Dte128.1 - Task 07
Dte128.1 - Task 07
Dte128.1 - Task 07
1 B12
BADIO, Norinza M.
Estimate the quantity of paint of your house which includes: walls, roof, ceiling.
➔ ROOF: 300sq.m
➔ Fine to Coarse surface - 37 sq. m Coverage area
➔ CEILING: 175sq.m
➔ Coarse to the rough surface - 30 sq. m. coverage area
Acrylic paint dries in a matter of minutes. If you're painting a tiny area, this may be
advantageous, but painting larger areas will be more challenging. It is incompatible with
oil-based paints and will not cling to a wall that has previously been painted with oil-
based paint.
2. What is Latex paint? Give images and examples.
Unlike other water-based paints, latex does not require any special preparation. It
is constructed of acrylic resin, similar to acrylic paint. Unlike acrylic, latex paint is
excellent for bigger expanses of paint. It's frequently purchased in bigger
amounts, not because it dries faster.
Advantages of oil:
● It goes on more smoothly.
● In one coat, it covers more fully.
● Less prone to shrinkage
● Because it takes longer to dry, you have more time to work.
● In high-traffic regions, it holds up nicely.
Disadvantages of oil:
● Over time, it's more prone to crack, fade, and yellow.
● The gases can be exhilarating at times.
● Brushes must be washed using cleaning chemicals such as mineral spirits
and turpentine. These dangerous compounds must be carefully controlled
(local facilities can be found in the phone book's government pages).
5. What other materials are used in house painting jobs? Give images.
Wall Cleaner
Cloth, drop cloths
Roller trays
Touch-up tool