Chapter I

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1.1 Background of the problem

Speaking according to Greene & Petty (in Tarigan, 2008: 3-4) that speaking is a

language skill that develops in a child's life, which is only preceded by listening skills,

and at that time the ability to speak or say. Speaking, of course, is closely related to the

development of the vocabulary acquired by the child; through listening and reading

activities. Before maturity in language development is also a delay in language activities.

Speaking is also an important activity in everyday life in understanding the

intentions conveyed by other people, especially speaking in good language, the goals and

objectives to be conveyed will be carried out well by those who listen to them. In learning

English speaking in English is the main goal in learning and this is an important indicator

that every teacher wants to achieve.

English is one of the subjects in school that must be studied by students. In learning

English, students may have four skills that must be mastered such as writing, reading,

speaking, and listening. One of the important things to develop these skills is vocabulary

mastery. To make it easier to learn vocabulary is to use media so that students know and

understand vocabulary, meaning and pronunciation. One of the right media in learning

vocabulary is by watching English videos. By watching the video students can improve

their vocabulary, after students increase their vocabulary and know the meaning and

pronunciation of native speech. So, later on, students understand vocabulary words by

themselves, so that students' speaking skills will increase through videos that are

displayed and teach students how to speak in English.

English is one of the languages that has become an international language that can

be used throughout the world to communicate, so many countries are implementing

English as one of the subjects in their curriculum in order to follow the rules and

developments of the world. In communicating with the outside world, of course, everyone

has the ability to speak well so that other people outside our country understand our goals

and objectives.

Judging from the existing conditions, especially at the author's research location at

SMK N 1 Angkola Timur, South Tapanuli Selatan, that the ability of students to speak

English is very minimal, this is obtained through data submitted by a teacher named Desi

Shanty Siregar S.Pd. Seeing this, the author is so motivated to research related to students'

speaking skills in English so that students' speaking skills can improve, so that in the

future the ability to speak English will become one of the students' grips in achieving

their goals and the world of work

Based on the description above, the author considers it so important to use good

learning methods. One way that can be used is through video, because through the use of

video in learning it is more fun for students. It is also expected to help students in solving

problems in their speaking ability in English. Therefore, the author finally raised a title in



1.2 Identification of the Problem

Problem identification is needed to provide clarification about the problem to be

studied. Referring to the problems above, they are the process of teaching and learning

vocabulary skills in class is still monotonous.

1. Students' interest is so low in practicing English speaking skills

2. Students' speaking ability is low

3. Methods to improve students' speaking skills are still not effective

4. Students do not master intonation in speaking English

5. The quality of students' speaking ability is still low.

The identification of the problems above are the findings of the authors in the initial

observations before the authors choose and determine several titles which of them will be

the titles under study and finally the researchers choose titles related to students' speaking


1.3 Limitation of the problem

In this study will limit the problem to:

1. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is the application of video media to

learning in class X students at SMK N 1 Angkola Timur.

2. The problem raised in this study is the speaking ability of class X students of SMK N 1

Angkola Timur.

3. The research location chosen was SMK N 1 Angkola Timur.

4. Research conducted on students of class X SMK N 1 Angkola Timur.

1.4 Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitations of the problem above, the researchers formulated the problem in

this study as follows:

1. How is the application of learning media through the use of video in class students of

SMK N 1 Angkola Timur?

2. How is the improvement of students' speaking skills after and before the application of

learning through the use of video in class X SMK N 1 Angkola Timur?

3. How is the mastery of students' speaking skills after the application of learning media

through the use of video in class X SMK N 1 Angkola Timur?

1.5 The aim of the reaserch

This research has a purpose so that the author makes a research and also as a

requirement to fulfill the final assignment of lectures, then the research objectives in this

thesis are as follows:

1. To find out the application of learning media through the use of video in class X SMK

N 1 Angkola Timur.

2. To find out the improvement of students' speaking skills before and after the

application of learning media through the use of video in class X SMK N 1 Angkola


3. To find out the mastery of students' speaking skills through video learning media in

class X SMK N 1 Angkola Timur.

1.6 The use of the research

In general, the product of this research is expected to improve the development of

language learning, especially in the implementation of the teacher's ability to speak


1. For The Teacher

This research is expected to help the development of knowledge in English

speaking skills, especially in the application of teachers' abilities in the teaching and

learning process.
2. For The Students

Research to be able to improve students' ability to speak English to improve student

achievement so that learning English is more interesting.

