negatively it is not
blood. The positive result is an indication that blood may be present.
Reagent: a. Benzidine Solution (a small amount of powdered benzidine dissolved in
glacial acetic acid)
b. 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
Procedure: Place a small fragment/portion of the stained material on a filter paper.
Add a drop of benzidine solution and then a drop of hydrogen peroxide solution.
Positive Result: intense blue color appears immediately
Limitation of the Test: Benzidine test is not specific test for blood. Positive result may
be obtained from the substances as sputum, pus, nasal secretion, plant juices, formalin, clay
and gum. The reaction is weaker and produce faint coloration.
An alternative test to Benzidine test. It can detect blood in a dilution of
1:80,000,000 parts. A positive result with this test is highly indicative of blood. The negative
result is therefore valuable and is conclusive as to the absence of blood.
Reagent: a. Phenolphthalein solution (1 to 2 grams of phenolphthalein to 100 mL of
a 25% potassium hydroxide in water added with one gram of zinc powder heated until
b. 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
A fairly delicate test showing the presence of fresh blood in a solution of 1:50,000
dilution. It may not react to very old stains.
Reagent: a. Fresh tincture of guaiac resin (few lumps this to 95% alcohol, then filter.)
b. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or few drops of turpentine
Procedure: Place a small piece of the stained fabric on a porcelain dish. Soak with fresh
tincture of guaiac. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.
Positive Result: Beautiful blue color that appears immediately.
Limitation of the Test: The test also reacts with saliva, pus, bile, milk, rust, iron salts,
cheese, gluten, potatoes, perspirations, and other oxidizing substances.
An important presumptive identification for blood. The reaction of luminal with
blood results in the production of light rather than color. By spraying luminal reagent onto a
suspected item, large areas can be quickly screened for the presence of bloodstains. The
sprayed object must be located in a darkened area while being viewed for the emission of
light. Luminol test is extremely sensitive test. It is capable of detecting bloodstains diluted
up to 10, 000 times. Luminol is known to destroy many important blood factors necessary for
the forensic characterization of blood, so its use should be limited only to seeking out blood
invisible to the naked eye.
Positive Result: Luminescence or emission of light
The actual proof that a stain is blood consists of establishing the presence of the
characteristics blood pigment hemoglobin or one of its derivatives. Hemoglobin is the red
coloring matter of the RBC.
Visible Results:
1. Mammalian Red Blood Cells – circular, biconcave discs with nucleus. Appear as
characteristics non-nucleated discs.
Exception is camel and closely related animal such as llama whose red blood cells are oval
without nucleus
3. Amphibian Red Blood Cells – larger than mammals, oval and nucleated
The Test depend on the addition of the specific chemicals to the blood so that
characteristic crystals with hemoglobin will be formed.
Reagent: Sodium chloride, glacial acetic acid
Procedure: Place a minute fragment of the stain on a glass slide. Add a small
crystal of sodium chloride and 2 to 3 drops of acetic acid. Place cover slip and heat
gently over a small flame to evaporate the acid. Cool. Examine under the high-power
Positive Result: Dark brown rhombic crystal of haemin or haematin chloride
arranged singly or in cluster.
Limitation of the Test: The test is also given by indigo-dyed fabrics. If the stain is
old or washed or is changed by chemical reagents, the crystals are not formed. The
addition of too much salt or presence or moisture in the acid or over- heating of the
slide may result in failure.
The test depends on the addition of specific chemicals to the blood so that
characteristics crystal with hemoglobin will be formed.
Reagent: Acetone, dilute acetic acid or oxalic acid
Procedure: Place dried stain on a glass slide and cover with cover slip
with a needle interposed to prevent direct contact of the cover slip with a cover slip
with the slide. Add a drop of acetone then a drop of acetic acid.
Positive result: small, dark diachronic acicular crystal of acetone haemin
If the specimen is human blood, the next question is, did it come from the victim,
the accused or from other persons? So the origin of blood or bloodstain will be determined
by the identification of the blood groups to which it belongs, in short to what blood group
does it belong? This identification is carried out on both fresh blood and bloodstains.
Human blood of all races can be divided into definite groups.
The reciprocal relationship between antigens on the red blood cells and antibodies
in the serum is known as Landsteiner’s law. Karl Landsteiner suggested that the
phenomenon was not pathology, as was the prevalent thought at the time, but was a
physiological phenomenon due to the unique nature of the individual’s blood.
It states that:
• The first law holds true for all types of blood grouping.
• The second law is a fact for ABO blood groups.
• The Rh,M,N and other blood groups do not follow the second part of landsteiner’s
Karl Landsteiner
Blood typing is a test that determines a person’s blood type. The test is essential
if you need a blood transfusion or are planning to donate blood. Not all blood types are
compatible, so it’s important to know your blood group. Receiving blood that’s
incompatible with your blood type could trigger a dangerous immune response.
