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i. Muhurta is also known as Electional Astrology or Elective Astrology. Muhnrtas means electing or choosing an auspicious or favourable day
calledpanchangshuddhi to commence an important auspicious work. After selection of day, one is to choose an appropriate time to commence this
auspicious deed. Such election of time is called lagna shuddhi.

ii. If you take care of the beginning, end will take care of himself is the rationale of Muhurta.

iii. Muhurta is a measure of time also. (2 ghatis = 1 Muhurta = 48 minutes)

iv. Tithi or a lunar day = 29. 32/62 muhurtas or one solar day = 30 muhurtas.

v. Dinmaan is divided in 15 equal parts and one part = one muhurta.

vi. Muhurta has five important components - tithi, vaar, makshatras, yogas & karnas.

vii. There are 27 nakshatras. Some times we use 28lh nakshatra called abhijit which falls in 6� 40' to 10� ,53' 20" in sign Capricorn. Amongst 28
nakshatras, this becomes 22nd nakshatra.

Panchanga Shuddhi: It is to find out auspicious day to commence any good deed. Apanchanga consists of tithi, vaat, nakshatra, yoga and karana.
All these must be auspicious. In tithis, 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, full Moon and new Moon should be avoided. Thursday and Friday are suitable for all
works. Tuesday be avoided except when it is 10th, 12th, or 16th day of the child birth for his namakarana. Bharani and Krittika nakshatras are bad.
Last parts of Aslesha, Jyestha and Revati should be avoided. Vishti karana is very bad. Yoga no. 6,9,10, 17,27 are extremely bad. Panchanga Shuddhi
means a good lunar day, a beneficial weekday, an auspicious constellation, a good yoga and a fertilising karana.

Lagna Shuddhi: It is to find out auspicious lagna or time for muhurta. Avoid debilitated or retrograde lagnesh. Lagnesh should not be in enemy's
sign or in 8th house. All planets are shubha in 11th house. Sun and Saturn in 3rd or 8th house, Moon in 3rd or 12th house, Mars in 3rd or 6th
house, Mercury and Venus in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 or 10th house and Rahu in 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 or 12th house are shubha. Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in lagna
cancels all doshas in muhurta kundli. Generally, benefic in angles or konas, malefics in 3, 6, 11 houses with 8th and 12th houses vacant are best.
Lagna should be strong and 7th house be better vacant. 8,h and 12th rasis from Janama Rasi or Janama lagna be avoided as muhurta lagna. Signs
3, 6, 10, 11 from Janama Rasi are good as muhurta lagna. 8th house if vacant in all cases is shubha.

Nature of an activity should be matched with the nature of a sign, e.g. fixed signs are good for construction or entering a house or marriage or
coronation or occupying a chair. Movable signs are good for starting journey or business etc. shirshodaya (3, 5,6, 7, 8, 11) lagnas are benefic.

Choose your good day

1. How will be the day?

Count the constellation from your Janma-Nakshatra to the ruling constellation on the day in question, and to that figure add the number denoted
by the ruling tithi at the time, as also that denoted by the day of the week counting from Sunday, and the number of the rising sign counting
from Aries; divide the total by eight. If remainder is 1 it shows disease; 2. Gains; 3. Travel; 4. Loss of independence; 5. Gain of money;

6. Wealth; 7. Loss of property; fear of untimely death.

2. To choose your good day:

Count the constellation from your Janma-Nakshatra to that of the day in question; and to that number add the number denoted by the tithi on that
day and also that of the weekday counting from Sunday. Multiply the total by four and divide the product by nine. If the remainder is 1, it signifies
uneasiness; 2. Splendour; 3. Evil;

4. Gain; 5. Corn; 6. Frenzy; 7. Rambling; 8. Danger to life; 9. Uneasiness.

The weekdays are auspicious for following purposes:

Sunday: Coronation (rajyabhishek), singing, dancing (nritya, laasya i. e. dance by woman & man together), to start or to enter service, to have cattle,
yagyayaag karna, mantro-updesha, to take or give medicine, shastrambh, to decorate or ornament, to take or to put on or to buy woolen or skin
(leather) clothes, to go to war, vaat lagana, peeth lagana, acts of bravery, gold transactions.

Monday: To buy or transact in shankh, kamal, moti or such like aquatic articles, to take out things from water or sea, sugar cane or silver
transaction, to plant tree, water games or acts, to install sprinklers, to dig well or to make drains, water games or like acts, beautification of any
sort, singing, dancing, milk, dairy, flowers, clothes, to give dinner, stri sang, for cohabitation.

Tuesday: To steal, to cheat, to lit, anarth kukarm karna, to do violent acts, to burn, to poison, to fight, any act relating to electricity, to do operation
on the body, to kill, to destroy, to fight, to deceive, mining, transaction in gold, copper or coral, sena kapadav daalna, blood shed, to ignite, to distill,
to start furnace by giving fire to it, works relating to gems (wearing, cutting etc.), sea exploration, to dig out sea articles.

Wednesday: works of intelligence & cleverness, to give alms, to study arts & crafts, to start service or business, oratory, to debate, alchemy, metal
work, to befriend, to do exercise, yoga, to compete.

Thursday: Dharam karma, religious rites, pooja, yojya, domestic chores, clothes, pilgrimages, vehicles, medicines,pushti karma, mangala karna,
decorations & ornaments.

Friday: female singing, dancing, jewellery, perfumes etc. arts, vanijya, commerce, land and shop, selling and buying of cows, female company,
boring of holes, agricultural transactions, purchase of vehicles.

Saturday: All acts of long lasting aspects, iron & steel, store, lead, boring work, weapons, service, evil acts, to lie, to steal, poisoning, distilling,
entering a house, laying foundation stone, oil message, to start a new machinery, extracting oil, hiring labour, to set a bone, initiation of a mantra.

Note: If required weekday is not available or waited, its hora or vaar vela should be taken.

The tithis (Moon - Sun / 12) are auspicious for following purposes:

Nanda: (1,6,11) joyful & festive acts such as ceremonies of Gods or house hold ceremonies, furnishings, decoration, singing, dancing, agricultural
acts, to put on new clothes or ornaments or for use of other articles of comforts & luxuries in short all celebrations.

Bhadra: (2,7,12) marriage, vehicle purchase & commissioning, travels, to learn arts & crafts, for occupying chair of high power & position.

Jaya: (3,8,13) to go to war, to combat, to prepare weapons or flags of war, to start a quarrel, to litigate, eviction from property, house hold chores,
medicines, trades.

Rikta: (4,9,14) auspicious acts be avoided, recommended for acts of violence, to attract, to give' poison, to kill, to cheat, to bluff, to harm others,
siddhi (self denial), fire weapons, to burn, to enslave, liquor.

Poorna: (5,10,15,30) Marriage etc., travels, shanti karan, pushti karan, gambling, acts of violence, avoid coitus on these tithis, auspicious for starring
construction of houses & buildings, for getting vehicles, on amavasaya -pitri karan is done.

Some specific periods in various tithis to be avoided for

auspicious acts
1. Avoid kshaya tithi.

