Hero System Predators

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S T E V E N S .

An Enemies Book for Dark Champions
Author: Steven S. Long
Editing & Development: Allen Thomas
Layout & Graphic Design: Andy Mathews
Cover Illustration: Andy Mathews
Interior Illustration: Manuel Calderon, Storn Cook,
Dominika Klosowicz, Derrick Thomas, Maria van Bruggen

First, special thanks to Christoph Schütt (for help translating
names and terms into German) and S. John Ross (for the chili
recipe). Second, we’d also like to thank the Digital Hero playtest-
ers and testreaders who reviewed the Predators manuscript and
helped us correct typos and check the math. It would be a crime
not to give you the thanks you deserve — you’re all heroes!

Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by
Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Fantasy Hero © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
Predators © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Printed in the Canada. First printing July 2005
Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Pulp Hero, Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Stock Number: DOJHERO602 • ISBN Number: 1-58366-044-5
Introduction ..................................... 4 CHAPTER THREE: APPENDIX .................................... 221
SOLO CRIMINALS Cop, Basic ................................... 220
CHAPTER ONE: Cop, Experienced/Tough ............... 221
Le Bateleur ................................. 102
CRIMELORDS Black Tarantula ............................ 105
Gangsta ...................................... 222
El Azteca ......................................... 6 Security Guard, Basic ................... 223
Blind ........................................... 107 Security Guard, Elite..................... 224
El Azteca’s Cartel ........................... 8 Blood Orchid ............................... 109
El Escorpión .................................. 10 Soldier/Mercenary, Basic .............. 225
Brahma ....................................... 112 Soldier/Mercenary,
La Vispa ........................................ 12 Brother Namaan .......................... 114
Buckshot ....................................... 15 Experienced/Tough .................... 226
Jack L. Carter .............................. 117 Soldier/Mercenary, Special Forces 227
Caligula......................................... 17 Cerberus ..................................... 119
Hotspur ......................................... 19 Spy, Cinematic............................. 228
Chiaroscuro ................................. 121 Spy, Realistic ............................... 229
Charlemagne................................. 22 Contagion ................................... 123
Diomedes...................................... 25 Terrorist, Basic ............................ 230
Copperhead ................................ 126 Terrorist, Experienced/Tough......... 231
Janus ........................................... 27 Daedalus..................................... 129
Rasputin ....................................... 30 Thug ........................................... 232
Dagger........................................ 132 Super-Soldier Projects ................. 233
Speargun ...................................... 33 Alexander Drood,
Carl Spears ................................... 37 the Unfinished Man ................... 135
Randolph Starr .............................. 39 Ahmad “the Vulture” Farswali ....... 139
Starrlight and Starrbright ................ 42 Firebug ....................................... 141
Strad ............................................ 44 Fusillade ..................................... 143
Michelangelo Strake ...................... 47 Dr. Rodin Grimm .......................... 145
Gunplay ...................................... 147
CHAPTER TWO: The Headless Hangman ............... 150
CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS Hecate ........................................ 153
The Arsenal ................................... 50 The Heretic ................................. 155
Arsenal ......................................... 51 Ixion............................................ 158
Gatling .......................................... 54 Jackknife .................................... 160
Heatseeker .................................... 56 Jihad .......................................... 164
Magnum ....................................... 58 Rodrick Kaine .............................. 166
Troubleshooter............................... 60 The Kissing Bandit ....................... 168
Widowmaker ................................. 62 Lt. Paul McClinton ....................... 170
The Rest Of The Arsenal ............ 64 Meteor ........................................ 173
The Consortium ............................. 65 Nocturne ..................................... 175
Members Of The Consortium ..... 69 Andres Panthanatos..................... 178
UMBRA ......................................... 74 The Philistine............................... 181
Heinrich Zoltran ............................. 77 Prospero ..................................... 183
The Victory Party ........................... 80 Redbeard .................................... 187
Herr Doktor Gerhardt Spregen ........ 81 Rush ........................................... 190
The Victory Brigade (Siegestruppe).. 85 Saltpeter Mary ............................. 193
Kreuzfeuer .................................... 85 Satan’s Kiss ................................ 195
Falke ............................................ 88 The Shrike................................... 197
Jäger ............................................ 90 SNAFU ........................................ 200
Todesfalle...................................... 92 Spike .......................................... 203
Trittrunter ...................................... 94 Stonehenge ................................. 205
While Earth Burns (WEB) ................ 96 The Tallyman ............................... 207
The Recluse .................................. 98 Temptation .................................. 209
Gaea’s Commando ...................... 100 Thunderhawk .............................. 211
Torquemada ................................ 214
The Varangian ............................. 216
4 Hero System 5th Edition

great hero is nothing without a great bad As an enemies book, Predators is designed pri-

A guy to oppose him — after all, it doesn’t

take a whole lot of heroic effort to defeat
some incompetent fool, or to investigate a
criminal “mastermind” who doesn’t have the brains
to come in out of the rain. But for Dark Champions
marily for use by GMs. If you’re not a GM, you may
still find it useful as a source of example powers
and character ideas, but get the GM’s permission to
read it. Some GMs prefer to keep the information
in this book secret until they reveal it during game
GMs, coming up with a constant stream of cool, play, and may not ever want players to read their
evocative, dangerous, exciting adversaries for the enemies’ character sheets.
PCs can be a major task! Not only are many Dark Chapter One of Predators focuses on master
Champions PCs likely to leave their opponents dead criminals: fiendish men and women like El Azteca,
instead of in jail, but making one terrorist, assassin, Michelangelo Strake, Caligula, Speargun, Char-
or thief different from those who came before often lemagne, and Rasputin who are behind the schemes
strains the GM’s creativity. and crimes the characters fight. The PCs may never
To help keep the time and effort of creating see some of these people, but they’ll definitely hear
new enemies to a minimum, Predators presents about them on the streets.
nearly a hundred criminals, spies, killers, thieves, Chapter Two covers organizations: the Arse-
and other assorted scum for the GM to use. They nal, a powerful team of well-armed mercenaries;
range from powerful and influential captains of the Consortium, a conspiracy that seeks to exploit
industry who seem like ordinary, upstanding citi- human contact with aliens for its own benefit;
zens to most of the world, to drug lords, assassins, UMBRA, a group of business and military lead-
cat burglars, conspirators, and beyond. There are ers determined to take over the world; the Victory
even a few “weird” criminals, with strange powers Party, an insidious far right-wing political orga-
or abilities your PCs may never be able to under- nization with a dark secret at its heart; and While
stand or explain fully. Earth Burns, an eco-terrorist group. Sometimes
The backgrounds of these characters tie them even a powerful crimelord isn’t enough to oppose
into the “Dark Champions Universe” described in the PCs for long, and these organizations give the
Hudson City and other books from Hero Games, GM an opponent to set against the PCs that can’t be
but you can easily adapt them to your game if destroyed with a few gunshots.
you’re not using that setting. Just change a few Chapter Three, Solo Criminals, features ene-
background details, maybe tweak an ability or two, mies who aren’t affiliated with a particular group
and you’ve got a new villain for your game. or who work for themselves as part of the under-
Similarly, you can re-arrange or revise the world. It includes a wide assortment of twisted,
enemies in this book to suit your campaign. If evil, vicious, greedy people like the Black Tarantula,
you think Blind should work for UMBRA, move Cerberus, Dr. Grimm, Jackknife, the Kissing Bandit,
him from the “solo” category to the “organization” Andres Panthanatos, Saltpeter Mary, Temptation,
category. If the characters tend to be too power- and the Varangian — any one of whom could give
ful (or too weak), adjust them appropriately — the your PCs fits in the right situation.
“Campaign Use” section of each character sheet has Predators concludes with two appendices.
suggestions for doing just that, as well as for using The first contains over a dozen generic character
the character in your game. sheets for routine adversaries your heroes might
Most of the characters in Predators are designed encounter: cops, gangstas, thugs, soldiers, terrorists,
as Powerful Heroic characters, with 100 Character and more. The second is a master list of the villains
Points plus up to 100 points from Disadvantages. appearing in this book and Hudson City for quick-
Some have a lot more points than that, while some reference purposes.
barely exceed 100 points altogether — remember, And now it’s time to put the PCs to work! The
it’s not how many points a character has, but how he streets are filled with predators, and it’s going to
spends them, that defines him as a Dark Champions take the best hunters out there to protect society
character. Sometimes it’s not possible to define an from them.
enemy properly on 200 points, and it’s preferable
to build an enemy right rather than to follow rigid
point restrictions or nebulous concepts of “points
efficiency.” Enemies, after all, aren’t the central focus
of the campaign, so when you create them you don’t
have to worry as much about campaign standards as
you do with PCs (who are always on center stage).
chapter one:

6 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition

EL AZTECA 4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 5d6 Strike
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Roundhouse -2 +1 7d6 Strike
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Tackle +0 -1 3d6 +v/5 Strike;
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 You Fall, Target
16 CON 12 12- Falls
10 BODY 0 11- 2 Use Art with Clubs, Blades
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Perks
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 2 Deep Cover (Juan Morcenegos, tequila
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 farmer/distiller)
10 COM 0 11- 5 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank
7 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD) 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
6 ED 3 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) 10 Money: Wealthy
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 2 Reputation: generous rich man (among the
10 REC 8 people near his hacienda) 14-, +2/+2d6
32 END 0 1 Reputation: ruthless druglord (among
40 STUN 14 Total Characteristics Cost: 107 Hudson City Hispanics, law enforcement
personnel, and the like) 11-, +1/+1d6
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 2 Reputation: Aztec cult leader (among the
Cost Powers END Mystic World) 11-, +2/+2d6
30 Force Of Personality: Multipower, 30-point Talents
reserve 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
1u 1) Mesmerizing Voice: +30 PRE; Only To 3 Lightsleep
Make Loyalty-/Respect-Based Presence
Attacks (-1), Requires An Oratory Roll Skills
(no Active Point penalty; -0) 0 10 +1 Overall
1u 2) One Scary Mother!$&*er: +15 PRE; 3 Bribery 13-
Only For Fear-/Intimidation-Based Pres- 3 Combat Driving 13-
ence Attacks (-1) 0 3 Concealment 12-
Martial Arts: Dirty Infighting 3 Deduction 12-
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect 3 High Society 13-
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Interrogation 13-
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, +10 3 AK: Latin City 12-
STR to Disarm 5 AK: Northern Mexico 14-
roll 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
4 Eye Gouge -1 -1 Sight Group 2 CK: Mexico City 11-
Flash 4d6 3 KS: Aztec Civilization And Culture 12-
4 Kidney Blow -2 +0 HKA ½d6 3 KS: Aztec Religion, Theology, And Philoso-
(1d6+1 with phy 12-
STR) 2 KS: Narcotics 11-
4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(3) 2 KS: Tequila 11-
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Steyr AUG +1 +2 1½d6 1d6 30 12 AF5, FS, 2H
SIG/SAUER P226 +3 +0 2d6+1 1d6-1 15 8 Pen, +1 Fast Draw, customgrips, fine
tuning II, improved firing pin, PR
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
When he’s expecting trouble, El Azteca dons Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-) with ceramic plates
on chest, sides, and back (DEF +3, Activation Roll 10-). At other times he may wear light body armor
(DEF 3, Activation Roll 11-).
Gear: Silencer for SIG/SAUER P226
Predators ■ Chapter One 7

3 KS: Voodoo 12- Background/History: A few years ago, Mexican

1 Language: English (basic conversation; and DEA officials were surprised when a minor
Spanish is Native) cartel from Durango began taking on... and
1 Language: Nahuatl (basic conversation) destroying... other cartels in the region, then
7 Oratory 15- absorbing their people and resources. The leader
3 Persuasion 13- of the cartel was a mysterious man known as El
2 PS: Druglord 11- Azteca (“the Aztec”), who’d taken over the cartel
2 PS: Smuggling 11- in the previous year — apparently from within,
3 Riding 13- and by means as yet unknown.
3 Seduction 13- Soon, even more disturbing reports reached
3 Stealth 13- the ears of law enforcement. Informers claimed El
6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Azteca tied his people to him by rituals of blood
Jetskis, SCUBA, Small Planes, Two-Wheeled and obedience — that he was a cult leader as well
Motorized Ground Vehicles as a narcotraficante. Speaking in terrified whispers,
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades they said he thought of himself as some sort of
Aztec holy man or god, and that like the Mexican
Resource Points
priests five centuries ago he tore out the hearts of
28 Equipment Points: 200
sacrificial victims. Mixed in with this resurrection
55 Vehicle/Base Points: 120
of the ancient Aztec faith were Voodoo-like rituals.
30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
The authorities have never proven these stories
N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2
conclusively, but they believe them to be true based
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 302 on circumstantial evidence. They’ve repeatedly
Total Cost: 409 tried to infiltrate undercover agents into El Azteca’s
cartel, but have always failed — and the agents
100+ Disadvantages themselves have always disappeared, except for one.
15 Hunted: Mexican Federal Police 8- (As Pow, His corpse was found by the side of a rural road
NCI, Capture/Kill) west of Tepehuanes... with a hole in its chest where
20 Hunted: DEA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) his heart used to be.
20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer What the authorities do know for certain is
(Very Common, Strong) this: El Azteca’s power in the Mexican underworld
20 Psychological Limitation: Ruthless And has been growing, and it shows no signs of stop-
Amoral (Common, Total) ping. Cautious, clever, and ruthless, he’s avoided
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other druglords; many of the pitfalls of personality and greed that
Seeks To Kill Rivals) have laid other cartel leaders low. In his boldest
224 Experience Points gamble yet, he’s starting to move into Hudson City
Total Disadvantage Points: 409 directly, using a new street gang called Los Toros
as his advance force. There may come a time when
this mysterious, nigh-untouchable man from
Durango controls the Hudson City drug market.
Personality/Motivation: It takes ruthlessness, clev-
erness, guile, and the will to violence to succeed
in the Mexican underworld, and El Azteca has all
of those qualities in spades. He can kill or torture
without feeling the slightest remorse; many of his
underlings think he enjoys inflicting pain, and
they’re not entirely wrong. He wants money, power,
and respect, and he’ll do anything to get and keep
them. People — whether they’re his trusted body-
guards, his lieutenants, the peasants who grow his
crops, the women who serve him, or his street deal-
ers in the Pearl City — are just tools for him to use.
The authorities both in Mexico and the United
States believe El Azteca considers himself some
sort of reincarnation or embodiment of the Aztec
emperors — or perhaps even an Aztec god: witness
the cult he leads. But they’re wrong. El Azteca knows
he’s just an ordinary man. The cult is a front, a means
by which he (a) keeps greater control of his people,
(b) inspires some of his followers to obey him with
fanatic zeal, and (c) lays the groundwork for an
insanity defense, should he ever need one.
Quote: <<“I have need of a blood offering... your
blood will do, whether I spill it here or on the
8 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
EL AZTECA Powers/Tactics: El Azteca insulates himself from Appearance: El Azteca is Mexican man who’s
PLOT SEEDS the day-to-day activities of his organization probably in his 40s; he’s 5’10” tall and weighs
(except for cult rituals) — he gives orders to his about 170 pounds. He’s got a rough, weather-
El Azteca’s cult begins lieutenants, and they filter them down through the beaten face, and has a black moustache and short,
to spread through Latin rest of his people and make sure they’re carried carefully barbered black hair. He normally wears
City and other His- out. But if pressed, he can fight viciously. He grew pricey (but not ultra-expensive) men’s fashions; he
panic neighborhoods up on the streets of Tijuana, and learned fast and prefers long-sleeved shirts to hide a knife scar that
in Hudson City... with early how to fight. When fists and knives won’t do, runs down his lower left arm. When officiating at
a corresponding rise in he usually relies on his favorite Steyr AUG (nick- cult ceremonies, he wears robes and a headdress
kidnappings and disap-
named “Marisel”) or on a P226 prepared for him resembling those of Aztec priests, and carries a
pearances. The PCs have
to track the cult down to by El Escorpión — but even then he’s not stupid dagger made from obsidian.
its headquarters (an old enough to stay around and fight it out if there’s an
warehouse on the coast) acceptable escape route available. He pays people
and stamp it out. to take risks; he doesn’t take them himself if he El Azteca’s Cartel
doesn’t have to. El Azteca’s cartel isn’t different from other
The DEA (or CIA, or Mexican drug cartels in most respects. It has a
Campaign Use: El Azteca fills two dramatic roles in
some other organiza- single leader who surrounds himself with a corps
tion) hires the PCs to the campaign. First and foremost, he’s the outside
crimelord trying to force his way into the Hudson of lieutenants who manage the rest of the organiza-
infiltrate El Azteca’s
City underworld. The PCs might try to stop him tion. The cartel’s tentacles stretch from Colombia
compound and obtain
definitive photographs before he gets a foothold, or may secretly help him (where it buys or transships cocaine from the
of him — and, if pos- take out some other crimelords before trying to Colombian cartels) to the inner city neighborhoods
sible, any evidence lower the boom on him. Second, he offers you a of America, where the gangs that sell the drugs
regarding the fate of way to introduce an element of horror or “weird- exist. In Hudson City, El Azteca runs the Los Toros,
missing DEA agents. ness” into the campaign because of his cult (see the newest major street gang in Latin City. If he
But they are not, repeat below). You don’t have to play up that element if sells to other gangs outside of Latin City, he does so
not, to engage him or his through Los Toros. He also owns Club Aztec (see
you don’t want to, but it does help to set him apart
men in a firefight. Rela- Hudson City, pages 65, 207).
tions are tense right now from other druglords.
between Mexico and If you want to make El Azteca tougher, you THE CULT
the United States, and have two options. First, you can increase his Pri-
What does set El Azteca’s organization apart is
El Azteca has a lot of mary Characteristics a little, and perhaps give him
its cult aspects, and his role as “high priest” of that
friends in the Mexican some Extra DCs or Combat Skill Levels. Second,
government.... cult. The cult venerates the old Aztec gods — Tlaloc,
if your campaign features a lot of mysticism or
Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, and more
weirdness, you can give him some low-level quasi-
The PCs hear that the — in a sort of Voodoo-like fashion that mixes Aztec
mystic powers (such as the ones Brother Namaan
Los Toros are kidnap- theology and symbolism with Catholic practices.
and Hecate have; see Chapter Three). For example,
ping people from Latin On important occasions, the cult engages in acts of
maybe by performing a small blood sacrifice (man-
City. They don’t send human sacrifice in the ancient Aztec tradition, but
datory Side Effect: lose 1 BODY) he can make
ransom notes, and none during most ceremonies the worshippers simply
himself a little stronger (Aid STR 2d6) by calling
of their victims are ever offer their own blood sacrifices by pricking an ear-
heard from again. Could upon Huitzilopochtli (Aztec god of war), or speak
lobe or finger and letting the blood drip onto a spe-
they be shipping them with one recently dead by invoking the help of
cial piece of paper (which they then burn).
to El Azteca for use as Mictlantecuhtli (god of death). To weaken him,
The purpose of the cult isn’t to revive the wor-
sacrifices? reduce his Characteristics a little and get rid of his
ship of the Aztec pantheon; that’s just a convenient
Force Of Personality Multipower and/or half of his
front. El Azteca wants to tie his people to him
Martial Maneuvers.
through religious faith as well as fear of reprisal
El Azteca rarely Hunts anyone right now
(which they definitely feel, given his penchant
because he’s devoting his energy and resources to
for casually murdering people who displease or
(a) maintaining his cartel and (b) getting a foot-
fail him). El Azteca is an extremely gifted natural
hold in Hudson City. But if sufficiently angered,
speaker with the power to truly impress people
he’ll seek revenge. In Hudson City itself, there’s not
when he speaks, and he uses this ability to make the
much he can do but send out hit squads (though he
cultists give him their loyalty and obedience (the
occasionally visits the city in his alternate identity
fact that he lavishes enormous amounts of money
of Juan Morcenegos, tequila distiller). In Mexico he
on the Durango region doesn’t hurt matters, either).
commands far greater resources and can make PCs’
lives a living hell by interfering with them bureau- Los Asesinos Abacuanos
cratically, attacking them constantly, and having The most fanatic members of the cult — the
officials harass them. ones who truly believe in the Aztec gods and would
The authorities know little about El Azteca, unhesitatingly lay down their lives for El Azteca
though they believe his real name is Roberto Alar- — are known as asesinos abacuanos. Roughly
con. If he is Alarcon, he has a lengthy record, begin- speaking, the term translates as “Voodoo assassins.”
ning with petty theft when he was only 10 or 11 El Azteca uses these followers as weapons against
years old and escalating all the way up to murders his enemies. When necessary, he performs a special
related to cartel activities. ceremony that bestows upon them the mission of
killing a particular person. During this ceremony
they consume a special drug, the manufacture of
Predators ■ Chapter One 9

which only El Azteca knows about. The drug

confers an Aid STR, DEX, CON, and EGO
3d6 that lasts for one month... but at the end
of that month the effects fade instantly and
the assassin suffers 5d6 Killing Damage. Thus,
the ranks of the asesinos abacuanos always
remains small, but they have power far
beyond their numbers.
El Azteca’s cartel is based in the Mexi-
can state of Durango. Its nerve center is
his enormous rural compound, Abrigo del
Sol (Sunhaven). The compound includes a
large, opulent mansion where he, his current
women, and his most trusted bodyguards live
(together with numerous servants), bunk-
houses for his other men, various storage
facilities and outbuildings (though he never
keeps drugs there), a small airstrip, stables,
and a temple for the cult. The temple resem-
bles a Catholic mission or church more than
an Aztec step-pyramid, though the decor is
definitely Aztec.
Most of the fields where the cartel
grows marijuana plants and opium poppies
are located in or near Durango. The farm-
ers, their families, and many other peasants
belong to El Azteca’s cult. But even those
who do not often revere the man, since
with his money he’s built far more wells,
schools, hospitals, and other facilities for
them than the government in far-away
Mexico City ever has.
PAINTING THE El Azteca keeps a small, well-equipped army
TOWN BLOOD RED at his compound. Most of these people count as
Thugs; a few are Basic or Experienced Mercenaries
“Dude, you been over to Club Aztec yet?” (see the Appendix). He also has a group of highly-
skilled bodyguards to protect him and perform
“No, man, is it any good?”
his most sensitive jobs. Two of these, El Escorpión
“Dude, it’s smokin’ hot! There’s great Latin music like and La Vispa, are described below. If you’d like to
you won’t hear anywhere else in Hudson City, and the detail the others, they include El Trueno (“Thun-
place is full of sweet chicas shakin’ their bodies on the
der,” an expert in explosives and demolitions),
dance floor. You gotta go!”
Señor Plomo (“Mr. Lead,” a gunman), El Garra
“Isn’t it like, a gang hangout?” (“Talon,” a knife expert), and El Tarántula (the
“No way, man, it’s safe. Lots of people go there. The Los Tarantula, a gunman).
Toros just work security or something, I think.”
—conversation overheard between two HCC students
10 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
EL ESCORPIÓN EL ESCORPIÓN Range Modifier with Handguns
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 8 Targeting Skill Levels: +4 versus Hit Loca-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] tions with Firearms
El Escorpión decides 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 5 Accurate Sprayfire
the PCs are too great 18 CON 16 13- 3 Bribery 12-
a potential threat to El 13 BODY 6 12- 3 Concealment 12-
Azteca’s Hudson City 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- 5 Concentrated Sprayfire
plans — they need to be
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13-
eliminated right now.
He recruits some of El 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 Interrogation 12-
Azteca’s other men and 14 COM 2 12- 2 AK: Latin City 11-
a few mercs and starts 3 AK: Northern Mexico 12-
8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD)
hunting the PCs down. 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
5 ED 1 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
2 CK: Mexico City 11-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
After several operations 2 KS: Narcotics 11-
7 REC 0
go sour, El Escorpión 1 Language: English (basic conversation;
gets the idea that El 36 END 0
Spanish is Native)
Azteca doesn’t trust him 30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 84
1 Mechanics 8-
anymore and plans to Movement: Running: 9”/18” 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
have him killed. He’s 1 Riding 8-
not just going to wait Cost Powers END 1 Sleight Of Hand 8-
around for the axe to fall Martial Arts: Kickboxing
— he needs to take El 3 Stealth 13-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 3 Streetwise 12-
Azteca out first. But he 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
has to do it without cast- 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all 7 WF: Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/
ing suspicion on himself
so he can stay with the attacks, Abort Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers,
cartel afterwards. He 3 Legsweep +2 -1 5d6; Target Falls Recoilless Rifles, Shoulder-Fired Weapons
decides to trick the PCs 4 Punch/Kick +0 +2 6d6 Strike 2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 12-
into doing the dirty 5 Side/Spin Kick -2 +1 8d6 Strike
work for him.... 5 Snap Kick +1 +3 4d6 Strike Resource Points
4 +1 Damage Class (already added in) 18 Equipment Points: 150
El Escorpión’s brother 18 Quick Shot: Autofire (up to 5 shots; +½) for 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
also works for the cartel, any non-Autofire firearm built on up to 90 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
and during an unfor- Active Points (45 Active Points); OIF (any 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
tunate encounter with non-Autofire firearm of opportunity; -½),
the PCs he gets killed Total Powers & Skills Cost: 206
Requires A Shooting Tricks Roll (-½), Not Total Cost: 290
(whether by the PCs or
While Targeting (-½) 4
due to some accident). 100+ Disadvantages
El Escorpión blames 6 Swift: Running +3” (9” total) 1
20 Hunted: Mexican Federal Police 8- (Mo Pow,
the PCs for his brother’s Perks NCI, Capture/Kill)
death and sets out to get 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank-
revenge... regardless of 20 Hunted: DEA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
ing member of El Azteca cartel) 10 Hunted: El Azteca 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
what El Azteca orders
him to do. 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military 15 Psychological Limitation: Amoral And
Talents Greedy (Common, Strong)
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) 15 Psychological Limitation: Gunslinger Men-
tality (Common, Strong)
Skills 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
8 +1 with All Combat quently, Minor)
9 +3 with Firearms 100 Experience Points
5 +1 DCV
Total Disadvantage Points: 290
8 Pistolero: Range Skill Levels: +4 versus the
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
SIG/SAUER P226 +3 +0 2d6+1 1d6-1 15 8 Pen, +1 Fast Draw, custom grips, fine
tuning II, improved firing pin, PR
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
American COP -2 -2 1½d6 1d6-1 4 6
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Throwing Knives +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown, carries four
Armored Jacket (DEF 4, Activation 10-)
Gear: Fast draw holsters for all four of his P226 pistols, springsleeve holsters for his two American COPs.
El Escorpión rarely carries any other gear, though he can easily get what he needs through El Azteca.
Predators ■ Chapter One 11

Background/History: Some criminals have complex likely to encounter him if they ever get close
and tortured personal histories that trace their slow enough to threaten El Azteca, but it’s possible the
but inevitable descent into evil and greed. Cristiano druglord will send El Escorpión to Hudson City to
Hernandez y Maroto isn’t one of them. He was oversee an important cocaine shipment, deal with
born into a poor family of hardworking rural peas- some other problem, or assassinate the PCs.
ants, but that wasn’t the life for him. He was stron- To make El Escorpión tougher, give him some
ger, faster, and smarter than most people, and it Ranged Martial Arts for his handguns and/or some
didn’t take him long to figure out he could just steal Lightning Reflexes. To weaken him, reduce his Char-
what he wanted instead of working for it. acteristics a little and get rid of his Quick Fire ability.
From petty crime Cristiano drifted into work- El Escorpión only Hunts people if El Azteca
ing for one of the drug cartels, where he developed orders him to. In that case, he takes the simple,
has natural talent for gunfighting and killing. He practical approach: he follows the target until the
met El Azteca during this period in his life, and target looks vulnerable, then ambushes him and
they became fast friends. When El Azteca took over fills him full of lead.
the cartel (and, eventually, several others), there El Escorpión has a lengthy record of petty
was no question that Cristiano — now much better offenses in Mexico. Since he joined the cartel,
known by the nickname El Escorpión (the Scor- bribes have kept him from being arrested even
pion) — would become one of his right-hand men. though he’s committed dozens of murders and
Personality/Motivation: Again, there’s nothing com- other major crimes.
plex about El Escorpión’s motivations: he’s greedy, Appearance: El Escorpión is a handsome Hispanic
unprincipled, selfish, and cruel, and he’ll do what- man in his mid-20s; he’s 5’11” tall and weighs about
ever he has to to get what he wants. Working for 180 pounds. He’s clean-shaven and keeps his black
the cartel has been his ticket to money, women, and hair short (but stylishly trimmed). He typically
respect, so he has no intention of looking for other wears a white or red shirt, a black or dark brown
work. He doesn’t want to be a leader, so he poses no short (waist-length) jacket, and pants and cowboy
threat to El Azteca’s position; in fact, they’re good boots to match the jacket. The jacket has a scorpion
friends, and he’d willingly risk his life for his boss. stitched on the back. His weapons (see above) are
El Escorpión is a major gun nut — so much usually concealed by his jacket and clothes, though
so that he taught himself gunsmithing so he could it’s not at all uncommon to see him with a gun or
modify firearms to better suit his personal prefer- knife in his hand.
ences. He’s been known to shout out questions to
his opponents in battle, asking what sort of firearms
they’re using. He’s also something of a “gunslinger,”
quick to challenge anyone who seems to be at his
level of skill, and likely to accept just about any
similar challenge unless El Azteca orders otherwise.
Quote: <<“Don’t even try it. I can put three shots in
you before you get your gun out.”>>
Powers/Tactics: El Escorpión is a skilled gunfighter
who can draw fast, shoot faster, and most impor-
tantly shoot accurately. His favorite weapon is a SIG/
SAUER P226 that he’s rechambered for .40 ammuni-
tion and made various improvements to; he loads it
with Penetrating Frangible rounds most of the time.
He typically carries four of these handguns — two in
fast-draw shoulder holsters, two in fast-draw holsters
carried at the small of his back (so that his jacket
covers all four). He typically carries one to two extra
clips for each pistol in special pockets inside his
jacket. For emergencies he has an American C.O.P.
up each sleeve in a springsleeve holster, and also car-
ries four small throwing knives (two in horizontal
sheaths on the front of his belt to either side of the
buckle, one in each boot). The knives have a scorpion
etched onto the flat of the blade.
El Escorpión tends to move around a lot in
combat, taking advantage of his Running speed to
maintain a steady stream of fire while minimizing
his exposure to counterattack. He uses his Quick
Fire ability (or Multifire, if the campaign uses those
rules) to put a lot of lead in the air; in his experi-
ence, the more he shoots, the quicker the fight ends.
Campaign Use: El Escorpión is El Azteca’s chief
bodyguard and troubleshooter. The PCs are most
12 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3xd6 [3] ing member of El Azteca cartel)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
14 CON 8 12- Talents
12 BODY 4 11- 7 Blademaster: Deadly Blow: KA +1d6 with
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Knives (Ranged or HTH)
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Skills
18 COM 4 13- 24 +3 with All Combat
4 +2 OCV with Coup de Pied Bas/Crochet
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 3 Acrobatics 13-
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 3 Breakfall 13-
6 REC 0 3 Bribery 12-
28 END 0 1 Computer Programming 8-
30 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 76 3 Concealment 12-
3 Conversation 12-
Movement: Running: 7”/14” 3 Fast Draw (Blades) 13-
Leaping: 5”/10” 3 High Society 12-
Cost Powers END 2 AK: Latin City 11-
15 Fighting Baton: Multipower, 30-point 3 AK: Northern Mexico 12-
reserve; all OAF (-1) 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
1u 1) Baton: HA +2d6; OAF (-1), Hand-To- 2 CK: Mexico City 11-
Hand Attack (-½) 1 2 KS: Dance 11-
1u 2) Thrown Baton: Energy Blast 6d6 2 KS: Narcotics 11-
(physical); OAF (-1), Lockout (can’t use 2 KS: Savate 11-
Multipower again until recovers baton; 1 Language: English (basic conversation;
-½), Range Based On STR (-¼), 1 Recov- Spanish is Native)
erable Charge (-1¼) [1rc] 1 Language: French (basic conversation)
1u 3) Concealed Blade: HKA 1d6+1 (2d6+1 1 Lockpicking 8-
with STR); OAF (-1) 2 2 PS: Ballet 11-
18 Throwing Blades: Multipower, 30-point 1 PS: Play Piano 8-
reserve, 12 Recoverable Charges for entire 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
reserve (+¼); OAF (-1) [12rc] 3 Riding 13-
1u 1) Single Blade: RKA 2d6; OAF (-1), 1 Security Systems 8-
Range Based On STR (-¼) 3 Seduction 12-
1u 2) Multiple Blades: RKA 1d6, Autofire 3 Stealth 13-
(up to 5 shots, +½); OAF (-1), Range Based 3 Streetwise 12-
On STR (-¼) 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
41 The Wasp’s Sting: RKA 3d6, NND Resource Points
(defense is Life Support [Immunity: 4 Equipment Points: 80
Curare]; +1), Does BODY (+1); OAF 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
Fragile (-1¼), Must Target Unarmored 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
Hit Locations (-½), Range Based On 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
STR (-¼), 12 Charges (-¼) [12]
Martial Arts: Savate Total Powers & Skills Cost: 250
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect Total Cost: 326
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 100+ Disadvantages
4 Coup de pied bas/Crochet 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
+0 +2 7d6 Strike Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By
5 Coup de pied chasse Large Group)
-2 +1 9d6 Strike 20 Hunted: Mexican Federal Police 8- (Mo Pow,
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 35 STR NCI, Capture/Kill)
to Disarm roll 20 Hunted: DEA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
5 Direct +1 +3 5d6 Strike 10 Hunted: El Azteca 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watch-
3 Footsweep +2 -1 6d6 Strike; ing)
Target Falls 15 Psychological Limitation: Doesn’t Care
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) About Anyone But Herself (Common,
2 Use Art with Blades, Clubs Strong)
2 Strong Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
2 Strong Legs: Leaping +2” (5” forward, 3” quently, Minor)
upward) 1 141 Experience Points
3 Curare Tolerance: Life Support (Immunity:
Curare) 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 326
Predators ■ Chapter One 13

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
SIG/SAUER P226 +3 +0 2d6+1 1d6-1 15 8 Pen, +1 Fast Draw, custom grips, fine
tuning II, improved firing pin, PR
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Usually wears none, but if she knows combat is coming, she may don some body armor (DEF 6, Activa-
tion Roll 11-)
Gear: La Vispa rarely carries other gear, though she can get things she needs (such as a nightvision device
for a nighttime mission) from El Azteca

Background/History: Jiselle Blanchard comes from Quote: <<“Don’t play with the Wasp if you’re not
a wealthy Mexican family descended from French- willing to risk the sting.”>>
men who came to the country with the Emperor
Powers/Tactics: La Vispa is lithe and graceful,
Maximillian in the mid-nineteenth century.
and she uses these attributes to her advantage in
She grew up privileged, able to do whatever she
combat. By combining acrobatic maneuvers with
wanted. Her favorite thing was dancing; she had a
her savate training, she’s developed a fluid, hard-hit-
real talent for it, and her family even thought she
ting fighting style that relies mostly on kicks. If she
might become a famous ballerina one day. She also
uses her hands, she’s usually got a weapon in them.
studied French, piano, and proper upper-class man-
Her favorite is her Fighting Baton, a short combat
ners; as an athletic girl, she supplemented that with
stick with a dagger concealed inside. She can even
horseback riding and savate.
throw the Baton, though that means she can’t use it
When Jiselle was only 13, the family fortune
again until she recovers it (she often uses one of her
collapsed due to some poor investment decisions
Combat Skill Levels to bounce it back to her).
coupled with embezzlement and fraud on the part
of several family employees. Cast out of their shel-
tered existence, Jiselle and her family found them-
selves living among the poor people they’d once
scorned. Jiselle rebelled against her parents, blam-
ing them for what had happened. She began getting
into trouble, hanging out with the wrong crowd,
and using drugs. At 16 she left home for good and
never looked back.
Jiselle began working as a courier for a drug
cartel. One day some thugs from a rival cartel
ambushed her. Their intent was obvious: robbery,
then rape, then murder. But all they got was a rude
surprise: using her fighting skills, she beat them
bloody, killing one and sending the others back to
their boss with permanent injuries.
Word got back to her cartel, and soon Jiselle
was working as a bodyguard for the cartel boss. But
a better opportunity soon came along: El Azteca.
She fell hard for his handsome looks and rogu-
ish charms, and when he made his move against
the boss, Jiselle stood aside and let him do it. She’s
loyally served El Azteca as one of his bodyguards,
taking the name La Vispa (“the Wasp”).
Personality/Motivation: Going from a life of wealth
to one of poverty because of her parents’ stupidity
(as she sees it, anyway) taught La Vispa a profound
truth: the only one who’s looking out for her, is
her. She wants the money and influence she used to
have, and working for El Azteca’s cartel has given
it to her. Ultimately, though, she’s only concerned
about herself; if a better deal came along, or it was
a choice between going to jail and abandoning the
cartel, she’d jump ship.
14 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
LA VISPA La Vispa is an expert knifefighter, able to strike Campaign Use: Like El Escorpión, La Vispa works
PLOT SEEDS the most vulnerable parts on the target’s body with for El Azteca as a bodyguard and troubleshooter.
ease. In addition to standard throwing blades and However, she lacks his loyalty to their boss, making
La Vispa’s family her Baton blade, she carries twelve needle-like her far more likely to betray him or abandon him...
approaches the PCs. throwing blades she calls Wasp’s Stings. Coated which may create a vulnerable point in the organi-
They saw her on some with curare, they’re deadly... but only if she can zation that the PCs can exploit.
news footage and rec- target an unarmored part of her opponent’s body, To make La Vispa more powerful, give her
ognized their daughter/ since the needles aren’t heavy enough to penetrate Find Weakness with her various blades (or perhaps
sister. They still love her armor (or even some thick clothing, like a heavy with all of her attacks), or maybe increase her SPD
and want her to return, jacket). In addition to her special weapons, La Vispa to 5. To weaken her, decrease her Characteristics
particularly now that
carries a SIG/SAUER P226 prepared for her by El and remove some Skills (including Rapid Attack).
they’ve recovered much
of the family wealth. Escorpión and a standard combat dagger. La Vispa only Hunts people if El Azteca orders
They ask the PCs to La Vispa often accompanies El Azteca as his her to, in which case she follows orders. Left to her
“rescue” and “depro- “date” — she hangs on his arm wearing some slinky own devices, she prefers to strike from ambush
gram” her. dress, looking like nothing more than a blonde bit with a Wasp’s Sting.
of fluff. That gives her an element of surprise if she La Vispa has a minor criminal record in
La Vispa thinks the has to protect him or attack somebody for him. Mexico for offenses committed when she was
heat’s getting too And it’s not entirely a show. For years she’s been in younger — mainly some lesser drug offenses, with
intense. She approaches an on-again, off-again relationship with him, occa- the occasional assault or robbery.
the PCs with a deal: sionally getting involved with El Escorpión or El
she’ll tell them what Trueno during the off times. Appearance: La Vispa is a strikingly beautiful
they need to know to woman in her mid-20s. She’s 5’6” tall with a slen-
take down El Azteca, der, athletic body and a pleasant figure; she has
provided that during shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes. She
their assault they con- doesn’t wear a uniform, costume, or standard set of
vincingly fake her death, clothes, preferring to dress stylishly for the occasion
then help her relocate. Is
— though whatever she wears, it will provide a way
she on the up-and-up, or
is it a trap? for her to hide her throwing knives, Wasp’s Stings,
and if possible her Baton.
La Vispa becomes
attracted to a male PC
and begins secretly pur-
suing him (aggressively,
in fact). How will the
PC react? Perhaps more
importantly, how will El
Azteca react when he
finds out about this?
Predators ■ Chapter One 15

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (leader of the
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] Overlords)
Buckshot decides to
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military stop messing around
19 CON 18 13- 5 Money: Well Off and take out Shango
15 BODY 10 12- 2 Reputation: ruthless gang leader (in Hudson — that will free up a lot
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- City) 11-, +2/+2d6 of territory he can grab,
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 putting him in position
Skills to eliminate Strad. But
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 12 +4 with Firearms
10 COM 0 11- he doesn’t want to get
3 Combat Driving 13- his people shot up in the
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) 3 Concealment 11- process, so he decides
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 4 AK: Freetown 13- to get the PCs to do his
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 dirty work by secretly
2 CK: Hudson City 11-
8 REC 2 providing them infor-
4 KS: Freetown Gangs And Criminals 13- mation about Shango.
38 END 0 1 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 8- How will the PCs react
40 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 90 1 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8- when they find out
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 1 KS: The Vice World 8- what’s really going on?
3 Lockpicking 13-
Cost Powers END 3 Stealth 13- The word hits the street
19 Custom Double-Clipped Shotgun: Multip- 7 Streetwise 14- like a thunderbolt
ower, 70-point reserve; all OAF (-1), 3 WF: Small Arms, Grenade Launchers — Buckshot’s dead!
Limited Range (-¼), STR Minimum (-1), 1 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 8- One of his “homies” got
Two-Handed (-½) pissed at him and, in a
1u 1) Shot: RKA 2½d6, Area Of Effect Resource Points drunken rage, shot him
(One Hex; +½), +1 STUN Multiplier 8 Equipment Points: 100 in the head. The Over-
15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40 lords are scurrying for
(+¼); OAF (-1), Limited Range (20”; -¼),
20 Follower/Contact Points: 45 cover while Shango and
Reduced By Range (-¼), Reduced Pen- Strad move in to pick
etration (-¼), STR Minimum (12, Does 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
over Buckshot’s territory.
Not Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Two- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 161 But is it possible this is
Handed (-½), 8 Charges (-½) [8] Total Cost: 251 a tactic by Buckshot to
1u 2) Slugs: RKA 2½d6, +1 STUN Multiplier lure his enemies out so
(+¼); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Limited Range 100+ Disadvantages he can ambush them?
(50”; -¼), STR Minimum (12, Does Not 25 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Two-Handed 20 Hunted: Shango 8- (As Pow, NCI, Kill) Buckshot needs a lot of
(-½), 8 Charges (-½) [8] 20 Hunted: Strad 8- (As Pow, NCI, Kill) cash fast to take advan-
Martial Arts: Dirty Infighting 15 Psychological Limitation: Must Have tage of some “business
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect Respect, Money, And Power... And Will Kill opportunities,” so he
To Get Them (Common, Strong) takes on a merc job:
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
15 Psychological Limitation: Wants To Rule The hunt down and kill one
4 Disarm -1 +1 25 STR to of the PCs.
Disarm roll Freetown Underworld (Common, Strong)
4 Eye Gouge -1 -1 Sight Group 15 Reputation: murderous gang leader, 11-
Flash 4d6 (Extreme)
4 Kidney Blow -2 +0 HKA ½d6 10 Rivalry: Professional (with Shango and
(1d6+1 with Strad; Seeks To Kill Rivals)
STR) 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Terry
4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(3) Hondo) (Frequently, Major)
4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 5d6 Strike 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
5 Roundhouse -2 +1 7d6 Strike quently, Minor)
3 Tackle +0 -1 3d6 +v/5 Strike; 6 Experience Points
You Fall, Target Total Disadvantage Points: 251
16 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
USAS-12 +0 +0 2½d6 1d6 28 13 AF5, LR (50”), 2H
LAR Grizzly +1 +0 2d6 1d6 7 13
Armored Jacket (DEF 4, covers Hit Locations 7-12)
Sunglasses (Sight Group Flash Defense [5 points])
Gear: Buckshot doesn’t usually use other gear, though he might carry a few grenades if he got his hands
on some. He rides a souped-up motorcycle (unless he has to go with a group of people, in which case he’ll
take one or more of his fleet of armored SUVs).

Background/History: Terry Hondo grew up in territory in the neighborhood — and Buckshot

the worst part of Hudson City: the Numbers. It has no plans to stop just because assholes like
didn’t take him long to learn that you’ve gotta have Shango and Strad think they’ve got what it takes
friends if you’re gonna survive on the streets, so to make him quit. Before long they’ll learn who
he joined a gang called the Overlords. Actually, it runs the streets.
wasn’t one gang so much as a group of sets that
Personality/Motivation: While he’s not exactly a
banded together to protect themselves from the
model of military efficiency, compared to most
Warriors and the Nubians, but that just meant more
gangstas Buckshot is motivated, disciplined, and
guys to protect him.
goal-oriented. Now in his mid-20s, with time on
Determined not to look like a weakling, Terry
the streets and in prison to his credit, he knows
never backed down from any challenge. The best
what he wants and how to get it. He thinks of him-
thing someone who confronted him could expect
self more as a warrior than a gangsta these days,
was a fistfight; more than once he took care of a
fighting a war he intends to win... no matter how
banger who dissed him with a blast from his favorite
many bodies he has to leave in the streets.
weapon, his shotgun. Soon he got a rep as an ice-cold
killer... someone you didn’t want to mess with. Quote: “When you get hit by a load of Buckshot,
But he also got careless. He left a witness to they ain’t nuthin’ left but a bloody mess.”
one of his drive-bys alive, and a few days later the
cops found him and arrested him. The court tried Powers/Tactics: As his nickname indicates, Buck-
him as an adult shot’s favorite weapon is the shotgun — he doesn’t
even though he get in many long-range gunfights, and the shotgun’s
was only 16. Soon the perfect weapon for close-up killing. He usually
he was pulling a carries a specially-modified pump action shotgun
ten-year stretch in he designed. The weapon has two clips, one with
the Stew. shot and one with slugs; he can choose which mag-
By the time he azine to access when he uses the pump with a selec-
got out, he was a tor switch near the trigger. He also carries a stock
tougher, even more USAS-12 automatic shotgun loaded with slugs, and
heartless man than a LAR Grizzly .45.
ever before... but Many people think of Buckshot as “just
also a smarter one. another gangster punk,” but he’s a lot more than
He realized going that. He’s learned to fight cautiously, but with brav-
back to his old ways ery and skill. He doesn’t stick his neck out if there’s
was pointless. If he nothing to gain, but he’ll take a risk if he can see a
was gonna risk his reward that follows it. He sticks to cover most of
life on the streets, he the time, and tries to leave an escape route open.
wanted it all — not Campaign Use: Buckshot leads the Overlords, one
just some street- of the major Freetown street gangs trying to take
corner. He told the control of drug dealing and crime in that neighbor-
Overlords what he hood (see Hudson City, pages 159, 172-73). As one
had in mind, and of the major players in the five-way struggle for
they agreed. control of Hudson City’s ghetto, he’s an important
With Buck- figure in Southside crime — one the PCs could
shot leading them, easily find themselves opposed to, or who they
the Overlords might ally with if they think Shango or Strad is
began a blood- more of a threat. If necessary you can also use him
spattered quest to as a mercenary; he might take on a job or two as
take all of Free- a way of enhancing his rep, earning some extra
town for them- money, or racking up favors with powerful people.
selves. As of early To make Buckshot tougher, beef up his STR
2005, they control to 20 and give him an Extra DC or two for his
several chunks of Dirty Infighting. To weaken him, get rid of his
Predators ■ Chapter One 17

custom shotgun so he has to use stock shotgun the past ten years, since he’s either escaped or used MAKING MOVIES
models instead. loopholes in the system to earn early release.
Buckshot won’t Hunt heroes right now — he’s Caligula watched the
Appearance: Buckshot is a black man in his mid-
got to worry about taking out Shango and Strad. filming impassively. He
20s. He’s 6’1” tall, heavily muscled, and powerfully
But if his plans fall apart, and the PCs are a part of was well back from the
built. He usually wears jeans, half-finger black bright lights that shone
that, he’ll definitely want revenge.
gloves, and a black or brown (armored) jacket. He on the faux hotel room
Buckshot has been arrested several times for
wears sunglasses most of the time. He carries his bed. The intense heat
drug crimes, attempted rape, attempted murder,
shotguns in sheaths on his back, if necessary. they put out made him
and murder. But he’s served little time in prison for
uncomfortable, and he’d
just as soon remain as
unnoticed as possible.

A few minutes later

CALIGULA the director called it a

wrap for the day. They’d
gotten the money shot,
the camera lingering
lovingly on the girl’s
face when it was all over.
She was a pretty young
CALIGULA 3 KS: The Vice World 12-
thing, that was certain
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Persuasion 13- — Couldn’t be more than
7 STR -3 10- Lift 67 kg; 1d6 [1] 5 PS: Vice Lord 14- eleven, he thought. It
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 3 PS: B&D/S&M Practices 12- was a shame the slight
16 CON 12 12- 3 Streetwise 13- glaze in her eyes from
19 BODY 18 13- 3 WF: Small Arms, Whips the drugs marred her
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- looks. He saw someone
Resource Points leading her away to her
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 8 Equipment Points: 100 room, where she’d be
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 locked in for the night.
6 COM -2 10- 25 Follower/Contact Points: 55
5 PD 4 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2 Caligula caught the
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) director’s eye and waved
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 119 him over. “Yes, sir?” the
3 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Total Cost: 171 man said when he got
4 REC 0
20 END -6 100+ Disadvantages close enough. It was just
15 Hunted: HCPD Vice Division 8- (Mo Pow, the right tone, servile
31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 52
but not too servile; he
NCI, Watching)
Movement: Running: 3”/6” knew which side his
5 Physical Limitation: Grossly Corpulent (has bread was buttered on.
Cost Powers END trouble fitting through some doors, sitting in
-6 Too Fat To Run: Running -3” (3” total) some chairs, walking on some floors, and so “How much more will
on) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) she be good for?” he
Perks 15 Psychological Limitation: Man Of Disgust- asked.
30 Friends In High Places: Well-Connected ing Lusts And Appetites (Common, Strong)
and 27 points’ worth of Contacts in the 15 Psychological Limitation: Cannot Toler- “For us? Probably
HCPD and Hudson City government ate Being Questioned Or Contradicted another day or two at
2 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (Common, Strong) most — at that age we
10 Money: Wealthy 15 Reputation: vicelord, 11- (Extreme) can’t keep them doped
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson up too long. After that,
City vicelords) we can sell her to the
3 Bribery 13- Arabs.”
3 Deduction 12- 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Calvin
3 Conversation 13- Gilbertson) (Frequently, Major)
Caligula nodded
4 AK: The Strip 13- Total Disadvantage Points: 185 thoughtfully, then dis-
2 CK: Hudson City 11- missed the man with
3 KS: Child Pornography 12- Background/History: They were still laughing at him. another wave. The Arabs
2 KS: Hudson City Underworld 11- Calvin stared down at the tabletop beneath would definitely be
best... but he’d have to be
SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT sure to sample her him-
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes self before she left.
Calico M-950 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 100 12 -1 OCV for STR Min
Walther PPK +1 +1 1d6 1d6-1 7 6 —just another day in
Caligula’s vice empire
Gear: Caligula rarely carries any gear
18 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
him. He could hear them laughing at him all the porcelain sinks until her skull caved in.
way across the Ashwood-Tate lunchroom. All he’d There weren’t any usable fingerprints — either
done was ask Jennifer Parker to the Spring Dance. the attacker had worn gloves, or luck was simply on
She’d burst out laughing, never bothering to reply, his side this time. The police questioned many boys
and then run off to tell the rest of her cheerleader from the school, but not Calvin. His father’s influ-
friends. He knew what they were calling him ence saw to that.
— Chubby, Whale, Lardbutt, a dozen others. They’d Calvin wanted more. Taking Jennifer was just
been doing it for the past ten minutes while he sat a first taste of the power he craved. It had been
there, alone, shamefaced, staring at the table. exhilarating to dominate her that way; the ecstasy
He looked up at them, out of the corner of his of it was nearly as great as that of the sex. But he
eye. He could see Jennifer, beautiful Jennifer, a curl couldn’t take another one like that; it would draw
of her golden hair falling down beside her face as too much attention, and it was too messy and
she leaned over to speak to her friends. The curve exhausting anyway. Especially when there were
of her breasts strained gently against her sweater, other possibilities.
making Gilbert’s breath catch in his throat. He Soon after that, Calvin began stealing money
wanted her — but he could never have her. Girls from his father’s wallet and visiting the Strip. The
like her weren’t meant for guys like him; they all first official record of him is an arrest at age 17.
ended up with football players, two kids, a dog, a A prostitute swore out a warrant against him for
house with a white picket fence, all that bull*%&!. assault, claiming he’d beaten her when she refused
She could never be his. Unless... unless he took her to “do that sick *%&! he wanted.” Court records
for himself.... indicate she had a broken arm. The high-powered
The police were called to Ashwood-Tate to lawyers Calvin’s father hired for him used her his-
investigate the murder of Jennifer Parker a few tory of drug abuse and mental instability to make it
weeks later. A custodian had found her in one of seem like she’d attacked Calvin and got him off the
the girl’s bathrooms after a game. She still had her hook... but it was a close call. Calvin vowed never to
cheerleader’s uniform on — at least, the top half of come that close to being caught again.
it. Her skirt and panties had been roughly ripped He was soon recognized as a regular on the
away, probably after her attacker had thrown her Strip, particular at B&D joints and by pimps who
on top of the sinks. The fractures in her pelvis pro- didn’t care if he hurt their girls a little. His favorite
vided mute testimony to the brutality and vicious- “stable” was the one belonging to a pimp named
ness of the rape. And when he was done, the per- Glitter (real name: Richard Forrest). According
petrator had smashed her face against one of the to HCPD Vice, he got into pimping himself in his
early 20s by taking over Glitter’s territory and girls;
he adopted “Caligula” as his street name. Glitter
hasn’t been seen since that time and is presumed
dead. The police suspect Caligula, of course, but
they can’t prove a damn thing.
Since taking over Glitter’s gang, Caligula has
slowly but steadily accumulated wealth and power
on the Strip. Today he’s one of the most powerful
figures in the Hudson City vice world. The police
believe he’s involved in more serious crimes —
white slavery, child prostitution, child pornography,
drug trafficking — but they lack enough proof to
bring formal charges.
Personality/Motivation: Caligula is a disgusting pig
of a man. He’s grossly overweight, but his appetites
aren’t confined to food. He engages in just about
every form of depravity known to man, forcing his
girls to submit to his every whim. If any of them
dare to defy him or speak back to him, they’re
taking their very lives in their hands — he doesn’t
tolerate dissent, backtalk, or disrespect. More than
one girl who entered his bedroom under her own
power has been carried out by a couple of his
underlings and taken to some out-of-the-way loca-
tion where they can safely dispose of her body.
Caligula is nothing if not patient and cau-
tious. He knows the HCPD will leave him alone if
he doesn’t seem like anything more than a pimp
and pornographer — he’s shelled out enough bribe
money to ensure that. But there’s no way he could
bribe himself out of the child prostitution/por-
nography and white slavery charges that would be
Predators ■ Chapter One 19

brought against him if the full extent of his vice Appearance: Caligula is an immense man, carry- CALIGULA
empire were known, so he takes elaborate steps to ing nearly 400 pounds on a 5’8” frame. His head is PLOT SEEDS
hide that side of his work. Among his underlings bald; he’s cleanshaven, and in fact displays little hair
are several physical and computer security experts anywhere on his body. His skin is oily; his touch A distraught woman
(including two former members of the Stasi) who unpleasantly moist. His voice, however, is surpris- contacts the PCs. She
keep his operations secret and secure. ingly deep and rich; had his life gone differently claims Caligula’s men
Despite his obviously crude nature, Caligula he could have made good money as a television kidnapped her little
speaks well — he’s had plenty of education and announcer. He wears custom-made suits designed boy; she wants them to
knows how to conduct himself in polite society. He to fit his bulk comfortably. He’s accompanied every- rescue him. Is she tell-
just doesn’t like polite society nearly as much as he ing the truth... or is she
where he goes by his bodyguard, Hotspur, and a
deranged, or perhaps
likes the Strip. retinue of other sycophantic followers. working for one of their
Quote: “Come here, bitch! You do as I tell you or (or Caligula’s) enemies?
you’ll learn more about pain than you care to.”
Val Char Cost Roll Notes After an initial encoun-
Powers/Tactics: Caligula is so overweight he can’t 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] ter with the PCs, Cal-
even get out of a chair without help, much less fight 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 igula puts out the word
in combat. However, he carries a weapon, just in 18 CON 16 13- that he’d like to make a
case — a concealed Walther PPK in most situations, 14 BODY 8 12- deal with them. He’s got
a Calico M-950 if he’s expecting trouble — and can 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- some major dirt on one
also make clever use of whips and other sado-mas- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 of their worst enemies.
ochistic implements. If pressed he can react more He’ll trade it to them
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
in exchange for their
quickly than one would suspect from his oleagi- 12 COM 1 11- agreeing to leave his
nous bulk, though he runs slowly. 8 PD 5 Total: 13 PD (5 rPD) operations alone. Will
Instead of fighting, Caligula prefers to talk 6 ED 2 Total: 11 ED (5 rED) the PCs take the deal...
his way out of dangerous situations. Failing that, 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 and if so, how good is
he’ll use bribery and his friends among the pow- 7 REC 0 the info?
erful of the city (including two high-ranking 36 END 0
cops in Vice) to get off lightly. He maintains a 40 STUN 9 Total Characteristics Cost: 94 Word on the street is
detailed diary of blackmail-quality information that Caligula’s dead
on his customers, who include many of Hudson Movement: Running: 9”/18” — keeled over from a
City’s best and brightest. Leaping: 7”/14” heart attack during an
Caligula has a house in Buena Vista; discover- orgy. Everyone on the
Cost Powers END Strip’s scrambling to
ing that address is just a matter of checking public
7 Bootblades: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR); grab as much of his ter-
records or the right phone book. He has a secret
OIF (-½) 1 ritory and resources as
residence in North Elmview that only his under- they can. There’s been
5 Bootblades: another Bootblade (total of
lings and a few other people know about. some violence, and the
two, one per foot) 1
Campaign Use: Caligula is fairly limited in terms 30 Bootblade Poison: Multipower, 45-point potential for a lot more.
How do the PCs deal
of his criminal operations, but still has a lot of reserve; all OIF (-½)
with the situation?... and
potential as a villain in your games. The crimes he 1u 1) Lethal Poison: RKA 1d6, NND is Caligula really dead?
commits are among the worst men can conceive of, (defense is Life Support [appropriate
and that’s likely to bring out deep emotions in your Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1); OIF
PCs if they’re roleplayed well. He also does well in (-½), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Linked
a symbolic role, since his outward physical appear- (to Bootblades HKA; -¼), 6 Charges
ance mirrors the depravity within. (-¾) [6]
If you want to make Caligula tougher, you 1u 2) Knockout Poison: Drain STUN 4½d6;
have two options. First, if you want to turn him into OIF (-½), No Range (-½), HKA Must Do
more of a combatant, slim him down (making him BODY (-½), Linked (to Bootblades HKA;
big, tough, and strong more than obese), boost his -¼), 6 Charges (-¾) [6]
Characteristics appropriately, and give him some Martial Arts: Capoeira
Martial Arts (Boxing or Dirty Infighting). Second, Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
you can make him more powerful politically by 5 Armado da Costa (Spin Kick)/Parafuso
giving him more Contacts, Money, and Follower/ (Jumping Spinning Kick)
Contact Points. To weaken him, get rid of his -2 +1 9d6 Strike
Weapon Familiarity with Small Arms and limit him 4 Bencao (Front Thrust Kick)/Asfixiante
to just the Walther PPK. (Punch) +0 +2 7d6 Strike
Caligula generally doesn’t Hunt anyone; it’s 5 Block +1 +3 Block, Abort
not good business. But if the PCs ruin him, or 3 Cabeçada (Head-Butt)
expose the full extent of his crimes, he’ll find a +1 +0 7d6 Strike
way to get revenge. He’ll start by pulling strings 4 Cocorinha/Esquiva/Queda de Quatro
and using his contacts to make their lives miser- — +5 Dodge, Affects
able, and when they’ve hit rock-bottom he’ll send All Attacks,
assassins after them. Abort
Caligula has a lengthy record for vice crimes, 4 Dedeira (Eye Gouge)
minor assaults, and the like. -1 -1 Sight Group
20 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
HOTSPUR Flash 5d6 100+ Disadvantages
PLOT SEEDS 4 Meia lua de Frente/Queixada 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
(Crescent Kick) +2 +0 7d6 Strike Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By
Acosta-Cazares hitmen 3 Rasteira/Banda/Tesoura/Arrastão Large Group)
are in town, gunning for (Legsweep/Takedown) 25 Hunted: Acosta-Cazares cartel 8- (Mo Pow,
Hotspur (they think he +2 -1 6d6 Strike; NCI, Kill)
let the man he came to Target Falls 15 Hunted: Hudson City Police Department
Hudson City to guard 5 Vôo-do-morcego (Flying Kick) 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
get killed). He needs +1 -2 9d6 Strike 15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To
to get rid of them but 8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) Employer (Common, Strong)
doesn’t want to involve
1 Use Art with Bootblades 15 Psychological Limitation: Gunslinger Men-
Caligula’s men, so he
decides to maneuver the 6 Fast: Running +3” (9” total) 1 tality (Common, Strong)
PCs into doing the dirty 4 Strong Leaper: Leaping +4” (7” forward, 15 Psychological Limitation: Proud And Arro-
work for him. 4” upward) 1 gant (Common, Strong)
15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Duarte
Hotspur’s been making Cruz) (Frequently, Major)
6 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
the rounds of the mar- 77 Experience Points
15 Combat Sense 12-
tial arts schools and
dojos in Hudson City, Total Disadvantage Points: 287
issuing challenges and 8 +1 with All Combat Background/History: Born in a favela, or slum,
beating up fighters. A 12 +4 with Capoeira outside Rio de Janeiro, Duarte Cruz has struggled
dojo owner appeals to
the PCs for protection. 3 Acrobatics 13- to succeed all of his life. He spent his childhood
3 Breakfall 13- running around with a gang of other poor children,
Caligula fires Hotspur 3 Climbing 13- picking through trash dumps and begging for food.
(or dies), so Hotspur 10 Defense Maneuver IV Duarte was big for his age and developed a well-
needs a new employer. 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13- deserved reputation as a bully and a troublemaker.
One of the PCs’ enemies 3 Interrogation 12- As he got older he gravitated toward worse and
offers to hire him if he’ll 2 KS: Brazilian Music 11- worse crimes.
prove his skill by killing 2 KS: Capoeira 11- What turned Duarte’s life around was capoeira,
a PC. the Brazilian martial art based on dance. He saw an
1 KS: The Espionage World 8-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- exhibition of it one day, and was captivated by the
2 Language: English (fluent conversation; Por- grace of the fighters and the pounding beat of the
tuguese is Native) music. He convinced one of the instructors to teach
2 PS: Bodyguard 11- him in exchange for labor.
2 PS: Dancing 11- Duarte trained in capoeira for years, becoming
3 Security Systems 12- one of the best of the best. Most men would have
3 Stealth 13- turned this into a career of prizefighting and teach-
3 WF: Small Arms, Straight Razor ing, but Duarte had other ideas. He wanted the fast
life and lots of money, not a legit job. He decided to
Resource Points put his skills to use as a mercenary and bodyguard.
0 Equipment Points: 60 As a “trademark,” he developed a pair of boots with
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 a vicious retractable blade in front and adopted the
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 name “Hotspur” to promote himself.
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Eventually Hotspur’s work took him to
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 193 Hudson City. He was guarding one of the bosses of
Total Cost: 287 the Acosta-Cazares cartel while he visited his dis-
tributors in the States. The visit didn’t go as planned
— gunmen hired by an unknown rival attacked.
Hotspur took down over half a dozen of them,
but he couldn’t hold out forever. His employer was
killed and he was left for dead.
But he survived. Through strength and sheer
stubbornness, he held on and lived. Before long he
met Caligula and signed on as his bodyguard and
head of security. The relationship has lasted until this
day; Hotspur is one of the few people Caligula trusts.
Predators ■ Chapter One 21

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
SIG/SAUER P226 +1 +0 1d6+2 1d6-1 15 8 PR, +1 Fast Draw
Straight Razor +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-2 — 7
Armored uniform/clothing (2 DEF)
Gear: Hotspur rarely carries much gear on the job, but most of his employers can get him whatever he
needs, within reason

Personality/Motivation: Hotspur is an arrogant bully

who’s still determined to prove he’s the biggest,
toughest guy on the block. Unless directly ordered
to do so, he almost never refuses a challenge to
one-on-one combat, and issues his own challenges
to any PCs he deems worthy of them.
Hotspur’s also proud and haughty. He never
forgets an insult or a slight, and never takes being
defeated in combat lying down — he’ll figure out
some way to get back at his opponent, even if he
has to cheat to do it.
Quote: “You think you are something special?
Think again; you are in the presence of Hotspur,
and next to me you are nothing!”
Powers/Tactics: Hotspur is a master of capoeira,
a Brazilian fighting art. Other than his gun (usu-
ally a SIG/SAUER P226), he won’t have any ranged
attacks — he prefers HTH Combat. His first tactic
is to close with the nearest opponent and try to beat
him unconscious, moving on to other opponents
after he defeats the first. He relies on his fighting
skill and acrobatic abilities to keep from being hit.
He has no compunctions about killing, but doesn’t
go out of his way to kill unless he’s angered.
Hotspur also has an ace up his sleeve — or,
more accurately, his boots. Each boot contains a
retractable blade that projects from the toe. Also
contained within the boot are tiny wells of poison
(both lethal and non-lethal varieties) that he can
use if desired.
Campaign Use: Hotspur is Caligula’s bodyguard. As
a professional bodyguard, he feels strongly that he
should devote himself solely to his employer’s best The HCPD keeps an eye on Hotspur; they sus-
interests, so he rejects offers to look the other way or pect him of several acts of aggravated assault and
“jump ship.” As a result, Caligula has come to trust attempted murder, but don’t yet have enough evi-
him completely, and that trust is well-deserved. If dence to arrest him. The cops are also interested in
Caligula died or fired him, Hotspur would go to questioning him about Colombian cartel activities
work for some other crimelord or executive. and Caligula’s operations. In Brazil, Duarte Cruz
To make Hotspur tougher, give him more has an extensive record of petty crimes.
Combat Skill Levels, and/or increase his SPD to 5.
To weaken him, get rid of some of his Levels and Appearance: Hotspur is everything his employer is
Martial Maneuvers. not: young, handsome, fit, athletic, muscular. He’s
Hotspur usually doesn’t Hunt anyone — ven- a dark-skinned Brazilian male with the trim build
dettas aren’t professional. But as mentioned above, of an experienced fighter. He wears a red half-face
he’s a proud man. If someone defeats him, he’ll find mask tied in back, a red belt, and red boots (his
a way to draw that person into another fight so he bootblades are silver). His pants are black, and
can prove that his loss was a fluke. he also wears a black vest; sometimes he wears a
blousy white shirt, but other times just the vest. He
wears no gloves.
22 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition

IT’S ONLY CHARLEMAGNE 5 Takeaway +0 +0 Grab Weapon,
A GAME Val Char Cost Roll Notes 36 STR to Take
16 STR 6 12- Lift 233 kg; 3d6 [3] Weapon Away
“Dammit!” the man in 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 5 Thrust +1 +3 Weapon +2 DC
the ruffled shirt cursed, 18 CON 16 13- 4 Void — +5 Dodge, Affects
throwing his cards at 15 BODY 10 12- All Attacks,
the center of the table so 19 INT 9 13- PER Roll 13- Abort
hard it was as if he were 8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
trying to hurt them. Anger 12 Quick Shot: Autofire (up to 5 shots; +½)
distorted his handsome 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
14 COM 2 12- for any non-Autofire firearm built on up
features, but he quickly
to 60 Active Points; OIF (any non-Autofire
brought it under control. 8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) firearm of opportunity; -½), Requires A
8 ED 4 Total: 11 ED (3 rED) Shooting Tricks Roll (-½), Not While Tar-
The man sitting across 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
from him, the one dressed geting (-½) 3
7 REC 0 1 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +1” (3” total) 1
like a playing card, had
no expression — a white 36 END 0
35 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 109 Perks
mask with a spade symbol
15 Follower: Falcon (see The HERO System Bes-
over the left eye covered Movement: Running: 6”/12”
his head, giving him the tiary, page 137)
Swimming: 3”/6” 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
ultimate poker face. The
five cards lying on the Cost Powers END 10 Money: Wealthy
green felt in front of him Martial Arts: Boxing Talents
showed a straight flush. Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect
“What’s the matter, Char- 9 Ambidexterity: no Off Hand penalty
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
lemagne? Is the game
getting too rich for you, 3 Clinch -1 -1 Grab Two
Limbs, 36 to Skills
that you can’t afford to
STR for holding 24 +3 with All Combat
lose a hundred? The way
I hear it, you’re a bigtime on 3 Acrobatics 13-
crimelord, got more 4 Cross +0 +2 7d6 Strike 1 Acting 8-
money than you know 5 Hook -2 +1 9d6 Strike 3 Climbing 13-
what to do with. What’s 3 Jab +2 +1 5d6 Strike 3 Combat Driving 13-
a few cool to a man like Martial Arts: Fencing 3 Conversation 13-
you?” Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect 1 Disguise 8-
5 Ballestra +2 -2 Weapon +6 4 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 13-
“It’s nothing,” Char- DC; Half Move 3 High Society 13-
lemagne said, his face
Required 3 AK: His Territory (see text) 13-
calm and friendly. “And
even your legendary luck 3 Cut +2 +1 Weapon 3 CK: Hudson City 13-
can’t last forever.” He 4 Ceduto +0 +0 41 STR to 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
looked around the table at escape Bind 2 KS: Sportscars And Luxury Automobiles 11-
the other players, then ges- 4 Double a Double 2 KS: Boxing 11-
tured at the barely-clothed +2 +2 Weapon +4 DC, 2 KS: Fencing 11-
woman holding the deck. Must Follow 1 Language: French (basic conversation; Eng-
“Deal.” Predefined lish is Native)
Maneuver 1 Language: Russian (basic conversation)
4 Fleche +2 -2 Weapon +2 DC 1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation)
+v/5; FMove 3 Persuasion 13-
4 Froissement -1 +1 Disarm, 36 STR 3 Power: Shooting Tricks 13-
to Disarm roll 2 PS: Falconry 11-
5 Lunge +1 -2 Weapon +6 DC 3 Riding 13-
4 Riposte +2 +2 Weapon +4 DC, 3 Seduction 13-
Must Follow 3 Stealth 13-
Block 3 Streetwise 13-
5 Slash -2 +1 Weapon +6 DC
Predators ■ Chapter One 23

10 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, While out in Hollywood, Charles had taken
Riding Animals, Basic Parachuting, Hang- to the “good life” of a movie star like a fish to water.
gliding, SCUBA, Small Planes, Snowmobiles, He went to all the right parties, was seen with all
Snow Skiing the right people, and took up appropriately glamor-
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades ous hobbies such as fencing and skydiving (which
he found he actually enjoyed a lot, regardless of
Resource Points
what they did for his “image”). He was also exposed
12 Equipment Points: 120
to one of the darker sides of Hollywood — drug
35 Vehicle/Base Points: 80
abuse. Like so many of the people around him, he
20 Follower/Contact Points: 45
began snorting cocaine, and soon became addicted.
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
He returned to Hudson City with an expensive
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 299 habit and no means to fulfill it.
Total Cost: 408 Charles’s salvation came through one of his
dealers out in California, who wanted to expand
100+ Disadvantages his business into other markets and asked Charles
15 Dependence: must snort cocaine at least to help him. Unable to turn down the money and
once a day or suffer Incompetence (Easy to the guaranteed supply of drugs, Charles agreed. He
obtain; Addiction) recruited pushers and began selling cocaine and
10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable, crack in the Crown Point and Riverside Hills areas
Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By of Hudson City. He found he had a flair for the
Large Group) business... and soon cut out his friend and began
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) buying directly from the Colombians.
10 Hunted: Card Shark 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Over time, Charlie’s criminal territory has
Watching) grown, fueled by his profits and by his personal
15 Psychological Limitation: Sadistic And Pow- “flair.” He’s attracted a lot of people (both criminals
erhungry (Common, Strong) and those who like to hang around them) to him
15 Psychological Limitation: Adrenaline Junkie with his sense of style and magnetic personality.
(Common, Strong) Rather than use his real name, he’s adopted the nom
15 Reputation: vicious crimelord, 11- (Extreme) du crime Charlemagne, which is appropriately mag-
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson nificent for his ambition. Today his empire involves
City crimelords; Seeks To Kill Rivals) a lot more than just cocaine, and as far as he’s con-
10 Social Limitation: Famous (may be recog- cerned, he’s finally on his way to the top.
nized as former movie actor if someone gets
a close enough look at him) (Frequently, Personality/Motivation: Charlemagne exudes physi-
Minor) cality. Not “macho” — he’s too suave and urbane
188 Experience Points (some would say “prissy”) for that — but physical-
ity in a sort of Hemingwayesque sense. His good
Total Disadvantage Points: 408 looks, well-toned body, and air of confidence and
Background/History: Charles Maness left Hudson derring-do immediately impress themselves on
City for Hollywood with a dream: to become a those who meet him. For this reason, many people
famous and fabulously wealthy actor. He had the take a liking to him quickly.
looks — even if he couldn’t tell that by glancing in Their feelings of camaraderie are, sadly, mis-
a mirror, everyone told him so, and the string of placed. Beneath Charlemagne’s flawless features lies
broken hearts he left behind was testament to his a heart black and cold. He’s interested only in him-
sex appeal. self, in his own wants and desires, and he doesn’t
Four years later, he was back. His looks care what he has to do to satisfy them. He steals,
attracted the attention of studio heads readily sells drugs, commits rape or assault, and does what-
enough, and he’d starred in a few B-grade movies. ever he must to acquire the money and power he
There was just one problem: he couldn’t act. His craves. Having failed to obtain these things legiti-
on-screen presence was limited almost entirely to mately, he’s determined to get them through crime.
his looks, and that wasn’t enough to carry his career It’s all power to him, anyway.
beyond a few mediocre films. Wealth and fame had Besides which, Charlemagne finds his involve-
eluded him, but there were other roads he could ment in illicit activities thrilling. He’s as addicted to
follow — at least to wealth. adrenaline as he is to cocaine, and both his criminal
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Ruger P90DC +1 +0 2d6 1d6 7 10 PR
Rapier +1 — 1d6 1d6-1 — 10 AP
Usually none, but he’ll put on light body armor if he knows a gunfight’s in the offing
Gear: Given his wealth and influence, Charlemagne can get just about any gear he needs, within reason,
but he usually carries little or none, leaving such matters to his underlings
24 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
CHARLEMAGNE Quote: “Ah, another of these insipid heroes. Forgive
PLOT SEEDS me, sir, if I do not do you the courtesy of taking
you on myself, but I have no desire at present to soil
Charlemagne makes a my hands on the likes of you. Caber, dispose of this
move on Diomedes. It’s gentleman, please.”
war in the streets of the
Southside, and the PCs Powers/Tactics: Because of his many hobbies,
have to put a stop to it including boxing, fencing, and shooting, Char-
— one way or another lemagne has a fair amount of combat skills... and
— before more innocent his “he-man” vision of himself makes him all too
people get caught in the willing to take on heroes one-on-one if need be.
crossfire. But most of the time he prefers to let his underlings
and hired thugs — including his chief bodyguard,
Charlemagne wants to the immensely strong Caber (The Ultimate Brick,
remove or neutralize page 126) — do the fighting for him. Some of his
Card Shark so he can other hobbies (such as race car driving and para-
get involved in illegal
chuting) may give him the means to make a quick
gambling. Knowing
he doesn’t have the escape if necessary.
resources to take on Typically Charlemagne favors the Ruger
Card Shark by himself, P90DC semiautomatic pistol, and usually keeps a
he decides to get the rapier nearby in case he gets the chance to show off
PCs to help him. He his swordplay. His rapiers are custom-made of case-
starts secretly feeding hardened steel and sharpened to a razor’s edge (in
them information about game terms, they’re Armor Piercing).
Card Shark so they can
take out Card Shark’s Campaign Use: Charlemagne controls a territory on
operations without there the Southside of Hudson City that covers parts of
being any seeming con- Crown Point and Riverside Hills (see Hudson City,
nection to Charlemagne pages 159 and 177). As described in Hudson City,
himself. he’s eager to expand... even if he has to gun down
Janus, Diomedes, or Card Shark to do it.
If one of the PCs is good To make Charlemagne tougher, give him a
at something Char- selection of super-skills from Dark Champions
lemagne does (boxing
— one or two defensive ones (such as Can Take A
or racing, for example),
Charlemagne might Punch), at least one more offensive one, and per-
career and his many dangerous hobbies (parachut- haps a miscellaneous one for spice. You could also
decide to challenge him ing, racing boats and cars, flying, SCUBA diving,
to a duel. add more Combat Skill Levels. To weaken him, get
falconry, riding, boxing, fencing) feed this addic- rid of about half of his Martial Maneuvers and all
tion. If it’s exciting, dangerous, or would look good but one CSL.
in a cigarette ad, he’s probably tried it at least once. Charlemagne’s most likely to Hunt a hero if
Charlemagne’s hobbies are part of his glamor- that hero offends his pride or damages his good
ous image (which is why he took up most of them looks. He’s not truly vengeful, but he can remember a
in the first place). He tries to present himself as wrong done to him for a long time. He’s surprisingly
someone who’s larger than life, a movie character patient about getting revenge — he takes time and
rather than a man mired in reality. He likes to live plans things right so there are no slip-ups and he can
the high life, and the proceeds from his criminal thoroughly enjoy whatever he does to the target.
organization allow him to do this (if he saved his The HCPD wants Charlemagne in connec-
money, he’d be a lot wealthier). Unfortunately for tion with literally dozens of crimes ranging from
him, devoting so much time to his hobbies means murder, to drug dealing, to petty assault. But so far
he often has to leave underlings in control of his he’s used his money, connections, and skills to stay
organization... and one day one of them may turn one step ahead of them.
on him and seize power.
Charlemagne prides himself on being in control Appearance: Charlemagne is movie-star handsome:
— on remaining calm, cool, and collected no matter 6’1” tall, 210 pounds carried on a sculpted body,
who he’s facing or what’s going on. In reality, he flowing brown hair, a brown muttonchop mous-
sometimes loses his temper and takes it out on his tache, bright green eyes. He favors white shirts with
underlings or his women in cruel, even vicious ways. ruffles in front, a blue waistcoat/vest, and riding
Charlemagne is a vain and petty man. He’ll pants and boots — almost as if he came from the
go out of his way to take revenge on anyone who early nineteenth century instead of the twenty-first
insults or humiliates him, and Heaven help the man — but he dresses however he feels is most appro-
who mars his features. priate for the situation.
Predators ■ Chapter One 25

DIOMEDES 2 5) KS: Literature 13- DIOMEDES
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Resource Points PLOT SEEDS
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 10 Equipment Points: 110
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 Two of Hudson City’s
20 CON 20 13- most physically and
15 Follower/Contact Points: 35
13 BODY 6 12- mentally twisted
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 crimelords — Diomedes
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 152 and the Kyphotic Man
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
Total Cost: 246 — team up! Unable to
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 stop their crime spree,
7 COM -1 10- 100+ Disadvantages the HCPD appeals to
6 PD 2 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 20 Distinctive Features: dicephalic (Not Con- the PCs for help.
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) cealable, Causes Major Reaction [fear/dis-
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 gust/horror]) After the PCs defeat and
15 Enraged: when thwarted or stymied capture Diomedes, he
8 REC 0
(Common), go 11-, recover 14- seems to suffer a sort
40 END 0 of nervous breakdown,
40 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 94 25 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
bursting into anguished
20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer tears and begging them
Movement: Running: 6”/12” (Very Common, Strong) to help him give up the
Cost Powers END 15 Psychological Limitation: Sociopath; Views evil life he’s been lead-
7 Those Two Terrifying Heads: +15 PRE; Other People As Things (Common, Strong) ing. He genuinely seems
Only To Make Fear-/Intimidation-Based 15 Reputation: vicious two-headed crimelord, remorseful and wants
Presence Attacks (-1) 0 11- (Extreme) to reform... but is it all a
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson ploy? Or could it be that
48 Separate Nervous Systems: Physical and
City crimelords; Seeks To Kill Rivals) one of the twins really
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%, wants to “go straight,”
Requires A CON Roll (no Active Point 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Phillip
while the other doesn’t?
penalty; -¼) 0 and Reginald Anders) (Frequently, Major)
4 Four Eyes Are Better Than Two: +2 PER 11 Experience Points
The PCs get a tip from
Rolls with Sight Group 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 246 an informant on the
5 Four Eyes Are Better Than Two: Increased street that Diomedes
Arc Of Perception (240 Degrees) for Sight Background/History: Friedrich Nietzsche said is building a massive
Group 0 one must not look too closely at monsters, lest one bomb as part of a plan
1 Each Head Sleeps Separately: Life Support become a monster. So what happens if one sees a to destroy the Harpcor
(Diminished Sleeping: 8 hours per week) 0 monster in the mirror every day? Towers building, whose
Born in 1975, Phillip and Reginald Anders are two towers joined to a
Perks dicephalic — in other words, “he” has two heads single lower structure
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- and nervous systems, each capable of thinking perversely remind him
Level of himself. Is the tip legit
and feeling on its own (see below). While nature
9 Money: Well Off — and if so, how do the
blessed the twins with powerful, incisive minds, PCs stop the plot?
Talents the strength of their intellects wasn’t enough to
5 Eidetic Memory shield them from the effects of being a freak. Their
earliest memories are of being stared at — of being
Skills the object of morbid fascination, disgust, and fear.
3 Bribery 13- Enough of that sort of treatment would affect even
3 Concealment 13- someone with the soul of a saint... and the Anders
3 Criminology 13- twins possessed no such soul.
3 Interrogation 13- At first Phillip (the “right” twin) and Regi-
2 CK: Hudson City 11- nald (the “left” twin) withdrew from the world
3 Stealth 12- to avoid other peoples’ attitudes. They could
3 Streetwise 13- easily find ways to amuse themselves, after all.
2 WF: Small Arms But in time their hurt turned to resentment...
3 Scholar then anger... then hatred. By their late teens they
2 1) KS: Art History 13- had a profound loathing for the rest of humanity,
2 2) KS: History 13- regarding other people as pathetic objects to be
2 3) KS: The Hudson City Underworld 13- played with... or disposed of.
2 4) KS: The Hudson City Vigilantes 13-
26 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Baretta 93R +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 20 11 AF3, RC1
Brass Knuckles +0 — +2d6 N — — 5
Custom-tailored body armor (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Diomedes rarely carries gear — that’s what flunkies are for

Personality/Motivation: Diomedes’s minds are as

bizarre as his appearance. Although he’s intelligent,
learned, and witty, he’s also sociopathic. Having
been (in his opinion) rejected by humanity, he has
in turn rejected humanity. He cares nothing for
other people; the concepts of sympathy and com-
passion are alien to him. As far as he’s concerned,
other people are to be manipulated, exploited,
harmed, or killed whenever necessary. His willing-
ness to kill for little or no reason, not to mention
the general abuse and scorn he heaps on others (in
stereo!), often makes it hard for him to recruit and
keep underlings.
Quote: Phillip: “Even if there was some reason to...”
Reginald: “...keep you alive, it’s more fun to
kill you.”
Powers/Tactics: Diomedes has two heads (each
containing an insidiously clever brain), two spines,
two hearts, and two stomachs. His spines join at
his hips, but his upper bodies merge just below
the neck, so that he only has two arms. Each of his
heads sleeps separately (effectively allowing him to
remain functional almost 24 hours a day), thinks
separately, and can talk and eat separately. Because
each part of him has a separate nervous system, one
side doesn’t necessarily feel pain the other does...
but since his body is all one system, a drug admin-
istered to one part of him affects “both” of him
equally. He only has one set of legs, and each part of
him controls the leg on that side, but through long
practice he can walk, run, and jump with as much
grace as any other athletic man of about age 30.
Despite his coordination and enormous
In 1992, Phillip and Reginald emancipated strength, Diomedes is no fighter. When he kills, he
themselves from their parents. They committed kills from surprise or a position of overwhelming
their first crime the next year when they robbed power. Unless he’s cornered or Enraged, he’s more
a check-cashing business, killing four employees likely to run than fight (yet another quality that
(three by shooting, one by setting him on fire). doesn’t exactly endear him to his “employees”).
Captured a few weeks later after a short crime
spree, they were put on trial. Each one’s attorney Campaign Use: Diomedes is a crimelord like Char-
argued that the other twin was responsible for the lemagne, Janus, or the Kyphotic Man, but with
crime. The blizzard of words, dueling psychiatrists, physical and mental twists that make him distinctive.
and obfuscating neurologists resulted in three Having two heads gives him certain abilities normal
hung juries. Before the fourth trial could begin, the people don’t possess... but has also resulted in cir-
twins — now referring to themselves by the single cumstances that have driven him insane. The news-
name Diomedes, after the monstrous king of Greek papers often call him “psychotic,” but a more accurate
mythology — escaped. description would be “sociopath with very low
Soon the HCPD got word of a new crimelord self-control and little tolerance for frustration.” Most
on the streets. With his malicious intellect and crimelords are dangerous, but at least they tend to be
morbid appeal, Diomedes had recruited himself relatively predictable; any encounter with Diomedes
a gang and claimed a territory on the Southside. should have the PCs fearing for their lives simply
It took him a few bloody months to enforce that because he’s so casual about his use of lethal violence.
claim, but he’s been running things there ever since. To make Diomedes tougher, give him Two-
Weapon Fighting (both HTH and Ranged) and
some Combat Skill Levels, thus making him more
Predators ■ Chapter One 27

of a front-line combatant. You might also increase Appearance: Diomedes is 6’2” tall and weighs 230
his SPD to 4 (or even 5). To weaken him, reduce his pounds; he’s in good shape and is pretty strong, but
STR and CON to about 15 each. not overly muscular. As described above, he has two
As a Hunter, Diomedes is both ruthless and heads (with spines that join at his hips), two arms,
unpredictable. Usually he favors a frontal approach, and two legs. Although one head usually sleeps while
but it’s not unknown for him to think up fiendish the other’s awake (so that, in effect, he gets twice as
traps and tortures for his foes. A favorite ploy is to take much done as an ordinary person), both heads are
his target’s loved ones hostage, then start killing one of awake for important events, and sometimes both
them every hour until the target does what he says. sleep at the same time. One head frequently com-
Copious evidence proves that Diomedes is pletes the sentences started by the other, or the two
guilty of numerous robberies and over a dozen speak in unison; either action tends to unnerve the
murders during his 1993 crime spree, though he people he’s talking to. He usually wears ordinary
hasn’t actually been convicted of any of those clothes, with shirts and jackets tailored to fit his
crimes. He’s wanted by the HCPD for questioning unusual upper body. His hair is black and cut short,
in regard to hundreds of criminal acts since then, his eyes green, his faces cleanshaven.
from conspiracy to homicide.

JANUS Talents
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] Skills
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 Bribery 13-
13 CON 6 12- 3 Combat Driving 12-
11 BODY 2 11- 3 Conversation 13-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 3 High Society 13-
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 2 KS: Classical Literature 11-
12 COM 1 11- 2 KS: High Finance 11-
5 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) 2 KS: History Of Classical Civilizations 11-
5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) 2 KS: Hudson City Underworld 11-
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 2 Language: French (fluent conversation; Eng-
5 REC 0 lish is Native)
26 END 0 2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)
30 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 71 3 Persuasion 13-
3 Seduction 13-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 3 Stealth 12-
Cost Powers END 3 Streetwise 13-
20 Janus Cane: Multipower, 30-point reserve; 4 TF: Basic Parachuting, SCUBA, Small
all IAF (-½) Motorized Boats, Snow Skiing
1u 1) Weighted Head: HA +3d6; IAF (-½), 2 WF: Small Arms
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1 Resource Points
1u 2) Cane-Gun: RKA 2d6; IAF (-½), Beam 12 Equipment Points: 120
(-¼), STR Min (10, Does Not Add/Sub- 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
tract Damage; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), 4 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
Charges (-1) [4] 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
20 The Devil’s Own Luck: Luck 4d6 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 147
Perks Total Cost: 218
1 Fringe Benefit: Licensed Stockbroker
2 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit 100+ Disadvantages
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Level 15 Hunted: vigilante of GM’s choice, 8- (As
12 Money: Wealthy Pow, Capture/Kill)
15 Psychological Limitation: Lives For The
“Thrill Of The Crime” (Common, Strong)
28 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
JANUS 10 Reputation: wealthy dilettante (as Winslow)/ drug withdrawal, threatened to kill him. Using
PLOT SEEDS crimelord (as Janus), 11- reflexes heightened by driving and skiing, Darryl
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson grabbed the gun and began wrestling with the kid
Reports reach the PCs City crimelords; Seeks To Kill Rivals) for it. When he finally got control of it, he shot the
that Janus has been rob- 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Darryl kid right between the eyes.
bing jewelry stores in Winslow) (Frequently, Major) Now it was Darryl whose hands were shak-
Bankhurst... at the same 33 Experience Points ing. Thinking quickly, he dragged the body into a
time he’s been robbing nearby alley before anyone saw him, checked to
banks on the Southside! Total Disadvantage Points: 218
make sure he hadn’t gotten any blood on himself,
Could there be more and then ran. By the time he was a few blocks away,
Background/History: Darryl Winslow’s family had
than one Janus? If not,
plenty of money. They weren’t up there with the his hands had stopped shaking — and he knew
what’s going on... and
what will Janus himself Bankhursts or the Fraziers, but they had more what he wanted to do with his life.
do about it? than enough of what makes the world go ’round. Within a few months Darryl had use his per-
Darryl’s father gave him the best of everything as sonal charm and his bankroll (both of which were
The PCs hear that Janus he grew up; he attended the finest prep schools, considerable) to recruit the nucleus of a gang. Now,
has gone into pimping and then Yale. Darryl had a good time goofing off a few years later, he’s carved out a small territory for
— he’s trying to muscle around campus when he should have been study- himself in the Hudson City underworld. Because of
Carl Spears off the Strip. ing classical literature. He chose Classical Studies his “dual identity” as dilettante by day, crimelord by
That doesn’t really fit his as his major, thinking it would be easy. He was night, he’s fallen back on his classical training and
m.o., though. Is he really wrong, but a little money here and there greased chosen the nom du crime Janus.
doing it, and if so, why? the wheels with his profs so he didn’t have to do
Personality/Motivation: Janus is an excitement and
too much work. In fact, he used his father’s money
Janus and Diomedes adrenaline junkie. He lives for the “rush” he feels
to smooth things over whenever he did something
have teamed up to when committing a crime, a rush stronger and
wrong, which was often. The other failing grades,
destroy Charlemagne more intense than the ones he’s gotten doing any-
and steal his territory. the date-rape allegations, the wrecked cars — all
thing else. Even though his gang does most of the
The fighting in the the bad things went away when Darryl threw
real criminal work, it’s still a thrill: after all, if the
streets is taking its toll money at them.
police catch his men, they might get him, too. In
on civilians and prop- After Darryl graduated, his father got him a
many ways, Janus sees his crimelord career as one
erty, which should be job in his stock brokerage, despite his lack of an
big game with the police and other criminals: just
enough to motivate the MBA. Darryl, for once in his life, worked hard
PCs to stop the conflict like competing with other financiers and the SEC
enough to earn something — his stockbroker’s
(one way or another...). when he was a stockbroker, only better.
license (his father was the one person he couldn’t
If not, they may end up But just because the thrill is his primary
pay off, after all). Then he played at being a stock-
with one crimelord con- motivation doesn’t mean Janus takes his criminal
broker for about five years until his father died
trolling the northeast career lightly. He guards his territory jealously,
Southside, since sooner of an unexpected massive heart attack. Knowing
deals with competitors ruthlessly, and has pulled
or later either Janus or his father had left him more money than he could
the trigger more than once. Taking a personal
Diomedes will turn on possibly spend, Darryl quit his job and became
hand in things just increases the risk, and thus
his ally, and the fighting what he’d trained to be his whole life — a million-
the rush — and he’s found that he also enjoys the
will get even worse.... aire playboy.
feeling of power crime gives him. The rest of the
The dilettante routine lost its appeal after a
rabble go about their business obeying the law,
few years, too. There were only so many women to
handicapped by their morality; he is Janus, and he
have, drinks to drink, and parties to attend. He was
bows to no man’s law!
bored, utterly bored. For a while he took up a suc-
cession of dangerous sports — racing cars, racing Quote: “Put down that stupid gun and have a
boats, skiing — but in time every new thrill became seat, before my men teach you the real meaning
terribly dull. of gunplay.”
Darryl finally found something that excited
Powers/Tactics: Janus has no combat skills to speak
him the night he was the victim of an attempted
of. He can fire a gun (either the one concealed in
mugging. Some punk kid pulled a gun on him
his cane, or the S&W ASP he usually carries) or hit
in the street and demanded his wallet. Incensed,
people with his weighted cane, but that’s it. Using
Darryl refused — so the kid, hands shaking from
money and persuasiveness, he’s recruited a gang
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
S&W ASP +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 7 10 Clear grips/magazine
Usually none, by may wear light body armor (DEF 2, Activation Roll 11-) under his clothing in some cir-
Gear: Janus usually prefers to let his men carry any gear needed to commit a crime, but if necessary
outfits himself with appropriate equipment, as long as it isn’t too bulky or heavy (examples include
nightvision scopes, compact but powerful binoculars, additional weapons such as a small knife or a
grenade, and the like)
Predators ■ Chapter One 29

“Janus? They ain’t no Janus, fool. What kinda a name is
that for a bad-ass robber? It’s a !$&*%@# girl’s name!
Iss like “Me Tarzan, you Jane,” just some hooty-fruity
way’a spellin’ it.
“Maaan, it’s a front! It’s the !$&*%@# government, man!
You take a look at all them places Janus robbed. Look
at ’em! I got all th’ articles right here, clip ’em outta th’
paper an’ magazines an’ *%&!. All the stuff he’s stealin’,
it’s parts for a new killer satellite thing, gonna burn
out our brains if we say anythin’ bad about Emperor
George! All’a the rest of it’s just cover for wha’s really
goin’ on, man!”
—Goshen Phil, street political theorist

of tough career criminals whom he rules through

wit, guile, and generous shares of the loot; they do
his fighting for him. If the going gets really rough,
Janus cuts and runs, trusting that his high-priced
lawyers can get his men out of jail — or that he can
recruit new men.
Janus is a big believer in preparation. He plans
his crimes extensively, with thought given to things
that might go wrong, escape routes, and how to
deal with police intervention (he usually commits
his crime and gets away long before the cops show
up). His men have learned that doing what he says
means better hauls and cleaner getaways; working
with him has made them better criminals.
Campaign Use: Janus controls a small territory
on the Southside of Hudson City in part of Red
Hill, Elmview, and North Elmview (see pages 159 The police want various members of Janus’s
and 178 of Hudson City). He and his gang are gang for crimes ranging from murder and assault
involved in a variety of criminal activities: rob- to theft and forgery, and Janus for participation
bery, protection rackets, blackmail and extortion, in various robberies. Janus has carefully avoided
forgery — whatever Janus can get a start in and any sort of exposure that would give the police the
make some money at. He isn’t one of the most means to identify him, so as yet the HCPD only
powerful figures in the Hudson City underworld, knows him by his nom du crime — it doesn’t have
but he’s making a name for himself with his style any information on him or know his identity.
and his often brilliant plans. To keep the police off
Appearance: Janus is a tall, handsome man in his
his trail, he fences most of the non-cash loot he
mid-thirties. He’s gone slightly bald in front, but
obtains in Chicago or Seattle.
has thick black sideburns and a Van Dyke-style
To turn Janus into a tougher opponent, make
beard that makes him look distinguished or sinister
him combat-capable: increase his Primary Charac-
(depending upon the situation). He wears hand-
teristics, give him more weapons, and perhaps add
tailored suits, favoring brown or reddish-brown
some Martial Arts and Combat Skill Levels to his
colors; in many situations he wears a matching
character sheet. To weaken him, remove the Cane-
men’s hat and a stylized black mask to conceal his
Gun and reduce the Weighted Cane to HA +2d6.
features from security cameras. He carries a cane
Janus doesn’t normally Hunt people — there’s
whose head is a two-headed representation of the
no thrill in it. Someone would really have to infuri-
god Janus.
ate him to make a Hunter out of him.
30 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition

RASPUTIN 6 Observant: +2 to PER Rolls with all Sense
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Groups 0
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] Perks
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
20 CON 20 13- Military
20 BODY 20 13- 15 Money: Filthy Rich
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 Talents
25 PRE 20 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
8 COM -1 11- 5 Rapid Healing
3 Lightsleep
5 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
4 Speed Reading
5 ED 1 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Skills
12 REC 16 32 +4 with All Combat
40 END 0 3 Bribery 14-
50 STUN 14 Total Characteristics Cost: 149 3 Bureaucratics 14-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Concealment 13-
Cost Powers END 3 Conversation 14-
30 HTH Combat Training: HA +6d6, Reduced 3 Cryptography 13-
Endurance (0 END; +½); Hand-To-Hand 3 Deduction 13-
Attack (-½) 0 1 Electronics 8-
30 HTH Combat Training: +30 STR, Reduced 3 High Society 14-
Endurance (0 END; +½); Only To Sim- 3 Interrogation 14-
ulate Exert-Based Martial Maneuvers (see 2 Language: English (fluent conversation; Rus-
text; -½) 0 sian is Native)
26 Necksnapper: HKA 2d6, NND (defense 3 Lockpicking 12-
is rigid rPD on the neck, or anything else 1 Mechanics 8-
that prevents the neck/head from being 3 PS: Play Chess 13-
turned and twisted the right way; +1), 3 SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 13-
Does BODY (+1); Must Follow Grab (-½), 3 Security Systems 13-
Must Target The Head (-1), No STR Bonus 3 Stealth 12-
(-½), Requires A STR Roll (no Active Point 3 Streetwise 14-
penalty; -½) 9 3 Tactics 13-
24 Can Take A Lot Of Punishment: Physical 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%; 3 Scholar
Requires A CON Roll (no Active Point 2 1) KS: The Espionage World 13-
penalty; -¼) 0 2 2) KS: The Hudson City Underworld 13-

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Makarov P6 +0 +0 1½d6 1d6 8 10 Uses hollow points
Stechkin APS +0 +1 1½d6 1d6 20 12 Uses hollow points
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
None, unless he’s absolutely certain he’s going to get into a firefight; he finds it uncomfortable. If he has to
wear it, he usually chooses Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 11-) with ceramic inserts (DEF +3, Activa-
tion Roll 10-) — if he’s got to wear the damn stuff, he might as well get all the protection he can.
Gear: Though he rarely goes out “into the field” anymore, when he does Rasputin typically uses surplus
Soviet military gear — nightvision devices, for example. Between his wealth and his connections, he can
obtain nearly anything he wants, including the latest Russian milspec equipment.
Predators ■ Chapter One 31

2 3) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist ence to become a part of the Russian underworld

World 13- — an important part.
2 4) KS: The Russian Intelligence Community 13- Then the Soviet government — the govern-
1 5) KS: Russian Literature 11- ment for which he’d worked so hard, which had
2 6) KS: Russian Organized Crime 13- betrayed him, and which he’d ultimately rejected to
3 Traveler become a vor — collapsed. Before long Igorovitch,
1 1) AK: Europe 11- now commonly known as Rasputin for all the
1 2) AK: Great Britain 11- assassination attempts he survived in prison, was
1 3) AK: Russia 11- able to use his connections to obtain release. Prison
1 4) CK: Hudson City 11- had not been much of an impediment to his crimi-
1 5) CK: London 11- nal ambitions... but as a free man once more, he was
1 6) CK: Moscow 11- able to build an empire of crime that had few rivals,
1 7) CK: New York City 11- even within kleptocratic Russia. When someone
1 8) CK: Paris 11- defied him, or failed to follow his commands, he
had that person killed — be he prominent politi-
Resource Points
cian, wealthy businessman, street thug, or a col-
38 Equipment Points: 250
league in the criminal nobility.
35 Vehicle/Base Points: 80
And now, content with his conquests in the
45 Follower/Contact Points: 95
Old World, he sets his sights on the New. For a year
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
now he’s laid the groundwork to come to America
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 389 — to Hudson City, where he hopes to take control
Total Cost: 538 of the many Russian gangs and weld them into a
united force that will take the underworld by storm.
100+ Disadvantages From there he will expand, taking over other cities
20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) as well, until he controls as much crime in America
20 Hunted: FSB 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) as he does in Russia.
20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
(Very Common, Strong) Personality/Motivation: A lifetime of KGB training
15 Psychological Limitation: Won’t Tolerate and fieldwork, prison, and crime has burned most of
Challenges To His Authority Or The Ques- the compassion and gentler emotions out of Raspu-
tioning Of His Judgment (Common, Strong) tin. He’s become a cold, domineering man who can
10 Reputation: feared Russian crimelord, 8- commit acts that would horrify most people without
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other mafioski;
Seeks To Kill Rivals)
5 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (in
Russia) (Occasionally, Minor)
338 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 538
Background/History: Decades ago, Dominik
Vladimir Igorovich was a spy for the much-feared
KGB. He was a good agent who worked missions
throughout Europe, and even in America... but he
wasn’t so good at working the system. Enemies
higher up in the Russian intelligence community
disposed of him by framing him for crimes against
the state. It was a superbly-made frame, one that
not even all of Igorovich’s wits and contacts could
get him out of. Within the space of three months he
went from a luxury apartment in Moscow to a cold,
dank cell in a prison in Siberia.
In the gulag, Igorovich fell in with the vory v
zakone, the “thieves in law” who ran the Russian
underworld. Though they were normally resistant
to outsiders (particularly ones so closely associ-
ated with the hated government), it didn’t take long
for Igorovich to win some of them over with his
wit and charm. Others he simply killed — casu-
ally, openly, in bold defiance of the possibility of
revenge. Those who came to seek that vengeance he
killed as well. Eventually the vory saw which way
the wind was blowing and simply accepted him
into their ranks. Despite being imprisoned, Igoro-
vich learned how to use his connections and influ-
32 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
RASPUTIN giving it a second thought. Russian mobsters laugh at arrives, they should hear the hushed and fearful
PLOT SEEDS the threats of other organized crime groups and the whispers about him on the streets of Moscow West
police, but they fear Rasputin, and rightly so — they and Vidersea.
A strange rumor reaches know he’s killed over a dozen men with his bare To make Rasputin tougher, increase his DEX
the ears of the PCs: it hands, and hundreds more simply by giving an order (and possibly SPD), and maybe his STR as well.
turns out Rasputin is to one of his underlings. If he has his way, plenty of A few more super-skills from Dark Champions
already in this country. people in America (including, no doubt, your PCs) might work well, too. To weaken him, get rid
He arrived in secret, will learn to fear him just as much. of his HTH Combat-related abilities and Skills,
killed one of the other making him more of a “realistic” former spy than
leading Russian mob- Quote: “The best thing a man can learn is patience. If
a cinematic one.
sters in Hudson City, you wait and watch, in time you will see a vulnerabil-
Rasputin is a determined, tenacious Hunter.
and had a plastic sur- ity in your enemy, a weakness you can exploit. And
geon alter his features He’ll start out by sending groups of his men after
that is when you strike! But in learning patience, do
so he looks like that the target. They have no subtlety or restraint;
not overlook the value of decisive action.”
person. Is it true?... and they’ll attack the target just about any place or
if so, which one is he, Powers/Tactics: Rasputin’s initial training was with time, regardless of the risk of capture or the possi-
and what does he have the KGB, which taught him various spy skills, HTH bility of killing innocent bystanders. If that doesn’t
planned? combat tactics, and weapons use. His field experi- get the job done, he’ll hire outside professionals
ence as an intelligence agent taught him other (such as just about any of the freelance assassins
Rasputin’s hired a couple lessons... but not as many as prison, where he had in Chapter Three).
of former Soviet mili- to adapt to new ways of surviving and thriving. Rasputin has an extensive criminal record in
tary scientists and put The result is a smart, streetwise, disciplined man Russia — you name it, he’s done it, though the only
them to work creating ones he served time for were the “acts of treason” his
with the temper and drive of a young man but the
new designer drugs he
wisdom and patience of age. enemies cooked up against him in the mid-Seventies.
can sell. The city’s being
flooded with powerful Rasputin’s HTH Combat Training abilities He has no criminal record in the United States... yet.
new narcotics that often represent the wide variety of hand-to-hand fighting
Appearance: Rasputin is a Russian male in his
kill the users through techniques he’s learned or developed over the years.
late 50s or early 60s, though he looks more like
overdoses. The PCs have You can use them to simulate many different “Mar-
he’s 45 or so. His cleanshaven face is strong and
to find Rasputin’s lab tial Arts”-type attacks. The ability that provides a
and put a stop to his rawboned. He stands 5’9” tall and weighs about
bonus to STR can function like nearly any Exert-
manufacturing business. 170 pounds; he doesn’t look muscular or athletic,
based Martial Maneuver (such as Martial Disarm,
though in truth he’s strong, fit, and tough even for
Martial Escape, Martial Grab, or even Shove).
A man’s found float- someone half his age. He usually wears nonde-
When hand-to-hand combat won’t do, Raspu-
ing dead in the Stewart script men’s clothing.
tin uses weapons. He typically carries two favorites
River near Moscow
from the old days, a Makarov pistol and Stechkin
West. A couple of mafi-
oski claim it’s Rasputin. submachine gun, both loaded with 9mm Russian
hollow-points. But he’s no sentimentalist; if some
Could the feared mob-
ster be dead — and if other weapon would be better, he’ll use it instead. He pulled a cellphone out of his pocket and snapped it
so, who killed him, and Rasputin is as tough as old shoe leather. open with a flick of his hand. It looked like an ordinary
what repercussions will Although he looks physically not much different cell, but it had encryption that would give the NSA fits.
it cause? from a typical 60 year-old man, he can withstand The Americans thought his countrymen were fools and
punishment that would make far younger men incompetents and thugs — but who put a satellite in
orbit first?
crumble. He might not have the resilience of the
legendary Grigori Rasputin from whom he gets his He pressed two keys with his thumb, held the phone to
nickname, but more than one person who thought his ear. It only rang once before the man on the other
he’d left Rasputin for dead learned, to his fatal end picked up. “Da?”
regret, that he erred. “Is he cold yet?”
Rasputin fights intelligently and with tacti- “Da, sir. Two shots, golova i serdtse.”
cal awareness; he won’t risk his life and health on
“English. Speak English. You’re a long, long way from
stupid maneuvers or daredevil stunts. He’s got a the Motherland.”
lot of patience; he remains calm, cool, and obser-
vant even in a heavy firefight. He prefers to stay “D... Yes, sir.” He hung up then, before the man could
say anything else. He was a useful tool, but not exactly a
in a position of safety, sending his underlings out
brilliant conversationalist.
to confront the opposition, then take advantage
of any mistakes the enemy makes to whittle down He dialed again. This time the person who picked up
their numbers. didn’t say anything. “It’s done,” he said, knowing the
other man would recognize his voice. “Meet me at the
Campaign Use: Rasputin is an outsider who’s trying Stewartsboro place with the goods in one hour.”
to make it into the Hudson City underworld — “How do I know he’s dead? There’s been nothing on the
and, eventually, take it over. You can introduce him police band....”
into your campaign whenever you like, since with “You know it because I tell you. My word is a guarantee.
his resources he can choose to “crash the party” at Meet me in an hour as agreed, or I’ll give my man a
any time (i.e., when it’s most dramatically appropri- new target.”
ate for your game). He should present a real threat
“Okay, okay, one hour.”
to the PCs — you need to make sure he lives up
to his reputation as a deadly foe — and before he —a business transaction in Moscow West
Predators ■ Chapter One 33

SPEARGUN 3 Observant: +1 to PER Rolls with all Sense
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Groups 0
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] Perks
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
18 CON 16 13- 5 Money: Well Off
15 BODY 10 12- 30 Well-Connected and 27 points’ worth of
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Contacts in the Military/Mercenary/Terrorist
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 World and the U.S. military/government
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
12 COM 1 11- Talents
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
8 PD 4 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) Skills
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 32 +4 with All Combat
10 REC 4 6 +2 with Paramedics, Stealth, and Systems
36 END 0 Operation
40 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 120 5 Accurate Sprayfire
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 Bureaucratics 13-
Swimming: 4”/8” 3 Climbing 13-
1 Computer Programming 8-
Cost Powers END 3 Concealment 12-
Martial Arts: Commando Training 5 Concentrated Sprayfire
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 1 Cryptography 8-
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 6d6 + v/5, Target 7 Demolitions 14-
Falls 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13-
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 8d6 Strike 3 Interrogation 13-
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, 5 AK: The Hudson City Waterfront 14-
3d6 NND (2) 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
4 Escape +0 +0 45 STR vs.Grabs 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 2 KS: The Mafia 11-
Limbs, 40 STR 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 40 STR 2 KS: Navy History And Customs 11-
4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA 1d6 (2d6 2 KS: SEAL History And Traditions 11-
with STR) 3 Navigation (Land, Marine) 12-
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Paramedics 12-
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) 2 PS: Sailor 11-
6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1 2 PS: SEAL 11-
2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 2 SS: Hydrography 11-

