Spelling D 2017

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Read the 11'1$UUCIIQns on lhe ANSWER BOOKLET Md fill ,n
Use a pMcil Do NOT use a c;oloured peno� or a (>en

Rut> out any mistakes comoltrlefy.

YOV MUST reoc,to Your >ln$WelS on the ANSWER BOOKLET

Marl< only ONE answo< ior eacn quetUon.

Your score wiU b� �'lo nvmber ol correct an.,;wers.
DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET Marks an3 NOT deducted for incorrect ar.olwcrs.
50 QUESTIONS Each sect,on r,l th<> assessnwot.1$ d11fer�t.
Read the ,nstrJJCtiof\s for e.ic;h section carefully.
TIME ALLOWED: SECTION A + 25 MINUTES Mako sure you follow the. 1nst11JC11ons
The qu<1st1ons for SectrPn 6 ar� to"nd ,n lhls bookie:.
Fill ,n tho 0\131 that matches )'OUr answer ,n 11\e ANSWER

You are NOT anov,co 10 use o oicwnarv

o(an 'i!lectroni<; translator
1.,,..., ...�.,, ...;11,
For questions 16 to 30 read the instructions carefully. Fill in the oval in the ANSWER
BOOKLET. Fill in only ONE oval for each question.

16. Choose the CORRECT letters to complete the word.

The captain explained how to use the b. ancy devices.

(A) oiy
(B) uey
(C) oay
(D) uoy

17. C hoose the word spelt CORRECTLY when a prefix is added.

(A) qualified dissqualified
(B) rational irational
(C) legible illegible
(D) noticed unoticed

18. C hoose the word spelt CORRECTLY when a suffix is added.


(A) rebel rebelious
(B) consume consumption
(C) occur occurrance
(D ) compare compareble

For questions 19 to 20 choose the sentence in which BOTH underlined words are

19. (A) We had some chocolate mousse for dessert.

(B) We had some chocolate moose for dessert.
(C) We had some chocolate mousse for desert.
( D) We had some chocolate moose for desert.

20. (A) The principal ordered stationery for the new school term.
(B) The principle ordered stationary for the new school term.
(C) The principle ordered stationery for the new school term.
( D) The principal ordered stationary for the new school term.

2017 ICAS Spelil'lg Paper O O UNS\VGIOOOI Ply Liinl!OO

For questions 21 to 28 choose the underlined word spelt INCORRECTLY.

21. The elegant contestant used a brilliant argumant to win the debate.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

22. The heiress spoke to her feisty neice about the amount of caffeine she was drinking.
(A) (B) (C) (0)

23. The desparate criminal surprised the police by crashing the stolen vehicle
(A) (B) (C)

into the barricade.


24. There was spontanious laughter when the tenacious man with the prodigious
(A) (B) (C)

memory claimed not to be a voracious reader.


25. The students' plan for an inaugural school dance to mark the opening of the

hall was in jepardy and they were justifiably melancholy.

(B) (C) (D)

26. He was undecided about becoming a veterinarian, a statistician,

(A) (8)
a psychiatrist or a surgion.
(C) (D)

27. The baroness asked the chaufer to drive her from the chateau to the boutique.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

28. (A) The cubicle in the office was too small to fit a desk and a chair.
(8) The picnic was a debacle because it rained so hard.
(C) The dust partical looked huge under a microscope.
(D) The team had to do something radical in order to win the game.

For questions 29 and 30 choose the sentence which contains a SPELLING ERROR.

29. (A) The author used a clever pseudonym for his latest blockbuster.
(8) The scientists calculated the precise trajectory of the meteorite.
(C) The environmentalist studied the variability in animal migrations.
(D) The jury unanamously agreed that the accused was guilty.

30. (A) In a democracy, enrolled citizens vote to determine their legitimate

(8) A prospective member of parliement must first nominate as a candidate
for election.
(C) The opposition is the political party that fails to acquire the majority of seats.
(D) A referendum is undertaken whenever constitutional change is contemplated.
2017 ICAS $pelhng Peper OOUNSW Global Ply U'l'm!d
Copyrighl in !his booklet is owned by UNSW Global Ply Lin1i1ed, unless otherwise indicated. Every efforl has been made
lo trace and acknowledge copyright. UNSW Global Ply Lurntcd apologises for any accidental infnngement and welcomes
informat on to redress the situatton.