2. Avoid vriddhi tithi.

3. Paksha randhra tithis - avoid first 8 ghatis (3 hours 12 minutes) of 4th tithi.

avoid first 9 ghatis (3 hours 36 minutes) of 6th tithi.

avoid first 14 ghatis (5 hours 36 minutes) of 8th tithi.

avoid first 25 ghatis (10 hours) of 9th tithi.

avoid first 10 ghatis (4 hours) of 12th tithi.

avoid first 5 ghatis (2 hours) of 1st tithi.

4. Gandanta tithis- Ending one ghati (24 minutes) of poorna tithis (5,10,15,30) and starting one ghati (24 minutes) of nanda tithis (1,6,11) be

5. Parva tithis. These are 8th, 14th, 15th (poomima), 30th (amavasaya) and tithis falling on sankranti days.

6. Galgraha tithis - Avoid 4th tithi in krishanpaksha and 7th 8th 9th 13th 14th 1st, 15th (3 0th) tithis in both pakshas for upnayana (thread) and
educational muhurtas.

7. Avoid 10th tithi in shukla paksha in ashadha month.

Avoid 2nd tithi in shukla paksha in jyestha month.

Avoid 11th tithi in shukla paksha in pausa month.

Avoid 12th tithi in shukla paksha in magha month.

8. Awam tithi: It is that tithi which along with its succeeding tithi ends in the same vaar. It is prohibited to do any auspicious deed.

Some specific periods in Karna

Karna denotes half of lunar day. There are 11 karans as named below. The first four are permanent karnas and occur in order from the 2nd half of
the 29th lunar day. The remaining seven karnas come by rotation eight times in a lunar month comnencing from the 2nd half of the first lunar day.

Following karans (Moon - Sun / 6 = half of tithi) are auspicious for following purposes:

1. Shakuni: (ruler is Kaal) - counseling a friend, making and taking of medicine, griha pooja, suitable for committing thefts or catching birds or
administering medicines, poisons etc.

2. Chatushpada: (ruler is bull or Vrishabha) - any thing concerning government or pitris, brahmin, cow, swearing in ceremony, ruling the country,
favourable for destroying enemies through tantric methods, all works related to four footed animals, for shradha karma.

3. Naag: (ruler is Serpent) - all evil acts or deeds,yudh karma, favourable for destructive works like cutting, killing, keeping others in bondage,
imprisonment, abducting etc.

3. Kinstughana: (ruler is Vayit or Kubera) - very auspicious for commencing all acts of auspicious nature.

5. Bava: (ruler is lord Indra or Vishnu) - to fast, to celebrate, auspicious for travelling and entry in a new house or starting a new job, temples,
victory, nutritive works.

6. Balva: (ruler is Brahma) - auspicious for chura karma, upanayana, marriage, performing yajnas and other auspicious works of Brahmins, reading,

7. Kaulava: (ruler is Pitri or Moon) - favourable for doing friendly acts and all works of permanent and durable nature, making friendship, to adopt
an ishta, works concerning women.

8. Taitilaya: (ruler is Sun or lord Indra) - suitable for commencing works connected with the government, construction and execution of
government schemes, taking charge of government offices, manufacture of ornaments etc., marriage, acts of benevolence.

9. Gara: (ruler is Vasudeva or Bhoomi) - suitable for keeping cattle, their sale and purchase, entry in a new house, starting construction of a house,
artisan and engineering works, ploughing the fields, sowing of seeds, tree planting.

10. Vanija: (ruler is Lakshmi) - favourable karana for traders and trading, sellers will be profited but buyers will sustain losses, this will help in
dehoarding of goods.

11. Vishti: (ruler is Yama or God of death) - for all evil deeds or acts, setting fire, poisoning, war etc. It is forbidden for all auspicious works. Works
begun in this karana will give disappointing results like complete failure, or gains for a while but losses in the end. 1st part of vishti gives loss of
wealth, 2nd part of visti gives death. So, no auspicious work should be commenced in first two parts of this karana. But works commenced in the
last (third) part of vishti may give success and victory.

Nakshatras and Classification of nakshatras

Nakshatras: There are 27 nakshatras as under:- 1 Aswini; 2 Bharani; 3 Krittika; 4 Rohini; 5 Mrigashira; 6 Aridra; 7 Punarvasu; 8 Pushya; 9 Aslesha: 10
Magha; 11 Purvaphalguni; 12 Uttaraphalguni; 13 Hasta; 14 Chitra; 15 Swati; 16 Vishakha; 1" Anuradha; 18 Jyestha; 19 Moola; 20 Purvashadha; 21
Uttarashadha; 22 Sravana; 23 Dhanishta; 24 Satabhisha; 25 Purvabhadrapada; 26 Uttarabhadrapada; 27 Revati.

Favourable nakshatras for marriage are number 4,12,21,26,27,19,15,5, 10,17, 13, 1, 14,22, 23.

Classification of nakshatras:

A. 1. Fixed sthira (constant)

Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra, Rohini i.e., stars nos. 12,21,26,4. Good for coronation, foundation laying, digging a well, house building,
upnayana, nagar or grahapravesha, agriculture or horticulture, starting service, etc. and All acts mentioned in Gentle and Friendly nakshatras can
also be done in these.

2. Movable chara, chala

Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Satabhisha i.e., stars nos. 15, 7, 22, 23, 24. Good for riding on vehicles, horses, elephants, starting of
factory/machinery/vehical (wherever motion is profitable). All acts mentioned in Short and Dynamic nakshatras can also be done in these

3. Aggressive, cruel uggara, karoora Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadra, Bharani, Magha i.e., stars nos. 11, 20 25 2 10 Suitable for
killing, cheating, works involving use of fire, theft, poisoning, research on poisonous medicines, purchase sale and use of arms, surgical operations,
obtaining licence of a gun etc administering medicine, ignite, vandalism and violent acts. All acts mention in sharp & volatile nakshatras can also be
done in these nakshatras.

4. Mixed & ordinary misra, sadharan

Vishakha and Krittika i.e., stars nos. 3,16. Good for fire works, welding, melting, gas works, fabrications, preparing medicines, boilers, furnaces,
electric works, electrolysis, any work relating to the act of agni dena such as start of furnace etc.

5. Short and dynamic kshipra, laghu

Hasta, Aswini, Pushya, Abhijit i.e., stars nos. 13, 1, 8, 22 A. Suitable for construction & starting a shop, selling, sex, starting education, making and
wearing ornaments, fine arts, learning & display of arts etc., travelling, dancing, singing, acting, beauty parlours. All acts mentioned in movable
nakshatras can also be done in these nakshatars.

6. Gentle friendly mridu, maitri

Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha i.e., stars nos. 5,27, 14, 17. Good for all auspicious ceremonies, 16 samskarcis, start of
occupation/service/business, singing, learning, music, making & wearing clothes, playing, learning game, making friends, making & wearing
ornamnets, stree or mittra sang. All acts mentioned in Fixed and Constant nakshatras can also be done in these nakshatras.