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Hvy Speargun +0 +0 1½d6 1d6-1 1 RC 8 AP, LR (4”)
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10 Sil, FS, laser
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Remington 870 +0 +0 2½d6 1d6 8 12 AE1, LR (20”), RR, RP, 2H
Diving Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Typically just Armored Clothing (DEF 2, Activation Roll 14-), but if he knows he’s going into a potentially
dangerous situation, he often upgrades to Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 11- or 14-, depending on
personal preference)
Gear: If he’s not wearing underwater gear (rebreather, swimfins, wetsuit, and so on), Speargun usually has
some nearby. He may have underwater sleds or other such equipment available, too.
34 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
FAMOUS 3 Shadowing 12- during Hell Week. Exhausted, bordering on hypo-
LAST WORDS 5 Skipover Sprayfire thermia, battered, and bleeding, he kept going on
3 Stealth 13- willpower alone.
“If that fish-stinking 3 Streetwise 13- “You ready to quit, Speargun? You wanna get
bastard thinks he’s 10 Survival (Desert, Marine, Mountains, Tem- some sleep?”
gonna get the Flower perate/Subtropical, Tropical) 12- “Sir, no sir!” he responded in a voice that
Market away from 3 Systems Operation 12- sounded stronger than the rest of him looked.
us, he’s using his ass 3 Tactics 12- “I dunno, Speargun. You look to me like you’re
for brains. There’s no 3 Tracking 12- about ready to collapse. What kind of a teammate
!$&*%@# way he’s even 5 TF: Basic Parachuting, Advanced Parachut- are you gonna be if you crap out in the middle of a
gonna come close.”
ing, SCUBA, Small Rowed Boats, Small mission?”
Motorized Boats “Sir, with respect, sir, even as tired as I am I
—Verontese soldier
6 WF: Small Arms, Knives, General Purpose/ could still kick your ass.”
Enrico “Ricky Tulips”
Carnasio, two weeks Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, The instructor grinned — he couldn’t tell if it
before his body was Shoulder-Fired Weapons was pride or mockery. “Carry on, Speargun.”
found floating in the Resource Points *****
Stewart River near the
48 Equipment Points: 300 They were crouched in a thicket on a hill over-
south Pierpoint docks.
According to the medi- 45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100 looking a compound not far from the Caribbean
cal examiner’s report, 40 Follower/Contact Points: 85 coast of Colombia, waiting for night to fall. Nobody
the cause of death was 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 was making any noise; they were just sitting there
multiple stab wounds — silent, professional, patient.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 374
whose depth and shape “Sir?”
indicated they could Total Cost: 494
“What is it, Perretti?”
have been caused by a 100+ Disadvantages “Sir, is it true you scored higher on BUD/S
speargun bolt. 5 Distinctive Features: US Navy SEALs tattoo than anyone else in your class?”
on upper left arm (Easily Concealed; Noticed “Beats me; I didn’t see the records. Now shut
And Recognizable) up. We don’t want to tip Cazares off that we’re here
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) — when we hit him, I want him dead before he
25 Hunted: The Mafia 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill) even knows we’re there, got it?”
10 Hunted: Card Shark 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, “Yessir.”
15 Psychological Limitation: Looks Out For
Number One (Common, Strong) “Lieutenant Spargiros, I have here a report
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Titos concerning the Indonesia mission. You want to give
Spargiros) (Frequently, Major) me your version?
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very “Yes, sir. Scarlet Team and I went ashore at
Frequently, Major) 0400 to seek out and destroy the terrorist camp.
10 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Occa- Based on our intel, we expected to find just a camp,
sionally, Major) with approximately five dozen terrorists. What
274 Experience Points we actually discovered was an entire village built
around the camp to support and shelter it. So we
Total Disadvantage Points: 494 destroyed it as well using C4.”
Background/History: “Spar... Sparga....” “Let me make sure I understand you, Lieuten-
“Sir, Spargiros, sir!” ant. You’re telling me you knowingly and willfully
“Spar-GEER-ose? What the hell kinda name is killed over 100 women and children in addition to
that, recruit?” the sixty terrorists.”
“Sir, it’s Greek, sir!” “Yes, sir. As I said, there was no way to get at
“Well, !$&* that — nobody’ll ever be able to the camp while leaving the village alone. Further-
remember it. Says here in your file that you go more, as you’re aware, the existence of Scarlet Team
SCUBA diving, is that right, recruit?” is beyond Top Secret; it would have been irrespon-
“Sir, yes, sir!” sible of me to leave any potential witnesses alive.”
“Okay, then, we’ll just call you Speargun.” “And did your men agree to this course of
“Sir, yes, sir!” action?”
“Yes, sir — all but one, sir.”
“And that would be Erickson?”
The Naval Special Warfare center didn’t look “Yes, sir.”
like much — but he knew it was a rock that could “The one you shot?”
break him as it had broken so many others before, “Yes, sir. Disobedience while on a mission is
if he wasn’t careful... and strong. not to be tolerated.”
“You ready for BUD/S, Speargun?” one of his The Admiral leaned back in his chair, rubbed
friends asked as they got off the bus. his eyes wearily, and sighed. “Lieutenant Spargi-
“*%&! yeah — bring it on. Let’s see who’s a ros, your actions on behalf of your country have
man and who’s a pussy.” been noted and commended on many occasions.
He wasn’t quite so smug thirty-three days later, But your superiors have observed an increasing
Predators ■ Chapter One 35

tendency toward this sort of off-the-reservation “Coffee?”

crap. This incident is completely unacceptable and “Sure.”
categorically criminal. I don’t care how good you Seconds later a good-looking woman dressed
are, you’re through with field work. We can’t court- in an outfit similar to Card Shark’s put a filled cup
martial you; that’d be too public. So you’d better get in front of him, cream and sugar on the side.
used to the office — from now on you’re pulling “Thank you for coming tonight, Mr. Spargiros.
desk duty.” Some... friends of mine told me a little bit about
That lasted about three months. He was the best your situation. I’ve been looking for someone like
field operative the SEALs had, the one they’d given you, and I think we might be able to help each
the most desperate, dangerous missions to... and other out — to our mutual profit.”
he’d succeeded every time. So what if they thought “I’m listening.”
he was too brutal? Can’t make an omelette without Card Shark waved the rest of his people away
breaking a few eggs. Finally his superior officer gave so they were beyond earshot, then leaned forward
him one order too many. With one punch he broke to talk more confidentially. “For some time now I’ve
the man’s jaw and left him lying unconscious on the been seeking a way to break the Mafia’s hold on this
floor. Then he left and never returned. city and increase my own power at their expense.
***** I think the key to this is the waterfront. With their
stranglehold on the docks, the Italians can control
He’d been drinking a lot lately, mainly in all sorts of businesses and extort all kinds of money
Elmview and Red Hill bars. It took a lot to get him out of the city. I want to take the docks away from
drunk, but when he did, all of his anger came boil- them — and to do that, I need a man who’s ruthless,
ing out and he got into fights. Afterwards he’d drink well-trained, and used to working on the water.”
some more. “So let me see if I understand this. You want
He was sitting in Hannigan’s, surrounded by the me to come to work for you and start killing a
unconscious bodies of the last half-dozen assholes bunch of Mafia guys?”
who’d pissed him off for no particular reason, when “No, not exactly, Mr. Spargiros. I intend to set
the place went quiet. He looked up quick, expect- you up as a new crimelord here in Hudson City
ing trouble, and saw two men who’d just walked — one who wants to take control of the waterfront
in the place. One was dressed like some sort of fag as his turf. After two decades of FBI manhunts and
businessman, with a fancy suit, a walking stick, and federal prosecution, the Mafia is weak; someone
a two-toned mask over his face. The other was a big with your training and efficiency shouldn’t have any
guy with the most unexpressive face he’d ever seen trouble kicking them off the docks. To all intents
— looked like he might be a mob enforcer.
They walked over toward him. “Mr. Spargiros?”
the masked guy asked — but confidently, not hesi-
tantly the way most people talked to him.
“Yeah. So who wants to know?”
“You can call me Jack, if you like. The man I
work for would like to talk to you about a job.”
“Job? What the hell kinda job?”
“A very high-paying job, Mr. Spargiros. One that
will let you use your special talents without the need
for the... restraint we’re told the Navy required.”
What the !$&*, he thought. It couldn’t hurt to
talk to the guy, since I’m about out of money anyway.
“Okay, take me to him.”
They drove him around in a limousine with
blacked-out windows for two hours until he had
absolutely no idea where he was — might’ve been
Hudson City, might’ve been Fell’s Point, might’ve
been Vietnam for all he knew. The masked guy
asked him a lot of questions about his military ser-
vice; the other guy never said a word, never smiled,
never so much as twitched his nose. He was a pro-
fessional, and Spargiros liked that.
The limo finally pulled to a stop. When he got
out, he was in a brightly-lit warehouse. Seated a few
feet away behind a simple metal desk was a man
even he recognized after years of not paying any
attention to the local news: the masked criminal
known as Card Shark. “Won’t you have a seat, Mr.
Spargiros?” Card Shark asked, gesturing to a seat on
the other side of the desk. Keeping a wary eye on
everything and everyone around him, he sat down.
36 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
SPEARGUN and purposes, you’ll be working on your own... but not the perfect weapon for every situation — it’s
PLOT SEEDS in reality, you’ll take orders from me and get paid more for intimidation and attitude. On a combat
— handsomely — by me. What do you say?” mission he favors typical SEAL weapons, such as
Two men, both with It took him all of five seconds to think about the H&K SOCOM and MP5 (in many variants).
Navy SEAL tattoos, it. Who was going to offer him a better job? It gave When possible, Speargun prefers to attack
turn up dead in dif- him everything he wanted — money, power, fame, from the water. He knows many of his targets don’t
ferent parts of town danger. If this costumed clown tried to push him expect that, and aren’t prepared to follow him if he
within a week; both around too much, he’d get rid of him, maybe even escapes in speedboats or underwater. All of his men
were obviously mur- take his place. “I’m yours. When do we start?” are experienced divers; several of them are SEAL
dered. SEALs who “In the morning. For now, Seven of Clubs will veterans like himself.
formerly served with
show you to your room.” He waved over the pretty
Spargiros, they were Campaign Use: As described in Hudson City, for the
in town to share their woman in the card costume, and she led him out of
past few years Speargun’s been working for Card
suspicions about the room.
Shark as part of the master criminal’s plan to wrest
Speargun’s real identity Back in the warehouse, One-Eyed Jack came
the waterfront from the Mafia. His clever tactics
and history with the over to Card Shark’s desk. “How’d it go, sir?”
and ambushes scored many early successes — he
FBI... but Speargun “Very well, I think. He seems... amenable to my
found out about it and controls a lot of the Stewart River docks and even
got to them first. The the Flower Market. But now the Mafia knows what
“Want to tell me what those plans are?”
PCs have to investigate; he’s up to, so his progress has slowed considerably.
“Not just yet, Jack. We’ll see how things work
if they solve the crime, Card Shark and Speargun keep their ties very
out. If Mr. Spargiros becomes intractable, he can be
they may learn some secret; even Card Shark’s lieutenants don’t know
eliminated and we’ll try something else.”
valuable information what’s going on (though One-Eyed Jack and Poker-
about one of their Personality/Motivation: Speargun is a cold, calculat- face know Card Shark met with Titos Spargiros and
enemies. ing professional military man — even if he’s now have guessed there’s some connection between him
taken on the role of master criminal. He approaches and Speargun). Card Shark will cut Speargun loose,
The Mafia is having a his crimes (“missions”) with military efficiency. He or have him killed, once he’s served his purpose or
harder and harder time doesn’t tolerate sloppiness, lack of discipline, or can be of no further use; Speargun, in turn, expects
fending off Speargun
backtalk from his men; they do what they’re told, as such a betrayal and is planning to turn the tables on
— it’s time for drastic
measures. Through they’re told to do it, or they may find themselves on the Ace of Crime and take over his organization.
indirect channels they the unpleasantly sharp end of his heavy speargun. Speargun’s already pretty tough, but if you
approach the PCs and Speargun’s not a casual killer — murder for want to make him more powerful, give him some
offer to pay them to kill murder’s sake is stupid and dangerous — but he’s super-skills from Dark Champions. To weaken him,
the self-styled “Ruler of no stranger to the use of violence. He’ll eliminate get rid of his Extra DCs, reduce his Primary Char-
Dockland.” anyone who gets in his way as swiftly and brutally acteristics by 2-4 points each, and get rid of the
as he can, and when he interrogates someone he’s Contacts he’s paid Character Points for.
The Navy isn’t Hunt- quick to move from asking questions to outright Speargun doesn’t Hunt anyone right now; he’s
ing Speargun — it torture if the subject is the least bit uncooperative. focusing his efforts on capturing the waterfronts
can’t without drawing Speargun is a good soldier — he obeys Card for Card Shark. But he’ll remember anyone who did
too much attention Shark’s orders and works well in a group. But ulti- him wrong and take revenge whenever he has the
to him, which might
mately the only person he’s concerned about these opportunity. If someone put a real hurting on his
reveal the existence of
Scarlet Team, a group days is himself. The patriotism he once felt was organization, he might decide to Hunt and elimi-
it desperately wants burned out of him by the Navy’s “betrayal,” so now nate that person before resuming his fight against
to keep secret — but a he’s going to look out for Number One. He realizes the Mafia. In that case, he’ll patiently follow and
couple of highly-placed his position in Card Shark’s organization in tenu- observe his quarry, then attack him in a military-
SEAL officials keep ous, so he’s ready to defend himself against his erst- style ambush when the time is right.
tabs on him. They need while employer... and then strike back. Titos Spargiros has no criminal record; his
Spargiros back for one military records, which detail numerous acts that
ultra-tough, ultra-secret Quote: “You’ve got two choices, Turretti. Either you
would be considered criminal, are sealed and
mission, but they can’t can sign your businesses over to us, or I can shove
hidden away. The HCPD wants to question Spear-
make direct contact this speargun up your ass and pull the trigger. Take
gun about numerous acts of murder, kidnapping,
with him. They ask your pick.”
the PCs to handle the assault, robbery, and hijacking.
“negotiations.” Powers/Tactics: Speargun is a highly-trained
Appearance: Speargun is a big man — 6’2”, 225
former Navy SEAL with several years’ experience
pounds — with broad shoulders, a muscular
successfully performing some of the U.S. military’s
build, ripped abs, and a cold, menacing look. He
most dangerous, sensitive missions. He’s an expert
keeps his blonde hair in a buzz cut so it doesn’t
on small-unit tactics, covert warfare and opera-
get in the way when he’s swimming or in a fight.
tions, demolitions, underwater activities, survival,
Since most of his “missions” take place in or on
hand-to-hand and firearms combat, and a host of
the water, he’s often dressed in a wetsuit and other
related subjects. Over the past couple of years he’s
underwater gear; the rest of the time he wears
added to that a street expertise in taking on the
military fatigues. He almost always has at least one
Mafia, controlling the waterfront, and eliminating
weapon with him, either his trademark heavy spe-
his enemies in a way that sends a message.
argun or his H&K SOCOM.
Speargun’s favorite weapon is his trademark
speargun, a heavy, custom-made version of the
standard underwater speargun. But he realizes it’s
Predators ■ Chapter One 37

CARL SPEARS 100+ Disadvantages CARL SPEARS
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 25 Hunted: HCPD Vice 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] Capture)
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 15 Hunted: Mafia 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) Several of Spears’s girls
13 CON 6 12- 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, go missing, then turn up
12 BODY 4 11- Strong) dead, over the space of
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 15 Psychological Limitation: Misogynist a month. Is there a new
(Common, Strong) serial killer in town, and
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson if so why is he targeting
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Spears specifically? Or is
14 COM 2 12- City crimelords; Seeks To Harm Rivals)
Spears himself... or one
15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Carlo of his competitors... to
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) “Carl Spears” Spirretti) (Frequently, Major) blame? If it’s not Spears,
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre- might he turn to the
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 quently, Minor) PCs for some “unoffi-
6 REC 2 cial” help?
26 END 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 205
24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 52 Background/History: “History? Why the !$&* do I Spears wants to branch
Movement: Running: 6”/12” gotta study history? I wanna go out and play ball!” out into the legal,
That earned him a smack on the side of his and ultimately more
Cost Perks head that made him see stars. “Because I ain’t gonna profitable, ends of the
5 Money: Well Off vice industry: films,
have you runnin’ around with them wiseguys like I
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- clubs, and such. But
did when I was your age,” his uncle said. “I seen you Cleopatra, Ernest Cole,
Level runnin’ numbers and doin’ errands for those guys. and Caligula already
Talents But you’re smart — smart enough to go to school dominate that busi-
3 Lightning Calculator and make somethin’ of yourself. So you’re gonna ness to such an extent
study that god-damned book, and every other god- that getting a foothold,
Skills damned book you got, until you get straight As and much less becoming
5 Bribery 13- get inta college. I’ll pay for it, don’t you worry about a major player, would
3 Bureaucratics 12- that, but you’re gonna go. And after that, business be tough. He decides
3 Deduction 13- school. You’re gonna work in one’a them big office to create a “power
3 CK: Hudson City 12- vacuum” by taking one
buildings downtown, not outta the backa some piz-
2 PS: Business Manager 11- of them down. To drum
zeria in Little Italy.” up the necessary cash
5 PS: Pimp 15- His uncle was right. He got into college, then and muscle, he teams
3 Stealth 12- business school. It was easy for someone as smart with another crimelord
3 Streetwise 12- as him — smart in all the right ways. Despite his (probably Charlemagne
2 WF: Small Arms uncle’s wishes, when he wasn’t studying he kept on or Diomedes). Can
3 Scholar running errands for gangsters, learning their ways the PCs stop this new
2 1) KS: Business Law 13- and how they did their jobs by watching them. He crime empire from get-
2 2) KS: The Hudson City Underworld 13- got top marks at DeGraff, and everyone figured him ting started?
2 3) KS: The Mafia 13- for an executive’s job at one of the nation’s top cor-
2 4) KS: Modern Business Practices 13- porations. But he had other ideas. He wasn’t going That new candidate for
4 5) KS: The Vice World 15- to work long hours for some company, only to get City Council — Bob
Pressman — doesn’t he
Resource Points tossed aside during the next round of layoffs. But
look an awful lot like
12 Equipment Points: 120 he couldn’t go back to the Mafia; he was too differ- Carl Spears?
15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40 ent from them now. He had to find his own way in
45 Follower/Contact Points: 95 the underworld.
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 And he knew just what he wanted to do. What
was the one thing people could never do without,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 127 would never do without, would want even when
Total Cost: 179 they were poor? Sex. The growth industry of the
twenty-first century wasn’t going to be computers
or biotech, it was going to be sex. So he was going
to get in on the ground floor.
With the help of his underworld connec-
tions, he recruited a couple of bodyguards and
38 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Glock 17L +3 +9 1d6+2 1d6-1 19 9 PR, laser
Gear: None — carrying around a lot of junk is tiresome and would ruin his image. He’s always got a lot of
cash on him, though.

some other flunkies and headed over to the Strip. Personality/Motivation: Spears comes across as edu-
He “persuaded” first one pimp, then another, then cated, sophisticated, and urbane — particularly for
another to hand over his stable and his terri- the Vice World. He is those things, but they mask a
tory. Sometimes the persuasion involved a bullet personality that’s devious and cruel. Even compared
between the eyes, but to Carlo — now calling him- to most businessmen, he’s greedy and self-centered;
self by the easier to pronounce, and more memo- he wants what’s best for him, and !$&* everybody
rable, name Carl Spears — that was just a form of else. If maximizing his profits means abusing,
hostile takeover. degrading, or even killing one of his girls, so be it
Once he had the girls in hand, he started — he thinks women are weak and stupid, and he
applying modern business management techniques proves it to himself whenever he likes.
to his “company.” Compared to a typical pimp, he
was efficient, disciplined, and very profitable... even Quote: “I think we can cut a deal that would be
if he did have to beat a few of the girls into line mutually beneficial.”
every now and then. His rep became so strong that Powers/Tactics: Spears isn’t a fighter. He knows
other pimps decided to come work for him, giving how to use a gun, or his fists, but why risk damag-
him a group of “junior managers” to help keep an ing his suit? When things get ugly, he turns his
eye on things. He’s got a long way to go — people bodyguards — Paul “Mr. Red” Provenzano and
like Caligula and Cleopatra are still too much com- Gabriel “Mr. Black” Salvucci (who look nearly
petition for his liking — but there’s no denying that identical except for their ties, which match their
his nontraditional approach has made him a power nicknames) — loose on whoever’s giving him trou-
on the Strip. ble. Between them and the other thugs he keeps
around, he can handle just about anything (and if
worse comes to worst, he can pull his Glock).
For Mr. Red and Mr. Black, use the Soldier/
Mercenary, Experienced/Tough generic character
sheet from the Appendix, but add Streetwise, CK:
Hudson City 11-, AK: The Strip 11-, PS: Body-
guard 11-, and any other Skills or abilities you
consider relevant.
Campaign Use: As the Hudson City vice lord who’s
“on the street” the most, Spears is likely to encoun-
ter the PCs eventually. His activities may not be as
objectionable to most characters as, say, Caligula’s
or Ernest Cole’s, but ultimately they’re still intoler-
able... and they’re much more overt.
Spears isn’t intended to be a combatant, so you
shouldn’t make him much tougher. At most, you
could increase his Characteristics a little, or per-
haps give him a Combat Skill Level or two with his
pistol. To weaken him, reduce his Follower/Contact
Points; that’s where his true strength lies.
In most situations, Spears won’t Hunt heroes; it
gains him nothing. If someone threatens him or his
“company,” he takes whatever steps he must to stop
them, but a long, drawn-out vendetta doesn’t do
him or his bank account any good. He’s a business-
man, and he evaluates such problems from a cost-
benefit perspective.
Spears has an extensive criminal record for
procuring and related offenses, but has kept his
more serious crimes (murder, assault, the occa-
sional minor drug dealing) hidden from the cops.
He has a small army of clever, high-priced attor-
neys who get him out of jail quick and inundate the
cops with lawsuits if they “harass” him too much.
Predators ■ Chapter One 39

Appearance: Carl Spears is

a handsome white man in BUSINESS THIRD DEGREE
his early 30s with brown
hair carefully cut and <SLAP> It was a hard one, a backhand right across the cheekbone that left her seeing stars.
styled. He’s 5’9” tall and “Who owns you, bitch?”
weighs 165 pounds; he’s
Head hung down, blood oozing from where his pinky ring had cut into her face, she spoke so softly between sobs that he
got a trim build but not
almost couldn’t hear her. “S-Slick.”
an athletic or muscular
one. He doesn’t look Ital- “Slick? Slick owns you?” He jerked her up out of the chair by her hair so quickly it almost gave her whiplash. He dragged her
ian; most people assume into the other room as she desperately tried to get her feet under her, to keep up.
he’s of some northern “That’s what owns you, bitch?” He pointed at the chair where they had Slick tied up. Mister Red and Mr. Black had beaten him
European ancestry. He until the blood was running all down his shirt and onto the floor.
dresses like a businessman She nodded, feebly.
in well-tailored suits, fine He dropped her to the floor and picked up the pot of hot coffee from the stove. He held it over her, tipping it, not yet pouring.
Italian shoes and belts, “Who owns you, bitch?”
and expensive silk ties,
She got it now. “You do,” she said, a minor note of confidence creeping in around the edges at last.
all complemented with
tasteful but costly jewelry: “You’re !$&*%@# right I do,” he said, turning around and throwing the coffee on Slick. He watched while Slick screamed in
gold Rolex watch; gold pain for a few seconds before passing out. Then he turned back to her. “And just to make sure you remember it, Mr. Red and
cufflinks; gold HCU class Mr. Black are going to teach you a little lesson.” He bent down, leaned in close, whispered. “And when they’re done, you get your
!$&*%@# ass back on the street. You’d better bring me half a cool by sunrise, bitch, or I’m going to make another pot of coffee.”
ring; and so on.
He stood up and walked out. Mister Black began unbuckling his belt.
—a lesson from the Carl Spears School of Business Management

STARR 10 Supreme Hacking: Mind Control 2d6
Val Char Cost Roll Notes (Machine class of minds), Cumulative
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] (+½), Increased Cumulative Points (96
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 points; +¾), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
12 CON 4 11- +½); OIF (any appropriately-equipped
10 BODY 0 11- computer of opportunity; -½), Extra Time
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- (minimum of 1 Turn to activate, and may
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 take much longer; -¾), Requires A Com-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 puter Programming Roll (-½) 0
12 COM 1 11- Perks
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 6 Fringe Benefit: Business Rank
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 15 Money: Filthy Rich
4 REC 0 60 Well-Connected and 57 points’ worth of
24 END 0 Contacts in business, government, and the
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 41 computer community
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Skills
3 Bribery 12-
Cost Powers END 3 Bureaucratics 12-
9 Supreme Hacking: Mind Scan 2d6 (Ma- 1 Combat Driving
chine class of minds), Cumulative (+½), 9 Computer Programming 16-
Increased Cumulative Points (96 points; 9 Cryptography 16-
+¾), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 3 High Society 12-
OIF (any appropriately-equipped compu- 3 KS: Computer Games 13-
ter of opportunity; -½), Extra Time (mini- 3 KS: The Hacker World 13-
mum of 1 Minute to activate, and may take 3 KS: High Finance 13-
much longer; -¾), Mandatory Effect (EGO 2 KS: Marketing And Advertising 11-
+10; -¼), Requires A Computer Program- 6 KS: StarrTech And Its Products 16-
ming Roll (-½) 0 3 Persuasion 12-
40 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Gear: Starr usually has at least one, if not more, upper-end laptops with him at all times. As a gadget affi-
cionado, he’s also likely to have all sorts of other electronic items: PDAs, digital recorders, digital cameras,
portable DVD players, you name it.

3 PS: Computer Game Player 13- 100+ Disadvantages

5 PS: Computer Programmer 15- 10 Hunted: SEC 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
5 PS: Hacker 15- 15 Psychological Limitation: Must Crush His
3 Security Systems 14-; Only Versus Computer Rivals (Common, Strong)
Security Systems (-½) 10 Psychological Limitation: Susceptible To
3 Stealth 11- Flattery (Common, Moderate)
3 Trading 12- 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Ixion)
2 TF: SCUBA, Snow Skiing 10 Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently,
2 WF: Small Arms Minor)
3 Expert: Computer Designer/Programmer 5 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Occa-
6 1) SS: Computer Science 17- sionally, Minor)
2 2) KS: Computer Systems 13- 158 Experience Points
2 3) SS: Electronic Engineering 13-
2 4) SS: Mathematics 13- Total Disadvantage Points: 313

Resource Points Background/History: Randolph Starr began taking

28 Equipment Points: 200 apart televisions and clock-radios to see how they
20 Vehicle/Base Points: 50 worked when he was only five. By twelve he’d
30 Follower/Contact Points: 65 designed and built his own primitive computer
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 system. At 15 he enrolled in HCU, but he never
graduated — he spent most of his time working
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 272 on what he considered a revolutionary computer
Total Cost: 313 operating system, and when he finished it at 18, he
dropped out to market it.
His skills, enthusiasm, and the obvious quality of
his product quickly attracted investors for StarrTech.
Although the early years were rough — the company
struggled to refine its StarrSoft suite of programs even
further and compete against other high-tech jugger-
nauts — but eventually Starr’s genius, drive, and razor-
sharp business sense won out. Today StarrTech is one
of the largest technology companies in the world,
with its fingers in almost every technological pie... and
Randolph Starr is its king.
Personality/Motivation: Randolph Starr is a genius;
even the many people who despise him freely
admit that. It sometimes seems as if his mind works
at light-speed, tossing off ideas and concepts faster
than his secretaries can write them down. The
StarrSoft operating system and collection of pro-
grams — many of which the company gives away
free or sells for a nominal sum to gain market share
— was a brilliant development for which Starr
deserves full credit.
But beyond that, the company’s success has
had as much to do with more questionable prac-
tices as Starr’s intelligence and financial acumen.
A lot of “Starr’s” discoveries have actually been the
work of other scientists — he just stole them via
corporate espionage, blackmail, dubious contrac-
tual arrangements, or strong-arm tactics. While he
presents a handsome face of technocratic corporate
benevolence, the truth is that Starr’s as much a
shark as Tobias Blount or Michelangelo Strake... he
just hides it better.
Predators ■ Chapter One 41

Starr is used to being in charge and on top even carry a weapon, much less have any desire to RANDOLPH STARR
of things, and loathes it when he’s not. If he sees get involved in a battle — if there’s a fight, he’s got PLOT SEEDS
someone, or some company, as a rival, he’ll take Starrlight, Starrbright, and plenty of hired body-
steps to eradicate the threat — whether that guards to take care of things for him. He’ll head for Some of the PCs’ elec-
means buying a rival company or having an up- safety by the most expedient route. tronic equipment starts
and-coming scientist who won’t work for him Starr likes to think of himself as a top-notch to go haywire for no
suffer “an unfortunate accident.” But like many hacker, and in many ways he’s right. In game terms, reason they can discern.
men of power, he enjoys hearing just how power- he has two abilities that represent his skill at pen- Randolph Starr offers
ful he is, and sometimes has trouble resisting flat- etrating computer systems: a Cumulative Mind to help them person-
tery (particularly if it’s eloquently presented, or Scan that allows him to find the right system; and ally. If the problem is
public knowledge, is this
offered by a beautiful woman). then a Cumulative Mind Control that lets him
a publicity stunt, does
Starr considers the famed hacker Ixion (page take control of the machine and make it do what he genuinely want to
158) his one major rival in the world of computer he wants or provide the data he seeks. Like regular help, or does he have an
programming/hacking (Ixion, on the other hand, hacking using Computer Programming, these abili- ulterior motive? If it’s
doesn’t even know Starr feels this way). Using his ties take a lot of time to use — days or months, for not public, how did he
online identity of “Clipper,” Starr strives to achieve the most protected systems — but given time he find out about it — and
hacking feats that will prove his superiority. can usually get into most systems. again, why does he want
to help? Is it possible he
Quote: “Planning a deal is like programming a Campaign Use: Starr is a criminal business- deliberately caused the
computer: you just have to be aware of the full man like Michelangelo Strake (see below), but problem to get close to
parameters and all the elements, and instruct them with a twist. Strake’s nothing but a business- the PCs?
how you want them to act. Unfortunately some man, whereas Starr thinks of himself more as
of those elements are human, and not always as an inventor and hacker than a tycoon — his If the PCs are known
dependable or predictable as technology. Like the wealth is just a byproduct of his tech skills. His as mercenaries, inves-
man said, sometimes if you want something done approach to dealing with the PCs, whether as a tigators, or as “for hire,”
right, you have to do it yourself.” Hunter or an ordinary adversary, is usually tech- Starr secretly hires them
nological: he’ll start by using his hacking abili- to find out who Ixion
Powers/Tactics: Randolph Starr is an inventor and really is. Why does Starr
ties to dig up dirt on them and make their lives
financier, not a fighter, and he knows it. He doesn’t want to know?
miserable, then graduate to things like ruining
their credit records and hiring thieves to steal
A friend of the PCs’
NEW WORLDS their treasured possessions. If necessary, eventu-
ally he’ll hire mercenaries to take them out... but
owns a small tech com-
pany that’s the target
TO CONQUER he usually finds more sophisticated ways to deal of a hostile takeover by
with his opponents. StarrTech. He asks them
HUDSON CITY — Computer industry giant StarrSoft Starr isn’t intended as a combatant, so if you to help him find a way
today announced the formation of a new subsidiary, Star- want to make him a tougher foe, don’t go that route out of this dilemma.
rBlaze, which will create games for home computer and — improve his hacking abilities, and perhaps give him
game console systems.
more Followers. To weaken him, get rid of his Mental
“StarrBlaze represents the leading edge of computer Powers and reduce some of his Skill Rolls a little.
gaming,” said company owner and CEO Randolph Starr, Starr has no criminal record, though the SEC
speaking to the press and industry representatives at a suspects some of his financial practices and keeps
packed press conference held at the Hudson City Conven-
an eye on him.
tion Center. “The games we already have in development
are going to revolutionize the world of gaming, with better Appearance: Randolph Starr is a handsome man
graphics, better writing, better play.” StarrBlaze’s president, in his mid-30s with a winning smile, wavy brown
Monica Jansen, echoed his comments, saying “In a few hair, and brown eyes. He’s 5’10” tall, weighs about
months, no one’s going to be talking about — or playing
190 pounds, and dresses in expensive, high-class
— anything but Starrblaze games.”
men’s fashions. He usually eschews suits for more
Industry analysts say that thanks to StarrBlaze’s funding, comfortable business clothing, but is perfectly
it immediately leaps into the top five of computer game willing to “dress up” when appropriate. He’s
accompanied everywhere he goes by Starrlight
—from a February, 2005 newspaper article and Starrbright, and usually has at least one
laptop nearby.
42 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
STARRLIGHT AND STARRLIGHT AND STARRBRIGHT hexes; +½); OAF (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 1
STARRBRIGHT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 4 Strong Runner: Running +2” (8” total) 1
PLOT SEEDS 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (5” forward, 3”
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 upward) 1
Both of the sisters fall 15 CON 10 12- 6 Bodyguard’s Observation: +2 to PER Rolls
in love with a male PC 12 BODY 4 11- with all Sense Groups 0
(though they remain 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
loyal to, and in the Perks
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
employ of, Starr). They
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
compete with each other Talents
to see who can win his 16 COM 3 12-
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
affections. Wackiness 6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD)
ensues. 4 Inspired Savior: Lightning Reflexes: +6
5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) DEX with All Attacks; Only When Directly
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Defending/Protecting Randolph Starr (-1)
Starrlight is badly injured 6 REC 0
by a PC... or someone Skills
30 END 0
who appears to be a PC. 10 +2 HTH
While her sister conva- 30 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 66
4 +2 OCV with Block
lesces, Starrbright sets Movement: Running: 8”/16”
out to find out what hap- 5 +1 with Agility Skills
Leaping: 5”/10”
pened and get revenge. 3 Acrobatics 12-
Cost Powers END 3 Breakfall 12-
The Hudson Sun claims it 22 Two Sisters Fighting As One: Aid DEX 3 Climbing 12-
has proof that Starrlight 3d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisi- 1 Computer Programming 8-
and Starrbright are twin ble; +1); Only For Increasing OCV And 3 Contortionist 12-
brothers who underwent DCV (-¼), Self Only (-½); Only Works 3 Conversation 12-
sex-change surgery in Within 5” Of Sister (-1) 0 3 High Society 12-
Scandinavia and mar-
Martial Arts: Kung Fu 2 KS: Fashion And Fashion Accessories 11-
tial arts training with a
notorious Triad leader in Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 2 KS: StarrTech And Its Products 11-
Hong Kong. Is it true... 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Persuasion 12-
and if so, what will the 4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 25 STR 2 PS: Bodyguard 11-
sisters do in light of this 4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all 3 Seduction 12-
revelation? attacks, Abort 3 Stealth 12-
4 Escape +0 +0 30 STR vs. 1 Streetwise 8-
Grabs 5 Teamwork 13-
3 Joint Lock/Grab -1 -1 Grab, 25 STR 6 WF: Small Arms, Common Melee Weapons,
5 Kick -2 +1 7d6 Strike Common Martial Arts Weapons
4 Knife Hand -2 +0 HKA ½d6
(1d6+1 with Resource Points
STR) 28 Equipment Points: 200
4 Punch +0 +2 5d6 Strike 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
3 Throw +0 +1 3d6 +v/5, Target 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
Falls 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
4 Tien-hsueh Strike-1 +1 2d6 NND (1) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 216
2 Use Art with Clubs, Staff Total Cost: 282
11 Fighting Baton-Staff: Multipower,
22-point powers; all OAF (-1) 100+ Disadvantages
1u 1) Offense: HA +3d6; OAF (-1), Hand- 25 Psychological Limitation: Unswervingly
To-Hand Attack (-½) plus Stretching Loyal To Randolph Starr (Very Common,
1”, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Total)
OAF (-1), Always Direct (-¼), No 5 Rivalry: Professional (with sister, wants to
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), Only To Cause prove herself the best, most attractive, etc. to
Damage (-½), No Velocity Damage (-¼) 1 Randolph Starr)
1u 2) Defense: Missile Deflection (any 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown)
physical projectile), Range (adjacent (Frequently, Major)

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Beretta 8000 +2 -1 1d6+1 1d6-1 15 9 Fine tuning II, size reduction II,
weight reduction
Knife +0 — 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Designed for concealment
Armored Clothing (DEF 2, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Starrlight and Starrbright rarely carry any gear, but if necessary can get just about anything they
need through Starr
Predators ■ Chapter One 43

137 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 282
Background/History: No one seems to know who
Starrlight and Starrbright are. They were just there
one day, accompanying Randolph Starr after he
became successful. They’re clearly twin sisters, and
both well-trained in the martial arts, but beyond
that it’s all speculation. The best guess is that they
might be former Soviet bloc spies or soldiers who
went freelance after the collapse of the USSR, but
they definitely don’t speak with any sort of accent.
Some conspiracy theorists have gone so far as to
suggest they’re an ultra-advanced genetics experi-
ment; whenever a reporter mentions that, the two
of them just giggle.
Personality/Motivation: Starrlight and Starrbright
usually don’t have much to say (even if directly
questioned by a reporter, they normally speak in
platitudes and small talk), so it’s difficult to get a
handle on their personality/ies. But they’re clearly
extremely devoted to Randolph Starr’s wellbeing,
having risked their own lives to preserve his on
several occasions. There even seems to be a bit of a
friendly rivalry between the two of them as to who
can protect Starr the best, but they don’t let it inter-
fere with their work.
Some people speculate as to the other “ser-
vices” the girls provide Starr — another subject that
elicits nothing but giggles if you ask them about it.
Quote: [While accompanying Starr down the red
carpet to some major event:] “Hi, Hudson City!
How are you tonight?” Maneuvers and/or their Combat Skill Levels with
HTH Combat.
Powers/Tactics: Starrlight and Starrbright are both
Starrlight and Starrbright won’t Hunt anyone
highly-skilled bodyguards with extensive martial
unless Randolph Starr orders them to, in which
arts training. Their favored weapon is a baton-
case they’ll do whatever he says.
staff. It looks like a slender version of an ordinary
metal fighting baton, but with a flick of the wrist it Appearance: Starrlight and Starrbright are twin
telescopes out to the length of a staff. They use the sisters — beautiful young women probably in their
baton-staff not only for striking, but for blocking mid-20s. They’re 5’6” tall, well-built with athletic
attacks against themselves or Starr. but not overly muscular bodies and nice figures,
The sisters’ training allows them to fight more and long blonde hair. When on normal duty, they
effectively as long as they’re within 5” of each usually wear reasonably stylish clothes that are
other — they know just how to move together to form-fitting and won’t inhibit their movement if
strike the most effective blow against a foe, how to they have to fight or run. When attending a func-
attack as one, and so forth. As bodyguards strongly tion as Starr’s “dates,” they dress appropriately and
devoted to their protectee, they’re inspired to react stylishly, but always in dresses designed so they can
more quickly to defend him, such as to Block an tear the skirts off quickly for maximum freedom
attack aimed at him or interpose their bodies to of movement. They usually carry their Fighting
take a bullet meant for him. Baton-Staffs with them wherever they go.
Campaign Use: Aside from their use as possible
foes for the PCs if they attack Randolph Starr — or
as possible allies if they’re doing something that
helps his interests — the main plot seed surround-
ing Starrlight and Starrbright is who they are and
where they come from. They could just be sisters
from Poughkeepsie who decided to go into body-
guard work, or they might be something more sin-
ister (like the aforementioned ex-Soviet spies).
To make Starrlight and Starrbright tougher,
increase their Primary Characteristics a little and
give them some Extra DCs with their Kung Fu.
To weaken them, remove some of their Martial
44 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition

STRAD 3 Acting 13-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Breakfall 12-
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] 3 Combat Driving 12-
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 4 Gambling (Card Games, Sports Betting) 13-
16 CON 12 12- 3 High Society 13-
12 BODY 4 11- 2 AK: Africa 11-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 2 CK: Atlanta 11-
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 3 Persuasion 13-
13 COM 2 12- 3 PS: Crimelord 13-
2 PS: Play Clarinet 11-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 2 PS: Play Flute 11-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 3 PS: Play Viola 13-
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 PS: Play Violin 16-
8 REC 4 3 Stealth 12-
32 END 0 3 Streetwise 13-
30 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 93 3 Tactics 13-
Movement: Running: 8”/16” 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
3 Scholar
Cost Powers END 2 1) KS: Art History 13-
Martial Arts: Commando Training 1 2) KS: Hudson City Underworld 11-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 2 3) KS: Literature 13-
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 2½d6 + v/5, 1 4) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist
Target Falls World 11-
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 4½d6 2 5) KS: Music History 13-
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, 1 6) KS: Professional Sports 11-
2d6 NND (2) 1 7) KS: Shango 11-
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 23 STR 2 8) KS: Southside People 13-
4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA ½d6 2 9) KS: Southside Gangs & Crime 13-
(1d6+1 with
STR) Resource Points
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 18 Equipment Points: 150
4 Fast On His Feet: Running +2” (8” total) 1 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
20 Follower/Contact Points: 45
Perks 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
8 Money: Well Off Total Powers & Skills Cost: 174
Total Cost: 267
3 Perfect Pitch 100+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Skills 15 Hunted: Shango 8- (As Pow, NCI, Kill)
8 +1 with All Combat 15 Hunted: Buckshot 8- (As Pow, NCI, Kill)
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Colt M16A2 +2 +1 2d6 1d6 30 13 AF5, FS, 2H
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
When he’s expecting combat or trouble, Strad wears Level III-A body armor (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-).
In other situations he wears no armor, or sometimes light body armor (DEF 3, Activation Roll 11-) that
won’t spoil the appearance of his clothes.
Gear: Whatever he needs, within reason
Predators ■ Chapter One 45

20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer One day he lucked out. He and another merc
(Very Common, Strong) were on patrol when they stumbled on an enemy
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy And soldier. One quick firefight later, the enemy was dead.
Arrogant; Wants To Have It All (Common, While they were searching the body, they found a
Strong) heavy packet wrapped in thick paper. When they
15 Psychological Limitation: Hates Shango And opened it up, they found a fortune in conflict dia-
Buckshot (Common, Strong) monds. Without even having to think about it, Strad
10 Rivalry: Professional (with other Hudson pulled his pistol and double-tapped his friend in
City crimelords; Seeks To Kill Rivals) the head. Then he wrapped the diamonds back up,
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Daniel returned to base, and as soon as he had the chance
Strademyer) (Frequently, Major) stole a jeep and got the hell out of there.
42 Experience Points Now he could return home in style, and he
intended to... but not to Georgia. It was high time
Total Disadvantage Points: 267
he got the power, prestige, and money he deserved,
Background/History: Daniel Strademyer grew up in and he wasn’t gonna find it in Atlanta. Given his
Atlanta. He was a musical prodigy who could play record, politics and business were out, so there was
the violin and several other instruments perfectly only one road to where he wanted to be: crime.
before he was ten. His parents dreamed he would And there was only one place a man with his tal-
achieve great success as a classical musician... but ents could make a real name for himself in the
Daniel had interests other than music. As he got underworld — Hudson City. With the help of a
older the lure of the streets called to him, and he couple of merc buddies, he established himself as
began spending as much time running around with the Pearl City’s newest crimelord... and the money’s
gangs and dealing drugs as he did practicing his been rolling in ever since.
music. He did time in juvenile prison. His parents’
Personality/Motivation: Compared to the average
hopes for his future faded.
street criminal, or even crimelord, Strad is a model
Then he got in real trouble: he shot and
of discipline and self-control. He always seems to
killed another boy over a drug deal gone bad.
know everything that’s going on around him, and
The cops were on his trail, though they couldn’t
seems to have two plans ready for any event; he’s
prove anything... yet. He decided he wasn’t going
got a gambler’s head for quickly evaluating the odds
to wait around for the hammer to fall. He joined
and options and making the best choice given the
the Army.
situation. He never raises his voice, and all of his
He thrived in the military. He was used to
discipline and a regimented lifestyle from his
time practicing music, and the skills he learned
appealed to him as much as playing the violin. But
he didn’t turn his back on his criminal ways —
before long he’d established a smuggling network
that stole weapons from military arsenals for sale
on the black market. His people called him “Strad,”
not just for his name but because he was all the
time talking about how one day he wanted to own
a Stradivarius violin.
This sweet little set-up kept him in good
money for a long time; he built up a substan-
tial nest egg in several offshore accounts. It also
helped him make contacts with the Colombian
cartels and other organized crime groups. But all
good things must come to an end. Eventually the
Military Police started to figure out the scheme,
and soon they were a little too close for comfort.
Strad fled the base just a few steps ahead of
the MPs. He figured they’d keep chasing him, but
a few officers more concerned with their careers
than catching embarrassing criminals decided
they’d rather just hush the whole incident up.
Strad ended up in Africa, where he put his skills
to good use as a mercenary fighting for which-
ever side in whatever war paid its bills the most
regularly. He started out with a little bit of a con-
science, but after he’d been in the thick of things
for a year or two, he had no qualms at all about
killing. He’d murder peasants just so he could have
their food, and more than one officer because he
got sick and tired of the man’s attitude.
46 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
STRAD men know they’d better listen carefully when he Damage Classes with his Commando Training.
PLOT SEEDS does speak: if someone seems to be ignoring him, A few more Combat Skill Levels might come in
or doesn’t do what he’s supposed to because he handy, too. To weaken him, get rid of his Martial
A strange man — one wasn’t listening, Strad’s likely to deal with the prob- Arts and CSL.
who seems dangerous lem by whipping out a pistol and shooting the man Strad rarely Hunts anyone; he has too much
and troublesome — dead right there. It’s not that Strad doesn’t have a self-control to get involved in wasteful vendettas
approaches the PCs. He temper, it’s that he keeps it under control most of — his temper tends to express itself in explosive,
claims he knows Strad’s the time... but his violent ways may eventually get murderous moments rather than long-term plans.
real name and back- him in trouble. But he won’t forget someone who does him wrong.
ground, and offers to Strad’s interest in music remains strong. He Daniel Strademyer has a juvenile record in
sell them the informa-
often has a musical instrument with him, and often Atlanta, but as with all juvenile records his is sealed.
tion for $10,000. Is this
guy one of Strademyer’s plays for a little while to relax. He collects music Dig deep enough into the Army’s classified records
former smuggling net- memorabilia, including signed photos and gold and you’ll find mentions of his weapon smuggling,
work members from his records from his favorite artists. He has season tick- black marketeering, and mercenary years, but that’s
Army days, someone ets to the Hudson City Symphony. all. Neither the HCPD nor the Army know Strad is
else, or a con man? Daniel Strademyer; everyone on the Hudson City
Quote: “I’d consider what you’re about to say very
streets thinks the nickname comes from the way he
carefully, my friend... my associates here don’t take
Strad and Janus dis- plays the violin to relax, not from his real name.
cover they’ve got a lot it well when someone tells me “no.””
in common — a love of Appearance: Strad is a handsome black man in his
Powers/Tactics: Strad is a combat veteran with
music, for example. They late 20s or early 30s with a long, artistic face. He
US Army training and field experience in several
decide to team up, take stands 6’1” and weighs 210 — most of it muscle and
African bush wars. He fights with the ruthless, effi-
over the Southside, and bone, since he works out a lot and there’s not much
split it between them. cient, practical style of the hardened mercenary:
fat on him. He usually wears expensive men’s cloth-
Can the PCs stop this he focuses on one foe until that foe is down, then
ing with plenty of flashy jewelry (bling-bling) and
powerful new alliance? makes sure that foe won’t get back up by pump-
expensive designer sunglasses.
ing a couple extra rounds into his chest or head,
The Army doesn’t Hunt then moves on to another target. He’d prefer to let
Strad, but that doesn’t his men — whether the core of mercs who serve PLAYING HARDBALL
mean it’s forgotten about as his bodyguards and lieutenants, or the gangstas
him, either. An Army who run his street networks — do the fighting for “Five hundred fifty million — take it or leave it.”
“representative” asks him, but if forced into battle he neither gives nor “Then I’ll leave it. I’ve spent my lifetime building this com-
the PCs to obtain proof asks quarter. (Use the Experienced/Tough Soldier/ pany up to where it is, and it’s worth a damn sight more
that Strad is one Daniel Mercenary and Gangsta character sheets from the than that. Come back to me if and when you intend to
Strademyer, who’s been make a serious offer.”
Appendix for his men.) He favors the Colt M1911A
AWOL for nearly a
decade. and H&K MP-5 as weapons, but can make do with “That was a serious offer, Sperling. You don’t understand
just about any firearm if necessary. how serious.”

Campaign Use: Strad is currently locked in a five- “Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?”
way war for control of Freetown with Shango, “Not a threat, an observation. Let me explain a few things
Buckshot, the Nubians, and the Warriors, so most to you. The mortgage on your Southport plant? In the
of his involvement in your campaign will probably next couple of days, the bank’s going to exercise its option
involve efforts to steal territory from them, protect to demand payment in full within a month. The defense
contract you just got from the Army? That’s about to be
his own territory from their incursions, arrange
reconsidered... and trust me, it’s not going to go your way
to have them killed, and so forth. Despite being a this time. Those two reverses alone are going to send your
Casual Killer, of the three crimelords he’s probably stock price plunging — which in turn will lead to plenty of
the least objectionable (and he certainly presents shareholder lawsuits. I could go on, but you get the point.
himself better in person than they do), which may Stop pretending to be a hardcase and sign the God-damn
prompt the PCs to ally with him temporarily to contracts while the offer’s still on the table.”
take on one of the other two. Sperling stood there, jaw clenched. Over the next minute,
As of early 2005, Strad controls more of Free- he seemed to get smaller and smaller; his face became
town than Buckshot, but less that Shango; most of more and more pale. Finally he picked up a pen and
his territory is in the northeast and north central signed the contract, pressing down so hard he tore the
parts of the neighborhood. He has fewer men than paper. Without a word he left the room.
either of his rivals, but since many of his are former Strake picked up the signed document, tapped the pages
mercs instead of gang punks, they’re more skilled on the table to line them all up, then handed them to his
and better equipped than gangstas. assistant. “Make sure that’s filed and copies have been sent
To make Strad tougher, beef up his Primary to all appropriate parties by the end of the day.”
Characteristics a bit and give him +2 (or more) —Business, Michelangelo Strake style
Predators ■ Chapter One 47

MICHELANGELO STRAKE 35 Vehicle/Base Points: 80
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 50 Follower/Contact Points: 105 PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 246 The ecoterrorist organi-
11 CON 2 11- zation WEB has attacked
Total Cost: 274
11 BODY 2 11- several SII facilities.
14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- 100+ Disadvantages Investigation shows
5 Age: 40+ that the facilities were
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5
15 DNPC: Michelangelo “Michel” Strake, Jr. flouting environmental
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 laws in the worst sort
10 COM 0 11- (son) 8- (Incompetent)
of way... but the attacks
5 Hunted: by various governmental regulatory have resulted in the
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
agencies 8- (As Pow, NCI, Watching) deaths of many innocent
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
20 Psychological Limitation: Complete Arro- people. Do the PCs get
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
gant Bastard (Very Common, Strong) involved, and if so on
4 REC 0
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other business which side? If Strake
22 END 0 specifically asks for their
22 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 28 help, will that change
10 Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently,
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Minor) the situation — and why
114 Experience Points would he want them
Cost Perks involved anyway?
6 Fringe Benefit: Business Rank Total Disadvantage Points: 274
15 Money: Filthy Rich Strake offers to “spon-
Background/History: There aren’t many people sor” the PCs as a crime-
80 Well-Connected and 77 points’ worth of
who aren’t familiar with the Alger-esque story of fighting or investigative
Contacts in business and government
Michelangelo Strake. Raised in poverty in rural team — all because he’s
Talents Ohio, he used determination, intelligence, skill, deeply interested in
5 Eidetic Memory and luck to build one of the world’s largest, most improving the city, of
profitable, and most powerful business empires. course. Can they resist
Skills Strake Industries International has its corporate his incredibly tempt-
3 Bribery 13- fingers in everything from shoelaces, to automo- ing offer (seven-figure
3 Bureaucratics 13- biles, to energy, to pharmaceuticals, to aerospace, salaries for each of
3 Conversation 13- them, all other sorts of
and beyond... and Michelangelo Strake oversees
3 High Society 13- resources)... and if not,
the entire operation from his offices in the Strake what’s he really up to?
2 CK: Hudson City 11- Building in New York City.
5 KS: Banking 14- Like most successful men, Strake has been
7 KS: High Finance 16- Michel Strake is kid-
dogged by accusations from various agencies and napped. His father
3 KS: Marketing And Advertising 12- watchdog groups about his business practices. They doesn’t trust the police
3 KS: Politics 12- say his companies pollute the environment, exploit to get his son back alive,
7 KS: SII And Its Products 16- Third World workers and countries, ignore or cut so he appeals to the PCs,
3 Persuasion 13- corners on health and safety practices, conduct ille- offering them money or
7 PS: Businessman 16- gal testing on human subjects, and violate financial whatever else they want
3 PS: Tycoon 12- laws whenever they feel they can get away with it. if they’ll just bring his
3 Trading 13- Some of these accusations are confabulated, exag- heir back unharmed.
Resource Points gerated, or just plain wrong... but most of them are
0 Equipment Points: 60 right on target.
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Gear: Strake doesn’t carry or use gear, except for a few small personal items like his top-end cell phone
and PDA. Anything he needs, one of his flunkies or employees will have available for him, or acquire as
soon as possible.
48 ■ Crimelords Hero System 5th Edition
Personality/Motivation: Some people are nice Quote: “That’s the deal, gentlemen — take it or
pretty much all the time. Others are usually nice, leave it. I’d suggest that you take it, because if you
but turn into jerks temporarily when they’re frus- don’t I’ll just initiate a hostile takeover, squash you
trated or annoyed. And then there are people like like bugs, and get what I want anyway.”
Michelangelo Strake who are complete and utter
Powers/Tactics: Strake has no powers or abilities to
bastards every day of their lives. Look up “arro-
speak of other than his vast skill as a businessman.
gance,” “condescension,” and “superiority complex”
He’s also got a blue-ribbon group of Contacts at his
in the dictionary, and you’ll see Strake’s picture
disposal, not to mention all the hirelings, flunkies,
every time. As far as he’s concerned, he’s better
and employees his wealth can provide. If he needs
than everyone else (as his success in business
something done, he doesn’t bother to dirty his own
proves), and there’s nothing wrong with remind-
hands — he delegates the job to someone who’ll
ing them of their position on the totem pole of
take care of it quickly, efficiently, and with maxi-
life. He’s particularly good at using his Conversa-
mum possible benefit for himself.
tion Skill to find out what a person’s “buttons”
are... and then pushing them to make that person Campaign Use: Michelangelo Strake is the classic
uncomfortable. Furthermore, might makes right: heartless/corrupt/evil business magnate — the sort
since he can exploit people and violate the law for of person who uses his wealth, resources, and influ-
his own benefit, he should — it’s wrong not to take ence to do what he wants and get what he wants in
advantage of weakness and opportunity. defiance of the law or morality. He’s the worst side
If Strake cares about anything other than of capitalism run riot, and can clash with the PCs
himself in this life, it’s his son Michelangelo Jr., usu- in many ways.
ally known as Michel, who’s 8 years old as of 2005. Don’t forget that Strake has a son, Michel,
He dotes on the boy, simultaneously indulging his whom he’s grooming to take over the business. If
desires and trying to mold him into the man he appropriate, age Michel so that he’s not a child,
wants him to be — a second-generation version of but a young adult ready to take on the PCs to
himself, basically. He expects Michel to follow in help his father.
his footsteps, and has already begun grooming him You shouldn’t make Strake any tougher physi-
for life as the biggest, toughest, most cunning shark cally or combat-wise; he’s not even an athlete, much
in the tank. less a fighter. To make him a harder opponent to
deal with, increase his influence and resources even
further. To weaken him, cut down on his Contacts.
If Strake decides to Hunt someone, that per-
son’s life becomes a living hell. He’ll use his influ-
ence to cancel credit ratings, initiate audits, and
otherwise interfere with the target’s personal life.
If he doesn’t know the target’s Secret Identity, he’ll
hire all the private investigators he must to find it
out. If necessary, he’ll hire the best mercs money
can buy (such as the Arsenal or Prospero) and put
them on the target’s trail.
Michelangelo Strake has no criminal record,
though various governmental agencies (such as
the SEC and EPA) often keep an eye on him and
his companies.
Appearance: Michelangelo Strake is a white man
in his mid-50s, 5’9” tall and slightly pudgy. He’s
got black hair and dark eyes; his cleanshaven face
usually has the determined look of a predator on
the prowl for its next meal. He wears the best men’s
fashions his money can buy — hand-tailored suits
worth thousands of dollars, $50,000 diamond-stud-
ded Rolex watches, and so on.
chapter two:

50 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition

PLOT SEEDS Membership: 26 members, each designated by a them like some sort of romantic pinball. One of the
codename matching a letter of the English alpha- reasons Arsenal doesn’t want to expand the size of
The classic Arsenal plot bet; examples include Arsenal, Gatling, Heatseeker, the organization beyond 26 is to keep conflicts like
#1: someone hires the Magnum, Troubleshooter, and Widowmaker (see these from cropping up too often. But despite his
group to take out the below for a complete listing of the current mem- best efforts (and the fact that all the other members
PCs. Depending on the bership as of early 2005). respect and/or fear him), fights sometimes break out;
PCs’ abilities or track more than one former member left the group feet-
records, Arsenal may Background/History: The Arsenal is the brainchild first after he and a teammate settled a disagreement
assign a number of his of ex-Recon Marine James “Arsenal” Berghalter, with gunfire or knifeplay.
personnel equal to the who deserted the USMC to become a mercenary
PCs, or he may go for All those personality clashes disappear when
but got fed up with taking orders from other the team takes the field. Arsenal does his best to
an “overwhelming fire- people. Lacking the money or desire to found a
power” approach. minimize conflicts when he assigns members of his
formal mercenary business like Military Solutions team to missions, but even if two members of the
or Executive Resolution Services, he chose instead Arsenal loathe each other they put their differences
The classic Arsenal plot to recruit two dozen mercenaries with various mili-
#2: the PCs have a goal aside when they’re working. The members of the
tary specialties. Quality rather than quantity was Arsenal are professionals, through and through, and
to accomplish, such as
tracking down and kill- his guideline, and it showed in the organization of professionals don’t let personal matters interfere
ing a terrorist, and their skilled professional soldiers he created. with the job.
target hires the Arsenal The Arsenal made its debut in June 1996, when The Arsenal is on good terms with many other
to protect him and/or it helped a renegade Bolivian general assassinate organizations and people around the world for
his facility. The PCs have the country’s president and seize power for himself. whom it’s done work — it doesn’t have to look for
to get past this team of Since then the group’s established a solid reputation
highly-trained, well- work much, since its reputation is such that pro-
for its professionalism, skill, and ability to get the spective clients seek it out. It maintains no politi-
equipped mercenaries... job done. It’s not picky — it takes on any mission it
possibly without starting cal or social affiliations, so it’s willing to hire itself
feels it can accomplish that a client’s willing to pay out to employers with wildly differing goals and
a firefight.
its high prices for, whether that’s leading troops in a opinions over the course of a given year. While on
genuine military action, assassination, bodyguard- a particular job, the Arsenal remains steadfastly
After the Arsenal pulls
ing, capers, kidnappings, or terrorism for hire. The loyal to its employer — that’s the key component of
off a couple of high-pro-
file jobs on U.S. soil, the group’s depth and breadth of talent means it always the mercenary code the members subscribe to. But
American government has at least one or two people perfectly suited for once a job’s done, they have no particular feelings
puts out a substantial just about any job. for a former employer, and might take a job that
bounty for them (or it puts them up against him (though like any busi-
Organization And Structure: Arsenal himself leads
may secretly offer cer-
the Arsenal — he runs the group like a military nessmen, they’re likely to turn down jobs that may
tain people, like your
PCs, special incentives unit and doesn’t tolerate many questions (and even bring them into conflict with a “repeat customer”).
to take on the team). less actual dissent). Gatling, Heatseeker, Magnum, Tactics: As far as the authorities know, the entire
What will the PCs do Troubleshooter, and Widowmaker are his lieuten- Arsenal has never assembled to perform a mis-
to earn that big, fat pay- ants (the more politically-oriented members of the sion as a 26-person team. Instead, Arsenal as the
check? Arsenal sometimes refer to these five as “the Gun group’s leader assigns a team of members to a
Cabinet”). Each lieutenant commands four other particular mission based on the parameters of the
members, known as his “squad.” But these five-man job, the members’ specific skills and weapons, the
teams are administrative, not necessarily mission employer’s preferences, and other factors. Typically
teams: Arsenal and his lieutenants determine the a “mission team” consists of four to six members of
composition of a mission team based on the skills the Arsenal, but on at least two occasions a dozen
needed to do the job. Thus, a particular mission members have worked on the same job at once.
team might consist of three men from Heatseeker One of the sources of the Arsenal’s excellent
Squad, two from Gatling Squad, and two from Wid- reputation in the Military/Mercenary/Terrorist
owmaker Squad. World is the group’s tactical abilities. Because of
Group Relations: Unsurprisingly, a group of 26 will- its small size, each member knows all of the other
ing-to-do-anything mercenaries contains more members pretty well, including what they can do
than a few extreme personalities. While most of the and how they like to do it. Arsenal makes them
members of the Arsenal usually get along fine, some practice and train constantly so they’re ready for
strong rivalries and hatreds exist. For example, Jack- any situation or opponent. As a result, the mem-
hammer and Quickdraw are rivals for the affections bers fight well together, and are especially good at
of Plastique, who bounces back and forth between backing each other up: if Gatling has an enemy
on the ropes, Firefight knows to help him out (one
Predators ■ Chapter Two 51

dead enemy is better than two wounded ones, as ARSENAL

Arsenal says), while Vulcan moves into position Val Char Cost Roll Notes
to cover them both. Other favorite tactics include: 18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [4]
triangle teams (fighting and moving in groups of 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
three back-to-back men, to avoid surprise attacks); 18 CON 16 13-
“open field” (the signal to blast a particular area 14 BODY 8 12-
with as much firepower as possible); “plaster- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
nuke” (the signal to use Area of Effect or Explosive 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
attacks, such as grenades, on a particular area); and 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
“shrapnel” (the signal to spread out and not give the 12 COM 1 11-
enemy an easy group target).
Arsenal members typically wear uniforms and 7 PD 3 Total: 7 PD (0 rPD)
body armor in dull gold and black, though some 6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
prefer other colors. Their standard kit also includes 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
a communications system built into the helmet or 8 REC 0
a headset so everyone on a mission can remain in 36 END 0
contact using the group’s special battle-codes. 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 82

Campaign Use: Given its large membership of Movement: Running: 9”/18”

highly-skilled mercenaries and their diverse tal- Swimming: 4”/8”
ents, you can use the Arsenal just about any way Cost Powers END
you need to. If you’re looking for a team of heavy- Martial Arts: Boxing
firepower soldiers to take on your PCs on the Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect
battlefield, the Arsenal can handle the job. If you 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
need a team of high-tech mercs to pull off a caper, 3 Clinch -1 -1 Grab Two
the Arsenal can handle the job. If you need to pro- Limbs, 38 STR
tect an important NPC from the PCs, the Arsenal for holding on
can handle the job. The group prefers missions on 4 Cross +0 +2 7½d6 Strike
which it can use its military skills and gear, but can 5 Hook -2 +1 9½d6 Strike
tackle more subtle fieldwork if necessary. 3 Jab +2 +1 5½d6 Strike
To make the Arsenal tougher, expand the 8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
size of the group. Restricting it to 26 members is a 6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1
convenient dramatic device, but there’s no reason 2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1
you have to stick with it if you’d rather make the Perks
Arsenal a larger organization. You could even 4 Contacts: 4 points’ worth in the USMC
divide it into branches based on members’ special- 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
ties, making it more like a mercenary business firm. Military
Weakening the organization usually means the 5 Money: Well Off
opposite — fewer members, and thus less flexibil-
ity — but you can instead decrease the individual Skills
members’ strengths. 32 +4 with All Combat
The Arsenal won’t Hunt anyone unless hired to 6 +2 with Stealth, Survival, and Tracking
do so or they interfere with the group’s activities to 3 Climbing 13-
such an extent that they make prospective employ- 3 Combat Driving 13-
ers question the Arsenal’s ability. In that case they 5 Demolitions 13-
approach the job in a proficient military manner: 1 Electronics 8-
they gather intel (mainly by calling in favors and 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13-
hiring other professionals skilled in such matters); 3 Interrogation 12-
plan an attack; and then execute the attack at the 2 KS: Boxing 11-
moment of maximum advantage. If that doesn’t 2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
work, they retreat, regroup, and find another way or 2 KS: USMC History And Customs 11-
time to eliminate the target. 3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12-
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K USP +1 +0 2d6 1d6 8 10 PR
Specter M4 +1 +1 1d6+1 1d6-1 50 13 AF5
Colt M16A2 +2 +1 2d6 1d6 30 13 AF5, FS, 2H
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite described below)
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset), Gen-2 nightvision device
52 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
3 KS: Military Science 12- Resource Points
2 KS: Recon History And Traditions 11- 48 Equipment Points: 300
5 KS: Weapons 14- 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con- 20 Follower/Contact Points: 45
versation; English is Native) 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
3 Navigation (Land, Marine) 12-
3 Paramedics 12- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 262
2 PS: Recon Marine 11- Total Cost: 344
2 SS: Hydrography 11- 100+ Disadvantages
3 Stealth 13- 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
1 Streetwise 8- Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By
3 Tactics 12- Large Group)
10 Survival (Desert, Marine, Mountains, Tem- 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
perate/Subtropical, Tropical) 12- Kill)
3 Systems Operation 12- 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
3 Tracking 12- ture/Kill)
5 TF: Basic Parachuting, Advanced Parachut- 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
ing, SCUBA, Small Rowed Boats, Small cenary (Common, Strong)
Motorized Boats 15 Psychological Limitation: Must Be The Best
13 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common (Common, Strong)
Missile Weapons, Common Martial Arts 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
Weapons, Small Arms, Flamethrowers, Gre- quently, Minor)
nade Launchers, General Purpose/Heavy 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Machine Guns, Recoilless Guns, Shoulder- Frequently, Major)
Fired Weapons 134 Experience Points
3 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Muscle-Powered
HTH) 12- Total Disadvantage Points: 344
Background/History: James Berghalter was the
youngest of six brothers. His older siblings picked
on him from an early age, and he quickly learned to
fight back. He also learned that the only way to get
any respect from them was to do something better
than they did it. When his brother Mike took up
hunting, James tagged along... and soon became a
better hunter than Mike was. When Franklin began
boxing, James got involved and eventually became
a Golden Gloves champion — and had the chance
to beat Franklin to a pulp during a tournament
match. When Gerry and Jeff began running with
gangs and stealing, James started doing it, too, and
he never got caught the way they did. Eventually he
intimidated them into backing his play and knifed
his way into leading the gang.
It didn’t take him long to realize he was cut out
for better things than “leading” a bunch of street
punks. After a drive-by shooting gone sour threat-
ened to bring some major heat down on him, he
decided to get out while the getting was good. He
joined the Marines.
James flourished in the Marines, eventually
becoming part of Recon and establishing a superb
record of missions successfully accomplished. But
after several years of risking his neck for the US gov-
ernment, he began to wonder if maybe he should be
risking his neck for himself instead. He still remem-
bered his gang days — the thrill of being the leader,
responsible to no one but himself. The idea finally
became so attractive to him that he deserted, melting
away into the mercenary underground.
Being a merc wasn’t quite what he was after,
either. He had a lot more freedom, but ultimately
he still had to take orders from whoever was in
command. The solution was obvious: start his own
mercenary company with a strong enough rep that
he could dictate terms to his employers. But even
Predators ■ Chapter Two 53

with his skills, that was easier said than done... and he tries to find someone to teach it to him.) He has ARSENAL
he didn’t want to get bogged down by creating an an enormous collection of weapons, from antique PLOT SEEDS
actual business like Military Solutions. The key katanas to the most modern firearms and explo-
was an elite team — not what most people meant sives, and equips himself accordingly. Even when After losing a few
by “elite,” but a team of hard-core, highly-trained, he’s dressed for a night out on the town he usually Arsenal members to
experienced professionals that could tackle, and has two or three weapons concealed on his person, botched missions, Arse-
complete, any mission. To advertise their services, and when he goes on a combat mission he carries nal decides that one (or
they’d use codenames and special uniforms. enough ironmongery to equip a battalion. more) of the PCs might
He already knew two guys who fit that descrip- Arsenal has extensive training and experi- make a good replace-
tion: his friends Ken Bunchard and Jamal Gibson. ence as a Recon Marine and a mercenary, and ment. If the PC turns
down his offer, how will
They became Gatling and Heatseeker. Over the next it shows. Skilled at small-unit tactics and many
he retaliate? If the PC
couple of years he cherry-picked from among his related disciplines, he’s a clever, canny opponent accepts, what sort of
contacts in the mercenary underground, establish- who has no illusions about combat. He doesn’t missions will the Arse-
ing just the sort of organization he’d envisioned. As fight for honor, prestige, or to show off; he’s there nal ask him to perform?
Arsenal, leader of the mercenary outfit of the same to win, whatever it takes. If he can arrange the
name, he’s become a feared and respected member battlefield in advance to tip the balance in his Arsenal hears about
of the shadowy world of covert ops and low-inten- favor, he’ll do it; if “cheating” lets him get the an exhibit of Viking
sity military conflict... and anybody who messes drop on his opponent, cheat he will. swords at the museum,
with him had better watch out. and decides he’d like to
Campaign Use: Unlike many organization leaders, “obtain” them for his
Personality/Motivation: From an early age, James Arsenal is no shrinking violet. He’s a skilled field collection. The PCs have
Berghalter has had a strong drive to succeed. He’s operative who doesn’t like to spend time behind a to stop him from steal-
virtually obsessed with being the best at what- desk. The PCs might encounter him while he leads ing them.
ever he does. Currently this means being the best an Arsenal team on a mission, or he may take a per-
mercenary and the leader of the best mercenary sonal interest in them if they cause the Arsenal too The Marines don’t
team in the world. He “takes care” of anyone who many problems. pursue Arsenal regularly,
presents a serious challenge to his leadership or To make Arsenal more powerful, give him but they would like to
superiority in the field quickly and efficiently. more Martial Maneuvers (and accompanying KSs capture James Berghal-
Aside from that, he’s a consummate professional: of styles) and some Weapon Elements to go with ter and put him on trial
for desertion. A Marine
cool-headed, informed, and precisely focused on them. Right now his melee weapon abilities are
contact asks the PCs to
the task at hand. simulated with his All Combat CSLs and WFs, but handle the job.
Arsenal often holds grudges and acts out of you could easily go beyond that if you prefer. To
a desire for vengeance, so it’s entirely possible he weaken him, remove two of his All Combat CSLs
would start Hunting a hero personally (rather than and reduce his Primary Characteristics a bit.
ordering his team to do it) if that hero attacked As noted above, Arsenal could easily become
him, insulted him, or interfered with the Arsenal’s a hero’s Hunted. As a Hunter he takes a military
activities. He sees this sort of “interference” as an approach: he gathers information on the target,
insult to his reputation and pride, so he retaliates in plans an attack (complete with escape routes and
a brutal fashion to re-assert his strength and domi- contingency plans), and then drops the hammer.
nance. A FBI psychologist once described Arsenal If he doesn’t accomplish his objective quickly, he’ll
as “the biggest alpha male of the mercenary world,” retreat and try again at a better time.
and that’s a pretty good summary of his approach Besides being sought by the Marines for deser-
to these situations. tion, Arsenal is wanted in the United States on
six counts of murder, 12 counts of kidnapping, 27
Quote: “Forget it, mister, you don’t have a chance
counts of assault, five counts of robbery, and a host
against a living Arsenal.”
of other charges (and he’s a suspect in many more).
Powers/Tactics: Arsenal’s name describes him well.
Appearance: Arsenal is a large black man, 6’6” tall,
When he became a soldier, he approached the job
250 pounds, and extremely muscular. He usually
with the same dedication he’d applied to every
has a forbidding scowl on his face. Unless a mission
other goal in his life. He studied every form of
calls for camouflage clothing, he wears body armor
fighting and weapon he could, become a walking,
and fatigues in the Arsenal’s colors: dull gold and
talking expert on everything from swords, to pis-
black. Depending upon the weapons he carries for a
tols, to Stinger missiles. (Even today, if he finds out
mission, he attaches various holsters, sheaths, slings,
about a weapon he doesn’t know how to use,
ammo belts, scabbards, and the like to his uniform.
54 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 12 Equipment Points: 120
21 STR 12 13- Lift 467 kg; 4d6 [4] 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
The Headless Hangman 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35
has kidnapped Shani- 20 CON 20 13- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
qua (or so he claims...) 15 BODY 10 12-
and tells Gatling he’ll Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Total Cost: 181
kill her unless Gatling
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
helps him take down the
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 100+ Disadvantages
Arsenal. Gatling desper-
ately doesn’t want his 10 COM 0 11- 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
daughter to be hurt, but Kill)
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD)
he doesn’t want to turn 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
on his friends, either. He ture/Kill)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
decides to ask the PCs to 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
8 REC 0
help him. cenary (Common, Strong)
40 END 0
15 Psychological Limitation: Prefers To Resolve
40 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: 79
Arsenal decides it’s time His Problems With Massive Amounts Of
for Gatling to go... for Movement: Running: 7”/14” Gunfire (Common, Strong)
good. But he can’t bring 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Troubleshooter)
himself to kill his old Cost Powers END
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
friend, so he wants to 10 Brawler: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
quently, Minor)
get the PCs to do it. And Attack (-½) 1
of course he has to be 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
2 Strong Runner: Running +1” (7” total) 1
able to get the MPMG Frequently, Major)
back so he can give it to Perks
Total Disadvantage Points: 205
someone else.... 4 Contacts: 4 points’ worth in the USMC
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced Background/History: “You want me to what?” Ken
Gatling wants to Military Bunchard asked his friend incredulously.
upgrade the MPMG “Quit the Marines, man. Leave, desert, what-
with the latest tech- Skills
ever you wanna call it. I want you t’ come ’n’ work
nology, and Arsenal 8 +4 OCV with Man-Portable Minigun
for me,” Berghalter replied.
agrees. The team begins 5 Accurate Sprayfire “Why’n the hell would I wanna do that,
committing a series of 1 Bureaucratics 8- Jimmy? I got a pretty good deal here. Good bene-
crimes necessary to get
1 Combat Piloting 8- fits, good job. They just put me on the new minigun
the money and/or parts
needed for the work; the 1 Computer Programming 8- testing team, too. Finally found something I’m good
PCs have to stop them 5 Concentrated Sprayfire at — shootin’ stuff. Eight thousand red-hot rounds
before Gatling becomes 2 KS: The Espionage World 11- a minute!”
even deadlier. 2 KS: Marine History And Customs 11- “I’ll tell you why — money. I want you to shoot
3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12- stuff for me. Bring your fancy new gun, if you want.”
1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con- “How much money?” Bunchard asked suspi-
versation; English is Native) ciously.
1 Mechanics 8- “Take a look at this, man,” Berghalter said as he
2 PS: Marine 11- pulled out a roll of c-notes. “All this an’ more, yours
3 Stealth 12- for the askin’.”
1 Streetwise 8- Bunchard gave a low, soft whistle. “Man!
1 Systems Operation 8- Where’d’jou get that kinda cash? With that kinda
3 Tactics 11- money, I could send Shaniqua to a real good school.
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades Who do I haveta kill to get it?”
1 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 8- “Whoever I tell you to, Kennie — whoever I
tell you to.”
Thus The Arsenal began. Ken Bunchard had
been kicking around the Marines for years, looking
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes for work he really liked. He’d tried all sorts of things
Man-Portable — computers, radios, even a little piloting — but
Minigun +1 +1 2½d6 1d6 300 20 AF10 hadn’t done well with any of it. Finally he finagled a
Desert Eagle +1 +0 2d6+1 1d6 9 13 position testing out some new weapons. That was a
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be job he really enjoyed. Soon he was good enough at
Thrown it that the Corps assigned him to help test the new
Armor small-ship miniguns it was developing.
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-) After his old friend Arsenal pointed out how
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite much money he could make as a merc, it didn’t take
described below) much to convince Bunchard to “drop out” of the
Marines. He even took a prototype minigun with
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset) him. Arsenal gave him the code-name “Gatling”
because of the gun, and helped him convert it into
a weapon he could carry himself. Gatling soon dis-
Predators ■ Chapter Two 55

covered he liked being a merc a lot more than he To make Gatling tougher, give him some
liked the Marines — more action, more glamour, Martial Arts (Commando Training) instead of his
more women — and became one of the most stead- Brawler ability, round out some of his Familiari-
fast members of the Arsenal. ties to full Skill Rolls, and maybe give him some
more Combat Skill Levels and/or increase his SPD
Personality/Motivation: Although he originally
to 4. You could also give him some super-skills
became a mercenary to earn enough money to
from Dark Champions, such as Corridor Of Death,
send his young daughter Shaniqua to a top-notch
Favorite Gun, Machine Gunner From Hell, Mowing
boarding school, Gatling quickly found out he was
’Em Down, or the like. To weaken him, get rid of
really good at the job. He doesn’t regret leaving the
most or all of his CSLs, and/or change the MPMG
Marines for a minute — the Corps never gave him
so it’s harder to use (such as giving it an OCV pen-
this many chances to shoot at people. He’s always
alty, or a Side Effect that he can’t move in the Phase
enjoyed shooting things, and since signing on with
he uses it or he takes damage from the recoil).
the Arsenal he’s become even more violent. When
Gatling doesn’t Hunt people unless Arsenal
things go wrong, his preferred method of resolving
orders him to, and then he follows orders.
the problem is gunfire... lots of gunfire... and that
Gatling is a deserter from the US Marine
may be the thing that finally ends his career. Arse-
Corps. He’s also wanted in connection with the
nal’s always trusted his old friend, and the other
many crimes he has committed as a member of The
members of the organization have often come to
Arsenal, including murder (he’s the main suspect in
him when they needed someone who could appeal
27 of the team’s killings).
to their leader and get him to change his mind
about something. But Gatling’s triggerhappy ten- Appearance: There aren’t many members of the
dencies are starting to endanger the group, and the Arsenal who make Arsenal himself look small,
day may not be far off when Arsenal has to double- but at 6’8” and nearly 300 pounds of rock-solid
tap him in the head and hand the Man-Portable muscle, Gatling’s one of them. A black man, he has
Minigun over to a hand-picked successor. dark eyes, but dyes his close-cropped hair blonde.
Gatling loves his daughter deeply, but his His body armor is dull gold, and his Man-Portable
temper and violent tendencies have begun to scare Minigun and body harness that helps him hold it
her. She rarely likes to spend much time with him steady are matte black.
anymore, which only frustrates him and worsens
his attitude. He tries to make up for it by sending
her expensive presents.
Gatling gets along well with most of his team-
mates, and is one of Arsenal’s most trustworthy
lieutenants. But he’s got a longstanding argument
with Troubleshooter about which is better, fire-
power or shooting skill, so the two are constantly
trying to outdo one another and putting each other
down in a (mostly) friendly fashion.
Quote: “Swiss cheese time!!”
Powers/Tactics: Gatling’s primary weapon is his
Man-Portable Minigun (MPMG), which can fire
1,000 7.62mm N CTA rounds a minute. To stabilize
it, he attaches it to a special body harness that’s part
of his armor (this also keeps enemies from taking it
away from him easily – in game terms, the harness
makes the MPMG an OIF). He prefers to remain
in a team vehicle or rally point where he can have
lots of ammunition handy, but the gun comes with
a specially-designed 300-round helical magazine. If
he runs out of ammo or is closely pressed, he falls
back on his Desert Eagle .50 sidearm or knife. He’s
got a few other Skills, but nothing that he’s really
good at — he was something of a slacker while he
was in the Marines — so Arsenal tries to use him
only on heavy-firepower missions.
Campaign Use: Gatling is a potential weak point in
the Arsenal. Although he’s one of the team’s leaders,
he’s becoming less and less controllable, more and
more likely to start a firefight at the slightest excuse.
Arsenal may have to take extreme steps to keep the
problem from getting worse.
56 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] Kill)
A rash of explosions has 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
decimated buildings in 17 CON 14 12- ture/Kill)
Hudson City. Is Heat- 13 BODY 6 12- 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
seeker responsible, and 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- cenary (Common, Strong)
if so why? 15 Psychological Limitation: Loves To Blow
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 3
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 Things Up (Common, Strong)
Heatseeker, Explosion, 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
10 COM 0 11-
and Plastique take on a quently, Minor)
challenge from Saltpeter 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Mary to see who can 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
commit the most elegant Frequently, Major)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
destruction of the larg- 5 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 200
est number of buildings 34 END 0
and monuments within Background/History: Jamal Gibson was a member
27 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 70
a set time frame. The of James Berghalter’s gang when they were both
PCs have to figure out Movement: Running: 7”/14” kids. Jamal was never a very tough guy, but he
what’s going on and put always had a sort of look in his eyes that kept other
a stop to this horrific Cost Powers END
kids from picking on him.
competition. 2 Strong Runner: Running +1” (7” total) 1
When Berghalter left the gang to join the
Perks Marines, Jamal decided that was a pretty good
The Army contacts the
4 Contacts: 4 points’ worth in the US Army idea, but he figured he’d try the Army instead. After
PCs. It’s not so con-
cerned about getting 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced basic training he chose to learn about demolitions.
Jamal Gibson back... Military This turned out to be a great decision: Jamal had
but it would love to get a talent for explosives and ordnance. If he’d had
Skills more education, he might’ve moved into a more
its hands on his Mini-
Rocket Pod. It asks the 12 +4 OCV with Shoulder-Fired Weapons research-oriented position, but he didn’t mind
PCs to steal the item 9 Demolitions 15- — he just liked to blow things up.
and turn it over to the 3 Electronics 12- Jamal probably would have spent the rest
Army for testing. 2 CK: Hudson City 11- of his life in the Army blowing things to bits
2 KS: Army History And Customs 11- on command, but Arsenal had other ideas.
2 KS: The Espionage World 11- After recruiting Gatling, he realized the Arsenal
2 KS: History Of The US Space Program 11- would need at least one explosives expert. He
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- approached his old friend with an offer to “join
5 KS: Missiles And Rockets 14- my team, see the world, and blow up selected
1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con- parts of it.” Jamal thought about it for a minute,
versation; English is Native) realized he’d have more opportunity to blow
3 Mechanics 12- things up as a mercenary, and left with Arsenal
3 Paramedics 12- right then and there. He’s been working with the
2 PS: Soldier 11- organization ever since.
2 SS: Ballistics 11-
Personality/Motivation: Heatseeker is, as they say,
2 SS: Mathematics 11-
slightly unhinged. Most of the time he presents a
2 SS: Rocketry 11-
calm, controlled facade to the world, looking as
3 Stealth 13-
much the competent demolitions expert and squad
3 Streetwise 11-
leader as Arsenal could wish. But underneath it all
1 Systems Operation 8-
he’s more than a little bit insane: he loves to blow
3 Tactics 12-
things up the same way a pyromaniac likes to set
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Flamethrowers, Gre-
them on fire. This sometimes makes his judgment
nade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons
as team leader questionable (his first choice is
9 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Missiles And Rock-
always to blow the target up), but his mental prob-
ets) 15-
lems haven’t caused too many problems — yet.
Resource Points
Quote: “Just press this button, and the whole build-
28 Equipment Points: 200
ing will be destroyed by an Earth-shattering KA-
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 130
Total Cost: 200
Predators ■ Chapter Two 57

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Stinger SAM +2 +0 5d6X 1d6 1 12 1 Turn
M72A3 LAW +0 +1 6½d6X 1d6 1 12 Extra Phase
MiniRocket Pod +1 +1 3d6X 1d6 9 12
Grenade Launcher +1 +1 2½d6X 1d6 12 12
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite described below)
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset)

Powers/Tactics: Heatseeker is the Arsenal’s chief

expert on missiles and ordnance, and secondarily
on demolitions (Explosion and Plastique are also
skilled at such matters). Even when he’s leading a
team on a mission, he’s not a front-line combat-
ant — he picks a defensible spot a good long way
from the main target or battlefield as his “com-
mand point.” He often kicks off an assault with a
well-placed Stinger missile or LAW rocket, and
after that continues to pepper the opposition
with missiles, grenades, and other such attacks.
Since Stingers and LAWs are one-shot weapons,
he sometimes uses various multi-shot launch-
ers he’s invented that fire smaller rockets (these
include his MiniRocket Pod, and a similar weapon
adapted from a Hellfire missile launcher).
Campaign Use: Using Heatseeker in a scenario
really ups the ante. He doesn’t use precision weap-
ons when he fights; his missiles and rockets are
designed for maximum death, destruction, and
havoc. If you don’t want to put the PCs in the way
of that much harm, keep Heatseeker under wraps.
To make Heatseeker tougher, give him some
Martial Arts, and perhaps beef up his Primary
Characteristics and SPD. If your game verges
into the fantastic, he might even have wrist- or
backpack-mounted rockets he could fire. To
weaken him, get rid of some or all of his Combat
Skill Levels.
Heatseeker doesn’t Hunt people unless Arsenal
orders him to, and then he follows orders.
Heatseeker has compiled an impressive crimi-
nal record since joining the Arsenal. He’s personally
responsible for the destruction of twelve buildings,
the deaths of fifteen people, and the injuries of
dozens more. He’s also a deserter from the United
States Army.
Appearance: Heatseeker is a 5’9”, 165 pound black
man with a trim but not athletic build. He cuts his
hair close to the scalp, and has a close black beard
as well. He paints his body armor in camouflage
colors, and he usually carries several different kinds
of explosives and rockets with him.
58 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
MAGNUM MAGNUM 1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con-
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes versation; English is Native)
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 2 Languages: German (fluent conversation)
Magnum’s never told his 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 2 Languages: Spanish (fluent conversation)
teammates much about 18 CON 16 13- 3 Lockpicking 13-
his life before joining 15 BODY 10 12- 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
the Arsenal — not even 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Security Systems 12-
his real name. Now an 7 Shadowing 14-
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
old man who claims he 3 Stealth 13-
was the one who trained 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
10 COM 0 11- 3 Streetwise 13-
Magnum shows up
10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
unannounced at a PC’s 7 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD)
house (or the team’s 6 WF: Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/
6 ED 2 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers,
headquarters, if it has 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
one) and offers to not Shoulder-Fired Missiles
7 REC 0 2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 12-
only tell all about him,
but teach the PC some 36 END 0
of the same tricks. Is 35 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 99 Resource Points
the offer for real (and if 12 Equipment Points: 120
Movement: Running: 8”/16” 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
so, why is it being made
Leaping: 5”/10” 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
now?), or is there an
ulterior motive? Cost Powers END 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Martial Arts: Karate Total Powers & Skills Cost: 216
Magnum decides he Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
wants to go back to free- Total Cost: 315
4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND(1)
lancing... but no one just 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 100+ Disadvantages
leaves the Arsenal. He 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 25 STR
sends the PCs a packet
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all Kill)
of information about
the group, hoping they’ll attacks, Abort 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
take the hint and take 3 Legsweep +2 -1 4d6; Target Falls ture/Kill)
out the team for him 4 Knifehand Strike -2 +0 HKA ½d6 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
while he slips away. But (1d6+1 with (Very Common, Strong)
if any of the Arsenal STR) 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
members survive, they 4 Punch/Snap Kick+0 +2 5d6 Strike cenary (Common, Strong)
might figure out what 5 Side/Spin Kick -2 +1 7d6 Strike 5 Psychological Limitation: Can’t Resist A
happened and want 4 Strong Runner: Running +2” (8” total) 1 Challenge (Common, Strong)
revenge.... 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Gerald
2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (5” forward, 3”
upward) 1 Chesterton) (Frequently, Major)
Magnum hears one of 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
the PCs’ pistol skills Perks Frequently, Major)
praised (or perhaps sees 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
them in use on televi- 100 Experience Points
sion) and decides it’s Total Disadvantage Points: 315
time to stage an old- Talents
fashioned shootout to 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) Background/History: No one in the Arsenal knows
determine who’s faster 15 Danger Sense (out of combat, self only, much of anything about Magnum’s background.
and deadlier. intuitional) 12- He and Arsenal first met when they were both
4 Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with hired (by separate parties) to kill a wealthy Texas
Colt Anacondas businessman who’d made a few too many enemies
on his climb to the top. At that time, Magnum was
Skills already an established and feared assassin and
12 +6 OCV with Colt Anaconda mercenary, whereas Arsenal was relatively new to
6 +2 with Firearms the field. When each of them realized there was
10 +2 DCV someone else in the room, they began to fight,
3 Acrobatics 13- assuming the other was a crimefighter or cop. They
3 Breakfall 13- almost killed one another, and by the time they
3 Combat Driving 13- sorted the whole mess out, their target had heard
3 Concealment 12- the commotion and escaped. Now that the target
3 Contortionist 13- was suspicious, it took a combined effort on their
1 Demolitions 8- part to find him and kill him. During the “hunt,”
3 Disguise 12- mutual suspicion gradually gave way to mutual
3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13- respect — Magnum admired Arsenal’s versatility,
2 Gambling (Card Games)12- Arsenal admired Magnum’s consummate skill with
3 Interrogation 13- his chosen weapon.
2 KS: The Espionage World 11- After that, the two of them worked together on
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/ several occasions. When Arsenal began to recruit
Terrorist World 11- lieutenants for his organization, Magnum was one
Predators ■ Chapter Two 59

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt Anaconda +2 +1 2d6 1d6 6 11 Carries four, with four clips each in
speedloaders; barrel coating, custom
grips, fine tuning II, improved range I
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite described below)
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset)

of the first men he thought of. He approached him tolero) or increase his SPD to 5. To weaken him,
with an offer of high pay, secure employment, and remove Rapid Attack and Two-Weapon Fighting.
a lot of personal autonomy. Magnum decided it Magnum doesn’t Hunt people unless Arsenal
might be a good idea to try it for a while to see orders him to, and then he follows orders.
if it was better than freelancing... and he hasn’t Because he worked for several years as a free-
regretted his decision a minute. Though he’s never lance assassin and mercenary before joining the
revealed his real name to any of his colleagues, he’s Arsenal, Magnum has a lengthy criminal record.
become an important part of the organization. He’s wanted for questioning by the FBI in connec-
tion with a total of 37 murders and many related
Personality/Motivation: Magnum is a cold, calculat-
crimes. Neither the FBI nor any other law enforce-
ing killer, perfectly suited to his job as an assassin
ment agency knows his real name.
and mercenary. He dispassionately sizes up the
target, regarding “it” (as he would say) as little more Appearance: Magnum is 6’0” tall, weighs about 200
than a clay pigeon to be blasted out of existence pounds, and has a muscular build. His body armor,
quickly and cleanly. Human life means almost helmet, and uniform are dark navy blue; he wears
nothing to him; if he were not so “professional” and two dull orange belts of ammunition slung across
disciplined he would probably have become some his shoulders and chest like two bandoliers. He car-
sort of stereotypical serial killer long ago. ries one pair of Anacondas in holsters on his belt,
Arsenal has noticed how much Magnum enjoys the other two in shoulder holsters.
a “challenge.” A difficult target, one he has to work
hard to kill, is the sort of job Magnum likes the most.
Sometimes Magnum goes out of his way to antago-
nize dangerous opponents or make a job more dif-
ficult — Arsenal has to keep a close eye on him to
make sure this attitude doesn’t endanger the team.
Quote: “Bang-bang and he’s dead. Simple as that.”
Powers/Tactics: In combat, Magnum relies princi-
pally on his specially-modified .44 Magnum Colt
Anaconda revolvers, of which he carries four. He’s
trained himself to use one in each hand at the same
time, and he’s deadly accurate with them. Other than
his .44s, he carries whatever other weapons he needs
for a particular mission. He also knows karate.
Although he lacks the military training many
other members of the Arsenal have, Magnum has
a good grasp of tactics and strategy. Since there
are several members of the team who carry big
weapons and make obvious targets of themselves,
he usually tries to take cover and remain relatively
inobtrusive so no one attacks him (at least not
at first). When hiding this way, he often uses his
Combat Skill Levels to bounce bullets so his targets
can’t tell what direction he’s firing from.
Campaign Use: Since he had a “career” before join-
ing the Arsenal, Magnum might have previously
encountered your PCs. Maybe he and a gunslinging
PC are archnemeses, giving fights against the Arse-
nal a personal dimension they’d otherwise lack.
If you want to make Magnum tougher, give
him some super-skills (such as Quick Fire or Pis-
60 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 12 +4 with Firearms
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 8 +4 OCV with Rapid Fire
If another PC has a 21 DEX 36 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 8 +4 versus Range Modifier with Firearms
“western” theme or is 16 CON 12 12- 2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
known for being an 12 BODY 4 11- 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
unusually good pistol 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12-
shot, Troubleshooter 1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 versation; English is Native)
may challenge him to a
sort of “duel” in which 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 Persuasion 12-
he (Troubleshooter) will 12 COM 1 11- 13 Power: Shooting Tricks 18-
try to kill various targets 5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
and the PCs has to try to 5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 3 Shadowing 12-
stop him. 5 SPD 29 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 3 Stealth 13-
6 REC 2 3 Streetwise 12-
In his civilian identity 32 END 0 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
of Jason Upchurch, 2 WF: Small Arms
25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 98
Troubleshooter meets
a female PC or DNPC Movement: Running: 6”/12” Resource Points
and gets involved in a 8 Equipment Points: 100
friendship or romantic Cost Powers END 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
relationship with her. Martial Arts: Zen Riflery 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
What happens when the Maneuver OCV/DCV Rng Notes 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
PC finds out what the 4 Accurate Shot +2/-2 +2 Weapon +2 DC
new boyfriend does for Strike Total Powers & Skills Cost: 166
a living? 4 Basic Shot +0/+0 +2 Weapon +4 DC Total Cost: 264
Strike 100+ Disadvantages
The latest designs for 3 Defensive Shot -1/+2 +0 Weapon +2 DC
the military’s advanced 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
Strike Kill)
new handgun have been
stolen. A contact in the 5 Distance Shot +0/-2 +6 Weapon +2 DC 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
government or military Strike, +1 Seg- ture/Kill)
gets in touch and says ment 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
they suspect Trouble- 3 Leg Shot +0/-1 +0 Weapon 42 DC (Very Common, Moderate)
shooter. The PCs have Strike, Throw 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
to act fast to get those 4 Offensive Shot -1/-1 +0 Weapon +6 DC cenary (Common, Strong)
plans back before he Strike
gets even better guns.... 15 Psychological Limitation: Showoff
4 Quick Shot +1/+0 +0 Weapon +4 DC (Common, Strong)
Strike 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Gatling)
4 Ranged Disarm +0/+0 +0 Disarm, 40 STR 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
to roll quently, Minor)
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
24 Quick Fire: Autofire (up to 5 shots; +½) Frequently, Major)
for any non-Autofire firearm built on up 44 Experience Points
to 120 Active Points; OIF (any non-Auto-
fire firearm of opportunity; -½), Requires Total Disadvantage Points: 264
A Shooting Tricks Roll (-½), Not While
Background/History: Ever since he can remember,
Targeting (-½) 6
Jason Upchurch has been a crack shot with just
Perks about any sort of gun. Even as a little kid grow-
10 Improved Equipment Availability: ing up in Arkansas, all he had to do was pick up a
Advanced Military gun, and instinctively he knew just how to aim it.
The older he got, the more skilled he became. He
brought home one shooting trophy after another.
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10 Sil, FS, laser, carries four (with two
extra magazines each)
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite described below)
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset)
Predators ■ Chapter Two 61

But as his skill grew, so did his cockiness. Soon Campaign Use: The PCs are likely to regard Trou-
he was a swaggering, bragging loudmouth who bleshooter first and foremost as a dangerous oppo-
annoyed everyone around him. The problem was, nent — between his SPD and his various Combat
he was so good with a gun and had such a volatile Skill Levels, there’s no question he can be deadly.
temper that no one dared to tell him off. Finally But he’s also a showoff, so he may not always go
matters came to a head and a big guy named Eddie right for the kill, giving them a chance to get him
tried to beat Jason to a pulp. A few seconds later, first or find a way to neutralize him.
Eddie lay dead on the floor, riddled with four pre- To make Troubleshooter a tougher opponent,
cisely-aimed bullets. give him some Combat Luck or other defensive
Jason knew he was in trouble — there was no abilities; his biggest weakness is that he doesn’t have
way he could talk his way out of this. So he did the much defense. To make him less of a threat, reduce
only thing he could think of — he ran away, as fast his SPD to 4 and get rid of some of his Combat
and as far as he could. A few weeks later, hungry Skill Levels and/or Ranged Martial Maneuvers.
and broke, he joined the Army. Between his cocky Troubleshooter doesn’t Hunt people unless
attitude and his lack of discipline, his hitch lasted Arsenal orders him to, and then he follows orders.
only a couple weeks before he got in a fight with a Troubleshooter has a juvenile criminal record
sergeant and was dishonorably discharged. for various petty offenses, and a military criminal
Jason drifted around, eventually ending up in record for fighting with a superior officer. The
Hudson City. He tried his hand at a few jobs, but authorities suspect him in two dozen Arsenal-
hated all of them — the only thing he really liked was related killings and a host of lesser offenses, but so
shooting. He finally decided to capitalize on his talent far he’s evaded capture.
by becoming a mercenary. He had trouble getting
work at first, but word of his skill with a gun soon Appearance: Troubleshooter is a handsome man
got around. Eventually, Arsenal heard about him and in his late twenties, 5’9” tall, 170 pounds, athletic
decided he’d make a good recruit. Jason liked the idea build. He’s colored all of his body armor black and
of working with a team, provided he wasn’t expected streamlined it so he can wear a brown duster over
to follow a lot of stupid rules, so he took Arsenal up it and look “stylish.” He doesn’t wear a helmet (it
on his offer. Because of his skill and his attitude, Arse- would mess up his hair), preferring a high-tech
nal gave him the codename “Troubleshooter.” headset for his radio equipment.

