A. Coverpage Preface
A. Coverpage Preface
A. Coverpage Preface
Unit 1: Understanding Life Span Development
Lesson 1: Basic Principles of Life Span Development
Lesson 2: Basic Elements of Scientific Research in Human Development
Lesson 3: Genetics, Pre-natal Development and Birth
Unit 2: Theories of Life Span Development
Lesson 4: Psychosexual and Psychosocial Theories of Development
Lesson 5: Learning Theory of Development
Lesson 6: Cognitive Theory of Development
Lesson 7: Systems Theory of Development
Lesson 8: Moral Theory of Development
Unit 3: Cognitive and Social Development
Lesson 9: Intelligence
Lesson 10: Gender, Sexuality, and Self Development
Lesson 11: Social and Emotional Development
Lesson 12: Death and Grieving
First, this module in Human Development specializing life-span perspective is
purposely crafted to contribute to the Learning Management System (LMS) of JH
Cerilles State College. Amid digital age and Covid-19 pandemic, Instructors are strongly
challenged to make an alternative teaching modality. Consequently, this module is
initiated to continue serving the students with quality education and deliver what is
expected from an educator.
Secondly, the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS), BS Social Work Program
(BSSW) includes Developmental Psychology in its curriculum to help the students
understand what it takes to be human. Given that the program aims to prepare the
students to become community help providers, therefore understanding first human
development course is utmost essential. Human development is a unique subject in
BSSW program, although it sounds sensible if it could be embedded in other curriculum
programs. For this course could be a platform in discovering our strengths and
weaknesses, a guide in observing our thoughts, in predicting our feelings, and in
controlling our behaviors. A person who practices navigating thyself through theoretical
and realistic lenses of human development can relate with others effectively and achieves
a sense of direction.
Also, components of this module include basic concepts of human development,
domains of human development, periods of human development, perspectives of nature
and nurture influences, the ecological theory of human development, and research and
designs in human development. Enclosed are special features such as learning outcomes,
pre-test and mastery tests, key concepts and theories of human development, learning
activities (reflective of personal experiences in forms of graphic organizers and
supplemental video materials, book references, and rubrics. This is mindfully done to
inclusively cater learning needs and potentials of diverse students.
Lastly, the author is inspired in creating this module because it helps in her
thriving. In her quest for what makes a good life, a sense of accomplishment is found to
be an essential element. As Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology
reminds the people that to achieve happiness or wellbeing, one must feel accomplished,
therefrom, positive emotions, engagement, good relationships, and meaningful or
purposeful life interplay. But, one thing that the author will add is the element of
spirituality or transcendence that keeps her life going. The excitement to reflect and go
beyond the self, help this module alive and flourish. This is a product of thriving, a work
in progress.
I have discovered that being grateful on a daily basis promotes a healthy mind and
body. It has been scientifically proven that living in this state radiates authentic self and a
purposeful life.
My gratitude belongs to JH Cerilles State College for allowing me to flourish as
an educator and a lifelong learner. Making this instructional material is indeed hard but,
in the process,, I refused to quit because of the following persons:
Darlene Daryl Nayo, thank you for the ideas and encouragement in accomplishing
this endeavor as well as to my beautiful colleagues, Michelle Aranjuez, Kenny Colocar,
and Catherine Daniel.
To our President, Dr. Mary Jocelyn V. Battung, VPAA, Dr. Lina T. Codilla,
Dean, Dr. Julieta Cebrero, Program Coordinator, Perlaida Puno, and IM Facilitator,
Angel Rodriguez, my salute to these resilient women. Your continuous support, patience,
and optimism give us hope to survive in the academe.
To Dr. Jovelyn Cantina, your expertise and kindness in sharing your knowledge in
IM development, I am grateful. You really have a growth mindset disposition and it
radiates throughout the process.
To my daughter Ma. Louise, my love, thank you for allowing me to use your
picture as the cover photo of this material. I have been observing you grow, sometimes, I
made experiments with you, and reflect so much in it. You are my inspiration.
Above all, to the Almighty God for the strength and consistent abundance. Your
sweetness overflows.
some ways from the learners of the last generation as today’s discipline of life-span
development is different from the field 30 years ago. Students now learn in multiple
modalities; rather than sitting down and reading traditional printed chapters in linear
fashion from beginning to end, their work preferences tend to be more visual and more
interactive, and their reading occur in short bursts. For many students, a traditionally
formatted printed textbook is no longer enough when they have instant, 24/7 access to
news and information from around the globe. Two features that specifically support
today’s students are the adaptive ebook, Smart- book, and the learning goals system.