7. Ferocious & bitter teekshna-daruna

Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Aslesha i.e., stars nos. 19, 6, 18, 9. Good for starting tantrik acts (acts directed to harm others from a distance), killing, black
magic, aggressive and deadly deeds, to divide others, to train and control animals and for "sadhana" or "hatha-yogas", where violence or sacrifices
are directed towards self, sammohana karna, uchchattana karna, dhokha-gharhi, vadha, hera-pheri karna.
Continue Reading......
Nakshatras and Classification of nakshatras-2
B. 1. Upward looking or facing upward

Ardra 6, Pushya 8, Shravana 22, Dhanishtha 23, Satabhisha24, Uttaraphalguni 12, Uttarashada 21, Uttarabhadra 26, Rohini 4, Good for worship
religious acts, paying homages, coronation, acts of dharmic places, construction of house, temples, multistoreyed buildings, horticulture and all
activities where one has to look upward.

2. Facing downward, or looking down ward

Moola 19, Ashlesha 9, Vishakha 16, Krittika 3, 3 poorvas i.e. 11, 20, 25 Bharani 2, Magha 10, are good for digging wells, ponds, canals, digging for
foundation layings, underground constructions, basements gambling, mining, sever works.

3. Straight or side looking

Mrigshira 5, Revati 27, Chitra 14, Anuradha 17, Hasta 13, Swati 15, Punarvasu 7, Aswini 1 and Jyestha 18 are suitable for riding, driving, journey,
construction of roads, buying pets, departure


i. Lunar eclipse: occurs when Moon occupies 15th nakshatra from that of the Sun on a full Moon day or when Kethu is within 5� of the Moon on a
full Moon day or the poornima is Raakaa (when poorniama and Ekam/pratipada mix). When eclipse is full, it is called khagraas chandra grahan%
whereas partial is called khandgraas chandra grahan.

ii. Sloar Eclipse: Count from Sun's nakshatra on a new Moon day and deduct 11 from it. If remainder is 16 or when Rahu is within 5� of Sun on a
New Moon day or when the amavasya is kuhoo (amavasya mixes with pratipada) then sloar eclipses is indicated. When eclipse is full, it is called
khagraas surya grahan, whereas partial is called khand graas surya grahan

iii. Sootak: (paatak) i.e. bad effects of eclipse: a. Vital things which we are to get from Sun & Moon get obstructed and hence denied in eclipses.
Solar eclipse - 12 hours before and 6 hours after the eclipse are bad.

Lunar eclipse-9 hours before and 4.1/2 hours after the eclipse are bad and no muhurta be done within this period.

b. The naksahtra in which there is full eclipse of Sun is to be rejected for six months, for 3 months if there is half eclipse, for one month if there is
one-fourth eclipse. If the eclipsed Sun ov Moon sets then three days before the eclipse, and if the eclipsed Sun or Moon rises then three days after
it no auspicious deed is to be done.

iv. Effects of eclipse on an individual: count from Sun sign or the Moon sign of the eclipse to the birth rasi. If it is in 3,4, 8, 11 - it is benefic, if 5 or
9 - it is medium and if the counting comes to 1,2, 6, 7, 10, 12 - it is malefic.

v. Gunas: i. As a rule, tithi has one guna while nakshatra has got four gunas: vaar has got eight gunas; karana has got 16 gunas, Yoga has got 32
gunas, tara has got 60 gunas and and moon has got 100 gunas. Other grahas are said to be giving results only commensurate with the strength of
the Moon. (Tithi over-rules weekday, nakshatra over-rules tithi, Jupiter or Venus in kendra or kona renders inauspiciousness infructuous).

ii. There are 5 components of kaal, viz. Year, month, day, lagna, muhurta. (For mundane affairs, these five components are year, ayan, ritu, maas,

If month lord is benefic, year lord's dosha gets annulled.

If day lord is benefic, month lord's dosha gets annulled.

If lagna lord is benefic, day lord's dosha gets annulled.

If muhurta lord is benefic, lagna lord's dosha gets annulled.

vii. Chandrabala: The position of Moon is of much importance in Muhurta. It is said in vedanga jyotisha that in shukla paksha strength of Moon is
to be given high weightage, while in krishnapaksha, nakshatra bala is to be given more weightage.. Moon should not occupy in the election chart, a
position that happens to represent the 6th, 8th or 12th from the person's janma rasi.
viii. Tarabala: As stated above, in krishna paksha, nakshatra bala is to be given more weightage. Count from the birth constellation to the one
ruling on the particular day (constellation in which Moon is transiting) on which a new work is to be done or a journey is to be undertaken. Divide
this number by 9, if divisible. Otherwise, keep it as it is. If the remainder is 1 {janama) it indicates danger to body; if 2 (sampat) wealth and
prosperity; if 3 (vipat) dangers, losses and accidents; if 4 (kshema) prosperity; if 5 {pratyak) obstacles;, if 6 (,sadhana) realisation of ambitions; if 7
(naidhana) dangers; if 8 (mitra) good; and if 9 or 0 (atimitra) very favourable. Select a day when tarabala is shuddha. It is advisable to avoid a day
that is ruled by the 1st, 3rd, 5th or 7th constellation. But, if the day is otherwise favourable, only the negative parts of these constellations, viz. first
7, 3, 8 and 6 ghatis respectively of these constellations be considered evil and avoided.

ix. Punya kaal: is to be avoided for all auspicious deeds. It is 16 ghatis on either side of entry of Sun in a new sign. It is good for donations, havan
and prayers.

x. Havan muhurta: Add the numbers tithi plus vaar (taking Sunday as 1) plus 1 and then divide this sum by 4. If the remainder is 0 or 3, the fire
dwells in the earth and is good for havan and the performer gets happiness. If remainder is 2 or 1, fire dwells in the paataal or akaash respectively
and doing havan on such days there is likelihood of loss of wealth or life in the family respectively. For Krishna paksha, tithis are to be counted as
16 to 30 for such addition.

xi. Havan ahuti: (the spices etc. that are poured into fire in one lot). Note the count from Sun's nakshatra to the day's nakshatra (Moon). Allot 3
points to Sun and same to the other planets in the order of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and Kethu. If the ahuti goes to a
benefic lord - it is good otherwise avoid it.

Example: Suppose Sun's nakshatra is 24 (satabhisha), and Moon's nakshatra is 11 (Rphalguni). Counting from 24 to 11 = 15. Divide 15 among
planets in 3. Sun 3, Mercury 3, Venus 3, Saturn 3, Moon 3. The count finishes at Moon. The ahuti should be aimed at this ending graha Moon. The
ending graha should be propitiated-may it be malefic or benefic.

xiii. Effect of yogas when both good and bad yogas coincide: If there is an auspicious yoga (Sarvarth - Siddha. Amrit Siddha etc.) on a day when
there is inauspicious yoga also, then auspicious yoga will destroy the inauspicious yoga and will give siddhi or completion of deed. If there is an
auspicious or favourable lagna at the time of commencement of a deed, even then the inauspicious yoga is destroyed.

xiv. Amavasya is considered auspicious in south India but bad in north India. It is good for gambling, pitrikaran, going to war etc. Avoid coitus on
this day.

xv. To judge happiness from parents - in - law:

a. Planet Venus and 10th house in D/l and D/9 represent mother-in-law.

b. Planet Sun and 3rd housed/1 and D/9 represent father-in-law.