Personality/Motivation: Although being in charge

of one of the Arsenal’s five-man teams has matured
Troubleshooter a lot, he’s still the same sneer-
ing braggart and showoff he was as a teenager.
Supremely confident in his shooting skills, he’s
never bothered to learn how to fight hand-to-hand
or use weapons other than guns. He figures he can
talk or shoot his way out of any trouble he gets
himself into. This attitude hasn’t made him a lot of
friends on the team, but none of his teammates has
ever claimed Troubleshooter’s not every bit as good
as he thinks he is, so they keep their mouths shut.
Quote: “Consider it taken care of, no problem.”
Powers/Tactics: Troubleshooter is an expert marks-
man and shootist. He can use any gun, from small
pistols to heavy assault rifles, and his accuracy is
legendary in mercenary circles. Besides his unerr-
ing aim, he can fire a pistol rapidly at the same
target, shoot the guns out of his targets’ hands, and
so forth. He favors the H&K Mk 23 SOCOM, usu-
ally firing with one in each hand. He often carries
spare clips with different types of ammo (such as
armor piercing or explosive) in case he needs a spe-
cialized round for a particular job. He has no fight-
ing skills other than shooting.
Troubleshooter’s idea of tactics is taken
straight from some of the western movies he likes
to watch: take cover behind something and keep
firing until your enemy is dead. Because he has so
many Combat Skill Levels, Troubleshooter often
targets vulnerable Hit Locations such as the Head
or Vitals. He’s also fond of trick shots that show
off his skill (such as bounced shots, or shooting
through supports to make things fall on people).
62 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 Enraged: if takes 4 or more BODY from
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] a single attack (Uncommon), go 14-,
Widowmaker becomes 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 recover 11-
infatuated with a female 23 CON 32 14- 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
PC (either in her crime- 18 BODY 16 13- Capture/Kill)
fighting identity, or 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 20 Hunted: US Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
because they happen Capture/Kill)
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
to meet on the street). 15 Psychological Limitation: Loves To Brawl
He keeps sending her 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11- (Common, Strong)
flowers, following her
around, and otherwise 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD)
making a nuisance of Mercenary (Common, Strong)
8 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (0 rED)
himself. How will the 10 Psychological Limitation: Womanizer;
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
PC deal with the situ- Sucker For A Pretty Face (Common,
9 REC 0
ation? Moderate)
46 END 0
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record
40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 90
Widowmaker has an (Frequently, Minor)
attack of remorse. He Movement: Running: 6”/12” 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders
wants to mend his ways (Very Frequently, Major)
and come clean for the Cost Powers END 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Gatling and any
crimes he’s accused of. 13 Brawler: HA +4d6; Hand-To-Hand PC who can stand up to him in a fistfight)
He asks the PCs to help Attack (-½) 2
him get away from the 24 Can Take A Lot Of Punishment: Physical Total Disadvantage Points: 235
Arsenal and do what’s Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Requires
right. Background/History: “Big Bill” Thompson got his
A CON Roll (no Active Point penalty; -0),
reputation as a troublemaker early. As a kid he
Character Must Be Aware Of Attack (-¼) 0
The FBI knows who was a bully and petty thief. When he got older,
12 Can Take A Lot Of Punishment: Energy
Widowmaker really is. It he drifted into more serious crime. This brought
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%;
wants to interrogate him him to the attention of local crime bosses, who
regarding his former Requires A CON Roll (no Active Point
took one look at him and decided he was cut
boss’s operations. It asks penalty; -0), Character Must Be Aware
out for something other than stealing cars. They
the PCs to bring him in Of Attack (-¼) 0
made him an enforcer and bodyguard; because of
alive. his size and strength, no one dared to talk back
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced to him or disobey the “requests” he made on his
Military boss’s behalf.
Big Bill’s boss had a daughter named Regina.
Talents She was both beautiful and kind, and one of the
3 Resistance (3 points) things Bill liked best about his job was that he got
Skills to spend time around her. He soon became infatu-
24 +3 with All Combat ated with her, and it nearly broke his heart when he
found out she’d just gotten engaged to some punk
1 KS: The Espionage World 8-
kid, the son of one of her father’s “associates.” Bill
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
took one look at this kid and he knew, he just knew,
1 Language: Arsenal Battle Codes (basic con-
the punk would never be good enough for her. It
versation; English is Native)
was only a couple days before Bill got so worked up
3 Stealth 12-
over the situation that he picked a fight with the kid
3 Streetwise 12-
and nearly beat him to death.
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
This was something his boss couldn’t overlook.
Resource Points Bill’s frequent brawling was one thing, but beating
6 Equipment Points: 90 up the boss’s future son-in-law was something else
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 entirely. Almost before he had time to catch his
5 Follower/Contact Points: 15 breath, Bill went from being the boss’s fair-haired
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 boy to a hunted man. He knew he couldn’t fight an
entire army of thugs with guns, so he ran.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 115 A few weeks and several cities later, the boss’s
Total Cost: 205 “posse” cornered Bill in an alley. As fate would
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Combat Shotgun +1 +0 2½d6 1d6 20 20 AF3, 2H, LR(50”)
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Arsenal Armored Uniform (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-)
Arsenal Helmet (DEF 6 for the Head, includes HRRP communications suite described below)
Gear: Arsenal Communications Suite (HRRP, built into helmet or a headset)
Predators ■ Chapter Two 63

have it, Arsenal was nearby, on his way home from Campaign Use: Of all the Arsenal, Widowmaker
scouting out a future job. He saw what was going is likely to come across as the “nicest,” despite his
on, and a fight between one unarmed guy and six fierce name. If you can arrange it, set up a “rivalry”
guys with guns didn’t strike him as very fair. He between him and a similar PC, so they get in a
weighed in to help Big Bill, and the two of them brawl every time they meet.
soon had all the gunsels out cold. Bill explained To make Widowmaker tougher, give him
the situation, and Arsenal, impressed with his size, more low-level “strength tricks” to accompany his
strength, and devotion, offered him a job with the resilience. You could also increase his SPD to 4. To
Arsenal. Bill didn’t have any other jobs lined up, so weaken him, replace his Damage Reduction with
he accepted. Arsenal gave Bill a weapon perfectly Combat Luck.
suited to his great strength — a specially-designed Widowmaker doesn’t Hunt people unless
combat shotgun — and the codename “Widow- Arsenal orders him to, and then he follows orders.
maker” from some old Pecos Bill stories. Before Widowmaker is wanted on six counts of
long Bill settled in and became part of the team. murder and numerous acts of assault.
Personality/Motivation: Unlike many of his team- Appearance: Widowmaker is an enormous bear of
mates, Bill is neither ruthless, nor cruel, nor any a man, standing 6’8” tall and weighing 295 pounds,
sort of “casual killer.” He just likes to fight, whether most of it solid muscle. He has a head of thick black
with fists or guns, and sometimes people get hurt hair and a bushy black beard, making him look a
or killed. In his view, that’s the chance you take little bit like a wild mountain man. He wears the
when you get in the fight in the first place. Probably standard dull gold and black Arsenal uniform and
happen to him, someday. body armor.
Although Bill fits into the team pretty well,
he has a couple of traits that have gotten him in
trouble with his teammates in the past. One is his
love of brawling; he’s ruined a few missions and
firefights by dropping his shotgun and beginning a
fistfight with some tough-looking enemy.
Widowmaker’s other problem is that he’s a
notorious womanizer. Even though he’s not partic-
ularly handsome, he can’t resist hitting on anything
in skirts, and he’s likely to do just about anything
(within reason) if a woman asks him to (female
characters get +2 to Conversation, Persuasion, and
Seduction rolls against him). Furthermore, Bill
tends to think of women as petite, fragile things,
and the first time a female PC hits him he may take
extra STUN from the shock of it.
Quote: “C’mon, buddy, you ’n’ me — I bet I can
knock yer head off, whadda ya think?”
Powers/Tactics: Widowmaker isn’t especially dumb,
but Arsenal learned pretty quickly he doesn’t have
the same tactical sense many of his teammates do.
Even though he’s a lieutenant in the organization,
Widowmaker isn’t usually chosen to lead missions.
Instead, he and his team go along with other teams
as “backup.” This suits Bill perfectly — he gets all
the fun of fighting without any of the boring chores
associated with being mission leader.
Bill’s method of fighting is simple. Because he’s
hard to hurt, he doesn’t usually bother with finding
cover — he just charges forward, firing his shotgun
at any available target until he gets close enough to
engage the enemy in a fistfight. If the enemy is too
far away for this “bull in a china shop” approach
to work, one of his favorite tactics is to use his
Combat Shotgun to blow away the enemy’s cover,
giving his teammates open shots.
64 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
Longbow (H): A skilled archer and knifefighter; also
THE REST OF a good B&E man.
THE ARSENAL Napalm (T): Ex-terrorist who uses incendiary weap-
ons; friend and rival of Incendiary.
Here’s a brief list of the rest of the members of
the Arsenal. The letter following each name — G, Overkill (M): Vicious mercenary who uses a
H, M, T, or W — designates whose five-man team custom-made assault rifle.
that member belongs to. Plastique (T): Female French terrorist who uses
Bolo (G): A woman who specializes in the use of explosives.
bolos and other “primitive” weapons. Quickdraw (W): Skilled gun user, almost as good as
Claymore (H): A expert with mines, traps, and Troubleshooter; ambitious, wants to lead the group.
explosives. Redhawk (G): Mercenary who uses two Ruger
Derringer (W): Dwarfish killer who uses several Super Redhawk pistols; a rival of Magnum’s.
custom-built derringers with powerful bullets. Stinger (T): Missile-wielding psychopath.
Explosion (M): Assassin who uses a variety of explo- Ultimax (H): Mercenary whose favorite weapon is
sive weapons. the Ultimax machine gun.
Firefight (M): A woman who carries several differ- Vulcan (G): Gatling’s son, uses a gun similar to
ent types of guns. Gatling’s.
Incendiary (T): Mercenary who specializes in incen- Exocet (H): Heatseeker’s protege, uses missiles.
diary devices and demolitions; carries a flame-
thrower. Youngblood (M): Ex-Green Beret who is being
groomed for a lieutenant position.
Jackhammer (G): Mercenary who uses a Jackham-
mer combat shotgun. Zipgun (W): A gadgeteer who specializes in creating
weapons out of everyday objects.
K-Bar (W): Sadistic killer who prefers blade weap-
ons to guns.
Predators ■ Chapter Two 65

Membership: The eight surviving members of a at the White Sands missile range, saw an enormous
group of twelve, codenamed Aquarius, Taurus, silver disc flying north. On July 2, installations at
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Alamogordo, White Sands, and Roswell all tracked
an unidentified flying object, and on that same day
a Roswell couple saw a UFO which they described
A shadowy conspiracy of government, mili- as resembling “two inverted saucers faced mouth
tary, and business personnel whose origins lie in to mouth” flying at great speed. But more amazing
the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, the Consortium has events were yet to unfold.
become a deeply entrenched part of modern Amer-
ican life... even though few American citizens have The Roswell Crash
any idea the group even exists. On the night of July 2 or 4 — accounts differ
— a thunderstorm occurred. During the storm, a
BACKGROUND/HISTORY sheep rancher named William Brazel heard what
On June 24, 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold saw sounded like an explosion. The next day he found
several objects in the air over the Cascade Moun- a field of debris several hundred feet wide and as
tains in Washington state. He described them as much as three-quarters of a mile long in the desert
“flying saucers” and “a formation of very bright near his ranch. The debris was strange: an alumi-
objects.” Their exact nature and purpose he could num-like foil that couldn’t be torn, cut, or damaged
not ascertain. with sledgehammers; a lightweight, plastic-like
The next day, a dentist in Silver City, New material that wouldn’t burn or char when exposed
Mexico reported seeing a saucer-shaped unknown to flame; small beams of a strong, tough, lightweight
flying object half the size of the full moon, begin- substance that resembled balsa wood but was not
ning a rash of “unidentified flying object” sight- wood; a brown, extremely strong parchment-like
ings in the area. On June 27, a man in Pope, New substance. Columns of strange pink and purple
Mexico also reported seeing a glowing white object characters resembling no Earthly script appeared on
flying in the sky. On June 29, a rocket expert named some of the foil-like substance and beams. Brazel’s
C. J. Zohn and three of his technicians, all stationed sheep would not cross the debris field.
66 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
Brazel reported what he found to the sheriff, He was dealing with a situation and a technology out-
who in turn contacted nearby Roswell Army Air side of all human experience, so he wanted men who
Force Base — home to the only atomic bomber were both brilliant and unconventional — scientists
group in existence at the time — and spoke to and doctors who could investigate with an open mind
Major Jesse A. Marcel. Marcel and CIC officer for the potentials the situation presented. The alien
Sheridan Cavitt investigated, finding among other technology could prove a great boon to the United
things a black metallic box no one could open. States in its ideological struggle with the Soviets, and
Marcel gathered up a jeepful of the material and Callahan intended to see to it that America made the
took it back to base, where his superior, Colonel most of the opportunity.
William H. Blanchard, ordered him to load it onto a His first, and most important, recruit was
B-29 and fly it to Wright Field in Ohio (with a stop a young Army physicist, Lieutenant Alexander
on the way at Carswell Army Air Force Base in Ft. Hazel. A genius who graduated from college at
Worth, Texas). Blanchard also ordered Col. Walter age 18 and joined the Army in the final days of
Haut to write up a press release stating that RAAFB the War, Hazel had since obtained his Ph.D and
had a “crashed saucer” in its possession. was making great (if sporadic) strides in Army
The next day, local headlines read: RAAF weapons research due to his willingness to inves-
CAPTURES FLYING SAUCER ON RANCH IN tigate any possibility for new weapons, no matter
ROSWELL REGION. But almost as quickly as the how outlandish it was... or how often his col-
story was released, the Army retracted it, identi- leagues dismissed his work as pointless.
fying the “saucer” remains as a crashed weather When first shown the wreckage and the
balloon. And there the matter has rested ever bodies, Lt. Hazel was awestruck — so much so that
since, with the Army (later Air Force) insisting the he didn’t speak to anyone for almost four hours
whole case was a simple matter of misidentifica- as he examined things. He later wrote in his diary,
tion and confusion. “Never before, I think, has a man’s life’s work been
But the truth is closer to the headlines than so starkly and suddenly presented to him.” Follow-
the denials. Following Marcel’s initial report, Col. ing Col. Callahan’s instructions, Hazel assembled
Blanchard sent several squads of soldiers to the a team of other scientists whose job was simple to
crash site, where they recovered as much debris describe, at least: find out everything they could
as possible... as well as the bodies of four beings about the wreckage and the bodies... and then
who clearly were not human. Short, with grey skin, figure out ways to use what they learned to advance
oddly large heads, large pupilless black eyes, and America’s technological might.
small mouths, these beings confirmed what the
Hazel’s Plan
Army already suspected: the crashed craft was not
In selecting Lt. Hazel, Col. Callahan chose
a secret military project or Communist plot — it
less wisely than he thought. A scion of the wealthy
was a vehicle of extraterrestrial origin come to
Hazel family of Hudson City, Lt. Hazel was not a
Earth for some reason.
pie-in-the-sky scientist interested in research for
Majestic-12 the sake of research — he was a practical man who
Having gotten wind of the event, certain saw science as a way to progress and wealth. And
high officials in Washington clamped as tight a lid while he was concerned with America’s place in the
as possible on the situation. They made RAAFB world and the ultimate defeat or isolation of Com-
retract its initial report, and at Carswell AAFB munist Russia, he cared more about himself and his
took Marcel’s recovered debris from him and sub- family. In the Roswell incident he found the means
stituted a weather balloon. The man put in charge by which to guarantee the Hazel clan’s prosperity
of the “investigation,” OSS veteran Major Richard and power for decades to come.
H. Callahan, reported directly to President Harry Hazel realized he had to do several things to
S. Truman. He arranged to have Marcel and other ensure that he could exploit the Roswell materials for
officers promoted or transferred to keep them quiet his own gain. First and foremost, he had to remove
or discredit them, and dealt with other Army wit- Col. Callahan from the picture and put himself in
nesses as he saw fit. On September 24, 1947 Truman a position where he reported to the President and
created a top-secret organization, Operation Majes- high military officials directly. It was crucial that
tic-12, to study the remains of the crashed saucer. he control access to, and the flow of information
The Army promoted Major Callahan to Colonel from, Majestic-12. Second, he had to recruit other
and put him in command of Majestic-12. researchers he could count on to do good work and
Callahan’s first act as commander was to keep their mouths shut — in other words, scientists
arrange for the secure and secret storage of the completely unlike him, the sort of loyal, idealistic
debris and alien corpses. Most of the material men who just wanted to study and learn and didn’t
remained at Roswell AAFB, which soon became care about fame or monetary reward. Third, he
one of the military’s most secret and well-protected needed to find like-minded men willing to help him
installations. But some debris and one alien body make use of Majestic-12’s discoveries. Even with the
were taken to Wendover AAFB, a facility about fifty industrial might of Hazel Manufacturing at his beck
miles west of Hudson City. and call, Lt. Hazel knew he couldn’t do it all himself
Having seen to the security of the crash materi- — he needed allies in the military, in intelligence, in
als, Major Callahan began the search for a group of government, in business.
scientists qualified to study the materials and bodies. The second and third tasks proved relatively
Predators ■ Chapter Two 67

easy. Skilled, broad-minded researchers weren’t But those advances came all too slowly.
exactly commonplace, but a little time spent scour- The wreckage proved devilishly hard to analyze,
ing the ranks of the military and academia netted sometimes giving different readings on the same
him the colleagues he wanted. Similarly, his own machines when examined on two different days.
contacts and those of his family put him in touch Many of the project’s scientists became frustrated
with people willing to become part of his grand and burned out by the lack of progress and had to
project. He looked for, and found, men and women be removed — shuffled off to high-paying govern-
who were both young (so they could commit to a ment sinecures where Majestic-12 agents could
scheme that might remain profitable for decades) keep an eye on them. Hazel brought in others to
and intelligent and clever enough to run such a replace them, but the loss of hard-earned experi-
complicated and secret endeavor. In a rare fit of ence and the need to bring newcomers up to speed
whimsy, he christened the group “the Consortium” slowed the work down even more.
and gave each of its dozen members a codename Majestic-12 suffered its worst setback ever
taken from the zodiac. in 1968, when project scientists finally opened
Getting rid of Col. Callahan proved more diffi- the metallic black box the Army had recovered
cult. It took Hazel two years of ingratiating himself at the crash site. Exactly what happened remains
with, and proving himself to, Callahan’s superiors unknown to this day. When Brigadier General
and the President before he felt they trusted him Hazel and a team of agents assigned to Majestic-12
enough to turn the reins of power over to him. reached the top-secret research facility in the North
When Hazel was ready, Callahan suffered an unfor- Carolina mountains where work on the box had
tunate accident, dying instantly when a large truck been conducted, all they found were corpses and
ran into and over his car. As planned, the President the charred remains of the lab. Apparently open-
named him to head Majestic-12. ing the box caused a massive explosion that liter-
ally leveled the facility, killing everyone there and
The First Three Decades: 1947-75
destroying years’ worth of work.
Hazel’s approach to the scientific side of
Majestic-12 was guided by a simple, logical conclu- The 1976 Crash
sion: the aliens who created and piloted the ship The Consortium’s plans received a boost in
that crashed at Roswell were not inherently hostile 1976, when the Air Force recovered the wreckage
to humanity. The few people in the military who of another UFO from a remote location in Garfield
knew the truth about Roswell, as well as many sci- County, Montana. Far from any inhabited areas,
entists conducting Majestic-12 research, assumed this wreck didn’t attract the sort of attention the
the aliens intended to conquer humanity, and that Roswell crash did; only the Air Force took any real
the crashed ship was a scout or the like. They hoped notice of it. Majestic-12 operatives scrambled to the
to use the Roswell wreckage to find ways to coun- site, where they recovered wreckage similar to that
teract any attempted invasion. found at Roswell, and two alien corpses. The bodies
Hazel believed otherwise. Given that at least were superficially similar to the Roswell bodies,
one ship had reached Earth — and probably more, though their skins were more brown than grey, but
in light of the rash of UFO sightings taking place their internal organs were arranged differently and
around the time of the crash — and that the ship some seemed to have different functions. Study of
clearly was made of materials and technology far these bodies together with the Roswell remains led
in advance of what humans possessed, if the aliens to many intriguing biological discoveries, some of
wanted to conquer Earth they already would have. which played into the biotechnology revolution of
To Hazel, the only logical answer was that for some the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
reason the aliens only wanted to watch humanity.
The Consortium Today
He couldn’t say why — maybe they were cosmic
Now having existed for over fifty years, the
voyeurs, or they were concerned humanity would
Consortium is reaching a crossroads. For five
one day reach space and pose a threat to them, or
decades it has wielded great power behind the
they were “anthropologists,” or they were thieves, or
scenes of American life, using its access to the
they had some motivation human minds couldn’t
Roswell and Garfield UFO wreckage to make its
conceive of — but they weren’t a threat.
members more wealthy and influential than any
While he channeled most of Majestic-12’s
nineteenth century robber baron. But its mem-
research into technology of immediate use to the
bers grow old. Down to only eight due to deaths
military — that was what his superiors wanted,
from natural and unnatural causes, the youngest
after all — Hazel focused his own efforts on
of them is in his sixties, and most are septuage-
discoveries he could pass along to Hazel Manu-
narians or older. Even allowing for the special
facturing and other Consortium members in
medicines and procedures Majestic-12 scientists
the industrial sector. While much of America’s
have developed to keep them fitter and healthier
technological progress in the Fifties and Sixties
than most people their age, they know they
was due to nothing more than human effort and
haven’t much time left in this world. Unwilling
inventiveness, some of the most amazing advances
to reveal their secret to others or let go the reins
resulted from the work of Majestic-12, including
of power they’ve held for so long, they may take
some of the technology that made the 1969 moon
the truth about alien visitation to Earth to their
landing possible.
graves... or leave it for someone, perhaps some-
one more unscrupulous than they, to exploit....
68 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
CONSORTIUM GROUP RELATIONS When you use the Consortium, be sure to dif-
PLOT SEEDS The members of the Consortium have a ferentiate between Majestic-12 and the Consortium
strange and dysfunctional relationship. On the when necessary. Majestic-12 is the ultra-top-secret
There’s another UFO one hand, they’re bound together by the secret government project designed to study the Roswell
crash, and the PCs get they share and their desire to benefit from it at the (and later Garfield) wreckage and bodies with an
involved. If they’re in expense of the rest of America (if not all humanity). eye toward (a) protecting America from possible
intelligence or the military, With a few minor changes, they’ve been together alien incursion or invasion, and (b) exploiting the
they get called to the crash information for technological gain. The Consor-
for half a century in an enterprise they’ve hidden
site before Majestic-12, or tium is a conspiracy of individuals, only a few of
as part of the Majestic- from (and which sometimes pits them against)
their fellow man, and that creates certain bonds of whom are formally associated with Majestic-12,
12 operation; if they’re
camaraderie (if not friendship and affection). But who want to exploit Majestic-12’s efforts for their
private investigators, they
catch wind of what’s going at the same time, they are conspirators engaged in own personal gain (however they define “gain”).
on and are either hired to a criminal enterprise, and there’s no honor among Most of the members of the Consortium should
look into things by thieves. The members of the Consortium have not, by rights, know anything about Majestic-12
UFOlogists or get involved always kept a close eye on each other, using their — it’s only General Hazel’s betrayal of his country
out of curiosity. Now that own contacts, influence, wealth, power, and per- that has given them access to and information
they’ve stumbled onto a sonnel to shadow their comrades and gather intel- about it.
piece of the puzzle, how Many questions surround the Consortium;
ligence on them. Some of them even speculate that
will the Consortium deal you can use them to construct plots, story arcs, or
with them? other members of the group may have had a hand
in the deaths of the four now-deceased members... even entire campaigns:
The PCs receive a visit not to mention the “elimination” of more than one ■ What really happened at Roswell and Garfield?
from aliens! Assuming the reporter, UFOlogist, or nosy official who got too Were those ships truly alien, or were they
aliens are able to initiate a close to Majestic-12’s secrets. advanced military vessels of some kind? If
dialogue, they claim that they were alien, how is it that, with their vastly
Majestic-12 has stolen advanced technology, they crashed?
from them and is exploit- The Consortium doesn’t fight physical battles.
ing their people. They When it can’t simply hide from, avoid, or misdirect ■ Assuming there are aliens involved, what are
want the PCs to recover its enemies, it wields its significant political, eco- they up to? Is Hazel right that they just want
the wreckage and bodies nomic, and social influence against them, usually to watch humanity, and if so, why? Are their
from the government. If saving drastic measures such as assassination for intentions benevolent, neutral, or malign?
the PCs agree, what com- a last resort. Reporters looking into UFO-related ■ How many alien ships have visited Earth? How
pensation will they ask for
events find their credit cards cancelled, cops giving often do aliens visit? Do they have any regular
in return?
them traffic tickets at every possible opportunity, and contact with any humans? What do they want?
their spouses leaving them after seeing the doctored Is there more than one type of alien involved?
A friend of one of the
PCs who has a UFO fixa- photos. FBI agents who spend too much time inves-
■ How did the Consortium and/or the American
tion has disappeared. As tigating reports of the paranormal instead of orga-
government so effectively silence the large
the PCs start to investi- nized crime activities get reassigned to the Botswana
number of people who must have had contact
gate, they begin to catch field office. UFO enthusiasts who come too close to
with the Roswell and Garfield wreckage and
glimpses of the Consor- the truth wind up in asylums... or graves.
tium hidden in the shad- corpses — soldiers, scientists, and more? While
ows behind it all.... CAMPAIGN USE UFO researchers have gotten a few dozen
The Consortium is a conspiracy of men and of them to talk, many more haven’t said one
women whose goal is to benefit personally from word. Were they bribed? Threatened? Killed?
the information gained by the study of aliens, alien Brainwashed?
ships, and alien technology. They know the truth ■ What sort of advanced technology or pro-
(or what they think is the truth...) involving aliens’ cesses have the US government and/or the
contact with Earth, and they exploit it to make Consortium developed based on alien tech-
themselves rich and powerful. Some of them have nology and biology that have so far been kept
secondary goals, such as ensuring American mili- secret? Is it possible that certain Americans
tary and political supremacy in the world, but first now have extremely advanced technology at
and foremost they look out for themselves. their fingertips... and if so, what are they going
While the Consortium is primarily intended to do with it?
for Weird Conspiracy campaigns, it could factor ■ Are there any other groups like the Consor-
into just about any type of Dark Champions cam-
tium out there, either within the American
paign. Espionage agents or law enforcement per-
government or in other countries? If so, who
sonnel may stumble across hints of the truth during
do they work for and what are their agendas?
their adventures and be motivated to investigate by
Are any of them in contact with aliens, and if
curiosity or personal beliefs. Military action heroes
so to what purpose?
or crimefighters may find themselves investigat-
ing a crashed UFO before Majestic-12 can get its
people into place, which means the Consortium has
to deal with them somehow. Given the scope of the
Consortium conspiracy, the PCs could brush up
against it dozens of times and barely even know it
— until, of course, the Consortium wants them to....
Predators ■ Chapter Two 69

The following character briefs describe the eight
members of the Consortium. You should assume each
of them has large numbers of Contacts, Contact/Fol-
lower Points, and similar assets; they’re all powerful
people with a lot of resources to call upon if necessary.

8 STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY
18 INT 12 EGO 15 PRE 8 COM
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC
20 END 19 STUN
Abilities: Bureaucratics 14-; Deduction 13-; High Soci-
ety 12-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 15-; KS: The
Consortium 13-; KS: The Espionage World 11-; KS:
The United States Government 11-; KS: The United
States Intelligence Community 11-; KS: The United
States Military 11-; KS: What’s Really Going On 13-;
SS: Astronomy 13-; SS: Biology 11-; SS: Chemistry 12-;
SS: Physics 14-; SS: Xenobiology 11-; WF: Handguns; Alexander Hazel is an 80 year old white male,
Scientist; Fringe Benefits: Membership (The Consor- 5’9” tall and 175 pounds. He carries himself like a
tium), Military Rank (US Army Brigadier General), much younger man, though he’s careful not to overdo
Security Clearance (9); Money: Filthy Rich things (and thus look weak). He usually wears military
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con- clothing when he appears in public, with a degree of
sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation: formality appropriate to the occasion.
Protective Of His Power; Social Limitation: Harm- TAURUS:
Notes: Now 80 years old and a high-ranking 10 STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY
member of the United States Army (albeit one 15 INT 12 EGO 18 PRE 10 COM
virtually no non-classified official documents refer 2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC
to), Alexander Hazel has run Majestic-12 for nearly 20 END 20 STUN
fifty years. Despite his age, he remains healthy, spry,
and quite intelligent, and shows no signs of retiring. Abilities: Bribery 13-; Bureaucratics 13-; Computer
It was his skill in matters scientific that first got Programming 8-; Concealment 12-; Deduction 12-;
Hazel drawn into Majestic-12, and that’s certainly one AK: Central America 18-; AK: South America 18-;
of the things that’s kept him involved — the aliens and CK: Buenos Aires 12-; CK: Rio de Janeiro 11-; KS:
their technology both fascinate and disturb him. But Alien Contact With Earth 11-; KS: The Consor-
at heart he’s a selfish opportunist, and ultimately it’s tium 12-; KS: The Espionage World 14-; KS: The
the money and power he’s gained through the Con- Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-; KS: The
sortium that makes it all worthwhile. It rankles him United States Government 11-; KS: The United
that his power must remain secret — that only a few States Intelligence Community 11-; KS: The United
dozen people, at most, will ever know what he’s truly States Military 11-; KS: What’s Really Going On
accomplished — but he can live with it. 11-; Languages: Spanish (fluent conversation), Por-
Hazel isn’t paranoid the way some of his ene- tuguese (basic conversation); PS: Researcher 13-;
mies claim, but he protects his power and preroga- Fringe Benefits: Espionage Rank (associate direc-
tives carefully. He’s seen more than a few people in tor, CIA), Membership (The Consortium), Security
Washington tumble back down the ladder quickly Clearance (7); Money: Wealthy
because they thought that reaching the top meant 50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con-
they’d stay there forever, and he doesn’t intend to sortium 14- (Watching); Hunted: CIA 8- (Watch-
make the same mistake. He likes it just where he is, ing); Psychological Limitation: Loves To Know;
so if it looks like someone’s trying to encroach on his Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
territory (even indirectly, such as by showing a great
deal of promise in Majestic-12 research), he takes Notes: Richard Schend, an associate director in the
care of the matter quickly and efficiently. If he weren’t Intelligence Directorate of the CIA in the section
so jealous of other brilliant scientists’ work on Majes- responsible for South and Central America, is the
tic-12 work, it’s likely the project would have borne second man to hold the position of Taurus in the
more fruit over the past fifty years. But he doesn’t Consortium. His predecessor, a CIA officer named
mind taking things slow; that ensures a steady stream Wainwright, contracted fatal colon cancer in the
of profit and power to the Consortium. early 1980s. Not wanting to lose access to the CIA,
70 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
General Hazel asked him to suggest a “successor,” chance to learn everything, but with one proviso:
and he chose Schend. Intrigued by what little Hazel she couldn’t ever publish what she learned. She’d
revealed to him at first, Schend agreed to become a have to be content just to know... and to benefit
part of the conspiracy, and hasn’t regretted it. from that in ways she’d soon understand.
The main appeal of the Consortium to Schend It didn’t take Kerner long to agree. Ambition,
isn’t the money and influence, though he certainly then as now, was her driving force — if the secret
enjoys both — it’s being in the know. Schend loves behind Roswell could bring her advancement and
knowing things other people don’t know, and prestige, she’d take it. She wasn’t disappointed.
having access to information and things whose Thanks to the influence of the Consortium and its
existence they’ll never even suspect. Being in far-flung network of contacts, as media technol-
the CIA satisfies a lot of that urge, but it pales in ogy progressed she went from being a newspaper
comparison to having a channel into Majestic-12. reporter, to a television news personality, to a media
Unbeknownst to Schend, General Hazel, who still executive. Now the president and CEO of the Walsh-
doesn’t fully trust him even after 20 years of loyal Putnam Syndicate, a major news and entertainment
service, restricts what he learns. If he were to find corporation, she uses her influence over the media to
out about this, he’d become very upset (both at not benefit both the Consortium and herself. For exam-
being trusted and not having all the information). ple, she frequently green-lights shows that mock
Richard Schend is a thin, short white man conspiracy theorists and UFO buffs, and downplays
(5’4” tall); he overcompensates for his height by any legitimate reports of such matters in the unlikely
speaking loudly and dealing with other people event they receive mainstream media attention.
aggressively. In his early 50s, he has prematurely Over the years Kerner and Hazel have had a
greying hair and dresses in conservative men’s few brief, torrid affairs, more about sex and daring
fashions. He drives a red Porsche Carrera at high to cheat on their spouses than any real romantic
speeds and badly; none of his friends will ride with connection; they regard one another more as busi-
him anymore. ness partners than as friends. Even now that she’s in
her mid-70s, the chestnut-haired Kerner remains
GEMINI: relatively young-looking and vibrant (not hard when
LAUREL KERNER you can afford the best plastic surgeons and spas
8 STR 10 DEX 11 CON 11 BODY on a regular basis, and have access to Majestic-12
13 INT 10 EGO 15 PRE 13 COM technology). She stands 5’7” tall, weighs about 130
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC pounds, and wears elegant, stylish women’s clothing.
22 END 20 STUN
Abilities: Bureaucratics 12-; Conversation 12-; High DR. MOIRA RAMIREZ
Society 12-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 12-; KS:
8 STR 10 DEX 10 CON 9 BODY
The Consortium 13-; KS: The Espionage World 11-;
14 INT 11 EGO 15 PRE 14 COM
KS: The Media World 14-; KS: The United States
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC
Government 11-; KS: The United States Intelligence
20 END 18 STUN
Community 11-; KS: The United States Military 11-
; KS: What’s Really Going On 12-; Persuasion 12-; Abilities: Bureaucratics 13-; Forensic Medicine
PS: Reporter 13-; PS: Media Executive 14-; Fringe 12-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 13-; KS: The
Benefits: Membership (The Consortium), Press Consortium 12-; KS: The Espionage World 11-; KS:
Pass; Money: Filthy Rich The United States Government 11-; KS: The United
States Intelligence Community 11-; KS: The United
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con-
States Military 11-; KS: What’s Really Going On 12-;
sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation:
Paramedics 14-; Persuasion 12-, PS: Doctor 12-;
Ambitious; Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
Scientist and the following SSs: Biology 15-, Chem-
Notes: Back in 1947 when the Roswell story broke, istry 12-, Genetics 13-, Medicine 14-, Physics 11-,
Laurel Kerner was an up-and-coming journalist. Surgery 13-, Virology 13-, and Xenobiology 13-;
Sensing something big, she jumped on the story... Fringe Benefits: Membership (The Consortium),
but when she couldn’t produce solid results, her Licensed Physician, Military Rank (Colonel), Secu-
boss told her to drop it. But she kept at it in her rity Clearance (7); Money: Wealthy
spare time, unwilling to pass up a possible chance
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The
to get ahead just because her boss had no vision.
Consortium 14- (Watching); Social Limitation:
As he started to put together the Consortium,
Harmful Secret.
Alexander Hazel had to consider Kerner carefully.
At the time she was one of the few reporters still Notes: General (then Captain) Hazel recruited
interested in the story, and she seemed both tena- Moira Ramirez, one of the few female scientists
cious and determined. He thought about having assigned to Majestic-12 research in the early days,
her killed, but feared that might convince others into the Consortium as one of the last of the
to investigate the stories she’d been working on. original members. A doctor and expert on biol-
But then he had an idea: mass media was clearly ogy, she was assigned to Majestic-12 to study the
the wave of the future, so the Consortium would alien bodies, a task she’s devoted herself to ever
need someone on the inside. Rather than try to get since. Sensing her genius and desire for wealth
Kerner to leave the story alone, he offered her the and prestige, and knowing the Consortium would
Predators ■ Chapter Two 71

need medical information from time to time, Hazel it as part of the Intelligence section, but he continued
recruited her into his group. his work with Majestic-12.
Ramirez currently holds the rank of Colonel As of 2005, Quincy is semi-retired, though he
in the US Army and works with USAMRIID on still acts as Majestic-12’s main channel into the mili-
biological weapons (studying them, learning how to tary intelligence community. He finds his distaste for
counteract them, and sometimes developing them). the work growing. The enthusiastic young man who
She remains attached to Majestic-12 as well. Her desperately wanted to be a part of top-secret doings
record of remarkable discoveries has been due in so he could protect and serve his country is long
large part to her access to Majestic-12 data, though gone, replaced by a cynical old man who takes every
of course she’s careful to cover her tracks well. opportunity to point out to the rest of the Consortium
Although she’s a dedicated scientist and has a their general failure to accomplish anything mean-
certain love of learning for learning’s sake, much ingful in 50 years. (His, and their, enormous wealth
like Hazel Dr. Ramirez takes a practical approach derived from Majestic-12 information and discoveries
to things. She wants to do something with what she doesn’t seem to qualify as an “accomplishment” to him
learns... and hopefully benefit herself in the process. anymore.) He’s come to bitterly loathe General Hazel,
If she has any problems with the Consortium, it’s whom he (rightly) regards as having simultaneously
that the group moves too slowly for her taste. held him back and focused his attentions so firmly on
The daughter of an Irish mother and Puerto Majestic-12 and intelligence matters that he never had
Rican father, in her youth Moira Ramirez combined time to marry or develop a social life outside of work.
an exotic beauty with a lilting accent that most men Hazel has begun to wonder (again, rightly) whether
found irresistible. Today she looks remarkably well- Quincy might say to hell with it all and expose Majes-
preserved for her age thanks to some skin-rejuve- tic-12 and the Consortium in some sort of futile and
nating creams she invented using data gained from misguided attempt to “right wrongs.”
Majestic-12. She’s about to start marketing these Seventy-eight years old as of 2005 and sickly
creams, and since they have a real and verifiable due to numerous ailments (diabetes, rheumatoid
effect that makes women look younger without any arthritis, perpetual heartburn), Col. Quincy is 5’10”
side effects (so far...), she’s certain to become even tall but walks with an old man’s stoop, often using a
wealthier very soon. cane and bundling up even in the summertime. He
prefers to work from his home, where he can wear
LEO: casual clothes; if he has to go into the office for a
COLONEL WILLIAM QUINCY meeting he puts on an appropriate uniform.
10 STR 8 DEX 9 CON 10 BODY
18 END 19 STUN 10 STR 8 DEX 9 CON 10 BODY
13 INT 12 EGO 15 PRE 10 COM
Abilities: Luck 3d6; Bureaucratics 13-; Deduction
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC
13-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 13-; KS: The Con-
18 END 19 STUN
sortium 13-; KS: The Espionage World 14-; KS: The
Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-; KS: The Abilities: Bribery 12-; Bureaucratics 13-; Computer
United States Government 11-; KS: The United States Programming 12-; Electronics 8-; Inventor 8-; KS:
Intelligence Community 11-; KS: The United States Alien Contact With Earth 11-; KS: The Business
Military 11-; KS: What’s Really Going On 12-; Fringe World 18-; KS: The Consortium 12-; KS: The Espio-
Benefits: Espionage Rank (high-ranking member of nage World 11-; KS: The United States Government
the Air Force Intelligence Agency), Membership (The 11-; KS: The United States Intelligence Community
Consortium), Security Clearance (7); Money: Wealthy 11-; KS: The United States Military 11-; KS: What’s
Really Going On 12-; Persuasion 12-; Systems
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con-
Operation 12-; Fringe Benefit: Membership (The
sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation:
Consortium); Money: Filthy Rich
Hates Hazel; Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con-
Notes: In 1947, William Quincy was a lowly private
sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation:
in the Army, stationed at Roswell. He was part of the
Greedy; Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
team that investigated the crash site and gathered
wreckage. He showed an uncanny knack for find- Notes: When the Consortium was just getting
ing valuable pieces of wreckage (including two of started, Alexander Hazel tapped his friend Walter
the alien corpses) and for deducing what particular Hakonas to become part of his cabal. The son of a
pieces might do. When his superiors called him in family that had known and worked with the Hazels
to give him the “you didn’t see anything, you won’t for years, Hakonas was an up-and-coming young
ever talk about this” speech, he boldly suggested that executive riding a wave of corporate success due
he “go to work on the project.” Taken aback by his partly to nepotism and partly to his keen under-
effrontery, but willing to reward initiative (especially standing of the technological issues that were begin-
since doing so would remove the problem of keeping ning to transform American business and society.
him quiet), the Army arranged for Quincy to join In the ensuing decades, Hakonas Enterprises was
Majestic-12. When the Air Force became a separate a major part of the technological revolution — in
branch of the US military, Quincy was transferred to fact, it was at the forefront, thanks to its ability to
72 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
exploit Majestic-12 information. Hakonas developed are too much alike. Coletti has chafed under Hazel’s
a reputation as a skilled inventor and “technological superior position and authority within the group for
prophet,” when in fact all he really had was a prime decades; if it wasn’t for the invaluable access to the
position on the most inside of inside tracks. Oval Office that he provides, Hazel would have had
Hakonas remains thoroughly devoted to the him eliminated years ago. What hasn’t occurred to
Consortium and its goals. He loves money and Hazel is that Coletti feels the same way; it probably
prestige more than anything (including his wife won’t be long before he stops stewing about the whole
and children, truth be told), and the Consortium situation and starts really putting his mind to getting
gives that to him. He also likes the feeling of being a rid of Hazel while he (Coletti) still has a few years left
“mover and a shaker” in ways no one knows about. to enjoy leading Majestic-12 and the Consortium.
Hakonas’s contacts in the business community, If you passed Victor Coletti on the street, he
particularly the tech sector, are unparalleled in the wouldn’t look any different from any other 77-year-
Consortium. Even Gen. Hazel, with his family ties to old white man at first glance. You’d have to get past
Hazel Manufacturing, doesn’t know nearly as many his frumpy exterior — the worn overcoat, the per-
people in the financial world. Occasionally Hakonas petually gloomy/annoyed look on his aged face, his
has “bribed” other companies with tidbits of informa- off-putting air of arrogance and curmudgeonliness
tion or technology gleaned from Majestic-12 to get — to see the expensive hand-tailored suits and the
them to do something the Consortium wanted done. relatively healthy body.
As of 2005, Walter Hakonas is 80 years old and
going bald, though his wealth buys him doctors, treat- SAGITTARIUS:
ments, and enough relaxation time to keep him much ALANA PROSKURIAKOF
healthier and younger-looking than the average octo- 7 STR 8 DEX 9 CON 9 BODY
genarian. He usually dresses formally; even around his 14 INT 15 EGO 15 PRE 10 COM
house he wears suit pants and button-down shirts. 1 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 3 REC
18 END 18 STUN
VICTOR COLETTI Abilities: Cryptography 18- (Translation Only);
Conversation 12-; Deduction 14-; High Society
12-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 13-; KS: The
18 INT 14 EGO 18 PRE 10 COM
Consortium 12-; KS: The Espionage World 11-; KS:
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC
The United States Government 11-; KS: The United
16 END 18 STUN
States Intelligence Community 11-; KS: The United
Abilities: Bureaucratics 13-; Deduction 14-; High Soci- States Military 11-; KS: What’s Really Going On
ety 13-; KS: Alien Contact With Earth 13-; KS: The 13-; Linguist and the following Languages (all com-
Consortium 13-; KS: The Espionage World 11-; KS: pletely fluent or better, Russian is Native): Assyro-
Paranormal Phenomena 14-; KS: The United States Babylonian, English, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian,
Government 14-; KS: The United States Intelligence Latin, Malaysian, Mandarin Chinese, Nahuatl, Que-
Community 11-; KS: The United States Military 11-; chua, Sanskrit, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish; Fringe
KS: What’s Really Going On 13-; SS: Xenobiology Benefits: Membership (The Consortium), Security
8-; Fringe Benefits: Membership (The Consortium), Clearance (7); Money: Wealthy
Security Clearance (9); Money: Wealthy
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con-
50+ Disadvantages: Age: 60+; Hunted: The Con- sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation:
sortium 14- (Watching); Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With Translating The Alien Hieroglyph-
Wants To Get Rid Of Hazel And Run Majestic-12; ics; Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
Social Limitation: Harmful Secret.
Notes: A linguistic genius and refugee from
Notes: There are White House advisors... and then Soviet Russia, Alana Proskuriakof was recruited to
there are White House advisors. Not everyone who work on the Roswell wreckage in 1966 from her
serves an administration is on the books as an advanced studies in comparative languages at Yale.
employee, or in the files as a formally-designated Previous efforts to translate the “hieroglyphics” on
assistant to the President or one of his aides. The the wreckage had gone absolutely nowhere, but
necessities of government demand that some after reading Proskuriakof ’s papers and Ph.D thesis,
specialized experts be kept on call, President after Hazel and the other Majestic-12 leaders thought
President, to provide their expertise and advice she might gain some insight into their meaning.
regardless of party affiliation or the political cur- It was love at first sight. Proskuriakof took one
rents. Some subjects are just too important to let look at the Roswell debris and knew she would never
politics interfere... and US national security against want to do anything else in her life. She set to with a
extraterrestrial incursions is one of them. will, putting in 20-hour days in her effort to translate
For 50 years, Victor Coletti has advised the Presi- the hieroglyphics. At first she seemed to make some
dent on matters pertaining to UFOs, extraterrestrial progress, and the brass had high hopes for her... but
life, and various “paranormal” phenomena and events. then she hit a brick wall, realized she’d been on the
Coletti was first brought into Majestic-12 in the 1950s wrong track, and had to start over again.
at the request of President Eisenhower. Sensing in him And that’s how it’s been for nearly 50 years
a kindred soul, Hazel recruited him for the Consor- now. She devises a possible solution for the problem,
tium... and has regretted it ever since. He and Coletti starts working on it, spends months or years in what
Predators ■ Chapter Two 73

seems like fruitful work, only to suffer the crashing

disappointment of realizing she’s wrong... again... and
having to start over. She hoped the Garfield wreckage
would shed more light on the problem (by providing OF THE CONSORTIUM
more samples of the language, if nothing else), but
it hasn’t worked out that way. After she spent several The Consortium once numbered twelve people, but
over the past five decades four have fallen by the way-
years analyzing and organizing the new data, it again
side. General Hazel never found anyone he considered
seemed like she was making some major advance- worthy of replacing them.
ments. But they went nowhere. It’s almost as if the
hieroglyphics change their meaning from year to year, Pisces was Gerald “Jerry” Lanhoff, a commander in the
Office of Naval Intelligence. He died of a heart attack
making any sort of full comprehension impossible.
in 1978. By then the Consortium had plenty of other
Proskuriakof has definitely made some overall assets in the US intelligence community, so Hazel saw
progress during her time in Majestic-12, but the full no point in risking exposure by trying to find a replace-
meaning of the hieroglyphics continues to elude her. ment for him.
She’s become utterly obsessed with solving the puzzle
Aries was Mendel Greeves, an industrialist. During the
— she knows she doesn’t have much time left on this 1960s he repeatedly angered Hazel by arguing Consor-
Earth, and she’s determined to read the alien writing tium policy with him during meetings and by taking
before she dies. Many of her “solutions” have involved risks Hazel deemed unacceptable. Hazel had him killed
in-depth study of existing human languages, partly as in 1967 by Majestic-12 operatives on the grounds that
a way of studying different linguistic structures and he had somehow learned a few minor secrets pertain-
partly because she wonders if the aliens might not ing to Roswell and was about to reveal them to the
have had previous contact with “primitive” peoples world (the “evidence” supporting this assertion was, of
and left linguistic traces of their presence. So far she course, carefully prepared by Hazel himself).
can’t claim to have found any verifiable traces of prior Virgo was Dr. Benjamin Lazarus, a physicist and engi-
alien activity this way, but she remains convinced it’s a neer whose focus was the study of the metallic foil-like
possibility worth pursuing. Her repeated failures and substance. He died in a workplace accident in 1972. By
all the “wasted” years often make her bitter and cyni- that point Hazel felt he was getting all the information
cal, though she tries not to let the other members of he needed about Majestic-12’s studies of the wreckage
and didn’t need to replace Lazarus.
the Consortium or Majestic-12 see that.
Proskuriakof is the least active member of the Capricorn was Dr. Peter Culpepper, a multi-talented
Consortium. Hazel recruited her for the organization scientist and researcher who worked on many projects
soon after she went to work for Majestic-12 — the for Majestic-12. In the late 1970s, after the recovery
of the Garfield wreckage, he suddenly went insane for
Sagittarius at that time, a military officer named
reasons no one has ever explained. Though this didn’t
Robert Halloway, had proven... unreliable... and had always interfere with his work that much, he posed
to be eliminated. Proskuriakof looked like an ideal such a grave risk to the security of Majestic-12 that
replacement: it seemed like she would soon crack the Hazel had him eliminated.
secret of the alien writing... and as the only person
able to read it, who knew what sort of information she
might become privy to before anyone else? But even
though she’s never read the alien language, he doesn’t
regret his decision. Focused wholly on her translation
work, she basically agrees with whatever Hazel wants
to do, making her an utterly dependable ally in Con-
sortium debates.
Despite having suffered several broken bones
due to osteoporosis and some serious bouts of ill-
ness, Alana Proskuriakof is a spry and healthy 66
year-old woman with iron-grey hair and sparkling
blue eyes. She typically speaks with a Russian
accent (not a heavy one, but noticeable) unless she’s
trying to be as precise as possible, in which case her
accent vanishes and her English takes on an edu-
cated New Englander tone.
74 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition

Membership: Approximately ten powerful, highly- they wanted more, and Zoltran told them how
placed persons in America and Europe, plus vari- they could get it. Others, warier, argued against the
ous employees, hirelings, underlings, and flunkies plan for months before they finally came around to
(see below) Zoltran’s point of view.
UMBRA’s early operations, much like those
BACKGROUND/HISTORY of the conspiracy that preceded it, had to do with
In 1961, in his farewell address to the American increasing its members’ political and financial
people, Dwight Eisenhower warned: “In the councils power. But then the members began to use their
of government, we must guard against the acquisi- influence as Zoltran had suggested. They infiltrated
tion of unwarranted influence, whether sought or men into key government positions in Europe, the
unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” His United States, and eventually elsewhere so they
words were more right than even he knew. had greater control over national decisionmaking.
UMBRA began in the mid-1950s as a conspir- They planned their expansions, purchases, and
acy of industrial and military leaders determined product developments carefully to position them-
to make the most of the Cold War. They could see selves in the industries they saw as key ones for
that the unspoken conflict between America and the future: aerospace; computers; biotechnology;
the Soviets would last for decades and involve ever- telecommunications; business consulting. Above
escalating defense and intelligence expenditures. all they focused on the gathering and controlled
Although generally sympathetic to the American dissemination of information — the ever-present
cause (since under Soviet domination they would specter of nuclear war brought home to all of them
have no capitalist system to exploit), what they just how important the control of research and
cared about most was making money. Through data had become. Throughout this time, the mem-
careful manipulation of the defense contract bid- bers concentrated on building their own personal
ding process in the United States and Europe, technological fortresses: headquarters and special
they increased their profits almost exponentially... installations from which they could control their
and their influence in financial and governmental schemes to rule the world, and in which they could
circles right along with them. defend themselves against entire nations.
Although the original participants in this Although a few analysts in the intelligence
as-yet unnamed conspiracy were men who’d lived sector suspected the existence of UMBRA, the
through, and in some cases fought in, World War organization revealed itself to the world security
II, they realized the fields of business and politics community in 1975 when one of its members, Brit-
could change overnight — and if they wanted ish industrialist Roger Corwell, launched the first
to remain prosperous and powerful, they had to of the group’s operations to bring the governments
prepare for such shifts. That meant ensuring the of Earth under its collective thumb. Acting with
ongoing vitality of the group by bringing in fresh the full authority and approval of his comrades,
blood from time to time, young blood with fresh Corwell used his facility on an unnamed Carib-
perspectives and approaches to the concerns facing bean island to take control of the world’s network
the group as a whole. of communications and military satellites. Corwell
It was one of these new members, the German threatened to cut the nations of the world off from
businessman Heinrich Zoltran, who in 1969 sug- one another, wreck airplanes, and even trigger the
gested a shift in the group’s goals. The Americans launch of nuclear weapons if all nations did not
had landed on the Moon, and it was time for all cede sovereignty to him within 72 hours. At first
men to look beyond their horizons to new and the plan worked brilliantly, but thanks to the daring
greater things. Accumulating profit and power was efforts of Stewart Archer, one of the chief operatives
all well and good, he argued, but what good was for the CIA’s super-secret Directorate of Special
power if one didn’t use it? What he proposed was Operations, the operation came crashing to a halt,
nothing less than the formal establishment of a the governments of the world regained control of
group that would make itself a shadow government their satellites, and Corwell was killed. Even worse,
for the world... and in time a real one. He chris- the name “UMBRA” and the group’s existence and
tened this organization UMBRA — the Union of purpose were now known to the Espionage World.
Military and Business to Rule All. Archer was a major thorn in UMBRA’s side
Although at first highly skeptical of Zoltran’s for the next decade, foiling similarly grandi-
claims, the other members one by one agreed ose schemes in 1978, 1981, and 1984. In 1987,
with him. Some took little convincing — already UMBRA once again reached for the brass ring
masters of their own business or military spheres, with Operation Mjolnir, an effort to extort ruler-
Predators ■ Chapter Two 75

ship of the world by threatening humanity with amount of tension. These men are used to ruling
precision asteroidal bombardment, Archer once the world around them as if it were their own pri-
again opposed the group — but this time stopping vate fiefdom — having to work with a group and
UMBRA’s plans cost him his life. negotiate a solution that’s acceptable to everyone
Since Mjolnir’s failure, UMBRA has remained isn’t something they’re used to. Furthermore, as
relatively quiet, though by no means has it become men of power they’re naturally competitive, and
moribund. International security experts fear that thus always comparing themselves to their fel-
the group has been marshaling its resources and lows and jockeying for a better position, more
laying carefully-conceived plans. Any day now it responsibilities, more privileges. It’s not unknown
may once again cast its fearsome shadow over all for one member to quietly subvert or sabotage the
of mankind. efforts of another... though always with the great-
est of caution, since to get caught interfering with
any UMBRA activity would surely bring down the
UMBRA has little in the way of formal organi- assembled wrath of all the other members.
zation. At the top are the true members of the orga- As of 2005, the principle members of
nization, the ones who lead it and guide its plans. UMBRA are:
Throughout the history of UMBRA this group has
ranged in size from six to 15, but usually it’s about Stepan Carvalho: Founder, president, and CEO
10-12 persons, all or almost all of them men. Below of global telecommunications conglomerate
them are a vast army of private soldiers, mercenaries, EuVarCom, this son of Romany peasants is a self-
hirelings, and flunkies who do the dirty work neces- made billionaire who’s as at home in a Gypsy camp
sary to fulfill UMBRA’s schemes (a few UMBRA as in one of his dozen luxury penthouse condo-
members waggishly refer to these people as “the miniums. Ruthless and aggressive in everything he
Penumbra”). Many of these people don’t know they does, he often pushes UMBRA to take swifter, more
work for UMBRA; they’ve never even heard the decisive action. A notorious womanizer, he rarely
name. They think they work for one of the organi- goes anywhere without a harem of at least half a
zation’s leaders as part of some private business plan dozen beautiful young women.
of his. The more trusted or valuable employees know Admiral Walter Hathcock: Now an instructor at
they work for UMBRA, but rarely understand the the Naval War College after a forty-year career in
true nature and scope of the conspiracy. the US Navy and related defense firms, Admiral
GROUP RELATIONS Hathcock is a well-known figure in the American
military, the world business community, and Wash-
In a loose sense, the members of UMBRA
ington’s corridors of power. An avid participant in
get along well — they’re of the same general tem-
the DC social scene, it’s said he gets by on a mere
perament and outlook, and share the same goals.
three hours of sleep a night.
But within the group there always exists a certain
76 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
UMBRA Artur Baltasar Morencelos: Former Brazilian mili- ing intelligence, subverting politicians and military
PLOT SEEDS tary officer, now a major international arms dealer. officials, supporting scientific research too danger-
See Hudson City, page 180, for more information. ous or controversial to receive mainstream fund-
After nearly 20 years of ing, fomenting revolution and unrest in the Third
Lukas Roszko: Once a high-ranking bureaucrat in World — are likely to prove far more dangerous
preparation, UMBRA
launches Operation Communist Poland, Roszko saw which way the and effective in the end.
Triphammer, a scheme wind was blowing with the rise of the Solidarity
to conquer the world by movement and got out of government while the CAMPAIGN USE
taking over the Inter- getting was still good. Drawing on the vast network UMBRA is a powerful conspiratorial orga-
net, other computer of contacts and favors owed he’d built up during his nization akin to the ones seen in the James Bond
networks, and related career, he founded RKZ Industries, a manufactur- movies, other films, and some comic books. As
telecommunications ing firm that initially sold primarily to European such it may be too “unrealistic” or campy for many
and computer systems. governments, but which soon branched out into Dark Champions campaigns — but you can easily
Anyone who refuses consumer goods for sale in Europe and America.
to abide by UMBRA’s adapt it to grimmer games. Just change its history
Today Roszko is one of the richest men in Europe. and methodology to remove the grand schemes of
wishes will suffer ter-
rible disasters as the His corporations skirt the edge of the law, often world conquest and make it a more mundane con-
group cuts off basic violating import/export regulations and other legal spiracy content to simply gather wealth and power
services (power, water, barriers when Roszko feels he can get away with it for its members.
food...), crashes planes, and earn good money in the process. If you want to make UMBRA a tougher
detonates nuclear weap- opponent for the PCs, give it control of a small
ons, and the like. Can General Ruslam Suvorov: Formerly an influential
Soviet general, now the leader of a major Russian Third World country (or maybe two, or three...).
the PCs find UMBRA’s That way it can appoint its members as ambas-
secret headquarters and criminal syndicate, Suvorov supplies a lot of the
muscle and other illicit resources UMBRA requires. sadors (so they have full diplomatic immunity),
ruin Triphammer before
UMBRA’s grip on the He lives in a large, luxurious, well-protected dacha establish a safe haven from extradition for its per-
world is too strong to about a hundred miles from Moscow; he devotes sonnel, and so forth. To weaken UMBRA, increase
break? one entire wing of the mansion to his enormous the infighting between the members of the group.
collection of Soviet and pre-Soviet Russia militaria. Without a high degree of cohesion among its lead-
A PC who owns or ers, UMBRA functions much less efficiently, poses
works for a major Heinrich Zoltran: German industrialist and finan- a lesser threat to the world, and has more weak-
corporation discov- cier. See below for more information. nesses the PCs can exploit.
ers that certain high- UMBRA is a dangerous Hunter (though not
ranking officers of the TACTICS
stupid enough to cause significant harm to itself
corporation have been UMBRA has no specific set of military tactics in pursuit of an enemy). It can marshal enormous
acting strangely lately. or preferred methods of operation. It’s a surpris- resources in the political, legal, and financial fields,
They’ve subtly moved ingly flexible organization, open to any concept and won’t hesitate to use those resources to make
or re-allocated company or plan that might further its goals. While it’s best
resources in ways that a character’s life a living hell. If that’s not enough
known in the intelligence and military communi- to take care of him, UMBRA can hire assassins
don’t seem to make
ties for its grandiose attempts to conquer the world, and mercenaries to remove the threat he poses in a
much sense given the
company’s long-term the truth is that its more subtle activities — gather- more direct way.
goals. Are these people
actually members of
UMBRA working
toward the group’s needs
instead of the compa-
ny’s, or is something else
going on?

UMBRA decides it
needs samples of the
latest unarmed aerial
vehicle (UAV) technol-
ogy being developed by
Fordham ChemTech in
Hudson City. It activates
Operation Skywatcher,
whose goal is to steal
that technology and
smuggle it out of the
United States. It’s up
to the PCs to find out
about and stop this theft
of one of America’s most
advanced types of mili-
tary technology.
Predators ■ Chapter Two 77

HEINRICH ZOLTRAN 1 9) CK: Hudson City 11-

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 1 10) CK: Istanbul 11-
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 [2] 1 11) CK: Las Vegas 11-
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 1 12) CK: London 11-
10 CON 0 11- 1 13) CK: Los Angeles 11-
12 BODY 4 11- 1 14) CK: Moscow 11-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 1 15) CK: New York City 11-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 1 16) CK: Paris 11-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 1 17) CK: Rio de Janeiro 11-
12 COM 1 11- 1 18) CK: Rome 11-
1 19) CK: Toronto 11-
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
1 20) CK: Tokyo 11-
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
1 21) CK: Vienna 11-
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
1 22) CK: Washington, D.C. 11-
4 REC 0
20 END 0 Resource Points
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 30 0 Equipment Points: 60
45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
Cost Perks N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2
6 Business Rank: owner/CEO of a major busi-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 204
ness entity
Total Cost: 234
2 Fringe Benefits: International Driver’s
License, Passport 100+ Disadvantages
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced 10 Hunted: CIA or other intelligence agency
Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15 Money: Filthy Rich 20 Psychological Limitation: Wants To Rule The
World (Common, Total)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (member
5 Eidetic Memory
of UMBRA) (Frequently, Major)
Skills 89 Experience Points
6 Animal Handler (Canines, Equines, Felines,
Total Disadvantage Points: 234
Raptors, Reptiles And Amphibians) 12-
3 Bureaucratics 12-
3 Conversation 12-
3 Deduction 13-
4 Gambling (Card Games, Roulette) 13-
3 High Society 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 Riding 11-
3 Stealth 11-
3 Tracking 13-
2 WF: Small Arms
3 Linguist
1 1) English (fluent conversation; German is
1 2) French (fluent conversation)
1 3) Russian (fluent conversation)
1 4) Spanish (fluent conversation)
1 5) Turkish (fluent conversation)
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: The Business World 13-
1 2) KS: The Espionage World 11-
2 3) KS: High Finance 13-
2 4) KS: UMBRA 13-
2 5) KS: World Art And Literature 13-
2 6) KS: World History 13-
7 7) KS: The Zoltran Industries Conglomerate 18-
3 Traveler
2 1) AK: Europe 13-
1 2) AK: Germany 11-
1 3) AK: Greece 11-
1 4) AK: Pacific Northwest US 11-
1 5) AK: Russia 11-
1 6) AK: United States 11-
1 7) CK: Berlin 11-
1 8) CK: Chicago 11-
78 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition

Birth Name: Heinrich Zoltran
Date of Birth: April 19, 1946
Place of Birth: Stuttgart, Germany
Parents: Rudolf Zoltran (German) and Maria
Aguilar-Rodriguez Zoltran (Spanish)
Citizenship: German

Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 190 pounds
Build: Average, mildly athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Facial Hair: Black beard and moustache, neatly
Glasses: Yes; metallic gold with tortoise-
shell accents, oval-shaped
Scars: Unknown
Tattoos: Unknown
Other Distinguishing Features: Unknown


Occupation: Industrialist, manufacturer, tycoon
Criminal Record: None
Hobbies: Hunting, horseback riding, gam-
bling, keeping exotic pets
Licenses: German driver’s license; interna-
tional driver’s license
Passport: German, No. GKR29487603598
Military Service: None
Certifications: None


Family Status: Married to Gisele Avernaud Zoltran
(French); two children, Hermann
(age 9) and Gertrude (age 6)
Homes: Mansion outside Berlin; hunt-
ing lodge in rural Bavaria; beach
house on Korfu; suite of penthouse
apartments in Manhattan, New York
City; apartment in Greensboro, NC;
suite of penthouse apartments in
Bankhurst, Hudson City; mansion in
southern Oregon; house in Dyer, IN
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Mistresses: Helga Schraeder in Berlin; Inge
Rasmussen in London; Natasha in
Smokes: Turkish cigarettes, Cuban cigars
Drives: Porsche 928S, various Mercedes Benz
Dress: Conservative men’s business fash-
ions, Patek Philippe watches
Languages: German, Spanish, Turkish, Russian,
English, French
Predators ■ Chapter Two 79

HISTORY: Born 1946 in Stuttgart, Germany to Rudolf Zoltran, a

German who fought in World War II, and his wife Maria, a former
Spanish national. Rudolf operated a small business, Zoltran, Inc., a
light industrial equipment manufacturing firm started by his family
in the early twentieth century. The company’s physical plant sur-
vived World War II largely intact, and it received Marshall Plan
funds to revive its business in the postwar era. Rudolf groomed
Heinrich to take over the business, sending his son to the best uni-
versities and business schools in Germany and Europe.
Upon becoming head of the company, Heinrich launched an expan-
sion campaign, renaming it Zoltran Industries. He refocused it from
industrial to technological pursuits. Over the course of the next
three decades, he diversified into a wide variety of product lines,
primarily oriented toward the defense industry. Today, Zoltran
Industries and its subsidiaries (see below) supply defense and aero-
space systems and electronics to many nations, including Germany,
Great Britain, the United States, and Argentina. The appeal aroused
Aineias. Craving battle, he charged Idomeneus; and he, no child to
be overtaken by a qualm of fear, steadily waited. Heinrich Zoltran
is reputed to have a personal fortune in excess of $10 billion, and
an extensive collection of gaming products.

PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Heinrich Zoltran is a man used to being in

control. He runs his company with an iron fist, involving himself
in many small matters that most CEOs delegate to underlings; he
seems to possess an encyclopedic knowledge of his employees and his
company’s assets and activities. He controls his family similarly;
neither his wife nor his children dare to disobey him. Although pos-
sessing a superficially charming personality and capable of great
affability, he sizes up everyone he meets in light of what they can
do for him, how he can exploit them for his own benefit, or what he
must do to remove any obstacle they present.

CONCLUSION: Detailed analysis of Zoltran’s personal and corporate

activities (see Report Z-05-8732-1958574) suggests that he is a
member of UMBRA, possibly one of its most high-ranking members. Or
maybe not a member. His tight personal and corporate security have
made gathering additional or more definite information about him dif-
ficult; investigation is ongoing.

ZOLTRAN INDUSTRIES: The principle components of Heinrich Zoltran’s

corporate empire include:
Name Business Activities Ownership
Zoltran Industries Miscellaneous technology 75%
Zoltran Aerospace Airplanes, helicopters, 100%
aerospace vehicles
Zoltran Avionics Avionics 90%
Zoltran Defense Systems Radar, sonar, satellites, 100%
defense electronics
Zoltran EMD Electromagnetic dynamic 80%
systems, mainly R&D
Zoltran NA ZI’s North American branch 100%
Zoltran Optics Cameras, projectors, other 90%
optical systems
Zoltran SA ZI’s South American branch 100%
80 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition

Membership: Several thousand persons through- use its newfound power as a springboard from
out the United States, with a much smaller core of which to spread Nazi doctrine around the world.
The Victory Party has “troops” aware of and dedicated to the organiza- In time, Spregen would walk the streets of Berlin
an office in Hudson tion’s true purpose, all led in secret by Dr. Gerhardt in triumph, his new Reich victorious where the old
City — not a major one, Spregen and his group of elite warriors, the Victory one failed.
but large enough to get Brigade (Siegestruppe). So far, Spregen’s plan has not gone as well as
noticed and draw occa- he hoped — but not as poorly as his many enemies
sional media attention Background/History: They say America has a two- would prefer. The Victory Party hasn’t achieved
or an act of vandalism. party system. But that’s wrong — the truth is it has the popularity or following he’d like, but it hasn’t
It’s in Bayside on Whitby many political parties, it’s just that only two have withered away either. In its secret compounds and
Street just a little north enough power and influence to matter. Most people camps around the country, it trains the race war-
of where it dead-ends think of the other parties as nothing but groups of
into 24th Avenue. riors who will lead the first charge against the Jews
crackpots and fools who’ll never amount to any- and the blacks when the time comes. It’s not the
thing. But not all of the alternative political move- Fourth Reich yet... but Herr Doktor Spregen still
The District Chairman ments should be so casually dismissed.
of the local Party appa- has every intention of correcting that flaw.
In the mid-1970s, a new party arose on the
ratus is Marcus Wyrich, American political scene: the Victory Party. Organization And Structure: The public thinks the
an average-looking
Espousing mostly far right-wing ideals, it didn’t Victory Party is pretty much like any other fringe
dark-haired man in
his mid-30s. Defensive, refer to itself as a Nazi organization or use Nazi party. It’s got a leader — Richard Springer — and
and often aggressive, regalia or slogans — but anyone who studied it a core of dedicated followers, plus a few thou-
from years of arguing could see that if it wasn’t just another foul manifes- sand (at most) Party members who aren’t quite
his extreme right-wing tation of National Socialism, it was close enough to that devoted. They’re a bunch of fascist bastards,
views in public, he make no difference. but too dysfunctional and marginalized to ever
knows how to handle That didn’t prevent it from gaining recruits. amount to anything. Let them go to their meetings
himself in front of a The Victory Party attracted converts by appealing and spout off about the Zionist Occupied Govern-
television camera or a to a desire for pride, prosperity, and superiority. ment while other, saner, people actually get some-
hostile crowd. Thanks Economic difficulties in the late twentieth and thing useful done.
to his managerial skills
early twenty-first centuries drove more people And that suits Herr Doktor Spregen just fine
and well-trained staff,
the VPHC office runs into the Victory Party’s embrace, but even so it’s for now. Clever and cautious, he’s perfectly will-
smoothly and efficiently never numbered more than about 10,000 mem- ing to let people underestimate his power base
despite perpetual budget bers all told. It’s gotten a few candidates elected in and dismiss his followers as fools. He knows the
problems. local races, but has had no impact whatsoever on truth, and he knows what he can do with the
the national scene. weapon he’s forging. The overall Party member-
Most of what the VPHC Such, at least, is the public face of the Victory ship is about 10,000, but not all of them are the
does is issue press Party, embodied in the person of its charismatic losers most people think. The inner core — the
releases. When a civil leader, Richard Springer. But the Party’s origins lie fur- Herz, or heart, as Spregen calls them — is over a
rights issue is in the ther in the past, in a far darker place: Germany, 1945. thousand intelligent, well-trained men who will
news, the VPHC makes With the Allies closing in on Berlin, Herr lead the Party into battle when the time comes.
sure the media knows Doktor Gerhardt Spregen, a man well-known to The men (and occasionally women) of the Herz
where it stands (not that
more than a few of the unfortunate inmates of mostly live in the compounds the Party has estab-
most reporters care). If
a skinhead gang goes on Auschwitz and Buchenwald, took advantage of lished in rural areas around the United States.
a rampage, the Victory plans laid months before and used the ODESSA Each compound has a few dozen people living
Party makes sure to tell route to escape the destruction of his beloved Nazi there permanently, with others who visit it peri-
everyone it had nothing Germany. He spent years working for the cause in odically for training and indoctrination. The Party
to do with it, but that South America, but eventually decided he could complies with all laws concerning the compounds
it supports the alleged make no progress there and came secretly to Amer- — it (or rather shell corporations and straw men
perpetrators’ “right to ica, land of liberty... and the place where he would it controls) buys the land outright and in full (so
express their politi- launch the Fourth Reich. there’s no mortgage), pays all taxes and other fees
cal beliefs.” If there’s After taking some time to consolidate his gains on time, and forbids members to engage on crimi-
nothing else going on,
and increase his financial fortune, Spregen created nal activities on the property — so the authorities
a release about White
Power and the proper the Victory Party, keeping his involvement in it have no right to “invade.” If the fools in ZOG are
place of blacks and Jews absolutely secret. Its purpose was simple: to eat at going to cripple themselves with rules, there’s no
in society may attract the body of America from within until he could reason the Victory Party shouldn’t turn those rules
some attention. bring it low through infighting and race war. Once against them, after all.
he achieved that goal, the Victory Party would take Even among the Herz, almost no Party mem-
control of as much of the country as it could and bers know about Spregen; they think Richard
Predators ■ Chapter Two 81

Springer is the leader of the Party and the man Tactics: On the surface, the Victory Party acts like VICTORY PARTY
they serve unhesitatingly. A few people suspect that any other political party. But beneath that surface PLOT SEEDS
Springer answers to someone, but they can’t say is a carefully-hidden small army of Nazis willing to
who or where that person is. The only Party mem- fight to the death for their poisonous beliefs. When The Victory Party begins
bers who know anything concrete about Spregen they feel they can get away with it, they strike a a membership push in
are the members of the Siegestruppe, or Victory Bri- blow for racial purity: they shoot blacks and other Hudson City. How do
gade, his small corps of highly-trained bodyguards minorities, rob Jew-owned banks to get money to the PCs react? What if
and shock troops... and they would die before they help fund the organization, and assassinate left- there’s a corresponding
told outsiders anything about him. wing politicians. They plan these activities very wave of unexplained
assaults (the only
carefully, since even a single slip-up could reveal
Doctrine: Though it doesn’t use terms like “Nazi,” common thread being
the truth about the Victory Party. that all the victims are
“National Socialism,” or “ZOG” in its speeches or
public literature, the Victory Party is a Nazi orga- Campaign Use: The Victory Party works best if you Jewish, something the
nization that follows Nazi doctrine and practices. keep its true nature secret for a while. Introduce it HCPD might miss)?
Its followers believe Jews, blacks, and other “mon- Will they try to connect
into your campaign as just another political party
it to the Party, and if so
grel races” or “mud people” have taken control of — maybe one that’s achieved some notable success will they succeed... or
America and Europe away from pure Aryans, the recently despite the distaste most people have for just make a powerful
intended rulers of the world, and that it’s their its message. Only if the PCs pay close attention and enemy?
duty to take their birthright as Aryans back. By investigate carefully should they have a chance of
“opening the eyes of the people” they hope to uncovering the Party’s true purpose and the exis- Rainart Eisenbach
foment a race war that will result in the genocide tence of the Siegestruppe... and it should take even (Hudson City, page 201)
of blacks and Jews in the United States — or, at more than that for them to get a hint that the feared sees someone he thinks
the very least, the Partition of America so they and hated Gerhardt Spregen is still alive after all might be Gerhardt Spre-
can establish a pure Aryan country from which to these years. gen. Concerned about
start further race revolutions. If you want to make the Victory Party tougher, this, he finds a way to
you have two options. First, you can increase the secretly let the PCs
Group Relations: The Victory Party does not associ- know the Doktor might
size and scope of the Victory Brigade so Spre-
ate publicly with Nazi groups or other right-wing still be alive... and if he
gen has more assets with which to fight the PCs. is, what is he up to?
political parties; it regards them either as fools
Second, you can make the Party more broadly sup-
(if they don’t follow proper Nazi doctrine) or as
ported and powerful so that it can’t be dismissed as A “concerned private
pathetic wannabes (the sort of gun-toting, racial
a fringe element in American politics. To weaken citizen” wants to hire the
epithet-spewing hatemongers most people think of
it, reduce the size of the Brigade, or maybe get rid PCs to investigate the
when they hear the words “American Nazis”). While
of Spregen altogether. (The latter approach is also Victory Party’s back-
Spregen has covertly infiltrated and taken control
highly appropriate for campaigns with a greater ground. He won’t reveal
of many such organizations (for use as patsies, if
emphasis on “realism” and the like.) his identity, but he’s will-
nothing else), he wants his spearhead to have the ing to pay half up front.
The Victory Party won’t expose itself just to
purity and quality an Aryan organization should. Will the PCs take the
Hunt a PC. But if a PC harms the Party somehow
Compared to other such groups, his followers are job? Who is this “citi-
(say, by exposing it), or is a minority or a Jew, the
intelligent, disciplined, not distinctive (i.e., they zen,” and why is he so
Party bides its time until it can take revenge or dish
don’t have Nazi tattoos), and well-trained — which interested in the Party?
out a lesson in racial superiority. When it hits, it hits
just makes them a far greater threat to the Ameri-
hard, leaving the target crippled if not dead.
can way of life.
Richard Springer, the leader of the Victory
Party as far as anyone outside the Party’s inner
circle knows, is actually Spregen’s son, conceived
years ago with a good German woman he married
in Buenos Aires but who died giving birth. Spregen
despises his son, rightly regarding him as a weak-
ling and a fool. He uses him as he would any other
tool, taking advantage of Richard’s skill at public
speaking and relating to “average people.” Richard
hates his father as much as his father hates him, but
the emotional manipulation and torture Spregen
put him through as a child in an attempt to mold
him into the “perfect Aryan commander” have
left him unable to simply walk away or expose the
truth behind the Party. For better or worse, he’s his
father’s creature.
82 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Persuasion 14-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 3 PS: Doctor 14-
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 3 PS: Engineer 14-
12 CON 4 11- 3 PS: Nazi Military Officer 14-
12 BODY 4 11- 3 Stealth 11-
24 INT 14 14- PER Roll 14- 1 Streetwise 8-
20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 3 Systems Operation 14-
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 1 Tactics 8-
12 COM 1 11- 4 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
Basic Parachuting, Snow Skiing
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) 2 WF: Small Arms
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 5 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Missiles & Rockets,
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Chemical Weapons, Biological Weapons) 14-
4 REC 0 3 Scholar
24 END 0 2 1) KS: Art History 14-
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 70 2 2) KS: History Of Nazi Germany 14-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 2 3) KS: Military Science 14-
4 4) KS: National Socialism 16-
Cost Powers END 2 5) KS: Political Science 14-
1 Life Extension Treatments: Life Support 2 6) KS: World History 14-
(Longevity: ages at half normal rate) 0 2 7) KS: World War II 14-
Martial Arts: Commando Training 3 Scientist
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 2 1) SS: Biology 14-
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 2d6 + v/5, Target 2 2) SS: Chemistry 14-
Falls 2 3) SS: Physics 14-
4 Choke -2 +0 2 4) SS: Genetics 14-
Grab One Limb, 2 5) SS: Eugenics 14-
2d6 NND (2) 2 6) SS: Mechanical Engineering 14-
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 2 7) SS: Medicine 14-
Limbs, 20 STR 2 8) SS: Surgery 14-
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 20 STR 3 Traveler
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 2 1) AK: Europe 14-
6 Observant: +2 to PER Rolls with all Sense 2 2) AK: Germany 14-
Groups 0 2 3) AK: South America 14-
Perks 2 4) AK: The United States 14-
5 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (secret leader 2 5) CK: Berlin 14-
of the Victory Party) 2 6) CK: Hudson City 14-
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced 2 7) CK: New York City 14-
Military Resource Points
15 Money: Filthy Rich 28 Equipment Points: 200
Talents 95 Vehicle/Base Points: 200
5 Eidetic Memory 50 Follower/Contact Points: 105
3 Lightning Calculator N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2
3 Lightsleep Total Powers & Skills Cost: 376
Skills Total Cost: 446
2 Animal Handler (Canines) 14- 100+ Disadvantages
3 Bureaucratics 14- 5 Age: 40+
3 Climbing 11- 20 Hunted: Mossad 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
3 Combat Piloting 11- Kill)
3 Computer Programming 14- 25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi
3 Cryptography 14- (Very Common, Total)
3 Deduction 14- 20 Psychological Limitation: Regards Other
3 Electronics 14- People As Puppets Or Lab Animals
3 Forensic Medicine 14- (Common, Total)
3 High Society 14- 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (see text)
3 Interrogation 14- (Frequently, Major)
3 Inventor 14- 261 Experience Points
4 Language: English (idiomatic; German is
Native) Total Disadvantage Points: 446
3 Mechanics 14-
2 Navigation (Land) 14-
3 Oratory 14-
Predators ■ Chapter Two 83

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Walther PPK +3 +1 1½d6 1d6 7 6 AP, reversed ogive ammo, barrel
coating, custom grips, fine tuning II
Gear: Whatever he wants or needs, within reason

Background/History: In 1942, the Nazi colossus By the mid-1960s, Spregen realized he was
stood atop Europe, master of all it surveyed. One of wasting his time in South America — it had always
the principal architects of the German victory was been a backwater continent and always would
a devoted young Nazi named Gerhardt Spregen. A be. The United States, the most technologically
favorite of the Führer’s, Spregen was one of the offi- advanced society in the world, was the only place
cers Hitler pointed to as an example of the Aryan where he could hope to achieve any success in his
ideal: a perfect, blonde-haired-blue-eyed warrior work... and its vaunted “freedoms” would only make
with a perfect mind to match. A graduate of the his task easier. So to the States he went, hiding
finest medical and engineering schools in Europe, behind a smokescreen of false identities. Even now,
Spregen displayed his genius in everything he did. forty years later, almost no one is even aware he
After the blitzkrieg of Poland, Spregen invented exists at all (but the Mossad has no proof of his
improved weaponry for Nazi tanks. After serving death, so it keeps looking for him). Many people
only a few weeks on a U-Boat, Spregen developed have heard of him in the same way they’ve heard
ways for them to sail more quickly and quietly. of Joseph Mengele, Albert Speer, and other Nazi
But Spregen’s greatest interest lay in medicine butchers, but as far as they’re concerned, he’s long
— in genetics and biology — and he soon abandoned dead... and that’s just the way he likes it.
the battlefield for the laboratories of the concentra- Today, an octogenarian who looks and acts
tion camps. His seemingly endless series of eugenics like he’s in his fifties, he lives in the United States
experiments created horrors and suffering that do not and continues both his great works. Recent
bear retelling here, but also brought him great knowl- advances in genetic science have now brought him
edge. The ultimate goal of his program was the devel- closer than ever to his goal of cloning a human
opment of a cloning process that could quickly and being; he feels it’s only a matter of months or
easily create more Nazi soldiers. Fortunately for the
Allies, Spregen’s work didn’t progress fast enough; the
secret of cloning still eluded him as the Allies began to
push into Germany. He fled first to Berlin, and then, as
the Soviet and American armies closed in, he took the
ODESSA route and made it safely out of Europe alto-
gether, leaving a vacancy on the Nuremburg rolls that
the Israelis have sought to fill ever since. And he took
with him not only enormous amounts of Nazi gold
and art treasures, but something more precious still in
which the hopes of the surviving Nazis rested.
Deftly avoiding the traps the Allies set to catch
him, Spregen made his way to South America, where
he established a lab and continued his research.
Despite his genius and his now almost limitless
wealth, he found himself stymied again and again.
He made a few discoveries, such as anti-aging treat-
ments and sera that extended his treasured youth, but
the means to viably clone a human being remained
beyond his grasp. Success was, if anything, now more
important than ever, so he drove himself and his
people ceaselessly... but to no avail.
The only other project that occupied as much
of Spregen’s time as his cloning experiments were
his efforts to establish a Fourth Reich. He main-
tained frequent contact with the networks of sur-
viving Nazis throughout the world, becoming one
of their leaders and often helping to strike a blow
against the Jews whenever they had the chance. But
no opportunity to seize true power ever arose, so he
remained in hiding.
84 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
DR. SPREGEN years now, instead of decades. And with his Vic- Quote: “When I have rebuilt the Reich, I will use
PLOT SEEDS tory Party well in place, he may at long last make you and your friends to test the limits of human
real progress toward creating the Fourth Reich. endurance of pain.”
Spregen needs some The fires of Nazism still burn brightly in his heart
— but that’s not all that lurks within his breast. Powers/Tactics: Gerhardt Spregen is a genius
strong genetic samples
to test his latest cloning Implanted behind his sternum, in a bulletproof — a polymath able to excel at many subjects,
procedures. What better capsule, are genetic samples from Adolf Hitler though his chosen fields of interest are mainly
source than some of himself, obtained only minutes before Hitler took medicine and engineering. Gifted with a pho-
those supposed uber- his own life. When Spregen perfects his cloning tographic memory as well, he’s forgotten almost
menschen who fight process, the Führer will live again.... none of his military training, though his age
crime? Getting the sam- makes him a poor fighter at this point. He prefers
ples may prove tricky, Personality/Motivation: Gerhardt Spregen is a to have the Siegestruppe or his other followers do
since he’s not stupid devoted believer in all aspects of Nazism: fascism, his fighting for him in any event.
enough to risk anything racism, eugenics, and numerous other poisonous Through genetic engineering, Spregen has
even remotely resem- beliefs lie at the core of his soul. His greatest hope is extended his lifespan so that he only ages at about
bling a direct assault on
that he can create a Fourth Reich to personify those half the rate a human normally does. There can be
heroes, but he’ll find a
way.... ideals, but decades of being hunted by the Israelis no greater sign of his twisted mentality than this,
have taught him caution. He schemes and plots in for in keeping such a thing a secret known only to
Spregen decides that utmost secrecy, preferring to manipulate both ally himself he eliminates the possibility of presenting
other surviving Nazis and enemy into doing his will, rather than acting mankind with a boon so great it would not only
who aren’t a part of directly to force confrontation and change. make him even wealthier than he already is, but in
his network may prove To Spregen, America and her citizens are vapid, many peoples’ minds wipe the slate clean for his
too great a risk to his undisciplined, and weak-willed. They care more about activities in Auschwitz.
security. When the their television shows and fast food than about proper Spregen has become the ultimate conspira-
PCs foil an attempt to conduct or things that really matter; they allow a tor, a long-lived man with the patience to pro-
murder Rainart Eisen- social and moral rot of blacks, Jews, and other mon- ceed toward his goal in steps so small they’re
bach (Hudson City, page grels to live among them not only unquestioned, but almost unnoticeable. He’s perfectly willing to
201), will they be able
honored and aggrandized; they lack direction and sacrifice his men (both the members of the Vic-
to follow a twisting trail
of clues into the depths drive. But when it comes right down to it, Spregen’s tory Party in general, and the Victory Brigade in
of Nazi America... and, Nazi ideals and disdain for America are just expres- particular) or any other resource to achieve tiny
eventually, to Spregen sions of a much deeper-seated misanthropy. Spregen gains — though of course the gain must be worth
himself? simply doesn’t like people. At best he considers them the sacrifice for him to risk it. He’s no fool; he
an annoyance to be avoided as much as possible; at won’t use up his assets needlessly, and if he sees a
A Mossad agent con- worst he looks on them as fodder for his experiments. sudden opportunity worth taking, he takes it.
tacts the PCs and asks Subconsciously he thinks of them more as animals Because he considers himself the last hope of
for help on a case... but or things than as human beings; few people have ever the Nazi ideal, Spregen is quick to flee if he feels he
he can’t tell them what earned enough of his respect for him to consider doesn’t have the upper hand in any confrontation.
it is until they agree to them worthy of his polite attention. For now, at least, he will do virtually anything to
help regardless of the Spregen remains totally committed to the idea protect the Hitler tissue sample and hide its exis-
task and after swearing
of creating another Nazi regime, one he expects to tence from the rest of the world.
to absolute secrecy. The
mission: obtain proof last far longer than a dozen years and accomplish
far more than the Third Reich. But he’s become less Campaign Use: Spregen makes an excellent con-
that Gerhardt Spregen spiratorial adversary for many different types of
is actually dead — and sanguine about resurrecting Hitler. In the years
after World War II, no dream captivated his atten- Dark Champions games. His goals are evil enough
if he’s not, capture or
kill him. tion like that of bringing the Führer back to life, but to make any right-thinking soldier, spy, costumed
the decades have given him perspective. A political vigilante, or cop oppose him at every turn, and his
genius though he may have been, Hitler was a poor history and practices contain enough elements of
dictator, and the Fourth Reich will need better. “weirdness” to fit him into weird conspiracy cam-
Perhaps Spregen himself, the genius, the survivor, paigns. He could even be the focus of a “Nazi-hunt-
should rule instead.... ing” campaign set in the Sixties or Seventies.
Assuming you’re willing to expand on the
“weirdness” aspect of Spregen, or to advance
CARNIVORE genetics by at least a few years, the easiest way
to make Spregen tougher is to assume he’s made
Dark Champions: The Animated Series describes eugenics discoveries that have allowed him to
Carnivore, a man whose DNA has been spliced “fix” and augment his body. With the Character-
with animal genetic material by Dr. Spregen to
istics and vigor of a perfect human specimen in
give him beast-like abilities and personality. Car-
nivore is intended for the Hudson City Powers his 20s, Spregen would make a formidable hand-
form of campaign, where some types of superpow- to-hand combatant even though he’s in his 80s.
ers are permitted; he’s not a part of the Victory To weaken him, remove his Longevity and make
Party described in this book. But if it’s appropriate him feeble and physically decrepit — possibly
for your campaign, you can easily make Carnivore confined to a wheelchair or prevented from per-
one of Dr. Spregen’s chief assassins — and perhaps forming experiments by palsy.
the forerunner of an entire “race” of beast-men put
to use by the Nazi genius.
Predators ■ Chapter Two 85

Spregen doesn’t Hunt heroes — doing so would KREUZFEUER

make exposure of himself or the true purpose of CROSSFIRE
the Victory Party too likely. If he considers some- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
one a target for any reason, he simply bides his time 18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [4]
and waits for an opportunity. Patience is a virtue in 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
anyone, but in a surviving Nazi genius even moreso. 16 CON 12 12-
Herr Doktor Gerhardt Spregen is wanted by 14 BODY 8 12-
the Allied powers and Israel for numerous war 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
crimes and crimes against humanity that he com- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
mitted during World War II. 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Appearance: It’s easy to see why Hitler once held up 10 COM 0 11-
Gerhardt Spregen as a perfect example of the Aryan 6 PD 2 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
ubermensch. Even today, when he’s in his 80s, he 6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
looks like a healthy man in his mid-50s or early 60s. 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
His blonde hair is mostly faded to grey, though he 7 REC 0
still keeps it in the stiff, short cut he favored as an 32 END 0
officer of the Third Reich. He’s no longer muscular, 31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74
but he hasn’t let himself go to fat the way older
men often do, and his gene treatments combined Movement: Running: 6”/12”
with plastic surgery have removed most of the sags Cost Powers END
and wrinkles he’d otherwise show. In his lab he Martial Arts: Commando Training
wears work pants, a button-down shirt, and a lab Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
coat; in social situations he dresses neatly, in a style 3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 3d6 + v/5, Target
that tells people he’s got money (but not too much Falls
money). If forced into a last-ditch confrontation 4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 5½d6 Strike
with the PCs, he may don his old Nazi uniform, or 4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb,
at least his swastika armband, and wear a signet 2d6 NND (2)
ring with his personal symbol, a black wolf ’s-head. 4 Escape +0 +0 33 STR vs.
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three
Judo Disarm -1
Karate “Chop” -2
+1 Disarm, 28 STR
+0 HKA ½d6
To protect himself and do the dirtiest of the (1d6+1 with
dirty work he sometimes needs done, Herr Doktor STR)
Spregen created the Victory Brigade, or Siegestruppe 4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
— a group of five highly-trained operatives. They
commit robberies to fund Party activities; assas-
4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank-
sinate enemies of the Party, race traitors, and Jews
ing member of the Victory Party)
viewed as particularly dangerous; and protect the
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
Party and especially Dr. Spregen from discovery
and harm. They’re all brutal men trained and con-
ditioned to use violence to achieve their missions, Talents
but most importantly they’re cautious and profes- 5 Resistance (5 points)
sional — they know the Victory Party’s ultimate
triumph depends at this point as much on secrecy Skills
and concealment as on destroying their enemies. 8 +1 with All Combat
The members of the Victory Brigade are all 9 +3 with Firearms
devoted Nazis, and completely loyal to Dr. Spregen. 3 Combat Driving 13-
These traits may come into conflict if the Brigade 7 Interrogation 14-
members start to believe, or are tricked into think- 2 KS: Nazism 11-
ing, that Dr. Spregen isn’t really a Nazi or intends 2 Language: German (fluent conversation;
to serve himself rather than the ideals of National English is Native)
Socialism — it would be a psychological war 1 Paramedics 8-
between their chosen political affiliation and their 3 Stealth 13-
respect for the man who’s done so much for them. 3 Streetwise 12-
The members of the Brigade tend to get 3 Tactics 11-
along very well with one another. They all share 5 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
two strong ideals, and have fought together for Hanggliding, Small Motorized Boats, Two-
those ideals many times. Their bonds of com- Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
monality and camaraderie usually override any 7 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Flamethrowers,
personality conflicts they might have — and if General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Gre-
not, a fistfight settles the matter so the group can nade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons
get on with its work.
86 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
KREUZFEUER Resource Points Spregen arranged for Gorheim to receive a job
PLOT SEEDS 13 Equipment Points: 125 at Party headquarters in Hudson City and followed
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 his progress in the Party ranks closely. It didn’t take
Doktor Spregen assigns 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15 long for Gorheim to join the clandestine groups
Kreuzfeuer the task of 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 of Party Jew-bashers and vandals who some-
gathering humint on the times roamed the city streets at night. After a few
PCs. Depending on the Total Powers & Skills Cost: 126 more months, when Gorheim had proven he was
nature of the campaign, Total Cost: 200 tough enough to do what needed to be done, and
he either tries to strike also smart enough not to get caught and to learn
100+ Disadvantages
up a friendship with from the more experienced members, Spregen
them in a false civilian 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi had Gorheim taken to one of the Party’s remote
identity, or he pretends
to fight crime to work (Very Common, Total) rural compounds. Thrilled with the opportunity,
with them profession- 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Dr. Spre- Gorheim threw himself into his paramilitary train-
ally. As the relationship gen (Very Common, Strong) ing with zeal. He breezed through the program
develops, he’ll try to 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very with flying colors, establishing the best training
sound them out, see if Frequently, Major) record of anyone in the Party.
any of them sympathize 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Herman Sensing the time was right, Spregen brought
with Nazism. If so, he’ll Gorheim) (Frequently, Major) Gorheim further into the Party and revealed to him
try to recruit them; if that he (Spregen) was the Party’s sponsor and true
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
not, he’ll eventually lure leader. (Spregen did not, however, tell Gorheim his
them into a trap and quently, Minor)
real name or history.) Gorheim, honored and flat-
help the Victory Brigade Total Disadvantage Points: 210
gun them down. tered, pledged his total loyalty to Spregen. Spregen
Background/History: The day he failed to get into made Gorheim his chief bodyguard, enforcer, and
Herman Gorheim’s the Marines was the worst day of Herman Gorhe- assassin, christening him Kreuzfeuer (Crossfire).
sister persuades or hires im’s young life. “Psychologically unfit,” they said! Personality/Motivation: Too lazy and mean to find
the PCs to “rescue” “Dangerous — potentially violent.” What the !$&* any other way to make himself feel important and
Herman from the “cult” did they expect out of a soldier? Those smug little worthwhile, Herman Gorheim chose Nazism as his
he’s joined. The PCs bastards, just like the rich kids who laughed at him
have to penetrate a path to “manhood.” Because it’s the only thing he’s
when he flunked out of high school. Just like the ever really succeeded at, he’s embraced Aryan ideals
tightly-guarded Victory
people on the street who looked at him like he was wholeheartedly. With them has come total devo-
Party compound and
kidnap him. Then they’ll some kind of animal. tion to his unnamed benefactor, Dr. Spregen. The
discover he’s not a help- Disaffected and angry, Gorheim was a perfect Victory Party has transformed his youthful bitter-
less dupe.... audience for the Victory Party’s poisonous message ness and anger into true cruelty and hatred, and
of racial hatred. One day while he was wandering he doesn’t hesitate to act upon his brutal impulses
Kreuzfeuer disappears the streets he saw a notice for one of the Party’s whenever the opportunity to do so without expos-
after a Victory Party rallies and decided to attend. He’d only listened ing or hurting the Party presents itself. Kreuzfeuer
mission goes sour. Spre- to the speaker for a few minutes when he realized is really nothing more than a bully who’s turned
gen gets word he’s being just how right the man was — all those kids in his fear of his own inadequacies into rage against
held in a maximum high school and the people who sneered at him on a people who’ve never done him any harm — but
security hospital and the streets were Jewish. He could remember it. He
fears the worst — he’s unfortunately he’s a bully with a powerful and evil
could see it in their faces. He knew it! patron to guide him.
badly hurt and has
Watching Richard’s speech from a concealed
turned traitor to get the Quote: “Where are your other Hebrew friends to
medical help he needs. vantage point, Herr Doktor Spregen smiled. He
could see the spark of hatred in the young man’s help you now, Jewish pig? Somewhere cowering in
(In reality, Kreuzfeuer
has kept his mouth shut, face burst into an active flame — a flame Spregen the dirt like you are now, no doubt — and no doubt
as taught.) He sends could use to light many fires. He told a recruiter they’ll also be as easy to kill as you.”
the rest of the Brigade to single out Gorheim after the rally and talk with Powers/Tactics: Kreuzfeuer has been trained to
to kill him. The PCs him. Within a day, Gorheim was a committed function as a top-notch commando. He knows how
have to save Kreuzfeuer, member of the Victory Party.
convince him the Party to use a wide variety of modern weapons, under-
betrayed him, and per-
suade him to turn state’s
evidence. Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K 33A2 +1 +1 2d6 1d6 40 15 AF5
Underslung 40mm
grenade launcher +0 +0 2½d6 1d6 1 — He carries 8 grenades
H&K MP5K +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 15 12 AF5
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Line-gun, radio headset (built into helmet), Gen-2 nightvision device
Predators ■ Chapter Two 87

stands small-unit tactics well, and can kill without

hesitation or remorse.
Although the Victory Party has thoroughly
indoctrinated him with the idea that he must
not expose the Party, when circumstances allow
Kreuzfeuer prefers not to fight subtly — he’d rather
eradicate an enemy with overwhelming firepower
than use precision attacks. If possible, he softens
his targets up with a few grenades before he walks
in and shoots anyone left alive. If an enemy gets
inside his field of fire, Kreuzfeuer switches to his
combat knife; he only fights with his fists if he loses
the knife or gets so enraged he has to beat his foe to
death with his bare hands.
Campaign Use: Kreuzfeuer leads the Victory Bri-
gade. As such he’s Dr. Spregen’s right-hand man for
many missions, and a high-ranking member of the
Victory Party. The PCs might first encounter him
helping out at a Party rally or recruitment drive,
though he won’t be in a position of public promi-
nence (in other words, he’s not a Party spokesman
or public figure).
To make Kreuzfeuer tougher, give him more
Skills, such as Systems Operation, to make him
more like a special forces soldier; you could also
increase the number of Combat Skill Levels he has.
To weaken him, remove his All Combat CSL and a
few of his Martial Maneuvers, and perhaps convert
a few Skills to Familiarities.
Kreuzfeuer doesn’t Hunt people unless ordered
to by Dr. Spregen, in which case he follows orders.
Herman Gorheim has a lengthy record of
minor criminal offenses, mainly assaults, petty
theft, and drug possession, but he committed
the last crime on the list several years ago. As
Kreuzfeuer he’s committed many crimes, but the
authorities haven’t specifically connected him with
any of them.
Appearance: Kreuzfeuer is 6’2” tall and weighs
225 pounds; he’s solidly and muscularly built. His
blonde hair is cut in a short crewcut. On a mission
he wears a suit of dark body armor; his typical kit
of gear includes an H&K 33A2 assault rifle, H&K
MP5K submachine gun, a combat knife, a linegun,
and nightvision gear. When not “active” he wears
everyday clothing.
88 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
FALKE FALKE 2 WF: Small Arms
PLOT SEEDS FALCON 2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 13-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Resource Points
A technology-savvy 12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] 30 Equipment Points: 210
PC detects an intrusion 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
into his computer. This 14 CON 8 12-
becomes the prelude to 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
12 BODY 4 11- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
an extended cyber-battle
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
with Falke, as each of Total Powers & Skills Cost: 135
them tries to thwart 12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Total Cost: 200
the other’s probes and
protect his own system 11 COM 1 11- 100+ Disadvantages
from penetration. 5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi
A PC spots a small 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 (Very Common, Total)
flying object that seems 5 REC 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Dr. Spre-
to be following him.
28 END 0 gen (Very Common, Strong)
It’s Falke conducting a
surveillance mission for 25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 67 10 Psychological Limitation: Tech-head (see
the Brigade... but the PC text) (Common, Moderate)
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
has to capture the UAV 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
and figure out what it Cost Perks Frequently, Major)
does before he can even 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank- 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Darryl
begin to track it back to ing member of the Victory Party) Karns) (Frequently, Major)
its creator/user. 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
Total Disadvantage Points: 210
The cops catch a lone Background/History: From an early age, it was obvi-
man dressed in black Talents
ous Darryl Karns was a gifted child. Inquisitive and
breaking into an antique 5 Resistance (5 points)
curious, he seemed to want to learn about every-
store. He refuses to talk.
The PCs figure out that Skills thing, particularly technology. He was taking apart
he’s Falke just as the rest 5 +1 with Intellect Skills and repairing clocks by the time he was eight, and it
of the Victory Brigade wasn’t long afterward that he graduated to building
3 Bugging 13-
shows up to rescue their his own simple devices.
3 Climbing 12-
comrade.... His father, a factory worker, resented
3 Computer Programming 13-
Darryl’s intelligence; it made him feel stupid
3 Concealment 13-
and crude (which, to tell the truth, he was). He
3 Criminology 13-
took out his anger on Darryl, often beating the
3 Deduction 13-
boy mercilessly. Darryl learned hatred and fear
3 Demolitions 13-
as he learned electronics and mechanics. As he
3 Electronics 13-
grew older, the negative emotions roiling around
3 Inventor 13-
inside him made him bitter, unhappy, and angry
2 KS: Nazism 11-
at the world. Even after he grew big enough to
2 Language: German (fluent conversation;
keep his father from hurting him, he still had lots
English is Native)
of resentment bottled up inside.
3 Lockpicking 12-
While he was in college, he heard about the
3 Mechanics 13-
Victory Party and its message. Something in what
3 Security Systems 13-
he read really spoke to him, so he started attend-
3 Shadowing 13-
ing Party meetings. Before long he was channeling
3 Stealth 12-
his anger and hatred toward Jews, the blacks, and
3 Streetwise 12-
anyone else the Party vilified. He felt good about
3 Systems Operation 13-
himself for the first time in his life. Finally he knew
3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
what was wrong with the world — and how he
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
could solve the problem.
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K MP5K +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 15 12 AF5
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Radio headset (built into helmet), bugging equipment, Gen-2 nightvision device, advanced laptop
computer, parabolic microphone, surveillance UAVs, borescope, binoculars, various tools and spare parts
Predators ■ Chapter Two 89

For a while Darryl took part in the Party’s To make Falke tougher, give him additional
secret vandalism and Jew-bashing gangs, but he combat training so he can help with the fights more
found that didn’t suit him. He preferred to use his — some Combat Skill Levels, a Commando Train-
technological skills to help the Party set up websites ing package, that sort of thing. You could also give
and mailing lists, improve members’ weapons, and him some Science Skills. To weaken him, drop his
build and install security systems for the Party’s INT to 15 and get rid of his Skill Level with Intel-
compounds and offices. His abilities gained him lect Skills.
entry to the Party’s inner circles, and eventually Falke doesn’t Hunt people unless ordered to by
brought him to the attention of Herr Doktor Spre- Dr. Spregen, in which case he follows orders.
gen. Knowing he needed a “techspert” for the Vic- Falke has no criminal record, though of
tory Brigade, he carefully evaluated Darryl’s devo- course he’s participated in many crimes as part of
tion to the cause and willingness to do whatever the Brigade.
was necessary on behalf of the white race. When
Appearance: Darryl Karns is 5’7” tall and weighs
Darryl lived up to expectations, Spregen brought
160 pounds. He has short, sandy blonde hair and
him into the Siegestruppe, giving him the codename
watery blue eyes; he’s cleanshaven but wears glasses
Falke (Falcon).
for mild nearsightedness. As Falke, he wears a black
Personality/Motivation: Besides being an ardent uniform and black body armor, with his various
Nazi and follower of Dr. Spregen, Falke is a tech- gadgets, weapons, and devices carried in pockets or
head and gear geek who often gets along better with strapped to his body.
devices than people. When he meets someone new,
he usually has to make an EGO Roll at +5. If the
roll fails, he suffers a -2 on all Interaction Skill rolls
with that person at that time (he can make another
roll the next time they meet). Even if he succeeds,
you may want to impose a -1 to some Interaction
Skill rolls to reflect how ill at ease he gets.
Quote: “I’ve crosswired the system so the alarms
won’t work for 20 minutes. You’ve got that much
time to get in, do the job, and get out. I’ll keep
watch and alert you to any developments.”
Powers/Tactics: Falke is the Victory Brigade’s tech-
nology expert, B&E specialist, and hacker. When
the team needs to get into an area undetected,
it relies on Falke to bypass the security systems.
When it needs eye-in-the-sky surveillance during
a mission, Falke hangs back and uses a group of
small, camera-equipped UAVs to keep overwatch
on the area. When they have to gather information
on a target, Falke puts his computer skills to work.
Falke has received plenty of combat training,
but he’s not as violence-prone or combat-oriented
as his comrades. He carries a submachine gun and
a knife, but prefers to hang back on the perimeter,
where he can run interference and provide support
for the rest of the Brigade. He only gets involved in
firefights if there’s no other reasonable option.
Campaign Use: The Victory Brigade isn’t just a
group of Nazi thugs who can only commit assaults,
and Falke proves that. With his help, the team can
conduct sophisticated infiltration and extraction
missions, capers, and other such crimes. Thanks
to his efforts, the Victory Party’s coffers are much
more full than they used to be.
90 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
JÄGER JÄGER 2 KS: Nazism 11-
PLOT SEEDS HUNTER 2 Language: German (fluent conversation;
Val Char Cost Roll Notes English is Native)
Several women are 15 STR 5 12- Lift 100 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Shadowing 12-
found murdered around 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 3 Stealth 12-
Hudson City. The police 17 CON 14 12- 3 Streetwise 12-
think they’ve got a serial 15 BODY 10 12- 7 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
killer on their hands, Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Garrote
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
but the leaders of the
Victory Party have their 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Resource Points
own ideas. To them, it 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 18 Equipment Points: 150
looks like Jäger’s been 10 COM 0 11- 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
indulging in some 6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
“extracurricular activi- 6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
ties” that could expose
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
the organization. They Total Powers & Skills Cost: 123
don’t want to risk dis- 6 REC 0
Total Cost: 200
sension in the ranks by 34 END 0
having the rest of the 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 77 100+ Disadvantages
Brigade investigate, so 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
they decide to trick the 25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi
PCs into handling the Cost Powers END (Very Common, Total)
problem for them.... Martial Arts: Commando Training 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Dr. Spre-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes gen (Very Common, Strong)
While interrogating a 3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 3d6 + v/5, Target 15 Psychological Limitation: Sadist (Common,
prisoner, Jäger learns Falls Strong)
some facts that don’t 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 5d6 Strike
have anything to do with
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, Frequently, Major)
what the Party wants to
know, but might help 2d6 NND (2) 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Fred
the PCs a lot. Perfectly 4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 25 STR Miklejohn) (Frequently, Major)
willing to make some 4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA ½d6
Total Disadvantage Points: 215
extra cash as long as he 4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
doesn’t hurt the Party, Background/History: Raised by a father who was
Jäger offers to sell the a blatant racist and homophobe and a mother so
PCs the information. 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank-
ing member of the Victory Party) shy she barely spoke, Fred Miklejohn soaked up
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced race hatred at an early age. As a teen he shaved
The PCs find a big guy his head and ran with skinhead gangs, vandal-
face-down in an alley Military
izing Jew-owned businesses and bashing “queers,”
— looks like he’s been Talents Jews, blacks, and anyone else with dark skin who
mugged or something.
5 Resistance (5 points) attracted his attention.
Turns out it’s Jäger
(though they don’t As he got older, he also became more sophisti-
know that unless they’ve cated in his political beliefs. He wised up, realizing
9 +3 with Firearms
encountered him before the race war wasn’t going to be won with isolated
9 Targeting Skill Levels: +3 versus Hit Loca-
and seen his face). What attacks and random violence. He got rid of the gang
tion modifiers with All Attacks
happened to him, and colors, had his tattoos removed, let his hair grow
how is it going to affect 3 Interrogation 12- back, and joined the Victory Party. His “common
the PCs? 2 KS: Military Science 11- sense” and dedication to the cause impressed the
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K PSG-1 +3 +14 2d6+1 1d6 20 15 2H, FS, fine tuning II, improved
bedding, improved firing pin, x8
telescopic sight (OBS)
H&K 33A2 +1 +1 2d6 1d6 40 15 AF5
Underslung 40mm
grenade launcher +0 +0 2½d6 1d6 1 — He carries 4 grenades
H&K MP5SD3 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5, FS, Sil (-4)
Wire garrote +0 +0 ½d6 1d6-1 — 5 Constant, must be aimed at neck or
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Line-gun, radio headset (built into helmet), Gen-2 nightvision device, binoculars
Predators ■ Chapter Two 91

Party’s movers and shakers, and after a year they

recruited him to train at one of the Party’s com-
pounds. His performance in training (particularly
the ease with which he learned different weapons),
his enthusiasm for the job, and his dedication to the
Party’s ideals and mission eventually earned him a
place on the Victory Brigade as Jäger (Hunter).
Personality/Motivation: Jäger is a sadist, pure and
simple. He enjoys inflicting pain on others, whether
with his hands, a whip, a knife, or a gun. He likes
nothing better than to stalk a victim — whether by
watching him through a scope, or literally follow-
ing a target so he can get close enough to knife or
strangle him — knowing he can end that person’s
life at any second. Interrogating prisoners runs a
close second. His desire to inflict pain worries the
Party’s leaders, since they feel he may give in to it
and expose the organization, but for now they feel
they can control it and make use of him.
Quote: “He won’t be any problem after I’m done
with him.”
Powers/Tactics: Jäger is the Victory Squad’s assas-
sin. He prefers to work from a distance, using his
PSG-1 rifle and telescopic scope to put a bullet
through the target’s brain from a thousand yards
away. But if that’s not possible, he does just as good
work with a knife, a garrote, or his bare hands. In
a firefight, he gets into the thick of the action right
alongside Kreuzfeuer, relying on the team leader’s
tactical sense and their combined firepower to see
them through.
Campaign Use: Jäger is another of the Brigade’s
main combatants; he has more options in combat
than Kreuzfeuer due to his skills as a sniper and
assassin. If you want to make him tougher, give him
more Combat Skill Levels and some Extra DCs
with his Commando Training. To weaken him, get
rid of his Targeting Skill Levels, and perhaps reduce
his SPD to 3.
Jäger doesn’t Hunt people unless ordered to by
Dr. Spregen, in which case he follows orders.
Fred Miklejohn has a juvenile criminal record
for petty theft, joyriding, and several assaults
(including one aggravated assault). He hasn’t com-
mitted any crimes since age 18 as far as the authori-
ties know.
Appearance: Jäger is a fairly handsome fellow in his
mid to late 20s, 5’11” tall and weighing about 185
pounds with a muscular build. His hair and short
beard are a light brown; his eyes a greenish-grey;
he’s got an easily-recognized profile with a Roman
nose and a strong chin. He often seems distracted,
or as if he’s not paying attention, when in reality he
always tries to keep a close eye on what’s going on
around him. He wears the standard Victory Brigade
uniform and body armor, often in camo patterns so
he can sneak through the woods to a good vantage
point for sniping.
92 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS DEADFALL 28 Equipment Points: 200
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
A series of mysterious 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
bombings rocks Hudson 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
City. The cause: Todes- 15 CON 10 12-
falle is testing out a new Total Powers & Skills Cost: 133
15 BODY 10 12- Total Cost: 200
explosive compound,
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
and on orders from
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 100+ Disadvantages
Party officials has used
several Jewish-owned 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
businesses as his guinea 10 COM 0 11- 25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi
pigs. Since the explosives (Very Common, Total)
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
are his own creation, 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Dr. Spre-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
tracing them through gen (Very Common, Strong)
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
the usual methods won’t 15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted To His
work well; the PCs will 6 REC 0
Brother (Common, Strong)
have to work hard and 30 END 0
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
cleverly to figure out 31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 67
Frequently, Major)
what’s going on and put
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Karl Kan-
a stop to it.
zler) (Frequently, Major)
Cost Powers END
While in the woods for 10 Lucky Guy: Luck 2d6 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 215
some reason (pursu-
ing another criminal, Perks Background/History: Karl and Gregor Kanzler are
hunting, hiking...), a 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank- twin brothers and third-generation Nazi warriors.
PC stumbles upon and ing member of the Victory Party) Their grandfather Heinrich was a Nazi soldier
gets badly hurt by one 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced during World War II, an associate of Spregen’s, who
of Todesfalle’s traps. It Military escaped to South America via the ODESSA route.
wasn’t intentional — he He raised his sons, including Karl and Gregor’s
forgot to take it down Talents
father Dietmar, to be good Nazis and believe in and
after some tests and 14 Bomber: Deadly Blow: KA +2d6 with
work for the cause of the Fourth Reich. Dietmar in
paramilitary training bombs/explosives
exercises months ago. turn taught Karl and Gregor. From an early age he
5 Resistance (5 points)
Now the PC has to make trained them to be warriors on behalf of the Aryan
it out of the woods Skills people. Karl learned demolitions, trap-setting, and
alive... and then track 9 Demolitions 15- wilderness skills, while Gregor became an expert
Todesfalle down and get 3 Electronics 13- wheelman and mechanic. When he felt the boys
revenge.... 4 KS: Bombs And Explosives 13- were ready, Dietmar sent them to Herr Doktor
2 KS: Nazism 11- Spregen, who christened them Todesfalle (Dead-
One of the PCs hurts 2 Language: English (fluent conversation; fall) and Trittrunter (Downshift [or, more literally,
Todesfalle’s twin brother German is Native) “kickdown”]).
Trittrunter. Now Todes- 3 Language: Spanish (completely fluent)
falle is going to get Personality/Motivation: Aside from being dedicated
3 Mechanics 12-
revenge. It starts simply, Nazis and followers of Doktor Spregen, Todesfalle’s
yet dramatically, with 5 Security Systems 13-
and Trittrunter’s only personality quirk is their
the PC’s car explod- 3 Stealth 12-
devotion to one another. As twins they shared a
ing as he approaches it. 3 Streetwise 12-
strong bond from birth, and the training regimen
From there, the violence, 6 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 14-
they followed under the tutelage of their iron-
severity, and frequency 3 Systems Operation 12-
willed father only reinforced that. If someone
of the attacks escalates... 3 Tracking 12-
unless the PC figures harms one of them, the other will do whatever he
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
out what’s going on and must to obtain suitable revenge — perhaps even
stops it. ignore Party instructions.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Radio headset (built into helmet), several blocks of plastique, detonators and other demolitions gear
and tools, Gen-2 nightvision device
Predators ■ Chapter Two 93

Quote: “I will set the traps there... and there... and

there. I will make them obvious enough that the
fools can spot them, but not so obvious they’ll be
aware of the real trap: the ambush these devices
will drive them into.”
Powers/Tactics: Todesfalle is a clever, sneaky bas-
tard. An expert on demolitions and traps, he fights
mainly by controlling the battlefield and making
his opponents dance to his tune — if he can’t do
that, he’ll usually retreat. On Victory Brigade mis-
sions, he usually helps Falke with the breaking and
entering work (for example, by quickly, cleanly, and
as quietly as possible blowing open locked doors)
and/or by preparing “surprises” to cover the group’s
escape routes.
Campaign Use: Todesfalle expands the Victory Bri-
gade’s capabilities so that it’s more than just a combat
team. In an organization that depends upon security
and secrecy for its continued existence, making sure
escapes are possible and that enemies can’t penetrate
your perimeter is an important thing, and Todesfalle
helps provide that ability for the Victory Party in
general, and the Siegestruppe in particular.
To make Todesfalle more powerful, give him
some mainline combat abilities, such as Combat Skill
Levels or some Martial Arts. To weaken him, reduce
his Demolitions roll and his Equipment Points.
Todesfalle doesn’t Hunt people unless ordered
to by Dr. Spregen, in which case he follows orders.
He might defy that general doctrine to pursue
someone who hurts his brother, though.
Karl Kanzler has no criminal record.
Appearance: Todesfalle is 6’0” tall with blonde
hair and blue eyes. He has a military bearing — he
always stands up straight with shoulders squared,
keeps his face cleanshaven, and cuts his hair in a
military style. He wears the standard Brigade uni-
form and body armor; he keeps his explosives and
tools in various pockets and pouches.
94 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS DOWNSHIFT 13 Equipment Points: 125
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100
Trittrunter hears about 12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] 0 Follower/Contact Points: 5
a new sportscar he just 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
has to try out. That leads 15 CON 10 12-
to an unusual auto theft, Total Powers & Skills Cost: 129
14 BODY 8 12- Total Cost: 200
which piques the PCs’
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
crimefighting curiosity,
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 100+ Disadvantages
which may lead to all
sorts of trouble for the 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Victory Party.... 10 COM 0 11- 25 Psychological Limitation: Fervent Nazi
(Very Common, Total)
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
To amuse himself when 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Dr. Spre-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
there isn’t a Brigade gen (Very Common, Strong)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
mission to perform, 15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted To His
5 REC 0
Trittrunter starts racing Brother (Common, Strong)
30 END 0
on the amateur circuit 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
— the one that races on 35 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 76
Frequently, Major)
back country roads and Movement: Running: 6”/12” 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Gregor
crudely-constructed Kanzler) (Frequently, Major)
rural racetracks, where Cost Powers END
the betting’s heavy and a 7 I Can Handle Any Car You Got: +5 DEX; Total Disadvantage Points: 215
man who wins too often Only For Driving (-1) 0
may develop a reputa- Background/History: Karl and Gregor Kanzler are
5 I Can Handle Any Car You Got: +1 SPD;
tion... or get beaten to twin brothers and third-generation Nazi warriors.
Only For Driving (-1) 0
a pulp because “he’s a Their grandfather Heinrich was a Nazi soldier
cheater.” Through his Perks during World War II, an associate of Spregen’s, who
hobby he meets a PC 4 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (high-rank- escaped to South America via the ODESSA route.
with similar interests, ing member of the Victory Party) He raised his sons, including Karl and Gregor’s
or perhaps the PCs hear 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced father Dietmar, to be good Nazis and believe in and
about the hot new racer
Military work for the cause of the Fourth Reich. Dietmar in
tearing up the roads,
and from there it’s only turn taught Karl and Gregor. From an early age he
a few steps to develop- trained them to be warriors on behalf of the Aryan
5 Resistance (5 points)
ing a rivalry and per- people. Karl learned demolitions, trap-setting, and
haps learning about the Skills wilderness skills, while Gregor became an expert
Victory Party. 9 Combat Driving 16- wheelman and mechanic. When he felt the boys
3 KS: Automobiles 12- were ready, Dietmar sent them to Herr Doktor
A PC in his civilian 2 KS: Nazism 11- Spregen, who christened them Todesfalle (Dead-
identity accidentally 2 Language: German (fluent conversation; fall) and Trittrunter (Downshift [or, more literally,
causes a collision with English is Native) “kickdown”]).
Trittrunter while he’s 3 Lockpicking 13-
also in civilian mode. Personality/Motivation: Aside from being dedicated
3 Mechanics 12-
But Trittrunter becomes Nazis and followers of Doktor Spregen, Todesfalle’s
extremely angry over 3 Stealth 13-
and Trittrunter’s only personality quirk is their
the PC’s “stupidity” and 3 Streetwise 12-
devotion to one another. As twins they shared a
begins a revenge cam- 5 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
strong bond from birth, and the training regimen
paign not realizing that Helicopters, Small Planes, Two-Wheeled
they followed under the tutelage of their iron-
he may have bitten off Motorized Ground Vehicles
willed father only reinforced that. If someone
more than he can chew. 2 WF: Small Arms
harms one of them, the other will do whatever he
must to obtain suitable revenge — perhaps even
ignore Party instructions.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
H&K P7M13 +1 +0 1d6+2 1d6-1 13 9 PR
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Radio headset (built into helmet), mechanics’ tools, Gen-2 nightvision device
Predators ■ Chapter Two 95

Quote: “Don’t worry, I’ll be there.”