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I 111(11.tl''Ab':,)'111/111" ;It,, llld1;1, !;11 l..s1w, follli.,ai: ivt 1''I7C4fl.c'l�l(d,.
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The fonowiog 1abte shows the questions you ans\veredcorrectly 0 and shades the questions that you ;;
.0 ; !
aosworod incorrccttyO. The questions are ranked from tiardes1 at the 1op to easiesr at the bouom. ,c � � 0
c 0

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Que stion content Area assessed 0 0 > in <
,A. ex.:icorbaic: correct �n OffOt ,n .-i soft ·c· sovnd and sn uns.reS;Seci syllable [exasaoo1e) Co1Tacting 44 - ,/ 2%
liaison: span a w'Orel 01 French ofig,n 'with an. unu:sval vow-el 1>3t1.ern Dictation 9 - x 4%
.g -
convaJcscenoc: spell a low ftcc,vcncy word wilh differen1 vowel sounds and an 'ence ' ending Dictation 15
. ,/ 6%

i i
su,·roptiliousty! CO<!CCt an e,ITO( in an 'ious' 1;utd ng fsurmptish sly] Correcting 41 x 6%
3 rorcnnning: eo<rcct an err()i( m a homophonic syflabJe [foutbodiilg}
Of'l0m.-i1opo,cio.: spell a wo«i of Greek origin 'M'lh an unusual 1o'Owel pattern (oeia)
12 . x
acquined: SPelf a word, applying a rule (doubl� f if\al cons.on.ants) to �Od a suffix. (eO> DiCt.aliOO 7 . ,/ 13o/o
,pont3neous.: ident ify an error in a word with an 'OOu$' ending !spontaniOusJ Rulies & Convontions 24 A c 10%
wondrous: identify an error when a suffix {OU$}� addOO (wOOOOtous) PtoolfOl.lding 32 . x 2:%
pamda: identity an Gn'Or in a final unsttossOd syll:lbte {pa,iica� Rules & Conventions 26 c ,/ 24o/o
vulnerability: correct an e«o, in a common ly cliC:SCCf syllable and a: sc:h\va sovnd (vulnatibility} Correcting 47 - ,/ 24%
nieoe: idonlily an error in a ru!o {1" before ·o· except alter ',c') (OO lceJ Rules &- Conventions 22 c 0 25%
plausibSO: spolf a k)w 1,cquc,ricy word •1111h 3 vowe l digraph (au) and an 'ible ' ending Dicr.a1ion 14 - ,/ 29%
principal, si.-i1ionc!)': ldcn1)ty the c0<rect use ot homophones Rules & Conventions 20 A ,/ 3Jo/
unsctupolous: spell a word with a prefix. a consonant blend (scr) and an 'ous' ending Dictati on 8 - ,/ 32%
lnOOvertently: corre¢1 an error in a commonly misspe lled word (inOOvertantly)
en,c:ouragement identify an enor in dropp ng silent 'o' to add a S:Uf-lix [encou1ugrnen1J
34 . ,/
34 %
pursued: correci an error in a VO\\'Ol-con::.onanl digl'aPh (por'Suo£;dl C0<rcc1in,g 43 ./ 35%
uoanimou.sl.y: identify an en0< I.fl "" u1lSl(CSSCd mcOial vowo11un3namovstyl Rules & Coovcnnons Z9 D ./ 43,-,
raspbenics: SPOii � wO<<:I with the silent mc�Ioonson::1n1 'J)' Dict:'ltion 4 - ,/ 47'%
oonsumpl i()(I; ldcnllly the correc1 spelllng when -3 suffix is added RuSes & Conven1ions 18 B ,/ SO%
cnterptiSC: ICICt1t1fy an error i n a wo� of French origin with a final "z' sound [enlerprizeJ Proolreading 31 - ,/ 51%