If these factors are strong and unafflicted - relations are good.

xvi. Gems of rasi lord of natal chart should be worn on a day coinciding with Sarvarth - Siddha yoga, Amrit Siddha yoag, Siddha yoga, Ravi yoga,
Dwipushakara yoga or Tripushakara yoga.

Vivaah panchang shuddhi

Marriages in Indian society are prohibited during following days:

1. When Jupiter or/ and Venus is/ are combust (it is called tara dooba hat).

2. When Sun transverses through Sagittarius and the month is Paushya, through Pisces and the month is Chaitra. This dosha nullifies if Sun is
in Capricorn & Aries respectively in those months.
3. When Jupiter or/and Venus are in old age or are in child hood stage.

Note: i. Jupiter and Venus are combust as long as the difference between them & Sun remains below 11� and 9� respectively.

ii. Before becoming combust, planets have old age and are called setting, and after coming out of combustion, they are said to rise and are in their

iii. The time of these stages for muhurta purposes is 3 days each on both sides.

4. During Kashya or adhika months/tithis.

5. When Jupiter is in Capricorn up to 5�.

6. When Jupiter is in Leo from 13�. 20' to 16�- 40' (but if during this period Sun is in Aries, dosha gets annulled & it becomes auspicious).

7. 8 days before Holi festival, (it is called holashtaka dosha)

8. During sharaadha days.

9. During mrityu panchak days.

10. Marriage should be done in vedha rahita nakshatras of Mrigashira, Hasta, Moola. Anuradha, Magha, Rohini, Revati, Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada. Swati, on tithis except the Rikta tithis and the Amavasya tithi and on auspicious days (Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday), Sunday, Saturdays are medium, Tuesdays be better avoided, 1st pada of Magha & 4th of Revati be avoided.

11. Rejectable yogas are viatipata, Dhurva, Ganda, Vajra, Shoola, Vishkhambha, Atigand, Vyaghat, Parigha and combinations of Mrityu yoga.

12. Karan: Vishti (bhadra) be avoided.

13. Reject pushya Thursday combination and also even when Moon is in pushya star.

14. Gemini, Virgo, Libra, is the best lagnas. Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius & Aquarius are medium. The rest are just good.

Common janma-nakshatra of the bride and the groom

If the Janma-Nakshatra of the bridegroom and the bride is one and the same in the same sign, in matching of horoscopes 28 gunas appear with
only nadi dosha.

The following conditions are necessary for a compatible matching: -

i. If common janma-nakshatra were any of - Rohini, Aridra, Magha, Hasta, Vishakha, Sravana, Utharabadhrapadha or Revati, it would be excellent.

ii. If the common janma-nakshatra were any of Aswini, Krithika, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, P.phalguni, U.phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha,
Purvashada or Utharashada, the effect would be neutral.

iii. If the janma-nakshatra be any of Bharani, Aslesha, Swati, Jyestha, Mula, Sravana, Satabhisha, or Purvabadhra, the match should be considered
unsuitable and marriage be avoided.

iv. If the janma nakshatra of the bridegroom and the bride belong to the same sign, the degree of Moon of the bridegroom must be prior to that of
the bride; otherwise, it is inauspicious.

v. If the janma-nakshatra belongs to two signs, the pada of the constellation of the bridegroom should be the earlier. If it were otherwise, it will
cause harm to the couple.

vi. The constellation of the bridegroom can be the next, in order, to that of the bride, if the constellation of bride be in: - Aswini, Krittika, Mrigashira,
Magha, Hasta, Swati, Purvashadha and Satabhisha.

vii. If janma-nakshatra is common but is placed in two adjoining signs - if the bridegroom and the bride have a common janma-nakshatra belonging
to two signs, the pada belonging to the first sign should be that of the bride. Any of the remaining three padas of the other sign may be that of the
bridegroom. If the padas are divided equally between the two signs, the sign for the first two should be that of the bridegroom. If one pada is in
one sign and three padas in the succeeding one, the sign for the 1st may be that of the bride and the remaining three of the groom.

viii. If nakshatras are different but rasi is same, the nakshatra of the groom should be first (in serial order).

Examples for same nakshatra and rasi

Where the Janma nakshatra of the boy and girl are the same, the boy's should precede the girl's.

Example 1: Boy - Anuradha (pada 2)

Girl - Anuradha (pada 4)

Since the boy's nakshatra precedes the girl's it is not a taboo.

Example 2: Boy-Krittika (pada 4)

Girl- Krittika (pada 2)

Since the girl's nakshatra comes earlier than the boy's, it cannot be considered.

Examples for same nakshatra and rasi

Examples for same nakshatra and rasi

Where the Janma nakshatra of the boy and girl are the same, the boy's should precede the girl's.

Example 1: Boy - Anuradha (pada 2)

Girl - Anuradha (pada 4)

Since the boy's nakshatra precedes the girl's it is not a taboo.

Example 2: Boy-Krittika (pada 4)

Girl- Krittika (pada 2)

Since the girl's nakshatra comes earlier than the boy's, it cannot be considered.

Same rasi

Sometimes when the Janma nakshatra is the same, and the nakshatra is limited to one sign.

Example 3: Boy - Magha (pada 1)

Girl - Magha (pada 4)

Since the boy's nakshatra precedes the girl's it is not a taboo.

Different rasis

Different rasis but same constellation can happen in the case of Krittika, Mrigashira, Uttraphalguni, Chitra, Uttrashadha and Dhanishta. In such
cases, the girl's, nakshatra pada should precede the boy's.

Example 4: Boy - Krittika (pada 3) in Taurus Girl - Krittika (pada 1) in Aries Since girl's nakshatra pada precedes the boy's nakshatra pada, it is

Dasa (10) dosha vichaar:

On a muhurta day the following 10 evils are considered and are given in every panchaang. The charts given in the panchaang show straight vertical
lines called rekhas and rekha means no dosha. Out of these five doshas should invariably be avoided. Dosha no. 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are serious and
must be avoided. 6 rekhas are passable and best is 10 rekhas. The various doshas are as under: -

1. Latta dosha: Mercury, full Moon and Venus hit with their legs the 7th, 22nd and 5!h nakshatra backwards from their own nakshatra
whereas, Rahu, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars hit 9th, 12th, 8th, 6th and 3rd nakshatra forwards from their own nakshatra and cause this dosha.
Pada to pada kick is more malefic. (Rahu kicks backwards but because it is retrograde, its backward kick means towards forward).

2. Paata dosha: occurs when Yogas Harshana, Vaidhriti, Saadhya, Vyatipata, Ganda an Shoola end in vivaah nakshatra.

3. Yuti dosha: If at marriage the Moon is in lagna Sun, then there will be penury, if she is in conjunction with Mars, death; it will be auspicious if
with Mercury; there will be happiness if she is with Jupiter; enmity or sexual perversity if with Venus; and Vairagya or renunciation of the worldly
matters if with Saturn; and if she is in conjunction with two malefic planets, she is the giver of death.