Powers/Tactics: Trittrunter is an expert wheel-
man who’s able to get the best out of any vehicle
he drives. (He can also pilot helicopters and
small planes, though he’s not used to handling
them in crisis or combat conditions.) If neces-
sary, he can function as a secondary combatant
to back up Jäger and Kreuzfeuer, though if pos-
sible he prefers to remain with the car so he can
facilitate a quick getaway.
Campaign Use: If you like to include car chases
in your games, Trittrunter gives you an excuse to
introduce one into just about any scenario involv-
ing the Victory Brigade. If you’d prefer to avoid
them, you can just use him to help the group
escape, or rework his Skill set to make him more
To make Trittrunter tougher, give him some
mainline combat abilities, such as Combat Skill
Levels or some Martial Arts. To weaken him,
reduce his Combat Driving roll and his Vehicle/
Base Points.
Trittrunter doesn’t Hunt people unless ordered
to by Dr. Spregen, in which case he follows orders.
He might defy that general doctrine to pursue
someone who hurts his brother, though.
Gregor Kanzler has no criminal record.
Appearance: Trittrunter is 6’0” tall with blonde hair
and blue eyes. Unlike his brother Karl, he’s not so
concerned with keeping up appearances — he’s a
little less rigid in his posture, a little less muscular
in his overall physique, and more likely to have a
touch of five o’clock shadow — but it’s still blatantly
obvious they’re twins. He wears the standard Bri-
gade uniform and body armor.
96 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition

Membership: Hundreds of fanatical environmental- organizes itself into five “chains,” one for each major
ists throughout the world, led by the Recluse and area of operations: North America; South and
One of WEB’s most supported by his squads of Gaea’s Commandos. Central America; Europe; Africa; and Asia. Each
important fronts is For- chain is led by a “Chief Protector,” and the overall
esthetics, a charitable Background/History: “While Earth burns, its ecosys- leader is the “Prime Protector,” a man known only
organization. Publicly, tems destroyed by the short-sighted, men such as as the Recluse.
Foresthetics works to you sit in greedy complacence and warm yourself The truth is a different story, and various coun-
support conservation of at the hearthside.” So spoke radical French leftist terterrorism forces around the world know it. For
the South American rain Séverin Demandoux in 1987 during an address to the most part, WEB maintains the sort of traditional
forest and other forested the General Assembly of the United Nations. After “cell” structure common to terrorist organizations.
areas. Privately, it uses its years of lobbying the French government, Ameri-
network of supporters, A group of WEB operatives led by a commander of
can government, European Union, United Nations, some sort commit terrorist acts in a given region
offices, and installations and the world community in general for stronger,
to help WEB personnel or city. The commander knows other commanders,
more comprehensive environmental regulations but the operatives in his cell generally don’t know
conduct ecoterrorist
activities. and an end to exploitation of the natural world, anyone else in the organization (thus minimizing
Demandoux had become fed up with mankind’s WEB’s overall exposure when the authorities capture
Foresthetics’s world folly, and this speech signaled an end to his toler- its members). Most of WEB’s cells are in the United
headquarters is located ance of it. After he left the United Nations building States and Europe, where it’s strongest thanks to the
in the Lighthouse Finan- he vanished from public life altogether. support of college students, independently wealthy
cial Building on Healy He re-appeared, after a fashion, in 1991, when radicals, and other people who have the time and
Street in the Black- a group of terrorists identifying itself as part of energy to devote to such causes.
bridge neighborhood of WEB — While Earth Burns — invaded a Strake Where WEB departs from the usual terror-
Hudson City. Its direc- Industries International facility in Wyoming and
tor, Nicole Macintyre, ist structure is its central core of highly-trained,
took over 200 people hostage. It demanded that highly-motivated fanatics. Known as Gaea’s Com-
often appears on local SII halt ten major projects WEB alleged “create[d]
and national television mandos, these “soldiers” lead most of WEB’s major
massive amounts of pollution and threaten[ed] operations and report directly to the Recluse, the
speaking in support of
various environmental dozens of fragile ecosystems throughout the world.” group’s leader. No one knows who the Recluse is or
causes, particularly Strake Industries pretended to comply while the where he lives, though many experts suspect he’s
those related to the rain FBI moved in to rescue the hostages and capture Séverin Demandoux.
forest. the members of WEB. The assault did not go as WEB’s recruitment procedures are slow and
planned; while the feds rescued most of the victims, circumspect. The last thing the organization wants
nearly four dozen died when a WEB member trig- is to let nonbelievers — or, worse, undercover cops
gered a bomb. The FBI captured fifteen of the 23 — infiltrate its ranks. Typically it keeps an eye on
terrorists (who were eventually tried and impris- environmental activists and radicals on campuses.
oned); the rest died during the assault. When they find one who seems willing to do more
In the years since then, WEB has established than just talk, they arrange to “test” him by having
itself as one of the most versatile and dangerous an existing member suggest an ecoterrorist activity
terrorist organizations in the world. Striking on all to the prospect. If the prospect agrees and partici-
continents, though primarily in Europe and the pates in the “mission,” WEB regards him as trust-
United States, it has bombed industrial facilities, worthy and extends an offer of membership.
freed test animals and destroyed the labs they were
“imprisoned” in, murdered medical researchers and Doctrine: At its most basic, WEB’s philosophy and
construction workers whom it accused of “partici- doctrine is easily expressed: stop environmental
pating in animal and environmental exploitation,” exploitation and preserve the environment for
taken hundreds of hostages, and assassinated politi- future generations. It’s this simple message that
cians and law enforcement officials who spoke out attracts a lot of favorable opinion for WEB from
against it. Although it has been relatively quiet since people who otherwise wouldn’t even consider sup-
the events of September 11, 2001, counterterror- porting a terrorist organization.
ism officials fear this is because it’s preparing for a Beyond the basics, WEB’s Manifesto For A
major new offensive that will begin soon. New Earth, the organization’s “bible,” calls for the
WEB’s symbol is a stylized spider web super- following:
imposed over the Earth, representing the web of life ■ an end to all testing involving animals, except
that sustains humanity on this planet.
where such testing is intended to benefit ani-
Organization And Structure: According to the mals (e.g., testing new veterinary procedures
information released by the organization, WEB or medicines)
Predators ■ Chapter Two 97

■ significantly more stringent environmental unteer work, and the like). Many of these persons WEB
laws (WEB has suggested versions of these support WEB’s publicly-announced goals, and PLOT SEEDS
laws on its website) which will be rigidly and may even agree that more extreme actions than
ruthlessly enforced. Among other things, just holding protest rallies and lobbying Congress WEB decides it need
WEB suggests that violations of environment are required. But they don’t necessarily agree with to “urge” Fordham
protection and anti-exploitation laws be made the blatantly terrorist and criminal actions of the ChemTech to change
capital offenses. group. More than once a “WEB member” has been some of its environ-
seen on local or national television explaining that mentally exploitative
■ a ban on all further destruction, diminish-
he supports the organization’s agenda and purpose practices. It takes over
ment, cutting, burning, or other exploitation of the ChemTech Tower
rain forests throughout the world as stated in the Manifesto, but does not agree with
in Worthington and
the terroristic wing of the group, which is a “rogue
■ a ban on all further destruction, diminishment, threatens to execute one
element” of an overall beneficent organization. This hostage every ten min-
or other exploitation of coral reefs throughout is completely incorrect — the terroristic elements utes until the company
the world are at the hearts of WEB, not the fringe — but WEB (a) gives it $1 billion “to
■ a ban on all whale fishing, and a general reduc- allows this “split” within the organization to show be donated by WEB to
tion in commercial fishing quotas throughout because it confuses the picture for many people and various environmental
the world helps WEB recruit supporters who would otherwise organizations of our
have nothing to do with it. choice,” and (b) agrees
■ a ban on all forms of sport hunting and fishing
WEB has relatively little contact with other to halt development of a
Those general points don’t set WEB apart to terrorist organizations, since most of them support major industrial facility
in India. Unwilling to
any significant degree from legitimate, non-terror- a political or religious cause. WEB considers such
risk WEB’s ire by taking
ist environmental organizations (groups WEB con- “squabblings” meaningless and stupid; all people “official” action, city
siders weak and ineffective). The differences arise in live on and depend on Earth, and that one funda- authorities appeal to the
what WEB’s willing to do to foment these changes. mental similarity should override all others and PCs to try to stop the
WEB believes it must take “forceful action” — by bring people together to preserve and protect their crisis.
which it means bombings, assassinations, hostage- home rather than destroy and exploit it.
taking, and the like — to make the peoples and The PCs get word
Tactics: WEB has survived for over a decade by
governments of the world open their eyes, see how through the underworld
being cautious, clever, and absolutely ruthless. grapevine that WEB is
they’ve been exploiting and destroying the environ-
When it comes right down to it, the personnel planning something big
ment, and get them to stop.
who perform (or at least lead) most of WEB’s ter- — possibly an assas-
At its heart, WEB has another goal, one it
rorist missions consider humans little more than sination of the President
doesn’t discuss publicly and which, in truth, only
infestations on planet Earth. Killing them not only (whose environmental
its inner circle and most strident supporters agree
isn’t wrong, it’s often a good thing — a service to policies it has vocifer-
with. The Recluse, Gaea’s Commandos, and other ously criticized) during
the natural world. Between that, and the fact that
hard-core WEB members believe Earth is grossly his upcoming trip to
WEB doesn’t really care about positive publicity or
overpopulated. Until the number of humans Hudson City. The PCs
money, it’s difficult for counterterrorism organiza-
on the planet is significantly reduced, there’s no have to investigate the
tions to oppose them without risk of extensive loss
hope for stopping (and, ultimately, reversing) the situation and figure out
of life. On at least one occasion, WEB terrorists a way to stop the plot.
decimation of the environment that’s been taking
responded to attempts to negotiate by killing one
place for the last two centuries. Zealots in the
hostage as a preface to any reply it made. A group of environ-
worst sense of the word, they’re ready and willing
WEB doesn’t stick its neck out for just any mental organizations
to commit acts of mass murder to radically reduce
target. If it wants to deal with some minor problem, approaches the PCs in
Earth’s population. The only thing that’s stopped
like a lab that uses animals for testing products or confidence. It believes
them so far is finding ways to do this that won’t
medicines, it can usually persuade some group of WEB’s existence and
also inflict massive harm on the environment. The
student radicals to do the job. It focuses its main activities are making its
usual methods — nuclear bombs, chemical and members’ work harder
efforts on major polluters and environmental
biological weapons, and so forth — would destroy by crystalizing opposi-
exploiters, and on governments it feels can and
entire ecosystems, and that’s not acceptable to tion to environmental
should do more to protect the environment. It
WEB. They’re currently pinning their hopes on the reform and giving the
begins the job years in advance by having one of
development of bioweapons tailored to attack only whole environmental
its members or associates get a job with the target. movement a black eye
the human genome, but their efforts to develop
This allows it to learn the floorplan and infrastruc- by association. It wants
this weapon haven’t succeeded yet.
ture of target buildings, the personalities of the to hire the PCs to take
Group Relations: The central core of WEB gets main people in the organization, and other perti- WEB down, once and
along extraordinarily well, since it’s a group of nent matters. If appropriate, it may even construct for all.
fanatics sharing a common vision. While they may a crude mock-up of the target for the Gaea’s Com-
argue about methodology, mission choice and plan- mandos to practice with. Only when the Recluse
ning, and other particulars, they all agree on the and other leaders feel the strike team is ready do
organization’s overall goals and that extreme action they greenlight a mission — the loss of personnel
is necessary to achieve them. is expected, but the Recluse feels that total failure
Where WEB appears to suffer from divisive- cannot be tolerated because it makes WEB look
ness is in the outer tier of the organization — the bad. Counterterrorism officials throughout the
college students and other environmentalists whom world regard WEB as one of the most efficient, dan-
WEB allows to call itself members (they support gerous, and successful terrorist organizations, and
the organization through donations, doing vol- the Recluse wants to keep it that way.
98 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
Campaign Use: Many types of Dark Champions THE RECLUSE
campaigns could feature a terrorist organization. Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Espionage and military action games often focus 16 STR 6 12- Lift 233 kg; 3d6 [3]
on terrorism as a threat, and a WEB mission in 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Hudson City could get HCPD cops or costumed 17 CON 14 12-
vigilantes involved in a conflict with the organi- 12 BODY 4 11-
zation. You could even run a counterterrorism 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
campaign in which WEB was one of the PCs’ chief 13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
adversaries. 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
To make WEB more powerful, give it more 10 COM 0 11-
“codenamed” operatives for the PCs to fight. Much
in the same way that the Victory Party has the Sieg- 6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
estruppe, WEB could have a special group of Gaea’s 5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
Commandos with even more advanced training, 4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
weapons, and abilities. For a more unusual twist, 6 REC 0
give WEB its own country — have the group take 34 END 0
over some small nation somewhere and attempt to 29 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 77
put its policies into effect. This may add an interest- Movement: Running: 7”/14”
ing geopolitical angle to your campaign. To weaken
WEB, get rid of the Gaea’s Commandos and replace Cost Powers END
them with the Terrorist generic character sheets 17 HTH Combat Training: HA +5d6; Hand-
from the Appendix. To-Hand Attack (-½) 2
WEB isn’t likely to Hunt individual characters, 82 The Recluse’s Touch: RKA 5d6, NND
or even PC teams — its targets are governments (defense is Life Support [appropriate
and corporations. If a PC owns or operates a com- Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1); IIF
pany that WEB regards as a major “environmental (fingertip needle; -¼), No Range (-½), 4
offender,” he might make their hit list. Charges (-1) [4]
2 Strong Runner: Running +1” (7” total) 1
6 Predator’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
2 Deep Cover (Robert J. Parker, environmental
5 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (leader of
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
16 +2 with All Combat
10 +2 HTH
6 +2 with Climbing, Survival, and Tracking
3 Climbing 12-
3 Deduction 12-
5 KS: Game Animals Of The World 14-
5 KS: Ecoterrorism 14-
5 KS: Environmental Exploiters And Polluters 14-
5 KS: Hunting 14-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
2 Navigation (Land) 12-
3 Oratory 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
2 PS: Fisherman 11-
5 PS: Hunter 14-
1 SS: Biology 8-
2 SS: Ecology 11-
2 SS: Zoology 11-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Hunter’s Stealth: +3 to Stealth; Only In Wil-
derness (-1)
3 Streetwise 12-
12 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Mountains, Tem-
perate/Subtropical, Tropical) 14-
3 Tracking 12-
Predators ■ Chapter Two 99

3 Trading 12- of the tiger was overwhelming, even in death; what

6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, right did he have to bring its life to an end? He sat
Basic Parachuting, SCUBA, Snow Skiing, down next to the body, stroking its fur, weeping. He
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles had murdered this beast, as sure as if it had been a
7 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common person, and nothing he could do would make that
Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Staff right again.
3 Traveler That was the last time he ever hunted or fished.
1 1) AK: Africa 11- With the zeal of a convert, he threw himself into
1 2) AK: Central America 11- environmental causes, joining groups like Wilder-
1 3) AK: Europe 11- ness Watch and the Wild Animal Preservation
1 4) AK: India 11- Fund. But they left him dissatisfied. For all their
1 5) AK: Malaysia 11- logic, their talk, their lobbying, what had they really
1 6) AK: Rocky Mountains 11- accomplished? Dozens of animals were still on the
1 7) AK: South America 11- verge of extinction, the rain forest was still getting
torn down at the rate of hundreds of acres a day,
Resource Points
pollution still filled the skies and waters. Slowly but
12 Equipment Points: 120
surely he came to realize that more extreme mea-
10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
sures were needed.
40 Follower/Contact Points: 85
His first ecoterrorist act was to shoot two
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
executives of Harpcor to call attention to their
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 314 company’s record as a polluter and environmental
Total Cost: 391 exploiter. But he didn’t cover his tracks well, and
soon the HCPD was after him. He disappeared
100+ Disadvantages into the ecoterrorist underground to get away, and
20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) in time that brought him to the attention of the
20 Hunted: GSG-9 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) nascent WEB. Demandoux recruited him person-
25 Psychological Limitation: Fanatic Environ- ally, and when WEB’s founder died of a heart attack
mentalist (Very Common, Total) only two years after making his infamous speech
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Fre- to the United Nations (a fact only the inner circle
quently, Major) of hard-core WEB members knows), the choice
211 Experience Points for his successor was clear. Christening himself the
Total Disadvantage Points: 391 Recluse, both for his loner ways and because he
intended to strike with the deadliness of the spider,
Background/History: There was a time when the he took the reins of the organization and has never
man who’s now the world’s most feared ecoterrorist let them go.
was a die-hard outdoor sportsman: a hunter, a fish-
erman, a skier. If it was exciting and fun and could be Personality/Motivation: Like the Gaea’s Comman-
done outside, he did it. He spent years traveling the dos and WEB’s other most devoted members, the
world, hunting big game and studying the hunting Recluse is a fanatical environmentalist. He believes
techniques of many peoples and tribes. There wasn’t the environment, wild creatures, plants, and other
a major game animal he hadn’t bagged at least once... natural resources must be protected at all costs
whether it was legal to hunt them or not. — even if it means killing or endangering humans.
One day in India he was hunting tigers. After Most people are nothing but environmental
hours of patient stalking and waiting, he found his exploiters and abusers; he thinks the Earth’s popu-
prey. He carefully raised his rifle to his shoulder, lation should be about 20% of what it is now.
took aim, let out his breath, and gave one clean Although the Recluse comes across as a rea-
squeeze on the trigger. There was a tremendous sonable and logical when one first speaks to him, it
blast, and the tiger fell, shot clean through the heart. doesn’t take long for his fanaticism to start creeping
He walked up to the tiger. As he approached, in around the edges. Let him talk long enough and
the sun came out of the clouds, illuminating the he veers into full-blown ranting. A gifted public
body in one pure beam of sunlight. All of a sudden speaker, he can go on and on at full volume for
he was struck with a profound sadness. The beauty hours unless something distracts him.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Casull Fieldgrade +1 +0 2d6+1 1d6 5 12
H&H African +0 +2 2½d6 1d6 2 16
Heavy Combat Knife+0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 — 10
Level II-A (DEF 6, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: The Recluse rarely goes out into the field anymore; when he does, he equips himself with whatever
he feels he needs to improve his chances of survival (such as camping gear and various tools)
100 ■ Criminal Organizations Hero System 5th Edition
THE RECLUSE Quote: None. The Recluse is never known to have Appearance: Only the most trusted members of
PLOT SEEDS issued a public statement. WEB know what the Recluse looks like. He’s a
hearty, muscular white man in his early 40s with
Powers/Tactics: Although he rarely uses his skills
The PCs meet “Robert sandy blonde hair cut short and a sandy blonde
anymore, the Recluse is a talented hunter who knows
J. Parker” at a charity moustache. He typically wears clothing suitable for
event, a protest rally, more about living and surviving in wilderness areas
the outdoors, such as safari shirts and jeans.
or some other place. At than most special forces soldiers. He’s studied the
first he seems like a nice hunting techniques and weapons of peoples from GAEA’S COMMANDO
guy — a bit of a radi- around the world, spent time in just about every
13 STR 14 DEX 13 CON
cal, maybe, but nothing type of environment (except deserts), and knows the
too bad. As they get to 10 BODY 10 INT 10 EGO
behavior and capabilities of the world’s major game
know him better, they 13 PRE 8 COM
animals intimately. Since joining WEB, he’s become
see hints of the fanati- 4 PD 4 ED 3 SPD
an expert on ecology and ecoterrorism as well. He
cism that lies beneath 6 REC 26 END 24 STUN
prefers to remain behind the scenes, directing the
his public exterior. In
activities of his Commandos and followers, a spider Abilities: Observant: +1 PER with all Sense Groups;
time they should come
to believe he could be at the center of the WEB. Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank; Improved Equip-
dangerous... and what If forced to fight, the Recluse often uses a spe- ment Availability: Military; Climbing 12-; KS: Eco-
will they do then? cial weapon — a concealed needle he wears on his terrorism 12-; KS: Environmental Exploiters And
fingertip (it’s attached to a thimble-like cap) that Polluters 12-; KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terror-
The Recluse hears contains a deadly poison derived from that of the ist World 11-; KS: Hobby or Job 11-; Navigation
that someone local to brown recluse. He can also use weapons (if any are (Land) 12-; PS: Terrorist 11-; PS: Hobby or Job 11-;
the campaign setting at hand). If he doesn’t think he has a chance to win, Stealth 12-; Streetwise 8-; Survival (Temperate/Sub-
— a zookeeper, a famous he’ll take the first opportunity to escape; he’s a firm tropical and one other environment category) 12-;
hunter, or the like — is believer in living to fight another day. Tracking 8-; WF: Small Arms; 27 points’ worth of
somehow mistreating additional Skills and abilities appropriate to indi-
tigers. Stung by the Campaign Use: The Recluse’s role as leader of WEB
vidual, if desired
memory of what made is obvious and straightforward. What makes him
him “see the light,” he more interesting is the mystery surrounding who 50+ Disadvantages: Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
decides to deal with this he is. Not even his closest associates in WEB know Capture); Psychological Limitation: Fanatic Envi-
environmental abuser his identity — and in fact, not all counterterror- ronmentalist (Very Common, Total); Social Limita-
personally. The PCs ism officials believe the Recluse actually exists. tion: Subject To Orders (Very Frequently, Major);
have to figure out what’s
Some think that an “inner council” of powerful Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently,
going on in time to stop
it... or investigate the cell leaders runs WEB and that the Recluse is a Major)
murder and find a way fiction designed to inspire loyalty and obedience.
The Recluse fosters and makes use of this misbelief Equipment: H&K MP5; Combat Knife; Level II-A
to bring the Recluse to
whenever he can. (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-). The Gaea’s Comman-
For times when he feels the need to interact dos plan their missions extensively; if there’s a type
with the rest of humanity, the Recluse maintains a of equipment they need to improve their chances of
Several people around
the country are poi- Deep Cover as Robert J. Parker, a mainstream envi- success, the odds are they’ll have it.
soned, seemingly by ronmental activist. In this role he may come into Description: This character sheet represents a typi-
a toxin derived from contact with the PCs in a nonconfrontational way cal member of Gaea’s Commandos, the group of
brown recluse spider — though if they push his buttons, he may not be hard-core WEB members who plan and conduct
venom. Is the Recluse able to keep himself from ranting.
at work, and if so, why... most of the organization’s terrorist attacks. Individ-
The Recluse doesn’t maintain any standard ual members may vary slightly from this baseline.
and how will the PCs
stop him? headquarters or hideout. He moves around a lot, Most members of Gaea’s Commandos live in
using a network of isolated cabins, homes, and normal society, posing as ordinary (if extremely
other facilities WEB established years ago. If neces- environmentally conscious) people. They usually
sary he can always take to the woods; he can sur- hold environmentally-beneficial jobs, for example
vive in areas so wild that teams of men could comb as recycling plant managers or environmental lob-
through them for weeks and not find so much as a byists. Others are full-time terrorists supported
trace of him. solely by WEB.
To make the Recluse tougher, increase his
Primary Characteristics a point or two and/or give
him Martial Arts. To weaken him, remove his All
Combat CSLs.
The Recluse wouldn’t Hunt anyone personally.
If WEB believes a PC is an environmental exploiter
worthy of its attention, the Recluse will turn the
organization’s resources loose on him. After careful
study of the target, the Commandos will formulate
a plan to take him out... and then they’ll take him
out. Unless the PC gets lucky and detects their
attempts to study him, he’ll probably learn he’s a
target only when WEB lowers the boom.
The Recluse has no criminal record.
chapter three:

102 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
LE BATELEUR 3 Language: English (completely fluent;
Val Char Cost Roll Notes French is Native)
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Lockpicking 13-
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 3 Mimicry 13-
17 CON 14 12- 3 Persuasion 13-
12 BODY 4 11- 3 Security Systems 13-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 7 Sleight Of Hand 15-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 3 Stealth 13-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 3 Streetwise 13-
14 COM 2 12- 3 Ventriloquism 13-
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) Resource Points
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 18 Equipment Points: 150
6 REC 0 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
34 END 0 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
29 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 111 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Movement: Running: 9”/18” Total Powers & Skills Cost: 132
Leaping: 5”/10” Total Cost: 243
Cost Powers END 100+ Disadvantages
14 Feint: HA +5d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
(-½), Requires A DEX Roll (no Active 20 Hunted: Card Shark 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill)
Point penalty; -¼) 2 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common,
6 Fast On His Feet: Running +3” (9” total) 1 Strong)
2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (5” forward, 15 Psychological Limitation: Showoff
3” upward) 1 (Common, Strong)
6 Disappearing Act: Teleportation 9”; Can 10 Reputation: magician-criminal who helps
Only Teleport To Places Le Bateleur Could other criminals escape, 11-
Normally Go (-½), Must Cross Intervening 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
Space (-¼), No Noncombat Multiple (-¼), quently, Minor)
Only To “Vanish” When No One Is Look- 53 Experience Points
ing (-½), Requires A Stealth Roll (-½) 2
Total Disadvantage Points: 243
Background/History: He was gonna be famous, he
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
just knew it!
His nerves really jangled as he waited back-
Talents stage. He’d never had stage fright like this before
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) — but this was his biggest gig ever, one where
maybe someone with some entertainment clout
Skills would notice him, so it was important that every-
3 Acrobatics 13- thing go just right. To calm his hands and his
3 Breakfall 13- mind, he worked through a few exercises, effort-
3 Climbing 13- lessly palming objects, making them disappear
3 Contortionist 13- and re-appear.
3 KS: Magic Tricks 13- At last it was time. “Ladies and gentlemen, the
3 KS: Jails And Prisons Of The Hudson City Perplexed Rabbit is thrilled to present the newest
Region 13- master of prestidigitation and mystery... Paul Starr!”

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Blinding Confetti +0 — Flash 6d6 — 4 — No Range
Juggling Balls +0 RBS 4d6 N — 8 6
Shock Gloves +0 — NND 4d6 — 2 —
Wand Gun +0 -2 1½d6 1d6-1 1 6
Throwing Knives +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown, carries four
Armored Clothing (DEF 2, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Le Bateleur usually has time to plan his capers and rescues well in advance, so he can obtain what-
ever sort of equipment he needs, provided it’s the sort of thing available on the street, or that he has the
time and money to hire the likes of Daedalus or the Toymaker to build it. Additionally, Le Bateleur usually
carries a dozen or so Smoke Pellets, and an equal number of Flash Pellets, to help with his Disappearing
Act and for other purposes.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 103

The announcer left the stage quickly, and the ing and making Presence Attacks. Sometimes he
lights dimmed. Suddenly there was a flash on stage even goes so far as to warn his enemies in advance
— a burst of fire and brimstone! When the smoke of what he’s going to do, since he’s convinced they
cleared, Paul was on stage as if by magic!... but no can’t avoid his attack.
one in the audience seemed impressed. Le Bateleur chose his name because he likes
Undeterred, he launched into his routine. Rab- the sound of it in his native French, and he feels
bits and doves emerged as if from nowhere, beauti- it lends an air of the exotic that “the Magician” or
ful women were chopped in two and then miracu- “the Wizard” both lack. It annoys him no end when
lously healed, sword-blades penetrated his body people mispronounce it, as they almost invariably
and did no harm. But still, all he got were smatter- do... but if they’re paying him enough money, they
ings of applause. He left the stage with a smile on can call him whatever they want.
his face but dejection in his heart. He just couldn’t
Quote: “Now you see him, now you don’t....”
understand it; these were great tricks he was doing!
It took a few more poorly-received perfor- Powers/Tactics: Le Bateleur is a gifted stage magi-
mances before the realization sank in: stage magic cian with a real knack for sleight of hand and many
just didn’t impress people anymore. Unless you had other disciplines related to misdirection and deceit:
a menagerie of dangerous animals like Siegfried ventriloquism, contortionism, mimicry. He’s also
and Roy, or the budget of David Copperfield, you an accomplished thief, able to bypass locks and
couldn’t get anywhere with sleight of hand these alarms without much trouble. But what really sets
days. People were too used to flashy special effects him apart in the Hudson City underworld is his
and computer animation; prestidigitation just specialty as a “professional escape engineer.” For a
didn’t impress them the way it once did. sizable fee, Le Bateleur orchestrates an escape for an
Slowly but surely the jobs... and the money... imprisoned criminal. He often hires additional per-
dried up. Within a year he was thrown out of his sonnel to assist with this, such as computer hackers
Crown Point apartment for nonpayment of rent. and disguise experts, but he remains in charge of
Soon he was reduced to supporting himself by the operation. “No prison can hold my clients!” he
using his skills in a different way: pickpocketing. likes to advertise — but while it’s true he’s enjoyed
Turned out he had a real gift for it. It wasn’t remarkable success outwitting the authorities and
long before his income from crime exceeded the leading jailbreaks, he’s not actually that infallible.
money he used to make as a stage performer. As his Nor does he possess magic powers; he plans his
confidence grew he moved on to other crimes, such jobs meticulously, often spending months to make
as stealing jewelry from underneath the very noses
of unsuspecting store clerks. He began developing
other skills, such as picking locks and defeating
security systems, moving from being a simple pick-
pocket to a full-bore thief.
Then came the day Charlemagne needed him
to break one of his gangsters out of jail. It didn’t
take much — a little trickery, a little contortion-
ism, a few seconds of deft lockpicking work. He
realized that was something he could do that even
most pickpockets couldn’t: help people escape.
There were bound to be plenty of people in the
underworld who’d pay good money for engineered
escapes. He just needed a way to market himself....
Soon the word was out on the street: if you
needed a way out of jail or prison, get in touch with
Le Bateleur, the Magician. If you’ve got the coin, he’s
got a way out.
Personality/Motivation: Le Bateleur got into crime
for a simple reason: he loves money and what it
can buy. His desire for fame and acclaim mostly
withered away a long time ago; now all he cares
about is getting paid. He’s not a violent person, but
he no longer cares enough about his fellow man to
make any effort not to hurt people when he com-
mits his crimes — if someone gets in his way, or
just happens to be unlucky enough to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time, he’s not going to
shed a single tear about hurting them. In short, he’s
not actively evil so much as he is utterly callous.
Le Bateleur loves to display his skills and clev-
erness — or even to talk about them. It’s a rare fight
where he doesn’t spend some of the time postur-
104 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
LE BATELEUR sure the mission won’t go sour and end up with him as he appears or disappears in a puff of smoke). The
PLOT SEEDS behind bars beside his client. boots and gloves are flared (so he can easily hide
Le Bateleur prefers to run rather than fight, things in them) and the cape has many cleverly-
The classic Le Bateleur but if he must he can hold his own. In addition concealed pockets.
plot: someone powerful to mundane smoke and flash pellets, he carries a
and dangerous is in jail variety of gimmicked weapons based on magi-
or prison, and wants out. cians’ props: a wand that’s a one-shot gun; sparkly UP, UP, AND AWAY
He gets word to Le Bate- confetti that dazzles and blinds; gloves with built-
leur, makes the required in batteries that can deliver a powerful shock; and “That Battler guy, he promises a lot, but he sure as
down payment, and sits *%&! delivers, too. One time after my partner Jace and
juggling balls hard enough to inflict injury when
back to await rescue. I pulled a major bank robbery, the cops picked up Jace.
he throws them. If it comes to fisticuffs, Le Bate- They couldn’t find me, so I got in touch with Battler to
The PCs get word of this
somehow and have to leur uses his deft hands and skill at misdirection arrange an escape — it was going to take every penny
stop Le Bateleur before to fake out his opponent and then clobber him we got from the robbery, and all we’d stashed over the
he completes his prepa- from an unexpected angle. In combat he’s blind- years, but no way was I lettin’ Jace stay locked up.
rations and breaks the ingly fast, able to assess the situation and react in a “It was a pretty slick plan. Battler hired a group of
man out of the joint. quick, confident manner. mercs to help pull it off. They waited until Jace was
In a combat or crisis situation, Le Bateleur on the bus up to the Stew. When it started to cross the
A series of “impos- prefers to keep his opponents confused and guess- bridge over Bear Creek, the mercs blocked the bridge
sible” crimes — locked- ing. He uses misdirection and evasion as much on both ends.
room thefts and such as he can — his Disappearing Act ability is par- “While they kept the guards occupied in the front of
— have been committed ticularly useful for this, though it’s not always the bus with gunfire, Battler came zoomin’ in over the
recently. Sounds like easy to arrange the battlefield so he can use it. He trees courtesy of his other employee: Thunderhawk.
the work of Le Bateleur,
sometimes implies that his abilities aren’t skills, but That copter’a his, it’s so quiet th’ guards didn’t hear him
but he hasn’t claimed
actual magic powers, as another way of keeping his hovering over the bus because of all the gunfire from
responsibility, and find-
foes off-balance. the mercs. Battler lowers himself down from the copter,
ing him to “ask” about
opens the back door of the bus, frees Jace, and airlifts
them may prove dif- Campaign Use: You can use Le Bateleur in several him outta there.
ways. The easiest is as just another thief, a competitor “Slickest thing I ever saw, man.”
to the likes of the Black Tarantula, Chiaroscuro, or
The PCs need to break
Meteor. To differentiate him from them, emphasize
in to prison to interro-
gate or rescue a prisoner. the “escape expert” angle described above. In that
case, the PCs may never hear about him until the
That’s a tall order — too
tall for them to handle first time he frees someone they put in prison — but SOCIALIZING
without the help of the after that, he’s bound to become such an annoyance
expert in such matters, that they’ll actively try to find and stop him. “Artur! How are you, darlink?”
Le Bateleur. But can they To make Le Bateleur more powerful, give him “Quite well, Marta, quite well indeed. I see that you’re as
trust him to play fair? appropriate super-skills — hypnotism, Desolidifi- beautiful as ever.”
cation representing his supreme ability at contor- “Tank you, darlink. I zertainly can’t argue!”
tionism and lockpicking — or beef up his Skill set “It’s good to see that things are back to normal here.
with Disguise and some Interaction Skills (Acting, Have the police made any progress with your case?”
Conversation, and Seduction would all work well).
“No, darlink; it iz mozt diztrezzing! It zimply terrifiez
To weaken him, reduce his DEX and INT to 15-17
me, te tought of zomebody breaking in here vhile I vaz
each and his SPD to 4. in Europe, rummaging around in my tingz. Tank heav-
Le Bateleur generally doesn’t Hunt heroes — enz I had mozt of my jewelry with me!”
he’s not really a vengeful kind of guy. But if a hero
“Surely the authorities have obtained some leads on
showed him up in a contest of skill, he might seek
the Degas. It’s not as if the thief could auction it at
that hero out to obtain a “rematch” and prove who’s Sotheby’s.”
really the better man.
Paul Starr — or Paul Saunier, to give his real “I know, darlink, I know. But tey zay tat it muzt have
been ztolen for zome private collector — a “cuztom
name — has a criminal record for multiple acts of
job,” tey call it. I may never zee it again. Mozt diztrez-
theft and several assaults. The authorities know he’s zing. Anyvay, enough bad newz, it iz a party! Enjoy
Le Bateleur, but his identity remains unknown to yourzelf, darlink; I muzt go greet te oter gueztz.”
the underworld and public at large (it would take a
He watched as she animatedly greeting one person
little digging in official records to find it).
after another. In his pocket, his hand idly fingered the
Appearance: When Le Bateleur started his criminal lapis brooch he’d taken from her jewelry chest when
career, he wore a more or less traditional magician’s he robbed the place. He could still see the moonlight
tuxedo and top hat with a domino mask, but after a pouring in through the windows, taste the thrill of
avoiding her security systems and servants. And cer-
few capers he rejected it as being too out of touch.
tainly Mr. Strake had paid quite well for the Degas....
He briefly switched to a costume loosely patterned
after a jester’s motley, but soon abandoned it as too —the Black Tarantula enjoys a night of pleasant com-
stupid-looking. He finally settled on a simpler cos- pany in pleasant surroundings
tume: a sort of purplish or burgundy bodystocking
with matching domino mask, plus gloves, boots,
and cape that are white with red trim along the
edges (the latter’s perfect for swirling dramatically
Predators ■ Chapter Three 105


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] Total Powers & Skills Cost: 162
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Total Cost: 200 The word on the street is
12 CON 4 11- that the Black Tarantula
10 BODY 0 11- 100+ Disadvantages plans to steal a fabulous
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 5 Age: 40+ piece of artwork on dis-
20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) play (and under heavy
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Kill- security) at the Skyline
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Club. Is the rumor true
15 COM 3 12- ing (Common, Total)
(rumors rarely precede
15 Psychological Limitation: Thrillseeker Who his thefts)... and if not,
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
Must Maintain His Reputation (Common, who’s spreading it, and
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
Strong) why?
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 Psychological Limitation: Fear Of Dying Too
4 REC 0
Soon (Common, Moderate) An old man in a nurs-
24 END 0
15 Reputation: the world’s best cat burglar, 14- ing home near Hudson
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 38
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other well- City tells the press he is
Movement: Running: 6”/12” known burglars and thieves, like Chiaroscuro the Black Tarantula and
and Meteor) plans to write a tell-all
Cost Powers END 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown) book. The real Black
10 Thief ’s Luck: Luck 2d6 0 (Frequently, Major) Tarantula, incensed by
this theft of his “good”
Perks Total Disadvantage Points: 205 name, plans (a) a crime
10 Contact: the Toymaker 15- (Contact has spree to show the press
extremely useful Skills, good relationship Background/History: The true identity and back- the pretender is wrong,
with Contact) ground of the infamous cat burglar called the Black and (b) a suitably clever
6 3 Deep Covers Tarantula remain a mystery, despite decades of act of revenge against
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- efforts to ferret out his secrets. According to the the old geezer. It’s up to
Level CIA’s files, he grew up on a small farm in Iowa. the PCs to stop him.
10 Money: Wealthy When a Middle Eastern sultan hired him to steal
some emeralds, the Tarantula told him he was the The Black Tarantula
Skills disowned son of British nobility (he speaks with decides it’s time for one
10 +2 with Agility Skills a distinct British accent and speech mannerisms). last, enormous score
to set himself up for
3 Acting 12- A wealthy South American art collector swore on
retirement. Naturally, his
3 Bribery 12- his deathbed that the Tarantula was a former MI6 target for this score is
3 Climbing 12- agent who’d gone rogue. Many other VIPs and something owned by, or
1 Computer Programming 8- agencies have their own stories about the man; associated with, one of
3 Concealment 12- the Tarantula himself neither denies nor confirms the PCs....
3 Contortionist 12- anything. All that anyone knows for sure is that he
3 Conversation 12- received his nom du crime from his habit of leav-
3 Disguise 12- ing a drawing of a black spider (often on an elegant
1 Electronics 8- business card) at the scene of his crimes.
1 Forgery (Documents) 8-
Personality/Motivation: The Black Tarantula is a
6 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games,
consummate gentleman, ever courteous and gal-
Roulette) 12-
lant, a man who never breaks his word once it is
7 High Society 14-
given — but also a scoundrel of the deepest dye.
3 KS: Art History 12-
He lies, cheats, and steals with skill and remorse-
3 KS: Con Games 12-
lessness; to him, courtesy and honor don’t counsel
3 KS: Gems And Jewelry 12-
against committing crimes, they simply dictate
3 Language: French (completely fluent;
one’s behavior while one steals. He considers thiev-
English is Native)
ery a source of well-deserved income, and “smash-
3 Lockpicking 12-
ing good entertainment” both for himself and the
3 Persuasion 12-
world at large as well. In this he reveals his egotism
3 PS: Appraiser 12-
and his supreme confidence in his own skills. But
3 Riding 12-
despite his thoroughly larcenous nature, the Taran-
3 Security Systems 12-
tula adamantly refuses to kill or injure his victims
3 Seduction 12-
— to do so would reflect poorly on his abilities as
3 Sleight Of Hand 12-
a thief, making him nothing more than a common
3 Stealth 12-
mugger or pursesnatcher. Rumor claims he never
3 Streetwise 12-
even carries weapons.
5 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
The Black Tarantula’s love of the “entertain-
Hanggliding, Snow Skiing, Two-Wheeled
ment” of stealing has over time been balanced by
Motorized Ground Vehicles
his fear of dying. When he was a younger man in
Resource Points his prime back in the Sixties and Seventies, he’d
12 Equipment Points: 120 take any risk to achieve his goal, whether that was
10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 to steal a fabulous gemstone or spend the night
106 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
SUGGESTED with another man’s wife. Many of those legendary would mar his treasured reputation). Only a par-
EQUIPMENT thefts are beyond his skills and endurance today, ticularly succulent prize could tempt him enough
Weapon: None and with the passing of time and skill he’s begun to to overcome his sense of caution.
confront his own mortality, something he dreads. But once the Tarantula decides to go after a
Armor: None
Despite his continued love of the “rush” of a theft target, there’s little one can do to stop him. Even
Gear: Line-gun, well done, he frequently holds back because he’s today, his thieving skills are among the best in the
advanced/high-quality terrified of dying (or even suffering serious injury). world, and his special burglary tools (most of them
burglary tools of many
Similarly, he avoids anything having to do with crafted by his long-time friend, the Toymaker) only
sorts, climbing harness
and tools, smoke pel- disease (especially cancer or heart disease, both of make his job easier. But he carries no weapons,
lets, Gen-2 nightvision which have claimed old friends in the recent past). since he has no desire to hurt anyone.
device Ironically, the various personae the Tarantula When it comes right down to it, the Black
Clothing: See Appear- has “created” over the years are all men of high Tarantula is a 67-year-old man — a remarkably fit,
ance class and distinction who dare not appear craven spry, and agile 67-year-old man, but a 67-year-old
or hypochondriacal. So he goes on drinking, smok- man nevertheless. That means he’s pretty fragile
ing, and eating rich food as if the world might end compared to most people, and he knows it. The last
tomorrow, loathing each bite or sip as if it were thing he wants to do is have some musclebound
poison. And he keeps committing his daring bur- oaf who doesn’t understand the proper use of force
glaries, drawn to the thrill of them as a moth to a put him in the hospital with a single well-placed
flame, knowing that someday they will be his finish. punch, and he’s no longer interested in humiliating
his pursuers with his acrobatic prowess, the way he
Quote: “Have these people no sense? They think to
used to when he was younger. If he’s confronted with
foil me with a simple pressure-plate system? One
any sort of force he surrenders immediately unless
might almost be insulted.”
he thinks he can get away before his opponents can
Powers/Tactics: The Black Tarantula, though still react — he can always use his wits to escape later on.
one of the finest thieves and con men in the world, And escape he will, for if he abhors anything more
is a man past his prime... but unlike many older than dying or losing his reputation, it’s the thought
men he acknowledges this fact. Where once not of living out the rest of his life in prison.
even the most complex array of security devices
Campaign Use: The biggest plot hook attached to
and guards would have deterred him, today he tries
the Black Tarantula is the question of who he really
to limit himself to less dangerous jobs (but without
is. In dramatic terms, he works best as a character
making it appear that he’s “taking it easy,” which
if you establish him in the campaign in a civilian
identity — someone the PCs know (and hopefully
respect or like) and whom they’d never suspect of
being an infamous cat burglar. When you pull back
the curtain to reveal who he really is, the gasps of
surprise will be well worth the time put in building
up the character.
The Black Tarantula isn’t intended as a combat-
ant, so you shouldn’t need to make him physically
tougher. At most you might want to increase his Skill
Rolls, or give him some super-skills like Disappear-
ing Act. To weaken him, reduce his Primary Char-
acteristics that have been increased above 10, and/or
remove his Skill Levels with Agility Skills.
The Black Tarantula doesn’t Hunt heroes
— he’s only interested in profit. If he wants to steal
something from a PC, he’ll study the PC carefully,
but he won’t Hunt him per se.
The Black Tarantula is wanted for almost a
hundred thefts on six continents. His most famous
“acquisitions” include the Star of Samarkand, a fab-
ulous star emerald; a group of three Titian paint-
ings; the plans for the Soviet nuclear submarine The
Triumph of May; the Van Der Planke diamonds;
and the crown jewels of Iran (twice).
Appearance: No one knows the Black Tarantula’s
true appearance, because he disguises himself con-
stantly. Most of his “personae” are urbane gentle-
men from 5’9” to 6’2” tall. They usually dress very
well and have dignified, handsome looks (including
a thick moustache). He has never been clearly seen
while committing a theft, but is thought to wear
some sort of black outfit at those times.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 107


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) PLOT SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 15 Combat Sense 13-
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 6 Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with The classic Blind plot:
15 CON 10 12- All Attacks someone’s hired Blind
13 BODY 6 12- to take out one (or
Skills more) of the PCs. The
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 20 +4 HTH heroes have to find a
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
3 Acrobatics 13- way to stop him, either
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 by killing him or by per-
10 COM 0 11- 3 Acting 13-
suading the employer
3 Analyze Style 13-
8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) to rescind the contract.
3 Breakfall 13- This plot works best if
8 ED 5 Total: 11 ED (3 rED) 3 Climbing 13-
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 the target PC has a code
3 Contortionist 13- of honor or other Psy-
8 REC 4 10 Defense Maneuver IV chological Limitation
30 END 0 3 High Society 13- that would lead him to
30 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 120 2 KS: Hapkido 11- fight Blind one-on-one;
Movement: Running: 9”/12” 2 KS: Hsing-I 11- even Blind can’t stand
2 KS: Kung Fu 11- up to a whole group of
Leaping: 6”/12”
2 KS: Karate 11- well-armed heroes for
Cost Powers END long.
2 KS: Lua 11-
Martial Arts: Kung Fu 2 KS: Pakua 11-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Blind requests a meet-
2 KS: Tae Kwon Do 11-
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort ing with the PCs. At that
2 KS: Tai Ch’i Ch’uan 11- meeting, he informs
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 45 STR 2 KS: Thai Kickboxing 11- them that for many
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all 2 Language: Cantonese (fluent conversation; years now, he has not
attacks, Abort Mandarin Chinese is Native) been in control of him-
4 Escape +0 +0 50 STR vs. 2 Language: English (fluent conversation) self — through ancient
Grabs 3 Stealth 13- Chinese sorcery, an
3 Joint Lock/Grab -1 -1 Grab, 45 STR 3 Streetwise 13- Oriental mystic has
5 Kick -2 +1 11d6 Strike 8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common controlled his mind and
4 Knife Hand -2 +0 HKA 1d6+1 Missile Weapons, Common Martial Arts made him use his skills
(2d6+1 with to kill. He finally shook
Weapons, Hook Sword, Three-Section Staff
STR) off the spell... and now
3 Legsweep +2 -1 8d6, Target Falls Resource Points he needs the PCs’ help
6 Equipment Points: 90 to defeat this evil man
4 Punch +0 +2 9d6 Strike
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 and begin his long jour-
3 Throw +0 +1 5d6 +v/5, Target ney toward atonement.
Falls 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
Will the PCs help? Is
4 Tien-hsueh Strike -1 +1 4d6 NND (1) 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Blind telling the truth,
4 Tiger/Dragon Claw Total Powers & Skills Cost: 241 or just setting them up
+0 +0 11d6 Crush, Must Total Cost: 361 for a trap?
Follow Grab
4 Uproot/Sand Palm The vengeance-minded
+0 +0 50 STR Shove 100+ Disadvantages family of one of Blind’s
16 +4 Damage Classes (already added in) 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable, victims wants to hire the
4 Use Art with Axes/Maces/Hammers/Picks, Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By PCs to kill Blind. But as
Blades, Clubs, Staffs Large Group) the PCs look into the
20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/ situation, they begin to
20 Sensitive Hearing: Targeting for Hearing
question whether Blind
Group 0 Kill)
actually committed the
4 Sensitive Hearing: +2 PER with Hearing 20 Hunted: Sing Chun 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap- assassination in ques-
Group 0 ture/Kill) tion. Who’s telling the
5 Sensitive Hearing: Ultrasonic Perception 20 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- truth, and who’s lying...
(Hearing Group) 0 cenary (Common, Total) and why?
6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1 15 Psychological Limitation: Merciless
3 Strong Leaper: Leaping +3” (6” forward, 3” (Common, Strong)
upward) 1 176 Experience Points
Perks Total Disadvantage Points: 361
3 Reputation: deadly martial artist assassin
(among the Military/Mercenary/Terrorist
and Espionage Worlds) 11-, +3/+3d6
108 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Jien +0 — 1d6 1d6-1 — 10
Staff +1 — 4d6 N — — 8 L (+1” reach)
Throwing darts +0 RBS 1d6-1 1d6-1 9 RC 5
Gear: Blind usually carries very little gear, if any — his needs are scant, and he thinks little of worldly pos-
sessions; he prefers to rely on his skills and wits rather than equipment

Background/History: No one on Earth seems to Personality/Motivation: Most assassins fall into a

know exactly who Blind is, or where he comes few simple categories. Some are psychopaths who
from. His nickname comes from his obvious blind- do the job for the love of killing. Some are highly-
ness — his eyes are milky white, the pupils barely trained professionals just doing a job they’ve been
visible — but it’s uncertain whether he suffered taught to do. And some regard the job as a chal-
from this condition since birth, contracted some lenge, or as a source of excitement.
sort of disease that affected his eyes, or was injured. Blind seems to fall into the latter category. He
He’s clearly spent decades honing and developing doesn’t talk much, but statements he’s made from
his martial arts skills, but no one can say where time to time could be interpreted to mean that he
or who he trained with. Here and there someone sees his assassination missions as a challenge: as
claims to have taught Blind, or to have trained a test of his martial arts prowess, his ability to get
alongside him, but none of these people can pro- close to his target, and his skill at escaping cap-
vide any further details about him... except for sto- ture. He likes the money, but it’s definitely not his
ries that only seem to confirm his supreme skill. primary motivation. When he gets paid, he usu-
The one thing that is well-known about ally spends his cash quickly and frivolously, often
Blind is his profession: he is an assassin. His first using a lot of it to buy food, drink, and women
recorded appearance in official records dates to and giving the rest away to charities or people
1997, when he allegedly killed three highly-trained who seem deserving.
CIA field agents in Paris, and a fourth in Philadel- Blind apparently considers himself a man of
phia. Since then he’s accepted and fulfilled dozens honor and dignity. He seems to subscribe to the so-
of assassination contracts without any seeming called “code of the mercenary” even more strongly
regard for political or social boundaries. If some- than other reliable assassins and mercs. He’ll stop
one’s willing to pay and he thinks he can complete at nothing to fulfill a contract, and until the job is
the job, he takes it, regardless of who the target is. done, there’s no way to get him to back out of the
contract short of the employer himself cancelling it.
His other great quality as an assassin is his absolute
mercilessness — neither cries of anguish nor pleas
for kindness have any effect on him whatsoever.
When he’s on the job, it’s as if he’s made of stone.
Quote: None. Blind rarely speaks.
Powers/Tactics: Blind is a superbly-trained mar-
tial artist, well-versed in over half a dozen fight-
ing styles (which makes it easy for him to switch
from one to another in mid-combat to confound
opponents’ Analyze Style ability). Since he’s blind,
he relies on his highly-developed sense of hearing
— he’s trained himself to be so sensitive to sounds
that he can attack people reliably based solely on
what he can hear of their movements and breath-
ing, and can even hear ultrasonic sounds.
Blind usually opens combat with an aggressive
attack using Kung Fu, Karate, or Thai Kickboxing.
If he doesn’t quickly overwhelm his opponent, he
backs off and fights more defensively, getting a feel
for his foe and using Analyze Style to determine
fighting patterns and weaknesses of approach.
When he feels he’s taken his opponent’s measure, he
takes the offensive again to finish his enemy off.
Blind enjoys a good fight, and may even take
steps to prolong a combat if he considers his oppo-
nent worthy (for example, if he Stuns such a foe,
he might back off and give him a chance to recover
Predators ■ Chapter Three 109

from being Stunned rather than finish him off ). On BLOOD ORCHID NONE ARE
the other hand, if he has no respect for his oppo- Val Char Cost Roll Notes SO BLIND?
nent — if the foe is weak, foolish, or a blusterer 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3]
— he may toy with him for a while before lowering 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 “It’s disgraceful, and a
the boom. 14 CON 8 12- complete violation of
13 BODY 6 12- their civil rights. Blind
Campaign Use: In addition to his general use as people have every right
an assassin, Blind would make a good nemesis or 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
to attend protest rallies
Rival for a PC martial artist. It may take a starting 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
and make their voices
PC a while to reach his level of power, but Blind’s 16 PRE 6 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 heard, the same as
perfectly capable of recognizing and acknowledg- 12 COM 1 11- everyone else. Federal
ing potential. 5 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) law specifically prohibits
There are lots of ways to make Blind tougher 4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (3 rED) discrimination on the
and deadlier, if you need him to be (he should 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 basis of handicap or
be powerful enough to make the PCs concerned infirmity. Preventing
6 REC 0
all blind people from
about fighting him, but not so powerful that he 28 END 0 getting closer than
can defeat them easily). You could give him Find 28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 64 100 feet to the stage is
Weakness with his Martial Arts, some super-skills blatantly illegal and a
like Necksnapper, or buy some Advantages for Movement: Running: 6”/12”
perfect example of the
his Kick or Punch using the rules in The Ultimate Cost Powers END administration’s fascist
Martial Artist. For a simpler approach, give him Martial Arts: Kenjutsu oppression of American
more Combat Skill Levels with HTH Combat. If Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect citizens.
he’s too tough already, get rid of some of his Mar- 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
tial Maneuvers and CSLs, and perhaps his Combat 4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 35 STR “They’re not even both-
Luck as well. to Disarm roll ering to try to hide what
Blind only Hunts people he’s been hired to kill. they’re doing. Have you
4 Evade — +5 Dodge, Affects
He might develop a Rivalry with a PC (even a rela- heard the flimsy excuse
All Attacks, they’re using? They
tively good-natured one), but he won’t Hunt a hero Abort claim they have to pro-
unless someone’s paying him to. 4 Lightning Stroke +2 +0 Weapon +4 DC tect the Vice President
Blind doesn’t have a formal criminal record, Strike from a possible attack by
but he’s wanted by the authorities in thirteen coun- 5 Running Stroke +1 +0 Weapon +2 DC some sort of blind assas-
tries for nearly four dozen murders. + v/5; FMove sin. Have you ever heard
5 Slashing Stroke -2 +1 Weapon +6 DC anything so ridiculous?”
Appearance: Blind is an Asian (probably Chinese)
man of indeterminate age — he’s probably in his Strike
5 Takeaway +0 +0 Grab Weapon, —civil rights activist
late 20s or early 30s, but he’s in such excellent phys- Gina Hernandez, pro-
ical shape that he could easily be older. He’s 5’5” 35 STR to Take
Weapon Away testing the treatment
tall and weighs about 140 pounds; his body is rock- of blind protesters at
solid, the muscles often clearly outlined beneath 1 Use Art Barehanded (Bind, Block, Disarm,
a speech by the Vice
his skin. His eyes are a milky, almost pupilless Evade, Takeaway maneuvers only) President
white that clearly indicates his blindness; his hair Martial Arts: Ninjutsu
jet-black and short-cropped. He has no standard Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect
garb, preferring to dress in whatever fashion seems 4 Atemi Punch -1 +1 3d6 NND (1)
appropriate for wherever he is (it wouldn’t do to 4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb,
stand out, after all). If possible, he fights shirtless 3d6 NND (2)
and shoeless, wearing only a pair of white dang lung 5 Kick -2 +1 9d6 Strike
fu (loose pants gathered in at the ankles). He has no 4 Knife Hand -2 +0 HKA 1d6 (2d6
tattoos or other identifying marks, but sometimes with STR)
carries a staff, jien, or other weapon. 4 Punch +0 +2 7d6 Strike
4 Reversal -1 -2 40 to Escape;
Grab Two Limbs
4 Throw +1 +1 5d6 + v/5 Strike;
Target Falls
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
2 Deep Cover (GM’s choice)
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
5 Money: Well Off
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
110 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
BLOOD ORCHID Skills away with it, but sometimes Daddy caught him, and
PLOT SEEDS 10 +2 HTH then he had to go to the Basement. The Basement
was deep and dark and soundproofed, so none of the
3 Climbing 12-
The word is on the neighbors could hear Roddy screaming and crying.
3 Concealment 12-
streets that one of the Mommy could hear, but she pretended not to.
2 Forgery (Documents) 12-
PC’s enemies has hired One day when Roddy was 14, Daddy took
2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
the Blood Orchid to take Roddy down to the Basement. When Daddy was
the PC out. Then the PC 2 KS: Kenjutsu 11-
done, he locked Roddy in his room. But Roddy had
meets a very attractive 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
been studying things on the Internet. He got out the
Japanese woman who 2 KS: Ninjutsu 11-
lockpicks he’d made and went to work. Half an hour
seems interested in him. 1 Language: Japanese (basic conversation;
later, the lock opened. He knew Daddy would be out
Will the PC assume English is Native)
the Japanese woman is in the hothouse, so he went to the toolshed and got
3 Lockpicking 12-
the Blood Orchid and a pick handle. He snuck into the hothouse quietly
3 SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 12-
react accordingly? Is and crept around, looking for Daddy. By the time
3 Security Systems 12-
her romantic interest in Daddy heard him, Roddy was too close for Daddy to
3 Shadowing 12-
him legitimate, or is she run away. The first blow knocked Daddy down. The
3 Sleight Of Hand 12-
working for the Blood second blow made Daddy’s head break open with a
Orchid? 3 Stealth 12-
funny popping sound. Then there were other blows.
3 Streetwise 12-
When he was done, Roddy stood there, star-
A street contact calls the 9 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
ing down at what used to be Daddy. The pool of
PCs and says he’s got Missile Weapons, Common Martial Arts
red looked like a strange flower — a blood orchid,
some information they’d Weapons, Small Arms, Garrote
a vermillion morning glory, a crimson daffodil.
better be prepared to
Resource Points Roddy was covered with blood too, but he felt...
pay big for — the Blood
Orchid’s secret identity! 8 Equipment Points: 100 clean. Refreshed. Invigorated. Free.
But he won’t tell them 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 Then Roddy went back into the house, got a
over the phone; he 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 butcher’s knife from the kitchen, found Mommy
wants to meet them in 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 in the den reading a magazine, and made another
an hour to get the cash. blood orchid. Mommy had never tried to stop it, so
When the PCs show up Total Powers & Skills Cost: 170
Mommy was just as bad.
for the meet, they find Total Cost: 234
Rod left the house and never looked back. He
their contact dead... 100+ Disadvantages looked older than he was; it wasn’t hard to convince
and the Blood Orchid’s people he was older, to get work on the street. It
10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
“calling card” on the
Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By didn’t take long before everyone knew not to mess
wall nearby. Do the
PCs pursue the Blood Large Group) with him. Two older boys tried to rob him once,
Orchid? Did the con- 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) and he killed them both with his knife. Then he
tact really have useful 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) robbed them.
information about the 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer Rod was smarter than most people on the
assassin, and if so did (Very Common, Strong) street. He didn’t want to spend the rest of his life as
he maybe write it down 10 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- a street punk, with nowhere to go but the Stew or
somewhere before he cenary (Common, Moderate) the cemetery. So he read a lot of books, and found
died? 15 Reputation: deadly assassin, 14- (among the people to teach him things. He spent a lot of time
Military/Mercenary/Terrorist and Espionage in dojos, learning ancient fighting techniques. Some
A ninja master offers to Worlds; Extreme) of the “masters” were just fakes, all flash and no
teach the Blood Orchid substance, with nothing really useful to teach him.
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other well-
advanced ninjutsu tech-
known assassins, like Blind and Satan’s Kiss) But with time and persistence he found ones who
niques and abilities...
but only if he kills the 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Roderick knew what they were talking about and could teach
PCs as “payment” for the McWhirter) (Frequently, Major) him true techniques.
training. 19 Experience Points One day, an old friend on the street approached
Rod with a problem. Another gang was making a
Total Disadvantage Points: 234 move for his friend’s turf, and he needed someone to
Background/History: There were many special get rid of the gang’s leader. Rod said he’d take the job.
places in Roddy’s house when Roddy was growing He watched the gang for a couple of weeks, getting
up. There was the living room, where Mommy had a feel for what they did and how they did it. When
the nice furniture and carpet and all her antiques, the time was right, he took the gang leader out, leav-
where he could only go when there was an adult ing his head neatly detached from his body for his
with him. There was Mommy and Daddy’s room, “homies” to find. He signed his work in the gangsta’s
the one where the door was always shut and his blood, using a brush to write the kanji for “blood”
parents never let him see what was inside. There and “orchid” on the wall near the body.
was Daddy’s garden — Daddy was a plant doctor — Word quickly spread on the street about the
with its hothouse, where Daddy grew pretty flowers “Blood Orchid,” the deadly assassin no one could
from all over the world. And there was the Base- stop. With a name like that, and “her” ability to get
ment, where Daddy took Roddy whenever Roddy close to any target, everyone assumed “she” was
misbehaved... or just when Daddy felt like it. a woman, and Rod didn’t see any reason to cor-
Sometimes Roddy would sneak into the hot- rect them. In time the rumors of his skills reached
house to smell the pretty flowers. Sometimes he got higher-placed ears, and he began taking jobs
around the world for anyone who could pay his
Predators ■ Chapter Three 111


Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Katana +1 — 1½d6 1d6-1 — 12 “No *%&!, man — I seen
Tanto +0 RBS ½d6 1d6-1 — 5 Can be thrown, carries 2 her once. Me’n Dack
wanted us some slant
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10 Sil, FS, laser
slitch, so we headed over
Wire garrote +0 +0 ½d6 1d6-1 — 5 Constant, must be aimed at neck or t’ Chinatown. We was,
limb was headin’ over t’ Mama
Armor Huang’s. This guy, he was,
None was walkin’ toward us, a
Jap wearin’ these fancy
Gear: Whatever he needs for the job at hand, within reason (given his resources) clothes — probably a yak
or somethin’. Anyhow, he
price. Today, when the word gets out that the Blood make this clear to the PCs by having NPCs refer to walked past this alleyway
Orchid is one someone’s trail, that person mends “her” using feminine pronouns, and so forth. Many when bamm! this samurai
his ways quickly or flees as far and as fast as he can underworld figures will even brag about having met sword lashes out and cuts
off his head like you ’r
— otherwise, death is sure to come, and soon. “her” to make themselves look more important. This
I’d’ve swatted the head off
element of surprise should give the Blood Orchid a a dandelion. Then I seen
Personality/Motivation: The Blood Orchid is in
significant advantage until the PCs learn the truth. her, there in the mouth
many ways a textbook example of a sociopath.
To make the Blood Orchid tougher, give him of the alley — a Jap chick,
Molded by years of physical, sexual, and emo-
some super-skills (maybe Disappearing Act, or a dressed all in red, with
tional abuse, he’s become utterly self-centered and
form of Deadly Blow), possibly including some a black mask covering,
remorseless. To him, killing other people is pleasur- like, half of her face... one
special martial arts abilities (such as ones described
able; it excites his stunted emotions and gives him a eye, one cheek, sorta. On
in The Ultimate Martial Artist or Ninja Hero) that
feeling of accomplishment. Psychiatrists analyzing the other side of her face
don’t violate the Dark Champions “feel.” To weaken
his work have commented on the psycho-sexual she had this tattoo, a red
him, reduce his Primary Characteristics a little and
significance of “penetrating” his victims with sword flower. Prob’ly it was, was a
get rid of some of his Martial Maneuvers (possibly
or bullet, but he doesn’t think of it that way. blood orchid, but I wasn’t
including all of his Ninjutsu attacks, so he has to close enough to see.”
As a professional assassin, the Blood Orchid
rely on weapons)
subscribes to the infamous “code of the mercenary”
The Blood Orchid only Hunts people if paid —Weasel Watkins con-
— but not always to the same extent as others of
to do so. As a Hunter, his chief virtue is patience. jures a close encounter of
his ilk. He doesn’t care for his employers any more
He stalks his target for weeks, if not months, learn- the dangerous kind
than he cares for anyone else, and if he sees an
ing his routines and familiarizing himself with the
opportunity to gain by turning on his employer, he
target’s favorite places. Only when he feels he has
may take it (provided he thinks no one will find out
the job perfectly planned does he strike.
— he has his reputation to think of).
Roderick McWhirter has no criminal record,
Quote: None. The Blood Orchid doesn’t talk to but is still wanted by the HCPD for questioning
his victims, and communicates with his employ- concerning the murder of his parents. No one has
ers via computer. any idea he’s the Blood Orchid (the friend who first
hired him all those years ago died in a prison brawl
Powers/Tactics: The Blood Orchid is an assassin without having ever told anyone).
skilled at inflicting death in many different ways.
His favored methods are bladed weapons (par- Appearance: Roderick McWhirter is a handsome-
ticularly Japanese ones) and poison, but he can use looking man in his early 30s: 5’9”, black hair, grey
guns, the garrote, or even his bare hands if he has eyes, athletic build. He wears ordinary clothing,
to. He’s not picky. When he can, he leaves his calling stylish but not overly expensive or flashy. When
card — the kanji for “blood” and “orchid” — written on the job, he wears whatever clothing is most
in the victim’s blood somewhere near the body. appropriate — anything from street clothes to night
As a killer-for-hire, the Blood Orchid prefers combat gear.
not to get involved in open combat if he can avoid
it; he’d rather strike from surprise and then vanish.
If cornered by the PCs, he’ll try to escape, fighting
only if he must or if goaded into it.
The Blood Orchid interacts with his employers
via computer. People who want to hire him need to
have enough influence to get his contact informa-
tion; once they do, they can make him an offer. He
does most of his work for a few select employers,
whose real identities he no more knows than they
know his — all he cares about is that the money
makes it into his bank account.
Campaign Use: Because the Blood Orchid arranges
jobs via computer and uses a feminine-sound-
ing nom du crime, the underworld assumes he’s a
woman. Before you introduce him into your game,
112 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
BRAHMA BRAHMA 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Follower/Contact Points: 5
25 STR 20 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [5] 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Texas authorities want 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 119
to get Brahma back 20 CON 20 13- Total Cost: 247
into the Lone Star State 20 BODY 20 13-
so they can arrest him. 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 100+ Disadvantages
They hire the PCs to 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
take care of the job. 15 Hunted: various Texas law enforcement
They don’t care how it’s 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
8 COM -1 11- organizations 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited
done, so long as no law-
breaking can be traced Geographical Area, Capture)
12 PD 11 Total: 12 PD (2 rPD)
back to them. 15 Psychological Limitation: Loves To Fight
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
And Brawl (Common, Strong)
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Brahma’s been mouth- 5 Rivalry: Professional (with other high-STR
12 REC 10
ing off around town, enforcers, like Caber and Stonehenge)
40 END 0
calling Caber a coward 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
50 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 128
because Caber refuses quently, Minor)
to meet him for a fight. Movement: Running: 6”/12” 82 Experience Points
Caber has strict orders
from Charlemagne Cost Powers END Total Disadvantage Points: 247
to “leave the cowboy 20 Who Needs That Chop-Socky *%&!: HA
Background/History: Bill Garner’s father Paul was
alone,” but he can’t stand +6d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 3
being called a coward. a big man — 6’4” tall, muscles like a blacksmith,
2 Haven’t Got Time For The Pain: Damage
So, he decides to trick or voice like James Earl Jones. But everyone could see
Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
maneuver the PCs into Bill was gonna go him one further when he got old
30 Too Tough To Fall: Physical Damage Re-
taking Brahma out. enough. By the time he was 10, Bill topped five feet
duction, Resistant, 75%; Only To Prevent
and could already lift nearly as much as his dad.
Being Stunned (-1) 0
A woman who claims Paul Garner was a rancher who spent a lot of
15 Too Tough To Fall: Energy Damage Re-
Brahma’s the father of time in trouble with the law. He’d go to town Friday
her baby asks the PCs duction, Resistant, 50%; Only To Prevent
nights, get plastered, start a fight, bust some heads,
to bring him in so she Being Stunned (-1) 0
and spend the rest of the weekend in the drunk
can get him to pay child 4 Intimidation: +10 PRE; Extra Time (Full
tank. Bill took after him that way, too — from his
support. Is she for real, Phase; -½), Only To Make Fear/Intimida-
very first day in school he got into fights every
or is there more to the tion-Style Presence Attacks (-1) 0
week, and his size and strength soon made him the
story than what she’s
telling? Perks toughest bully on the playground. If he didn’t get
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- five kids’ lunch money by noon, he was having a
Level bad day.
As he got older, Bill got worse. He didn’t stop
Talents growing until he reached 6’6”, and between his size
5 Resistance (5 points) and a fake ID he was drinking in bars by the time
Skills he was 13. He got in a lot of fights, and he never lost
20 +4 HTH one. After seeing him take on five guys at once and
toss them off like a bull bucking a rider when they
4 Gambling (Card Games, Sports Betting) 11-
jumped on him, some bartender nicknamed him
2 AK: Texas 11-
“Brahma,” and it stuck.
2 CK: Houston 11-
Then came the day when a couple of men
1 CK: Hudson City 8-
offered him a hundred bucks to beat the *%&! outta
3 PS: Play Pool 12-
some dude they claimed had cheated them at cards.
3 Stealth 12-
A hundred bucks was a hundred bucks, so he beat
3 Streetwise 12-
the guy bloody. Word got around, and soon he was
2 WF: Small Arms
doing the same sort of work for lots of shady char-
Resource Points acters — pretty much anyone who could pay what
0 Equipment Points: 60 he charged (and his rates soon went a lot higher
than $100).
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Ruger Redhawk +0 +0 2d6 1d6 6 11
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Gear: Usually none, but he may have his custom-made pool cue with him if he’s planning to play some
pool. He won’t use it as a weapon or a tool; in fact, he’ll go out of his way (though not to ridiculous
lengths) to keep it from being damaged.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 113

Then he killed a guy.

He hadn’t meant for it to happen. It was just a
beating like any other, but apparently the guy was
some kinda pansy and couldn’t take it, because he
keeled over of a heart attack before he’d even had
the chance to start spittin’ up teeth. It didn’t take
the cops long to put two and two together — they’d
seen plenty of people he’d “worked on” before, and
picked him up more than a few times for brawl-
ing. But they made the mistake of sending only
two guys to arrest him, and Brahma didn’t feel like
going to jail. Although he took a couple slugs from
their service pistols, he got close enough to beat
them so badly one died, and the other spent six
months in the hospital recovering.
In Texas they give you the chair for that sorta
thing, and he’d just as soon not take a ride on Ol’
Sparky. So he cut and ran, heading far away from
home to a place called Hudson City. Some of his
“employers” had friends there who could get him
work, and he figured no Texas cop was gonna come
that far to nab him. He was wrong about that, but
it’s a lot easier to get away from them in the streets
of the Urban Abyss, so in Hudson City he remains.
Personality/Motivation: Brahma comes across like
a good ol’ boy — which is just what he is. He likes
to hang around, drink prodigious quantities of
beer, eat burgers, watch TV, play pool and cards,
and have plenty of rowdy fun. But he also likes to
fight... a lot. He can’t spend more than a few hours
around other people without getting the itch to
start throwing punches. Any little excuse, and off he
goes. He doesn’t usually mean anything by it — he’s
just having fun — but he’s so strong and tough that
even his mildest punches can break bones. And if priate percentage before determining whether he
he gets angry, watch out! took enough damage to Stun him.
Brahma found out long ago he could put his Campaign Use: Brahma works for various
toughness to work by becoming a bodyguard, crimelords and gang leaders as an all-purpose
legbreaker, enforcer, and debt collector. He’s not strongman. He can break legs, collect on overdue
sadistic, but he doesn’t really care if he has to hurt bills, threaten the PCs, and so on. If one of the PCs
someone, or even kill them. He’d rather draw them is known for his strength and fighting ability, he
into a fight and do it fair and square if he can, but and Brahma could easily become Rivals.
many’s the time he’s worked over someone tied up To make Brahma tougher, replace the Limita-
in a chair until there was nothing left of the poor tion on his Damage Reduction with Requires A
guy’s face but a bloody wad of meat. CON Roll (no Active Point penalty; -¼). To weaken
Quote: “C’mon, boy, show me whatcha got!” him, reduce his HA dice and/or the level of his
Damage Reduction.
Powers/Tactics: Who needs clever tactics when he’s Brahma doesn’t normally Hunt anyone — that’s
got a punch strong enough to stop a Mack truck? just not his style, and it’s too much effort. But if
Brahma just wades in and starts throwing punches, someone humiliates him in a fight, he’ll make it his
he doesn’t mess around with fancy footwork, feints, business to track that guy down for a second round.
or other such nonsense. He doesn’t even care if he Brahma has an extensive criminal record in
has to take a couple punches, or even a bullet wound Texas for assault, and is also wanted for three mur-
or knife blow, to get at his target — he learned long ders and one attempted murder. The HCPD want
ago that he could stand up to such things. him for several assaults and murders he’s commit-
One of the reasons Brahma’s such a tough ted since moving to the Pearl City.
brawler is that it’s next to impossible to incapaci-
tate him. He can take punch after punch, blow Appearance: Brahma is huge, standing 6’6” with
after blow, but he won’t fall down unless someone broad, thick shoulders and an extremely muscular
Knocks him Out (or kills him). In game terms, he build. He’s got sort of reddish-brown hair and a
has Damage Reduction only for the purposes of matching beard and moustache; he speaks in a
determining whether he’s Stunned. In other words, deep voice with a Texas accent. He usually wears
he still takes full STUN and BODY damage from t-shirts, jeans, and cowboy boots, sometimes with a
an attack — but you should reduce it by the appro- cowboy hat to top it all off.
114 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
BROTHER NAMAAN 2 PS: Drug Dealer 11-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 PS: Houngan-Bokor 12-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 3 PS: Perceiving And Interpreting Omens 12-
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 Sleight Of Hand 12-
15 CON 10 12- 3 Stealth 12-
11 BODY 2 11- 3 Streetwise 14-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Ventriloquism 12-
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 3 WF: Small Arms, Knives
23 PRE 16 14- PRE Attack: 4½d6 Resource Points
8 COM -1 11- 12 Equipment Points: 120
5 PD 3 Total: 11 PD (6 rPD) 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
6 ED 3 Total: 12 ED (6 rED) 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
5 REC 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 221
30 END 0
Total Cost: 309
30 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 88
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 100+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Cost Powers END 20 Hunted: DEA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
29 Petro Voodoo — Curse: See text box 0 10 Hunted: Shango 8- (As Pow, Capture)
38 Petro Voodoo — Death Curse Doll: See 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
text box 0 (Very Common, Strong)
34 Petro Voodoo — Zombie Powder: See 15 Psychological Limitation: Superstitious;
text box 0 Believes In Voodoo (Common, Strong)
3 Voodoo — Blessing Of Protection: See 124 Experience Points
text box 0
5 Eyes Of Darkness: Nightvision 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 309
3 Poison Resistance: Life Support (Immun- Background/History: The top floor of the crack-
ity to curare) 0 house was one large room — the walls had been
Perks removed, leaving only the support columns. Soil
3 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank (leader of the hard-packed by the treading and dancing of hun-
Ghede posse) dreds of feet covered the floor, and mud and dirt
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- coated the walls, creating what seemed like a cave
Level dozens of feet above the ground. Boards covered
the windows, allowing in only a few weak beams
Talents from the streetlights outside; the light in the houn-
8 Protective Charm: Combat Luck (6 PD/6 for came from candles and torches whose smoke
ED); IAF (-½) made the onlookers’ eyes water and had long ago
3 Lightsleep turned the ceiling black.
3 Simulate Death They were grouped around the walls of the
room — hard men with hard eyes, all armed with at
least one gun, many carrying several. Four of them
3 Concealment 12-
played simple drums, maintaining a smooth, almost
2 AK: Freetown 11-
hypnotic beat — boom! badda badda badda, boom!
1 CK: Hudson City 8-
badda badda badda — with their hands.
2 CK: Kingston, Jamaica 11-
All their eyes were focused on the altar in the
3 KS: Freetown Crime 12-
center of the room, and the man moving around it.
5 KS: Voodoo Lore 14-
Dressed in grimy leathers, and wearing many pouches
1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation; Eng-
and voodoo charms as well, he used light grey ash
lish is Native)
to paint a vever pattern on the floor with quick, deft
3 Oratory 14-
touches. In a clear voice he chanted as he painted,
3 Paramedics 12-
invoking the loa to aid him and his followers in
11 Power: Voodoo 16-
exchange for the blood he was about to offer them.
With a final flourish, he finished the pattern
SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT and turned to altar. Bound to the altar with ropes
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes was a young black man wearing jeans and a Golden
Colt King Cobra +0 +0 2d6 1d6 6 10 Hollow point State Warriors shirt, both too large for him. Tears
ammo streaked his face — he was long past the shouting,
Colt 2000 +1 +1 1d6+1 1d6-1 15 10 the swearing, the screaming, and the struggling,
Sacrificial Knife +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 leaving only the terror. He kept looking around,
Armor: None hoping for some sign of rescue... but all he ever saw
were the hard-eyed men.
Gear: Various Voodoo charms and tools The bokor stepped close and grabbed the
bound man’s shirt with both hands. With one quick,
Predators ■ Chapter Three 115

fierce motion, he tore it down the front, exposing killing people out of nothing more than frustration A MATTER OF
the victim’s chest. Then he went to the foot of the or petty anger; the other members of the Ghede PERSPECTIVE
altar and picked up a ceramic bowl filled with goat’s posse have learned to walk softly around him.
blood. The drums fell silent. “N-no way, man. I don’t
Quote: “You and you may think you understand
He raised the bowl above his head. “Men of care what kinda heat
what it is that you fight. But this is not so, Babylon.
Ghede!” he proclaimed in a voice that carried to you bring down on me.
The spirits of this place protect the brothers of Throw me in the joint,
all corners of the hounfor. “We are strong — our
Ghede, and they can strike you down just as surely beat the *%&! outta
enemies cannot destroy us. We are strong — the
as our bullets.” me, Amado Diallo me,
loa have granted us their favor. We are strong
— and with blood we make ourselves stronger I don’t give a !$&*. No
Powers/Tactics: In addition to being a well-armed
way am I givin’ him
still. It is Brother Namaan who has bespoken the gang leader, Brother Namaan is a bokor, or dark up. He’ll !$&* me up
loa for you, Brother Namaan who promises you Voodoo sorcerer-priest, and as such he has certain ten times worse’n you
this strength!” powers. If he captures someone and treats that bitches... and then he’ll
Lowering the bowl, he dipped his fingers in the person with his special zombie powder, the victim go after my li’l sister,
blood. Deliberately and with precision, he used it becomes his mindless slave. If he plans to send and my mom. Even if he
to draw several symbols on the bound man’s chest. some of his followers into battle, he can offer up to ’cides to let’m live, he’ll
The victim was babbling something by now, but eight of them a blessing of protection (they become put some !$&*%@’ curse
Namaan ignored his rantings as he had ignored tougher and more able to ignore the effects of on ’em, man. Find yo’seff
those of so many others before. wounds through their strong belief in his powers, another snitch.”
One of Namaan’s followers came to him, and the powers of the loa he serves). If he wishes
taking away the bowl of blood and bringing a new, someone harm, he can curse that person with ill —Gangsta Tiny C,
empty bowl. Namaan drew from a scabbard on his showing he knows the
fortune. And if he can obtain some blood, skin,
way things really work
belt a knife with a thin, slightly curved blade and a tears, sweat, hair, or other bits and pieces of a per-
handle made from human bone. He moved to the son’s body, Brother Namaan can use them to craft
head of the altar. A short, quick slash opened the a voodoo doll with which he can kill that person
bound man’s jugular, and Brother Namaan bent to from a distance.
catch the spurting blood in the empty bowl. In most situations, Brother Namaan sends his
When the bowl was full, he stood up again. One people out to fight; he doesn’t fight himself. But he’s
by one his followers left the wall and came to him no coward. He carries at least a couple of guns most
so he could paint a small symbol on their foreheads of the time, and he’ll use them whenever he has to.
with the human blood. When all had received the The zombies Brother Namaan creates are
charm, Brother Namaan spilled the blood out of
the bowl, part of it in each of the four corners of the
hounfor, and then he spoke. “Go now, my brothers,
with the mark of Ghede upon you. Take the body
of this one and leave it where the Nubians will find
it. Go among them and kill and kill, so that they
learn Ghede will not back down in the face of their
threats.” As the men left amidst the sound of bullets
being chambered and magazines being rammed
home, Brother Namaan one by one put out the
torches, until only he remained in utter darkness.
Personality/Motivation: As the bokor, or sorcerer-
priest, of a dark Voodoo sect to which he and the
other members of the Ghede posse belong, Brother
Namaan (“no man,” i.e., one who is as much of the
spirit world as the material world) believes whole-
heartedly in the Unseen Powers that surround him.
While he knows that much of his “voodoo power” is
trickery rather than magic (for example, he creates
his zombies with powders and drugs, not spells),
he also knows that many of his powers are real. He
can curse someone, and he can protect his followers
from harm, because the loa and other spirits he calls
upon do these things for him in exchange for the
blood offerings he makes to them. He frequently sees
omens, and often changes his plans based on what he
believes the spirits are telling him.
But there’s a practical side to Brother Namaan
as well. As a posse leader, he’s as much a gang lord
and drug dealer as he is a priest. The spirits may
help, but ultimately he and his have to do the dirty
work most of the time — and that often means kill-
ing a lot of people. He’s quick on the trigger, often
116 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Petro Voodoo — Curse: Major Transform 7d6 (normal counter-potions or medical procedures), BOECV
One of the PCs finds a human into human with Unluck 3d6, heals back (Power Defense applies; +1), Works Against EGO,
dead goat on his door- normally), Area Of Effect (One Hex Accurate; +½), Not BODY (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
step, its throat slit and its MegaArea (1” = 10 km wide and deep; +½), Indirect OAF Expendable Fragile (zombie powder made
body drained of blood. (always come from Brother Namaan, but can strike from various rare substances, Extremely Difficult to
What’s going on? Is it target regardless of intervening barriers; +½), Reduced obtain; -2¼), All Or Nothing (-½), Concentration (0
Brother Namaan and Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF Expendable Fragile DCV throughout casting; -1), Extra Time (1 Week;
Ghede at work, and if (various voodoo powders and charms, Extremely -4½), Gestures (throughout casting; -½), Incantations
so how did they find Difficult to obtain; -2¼), All Or Nothing (-½), Con- throughout casting; -½), Limited Target (humans; -½),
out where the character centration (0 DCV throughout casting; -1), Extra No Range (-½), Requires A Voodoo Roll (no Active
lives? Time (1 Day; -4), Gestures (throughout casting; -½), Point penalty; -0) plus Aid STR and PD 3d6, two
Incantations throughout casting; -½), Limited Target Characteristics at once (+½), Delayed Return Rate
The omens tell Brother (humans; -½), No Range (-½), Requires A Voodoo (points fade at the rate of 5 per Week, but all points
Namaan that a time of Roll (no Active Point penalty; -0) fade immediately when Transform heals; +1¼); OAF
great troubles is coming, Petro Voodoo — Death Curse Doll: RKA 5d6, AVLD
Expendable Fragile (zombie powder made from vari-
and he must prepare (defense is Power Defense; +1½), Does BODY (+1),
ous rare substances, Extremely Difficult to obtain;
for it by increasing his Area Of Effect (One Hex Accurate; +½), MegaArea (1”
-2¼), Concentration (0 DCV throughout casting; -1),
power. To do that would = 10 km wide and deep; +½), Indirect (always come
Extra Time (1 Week; -4½), Gestures (throughout cast-
require a great blood from Brother Namaan, but can strike target regardless
ing; -½), Incantations throughout casting; -½), Linked
sacrifice — say, a ter- of intervening barriers; +½), Reduced Endurance (0
(-½), Others Only (-½), Requires A Voodoo Roll (no
roristic attack on a mall, END; +½); OAF Expendable Fragile (doll fashioned
Active Point penalty; -0)
or starting a gang war at in victim’s likeness and containing pieces of or items Voodoo — Blessing Of Protection: Armor (3 PD/3
just the right time.... from victim, plus silver pins, Extremely Difficult to ED), Usable Simultaneously (up to eight persons at
obtain; -2¼), Concentration (0 DCV throughout cast- once; +1), Persistent (no need to maintain LOS after
All of a sudden Brother ing; -1), Extra Time (1 Hour; -3), Gestures (throughout initial use; +½), Uncontrolled (no need to maintain
Namaan seems to be casting; -½), Incantations throughout casting; -½), No LOS or stay within standard Range of power; +½);
having a lot of success Range (-½), Only Works Against Specific Characters OAF Expendable Fragile (special voodoo powders,
attracting people to join For Whom Brother Namaan Has Prepared Dolls (-2), paints, and materials, Extremely Difficult to obtain;
his gang — even mem- Requires A Voodoo Roll (no Active Point penalty; -0) -2¼), Concentration (0 DCV throughout casting; -1),
bers of other gangs! Has Extra Time (1 Hour; -3), Gestures (throughout casting;
he found some sort of Petro Voodoo — Zombie Powder: Major Transform
-½), Incantations throughout casting; -½), Requires A
powerful “spell” that lets 7d6 (normal human into mindless zombie slave, heals
Voodoo Roll (no Active Point penalty; -0)
him control peoples’ back normally or if victim is treated with special
minds, or is something
else going on? basically ordinary people who are stronger and As a Hunter, Brother Namaan starts subtly. He
tougher than normal. You may want to reduce usually has members of Ghede follow the quarry
their SPD to 2 to make them more like the stereo- around (as much as they can without giving them-
typical zombie, and perhaps describe their skin selves away, anyway). Once he feels he knows the
as having a greyish appearance — they definitely victim well enough, he’ll try to Curse him. If possi-
can’t pass for ordinary humans. ble, he’ll obtain some of the target’s personal effects
and attempt a Death Curse Doll. If these tactics fail,
Campaign Use: According to DEA records, Brother
he’ll switch to the simpler, more direct method of
Namaan (real name unknown) likely got his start
sending a lot of well-armed posse members to gun
in the Jamaican political fighting of the Eighties,
the target down.
but soon merged with the posse underworld and
Brother Namaan is wanted by the HCPD and
became one of the most powerful criminals on the
DEA on suspicion of numerous drug smuggling
island. But after he killed the son of a prominent
and distribution charges, several murders, and mis-
politician, he fled Jamaica for safer climes. During
cellaneous other crimes. A warrant for his arrest for
this time he lived on several Caribbean islands, and
murder remains outstanding in Jamaica as well.
authorities think he got his voodoo training on one
or more of them before coming to Hudson City Appearance: Brother Namaan is a dark-skinned
with his new Ghede posse. black man, 5’9” tall and thin (he weighs about 150
The voodoo powers listed on Brother Namaan’s pounds). His eyes are often bloodshot because he
character sheet don’t necessarily represent the extent spends so much time in dark, smoky rooms, and
of his powers — you can always give him others, if he’s got a look of crafty malice to him. He has long
necessary. See The Ultimate Mystic, pages 116-20, for dreadlocks that he usually ties back in a sort of
a discussion of Voodoo and some sample spells. ponytail, but for some rituals he lets them hang
To make Brother Namaan tougher, improve his free around his head. He usually wears grimy jeans
existing Voodoo powers (i.e., remove or decrease and leathers, usually carries a wide assortment of
the Limitations) and/or give him more powers (or pouches, small leather bags, and voodoo fetishes
protective charms). When choosing new powers, and charms. The only part of his accouterments
remember the advice about magic in Dark Cham- that seems truly shiny and clean is his beloved Colt
pions on page 315 of that book. To weaken him, get King Cobra revolver, which he usually wears tucked
rid of some or all of his Voodoo powers, making into his jeans and keeps polished to a mirror shine.
him a charlatan who talks a good game but doesn’t
actually have any way to follow through.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 117

JACK L. “JACKAL” CARTER Total Powers & Skills Cost: 152 JACK L. CARTER
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Cost: 200 PLOT SEEDS
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] 100+ Disadvantages
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 5 Distinctive Features: scar on left neck and “The Jackal” hears that
14 CON 8 12- the PCs are hot on the
jailhouse tattoos (Easily Concealed; Noticed
10 BODY 0 11- heels of a well-known
And Recognizable) robbery crew. He
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 10 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) decides he’s going to rob
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 Psychological Limitation: Looks Out For the robbers just as they
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Number One (Very Common, Strong) complete their latest
10 COM 0 11- 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, caper, but then leave
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) Strong) them for the PCs to cap-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 15 Psychological Limitation: Hatred Of Cops ture. All he’s got to do
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 And “The System” (Common, Strong) is plan things perfectly,
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre- and he and his friends’ll
5 REC 0
be on easy street.
28 END 0 quently, Minor)
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 48 25 Experience Points
One of Jack’s many
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Total Disadvantage Points: 205 enemies catches up
to him and beats him
Cost Powers END Background/History: Jack L. Carter is a thief, a into a coma. When he
7 I’ve Seen It All... Twice: +15 PRE; Only conman, a swindler, a smuggler, and a liar. His comes out of it, he’s got
To Resist Presence Attacks (-1) 0 father was a thief, so Jack learned the basics of amnesia. The PCs have
the “trade” from his old man. Dad got busted and the chance to make
Perks sent to prison for a twenty-year stretch when him think he’s a good
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- Jack was only 12, so he completed his education guy and put his skills
Level in a series of reformatories and foster homes. As to use in the service of
2 Money: Well Off crimefighting rather
a young man, he had the skills and the guts, but
than crime. But can they
Skills not the smarts. make him believe... and
20 +2 Overall When he reached age 18, the state turned him how will he react to
loose, and he went right back to stealing... and soon criminals treating him
3 Bureaucratics 12-
landed in prison on an armed robbery beef. A few as one of their own?
3 Bribery 12-
years in prison calmed him down and put him in
3 Combat Driving 12-
touch with more seasoned criminals. By his late Jack tips the PCs off
3 Concealment 12-
20s, he was out of the joint, back on the street, and about a major hijack-
3 Conversation 12- ing he hears about.
finally had enough maturity and brains to make
3 Deduction 12- Normally he’d just take
really good use of his skills.
1 Electronics 8- advantage of the situ-
Jack’s in his early 40s now. He hasn’t been
1 Forgery (Documents) 8- ation to steal from the
in prison for 15 years, and he doesn’t intend to
4 Gambling (Card Games, Sports Betting) 12- hijackers. What’s with
ever go back. These days he makes good money
3 CK: Hudson City 12- the charitable aid?
with a variety of scams and crimes, from steal-
5 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 15-
ing, to blackmail, to smuggling — anything he
3 KS: The Vice World 13-
feels he’s capable of and can handle the risks of.
3 Lockpicking 12-
To minimize the possibility of his victims going
3 Security Systems 12-
to the cops, he often targets other criminals and
3 Shadowing 13-
low-lifes: small-time thieves; freaks who think
3 Stealth 12-
the Strip is too tame (or too public); pimps; drug
9 Streetwise 15-
dealers (though he’s not stupid enough to take on
3 Trading 12-
anyone really powerful, like the Mafia or yakuza,
3 WF: Small Arms, Knives
or anyone he thinks could come after him per-
Resource Points sonally, unless he’s absolutely certain he can do
8 Equipment Points: 100 so safely). This has earned him the nickname
10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 “the Jackal” on the street, though he thinks it’s
40 Follower/Contact Points: 85 kind of dumb and would just as soon be called
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 by his regular name.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
Gear: Whatever he needs for the job at hand, within reason. His small combination nightvision monocu-
lar/telescope is a particular favorite, and he also owns a set of quality lockpicks and related thieves’ tools
(+2 to Lockpicking rolls).
118 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Personality/Motivation: Jack Carter’s interested in even looks like it’s going to go sour, he calls the
one thing: Jack Carter. He wants to ensure his own whole thing off. He hasn’t stayed out of prison for
safety, security, profitability, and pleasure, in that over a decade by taking foolish chances; he’s done it
order. Though prudence and maintaining a rep on through careful planning, precise execution, and a
the street dictate that he has to work with other well-developed sense of caution.
criminals whom he trusts — which means they Jack’s biggest asset is his connections on the
have to trust him, so he has to play square with street. He knows the Hudson City underworld
them — ultimately he’s looking out for number really well, and thus who to call on for help with a
one, and number one alone. His loyalty to his “col- particular job or problem. But being on the street
leagues” is particularly likely to be tested whenever means making enemies, too; more than a few
he’s got the chance to make a lot of money; the only people would be just as happy to see him dead or
thing Jack might value more than his own skin is in prison. He tries to arrange his scams that target
cold, hard cash. criminals and scumbags so they can’t be traced
Jack has a bitter, hard-earned hatred of cops, back to him, but sometimes that’s not possible or
social workers, and anyone else associated with “the something goes wrong, and he adds someone to his
system.” He’s too smart to let his feelings cloud his rogues’ gallery.
judgment most of the time, but he’s usually on the
Campaign Use: Jack’s a skilled street criminal,
lookout for ways to stick it to “the Man” without
which doesn’t necessarily make him tough
exposing himself to arrest.
enough to take on the PCs in combat... but there
Quote: “OK, this should be a pretty easy score for are other ways to “fight” heroes. He’s most likely
all of us. Here’s how it’s gonna go....” to target the PCs if they have secret identities, are
wanted by the HCPD, or otherwise can’t go run-
Powers/Tactics: Carter isn’t a fighter; he’s a thief. He ning to the cops after he robs them. Given how
was more of a “gunslinger” as a kid, when he pulled gullible most costumed crimefighters tend to be
armed robberies and similar crimes, but he learned (in his experience, anyway), he could easily use
a long time ago that was a road to nowhere and them as patsies in some greater scam (such as
gave it up. He carries weapons when he’s nervous or tricking them into keeping a target busy while he
on the job — usually a Colt M1911A, a switchblade, robs that target blind).
and perhaps a few small, concealed weapons — but To make Jack tougher, increase his Primary
he’d prefer not to use them. If a job goes sour, or Characteristics and SPD so he’s more of a match
for the PCs in open combat; you could also give
him Dirty Infighting. To weaken him, get rid of his
Overall Levels.
“The Jackal” won’t Hunt someone unless he’s
targeting that person for a robbery. In that case,
he patiently follows and watches the target until
he learns everything he can. Then, together with a
team of partners or hirelings he hits the target fast
and hard, gets what he wants, and gets out.
Carter has a criminal record that’s pages and
pages long; it includes a variety of property crimes
and a few assaults. His record’s been clean for 15
years, but the police suspect him of involvement in
a wide variety of offenses.
Appearance: Jack Carter is a nondescript white
guy in his early 40s. He blends in well in a crowd
— he dresses like an average guy, isn’t overly hand-
some, and has average height and weight (5’9”, 160
pounds, short sandy blonde hair, green-grey eyes).
He’s got the hard-bitten look of a seasoned, street-
smart crook who’s seen it all, who keeps his emo-
tions to himself so he doesn’t give anything away or
make himself vulnerable. His only distinguishing
characteristics are a scar on his neck (from a knife-
fight he got into as a kid) and some jailhouse tat-
toos on his upper arms.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 119


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Equipment Points: 60 PLOT SEEDS
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH[4] 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25 One of a PC’s enemies
18 CON 16 13- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 tells Cerberus the
15 BODY 10 12- PC has questioned
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 107 Cerberus’s manhood
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Total Cost: 189 on the street. Cerberus
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
starts looking high and
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 100+ Disadvantages
low for the PC to teach
7 COM -1 10- 15 Distinctive Features: filed, gold-plated, steel- him a bloody lesson. If
capped teeth (Concealable With Difficulty; they learn they’ve been
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD)
Causes Major Reaction [fear/disgust]) tricked, will they team
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (0 rED)
20 Enraged: in combat (Common), go 11-, up to hunt down the
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
recover 11- enemy?
8 REC 0
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
36 END 0
15 Hunted: Shango 8- (Mo Pow, Kill) Through an interme-
34 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 82
20 Psychological Limitation: Will Do Anything diary who hides his
Movement: Running: 6”/12” To Maintain/Prove His Rep (Common, identity, Shango tries to
Total) hire/recruit the PCs to
Cost Powers END kill Cerberus. If they do
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other enforcers
15 Steel-Capped Teeth: HKA 1d6, Armor the work, he won’t pay,
and bodyguards, such as Brahma, Stone-
Piercing (+½); No STR Bonus (-½) 2 forcing them to find
henge, and the Varangian) out who he is and track
7 Spike-Knuckled Gloves: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre- him down to get the
with STR); OIF (-½) 1
quently, Minor) cash; if they turn him
Martial Arts: Doggie Style
down, he’ll try to trick
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect Total Disadvantage Points: 205
Cerberus into going
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort after them (see above) in
Background/History: Like a lot of kids growing up
4 Kidney Blow -2 +0 HKA ½d6 the hopes of killing two
in Freetown, Jamal Jacobs joined a gang. It was a
(1d6+1 with birds with one stone.
perfect fit; Jamal was big, strong, tough, fast, and
ruthless. He killed for the first time — but not the
4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(3) The Kyphotic Man tells
last — when he was only 15.
4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 6d6 Strike Cerberus he can make
But something set Jamal apart from the other
5 Roundhouse -2 +1 8d6 Strike him even stronger,
gangstas: his smarts and his ambition. He didn’t faster, tougher, and
3 Tackle +0 -1 4d6 +v/5 Strike,
want to live out the rest of his life on the streets, scarier by splicing some
FMove; You Fall,
selling drugs and killing time until someone shot Doberman DNA into
Target Falls
him; he wanted the American Dream: money, his own. As his price,
2 Go For The Jugular: Use Art with Steel-
cars, girls, a mansion with a pool. He decided he he asks Cerberus to do
Capped Teeth, Spike-Knuckled Gloves
needed two things: to hook up with a better gang something that involves
(Punch, Roundhouse only) the PCs in some way. Of
that was going places; and a “gimmick” — a way to
5 Growl: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-/Intim- course, the hunchbacked
set himself apart from every other punk kid out
idation-Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0 crimelord is lying, but
there on the streets.
he knows he can trick
Perks The gimmick came to him one day when
Cerberus if the time
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- he was getting a diamond chip cemented to one ever comes to make
Level of his teeth. Fangs! Everyone was afraid of dogs good on his claim.
because they had fangs... and knew how to use ’em.
Well, he could do the same. Over several pain-
15 +3 HTH
ful months, he has his teeth filed down to sharp
3 Interrogation 12- points, then covered them with gold-plated steel
2 AK: Freetown 11- caps. When his mouth healed, he went to work
2 CK: Hudson City 11- developing his jaw muscles, gnawing on hard
2 KS: Freetown Gangs 11- rubber blocks until he could effortlessly sink his
2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11- fangs right into them and bite out a big chunk.
3 Stealth 12- The better gang turned out to be Shango’s crew.
3 Streetwise 12- It wasn’t a tough decision. Shango was clearly the
2 WF: Small Arms big dog on the street, and he had a plan to become
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
MAC-10 +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 32 12 AF5
Claridge Hi-Tec +1 +1 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 10
Armored Costume (DEF 2, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Usually none, other than a cell phone — carrying around a lot of stuff would spoil his look and
his image
120 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
IN THE bigger. Before long Jamal was one of Shango’s body- mutilated himself, enduring months of painful
DOGHOUSE guards and right-hand men; at first he called himself dental surgery, to develop the distinctive appear-
Devil-Dog, later switching to Snarl. His appearance ance and personal weaponry that would earn him a
“Famed rapper Dis Tense was enough to scare even people who weren’t fright- unique name on the street. If someone disses him,
appeared in court in Los ened of Shango’s bulk and penchant for violence... questions his ability, or does anything else that he
Angeles today on charges and more than one person Shango wanted to “per- takes as an insult, he may start a fight right then
of assault stemming from suade” told all he knew after Jamal bit off one of his and there. If not, he’ll find some other way to prove
a 2004 brawl in a local fingers in one swift, painful chomp. who’s top dog (such as by doing whatever it is his
club that left two people But after a while, Jamal got tired of working adversary claims he can’t do). No one gets the satis-
badly injured and one for Shango, too — he still wasn’t top dog, and never faction of beating Cerberus.
dead. Dis Tense pleaded
would be. He figured he’d be better off as a free agent.
Not Guilty, but uncharac- Quote: “Every Dog has his day!”
teristically refused to talk He’d already had some other offers, and at least that
to reporters. way he could work on his own terms. He left Shango Powers/Tactics: Cerberus is a brawler. He likes to
behind (a sin the ganglord has never forgiven) and get in close and whale away on his opponent with
“Sources inside the went to work for other crimelords. One of them, the punches (often using his Spike-Knuckled Gloves as
LAPD speculate that the Kyphotic Man, christened him “Cerberus.” He didn’t a multiple-power attack with his Punch or Round-
person primarily respon- know what it meant, exactly — some sort of monster house) and use his Steel-Capped Teeth when he
sible for the injuries is dog — but he liked the sound of it, and has kept it gets the chance. He knows how much fear his teeth
the notorious Hudson ever since. can inspire, and he makes full use of that, often
City criminal Cerberus, growling and grinning in a way that terrifies many
whose trademark is his Personality/Motivation: Cerberus is a simple guy —
of his victims.
sharpened, steel-capped not stupid, necessarily, just simple. He doesn’t really
teeth. The two injury vic- have any complex motivations; he just wants a few Campaign Use: Cerberus mainly works as a body-
tims both have wounds basic things. The first is money. He wants the lifestyle guard and mercenary criminal. He prefers body-
consistent with those left he sees rap stars living on TV: mansions, limos, guarding work, but if none’s available he’ll hook up
on victims of Cerberus. bling-bling, lots of hos hanging around doing what- with robbery crews or anyone else who can use his
Spokesmen for Dis Tense ever he says. The best way he’s found to earn heavy is talents and is willing to pay for them.
have strongly denied any
to work for crimelords and let them pay him a lot of To make Cerberus tougher, make him more
allegations that the rapper
employed Cerberus as money to do what he does best: intimidate and fight. resilient — give him some Damage Reduction, Rapid
a bodyguard, or in any Second, and more importantly, he wants to Healing, or the like. To weaken him, reduce his STR
other capacity.” keep his rep as the biggest, toughest guy around. He and CON to about 15 each, and his BODY to 12.
values his reputation so much that he deliberately Cerberus usually only Hunts a PC if someone
pays him to, or he hears the hero has insulted or
mocked him. In those situations, he’s not subtle
about things: he tracks the guy down and beats
him to death.
Cerberus has a lengthy criminal record.
As a juvenile he committed numerous offenses:
murder, drug dealing, robbery. As Cerberus, he’s
been arrested and found guilty of two murders,
but escaped before the authorities could get him to
Stewartsburg. The HCPD is on the lookout for him
— and since he killed two cops during his escape,
the odds are Cerberus will be “shot while resisting
arrest” instead of re-captured.
Appearance: Cerberus is a tall black man in his
mid-20s: 6’4”, broad-shouldered, well-muscled. He
shaves his head. He’s had his teeth filed down to
points, then covered them with gold-plated steel
caps, giving him a mouth of short golden fangs. His
strong jaw muscles bulge out slightly on either side
of his face, giving him an even odder (and, to some
people, rather grotesque) appearance. He wears a
black, sleeveless bodystocking, black boots, and black
fingerless gloves with sharp spikes on the knuckles.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 121

CHIAROSCURO 2 Weaponsmith (Knives/Throwing Blades) 12- CHIAROSCURO

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Resource Points PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 18 Equipment Points: 150
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 After Chiaroscuro kills
15 CON 10 12- a museum’s assistant
15 Follower/Contact Points: 35
10 BODY 0 11- director during a theft,
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 the victim’s widow offers
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 179 a substantial reward to
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
Total Cost: 246 anyone who brings him
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 to her, alive and incapac-
8 COM -1 11- 100+ Disadvantages itated. If the PCs don’t
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 25 Enraged: if he feels his freedom, safety, or want to take on the mis-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) security are being threatened (Common), go sion themselves to earn
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 14-, recover 11- the reward money, they
may find themselves
5 REC 0 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
having to stop others
30 END 0 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) from doing so, since it’s
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 67 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, obvious she intends to
Strong) kill him herself.
Movement: Running: 8”/16”
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other cat bur-
Leaping: 5”/10
glars, like the Black Tarantula) While patiently wait-
Cost Powers END 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Charlie ing in the shadows for
30 I’ve Got You Covered: Invisible Power Roscone) (Frequently, Major) a museum to clear out
Effects (fully invisible; +1) for DEX 20; 46 Experience Points so he can rob it, Chiar-
Only For Covering (-1) 0 oscuro overhears two
Total Disadvantage Points: 246 terrorists planning an
7 Shadows Always Seem To Follow Him:
act of mass destruction
Change Environment 1” radius, -3 to Background/History: Charlie Roscone ran away from
to take place within
Sight Group PER Rolls, Reduced Endur- home when he was only 13. He already hated his the next week. He puts
ance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); parents — not the way most teenagers do, but really out the word that he’s
Always Only (-½), Self Only (-½), No hated them, enough that he knew it was only a matter got information to sell
Range (-½), Only In Appropriate Circum- of time before he hurt them and got in trouble for it. — but he wants a lot of
stances (see text; -½) 0 After leaving home, he fell in with a street gang... and money. The PCs may
5 Perching: Clinging (normal STR); Only before long he got busted for attempted murder when get involved as the go-
To “Perch” (-½), Requires A Climbing he helped the other guys in the gang with a drive-by betweens who broker
Roll (-½), Cannot Resist Knockback (-0) 0 that went wrong. Due to the heinousness of the crime the deal, or to protect
4 Fast: Running +2” (8” total) 1 — he’d tried to shoot the guy while he was playing him from the terrorists
(who hear about his
3 Strong Leaper: Leaping +3” (5” forward, 3” with his two little kids in his yard — Charlie was tried
offer and want to shut
upward) 1 and sentenced as an adult. him up before anyone
5 Cat Burglar’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 While he was in Stewartsburg Penitentiary, Char- pays him). Or is it pos-
lie got lucky. He fell in early with a crew run by a pris- sible he’s making the
oner named Rumson, a hardened thief and hijacker whole thing up?
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
of many years’ experience. With friends to watch his
back, Charlie was able to spend a lot of time listening Fearing that Chiar-
Talents to Rumson and learning what he had to teach. Seeing oscuro is about to steal
4 Double-Jointed in Charlie someone with the smarts to become a her valuable jewelry col-
3 Environmental Movement: Supreme Balance great thief, Rumson passed on as much underworld lection, a society matron
(no penalties on narrow surfaces) wisdom as he could. hires the PCs to protect
When he got out of prison, Charlie began put- herself, her guests, and
Skills her goods during an
ting his mentor’s lessons to work. A little practical
3 Acrobatics 13- elaborate charity gala at
experience and hands-on training with the techniques her mansion.
3 Breakfall 13- Rumson had described proved Charlie had a real
7 Climbing 15- gift for thieving. Leaving his old life of street crime
7 Concealment 14- behind, he became one of the most skilled cat burglars
3 Contortionist 13- in the world. After one of his victims described how
3 Fast Draw (Blades) 13-
3 KS: Art History 12- Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
3 KS: Gems And Jewelry 12- Throwing Knives +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown,
2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11- carries two
3 Lockpicking 13- Shuriken +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 18 5 AF5
3 PS: Appraising 12- Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown;
7 Security Systems 14- carries two
3 Shadowing 12- Armor
9 Stealth 16- Armored Costume (2 DEF, Activation Roll 14-)
3 Streetwise 13-
6 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Gear: Advanced climbing gear, masterwork lockpicks and burglary tools,
Missile Weapons, Small Arms security systems analyzers and bypass tools
122 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
PUTTING OUT well he hid himself in the shadows, a clever reporter he prefers to do so from surprise — either he
THE LIGHT dubbed him “Chiaroscuro,” and the name stuck. ambushes his foe (he’s left many a security guard
dead with a poisoned shuriken stuck in his neck),
Personality/Motivation: Chiaroscuro has the greed
“I never saw him when he or he uses his I’ve Got You Covered ability or Fast
that most cat burglars do, but he lacks two of the
was goin’ in — maybe he Draw to attack a person who confronts him before
other traits of the typical professional thief. First, he’s
was already inside, hiding they can react. If he encounters someone he’s suspi-
somewhere, before I came not really a “thrillseeker.” He doesn’t go after scores
cious of, but not worried enough about to attack
on duty at ten. All I know to prove he’s the best, or because he loves beating the
right away, he almost always Covers them.
is I didn’t see him.” odds; he’s totally professional about it — he’s just there
Chiaroscuro possesses a strange and eerie trait
for the money.
that PCs who encounter him are sure to notice. Wher-
“What did you see, Mr. Second, he’s not a nonviolent person, or prone to
ever he goes, shadows seem almost to cling to him.
Teague?” fleeing from trouble. If he feels someone’s threatening
Where he walks, shadows somehow always seem to
him, or may pose a threat to his freedom or personal
fall — just as it looks like he’s going to step into the
“Well, it was about 4:00 safety, he reacts quickly and violently. His preferred
light so you can get a good look at him, something
AM. I was making my response is to use shurikens or throwing blades (often
happens to keep shadows covering him (the angle
usual rounds outside, coated with some type of poison), but he’ll get close
using my flashlight to of the light changes, something gets in the way of
and use a dagger in HTH Combat if he has to. He
make sure everything was the light, or the like). In game terms, this is a Change
doesn’t necessarily set out to kill his victims, but he
okay. I came up on the Environment that makes it harder to see him clearly
has absolutely no qualms about doing so (and will kill
stand of boxwoods on — unless the shadows are dark and thick, it’s still
rather than leave witnesses alive). His definition of
the east side. I shined the possible to see him, just not to get a clear look at his
light around, looking to people who “threaten” him is fairly broad; it include
face or other identifying features. This isn’t a super-
see if there was anything security guards, anyone who accidentally stumbles
power or anything like that; it may be an unconscious
in there, like I always do. across him while he’s working, and anyone who
defense mechanism he’s developed through years of
But this time there was pursues or tries to thwart him. (In game terms, his
caution (i.e., he’s “trained” himself to stand or walk
something there! I just Enraged reflects this tendency.)
where there are shadows), or it may just be his par-
caught this glimpse... it
looked like it might be a Quote: None. Chiaroscuro doesn’t talk while he’s on ticular form of luck. If there’s no possible way for a
guy... then something hit the job. shadow to realistically make it harder to get a clear
my flashlight, knocked look at him (for example, he’s in the middle of a sunlit
Powers/Tactics: Chiaroscuro is a cat burglar, with field), then this ability won’t work. The GM may also
it out of my hand, made
it go out. Then there was all the Skills that entails; he’s particularly talented at have it work less effectively (i.e., provide less of a pen-
the pain in my head, and I climbing and hiding. He’s extraordinarily patient, able alty to see him clearly) in appropriate circumstances.
couldn’t see nothin’ outta to remain stock-still even in cramped or uncomfort-
my left eye, and then I able positions for hours at a time. Campaign Use: Unlike the Black Tarantula or others
passed out.” While Chiaroscuro doesn’t seek battle, he of his ilk, Chiaroscuro is no “gentleman thief” — he
doesn’t run from combat either. If he has to attack, kills and maims people on his way to committing
“All right, is there anything daring thefts. Whereas the PCs might develop a
else you remember?” sneaking admiration or quasi-affection for the Taran-
tula or Meteor, they should quickly come to loathe
“No.” Chiaroscuro... and thus become all the more moti-
vated to track him down.
—Arnold Teague, recover- To make Chiaroscuro tougher, give him another
ing in the hospital after point of SPD, some Combat Skill Levels, and/or some
being hit in the left eye by Martial Arts (An Ch’i or Knifefighting would both
a shuriken thrown by a work well for him). To weaken him, reduce his DEX
person the HCPD believes to 18 and all his bought-up Skills to their base rolls.
to have been Chiaroscuro
Chiaroscuro doesn’t Hunt people — he’s a thief,
not an assassin or bounty hunter.
Chiaroscuro has no criminal record because he’s
never been caught. The HCPD and FBI both want to
capture him in connection with dozens of high-profile
robberies they suspect he committed.
Appearance: Few people have ever gotten a good
look at Chiaroscuro. Those who have report that
he’s a short man, about 5’5” tall with a trim, athletic
build. He usually wears a black bodystocking and ski
mask-like head covering that cover his whole body,
but is said to be a Caucasian with olive-toned skin. He
carries his tools in various pouches and pockets on
his suit, and often wears goggles to protect his eyes.
His knives and shuriken are mostly concealed up his
sleeves and other places he can quickly reach, but he
wears his two combat knives openly — one on his
right hip, one in his inner left boot.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 123