QVCl1¢: spell a C:Sifficu!t word vli1h a cepea1ed \Je ' pattern Dictation II - ./ 51%
jeopa((ly: k1en1ify an error in an unusual vowel panem (jepardyJ Rules & Convenlions 25 B ,/ 51%
in1oleram: speU a word with a prefix and an 'ant' ending OiCl.atiOO 6 . ./ 51%
-stealthily: correct an error in a VO'I/CIdig,aph {SWthilyJ Cetroctiog 48 ./ 52%
inexplicable: conoct an o,ro, in o.o 'ab lo' onding (locxp l�blOI Corroctlng 50 ,/ 52%
accoroc:,1 istwoon1: iclentify an ea0< In a oonsonant dlg1aph ·er: facomp!ishmen1) Ptoofteading 39 ,/ SZ'o/o
SwWel: spell a 'liOrd '1Ji1h an ini1ia l oonsonant blend (sw) and an unstressed syllable (vel) Dictation 10 ,/ 53%
Turquoise: spell a word with a vowef-oonsonant dig.raph (ur) and an unusual 'oise' ending Dictati on 13 ./ 55'%
chauffeur: iden1ify errors in double conson.ants and a Frcnch letter pauo,n {OUT) (CMuk:r) Rufes & Conventions 27 B ,/ 56%
resiflence: identify an error in a word vlilh an 'er100' Of'lding (resilia1,co1 Pfoolroadir')Q 40 ,/ 58%
misgivings: identify an <Jn04' in ti prefix: [missgivingsJ P(OOl(Cildir)Q 37 ./ 64%
myria<J: ic'.Jontily an Cl'rOf in a WOfd 01 G,ook o,1gin !miri3CIJ P'coo1,o.1_<:1ing 38 ./ 65%
buoyMcy : iOOntify the c0<rcct vowc ·«.insonaot
! 1n9rooh (vov) Rvics & Conven11ons 16 0 ,/ 66%
VCSJ><)S$illg: COftCCt an error in adding a suffix (trespasing) Correcting 42 ,/ 67%
Iillegible: identify the oorrec1 spelling when a prefix is added Rules & Conventions 17 c ,/ 68%
jealousy: spell a word with two vowel digraphs {ea and ou) Oicta1 on 5 ./ 68%
surgeon: identify an e"or in a vowel digraph (surgionJ Rulos & COl'lveMions 26 D ,/ 68%
parl i ament: ident ify an Ciftx in an unst,llSSOd vowct in a SUbtOCt-spco11,c v1orC1 [PDJti omcntl Ruaos & Convontio.-1s 30 0 ./ GO%
moosso. de!isert : idonlity tnc COl'l'CCl vso of commonly oon!l>OOCI w0<ds Rules 8 Convcotfons 19 A ./ 7 1%
devastating: co.rtect .:io Qt(Qt ,n "schwa sound (dcwesl;)tingJ Corrcctjng 46 ./ 71%
dospQrato: tdonUty an ctro, In a oommonly elided me<ia! vowel fdesparalel Rt.Aes & Cooveolfons 23 A D 74%
cama,adetiO: kle.ot1fy an error in tile spefling or a semantically similar \\'Ord (comaraderieJ Ptoofreading 36 ,/ 60%
w c>cvbcrantty: iOentlfy {tn enor i.n a medial sc:h '1ta sound [exubarant ly) Proofreading :l3 ,/ 66%
ancient spell a \\'Ord applying an exception to a rul e (' i' belOfo 'e' excopl alter 'c') Dictation 2 ,/ 87%
junction: spell a word with an initial fricalivo 1 and an unu�ua l tnQCial COfl$0t.an1 patt�ru Dictati on 3 ./ 88%
argument: identify an error in an 'enl' :.umx {atgur'flilflll Ruk:s & ConvcntiOns 21 D ./ !)1%
r.i.pport: idonlily .:in orfo, in a Ff<:nch •110ref rroc,poorl PtOOlfCJ<.ling 35 ./ 9t%
steep: spell a word with ao initial consonant blcOCI (so and <lovble JcUcl'S (co) Oiccmioo 1 ./ 94%

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