Notes: The effect is inauspicious if the Moon conjuncts Rahu. If the Moon is in her own sign, or in her exaltation sign or in a friend's sign, then she
will not be affected by this 'Yuti dosha'.

4. Vedha dosha or saptashalaka chakra: A planet placed in a nakshatra causes Vedha to another planet in the corresponding nakshatra as per
saptashalaka chakra. This chakra is shown in figure below. A planet placed in Rohini nakshatra will cause Vedha to a planet placed in Abhijit
nakshatra. The various marriage nakshatras undergo Vedha and so it should be ensured that no Vedha is caused to Moon.

5. Jaimittra dosha: Occurs if malefics occupy 14th nakshatra from that of vivaah nakshatra ludftrr. aah lagna. (This dosha cancels if Moon is
exalted or is in own sign or in a friend's sign or if such malefics are aspected by benefics).

6. Mrityu panchaka dosha: This has been explained earlier and it should be avoided in vivaah

7. Ekargala dosha: Occurs when Yogas Vyaghaata, Ganda, Vyatipaata, Sboola,Vishakumbha, Vaidhriti, Vajra, Parigha or Atiganda prevail on the day
of marriage and at the same time the count from Sun's nakshatra to that of Moon is odd. (In this count Abhijit nakshatra is to be included). I pgraha
dosha: occurs when vivaah nakshatra as counted from that of Sun is 5, 7, 8, 10, .. 18, 19,21,22, 23,24 or 25th. Note:Vivaah nakshatra is that
nakshatra in which Moon is posited at the time of marriage.

9. Kranti samya dosha: This dosha occurs if Moon on vivaah day occupy rasi positions as 1/5 or 2/10 or 9/3 or 4/8 or 6/12 or 7/11. In the its dosha
becomes clear. If Moon is in Aries I in Leo in sign 5 corresponding to sign versa, this dosha occurs.

10. Dagdha tithi: If Sun at the time of marriage is in signs 9,12; 2, 11; 1, 4; 3, 6; 5, 8; 7, 10; and tithi is 2,4, 6. 8, 10, 12 respectively, tithi gets burnt
and dosha occurs.

Yogas formed by combination of tithi, vaar & nakshatra

a. Tri pushkara yoga: It is formed if on a Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday there is Bhadra Tithi (2 7 12) coinciding with Vishakha, U. phalguni, P.
bhadra, P. vasu, Kritika and U shad a nakshatras. Jobs done in this yoga are repeated thrice, It is good forfait of business"

b- Dwipushkarayoga- It is is repeated on once again. Good for purchase of property, for start of business and investments done but bad for doing
Some other yogas and general observations:

a. Abhijit muhurta: Divide dinmaan in 15 parts. 8th muhurta is good and can be safely used if nothing else is possible. Add Sunrise time in Sun set
time and half it. 24 minutes on either side is abhijit muhurta.

b. Aadal yoga: happens when Moon's nakshatra is 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, from Sun's nakshatra (including abhijit nakshatra).
Avoid military activities, agricultural and stone works. Not bad for marriage & other samskaras.

c. Viclal yoga: happens when Moon's nakshatra is 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th, 17lh, 20th, 24th, 27th from Sun's nakshatra (including abhijit nakshatra). It
gives failure in all ventures.

d. Holashtaka: 8 days before Holi should be avoided in marriage and other auspicious ceremonies

e. Hora muhurta: Divide dinmaan into twelve equal parts and similarly divide ratrimaan in twelve equal parts. Thus we get 24 subdivisions of a day
called horas. One hora = 1 hour (app.). First hora of the day is ruled by the day lord, next by lord of the 6th day lord and next b\ 6th from that lord
in the sequence. (Starting from 1st hora, go as per alternate weekday; backwards). Good work in a benefic hora and bad work commenced in a
malefic hora gives good results. One should not commence any auspicious work in the hora of the planet that is inimical to ones birth star lord.

f. Rahu kalam: about 1. 14 hours in a day belong to Rahu kala. No auspicious work should be started in this period. Divide dinmaan in 8 equal
parts. 8lh part on Sunday (4.30pm. to 6.00pm. 2nd part on Monday (7.30am. to 9.00am.) 7th part on Tuseday (3.00pm. to 4.30pm.) 5th part
Wednesday (12.00 to 1.30pm.) 6th part on Thursday (1.30pm. to 3.00pm.), 4th part on Frida (10.30am. to 12.00 noon) and 3rd part on Saturday
(9.00am. to 10.30am.) are Rahu kalas.

g. Pushya phala: During pushya nakshatra doshas of yogini, chandrayuti, tara, Jupiter's trans' bhadra (vishti), Rahu are cancelled. Guru pushya is
considered to be the best, Ravi pushya next. Pushya anyway is however, inauspicious for marriage ceremony only.

h. Muhurta: divide dinmaan in 15 equal parts. Each part is known as muhurta of the da Likewise, divide ratrimaan in 15 equal parts. Each part is
known as muhurta of the night.

i. Dakshinayana - A solar year contains two Ayanas: It is the period from the Sun's entrance i the sign Cancer to his entrance into the sign of
Sagittarius and his crossing the last amsha of sign is called the Dakshinayana. In other words, when Sun covers six signs, it is the period Dakshiyana
and takes six months. It is also called Yamyayana. Lord of Ayan is Sun. Dakshinay is the period of Asuras. All the auspicious actions are avoided
during the period of Dakshina> because it becomes weak due to Sun's defective rays. During this period Sun's movement is tow south.

j. Uttaraayana - A solar year contains two Ayanas: It is the period from the Sun's entrance into sign Capricorn to his entrance into the sign
of Gemini and his crossing the last amsha of this is called the Uttarayana. In other words, when Sun covers six signs, it is the period of Uttaraayana
and takes six months. It is also called Saumayayana. Lord of Ayan is Sun. During this period S movement is towards north. It is the period of Gods.
All the auspicious actions are to be d during Saumayayana as the Sun has bright and pure rays and is auspicious,

k. Sankrantis - The time of entrance of a planet from one sign into the other sign i.e the time oft ingress of a planet is 'Sankranti kala' known as
'Sankranti'. In this way there are Sankrantis of all the planets but in Electional Astrology only the 12 Sankrantis of sun are considered, also known
'Sui-ya Sankranti'. Normally, 16 ghatis which occur before and 16 ghatis which occur after the ti of Sankranti is called 'Punya Kaala' and is rejected in
commencing an auspicious deed. It considered good for donations, havans and prayers etc. As per sloka 79 of chapter 6 of Muhurta Chintamani
the three days before and after and day in the middle of Sankranti of the signs Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and of Libra are not accepta in doing good
deeds. As per sloka of Muhurta Chintamani, 16 ghatis before and 16ghatisa

the Sankranti of sun is the Punya Kaal or the holy time. If Sankranti begins before mid night then the later half of the previous day, and if it begins
after mid night, then the first half of the next day is Punya Kaala.