CONTAGION 3 KS: The Scientific World 12- CONTAGION

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 KS: The Soviet Military 11- PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 2 Language: English (fluent conversation; Rus-
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 sian is Native) Another scientist claims
20 CON 20 13- 3 Paramedics 12- credit for some of Con-
12 BODY 4 11- 3 Stealth 12- tagion’s work. To pay
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Streetwise 12- him back, Contagion
2 WF: Small Arms sends him a “mail bomb”
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
3 Scientist containing a deadly
16 PRE 6 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 virus. The PCs have to
4 COM -3 9- 4 1) SS: Bacteriology 14-
find Contagion and get
4 2) SS: Biology 14-
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) the antidote before the
4 3) SS: Chemistry 14- entire city dies.
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 4 4) SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 14-
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 5) SS: Physics 14-
10 REC 8 The Russian military
4 6) SS: Virology 14- has learned Contagion’s
40 END 0
Resource Points location from reliable
27 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68
sources. It has a plan to
24 Equipment Points: 180
Movement: Running: 6”/12” kill him... but the plan
10 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 requires the help of the
Cost Powers END 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 PCs. Why?... and will
26 Disease-Ridden Blood: Drain CON 3d6, 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 they go along with it?
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the Total Powers & Skills Cost: 205
rate of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense Total Cost: 273 The PCs get word that
is Life Support [appropriate Immunity, one of their enemies, a
see text]; +1), Continuous (+1), Damage 100+ Disadvantages man they’ve never had
Shield (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; 20 Distinctive Features: intense, foul body odor any luck tracking down,
+½), Persistent (+½), Personal Immunity (Not Concealable, Causes Major Reaction has hired Contagion
[disgust]) to do some research. If
(+¼); Always On (-½), Extra Time (onset
they can find Conta-
time of 1 Hour to 1 Week; -3), Gradual 20 Enraged: if insulted, taunted, belittled, or
gion, maybe they can
Effect (1 Week, 1d6/2 days; -2), Only made to look a fool (Common), go 11-, backtrack to their hated
Works Against Living Beings Exposed To recover 11- adversary....
His Blood Or Bodily Fluids (-1) 0 25 Hunted: CIA 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
20 I’ve Already Been Exposed To It All: Life Kill)
Support (Immunity to all terrestrial bio- 25 Hunted: FBI 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
logical warfare agents, chemical warfare Kill)
agents, diseases, and poisons) 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Considers Human
20 I’ve Already Been Exposed To It All: Power Life Meaningless (Very Common, Strong)
Defense (30 points); Only Works Against 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Dr. Evge-
Limited Type Of Attack (poisons, gases, nii Vasilovich) (Frequently, Major)
and chemicals; -½) 0 48 Experience Points
Perks Total Disadvantage Points: 273
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
Background/History: White. He was surrounded by
9 Money: Well Off
white. He felt... odd. He was floating in a cloud.
Talents No — not a cloud. Infectious disease curtains.
3 Lightsleep Hospital. He was in a hospital bed.
A white woman hurried into the room. Nurse.
Skills Another nurse behind her, then a man — doctor.
3 Bureaucratics 12- Surgical masks, all of them. <<“He’s awake!”>>
3 Computer Programming 12- one said.
3 Electronics 12- They shut the door — hermetically sealed door
1 High Society 8- — approached his bed. Felt a little better, but muzzy
3 Inventor 12- head, like all the white was filling it.
5 KS: Biochemical Warfare 14- They moved the curtains aside. Stepped a little
2 KS: The Espionage World 11- closer — hesitation? Fear. Nurse put on rubber
5 KS: Luxury Goods And Services 14- gloves, took his pulse. Sores — sores on his arm.
3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12-
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Makarov PM +0 -1 1d6+1 1d6-1 8 6
Gear: Usually little if any, but in appropriate circumstances he may have a field medical kit, various small
scientific devices needed for an experiment or a mission, or the like
124 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
OPERATION XERXES Like mustard gas victim. How did that...? should not have happened — it was a billion to
<<“How do you feel, Dr. Vasilovich? Can you one chance. Some of the chemicals leaked out and
TO: Deputy Director, speak?”>> the doctor asked. ate through a power cable. That’s what caused the
DSO Tried to speak — throat hurt, blistered too, explosion.”>>
maybe? <<“Fuh-ee.”>> He nodded again, saying nothing. He remem-
FROM: Rodrick Kaine, <<“I’m not surprised you feel funny, Doctor bered the explosion clearly now — the flickering of
Associate Deputy Direc- — it’s a miracle you’re alive at all. Do you remember the lights as the power died, the distant whump and
tor, DSO what happened?”>> the shaking of the building, the bright light as the
Thought. Couldn’t remember well. Bright light chain of detonations reached him, bombarding him
DATE: March 14, 2005 — there was a bright light. Fire? He shook his head. with a dozen biochemical agents....
<<“There was an explosion at your lab. Do you <<“Once the doctors finish treating you, it has
RE: Contagion remember the lab?”>> been decided you will return to your duties in mili-
He thought. Yes, lab. Shiny new lab, state of the tary research. I will return periodically for further
Following our recent art. He nodded. briefings.”>> Before he could even ask any ques-
discussions concerning <<“Something happened — they don’t know tions, the colonel hurried from his room.
the threat Contagion what yet. You were exposed to a lot of the... chemi-
poses to the world com- ****
cals you work with. And the germs. You remem-
munity, I have prepared He felt fine now — strong, healthy. But he
the following plan, code- knew he didn’t look it. There were still sores on his
named XERXES, for Work. Yes, he remembered work. Enjoyed
work, tailoring viri just so.... He nodded. arms — some that hadn’t fully healed yet, some
capturing or, if appro-
<<“You’re a scientist, Dr. Vasilovich, so I’ll be new ones. His luxuriant hair and moustache were
priate, eliminating him.
blunt with you. We’re not sure what happened to gone, leaving only a few tufts. They still wouldn’t
you yet. You should be dead. Any one of those... tell him anything, but he knew he’d been there for
The full details of the
op are described in the substances should have killed you. We don’t know months.
accompanying docu- how you survived — or if we can keep you alive. You And now it was time to leave.
ments, but in brief: I seem to be suffering from several virulent diseases, Moving with a speed and strength his keep-
propose that we train as well as from the effects of chemical exposure, yet... ers didn’t yet know he possessed, he disconnected
a special task force you’re alive. It’s going to be a long, hard road, but the monitors and tubes and got out of bed. Buzz-
composed of Rangers we’ll do what we can to bring you back to health.”>> ers and alarms began to ring. The nurse and the
and infectious disease doctor came running in. He clubbed them both
He nodded. His head seemed a little clearer
experts from USAM- unconscious with a stool, stole the doctor’s lab-
RIID. In conjunction now. He raised his arm, as if to shake the doctor’s
hand or signal agreement, and accidentally brushed coat, and fled.
with their joint training,
we would assign the one of the nurse’s right arm. She shrieked, a look ****
Science and Technol- of sheer terror on her face, and started to leave
Getting safe from the military wasn’t difficult
ogy Directorate the task the room as quickly as she could. <<“Stop!”>> the
— he still had friends in the underworld, even if
of developing armored doctor ordered, and she did, tears on her face. He
biocontainment suits they couldn’t stand to look at him or be close to
signaled the other one, and she injected something
for the team to wear, him anymore. They smuggled him into Lebanon,
into an IV. In a few seconds he was feeling muzzy-
as well as other equip- put him in touch with some people who were will-
headed again, falling back into the clouds....
ment needed to capture ing to finance his work. Soon the word made its
and contain Contagion. **** way through the Middle East and out into the rest
The team would be He was feeling better. He wasn’t sure how of the world: you didn’t need a nuke anymore to
headquartered at either threaten the West. There was a man — an ugly,
long he’d been in the hospital; they wouldn’t show
Quantico or Fort Bragg, disgusting man whose body gave off a stench that
and would be ready to him a calendar, the doctor and the nurse. He never
saw the other nurse again, the one he accidentally would make you retch if you stayed around him
move out at a moment’s
touched. too long — who could prepare even more terrifying
notice to reach any loca-
tion in the world within The door opened with its usual whoosh. He weapons for you, if you had the money. Plagues to
24 hours. was sealed in here, hermetically. It was a strong make entire nations sick, gases that would practi-
bioprotocol. Whatever he had, it was very bad. They cally eat the flesh from a man’s bones, nerve agents
I must stress that I couldn’t... or wouldn’t... tell him what they learned that made people die in contorted agony — all this
believe the creation of with their tests. They wouldn’t give him a mirror, and more the man called Contagion can make for
a team dedicated to either. On his arms, some of the sores had healed. those who meet his price.
the task of capturing Some.
Contagion is essential to Personality/Motivation: Contagion was chosen for
A man walked in — not a doctor, a colonel Soviet military research not just because of his
success. We have no way
in the Soviet Army. He had a surgical mask on. He incisive mind, but because he had few scruples
of knowing what might
happen if Contagion is wouldn’t come closer to the bed than three steps. about designing weapons of mass destruction. The
injured or killed, and He seemed uncomfortable, wouldn’t look directly accident he suffered only heightened his feelings of
thus it’s important to at him. detachment from his fellow man. He has no sympa-
have properly-trained <<“Are you awake, Dr. Vasilovich? I need to thy or human compassion; he doesn’t think of other
individuals involved talk to you.”>> people as different from trees, or dogs, or objects.
with the mission. Using He nodded. The colonel acknowledged with a They mean nothing to him, so he doesn’t care if his
a standard team of elite clipped nod of his own, then went right on. <<“We creations kill millions of them.
personnel could easily have investigated the accident at your laboratory,
endanger thousands or Since he knows he can never truly enjoy the
doctor. To the best we can determine, several safety company of other people again, Contagion finds
millions of people.
devices failed at approximately the same time. It other ways to enjoy his life. He insists on the best
Predators ■ Chapter Three 125

of everything — accommodations, food, wine,

entertainment — and pays top dollar to get it (if
his employers aren’t already providing it to him
under contract).
Quote: “Plague? The plague is nothing! There are
far more insidious viri I can create for you... if
you’re prepared to pay well for them.”
Powers/Tactics: The explosion in his lab exposed
Contagion to dozens of biochemical warfare agents.
Somehow, this didn’t kill him — the chemicals
reacted strangely in his body, turning it into a living
incubator for many diseases he’s now immune to.
Anyone who comes into contact with his bodily
fluids (blood, sweat, saliva, urine...) is exposed to
one of these diseases. His character sheet represents
the disease with a long-term Drain CON, leav-
ing it to you to randomly decide just what disease
he passes on to a character (typically it should be
an uncomfortable one, if not fatal). If you prefer,
you can change this attack to a Major Transform
(normal person to person infected with virulent
disease, heals back normally — see pages 127-28 of
The HERO System Equipment Guide for informa-
tion about several diseases).
The accident affected Contagion in other ways.
In addition to changing his appearance (see below),
it gave him an extremely strong, particularly foul-
smelling body odor. He can mask the odor with
colognes, but to do so he has to slather on ounces
of the stuff, enough that it still attracts too much
attention for him to ever go unnoticed. Further-
more, he’s permanently impotent, has trouble sleep-
ing, suffers from a day or two of gut-wrenching To make Contagion tougher, increase his
nausea and pain at least once every few months, defenses and STR — maybe the accident made him
and sometimes experiences bouts of palsy. less likely to feel pain. To weaken him, reduce his
Contagion’s value to the underworld and Mili- SPD to 2.
tary/Mercenary/Terrorist World lies in his skill at Contagion doesn’t Hunt heroes — it’s not
concocting biological and chemical weapons. For worth the effort. The only thing that might stir him
the right price, he’ll supply anyone with the weapon to such acts of vengeance is if an employer stiffed
they need to wreak untold havoc — after all, he him on his fee.
suffers no ill effects from such things anymore, Contagion is wanted all over the world for
and doesn’t care about anyone else, so what does it complicity in numerous acts of terrorism and
matter that one of his creations might turn London mass murder.
into a ghost town, or Miami into a depopulated
ruin? Responsible authorities all over the world are Appearance: Contagion was once a tall, well-built,
desperate to capture him dead or alive. handsome Russian man. The accident changed
that. He now stands 5’7” (he has a permanent stoop
Campaign Use: Contagion isn’t a dangerous foe due to a back injury) and seems almost skeletally
personally, aside from the chance that he might thin. His skin has an unhealthy pallor to it, what
infect a PC with a fatal disease. His danger lies in little hair he has left grows from his head in ugly
the weapons he supplies to others. When the name grey-black tufts, and his dark eyes are glazed with
“Contagion” comes up during a scenario, the PCs an unfocused malice. Boils and suppurating sores
should become both afraid and deadly serious break out on his skin periodically, causing him no
about their mission, since the fate of millions may pain but making him look even uglier. He usually
hinge on their ability to stop the twisted scientist or wears loose men’s clothing and a white labcoat.
the people he deals with.
126 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
STAFF AND SWORD COPPERHEAD 3 Legsweep +2 -1 9d6 Strike,
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Target Falls
“Hey, ’dyou hear about 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 4 Punch +0 +2 10d6 Strike
the fight? What I heard 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 4 Shime -2 +0 Grab One Limb;
was, was that some 18 CON 16 13- 4d6 NND(2)
hotshot executive was 12 BODY 4 11- 3 Throw +0 +1 8d6 +v/5, Target
afraid someone was Falls
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
gonna try to kill him. 4 Tien-hsueh Strike-1 +1 4d6 NND (1)
So what he did was, was 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 4 Uproot/Sand
he hired Copperhead,
13 COM 2 12- Palm +0 +0 55 STR Shove
right — that way he gets
protection and gets to 16 +4 Damage Classes (already added in)
10 PD 8 Total: 13 PD (3 rPD) 2 Use Art with Clubs, Staff
show off how rich and 8 ED 4 Total: 11 ED (3 rED)
connected he is, see? 6 Fast: Running +3” (9” total) 1
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 2 Strong Legs: Leaping +2” (6” forward, 3”
8 REC 0 upward) 1
“Sure enough, someone’s
36 END 0
put out a contract on
31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 97 Perks
this guy. No, I dunno
why. Who cares? Thing 10 Money: Wealthy
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
was, they got that guy Leaping: 6”/12” Talents
Blind to take care of 9 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
Swinging: 15”/30”
it. How the !$&* some
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
guy who can’t see can Cost Power END
kill people, I dunno. 15 StickStaff: Multipower, 30-point reserve; Skills
But anyhow, what hap- all OAF (-1) 10 +2 HTH
pened was, was that the 6 +2 with Martial Arts
1u 1) Sticks: HA +4d6, Autofire (2 shots; +¼);
executive was going
OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1 2 +1 OCV with Hurled Stick
out to his helicopter on
one’a those rooftop heli- 1u 2) Hurled Stick: Energy Blast 6d6; OAF 3 Acrobatics 13-
pads, Copperhead right (-1), Range Based On STR (-¼), 1 Recover- 5 Analyze Style 13-
beside him, when Blind able Charge (-1¼), Lockout (-½) [1rc] 3 Breakfall 13-
jumped ’em. Dunno how 1u 3) Staff: HA +4d6; OAF (-1), Hand-To- 3 Climbing 13-
a blind guy could’a got Hand Attack (-½) plus 1” Stretching, 1 Computer Programming 8-
to the roof without bein’ Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF 3 Contortionist 13-
seen, but there he was. (-1), Always Direct (-¼), No Noncombat 3 High Society 13-
Stretching (-¼), Only To Cause Damage 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
“Blind had a sword, and (-½), No Velocity Damage (-¼) 2
Copperhead had that 2 KS: Aikijutsu 11-
1u 4) Staff Whirlwind: HA +3d6, Area Of 2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
funky metal staff-thing’a
Effect (One Hex Doubled; +¾), Personal 2 KS: Escrima 11-
his. So Blind goes for the
exec, and Copperhead Immunity (+¼); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
blocks the blade, just Attack (-½) 3 2 KS: Hapkido 11-
like in a Hong Kong 1u 5) Staff-Vaulting: Leaping +3”; OAF (-1), 2 KS: Hsing-I 11-
movie, man. And that’s Requires An Acrobatics Roll (-½) 1 2 KS: Jujutsu 11-
how it went — Blind 1u 6) Swingline: Swinging 15”; OAF (-1), 2 KS: Karate 11-
kept tryin’ for the execu- Lockout (-½) 1 3 KS: Kung Fu 12-
tive, Copperhead kept Martial Arts: Snake Kung Fu, Jujutsu, 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
blockin’ the way. The And More
executive’s other body- 3 Lockpicking 13-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 3 Security Systems 12-
guards hustled him into
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Stealth 13-
the chopper and got him
away. Way I heard it, 5 Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One Limb; 3 Streetwise 13-
when Blind realized the HKA 1d6+1 9 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
copter’d left, he knew (2½d6 with Missile Weapons, Common Martial Arts
he’d missed his chance... STR), Disable; Weapons, Small Arms, Off Hand
so he jumped off the Target Falls
side of the building to 4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all Resource Points
get away! !$&*, man, attacks, Abort 8 Equipment Points: 100
that takes balls! 4 Escape +0 +0 55 STR vs. 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
Grabs 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
“I bet Copperhead got 5 Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One Limb; 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
himself a big bonus for HKA 1d6+1
that one.” Total Powers & Skills Cost: 234
(2½d6 with Total Cost: 331
STR), Disable
—Weasel Watkins,
3 Joint Lock/Grab -1 -1 Grab, 50 STR
street snitch and gos-
sipmonger 5 Kick -2 +1 12d6 Strike
4 Knife Hand -2 +0 HKA 1d6+1
(2½d6 with STR)
Predators ■ Chapter Three 127

100+ Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By
Large Group)
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
15 Psychological Limitation: Seeks Mastery In
Combat (Common, Strong)
5 Rivalry: Professional (with Dagger and other
mercenaries, particularly those skilled in the
fighting arts, who do the kind of work he
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Stewart
Cooper, dilettante) (Frequently, Major)
146 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 331
Background/History: It’s hard living up to your par-
ents’ expectations sometimes. When your dad’s a
self-made millionaire who competed in the Olym-
pics, it’s even tougher.
“Get up and run, you worthless mama’s boy!”
his dad would shout at him when he fell down.
Dick Cooper had only taken the silver when he ran,
and he was determined that Stewart would take the
gold. Stewart was weak and stupid, but he’d burn
that out of him with discipline and hard work...
and punishment, if necessary. It had worked well
enough on Stewart’s mother.
It was all competition. Competing against the
goals Dad set for him to beat. Competing against
other kids in races. Who you were better than, who
was better than you, that was all that mattered, Dad
said — that, and making sure that in the end, no
one was better than you. Fu and Aikido, which weren’t Olympic events at all;
By the time he was a teenager, he knew he he’d lost focus. And right there in the arena, in front
wasn’t going to race in the Olympics — he just of the world, Dad slapped him for being a failure.
wasn’t fast enough. Dad knew it, too. But there was They flew back home to Hudson City the
another way. Dad hadn’t just taught him to run, next day. Dad didn’t speak to him at all. That night,
he’d taught him a lot of other things... like the judo Stewart picked up one of his escrima sticks, walked
he’d learned in the Army. He was good at that, the over to Dad’s wing of the house, and beat him to
fighting stuff — better than running. Knowing how death. Mom didn’t say a word.
disappointed Dad would be if he didn’t keep trying, When the police came, he claimed he’d been
he refocused on martial arts, spending hours every sleeping in his wing of the house and hadn’t heard
day in the dojo with the instructors Dad hired. a thing. Mom said she’d been down in the library
After a while, Dad built him his own dojo on the reading and hadn’t heard a thing. It stank to high
grounds, and the instructors came to him. heaven, but even after the cops questioned all
It got harder and harder to find good instruc- the servants (who really hadn’t heard a thing),
tors. A lot of the ones he’d started with couldn’t they couldn’t dig up any clues. It got filed under
keep up with him anymore. But Dad didn’t care. UNSOLVED... and Stewart got his inheritance.
“Whatever it takes to succeed, son, that’s what you Most people with that much money would
do.” He paid the extra money to hire new instruc- spend the rest of their lives in leisure, but not Stew-
tors, ones from Japan and China even. art. Dad had taught him that hard work was how you
1996. Atlanta. The Games. All he got was a got ahead, and competition how you proved yourself.
bronze in Judo. He’d spent too much time on Kung Since the only thing he really enjoyed was fighting,
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Usually none, but he may carry other martial arts weapons, if appropriate
Armored Costume (DEF 4; OIF)
Gear: Infrared Mask Lenses (Infrared Perception [Sight Group]; OIF); Utility Pockets with a variety of
small gadgets (see Dark Champions, page 283)
128 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
COPPERHEAD he decided to show the world that he was the best at As a weapon, Copperhead carries a stickstaff
PLOT SEEDS that... and perhaps make a little extra money on the — two metal sticks he can quickly fasten together
side. A few months later there was a new mercenary to form a quarterstaff. He can wield the sticks as a
The classic Copperhead on the scene, a guy calling himself Copperhead who pair (thus taking advantage of his WF: Off Hand),
plot: he decides one of was as fast and deadly as his namesake. throw one of them at a distant foe (usually using
the PCs would present his Level with Hurled Stick to bounce the stick back
an interesting chal- Personality/Motivation: Copperhead works as a
to him after it hits), or use the staff to hit tougher
lenge in mano-a-mano mercenary — a bodyguard, a thief, combat support
foes or vault over obstacles. One of the sticks also
combat, and challenges for other thieves, even an assassin, whatever his
contains a line-gun, allowing him to swing between
the hero to a duel. employer wants — but he’s not in it for the money.
buildings and over chasms.
In fact, he gives most of what he earns to charity;
In combat, Copperhead focuses on whoever
Copperhead decides it his inheritance already provides him with more
he considers the best fighter among his opposition
would be a real chal- money than he needs to live on. What drives Cop-
(using Analyze Style if necessary to determine who
lenge to take on all of perhead is the desire to prove himself on the field
the PCs at once and that is). He challenges that person to one-on-one
of battle. He wants to prove he’s a better fighter than
eliminate them one at a combat, and keeps fighting until he’s Knocked Out
anyone else — that in the great competition called
time. He sets up a trap or wins. If he wins, he moves on to the next foe. If his
Life, he stands on top of the heap. Crime is second-
where he lures them to enemies won’t fight him one at a time, he takes them
ary, and generally pointless; he’s only a part of the
an appropriate location on as a group using the best tactics and maneuvers
(an abandoned factory underworld because that’s the best way to find chal-
he can devise (such as the Staff Whirlwind). He hates
or the like), separates lenging fights and hone his combat skills.
to flee, only doing so if absolutely necessary.
them, then goes after Copperhead pretends to follow the mercenar-
them one by one. ies’ code, but he really doesn’t. He’s not particularly Campaign Use: In addition to his possible role as a
concerned about any of his employers or their bodyguard or enforcer for a crimelord, or as part
Copperhead’s work- goals. Given an opportunity for a good fight, he’ll of a mission team opposing the PCs, Copperhead
ing for one of the PCs’ ignore orders, switch employers at the drop of a hat, makes a great Rival or nemesis for a martial artist
enemies. Can they or bring a mission to a screeching halt so he can PC. It may take the hero time to reach Copper-
create a weakness in the show who’s the better warrior. If he weren’t such a head’s level of skill, but Copperhead can recognize
enemy’s organization by highly-skilled fighter, this attitude would make it talent... and even nurture it. If he feels a “bond”
convincing Copperhead hard for him to find work. with a PC, he might even offer to provide some
to abandon his duties to
Years of martial arts training have taught Cop- instruction.
fight one of them... and
if so, can the PC chosen perhead how to mouth the platitudes of “honor” To make Copperhead tougher, increase his
to fight him survive the — and in fact he tries to be “honorable” when he SPD to 5, and perhaps give him some Lightning
experience once Cop- can. After all, he can’t show off his fighting skills if Reflexes. To weaken him, remove some Martial
perhead realizes he’s he ambushes his opponents, fights dirty, or imme- Maneuvers and/or Combat Skill Levels, or reduce
been tricked? diately takes advantage of their weaknesses. But the his DEX to 18.
true meaning of honor, and how it guides a man’s Copperhead might Hunt a hero, but only if
life, is a lesson that’s always been lost on him. (a) the hero’s humiliated him in the past, or (b)
Copperhead is not, by nature, a killer. As far he thinks the quarry could provide a challenging
as he’s concerned, killing an enemy is pointless; it’s fight for him. Usually he just tracks the target
brutal, requiring no particular skill or finesse. But down and challenges him to a fight right then
he has no scruples against killing if he has to, or if and there, but he may try more subtle means to
an employer orders it. He might disobey such an lure the hero into combat if he doesn’t think the
order if he thinks leaving a foe alive would allow direct approach will work.
that foe to re-train and give him a good fight again. Copperhead’s wanted by the HCPD and other
Because he was raised to see all life as a authorities for various acts of robbery, assault, and
competition, Copperhead has a strong rivalry murder (the CIA wants him for killing two of its
with anyone else who does the kind of work he agents, though it’s unclear whether the Agency
specializes in (particularly Dagger, who he feels wants to dispose of him or recruit him).
has unfairly beaten him out of a couple of prime
Appearance: Stewart Cooper is a handsome man
contracts). He’ll do whatever it takes to prove he’s
in his mid-20s — 5’11” tall, 165 pounds on a lean
better than they are.
and well-muscled (but not bulked out) body, wavy
Quote: “You have skill, and fire. Do you dare to test brown hair kept short, green eyes. As Copperhead,
them against me?” he wears a skintight costume that’s mostly a cop-
pery-orange, but with red-brown boots, belt, gloves,
Powers/Tactics: Copperhead is a highly-skilled
and center panel on the chest (the panel’s a vertical
martial artist. He favors Snake Kung Fu, but has
element with horizontal lines, designed to mimic
studied many other styles. If he thinks an opponent
the scales on a snake’s belly). His mask is a coppery-
can counter his Kung Fu too easily, or knows too
orange half-face cowl that leaves his mouth and
much about his style, he’ll switch to Jujutsu, Karate,
chin exposed; the eye lenses are reddish.
Aikido, or whatever he thinks will work best.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 129

DAEDALUS 4 5) SS: Mathematics 14- CUSTOMER

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 4 6) SS: Mechanical Engineering 14- SERVICE
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 [2] 4 7) SS: Physics 14-
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 4 8) SS: Robotics 14- “I heard you wished to
11 CON 2 11- commission my ser-
Resource Points
10 BODY 0 11- vices?”
28 Equipment Points: 200
11 INT 1 11- PER Roll 11- 45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4 “Hey, who’s... wait, I
20 Follower/Contact Points: 45 know. Yes, that’s correct.”
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
8 COM -1 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 237 “Please describe the
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) item you’re interested
Total Cost: 260
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) in.”
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 100+ Disadvantages
4 REC 0 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) “Assault rifle. 5.56
22 END 0 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) NATO. Cyclic rate no
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 23 20 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With less than 800. Magazine
Creating Better Weapons Technology capacity no less than 60.
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Loaded weight no more
(Common, Total)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Dale than 6.5 kilograms.
Cost Perks
Most importantly, it has
2 Deep Cover (to be defined by GM) Dodson) (Frequently, Major)
to break down, simply
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced 85 Experience Points and quickly, into a series
Military of components, each of
Total Disadvantage Points: 260
10 Money: Wealthy them small enough to
Background/History: “What do you mean, they fit inside a standard lug-
Skills gage toiletries kit. Can
turned down my proposal?”
20 +4 with Intellect Skills you do that?”
“Dale, c’mon — you gotta be kidding me. Did
3 Analyze Technology 11- you really think they were going to accept it?”
3 Bugging 11- “But it’s brilliant. You know it, and I know it. I “One second....” A
3 Computer Programming 11- can improve the efficiency of the Army’s rifles by as minute of silence,
3 Electronics 11- much as 37%. All I need is the funding — a paltry broken only by the
3 Deduction 11- sound of pen scratching
sum, given the amount the government spends on
over paper. “Yes, the item
3 Demolitions 11- crap like paper clips and tobacco subsidies — and you describe is feasible.”
2 Forgery (Documents) 11- testing facilities.”
3 Inventor 11- “Yeah, testing facilities — specially-equipped “Price?”
3 Lockpicking 12- ones, right? Let me read from your proposal: “To
3 Mechanics 11- allow for an optimal rate of progress with the “Forty thousand Ameri-
3 Security Systems 11- development of this project, and to ensure that the can.”
3 Stealth 12- X-67 line of weapons performs as estimated, testing
3 Streetwise 12- with live subjects will be required.” Where do you “Forty? Are you
2 WF: Small Arms get this *%&!? Did you really think the government !$&*%@# kidding me?
9 Weaponsmith (all categories) 11- was going to authorize you to test assault rifles on I can get an M16 for a
3 Scholar living people?” twentieth of that!”
3 1) KS: The Espionage World 13- “Why not? Read the rest of the report. Inmates
3 2) KS: The Hudson City Underworld 13- on life sentences, war criminals, people convicted “But an M16 won’t work
3 3) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist of espionage — who would miss them? This way we for the mission you have
World 13- can get some use out of them.” in mind, or you’d have
3 4) KS: Military Science 13- Rollinson pushed his glasses up on his bald- already bought one. If
3 5) KS: The Technology World 13- ing forehead and rubbed at his eyes wearily. “Look, you want custom work
3 Scientist — the best there is —
Dale,” he said as moved his glasses back down, “go
you pay custom prices.”
4 1) SS: Biology 14- back to your office and prepare a revised proposal
4 2) SS: Chemistry 14- — one that doesn’t involve shooting people. Have
“All right. When can you
4 3) SS: Computer Science 14- it on my desk by close of business tomorrow, you have it ready?”
4 4) SS: Electronic Engineering 14- got me?”
SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT “Within three weeks.
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes I’ll contact you at this
same number when the
Usually none
time comes to make the
Armor exchange.”
Gear: Given his skills as an inventor and his Equipment Points, Daedalus could potentially have just about —doing business with
anything. He usually has at least a small toolkit with him at all times, and may have a lot more tools and
gear than that.
130 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
DAEDALUS “Aren’t you even going to fight for this? The noticeable. He’d have to settle for less scientifically
PLOT SEEDS company stands to make tens of millions of dollars rigorous testing methods, but that still entailed risk.
on the basis of my work alone on this project. Don’t He had to get the weapons into the hands of people
The classic Daedalus be so short-sighted.” who would use them: criminals, mercenaries, Third
plot: advanced weapons “I’ve already told you what to do, Dale. We’re World governments, and so on — and he had to do
start to flood the streets not discussing this any further.” it without exposing himself to arrest.
during a gang war or For once, the solution wasn’t what he knew,
similar confrontation, but who. During his time in the defense industry,
and a lot of innocent Where there’s a need, a supplier will arise to he’d come into contact with several defense offi-
people get hurt in the satisfy that need — that’s basic economics, and cials who were, one might say, more concerned
crossfire. The PCs have Dodson knew it. In this case there were two needs. with results than the strict letter of the law.
to find a way to stem The first was his need to create weapons and secu-
the flow of guns and Dodson approached them secretly, seeking their
rity devices without turning to an outside source help in return for a cut of the profits (which he
bombs — not an easy
like DARPA or private industry that would try to didn’t really care about anyway) and a promise to
task, given Daedalus’s
penchant for secrecy restrict or regulate him. The second was the need share technological developments with them. They
and security. many people had for more firepower — bigger soon introduced him to Lt. Paul McClinton (page
guns, better bullets, more powerful bombs. Since 170), who was more than willing to help Dodson
One of the PCs needs he couldn’t meet both demands through legitimate on the local level. Before long Dodson was doing
a new weapon, or a channels, more extreme measures were necessary. good business with the gangstas and gunsels of
major weapon modifica- Dodson quit his job and became a “defense Hudson City, using a name he chose for himself
tion, in a hurry during industry consultant” — or at least that’s what his — Daedalus. On the street most people pronounce
a mission. His regular business card said. But he had much more than a it “Deadluss,” but he doesn’t care as long as he gets
armorer can’t do it — typical freelance engineer’s career in mind. A few to keep doing his work.
will he turn to Daedalus forged documents were all he needed to obtain
for help, and what sort working space no one could trace to him, and Personality/Motivation: Daedalus is absolutely
of payment will Daeda- fascinated with weapons technology and related
the permits to buy the raw materials and parts he
lus demand? military sciences. He’s only fired guns a few times
required. A little bit of identity theft and computer
hacking gave him plenty of money for supplies. outside his lab, and he’s never even thought about
A high Pentagon official shooting another human being, but the thought
notes some disturbing Sure, he could have made a lot more money stick-
ing to cybercrime, but it didn’t really interest him. of building better and more destructive weapons
similarities between a
new weapons design Workspace secured and parts in hand, he appeals to him the way some people obsess over a
being developed for returned to his true work. Within a few months hobby or a significant other. He can’t even explain,
the military and some he’d perfected several of his designs (it was amaz- exactly, why he feels this way — he can’t remember
weapons that recently ing how much he could accomplish without bosses a time when he wasn’t reading military magazines
turned up on the streets peering over his shoulder and regulators demand- and studying electronics.
of Hudson City (Dae- ing all sorts of progress reports), but he didn’t know While Daedalus would prefer to pursue his
dalus’s military contacts what to do with them. Controlled field tests were obsession in legitimate industry, he feels too con-
passed the information fined by rules and regulations to do so. He tried
what he really wanted, but there was no way to
he gives them on to several times to find ways to get around those
defense contractors they get them — hiring two private armies to go at it,
no holds barred, would be too expensive and too restrictions, but it never worked out, so he took to
own, or owe favors to).
Concerned about a pos- the streets instead. If someone asks him how he
feels about innocent people getting hurt with his
sible security leak, but
not wanting to look like
DAEDALUS’S weapons, he’ll express remorse — and maybe even
a fool if he’s imagining it
all, he covertly asks the
COMPETITORS genuinely feel some for a few moments — but then
his mind will quickly shift back to analyzing how
PCs to investigate. Daedalus isn’t the only armorer who keeps the those people got hurt, and how they could get hurt
Hudson City underworld supplied with weapons, better, until once again they’re nothing more to him
ammo, and gadgetry. Among his chief competitors than statistics.
Quote: “Note how dense the firing pattern is.
The Toymaker: Unbeknownst to the authorities or
This weapon has 32% lower recoil thanks to this
the customers who visit his toy shop, kindly old
Jacob Meier is one of the premiere suppliers of
improved muzzle brake I developed.”
custom-designed weapons and gear to the under- Powers/Tactics: Daedalus doesn’t fight. If con-
world and the black market. He will not, however, fronted with force, he’ll surrender immediately
build weapons of mass destruction, or deal with
(or maybe try to flee, if he really thinks he has a
anyone he thinks might harm children; he prefers to
limit himself to working for professionals.
chance). He deals with threats by avoiding them,
not overcoming them. He’s established elaborate
Forge: A military veteran confined to a wheelchair security procedures to protect himself.
as the result of an accident that cost him his lower
People who want to buy from Daedalus put
legs, Forge specializes in heavy weaponry and
custom-built or -modified firearms, but can provide
the word out on the street. Eventually it gets back
just about anything a customer wants if necessary. to McClinton or one of the guys working for him,
Underworld rumor has it that his high-tech wheel- and he passes the information on to Daedalus.
chair has built-in concealed weapons and other Daedalus contacts the buyer, confirms what he
devices to protect him from anyone who might wants and that he can afford it, and sets up a time
threaten him or his business. and place for a meeting. The place is always one of
Predators ■ Chapter Three 131

several abandoned or run-down buildings he owns

throughout Hudson City under various untraceable
cover identities.
When the buyer arrives, all he finds is two
large safes next to a desk on the ground floor. On
the desk is a computer and a phone. Daedalus com-
municates with the buyer via the computer and
phone, and watches closely through numerous
concealed and unconcealed cameras; he’s never
anywhere near the building. If the buyer wants to
pay electronically (the method Daedalus prefers,
and for which he gives a discount), the funds are
transferred via the computer. If he wants to pay in
cash, Daedalus remotely opens the safe furthest
from desk, and the buyer places the money inside.
The safe actually conceals a large pneumatic tube
system that whisks the money away to a location
where Daedalus can retrieve it safely. Once pay-
ment is confirmed, Daedalus remotely opens the
other safe, which contains the goods.
Daedalus doesn’t deal in ordinary street guns
— anyone who wants one of those can get it from
a hundred differently dealers on the street for far
less than what Daedalus charges. What he sells
are custom weapons — state-of-the-art firepower
tailor-made for the buyer. His weapons cost a pretty
penny, but everyone on the street has learned
they’re worth it. In many parts of the underworld,
owning a Daedalus weapon has become something
of a status symbol.
Daedalus gathers the information he wants
about his weapons in two ways. First, he uses con-
tacts in the law enforcement communities to get
copies of autopsy and crime reports that mention You shouldn’t make Daedalus tougher — he’s
his products. Second, he installs tiny computer not a combatant. At most, give him a few Combat
chips in most of his weapons that record firing Skill Levels to represent his innate affinity for any-
data and other particulars. If and when a customer thing having to do with weapons. To weaken him,
brings a weapon back for repairs, modifications, or remove some of his Intellect Skill Levels, and/or
upgrades — as they often do — he downloads the reduce some of his Skill Rolls.
performance data directly from the chip. Daedalus doesn’t Hunt people. He mostly
Daedalus’s main laboratory/factory/work- just wants to be left alone to pursue his work, and
space is well-concealed in one of his properties, extends the same courtesy to others — even people
and protected by multiple levels of elaborate who bother him.
security. Anyone trying to “contact” him directly Daedalus has no criminal record. The HCPD
without his knowledge and permission is likely to and FBI both know someone’s supplying crimi-
regret it... permanently. nals in Hudson City and elsewhere with advanced
Campaign Use: As one of the chief suppliers of weaponry, but due to the strict security Daedalus
ironmongery to the underworld, Daedalus justi- maintains they’ve never tracked him down.
fies your supplying the criminals and villains in Appearance: Daedalus is a white male in his late
your campaign with whatever sort of devices you 30s or early 40s. He’s 5’10” tall and weighs about
want them to have, no matter how advanced those 190 pounds with a slight potbelly. His hair is dirty
devices happen to be. They don’t even have to be blonde, his eyes a watery grey-blue. He usually
weapons; he’ll manufacture other gadgets as well, wears neatly-pressed men’s shirts and pants with a
such as security systems or specialized thieving labcoat; he’s remarkably skilled at keeping his cloth-
tools, if the price is right and/or the customer ing from getting dirty while he works.
appeals to his intellectual vanity properly. For
example, through a cover identity he supplies the
crimefighter DarkAngel with most of her gear.
132 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
DAGGER 8 +4 OCV with Knifethrower Bracers
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 12 Targeting Skill Levels: +4 versus Hit Loca-
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] tion Penalties with All Attacks
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 3 Acrobatics 13-
17 CON 14 12- 3 Breakfall 13-
13 BODY 6 12- 3 Climbing 13-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 1 Contortionist 8-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 1 Electronics 8-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 Fast Draw (Knives And Knifethrower Brac-
10 COM 0 11- ers)13-
7 PD 3 Total: 7 PD (0 rPD) 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 2 KS: Circuses And Circus Life 11-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 3 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 12-
7 REC 0 3 Lockpicking 13-
34 END 0 1 Mimicry 8-
32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 83 2 PS: Instructor 11-
3 Security Systems 12-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 3 Sleight Of Hand 13-
Leaping: 7”/14” 3 Stealth 13-
Cost Powers END 3 Streetwise 12-
20 Right Knifethrower Bracer: RKA 1d6, 1 Ventriloquism 8-
Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (3 shots; 7 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
+¼), 30 Charges (-¼); OIF (-½) [30] Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Off Hand
5 Left Knifethrower Bracer: Another Knife- Resource Points
thrower Bracer (total of two) [30] 12 Equipment Points: 120
Martial Arts: Knifefighting 20 Vehicle/Base Points: 50
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
4 Dodge — +5 Dodge, Affects
All Attacks, Total Powers & Skills Cost: 207
Abort Total Cost: 290
4 Foist +2 +0 Weapon +4 DC 100+ Disadvantages
Strike 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Not Concealable,
4 Slashes +0 +2 Weapon +4 DC Noticed And Recognizable, Detectable By
Strike Large Group)
5 Stabs -2 +1 Weapon +6 DC 15 DNPC: Ginger Sommers (girlfriend) 8-
Strike (Normal, Unaware of character’s Social Limi-
5 Thrusts +1 +3 Weapon +2 DC tation: Secret Identity)
Strike 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) 20 Hunted: Card Shark 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill)
7 Improved Fighting Techniques: HA +2d6; 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1 cenary (Common, Strong)
3 Strong Leaper: Leaping +3” (7” forward, 10 Psychological Limitation: Must Be The
4” upward) 1 Leader (Common, Moderate)
Perks 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Copperhead and
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- other costumed mercenaries)
Level 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Paul Frey)
(Frequently, Major)
Talents 80 Experience Points
9 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
Total Disadvantage Points: 290
12 +4 with Knives (HTH and Thrown)
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Heavy Combat Knife+0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 — 10 Carries two
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown; carries six
Armored Costume (DEF 4; OIF)
Gear: NVD Mask Lenses (Nightvision; OIF). Dagger rarely carries other gear — he prefers to travel light
— but is smart enough to equip himself properly for a given mission if he has to.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 133

Background/History: Paul Frey was born into a Personality/Motivation: Dagger is a cut above your
family of circus performers — his parents were typical costumed criminal. He’s not in it just for the
acrobats, his uncle a magician, his aunt a bareback thrills or the money (though those are important).
rider. Each one tried to get him interested in his He has the sort of drive and ambition most often
or her particular act, but Paul didn’t take to their found in Wall Street executives, lawyers, and career
particular talents. The performer he liked the best politicians, but he channels it into being a suc-
was Roderigo, the knife-thrower and sword-swal- cessful outlaw — a supremely-skilled thief, killer,
lower. He pestered Roderigo to teach him the act, and leader of gangs. He gladly takes short-term or
and Roderigo finally agreed. Paul proved to have a single-job freelance contracts, but he doesn’t want
talent for knife-throwing and became a part of the to work for anyone else in the long term. In any
show. Soon his skill eclipsed Roderigo’s, making the group situation, he wants to be in charge. If he’s not
old man bitter and jealous. giving the orders or making the important deci-
When he got older, Paul realized he could sions, he’s not happy, and sooner rather than later
make more money with his talents outside the he’ll take steps to change things so he’s in charge.
circus. Eager to get rid of his too-talented pupil,
Quote: “By the time I’m done with you people,
Roderigo encouraged Paul to “go out and make
you’ll fight better, work together better, and be
something of yourself.” Paul ran away from the
equipped with the skills you need to become more
circus when he was 16 and hasn’t seen any of his
successful at your chosen career: crime. But if you
family since.
don’t do what you’re told or try to cross me, you’ll
He made his way into the underworld, using
find out that I’m as sharp and deadly as my name.
his skill with knives to work as an enforcer and
I’m the professor, you’re the students, and don’t
petty thief. His natural aggressiveness and intel-
forget it.”
ligence brought him to the attention of Card Shark,
who recruited him as a Deck agent. Paul took Powers/Tactics: Dagger is a skilled knifefighter and
advantage of this opportunity to learn new skills knife-thrower who’s honed his abilities with count-
and make contacts, but he constantly chafed under less hours of practice and numerous fights. During
the rigid authority and discipline. To make matters his time with the circus he picked up a variety of
worse, his boss, the Ace of Spades, preferred guns odd skills that he can use with varying degrees of
and considered Paul’s skill with knives a “second- proficiency: he’s an agile acrobat and sleight-of-
class” ability. hand artist, for example, but only a moderately-tal-
Paul finally got fed up and decided to leave. ented ventriloquist and mimic.
But he knew the Ace of Spades wasn’t going to
be the only person who thought guns were better
than knives — he needed a “gimmick” to prove that
blades could be as deadly as bullets. He got the idea
to construct a “knife-throwing gun” that would
make him a match for any gunman. He poked
around in Card Shark’s files until he found some
plans for a similar device, stole the plans, and fled.
Paul spent a few months of hiding out and
experimenting. A lot of money and several failed
prototypes later, he built himself two “Knifethrower
Bracers,” each capable of firing small, aerodynamic,
extremely sharp knife-blades as fast as a subma-
chine gun could fire bullets. Christening himself
Dagger, he began a career as a thief, enforcer, and
petty gang leader. But Card Shark never forgave
his betrayal, and continues to look for a way to get
revenge on him to this day.
After several years on his own, Dagger was
well on his way to becoming a minor crimelord,
much like Charlemagne or Janus. But then he suf-
fered serious injury during a fight with the HCPD
after a botched bank robbery, and most of his gang
was killed. Dagger escaped — barely — and made
his way to the Kyphotic Man to get patched up.
Now short on funds, he offered to pay for the treat-
ments by teaching the Kyphotic Man’s own gang
how to fight better. Intrigued, the hunchbacked
crime boss accepted, and Dagger entered a new
phase of his career: criminal trainer. He still com-
mits crimes on his own, and usually maintains a
small gang, but he’s spending more and more of his
time teaching other members of the underworld
the fine points of criminality.
134 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
DAGGER PLOT To keep himself on par with gunfighters, who
SEEDS can put a lot of lead in the air in just a few seconds,
Dagger has his Knifethrower Bracers. As described
Dagger has a long-time above, they fire saboted blade projectiles at a high “All right, people, listen up! You know who I am, and
girlfriend, Ginger Som- cyclic rate. The blades are sharp enough and travel you know why you’re here. Over the next six weeks
mers, who doesn’t know fast enough to cut through many types of body you’re going to learn how to do the work you do better,
about his costumed armor. If his target wears heavier body armor, pick up some new skills you’ve lacked up ’til now, and
criminal identity or Dagger uses his Targeting Skill Levels to shoot at most importantly how to be more disciplined and pro-
what he does for a living unarmored or lightly armored parts of the body. fessional. There are no guarantees in our line of work,
(she thinks he’s some but the closest you can come to one is to act like a pro,
In combat, Dagger relies on his Knifethrower
sort of consultant). think like a pro, and work with others like a pro.
Bracers at range, but often prefers to close to HTH
When she and many “Throughout the course we’re going to stress teamwork
other people get taken Combat range and use his daggers and Knifefight-
ing — he’s found that a lot of people who are com- and group tactics. Most of you don’t pull jobs alone;
hostage by PLRL terror- you’re part of a gang, or you work for someone. A
ists, will the PCs accept fortable shooting at a distant target panic when the
group can be greater than the sum of its parts... if the
Dagger’s offer to help target starts slashing at them with a big blade. If people in the group know how to work as part of a
with the rescue opera- necessary, he uses Sleight Of Hand to show off his team. By the time you’re done here, you’ll know how.
tion? If not, will he go fancy knife-work and perhaps gain a Surprise Move
ahead on his own, pos- “We’ve only got a couple of rules here. First, no leaving
OCV bonus.
sibly endangering the the grounds at any time, or doing anything else that
Whether fighting at range or HTH, Dagger might expose the school. Second, no fighting. Third,
lives of the other hos- often uses his acrobatic abilities to remain
tages just to rescue her? my word is law. You obey every order I give when I give
mobile and difficult to hit, and if possible to gain it. Anyone who violates these rules will be removed...
Surprise Move bonuses. If his foe lacks the ability permanently.”
When Card Shark puts
to follow him, Dagger leaps up to a high position —Dagger’s opening lecture to his latest class of students
out a major bounty
on his head, Dagger (such as a streetlight or ledge) and picks the guy
appeals to the PCs for off at his leisure. As a Hunter, Dagger takes his time and does
protection, offering a lot Campaign Use: Dagger is a thief and sometimes things right. He believes in preparation, so he stud-
of useful information ies the target as much as he can, possibly even fol-
crimelord with a twist. He usually has a small gang
about the underworld lowing him to learn his routine. When he’s ready, he
if they can (a) keep him of hardened criminals at his beck and call, most
of whom are “graduates” of his criminal training strikes (preferably from ambush or surprise — he
alive, and (b) somehow
convince Card Shark to program. His “course,” which is mostly taught at an has no interest in “fighting fair” or the like).
call off the bounty. isolated estate west of Benton County, covers basic The HCPD wants Dagger for four murders,
combat skills (guns, knives, and unarmed fighting), nineteen attempted murders or aggravated assaults,
Dagger decides to basic criminal skills (stealthy movement, break- and more than thirty robberies.
expand the scope of ing and entering, money laundering), and group Appearance: Dagger is a muscular man, 6’2” tall
his “crime school” by tactics and discipline. Advanced training programs with an athletic build. His costume is primarily
recruiting other “pro- are available if his employer desires. His role as
fessors.” To do that, he navy blue, with a red triangular stripe running
“crime professor” is unique in the Hudson City down the center of his chest, red belt and knee-
arranges for hopeful underworld (though it dovetails with the services
applicants to perform length boots, red gloves, and a red full-face mask.
provided by the Human Capitalist, with whom he His Knifethrower Bracers are silver, with the
a series of “tests” in the
form of unusual crimes. sometimes works; see Dark Champions: The Ani- “barrel” assembly positioned on the narrow outer
The PCs have to figure mated Series, page 53), so it’s likely to bring him edge of each bracer, giving them a teardrop-shaped
out what’s behind this to the attention of the PCs sooner or later. They profile. He carries his two heavy combat daggers in
odd crime spree and put may learn about his work through underworld sheaths on his belt, and his six smaller combat dag-
a stop to it. gossip, by encountering more and more street thugs gers in special sheaths on his lower arms (three per
who’ve received Dagger’s training, or when they arm, with the hilts downward).
discover that some crimelord they considered a
pushover in the past has gotten a lot better thanks
to Dagger’s instruction.
To make Dagger more powerful, give him
another point of SPD and/or increase his Knife-
thrower Bracers to RKA 1½d6. To weaken him,
reduce his STR and DEX to 18 and get rid of his
Martial Arts.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 135

ALEXANDER DROOD 3 Lockpicking 12-

The Unfinished Man 1 Mechanics 8-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Mimicry 13-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Persuasion 13-
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 Security Systems 13-
16 CON 12 12- 3 Seduction 13-
14 BODY 8 12- 3 Shadowing 13-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 3 Stealth 12-
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 3 Streetwise 13-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 4 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
14 COM 2 12- Small Planes, Two-Wheeled Motorized
Ground Vehicles
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 2 WF: Small Arms
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 3 Linguist
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 1 1) Arabic (fluent conversation; English is
6 REC 0 Native)
32 END 0 1 2) French (fluent conversation)
30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 93 1 3) German (fluent conversation)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 1 4) Japanese (fluent conversation)
1 5) Mandarin Chinese (fluent conversation)
Cost Powers END 1 6) Russian (fluent conversation)
41 Man Of A Thousand Faces: Shape Shift 1 7) Spanish (fluent conversation)
(Sight, Hearing, and Touch Groups, any 3 Traveler
humanoid form), Imitation, Reduced 2 1) AK: Europe 13-
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); 2 2) AK: South And Central America 13-
Extra Time (takes 1 Minute to change the 2 3) CK: Hong Kong 13-
shape of Drood’s face; -¾) 0 2 4) CK: Hudson City 13-
Perks 2 5) CK: Moscow 13-
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military 2 6) CK: New York City 13-
5 Money: Well Off 2 7) CK: Riyadh 13-
2 8) CK: Tokyo 13-
5 Eidetic Memory Resource Points
3 Lightsleep 28 Equipment Points: 200
15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
Skills 30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
3 Acting 13- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
3 Bribery 13-
3 Bugging 13- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 231
3 Bureaucratics 13- Total Cost: 324
3 Computer Programming 13- 100+ Disadvantages
3 Conversation 13- 10 Distinctive Features: face changes shape
3 Deduction 13- due to impact or pressure (Easily Concealed;
1 Disguise 8- Causes Major Reaction [fear/disgust])
1 Electronics 8- 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
2 Forgery (Documents) 13- Kill)
3 High Society 13- 20 Hunted: UMBRA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap-
3 KS: The Business World 13- ture/Kill)
3 KS: The Espionage World 13- 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 13- (Very Common, Strong)
2 KS: UMBRA 11-

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10 Sil, FS, laser
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Usually none, though he may don light body armor if he has the time and knows he’s about to get into a
Gear: Drood usually carries a variety of equipment suitable for his current mission, often disguised so
that it looks like an ordinary device. Examples include advanced lockpicking sets, nightvision devices, and
various gadgets designed to foil security systems or make computer hacking easier.
136 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
15 Psychological Limitation: Self-Centered And lent subject — a man named Alexander Drood.
Greedy (Common, Strong) He was formerly an analyst with the CIA, but was
139 Experience Points fired for misappropriation of agency funds and
other particulars. When we found him, he was
Total Disadvantage Points: 324
bitter about the whole situation and running out of
Background/History: “All right, what’s next on the money, so despite some misgivings he eventually
agenda?” agreed to join the project. Right now we’re in the
“The proposal for Project PLASTIC, sir.” middle of the series of surgical procedures.”
“Get started, then. What’s this PLASTIC about?” “Can you explain to me what you’re doing with-
“Sir, let me defer to Dr. Zawicki, who prepared out my needing a medical degree to understand?
the proposal based on your description of what you “Yes, sir. As you know, PLASTIC’s goal is to
wanted.” alter the subject’s face so that it can be re-shaped at
“My description? This is the espionage project, will, allowing the subject to impersonate anyone or
then?” alter his appearance to avoid detection. Using spe-
“Yes, sir.” cial space-age plastics, biomaterials developed from
“All right, go ahead, Dr. Zawicki.” stem cells, and other advanced materials developed
A short man, not as well-dressed as all the by this corporation and other UMBRA affiliates,
other people in the room, stepped into the light we have begun replacing the skin of his face, and
from the shadows at the back of the room. He to some extent the bone, with these materials. They
walked to the empty seat at the end of the table. have “memory” traits that keep them in a single
Quickly and efficiently he hooked a laptop into the shape until the subject changes that shape by mold-
room’s AV feed and began his presentation, illus- ing the materials with his hands. We estimate the
trating his points with graphics from the computer. process of changing facial shape will take about one
“The goal of Project PLASTIC is to create a minute. It’s not quite as good as what you see in the
spy with the ability to go anywhere and imperson- movies, but it still makes him virtually undetectable
ate anyone without the need for time-consum- without fingerprinting or DNA analysis.”
ing disguises. In accordance with the Chairman’s “How much longer will the rest of the project
specifications, R&D began investigating ways for an take?”
agent to alter his appearance at will. The result we “We estimate another seven to nine months, sir.”
dubbed Project PLASTIC. “How about the subject — Drood. How is he
“Briefly put, and in layman’s terms, Project holding up?”
PLASTIC will surgically alter a carefully-selected “As well as expected, sir. Undergoing repeated
subject to give the skin and bones of his face a surgeries of this sort is traumatic, of course, and
“plastic” quality that allows them to be molded. In alterations of the face can have psychological
this manner the agent can change the “shape” of his impact because of the strong association of face
facial features and thus disguise himself without with identity. Part of the process involves psycho-
the need for makeup, repeated plastic surgery, or logical treatments after surgery to ensure that he
other inconvenient methods. retains a strong grip on his persona, thus minimiz-
“The doctors and scientists assigned to this ing the risk of his developing multiple personality
proposal estimate that it will take approximately disorder or related psychotraumas.”
one year to locate a suitable subject, recruit him, “Very well. I expect another report in two
perform the procedures, and train him to use his months.”
new “face.” Estimated cost at this time is $50 mil- “Yes, sir.”
lion US. Are there any questions?” When none were ****
forthcoming, he disconnected his laptop and left Eight months later.
the room. “Mister Chairman, I’m pleased to present to
The Chairman sat at the head of the table, you... Alexander Drood.”
lost in thought. After a few minutes he spoke. “I The man confronting the Chairman looked
will take this proposal to the others with regard to pretty ordinary: an average face with no distin-
funding, but I do not anticipate its rejection. Tell guishing features, a trim build, typical business
Dr. Zawicki to proceed with his search for a suit- clothes. The eyes betrayed intelligence and percep-
able candidate. Next item.” tiveness, but also something the Chairman couldn’t
**** quite identify — malice? hatred? fear?
“All right, show me what he can do.”
Five months later.
Without waiting for a specific order, Drood
“I need an update on PLASTIC. Please tell Dr.
turned his back to the Chairman. For a minute
Zawicki to be in my office in fifteen minutes.”
he worked at his face with his hands. When he
“Yes, sir.”
turned back around, his face was completely differ-
Fifteen minutes later on the dot, there was
ent: aquiline nose, sharp chin, high forehead. If he
a knock on the office door. Doctor Zawicki was
hadn’t known better, the Chairman wouldn’t have
shown in.
known the “two” men were the same.
He cleared his throat. “You wanted a progress
“What about your hair?” the Chairman asked,
report on Project PLASTIC, sir?”
addressing Drood directly for the first time.
“Yes. How is it proceeding?”
“That I can’t change, sir, but the color can be
“We’re on schedule, sir. We obtained an excel-
Predators ■ Chapter Three 137

altered with dye, and the style by any barber. Wigs and intelligence agencies have all made use of his
are also an option.” services. Even some factions of UMBRA have hired
“Can you change skin color — look like a him from time to time; the more pragmatic mem-
black man, or a Hispanic?” bers of the Union recognize both his value and the
“Yes, sir, but the change would only cover my fact that he seems never to have revealed the orga-
face. To convincingly disguise myself as a person of nization’s secrets (including the secret of its exis-
another race, I would need preparation time to dye tence; see Chapter Two for more about UMBRA).
the skin on the rest of my body.” Drood comes across as the cool, consummate
“Can you imitate women?” professional freelance operative, and in fact he usu-
“Yes, sir, though I have to alter the shape of ally behaves like one (particularly when he’s on a
my body with regular disguise paraphernalia, and mission). But beneath this facade he’s a jumble of
hide my Adam’s apple with high-necked clothing emotions and wants. His “facelessness” (as he calls
or a scarf.” it) has psychologically cut him off from the rest of
“Doctor Zawicki, are you satisfied with the humanity. He has little sympathy for others, seeing
results of Project PLASTIC?” them as objects as much as people, and feels no
“Absolutely, sir. The process has worked perfectly.” remorse about killing, rape, or other crimes. When
“Very well. Schedule an appointment for his antisocial personality and his subconscious
Drood to meet with Operations. When the oppor- desire to once again become part of humanity
tunity arises I’ll introduce him to the rest of clash, he has a tendency to lash out, particularly at
UMBRA. Work hard and work well, Drood — we’re beautiful or handsome people.
expecting good things from you.”
Quote: “There are some things only I can face.”
“Yes, sir.”
**** Powers/Tactics: Thanks to the special surgical
procedures performed upon him by UMBRA doc-
Thirteen months later. tors and scientists, Alexander Drood has the ability
“Next item... report on Operation Overdrive. to mold his face, thus changing the shape of his
What’s the status, Mr. Coolidge?” features. This ability makes him a superb spy and
“Unfortunately, sir, Overdrive has hit a snag. infiltrator, but it’s not without its restrictions. First,
It was proceeding as planned until agent Drood it takes him about a minute to change his facial
dropped out of sight and abandoned the mission.” appearance, and he needs a mirror and reference
“What happened? Was he killed?” picture if he wants to make himself look like a spe-
“Uncertain, sir. It’s possible Drood has gone
rogue. I’ve brought Dr. Zawicki in for further dis-
cussion.” The short man stepped out of the shad-
ows, just like he had over two years before.
“Well, Doctor, what’s going on? Has your boy
slipped his leash?”
“To be honest, sir — we don’t know. In recent
months he’s shown increased detachment, dis-
regard for human life, and irritability. Despite
his psychological conditioning, which includes
therapy between missions, it’s possible the changes
we made to him have subtly affected his psychol-
ogy, rendering him more self-centered and less
sympathetic to others.”
“All right, here are your orders,” the Chair-
man said, taking in everyone in the room with his
glance. “I want every effort to be made to determine
whether Drood is dead, captured, or rogue. If you
think he’s dead, I want positive proof of it, not just
conjecture. If he’s been captured, prepare a mis-
sion to free him with three options: no, slight, and
total enemy casualties. If he’s gone rogue, activate
a hunter-killer squad to take him out — he knows
too much about UMBRA for us to let him live.”
“Yes, sir!”
Personality/Motivation: Since his defection from
UMBRA, Alexander Drood — known in some
circles as “the Unfinished Man” — has become a
freelance spy (and sometimes assassin). With his
unmatched ability to come and go as he pleases
in secure areas, gather information without being
questioned or detected, and leave a facility without
anyone suspecting him of illicit activity, he’s an
ideal espionage agent. Corporations, crime groups,
138 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
ALEXANDER DROOD cific other person. Second, he can only change his
PLOT SEEDS face, not other parts of his head or body. Thus, his
hair remains the same (but can be changed with
One of the PCs starts dyes, styling, or wigs), his ears stay the same shape, “You ever work in Hollywood, Mr. Blank?
to think there’s some- and so forth. Third, he can change the color of his “Not in the sense you mean. I’ve done work before in
thing funny about the facial skin, but not the color of his skin anywhere Los Angeles.”
new guy at work. He else (again, that requires dye). Fourth, if his face
seems kind of nosy “Sure, but I mean, have you ever hung out with movie
experiences pressure or impact — such as a punch people? Particularly the women?”
— maybe he needs to — it usually “deforms” to conform to the force (he
be checked out. The can correct this problem as a Zero Phase Action; “No.”
“new guy” is, of course,
in a sense, he just “pops his face back into place”). “They’re bitches, every !$&*%@# one of them. They
the Unfinished Man,
Fifth, he can’t alter his fingerprints or DNA, making wiggle their little asses everywhere they go, particularly
who’s infiltrated the
him susceptible to detection using those methods. if there’s some director around, but they won’t give you
PC’s place of work
Drood knows how to use a gun, but he’s not a taste. This bitch TiAnna from my latest movie’s the
to steal trade secrets.
worst I’ve ever seen.”
When he gets the a fighter — he’d rather flee than fight. However,
chance, he’ll assume he’s interested in learning more about methods of “But surely a man of your appearance and fame has no
the identity of a high- assassination, and might seek out someone who trouble attracting women?”
ranking employee, loot could teach him. “What do I have that dozens of other guys in this town
the database, and flee. don’t? These women, they’ve all got their sights set
Campaign Use: Drood makes an excellent indi- higher than me. Well, TiAnna’s not getting away with
UMBRA wants to bring rect enemy for the PCs. He can’t fight a group of it. When she gets home from that party at Goldbach’s
Drood entirely back them, but he’d make a great adversary for a para- tonight, I’m going to be waiting for her, and she’s gonna
into the fold. It begins noia/mystery scenario involving a one-on-one give up a lot more than a taste. All I need is for you
manipulating the PCs, confrontation. He could also be a “spoiler” in one to be at the party, looking like me. That’s all the alibi I
feeding them informa- of their missions — he’s on the scene pursuing his need.”
tion so they interfere own agenda while they’re trying to achieve their —doing a deal in the Hollywood hills
with every one of his own goals. And while he won’t Hunt the PCs him-
assignments. The goal
self, it’s entirely possible that one of their enemies
is to make him feel he
has nowhere to turn could hire him to uncover information about
but his former masters. them or make their lives miserable.
Can the PCs figure out To make Drood more powerful, give him the
what’s going on in time additional ability to alter his skin color throughout
to decide what part his body and to change his fingerprints and DNA
they want to play in this (the Cellular Adder for Shape Shift). To weaken
puppet show? him, increase the Extra Time that it takes him to
change facial shape.
A female PC, or popular Alexander Drood has a record with the CIA
NPC, becomes attracted for various crimes and malfeasances, but that
to a mysterious man record isn’t public knowledge.
who recently entered
her life. Is this a legiti- Appearance: Alexander Drood is 5’9” tall with an
mate romance, or is average build. He no longer has a set facial appear-
Alexander Drood twist- ance — from one minute to the next he can look
ing her emotions for his like virtually anyone. He wears clothing appropriate
own ends?
to his current assignment; when not working he
favors casual men’s wear.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 139


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 12 Equipment Points: 120 PLOT SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 The Department of
15 CON 10 12- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Homeland Security
12 BODY 4 11- learns that Farswali
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 126 plans an attack on a
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Total Cost: 200 prominent target in
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
Hudson City. Since the
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 100+ Disadvantages
PCs know the Hudson
10 COM 0 11- 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill) City underworld and
20 Hunted: Mossad 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/ territory better than
5 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
Kill) anyone, the government
5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
20 Psychological Limitation: Fanatical Palestin- arranges for them to
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
ian Terrorist (Common, Total) help stop him... even if
6 REC 0
15 Psychological Limitation: Likes To Directly they don’t want to get
30 END 0 involved.
Witness The Results Of His Actions
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74
(Common, Strong)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 25 Experience Points A friend or loved one of
one of the PCs is hurt
Cost Perks Total Disadvantage Points: 200 or killed in a terrorist
5 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank: high-rank- incident that allegedly
Background/History: When he was 8, he saw one involves the Vulture.
ing member of the PLRL
of his brothers murdered by the Israelis during Since the government
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
the intifada. seems unable to capture
10 Money: Wealthy
When he was 13, his other brother was him, it’s up to the PCs
Talents crippled during a confrontation with the Israelis to take a hand in the
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) when a rock-throwing incident turned ugly and matter and put a stop
became a firefight. to him.
When he was 16, Israeli soldiers raped his
16 +2 with All Combat A PC sees a Middle
girlfriend — or so she said. He spit on her and cast
1 Computer Programming 8- her aside, unwilling to touch anything the Jews Eastern man on the
3 Deduction 13- had fouled. street in Hudson City.
3 Demolitions 13- He looks like he might
When he was 18, the PLRL — the Palestinian
be Ahmad Farswali
3 Disguise 13- League for Retribution and Liberation — sent him (though the PC won’t
5 AK: The Middle East 15- to a training camp. When night fell, and the others know that at first, unless
5 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist left the shooting range and exercise yard to eat, he he makes a really good
World 15- stayed on, practicing alone, driving himself beyond KS: Military/Mercenary/
3 KS: Palestinian And Middle Eastern endurance to learn everything he could. Terrorist World roll).
Politics 13- When he was 20, he killed his first Israeli Now the PCs have to
1 Language: English (basic conversation; soldier. The year after that, he blew up an Israeli find this person, ascer-
Arabic is Native) convoy. The year after that, he masterminded a sui- tain his identity, and if
3 Oratory 12- cide bomber attack that destroyed a bus in Tel Aviv, necessary stop whatever
5 PS: Terrorist 15- terrorist plot has been
killing over a dozen people.
3 Stealth 12- Since then, Ahmad Farswali — known to the
3 Streetwise 12- West as “the Vulture” for his ghoulish desire to see
2 Survival (Desert) 13- the results of his actions first-hand — has become
3 Tactics 13- one of the most-wanted Palestinian terrorists
4 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, in existence. Personally responsible for nearly a
Small Planes, Two-Wheeled Motorized hundred murders, and implicated in the planning
Ground Vehicles of several major terrorist attacks aimed at United
5 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Grenade Launchers, States targets that the FBI ultimately foiled, he’s one
Shoulder-Fired Weapons of America’s deadliest enemies.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Steyr SPP +1 +1 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 11
Spectre M4 +1 +1 1d6+1 1d6-1 50 13 AF5
Steyr AUG +1 +2 2d6 1d6 30 12 AF5, FS, 2H
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Desert survival gear, explosives and bomb-making materials (if appropriate), grenades (if appropriate)
140 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Personality/Motivation: Like his fellow PLRL mem- soldiers and innocents in an effort to show the
bers and terrorists in other organizations, Farswali invaders and occupiers of the Palestinians’ right-
is a fanatical Palestinian patriot who yearns for the ful land that the cost of remaining there is too
destruction of the nation of Israel and the estab- high. He hopes to go further afield soon and
lishment of a Palestinian state. He bitterly hates the strike directly at the United States, but such an
United States for its support of Israel, interference operation takes time and careful planning.
in Muslim affairs, and sinfulness, and would gladly
Campaign Use: Farswali is a typical terrorist, and as
destroy it as well. He likes to witness the end result
such richly deserves capture if not death. However,
of his terrorist missions first-hand; when possible,
you may get more mileage out of him as a character
he lurks in the crowd after the disaster to see the
if you can arrange for the PCs to see the other side
blood and hear the lamentations. This habit will
of him — the man who genuinely cares about his
almost certainly prove his undoing; the authori-
people in ways that have nothing to do with guns
ties have already learned to start looking for him
and bombs. For a real twist of moral relativism, find
closely in the crowds.
a way to team them up against a common enemy.
When not on a mission, the Vulture is usually
To make the Vulture a tougher opponent,
either (a) planning one, or (b) helping the Palestin-
increase his Characteristics so that he’s a better
ian people. He frequently volunteers his time to
combat opponent for the PCs. You could also
help orphans whose parents were murdered by the
give him abilities that would make him an assas-
Israelis, distribute food and clothing to poor Pales-
sin, such as Martial Arts or a knowledge of poi-
tinians, and the like. He’s not married himself, but
sons. To weaken him, reduce his Characteristics
dotes on his nieces and nephews.
(including INT to 13 and DEX to 14) and some
Quote: <<“The time of Western domination has of his Skill rolls.
ended! The Palestinian people can at last speak for Farswali does not Hunt heroes — he has his
themselves, and they say: death to Israel! Death to own quest to pursue. But if a character has strong
America!”>> ties to Israel, or repeatedly foils his terrorist mis-
sions, he may take it upon himself to remove that
Powers/Tactics: Farswali is a terrorist. Open con- particular obstacle to Palestinian sovereignty.
frontation is the furthest thing from his mind; Farswali is wanted by Israeli and American
he knows the Israeli and American militaries authorities for nearly a hundred murders commit-
are more powerful than he, or than the entire ted during numerous terrorist acts.
PLRL. He strikes from the shadows, killing both
Appearance: Ahmad Farswali is an average-looking
Palestinian man in his 20s — 5’8” tall, thinly built,
dusky skin, dark hair and moustache. He wears
dirty, sand-colored combat fatigues most of the
time, and carries at least two guns with him every-
where he goes.

It was a beautiful sight.
The bomber had done his job perfectly. He’d made it
to the middle of the bus, just as he’d been instructed,
before detonating the bomb. Allah would reward the
man’s sacrifice well, and the PLRL would honor him in
this world by providing for his wife and children.
The blast had torn the bus in two, killing three people
on the street with shrapnel and damaging several
buildings nearby. He hadn’t heard how many people on
the bus had died, but he suspected nearly a dozen. The
smell of the burning rubber and oil, the scarlet of the
blood, the sounds of Israeli women wailing their grief
— it was like a feast for his senses.
He knew the authorities were probably watching the
crowd for him, suspecting that he might be here... but
who among them, fools that they were, would suspect
a rabbi? As long as no one tried to speak to him — he
knew only a few words of Hebrew, not enough to carry
on a conversation — he’d get away again.
Smiling slightly to himself, no more than the false
beard would hide, he turned and left the scene.
—the Vulture earns his nickname once more
Predators ■ Chapter Three 141

FIREBUG Total Powers & Skills Cost: 72

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Cost: 108
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 100+ Disadvantages
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 20 Hunted: HCFD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
13 CON 6 12- Kill)
10 BODY 0 11- 20 Psychological Limitation: Pyromaniac
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- (Common, Total)
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 5 Rivalry: Professional (with other arsonists)
12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Vincent
8 COM -1 11- “Iggy” Ignatius) (Frequently, Major)
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
10 ED 9 Total: 10 ED (0 rED) quently, Minor)
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Total Disadvantage Points: 170
5 REC 0
26 END 0 Background/History: “Is it alive, Mommy?”
22 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 36 “No, baby, it’s just a fire.”
He reached for the candle, wanting to feel the
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
bright, dancing thing, but she quickly slapped his
Cost Powers END hand away. “Don’t touch that! Are you stupid, boy?
8 Pyrokinesis: RKA 1 point, Continuous I told you, it’s fire. It hurts when you touch it — it
(+1), Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endur- burns you.”
ance (0 END; +½), Sticky (only affects He cried, wanting it.
flammables; +¼), Uncontrolled (fire ends ****
when it runs out of fuel or oxygen, or some-
one extinguishes the flames; +½); Extra He ran far away and hid in the old burned-out
Time (Extra Phase; -¾), No Range (-½) 0 gas station on the corner. The other kids wouldn’t
2 Pyrokinetic Reflex Attack: Remove Extra find him there. They wanted to take away his
Time (-¾) from Pyrokinesis and change lighter, the one he stole from the QuickCorner
No Range (-½) to Limited Range (5”; -¼); last week. They all thought he was a freak. He just
Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1½), wanted to be left alone.
Only When Firebug Is Terrified Or Fears He couldn’t hear them anymore. He took a
For His Life (-1) 4 stub of candle out of his pocket, and the lighter. He
15 Pyrokinetic Manipulation: Telekinesis (30 clicked it on, watching the flame appear magically
“STR”); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 and hover there on its end. He was just about to light
END; -½), No Range (-½), Only Works the candle when he heard a shout: “There he is!”
On Fire (-1) 8 Before he could run, they came crashing in.
20 Pyrokinetic Defense Reflex: Armor (16 ED), One of them kicked him before he could get up. He
Hardened (+¼); Only Works Against curled into a ball and waited until they stopped. He
Limited Type Of Attack (fire; -½) 0 only struggled when someone pried open his hand
2 Can Take The Heat: Life Support (Safe to take the lighter, but they hit him some more and
Environment: Intense Heat) 0 he lay still. He watched through teary eyes as one of
them lit a cigarette with his lighter. Then they left,
Perks laughing and joking.
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- At least they didn’t get the candle. He sat up
Level carefully, wiped off his face, cleaned up the blood
from his nose. He put the candle back on the
ground. If only he could light it by touching it!
12 +6 OCV with Pyrokinesis
Then they could have all the lighters they wanted.
2 KS: Arson/Explosion Investigation 11- Wistfully, he touched the wick...
3 Stealth 11- ...and the candle lit!
3 Streetwise 11- He was so surprised he jerked his hand away
2 WF: Small Arms like he’d been burned (though he never had been,
Resource Points somehow). Did I do that? Only one way to find out.
0 Equipment Points: 60 He got up, walked over to the corner where some
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 homeless guy had left a Burger Monster wrapper.
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 He touched it.
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Nothing happened.

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
CZ 75 +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 15 9
Gear: None.
142 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
FIREBUG He touched it again. Thought hard. Wished are highly flammable, but at a minimum his Pyro-
PLOT SEEDS hard. And the paper burst into flame! kinesis should take a Full Phase to use. In times of
He danced and danced and danced for joy. stress — such as when a vigilante’s about to catch
One of the PCs’ favorite Later that night he found the kids who stole him — he can lash out and use his power quickly
nightspots goes up in his lighter. They were in the old building they and at range, but this doesn’t occur often and he
flames. It looks like an called their clubhouse, passed out from cheap wine can’t control it.
accident — but there and grass. First he fished his lighter out from the Besides setting fires, Firebug can’t suffer burns
were rumors around pocket of the guy who stole it from him. Then he from them; his powers keep the flames from hurt-
the place that it wasn’t got out the bottle of lighter fluid he stole from the ing him, allowing him to touch them or set himself
doing well and the StarMart. He squirted it all over the guy. Then he on fire with impunity. He can even control and
owner was looking for
touched the guy’s fluid-wet shirt and thought hard. shape small masses of flame with his mind, though
a way out. Could the
fire be a coincidence, And the boy burst into flames. doing so tires him out quickly. In game terms, his
or did the owner hire He ran far away... but not so far he couldn’t Pyrokinetic Manipulations allows him to “pick up”
Firebug to take care of hear the screams. masses of flame doing up to 6 Damage Classes’
his problems? **** worth of damage. He can move the flame around
without causing it to go out, and can “touch” targets
After examining photos “You understand what we want?” the two men with it to inflict damage (which “uses up” the flame,
taken at the scenes of asked. They dressed like businessmen, but they car- extinguishing it). He can also shape the fire into
several suspicious fires, ried themselves like street soldiers. simple forms, such as geometric shapes, a bird of
the PCs see the same He nodded. He already had a record for arson. flame, or the like.
person lurking in the Word was getting around. Firebug doesn’t want to fight — he just wants
background at each blaze. “Okay, then. You gotta week. Meet us back here to set fires. If caught in an act of arson, he’ll try
Is he the arsonist... and if then for the cash.” to run away (maybe even straight into a burning
so, how do they find him One week later, he came back. It hadn’t been a
before he torches another building, since the flames won’t hurt him). If he
hard job at all — and this time he didn’t leave any can’t run away he’ll surrender and try to find a way
accelerants for the cops to trace. to escape later.
The two men showed up. One of them gave
Firebug reads about the Campaign Use: Firebug pushes the limits of the sort
him a briefcase; it was heavy. “Nice work, man,” the
Cuyahoga River catch- of “weird” powers allowable in most Dark Cham-
ing fire back in the other one said. “They don’t suspect a thing. We’ll
get in touch the next time we need some work pions campaigns. If he doesn’t fit the tone of your
Seventies and decides
it would be interesting — you’re gonna go a long way in this business if campaign, change his powers so they’re not innate,
to try to recreate that you don’t get stupid.” but the result of special chemical concoctions,
“event” on the Stewart magic tricks, or the like.
River. Now he just has Personality/Motivation: Practically enraptured with The heroes aren’t likely to encounter Firebug
to figure out a way to flames and burning, Firebug is a classic criminal in combat — instead, they’ll see the effects of his
spill enough flammable pyromaniac. He thinks of fire almost as a living handiwork and have to track him down. Since he
materials into the thing. When he talks about it, it’s Fire, with a capital leaves few (if any) forensic traces most of the time,
water.... F, like the He when the Bible refers to God. Usually catching him is likely to require a long, frustrating
quiet and withdrawn, he spends a lot of his time investigation punctuated by lucky breaks.
just staring at candleflames or hearth-fires. But To make Firebug more powerful, reduce the
when he takes it into his head to burn something, Extra Time on his Pyrokinesis attack, make it do
he becomes clever and crafty, a skilled planner who more damage, and/or allow it to work at short
POETRY CORNER would do a good job even if he used normal arson- ranges (within 5”, perhaps). You could also equip
ist tools. In the presence of a large fire — a bonfire him with some incendiary grenades, a flame-
Fire, Fire, burning bright or burning building — he often becomes giddy thrower, or similar weapons. To weaken him,
and excited, maybe even dancing around a little if increase the Extra Time on his powers and get rid
In the canyons of the night
he thinks no one will see. He’s learned to control of his Pyrokinetic Manipulations ability.
What immortal hand himself if there are cops or firefighters around; he
or eye Firebug doesn’t Hunt people. He’s only inter-
doesn’t want to give himself away and go to prison. ested in starting and enjoying fires.
Made you so you light Firebug’s been picked on, abused, and ignored Vincent Ignatius has a long record for minor
the sky? by other people all his life, and as a result he doesn’t acts of arson as a juvenile and young adult. Since
really care about others at all. He rarely goes out of gaining his powers, he’s rarely been caught, because
Fire, Fire, burning bright his way to hurt anyone, but he doesn’t get upset if he doesn’t have to use accelerants or the like unless
Quench your endless someone dies in one of his fires, either. he just feels like it.
appetite Quote: “Time to get fired up.” Appearance: Firebug is a pasty-faced white guy
In my mind I dare aspire
Powers/Tactics: Firebug is a pyrokinetic — a in his mid-to-late 20s with unruly black hair and
To lift my hands and perpetual five o’clock shadow. He’s 5’7” tall and
touch you, Fire person who can create and control fire with the
power of his mind. By touching something flam- thin, weighing only 140 pounds. He wears ordinary
mable and concentrating for several seconds, he street clothes, supplemented with a black leather
—from a poem found at jacket in cold weather. In the presence of fire, even
the scene of one of Fire- can make it catch fire. You may want to increase the
Extra Time for targets that aren’t very flammable, a lit candle, he usually stares at the fire with a rap-
bug’s arsons, thought by
the authorities to have and decrease it for things like pieces of paper that turous look on his face.
been written by the
Predators ■ Chapter Three 143

FUSILLADE 100+ Disadvantages QUIET TIME

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 Enraged: if insulted, taunted, belittled,
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] or made to look a fool (Common), go 8-, They always paid atten-
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 recover 8- tion to him when he was
19 CON 18 13- 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) at home.
13 BODY 6 12- 20 Hunted: The Arsenal 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, He wasn’t home much,
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Strong) unfortunately — not
5 Rivalry: Professional (with the Arsenal and as much as he’d like,
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
other similar mercenaries) anyway. Work required a
10 COM 0 11- lot of travel. It had taken
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) a lot of time and money
quently, Minor) to set the place up so
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
10 Experience Points they could take care of
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
8 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 200 themselves while he was
away, but it was worth it.
38 END 0
Background/History: “Hey, Big Gun Charlie!” Letting someone in here
40 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 80 to look after them when
Charlie winced. He’d been in the Stew for five
Movement: Running: 6”/12” years; weren’t they ever gonna let him live that down? he was out of town
It wasn’t his fault his fingers were too thick and wasn’t an acceptable
Cost Powers END option.
clumsy to fit in the trigger guards of most pistols.
33 Flechette Autocannon: RKA 2½d6, Armor
It’d been enough of a joke when he was on the street
Piercing (+½), Autofire (10 shots; +1), So here he was, polish-
pulling robberies and hijackings, but after the cops
Increased Maximum Range (3,500”, or ing the outside of the
caught him because he couldn’t fire his gun quick Autocannon, cleaning
about 4 miles; +¼), 500 Charges (+1);
enough, some asshole turned it into a nickname. the barrel, making sure
OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), STR Minimum
It was his first night out, so he wasn’t gonna get everything was spot-
(18, STR Minimum Doesn’t Add Dam-
sore about one crack — it felt too good to be free. less and perfectly oiled,
age; -1½), Two-Handed (-½), Real
But the night went on and on and no one would greased, or fit. And there
Weapon (-¼) [500] they were, seated on the
shut about it. Finally he couldn’t take anymore.
Perks When Falcone began telling the story of how the couch, eyes on his every
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military cops caught him, he got up, picked up a chair, and move, as if he were just
smashed Falcone right across his big mouth. Then about to throw them
Skills some treats. They looked
he moved on to the others. He was done and out of
4 +2 OCV with Flechette Autocannon kind of funny side-by-
there before the cops could arrive. side — the big, black
10 Machine Gunner From Hell: +4 OCV with And now he had a plan, too. Big Gun Charlie,
Autofire Firearms; Only Apply When Char- Rottweiller and the little
huh? I’ll show them a big gun, if that’s what they tan-and-white Pomera-
acter Uses Autofire Against A Single Target want to see! nian — but he knew the
(-¼), Must Use Maximum Number Of Auto- Pom was tougher than it
fire Shots (-¼), Not While Targeting (-½) ****
5 Accurate Sprayfire “Are you ready to make payment?” the elec-
3 Combat Driving 12- tronic voice said, coming out of the computer He held up the Auto-
5 Concentrated Sprayfire speakers in a dull monotone. cannon. “Whaddaya
2 KS: Hudson City Underworld 11- “Sure.” think, guys? Look clean
5 Skipover Sprayfire “Do you still intend to pay electronically?” enough to you.” The
“Yes, I’ve got an account all set up.” Pom nodded, so he set
3 Stealth 12-
“All right, the standard 10% deduction for elec- the gun aside. “Okay,
3 Streetwise 12- who’s ready for a walk?”
3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, tronic payment will be noted. Please sit down at the
They both barked at
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles computer and initiate a wire transfer to this account.” A
once and ran off to get
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades number appeared on the screen in big red numerals. their leashes.
1 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 8- Charlie did as he was told. He’d learned a little
about computers inside — enough to know how to —downtime at the
Resource Points make a wire transfer, anyway. In a minute he was done. Fusillade household
20 Equipment Points: 160 The computer hummed and whirred for a few
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 seconds, and then the voice spoke again. “Payment
10 Follower/Contact Points: 25 accepted and verified.” There was a CLICK, and the
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 door on the second safe popped open.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 120 Charlie opened it all the way and looked
Total Cost: 200 inside. He saw just what he’d ordered: a gun so big
no one would ever make fun of him again. It was
a gleaming, high-tech wonder, with three barrels
like one of those helicopter-mounted guns you
saw on TV shows about Vietnam, but small and
light enough for a man to carry. There was a belt
with power packs and a backpack for ammo, too.
Charlie pulled it all out and shut the safe door.
“Satisfied?” the computer voice said.
144 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
Fusillade wants revenge Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
on a PC for some reason
(maybe the PC humiliated Armor
him in combat, or got him Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
arrested, or just plain out- Helmet (DEF 8 on the head; also provides Sight and Hearing Group Flash Defense [8 points])
shot him). He orchestrates Gear: Typically Fusillade doesn’t carry any extra gear, unless his employer issues him some (e.g., night-
a crime spree in areas
vision goggles)
where the PCs have been
known to fight crime so
he can ambush them. “Oh, yeah.” As a Hunter, Fusillade tends to come after his
“I’ll bet you can create quite a fusillade with that target directly and brutally. Typically he ambushes
A mysterious employer weapon.” the target and hoses him down with flechettes until
hires Fusillade for some Fusillade, huh? there’s nothing left but a bloody pulp.
merc work in central Charlie Tarleton has a lengthy criminal record
Personality/Motivation: The first impression people
Africa. But he soon has for assault, robbery, murder, and assorted other
get when meeting Fusillade is of a big, loud, abusive,
second thoughts — he offenses. The cops haven’t yet realized that he’s Fusil-
gets the impression there’s crude, violent man. He is those things, but he’s not
lade, but it’s only a matter of time.
more going on than bush the mindless thug or stupid oaf most people take
warfare. He approaches him for. He’s no Nobel Prize winner, but he’s smart Appearance: Charlie Tarleton is a 6’0”, 210 pound,
the PCs and asks for their enough to survive on the streets and know a good blonde, greenish-grey-eyed, broad-shouldered man
help to shut the op down. opportunity when he sees it. with well-developed muscles. As Fusillade he wears a
Fusillade doesn’t really follow any sort of “mer- suit of Army green heavy body armor with a helmet
Fusillade decides he wants cenaries’ code.” He doesn’t go out of his way to screw that has a one-way faceplate that hides his features.
to upgrade his gun and get his employers — in fact, he usually serves them His heavy belt holds the power packs for his Auto-
some more weapons from loyally — but he’s most interested in looking out for cannon (a high-tech, three-barreled monstrosity
Daedalus. The PCs have to number one. But oddly enough, he has a soft spot for requiring two hands to hold and fire), and he wears a
stop his crime spree before dogs. Big or small, he loves ’em all, and would never special hardshell backpack to hold the ammo (which
he has enough money to
think of harming one. Twice he’s fled the scene of a feeds to the Autocannon via an ammo belt). When
turn himself into a one-
man army. fight when he found out he’d accidentally shot a dog. he’s not using the Autocannon, he usually carries it
by bracing it on his right shoulder.
Quote: “I’m gonna show you what real firepower is!”
Powers/Tactics: Fusillade isn’t given to subtlety or
stealthy tactics. He favors powerful, all-out assaults
and slugging it out man-to-man. His weapon of
preference is his Flechette Autocannon, an enormous
gun with three rotating barrels that fires large flech-
ette rounds capable of cutting through body armor,
cars, and walls. It’s so big he needs two hands to hold
and operate it; he usually braces it against his chest
when firing. A series of six power-packs worn on a
belt provides power to the gun via a flexible metallic
cable; he carries 500 rounds of ammunition in a spe-
cially-designed backpack that connects to the gun
with an ammo belt.
If deprived of his gun, Fusillade either tries to
obtain another large gun, uses his sidearm, or closes
to hand-to-hand range for brawling or a little knife
work. Vigilantes who expect him to turn tail and run
when he can’t use the autocannon are in for a sur-
prise; he likes using the big gun, but isn’t physically
or psychologically dependent on it.
Campaign Use: Fusillade is useful as a combat mon-
ster, pure and simple. He makes an excellent partner
for criminals who have more subtlety or intelligence
but who need his firepower to pull off some job
or keep vigilantes off their backs. His animosity
with the Arsenal (who feel Fusillade’s stealing their
“schtick”) may also provide plot fodder.
To make Fusillade more powerful, make him
less of a one-trick pony. Give him some other big
guns or weapons so he still presents a major threat
even if he loses one of them. To weaken him, reduce
the Autocannon to RKA 2d6 or 1½d6.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 145


Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
12 CON 4 11-
10 BODY 0 11-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
12 COM 1 11-
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 0
24 END 0
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END
1 The Obsessive’s Drive: Life Support (Dim-
inished Sleeping: only needs about twenty
hours of sleep a week)
1 Fringe Benefit: License to Practice Medicine
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
12 Money: Wealthy
2 Reputation: brilliant plastic surgeon (in the
United States) 8-, +2/+2d6
3 Conversation 13-
3 Criminology 13-
5 Forensic Medicine 14- 100+ Disadvantages
3 High Society 13- 20 Psychological Limitation: Views Humanity
3 Paramedics 13- As Disgusting, Ugly, Stupid, And Pathetic
3 PS: Doctor 13- — A Thing Of Pity To Be Remade, His Own
3 Seduction 13- Little Puppet Theater (Common, Total)
3 Stealth 12- 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (pretends
1 Streetwise 8- to be a normal, well-respected doctor, when
3 Scientist he’s really a twisted mutilator) (Frequently,
2 1) SS: Biology 13- Major)
2 2) SS: Chemistry 13- 12 Experience Points
2 3) SS: Human Anatomy 13-
4 4) SS: Medicine 15- Total Disadvantage Points: 147
2 5) SS: Plastic Surgery 13- Background/History: An excerpt from the journal of
2 6) SS: Psychology 13- Rodin Bradford Grimm:
2 7) SS: Surgery 13- It’s amazing, really, how predictable my life has
Resource Points been — up to a point, anyway. Anyone with even half a
0 Equipment Points: 60 brain could have told you what I’d do. Given that Father
20 Vehicle/Base Points: 50 and Mother are both accomplished physicians, it’s only
5 Follower/Contact Points: 15 natural I’d be capable of the best of the best — Choate,
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Harvard undergrad, Harvard Medical School — and
that they’d have the money to grant me access to those
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 90 institutions. And it’s only natural I’d soon become quite
Total Cost: 147 famous and wealthy in my own right thanks to my vir-
tually predestined skill in medicine.
What I don’t think anyone would have predicted
is my specialty: plastic surgery. Many clods have
asked me at parties what prompted me to go into
such a field when there are lives to save, diseases to
conquer — when, as they put it, “I have so much to
contribute to humanity.” Why we suffer such sen-
timental idiots to live, I do not know; Heaven only
146 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
DR. GRIMM knows I’ve done my fair share to silence them. Some of his more “inspired” creations include:
PLOT SEEDS Why can’t any of them see? What makes them
■ a woman whose ribcage he partly replaced
so blind to their own ugliness and stupidity? How
with an oddly-shaped network of bony struts,
Using disguises, Dr. can they tolerate themselves? What stays their hands
such that her entire torso became twisted and
Grimm passes himself from suicide?
distorted; she cannot sleep or walk in comfort.
off as several other plas- Perhaps my vision of the world is as much a curse
tic surgeons and turns as it is a blessing. It is a hard, hard thing to be so alone, ■ a man whose skin was stretched so tightly over
an entire day’s schedule to be the only one who sees things with utter clarity. his body that if he moves he runs the risk of
of operations at Everett The constant urging, the fire in my brain that forces me splitting it open.
Memorial Hospital into onward, would burn out any lesser man. ■ a woman whose right arm and left leg were
a cavalcade of horrors.
To work! My demons will not let me rest. The entirely amputated, and her left arm and right leg
The PCs have to figure
out who committed world is in more need of my ministrations than ever. amputated at the elbow/knee. The fully ampu-
these bizarre assaults Personality/Motivation: Superficially, Dr. Rodin tated arm and leg were then used to “repair” the
and bring him to justice. Bradford Grimm seems to have it all. Descended partially amputated limbs, such that the woman
from settlers who came over on the Mayflower, a now has a right hand on her extra-long left arm
Doctor Grimm and the family whose every member for generations has and a left foot on her extra-long right leg.
Cainite decide to have
been wealthy, gifted, and successful, he is a world- ■ a man from whom he removed all of the facial
a contest to see who
can display the most renowned plastic surgeon whose work has brought protuberances (nose, ears, and so on) and then
grotesque creativity in joy to countless people. used skin and muscle grafts to try to make his
mutilating someone. But Dr. Grimm is not exceptional only in head as spherical and featureless as possible.
The mutilation must be beneficial ways. All of his life he has seen things...
non-fatal and must not differently. Although he maintains a facade of If anyone attempts to stop or apprehend him, Dr.
significantly cripple the normality and courtesy, he perceives the world as Grimm flees; if he cannot escape, or it would be dan-
victim — he has to be a horrid, idiotic, banal place far beneath someone gerous to try, he surrenders. He will protest his inno-
able to live and func- as elevated as he. The people around him are dull cence to the very end, claiming he did it all for the
tion with his deformity. and ugly, fit only as a tablet on which he can write good of the world. Few if any of his victims retain the
Ready, set, go! mental stability necessary to confront him in court.
as he wills. He views them not with arrogance, but
rather, with the sort of condescending pity a pup- Campaign Use: In dramatic terms, Dr. Grimm
The PCs find Dr.
peteer might feel for his pathetic puppets. He sees is something like a serial killer — except that he
Grimm’s latest victim,
abandoned in the street. people and things as wrong, misshapen, wasted. He mutilates in bizarre ways instead of killing. Unfor-
They have to help the deludes himself that he’s devoted his life to correct- tunately for the PCs, he doesn’t pick his victims
poor woman back to ing this “problem” for the good of mankind. But the based on any sort of pattern or theme, so tracking
physical and mental subconscious truth is that he views the world as a him down will probably prove difficult.
health so she can pro- sort of vast stage on which he strides like an Olivier, If one of the PCs is wealthy, or a part of the
vide them with the doing as he will to enrich the cattle around him. medical community, he might know Dr. Grimm
information they need He is a twisted healer who takes good people and socially. If that’s the case, be sure to work Grimm
to track Grimm down. makes monsters of them. into the campaign as a friendly NPC before you use
Quote: “That’s all right, ma’am — we’ll soon set you him in his true role; that will make his emergence
to rights.” all the more shocking.
Doctor Grimm works alone, since no one can
Powers/Tactics: Dr. Grimm is an extremely gifted, appreciate his vision of the world. If you want to give
creative surgeon known the world over for his bril- him some Followers, he can kidnap thugs off the
liant work in the field of plastic surgery. But that’s street, brainwash them with drugs, and then operate
just his day job. At other times, he takes out his on them to make them big, hideous, and very strong.
insanity on the world in a most gruesome fashion. Doctor Grimm isn’t supposed to be powerful
One by one, he finds likely subjects (often beauti- or tough, so you probably don’t need to improve
ful women), kidnaps them with the help of some him any (at most, maybe add a point of SPD or a
ether or sodium pentothal, and takes them back few points of DEX). On the other hand, he proba-
to his office. There he operates on them to bring bly doesn’t need to be weakened either, though you
out their “true appearance.” He artificially inflicts could reduce his medical Skill rolls so he’s more
scars, removes organs and bones, excises or alters likely to botch operations and kill his “patients.”
“useless” bits of anatomy. Invariably Dr. Grimm’s Grimm wouldn’t Hunt characters. If he sees
victims lose parts of their body — limbs, breasts, someone he thinks should be one of his subjects,
sensory organs, tongues, digits, whatever he feels he’ll arrange to kidnap that person, but it’s highly
inclined to take. When he has completed his work unlikely he’d develop an ongoing adversarial rela-
(it never takes more than an evening, given his tionship with a PC.
skill and speed), he drops his victims off any place Rodin Grimm has no criminal record.
where others will find them, always taking care to
ensure that no one can trace them back to him. Appearance: Dr. Rodin Grimm is an extremely hand-
Most of them end up losing their minds as a result some man in his mid-thirties, with brown hair and
of his “ministrations.” dark eyes. He dresses impeccably, and looks for all the
world like nothing more than what most people think
he is: a successful, prosperous physician.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 147

GUNPLAY 7 Combat Running: Running +7”; Only To

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Make Half Moves In Combat (-1) 2
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (5” forward,
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 3” upward) 1
18 CON 16 13- 2 Combat Leaping: Leaping +5”; Only To
12 BODY 4 11- Make Half Moves In Combat (-1) 1
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Perks
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
11 COM 1 11- Talents
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD)
20 Deadly Blow: RKA +2d6 with All Firearms
6 ED 2 Total: 9 ED (3 rED)
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Skills
7 REC 0 18 +6 with Firearms
36 END 0 12 Range Skill Levels: +6 versus Range Modifier
30 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 118 with Firearms
8 Targeting Skill Levels: +4 versus Hit Loca-
Movement: Running: 7”/14”
tion modifiers with Firearms
Leaping: 5”/10”
10 +2 DCV
Cost Powers END 5 Accurate Sprayfire
70 Shooting Tricks: Variable Power Pool, 3 Analyze Combat Technique 13-
40 pool + 20 control cost, Cosmic (+2); 3 Climbing 13-
Only For Shooting Trick Super-Skills 3 Combat Driving 13-
And Like Abilities (-1) var 3 Concealment 13-
Martial Arts: Kajutsu 5 Concentrated Sprayfire
Maneuver OCV/DCV Rng Damage/Effect 5 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 14-
4 Accurate Shot +2/+0 +0 Weapon +4 DC 2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
4 Defensive Shot +0/+2 +0 Weapon +4 DC 2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
3 Diving Shot +0/+2 +1 Weapon +4 4 KS: Firearms 14-
DC, Half Move 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
Required, You 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
Fall 3 Language: English (completely fluent; Span-
5 Far Shot +1/-1 +4 Weapon +4 DC ish is Native)
3 Leg Shot +0/ -1 +0 Weapon +4 DC, 3 Paramedics 13-
Throw 13 Power: Shooting Tricks 18-
4 Offensive Shot -1/-1 +0 Weapon +8 DC 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
4 Trained Shot +0/+0 +2 Weapon +6 DC 5 Rapid Autofire
16 +4 Damage Classes (already added in) 5 Skipover Sprayfire
10 HTH Combat Techniques: HA +3d6; 3 Stealth 13-
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1 3 Streetwise 13-
3 Gun Muscle: +10 STR; Only To Meet 6 Transport Familiarity: Common Motor-
STR Modifier For Using Firearms (-2) 1 ized Ground Vehicles, Basic Parachuting,
2 Fast: Running +1” (7” total) 1 Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Two-