Your blood type is determined by what kind of antigens your red blood cells have
on the surface. Antigens are substances that help your body differentiate between its own
cells and foreign, potentially dangerous ones. If your body thinks a cell is foreign, it will
set out to destroy it.
The ABO blood typing system groups your blood into one of four categories:
If blood with antigens that you don’t have enters your system, your body will
create antibodies against it. However, some people can still safely receive blood that isn’t
• O: Type O individuals can donate blood to anyone, because their blood has no
antigens. However, they can only receive blood from other type O individuals (because
blood with any antigens is seen as foreign).
• A: Type A individuals can donate to other type A individuals and type AB individuals.
Type A individuals can receive blood only from other type A individuals and type O
• B: Type B individuals can donate blood to other B individuals and AB individuals. Type
B individuals can receive blood only from type B individuals and type O individuals.
• AB: Type AB individuals can give blood only to other AB individuals, but can receive
blood of any type.
• Rh-positive: People with Rh-positive blood have Rh antigens on the surface of their
red blood cells. People with Rh-positive blood can receive Rh-positive or Rh-negative
• Rh-negative: People with Rh-negative blood do not have Rh antigens. People with
Rh-negative blood can receive only blood that is also Rh-negative.
Together, the ABO and Rh grouping systems yield your complete blood type. There
are eight possible types: O-positive, O-negative, A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-
negative, AB-positive, and AB-negative. While type O-negative has long been considered
a universal donor, more recent research suggests that additional antibodies are sometimes
present and may cause serious reactions during a transfusion.
Austrian Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types in 1901. Before that, blood
transfusions were risky and potentially lethal. Landsteiner made the process much safer,
and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work.
Blood typing is especially important for pregnant women. If the mother is Rh-
negative and the father is Rh-positive, the child will likely be Rh-positive. In these cases,
the mother needs to receive a drug called RhoGAM. This drug will keep her body from
forming antibodies that may attack the baby’s blood cells if their blood becomes mixed,
which often happens during pregnancy.
By the time you are six months old, you naturally develop antibodies against the
antigens your red blood cells lack. For instance, a person with A blood type will have anti-
B antibodies, and a person with B blood type will have anti-A antibodies. If you have type
A blood, you cannot receive B blood because your body's anti-B antibodies will fight the
B blood's B antigens. It is crucial we have all blood types available to our patients.
Can receive
O- O+ B- B+ A- A+ AB- AB+
Blood Type
O- Yes
O+ Yes Yes
B- Yes Yes
B+ Yes Yes Yes Yes
A- Yes Yes
A+ Yes Yes Yes Yes
AB- Yes Yes Yes Yes
AB+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Everyone has ABO blood type (A, B, AB, or O) and an Rh factor (positive or
negative). Just like eye or hair color, our blood type is inherited from our parents.
Each biological parent donates one of two ABO genes to their child. The A and B
genes are dominant and the O gene is recessive. For example, if an O gene is paired with
an A gene, the blood type will be A.
• AA = A blood type
• AO = A blood type
• BB = B blood type
• BO = B blood type
• OO = O blood type
• AB = AB blood type
Rh Factor
The Rh factor is simply a protein that is found on the covering of the red blood
cells. If your red blood cells have this protein, you are Rh positive. If your blood cells don't
have this protein, you are Rh negative.
Just as everyone inherits ABO genes, every person inherits one Rh factor gene
from each parent. The Rh-positive gene is the dominant gene when paired with an Rh-
negative gene.
Negative /
Parent Genes Positive / Postive Negative / Positive
Neg/Neg, Neg/Pos,
Negative / Positive Neg/Neg, Neg/Pos Neg/Pos, Pos/Pos
In 1927, Lansteiner and Levine discovered two new agglutinogens in human red blood
cells that define three types of blood, namely Type M, Type N, Type MN. These are independent
of the agglutinogens A and B. The human sera, however, do not contain natural for M. The
agglutinins can be demonstrated only by hetero-agglutination reaction with appropriate immune
rabbit sera. So anti-M and anti-N were produce by heter-agglutination reaction and just like anti-
A and anti-B, it determines the presence of agglutinogen M and N in the red blood cells.
Six different mating are possible between the three blood types. Types MN is always
heterozygous. The heredity of agglutinogens M and N according to Landsteiner and Levine
depends upon a single pair of allelic genes M and N which give rise to the three genotypes MN,
M and N respectively
In dried blood grouping one cannot use the direct method as used in grouping of fresh
blood because in direct grouping, the identification of A and B antigens is accomplished by directly
reacting the blood with Anti-A and Anti-B serum. In dried blood, the red blood cells are already
ruptured due to dying, leaving no cells in the stain to be agglutinated. However, although the
cells may have disintegrated, the antigens present on their surface remain and are still identifiable
by indirect means.
Questions of illegitimacy and relationship in many cases may be solved by means of the
Blood groups as determined by the agglutinogens A, B, M and N.
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