Three ghatis before sunrise and 3 ghatis after sunset is 'Sandhya Kaala'. If sun enters sign Cancer during three ghatis before sunrise, the 'Punya
Kaala' will be next day, but if sun enters sign Capricorn during three ghatis after sunset, the 'Punya Kaala' will be, on the previous day.

When sun enters signs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 after sun-set but before mid night, the 'Punya kaala' will on 2nd half of the previous day. But if sun
enters these signs after midnight but before sunrise, the 'Punya kaala' will on 1st half of next day.

When sun enters signs 2, 4, 5, 8, 11 'Punya kaala' will be for 16 ghatis before sankranti; When sun enters signs 1 or 7 'Punya kaala' will be for 8
ghatis before and 8 ghatis after sankranti; and when sun enters signs 3, 6, 9, 10, 12 'Punya kaala' will be for 16 ghatis after samkranti.

There are auspicious and inauspicious effects to human being from Sankranti according to nakshatra in which they are born. As per sloka 18 of
chapter 3, if the birth nakshatra falls in 3 nakshatras from the nakshatra which is before the nakshatra in which a Sankranti occurs, then in that
month there will be travelling; if it falls in the next 6 nakshatras, there will be happiness and comfort; if in next 3 nakshatras there will be pain; if in
next 6 nakshatras, there will be obtainment of clothes; if in next 3 nakshatras, then in the month there will be loss of wealth; and if in next 6
nakshatras there will be gain of wealth.

If there if no Sankranti of Sun in a lunar month, then there is 'adhikmaasa' (additional month) and if there are two Sankrantis of the sun in it, then
there is 'kshaya Maasa' (or lost month). 'Adhikmaasa' and 'Kshaya Maasa' are avoided in muhurtas.
Marriage samskars Lagna shuddhi in marriage or vivaah muhurta
The following points be kept in view:

1. The basic & for most requirement is that lagna should be strong and should not be any of the thyajaya lagnas (thyajaya or rejectable lagnas are
given in succeeding para)

2 There should be no papa kcirtari dosha for lagna.

3. There should be no yuti dosha with Moon, i.e.Sun; Mars, Saturn or Venus should not conjoin it in lagna.

4. Avoid:

a. Saturn in 12th;

b. Mars in 10th;

c. Venus in 3rd;

d. Moon with a malefic in lagna;

e. Lagnesh, Moon or Venus in 6th (However, Venus in 6th acceptable if Venus is debilitated or is in shatru kshetra).

f. Mars in 8th (this dosha nulifies if Mars is combust)

g. Moon in 6th, 8th or 12th (this dosha nulifies if Moon is in Scorpio).

h. Any planet in 7th.

5. Benefics should be in 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 & 11th house from natal lagna.

6. 8th house be vacant from natal lagna.

7. Malefics be in 3, 6th or 11th houses.

8. 8th sign from natal lagna & janam rasi should not be vivaha kundi's lagna. (this dosha nullifies if lords of such signs are same or natural friends).

9. For Venusian/Jupitarian natal lagnas, malefics at the time of muhurta should be in 3rd, 6th or 11th from his/her natal lagna and Jupiter should be
in lagna.

10. Graha shuddhi be ensured as per para iii below.

11. Most of doshas nullify and muhurta is very auspicious and good if:

a. Venus, Mercury, Jupiter are in 7th from Moon;

b. Malefics are in 3rd, 6th or 11th houses;

c. Moon is in 2nd, 3rd or 11th houses;

d. Jupiter is in houses other than 7, 8, 12th houses;

e. Mercury is in houses other than 7, 8, 12th houses;

f. Venus is in houses other than 3, 6, 7, 8, 12th houses;

g. Sun is in 11th house;

h. Lagna or Moon is vargottama;

Note: Points given below are taken from Brihat samhita; chapter 100, sloka 7 & 8.

i. Marriage may be solemnised in any of the constellations of Rohini, three Uttaras, Revati, Mrigashira, Moola, Anuradha, Magha, Hasta and Swati,
when Gemini, Virgo or Libra is rising & benefics are posited in houses other than 7th, 8th & 12th and when Moon is in 2nd, 3rd or 11th from the
ascendant & malefics are in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11th houses ensuring that Venus is not in 6th and Mars in 8th from muhurta lagna.

ii. Janama rasis of the girl & boy should not be in 2nd & 12th, 5th & 9th or 6th, 8th from the transit Moon which should be free from papa kartari

iii. Avoid Vyatipata & Vaidhriti Yogas; Vishti Kama & Rikta tithi.

iv. Rising navamsa should be a biped sign (Gemini, Virgo or Libra)

v. All Uttarayana months excepting Chaitra & Pausha and Dakishanaya month of Kartika & Mrigashira be chosen.

Thyajaya i.e. rejectable lagnas

Avoidable lagnas are known as thyajaya lagnas. These are:

i. The first navamsa of any sign on Wednesday and Saturday, the middle navamsa on Monday and Friday and the last navamsa on Tuesday,
Thursday and Sunday.

ii. In Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius and Virgo, the first three degrees should be avoided as it is in the nature of a serpent (bhujanga) and hence
destructive. In regard to Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio, the last three-degree be avoided as these are presided over by the evil force
of Rahu. The middle half ghati (13� 30' to 16� 30') should be rejected with regard to Gemini, Libra, Leo and Aquarius as an evil force termed
Gridhra rules it.

iii. a. Bhadhira (deaf) lagnas are Libra, Scorpio during day time, Capricorn, Sagittarius during night time. Marriage in these lagnas brings poverty.

b. Andha (blind) is Leo, Aries, and Taurus during daytime and Virgo, Gemini, Cancer during night time. Marriage in daytime andha lagnas gives
widowhood and in night andha lagnas cause death of issues.

c. Pangu (lame) lagna is Aquarius during daytime and Pisces in nighttime. Marriage in these lagnas causes destruction of wealth.

However, these doshas get cancelled if Jupiter aspects lagna or lagnesh. Note: There is another view that sign number 7, 8, 9 are deaf in the
afternoon, 3,4,6, in the andha in night, 1,2,5 are andha in day and 10,11,12 are pangu during sandhya.