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Handgun +6 +9 2d6+2 1d6+1 15 10 Reversed ogive, AP, laser, PR, barrel coating, clear grips/magazine,
custom grips, fine tuning II, improved firing pin, improved trigger,
carries 2 with five clips each in a rapid reloading device (see text)
SMG +6 +9 2d6+2 1d6 40 10 AF5, laser, PR, barrel coating, clear grips/magazine, custom grips,
fine tuning II, improved firing pin, improved trigger, carries 4
clips in two rapid reloading devices
Assault Rifle +4 +4 2d6+1 1d6 80 10 AF5, PR, barrel coating, clear grips/magazine, custom grips, fine
tuning improved bedding, II, improved firing pin, improved
range II, improved trigger, carries 2 clips
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 for Head)
Gear: Silencers (-3) for Handguns and SMG, fast draw holsters for Handguns, camera for Assault Rifle, telescopic sight (x6) for Assault
Rifle, nightsight scope (III) for Assault Rifle, rapid reload device for Handguns attached to leg armor (see text), communications suite
(HRRP built into Helmet)
148 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
GUNPLAY PLOT Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles more she talked, the more intrigued he became.
SEEDS 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) This wasn’t going to be some bull*%&! routine
3 WF: Small Arms, General-Purpose/Heavy of push-ups and ten-mile hikes — she was talk-
The Army figures out Machine Guns ing about making him a living, breathing killing
where Gunplay learned 2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 13- machine, better even than a Green Beret. He liked
his fighting abilities and the idea of being that good. A guy could go far with
decides Dr. Langston Resource Points
those kind of abilities. In the end, he agreed to be
might have been on 48 Equipment Points: 300
her guinea pig.
to something after all. 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
Three years of tests and training followed. Her
Since they can’t find 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35
kinesiology routines improved his mobility, making
her anymore, they hire 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
him move with a grace, speed, and precision that
the PCs to bring him in
— alive and unharmed! Total Powers & Skills Cost: 396 put a ballet dancer or pro basketball player to
— for study. Total Cost: 514 shame. The mercenaries and firearms experts she
brought in taught him how to shoot all sorts of
100+ Disadvantages guns with deadly accuracy — and then, combined
After the Varangian 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
insults his abilities, with Langston’s computer analyses of gunfights,
20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) they showed him how to become a one-man death
Gunplay makes a point
of going after everyone 15 Psychological Limitation: Showoff squad. By the time they were done, his every fluid
the Varangian’s hired to (Common, Strong) move in combat had a purpose. There were no
guard. A lot of innocents 10 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- wasted seconds or missed opportunities; he fought
are getting caught in the cenary (Common, Moderate) with an efficiency born of the best modern science.
crossfire, so it’s up to the 10 Rivalry: Professional (with Prospero, Snafu, After three years of hard work, Dr. Langston
PCs to bring the conflict and other such mercenaries; Seeks To Harm/ was ready to return to DARPA in triumph, with
to a close... one way or Kill Rivals)
another. Delgado at her side. But he had other ideas. Why
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Ricardo work for the Army when he could make a helluva
Delgado) (Frequently, Major) lot more money on his own? To make sure Langs-
Gunplay develops a 324 Experience Points
rivalry with the best ton didn’t tell anyone about him or create other
gunfighter among the Total Disadvantage Points: 514 super-soldiers to compete with him, Delgado killed
PCs and begins com- her, trashed her lab, and then burned the place to
mitting crimes to lure Background/History: “Budget restrictions, my ass! If the ground. A few weeks later he made his merce-
him out for a deadly you’re so blind that you can’t see what my program nary debut under the codename Gunplay, and he
confrontation. could mean to the American military, I’ll open hasn’t looked back since.
your eyes and show you!” With those words, Alice
Langston stormed out of her supervisor’s office Personality/Motivation: Gunplay is a cold, calculat-
at DARPA, slamming the door as she went. The ing killer who performs his missions with the same
accompanying smell was that of bridges burning. detachment as a shark. Utterly confident in his
Two days later she was still furious. Her pro- abilities, he has a tendency to show off his shoot-
posal was perfect — a method for improving the ing skills and dexterity — he often uses his Shoot-
performance of American military personnel in ing Tricks Skill to pull off trick shots, then follows
combat without the need for radical surgery or that up with a Presence Attack. A couple of times
drugs. She claimed that through the proper applica- he’s nearly botched a mission with stunts like that;
tion of kinesiological principles, advanced training experience will probably burn his overconfidence
methods, and a computerized, scientific study of out of him, making him even deadlier.
gunfighting, she could improve the efficiency of the Quote: “You wanna take me on? Fine. Your funeral.”
average soldier in combat by fifty percent or more.
But her superiors hadn’t bought it, and the latest Powers/Tactics: Gunplay is a highly-trained shoot-
round of budget cuts had gotten her kicked out on ist who gained his abilities through the application
the street. of modern scientific methods. Kinesiology and
She sighed. The only way she was going to Dr. Langston’s “tactical analysis” computer models
show them she was right was to launch the project taught him how to move and position himself in
on her own... and that meant money, a lot of it. But combat to simultaneously decrease his foes’ chance
where there’s a will, there’s a way. In this case, that of hitting him with return fire and maximize his
way was computer hacking. She was surprised at field of fire and accuracy.
how easy it was to steal money electronically, and at But a warrior’s nothing without the right
how much she enjoyed it. weapons. For Gunplay, that means custom-built
Once she got the first stages of her lab set up, weapons that allow him to exploit his skills to
she needed to find a test subject. Looking back over the fullest. He carries twin .45 handguns loaded
her research notes, she hit on Ricardo Delgado, an with reversed ogive rounds and tricked out for
Army reject bounced out of basic for insubordina- maximum accuracy, a similarly-advanced SMG
tion. He was already fit and healthy, and his medi- with four clips, and a 5.56mm assault rifle. He
cals indicated he’d respond well to her training pro- favors the handguns in most situations, and has
gram. But did he have the discipline to stick with it? set up a system to allow for minimum reloading
When the egghead white chick approached time. Lined up along the outer edge of the thigh
him about taking part in some “study,” Delgado’s panels of his armor are four extra magazines in
first impulse was to tell her to go to hell. But the special breakaway holding clips. Built into the
Predators ■ Chapter Three 149

bottom of his handguns is a tiny electronic “key”

device that activates when he ejects a clip. After
ejecting a clip, he sweeps the gun butt-first down
past his thigh, snatching one of the clips from its “Watch,” he said to me. Almost like a kid about to do a
holder when the “key” interfaces with the “lock” trick with his bike, I thought. I nodded.
on the holder so it releases the clip. (In game Before I could blink, he drew one of his pistols and
terms, this counts as a rapid reloading device; see fired at the target fifty feet away. I heard the gunshot
Dark Champions, page 194). almost before I realized he’d drawn and fired. It was the
In combat, Gunplay likes to keep moving, fastest thing I’d ever seen in my life.
relying on his greater speed and agility, not to He hit the button to bring the target up to us. It took
mention the confusion his actions often create in a few seconds, but I saw just what I expected when it
the enemy, to keep him safe. He usually fires at arrived: a single bullet hole, dead center through the
high speed, squeezing off multiple rounds using head.
a shooting trick from his Variable Power Pool or “You see, compadre,” he said. “You think you want to
the Multifire rules. hire SNAFU, or Caliber, or one of those other mar-
icóns? I could take any of them before they could even
Campaign Use: Gunplay can serve many dif- get their guns out. There’s only one man for this job of
ferent functions in your campaign. He most yours, and that’s Gunplay.”
often works as an assassin or combat support
I nodded, not being stupid enough to disagree with a
for a mission team, but he could also bodyguard
man who could shoot that well
a powerful crimelord or government official,
spearhead a sophisticated robbery, or serve as a —how to get a job with the Montalvo cartel
rogue intelligence agency’s “troubleshooter.”
To make Gunplay tougher, increase his
DEX (or maybe even SPD), give him Lightning
Reflexes, and/or increase the Pool of his VPP. To
weaken him, reduce his SPD to 4 and get rid of
his DCV Levels and perhaps some other Levels;
you could also decrease his VPP or remove it
Gunplay is a deadly Hunter. He doesn’t have
much patience for research or shadowing his
target, but when he decides to attack, he goes
all-out. Usually he opens up with sniping, and if
that doesn’t take care of the target, he closes to
handgun range and finishes the job.
The HCPD and FBI want Gunplay for over a
dozen murders and numerous other crimes; sev-
eral foreign law enforcement agencies also have
warrants for his arrest on similar charges. None
of them know his real name.
Appearance: Gunplay is a handsome Hispanic
male in his late 20s with short black hair; he
keeps his face clean-shaven. He stands 5’9” tall
and has a rock-solid muscular build. Even in
casual situations, he moves with extreme grace
and precision. On most missions, he wears a
blood-red body-stocking beneath advanced,
slimline body armor that’s black with silver
edging; the outer edge of the armor’s thigh
panels hold the four extra clips for his handguns
(see above). He covers his head with a helmet
that leaves his face exposed. He carries his two
handguns in fast-draw shoulder holsters, his
assault rifle slung over his left shoulder, and his
submachine gun slung over his right.
150 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 Deep Cover (to be defined by GM)
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Level
18 CON 16 13- 8 Reputation: terrifying, murderous vigilante
14 BODY 8 12- (in Hudson City) 14-, +4/+4d6
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Talents
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
25 PRE 20 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 15 Combat Sense 12-
10 COM 0 11-
5 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
9 +3 with Twisting In The Wind
5 ED 1 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
8 +4 OCV with Combat Sickle
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
4 +2 OCV with Necksnapper
7 REC 0
7 Panic Defense: +2 DCV; Requires A Reputa-
36 END 0
tion Disadvantage Roll (-½)
40 STUN 9 Total Characteristics Cost: 106
3 Climbing 13-
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 Combat Driving 13-
Swinging: 10”/20” 3 Computer Programming 12-
“Teleportation”: 9”/9” 3 Criminology 12-
Cost Powers END 3 Deduction 12-
12 Combat Sickle: HKA 1d6+1 (1½d6 3 Interrogation 14-
with STR), Armor Piercing (+½), 4 AK: Little Italy 13-
Reduced En-durance (0 END; +½); 2 CK: Hudson City 11-
OAF (-1), STR Minimum (12, Does 2 KS: Famous Buildings Of Hudson City 11-
Not Add/Subtract Damage; -1), 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
Real Weapon (-¼) 0 5 KS: The Mafia 14-
28 Necksnapper: HKA 2d6, NND (defense 3 Lockpicking 13-
is rigid rPD on the neck, or anything else 3 Security Systems 12-
that prevents the neck/head from being 3 PS: Architect 12-
turned and twisted the right way; +1), 3 SS: Architecture 12-
Does BODY (+1); Must Follow Grab (-½), 3 Shadowing 12-
Must Target The Head (-1), No STR 3 Stealth 13-
Bonus (-½), Requires A STR Roll (no 3 Streetwise 14-
Active Point penalty; -¼) 9 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
5 Noose: Stretching 2”, Reduced Endurance Resource Points
(0 END; +½); OAF (-1), Always Direct 12 Equipment Points: 120
(-¼), No Noncombat Multiple (-¼), 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
Limited Manipulation (see text; -¼) 0 30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
Martial Arts: Twisting In The Wind 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
(Usable with Noose)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 274
5 Choke -1 +0 Grab One Limb, Total Cost: 380
4d6 NND (2)
100+ Disadvantages
4 Pummel +0 +2 9d6 Strike
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
3 Snare -1 -1 45 STR Grab
20 Hunted: The Mafia 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill)
4 Snatch -1 +1 Disarm, 45 STR
20 Hunted: The Yakuza 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill)
3 Trip +0 +1 7d6 + vel/5,
20 Psychological Limitation: Determined To
Target Falls
Destroy The Mafia (Common, Total)
16 +4 Damage Classes (already added in)
20 Psychological Limitation: Warped Vigilante
1 Use Art Barehanded
Mentality (Very Common, Strong)
6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1
20 Reputation: murderous vigilante, 14-
6 Disappearing Act: Teleportation 9”; Can
Only Teleport To Places The Headless
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Dominic
Hangman Could Normally Go (-½), Must
LaBarbera) (Frequently, Major)
Cross Intervening Space (-¼), No NCM
145 Experience Points
(-¼), Only To “Vanish” When No One Is
Looking (-½), Requires A Stealth Roll (-½) 2 Total Disadvantage Points: 380
4 Noose: Swinging 10”; OAF (-1), Lockout
(can’t use Stretching or Martial Arts in
any Phase when he uses Swinging; -½) 1
1 Awake By Force Of Will: Life Support
(Diminished Sleeping: needs only 2-3
hours of sleep a night) 0
Predators ■ Chapter Three 151

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
Light Body Armor (DEF 4, Activation Roll 14-)
Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (OIF mask)
Gear: Utility Pockets with Smoke Pellets, Sleep Gas Pellets (the “Mists Of Morpheus”), Mini-Console,
Parabolic Mini-Mike, and a variety of other minor weapons and tools; Mask Radio (Radio Perception/
Transmission; IIF)

Background/History: A few words were all it took hangman’s noose, creating a fighting style he could
to shatter Dominic’s dreams. “Your father isn’t a use with it by studying how people used lariats
salesman — he’s with the Italians.” No one had to and whips. After he found out the hard way that
explain who “the Italians” were. he needed a second weapon for emergencies, he
All his life, he’d wanted to be a policeman. crafted a “combat sickle” and some smoke and
They were always the heroes in the comic books knockout gas pellets.
and mystery novels he read, and he wanted to be After graduating from Hudson City State, he
just like them. But he was smart enough to know it got a job as an architect. Now he works during the
would never happen — a simple background check day designing high-rise office buildings, while at
would reveal that his father was a caporegima in the night he stalks the streets of the Pearl City, dispens-
Marcelli family, and no police force in the world ing justice to any criminals unlucky enough to
could overlook that black mark. cross his path. His methods are brutal and danger-
If he couldn’t become a cop, he’d try another ous, often unnecessarily so, and both the police and
route: costumed crimefighting. He saw reports the mob would be happy to see him dead or behind
about people like the Scarecrow and DarkAngel bars. But he’s determined to remain free until he
in the news all the time. If they could do it, why rescues the city from the Mafia’s evil grasp.
couldn’t he?
Personality/Motivation: Guilt torments the Headless
He enrolled in HCSU to study architecture...
Hangman, creating a shadow over his soul even
and more. Whenever he could, he snuck into the
during the best of times. He yearns for things to be
criminology and police training classes. At night
the way they were when he was a boy — a romanti-
he studied forensics and martial arts after finishing
his architecture assignments. By the time he was a
sophomore in college, he’d learned enough that he
felt ready to take on the streets. He began patrol-
ling, dressed only in combat fatigues and a simple
cloth mask.
As he grew older, his hatred of the Mafia grew
as well. Soon it extended to his father. Silvestro had
been a kind and loving father, but he was still one
of the enemy. Dominic’s anger and hatred reached
the point where he could barely speak civilly to his
father, much less pleasantly. One day during his
senior year, his father confronted him about his
behavior. Unfortunately, Silvestro walked in on him
as he was polishing a large knife and studying files
on his next Mafia targets. They began yelling and
screaming at one another... and then, in a fit of rage
and hatred, he stabbed his father to death.
His mother heard Silvestro’s dying scream
and began to run upstairs. Thinking quickly, he hid
the knife and opened a window. His mother burst
into his room to find him sobbing over his father’s
body. All he could tell the police when they arrived
was that “a big man in a tattered black cloak came
through the window and stabbed Dad. I couldn’t
see his face.”
That simple story, conjured out of desperation
and faint memories of Sleepy Hollow and comic
book portrayals of the Grim Reaper, inspired his
own vigilante identity. He wanted to create fear in
his enemies, and the symbolism of Death provided
it. He would wear a tattered black hooded cloak
and robe, with a black mask that made it look
like he had no head. For his weapon, he chose a
152 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
HEADLESS cized lifestyle like an old movie where families are Campaign Use: The Headless Hangman is a classic
HANGMAN always happy, good guys are always handsome, and example of a “warped vigilante.” His heart’s in the
PLOT SEEDS the bad guys always lose in the end. Subconsciously, right place, but he’s lost sight of his true mission
he feels great remorse over killing his father, and so much that he’s endangering innocents. The PCs
The classic Headless has sublimated that guilt into hatred of the Mafia. either need to work with him to make him see the
Hangman plot: after a He blames the Mafia for everything that’s gone error of his ways, or take him down. As a compli-
well-publicized incident wrong in his life, reasoning that if it didn’t exist, cating factor, he’s highly knowledgeable about the
in which the Hangman’s none of these bad things would ever have happened Mafia, so they may not want to deprive themselves
recklessness causes to him. Driven inward, his despair has made him of a valuable resource by killing him.
the death of several vicious and cruel to his chosen targets, criminals To make the Hangman tougher, give him
innocent civilians, the (in general) and Mafiosi (in particular). Though he another point of SPD, and maybe another super-
PCs decide to take him
doesn’t realize it, he has a death-wish. He often gets skill or two. To weaken him, reduce his Characteris-
down once and for all.
To make this work, you into fights he could easily avoid, and takes risks he tics a little and/or get rid of his Necksnapper ability.
need to arrange things doesn’t really need to. The Headless Hangman generally only Hunts
so he can take on the Over the years, the Hangman has slowly come members of the Mafia. But if a hero becomes too
entire team and give to believe that any sacrifice or loss is acceptable much of an impediment to his war on crime, he
them a real fight. if it helps combat the Mafia — which makes him may decide the hero has to be eliminated.
dangerous to the innocents he claims he’s trying The HCPD wants the Headless Hangman for
The Hangman stumbles to protect. He thinks nothing of starting a battle more than 100 murders, mostly of Mafia figures
across a plot involving in a crowded area, crashing an entire bus just to but also of ordinary criminals and about two dozen
the Mafia, the Russians, kill two or three Mafiosi on board, or blowing up innocents. He’s also a suspect in numerous acts of
and the Chinese that’s a Mafia-owned restaurant during business hours. assault and aggravated assault.
so big he can’t stop it Every month he visits the graves of the innocent
by himself. He appeals Appearance: The Headless Hangman’s name
bystanders he’s killed and leaves flowers; he consid-
to the PCs for help. Are describes him pretty well. He wears a tattered robe
they willing to work ers these victims “martyrs” to the cause of Justice,
and intends to honor their memory by continuing and hooded cloak, both of deepest black, and black
with this loose cannon boots as well, giving him a “Grim Reaper” look. A
for the greater good his quest to wipe out organized crime.
black velvet mask covers his entire face — it looks
— and if so, will his
Quote: “Weeds must be dug out at the root — even like there’s no head inside his hood. He wraps his
actions tarnish them
along with himself? if it means tearing up a little grass.” hands in strips of cloth the color of bone. Under-
neath his robe he wears a suit of body armor. He
Powers/Tactics: The Headless Hangman primarily
The PCs find the Head- carries his noose in his hands or over his shoulder,
focuses on HTH Combat — though thanks to his
less Hangman battered, and his sickle in a sheath on his back (under the
Noose, “hand-to-hand” means anything within 2”
bruised, and bleeding in cloak). He conceals his other weapons (such as his
for many of his attacks. Although he can use guns,
an alley — not dead, but “Mists of Morpheus” knockout gas pellets) in secret
and often picks up firearms from the bodies of
just barely alive. How pockets throughout his costume.
do they handle the situ- fallen criminals and uses them against other targets,
ation... and who took he prefers to get in close to his enemies and take
out the feared vigilante,
their lives with his own hands. His two main weap-
ons, the noose and the sickle, add to his fearsome
image. Criminals everywhere know he’s a vicious, “The infamous vigilante known only as the Headless
implacable killer; often their fear of him makes Hangman attacked a Little Italy pizzeria today, kill-
them panic and attack too quickly or clumsily (his ing three people and leaving the restaurant in ruins.
DCV Levels). The police department has confirmed that two of the
The Hangman has developed an entire fighting deceased are Bruno “the Knife” Jacopino and Franco
style around his Noose — Twisting In The Wind, “Frankie the Finger” Cresalli, both known members
of the Torccone crime family. The name of the third
he calls it. He can simply hit his opponent with a
victim, a woman, has not been released; sources within
coiled length of rope (Pummel), grab people or the department indicate she may have been “an associ-
take their weapons away, choke someone, or get the ate” of one of the other two victims.
noose around an enemy’s neck and jerk the rope so
“According to friends of the two men, Jacopino had
the neck breaks (his Necksnapper ability, though he
expressed some anxiety about the Hangman in recent
can also do this with his bare hands). He can’t do weeks. “He’s comin’ for me, I know it,” Jacopino alleg-
anything more sophisticated (like Nerve Strikes or edly stated several times. Both men had been increas-
pressing buttons) because the Noose only has lim- ingly alert and wary in recent days. Witnesses say the
ited manipulatory abilities. Hangman approached the pizzeria undetected by
The Hangman carries a few other weapons in hiding in the back of a linen truck making a delivery of
the hidden pockets of his costume. For example, his tablecloths.”
“Mists of Morpheus” are just knockout gas pellets —from television news reports
with a fancy name, and he has smoke pellets for
when he needs to use his Disappearing Act ability.
The Hangman gets around town in style, in a
black Ferrari Testarossa with Ground Movement 36”,
DEF 6, +2 DEF Retractable, and blinding headlights.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 153

HECATE 3 Scholar
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 1) KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 12-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 1 2) KS: Astrology 11-
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 1 3) KS: Feminism 11-
13 CON 6 12- 1 4) KS: Herbalism 11-
11 BODY 2 11- 1 5) KS: The Tarot 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Resource Points
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 8 Equipment Points: 100
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
14 COM 2 12- 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 173
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Total Cost: 227
5 REC 0
26 END 0 100+ Disadvantages
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 54 5 Distinctive Features: numerous distinctive
tattoos (Easily Concealed; Noticed And Rec-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” ognizable)
Cost Powers END 15 Hunted: Carl Spears 8- (Mo Pow, Kill)
7 The Evil Eye — Mesmerism: Mind Con- 5 Hunted: Cleopatra 8- (Mo Pow, Watching)
trol 8d6; Activation Roll 14- (-½), Hypno- 15 Psychological Limitation: Desires Devotion
sis Only (cannot achieve full range of And Obedience (Common, Strong)
Mind Control effects, see text; -½), Concen- 10 Psychological Limitation: Vain (Common,
tration (0 DCV throughout activation; -1), Moderate)
Extra Time (1 Minute; -1½), Eye Contact 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Jennifer
Required (-½), Gestures (must wave focus- Reilly) (Frequently, Major)
ing object in front of subject’s eyes through- 62 Experience Points
out activation; -½), No Range (-½) 4 Total Disadvantage Points: 227
10 The Evil Eye — Deadly Accident: RKA 2d6,
Trigger (next time person is in a situation Background/History: “Hey, man, ’s’up?”
where he could be injured; +¼), Invisible “Nuthin, man. Whadja get into last night?”
to Sight and Hearing Groups (+¾); Activa- “Went down to the Strip.”
tion Roll 14- (-½), No Conscious Control “A’ight! Candy, yeah?”
(-2), Limited Range (4”; -¼), 1 Charge (-2) [1] “Tha’s what I wanted, but th’ Candy store was
11 The Evil Eye — Illness: Drain CON 2d6, closed, man. She upped her rates.”
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the “*%&!, man — who’s pimpin’ that?”
rate of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense “She ain’t got no pimp no more, she says.”
is Life Support [appropriate Immunity, see “Bull*%&!. She by herself, she won’t be for long.”
text]; +1); Activation Roll 14- (-½), Extra “Not herself, ’zactly. She says she been “shown the
Time (onset time of 1 Hour to 1 Week; -3), light” by some bitch named Heckit.”
Gradual Effect (1 Week, 1d6/3 days; -2) 5 “*%&!, I think I heard’a that bitch. She that
30 Touch Of Agony: Energy Blast 6d6, NND witchy-woman runs the “Empowerment Center”
(defense is rigid armor protecting target’s down near the waterfront, right, man?”
vulnerable spots; +1); Activation Roll 14- “I guess. I think I heard about her. Tino say she
(-½), No Range (-½) 6 put a curse on Johnny C after he beat up one of his
girls, made him break his leg.”
Perks “A curse? C’mon, man, that’s old-time *%&!, it
35 Followers: 12 cats and one raven (see text) ain’t true.”
3 Fringe Benefit: Membership: Cult Leader “I’m not sayin’ it true, just that Johnny C said she
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- did it. Claims she got witch-powers, uses ’em to protect
Level women and kids and stuff. Runs this, like, women’s
Skills shelter thing.”
6 Animal Handler (Birds, Canines, Felines, “Well, if she messin’ wi’ th’ Strip, she ain’t
Raptors, Rodents) 13- gonna be runnin’ it for long — somebody gonna
3 Conversation 13- blow her ass away.”
3 Oratory 13- Personality/Motivation: To hear Hecate talk, she’s the
3 Paramedics 13- ultimate feminist guerrilla warrior, putting her life and
3 Persuasion 13- money on the line to help her “sisters” protect themselves
2 PS: Divination 11- from exploitation and domination by men. She’s got her
3 Seduction 13- “Empowerment Center,” a combination shelter/learning
3 Stealth 12- center for women only near the Crown Point waterfront,
1 Streetwise 8- where she teaches women self-reliance and indepen-
2 Survival (Urban) 12- dence “using the ancient techniques and lore of the
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades witches.” Some people think of it as a religious cult, and
154 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
One of the PCs, or a Knife +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown
popular NPC, has a Armor
daughter who’s gotten None
sucked into Hecate’s
cult (an “empowerment Gear: Blinding Powder (Sight Group Flash 2d6, Delayed Recovery; IAF Fragile [special powder con-
circle,” as she calls it). cealed up her sleeve], 2 Charges)
The PCs have to find
a way to rescue the in some ways it functions like one. Women who come In addition to the many women who consider
daughter from Hecate’s to the shelter have to agree to follow her rules without her their “leader” and teacher, Hecate has a coven of
clutches — though question, and many of them give her money and gifts, or pets: twelve housecats (each named after a sign of
Hecate won’t force the become devoted followers who help her with her “mis- the zodiac) and a raven named Morgaine. All seem
girl to remain with her, sion.” Other people have pointed out that the Center does unusually intelligent and able to follow orders; she
knowing that a display some genuinely good work, such as protecting hookers often uses them to watch over people she wants to
of passive resistance will
win her more support
from their pimps and saving battered women who want keep tabs on, or to filch small items she desires. (See
from both the girl and to get away from their abusers. pages 139 and 143 of The HERO System Bestiary for
the media. The truth is, though, that for all the good she may character sheets for these animals; all the cats have
do, Hecate is really a self-centered opportunist. Raised the three main options for Cat and Language: Eng-
After a woman leaves in the South by a grandmother who taught her “the lish; one of them, Sagittarius, is a black cat with the
the Empowerment old ways” and nurtured her talent for them, she came optional black cat Unluck power.)
Center and gets killed to Hudson City as a college student. Self-centered and Hecate prefers not to fight — she’d rather talk
by her abusive boy- vain, she wasn’t willing to settle for any old nine-to- her way out of problems. Her general persuasive-
friend, Hecate promises five job. She wanted to be important and influential ness, combined with her Mesmerism power, is
her followers she’ll get — to have the respect, even adoration, of other people, enough to calm down most foes (even angry men
revenge with a curse. and to have others do what she said. Seeing how easy who come to the Empowerment Center to “get
But she can’t find the it was to manipulate feminist groups on campus, she back” their wives). She’ll protect her followers to
boyfriend to curse
him, so she has to hire
hit on the idea of combining her mystic talents and help ensure their loyalty, but isn’t devoted to them
or trick the PCs into natural charm with a sort of women’s organization. enough to risk serious bodily harm on their behalf.
locating him... and per- She knew she wasn’t going to be able to achieve real
Campaign Use: Like Firebug, Hecate pushes the
haps dealing with him importance in this patriarchal world through normal
limits of what’s allowed in most Dark Champions
so she doesn’t have to. channels, so she’d create her own path to power by
campaigns for weird or paranormal abilities. If her
working with her “sisters” to “create a better tomor-
Evil Eye powers don’t fit your campaign, get rid of
Carl Spears wants to get row for us all.” Her blend of New Age “witchcraft,” pop
rid of Hecate before she
them or change them so they involve standard hyp-
psychology, feminist dogma, and personal charisma
stirs up any more trou- nosis and other abilities that make sense.
has worked well so far — her followers, devotees, and
ble among his whores. To make Hecate tougher, give her more mystic
“students” don’t have any idea she’s really in this for
Rather than expose abilities, and perhaps remove the Activation Rolls
herself alone. If she can just hold on to what she’s got
himself to capture, he from the ones she already has. To weaken her,
in the face of hostility from Carl Spears and other
decides to get the PCs decrease her Activation Rolls so her mystic powers
to do his dirty work by
pimps on the Strip (where she’s devoted a lot of time
don’t work properly nearly as often.
framing her for some and effort to “freeing” hookers) and make the jump
Typically, Hecate doesn’t Hunt heroes. If she
serious crimes. to a more mainstream audience, she may become a
did, she’d simply use her Evil Eye powers to inflict
highly influential person not only in Hudson City, but
a constant stream of accidents and illnesses on her
the country.
enemy until she got rid of him.
Quote: “The Three Who Are One are embodied in Hecate has no criminal record. Few people know
us all, and they give us true powers that men can her real name, Jennifer Reilly; to get it someone would
never have.” have to dig through a lot of local college records.
Powers/Tactics: Although a lot of the “doctrine” Appearance: Hecate is a beautiful woman in her mid-
Hecate spouts is pseudomystical nonsense designed to to-late 20s: 5’8” tall, with an attractive figure and wavy
make gullible people listen to and obey her, she does black hair that reaches halfway down her back, she’d
possess some unusual powers. She’s a gifted mesmer- attract attention just about anywhere she went even
ist, able to put someone in a hypnotic trance with just if she didn’t have a lot of charisma. She sports several
her strong gaze and the soothing power of her voice tattoos on her arms, back, and other places featur-
(This requires calm, relaxing conditions, and generally ing mystic symbols, diagrams, or images, but she can
the best Mind Control result she can obtain is EGO cover any of them up with ordinary clothes.
+20; you may impose other restrictions in the interest
of “realism.”) She can curse people, making them fall
ill or experience dangerous accidents. If those powers
fail her in the face of a threat, she can use her “sacrifi-
cial” knife or her Blinding Powder.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 155

THE HERETIC Andrew Bellingham) (Frequently, Major)

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Experience Points
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] Total Disadvantage Points: 176
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
15 CON 10 12-
20 BODY 20 13-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11-
4 PD 2 Total: 7 PD (3 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (3 rED)
4 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
10 REC 10
30 END 0
50 STUN 17 Total Characteristics Cost: 106
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Perks
3 Fringe Benefits: Religious Rank (Roman
Catholic priest); Right To Marry
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
2 Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to attack first
with Knives
9 +3 with Knives
7 Acting 14-
3 Bureaucratics 12-
2 Gambling (Card Games) 12-
3 KS: Roman Catholic Theology And Doctrine
1 Language: Latin (basic conversation; English
is Native)
3 Oratory 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 PS: Roman Catholic Priest 12-
3 Seduction 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
7 Stealth 14-
3 Streetwise 12-
2 Survival (Urban) 12-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms
Resource Points
0 Equipment Points: 60
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 70
Total Cost: 176
100+ Disadvantages
5 Distinctive Features: Roman Catholic priest’s
garb (Easily Concealed; Noticed And Recog-
30 Hunted: Joint HCPD-FBI task force 14- (Mo
Pow, NCI, Capture)
20 Psychological Limitation: Rejects God And
Revels In Sin (Very Common, Strong)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Fr.
156 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Hatchet +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown
Gear: None

Background/History: So many tragic stories. So faith and shook it off, returning to his duties with
much bad news. Father Bellingham couldn’t renewed zeal. But the more it preyed upon his
understand it. mind, the harder it became to struggle against the
For years he’d served his parishioners here tide of despair.
in Hudson City faithfully, praying for them to get Then one day, as he halfheartedly listened to
through the hard times safely and congratulat- Shelley Flanagan drone on with one of her intermi-
ing them on the occasional scrap of good news nable confessions, he had an epiphany. It blossomed
that came their way. Sometimes the tide of misery in his mind like a bright light, making him sit bolt
nearly overwhelmed him. Every day he put on a upright in shock. Father Bellingham realized, at
brave face and worked hard to help his flock cope. long last, after so much soul-searching, why He
His superiors often complimented him for his allowed evil to beset good, innocent people.
unflagging optimism and helpfulness. God didn’t care.
But at night, sometimes, things were different. As There was no other possible reason! God
he lay awake, troubled and unable to sleep, doubts flit- simply didn’t care. People could butcher one
tered around him like bats. Why were bad things hap- another, men could rape women, children could
pening to good people, to innocent people? Why were shoot children — none of it mattered. God couldn’t
children — helpless, innocent children — victimized be bothered to use the merest fraction of His infi-
every day? Had God not heard his prayers on their nite power to save His creations from such horrors.
behalf? How could a kind, loving, merciful, just God What rational individual could possibly worship
allow good people to suffer? such a Being? Certainly not Andrew Bellingham.
The more he thought about it, the more it If, as modern theologians maintain, Hell isn’t a
troubled him. At first he put it down to a crisis of land of fire and pain, but simply a place where one is
eternally cut off from God’s “love,” then it must be a
Paradise. He could see God’s “love” in the blood and
suffering on the streets, and he wanted no part of it.
The “sinners” — the criminals and butchers he
read about in the paper every day — they already
knew this. They didn’t want to go to Heaven. They
chose Hell deliberately so they could get as far away
from God as possible. They did what they could
to create Hell here on Earth so they could journey
to the real thing in the afterlife. And Bellingham
intended to join them.
Shelley Flanagan, now. A pretty young thing,
Shelley. Always looking so prim and proper at Mass
of a Sunday. She would be the first step on his jour-
ney to salvation, a journey he could now take with
clear eyes and mind.
By the time another priest found what was left
of Shelley’s body, Bellingham was gone. After all, he
had a long journey ahead of him, and there was no
reason to delay.
Personality/Motivation: According to forensic psy-
chiatrists, the serial killer and rapist the papers
dubbed INRI — after what they think is his first
murder, where he raped a young woman, then mur-
derer her by crucifying her to a wall in her apart-
ment and wrote the word INRI on the plaster next
to her in her own blood — is a classic sociopath. He
seems to possess many of the textbook characteris-
tics of antisocial personality disorder. Were they to
find out that INRI is actually Andrew Bellingham,
a Roman Catholic priest who’s been “missing” for
some months, they would question their diagnoses
— and, perhaps, find themselves forced to re-evalu-
Predators ■ Chapter Three 157

ate their diagnostic tools. Until the day he raped

and murdered Shelley Flanagan, Bellingham was
a model citizen with no criminal record, a priest
who’d spent nearly two decades of his life helping RAN IN
and praying for others. How, and why, he suddenly
became one of the most gruesome serial killers in HUDSON CITY — The Hudson City Police Depart-
ment revealed today that a terrifying new serial killer
recent years would baffle them.
may be stalking the city’s women.
Bellingham believes the picture of a loving God
presented by the Catholic Church and other Christian “We want to stress that the investigation is in the
denominations is a fraud, a pious lie perpetuated by beginning stages,” said Hudson City Police Depart-
ment spokesman Gerald Renfrew. “But until we
men too afraid of the alternative to even think about
know for certain who or what we’re dealing with,
it. But he’s seen through the veil of deceit and real- the Department feels it’s best to keep the citizens of
ized the most fundamental truth about the universe: Hudson City informed. If anyone has any informa-
God doesn’t care about humanity. Mankind can suffer tion about these crimes, we urge him or her to come
and die before God so much as lifts a finger — after forward immediately.”
all, plenty of stories from the Bible show that God’s The crime that prompted the Department to go public
perfectly willing to inflict suffering and anguish upon with its concerns was the murder of Melinda Cartwell,
men Himself! Since Hell is a place where one can whose body was found in her Riverside Hills apartment
never have contact with this evil, uncaring entity, three days ago. According to Department sources, Cart-
Hell is where one should desire to go. And one gets well was raped, and then murdered by being crucified
there by committing the worst sins one can think of. to her bedroom wall. The letters I-N-R-I were written
Thus, Bellingham has given free rein to the urges and on the wall near her, possibly in her blood. The police
desires he’s suppressed for years, sampling every vice have withheld further details.”
he can and contributing to the morass of suffering —from news reports
through which mankind must wade. And he has no
intention of ever stopping — he’s got a long way left to Campaign Use: The Heretic can’t stand up to a
go on his journey. group of vigilantes, or even one vigilante, in open
combat; he barely knows how to use a gun. Scenar-
Quote: “Blessed are they who turn their faces ios featuring him must focus on investigation and
from God.” deduction, with the Heretic perhaps occasionally
Powers/Tactics: Bellingham possesses no powers striking from the shadows when he can hurt a soli-
and knows little of tactics. He’s simply developed tary PC and get away without being discovered. You
a predator’s cunning for stalking and slaughter- should try to keep the Heretic away from the PCs
ing his victims, and for avoiding the authorities as long as possible, because once they come to grips
(who’ve formed a task force to hunt him down). with him, it’s not likely he can get away. But assum-
His weapons of choice are the knife and the ing he survives the encounter, eventually some
hatchet, but he often carries other implements, unwary policeman or security guard will present
such as a surgical saw, that he enjoys using in his him with the chance to return to his pursuits.
“holy work.” If cornered, Bellingham fights if he To make the Heretic tougher, making him
must, but prefers to run. more of a combatant — increase his DEX and
When necessary, Bellingham can put forth SPD, give him Martial Arts or more Combat Skill
the appearance of being a more or less ordinary Levels, and the like. To weaken him, reduce or
person. The urge to sin soon starts to overtake him, remove his CSLs.
but he could maintain the facade of normality long The Heretic doesn’t Hunt heroes. He stalks
enough to fool an investigator or gain entrance to innocent young women, and prefers to stay far
a secured place on the strength of his collar and away from anyone who might be able to fight back.
kind demeanor. He’s found this ability most useful He has no Plot Seeds because he essentially is one
in luring victims to accompany him to places where big plot seed: investigate his murders, track him
he can violate them without attracting attention. down, and bring him to justice.
In the dramatic serial killer tradition, the Her- Father Bellingham has no criminal record.
etic has an incredibly strong will to live (as reflected Appearance: Andrew Bellingham, age 42, looks
in his BODY, REC, and STUN Characteristics). If like a typical Roman Catholic priest upon first
possible you should arrange scenarios where the glance: black outfit, white collar, sandy-blonde
PCs encounter him so they think he’s dead... but he hair slightly balding on top, congenial features.
soon comes back to life. But anyone who spends enough time around him
Although he’s not a suspect in the INRI mur- soon sees something in his eyes and actions, or
ders, Bellingham is smart enough to know he can’t hears something in his words, that suggests he’s
pull off the full-time priest act anymore, so he no longer truly a man of God.
hasn’t bothered to go back to his parish. He might
if he felt he could achieve some short-term gain by
doing so, though his actions would almost certainly
expose him, sooner or later. Instead he’s taken up
residence in various cheap hotels and abandoned
buildings, passing himself off as a priest who minis-
ters to street folk.
158 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
IXION PLOT SEEDS IXION Background/History: Ixion — or Rick Carver, to
Val Char Cost Roll Notes give the name you’d find on his driver’s license
Ixion starts dating a 8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 [2] — is something of a legend in cyberspace. He’s
neurologist at Vreeland 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 best known to the online community as the owner
Memorial Hospital 10 CON 0 11- and operator of wheeloffire.net, a popular website
who is, shall we say, not 8 BODY -4 11- that comments on cultural and political issues
quite as ethical as the with a wicked wit and caustic, clever insight from a
14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12-
AMA might like. With vaguely-left-of-center perspective. Visited by thou-
her help, he designs a 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 sands of people every day, wheeloffire.net has made
computer program that
he can download onto 10 COM 0 11- Ixion something of household name among certain
someone’s computer segments of the online community.
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) But other segments — smaller, darker ones
as a sort of virus. The 2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
program causes the — know and respect Ixion for something else alto-
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 gether. Unbeknownst to the vast majority of his fans,
computer monitor to
flash in a hypnotic pat- 4 REC 0 and so far unprovable by his nemeses in the Cyber
tern, allowing Ixion 20 END 0 Division at the FBI, Ixion is one of the most talented
to take control of the 17 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 12 and experienced hackers in the business. With a
person’s mind for a skill and ease that would frighten many a computer
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
short period of time. At
security specialist, Ixion slips in and out of computer
most he can achieve an Cost Perks
EGO + 20 Mind Con- systems, seeing things people don’t want him to see...
13 Computer (see separate character sheet) and often asking them to pay him money to keep
trol effect... but that’s 30 Computer Links (30 points’ worth of the
enough to make most him from showing those things to others.
GM’s choice)
people empty out their
5 Money: Well Off Personality/Motivation: A fascination with technol-
bank accounts. The PCs
hear about a rash of odd 4 Reputation: extremely skilled and daring ogy and what it can do first drew Ixion into hack-
behavior; they have to hacker (among the Hacker World) 14-, ing, but he stayed with it for the thrill. He loves
find the cause and stop +4/+4d6 solving the puzzle of someone’s security program-
Ixion’s depredations. ming and getting into places where he’s not sup-
Skills posed to be. The fact that he’s made himself wealthy
11 Computer Programming 16- by selling (or not selling, as the case may be) the
One of the PCs gets an
e-mail from Ixion. He 7 Cryptography 14- information he gains is secondary. He doesn’t really
claims his life’s in danger 3 Electronics 12- care about the money; what matters to him is prov-
and that he needs help. 3 KS: American Politics 12- ing that nothing — nothing — can be kept secret
Is the PC willing to help 3 KS: Computer Games 12- from him if he wants to learn it.
the notorious hacker... 5 KS: The Hacker World 14-
and if so, is the whole 3 KS: Offshore Banking 12- Quote: None; Ixion rarely encounters people in
thing just some elabo- 5 PS: Hacker 14- person so he could talk to them. If he’s feeling
rate scam, or is Ixion 3 PS: Computer Game Player 12- impish, he might sign his “work” with a tiny logo of
really in trouble? 5 PS: Computer Programmer 14- a man tied to a burning wheel (a symbol that’s very
5 SS: Computer Science 14- different from his website’s logo).
A strange file somehow 3 SS: Mathematics 12-
finds its way onto a PC’s Powers/Tactics: Ixion’s not a combatant — if con-
5 Security Systems 14-; Only Versus Computer fronted with physical force, he flees if he can, but
hard drive. Unable to
open it, much less read Security Systems (-½) surrenders if he has to. The PCs are more likely to
it, he has to turn to 1 Sleight Of Hand 8- deal with him as a criminal they have to track down
the infamous Ixion for 1 Streetwise 8- and stop. His typical m.o. is to penetrate a computer
help — but how can he system, find secret or sensitive data in that system,
Resource Points
arrange matters so he
28 Equipment Points: 200 then blackmail the system’s owner into paying him
can trust Ixion?
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 not to reveal the information (either to the victim’s
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 competitors, or to the world at large). But for all that,
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 he’s not without honor — as his victims have learned,
once they wire the money to whichever of his many
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 143 offshore accounts he specifies, he always makes good
Total Cost: 155 on his promise to (a) return the data, and (b) tell them
100+ Disadvantages the way he got to it. (Well, at least one of the ways; he
25 Hunted: FBI Cyber Division 11- (Mo Pow, doesn’t think it’s part of the bargain for him to reveal
NCI, Capture) every security flaw he discovers in a system.)
15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable; Always Ixion has a major reputation in the online com-
Keeps His Word (Common, Strong) munity, but taking advantage of it is tough. It’s easy to
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Rick claim to be someone online, after all. More than once
Carver) (Frequently, Major) he’s had to trash someone’s system — at least tempo-
rarily — to convince them he’s the real Ixion. Once
Total Disadvantage Points: 155 they believe he is who he says, most hackers know that
it’s to their benefit to cooperate with him. After all, he
sometimes hands out juicy tidbits of information or
hacking tips to people who’ve done as he asked.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 159

Appearance: Rick Carver is a thin guy in his late twen-

ties or early thirties. He’s 5’9” tall with sandy blonde
hair, a matching soul patch, and usually a touch of five
o’clock shadow. He’s sort of lankily built, but spending
too much time in front of the computer and eating
too much junk food has got him started on a pot belly.
He usually wears jeans and a t-shirt.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
19 INT 9 13- PER Roll 13-
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Total Characteristics Cost: 19
Cost Powers END
4 TEMPEST Equipment: Detect Computer
Radio Emissions 14- (Radio Group);
Blocked By Power Defense (-½) 0
12 Communications: HRRP (Radio Group) 0
5 Shielding: Power Defense (5 points) 0
9 Computer Programming 16-
9 Cryptography 16-
3 Electronics 13-
10 AK: Earth 20-
3 KS: Archived Recent News 13-
3 KS: Current News 13_
3 Voice Recognition Software: Language: Eng-
lish (completely fluent)
6 Security Systems 16-; Only Versus Computer
Security Systems (-½)
Campaign Use: Ixion could enter the campaign 3 Systems Operation 13-
in many ways. The simplest is for him to hire out 20 More Skills, as appropriate
as a hacker for some villain or adversary the PCs
are going up against. A more elaborate way would Talents
be for him to stumble into a PC’s secret computer 3 Chronometer: Absolute Time Sense
records and try to blackmail money out of the PC 5 Memory/Recorders: Eidetic Memory
in his usual fashion. This time he may have bitten 3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator
off more than he can chew.... Programs
Ixion isn’t intended to be a combatant, so you 1 Diagnose Malfunctions
probably don’t need to make him more powerful. 1 Scan and Enter Data
You could upgrade his computer skills a bit if you 1 Scramble/Unscramble Transmissions/Recep-
wanted, or perhaps give him really low-level cyberki- tions
netic abilities of some sort (provided you keep them 1 Search Reference Material For Information
consistent with the feel and nature of your Dark On A Topic
Champions campaign, of course). To weaken him, 1 Send/Receive Data
just reduce his computer-related Skill Rolls until he’s 3 Three Other Programs, as appropriate
at a more appropriate level for your campaign.
Ixion generally doesn’t Hunt people; it’s not Total Abilities Cost: 109
worth the time. Only if he got really mad at a PC Total Computer Cost: 128
(maybe one who exposed him to the cops and got Value Disadvantages
him arrested) would he start a vendetta against None
that person. In that case, the PC had better discon-
nect all his computers from the net, because if he Total Disadvantage Points: 0
doesn’t, Ixion will begin a full-scale assault on them Total Cost: 128/5 = 26
— and anything he finds, he’ll use against the PC. Final Cost (OAF): 13
Ixion has no criminal record. The FBI sus-
pects him of all sorts of hacking-related crimes, Description: Ixion’s favorite computer is a laptop
but as yet has been unable to prove anything he built and programmed himself. In addition to
against Rick Carver. standard computing chores, it’s equipped with pro-
grams that allow it to emulate TEMPEST gear and
“read” what’s on the screens of other computers, to
operate various types of electronic systems, and to
help Ixion penetrate computer security programs.
160 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
BUSINESS JACKKNIFE 3 Use Art with Clubs, Blades, and Staff
IS WAR Val Char Cost Roll Notes 40 Toughness: Physical and Energy Damage
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Requires A CON
“All right, you jumped 21 DEX 36 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Roll (no Active Point penalty; -¼), Character
through the hoops to get 20 CON 20 13- Must Be Aware Of Attack (-¼) 0
me to this meeting. Do 16 BODY 12 12- 8 Fast: Running +4” (10” total) 1
you have the “consul- 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (6” forward, 3”
tant’s fee” you were told upward) 1
16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5
to bring?” 2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
14 COM 2 12- 9 Alertness: +3 to PER Rolls with all Sense
“Right here,” the ner- Groups 0
vous-looking business- 8 PD 4 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) 5 Night Sight: Nightvision 0
man said, handing over 8 ED 4 Total: 11 ED (3 rED)
a briefcase. Jackknife 5 SPD 29 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Perks
didn’t bother to check it 10 REC 4 10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced
— everyone knew what 40 END 0 Military
happened to people who 10 Money: Wealthy
50 STUN 14 Total Characteristics Cost: 167
double-crossed him.
Movement: Running: 10”/20” Talents
“Okay, it’s your nickel. Leaping: 6”/12” 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
What do you want me Swimming: 4”/8” 15 Combat Sense 13-
to do?” 3 Lightsleep
Cost Powers END 5 Resistance (5 points)
The businessman 40 Stingwhip: Multipower, 60-point reserve;
reached into his pocket, all OIF (-½), 16 Charges (-0) for entire Skills
pulled out a memory Multipower [16] 20 +2 Overall
stick. “This contains 2u 1) Mild Shock: Energy Blast 4d6, NND 16 +2 with All Combat
a computer program. (defense is insulated rED covering the 6 +2 with Firearms
Before June 1, I need body, or other forms of insulation against 6 +2 with Stingwhip
you to get into the electrical shock; +1), Continuous (+1); OIF
Harpcor Towers build- 3 Acrobatics 13-
(-½), No Range (-½), Lockout (-½) 3 Acting 13-
ing, install it on one of
the servers on the tenth 2u 2) Strong Shock: Energy Blast 6d6, Contin- 3 Analyze Combat Technique 13-
floor, and then down- uous (+1); OIF (-½), No Range (-½), Lock- 3 Analyze Style 13-
load some data to fill out (-½), Requires 2 Charges Per Use (-1) 3 Breakfall 13-
the vacated memory. No 2u 3) Deadly Shock: RKA 2d6, Continuous 3 Bribery 13-
one can know this was (+1); OIF (-½), No Range (-½), Lockout 3 Bugging 13-
done — if even a single (-½), Requires 4 Charges Per Use (-1¼) 3 Combat Driving 13-
person sees you, it ruins 3 Stingwhip: Stretching 1”, Reduced Endur- 3 Combat Piloting 13-
the whole job. Can you ance (0 END; +½); OIF (-½), Always
do it?” 3 Computer Programming 13-
Direct (-¼), No Noncombat Multiple (-¼), 3 Contortionist 13-
Limited Manipulation (see text; -¼) 0 3 Conversation 13-
“Yes.” Martial Arts: Various Styles 5 Cramming
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 3 Criminology 13-
“How much?” 4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 4d6 NND (1) 3 Cryptography 13-
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Deduction 13-
“Fifty. You pay half 4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 50 STR
before I start work; that 3 Demolitions 13-
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all 3 Disguise 13-
money is not refundable.
I have as much time attacks, Abort 3 Electronics 13-
as needed to plan and 4 Escape +0 +0 55 STR vs. 2 Forgery (Documents) 13-
execute the job, subject Grabs 2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
to your June 1 deadline. 4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 3 High Society 13-
The balance of the pay- Limbs, 50 STR 3 Interrogation 13-
ment to be wired to a 4 Joint Lock/Throw 3 Lockpicking 13-
Grand Caymans account +1 +0 Grab One Limb; 3 Mechanics 13-
within ten minutes of 3d6 NND(1);
when I inform you the 3 Mimicry 13-
Target Falls 3 Paramedics 13-
job was completed suc-
5 Kick -2 +1 12d6 Strike 3 PS: Espionage Agent 13-
4 Knife Hand -2 +0 HKA 1d6+1 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
(2½d6 with 3 Security Systems 13-
The businessman
thought for a minute. STR) 3 Seduction 13-
“Done,” he finally said. 3 Legsweep +2 -1 9d6 Strike, 3 Shadowing 13-
Target Falls 3 Sleight Of Hand 13-
4 Punch +0 +2 10d6 Strike 3 Stealth 13-
3 Throw +0 +1 9d6 +v/5, Target 3 Streetwise 13-
Falls 4 Survival (Desert, Temperate/Subtropical) 13-
16 +4 Damage Classes (already added in) 3 Tactics 13-
Predators ■ Chapter Three 161

7 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, 100+ Disadvantages

Helicopters, Small Motorized Boats, Small 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
Planes, Snow Skiing, Two-Wheeled Motor- Kill)
ized Ground Vehicles 20 Hunted: BND 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
3 Ventriloquism 13- Kill)
14 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Mis- 15 Psychological Limitation: Looks Out For
sile Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons, Himself; Cares Nothing About Anyone Else
Small Arms, Blowguns, General Purpose/ (Common, Strong)
Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Off 5 Psychological Limitation: Wants To Know
Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Staffs About His Origins (Uncommon, Moderate)
3 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Muscle-Powered 15 Reputation: murderous freelance spy,
HTH) 13- 14- (limited group: the Espionage World)
3 Linguist (all fluent conversation; English is (Extreme)
Native) 581 Experience Points
1 1) Arabic
1 2) French Total Disadvantage Points: 756
1 3) German Background/History: In the late 1960s, a group of
1 4) Hindi rogue CIA scientists, disgusted with the limitations
1 5) Japanese placed upon a previous super-spy project, Chrysa-
1 6) Mandarin Chinese lis, by its commander, the mysterious Mr. Grey,
1 7) Russian established their own secret program to create a
1 8) Spanish super-spy — Project: Jackknife. A few whispered
3 Scholar rumors in the intelligence community later claimed
2 1) KS: The Espionage World 13- they were secretly financed, at least in part, by Col-
2 2) KS: History 13- onel Douglas Nordstrom, who’d been involved with
2 3) KS: The Law Enforcement World 13- several similar projects since the 1950s. For several
2 4) KS: The Military/Mercenary/ Terrorist years, they attempted to create a human clone for
World 13- their purposes, but met with complete failure due
2 5) KS: Military Science 13- to the limited state of bioengineering at that time.
2 6) KS: Political Science 13- Sometime in the early 1970s, they obtained
2 7) KS: World Politics 13- a two-and-a-half year old boy for use in their
3 Traveler
1 1) AK: Africa 11-
1 2) AK: Europe 11-
1 3) AK: India 11-
1 4) AK: The Middle East 11-
1 5) AK: Russia 11-
1 6) AK: South And Central America 11-
1 7) AK: United States 11-
1 8) CK: Bangkok 11-
1 9) CK: Hong Kong 11-
1 10) CK: Hudson City 11-
1 11) CK: London 11-
1 12) CK: Moscow 11-
1 13) CK: New York City 11-
1 14) CK: Paris 11-
1 15) CK: Rio de Janeiro 11-
1 16) CK: Rome 11-
1 17) CK: Singapore 11-
1 18) CK: Tokyo 11-
1 19) CK: Washington, D.C. 11-
Resource Points
58 Equipment Points: 350
35 Vehicle/Base Points: 80
30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 589
Total Cost: 756
162 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K Mk 23 +5 +9 2d6+1 1d6+1 12 10 Reversed ogive ammo, AP, Sil, FS,
laser, custom grips, fine tuning
II, improved firing pin, carries 2
with 4 clips each
Colt M16A1 +5 +15 2d6 1d6 30 13 AF5, FS, Laser, Type III night-
sight scope, 2 custom grips, fine
tuning II, improved firing pin, H,
carries 2 extra clips
Smoke Grenades (see text box)
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Armored Costume (DEF 4, Activation Roll 14-)
Combat Vest (DEF +4, Activation Roll 11-)
Mask Lenses (Sight Group Flash Defense [5 points])
Mask Earpieces (Hearing Group Flash Defense [5 points])
Gear: Mask Radio (HRRP), Linegun, advanced lockpicks (+2 to Lockpicking rolls), Utility Pockets with
a variety of small gadgets (see Dark Champions, page 283)

experiments. Sixteen years of chemical treatments, the most successful freelance spies and assassins in
surgery, physical training, and psychological con- the world. He thinks of “Jackknife” as his true name,
ditioning of “Jack,” as they called him, followed. but uses “Jack Curtis,” a firearms safety instructor,
But when they were done, teenaged Jack was much as his principal cover identity.
stronger and swifter than most humans, and knew
Personality/Motivation: Jackknife is a curious blend
more about espionage operations than many expe-
of professionalism and brutality. On the one hand,
rienced spies.
his training has made him the perfect spy, in both
Elements within the CIA put Jack to work, and
mind and body: disciplined, intense, compassionless,
he served his Langley masters faithfully for about five
driven to succeed, devoted to his work, in the peak of
years. But the longer he worked for them, the more he
human conditioning. On the other hand, early in his
chafed under their constant discipline, their annoy-
training he came to the conclusion that excessive force
ingly cryptic orders, their squeamishness about kill-
not only got the job done pretty well, but that he liked
ing. Slowly but surely, his dissatisfaction overcame his
using it. He’s a cold-blooded killer who won’t hesitate
psychological conditioning. He began to think about
to “remove” (his term) anyone he’s hired to kill, who
quitting the Agency and working for himself.
thwarts him or interferes with his work, or who just
Even as good an actor as he was, he couldn’t
happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
hide his growing unrest from the CIA’s psychologists.
during one of his missions.
They knew of his desire to leave, but also knew they
Jackknife looks out for himself more than his
could never allow it. Preferring to nip the problem in
employers, making him a poor bodyguard or enforcer
the bud, they ordered his termination. The personnel
(though he’s got enough professionalism to see a
in charge of Project: Jackknife assembled a group of
mission through regardless of the risk or counterof-
four skilled assassins, briefed them on their target, and
fers — if he took the job, he’ll get the job done). If
turned them loose. Two days later, Washington, D.C.
someone gets in his way, he takes them out (fatally, if
police were called to a hotel room in the city. A maid
necessary or appropriate). If someone double-crosses
had found the room’s four occupants lying in bed,
him, or an employer isn’t entirely honest with him, he
each with his neck cleanly broken.
makes it his priority to exact bloody revenge. If he sees
The op’s managers kept the murder of their
an opportunity to make some extra money on the side
assassination squad quiet... but that was the last
during a mission, he takes it.
thing they ever did. Over the course of the next
His CIA handlers never told Jackknife much
week, each of them was killed in a quick, brutal
about his background or origins — in fact, they
fashion. The police found no clues to the killer’s
even kept a lot of that information out of his files.
identity at the crime scenes. Three days after the
He remains curious about where he came from and
last killing, the office that housed Project: Jackknife
how the CIA “developed” him.
was blown to bits by a sophisticated bomb. CIA
brass quickly and quietly shut the whole project Quote: “Tell me what you want. I’ll tell you the
down for good. The CIA has never revived it, and price. Don’t worry about how hard you think it is
the scientists and agents involved have not been — if I name a price, I’ll get it done.”
seen or heard from publicly since.
With his past successfully laid to rest, Jack- Powers/Tactics: Jackknife’s codename reflects his
knife put out the word that he was available for versatility and adaptability. In combat, he’s a clever
hire. When the mercenary underground realized and resourceful fighter, one who always seems to have
who he was, offers began pouring in, and they’ve another surprise in his bag of tricks and whose tactics
never stopped coming. Today Jackknife is one of remain unpredictable at all times. Usually the first
Predators ■ Chapter Three 163

Jackknife’s training and experience cover just JACKKNIFE

JACKKNIFE’S about any combat or noncombat situation he might
face. He’s a patient man who can spend weeks or
SMOKE GRENADES months observing a target so he can do his job One of the PCs’ enemies
quickly and efficiently. If he discovers he lacks the hires Jackknife to take
Jackknife is a big believer in the powers of cover, resources to deal with a particular enemy or target, them out (either all of
confusion, and misdirection. Since smoke grenades them, or just one or
he retreats to one of his safehouses to create or pre-
can provide all three, he frequently uses them as part two). Now it’s a fight for
of his arsenal. He usually carries several, including
pare whatever he thinks he needs.
Some of Jackknife’s favorite tactics include: survival against one of
some rigged so that he can set them off with a simple the deadliest men in the
pull or slap. In game terms, they have the Trigger forcing an enemy into hand-to-hand combat in the
Advantage (so they require no time to activate) and middle of one of his smoke clouds; fooling oppo-
move with him as he moves (unless you prefer oth- nents with fake versions of his weapons (for exam-
The PCs have to hit a
erwise — he can always just drop one wherever he is ple, a realistic-looking fake grenade, bought with
nigh-impossible target
and move on). His typical smoke grenade (a custom- his Equipment Points); grabbing one enemy with — and they don’t have
designed weapon) works like this: his stingwhip and using him as a human shield; the manpower or
Smoke Grenade: Change Environment 4” radius, -3 and Rapid Fire/Multifire/Sweep maneuvers. resources to do it right.
to Sight Group PER Rolls, Trigger (reflex action; acti- Jackknife would be the
vation takes no time, can set Trigger multiple times, Campaign Use: Jackknife is probably one of the
perfect hireling to help
Half Phase Action to reset; +½), Personal Immunity deadliest foes the PCs will ever face. His back- them... but can they
(+¼) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), Range Based On ground, training, skills, and resources should make trust him?
STR (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), 4 Continuing Charge him a match for an entire group of heroes; if not,
lasting 3 Turns each (-¼). Total cost: 13 points. improve him until he is, or make sure he arranges The CIA secretly con-
But Jackknife’s not the sort of person to use one the confrontation to give himself the tactical tacts the PCs. It needs
weapon when he can use two. In addition to blinding advantage. to get a genetic sample
his enemies, the smoke from his grenades is often To make Jackknife tougher, give him more from Jackknife. It will
laced with some other kind of attack, such as knock- Equipment Points, and perhaps some Skill Levels pay handsomely for
out gas or an acidic attack that eats away at body with various categories of Skills. To weaken him, some of his blood or
armor. These “hidden” attacks often give Jackknife a remove his Overall Levels and reduce his INT and tissue, provided the PCs
big advantage in combat, and he often tries to think PRE to 15 and DEX to 18. can verify that it’s his.
up new and more devious types of grenades.
As a Hunter, Jackknife is patient, tenacious,
Knockout Smoke Grenades: To Smoke Grenade, add and deadly. As described above, he’ll gather all
the following: Energy Blast 4d6, NND (defense is the information he needs (whether from outside
Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing or appropri- sources or direct observation), then plan an attack
ate Immunity; +1), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect
for maximum effect and chances of success. He
(4” Radius; +1) (80 Active Points); OAF (-1), Linked
(-¼), Range Based On STR (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼),
often hires other mercenaries to distract his target
4 Continuing Charge lasting 3 Turns each (-¼). Total so he can get a clean shot.
cost: 27 points; total cost of grenade 40 points. Law enforcement agencies around the world
want Jackknife on suspicion of dozens of murders
Armor-Eating Acid Smoke Grenades: To Smoke Gre-
nade, add the following: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is
and many other acts of kidnapping, extortion, and
Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing or appropri- destruction of property. He’s also on the wanted list
ate Immunity; +1), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect of most major intelligence agencies. The authorities
(4” Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Linked have tried in vain to find out what his real name is,
(-¼), Only Works Against Body Armors (-1), Range since they assume Jackknife is just a codename.
Based On STR (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), 4 Continu-
ing Charge lasting 3 Turns each (-¼). Total cost: 15 Appearance: Jackknife is a large, extremely mus-
points; total cost of grenade 28 points. cular man, about 6’1” tall with a muscular build.
On most missions he wears a light grey skintight
Rusting Smoke Grenades: To Smoke Grenade, add
the following: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is Life
armored bodysuit (which he can conceal under
Support [Self-Contained Breathing or appropriate normal clothing) underneath dark blue-grey
Immunity; +1), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (4” fatigues with a dark grey combat vest. His boots
Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Linked and gloves are part of his armored bodysuit but are
(-¼), Only Works Against Ferrous Metal Objects not covered by the fatigues. His mask is a dark grey
(-½), Range Based On STR (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), half-face mask that leaves his dirty blonde hair free.
4 Continuing Charge lasting 3 Turns each (-¼). Total The vest and fatigues have lots of pockets to hold
cost: 17 points; total cost of grenade 30 points. his weapons, tools, and gadgets. His stingwhip is
built into a dull gold-colored bracer on his lower
thing he does in open combat is to “pop smoke” (see right arm; he carries his two H&K Mk 23 pistols in
text box), either to cover himself personally or to fill shoulder holsters (he slings his M16A1 assault rifle
the battlefield with blinding fumes. over his back when he carries it).
Besides his smoke grenades, pistols, and assault
rifle (all of which are heavily customized and person-
alized), Jackknife carries one other special weapon:
his stingwhip, a six-foot-long piece of fine, extremely
flexible chain that he can electrify. Depending on how
much juice he uses, it can knock someone out like a
taser or deliver a lethal jolt.
164 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
JIHAD JIHAD Total Powers & Skills Cost: 141
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Cost: 230
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 100+ Disadvantages
The word leaks out that 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 20 Hunted: Israeli Defense Forces 8- (Mo Pow,
the PLRL has at long last 18 CON 16 13- NCI, Capture/Kill)
given Jihad permission 17 BODY 14 12-
to commit terrorist acts 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Kill)
on American soil... and
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 Psychological Limitation: Sociopath (Very
his target is in Hudson
City! The PCs have to 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Common, Strong)
figure out where he’s 10 COM 0 11- 15 Reputation: leading terrorist, 11- (Extreme)
going to strike, and stop 8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) 55 Experience Points
him before he murders 8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (0 rED)
hundreds or thousands Total Disadvantage Points: 230
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
of people.
8 REC 0 Background/History: Despite years of observation
36 END 0 and study, world experts on terrorism remain uncer-
A prominent Islamic
36 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 89 tain as to the background and personal history of
cleric who’s an outspo-
ken critic of the PLRL Masud al-Tahal, better known to the world at large
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
and similar organiza- by his codename Jihad. The consensus is that he was
tions is coming to Cost Powers END born in the Palestinian territory in the mid-to-late
Hudson City to give Martial Arts: Commando Training Seventies, but nothing is known for certain about his
a speech denouncing Maneuver OCV DCV Notes parents or childhood. He claims he and his family
terrorism. Suspecting 3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 4d6 + v/5, Target suffered numerous atrocities at the hands of the
Jihad may try to assas- Falls Israelis, but has offered no specifics.
sinate him, the PCs have 4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 6d6 Strike Sometime in his late teens, al-Tahal became
to guard the cleric. But affiliated with the PLRL — the Palestinian League
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb,
neither the cleric nor
2d6 NND (2) for Retribution and Liberation, one of the most
city officials want their
help! 4 Escape +0 +0 35 STR vs. fanatic of the pro-Palestinian organizations.
Grabs Whether he was especially disciplined or natu-
When Jihad takes 4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three rally talented, no outsider knows, but he emerged
several prominent Limbs, 30 STR from their training camps a skilled terrorist who
American and Israeli 4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 30 STR masterminded several successful terrorist opera-
diplomats hostage, the 4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA ½d6 tions beginning in the late Nineties. Unlike most
Department of Defense (1d6+1 with terrorists, who are content to strike from a dis-
recruits the PCs for a STR tance via bombs or proxies, Jihad’s attacks have a
secret (and deniable!) 4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort personal element: they resemble military raids or
mission to rescue them assaults more than random acts of violence (they
before he tortures them Perks often seem to have goals beyond the infliction of
to death. 4 Fringe Benefit: Membership (high-ranking terror and killing of Israelis and Americans, such
member of the PLRL) as obtaining money or resources for the PLRL). It’s
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military believed he wants to conduct attacks on American
Skills soil, but that the PLRL leadership has so far denied
16 +2 with All Combat him permission to plan any such missions.
3 Combat Driving 12- Personality/Motivation: Jihad mouths the slogans
3 Combat Piloting 12- of the Palestinian movement with the best of
3 Demolitions 11- them... and on the surface, at least, seems to believe
7 Interrogation 14- what he says. But in his heart, he cares less about
1 KS: The Espionage World 8- Palestinian autonomy than the chance to create
2 KS: Islamic Theology 11- suffering, misery, and havoc. He’s far less a fighter
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- for a cause than a psychopath who’s found a way
4 KS: The PLRL 13- to satisfy his personal needs that’s socially accept-
3 Stealth 12- able within his culture. That’s why he leads terrorist
1 Streetwise 8- missions personally — he wants to kill Israelis and
2 Survival (Desert) 11- Americans himself, not just order other people to
3 Tactics 11- do it. If he gets to torture them for information
3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, first, so much the better.
Quote: “With guns or bombs, one at a time or in
5 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Grenade Launchers,
groups, we will cleanse the lands of the Palestinians
Shoulder-Fired Weapons
of Israeli filth.”
Resource Points
Powers/Tactics: Trained by the PLRL in both
28 Equipment Points: 200
hand-to-hand and small-unit combat, Jihad has
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
supplemented his training with nearly a decade of
10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
practical experience planning and conducting ter-
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
rorist missions and assaults. His favored weapon is
Predators ■ Chapter Three 165

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Assault Rifle +1 +0 2d6 1d6 40 15 AF5, 2H TEL AVIV — Today a
Grenade Launcher +0 +0 2½d6X 1d6 1 15 Carries 8 grenades group of terrorists lead by
Shotgun +0 +0 2½d6 1d6 5 15 AE1, LR(20”), RR, RP the infamous PLRL leader
Ruger P90 +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 10 Jihad robbed a bank,
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown killing over 20 people in
the process. The assault
Armor began at 3:00 PM local
Level II-A (DEF 6, Activation Roll 14-) time. The terrorists drove
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head) through the front door
of the building in a van,
Gear: Depends on the current mission. For example, if he’s leading a nighttime assault, he’ll usually then headed upstairs after
have a nightvision device. The PLRL isn’t the richest or best-equipped terrorist organization in the warning onlookers the
world, but it can usually get the supplies it needs for an attack. van contained a bomb.
After shooting several
a custom-designed short-barreled assault bank employees, Jihad
rifle with two side-by-side underslung made the manager open
weapons: a grenade launcher (for maxi- the vault, where large
mum havoc) and a combat shotgun (for amounts of cash were
stored. The terrorists took
close-quarters work). When he’s expect-
the money to the roof,
ing trouble, he usually carries at least half where they were picked
a dozen fragmentation grenades and two up by a helicopter. While
smoke grenades (each with a different color boarding the helicopter,
smoke). they triggered the bomb
Jihad prefers to lead from the front in the van on the first
lines, taking a position right alongside his floor, killing over a dozen
men to fight and kill with them. Although people and inflicting
he claims to hate Israelis and Americans, significant damage to the
he’s never let that hatred overwhelm his building. Jihad also shot
down a police helicopter
judgment in combat; he fights with intel-
that initiated pursuit.
ligence and skill, tempered by daring.
Campaign Use: Compared to the likes of
Ahmad Farswali (page 139), Jihad is a
much easier foe for the PCs to track down
and fight. His missions are more like special
forces or robbery crew operations than tra-
ditional terrorist bombings, so the odds of
catching up to him and getting the chance
to stop him are better. On the other hand,
he’s more capable of defending himself than
most terrorists, too, so the PCs may not
enjoy the experience of catching him.
To make Jihad tougher, give him better
body armor, or perhaps some defensive
super-skills. To weaken him, remove his
Combat Skill Levels and some of his Mar-
tial Maneuvers.
Jihad rarely Hunts heroes. He’s got too
many other irons in the fire — too many Appearance: Jihad is a muscular, broad-shouldered
missions to plan and execute on behalf of the Pal- Palestinian man who stands 5’8” tall. He typically
estinian people. A vendetta against a single person wears military fatigues; if he’s going into combat,
might jeopardize his chances to advance the cause. he’ll have on body armor and a helmet as well.
But he has a good memory, and won’t overlook an He carries his special assault rifle with him nearly
opportunity to “take care” of a PC who’s thwarted everywhere he goes, and usually has a semi-auto-
him in the past. matic pistol in a holster on his right hip and a
Jihad is wanted in Israel, Europe, and the combat knife in a boot sheath.
United States for numerous acts of terrorism that
have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people.
166 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 3) KS: The Political World 13-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 2 4) KS: The Business World 13-
Kaine suspects the 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 2 5) KS: World Politics 13-
existence of the Con- 13 CON 6 12- 2 6) KS: World History 13-
sortium (though not its 12 BODY 4 11- 2 7) KS: Military Science 13-
connection with alien 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 2 8) KS: American History 13-
technology — he thinks 3 Traveler
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5
it’s a garden-variety 1 1) CK: Beirut 11-
conspiracy motivated 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
10 COM 0 11- 1 2) CK: Berlin 11-
by greed for money and
1 3) CK: Chicago 11-
power). He decides the 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
PCs would make the 1 4) CK: Hong Kong 11-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 1 5) CK: Hudson City 11-
perfect stalking-horses 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
for investigating it, 1 6) CK: London 11-
5 REC 0 1 7) CK: Moscow 11-
determining what sort
of threat it poses to 26 END 0 1 8) CK: New York City 11-
America’s security and 24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57 1 9) CK: Paris 11-
prosperity, and making Movement: Running: 6”/12” 1 10) CK: Rome 11-
any necessary moves 1 11) CK: Washington, D.C. 11-
against it. Cost Powers END
Martial Arts: Various Styles Resource Points
One of Kaine’s superi- Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 12 Equipment Points: 120
ors decides he’s more 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20
trouble than he’s worth 4 Dodge — +5 Dodge, Affects 50 Follower/Contact Points: 105
— but he’s got too much All Attacks, 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
seniority and too many
Abort Total Powers & Skills Cost: 217
friends for the superior
to just fire him. Learning 5 Kick -2 +1 6d6 Strike Total Cost: 274
of Kaine’s connection 4 Punch +0 +2 4d6 Strike
to the PCs, the superior 3 Throw +0 +1 2d6 + v/5; 100+ Disadvantages
decides to frame the Target Falls 5 Age: 40+
PCs for botching some 10 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
mission Kaine “hired” Perks 20 Psychological Limitation: Ardent American
them for, so the result- 10 Fringe Benefit: Espionage Rank (Associate Patriot (Common, Total)
ing scandal will give Deputy Director in the CIA) 15 Psychological Limitation: Intolerant Of
him enough leverage to 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military Bureaucracy And Indecisiveness (Common,
force Kaine out. Strong)
5 Eidetic Memory 124 Experience Points
A mission Kaine was
overseeing goes south... 3 Lightning Calculator Total Disadvantage Points: 274
badly. He needs some Skills
top-notch people to sal- Background/History: Rodrick Kaine was recruited
20 +2 Overall into the CIA straight out of the University of Chi-
vage the situation, and
he needs them not to 3 Acting 13- cago. He passed through the Company’s training
have formal connections 3 Bribery 13- school with flying colors and was assigned to the
to the CIA. He picks up 3 Bugging 13- main battlefield of the Cold War: Western Europe.
the phone and calls the 3 Bureaucracy 13- During two decades as a field agent, he participated
PCs.... 1 Computer Programming 8- in dozens of sensitive missions, ranging from the
3 Conversation 13- extraction of defectors to the assassination of double
3 Deduction 13- agents, and completed most of them successfully.
2 Gambling (Card Games) 13- But time marches on, leaving no man behind.
3 High Society 13- When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War
2 Language: French (fluent conversation; Eng- came to an end, Kaine realized it was time for him
lish is Native) to leave the fieldwork to younger men. He returned
2 Language: German (fluent conversation) home for good to take a desk job at Langley. But the
1 Language: Russian (basic conversation) Agency didn’t want a man with his experience just
1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation) doing paperwork and analyzing reports. After care-
5 Lockpicking 13- ful consideration, the DCI offered him the position
3 Persuasion 13- of Associate Deputy Director in the Directorate of
3 Security Systems 13- Special Operations, a branch of the CIA so secretive
3 Stealth 12- its name appears on no budgets and in no memo-
3 Streetwise 13- randa. Eager to continue fighting the good fight in
1 Systems Operation 8- the best way he could, Kaine accepted.
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades In the dozen-plus years since he became Associ-
3 Scholar ate Director, Kaine’s life hasn’t slowed down at all. But
5 1) KS: The Espionage World 16- now he’s directing the super-secret missions taking
2 2) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist place around the world instead of carrying them out.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 167

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Colt 2000 +1 +1 1½d6 1d6 15 10 HP ammunition
None, unless he has to go into the field for a mission where he expects to be shot at, in which case he
usually wears Level II-A (DEF 6, Activation Roll 11-).
Gear: Whatever he needs, within reason — though he rarely goes into the field anymore

It’s a tough job, one filled with anxiety, stress, and

paranoia, but it’s the work he was born to do.
Personality/Motivation: Rodrick Kaine is an ardent,
intelligent, sincere American patriot. He’s not stupid or
naive enough to believe “my country, right or wrong!”,
but he genuinely thinks that the American way of life
and political system are the best in the world, that
other peoples and nations would benefit by adopting
them, and that America is the world’s bulwark against
chaos, oppression, tyranny, and evil. He also believes
that to protect America, sometimes it’s necessary to do
things most Americans wouldn’t approve of. He’s one smooth the way for them in their various escapades.
of the people that does them, taking the moral burden On the other, he has his own agenda and won’t hesi-
on himself so average Americans can sleep soundly tate to manipulate the PCs into helping him fulfill it,
and safely. even if that means putting them in serious danger.
That attitude would make Kaine an ideal CIA Even if he’s helped them many times, they should
employee, one destined to rise to a very high level... if never be entirely sure they can trust him — because
he were more of a team player. But years of relying on he almost certainly doesn’t trust them.
himself in the field, and seeing himself and his col- Once he learns he can make use of the PCs,
leagues get screwed over by bureaucrats more inter- Kaine will study them carefully, learning everything
ested in budgets and detente than actually correcting he can about them (including plenty of things
problems, has soured him. He loathes indecisiveness, they’d rather he not know). Once he feels he’s got
preferring to keep things moving forward even if, in a handle on them, that he knows how they’ll react
retrospect, another choice would have been better and how he can turn them to his own purposes,
— though he’s neither rash nor hot-headed. He’ll he’ll approach them in a non-threatening way with
violate procedure, make end runs around the chain an “offer” (hence his quote, above). If he feels he can
of command, mislead his superiors, and even disobey get them to do what he wants by appealing to their
direct orders if he feels it’s necessary to get things patriotism or sense of justice, he will... but if he
done. If it weren’t for the fact that his methods usually has to pay (whatever the coin), he’ll pay whatever
get results, the Director would have fired him a long it takes. When he sets his mind on a mission, he
time ago; many of his superiors detest him. doesn’t let little obstacles like budgeting stand in
After years in the Great Game, Kaine finds it dif- the way of completing it successfully.
ficult to trust anyone unreservedly — even his wife To strengthen Kaine, rewind the clock and make
and grown children. He’s constantly examining his him a younger man, with better Primary Characteris-
relationships and interactions with people, looking for tics, SPD 4, and more Combat Skill Levels. If you want
the ulterior motive, the angle, the real goal. He’s too to weaken him instead, run the clock forward and put
much the patriot to be fully cynical, but there’s more him in his sixties or seventies, with lower Characteris-
than a trace of cynicism to his personality these days. tics, SPD 2, and no Martial Arts.
If Kaine Hunts characters, he’s either been
Quote: “I have an offer for you.” ordered to do so (in which case he follows orders to
Powers/Tactics: Kaine is a CIA operative with two the extent he deems them worth following) or because
decades of field experience and more than another he thinks he can make use of them (see above). He
decade’s worth of mission planning and directing doesn’t engage in feuds or vendettas; he knows how
under his belt. Although he’s not as fast, strong, or pointless they are.
hardy as he used to be, he still remembers plenty of Rodrick Kaine has no criminal record,
tricks from his days on the front lines, and he can though more than a few intelligence agencies have
still shoot straight. Still, these days he only goes out files on him.
into the field when it’s absolutely necessary (usually Appearance: Rodrick Kaine is a white male in his
as part of a rescue, recovery, or clean-up op after early 50s. He stands 5’10” tall, weighs 175 pounds
something goes badly wrong). (a lot of his muscle has become soft and a bit flabby
Campaign Use: Rodrick Kaine is the sort of NPC that over the past decade), and has an average build. His
PCs should develop a strong love-hate relationship hair is black flecked with grey and conservatively
with. On the one hand, as a friend or Contact he gives cut; his eyes dark and alert. He wears typical men’s
them access to the CIA’s resources, and can do a lot to business clothes.
168 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
TRICKS OF THE KISSING BANDIT were found within the city itself, and the authorities
THE TRADE Val Char Cost Roll Notes cannot perceive any pattern to the dumpings. Each
15 STR 5 12- Lift 300 kg; 3d6 [3] seems to have been repeatedly sexually assaulted.
He smoked half a ciga- 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Each had one or more lipstick kisses on her face,
rette, thinking about it. 15 CON 10 12- neck, breasts, buttocks, or thighs. Additionally,
“You know we can’t do 13 BODY 6 12- several of the victims were mutilated, typically by
that. We’re not autho- 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- having long knives plunged repeatedly into the
rized for ops on US soil.” anus or vagina, but in one case by beheading. In
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 chronological order, the victims were:
“Don’t give me that Jennifer Anne Christie (9 months, 5 days ago):
8 COM -1 11-
bull*%&!. You do it all Age 20, long blonde hair, hazel eyes. Left her dorm
the time, and we both 5 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) at HCSU to go for a walk one evening and never
know it. Besides, when 5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) returned. Body found in Willowford 7 months, 14
did Rodrick Kaine care 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
about regulations like days ago; kiss-marks on neck and breasts.
6 REC 0 Stacy Connelly (7 months, 20 days ago): Age
that?” 30 END 0 26, short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. Failed to show
29 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74 up for her job as a paralegal at a Blackbridge law
Kaine shrugged. “I still
don’t see the upside. Movement: Running: 6”/12” firm. Body found in Knoxboro 6 months, 3 days ago;
Why should the Com- kiss-marks to face and thighs, mutilations to anus.
pany care about one of Cost Perks Rikki Lanewski (5 months, 18 days ago): Age
the people playing vigi- 3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- 24, short brown hair, brown eyes. Went jogging one
lantes and robbers up in Level evening and failed to return home; her boyfriend
Hudson City?” 2 Money: Well Off reported her missing after she failed to appear for
Talents a breakfast date the next morning. Body found
“Think about it for a in Norwood 4 months, 8 days ago; kiss-marks to
second, Kaine. This man 16 Crippling Blow
4 Deadly Blow: HKA +1d6 with Knives breasts and buttocks, and the body was crudely
— assuming that he is
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) beheaded, probably with an axe or machete.
a man — has been run-
ning around Hudson Julia Turretti (4 months, 28 days ago): Age 19,
Skills long black hair, brown eyes. Left home for a night
City for nearly twenty
years. He’s killed God 2 AK: Hudson City Suburbs 11- class at community college and failed to return
only knows how many 2 CK: Hudson City 11- home. Body found in Franklin County near the
thousands of people. 3 Persuasion 13- Outer Beltline 3 months, 21 days ago; kiss-marks to
The cops and the FBI 3 Seduction 13- face, breasts, and buttocks, mutilations to vagina.
have been after him 3 Shadowing 12- Mariah McAllister (2 months, 20 days ago):
for years and they’ve 7 Stealth 14- Age 27, long red hair, green eyes. Failed to show
never even come close 3 Streetwise 13- up for her job as manager of a Voodoo Bean coffee
to catching him. The 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades shop. Body found in Iroquois 1 month, 10 days ago;
techniques he must
have developed to stay Resource Points kiss-marks to neck, breasts, and buttocks.
hidden, stay free, get his 0 Equipment Points: 60 Wendy Simmons (1 month, 16 days ago): Age
“work” done — think 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 21, short black hair partly dyed pink, green eyes.
of what it could mean 0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 Boyfriend found shot to death near LeMastre Park,
to you if you got him to 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 and Wendy missing, after an evening when they
teach your field agents. had a date. Body found in Arlington three weeks
Hell, get him to take on Total Powers & Skills Cost: 57 ago; kiss-marks to breasts, mutilations to vagina.
a couple missions and Total Cost: 131 Jamie Clarkston (25 days ago): Age 22, long
a lot of your troubles black hair, grey eyes. Failed to show up for her job
would be over.” 100+ Disadvantages
as a receptionist for an advertising agency. Body
30 Hunted: Joint HCPD-FBI task force 14- (Mo
found in Sparta five days ago; kiss-marks to breasts
“Why would he even Pow, NCI, Capture)
and thighs, mutilations to anus.
want to teach us his 20 Psychological Limitation: Antisocial Person-
tricks?” ality Disorder (Very Common, Strong) Personality/Motivation: The FBI profile on the Kiss-
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown) ing Bandit (which is not publicly available in full)
“Appeal to his sense of (Frequently, Major) indicates the following:
“Justice” and patriotism.”
Total Disadvantage Points: 165 ■ He is a white male, age 25-35, though he may
Kaine snorted. “If that’s look young for his age. He has no facial hair,
Background/History: In recent months, Hudson
the best you can come and may wear glasses.
City has been terrorized by the attacks of a strange
up with, don’t quit your ■ He is an “organized” serial killer who plans
and vicious serial killer whom the press has dubbed
day job.” He stood up to
“the Kissing Bandit” for his habit of leaving lip- his crimes with some care and prepares for
leave, wrapping his coat
more tightly around stick kiss-marks on his victims. Since he began his them by carrying a “rape/murder kit.” Since the
him. “I’ll think about it. reign of terror, seven women have fallen victim to victims had nothing in common in terms of
It’s an interesting idea, him. All were attractive white women in their late where they live or work, or their social circles,
but I doubt it’ll lead to teens or twenties. Their bodies have all been found he probably sees them in a public place, then
anything.” dumped by quiet roadsides or in rivers and streams follows them to learn their routine so he can
in the suburbs surrounding Hudson City; none plan his attack.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 169

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
S&W Model 19 +0 +0 1½d6 1d6-1 6 9 “Our top story tonight:
Knife +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown, carries at least the Hudson City Police
three of different types/styles Department reports that
Armor the infamous “Kissing
Bandit” has struck again.
Late last night, the body
Gear: Rape/murder kit (rope, duct tape, and other “tools” for kidnapping and restraining his victims) of Jamie Clarkston, a 21
year-old receptionist,
■ He owns a car with a large trunk, or some sort Quote: None. was found near a road
of van, that he uses to transport his victims. in the town of Sparta.
Powers/Tactics: The Kissing Bandit seems to be a Departmental spokes-
■ He may have an independent source of skilled knife-wielder. He’s killed all of his victims men report that the
income, thus freeing his time to stalk victims with the knife, and most of the cuts are clean and body had the distinc-
and plan his assaults. strong, as if made by someone confident in using tive “kiss-marks” that
■ He owns a house or building that is in some the “tool” he wields. However, he’s also comfortable indicate the Bandit’s
way isolated. Either it’s physically distant from with guns, since he shot Wendy Simmons’s boy- involvement, and that
the closest houses (which would mean he the body was mutilated
friend to death at close range.
in a fashion consistent
lives outside the main ring of Hudson City with the Bandit’s pre-
Campaign Use: The real identity and background
suburbs), or the buildings closest to it are vious six victims. No
of the Kissing Bandit have been left undefined so
abandoned. Indications are that he keeps the further details have been
that you can fit him into your campaign in the
women prisoner for a time — ligature marks released.
most dramatically appropriate way. Make him
show that the victims were extensively and
someone the PCs know and would never suspect,
repeatedly tied up, and the bodies are found “The staff and owners of
so that the horror of his actions becomes all the
soon after being dumped because he makes WJYG extend their sym-
more deeply felt. pathies to Jamie’s family
no significant effort to hide them. Therefore
To make the Kissing Bandit tougher, give him and friends.”
he needs a “headquarters” where he can do his
some cinematic healing abilities so he’s hard to
“work” in peace.
put down permanently (such as the Rapid Healing —from a WJYG-TV
■ He has used the exact same lipstick to kiss Talent or the It Looks Worse Than It Is super-skill), news broadcast
every victim (and the kiss-prints themselves or increase his DEX to 20 and SPD to 5. To weaken
will make it easy to identify him when he’s him, reduce his STR and DEX to 13 each, and get
caught). The lipstick obviously holds some rid of his Deadly Blow and/or Crippling Blow.
significance for him; perhaps it formerly The Kissing Bandit doesn’t Hunt heroes
belonged to his mother, some other significant — unless of course, one of them happens to fit his
female figure in his life, or his first victim. victim profile, in which case he might fixate on her
■ The mutilations to the victims indicate as his next victim....
extreme rage and anger, though what trigger The Kissing Bandit has no plot seeds because
the mutilations in some victims and not others he’s a plot seed by himself — the adventure is, the
remains unknown. Perhaps the mutilated vic- PCs have to find him and stop him.
tims failed to obey his orders (or obey them Appearance: Unknown.
quickly and properly enough), or something
about them reminded him of a hated figure in
his life.
170 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
LT. PAUL MCCLINTON 5 KS: The Hudson City Police Department 14-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 12-
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] 7 KS: The Law Enforcement World 16-
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 1 Lockpicking 8-
14 CON 8 12- 3 Persuasion 13-
13 BODY 6 12- 2 PS: Police Officer 11-
16 INT 6 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Shadowing 12-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 3 Stealth 12-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 7 Streetwise 15-
10 COM 0 11- 3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD) 2 WF: Small Arms
4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (3 rED)
4 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Resource Points
6 REC 0 0 Equipment Points: 60
28 END 0 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
27 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 67 40 Follower/Contact Points: 85
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 190
Cost Powers END Total Cost: 257
Martial Arts: Police Self-Defense
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 100+ Disadvantages
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Distinctive Features: Uniform and/or Badge
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, (Easily Concealed)
3d6 NND (2) 10 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 33 STR 15 Psychological Limitation: Corrupt And
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three Greedy (Common, Strong)
Limbs, 33 STR 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
4 Punch/Elbow Strike Frequently, Major)
+0 +2 6½d6 Strike 10 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) (Occasionally, Major)
1 Use Art with Clubs 97 Experience Points
7 Unimpressed: +15 PRE; Only To Protect
Total Disadvantage Points: 257
Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0
2 Observant: +1 PER with Sight Group 0 Background/History: Idealism dies fast on the
streets of the urban abyss. When Paul McClin-
ton graduated from the Police Academy, he was
2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers
all set to clean up the city. He was shocked the
3 Fringe Benefit: Law Enforcement Rank
first time he saw his partner taking a bribe...
but it didn’t take him long to get over it. Within
2 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit
a couple months, he didn’t feel guilty anymore
4 Money: Well Off
when he took the money people offered him
1 Reputation: hero cop (among the Hudson
to look the other way, to help them out, to give
City public), 11-, +1/+1d6
them a little special attention. Within a year, he
3 Reputation: one tough cop (in the Hudson
was looking for ways to shake more money out
City Law Enforcement World, underworld,
of the people he met.
and related subcultures) 11-, +3/+3d6
Having started down the slippery slope, it
Talents didn’t take McClinton long to hit the bottom
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) — or reach the top, depending on how you look
at it. Over the years he used his ever-growing
Skills list of contacts cleverly, obtaining transfers from
8 +1 with All Combat one precinct to another so he could get to know
3 Acting 13- more people and rake in even more money from
5 Bribery 14- bribes, selling stuff out of the back of the evi-
1 Bugging 8- dence room, and cutting himself in for a slice of
3 Bureaucratics 13- various underworld pies as his price for leaving
3 Combat Driving 12- the bad guys who owned them alone. In each
3 Conversation 13- new precinct he set up networks among other
3 Criminology 12- corrupt officers both to increase his take and to
5 Deduction 13- insulate himself from some of the risks. Intel-
3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 12- ligence, charisma, street smarts, ruthlessness, and
1 Gambling (Card Games) 8- greed combined to make him a wealthy man with
5 Interrogation 14- so many friends on the force that it’s doubtful
5 CK: Hudson City 14- IA could have touched him even if it had known
4 KS: Criminal Law And Procedure 13- what he was doing. The good press he occasion-
Predators ■ Chapter Three 171

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Glock 21 +0 +0 2d6 1d6 13 9 Carries two extra clips
S&W 625 +0 +0 2d6-1 1d6 6 10 Holdout gun
Tonfa +0 — 3d6 N — — 8
Pepper Spray +0 +0 Fla 5d6 + NND 3d6 — 12 —
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: Handcuffs (two sets), baton flashlight

ally received for his high-risk, high-yield busts of ing or contract murder, though he’s backed off
drug dealers and robbers only made him harder that sort of thing because it’s too risky — and if
to touch. there’s one thing McClinton’s good at, it’s manag-
When the brass formed the Citywide Task ing risk. He wouldn’t have stayed free and clear
Force, McClinton quickly arranged to have him- all these years if he left a lot of tracks and made a
self transferred in. Freedom to roam the city and lot of mistakes.
the implied license to go a little over the line to Unlike the average corrupt cop, whose cor-
make the big cases were perfect for him. In the ruption doesn’t extend much beyond the reach of
years since, he’s distinguished himself time and his arm, McClinton runs rackets all over the city.
time again... all the while running an interde- The networks of bribery, theft, and illicit profit he
partmental criminal empire behind the scenes. established years ago continue to funnel money to
him. In exchange he uses his considerable influence
Personality/Motivation: Paul McClinton is a
within the department to protect his “employees”
tough, no-nonsense kind of guy. After more than
when they get in trouble, help them obtain promo-
20 years as a cop, he’s seen it all, heard it all, done
tions, and so forth. It’s a vast, dirty, disgusting web
it all. He long ago gave up any illusions that he
of rot at the heart of the HCPD, and he sits right at
was somehow “saving” Hudson City — these
the center of it, getting richer by the day.
days he’s more likely to describe his job as just
trying to keep a lid on the whole sordid place so
it doesn’t explode. He still enjoys helping people
and arresting perps, but he no longer thinks
anything he does really makes much of a differ-
ence in the grand scheme of things. Now he’s in
it for the power and the money. It’s possible some
spark of the idealistic young man he once was
exists within him, but if so, reaching it is going to
be about as easy as getting to Mars.
Quote: “Let’s cut the bull*%&!. We both know
how this works: you make with a cool, and I
leave you alone for another six months.”
Powers/Tactics: In a lot of ways, Paul McClinton
is a cop’s cop. He’s just as smart as he is tough,
and he backs those qualities up with a laser-
sharp street sense and a knowledge of Hudson
City’s dark side earned in over two decades on
the beat. He’s got the acting skills of a Hollywood
star, and can conduct an interrogation better
than nearly anyone on the force.
But there’s a flip side: he’s also the most cor-
rupt cop on the HCPD... and given the depart-
ment’s well-deserved reputation for being dirty,
that’s saying something. His corruption starts
with the little things, like ignoring suspects’ con-
stitutional rights and administering curbstone
justice when it suits him, but it gets bigger. He
takes bribes from many gangs and independent
criminals to leave them alone or lean on their
competition a little harder. He arranges for evi-
dence to go “missing” so the prosecutor can’t
obtain a conviction, then sells the stuff back to
whoever the cops seized it from for a tidy profit.
A time or two he’s gotten involved in drug deal-
172 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
LT. MCCLINTON Campaign Use: To the PCs, Lt. McClinton may not
PLOT SEEDS look like much of an opponent — how hard could HERO COP
it be to get rid of one cop? But you should keep
Internal Affairs is several things in mind. First, McClinton has a lot of SAVES KIDS
coming a little too close friends at all levels and precincts of the HCPD. If
to one of McClinton’s he comes to any harm, every cop in the city will be Lieutenant Paul McClinton, the cop who made head-
schemes. Looking for a lines two years ago with a $50 million cocaine bust in
looking to get revenge for it; if he comes under fire,
scapegoat to frame, he Latin City, was a hero again yesterday when he saved
dozens of staunch defenders will leap to his side. two children, ages seven and eight, from being run over
hits upon the PCs. Second, and perhaps more importantly, cutting by an out of control dump truck.
off the head will not kill the body. The PCs can get
One of the PCs’ street “It was the most amazing thing I ever saw,” said con-
rid of Lt. McClinton, but they can’t root out all the
contacts says he’s got struction worker Luis Raynaldo. “We’ve told all the kids
corruption he spawned (and, in a dramatic sense, around here not to play near the site, but they never
some juicy informa-
tion about a “major bad embodies) nearly so easily. Correcting the problem listen. These two, they were on the sidewalk next to the
cop” that he’s willing to McClinton represents should take a lot more than a site. We saw the truck swerve toward them suddenly,
sell. But when they go few well-placed bullets and a speech about Justice. but we were all too far away to do anything. I don’t
to meet him, he turns To make McClinton a tougher personal foe know where that cop came from, but he scooped them
up dead. Are the PCs for the PCs, increase his Primary Characteristics to up and dove out of the way right before the truck ran
tough, determined, the 15-18 range (that probably means making him through there and smashed into the GC’s trailer. If he’d
and dedicated enough a younger man as well). To weaken him, change his been a second later, those kids would’a been killed.”
to trace this clue back character sheet to show how battered, beaten, and The driver of the dump truck, Denny Gibson, was
to McClinton and pin bruised he’s gotten over the course of twenty-plus found dead at the scene, apparently of a heart attack. A
something on him at Police Department spokesmen stated that McClinton
years on the street (for example, reduce his Run-
long last? and his men were in the area on police business, but
ning to 4” because of an old leg wound, give him
Physical Limitation: One Eye, and so on). refused to provide further information. McClinton
McClinton decides to himself was unavailable for comment.
retire... giving rise to If McClinton’s Hunting the PCs, they’re in
trouble. He can’t direct the actions of the HCPD —from a November, 2004 news report
the question of who will
succeed him as the king- at will, but he has enough pull that he can get a
pin of Hudson City’s lot of cops paying a lot more attention to the PCs
corrupt cops. The vari-
ous “contenders” have
than they’d like. If he has to, he can even reach out
beyond Hudson City to call down some audits or
started a shadow war
in the streets, with cop
federal heat on the PCs. He’s not stupid enough to IRISH UP
go after them with a gun; there are so many easier
shooting cop. The PCs ways to ruin them. “Did you hear what happened to the Montgomeries?”
have to find out what’s
Paul McClinton has no criminal record. He’s “No, what? Janie lose at tennis again?”
happening and put an
end to it. had several civilian complaints filed against him “They were robbed!”
during his career, and has been involved in over
“My God, are you serious?”
a dozen shootings (including three fatalities), but
departmental review has cleared him every time. “Do I look like I’m joking?”
“What happened?”
Appearance: Paul McClinton is a white man in his
mid-40s. He stands 5’11” tall and weighs about 190 “Nobody knows. They were away with the kids for a
pounds, his trim body having long ago given way few days, only the servants were around. One morning
to a general flabbiness. His lined, weathered face the servants woke up to find most of Janie’s jewelry and
several valuable pieces of silver missing. All the alarms
shows the strain of too many days tramping the
were still turned on, nothing else had been disturbed,
Hudson City streets in the cold, too many nights and there were no signs of any sort of break-in.”
falling asleep drunk in bars, too many smoke-filled
poker rooms, too many horrors witnessed. He usu- “Do the police have any suspects?”
ally wears slightly shabby men’s clothes (button- “They’re questioning the servants. It had to’ve been an
down shirts, khaki pants, inexpensive ties), with an inside job. How else could someone have gotten in like
overcoat in cold weather. that without tripping an alarm or leaving a single trace
— fall from the sky?”
—gossip making the rounds in Irishtown
Predators ■ Chapter Three 173

METEOR Background/History: Julianne Greene grew up on METEOR PLOT

Val Char Cost Roll Notes the wrong side of the tracks, in a family so poor she SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] often went to bed hungry. Her father worked as a
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 mechanic at the little local airport down the road. She Someone has stolen a
15 CON 10 12- spent hours there with him, watching the planes take collection of valuable
12 BODY 4 11- off. Her dream was to learn how to fly herself... so she jade statuettes from
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- could fly the hell out of there and go someplace better. an art and antiqui-
She scrimped and saved, but she never had ties dealer who has his
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
enough for lessons. But one of the old guys down at offices in a downtown
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 skyscraper. The cops are
14 COM 2 12- the airfield, he said he’d teach her... if she’d “be nice”
baffled — but of course
to him. She was old enough to know what he meant, they’ve never even con-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) and it revolted her — but it was the only way.
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) sidered that someone
While she was learning how to pilot small air- came in from the roof.
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 planes she had her first encounter with parachut- The PCs have to figure
6 REC 0 ists. Flying planes was fun, but parachuting looked out what happened and
30 END 0 even more fun — and closer to truly flying. She recover the statuettes.
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 59 begged them to teach her, finally convincing one of
Movement: Running: 6”/12” them she was serious about it. She almost quit the A spy wants to obtain
first time she looked out the open door of a per- some data kept in a
Cost Perks
fectly good plane, but then she gritted her teeth and computer in the Ford-
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- ham ChemTech build-
Level threw herself into the sky.
ing. He hires Meteor to
She was flying! It was such an amazing experi-
Talents get it. After she succeeds,
ence she almost didn’t remember to pull the rip- Fordham hires the PCs
4 Double-Jointed cord in time. The second she landed she wanted to to get it back.
Skills go up and do it again.
3 Acrobatics 13- Julianne began working two part-time jobs, The government needs a
7 Breakfall 15- spending every penny she earned on parachuting highly skilled parachut-
3 Climbing 13- equipment and jump time. As she got better and ist for a secret mission.
3 Contortionist 13- better at it, she entered some competitions, winning The PCs are hired or
1 Demolitions 8- enough money at them to keep going. But as she assigned to track Meteor
1 Electronics 8- moved deeper into the world of parachuting, she down and persuade her
2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11- met more than a few people who were just in it for to take the job.
3 Lockpicking 13- kicks — rich people and spoiled brat kids who’d
1 Mechanics 8- never had to struggle for anything. They infuriated
9 Parachuting 16- her with their casual dismissal of everyone else and
2 PS: Appraising 11- their know-it-all attitudes. She became determined
3 Security Systems 12- to show them she was better than they were, even
5 Stealth 14- though she didn’t have money. Then one day it hit
3 Streetwise 12- her: why shouldn’t she have money? What had
6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, those assholes ever done to deserve their mansions
Jetskis, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground and fancy cars? She’d worked hard all her life, and
Vehicles, Small Planes, Snow Skiing she was entitled to a helluva lot more than she had.
2 WF: Small Arms The first thing she stole was one of their cars
Resource Points — a Mercedes. It was almost as big a thrill as sky-
18 Equipment Points: 150 diving, driving away with someone else’s wheels like
15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40 that. She sold it to one of her old boyfriends, who
10 Follower/Contact Points: 25 owned a garage; she knew he could make it disap-
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 pear. And the big stack of $100 bills he gave her for
it was the biggest thrill of all.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 104 She worked on her thieving skills slowly,
Total Cost: 163 taking the time to learn them right and not expose
100+ Disadvantages herself to too many risks. One of the things she
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) quickly picked up on was that while lots of people
20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) lock their doors, they don’t necessarily guard their
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves roofs or upper windows very well. And she had a
Beautiful, Luxurious Things (Common, way to reach those places....
Strong) Today, Julianne is a well-known figure on the
15 Psychological Limitation: Loves Charmaine professional parachuting circuit. With her “Greene
Watson; Won’t Abandon Or Betray Her Machine” team of fellow jumpers and their pilot
(Common, Strong) Charmaine Watson (who’s also her girlfriend),
5 Rivalry: Professional (with Black Tarantula, they support themselves doing what they love best:
Chiaroscuro, and other infamous thieves) skydiving. And at night, when the rest of them are
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Julianne partying, Julianne puts on a dark blue costume,
Greene) (Frequently, Major) changes her name to Meteor, and robs from the
rich to give to the poor: herself.
Total Disadvantage Points: 190
174 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Glock 20 +2 +8 2d6-1 1d6-1 15 9 Laser, Sil (-2)
Armored Costume (DEF 4, Activation Roll 14-)
Gear: Nightvision mask lenses (Nightvision; OIF), parachute, mini-chute (see text), advanced burglar’s
tools (+2 to Lockpicking), advanced climbing rig (+2 to Climbing), Utility Belt containing various
small and useful gadgets (but no weapons other than smoke pellets)

Personality/Motivation: Meteor got into the cos- ing and grabs onto the wall while cutting her ’chute
tumed crime gig partly for the challenge — para- loose. The doors on skyscraper rooftops and window
chuting onto the roof or side of a building is really high above the ground are rarely locked and secured,
difficult, and thus a major tribute to her skill — but making it easy for her to gain entrance undetected.
mostly for the money. Having grown up poor, she Of course, to parachute onto something,
doesn’t ever want to be without money again. She Meteor first has to get above it. That’s where her
loves beautiful and luxurious things, so much so girlfriend Charmaine comes in. A skilled pilot,
that she sometimes holds on to her loot for too Charmaine can get her right over the “drop zone”
long just for the joy of having it. every time. They use the plane the Greene Machine
Meteor is head over heels in love with Char- uses for daytime jumps, but with identifying sym-
maine, her pilot and best friend. They’ve been in bols and markings blacked out.
a committed relationship for years, and Meteor As part of her costume, Meteor wears a “mini-
would do anything to protect her. But Charmaine’s chute” — a small parachute in a compact back-
not quite so devoted. She cares for Meteor, but not pack that fits under her ordinary parachute. The
enough to risk her own safety or prosperity. mini-chute doesn’t work nearly as well as a regular
Quote: “No one ever expects an attack from above.” ’chute; using it requires Parachuting rolls at -3 every
Phase just to keep from falling. It’s mostly intended
Powers/Tactics: Meteor is a thief who gets to her to help break her fall if her main parachute and
targets by parachuting onto them — preferably onto backup parachute both fail, or if she has to jump
the roof, but sometimes she’s had to make daring out of a skyscraper to escape from the cops.
jumps where she gets next to the side of a build- Meteor strongly prefers not to kill — in fact,
she’d just as soon avoid violence or any other sort
of confrontation at all. But remaining free and with
Charmaine is worth the short-term guilt of shoot-
ing some cop or rich snob.
Campaign Use: Meteor is a thief with a “gimmick”
— an unusual approach to her crimes. The trick is to
(a) make the most use of her gimmick until the PCs
figure it out, and (b) make her useful against groups of
heroes after that. For example, maybe she could team
up with other criminals to form a gang, giving her the
support she needs on the ground and allowing her to
function as the “cavalry” when her compatriots are in
a tough fight and need unexpected reinforcements.
To make Meteor tougher, give her some
combat abilities: Martial Arts, some Combat Skill
Levels, or the like. Right now she’s not much of
a fighter, and if you want to pit her against the
PCs repeatedly, she probably needs to be one. To
weaken her, decrease her Parachuting roll so she
can’t attempt truly outrageous skydiving crimes.
Meteor doesn’t Hunt heroes or anyone else.
She just wants to get rich and continue to enjoy her
life as a parachutist.
Julianne Greene has no criminal record... yet.
Appearance: Julianne Greene is a pretty white
woman in her mid-20s; she’s 5’7” tall, weighs about
120 pounds with an attractive, slightly muscular
figure, and has shoulder-length straight, honey-
blonde hair. As Meteor she wears a full-body
bodystocking and mask in dark blue (with special
nightvision goggles to protect her eyes and improve
her ability to see in the dark); her parachute and its
straps are a dark red.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 175

NOCTURNE 3 SS: Chemistry 12-

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 SS: Sleep Science 14-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 1 Security Systems 8-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 7 Stealth 14-
15 CON 10 12- 1 Streetwise 8-
12 BODY 4 11- Resource Points
16 INT 6 12- PER Roll 12- 18 Equipment Points: 150
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
10 COM 0 11- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 176
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
Total Cost: 238
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
5 REC 0 100+ Disadvantages
30 END 0 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 62 20 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant; Con-
vinced Of His Own Superiority (Very
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Common, Strong)
Cost Powers END
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common,
23 Mists Of Confusion: Change Environ-
ment 8” radius, -2 Sight Group PER Rolls,
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Robert
32 Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+¾); IIF
Hedricks) (Frequently, Major)
(smokescreen generator built into cos-
68 Experience Points
tume and concealed underneath cloak/
robes; -¼), No Range (-½) [32] Total Disadvantage Points: 238
46 Mist Of Slumber: Energy Blast 8d6, NND
Background/History: Human beings spend a third
(defense is Life Support [Self-Contained
of their lives sleeping — and yet, most people com-
Breathing, Diminished Sleeping, or appro-
plain that they don’t get enough sleep at all. Eager to
priate Immunity]; +1); IIF (mist bracers;
regain some of that precious lost time, they skimp on
-¼), Limited Range (3”; -¼), 12 Charges
sleep, and the result is often disastrous: irritability,
(-¼) [12]
productivity lost to lack of mental clarity, thousands
28 Mist Of Waking Dreams: Mental Illusions
of accidents caused every year by people too sleepy to
12d6, NND (defense is Life Support [Self-
keep them from happening.
Contained Breathing, Diminished Sleep-
ing, or appropriate Immunity]; +1); IIF Here at Blount Pharmaceuticals, we’re taking steps
(mist bracers; -¼), Based On CON (ED to free people from the chains of sleep that have held
applies; -1), No Conscious Control (-1), them prisoner for so long. Imagine how much richer
Limited Effect (cannot achieve more than and fuller your life would be with eight more hours
EGO + 20, make target remember illusion a day to do things in! INVIGRA will return those
as “real,” or cause damage; -½), Limited hours to you by keeping you awake 24 hours a day
Range (3”; -¼), 12 Charges (-¼) [12] with no serious side effects. INVIGRA — coming
9 Mist Of Nightmares: Mental Illusions soon from Blount Pharmaceuticals!
+4d6, NND (defense is Life Support [Self-
Contained Breathing, Diminished Sleep- Except that it wasn’t. The Marketing Division
ing, or appropriate Immunity]; +1); IIF had gone ahead with its press releases and advertis-
(mist bracers; -¼), Based On CON (-1), ing campaign against his express wishes, and now
No Conscious Control (only to make tar- he was the one paying the price. He was in charge
get experience nightmares; -1), Limited of the Invigra project, and that meant it was his
Effect (cannot achieve more than EGO responsibility to finish the drug on time, regardless
+20 effects, make target remember illusion of how ridiculous the deadline — the one chosen
as “real,” or cause damage; -½), Limited by the !$&*%@# Marketing Division, for Christ’s
Range (3”; -¼), 4 Charges (-1) [4] sake — was.
3 Can’t Sleep: Diminished Sleeping (no Hedricks yawned again — a real jaw-cracker
need to sleep) 0 this time, despite all the coffee — and turned back
to his analyses of the different formulations. He
Perks carefully studied each test tube, reviewing the data
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- to determine which one of them held the version
Level of the drug worth testing further, thinking in
Skills the back of his mind how much he’d like just... a
3 Computer Programming 12- little... sleep....
3 Electronics 12- He passed out. His head came down on the
3 Inventor 12- test tubes with a crash, shattering all of them, but
5 KS: Dream Interpretation 14- he was too tired for even that to wake him up. He
1 Lockpicking 8- lay there in a puddle of proto-Invigra for nearly
3 SS: Biology 12- four hours....
176 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
It occurs to Nocturne None
that Blount Pharma- Armor
ceuticals may have Armored Costume (DEF 4, Activation Roll 14-)
other unusual projects Gas Mask (Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing], 1 Continuing Charge lasting 2 Hours; OIF)
he can obtain valu-
able resources from. Gear: Nightvision Goggles (Nightvision; OIF); Eerie Costume (+10 PRE; OIF, Only For Fear-/Intimi-
He begins targeting dation-Based Presence Attacks)
Blount facilities. Eager
to resolve the situation And then he woke up. that would hide the devices he used and make it
without getting the cops It wasn’t like waking up in the morning easy to frighten victims and cops. Soon Nocturne,
involved, the company — slowly coming to life and rousing to greet the master of sleep and dreams, stalked the nighttime
secretly contacts the PCs day. He snapped back to conscious instantly, with streets of Hudson City, stealing whatever he wanted
to request their assis-
no lingering drowsiness at all. Realizing the drugs while sleeping guards and dreaming watchmen
must have done something to him, he carefully snored softly nearby.
sopped up as much of the mixture as he could and
The guards and per- Personality/Motivation: Nocturne was a pretty
sonnel at a top secret began studying it.
well-balanced guy before he lost the ability to sleep
government facility sud- He was still working late that night, without
— a little smug and intellectually vain, sure, but
denly all fall asleep — having needed a single rest break the entire day,
otherwise pretty normal. Ever since he stopped
and when they wake up, when he decided it was time to go home. His body
sleeping, “normal” has grown smaller and smaller
hard drives containing might not signal the need for sleep yet, but his
valuable data are gone! in the rear-view mirror as he loses his grip on
mind was losing its ability to concentrate. He’d fall
It’s Nocturne’s m.o., but sanity. So far he’s just become much more arrogant,
asleep fast enough once his head hit the pillow.
he’s never pulled such greedy, a little paranoid, and generally amoral... but
Or maybe not. 3:00 AM rolled around, and he
as high-stakes robbery the longer he remains awake, the more twisted his
was lying there wide awake. 4:00 AM. 5:00 AM. He
before. Is he behind it, thinking will probably become.
didn’t feel tired at all.
or is there more to this Nocturne’s arrogance manifests itself in many
mystery than meets the His first urge was to tell the rest of the team
ways. Despite the fact that it spoils the “air of mys-
eye? they’d done it — that they’d created a drug that kept
tery” he tries to cultivate with his costume and
people awake with no side effects! But somehow he
aloof manner, he often can’t resist taunting or belit-
Nocturne and Le knew that was wrong. If Blount found out what had
tling his opponents, especially when their attacks
Bateleur get into an happened to him, he’d have to go through endless
and stratagems fail. Although he prefers to avoid
argument about who’s tests while the other scientists tried to figure it out.
combat altogether, it’s becoming more and more
cleverer and decide to As if any of them could. Dolts! They had the intellect
settle it with a crime tempting to try to defeat an opponent through
of tree snails — while he had a Ph.D in Chemistry
spree — whoever gets trickery, ambush, or better weaponry, thus proving
from Stanford. Besides which, even if he went along
the most loot during a that his is the superior mind. Furthermore, he can’t
with their plans, they’d just end up stealing credit
three-week period wins. resist an intellectual challenge; a vigilante might be
for his work. After all, none of them worked the long
It’s up to the PCs to put able to use this trait to lure him into a trap.
hours that he’d put in to make this discovery....
a stop to this competi- Nocturne has no real desire to hurt anyone,
tion and show both of It didn’t take long for the drug’s side effects
much less kill — but he could be pushed to it if that
them who’s really the to take over Hedricks completely, though he was
were the only way to prove his superiority.
cleverest. never aware of it. The human mind needs sleep to
relax, recharge, and stay on an even keel. Now that Quote: “Slumber overwhelms you... None can resist
Hedricks couldn’t sleep, his brilliant mind began to the mists of Nocturne!”
function less efficiently. He lost none of his intel-
ligence, but his streak of superiority complex soon Powers/Tactics: Nocturne’s weapons are several
shifted into full-bore arrogance of the worst sort. chemical concoctions in the form of mists and
Convinced he was wasting his time at Blount, he gases contained in inert liquid form in reservoirs
quit, burning plenty of bridges in the process. in the bracers he wears on his arms. By mixing the
He soon got a cold, hard slap from reality. right combination of chemicals, he creates an aero-
Word spread through the scientific community, and sol spray that renders the victim unconscious. By
he found out no one would hire him. From there adding certain psychotropic chemicals to the mix,
it wasn’t long before financial pressures made him he makes the victim experience vivid hallucinations
start thinking about... crime. Why should idiots and or nightmares instead. He can’t control what the
fools have all the money, when brilliant men like victim experiences during these “waking dreams,”
him had nothing? If they weren’t smart enough to and cannot inflict STUN or BODY damage with
keep what they had, then he deserved to keep what- them directly, but a victim could hurt himself
ever he took. But he needed a way to make the task indirectly by responding to the hallucination (for
easier and minimize his risk of exposure.... example, by chasing his “long-lost love” across a
Putting his talents as a chemist to work, Hed- “beautiful green meadow” that’s actually a traffic-
ricks developed several chemical weapons that filled street). A person who doesn’t have to breathe
could put other people to sleep or induce dream- or sleep, or who possesses enough physical hardi-
like hallucinations. Drawing upon the theme of ness, isn’t affected by the mists (Nocturne’s equip-
dreams and phantasms, he created an eerie costume ment includes a gas mask so he doesn’t accidentally
breathe them himself).
Predators ■ Chapter Three 177