3. For The School

This research is expected as an effort to increase the competence of teachers and

contribute to them in developing skills.



2.1 Definition of Speaking Ability

Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in a

child's life, which is produced by listening skills, and at that time speaking skills are

learned. Based on the Competency-Based Curriculum, speaking is one of the four basic

competencies that students must master well. It has an important role in communication.

Speaking can be found in the oral cycle, especially at the stage of Joint Construction of

the Text (Ministry of National Education, 2004). In carrying out speaking, students face

several difficulties, one of which is about the language itself. In fact, most of the students

have difficulty speaking even though they have a lot of vocabulary and have written it

well. These questions make students afraid of making mistakes.

Speaking is a productive skill. It is inseparable from listening. When we speak, we

produce text and it must be meaningful. In the nature of communication, we can find

speakers, listeners, messages and feedback. Speaking cannot be separated from

pronunciation because it encourages learners to learn English sounds.

Harmer, (in Tarigan, 1990:12) writes that when teaching speaking or producing

skills, we can apply three main stages, namely:

1) Introducing a new language

2) Exercise

3) Communicative activities.

So far, speaking is only considered as an implementation and variation, outside the

realm of actual language and language. Linguistic theory largely develops in the

abstraction of contexts of use and sources of diversity. Therefore, Clark and Clark say

that speaking is basically an instrumental act. Speakers speak to have some effect on their
listeners. It is the result of the teaching and learning process. Students' skills in

conversation are a core aspect of teaching speaking, being a vital aspect in the success of

language teaching learning if language functions as a system of meaning expression and

speaking success is measured by one's ability to carry out conversations in language. We

acknowledge that there are many supporting factors that influence the success of teaching

speaking and there are many inhibiting factors why it does not work well.

According to Ladouse (1991) speaking is described as an activity as the ability to

express oneself in a situation, or an activity to report actions, or situations with

appropriate words or the ability to speak or express a sequence of ideas fluently.

Furthermore, Tarigan (1990:8) says that "Speaking is a way to communicate that is

influential in our daily lives". This means that speaking as a way of communicating

greatly affects our personal lives.

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking is what we say

by what we see, feel, and think. When we feel something, we want someone to hear us.

So, in this process we can call it an interaction between two sides.

When a person talks to another person, there will be a relationship. Relationship

itself is communication. Furthermore, Wilson (1983:5) defines speaking as the

development of a relationship between the speaker and the listener. Besides speaking

determines the logical linguistic, psychological, and physical rules that must be applied in

certain communication situations. That is, the main purpose of speaking is to

communicate. To express effectively, the speaker must know exactly what he wants to

talk or communicate, he must be able to evaluate the effect of his communication on his

listeners, he must understand. every principle that underlies the discussion both in general

and individually.
Based on the statement above, the researcher concludes that if someone speaks, he

must understand what he is talking about. In this section, the author must develop ideas

and strategies in developing students' speaking skills by learning through the use of

videos so that later students' abilities can be increased and can be understood by others.

2.2 Speaking is a Productive Skill

Speaking is a productive skill. It is inseparable from listening. When we speak, we

produce text and it must be meaningful. In the nature of communication, we can find

speakers, listeners, messages and feedback.

Speaking cannot be separated from pronunciation because it encourages learners to

learn English sounds.

2.3 Assessing Speaking

Assessment is an ongoing process that covers a much wider domain. Whenever a

student responds to a question, makes a comment, or tries a new word or structure, the

teacher subconsciously makes an assessment of the student's performance. Written work-

from written phrases to formal essays is a performance that is ultimately judged by

oneself, the teacher and possibly other students (Brown, 2003:4).

Brown (2003:141) states that like all effective tests, designing an appropriate

assessment task in speaking begins with the specification of objectives or criteria. These

goals can be classified under several types of speaking performance:

1. Imitative

At one end of the range of speech performance types is the ability to simply imitate

(imitate) a word or phrase or perhaps a sentence. Although this is purely a phonetic

level of spoken production, a number of prosodic, lexical and grammatical properties

of language can be inferred in the performance criteria.

2. Intensive

The second type of speaking often used in assessment contexts is the production of

short spoken language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of

phonological, phrasal, lexical relationships (such as prosodic-intonation, stress,

rhythm, crossing elements). Examples of extensive assessment tasks include directed

response tasks, reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion, limited pictorial

tasks including simple sequences and relationships to the simple sentence level.