iii. 'Graha shuddhi for marriage (suitability of the planets). The solemnising of marriage is auspicious when Jupiter is shuddha for the bride, when
Sun is shuddha for the groom and Moon is shuddha for both. The position of Jupiter in a benefic house from the 'janama rasV of the girl is called
'guru shuddhf (or favourable position of Jupiter); and the position of the Sun in a benefic house from the janama rasV of the boy is called lravi
shuddhi' the position of the Moon in a benefic house from the 'janama rasV of both is called as ' chandra shuddhf.
iii. Avoidable muhurtas for marriage: 1. rikta tithi (4,9, 14); 2. Amavasaya (30); 3. Kroora vaar or Kroora vela (Hora) 4. Janam nakshatra-, 5. All the
3 gadantas (i. nakshatragadanta is last 2 ghatis of Jyestha, Revati, Aslesha\ 1st 2 ghatis of Aswini, Moola, Magha. ii. Lagna gadanta is last ghati of
sign 4, 8, 12 and 1st >/2 ghati of sign 1,5,9. iii. Tithi gadanta is last 1 ghati of Poorna tithis (5, 10, 15) and 1st 1 ghati of Nanda tithis (1, 6, 11). Dosha
removed if Moon or Jupiter are strong. No dosha if gadanta coincides With abhijit nakshatra. 6. Bhadra (Vishti karan); 7. Karakacha yoga; 8.
Yamaghanta yoga; 9. Kulika yoga; 10. Dagdha tithi (position of Sun in signs vs. tithi; tithi 2- Sun in signs 9 & 12; similarly 4-2 & 11; 6-1 & 4; 8-3 & 6:10-
5 & 8; 12 -7 & lO.revalent in MP). 11 Sankranti day (date of ingression of Sun in a new sign) 12. Mrityu panchaka (baan); 13. 10 doshasA. Latta; ii.
Paat; iii. Yuti; iv. Vedha; v. Mittra/ Jamitra; vi. Mrityu panchak; vii. Ekargala; viii. Upgraha; ix. Kranti samaya; x. Dagdha tithi (combust tithi) (the details
of these 10 doshois arc giv^n iiwai die cnU uf LlllS Cflcipierj.

iv. Special prohibitions: i. If boy & girl are first-born issues, marriage in Jyestha month or their Janama maas, Janama naksharta & janama tithi is

ii. Marriage of a girl is not to be celebrated within 6th months of the marriage of her brother, or the mundana of a child in the family in three

iii. Two real brothers should not be married to two real sisters.

V. The 8th house from janama lagna andjanama rasi should not fall as the ascendant of vivah muhurta kundli. This dosha is annulled if lords of
such signs are same or natural friends.

vi. 10 Kutas or evil doshas be avoided. If not possible, one should resort to neutralising influences and should ensure that minimum 6 doshas get

vii. Transit Moon should not be in 6th 8th or 12th house from girl's rasi. The marriage day constellation should be in even constellation (2,4,6, 8 )
from her birth constellation. Constellations 9, 18, 27 from her birth constellation are passable. Even 1st, 10th & 19th constellations may be
acceptable in case of bride, but definitely not in the case of groom.

In vivah kundli it is not possible to attain dosha rahit muhurta. In order to neutralise adverse influences certain .yogas (special combinations) come
into play and fortify the marriage chart despite presence of malefic influences. The yogas are as under:-

1. Mahendra yoga - Jupiter in lagna, Venus in 8th and Sun in 11th.

2. Vishnu priya yoga - Venus in lagna, Jupiter in 10th and Sun Mercury both in 11th.

3. Sreenatha yoga - Venus in 2nd, Jupiter in 12th, Sun in 8th and Saturn in 6th.

4. Samudra yoga - Venus in lagna, Jupiter in4th, Mercury in 2nd and Saturn in 11th.

5. Vijaya yoga - Mercury, Jupiter and Venus all three in lagna.

6. Jaya yoga - Strong Venus and Jupiter in lagna.

7. Pushya yoga - Saturn in the 3rd, Jupiter in the 6,h, Sun in the 10th and Mars in the 11th.

8. Maharshi yoga - Mars in the 3rd, Saturn in the 6th, Venus in the 9th, Jupiter in 12th.

9. Ardhama yoga - Venus in lagna, Jupiter in 11th.

Important considerations on bhadra

1. Last 3 ghatis of bhadra are auspicious.

2. Bhadra be better avoided for commencing good deeds. Because Krishna paksha bhadra is like poison in the sting (Scorpio) and Shukla paksha
bhadra is like poison in mouth (naga, sarpina).

3. In case of unavoidable circumstances, auspicious deeds can be commenced during bhadra tail in Shukla paksha and during bhadra mouth in
Krishna paksha.
4. Deeds which can be started in bhadra are to imprison, to poison, to put to fire, use of arms & armaments, to cut an article, any work relating to
buffaloes, camel or horse, uchhattan etc.

5. In case of travel during bhadra, at least avoid the direction in which bhadra resides.

6. Bhadra is ineffective during nighttime and daytime when bhadra starts during daytime and during nighttime respectively.

7. During the month of Pisces Sankrianti, bhadra becomes auspicious after Mahadeva or Ganesh aradhana, Devi Poojan or Vishnu - surya sadhana.

8. Effects of bhadra are felt as per the loka (world) in which it resides and the deeds of that loka should be avoided in that bhadra. Commencement
of any auspicious work must be avoided during Bhadra,when transit Moon is in signs Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces.

9. Tuesday, bhadra, Vyatipata, Vaidhriti and janama nakshatra are shubha in afternoon.

5. 21 great evils (ekavimsati mahadoshas) 21 koota There are 21 great evils (21 koota) that are to be avoided. If not possible, neutralising
combinations be taken advantage which act as antidotes.

1. Panchanga Shuddhi: All 5 components should be auspicious. (Tuesday is not evil after mid-day or if Mars is strong).

2. Surya Sankramana: When Sun is about to leave a sign and enter next sign (16ghatis, i.e. 6h 24m both before & after entry into a sign).

3. Kartari Dosha: Lagna hemmed between evil planets.

4. Shashtashta Riphagatha Chandra Dosha: Moon in 6, 8 or 12 in muhurta kundli be avoided. (Chandrashtama is not evil when Moon is waxing,
or is in a benefic sign and benefic navamsa or when Moon and 8th lord are friends).

5. Sagraha Chandra Dosha: Moon's conjunction with any planet is avoided.

6. Lagna Shuddhi: Lagna and 7th lord be strong.

7. Durmuhurta: Muhurtas 1,2,4,10,11,12,15 during daytime and 1,2,6,7 during nighttime are in auspicious. (Divided day or night time in 15 parts)

8. Gadantas: All the 3 gadantas (i. nakshatra gadanta is last 2 ghatis of Jyestha, Revati, Aslesha; 1st 2 ghatis of Aswini, Moola, Magha. ii. Lagna
gadanta is last Vi ghati of sign 4, 8, 12 and 1st Vi ghati of sign 1, 5, 9. iii. Tithi gadanta is last 1 ghati of Poorna tithis (5, 10, 15) and 1st 1 ghati of
Nanda tithis (1, 6, 11). Dosha removed if Moon or Jupiter is strong. No dosha if gadanta coincides with abhijit nakshatra.

9. Papashadvarga: Malefics should not be strong in muhurta shadavargas.

10. Bhrigu Shatka: Venus in 6th is avoided specially for marriage.

11. Kujasthama: Mars in 8th be avoided.

12. Ashtama Lagna Dosha: 8th sign ofjanama lagna of both boy and girl should not be lagna in muhurta kundii.

13. Rasi Visha Ghatika: Even if lagna is strong, avoid 1st navamsa on Wednesday and Saturday, 5th navamsa on Monday and Friday and last
navamsa on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

14. Kunavamsa Dosha: Lagna should not occupy a malefic navamsa.

15. Vara Dosha: Avoid Tuesday, prefer Thursday, Friday.

16. Grahanothpatha Dosha: Nakshatra in which eclipses appear be avoided for 6 months.

17. Ekargala Dosha: Occurs when Yogas Vyaghaata, Ganda, Vyatipaata, Shoola, Vishakumbha, Vaidhriti, Vajra, Parigha or Atiganda prevail at
muhurta and at the same time the count from Sun's nakshatra to that of Moon is odd. (In this count Abhijit nakshatra is included). It should be

18. Krura Samyuta Dosha: This dosha occurs if Sun and Moon on vivaah day occupy rasi positions as 1/5 or 2/10 or 9/3 or 4/8 or 6/12 or 7/11. In
the figure this dosha becomes clear. If Moon is in Aries & Sun is in Leo in sign 5 corresponding to sign 1 or vice versa, this dosha occurs.