For protection, Nocturne usually surrounds

himself with a thick mist that makes it difficult
to see in an 8” radius, then uses his Stealth to
approach within 3” of a target to use one of his “Okay, Hector, it’s all yours. Don’t get too much sleep.”
mist-weapons. He also wears a bodysuit of armored “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Hector said with a smile. “That’s
cloth under his cloak and robes. your department. I come here to work!”
Nocturne prefers not to fight at all. If con-
“Well, keep a close eye on all the pottery, don’t let any
fronted, he tries to escape, unless he feels confi- of it bite ya.”
dent enough to take on (and humiliate) his oppo-
nent. If his opponent can see through his smokes “See you tomorrow.”
or isn’t affected by his mists, he’ll do whatever he The first few hours were uneventful, as usual. He
can to get away. Then he’ll try to devise a way to checked the place over, making sure the doors and
defeat that person. windows were locked and the alarms were working. He
was almost done with his third round of the night and
Campaign Use: The best way to introduce Nocturne looking forward to a coffee break when he thought he
into the campaign is to have him pull a series of saw something in the Mayan room. Was that smoke?”
unusual robberies: store clerks and the like sud- He hurried over, shining his flashlight around, look-
denly fall asleep, waking up to find their stores ing for the orange of flames. He didn’t see any. When
looted; couriers who were carrying large amounts he got closer, he realized it wasn’t smoke, it was more
of money are found wandering in some park, bab- like some kind of mist or fog. He was just about to go
bling about the visions they’re experiencing, and phone for help when the sleepiness hit him.
so forth. Tracking Nocturne will be difficult, since He tottered a few steps, but he couldn’t keep his eyes
he doesn’t have a favorite target or established ter- open. He passed out, hitting the ground hard. His flash-
ritory, but no doubt the PCs will come up with light rolled across the floor.
something. (In a Dark Champions: The Animated A man in a cloak and robes stepped out of the mist.
Series-style campaign, he might have a favorite Beneath his hood and mask he smiled and headed for
target — objects related to sleep and dreams, such the display case with the Ming porcelain.
as paintings of dreamscapes — thus making him —Nocturne visits the museum
easier to find.)
If you want to make Nocturne more powerful,
increase the DEF of his body armor, or give him
a group of thugs to help him fight his battles. To
weaken him, reduce the DCs in his mist-weapons.
Nocturne would only Hunt a hero who
humiliated him, particularly if the humiliation
were intellectual. He’d look for a way to reverse the
humiliation while simultaneously getting revenge,
even if that’s as simple as luring the hero into a trap
Nocturne believes he can’t get out of.
Robert Hedricks has no criminal record.
The HCPD wants Nocturne on suspicion of mul-
tiple robberies.
Appearance: Robert Hedricks is a black man, 5’11”
tall with a trim but not muscular build and hair
cropped close to his skull. As Nocturne, he wears
bluish-purple, flowing hooded robes and a cape.
Within his hood, all that can be seen are green,
glowing eyes (his nightvision glasses); the garb
hides his gas mask, mist-bracers, and body armor.
He wears black gloves.
178 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 +2 Overall
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 32 +4 with All Combat
24 DEX 54 14- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 18 Range Skill Levels: +6 versus Range Modifier
20 CON 20 13- with all attacks
18 BODY 16 13- 18 Targeting Skill Levels: +6 versus Hit Loca-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- tion modifiers with all attacks
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 5 Accurate Sprayfire
25 PRE 20 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 3 Acrobatics 14-
12 COM 1 11- 3 Acting 14-
8 PD 4 Total: 14 PD (6 rPD) 3 Analyze Combat Technique 13-
8 ED 4 Total: 14 ED (6 rED) 3 Analyze Style 13-
5 SPD 26 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 3 Breakfall 14-
10 REC 4 3 Bribery 14-
40 END 0 3 Bugging 13-
50 STUN 12 Total Characteristics Cost: 197 3 Climbing 14-
3 Combat Driving 14-
Movement: Running: 10”/20” 3 Combat Piloting 14-
Leaping: 7”/14” 3 Computer Programming 13-
Swimming: 4”/8” 3 Concealment 13-
Cost Powers END 5 Concentrated Sprayfire
120 Super-Skills: Variable Power Pool, 60 3 Contortionist 14-
pool + 30 control cost, Cosmic (+2); Only 5 Cramming
For Super-Skills And Like Abilities (-½) var 3 Criminology 13-
40 HTH Combat Training: HA +8d6, Re- 3 Deduction 13-
duced Endurance (0 END; +½); Hand-To- 10 Defense Maneuver IV
Hand Attack (-½) 0 3 Demolitions 13-
20 HTH Combat Training: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 3 Disguise 13-
with STR); Only Works On Living Beings 3 Electronics 13-
(-½) 3 3 Fast Draw (Common Melee Weapons) 14-
40 HTH Combat Training: +40 STR, Re- 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 14-
duced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only To 2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
Simulate Exert-Based Martial Maneuvers 3 High Society 14-
(see text; -½) 0 3 Interrogation 14-
30 Shrug It Off: Physical and Energy Dam- 3 Lipreading 13-
age Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Requires A 3 Lockpicking 14-
CON Roll (no Active Point penalty; -¼), 3 Mechanics 13-
STUN Only (-½), Must Be Aware Of 3 Navigation (Air, Land) 13-
Attack (-¼) 0 3 Paramedics 13-
8 Strong Runner: Running +4” (10” total) 1 5 Rapid Attack (HTH)
3 Strong Leaper: Leaping +3” (7” forward, 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
4” upward) 1 5 Rapid Autofire
2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 1 SS: Biology 8-
Perks 2 SS: Chemistry 11-
10 Deep Covers (5, to be defined by GM) 3 SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 13-
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced 3 Security Systems 13-
Military 3 Shadowing 13-
15 Money: Filthy Rich 5 Skipover Sprayfire
12 Reputation: world’s deadliest assassin 3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
(throughout the Espionage World, Law 3 Stealth 14-
Enforcement World, Military/Mercenary/ 3 Streetwise 14-
Terrorist World, and underworld) 14-, 2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 13-
+4/+4d6 10 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
Basic and Advanced Parachuting, Hang-
Talents gliding, Helicopters, Small Motorized Boats,
12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED) Small Planes, Snow Skiing, Two-Wheeled
15 Combat Sense 15- Motorized Ground Vehicles
20 Deadly Blow: HKA +2d6 with All HTH 15 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Attacks Missile Weapons, Common Martial Arts
20 Deadly Blow: RKA +2d6 with All Ranged Weapons, Small Arms, Blowguns, Boomer-
Attacks angs And Throwing Clubs, Flamethrowers,
5 Eidetic Memory General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Gre-
6 Resistance (6 points) nade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons,
Thrown Sword
Predators ■ Chapter Three 179

9 Weaponsmith (all categories) 13- 1 15) CK: Las Vegas 11-

3 Linguist 1 16) CK: London 11-
1 1) Cantonese Chinese (fluent conversation) 1 17) CK: Los Angeles 11-
1 2) French (fluent conversation) 1 18) CK: Moscow 11-
1 3) German (fluent conversation) 1 19) CK: New York City 11-
1 4) Italian (fluent conversation) 1 20) CK: Paris 11-
1 5) Japanese (fluent conversation) 1 21) CK: Rio de Janeiro 11-
1 6) Mandarin Chinese (fluent conversation) 1 22) CK: Rome 11-
1 7) Russian (fluent conversation) 1 23) CK: Shanghai 11-
1 8) Spanish (fluent conversation) 1 24) CK: Singapore 11-
1 9) Turkish (fluent conversation) 1 25) CK: Toronto 11-
3 Scholar 1 26) CK: Tokyo 11-
1 1) KS: Art History 11- 1 27) CK: Vienna 11-
2 2) KS: Assassination Throughout History 13- 1 28) CK: Washington, D.C. 11-
2 3) KS: The Espionage World 13-
Resource Points
1 4) KS: High Finance 11-
108 Equipment Points: 600
2 5) KS: The Law Enforcement World 13-
70 Vehicle/Base Points: 150
1 6) KS: World Literature 11-
75 Follower/Contact Points: 155
2 7) KS: The Martial World 13-
N/A Miscellaneous Points: 2
2 8) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist
World 13- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 981
2 9) KS: Military Science 13- Total Cost: 1,178
2 10) KS: Organized Crime 13-
2 11) KS: The Vice World 13- 100+ Disadvantages
2 12) KS: World Criminals 13- 30 Hunted: any military or law enforcement
3 Traveler agency 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
1 1) AK: Africa 11- 30 Hunted: any intelligence agency 14- (Mo
1 2) AK: Europe 11- Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
1 3) AK: India 11- 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
1 4) AK: The Middle East 11- (Very Common, Strong)
1 5) AK: Russia 11- 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The
1 6) AK: South And Central America 11- Assassin (Common, Strong)
1 7) AK: United States 11- 15 Reputation: world’s greatest assassin,
1 8) CK: Bangkok 11- 14- (limited group: as Reputation Perk)
1 9) CK: Beijing 11- (Extreme)
1 10) CK: Cairo 11- 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown)
1 11) CK: Calcutta 11- (Frequently, Major)
1 12) CK: Chicago 11- 953 Experience Points
1 13) CK: Hong Kong 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 1,178
1 14) CK: Hudson City 11-

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Pistol +5 +9 2d6+1 1d6+1 15 10 Reversed ogives, AP, laser, Sil (-3),
clear grips/magazine, custom grips,
fine tuning II, improved firing pin,
carries at least 2, with 2 clips each
Autopistol +5 +9 2d6+1 1d6+1 50 10 Reversed ogives, AF5, AP, laser, Sil
(-3), clear grips/magazine, custom
grips, fine tuning II, improved firing
pin, carries 2
Assault Rifle +5 +15 2½d6 1d6+1 100 15 Reversed ogives, AF5, AP, laser, clear
grips/magazine, custom grips, fine
tuning II, improved firing pin
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Advanced Level III-A (DEF 9, Activation Roll 15-) if he feels he has to wear armor, but he usually prefers
not to
Various other protective devices and garb, depending on mission parameters
Gear: Between his wealth, connections, and Skills, Panthanatos can obtain just about any gear he needs for
a particular job
Clothing: Panthanatos wears many different types of clothing, depending on the disguise he’s adopted for a
particular mission
180 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
ANDRES Background/History: Despite intense investigation
PANTHANATOS by numerous intelligence and law enforcement
agencies, the background and history of the assas-
sin who calls himself Andres Panthanatos (“man of No. 57-39-6211, summary regarding subject Barbara
The classic Panthanatos all deaths”) remain a mystery. He first appeared on Talmadge: subject is a marketing executive with
plot: word leaks out that the scene in 1984, when he murdered the president Berkely Enterprises.
someone has hired Pan- of Argentina without anyone having even suspected Termination contract accepted 07/05/2004 for $1 mil-
thanatos to kill a person he was there until he fired the deadly shot. In the lion from a rival Berkely executive who needed her
the PCs would rather two decades since then, he’s murdered dozens removed as soon as possible. Payment made electroni-
keep alive. They have to of people in a variety of ways: gunshots, poison, cally to Aruba bank account 17.
find a way to stop him,
explosives, staged accidents, and more. The killings After studying target, rejected poisoning and several
whether it’s protect-
ing the victim, killing differ so much that law enforcement wouldn’t even other options in favor of sniping. Took up a position
him first, or getting his connect them to one another but for the rumors on the Prosser Building, from where I could easily see
employer to call off the that persistently swirl through the underworld into her office. Subject terminated at 1423 hours on
contract. and Espionage World about Panthanatos — who, 07/13/2004 with a single shot to the head. To disguise
though supremely cautious, seems intent on claim- the exact nature of the attack, I shot and killed four
other Berkely employees before abandoning location.
For some reason, a lot ing full credit for his bloody work.
of dangerous people Expenses:
seem to have suddenly Personality/Motivation: Unknown. Speculation
■ Travel, $1,400
concluded that one of about Panthanatos’s motivations range from soci-
the PCs is Panthanatos! opathy, to thrillseeking, to greed, and beyond. One ■ False identification, $500
In between fighting off expert has opined that Panthanatos considers him- ■ Food, $250
attackers who want to self an “artist” and his killings all “grand works of
rid the world of him, the ■ Supplies and ammunition, $75
art,” but there’s no more evidence supporting that
PC has to figure out who colorful theory than any other. The only thing that ■ Miscellaneous, $120
framed him, and why... can be said for certain about Panthanatos is that he
and put an end to it. —from the personal log of Andres Panthanatos
follows a professional code: if he takes someone’s
money for a job, he won’t stop until that job is com-
Panthantos murders Campaign Use: Panthanatos’s abilities and resources
plete, and he won’t betray or reveal his employer.
an important Pentagon make him one of the most feared men in the world,
official and steals some Quote: None. and you should emphasize this when using him as
top-secret data. The gov- an enemy for a group of PCs. He should be fully
ernment hires the PCs Powers/Tactics: Andres Panthanatos has trained capable of killing an entire team of vigilantes or
to track him down and himself in all the myriad arts of death. His skills heroes; if he’s not, keep improving him until he
get the data back. range from unarmed combat, to weapons combat, is. When his name comes up, PCs should become
to firearms, to poisons and explosives, and more. quiet and serious; they should learn to try to outwit
His HTH Combat Training abilities represent the him instead of outfight him.
wide variety of hand-to-hand fighting techniques It shouldn’t be necessary to make Panthanatos
he’s learned or developed over the years. You can any tougher, but if it is, increase the number of
use them to simulate many different “Martial Combat Skill Levels he has, and/or his SPD, until
Arts”-type attacks. The ability that provides a bonus he’s a major threat. To weaken him, trim down his
to STR can function like nearly any Exert-based Characteristics and Combat Skill Levels until he fits
Martial Maneuver (such as Martial Disarm, Martial your campaign better; you could also decrease the
Escape, Martial Grab, or even Shove). size of his Super-Skills VPP and the dice of damage
Panthanatos never goes anywhere or does in his HTH Combat Training abilities.
anything without having several weapons and/or Panthanatos Hunts heroes only if paid to do
useful devices with him (concealed or otherwise). so. In that case, the target had better make out his
He can also use ordinary objects as deadly weapons will, because the odds are he’ll be dead soon. Pan-
— for example, he murdered the London vigilante thanatos researches his target extensively, takes the
Nemesis by throwing a fountain pen through his time to prepare in every way he can think of, and
eye into his brain. then kills the target with violent efficiency.
Panthanatos has no one favored form of attack Panthanatos’s criminal record is much too
or method of assassination. He prefers to remain detailed to describe here. Depending on who one
flexible and unpredictable, giving him the abil- asks, he’s considered responsible for somewhere
ity to react appropriately to any situation with his between two and five hundred murders, most of
broad mix of Skills and equipment. In addition to them of prominent or well-protected targets.
his combat abilities, Panthanatos knows dozens of
useful skills, and has access to vast sums of money, Appearance: Unknown. It’s believed he’s a white
a fleet of vehicles, and about a dozen sumptuous male, about 5’10 to 6’2” tall, with an athletic build.
houses scattered throughout the world.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 181

THE PHILISTINE Background/History: Don’t worry, bitch, you’ll get yours.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes I’ve seen you. You walk around town wearing
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] clothes so tight every guy you pass stops and stares.
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 You prance around your apartment in nothing but
12 CON 4 11- your disgusting underwear. You display yourself for
12 BODY 4 11- everyone to see, but you never give anyone a taste.
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Not even a little taste.
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4 You’re nothing but a cockteasing bitch. I know
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 what you really want... and when I’m done giving it
8 COM -1 11- to you, no one will ever want to look at you again.
Several months ago, a new predator began
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) stalking the women of Hudson City. Choosing only
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) beautiful women as his victims, he kidnaps them,
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 violently rapes them, and then mutilates them. He
4 REC 0 cuts off noses and breasts, carves up faces, slices
24 END 0 through cheeks to make smiles “wider,” or what-
24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 43 ever else he can think of to ruin a woman’s beauty.
Movement: Running: 6”/12” When he’s done he leaves his victims alive so they
can experience what it’s like to be ugly for the rest
Cost Powers END of their lives.
4 Disappearing Act: Teleportation 6”; Can
Only Teleport To Places The Philistine Personality/Motivation: According to his victims,
Could Normally Go (-½), Must Cross the Philistine (a name given to him by some
Intervening Space (-¼), No Noncombat morbid reporter at the Hudson Sun) seems like a
Multiple (-¼), Only To “Vanish” When No kind, even charming, man... at first. He got close
One Is Looking (-½), Requires A Stealth to several of his victims by offering to help them
Roll (-½) 2 with stalled cars or packages they were carrying;
he picked some of the others up in bars, or simply
Perks snatched them off otherwise deserted streets. He
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- clearly possesses a lot of social confidence.
Level According to criminal psychologists working
Talents with the joint HCPD-FBI task force trying to track
17 Danger Sense (out of combat, self only, him down, the Philistine’s crimes indicate he has a
intuitional [see text]) 14- sickeningly intense loathing of women — either all
women, or beautiful women in particular (no one
Skills can say for sure). Expressions of rage and loathing
2 AK: LeMastre Park 11- rather than lust, his rapes culminate in the ruin-
3 AK: The Strip And North Elmview 12- ation of the beauty that simultaneously tempts and
2 CK: Hudson City 11- enrages/disgusts him.
1 KS: The Law Enforcement World 8- FBI analysts theorize that the Philistine is
3 KS: The Vice World 12- a white male who’s addicted to pornography; he
3 Seduction 12- probably spends a lot of time on and around the
7 Shadowing 14- Strip, and is likely impotent with women under
3 Stealth 12- normal circumstances. Unmarried, he probably
1 Streetwise 8- lives alone, or maybe with a relative who’s depen-
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades dent on him for care and can’t control his comings
Resource Points and goings.
0 Equipment Points: 60 Quote: “You like it this way, don’t you, whore?”
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 Powers/Tactics: Once he gets his victims alone,
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 the Philistine typically knocks them out using a
blackjack or similar implement. When they come
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 52 to, they’re restrained, and he duct tapes their eyes
Total Cost: 95 and mouths so they can’t see or cry out. When he’s
100+ Disadvantages done with them, he puts rough bandages over the
25 Hunted: Joint HCPD-FBI task force 11- (Mo bleeding parts of their bodies, knocks them out
Pow, NCI, Capture) again, and dumps them by the side of the road. He
20 Psychological Limitation: Antisocial Person- chooses drop-off locations in the suburbs where he
ality Disorder (Very Common, Strong) feels he can get in and out without being seen, but
20 Psychological Limitation: Misogyny (Very where someone will find the victim (or she can go
Common, Strong) for help when she awakens).
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown) The Philistine seems to have an uncanny
(Frequently, Major) knack for detecting cops. Several times the HCPD
has felt it was close to catching him or luring him
Total Disadvantage Points: 180 into a trap, only to have him back off and go to
182 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Knife +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6
Blackjack +0 — 2d6 N — — 5
Gear: Rape kit (rope, handcuffs, and duct tape with which to bind his victims)

ground until he felt it were safe again. (In game they have to figure out who he is, or find some way
terms, his Danger Sense represents this trait; the to capture him, before he rapes and mutilates more
Intuitional limits him mainly to detecting attempts women. His identity is left undetermined so you
to catch him, or circumstances where he might oth- can fit him into your campaign with ease, if pos-
erwise unknowingly expose himself to capture.) sible making him someone the PCs know (or at
least have met before) to increase the impact of his
Campaign Use: Like the Kissing Bandit, the Philis-
capture. He has no plot seeds because he’s a plot
tine poses a deadly mystery for the PCs to solve:
seed by himself: his dramatic raison d’etre is for the
PCs to hunt him down and capture or kill him.
WORTH A The Philistine isn’t intended to be able to fight
the PCs, but if you want him to, boost his Charac-
THOUSAND WORDS? teristics a little (including his SPD to 4) and give
him Knifefighting and/or some Combat Skill Levels
“All right, all right, pipe down and listen up. We’ve got a
witness who may have seen the Philistine at work. We’re
so he’s a more viable opponent. To weaken him, get
circulating a police sketch right now.” rid of his Disappearing Act.
The Philistine doesn’t Hunt heroes. He’s got
“What happened, Lieutenant?”
enough to do... though if one of the PCs is a beauti-
“The witness saw someone she believes was the most ful woman, it’s possible she could become one of
recent victim, Anne Crosswell, getting into a car with his targets.
a man. The car headed west, as if going out of town; As far as the authorities can tell, the Philis-
Crosswell’s body was found three days later near the
tine has no criminal record (though of course he’s
Inner Beltline. The witness recognized Crosswell from
the pictures we distributed to reporters.”
wanted for nearly a dozen rape/aggravated assaults).
DNA typing using his semen yields no matches.
“Lieutenant, there’s not much detail on this picture.
There could be thousands of guys in Hudson City that Appearance: Unknown. The Philistine’s victims
kind of fit this description.” have described him as a white male, 5’4” to 5’11”
“I know, I know — but at least it’s something to work tall, with blonde, black, or brown hair. Some
with. You never know when we’re gonna get the break describe him as having facial hair, some not. The
we need to catch this scumbag; maybe this is it.” clothing he’s worn during his attacks has varied
—daily briefing to the HCPD-FBI joint task force pur- from business suits to sweatsuits. The HCPD cir-
suing the Philistine culates several different sketches showing what he
might look like.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 183

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 16 +2 with All Combat
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 6 +2 with Firearms
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 5 Accurate Sprayfire
19 CON 18 13- 1 Bribery 8-
15 BODY 10 12- 3 Bugging 13-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 1 Bureaucratics 8-
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 3 Climbing 13-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 3 Combat Driving 13-
13 COM 2 11- 3 Combat Piloting 13-
8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) 5 Computer Programming 14-
6 ED 2 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) 5 Concentrated Sprayfire
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 5 Cramming
8 REC 2 1 Criminology 8-
38 END 0 3 Cryptography 13-
40 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 139 3 Deduction 13-
3 Demolitions 13-
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 Electronics 13-
Leaping: 5”/10” 3 High Society 13-
Swimming: 4”/8” 3 Inventor 13-
Cost Powers END 3 KS: The Espionage World 13-
Martial Arts: Commando Training 2 KS: The Hacker World 11-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 5d6 + vel/5, 3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 13-
Target Falls 3 KS: Military Science 13-
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 7d6 2 KS: World Literature 11-
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, 2 Language: Japanese (fluent conversation;
3d6 NND (2) English is Native)
4 Escape +0 +0 40 STR vs. 2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)
Grabs 3 Lockpicking 13-
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 3 Mechanics 13-
Limbs, 35 STR 3 Security Systems 13-
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 35 STR 3 Seduction 13-
4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA 1d6 (2d6 5 Skipover Sprayfire
with STR) 3 Stealth 13-
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 3 Streetwise 13-
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) 4 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 13-
6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1 3 Systems Operation 13-
2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (5” forward, 3” 9 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
upward) 1 Basic and Advanced Parachuting, Helicopters,
2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes,
10 Fortune Favors The Bold: Luck 2d6 0 Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
6 WF: Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/
Perks Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers,
3 Computer Link: FBI’s NCIC computer Shoulder-Fired Weapons
system 3 Traveler
3 Computer Link: DEA’s NADDIS computer 2 1) AK: Africa 13-
system 2 2) AK: Europe 13-
24 Follower: ARIEL computer (see below) 1 3) AK: South And Central America 11-
10 Improved Equipment Availability: Advanced 2 4) AK: Southeast Asia 13-
Military 1 5) CK: Hong Kong 11-
5 Money: Well Off 2 6) CK: Hudson City 13-
4 Reputation: highly-skilled, high-tech mer- 1 7) CK: London 11-
cenary who can pull off just about any type 2 8) CK: Moscow 13-
of job (among the Espionage World, Law 2 9) CK: New York City 13-
Enforcement World, Military/Mercenary/ 2 10) CK: Paris 13-
Terrorist World, security personnel, and the 1 11) CK: Tokyo 11-
like) 14-, +2/+2d6
Resource Points
Talents 88 Equipment Points: 500
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) 45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100
30 Follower/Contact Points: 65
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 437
Total Cost: 576
184 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
PROSPERO 100+ Disadvantages Conners spent several years with the Arsenal.
PLOT SEEDS 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) The longer he was with the group, the more he
20 Hunted: The Arsenal 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill) chafed at the discipline and restrictions. He didn’t
The NSA needs an oper- 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence want to follow other peoples’ orders — that was
ative who can penetrate (Very Common, Moderate) why he failed to make the SEALs. He wanted to
a top-secret Chinese 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- be his own boss, since he knew he was better at
installation and do some cenary (Common, Strong) this mercenary thing than anyone he worked with.
“work” on the comput- 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, Eventually he decided enough was enough and
ers there without being Strong) defected from the Arsenal, taking plenty of gear
detected. In other words, and money with him.
10 Psychological Limitation: Can’t Resist A
it needs Prospero — but
Pretty Face (Common, Moderate) Now he was ready to make a name for him-
ever since a mission in
New York went bad, he’s 5 Reputation: high-tech mercenary, 11- (lim- self on his own as a mercenary and criminal... but
gone to ground. The ited group: the Espionage, Law Enforcement, he needed an angle. He couldn’t compete with
Agency hires the PCs to and Military/Mercenary/Terrorist Worlds) established squads like the Arsenal unless he could
find him and persuade 10 Rivalry: Professional (with the Arsenal and set himself apart in some way. Since he had tech-
him to take the job. other such mercenaries; Seeks To Harm/Kill nological skills most mercs lacked, he decided he
Rivals) could carve out a niche for himself as a high-tech
Prospero and a gang of 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Phillip mercenary — one who could use both a computer
mercenaries take over Conners) (Frequently, Major) and a gun with equal skill, who could employ his
Katz Memorial Hospital 351 Experience Points knowledge of technology to successfully complete
(Hudson City, page 127) missions most mercs wouldn’t even understand.
and barricade them- Total Disadvantage Points: 576 If he was going to be the high-tech merc, he
selves inside. Prospero
Background/History: Washing out of the SEAL needed high-tech gear. An old friend of his in the
taps into the new Patient
Status Monitoring application course turned out to be the best defense industry tipped him off to the existence
Computer and threat- thing that ever happened to Phil Conners. He of a state-of-the-art assault rifle under develop-
ens to kill thousands of didn’t think so at the time — he was so depressed ment. That was just what Conners was looking for.
patients by shutting off and humiliated that he quit the military alto- He stole the rifle, modified it to suit his purposes,
life support systems and gether rather than give the government the sat- and built some other equipment to go with it. To
tampering with other isfaction of making him an also-ran. Lacking the emphasize his high-tech wizardry, he chose the
biomedical devices temperament for most civilian jobs, including codename Prospero.
unless he’s paid an enor-
cop, Conners drifted into the mercenary under- Personality/Motivation: Prospero is a tough, skilled
mous ransom. But is the
ransom all he’s after? ground. After a couple of years on various merc pro — and he knows it. He’s got a lot of confidence
And is it possible some assignments, he met up with James Berghalter, in his abilities, bordering on arrogance, and it
of his hirelings have now better know as Arsenal. Berghalter and Con- shows. If he says he can do a job, he never has any
their own agendas? ners hit it off immediately, and soon Berghalter doubts that he can.
recruited him into the Arsenal (see Chapter Two) Like many of the best mercs, Prospero follows a
Prospero’s failure to steal under the codename Firefight. code: he doesn’t betray his employer, does his best to
an F-14 in December,
2003 rankles him. He SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT
now plans to steal one of
the new F-22A Raptor Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
fighters... and this time CALIBAN +3 +3 2½d6 1d6+1 50 13 AF5, AP, clear grips/magazine,
he’s not going to fail. cryotreatment, fine tuning II,
improved firing pin, improved
range II, personalization, water-
tight, weight reduction
MIRANDA +3 +3 2d6+1 1d6+1 15 10 AP, clear grips/magazine,
cryotreatment, fine tuning II,
improved firing pin, improved
range II, personalization, water-
tight, weight reduction
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level III-A (DEF 8, Activation Roll 14-) with Anti-IR coating
Level IV Ceramic plates (DEF +2, Activation Roll 10-)
In appropriate circumstances may replace his headset (described below) with a Helmet (DEF 8 on the
Head) with the same equipment built into it
Gear: Prospero is a high-tech mercenary who’s always got lots of gear on hand. His typical kit includes
a fast draw holster for MIRANDA, laser sights for his guns, a surveillance scope, various bugs, and
a Utility Belt/Pockets with a wide variety of tools and lesser backup weapons. He also wears an
encrypted communications/sensory suite headset that incorporates the following devices and/or pro-
vides him with the following abilities: HRRP, Absolute Time Sense, Absolute Range Sense, a Gen-3
nightvision device, wolf ’s ears, a Mind Link to ARIEL, and +3 OCV and +8 versus Range Modifiers
with CALIBAN and MIRANDA. With the GM’s permission he also has a Satellite Link.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 185

complete the mission, and doesn’t switch sides in the about taking hostages or shooting innocents if he
middle of a conflict. But he’s also a greedy bastard, must to get the job done, but he’s not bloodthirsty.
eager for big payoffs and lots of loot, and sometimes
Campaign Use: Prospero is a skilled, clever oppo-
his cupidity wars with his professionalism. He’s also
nent who should give the PCs a real run for their
easily distracted by a pretty face.
money in any scenario. Between his abilities and
Prospero has few ties to the civilian world, but
his preparation, he should be a match for them; if
he does take care of his aged mother, who lives in
not, make him more powerful or arrange the sit-
an assisted care facility in the Hudson City suburb
uation so he is. The PCs should perceive him as
of Northdale. He visits her when he can, and sends
a foe they can’t be sure of defeating — one who’ll
money every month in addition to paying for her
give them a rough
room, board, and medical care (which aren’t cheap).
time even when they
Quote: “Once I get inside, I’ll patch ARIEL into think they have him
their systems. I’ll have complete control of the on the ropes.
building, including their security cameras and To make Pros-
devices — and they won’t be able to do a damn pero tougher, give
thing about it.” him more Extra
Damage Classes,
Powers/Tactics: Someone once described Pros-
Combat Skill Levels,
pero as “a special forces soldier who’s also an expert
or Skill Levels. To
hacker,” and that’s a pretty good capsule description.
weaken him, reduce
Military training, including the SEAL application
his INT and DEX
course, plus years of experience as a mercenary com-
to 14-17 each, and
bine to make him a deadly soldier; his accurate aim,
reduce any Skill rolls
strong grasp of tactics, and physical prowess don’t
he bought above
hurt any, either. But if the job requires skull-sweat
base level.
instead of muscles, he can supply that as well. Most
Prospero would
of his jobs involve hacking, electronics, or some
only Hunt a hero if
other high-tech application in addition to firepower.
hired to do so, or if
Prospero uses a lot of gadgetry on his mis-
the hero repeatedly
sions, including several favorites he keeps with him
interfered with his
at almost all times. The first two are weapons. CAL-
activities. In that case
IBAN is an advanced assault rifle firing 5.56x45mm
he’ll study the hero
reversed ogive ammunition; MIRANDA a .45
carefully and gather
ACP pistol also typically loaded with reversed
all the information he
ogives. Both weapons come equipped with small
can... then, when he
cylindrical devices that observers initially took
thinks he’s got a “feel”
for typical aiming scopes or the like. CIA analysis
for the target, he’ll
of technology captured from Prospero following
lower the boom. He’s
his unsuccessful December, 2003 hijacking of an
not interested in rob-
F-14 fighter revealed that these devices transmit
bing or humiliating
aiming information to Prospero’s eyepieces. When
his target; if he Hunts
he activates the aiming function of this device, his
someone, he does so
eyepieces maintain a constant set of crosshairs and
to kill.
range information. CIA tests reveal this system to
Prospero’s wanted by dozens of police and
be highly accurate.
intelligence agencies around the world for crimes
The third device is ARIEL, Prospero’s custom-
that include murder, armed robbery, assault, and
designed laptop computer. Other hackers would
attempting to foment insurrection.
give their eyeteeth to get their hands on this bleed-
ing-edge machine; its advanced systems and soft- Appearance: Prospero is a white man who’s 6’2” tall
ware make Prospero’s work a lot easier. and weighs 210 pounds; he’s got a powerful, mus-
Prospero believes in the value of advanced cular build. His hair is black, his eyes brown. He
planning, preparation, and research. When pos- typically wears a light grey bodysuit underneath his
sible, he spends months, sometimes years, setting black or dark grey body armor and accouterments
up a job so it goes as smoothly as possible. He uses (boots, gloves, belt, holsters, and so on). He rarely
floorplans, personnel profiles, and every other wears a helmet, preferring instead his high-tech
scrap of data he can obtain to try to anticipate any headset, a sort of headband that includes earpieces,
problems that may arise and come up with ways to a microphone, and a trapezoidal lens over his right
counteract them. eye. The lens is usually clear, but becomes opaque
In combat, Prospero fights intelligently and if he needs to view a broadcast, see the crosshairs
ruthlessly. If he has a squad of men with him, he from his aiming technology, or the like. He carries
often uses them to draw fire or distract the enemy his ARIEL laptop computer in a slim backpack-like
so he can get off a telling shot (or escape, if it looks pocket on the back of his body armor.
like there’s no hope of victory). He has no qualms
186 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
ARIEL Value Disadvantages
Val Char Cost Roll Notes None
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- Total Disadvantage Points: 0
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Total Cost: 246/5 = 49
Total Characteristics Cost: 36 Final Cost (OAF): 24
Cost Powers END Description: ARIEL, a highly sophisticated laptop
18 Armored Casing: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) 0 computer, was built by Prospero based on the
10 Shielding: Power Defense (10 points) 0 design for several military computers. It assists him
4 TEMPEST Equipment: Detect Computer in a variety of ways — it can help defeat security
Radio Emissions 14- (Radio Group),; systems, fly aircraft, and break other computers’
Blocked By Power Defense (-½) security. Its lock is a voice-coded vitaprint (living
18 Fingerprint Scanner: Detect Living Finger- fingerprint) scanner that requires Prospero to place
print 18- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, his thumb against it and recite a code-word. If
Analyze 0 someone tries to open it with his dead thumb, fails
12 Communications: HRRP (Radio Group) 0 a Security System roll at -5 to bypass the device,
7 Encrypted Radio Link: Mind Link (to Pros- or fails a Lockpicking roll to open the laptop after
pero via his headset), No LOS Needed; bypassing security, the unit self-destructs.
Only Works With Others Who Have Mind
Link (-1), Affected As Radio Group, Not
Mental Group (-¼) 0 IN AND OUT
7 Self-Destruct System: RKA 3d6, Trigger (see “All right, it’s sent. Go!” I said, just as the helicopter
text; +¼); No Range (-½), Self Only (-2), touched down. The boys piled out right beside me and
1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4) [1nr] we ran to the rooftop door. They were all pros; they
did it all by the numbers. We were inside and down the
stairs in no time flat. The security cameras were dead,
3 Combat Piloting 13- their unblinking red eyes shut off as long as the virus
7 Computer Programming 15- I’d sent was bouncing around in the building’s systems.
11 Cryptography 17- The trick was to take advantage of their blindness quick
3 Electronics 13- enough for them not to be able to react to what we
10 AK: Earth 20- were doing.
3 KS: Archived Recent News 13- We reached twenty soon enough. I signalled Alpha
3 KS: Current News 13_ team to hit the rest of the floor while I took Beta team
3 Voice Recognition Software: Language: Eng- to the lab. We had to keep anyone from calling in an
lish (completely fluent) alert to security if we could.
2 Navigation (Air) 13- I heard McGinty shouting at people to get on the floor
6 Security Systems 16-; Only Versus Computer and put their hands on their heads as we reached the
Security Systems (-½) lab. I kicked in the door and covered the room with
3 Systems Operation 13- CALIBAN, moving the crosshairs from one scientist
6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, to another in quick, precise jumps so I could keep it
Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes, straight in my mind. “Okay,” I said, “no one move, no
Small Planes one panic, this will be over soon. Just keep quiet and
30 More Skills, as appropriate you’ll live.”
I kept covering everyone while my men moved out into
Talents the lab. Every computer they found, they tore open the
3 Chronometer: Absolute Time Sense case and ripped out the hard drive. There was probably
5 Memory/Recorders: Eidetic Memory a lot more valuable data on the servers, but we didn’t
3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator have time for that kind of data-snatching. When Ran-
20 Translation Software: Universal Translator 13- nigan gave me the “all clear” sign, we headed back for
the stairs. I radioed McGinty to join us.
Back up the stairs and to the chopper took less than a
1 Attack And Destroy Target
minute. We were out of there before the cops even had
1 Diagnose Malfunctions time to roll. Elapsed time from touch-down to evacua-
1 Operate Sensors tion: 8 minutes, 14 seconds.
1 Pilot Aircraft From A To B
—the crime’s eye view from Prospero
1 Scan and Enter Data
1 Scramble/Unscramble Transmissions/Recep-
1 Search Reference Material For Information
On A Topic
1 Send/Receive Data
5 Five other programs, as appropriate
Total Abilities Cost: 210
Total Computer Cost: 246
Predators ■ Chapter Three 187

REDBEARD 3 Streetwise 13- REDBEARD

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, PLOT SEEDS
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades A PC’s enemy wants to
18 CON 16 13- bring someone in to kill
Resource Points
16 BODY 12 12- him who can do the job
8 Equipment Points: 100 and then get the hell out
14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40 of town fast, before the
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25 HCPD can make any
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 headway with an inves-
8 COM -1 11- tigation. Redbeard fits
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 158 the bill perfectly.
7 PD 3 Total: 7 PD (0 rPD)
Total Cost: 250
5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 100+ Disadvantages Redbeard begins orga-
8 REC 0 5 Distinctive Features: red beard, various scars nizing all the biker
36 END 0 and tattoos (Easily Concealed; Noticed And gangs in Hudson City
into one gang under
40 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 92 Recognizable)
his command. Not only
25 Enraged: if someone insults or damages his does this have the police
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
beard (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8- worried, but it’s making
Cost Powers END 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) the national leaders of
Martial Arts: Dirty Infighting 15 Psychological Limitation: Doesn’t Give A the various gangs angry.
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect !$&* About Anyone Or Anything But Him- The PCs have to find a
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 30 STR self (Common, Strong) way to defuse the situ-
to Disarm roll 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre- ation before it leads to
4 Eye Gouge -1 -1 Sight Group quently, Minor) war in the streets.
Flash 4d6 75 Experience Points
4 Kidney Blow -2 +0 HKA ½d6 Redbeard and a simi-
Total Disadvantage Points: 250 lar “rough around the
(1d6+1 with
edges” sort of PC form
STR) Background/History: Charlie Cosgrove’s father was an unusual friendship.
4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(3) a biker. His mother was a biker’s woman. He was Will this backfire on
4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 6d6 Strike riding around on Harleys with his dad before he the PCs, making them
5 Roundhouse -2 +1 8d6 Strike could walk. He was destined to become a biker targets for Redbeard’s
3 Tackle +0 -1 4d6 +v/5 Strike; from the moment he was born — and he lived up enemies or people who
You Fall, Target to that destiny in spades. suspect he’s recruiting
Falls Charlie’s early “career” was with the Forbidden. them for a job?
1 Use Art with Chain That’s where he got his nickname, Redbeard — his
15 Tough Guy: Physical Damage Reduction, red hair and beard made it easy to find him in a
Resistant, 50%; Requires A CON Roll (no crowd. By the time he was 18 he already had a rep-
Active Point penalty; -¼), STUN Only utation for being a hard-living, hard-riding, hard-
(-½), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-¼) 0 fighting man. He could ride all day, party all night,
5 I Can Handle Any Bike You Got: +4 DEX; then go right to work cooking up a batch of meth
Only For Driving Motorcycles (-1½) 0 the next day. If you were in a fight, there was no one
7 Can Handle His Booze: +10 CON; Only you’d rather have by your side more than Redbeard.
For Resisting The Effects Of Alcohol (-2) 0 He never quit, no matter how much punishment he
took, and almost every time he left his opponent on
the floor, beaten bloody and with plenty of broken
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
bones and missing teeth to remember the brawl by.
Redbeard stayed with the Forbidden for nearly
3 Reputation: baddest-ass bad-ass biker of
another decade, but the time came when he found
them all (among the Law Enforcement
the gang too... confining. He figured he could do
World, the biker world, and the underworld)
better on his own, working both for himself and for
11-, +3/+3d6
other people who were willing to pay big money
Skills for his unique “services.” Everyone in the Forbidden
16 +2 with All Combat told him he was a fool — the other gangs would kill
him as soon as he didn’t have his own gang’s pro-
9 Combat Driving 15-
tection — but he decided it was worth the risk.
3 Interrogation 13-
The gamble paid off. His reputation had
2 AK: United States 11-
spread across the country, and wherever he went,
2 CK: Hudson City 11-
other bikers left him alone after he proved who
3 KS: Motorcycles 12-
he was — no one, not even the toughest club,
6 KS: Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs 15-
wanted to tangle with the legendary Redbeard.
2 KS: Illegal Drugs 11-
And plenty of gangs, unscrupulous businessmen,
3 Mechanics 12-
and organized crime figures were willing to pay
3 Power: Chain Tricks 12-
him to do what he did best: bust heads, smuggle
2 PS: Manufacture Methamphetamine 11-
drugs, and raise hell.
3 Stealth 12-
188 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Desert Eagle +1 +0 2d6+1 1d6 9 13 Carries 2, with 2 clips each
Brass Knuckles +0 — 2d6 N — — 5
Chain +0 +0 3d6 N — — 5 +1” reach
Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Gear: Tools for maintaining/fixing motorcycles

Personality/Motivation: At heart, Redbeard is a Powers/Tactics: Redbeard can fight with his fists,
rebel. He doesn’t like being told what to do, how to with a knife, or with a gun — he’s not picky, though
do it, or when to do it — he wants to be his own he enjoys brawling more than gunplay. If possible,
boss. He doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks he fights from his cycle; that gives him more mobil-
of him or what’s going to happen tomorrow, so he ity and the chance to run over people. Another
only takes the jobs he wants to take and spends the favorite tactic is to use his Chain Tricks Skill to ride
rest of his time doing whatever the hell he pleases. past someone, wrap his chain around their legs,
Usually that means he ends up hurting someone and drag them behind his motorcycle until he feels
pretty badly before the evening’s out, but who gives like letting go. (Treat this as a Throw when he first
a *%&! about them? hits the target with the chain; in later Phases he can
take a Full Phase Action to drag the victim behind
Quote: “Think I’ll just beat the *%&! outta you now
him, doing velocity/3 in d6 of Normal Damage. The
and save myself the trouble later.”
victim can free himself by succeeding with a STR
Roll at -1 for every point by which Redbeard made
his Chain Tricks roll.)
Campaign Use: Redbeard is an all-purpose scum-
bag: depending on what you need for a particular
campaign or scenario, he can be a brawler, a killer, a
smuggler, an enforcer, a drug manufacturer/dis-
tributor, or all of the above. If one of your PCs rides
a motorcycle or has a biker background, he makes a
great Rival or Hunted; as a Hunter his tactics don’t
extend much beyond tracking the hero down and
challenging him to a fight.
To make Redbeard tougher, give him some
Extra DCs with his Dirty Infighting, and/or
increase his Combat Skill Levels. To weaken him,
reduce his CSLs to HTH Combat Levels.
Redbeard has an extensive criminal record
in multiple jurisdictions around the United
States for murder, drug dealing, robbery, and
other violent crimes.
Appearance: Redbeard is a big brute of a guy, 6’2”
and 225 pounds. He looks like he’s gone a little
flabby (particularly in the gut), but that’s decep-
tive — he’s incredibly strong and fast, as anyone
who fights him quickly learns. He’s got a head
of bushy red hair and a long red beard of which
he’s inordinately proud. He wears typical biker
clothes — jeans, a t-shirt, and a sleeveless leather
jacket. The jacket has patches from the many
biker clubs all over the country who consider
him a friend or ally.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 189

Val Char Cost Notes RED RUM
1 Size 5 1.25” x .64”; -1 KB; -0 DCV
25 STR 10 Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH [0] “*%&!, man, you know what I saw him do one time?
18 DEX 24 OCV: 6/DCV: 6 I was at this biker bar down in Georgia, playin’ pool,
when in he rides — I mean for real. He rides his hog
11 BODY 0
right through the door, past the pool tables, and pulls
4 DEF 4 Does Not Protect Occupant (-½) up next to the bar. He yells at the bartender for rum,
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 gets a bottle of it, and chugs the whole !$&*%@# thing
Total Characteristic Cost: 55 down right there, without even gettin’ off his bike.”
Movement: Ground: 30”/120” “!$&*%@’ A, man. What happened next?
Swimming: 0”/0” “Well, a couple’a the guys didn’t know who he was, I
guess. They were pissed about him disturbin’ their pool
Abilities & Equipment
game or somethin’, so they came after him with pool
Cost Power END cues. By the time it was done, all three of ’em were on
19 Motorized Two-Wheeled Vehicle: the floor, and they didn’t get up for a long time. He was
Ground Movement +24” (30” total), bleedin’ from where one of ’em stuck him with a knife,
x4 Noncombat; OAF (tires; -1½), Only but he didn’t even seem t’notice.”
On Appropriate Terrain (-¼), “Aw, *%&!, man, that’s nothin’. I heard how one time he
1 Continuing Fuel Charge took on ten Hudson City cops and beat the crap outta
(easily-obtained fuel; 6 Hours; -0) [1cc] all’a ’em.”
6 Improved Fuel II: Increased
—legends of the man they call Redbeard
Acceleration +3” (can add 8” of
movement per hex); 1 Continuing Fuel
Charge (Difficult to obtain fuel; Description: Redbeard’s Harley-Davidson is a heav-
6 Hours; -0) [1cc] ily modified and customized “bob-job” version of
4 Heavy Tires: See The Ultimate Vehicle, a Harley built in the late 1940s (though few of its
page 41 0 parts are original anymore). With shortened rear
-2 Ground Vehicle: Swimming -2” (0” total) fenders, no front fenders, a custom engine, and spe-
cial tires, it can go much faster and handle better
Skills than many of today’s state of the art models. It has a
6 Superb Handling: +3 with Ground top speed of about 180 miles per hour.
Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 33
Total Vehicle Cost: 88
Value Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Valuable Motorcycle
(Concealable With Difficulty; Noticed And
5 Physical Limitation: Two-Wheeled (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
Total Disadvantage Points: 15
Total Cost: 73/5 = 14
190 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
BOOTLEGGING RUSH 2 Lockpicking 12-; Automotive Locks Only (-½)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Mechanics 12-
“I don’t usually have 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 3 Persuasion 12-
too much trouble with 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 PS: Hotwiring Cars 12-
the Hudson City cops 14 CON 8 12- 3 Stealth 12-
— they can’t drive for 11 BODY 2 11- 3 Streetwise 12-
*%&!, most of ’em. That 3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
course they make ’em Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
take is a joke. But some- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 2 WF: Small Arms
times they make things
tougher. 11 COM 1 11- Resource Points
5 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) 0 Equipment Points: 60
“I was on this run a 5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) 45 Vehicle/Base Points: 100
couple months ago, car- 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
rying a trunkful of H 5 REC 0 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
from some guys in Latin
28 END 0
City to some guys in Total Powers & Skills Cost: 170
Norward. I was taking 23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 40
Total Cost: 210
it easy heading up Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Ketchum Street — the 100+ Disadvantages
Truman would’ve been a Cost Powers END 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
lot quicker, but it wasn’t 11 Expert Wheelman: Healing BODY 4d6, 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
a speed job, so I figured Trigger (activating Trigger requires a 20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Kill-
I’d stay down low and Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a ing (Common, Total)
blend in with the traffic. Half Phase Action to reset; +¼); Only 15 Psychological Limitation: The Need For
Too many cops look- Speed (Common, Strong)
Works On Ground Vehicles (-1), Re-
ing for speeders on
quires A Combat Driving Roll (-½), 2 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
the highway, and the
Zephyr, she gets noticed. Charges (-1½), Costs Endurance (-½) [2]/5 quently, Minor)
11 Demolition Derby: Aid STR 4d6, 26 Experience Points
“All of a sudden there’s Trigger (activating Trigger requires a
Total Disadvantage Points: 210
blue lights flashing in Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a
the rearview. This cop Half Phase Action to reset; +¼); Costs Background/History: Bobby Rushton grew up in a
was telling me to pull Endurance (-½), Others Only (-½), Only little rural community in eastern Alabama where
over. I have no idea why Works On Vehicles (-1), Only Improves the only things there were for a kid to do for fun
— I didn’t run a red or STR For Purposes Of Causing Damage were football and cars. Bobby wasn’t big and strong
have a busted taillight, In HTH Combat (-½), Increased Return enough to play ball, but he was a smokin’ hot
and the plates were Rate (Aided points fade completely as carman. From the very first time he got behind the
clean. Normally I’d just
soon as vehicle makes a HTH attack; -½), wheel, he had a real connection with cars. He could
do it, but no way I could
stand up to a search Requires A Combat Driving Roll (-½) 5 feel how they were going to drive, and how to get
— that much H would 6 Working The Pedals: Aid Running 2d6, the best performance out of them.
send me up for life. Trigger (activating Trigger requires a Zero Bobby’s string of victories on the amateur
Phase Action, Trigger requires a Half Phase racing circuit got him noticed by people up the
“So I rabbitted. I turned Action to reset; +¼); Only Works On racing food chain. He looked like he might go all
onto Holden quick and Ground Vehicles (-1), Requires A Combat the way to NASCAR... until the night the police
gunned it, heading for Driving Roll (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Costs caught him smuggling grass over from Florida. For
Wright. Wright took me Endurance (-½) 2 once he couldn’t outdrive or outrace them, so he
to the highway onramp 15 I Can Handle Any Car You Got: +10 DEX; ended up doing a year in jail. That was pretty much
— now that I needed Only For Driving (-1) 0 it for his career as a race car driver — no promoter
speed, better to go high. 10 I Can Handle Any Car You Got: +2 SPD; wanted to touch someone with a drug rap.
A few seconds later and
Only For Driving (-1) 0 So Bobby went back to doing what had gotten
I was flying north on
the Truman. I couldn’t him caught: smuggling. He made runs all over the
outrun a radio, but all I eastern US, carrying whatever someone needed to
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
needed was to get over get from one place to another quietly: documents,
the river. drugs, people, you name it. Slowly but surely, his
3 Money: Well Off
base of operations shifted north from the Bible
“They tried to block me Talents Belt to Hudson City — there was a lot more work
out a couple times, but 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) available in the Pearl City than in the South, and it
with that many lanes to paid better, too. Known by his nickname Rush, he’s
work with I didn’t have Skills developed a well-deserved reputation as the guy
any problems maintain- 11 Combat Driving 16- who can get you from here to there quicker and
ing forward momentum. 1 Electronics 8- safer than anyone else.
Once I went over the 2 AK: Eastern Alabama 11-
Monaghan, I exited at 2 AK: Florida Panhandle 11- Personality/Motivation: Rush is a speed junkie, pure
Riverfront and headed 7 CK: Hudson City 16- and simple. He doesn’t walk if he can drive, and as
west... toward the Park. 5 KS: Automobiles 14- long as he’s driving he might as well go fast. To him,
5 KS: Car Racing 14- speed limits are vague guidelines for people who
Continued on next page
can’t drive properly (i.e., nearly everyone on the
Predators ■ Chapter Three 191

Continued from last page

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes “That was what they
None weren’t expecting — the
Park. That got me past
Armor all their roadblocks and
None *%&!. I’d planned this
Gear: Tools for working on cars beforehand, knew the
quickest way I could
get through the Park
Rush doesn’t have any desire to coming from different
hurt anyone, much less kill them. angles. Before they knew
He refuses to carry cargoes obvi- it I was back on the
ously intended specifically to hurt roads, driving along as
someone (such as poisons, or people safe as you please... after
he feels are going to be exploited stopping in the Park to
and abused for some purpose), and replace the tags with
doesn’t even pack a gun on his trips. fresh ones.”
But everyone with brains knows
to leave him alone; even if he can’t —just another day at the
defend himself, whoever he’s work- office for Rush
ing for can really put a hurting on
anyone who messes with him.
Rush’s driving skill manifests
not only in his high Combat Driv-
ing roll, but several special abilities
that help him drive better and keep
his car in working condition even
after it gets battered during a chase.
The Trigger for all these abilities is
defined as a “reflex action.”
Campaign Use: Rush is less an
opponent for the PCs, and more of
an obstacle (and potential Rival or
unusual ally). Once their enemies
recruit him to carry something,
keeping it from getting through is
going to be tough. Better brush up on
the car chase rules from The Ultimate
To make Rush tougher, give him
an even better car and gear, or give
him some combat abilities so he can
roads); a guy like him, who knows how to handle a fight to keep the PCs from getting
car, doesn’t have to pay any attention to them. He’d his cargo if necessary. To weaken him, reduce his
have an impressive collection of speeding tickets if Combat Driving roll and/or remove some of his
he weren’t so good at getting away from the cops. super-skills.
Rush doesn’t Hunt heroes. He’s a specialized
Quote: “I don’t really even come alive until I hit 60.” businessman, not a bounty hunter.
Powers/Tactics: Rush is a skilled underworld cou- Rush has a criminal record for speeding and
rier. He transports anything he can fit in his car that smuggling in most of the states east of the Missis-
someone wants transported, no questions asked. sippi River.
He’s carried everything from kilos of cocaine, to Appearance: Rush is a thin white guy in his late
a mobster’s prized Great Dane, to a last-minute 20s, 5’9” with unruly blonde hair. The frequent grin
caviar delivery for an oyabun’s party. He person- on his face betrays both his infectiously friendly
ally guarantees his work: if his cargo doesn’t get attitude and his cockiness; he only becomes truly
through, or it gets hurt or damaged during the trip, grim and serious when confronted with a driving
he’ll pay for it himself. challenge. He usually wears casual clothes — jeans
Despite the fact that he often endangers and everyday shirts — with a leather driving jacket
other drivers with his recklessness on the road, and driving gloves.
192 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
RUSH THE RUSH ZEPHYR Time (2-3 Hours to apply paint, and
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Notes 1 Turn to remove it; -3), Only Changes
3 Size 15 2” x 1”; -3 KB; -2 DCV Vehicle’s Color (-1), Shifting Back To
The classic Rush plot: 25 STR 0 Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH damage [0] Normal Shape Requires Special
someone wants to get 24 DEX 42 OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Equipment/Processes (-½) 0
something from Point A 15 BODY 2 2 Armored Hubcaps: +2 DEF; Activation
to Point B really quickly 6 DEF 10 Limited Coverage (not on wind- Roll 14- (-½), Partial Coverage
and without any cops or (tires only; -2) 0
shield/windows; -¼)
vigilantes getting their
hands on it. They hire 5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Personnel Systems
Rush to do the job. The Total Characteristic Cost: 85 1 Improved Seatbelts: +4 PD (adds to
PCs want to stop the standard seatbelt’s PD); OIF Bulky (-1),
Movement: Ground: 35”/140”
delivery. Gentlemen, Only To Protect Occupants Against
Swimming: 0”/0”
start your engines.... Damage From Collisions (-2) 0
Abilities & Equipment 2 Airbag: +10 PD (adds to standard
The CIA needs a top- Cost Power END seatbelt’s PD); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To
notch driver to help get Propulsion Systems Protect Occupants Against Damage
a defector out of Iran. 23 Motorized Wheeled Vehicle: Ground From Collisions (-2), 1 Charge (-2) 0
They hire the PCs to Movement +29” (35” total), x4 NCM; 6 Rollcage: +4 DEF; Only To Protect
recruit Rush for the job
OAF (standard tires; -1½), Only On Against Damage From Collisions,
and then babysit him
during the mission. Appropriate Terrain (-¼), 1 Continuing Rollovers, And The Like (-1) 0
Fuel Charge (easily-obtained fuel; 5 GPS Navigation System: Detect Exact
Someone steals the Rush 6 Hours; -0) [1cc] Position On Earth 16- (Radio Group);
Zephyr! Rush hires the 6 Improved Fuel II: Increased OIF Bulky (-1) 0
PCs to find it for him Acceleration +3” (can add 8” of Skills
and beat the crap out of movement per hex); 1 Continuing 6 Enhanced Suspension III: +3 with
whoever took it. (Alter- Fuel Charge (Difficult to obtain fuel; Ground Movement
nately, he may trade 6 Hours; -0) [1cc] 2 Airdam And Spoiler: +2 with Ground
them a “future favor” for 2 Nitrous Oxide Injector: x2 Noncombat
the job.) Movement; OAF Bulky (-1½), Only
Movement for Ground Movement; OIF At Speeds Above 40 MPH (-1) 0
Bulky (-1), 12 Charges (-¼) [12] 21 GPS Navigation System (Preprogrammed
9 Puncture-Resistant Self-Inflating Tires: Maps): AK: United States 50-; OIF
See The Ultimate Vehicle, page 41 0 Bulky (-1) 0
-2 Ground Vehicle: Swimming -2” (0” total) 19 Advanced Security: Security Systems 17-
Tactical Systems
Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 153
45 Ultra-Intensity Headlights: Multipower,
Total Vehicle Cost: 238
90-point reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1)
1u 1) Normal Luminosity: Sight Group Value Disadvantages
Images, Increased Size (8” Cone; +½), 10 Distinctive Features: Sportscar (Concealable
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OIF With Difficulty; Noticed And Recognizable)
Bulky (-1), Only To Create Light (-1),
Limited Arc Of Use (60 Degrees forward, Total Disadvantage Points: 10
same horizontal level; -¾) Total Cost: 228/5 = 46
3u 2) Blinding Brightness: Sight Group Description: The Rush Zephyr (Rush’s favorite car) is a
Flash 8d6, Area Of Effect (18” Cone; heavily-modified Lamborghini Diablo usually painted
+1¼); OIF Bulky (-1), No Range (-½), black (but the paint removes quickly, revealing a
Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Use silver coloring underneath, in the event he needs to
(60 Degrees forward, same horizontal make a quick color change). It comes equipped with
level; -¾) (among other things) a nitrous oxide injector, a GPS
2 Easy-Remove Paint: Shape Shift (Sight navigation system, high-intensity headlights, and an
Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; enhanced suspension for superb handling.
+½) (15 Active Points); 1 Recoverable
Charge (must re-apply paint; -1¼), Extra
Predators ■ Chapter Three 193


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 18 Equipment Points: 150 PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25 A series of seemingly-
14 CON 8 12- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 random but obviously
11 BODY 2 11- deliberate explosions
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 95 rock Hudson City. It
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Total Cost: 143 looks like the work of
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
Saltpeter Mary... but
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 100+ Disadvantages
who is she working for,
12 COM 1 11- 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill) what’s their goal, and
20 Hunted: MI-5 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/ how can the PCs stop
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
Kill) her?
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
20 Psychological Limitation: Hates Protestants,
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
The British, And Their Allies; Supports The Hoping for a big score
5 REC 0
Traditional Causes Of The IRA (Common, to retire on, Saltpeter
28 END 0
Total) Mary spearheads a gang
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 48
15 Psychological Limitation: Amoral; Has of thieves to take over a
Movement: Running: 7”/14” No Regard For Human Life Or Property major bank in Hudson
(Common, Strong) City so they can blow
Cost Powers END open the vault and steal
15 Reputation: deadly terrorist, 11- (Extreme)
7 Improvised Explosives: RKA 1d6, Explo- hundreds of millions in
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Mary
sion (loses 1 DC per 2”; +¾), Delayed bearer bonds and valu-
O’Shaugnessy) (Frequently, Major) ables. But can she pull
Effect (+¼), Variable Advantage (limited
group of +¼ Advantages, see text; +½); Total Disadvantage Points: 205 the crime off without
OIF (various appropriate household a hitch (i.e., without
Background/History: Mary O’Shaugnessy grew up in bringing the PCs down
chemical of opportunity; -½), Extra
Belfast in the Seventies during some of the worst sec- on her head)... and just
Time (takes at least 1 Minute, and often how loyal is the rest of
tarian violence there. She learned young to hate Prot-
1 Hour or more, as a Storing Limitation; the gang?
estants and the British, and when she was old enough
-1½), Requires A Demolitions Roll (-½),
she joined the Provisional IRA. The IRA taught her
1 Charge (see text; -2) [1] Saltpeter Mary teams
explosives, and she soon become one of the terrorist
Perks organization’s most expert demolitionists. The bombs up with Jihad to plan
and execute a series of
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military she planted took scores of lives, making her one of the
bombings in the United
most wanted members of the IRA. States after he gets per-
But times change, and that means organiza- mission to do so from
1 Bugging 8-
tions often do as well. As the years passed and the PLRL. The PCs have
3 Concealment 12-
the IRA became more and more moderate, Mary to track the deadly duo
15 Demolitions 18-
became more and more disgusted with her fellow down and stop them
1 Electronics 8- before thousands die.
freedom fighters. She finally decided no one really
1 Inventor 8-
cared about the cause anymore — it was all about
2 AK: Europe 11-
politics and money now. Her cynicism grew until
2 AK: Ireland 11-
she finally gave up on the IRA entirely. She still
2 CK: Belfast 11-
believed in the cause, but apparently she was the
1 CK: Hudson City 8-
only one, so the hell with them all. She went out
2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
on her own, becoming an assassin, terrorist, and
2 KS: The IRA 11-
robber for hire, putting her explosives skills to use
3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12-
to fill her own bank account instead of promoting
2 Language: Irish (fluent conversation; English
Irish independence.
is Native)
1 Lockpicking 8- Personality/Motivation: Saltpeter Mary — the nick-
1 Mechanics 8- name comes from her habit of putting a pinch of
1 Security Systems 8- saltpeter in her whiskey for flavor — is a bitter,
3 Shadowing 12- cynical woman. The pure idealism of her youth is
3 Stealth 12- long gone, replaced by the smoldering embers of
3 Streetwise 12- her hatred for the Brits and the feeling that she’s got
1 Systems Operation 8- to make her own way in life. There are no causes
2 WF: Small Arms anymore; sure and it’s a cruel, selfish world, where
3 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Incendiary the only friend she’s got is herself.
Weapons) 12- Years of working as a terrorist and bomber
have erased most of Mary’s compassion. She doesn’t
care about other people at all; even her occasional
romantic flings are short-term things intended to
fulfill her own physical needs rather than establish
any kind of emotional connection with another
human being. She takes more pleasure in properly
designing and using bombs than she does in inter-
acting with other people.
194 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
“Oh, her.
Walther PPK +1 +1 1d6 1d6-1 7 6 Carries 1 extra clip
“She’s as bitter as her Armor
name, that one. There’s a None
hate in her that’s glorious
to see, ’less you’re on the Gear: Plastique or other easily- and safely-transported explosives, explosives supplies (detonators and
receiving end of it. She’s the like), advanced explosives toolkit (+2 to Demolitions rolls)
got a temper, especially
when she’s been drinkin’. Quote: “Just hit this switch, and boom — nothing for each hour she spends making a specific bomb,
It fires her blood, gets her left but little bits.” up to a maximum of 3d6).
angry at any little thing. Saltpeter Mary’s not a combatant, though she’s
And she’s not one I’d like Powers/Tactics: Saltpeter Mary is a demolitions had basic IRA weapons and tactics training. She
to have angry at me, not expert with years of experience at killing people carries a Walther PPK or other small pistol when
with the way she likes to and wreaking havoc with explosives. Even if
settle arguments. I hear
she has to, but she’s a terrorist, not a soldier. If she
deprived of normal explosives, she can construct can escape from a dangerous situation, she will...
McManus got her dander improvised bombs if she has access to a sufficient
up one time and woke perhaps rigging an explosive booby trap to cover
quantity and variety of ordinary household chemi- her exit.
up the next morning to
cals (cleansers, powders, fertilizers, and the like).
have his refrigerator blow
up in his face when he In game terms, this ability is bought as an RKA, Campaign Use: Saltpeter Mary is a freelance terror-
opened the door to get Explosion with the Variable Advantage and Extra ist and criminal. Typically she’s hired to blow some-
some milk. Time modifiers. The Variable Advantage represents thing up as part of a terrorist attack or assassina-
her ability to put a Trigger or Time Delay on one of tion, but sometimes she works with criminal gangs
“But the fire’s not all bad. her homemade bombs, to increase the size of the who need her expertise to open vaults (or the like).
The cat likes to come out Explosion slightly, or the like. The Extra Time indi- She can also handle some types of gunsmithing and
to play after she’s had a cates how long it takes to make the bomb (which other low-level technical chores.
few. Gave me a tumble a requires a working kitchen or similar facility); To make Mary tougher, give her some combat
couple times that way.” thereafter, anyone can use the bomb quickly. The abilities, such as Martial Arts or a couple of Combat
ability only has 1 Charge, but at the GM’s option Skill Levels with Firearms. To weaken her, decrease
—from a statement by Mary can “stockpile” multiple bombs and combine her Demolitions roll.
captured RIRA terrorist them together to get a bigger blast (add RKA +½d6 Saltpeter Mary only Hunts heroes if hired to
Michael McGlynn do so. In that case, she follows the target (or other-
wise gathers information on him) until she’s got his
routine down, finds the best way to take him out
with a bomb, then designs, plants, and detonates
said bomb.
Saltpeter Mary is wanted for multiple bomb-
ings in the Northern Ireland area, though officials
there can’t verify her real name and only have
a couple of vague pictures of her. Various other
national police agencies, including the FBI, want
her for bombings committed in other countries.
Appearance: Mary O’Shaugnessy is an Irish woman
in her mid-to-late thirties, 5’6” tall and a trim 125
pounds. A little of the bloom is off her rose, but
she’s still got quite a fetching appearance with her
attractive figure, shoulder-length red hair, and
green eyes. She speaks with a distinctive, and lovely,
Irish accent, though the lack of education and
sophistication that’s apparent in her speech sort of
spoils the effect. She wears ordinary clothes most of
the time, switching to commando-style garb (black
or camo sweaters, pants, and beret) when in the
field. She usually has a large purse or bag with her
in which she hides whatever tools and explosives
she’s carrying at the time — she rarely goes any-
where without at least a small bomb or two.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 195


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 +2 with Interaction Skills PLOT SEEDS
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 3 Acting 12-
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 3 Bribery 13- One of the PCs meets
15 CON 10 12- 3 Combat Driving 12- this amazing new
12 BODY 4 11- woman — intelligent,
3 Contortionist 12-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- beautiful, sexy, playful,
3 Conversation 12- intoxicating. Unfortu-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 3 Cryptography 12- nately for him, it’s Satan’s
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 Disguise 12- Kiss, who’s either setting
16 COM 3 12- 1 Forgery (Documents) 8- him up for the most
5 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) 3 High Society 12- final fall of all, or just
3 KS: The Espionage World 12- using him to get close to
4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (0 rED)
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- someone else.
3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0 5 KS: Poisons 14-
3 Lockpicking 12- The FSB wants Satan’s
30 END 0 Kiss back badly, because
30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 64 3 SS: Human Biology 12-
7 SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 16- she has some informa-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” tion it desperately needs.
3 SS: Zoology 12-
But it doesn’t want to
3 Security Systems 12- jeopardize relations with
Cost Powers END
7 Seduction 14- the US by instituting a
55 Poison Kiss: RKA 4d6, NND (defense is
3 Stealth 12- major snatch-and-grab
Life Support [appropriate Immunity]; +1),
3 Streetwise 12- op on American soil, so
Does BODY (+1); IAF (lipstick, -½), No
3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, it decides to hire/trick
Range (-½), 1 Recoverable Charge (must
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles the PCs into doing the
spend 1 Turn to re-apply OA lipstick from job for it.
6 WF: Small Arms, Knives, General Purpose/
tube containing 12 doses total; -1¼) [1rc]
Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers,
55 Poisoned Nails: RKA 4d6, NND (defense is Several prominent busi-
Shoulder-Fired Weapons
Life Support [appropriate Immunity]; +1), nessmen have turned up
Does BODY (+1); IAF (nail polish, -½), Resource Points dead all around Hudson
No Range (-½), 1 Recoverable Charge 8 Equipment Points: 100 City without a mark
(must spend 10 Minutes re-applying nail 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30 on them. The medical
polish from bottle containing 12 doses 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 examiner thinks they
total; -1¼) [1rc] 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 were poisoned, but he’s
20 Sexy Distraction: Mind Control 10d6, not sure. Is this the
Reduced Endurance (0 END; -½); Effect Total Powers & Skills Cost: 306 work of Satan’s Kiss, or
Total Cost: 370 is someone even more
Ends Immediately If Anyone Directly
sinister lurking in the
Threatens Target (-½), No Range (-½), 100+ Disadvantages shadows?
Only Works On Persons Of Appropriate 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
Sexual Orientation (-¼), Set Effect (pay Kill)
attention only to me, ignore other non- 20 Hunted: FSB 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
threatening activity going on around you; 20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer
-1), Requires A Seduction Roll (-½) 0 (Very Common, Strong)
Martial Arts: Karate 10 Psychological Limitation: Likes To Toy With
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Her Victims (Common, Moderate)
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Reputation: assassin and expert on poisons,
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 20 STR 11- (limited group: the Espionage World)
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Tatiana
attacks, Abort Zatanikov) (Frequently, Major)
3 Legsweep +2 -1 3d6; Target Falls 170 Experience Points
4 Punch/Snap Kick
+0 +2 4d6 Strike Total Disadvantage Points: 370
5 Side/Spin Kick -2 +1 6d6 Strike
8 Poison Tolerance: Life Support (Immunity to SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT
OA, her fingernail poison, haemotoxins, and Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
neurotoxins) 0 Makarov PM +0 -1 1d6+1 1d6-1 8 6
Perks Armor
5 Contact: Contagion 11- (extremely useful None in most situations; if she’s expecting trouble and it won’t interfere
skills or resources) with her mission, she may wear Armored Clothing (DEF 2, Activation
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military Roll 14-)
2 Money: Well Off Gear: Most of her missions don’t involve gear (other than perfume, jew-
Talents elry, low-cut dresses...), but if necessary Satan’s Kiss can obtain many types
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) of espionage and military equipment
4 Double-Jointed
3 Lightsleep
196 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
THE BIG KISS-OFF Background/History: Tatiana Zatanikov is the daugh- sessed, leaving in their place a cold efficiency. Deep
TO: Deputy Director, ter of one of the KGB’s most infamous assassins, inside her, Tatiana remembers the child she once was,
DSO Grigori Zatanikov. For many years she thought her and the dreams she had, but she’s locked them away
father was nothing more than a typical Communist behind a wall of “professionalism” and devotion to
FROM: Rodrick Kaine,
Associate Deputy Direc- Party apparatchik — but then he needed a teenage duty. This makes her a perfectionist who plans every
tor, DSO girl to complete one of his cover identities. Initially job down to the last detail. She spends hours and
shocked by the revelation of his true career, Tatiana hours on her schemes, working without rest or food
DATE: February 10, 2005
soon found the whole idea kind of... thrilling. until she completes a plan.
RE: Satan’s Kiss Tatiana’s training has also made her emotion-
She proved to be invaluable to her father on that
mission. Sensing both her native talent for his type ally dependent on her performance — if a job goes
We now have credible well, she’s happy and content; if it goes badly, she may
of work and an opportunity for advancement, he
evidence that the two EU
introduced her to his KGB superiors. They sent her plunge into a deep depression that only lifts when
diplomats murdered in
Brussels last week were off to a training camp, where she stayed for several she has another job to concentrate on. To draw out
killed by Satan’s Kiss. The years. During that time she drilled, practiced, studied, and heighten the emotional satisfaction she gets from
forensics indicates it could and practiced some more. When she was finished, her work, she frequently toys with her targets, giving
be her lipstick poison, she wasn’t an innocent little girl anymore — she was them opportunities to figure out what’s going on or
and friends of both men a beautiful woman, poised and alluring, and a highly to strike back at her. Sooner or later this tendency is
report each of them skilled spy and assassin to boot. going to cost her jobs, or even her life.
spending time with “a Tatiana only had a few years to serve her coun-
gorgeous brunette” in the Quote: “What harm can one little kiss do?”
try before it disintegrated into a dozen quarreling
days prior to their deaths. Powers/Tactics: Trained by the KGB as an assas-
fragments. Disgusted by the whole process, and more
than willing to use her skills for her personal benefit, sin and spy, Satan’s Kiss possesses many of the skills
These are the sixth and typically possessed by such agents. Her specialty is
Tatiana left the KGB under less than friendly terms.
seventh deaths attribut- poisoning her targets; to make her work easier, she’s
able to Zatanikov in the Since then she’s worked for herself, using her
tradecraft as a ticket to financial security and emo- subjected herself to several common poisons to
past year. We’ve spent develop an immunity to them. Her toxin of prefer-
enough time “analyzing tional satisfaction. Because of her trademark “kiss of
death,” she’s known in the profession as Satan’s Kiss. ence is OA (“Osculum Astrarum,” the Kiss of Heaven,
the situation” and “consid-
ering our options.” It’s time a rather ironic designation given her nom du crime),
Personality/Motivation: Tatiana Zatanikov was once a which she developed herself from the poison of the
to do something before
carefree young girl. All that changed when her father chironex box jellyfish. She works it into her lipstick so
her bodycount gets larger.
Recommend initiation of consigned her to the clutches of the KGB. Their train- that the slightest kiss may prove fatal. If appropriate,
a termination protocol. ing killed the compassion and kindness she once pos- she also uses a fingernail polish made from curare, so
that even a minor scratch can be deadly. She’s a black
widow spider, tempting men into coming close and
then killing them when they’re most vulnerable.
Campaign Use: Satan’s Kiss obviously can’t stand up
to a group of PCs in open combat — she’s a far more
subtle assassin. You may enjoy using her the most
if you can work her into the campaign innocuously
(perhaps as a romantic interest for a PC) while she’s
undercover/not working... then reveal who she really
is later on.
To make Satan’s Kiss tougher, give her some
Extra DCs with her Karate and increase her SPD to
4. To weaken her, get rid of the Karate and her Skill
Levels with Interaction Skills.
Satan’s Kiss only Hunts heroes if hired to do so,
and usually only accepts jobs with male targets. Her
usual m.o. is to get close to her target using her femi-
nine wiles (even her Sexy Distraction power, if neces-
sary), get him alone, and then poison him.
Satan’s Kiss is a suspect in over a dozen murders
in numerous countries. Interpol has a fairly thick file
on her, as do the CIA and FSB, but so far she’s eluded
Appearance: Satan’s Kiss is a beautiful young woman
of Russian extraction, 5’9” tall and weighing about
145 pounds. Her long, wavy black hair reaches to the
middle of her back, her eyes are green, and her fea-
tures finely formed. She could easily obtain work as a
model if she so desired. She dresses in high-fashion
outfits appropriate to the situation; her favorites are
short skirts and long-sleeved blouses that display her
figure well. Her fingernails are long, well-trimmed,
and always beautifully polished (usually in red).
Predators ■ Chapter Three 197

THE SHRIKE 100+ Disadvantages

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 30 Hunted: Joint HCPD-FBI task force 14- (Mo
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] Pow, NCI, Capture)
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 20 Psychological Limitation: Antisocial Person-
13 CON 6 12- ality Disorder (Very Common, Strong)
10 BODY 0 11- 10 Psychological Limitation: Cannibal
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- (Uncommon, Strong)
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Edgar
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Williamston) (Frequently, Major)
14 COM 2 12- Total Disadvantage Points: 175
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
Background/History: Ed watched the hawk circle
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
lazily in the sky as it searched for prey. He sighed.
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
This used to be exciting. Once it had stirred his
5 REC 0
blood to watch the predator stalk and kill its hap-
26 END 0
less prey; now it seemed pedestrian — if such a
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 52
word could properly apply to a flying creature.
Movement: Running: 8”/16” In fact, all of my old pursuits pale in compari-
son to the Hunting. Racecars, speedboats, Lear jets,
Cost Powers END
skiing, parachuting, diving with sharks, stalking big
4 Fleet-Footed: Running +2” (8” total) 1
game — none of that interests me anymore. Not since
10 Lucky Bastard: Luck 2d6 0
the Hunting started.
Perks It began so casually. That first time I saw Ceci
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- out at Firetree, she took my breath away. What
Level grace, what beauty! Her skin was porcelain, and her
15 Money: Filthy Rich auburn hair had that single whitish-blond lock in the
center of her forehead, like the flame at the tip of a
Talents candle. Vivacious, intelligent, fascinating — and yet
3 Lightsleep she spurned me. Me! For that oaf Henderson. Bitch!
Skills But I waited, I held my peace. One day she’d be
3 Animal Handler (Equines, Raptors) 12- mine, and I’d punish her for treating me so badly.
3 Combat Driving 12- Finally my turn came. What a splendid night that
1 Computer Programming 8- was, crisp and cool with the frost creeping in upon the
3 Conversation 12- grass, and all the stars dancing above. What possessed
3 High Society 12- me to go for a drive I’ll never know, but it must have
1 Language: French (basic conversation; Eng- been an angel. There was Ceci, walking beside the
lish is Native) road, without coat or companion. I knew as soon as I
1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation) saw her exactly what was going to happen.
1 Mechanics 8- What else could a gallant young gentleman do
3 Persuasion 12- but offer her a ride? The look of relief on her face
3 Riding 12- when I pulled up beside her and opened the door
3 Seduction 12- of the Porsche to let her in — the irony of it was so
3 Shadowing 13- intense I could almost feel it. It was pathetic to listen
3 Stealth 12- to her whine about her fight with Henderson, how
1 Streetwise 8- she’d jumped out of his car and stalked away, leaving
8 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, her jacket behind.
Basic Parachuting, SCUBA, Small Motor- I made sure she couldn’t do the same to me
ized Boats, Small Planes, Snow Skiing, Two- — we went 60, 70, 80 miles an hour. She knew she
Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles was in trouble then, but there wasn’t a damn thing
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades she could do about it. We finally rolled to a stop at
3 Jack Of All Trades that stable way out in the country where I’d been
1 1) PS: Backgammon 11- riding a couple of times before — no one lived within
1 2) PS: Chess 11- miles of the place.
1 3) PS: Golf 11- She got out and tried to run away into the
1 4) PS: Polo 11- forest, but she hadn’t gone thirty paces before I was
4 5) PS: Torture 14- on top of her. I remember every little last detail like

Resource Points
0 Equipment Points: 60 SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT
15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40 Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 Hunting Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 Armor
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 119 None
Total Cost: 171 Gear: None
198 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
MMMM, CHILI a Braille imprinted on my soul: the feel of her silk She got on the elevator while I raced up the
Three Pounder Chili blouse when I threw her to the ground; the touch of stairs to her floor. I was so excited I didn’t even feel
her skin; the sound of her moans and sobs and cries; tired when I got there. I peeked out the door until I
2 tbsp peanut oil
the taste of her tears as I licked them off her face. saw her get off the elevator and start to open the door
3 lbs of flesh carved And the knife. The knife! The shock of the impacts in to her apartment. Before she could go inside I crept
from the loin or thigh, my arm, so many I can’t remember them all, a feel- quietly up behind her — that little thrill, the fear
cut into cubes
ing like nothing I’d ever experienced. The first time is of discovery! — and shoved her inside, hard, so she
1/3 cup minced garlic always the best. wouldn’t have the breath to scream.
1 tbsp red pepper flakes I didn’t take any meat that night, no trophies, I quickly shut the door and throttled her ’til she
1 med. onion, chopped nothing: I was too new at the Hunting, too inexpe- passed out; I didn’t dare strike her for fear of marring
coarsely rienced and scared. Don’t remember much about her features. God, what a night! All the others were
1 tbsp each oregano & the drive home. The rest of the night was horrible so quick, so uncontrolled, so ephemeral — for once I
ground cumin — prowling about the penthouse like a caged animal, could take my time and savor every moment.
4 tsp salt terrified of what would happen. When would they find A few hours later I got up from the meat and
her? Had anybody seen us driving? My fingerprints dressed. Wearing dark clothing so I didn’t have to
1/3 cup flour
were all over her! Oh, God, oh, God, ohGodohGodo- wash first was a stroke of brilliance — her blood on
2 cups bone-rendered hGod.... I was just about to pack for Barbados when my skin felt energizing, invigorating, vital. Ought to
stock, or beer if I haven’t
my wits came back to me. No one had seen us, no one do that more often. Took some meat with me when I
had time to make some
had seen Ceci at all after she left Henderson in a huff. left, for later.
2 15-oz cans beans No one could possibly have heard or seen us out in the Dad’s old slaughterhouse has been a Godsend to
(kidney or black)
country. So what if they had my fingerprints? I wasn’t the Shrike in all of this. It didn’t matter at first, of course,
3 15-oz can crushed under suspicion, they’d never think to print me at all. but once I started taking meat with me it was crucial
tomatoes As long as I was careful, everything was fine — and I — there’s only so much room in the freezer. The hawk
2 tbsp brown sugar could do it again. I could do it again. was still circling — and then it plunged! Ed couldn’t
¼ cup bottled barbecue It took all next day to get my nerves completely see what it was after, but he’d know in a minute.
sauce under control, but by that night I was out and about None of the rest of them have been as exciting as
1 tsp black or brown again, playing the young gentleman, a Shrike hidden those two. Just whores, ready for the picking. It’s good
mustard behind an Armani suit and a Rolex. I heard a few of the city to provide such prey for the Hunting. The
1 tbsp hot pepper people ask where Ceci was, but no one knew. Their meat’s not the sweetest, naturally, but the best viands
sauce (usu. Sriracha; puzzlement made me smile to myself occasionally, are always rare, and thus more enjoyable. The Shrike
sometimes Cholula or bewitched with the knowledge of what had taken is hungry again, too, and it’s only been a few days.
Tabasco) place, and what was still to come. Someone finally Finally the hawk returned to its perch, a
found the meat a few weeks later, after weather and pigeon in its claws. How predictable, sighed Ed.
Make sure every ingre- wild beasts had been at it. Don’t know if they got any Here in the city it’s always a pigeon, or a rat. He
dient is ready to go. fingerprints off it or not. picked up the dead bird, looked at it for a moment,
There won’t be time in The hawk continued to circle. then flung it over the side of the balcony and
the middle of things to By then I’d moved on. The Hunting was call- walked back into his penthouse.
open a can or chop the
ing me, wild, urgent, hot, undeniable. Only one
onion. Don’t drain any Personality/Motivation: Raised in the lap of luxury
of the cans; everything other time have I ever dared to bring the Hunt-
by uncaring parents who sometimes disciplined
goes in. ing so close to home, to take some of the meat so
him harshly in an effort to try to rein in their self-
tantalizingly near: Jennifer D’Angelo. She wasn’t
ish, reckless son, Edgar Williamston grew up with-
Begin with a very hot poised like Ceci, she was wild and rambunctious,
out equating punishments to offenses. He learned
pot, near the smoking uncompromising, like a young Katherine Hep-
that with money and charm, he could usually
point. Drizzle in the oil burn. She excited me almost as much as Ceci had.
do what he pleased without suffering any conse-
and immediately follow I ran into her and her family at the club for the
with the meat and garlic. quences, and that cruelty and manipulation were
first time in years right after she returned from
Sear the meat well, keep acceptable tools for living one’s life. Innately intelli-
her sophomore year at Vassar. Her father had
things moving just gent, he quickly saw the benefits his “bravado” gave
arranged an internship for her with some firm
enough to avoid burning him over the insipid mass of humanity who obeyed
downtown, she said, and she was living with a
the garlic (but brown is rules and procedures.
couple of girlfriends from college in a Bankhurst
good, to bring out the Edgar is superficially quite charming (years of
flavor). apartment.
social training forced on him by his parents saw to
Kept an eye on her for the next couple of
that) and able to mix effortlessly with the privileged
Add the pepper flakes, months... though she never knew about it, of course. I
and wealthy. But his veneer of humanity masks the
onion, oregano, cumin waited patiently for the opportunity I knew she’d give
soul of a monster — Edgar cares nothing for the
and salt, tossing quickly. me. Finally, one week in July, I saw her roommates
people around him. He manipulates and abuses
Lower the heat to packing to go on a trip, but not Jennifer. Bob told me
them at will, provided he can do so without risking
medium, then add the how busy they were with some IPO, so I knew for
flour, tossing to coat the his squeaky-clean reputation as a “nice fellow.”
sure she’d be staying in town.
entire mixture as evenly Edgar’s emotions are as stunted as a rose grow-
That night I waited around outside her apart-
as possible without ing in a desert. All of his life he’s been regarded as a
ment in a rented car until I saw her walking up. I
burning. “thrillseeker,” since only intense activities gave him
don’t think she ever looked twice at me, but if she
any pleasure. His endless succession of hobbies —
did, I guess the nice clothes and fake moustache
race car driving, polo, skindiving, big-game hunt-
did the trick. I went in the building right behind
ing, and many others — are a result of his search
her; she let me walk right in without being buzzed
Continued on next page for stimulation. His activities as a serial killer are
up. Stupid bitch.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 199

those same urges turned upon womankind. Ordi- Campaign Use: The police expect the D’Angelo kill- Continued from last page
nary relationships with women never stirred him ing to be the key that unlocks the case, since it dif- As quickly as possible,
at all; only the violence, rape, and murder of “the fers from the others. They’ve been questioning all of add all the remaining
Hunting” arouses any passion in him. His lust for her friends and associates, and those of her parents. ingredients, in the order
Ceci Blume and the hatred triggered by the way They may eventually talk to Edgar Williamston, listed. Mix well until
she “spurned” him pushed him over the edge, but since he belongs to some of the same clubs and it’s thick and bubbling,
he’s never looked back or suffered any remorse. social circles as the D’Angelos, but they’re unlikely then drop it to a gentle
simmer. Simmer it, stir-
He often takes trophies, such as a piece of lingerie, even to suspect him of being involved — he’s slick
ring occasionally, for at
from his victims, but not always. He keeps the tro- enough to look them right in the eyes and lie with- least two hours to let
phies at his slaughterhouse. out so much as blushing. the flavors smooth out.
About halfway through his career as a serial Sooner or later the Shrike will once again be The longer it sits (hot or
killer, Edgar began eating pieces of his victims. He’s tempted by someone other than a prostitute, prob- cold) the better. Serve
always used the word “meat” when thinking about ably some girl he sees at one of his clubs or social hot with those cute little
his victims, but after a while he began to take the functions. The more he does this, the better the oyster crackers, or some
term literally, carving off small pieces or organs chances of the police or PCs tracking him down, corn chips. Makes a little
from the mutilated bodies of his victims to cook since striking so close to home points investiga- under a gallon.
and eat later. At first he hid them in his own freezer, tors in his direction. Once he comes under strong
but he decided that was too risky. Instead he began suspicion he’s as good as caught because of all of Optional: When I’m
using an abandoned slaughterhouse owned by his the evidence he’s left behind: trace evidence at the feeling very festive, I
add a half-pound of
father. In the refrigerated room he has pieces of his crime scenes; a slaughterhouse full of trophies and
fresh mushrooms and
victims hanging on hooks, ready for preparation; he “meat.” He won’t go peacefully, though; he’ll fight to a chopped bell pepper
converted a side office into an elegant kitchen and the death rather than go to prison. at the same time as the
dining room. He eats there once every few weeks To make the Shrike tougher, increase his SPD onion.
for the thrill of committing such a heinous sin. to 4. To weaken him, remove his extra Running and
From this practice he gets the third-person name his Luck. He doesn’t Hunt heroes. Remember: Fat people
he uses for himself, the Shrike. The Shrike has no plot seeds; he’s a walking, taste terrific, but you are
Cannibalism is just the latest stage in the talking plot seed in which the adventure is “find what you eat.
Shrike’s quest for “emotionally fulfilling experi- him and stop him.”
ences” (intense thrills) — the utterly taboo nature Edgar Williamston has no criminal record.
of consuming human flesh is what makes it so
attractive to him. Heaven (or Hell) only knows Appearance: Edgar Williamston is tall, ruggedly
what he will turn to next for gratification. handsome, and well-built — he obviously spends
a lot of time outdoors in athletic pursuits. He has
Quote: None. dark hair and eyes and a pleasant, charming expres-
sion; he’s quite adept at hiding his usual boredom
Powers/Tactics: The Shrike’s tactics as a serial killer
and contempt for the rest of humanity. He wears
are deceptively simple. He doesn’t choose his victims
expensive men’s clothes appropriate to the situation.
on the basis of any characteristic such as hair color or
height (although all of them have been white). Instead,
except for the two instances described above, he con-
fines “the Hunting” to prostitutes he picks up on the
Strip. He dresses nondescriptly and uses a car rented
under a false name and paid for with cash when he
visits the Strip. He’s never bothered to conceal his
fingerprints or other trace evidence, so the police will
identify him easily once they catch him... if they every
do. He’s quite confident his social standing and influ-
ence will immunize him from suspicion, and so far
he’s been absolutely correct.
Once he picks up a hooker, the Shrike takes her
to some cheap hotel, overpowers her, gags her, and
then rapes her before brutally stabbing or cutting her
to death. Sometimes he tortures his victim before
killing her. In most cases he takes either a trophy
(normally a piece of lingerie) or some “meat” that
he cuts off of the body. The only two exceptions to
this pattern are the Blume and D’Angelo murders.
The police know D’Angelo’s killer is the same as
the prostitute killer. The papers refer to him as “the
Strip Slasher” and “the Bankhurst Butcher,” since
D’Angelo’s apartment was in Bankhurst. He hates
these names; sooner or later he’ll get upset enough to
write the word “Shrike” on a victim or a wall with the
victim’s blood.
200 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
SNAFU 2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 Navigation (Land) 12-
30 STR 30 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [6] 3 Paramedic 12-
25 DEX 60 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 3 PS: Mercenary 12-
30 CON 60 15- 7 Shadowing 14-
25 BODY 40 14- 7 Stealth 16-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 10 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical,
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 Urban)14-
25 PRE 20 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 3 Systems Operation 12-
10 COM 0 3 Tracking 12-
14 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
15 PD 16 Total: 15 PD (6 rPD) Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes,
15 ED 16 Total: 15 ED (6 rED) Parachuting (Basic and Advanced), SCUBA,
6 SPD 45 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Snow
12 REC 0 Skiing, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-
60 END 0 Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles,
55 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 287 Wheeled Military Vehicles
Movement: Running: 13”/26” 16 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Leaping: 10”/20” Missile Weapons, Small Arms, all Uncom-
Swimming: 4”/8” mon Weapons, all Emplaced Weapons
(except Early)
Cost Powers END 7 Weaponsmith 14- (Slugthrowers, Muscle-
Martial Arts: Commando Training Powered HTH)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 8d6 + vel/5, Resource Points
Target Falls 28 Equipment Points: 200
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 10d6 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab, 3d6 NND 10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
(2) 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 50 STR Total Powers & Skill Cost: 278
4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 1d6 HKA (2d6 Total Cost: 565
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 100+ Disadvantages
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) 25 Enraged: Berserk in combat (Common), go
6 Organic-Plastic Mesh Implants: Damage 11-, recover 14-
Resistance (6 PD/6 ED) 0 30 Hunted: United States Army 14- (Mo Pow,
8 Unique Metabolism: Power Defense (15 NCI, Kill)
points); Only Versus Drugs, Poisons, And 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Gases (-1) 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Amoral And Self-
20 Fast Runner: Running +7” (13” total) 1 ish (Common, Total)
8 Strong Leaper: Leaping +4” (10” forward, 20 Psychological Limitation: Revels In Violence
5” upward) 1 And Destruction (Common, Total)
2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Mark
9 Enhanced Physiology: Life Support (Safe Benning, ex-soldier) (Frequently, Major)
Environments: High Radiation, Intense 335 Experience Points
Heat, Intense Cold; Diminished Eating:
Total Disadvantage Points: 565
able to ingest any organic substance) 0
6 Enhanced Perception: +2 PER with all Background/History: Project: Superiority began
Sense Groups 0 in 1996 with the goal of creating a “super-soldier”
capable of taking on entire squads of enemy sol-
diers and defeating them. Project: Superiority sol-
3 Absolute Time Sense
diers were intended to be dropped behind enemy
3 Bump of Direction
lines by themselves, where they could survive for
15 Combat Sense 12-
extended periods while wreaking havoc upon the
3 Lightsleep
enemy — in other words, they were to be the ulti-
Skills mate commandos. The theory was to use modern
12 +6 OCV with Modified Minigun technology, medicine, science, and training meth-
10 +2 HTH ods to create a soldier able to survive anywhere,
withstand enormous amounts of pain and injury,
3 Breakfall 14-
and kill without hesitation.
3 Combat Driving 14-
Subjects for the program, all volunteers, were
3 Combat Piloting 14-
obtained directly from new recruits, before they’d
3 Interrogation 14-
gone through basic training. The first step in the
3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12-
program was to provide them with basic survival
2 Language: Arabic (fluent conversation; Eng-
and combat training. All recruits survived this
lish is Native)
Predators ■ Chapter Three 201

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Minigun +0 +0 2d6+1 1d6+1 500 20 AF5
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown
Level II-A (DEF 6, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: Gen-2 nightvision device, field survival kit (+2 to Survival rolls)

stage. The second stage was the drug and surgery commanding extremely high fees because of the
program designed to fundamentally alter the modifications made by the Army. Whenever Ben-
subject. The injections and toxic reactions to the ning tells his employers how the Army built him
implants killed five of the volunteers, leaving only and then “let him go,” he finishes it the same way:
one survivor: Mark Benning. “Nothing unusual — just a typical Army SNAFU.”
The second stage encompassed the majority of
Personality/Motivation: Mark Benning enlisted in the
what was to make a Project: Superiority soldier so
Army because he didn’t know what else to do. He’d
much better than an ordinary man. Through ste-
just graduated high school, wasn’t interested in going
roid injections and muscle grafts, Benning became
to college, and none of the jobs available to him were
immensely strong. Similar injections (and later
any good. He was chosen for Project Superiority
training) increased his reflexes and stamina. Sur-
because of his physical skills and reverence for author-
geons implanted specially-developed “organic plas-
ity. He survived the testing through sheer grit, deter-
tic mesh” under his skin to give him a partial resis-
mination, and luck. But whatever parts of Mark Ben-
tance to low-caliber bullets and other weapons, and
ning’s personality led to him enlisting and surviving
a radio receiver/transmitter in his mastoid sinus
the augmentation process were scrambled when the
so he could communicate with headquarters at all
radio in his head malfunctioned. The conditioning he
times. His digestive and gastric tracts were altered
underwent, then the rapid and brutal deconditioning
to allow him to derive nutriment from any organic
that followed, have left Benning a selfish and amoral
substance (such as grass, tree bark, or fur) without
killer whose only thrill is inflicting pain and punish-
harm. He was made able to withstand extremes of
ment on others. In short, his loyalty to his country is
temperature and radiation.
gone, leaving only the killer behind.
Stage three of the Project was to train Benning
to use his new body and mind properly. He learned
everything he could about being a soldier, from
stealthy movement, to tactics, to hand-to-hand
combat. This stage also included intense psycho-
logical conditioning to accustom Benning to his
new role and ensure his loyalty. The Army equipped
Benning with the latest in weaponry, including a
modified M-134 Minigun with several interchange-
able helical ammunition magazines, a weapon so
big only he can carry and use it.
Benning completed advanced training without
any difficulties. The problem arose during his first
field training exercise in El Salvador. The “enemy”
squad he was assigned to take out was equipped
with live ammunition and weapons to demonstrate
Benning’s invulnerability to such attacks. At one
point during the exercise, the soldiers used some
artillery, and a shell landed extremely close to Ben-
ning. After the explosion he stood dazedly for a few
moments, then knocked the nearest soldiers down
and fled, never to return. The Army had taught him
too well — he escaped into the surrounding jungle
without any problem.
What the Army didn’t know, and so far hasn’t
learned, is that the near-miss with the artillery shell
damaged Benning’s implanted radio. The shrieking
sound it made erased his psychological condition-
ing, leaving him extremely confused in what he
perceived as hostile surroundings. His training took
over and he escaped. Without the conditioning he
had no reason to return to the Army when other
options were available. He fell in with a group of
mercenaries and has worked as a merc ever since,
202 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
SNAFU Operating under the name SNAFU, the new Mark Benning has no criminal record. He has
PLOT SEEDS Mark Benning has taken to the life of a mercenary an extensively military file, obviously, but the Army
like a fish to water. His work lets him indulge his keeps that hidden behind multiple veils of secrecy.
The Army reopens violent urges while not demanding any loyalty from
Appearance: At 6’6” tall and 350 pounds of muscle
Project: Superiority... him beyond a paycheck.
(and muscle graft), SNAFU is huge. His body is
and the first test for the SNAFU remembers everything that went on in
new recruits is bring criss-crossed with scars from wounds and the
his past, although with a decidedly odd emotional
down SNAFU. It’s open physical augmentation surgeries he underwent as a
detachment from the events. He holds no particu-
warfare on the streets subject in Project: Superiority. Pressing obscenely
lar malice toward the Army or anyone involved in
of Hudson City and the against his outer skin from beneath are the bioplas-
Project: Superiority — if anything, he’d thank them
PCs are caught in the tic plates that protect him. He keeps his blond hair
for giving him a new life.
crossfire.... in a buzzcut and usually wears olive drab fatigues
Quote: “Here comes the storm, baby!” and combat boots.
An unknown party hires
SNAFU to destroy a Powers/Tactics: SNAFU’s powers stem from his
small business located enhanced physiology — he’s stronger, faster, and THE BENDS
in one of Hudson City’s tougher than any normal human. His strength
skyscrapers. SNAFU allows him to carry his modified Minigun as easily The warehouse was dark, with only a single pool of
goes into a killing rage as a normal man carries a deer rifle; he often fires light from a lamp on a desk over in the corner. It was
and starts murdering from the hip with one hand. dank, too — either the roof leaked, or someone was
people. The police have spilling way too much water in there.
SNAFU’s tactics depend on his current assign-
cordoned off the build- ment, but in any sort of firefight, he tends to fill the “Where is he?” one of the two men standing in the light
ing, but no one sent asked the other. “He’s fifteen minutes over. Some mili-
air with bullets, spraying his Minigun left and right.
in has come out alive. tary efficiency.”
The PCs have to enter When he runs out of ammo, he moves into HTH
the skyscraper, defeat Combat. He’s a brutally efficient brawler: first he “Sorry, gentlemen,” came a voice from the nearby shad-
SNAFU in a game of Disarms his opponent, then he puts him in a Choke ows. A big man stepped out, his skin distorted by scars
cat and mouse through (using the person he’s Grabbed as a human shield and implanted bioplastic shields. “I just wanted to make
the building’s ventila- against other attackers). Once he’s incapacitated his sure you were alone.”
tion ducts and elevator victim, he breaks the person’s neck with a Karate “Jesus Christ!” the man who’d spoken gasped. “Give
shafts, then capture him “Chop” and moves on to the next opponent. a guy some !$&*%@# warning. Have you been there
and bring him in. SNAFU has a tendency to think of himself as all along?”
invulnerable — after all, the plastics under his skin “As far as you know.”
While fighting the PCs, mean most bullets can’t hurt him much. It may be
SNAFU suddenly falls “Okay, okay, keep your secrets. Let’s get down to it. We
possible to lure him into a trap by appealing to his need someone to pull a job here in town, a big one. A
over and goes into a
“vanity” about his abilities, then lower the boom robbery. You recruit the team you need — subject to
coma. Something has
gone wrong with his with attacks even he can’t resist. our operating budget — and command in the field.”
implants. Can the PCs Campaign Use: SNAFU has found a niche in “I’ll take a large cool to listen to the basics of the job.
reverse the changes the mercenary market as a sort of living bomb. For that you get my loyalty and my silence if I choose
wrought on his body? not to take the job. If I agree to it, we negotiate the rest
Those who hire him usually transport him near
Or will they turn him of the price then.”
over to the Army? the target, drop him in the area, and let him
wreak havoc. He’s known neither for his discre- “Okay, that sou....”
tion nor his subtlety — anyone who hires him “Waitaminit,” the other guy said, throwing away the
should expect bloody chaos (this isn’t a problem stub of his cigarette. “We’ve all heard your rep, pal.
for most of his employers). But lots of guys have a big rep and can’t live up to it.
SNAFU is already pretty powerful — in fact, What’s so good about you that you qualify for this
he may be a little too powerful, too “superhuman,” kind’a cash?”
for some Dark Champions campaigns. If you want SNAFU looked around. He walked over to a crate,
to make him more of a threat give him Combat picked up the crowbar lying on top, brought it back.
Skill Levels with All Combat and some Damage Without a word, he strained his muscles... and slowly
Reduction. To weaken him, lower his PD and ED but surely, the crowbar bent into a U. He dropped it, let-
ting the echoes die away before he spoke. “That — and
and replace the Modified Minigun with a standard
the fact that I could’ve killed you both without you ever
assault rifle. knowing I was here.”
SNAFU generally doesn’t Hunt someone unless
he’s being paid to do so. He might Hunt anyone who —mercenary salary negotiations
either caused him to fail a previous job. The goons
he employs (if any) are other mundane mercenaries,
but he prefers to work alone (partly because some
remnant of his old training exists, partly because that
leaves all the killing for him).
Predators ■ Chapter Three 203

SPIKE (Common, Strong) SPIKE

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Stephen PLOT SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] Perrone, mafiosi) (Frequently, Major)
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 5 Unluck 1d6 Perrone gets killed by
18 CON 16 13- 14 Experience Points the Headless Hang-
18 BODY 16 13- man. What will happen
Total Disadvantage Points: 184 to the Spike gauntlets
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
Background/History: The history of the enforcer and armor now — will
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
and killer known as Spike revolves not around a anyone else dare to take
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 up the bloody legacy?
10 COM 0 11- man but of a pair of spiked gauntlets. In 1996 a
Verontese hitman named Danny Guariglia made
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) A couple of guys from
the gauntlets for himself as a “gimmick” to help him
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) the Verontese family
earn an underworld rep. He used them for about a got beaten to death last
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
year, attracting a lot of attention in Mafia circles. He week. Sure looks like
7 REC 0
looked like he was headed for big things... but then Spike’s work. The ques-
36 END 0
the Headless Hangman caught up with him and tion is, if it was him,
45 STUN 10 Total Characteristics Cost: 89
butchered him in his apartment in Little Italy. who’d he do the job
Movement: Running: 6”/12” When the HCPD carted off what was left of the for? A full-blown mob
body, the gauntlets became evidence in the ongoing war might break out if
Cost Powers END investigation of some murders the cops believed the PCs can’t figure out
Martial Arts: Dirty Infighting Guariglia had committed. But they didn’t remain in what’s going on and put
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect a stop to it.
the evidence room very long. A corrupt cop named
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Harold Grimes decided he could use them to make
4 Eye Gouge -1 -1 Sight Group The Mafia decides
some easy money. He put them on and began rob-
Flash 4d6 Spike’s too difficult to
bing drug dealers and numbers runners, hiding his control, too much of a
4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(3) identity with a bandana mask. Grimes’s stupidity was
4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 5d6 Strike liability. But the leaders
exceeded only by his good luck—he kept up this sui- can’t let the rank and
5 Roundhouse -2 +1 7d6 Strike cidal behavior for nearly six months before Morelli file see them kill one of
3 Tackle +0 -1 3d6 +v/5 Strike; gunmen shot him to death when he tried to rob one their own just for being
You Fall, Target of their numbers banks. inconvenient; it would
Falls When the Morellis dumped the body in the cause unrest. So they
1 Use Art with Spiked Gauntlets Stewart River, one of them, Stephen Perrone, kept plan to get the PCs to
the gauntlets without anyone knowing about it. kill him for them.
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street- Like Guariglia and Grimes before him, he saw
Level the Spike gauntlets as his ticket to the big time
— but he wasn’t gonna make the mistakes they
Skills did. He hired the Toymaker to create a suit of
10 +2 HTH leathery armor and a matching helmet, both also
6 +3 OCV with Punch/Backhand covered with spikes, for him. Then he got back in
2 AK: Little Italy 11- the Mafia’s good graces by doing some important
2 CK: Hudson City 11- jobs “for free,” just to show how good he was at
2 Gambling (Card Games) 12- them. Impressed with his discipline and skill, the
3 Interrogation 12- mobs began hiring him again, and eventually he
2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11- branched out to working for other groups.
3 KS: The Mafia 12-
Personality/Motivation: Spike is a vicious, sadistic
3 Shadowing 12-
man who enjoys humiliating his enemies and beat-
3 Stealth 12-
ing them to a bloody pulp... if not to death. But
3 Streetwise 12-
don’t mistake his savagery for stupidity. He often
3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles,
tries to make his enemies think he’s a typical “big,
Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
dumb thug,” but he’s actually a clever guy who puts
2 WF: Small Arms
a lot of thought into his work. Unlike the socio-
Resource Points pathic Guariglia, Perrone’s goal is to get rich with-
8 Equipment Points: 100 out getting captured — beating people up is fun,
5 Vehicle/Base Points: 20 but fun don’t pay the bills.
10 Follower/Contact Points: 25
Quote: “That’s it — go ahead, beg for yer life. If
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
that’s how ya wanna spend yer last few seconds on
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 95 Earth, I’m willin’ ta listen to ya.”
Total Cost: 184
Powers/Tactics: Spike’s main weapon is a pair
100+ Disadvantages of wickedly spiked gauntlets that turn his every
20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) punch into a lethal attack. If he can’t close to HTH
15 Hunted: The Headless Hangman (Mo Pow, Combat range to use them, or if he feels he’s out-
Kill) numbered, he retreats and waits for another oppor-
15 Psychological Limitation: Sadistically Brutal tunity to attack.
204 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Spiked Gauntlets +0 — ½d6 1d6-1 — — Linked to Punch, No STR Bonus,
Armor (4 PD/4 ED covering the
Ruger Redhawk +0 +0 2d6 1d6 6 11 Enlarged trigger guard
Spike-Covered Leather-and-Kevlar Armor and Helmet (DEF 3, Activation Roll 14-; spikes are HKA
½d6, Damage Shield, Activation Roll 14-, No STR Bonus)
Gear: None

One downside to wearing the gauntlets: they Levels with HTH Combat.
make it harder to handle objects. If appropriate, Spike only Hunts people if hired to, in which
require Spike to make a DEX Roll to handle ordi- case he tracks the target down through his street
nary objects in stressful situations, and impose a contacts and attacks. He’s about as subtle as a Mack
-2 penalty to other DEX Rolls he has to make. If he truck.
tries to use weapons, change this to a -2 OCV pen- The police know Spike is the third man to use
alty (he often carries a Ruger Redhawk that’s been that name. They have a warrant for his arrest for
modified with a larger trigger guard and grip so he five murders, thirteen acts of aggravated assault,
doesn’t suffer this penalty when using it). and two rapes.
Campaign Use: Spike mainly does enforcement and Appearance: Stephen Perrone, the current Spike, is
bodyguard work, like Brahma or Stonehenge, but 6’1” tall and weighs about 215 pounds; he’s broad-
his weapons set him apart. If appropriate, he may shouldered with a heavy, muscular build. His brown
expand his arsenal, perhaps getting the Toymaker body armor covers his shoulders and torso, with
to build him new gauntlets that let him shoot some additional panels for the thighs and upper arms;
of the spikes at foes he can’t punch. his helmet, boots, and gauntlets protect his the
To make Spike tougher, increase his STR to 20 rest of his body. The helmet leaves his lower face
and give him +2 Extra DCs with his Dirty Infight- exposed. Most areas of the armor are covered with
ing. To weaken him, remove his Combat Skill short, sharp spikes, making him look something
like a modern-day version of a fantasy gladiator or
medieval torturer. Underneath the armor he wears
a black bodysuit.