3. Responsive

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but to a

somewhat limited extent very brief conversations, standard greetings and small talk,

simple requests and comments and the like.

2.4 Techniques for Teaching Speaking

Harmer (in Tarigan, 1990: 13) writes that when teaching speaking or producing

skills, we can apply three main stages, namely:

1. introduce a new language

2. practice

3. communicative activities.

When introducing a new language, the teacher should find out what genre or

meaningful text is. At this stage the teacher can ask students to pronounce foreign words,

find out the meaning of the expressions used in the text.

Other techniques used to teach speaking:

1. information gap using pictures

2. by using photos
3. by using song

4. by using a mysterious object

5. Educational drama which includes miming, role play, empty chair, simulation.

6. Watching video. And another.



3.1 Research approach

This study focuses on the application of learning through the use of videos in

improving students' speaking skills to achieve good speaking skills, especially

communicating with others using English. This research is also a qualitative research.

Where this research requires the author to be directly at the research site to obtain

information or data to be used as data in writing this thesis.

3.2 Place and time of research

This research was conducted in the field at SMK N 1 Angkola Timur. The teaching

and learning process in this school is active. The principal of this school is Aspan

Marwaji, S.Pd and the English teacher is Desi Shanty Siregar, S.Pd. In conducting the

research, the authors obtained some data from class X students of SMK N 1 Angkola

Timur in the 2020-2021 school year.

The author chose this school because:

1) The data needed by the author is available in this school,

2) Affordable location in terms of cost.

3.3. Population, sample and data source

a) Population

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain

qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied and then draw

conclusions. The total number of students at SMK N 1 Angkola Timur was 432
students. The population in this study were class X students at SMK N 1 Angkola


b) Sample

The sample is part of the population that has certain characteristics or circumstances

to be studied. Or, the sample can be defined as part of the population selected by

using certain procedures so that it is expected to represent the population. The number

of students in class X at SMK N 1 Angkola Timur was 141 students. The researcher

took a sample of 35 students from class X-1.

c) Data Source

The data source is the subject from which the data can be obtained, it can be in the

form of library materials or people (informants or respondents). Data sources are

classified into primary sources and secondary sources. In field research, primary data

sources are actors and parties directly involved with the object of research. Primary

data sources in this study are the Principal, 1 English teacher and students. Data

sources secondary is the object of research or indirectly involved with the

problem/object of research. The secondary data sources in this study were the

Principal (Aspan Marwaji, S.Pd.), English teacher (Desi Shanty Siregar, S.Pd.).

3.4 Techniqius of the data collection

According to Arikunto, data collection techniques are tools that are selected and

used by researchers in their collecting activities so that these activities become systematic

and facilitated. The data collection techniques in this study are as follows:

a. Interview / Interview

Interviews can be interpreted as a way to obtain information or information material

which is carried out through an oral question and answer process unilaterally based on
predetermined objectives. Interviews in this study were conducted with teachers of

morals at MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan (Mrs. Fauziah Sidebang, S. Ag.

b. Questionnaire/ Questionnaire

"Questionnaire/questionnaire is a list of questions that must be filled out by the person

who will be assessed (respondents)." Through the questionnaire, it can be seen that the

respondent's condition, experience, knowledge, attitude or opinion, besides that it is also

a tool in the context of assessing student learning outcomes, is very practical in

collecting data. The questionnaire in this Student Worksheet development research was

given to students to assess the practicality of the product. In this study, the questionnaire

aims to see the student's response after following the lesson using the Student Worksheet

(which is then analyzed to determine the practicality of the Student Worksheet.

3.5 Techniques of data analysis

Data analysis according to Miles & Huberman, namely:

a. Data reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the

things that are important, looking for themes and patterns and removing

unnecessary ones. Therefore, when the researcher conducts research, he finds

everything that is considered foreign that must be the attention of the researcher in

carrying out data reduction.

b. Data Presentation

After being reduced, the next step is to display the data. In this case, Miles and

Huberman stated "the most frequent form of display data for qualitative research

data in the past has been narrative text". In addition to narrative text, it can also be
in the form of graphs, matrices, network , and charts. In presenting the data, the

researcher uses narrative text.

c. Conclusion and Data Verification

The third step is conclusion and data verification. This stage aims to conclude from

the data obtained and conduct verification. Conclusion In qualitative data analysis,

what is expected is new findings that have never existed before.

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