English Project
English Project
English Project
1) Introduction
2) Causes of Disrespect/cruelty against Old aged
Parents/Senior Citizens
3) Case Study – 1
4) Case Study – 2
5) Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and
Senior Citizens Act, 2007
6) Documentary
7) Help Age India
8) Conclusion
9) Bibliography
The rights of older persons are the entitlements and
independence claimed for senior citizens (i.e. above 60 years of
age). Elderly rights are one of the fundamental rights of India.
The International Day of older persons is celebrated annually
on October 1.
HELP AGE advocates for their needs such as, for Universal
Pension, quality healthcare, action against Elder Abuse and
many more at the national, state and societal level, with the
Central and State governments. It runs various Age care
programs to service elder needs. The aim is to serve
disadvantaged elders in a holistic manner, enabling them to
live active, dignified and healthier lives.
The project not just dives into the neglected, ill-treated, abused
and abandoned lives of elderly people but to the alarming and
growing rate of elderly abuse and disrespect to them. We also
see that most of them are ill-treated and mistreated not just by
outsiders but by their own sons, daughters and daughter in
laws for the sake of inheritance, money and due to their
inability during old age.
Just like in Shakespeare‘s famous poem “Seven ages of Man”
how old age is described as second childhood so let’s ensure
that we remember that taking care of elderly people is just
equal to taking care of infants and treat them with respect,
care, patience and kindness as they finish their lives on Earth.