“Yeah, Bobby, you wanted t’ see me?”
“Sure thing, Al, thanks for comin’ over. I think we may
have ourselves a problem that I want you to take care
of for me.”
“You name it, it’s done, Bobby. What’s up?”
“You know that guy Spike?”
“The enforcer, the one with the spiked armor and
gloves. Yeah, I know that prick.”
“Here’s the thing. He’s got his uses — a guy like that can
put the fear into people who’re used to guns. But he’s
an asshole, and he’s got a big yap to boot. Now that he’s
workin’ outside the families, he’s a risk — a big risk, I
think. We got to minimize that.”
“Whatta you want me to do?”
“You and your crew, find out about this guy. Find out
who he really is, and then keep an eye on him. If I give
you the word, whack him.”
“You got it, Bobby. From now on, he’s under the gun.”
—talking a little business around the Morelli family
Predators ■ Chapter Three 205


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Streetwise 13- PLOT SEEDS
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 2 WF: Small Arms
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Resource Points Stonehenge decides
20 CON 20 13- 0 Equipment Points: 60 to start his own body-
18 BODY 16 13- guarding firm — but
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- his former association
0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 with known criminals
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 makes it tough to drum
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 132 up business. He appeals
13 COM 2 12- to the PCs (whom he’s
Total Cost: 239
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) met previously and
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (0 rED) 100+ Disadvantages developed a respectful
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 15 Enraged: if insulted, taunted, or belittled relationship with) to
10 REC 4 (Common), go 8-, recover 11- help him get some posi-
tive publicity.
40 END 0 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
38 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 107 5 Rivalry: Professional (with Brahma and
Stonehenge begins
other enforcers besides Caber)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” dating a PC’s female
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Michael DNPC or well-known
Cost Powers END Forsythe) (Frequently, Major) NPC. It seems to be a
Martial Arts: Fisticuffs 84 Experience Points genuine relationship,
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect but could it be he’s up
Total Disadvantage Points: 239
4 Armsnapper/Kidney Blow to something? Even if
-2 +0 HKA 1d6 (2d6 Background/History: Michael Forsythe grew he’s not, how does the
with STR) up strong and tough in a rough, working-class PC feel about his female
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort London neighborhood. When he was a teenager, friend associating with
someone who has strong
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 40 STR he got involved in illegal bare-knuckle boxing
underworld ties?
to Disarm roll competitions where he quickly made a name for
4 Eye Gouge -1 -1 Sight Group himself due to his immense strength and ability
Hey, isn’t that guy play-
Flash 6d6 to take a punch. The fans nicknamed him “Stone- ing piano over there
5 Hoist And Slam +0 +0 10d6 Slam, henge” because no matter how hard he was hit, the same guy who was
Target Falls, he didn’t stumble back or fall down. After a few working for Janus last
Must Follow years he retired from the ring almost undefeated week? What’s he doing
Grab and used the money he’d earned to buy a pub. here?
4 Low Blow -1 +1 3d6 NND(3) He ran the pub for a few years, but it wasn’t
4 Piledriver Punch +0 +0 6d6 Strike, 30 very successful — largely because he often got into
STR to Shove brawls with his patrons when they made fun of
4 Punch/Backhand+0 +2 8d6 Strike him or wouldn’t leave when he told them to. It was
5 Roundhouse -2 +1 10d6 Strike during this time that he made the acquaintance
3 Throw +0 +1 6d6 +v/5; Target of a big bruiser who called himself Caber. The
Falls first time the two of them got into it, they nearly
8 +2 Damage Classes (already added in) wrecked the pub; Caber was the only man For-
24 Tough Enough To Take It: Physical Damage sythe had ever met who was his match in a fight.
Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Requires A CON After that first knock-down, drag-out battle, they
Roll (no Active Point penalty; -¼) 0 became fast friends.
Eventually, Forsythe’s bar went under and
he had to sell out for whatever he could get. He
3 Resistance (3 points)
bummed around London for a while, working as a
Skills bouncer in a few clubs. Then he heard from Caber,
15 +3 HTH who’d fled to the States to avoid some legal prob-
lems in the UK and gotten a sweet job working for
2 Gambling (Card Games) 12-
some crime boss who called himself Charlemagne.
3 High Society 13-
Figuring there wasn’t much left for him in London,
5 Interrogation 14-
Forsythe caught a flight to Hudson City.
2 CK: London 11-
Caber got him a job as an enforcer and
2 CK: Hudson City 11-
bodyguard for Charlemagne, but it didn’t work
2 KS: Art History 11-
out. Partnering with Caber was great, but For-
2 KS: Classical Music 11-
sythe and Charlemagne just rubbed each other
2 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 11-
the wrong way. After a couple of months, they
1 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8-
parted company by mutual agreement. Since
2 KS: World History 11-
then, Forsythe, using his old nickname Stone-
2 KS: World Literature 11-
henge, has worked for many different crimelords,
1 PS: Bartending 8-
government officials, and businessmen as a “per-
2 PS: Play Chess 11-
sonal assistant” (read: bodyguard and, if neces-
2 PS: Play Piano 11-
sary, legbreaker).
3 Shadowing 12-
206 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
“Have you ever read
Raymond Chandler?” H&K P7M13 +1 +0 1d6+2 1d6-1 13 9 PR
<CRACK> The man’s Armor
head snapped back from None
the force of the punch,
then lolled forward, blood Gear: None
dripping from his mouth
to join the growing puddle from trying to run another business, to becoming
Personality/Motivation: Compared to most people
on the floor.
in his line of work, including his friend Caber, a minor crimelord, to setting up his own personal
Stonehenge is sophisticated, urbane, and charming. security firm.
“I think you’d like his
work. One of the high- Even when dealing with the scummiest members of
Quote: “At the risk of stating the obvious, sir, allow
lights of the noir genre.” the underworld, he talks and acts with traditional
me to be clear: give me the money my employer
<CRACK> “His main English civility and reserve. He peppers his conver-
instructed you to bring, or there will be repercus-
character, Phillip Marlowe, sation with literary allusions, references to historical
sions you will not enjoy.”
suffers beatings just like events, and witty comments that go right over the
this one, but not nearly as heads of many people he talks with (someone once Powers/Tactics: Stonehenge is a bruiser and
bad.” <CRACK> “Mar- described him as “the Dennis Miller of the under- brawler who learned how to fight on the London
lowe’s smart enough to world”). Sometimes this leads to misunderstandings streets and in the no-holds-barred world of under-
give up the goods before or an insulting reply, which is usually a big mistake ground “boxing.” Compared to his cultured image,
he gets his face beaten to
— Stonehenge does not like to be mocked or made his fighting style is crude and brutal — but remark-
a pulp, which is another
thing you two don’t have fun of, and often deals with people who offend him ably effective. He’s even developed two special
in common.” <CRACK> by pummeling them senseless. attacks for taking his opponents out of the fight:
“Intriguingly, noir detec- Stonehenge does bodyguarding and enforce- the hoist-and-slam, in which he picks someone up
tives are considered ment work because that seems like the only thing and smashes them into the ground or a wall; and
“tough guys,” but what sets open to him right now — he failed at owning a the piledrive, when he hits someone so hard they
them apart is their intel- pub, and the way he sees it the one thing he always stumble back across the room.
ligence — their “smarts,” I succeeded at was using his fists. He’s not so much Fighting isn’t usually Stonehenge’s first choice.
believe you’d say.” criminal as immature and lacking in perspective. He doesn’t like hurting people; he’d rather con-
Given the right opportunity, he’d move on to bigger vince/intimidate someone to do the reasonable
—beating and a lecture, and better things. That could lead to anything thing without the need for violence. But if it comes
courtesy of Stonehenge to punches, he doesn’t hold back; once the fight
starts his goal is to win.
Campaign Use: Stonehenge is a different kind of
enforcer from the likes of Brahma or Caber — he’s
educated, diplomatic, and relatively restrained.
He could easily become a friend of a like-minded
PC, and perhaps even be persuaded to switch to
the side of the angels if he felt there were enough
money in it. He’d also make a great Rival for a PC
who’s equally strong and tough.
To make Stonehenge tougher, increase his
Damage Reduction to 75% or give him some more
Extra DCs for his Fisticuffs. To weaken him, reduce
the Damage Reduction to 25% and get rid of his
Extra DCs.
Stonehenge doesn’t Hunt heroes. If he heard
that someone was insulting him in public, he might
track that person down to find out about it and
teach them not to, but he’s not a vengeful person.
Stonehenge has no criminal record (yet), but
the HCPD wants him for questioning regarding
over a dozen assaults and assorted other crimes.
Appearance: To look at Stonehenge, you’d have no
idea how strong and tough he is. He looks like a
businessman: 5’10” tall, 175 pounds and not partic-
ularly muscular, and he wears fine men’s suits and
clothes. But even though he’s not some bulked-out
steroid monster, he makes most of the guys down
on Muscle Beach seem weak by comparison. He’s
clean-shaven and has finely-barbered black hair;
his eyes are grey.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 207

THE TALLYMAN 3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 13- THE TALLYMAN

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 KS: Organized Crime 13- PLOT SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] 3 Lockpicking 13-
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 3 SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 13- The classic Tallyman
18 CON 16 13- 3 Security Systems 13- plot: word reaches the
15 BODY 10 12- 3 Shadowing 13- PCs that someone’s
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 3 Stealth 13- hired the Tallyman to
3 Streetwise 14- murder a prominent
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Shoulder-Fired person in their city.
25 PRE 20 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 Their job is to find him
10 COM 0 11- Weapons
and stop him... hope-
7 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD) Resource Points fully without getting
7 ED 3 Total: 10 ED (3 rED) 38 Equipment Points: 250 killed themselves.
5 SPD 32 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 15 Vehicle/Base Points: 40
7 REC 0 15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 Someone with an urge
36 END 0 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 to stir up a little chaos
slips a drug into the
32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 128
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 272 Tallyman’s drink one
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Total Cost: 400 night. Now he’s rampag-
ing through the city,
Cost Powers END 100+ Disadvantages killing people left and
28 Necksnapper: HKA 2d6, NND (defense 20 Hunted: FBI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill) right. First the PCs have
is rigid rPD on the neck, or anything else 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/ to stop him, then they
Kill) have to figure out what
that prevents the neck/head from being
20 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer happened... and why.
turned and twisted the right way; +1), Does
BODY (+1); Must Follow Grab (-½), Must (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- A person claiming to be
Target The Head (-1), No STR Bonus (-½), the Tallyman contacts
Requires A STR Roll (no Active Point pen- cenary (Common, Strong)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown) the PCs through an
alty; -¼) 9 untraceable connection.
2 Fast: Running +1” (7” total) 1 (Frequently, Major)
He claims he’s been
210 Experience Points hired to kill one of them
Perks — but he won’t do it if
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military Total Disadvantage Points: 400
they pay him ten mil-
4 Money: Well Off Background/History: No one knows exactly where lion dollars. Are the PCs
6 Reputation: stone-cold killer able to assassi- the Tallyman comes from. He first appeared on willing to make a deal
nate just about anyone (among the Espionage the scene in Jamaica in the Eighties, killing for with him? And since
World, Law Enforcement World, Military/ whichever side could pay him during the bloody when does the Tally-
Mercenary/Terrorist World, security person- political struggles there. From that, and his accent, man offer to turn on
nel, and the like) 14-, +3/+3d6 his employer like this?
most people assume he’s Jamaican, but no one can
If someone’s trying to
Talents say for sure except the Tallyman himself... and he’s trade on his rep, what
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) not talking. will the real Tallyman
15 Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, When things got too hot for the Tallyman in do when he finds out?
intuitional) 13- Jamaica, he moved on, taking jobs elsewhere in the
10 Deadly Blow: HKA +1d6 with All HTH world. Since then he’s established a reputation for
Attacks himself as one of the deadliest assassins on Earth.
10 Deadly Blow: RKA +1d6 with All Ranged He’s gotten to targets the experts considered impreg-
Attacks nable, using a wide variety of tools and methods to
3 Lightsleep kill them. Law enforcement and intelligence person-
3 Resistance (3 points) nel have learned to take any rumors about the Tally-
man’s involvement in a situation very, very seriously.
20 +4 with Ranged Combat Personality/Motivation: The Tallyman is as cold as a
27 HTH Combat Training: +8 HTH; Cannot glacier and as hard as granite. He’s got no compas-
Improve Either OCV Or DCV By More Than sion, no mercy, and seemingly no ties to the rest of
+4 (-½) humanity at all. Though people who claim to have
12 Targeting Skill Levels: +4 versus Hit Loca- met him say he sometimes smiles and jokes, the
tion penalties with All Attacks truth is he’s got no more sympathy or conscience
than a scorpion.
3 Bugging 13-
3 Climbing 13- Quote: None.
3 Deduction 13- Powers/Tactics: Unlike many assassins, who have a
3 Demolitions 13- favorite method of killing or special “approach” to their
3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13- work, the Tallyman is a generalist. He’s a skilled hand-
3 Interrogation 13- to-hand combatant, an expert marksman, a deadly
2 AK: Jamaica 11- accurate handgunner, a demolitionist, and a poisoner.
2 CK: Kingston, Jamaica 11- For all the authorities know, he could also be an expert
3 KS: The Espionage World 13-
208 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Barrett 82A1 +3 +11 3d6 1d6 1 15 x4 Telescopic Sight, barrel
coating, custom grips/stock,
improved range I
Colt M1911A +2 +0 2d6 1d6 12 9 Custom grips, fine tuning I, PR,
enlarged magazine, carries 2
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8 Can Be Thrown, carries 2-3
Wire Garrote +0 — ½d6 1d6-1 — 5 2H, Continuous
Level II-A (DEF 6), Activation Roll 11-
Gear: Gen-2 nightvision device, various tools or toolkits to assist with particular missions, state of the
art PDA with expanded features and capabilities

at brewing up biological or chemical weapons — he’s number of CSLs, de-customizing his weapons, and/or
just never needed to go that far to get his victim. The reducing his SPD to 4.
only distinguishing feature of his work is that he doesn’t The Tallyman’s wanted for dozens of murders
do staged accidents; when he gets his man, it’s obvious in many different countries, including the United
the victim was killed deliberately. States, the UK, France, and India. The most extensive
files on him are in Jamaica, where he apparently
Campaign Use: Although he’s no Andres Panthanatos,
started his career.
the Tallyman should be a very dangerous foe for your
PCs. His reputation in the underworld is well-deserved, Appearance: According to the reports deemed most
and that needs to come through in play. The mention of reliable, the Tallyman is a dark-skinned black man
his name should put a chill on the PCs’ souls. If he’s not who stands a lanky 6’3”. Even when he smiles (which
powerful enough to have that effect already, increase isn’t all that often), he doesn’t really look friendly;
the effect of his Deadly Blow Talents, remove the Limi- his eyes always have a cold, deadly look to them that
tation on his HTH Combat Skill Levels, give him more belies any pleasant emotions. He’s bald and clean-
Targeting Skill Levels or CSLs with Ranged Combat, shaven, and usually wears ordinary clothes. On mis-
and/or increase his SPD to 6. If he’s already too tough, sions he favors all-black commando-style clothing,
consider getting rid of his Deadly Blows, reducing his with a trenchcoat in cold or rainy weather (or if he
has to conceal a lot of weapons and gear). If you
look closely at his arms, you’ll see rows of tiny scars
— one, they say, for every person he’s killed.

He breathed in deeply, then exhaled in one long, steady
breath. When he was done, he picked up the rifle.
He carried it over to the brace and fitted it into place. As
he bent to put his eye up to the scope, he flexed his fingers
along the barrel and stock, getting back his feel for this
surgical instrument he’d used so many times.
It took only a second to get the crosshairs focused on the
apartment window. Now all he needed was the target. He
had no idea what she’d done to bring someone’s wrath
down on her to the extent of hiring him, but he didn’t care,
either: it was just a job, like any other. Payment mattered,
not reasons.
The intel he’d gotten was good — she got home just a
few minutes later. She walked around, turning on lights,
throwing her jacket on the sofa, flipping through the mail
she’d brought up from the box downstairs. Finally she
stood in front of the window for a few seconds, staring out
into the city.
That was all he needed. The bullet tore through her skull,
reducing the back half of her head to a shattered,
bloody wreck. She fell back on the carpet without
making a sound.
Later that night, when he was alone, he added a scar to
his left arm.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 209


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Hunted: pursued by various men who per- PLOT SEEDS
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 [2] manently lust for her 8- (Less Pow, Capture)
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 20 Psychological Limitation: Amoral (Very The classic Temptation
13 CON 6 12- Common, Strong) plot seed: she starts
10 BODY 0 11- 10 Psychological Limitation: Lack Of Sexual “dating” one of the PCs
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Desire (Uncommon, Strong) and pretty much wreck-
10 Social Limitation: Famous (recognized by ing his life for her own
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6
porn fans as “Amberlyn Gates”) (Frequently, profit/amusement. The
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 other PCs, and the vic-
22 COM 7 13- Minor)
tim’s other friends, try to
11 Experience Points put a stop to it without
2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) Total Disadvantage Points: 156 hurting him.
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Background/History: “Okay, Marilyn, you ready, Scandal rocks City
5 REC 0
babe? We’re all set up.” Hall! Rumor has it that
26 END 0
“Yeah, sure,” she sighed. a highly-placed official
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 54
“Okay, then... rolling!” has been involved in a
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Adam started as soon as he got the cue. No volcanic love affair, is
other warning, he just started. God, what a *%&!ty leaving his wife, and
Cost Powers END has been whispering
job, she thought, but it sure as hell beats the street.
9 The Flame Of Passion: Mind Control a lot of state secrets to
“That’s it, babe, that’s it... goooood....”
2d6, Cumulative (+½), Increased Cum- his lover during pillow
I wish I were home... taking a bath... talk. What’s Temptation
ulative Effect (96 points of effect maxi-
“Oh, yeah, baby! Red-hot! Instant best-seller! up to?
mum; +¾), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
Keep goin’, baby, keep goin’....”
+½); Only To Control/Inflict Lust (-1),
He’s just about ready. Thank God. Charlemagne begins
Skin Contact Required (-1) 0
“Yeah, that’s it, hot ’n’ sticky, big finale, way ta an incredibly aggres-
30 Lover’s Caress: Drain EGO 2d6 (standard
go... Okay, that’s a wrap! Good job, you two.” sive push to take over
effect rule: 6 points), Delayed Return
She doesn’t really know how it happened, or the underworld, doing
Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per things that are very
understand how it works. One day she was walking
Month; +2), BOECV (Power Defense unlike him. He’s in love
around the set in her robe, wishing she had some
applies; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 with you-know-who,
way out of this rotten industry. That was all she
END; +½); Skin Contact Required (-1), and he needs the extra
could think about, how much she hated her job and
Only Works On People She’s Having Sex money from ruling
wanted something better to do. She was thirsty, so
With (-1), Only Reduces Victim’s EGO In more of the underworld
she tapped one of the set monkeys on the shoulder to buy her presents.
Regard To Temptation’s Mind Control (-0) 0
and said, “Hey, couldja get me a bottled water?” Ten Temptation’s sitting
Perks seconds later he was back with her water. He had this gleefully by having fun
5 Money: Well Off strange sort of flushed look. She knew that look — while the murder rate
she saw it on the faces of the actors she worked with on the Southside sky-
Talents every day. But she couldn’t figure out why this guy rockets.
4 Double-Jointed all of a sudden wanted her right then. He worked
Skills around naked chicks all week, what was the big deal?
3 Acting 13- The same thing happened to her again sev-
3 Contortionist 11- eral times over the next few weeks. She’d ask for
3 Conversation 13- something, and whoever she asked would get it
3 Disguise 12- for her, or do it for her, as quickly as possible, with
1 High Society 8- that flushed look on his face — like a guy who’s
3 KS: The Vice World 12- girlfriend promises to !$&* him after he cleans her
3 Persuasion 13- garage. But it only happened if she touched the
2 PS: Prostitute 11- person she was talking to. She didn’t know what
2 PS: Adult Film Actress 11- was going on... but she damn sure intended to take
7 Seduction 15- advantage of it.
3 Stealth 11- The next day she got her manager alone in a
1 Streetwise 8- room, put her hand on his cheek, and asked him for
a raise. All it took was a little sweet-talking and she
Resource Points got both kinds. Not only did he write her a big check,
0 Equipment Points: 60 he gave her the grand he kept in his office safe “for
0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 emergencies.” When he started undressing, like he
20 Follower/Contact Points: 45 expected her to give with an encore of her tryout
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 “performance” when she got hired, she walked out
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102 and left him hanging. He didn’t even call the cops on
Total Cost: 156 her or put a stop payment on the check.
Finally she had her ticket out of the porno
industry. And she was using her mind, not her body
— even if it looked like it was the other way around.
210 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Gear: Makeup kit

Personality/Motivation: Temptation has been pushed could concoct all sorts of stories about), Temptation
around, exploited, and victimized all of her life has the ability to exploit the natural sexual attraction
— sexually abused by her father, raped by her pimp most men (and some women) feel for someone of
and then turned out into the street, used by one porn her appearance and personality. In essence she aug-
producer after another. Now it’s her turn. She’s got a ments and modifies their lust to the point where it’s
way to get what she deserves, and she’s going to use so overwhelming her victim agrees to almost any
it. She doesn’t care who she has to hurt, she’s going to request she makes in the hope that will persuade her
be rich and happy. After all, they all hurt her; it’s only to have sex with him. If she “takes pity” on one of her
fair that she return the favor. She’s looking out for victims (as she puts it) and gives him a tumble, she
number one, and everyone else can go to hell. sets her hooks into him even more deeply, and he
Between her powers and what she’s been has even less will to resist her the next time she asks
through in life, Temptation doesn’t have much for a “favor” (as long as she asks for it within a month
normal sex drive anymore — it’s been ground out of or two).
her one fifty buck trick or $100 a day porn shoot at Temptation poses no combat threat to most
a time. Most of the time she just sees sex as a means PCs; she prefers far more subtle tactics. She gets to
to an end, a way to get what she wants that’s qualita- know someone (usually a wealthy or powerful some-
tively no different than driving to the store or filling one), then begins exploiting him for money, gifts,
out a form. favors, blackmail information, and the like. Soon
she’s got her victim so thoroughly wrapped around
Quote: “You wouldn’t mind doing me a little favor, her little finger that he’ll do anything for her — even
would you? I promise to do one for you in return....” kill. If confronted with physical force, she flees or
Powers/Tactics: For reasons no one could explain tries to use her acting skills to create a plausible
(but that parapsychology nuts and fringe scientists “cover” to calm her attacker down.
Campaign Use: Temptation is a low-key but never-
theless potent threat for the PCs (her powers may
reach or break the limits of what’s allowed in a cam-
paign). If one of them is rich and/or powerful, she
may set her sights on him and begin coming on to
him at some fancy party or other event. Pretty soon
she’ll have him right where she wants him. Once
she figures out he’s a crimefighter, she can use him
to accomplish all sorts of tasks. Since he’ll practi-
cally become addicted to spending time with her,
convincing him that she’s bad news could lead to an
ugly scene.
For an added complication, you may decide that
victims of Temptation’s powers don’t always remem-
ber what they do while under her influence. The PC
and his friends may investigate a crime spree that he
himself is responsible for!
To make Temptation more powerful, increase
the dice in her Mind Control, change it from Skin
Contact Required (-1) to No Range (-½) so she can
dominate peoples’ wills just by talking to them, or
turn it into a Mental Transform so it lasts much
Valerie Dubois has a short record for solicita-
tion in Hudson City and Los Angeles. Since she got
off the streets and into the adult film industry, she’s
been clean.
Appearance: Valerie Dubois, or “Amberlyn Gates”
as a lot of men know her, is a 5”10” tall white
woman with long blonde hair. She’s slender, well-
built, and extremely pretty. Even without her
powers, she inspires sexual fantasies in a lot of men.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 211

THUNDERHAWK Background/History: It was a perfect plan — except THUNDERHAWK

Val Char Cost Roll Notes for one tiny detail Deke overlooked. PLOT SEEDS
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] “It can’t miss, man!” he said to me. “You already
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 know how to fly regular choppers. If you join the Thunderhawk plans to
16 CON 12 12- Army, it’s a cinch they’ll set you up as a military raid an Army installa-
12 BODY 4 11- copter pilot — hook you up with an Apache, or one’a tion near Hudson City
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- them Comanches they’re developing, or maybe even to steal a bunch of parts
some new experimental bird. Once you’re all set and and other gear he can
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
the opportunity is right, you take the thing and go, use to keep the Thun-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 derbird in good working
10 COM 0 11- and we become the hottest mercs around!”
order. The PCs either
So I did it. Deke knew what he was talking (a) have to figure out
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) about; the Army slotted me into military helicopter
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) what he’s doing in
pilot training right away. I did really well at it, too advance and stop him,
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 — I always had just the right touch with choppers. or (b) go after him to
6 REC 0 In fact, I did so well they tapped me to fly a proto- recover the goods once
32 END 0 type helicopter called the Thunderbird. It’s like the he’s committed the theft.
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 66 Comanches the Army decided not to buy, including
Movement: Running: 6”/12” all the stealth tech, but better — heavier armed, and The PCs catch Thunder-
with a combat computer capable of full autopilot. hawk. He offers to turn
Cost Powers END Once I got accustomed to it and figured out how to over to them a lot of
9 Ace Chopper Pilot: +6 DEX; Only For Fly- disable the tracking devices, it was a piece of cake information that would
ing And Fighting With Helicopters (-1) 0 let them take down a
to make off with it.
major arms and drug
Perks Deke was waiting for me just where we’d agreed. smuggling ring, with
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military He couldn’t believe it when he saw the Thunderbird. one proviso: he gets to
He was whooping and hollering and practically keep the Thunderbird.
Talents dancing for joy by the time I got out of the cockpit. Will the PCs take the
16 Hotshot Pilot “We gonna be rich, man — !$&*%@’ rich!” deal?
Skills But here’s the thing. I was the one who took all
3 Combat Piloting 13- the risks. I was the one who sweated through Basic, UMBRA offers to
1 KS: Military Science 8- ate the crappy Army food, did the God-damn push- upgrade the Thunder-
ups, all that *%&!. He hadn’t done anything except bird for Thunderhawk
2 Navigation (Air) 11-
think up the plan. No way was he entitled to a share if he’ll take care of one
3 Stealth 13- little job for them: kill
3 Streetwise 12- of the money I was gonna make.
the PCs. He agrees, but
3 Systems Operation 11- “Not we,” I said, drawing my pistol. “Me.” I shot
why does UMBRA want
4 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, him twice in the chest, then climbed back into the to eliminate the PCs,
Helicopters, Small Planes ’Bird and got the hell outta there. and why choose such a
3 WF: Small Arms, Thunderbird Weapons Personality/Motivation: Thunderhawk’s history crude way of doing it?

Resource Points pretty much says it all — he’s a self-centered bas-

12 Equipment Points: 120 tard with little to nothing in the way of moral
55 Vehicle/Base Points: 120 scruples. He likes the power that being behind the
15 Follower/Contact Points: 35 stick of a state-of-the-art military helicopter gives
0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 him, and he enjoys demonstrating that power by
blowing things up, attacking people from surprise,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 134 and generally showing what a bad-ass pilot he is. In
Total Cost: 200 most respects he’s just a bully, one who uses a chop-
100+ Disadvantages per instead of his fists to hurt other people, and like
20 Hunted: The Arsenal 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Kill) a schoolyard bully he’ll turn tail and run if things
25 Hunted: US Army 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Cap- get too difficult or he’s exposed to too much risk.
ture/Kill) Quote: “I’ll come in low, nape’a the earth, under
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, their radar net, then pop up over that hill there and
Strong) let fly. They’ll be smoking corpses before they even
10 Psychological Limitation: Bully (Common, know what hit ’em.”
10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre- Powers/Tactics: Thunderhawk’s “weapon” is his
quently, Minor) piloting skills and the Thunderbird itself (he typi-
20 Experience Points cally devotes 100 Vehicle Points to the copter,
then spends 10 on a car and 10 on a base where
Total Disadvantage Points: 200 he can hide the Thunderbird during downtime or
repairs). He prefers to attack from ambush or a
position of overwhelming force (though in most
situations he thinks just being in the Thunderbird
gives him that “overwhelming force”). As noted
above, he’s quick to retreat if he thinks either he or
the helo are at risk.
212 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10 Sil, FS, laser
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12 AF5
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 on the Head)
Gear: Gen-2 nightvision device and HRRP built into his Helmet

One of Thunderhawk’s biggest problems is Campaign Use: Thunderhawk is a mercenary with a

logistics — keeping his chopper supplied with fuel, twist — one who uses a military helicopter instead
weapons, and parts. So far he’s relied on under- of guns or bombs. He’s not appropriate for every
world armorers like Daedalus and Forge, and on scenario, since it’s not always feasible to have a
various international black market arms dealers, chopper involved without exposing the PCs’ enemy
but he’d like to find a cheaper and more reliable to discovery, but there are plenty of adventures
source of supply. when Thunderhawk may be the toughest, deadliest
opponent they could face.
Keep in mind that when you use Thunderhawk,
there’s always a chance the PCs will defeat him and
get their hands on the Thunderbird. If you don’t want
them to have their very own gunship, you may have
to add a self-destruct device to the helicopter... just in
To make Thunderhawk tougher, make him less
dependent on the Thunderbird. Give him some Mar-
tial Arts, Combat Skill Levels, or other abilities that
make him a better personal combatant. To weaken
him, make the Thunderbird less powerful — get rid
of some of its weapons, slow it down, make it less
Thunderhawk doesn’t Hunt people unless that’s
what his employer wants him to do. In that case, he
uses the same method every time: he waits until
there’s an opportunity to attack in the Thunderbird,
then he takes it. He doesn’t care if a lot of innocent
people get killed during the assault.
Walter “Walt” Griffin (Thunderhawk’s real
name) has a juvenile criminal record for a few minor
offenses. He’s also wanted by the federal government
for theft of an experimental military helicopter, and
by various authorities (including the HCPD) for acts
of murder and destruction committed using said
Appearance: Thunderhawk is a more or less average-
looking guy: 5’10”, blonde hair in a military “buzz cut,”
a muscular but not bulked-out build. When flying, he
usually wears a dark blue jumpsuit with black boots,
belt, and gloves, and a black holster for his sidearm on
his right hip. Over the jumpsuit he wears black body
armor. He also wears a helmet with a faceplate that
completely covers his face.
Predators ■ Chapter Three 213

THE THUNDERBIRD 8 Chaff Dispenser: Darkness to Sight and AHHH, MEMORIES

Val Char Cost Notes Radio Groups 1” radius, MegaArea
8 Size 40 6.4” x 3.2”; -8 KB; -5 DCV (1” = 100”; +¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Real “There’s nothing as good
30 STR -20 Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 HTH [0] Weapon (-¼), 12 Charges (-¼) [12] as coming up on some-
24 DEX 42 OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Operations Systems one in the ’Bird and just
20 BODY 2 absolutely !$&*%@#
16 Millimeter-Wave Radar: Radar (Radio
ruining their day. It’s
12 DEF 30 Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of better than sex. Hell,
4 SPD 6 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic (+12 you can buy sex. Ain’t
Total Characteristic Cost: 100 versus Range Modifier), Difficult To Dispel nowhere on Earth you
(+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight can buy the chance to
Movement: Ground: 0”/0”
Group As Well As Radio Group (-½) 0 scare someone *%&!less
Swimming: 0”/0”
1 Millimeter-Wave Radar: +2 PER with Radar, like that — it’s gotta
Flight: 34”/136” come natural, as a part
Difficult To Dispel (+¼); OIF Bulky (-1) 0
Abilities & Equipment 5 Infrared Systems: Infrared Perception of the mission, or it
Cost Power END (Sight Group) 0 doesn’t count.
Propulsion Systems 5 Nightvision Systems: Nightvision 0
50 Rotor-Based Flight: Flight 34”, x4 NCM, 5 Radar Warning Receiver: Detect Detection “I remember this one
time, I was part of a
Increased Deceleration (8” per hex), No By Radar 16- (Radio Group); OIF Bulky (-1) 0
team taking down this
Turn Mode (+¼), Sideways Maneuverability 5 Laser Warning Receiver: Detect Detection crackhouse run by
(+½); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge By Laser 16- (Sight Group); OIF Bulky (-1) 0 some gang’a Jamai-
(easily-obtained fuel; 2.5 Hours; -0), 5 Communications System: HRRP (Radio cans. Those mutts were
Side Effects (KA 2d6, Area Of Effect Group); OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight vicious and well-armed,
(6” Radius) around the vehicle, And Hearing Group As Well As Radio sure as *%&!, but they
automatically occurs when Flight is in use, Group (-½) 0 weren’t all that bright.
only affects environment around They stockpiled their
Personnel Systems cash at this one build-
Vehicle; -1¾) [1cc] 14 Sealed Environment: Life Support (Self-
-12 Only Flies: Ground Movement -6” (0” total) ing, figuring no one
Contained Breathing; Safe Environments: was ever gonna make it
-2 Only Flies: Swimming -2” (0” total) Intense Cold, Low Pressure/Vacuum) 0 inside. When the team
Tactical Systems started the assault,
Talents they hunkered down,
90 20mm Machine Gun: RKA 4d6, Autofire
3 Laser Rangefinder: Absolute Range Sense expecting they could
(8 shots; +1), Armor Piercing (+½), +1
Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼), 500 Skills fight the guys off.
Charges (+1); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon 4 Highly Maneuverable: +2 with Flight
(-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (120 degrees 20 Targeting Systems: +4 with Ranged Combat “Then I come around
forward; -¼) [500] the other buildings into
Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 334 sight. When those ass-
35 Side-Mounted Missile Racks: RKA 4d6,
Total Vehicle Cost: 434 holes in the upper win-
Armor Piercing (x2; +1), Explosion (+½); dows saw me, their eyes
OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Value Disadvantages got as wide as the moon.
Arc Of Fire (0 degrees forward, same 25 Distinctive Features: Attack Helicopter I took most of those
horizontal level; -1), 4 Charges (-1) [4] (Not Concealable; Causes Extreme Reaction bastards down with the
5 Side-Mounted Missile Racks: Another [fear]) first few bursts from
Missile Rack (total of 2) [4] the chaingun. Then I
2 Armored Crash Seat: +10 PD; OIF Bulky Total Disadvantage Points: 25 tilted nose-down a little
(-1), Only To Protect Occupants Against Total Cost: 409/5 = 82 and turned the front
Damage From Crashes (-2) 0 door — the steel one
ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT they were so !$&*%@#
2 Armored Crash Seat: Another Armored
Cost Ability proud of — into Swiss
Crash Seat (total of 2) 0 cheese. After that there
24 Infrared Suppression Systems: Change 18 Vehicular Computer with Autopilot Variant
wasn’t much left to
Environment 8” radius, -6 to Infrared (see The Ultimate Vehicle, page 161)
mop up. The boys went
Perception Rolls, Reduced Endurance Description: Thunderhawk’s helicopter, the in, popped the rest of
(0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); Easily Removed Thunderbird, is an advanced prototype attack the Jamaicans, and we
(-½), No Range (-½), Self Only (-½) 0 helicopter with full stealth capabilities. It mounts walked away with a
28 Stealth Configuration And Systems: Change few hundred thou in
a 20mm machine gun in an undernose turret, a
Environment 8” radius, -6 to Radio Group small bills. Not bad for a
missile rack on each side containing four missiles night’s work.”
Perception Rolls, Reduced Endurance each, and state of the art avionics. It can sustain
(0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); Easily Removed a maximum speed of a little over 200 miles per
(-½), No Range (-½), Self Only (-½) 0 —the reminiscences of
hour, with a tactical radius of about 200 miles. It Thunderhawk
21 Anhedral-Tipped Rotors And Fan-In-Fin can carry up to four persons (three in addition to
Tail Rotor: Change Environment 8” radius, Thunderhawk himself).
-3 to Hearing Group Perception Rolls,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½),
Persistent (+½); Easily Removed (-½),
No Range (-½), Self Only (-½) 0
214 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 WF: Small Arms
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] Resource Points
During an interrogation 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 0 Equipment Points: 60
session when there’s no 13 CON 6 12- 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10
one else in the room 12 BODY 4 11-
but him and the subject, 12 Follower/Contact Points: 29
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
Torquemada learns a
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5
secret so dark and dan- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 143
gerous that it touches 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
10 COM 0 11- Total Cost: 200
even his conscience, as
atrophied as it is. Rather 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 100+ Disadvantages
than tell his employer, 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
he tries to get word to 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 20 Psychological Limitation: Sadist (Common,
the PCs. Will he suc-
5 REC 0 Total)
ceed... and if so, can they
stand to work with such 26 END 0 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (unknown)
a man? 24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57 (Frequently, Major)
45 Experience Points
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Torquemada hears Total Disadvantage Points: 200
that one of the PCs is Cost Powers END
particularly tolerant 27 Pain Infliction: Multipower, 40-point Background/History: In 2003, Anatolii Kasaravich
of pain. Eager to get reserve; all Extra Time (Full Phase; -½) suspected that one of the members of his organiza-
such a “canvas” to work 3u 1) Short-Term, Intense Pain: Drain tion was a traitor — a gutless piece of scum who’d
upon, he begins trying STUN 4d6; Extra Time (Full Phase; -½) 4 sold his brothers out to a vigilante to save his own
to manipulate various 3u 2) Long-Term, Intense Pain: Drain STUN skin. He brought the wretch in and had his men
crimelords into captur-
2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return go to work on him to extract a confession. But try
ing the PCs so he can
have a crack at the one at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1); Extra Time what they would, the man steadfastly refused to
he wants. (Full Phase; -½) 4 admit his crime and continued to protest his inno-
6 No One Can Hold Out Forever: Drain cence... even through a mouthful of broken teeth.
Shortly after Torque- EGO 1d6, Delayed Return Rate (points His men weren’t exactly amateurs, but clearly
mada finishes with a return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1); Extra something more was needed. Kasaravich knew
subject, his employer Time (20 Minutes; -2½) 2 exactly what it was. A few days later there was a
and his employer’s 26 Necksnapper: HKA 2d6, NND (defense is knock on the door of the building where he kept
men are killed by mys- rigid rPD on the neck, or anything else the traitor. With guns drawn, his men cracked
terious attackers who that prevents the neck/head from being the door open to see who’d found them. Standing
seem determined to turned and twisted the right way; +1), outside was an unassuming-looking Hispanic man
find out what Torque- Does BODY (+1); Must Follow Grab (-½), dressed in simple yet dignified clothes. He carried
mada learned from the
Must Target The Head (-1), No STR Bonus an aluminum briefcase.
subject. Torquemada
escapes, but he knows he (-½), Requires A STR Roll (no Active Point Kasaravich waved his men aside and gestured
can’t stay alive for long penalty; -½) 9 at the man to come in. The Russian gang boss
with these guys on his greeted the man as if he were an old professional
tail. Unable to go to the acquaintance, but never spoke his name — he
3 Improved Equipment Availability: Street-
cops, he turns to the PCs called him Torquemada, a sobriquet even Kasarav-
for help. Level
ich’s densest underling recognized as a codename.
5 Money: Well Off
Then Kasaravich pointed at the room where the
Talents traitor was tied tightly to a chair. Torquemada
4 Resistance (4 points) picked up his briefcase, walked back to the room,
and shut the door.
Skills The men waiting outside heard the clicks as
1 Computer Programming 8- Torquemada opened his briefcase. A few minutes
3 Contortionist 12- later, the screaming began. It continued periodically
3 Conversation 13- for the next two hours. At the end of that time, the
11 Interrogation 17- door opened and Torquemada stepped out again,
5 AK: South And Central America And The dressed as neatly as ever and carrying his briefcase.
Caribbean 15- He had the look of a man who’d just enjoyed a walk
2 KS: The Espionage World 11- in the pleasant springtime air. With short, precise
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- sentences, he relayed to Kasaravich the full extent
3 KS: Torture 13- of the traitor’s doings — every story he’d told the
2 Language: English (fluent conversation; vigilante, and the exact time, date, and place when
Spanish is Native) he’d told them. The information matched Kasarav-
1 Language: Russian (basic conversation) ich’s suspicions exactly... just as he’d expected.
7 PS: Torture 17- For whatever reason, after that Torquemada
3 Paramedics 13- decided not to return home, or wherever he came
3 SS: Human Anatomy 13- from. He remained in America, working in Hudson
3 Stealth 12- City and elsewhere for any crimelords or other
Predators ■ Chapter Three 215

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
Scalpel +0 — 1 point 0 — 3 Can Be Thrown
Knife +0 +0 1d6-1 1d6-1 — 6 Can Be Thrown
Gear: Various other implements of torture (pliers, dentist’s tools, and so on)

individuals willing and able to pay the high fees he Torquemada has no criminal record in the
charges for his unique services. United States. However, several agencies, includ-
ing the HCPD and FBI, have become aware of an
Personality/Motivation: Although usually soft-
expert torturer moving through the underworld,
spoken, polite, and inobtrusive, Torquemada is
and are on the lookout for him (though not actively
a vicious sadist. He enjoys nothing better than
searching). The CIA, on the other hand, had made
inflicting pain, be it physical or emotional, on
some effort to track him down, and continues to
other people. When speaking to people other than
pursue him.
his employers (whom he treats with appropriate
respect), Torquemada spends a few minutes gaug- Appearance: Torquemada is a Hispanic man who
ing them through ordinary conversation, then appears to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He stands
makes a Conversation roll to try to determine 5’7” tall with an average build, short, neatly-cut
what topics would be most likely to cause them black hair, and a thin, neatly-trimmed moustache
emotional pain... and then he subtly refers to those on his upper lip. He dresses well, but not expen-
topics or introduces them into the discussion. sively or ostentatiously, and usually carries an alu-
minum briefcase full of the implements and tools
Quote: “Subject withstood interrogation for 13
he likes to use.
minutes. When he broke, he named twelve names. I
have written them for you on this sheet of paper.”
Powers/Tactics: Torquemada isn’t a fighter; he’s a
torturer for hire. If forced into combat (i.e., he can’t
flee safely, there’s no one to protect him, and sur-
render isn’t an option), he can use his knowledge
of the human body and how it reacts to pain as a
weapon. By touching the right pressure points or
twisting a limb a certain way, he can cause often-
debilitating agony. In an interrogation situation,
that same ability, applied over time, can break the
will of even the most stubborn subject.
Campaign Use: Torquemada is an adversary the
heroes should come to hate bitterly and deeply.
While actually describing the torture of PCs may
not be appropriate for groups not filled with tra-
gedian players, at the very least they can see and
hear about his work on other people, including
well-liked NPCs — the mutilated corpses of sub-
jects his employer ordered him to finish off, the
survivors who walk with pronounced limps and
can no longer speak above a whisper, the dozens
killed in bizarre and grotesque ways to fulfill some
madman’s fantasy. Even a single exposure to his
“handiwork” should be enough to start a manhunt.
To make Torquemada tougher, raise his Char-
acteristics a bit and give him more combat-oriented
abilities related to his skill at inflicting pain. For
example, he might buy the Crippling Blow Talent, or
even some Martial Arts defined as “combat excru-
ciations.” To weaken him, remove his Drain EGO.
Torquemada doesn’t Hunt anyone. When
he’s called in to work on a subject, his employer’s
already captured the subject.
216 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 32 +4 with All Combat
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [4] 12 Targeting Skill Levels: +8 versus Hit Loca-
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 tion modifiers with Whip
18 CON 16 13- 3 Acrobatics 13-
15 BODY 10 12- 3 Breakfall 13-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 3 Climbing 13-
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 1 Computer Programming 8-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 3 Contortionist 13-
12 COM 1 11- 1 High Society 8-
7 PD 3 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD) 3 Interrogation 13-
6 ED 2 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) 2 KS: The Espionage World 11-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 3 KS: The Hudson City Underworld 13-
8 REC 0 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
36 END 0 3 Lipreading 13-
34 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 108 3 Lockpicking 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 PS: Bodyguard 13-
Leaping: 6”/12” 3 PS: Security Specialist 13-
Cost Powers END 5 Rapid Attack (HTH)
37 Throwing Shield: Multipower, 75-point 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
reserve; all OAF (-1) 3 Security Systems 13-
2u 1) Protection I: Armor (12 PD/12 ED), 3 Shadowing 13-
Hardened (+¼); OAF (-1), Activation 3 Stealth 13-
Roll 14- (-½), Nonpersistent (-¼) 0 3 Streetwise 13-
1u 2) Protection II: Missile Deflection (all 1 Systems Operation 8-
Ranged attacks), Range (adjacent hex; 5 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Staffs, Whip
+½); OAF (-1), Lockout (-½) 0 Resource Points
1u 3) Shield-Bash: HA +6d6; OAF (-1), 28 Equipment Points: 200
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 3 10 Vehicle/Base Points: 30
1u 4) Thrown Shield: Energy Blast 8d6; OAF 5 Follower/Contact Points: 15
(-1), Lockout (-½), Range Based On STR 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0
(-¼), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1¼) [1rc]
Martial Arts: Karate Plus Total Powers & Skills Cost: 285
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Total Cost: 393
4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND(1) 100+ Disadvantages
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 20 Hunted: HCPD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
2d6 NND (2) (Very Common, Moderate)
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 30 STR 10 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer-
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all cenary (Common, Moderate)
attacks, Abort 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (James
3 Legsweep +2 -1 5d6, Target Falls Klein) (Frequently, Major)
4 Knifehand Strike -2 +0 HKA ½d6 10 Social Limitation: Criminal Record (Fre-
(1d6+1 with quently, Minor)
STR) 223 Experience Points
4 Punch/Snap Kick
+0 +2 6d6 Strike Total Disadvantage Points: 393
5 Side/Spin Kick -2 +1 8d6 Strike
Background/History: What a bunch of losers.
1 Whipfighting: Use Art with Whip (Choke,
Jimmy Klein looked around the dayroom in
Disarm, Legsweep, Punch/Snap Kick, and
his block of the Stew. Everywhere he looked, losers.
Side/Spin Kick only)
Some were too stupid to keep away from the law
6 Strong Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1
— the idiots who wrote bank robbery notes on the
2 Strong Leaper: Leaping +2” (6” forward,
backs of their paycheck stubs, guys like that. A lot
4” upward) 1
were too prideful — gang kids who felt they weren’t
15 Lucky Sonuvabitch: Luck 3d6 0
“men” if they didn’t shoot someone in the face in
Perks full view of a dozen people. There were only a few
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military like himself, who were smart enough to stay free,
but had had their luck run out. Jimmy, he’d been
Talents running a sweet car theft operation... but then one
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) of his guys, a guy he’d thought he could trust, got
15 Combat Sense 13- dumped for possession with intent and ratted out
3 Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with the whole gang rather than stand up like a man and
All Attacks do the time himself. Jimmy took care of the little
Predators ■ Chapter Three 217

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min Notes
AMT Automag V +4 +9 2½d6 1d6+1 12 13 HP ammo, laser, custom grips,
enlarged magazine, fine tuning
II, improved trigger
Baretta 93R +2 +0 1½d6 1d6 20 11 AF3, RC1, HP ammo, custom
grips, fine tuning II, improved
Whip +0 — ½d6 1d6-1 — 5 3” range, can Grab
Armored Costume (DEF 4, Activation Roll 14-)
Armored Cape (DEF +2, Activation Roll 11-)
Mask Lenses (Sight Group Flash Defense [5 points])
Mask Ear Shields (Hearing Group Flash Defense [3 points])
Gear: Mask Lenses (Nightvision), mask radio

rat bastard a month after he got to the Stew, but it your organization has as little exposure to the law
didn’t change the fact that he was locked up in this as possible.
urine-smelling hellhole for five-to-ten.
Personality/Motivation: Long years of training and
Then he had an idea. Most of these assholes
experience have left the Varangian with a strong
were too defective to ever be successful at crime...
streak of overconfidence. He’s rarely confronted a
but some were salvageable. All they needed was
challenge he couldn’t overcome, especially since
the help of someone who had the smarts and the
a lot of the people he deals with aren’t nearly as
vision. They needed someone to protect them, to
clever or practical as they ought to be.
shepherd them along, to make with the ideas when
When dealing with other people, the Varan-
their own ran out. And obviously there was only
gian is blunt (though not necessarily rude), profes-
one guy suitable for that job.
sional, and speaks to the point. He conveys an air
With his goal in mind, Jimmy began working
of authority and no-nonsense attention to business.
toward it. He lifted weights and did calisthenics
He also makes it clear, in various subtle and non-
every day, chiseling his already-admirable body
into rock-hard perfection. He kept off the guards’
radar as much as possible, never making trouble if
he could avoid it without looking like a punk. He
worked steady in the laundry room. And he talked
to a lot of the other cons, especially the skilled
thieves and hijackers who’d only ended up in Stew-
artsburg Penitentiary because they’d pushed their
luck just a little too much one too many times. In
the end, his plan worked: thanks to good behav-
ior and prison overcrowding, he got out in three
instead of five.
That’s when he put the second stage of his
plan into operation. If he was going to become
the premiere bodyguard and security expert for
criminals, he needed to stand out from the crowd.
In Hudson City, that meant a costume and a style.
For his style, Jimmy wanted some distinctive weap-
ons. After some thought, he settled on a shield
(the perfect symbol of his role as a defender) and
a whip (a weapon that scared even most hardened
street brawlers). He contacted the Toymaker to get
the shield, then bought a whip and some firearms.
He trained with them relentlessly, devoting all his
discipline and brains to perfecting his fighting tech-
niques. When he wasn’t practicing, he studied locks
and security, bodyguarding, perimeter protection,
and a dozen other subjects.
When he felt he was ready, the word went out
to the underworld: anyone who needs protection,
whether it’s for a single job or an entire mansion,
should contact the Varangian. For the right money,
he’ll make sure you and yours stay safe, that your
jobs are planned as carefully as possible, and that
218 ■ Solo Criminals Hero System 5th Edition
THE VARANGIAN subtle ways, that he remains loyal to his current
PLOT SEEDS employer, right down to sacrificing his life to pro-
tect that person if necessary... though in truth he’s
The classic Varangian not always as loyal as he leads others to believe. On He sat down in the leather chair across the desk from
plot: the PCs want to several occasions he’s abandoned a sinking ship Charlemagne, putting his shield aside so it wouldn’t get
capture/kill a particu- rather than go down with it even though he might in the way. Caber was standing behind his boss and to
lar underworld figure. have kept the ship afloat long enough for the cap- the left, watchful. The big man had brought him here in
Their target has hired tain to escape, too, if he’d stayed. a van with blacked-out windows; he wasn’t sure exactly
the Varangian to protect where he was. Some building in Riverside Hills or
him. The PCs have to Quote: “Sir, you hired me to take over security for Crown Point, probably.
make it through the you because I’m the best. You pay me to protect you, “I’ve finished my evaluation of your organization,” he
Varangian’s carefully- your family, and what’s yours. I can’t do that if you’re said without preamble. “You’re suffering from some
planned security, then not going to listen to me. I run security here, and I’m serious inefficiencies that could cause you real prob-
overcome the man him- telling you, you can’t go to the club if you want me lems down the line.”
self, before they can get to protect you. There’s too much going on there, too
to their target. “Go on,” Charlemagne said calmly. The crimelord was
many people and things I can’t keep track of. Stay always like that — all business. He appreciated that
home and enjoy a quiet evening — you’ll like it just sort of professionalism; most of the men he worked for
The Varangian discovers
as much, and I promise you you’ll live longer.” were temperamental, often foolish.
that one of his employ-
ers is planning to set Powers/Tactics: The Varangian is a skilled and versa- “It’s all detailed in my report,” he said, throwing a sta-
him up to take a major pled document onto Charlemagne’s desk. “The biggest
tile fighter. In addition to the two firearms he typically
fall that will leave the weakness I see is your man Morehouse. He’s ambitious
carries — a .50 Automag and a Beretta 93R automatic and cocky — just the sort who’s going to push for more
employer in the clear.
— he has two “trademark” weapons. The first is a responsibility, absolutely shouldn’t get it, and who’ll
He can’t just turn on
his employer — the whip. He’d deadly accurate with the thing, able to flick cause trouble when he doesn’t. He also likes to brag to
rest of the underworld cigarettes out of mouths or blind someone in one eye. women, and could easily spill some secrets you don’t
wouldn’t believe his The second is the round shield he wears on his left want spilled. You should eliminate him now before he
story, and he’d never arm. It’s primarily to defend himself and anyone he’s becomes a serious problem.”
work again. So, he needs guarding, but he can also use it to bash someone in “Anything else?”
to find a way to get the HTH Combat or throw it as a Ranged attack.
PCs to take his employer “Like I said, it’s all in the report. If you have any ques-
In combat, the Varangian’s foremost concern tions, or you need any further help, you know how to
out... but without is the safety of whoever he’s been hired to protect.
making it look like his reach me.”
He’ll use his shield to Missile Deflect attacks away
security and bodyguard- Charlemagne opened a desk drawer, reached in, pulled
from the protectee, and interpose himself between
ing work was flawed. out a thick stack of banded bills, tossed it over to him.
the protectee and his attackers. He’s strong enough “That should take care of everything. Caber will drive
to pick up most protectees and run with them if you wherever you need to go.”
The PCs need to make
sure someone’s safe necessary, but he knows that can leave him vulner-
while they go on an able, so he prefers to let the protectee move on his other person at the same time, provided they’re
extended mission. The own whenever possible. He often has the protectee in the same hex. To weaken him, reduce his STR,
obvious choice in the detach his cape so the protectee can wrap himself DEX, and INT to the 15-17 range each, and remove
Varangian... but can in it for extra protection (in this case, increase the 1-2 of his All Combat CSLs.
they trust someone who Activation Roll for the cape to 14-). The Varangian doesn’t Hunt people unless hired
mostly works for the
Campaign Use: Since hanging out his shingle, to do so, in which case he follows instructions (if
the Varangian has worked for many major any). Otherwise, he handles the job with an efficient,
underworld figures and gangs. The PCs could common sense approach: after studying the target
easily encounter him as a bodyguard, security carefully, he musters as much overwhelming force as
specialist, or crime planning advisor for any of he reasonably can and then lowers the boom.
their enemies; he might also work as backup James Klein has a criminal record for aggra-
for a gang pulling a heist. On a few occasions, vated assault, grand theft auto, and a host of lesser
he’s even accepted contracts to steal something offenses. The HCPD doesn’t know he’s the Varan-
or kill someone himself. If you prefer, you can gian, but if they ever get the Varangian’s finger-
tone down his ruthlessness and make him more prints it won’t take them long to figure it out.
a hard-core professional security man who just Appearance: The Varangian is a tall, well-muscled
happens to do a lot of work for the underworld white man standing 6’3” tall and weighing 235
— that way, maybe the PCs can develop a grudg- pounds. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, though
ing respect for him, or even turn him into some his costume hides both. When on the job he typi-
sort of ally. cally wears a black bodysuit with emerald green
To make the Varangian a tougher opponent, boots, belt, gloves, cape, and half face mask that ties
increase his SPD to 5 and/or give him more Levels in the back. He carries his Automag V in a green
of some sort — maybe OCV Levels with Thrown left shoulder holster, his Beretta 93R in a grip-for-
Shield, or CSLs with Ranged Attacks. You could ward green holster on his left hip, and his whip
also make the Armor slot of his Multipower Usable coiled on his right hip. His shield is round and
Simultaneously so he can shield himself and one black with a stylized green V.
Predators 219

Cost Powers END
GENERIC ADVERSARIES 2 Observant: +1 PER with Sight Group
The following “generic” character sheets repre- Perks
sent typical human NPCs and enemies Dark Cham- 4 Contacts: 4 points’ worth within the depart-
pions PCs might encounter, such as cops, gangsters, ment and/or on the street
and soldiers. Assume they have the standard start- 2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers
ing Resource Points for the campaign unless you 1 Fringe Benefit: Law Enforcement Rank
prefer otherwise. As always, you should change or 1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit
supplement them as desired.
See the weapons and equipment chapters of Skills
Dark Champions for explanations of any abbrevia- 1 Combat Driving 8-
tions or symbols used in the “Suggested Equip- 3 Concealment 11-
ment” section of each character sheet. A character 3 Criminology 11-
doesn’t necessarily carry all of the listed weapons or 2 AK or CK appropriate to job or jurisdiction 11-
gear with him at all times; you should, if appropri- 2 KS: Criminal Law And Procedure 11-
ate, choose just one or two weapons or items for 2 KS: The Law Enforcement World 11-
use in a particular encounter. 2 PS: Police Officer 11-
3 Streetwise 12-
COP, BASIC 2 WF: Small Arms
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Background Skills representing hobbies,
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] other outside interests, or other abilities
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 33
12 CON 4 11- Total Cost: 54
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 50+ Disadvantages
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 5 Distinctive Features: Uniform and/or Badge
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 (Easily Concealed)
8 COM -1 11- 10 Hunted: department he works for 8- (Mo
Pow, NCI, Watching)
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) Frequently, Major)
3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 85
24 END 0
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 21
Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
Tonfa +0 — 3d6 N — — 8
Pepper Spray +0 +0 Fla 5d6 + NND 3d6 — 12 —
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: Handcuffs, baton flashlight
Clothing: Policeman’s uniform
220 Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 Contacts: 10 points’ worth within the
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] department and/or on the street
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers
14 CON 8 12- 2 Fringe Benefit: Law Enforcement Rank
12 BODY 4 11- 1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Skills
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 4 +2 OCV with Colt M1911A
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
8 COM -1 11- 3 Combat Driving 12-
3 Concealment 12-
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 3 Criminology 12-
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 3 AK or CK appropriate to job or jurisdiction 12-
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 3 KS: Criminal Law And Procedure 12-
5 REC 0 3 KS: The Law Enforcement World 12-
28 END 0 3 PS: Police Officer 12-
24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 39 7 Streetwise 14-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 2 WF: Small Arms
3 Background Skills representing hobbies,
Cost Powers END other outside interests, or other abilities
Martial Arts: Police Self-Defense
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 75
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Total Cost: 114
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, 50+ Disadvantages
2d6 NND (2) 5 Distinctive Features: Uniform and/or Badge
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 20 STR (Easily Concealed)
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 10 Hunted: department he works for 8- (Mo
Limbs, 20 STR Pow, NCI, Watching)
4 Punch/Elbow Strike 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
+0 +2 4d6 Strike Frequently, Major)
1 Use Art with Clubs 29 Experience Points
2 Observant: +1 PER with Sight Group
Total Disadvantage Points: 114

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
Colt M1911A +1 +0 2d6-1 1d6 7 9
Tonfa +0 — 3d6 N — — 8
Pepper Spray +0 +0 Fla 5d6 + NND 3d6 — 12 —
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: Handcuffs, baton flashlight
Clothing: Policeman’s uniform
Predators 221


Val Char Cost Roll Notes Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2]
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
10 CON 0 11- 11 CON 2 11-
10 BODY 0 11- 10 BODY 0 11-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
8 COM -1 11- 8 COM -1 11-
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) 3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
4 REC 0 4 REC 0
20 END 0 22 END 0
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 4 21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 3
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END Cost Perks
2 Is That All?: +5 PRE; Only To Protect 1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit
Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0
Perks 2 AK or CK appropriate to job 11-
1 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank 1 KS: Local Criminal Law 8-
2 PS: Security Guard 11-
1 Streetwise 8-
2 AK or CK appropriate to turf or neighbor-
2 WF: Small Arms
hood 11-
3 Background Skills representing hobbies,
2 KS: Illegal Drugs 11-
other outside interests, or other abilities
2 KS: Street Gangs Of city or neighborhood 11-
2 PS: Drug Dealer 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 12
3 Stealth 11- Total Cost: 15
3 Streetwise 11-
25+ Disadvantages
3 WF: Small Arms, Knives
5 Distinctive Features: Uniform and/or Badge
6 Background Skills representing hobbies,
(Easily Concealed)
other outside interests, or other abilities
5 Hunted: company he works for 8- (Mo Pow,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 26 Watching)
Total Cost: 30 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Frequently, Major)
50+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: police department or the like 8- Total Disadvantage Points: 55
(Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
Total Disadvantage Points: 70


Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min
9mm pistol +0 - +0 - 1d6+1 - 1d6-1 - 10 - 8 S&W Model 10 +0 - +0 - 1d6 - 1d6-1 - 6 - 7
MAC-10 +1 - +0 - 2d6-1 - 1d6 - 32 - 12 Taser +0 - — - 8d6 NND - — - 12 - —
Switchblade +0 - +0 - ½d6 - 1d6-1 - — - 4 Pepper Spray +0 - +0 - Fla 5d6 + NND 3d6 - — - 12 - —
Armor: None Armor: None
Gear: Cell phone Gear: Baton flashlight
Clothing: Expensive sneakers, pants that are too big for Clothing: Security guard’s uniform
him, t-shirt that’s too big for him, baseball cap worn back-
wards, bling-bling
222 Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] 2 Fringe Benefit: Heavy Weapon Permit
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Skills
15 CON 10 12- 4 +2 OCV with Colt CAR-15
12 BODY 4 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Combat Driving 12-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 3 Concealment 12-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 AK or CK appropriate to job or jurisdiction 12-
8 COM -1 11- 3 KS: Criminal Law And Procedure 12-
1 KS: The Law Enforcement World 8-
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 1 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 3 PS: Bodyguard 12-
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 3 PS: Security Guard 12-
6 REC 0 3 Streetwise 12-
30 END 0 2 WF: Small Arms
27 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 47 3 Background Skills representing hobbies,
Movement: Running: 6”/12” other outside interests, or other abilities

Cost Powers END Total Powers & Skills Cost: 58

Martial Arts: Defense Training Total Cost: 105
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 50+ Disadvantages
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Distinctive Features: Uniform and/or Badge
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, (Easily Concealed)
2d6 NND (2) 10 Hunted: department he works for 8- (Mo
4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 23 STR Pow, NCI, Watching)
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Limbs, 23 STR Frequently, Major)
4 Punch/Elbow Strike 20 Experience Points
+0 +2 4½d6 Strike
2 Observant: +1 PER with Sight Group Total Disadvantage Points: 105

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
Glock 21 +0 +0 2d6 1d6 13 9
Colt CAR-15 +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12
Taser +0 — 8d6 NND — 12 —
Pepper Spray +0 +0 Fla 5d6 + NND 3d6 — 12 —
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-)
Gear: Handcuffs, baton flashlight
Clothing: Security guard’s uniform
Predators 223


Val Char Cost Roll Notes EXPERIENCED/TOUGH
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] Val Char Cost Roll Notes
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3]
13 CON 6 12- 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
11 BODY 2 11- 14 CON 8 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 12 BODY 4 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
8 COM -1 11- 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 8 COM -1 11-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
6 REC 0 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
26 END 0 6 REC 0
25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 28 28 END 0
Movement: Running: 7”/14” 26 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 38

Cost Powers END Movement: Running: 7”/14”

2 Fast: Running +1” (7” total) 1 Cost Powers END
Perks 2 Fast: Running +1” (7” total) 1
4 Contacts: 4 points’ worth in the appropriate Perks
military 6 Contacts: 6 points’ worth in the appropriate
0 Fringe Benefit: Military Rank military
Skills 2 Fringe Benefit: Military Rank
3 Climbing 11- Skills
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- 3 +1 OCV with Colt M16A1
2 KS: [Military Force] History And Customs 11-
3 Climbing 12-
2 PS: [member of military; e.g., “Sailor”] 11-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
3 Stealth 11-
2 KS: [Military Force] History And Customs 11-
3 Tactics 11-
2 PS: [member of military; e.g., “Sailor”] 11-
3 WF: Small Arms, Knives
3 Stealth 12-
3 Background Skills representing hobbies,
1 Systems Operation 8-
other outside interests, or other abilities
3 Tactics 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 27 4 WF: Small Arms, General Purpose/Heavy
Total Cost: 55 Machine Guns, Knives
5 Background Skills representing hobbies,
50+ Disadvantages
other outside interests, or other abilities
5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Con-
cealed) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 38
10 Hunted: military force character belongs to Total Cost: 76
8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
50+ Disadvantages
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Con-
Frequently, Major)
Total Disadvantage Points: 85 10 Hunted: military force character belongs to
8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min Frequently, Major)
Colt M1911A +1 - +0 - 2d6-1 - 1d6 - 7 - 9 Total Disadvantage Points: 85
Colt M16A1 +1 - +1 - 2d6 - 1d6 - 30 - 13
Combat Knife +0 - +0 - 1d6 - 1d6-1 - — - 8
Armor: Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-); Helmet
Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min
(DEF 8 for Head)
Colt M1911A +1 - +0 - 2d6-1 - 1d6 - 7 - 9
Gear: As appropriate for mission (e.g., canteen when on
Colt M16A1 +1 - +1 - 2d6 - 1d6 - 30 - 13
extended field duty, possibly a nightvision device during
nighttime patrol) Combat Knife +0 - +0 - 1d6 - 1d6-1 - — - 8

Clothing: Uniform Armor: Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 11-); Helmet

(DEF 8 for Head)
Gear: As appropriate for mission (e.g., canteen when on
extended field duty, possibly a nightvision device during
nighttime patrol)
Clothing: Uniform
224 Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [3] Skills
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 6 +3 OCV with firearm of choice
16 CON 12 12- 6 +2 with any Climbing, Stealth, and Tactics
13 BODY 6 12-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Climbing 12-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 7 Demolitions 14-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
8 COM -1 11- 2 KS: [Military Force] History And Customs 11-
2 KS: [Special Force] History And Traditions 11-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
3 Navigation (Land, Marine) 12-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
3 Paramedics 12-
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
2 PS: [Special Force Member] 11-
6 REC 0
2 SS: Hydrography 11-
32 END 0
2 PS: [member of military; e.g., “Sailor”] 11-
29 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57
3 Stealth 12-
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 10 Survival (Desert, Marine, Mountains, Tem-
Swimming: 4”/8” perate/Subtropical, Tropical) 12-
3 Systems Operation 12-
Cost Powers END 3 Tactics 12-
Martial Arts: Commando Training 3 Tracking 12-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 5 TF: Basic Parachuting, Advanced Parachut-
3 Aikido Throw +0 +1 3d6 + v/5, Target ing, SCUBA, Small Rowed Boats, Small
Falls Motorized Boats
4 Boxing Cross +0 +2 5d6 Strike 6 WF: Small Arms, Grenade Launchers, Gen-
4 Choke -2 +0 Grab One Limb, eral Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Knives,
2d6 NND (2) Shoulder-Fired Weapons
4 Escape +0 +0 30 STR vs. 6 Skills representing specialty fields, hobbies,
Grabs other outside interests, or other abilities
4 Hold -1 -1 Grab Three
Limbs, 25 STR Total Powers & Skills Cost: 133
4 Judo Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, 25 STR Total Cost: 190
4 Karate “Chop” -2 +0 HKA ½d6
75+ Disadvantages
(1d6+1 with
5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Con-
4 Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
10 Hunted: military force character belongs to
6 Fast: Running +3” (9” total) 1
8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Perks Frequently, Major)
6 Contacts: 6 points’ worth in the appropriate 80 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 190

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
H&K Mk 23 +3 +9 2d6-1 1d6 12 10
H&K MP5 +1 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 12
Colt M16A1 +1 +1 2d6 1d6 30 13
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8
Level II (DEF 7, Activation Roll 14-)
Helmet (DEF 8 for Head)
Gear: As appropriate for mission; common examples include nightvision devices, survival gear, swim-
ming gear, field medical kits, and radios
Clothing: Uniform, or as appropriate for mission
Predators 225


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] Skills
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 8 +1 with All Combat
14 CON 8 12-
12 BODY 4 11- 3 Combat Driving 12-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 3 Conversation 12-
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4 2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 3 High Society 12-
14 COM 2 12- 3 KS: The Espionage World 13-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
5 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) 3 Lockpicking 12-
5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) 3 PS: Tradecraft 13-
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 3 Security Systems 13-
6 REC 0 3 Seduction 12-
28 END 0 3 Shadowing 13-
26 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68 3 Stealth 12-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 6 TF: Common Motorized Vehicles, Basic
Parachuting, SCUBA, Snow Skiing, Two-
Cost Powers END Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
Martial Arts: Karate 2 WF: Small Arms
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Total Powers & Skills Cost: 82
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all Total Cost: 150
attacks, Abort 75+ Disadvantages
3 Legsweep +2 -1 3½d6; Target 20 Hunted: enemy nation or espionage agency
Falls 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
4 Punch/Snap Kick 10 Hunted: his own nation or espionage agency
+0 +2 4½d6 Strike 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
5 Side/Spin Kick -2 +1 6½d6 Strike 15 Psychological Limitation appropriate to
Perks character (Patriot, if nothing else)
3 Fringe Benefit: Espionage Rank 30 Experience Points
3 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance Total Disadvantage Points: 150

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
Walther PPK +1 +1 1d6 1d6-1 7 6
Gear: A variety of concealed and specialized gadgets necessary for the mission (see, for example, Dark
Champions, page 286)
Clothing: Finely-tailored clothes and appropriate jewelry or accessories, or commando-wear in appro-
priate circumstances
226 Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2] 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [2]
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
12 CON 4 11- 13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11- 12 BODY 4 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
8 COM -1 11- 8 COM -1 11-
4 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 Total: 1 ED (0 rED) 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 0 5 REC 0
24 END 0 26 END 0
21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 28 24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 29
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Perks Cost Perks
3 Fringe Benefit: Espionage Rank 1 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank
3 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance 5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military
Skills Skills
3 Bribery 12- 2 +1 OCV with weapon of choice
1 Bureaucratics 8-
2 KS: doctrine of the Cause 11-
3 Concealment 12-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World
3 Deduction 12-
3 KS: The Espionage World 12-
2 PS: Terrorist 11-
2 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World
3 Stealth 11-
1 Streetwise 8-
6 6 more points’ worth of KSs pertaining to the
2 WF: Small Arms
character’s area of expertise
5 Background Skills representing hobbies,
3 PS: Tradecraft 12-
other outside interests, or other abilities
3 Stealth 11-
2 WF: Small Arms Total Powers & Skills Cost: 25
Total Cost: 54
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 35
Total Cost: 63 50+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: enemy nation, police agency, or
50+ Disadvantages
espionage agency 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
20 Hunted: enemy nation or espionage agency
8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
10 Hunted: his own terrorist group 8- (Mo Pow,
10 Hunted: his own nation or espionage agency
NCI, Watching)
8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15 Psychological Limitation: Believer In The
Total Disadvantage Points: 80 Cause (Common, Strong)
Total Disadvantage Points: 95
Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min
Walther PPK +1 - +1 - 1d6 - 1d6-1 - 7 - 6
Weapon OCV - RMod - Dam - STUN - Shots -STR Min
Armor: None 9mm handgun +0 - +0 - 1d6+1 - 1d6-1 - 10 - 8
Gear: As appropriate for mission, given budgetary 9mm SMG +0 - +0 - 1d6+1 - 1d6-1 - 30 - 10
restraints Grenades +0 - +0 - 1½d6 - X - 1d6-1 - 4 - RBS
Clothing: Typically ordinary clothes appropriate to
Armor: Usually none
cover identity or locale, but may vary depending on
Gear: Whatever gear he can cobble together or get from
type of mission
his organization that’s appropriate to the mission at hand.
The better organized and funded the group, the better
equipped he’ll be.
Clothing: Military fatigues, miscellaneous field or street
Predators 227

Weapon OCV RMod Dam STUN Shots STR Min
9mm handgun +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 10 8
9mm SMG +0 +0 1d6+1 1d6-1 30 10
Assault rifle +1 +1 2d6 1d6 30 13
Combat Knife +0 +0 1d6 1d6-1 — 8
Grenades +0 +0 1½d6 X 1d6-1 4 RBS
Usually none
Gear: Whatever gear he can cobble together or get from his organization that’s appropriate to the mis-
sion at hand. The better organized and funded the group, the better equipped he’ll be.
Clothing: Military fatigues, miscellaneous field or street clothes


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 4 +2 OCV with weapon of choice
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [3] 3 Concealment 12-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 1 Demolitions 8-
15 CON 10 12- 3 Interrogation 12-
13 BODY 6 12- 3 KS: doctrine of the Cause 12-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 3 KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 12-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 3 PS: Terrorist 12-
8 COM -1 11- 3 Stealth 12-
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 3 Streetwise 12-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 2 Survival (Desert) 12-
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6 8, 12 3 Tactics 12-
6 REC 0 5 WF: Small Arms, General Purpose/Heavy
30 END 0 Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Knives
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 59 5 Background Skills representing hobbies,
other outside interests, or other abilities
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 56
Cost Powers END Total Cost: 115
5 I Would Die For My Beliefs: +10 PRE; Only
To Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0 50+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: enemy nation, police agency, or
Perks espionage agency 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/
3 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank Kill)
5 Improved Equipment Availability: Military 10 Hunted: his own terrorist group 8- (Mo Pow,
Talents NCI, Watching)
2 Resistance (2 points) 20 Psychological Limitation: Believer In The
Cause (Common, Total)
15 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 115
228 Hero System 5th Edition
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
12 STR 2 11- Lift 133 kg; 2d6 [2] PROJECTS
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
13 CON 6 12- Almost since the time the first soldiers were
11 BODY 2 11- fielded to fight their foes with spear and sword,
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- rulers and governments have sought ways to
8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3 improve their performance and capability for
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 enduring the rigors of warfare. In the twentieth,
8 COM -1 11- and now the twenty-first, century, the quest for the
perfect soldier reached new heights with the cre-
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) ation by various governments (primarily the United
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) States, the Soviet Union, and a few others) of super-
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 soldiers — fighting men enhanced through chem-
5 REC 0 istry, psychology, biology, or some combination of
26 END 0 the above to approach, meet, or sometimes even
24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 22 exceed human norms. Similarly, some intelligence
Movement: Running: 6”/12” agencies have attempted to create “super-spies”
through various “human enhancement” programs.
Cost Perks This article discusses the major super-soldier proj-
1 Fringe Benefit: Criminal Rank ects of the Dark Champions setting.
Interrogation 12-
AK or CK appropriate to setting 11-
Human Enhancement
2 KS: Underworld Of city or neighborhood 11- Projects Of The United States
2 PS: Thug 11-
The United States government, primarily the
3 Stealth 11-
Army and Central Intelligence Agency, has been
3 Streetwise 12-
more active in the attempt to create enhanced sol-
3 WF: Small Arms, Knives
diers and agents than any other nation in the world.
4 Background Skills representing hobbies,
However, its success has been limited.
other outside interests, or other abilities
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 23
Total Cost: 45 The very first super-soldier program ever
begun, Sodbuster started in World War II. It was
50+ Disadvantages an attempt to create better soldiers via what would
20 Hunted: police department or the like 8- today be called a “health food” diet and training in
(Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) jujutsu and karate (provided by former Japanese
Total Disadvantage Points: 70 internees). The project was moderately successful;
however, virtually all project trainees were killed in
combat in the Pacific.
9mm Pistol +0 - +0 - 1d6+1 - 1d6-1 - 10 - 8 During the Korean War, Major Douglas Nor-
Combat Knife +0 - +0 - 1d6 - 1d6-1 - — 8 dstrom, one of the few surviving veterans of Sod-
Armor: None buster, initiated this program to assist war efforts.
Gear: Cell phone The main thrust of this project was not to create
Clothing: Street clothes, or whatever his boss has better fighters per se, but rather to improve the sur-
him wear vivability of soldiers. The goal was to increase resis-
tance to the elements (especially cold), to diseases,
and to injury (via autonomic reactions to reduce
bleeding and otherwise minimize the impact of
trauma). Evergreen made extensive use of data
gleaned from Nazi and Imperial Japanese experi-
ments upon prisoners of war. As with Sodbuster,
the project enjoyed some moderate successes, but
most trainees were killed in combat.
In the early 1960s, with the Cold War about
to heat up in Vietnam, the US Army stepped up its
efforts to create super-soldiers. Epsilon made use
of advances in psychology (i.e., brainwashing) and
chemistry (i.e., drugs such as LSD) to create sol-
diers who were highly resistant to pain, able to go
without sleep for extended periods, and possessed
Predators 229

reaction times far faster than human normal. Epsi- conditioning followed. The result was an unquali- SUPER-SOLDIER
lon lasted through the late 1960s. fied success — the super-spy codenamed Jackknife. VERSUS
In general, Project: Epsilon was a failure. Most However, the project’s success ultimately turned SUPERHUMAN-
participants became insane or could not withstand to failure when Jackknife went rogue in 1988 and SOLDIER
the physical aspects of the program. Among the few established himself as a spy/assassin for hire. Today
successes were Jason Coretti, better known as the he’s one of the world’s most successful and sought- If you look at the
Hudson City vigilante Jason Scorpion; Sgt. Howie after assassins (see page 160). Due to the failure of various Champions
Burke, credited with eliminating two units of VC his psychological conditioning and the great cost products Hero Games
soldiers singlehandedly while armed only with a associated with his creation, not to mention the has published for the
knife; and the 1970s New York black crimelord, Mr. rogue nature of the entire project, Project: Jack- 5th Edition rules, you’ll
Pharoah. But despite the program’s overall failure, knife was halted. The CIA has never revived it, and note that none of them
it succeeded in that it garnered valuable data for the scientists involved have not been seen or heard use the term “super-
soldier” when referring
future experiments. from publicly since.
to attempts to imbue
PROJECT: CHRYSALIS PROJECT: PRIDE soldiers with paranor-
mal powers. The various
Making use of the knowledge gained in Proj- In 1978, the Army decided to get back into projects discussed on,
ect: Epsilon, and bringing its own, greater, techno- the super-soldier business. General Nordstrom for example, pages 40-43
logical expertise into play, the CIA initiated Project: contacted his old friend Lucius Grey at the CIA and of Champions Universe,
Chrysalis to create a “super spy.” Spearheaded by set up a “joint venture” with the Agency to draw which resulted in the
former Marine Sergeant Lucius Grey, Chrysalis upon its increasing sophistication in the field of creations of characters
enjoyed somewhat greater success than Epsilon human enhancement studies. Scientists assigned to like Victory and the
(though none of the names of any of its “alumni” Project: Pride took human a fetus from the womb Janissary, are called
have ever become known), but its successes were and raised it in a special incubator-like chamber, superhuman soldier
still minimal compared with Agency goals and artificially aging it so it grew to adult size in just projects.
hopes for the program. The Director discontinued five years.
Chrysalis in the mid-1970s. Christening him “Charlie Pride,” the scientists A super-soldier proj-
ect (also known more
subjected this person to the entire panoply of CIA
PROJECT: DURABLE euphemistically as a
mind-alteration and data implantation techniques. “human enhancement
Project: Durable was one of many super- They built into him, from the ground up, an entire project”) is one that
soldier projects instituted by the American armed personality based around intense patriotism and attempts to somehow
forces — in this case, the Army — in the Vietnam slavish loyalty to his superiors. They also gave him improve the perfor-
era. Its goal was to render soldiers immune to pain a lifetime of false memories that indicated he’d mance of soldiers and
and fatigue by blocking substantial parts of their been injected with a “super-soldier serum” during a spies, but more or less
nerve endings. Certain nerves, such as those in the Vietnam War-era project, had fought with extreme within normal human
hands, were left mainly intact. distinction in that war, and had since served the parameters — it doesn’t
Although Durable soldiers performed well CIA and the Army on a variety of special opera- try to give them super-
in the field, the Army scrapped the project after powers, just make them
tions missions around the globe. Along with these
several years due to numerous unanticipated side function better. Put
memories he was programmed with the skills he another way, super-sol-
effects that compromised the subjects’ efficiency would need for his work. The knowledge that was dier projects are much
and could not be corrected. These included a lep- force-fed into him by computer so he could call it more “realistic,” and
rosy-like inability to detect wounds and infections, up as needed, but would otherwise “lay dormant” to thus appropriate for the
soldiers starving to death because their nervous avoid confusing or disturbing him. world of Dark Champi-
systems didn’t tell them they were hungry, and When Pride scientists felt Charlie had reached ons — a world in which
most commonly mental instability caused by the the appropriate level of physical and mental devel- someone who can fly
treatments (including various manifestations of opment, they awakened him, explaining that he’d and fire energy bolts, the
violent hyperactivity and antisocial personality dis- been in the hospital for an extended period while way Victory can, is far
order). The only known survivor of the project still out of place.
he recovered from severe wounds suffered on a
alive today is Mark “Pokerface” Knight, who works mission in Africa. Thereafter he spent several years
for the Card Shark organization. in intense physical training (“recuperation and field
PROJECT: JACKKNIFE re-acclimation therapy”) and was equipped with
several high-tech weapons that had computers built
In the late 1960s, a group of rogue CIA sci- into them.
entists, disgusted with the limitations placed By the late 1980s/early Nineties, the CIA and
upon Project: Chrysalis by Mr. Grey, set up their the Army were using Charlie Pride — known pri-
own secret program to create a super-spy. A few marily by the codename American Flag — all over
whispered rumors in the intelligence community the world. They sent him on suicidal combat/infiltra-
later claimes they were secretely financed, at least tion missions against numerous clandestine targets.
in part, by Colonel Nordstrom. For several years, He returned from more than a decade’s worth of
they attempted to create a human clone for their assignments, mission accomplished, in the late Nine-
purposes, but met with complete failure due to the ties. By that point his handlers were worred that his
limited state of bioengineering at that time. personality programming was beginning to weaken,
Sometime in the early 1970s, these scientists and that if it collapsed, his mind would revert to
obtained a two-and-a-half year old boy for use in that of a young child. In 1993, he was “retired” and
their experiments. Sixteen years of chemical treat- given a cover identity as an automobile dealer in
ments, surgery, physical training, and psychological Fell’s Point, from where the Agency or Army could
230 Hero System 5th Edition
retrieve him if he were ever needed. Since then he new role and ensure his loyalty. The Army equipped
has periodically acted as a vigilante, combatting what Benning with the latest in weaponry, including a
he perceives as “un-American activities.” modified M-134 Minigun with several interchange-
able helical ammunition magazines, a weapon so
big only he can carry and use it.
This was the CIA’s own followup to Project: Benning completed advanced training without
Pride. A thirteen-year-old autistic boy known only any difficulties. But during his first field training
as “Leon” was subjected to psychological condi- exercise, he went berserk and fled, abandoning the
tioning and data implantation methods developed Army altogether to become a high-priced mer-
during Pride. The goal was to create a super-spy cenary warrior using the name SNAFU. Project:
able to “switch personalities” between several pre- Superiority scientists theorize that his berserk fit
defined personalities, thus creating the “ultimate resulted from an explosion-induced malfunction
cover.” After twelve years of conditioning and in the radio receiver/transmitter implanted in his
training, he was sent into the field; all of his pro- mastoid sinus. This wrecked his psychological
grammed identities saw extensive use. However, conditioning, leaving him with the advanced capa-
there were occasional accidental “personality shifts,” bilities and training he’d received but none of the
and eventually he did not return from a mission. moral or patriotic imperatives.
The CIA now believes that [CLASSIFIED]. Following Benning’s defection, Project: Supe-
PROJECT: SUPERIORITY riority was suspended. Scientists associated with
the program believe it’s still viable, particularly with
In 1996, the Army, pleased with the results the scientific advances seen in bio-engineering
of Project: Pride, decided to use the knowledge since 1996, but have yet to convince the military
gained through that project to create its own super- that it’s worth the massive amount of funding it
soldier independent of the CIA. The goal of this would require.
program, dubbed Project: Superiority, was to use
modern technology, medicine, science, and training WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS
methods to create soldiers who could (a) survive by The American military and intelligence com-
themselves behind enemy lines, unsupported, for munities remain intrigued by the possibilities of
lengthy periods of time, (b) wreak immense havoc human enhancement. General Nordstrom, the man
on the enemy while they were there, (c) withstand who conceived of, led, or otherwise participated
enormous amounts of pain and injury, and (d) kill in so many of the super-soldier projects over the
without hesitation. In short, Superiority soldiers past fifty years retired when Project: Superior-
would be the ultimate commandos. ity was suspended. His centralizing influence on
Subjects for the program, all volunteers, were the Army’s human enhancement research is now
obtained directly from new recruits, before they’d gone, and some people suspect that half a dozen
gone through basic training. The first step in the programs, at varying stages and with varying levels
program was to provide them with basic survival of official sanction, are underway to create the next
and combat training. All recruits survived this “super-soldier.” The grapevine has even attachewd
stage. The second stage was the drug and surgery a name and description to one: the Lone Star
program designed to fundamentally alter the Project, said to involve plans to implant miniature
subject. The injections and toxic reactions to the supercomputers and other equipment into the
implants killed five of the volunteers, leaving only brains and bodies of soldiers — in other words, to
one survivor: Mark Benning. create the very first actual cyborgs. Other programs
The second stage encompassed the majority of supposedly involve genetic manipulation, various
what was to make a Project: Superiority soldier so new technologies evolved from those used in Supe-
much better than an ordinary man. Through ste- riority, or advanced psychological programming.
roid injections and muscle grafts, Benning became
immensely strong. Similar injections (and later
training) increased his reflexes and stamina. Sur- Human Enhancement
geons implanted specially-developed “organic plas-
tic mesh” under his skin to give him a partial resis-
Projects Of The Soviet Union
tance to low-caliber bullets and other weapons, and As in so many other areas, the Soviet Union
a radio receiver/transmitter in his mastoid sinus lagged far behind the United States in its efforts to
so he could communicate with headquarters at all create super-soldiers, though not through lack of
times. His digestive and gastric tracts were altered funding — millions of rubles were thrown away on
to allow him to derive nutriment from any organic experiments that proved utterly worthless.
substance (such as grass, tree bark, or fur) without
harm. He was made able to withstand extremes of PROJECT: WOLF
temperature and radiation. Project: Wolf, the USSR’s first and longest-last-
Stage three of the Project was to train Benning ing super-soldier and super-spy project, began in the
to use his new body and mind properly. He learned early 1960s. It was an attempt to use injections and/
everything he could about being a soldier, from or surgical grafts to enhance human beings — aug-
stealthy movement, to tactics, to hand-to-hand mented muscles and bones for enhanced strength
combat. This stage also included intense psycho- and speed, primarily. Only a few crude “success”
logical conditioning to accustom Benning to his stories relieved years of abject failure, and most of
Predators 231

Projects Of
The People’s
Republic Of
Virtually no one in
the West knows whether
the Chinese have created
(or attempted to create)
enhanced human agents.
However, some members of
the CIA believe the shadowy
“Dragon Cadre” referred to
in some intercepted trans-
missions is a unit composed
of enhanced humans with
martial arts training. Find-
ing out more about Chinese
advances in this field is a top
priority in certain parts of
the CIA and DIA.

Projects Of
the successes went insane after only short periods in East Germany
the field. Nevertheless, the Soviets used their scarce The NPA (National Peoples’ Army) and the
resources well: their super-agents often lost their Stasi, or East German secret police, are known to
lives eliminating their American counterparts. have established one human enhancement proj-
THE BOGATYR PROJECT ect, Operation Eisenmensch (Iron Man). Drawing
on data “rescued” from Nazi scientists prior to
Named after the hero-warriors of Russian the fall of Hitler’s regime and the Nuremburg
folktales, this program began in the early 1980s. trials, Eisenmench scientists used chemical and
It used chemical and psychological treatments to biological treatments, advanced surgical tech-
create agents who were stronger, smarter, faster, and niques, and mental conditioning to create agents
more resistant to injury than typical humans. How- with great strength, vicious cunning, and unpar-
ever, the program’s successful “alumni” (known as allelled ability to resist injury and pain. However,
bogatyrs) generally lagged behind American super- the Iron Men displayed a distressing tendency
soldiers, having been created with technologies and toward certain fatal physical conditions (heart
methods already ten to twenty years outmoded in attacks, brain aneurysms), to mental breakdown,
the West. Most were killed in the field, but more and to premature senility. Experts in the Ameri-
than a few are thought to have survived. Some may can intelligence community think that perhaps
now be a part of the Organizatsiya, or sell their as many as two dozen Iron Men were created, but
services on the world mercenary market. A few FBI it’s unknown whether any of them survived to
agents suspect that the Organizatsiya boss Rasputin the fall of the Berlin Wall or beyond.
is a bogatyr.
This summary table provides a quick reference for GMs looking for a particular type of villain for use in a Military: The character has some connection to the Military World.
scenario. (Agents and the like are not included.) The table includes two categories of information. The first is the Spy: The character has some connection to the Espionage World.
archetype or archetypes the character belongs to as follows: Terrorist: The character is a terrorist.
Assassin: The character is a killer for hire. Technological: The character uses advanced technology.
Costumed: The character is a costumed criminal, or wears a distinctive costume or garb of some sort. Thief: The character’s primary form of crime is stealing.
Crimelord: The character is a criminal mastermind, leader of a gang, or the like. Vice: The character has some connection to the Vice World.
Goal: The character has a specific goal he wants to achieve or desire that drives him, other than those listed Violent: The character is prone to violence, bloodshed, killing, and/or destruction.
elsewhere; see his writeup for information. Weird: The character has strange or unusual abilities that may defy explanation.
Greedy: The character is motivated by a desire for wealth, luxuries, and the like. Points: The total number of Character Points the character is built with.
Loner: The character does not get along well with others, and rarely teams up with other criminals. The second table summarizes game information about the characters.
Mercenary: The character is a criminal-for-hire; he commits crimes for pay.
Co M chn
As st im er M Te
r ol
sa um el
ee Lo ce ili ro og Th
ol W Po
in ed ord
dy ne na
ry Sp ris ic ie Vi
ce en ei
rd in
al r y t al f t ts
Arsenal - - X - - - X X - - - - - X - 344
Azteca, El - - X - X - - - - - - - - X - 409
Bateleur, Le - X - - X - - - - - - X - - - 243
Black Tarantula - - - X X X - - - - - X - - - 200
Blind X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - 361
Blood Orchid X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - 234
Brahma - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 247
Brother Namaan - - X - - - - - - - - - - X X 309
Buckshot - - X - X - X - - - - - - X - 251
Caligula - - X X - - - - - - - - X - - 171
Carter, Jack L. - - - - X - - - - - - X - - - 200
Cerberus - X - - - - X - - - - - - X - 189
Charlemagne - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - 408
Chiaroscuro - - - - X X - - - - - X - X X 246
Contagion - - - - X - - - - X - - - - X 273
Copperhead - X - X - - X - - - - - - - - 331
Daedalus - - - X - X - - - - X - - - - 260
Dagger - X X - - - X - - - - - - - - 290
Diomedes - - X - - - - - - - - - - X - 246
Drood, Alexander - - - - - X - - X - - - - X X 324
Escorpión, El - - - - X - - - - - - - - X - 290
Falke - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Farswali, Ahmad - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - 200
Firebug - - X - - X - - - - - - - - X 108
Fusillade - X - - - - X - - - X - - X - 200
Gatling - - - - - - X X - - - - - X - 181
Grimm, Dr. Rodin - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - 147
Gunplay - X - - - - X X - - - - - X - 514
Headless Hangman - X - X - X - - - - - - - X - 380
Heatseeker - - - - - - X X - - - - - X - 200
Hecate - - - X - - - - - - - - - - X 227
Heretic, The - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 176
Hotspur X - X - - - X - - - - - - - - 287
Ixion - - - - - X - - - - X - - - - 155
Jackknife - - - X - - X - X - - - - X - 756
Jäger - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Janus - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - 218
Jihad - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - 230
Hero System 5th Edition
This summary table provides a quick reference for GMs looking for a particular type of villain for use in Loner: The character does not get along well with others, and rarely teams up with other criminals.
a scenario. (Agents and the like are not included.) The table includes two categories of information. The first is Mercenary: The character is a criminal-for-hire; he commits crimes for pay.
the archetype or archetypes the character belongs to, using the ones defined on pages 69-80 of Champions (the Military: The character has some connection to the Military World.
Patriot archetype is not included; none of the villains in this book fit it, since it’s mostly an archetype for heroes). Spy: The character has some connection to the Espionage World.
The second category includes other types of useful information, as follows: Terrorist: The character is a terrorist.
Assassin: The character is a killer for hire. Technological: The character uses advanced technology.
Costumed: The character is a costumed criminal, or wears a distinctive costume or garb of some sort. Thief: The character’s primary form of crime is stealing.
Crimelord: The character is a criminal mastermind, leader of a gang, or the like. Vice: The character has some connection to the Vice World.
Goal: The character has a specific goal he wants to achieve or desire that drives him, other than those listed Violent: The character is prone to violence, bloodshed, killing, and/or destruction.
elsewhere; see his writeup for information. Weird: The character has strange or unusual abilities that may defy explanation.
Greedy: The character is motivated by a desire for wealth, luxuries, and the like. Points: The total number of Character Points the character is built with.
Co M chn
As st im er M Te
r ol
sa um el
ee Lo ce
na ili ro og Th
ol W Po
ss or Go ne ta Sp ris ic ie Vi en ei in
in ed d al dy r ry ry y t al f ce t rd ts
Arsenal - - X - - - X X - - - - - X - 344
Azteca, El - - X - X - - - - - - - - X - 409
Bateleur, Le - X - - X - - - - - - X - - - 243
Black Tarantula - - - X X X - - - - - X - - - 200
Blind X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - 361
Blood Orchid X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - 234
Brahma - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 247
Brother Namaan - - X - - - - - - - - - - X X 309
Buckshot - - X - X - X - - - - - - X - 251
Caligula - - X X - - - - - - - - X - - 171
Carter, Jack L. - - - - X - - - - - - X - - - 200
Cerberus - X - - - - X - - - - - - X - 189
Charlemagne - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - 408
Chiaroscuro - - - - X X - - - - - X - X X 246
Contagion - - - - X - - - - X - - - - X 273
Copperhead - X - X - - X - - - - - - - - 331
Daedalus - - - X - X - - - - X - - - - 260
Dagger - X X - - - X - - - - - - - - 290
Diomedes - - X - - - - - - - - - - X - 246
Drood, Alexander - - - - - X - - X - - - - X X 324
Escorpión, El - - - - X - - - - - - - - X - 290
Falke - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Farswali, Ahmad - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - 200
Firebug - - X - - X - - - - - - - - X 108
Fusillade - X - - - - X - - - X - - X - 200
Gatling - - - - - - X X - - - - - X - 181
Grimm, Dr. Rodin - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - 147
Gunplay - X - - - - X X - - - - - X - 514
Headless Hangman - X - X - X - - - - - - - X - 380
Heatseeker - - - - - - X X - - - - - X - 200
Hecate - - - X - - - - - - - - - - X 227
Heretic, The - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 176
Hotspur X - X - - - X - - - - - - - - 287
Ixion - - - - - X - - - - X - - - - 155
Jackknife - - - X - - X - X - - - - X - 756
Jäger - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Janus - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - 218
Jihad - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - 230
Hero System 5th Edition
Co M chn
As st im er M Te
r ol
sa um el
ee Lo ce
na ili ro og Th
ol W Po
ss or Go ne ta Sp ris ic ie Vi en ei in

in ed d al dy r ry ry y t al f ce t rd ts
Kaine, Rodrick - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - 274
Kissing Bandit, The - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 131
Kreuzfeuer - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Magnum - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 315
McClinton, Lt. Paul - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - 257
Meteor - X - - X - - - - - - X - - - 163
Nocturne - X - - X - - - - - X - - - - 242
Panthanatos, Andres X - - - - - - X X - - - - X - 1,178
Philistine, The - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 95
Prospero - X - - X - X X X - X - - - - 576
Rasputin - - X - - - - - X - - - - X - 538
Recluse, The - - X - - - - - - X - - - X - 391
Redbeard - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 250
Rush - - - - X - X - - - X - - - - 210
Saltpeter Mary - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - 143
Satan’s Kiss X - - - - - - - X - - - - - - 370
Shrike, The - - - - X - - - - - - - - X - 171
SNAFU - - - - - - X X - - - - - X X 565
Speargun - - X X - - - X - - - - - - - 494
Spears, Carl - - X - X - - - - - - - X - - 179
Spike - X - - - - X - - - - - - X - 184
Spregen, Gerhardt - - X X - - - - - - X - - X X 446
Starr, Randolph - - X X X - - - - - X - - - - 313
Starrbright - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - 282
Starrlight - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - 282
Stonehenge - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 239
Strad - - X - - - - X - - - - - X - 267
Strake, Michelangelo - - X - X - - - - - - - - - - 274
Tallyman, The X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - 400
Temptation - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - 156
Thunderhawk - - - - X - - - - - X - - X - 200
Todesfalle - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Torquemada - - - X - - - - - - - - X - - 200
Trittrunter - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - 200
Troubleshooter - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 264
Varangian, The - X - - - - X - - - - - - - - 393
Vispa, La - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - 326
Widowmaker - - - - - - X - - - - - - X - 205
Zoltran, Heinrich - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - 234
The following table provides basic information about the characters described in this book for easy reference. All characters are listed in alphabetical order, without regard for which chapter they appear in.
The “Attacks” column lists only the character’s most common or prominent attacks, since many criminals have too many ways to attack to list them all; “Weapons” indicates the character relies primarily on weapons
bought with Equipment Points or the like. See the end of the table for an explanation of the notation used.


Arsenal 18 18 18 14 15 7/0 6/0 4 8 32 6 6 9”, (4”) 9½d6, weapons 51
Azteca, El 15 18 16 10 20 10/3 9/3 4 10 40 6 6 6” 7d6, (½d6%), weapons 6
Bateleur, Le 15 20 17 12 20 9/3 9/3 5 6 29 7 7 9”, {5”}, !9”! 8d6, weapons 102
Black Tarantula 10 14 12 10 15 4/0 3/0 3 4 21 5 5 6” 2d6, Luck 2d6 105
Blind 15 20 15 13 20 11/3 11/3 5 8 30 7 7 9”, {6”} 9d6, 4d6 NND, (1d6+1%), weapons 107
Blood Orchid 15 15 14 13 16 8/3 7/3 4 6 28 5 5 6” 9d6, (1d6%), 3d6 NND, weapons 109
Brahma 25 16 20 20 15 12/2 8/2 4 12 50 5 5 6” 11d6, weapons 112
Brother Namaan 10 14 15 11 23 11/6 12/6 4 5 30 5 5 6” 2d6, weapons, voodoo 114
Buckshot 15 18 19 15 15 8/0 6/0 4 8 40 6 6 6” (2½d6) AE1, (2½d6) ISM, 7d6 15
Caligula 7 10 16 19 20 5/0 3/0 3 4 31 3 3 3” Weapons 17
Carter, Jack L. 12 14 14 10 15 5/0 5/0 3 5 23 5 5 6” 2d6, weapons 117
Cerberus 20 17 18 15 15 8/0 8/0 4 8 34 6 6 6” (1d6) AP, (½d6%), 8d6 119
Charlemagne 16 18 18 15 18 11/3 11/3 4 7 35 6 6 6”, (3”) 9d6, weapons 22
Chiaroscuro 10 20 15 10 20 6/0 4/0 4 5 23 7 7 8”, {5”} 2d6, weapons 121
Contagion 10 13 20 12 16 6/0 6/0 3 10 27 4 4 6” Drn CON 3d6 DS (blood), weapons 123
Copperhead 20 20 18 12 20 13/3 11/3 4 8 31 7 7 9”, {6”}, !15”! 12d6, 4d6 NND, 8d6 AF, 6d6 126
Daedalus 8 13 11 10 13 3/0 3/0 3 4 20 4 4 6” 1½d6 129
Dagger 20 20 17 13 15 7/0 5/0 4 7 32 7 7 6”, {7”} (1d6) AP AF, weapons 132
Diomedes 20 14 20 13 20 6/0 6/0 3 8 40 5 5 6” 4d6, weapons 25
Drood, Alexander 15 16 16 14 20 6/0 6/0 4 6 30 5 5 6” 3d6, weapons 135
Escorpión, El 15 20 18 13 15 11/3 8/3 4 7 30 7 7 9” 8d6, weapons 10
Falke 12 14 15 12 15 5/0 5/0 4 5 25 5 5 6” 2d6, weapons 88
Farswali, Ahmad 15 16 15 12 15 8/3 8/3 4 6 28 5 5 6” 3d6, weapons 139
Firebug 10 12 13 10 12 4/0 10/0 3 5 22 4 4 6” (1 point), 2d6, weapons 141
Fusillade 20 14 19 13 15 8/0 6/0 4 8 40 5 5 6” (2½d6) AP AF, 4d6, weapons 143
Gatling 21 16 20 15 15 8/0 6/0 3 8 40 5 5 7” 7d6, weapons 54
Grimm, Dr. Rodin 10 14 12 10 20 4/0 4/0 3 4 21 5 5 6” 2d6 145
Gunplay 15 20 18 12 20 9/3 9/3 5 7 30 7 7 7”, {5”} 6d6, weapons 147
Headless Hangman 15 20 18 14 25 8/3 8/3 4 7 40 7 7 9”, !10”!, !9”! 3d6, (2d6) NND, (1d6+1%) 150
Heatseeker 12 18 17 13 10 4/0 4/0 4 5 27 6 6 7” 2d6, weapons 56
Hecate 10 14 13 11 20 4/0 4/0 3 5 23 5 5 6” 2d6, MC 8d6, (2d6), Drn CON 2d6 153
Heretic, The 10 13 15 20 15 7/3 7/3 4 10 50 4 4 6” 2d6, weapons 155
Hotspur 15 20 18 14 15 13/5 11/5 4 7 40 7 7 9”, {7”} (½d6%) + poison, 9d6, weapons 19
Ixion 8 10 10 8 13 3/0 2/0 3 4 17 3 3 6” ½d6 158
Jackknife 20 21 20 16 20 11/3 11/3 5 10 50 7 7 10”, {6”}, (4”) 10d6, 4d6 NND, (1d6+1%), weapons160
Jäger 15 17 17 15 15 6/0 6/0 4 6 32 6 6 6” 5d6, (½d6%), weapons 90
Janus 10 15 13 11 18 8/3 8/3 4 5 30 5 5 6” 5d6, (2d6), Luck 4d6 27
Jihad 20 18 18 17 15 8/0 8/0 4 8 36 6 6 6” 6d6, (½d6%), weapons 164
Kaine, Rodrick 10 14 13 12 18 4/0 4/0 3 5 24 5 5 6” 6d6, weapons 166

Attacks AP: Armor Piercing DS: Damage Shield MS: MegaScaled %: Character can increase Movement [#”]: Flight !#”!: Special mode of
#: A Normal Damage BOECV: Based On Ego Ego: Ego Attack NND: No Normal Defense the attack’s damage with #”: Running {#”}: Leaping (listed only if movement (e.g., Swinging,
(#): A Killing Damage Combat Value Ent: Entangle Pen: Penetrating STR (#”): Swimming (listed only character can leap a differ- Tunneling, Teleportation)
AE: Area Of Effect DKB: Double Knockback EX: Explosion Var Adv: Variable Advan- if character can swim faster ent distance than indicated

AF: Autofire Drn: Drain MC: Mind Control tages than 2”) by its STR)
Hero System 5th Edition
Kissing Bandit, The 15 15 15 13 18 8/3 8/3 4 6 29 5 5 6” 3d6, weapons 168

Kreuzfeuer 18 18 16 14 15 6/0 6/0 4 7 31 6 6 6” 5½d6, (½d6%), weapons 85

Magnum 15 20 18 15 18 10/3 9/3 4 7 35 7 7 8”, {5”} 7d6, (½d6%), weapons 58
McClinton, Lt. Paul 13 13 14 13 20 9/3 7/3 4 6 27 4 4 6” 2½d6, weapons 170
Meteor 15 18 15 12 15 6/0 4/0 3 6 28 6 6 6” 3d6, weapons 173
Nocturne 10 15 15 12 15 4/0 4/0 4 5 25 5 5 6” 8d6 NND, MIllu 12d6 175
Panthanatos, Andres 20 24 20 18 25 14/6 14/6 5 10 50 7 7 10”, {7”}, (4”) 12d6, (2d6%), weapons 178
Philistine, The 12 13 12 12 15 4/0 4/0 3 4 24 4 4 6”, !6”! 2d6, weapons 181
Prospero 15 20 19 15 20 11/3 9/3 5 8 40 7 7 9”, {5”}, (4”) 5d6, (1d6%), weapons 183
Rasputin 12 14 20 20 25 8/3 8/3 4 12 50 5 5 6” 8d6, (2d6) NND 30
Recluse, The 16 17 17 12 15 6/0 5/0 4 6 29 6 6 7” 8d6, (5d6) NND, weapons 98
Redbeard 20 16 18 16 20 7/0 5/0 4 8 40 5 5 6” 8d6, (½d6%), weapons 187
Rush 10 14 14 11 13 8/3 8/3 3 5 23 5 5 6” 2d6 190
Saltpeter Mary 10 15 14 11 15 5/0 5/0 3 5 23 5 5 7” (1d6) EX Var Adv 193
Satan’s Kiss 10 17 15 12 15 8/0 7/0 3 5 30 6 6 6” (4d6) NND, MC 10d6, 6d6 195
Shrike, The 12 14 13 10 15 5/0 5/0 3 5 23 5 5 8” 2d6, weapons, Luck 2d6 197
SNAFU 30 25 30 25 25 15/6 15/6 6 12 55 8 8 13”, {10”}, (4”) 10d6, (1d6%), weapons 200
Speargun 20 18 15 15 20 11/3 9/3 4 10 40 6 6 9”, (4”) 8d6, (1d6%), weapons 33
Spears, Carl 10 13 13 12 15 6/0 4/0 3 6 24 4 4 6” 2d6, weapons 37
Spike 15 15 18 18 15 8/0 6/0 4 7 45 5 5 6” 7d6, 2d6 NND, weapons 203
Spregen, Gerhardt 10 10 12 12 25 3/0 3/0 3 4 23 3 3 6” 2d6, 2d6 NND, weapons 81
Starr, Randolph 10 12 12 10 15 4/0 3/0 3 4 21 4 4 6” 2d6 39
Starrbright 15 16 15 12 15 9/3 8/3 4 6 30 5 5 8”, {5”} 7d6, 6d6 +1”, 2d6 NND 42
Starrlight 15 16 15 12 15 9/3 8/3 4 6 30 5 5 8”, {5”} 7d6, 6d6 +1”, 2d6 NND 42
Stonehenge 20 17 20 18 20 8/0 8/0 4 10 38 6 6 6” 10d6, (1d6%), weapons 205
Strad 13 16 16 12 20 6/0 5/0 4 8 30 5 5 8” 4½d6, (½d6%), weapons 44
Strake, Michelangelo 10 10 11 11 20 3/0 3/0 2 4 22 3 3 6” 2d6 47
Tallyman, The 15 18 18 15 25 10/3 10/3 5 7 32 6 6 7” (2d6) NND, 3d6, weapons 207
Temptation 8 12 13 10 20 2/0 3/0 3 5 21 4 4 6” MC 2d6 Cumu, Drn EGO 2d6 209
Thunderhawk 15 18 16 12 15 5/0 5/0 4 6 28 6 6 6” 3d6, weapons 211
Todesfalle 15 15 15 15 15 5/0 5/0 4 6 31 5 5 6” 3d6, weapons 92
Torquemada 10 14 13 12 20 4/0 4/0 3 5 24 5 5 6” 2d6, Drn STUN 4d6 214
Trittrunter 12 18 15 14 15 5/0 5/0 4 5 35 6 6 6” 2d6, weapons 94
Troubleshooter 10 21 16 12 15 5/0 5/0 5 6 25 7 7 6” 2d6, weapons 60
Varangian, The 20 20 18 15 20 10/3 9/3 4 8 34 7 7 9”, {6”} 14d6, 8d6, (½d6%), weapons 216
Vispa, La 15 18 14 12 15 6/0 6/0 4 6 30 6 6 7”, {5”} 9d6, weapons 12
Widowmaker 20 15 23 18 15 8/0 8/0 3 9 40 5 5 6” 8d6, weapons 62
Zoltran, Heinrich 8 10 10 12 15 3/0 3/0 2 4 21 5 5 6” 1½d6 77

Attacks AP: Armor Piercing DS: Damage Shield MS: MegaScaled %: Character can increase Movement [#”]: Flight !#”!: Special mode of
#: A Normal Damage BOECV: Based On Ego Ego: Ego Attack NND: No Normal Defense the attack’s damage with #”: Running {#”}: Leaping (listed only if movement (e.g., Swinging,
(#): A Killing Damage Combat Value Ent: Entangle Pen: Penetrating STR (#”): Swimming (listed only character can leap a differ- Tunneling, Teleportation)
AE: Area Of Effect DKB: Double Knockback EX: Explosion Var Adv: Variable Advan- if character can swim faster ent distance than indicated

AF: Autofire Drn: Drain MC: Mind Control tages than 2”) by its STR)

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