19. Akalagharjitha Vrishti Dosha: This dosha occurs when there is rainfall and thunder out of season.

20. Mahapata Dosha: When declination of Sun and Moon are equal and on the same side of equator.
21. Vaidhriti Dosha: 27th Yoga (Vyatipatct or Vaidhriti doshas are defunct after mid-day).

Neutralising factors to off set any of the above doshas: 1. Moon should not be in lagna except in Taurus or Cancer sign or when it is full Moon.

2. No planet should be in 7th. However, benefics like Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter in 7th are not bad as per Jyotisha Tattwa Vivek or Muhurta

3. A Planet in exaltation or Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in lagna completely destroys all evils.

4. Moon or Sun in 11th is a antidote to all evils.

5. Jupiter or Venus in kendra and malefics in 3, 6 or 11 remove all doshas of Panchanga shuddhi.

6. Visha ghatis:

Visha ghatis or tyajaya kala or negative period of a nakshatra must be avoided for starting any auspicious deeds. These bad ghatis last 4 ghatis (1
hour 36 minutes) after 30 ghatis of the commencement of Krittika, Punarvasu, Magha and Revati; after 40 ghatis of the commencement of Rohini;
after 32 ghatis of the commencement of Ashlesha; after 50 ghatis of the commencement of Ashwini; after 18 ghatis of the commencement of U.
Phalguni and Shatabhisha; after 20 ghatis of the commencement of P. phalguni, Chitra, U. Shadha and Pushya; after 21 ghatis of the
commencement of Aridra and Hasta; after 24 ghatis of the commencement of U.bhadra, P.shadha and Bharani; after 14 ghatis of the
commencement of Vishakha, swati, Mrigashira and Jyestha; after 16 ghatis of the commencement of P. bhadra; after 10 ghatis ofthe
commencement of Anuradha, dhanishta and sravana and aftei 56 ghatis of the commencement of Moola. Likewise, visha ghatis of tithis are 4
ghatis after 15, 5, 8, 7, 7, 5, 4, 8, 7, 10, 3, 10, 12, 7 and 8 ghatis of the commencement of the tithis Pratipada to Chaturdashi, Amavasya or Poornima,
as the case may be, respectively. Similarly, vishaghatis of week-days (vaar) are 4 ghatis after 20,2, 12, 10, 7, 5 and 25 ghatis of the commencement
of Sunday, Monday Saturday respectively. Cancellation of this dosha: The dosha of visha ghatis cancels if Moon is in an angle and is aspected by
benefic planets.

Journeys: If Sun and Moon are in Uttarayana, then the journey towards east and north is auspicious. If Sun and Moon are in Dakshinayana, then
the journey towards west and south is auspicious. If situation of Sun and Moon are different ayans, then the journey in the direction indicated by
Sun may be made during daytime and that indicated by Moon will be auspicious if made during nighttime.

Journeys, Travels (Muhurta)

1. Tithis: - Inauspicious for journeys: 6th, 8th, 12th, pratipada( 1st tithi of the shukla paksha), 30th (Amavasya), 15th (Poornamasi) and rikta (4th,
9th, 14th)

Notes: - a. If rejected tithis make Amrit Yoaga/Siddhayoga etc. with the combination of day etc.. then journey will be auspicious.

b. Any tithi or other combinations forming Yogas like dagdha, mrityu, karakacha, Samvartak, Visha, hutashana Yamghant should be avoided

2. Nakshatara: - Hasta (13), Aswini (1), Pushya (8), Mrigashira (5), Revati (27), Anuradha (17), Sravana (22), Dhanishta (23), P.Vasu (7), are best &
auspicious. All fixed nakshatras {the 3 Uttaras (12,21,26)} and Rohini (4) are medium. Rest be avoided. If it is necessary to travel in avoidable
nakshatras then avoid first as many ghatis as given below being kroora or cruel.

Vaar-nakshatra shpola:

(Note: - Direction is to be seen from the place of start of journeys). Journeys in dik shoola or nakshatra shoola should be avoided. Dik (Vaar)
shoola conciding with nakshatra shoola must be avoided.

Note: - Journey in Saravan, Hasta, Pushya, and Mrigashira is always auspicious any time, any day.

3. Karana: Avoid Bhadra (Vishti karna).

4. Vaar (day) Thursdays & Fridays are best. Sundays Mondays Wednesday are medium. Saturdays Tuesday be avoided.

5. Yoga: - Avoid Vyatipaat, Vaidhriti and first half of Parigha yoga.

6. Yogini shoola: - Yogini resides in one direction or the other on any tithi: Yogini in front or left hand side is to be avoided.

7. Ghaat: - (painful, pain giving, killing)

a. Ghaat Chandra: Moon in various rasis in natal chart when transits a specific sign as per table given below becomes ghaat (i.e. pain giving Moon)
& should be avoided for making journeys in these days, going to join govt, sevice or for fight. It is also ghaat in certain padas of constellations as
indicated: -

b. Ghaat tithis; days; nakshatra; lagnas

8. Chandra nivas: In a Journey transiting Moon in front and on right side is auspicious.

9. Kaala-pasha nivasa: Avoid journeys in those directions where Kaala & pasha reside on a particular direction on a particular week-day during
day or night:

10. Digdwar lagna: For certain directions, there are digdwar lagnas.

9. Chaugharhia or chaturghatikamuhurta: The following table indicates the verious periods in day time or in night time which are auspicious or
inauspicious to start any journey or to commence any good deed. The periods called amrit, shubha, laabha and chara are auspicious and the
periods known as kaal, udwega and roga are inauspicious.

Important kaalas:

1. Godhuli or evening ascendant: It is auspicious for doing all good deeds. In this lagna no special dosha of nakshatra, tithi, karana, lagna, day,,
navamsha, muhurta, 'yoga, 'the situation of planets in the 8th house and Jamitra etc. is considered. This lagna is 7th from Sun. Moon in 2, 3, 11 are
very auspicious. Avoid Moon or Mars in lagna, Moon in 6th and Mars in 7th. 8th house from godhuli lagna should be vacant.

Godhuli lagna - 7th sign from Sunrise is named Godhuli lagna.

Different views regarding duration of this muhutra are:

1. The duration of 12 minutes before and after the semi-sunset {Muhurta Ganapati).

2. 48 minutes semi-sunset.

3. In summer in the lunar months of Jyestha and Ashada, it is the time during sunset when half of the Sun's disc appears. In spring in the lunar
months of Chaitra and Viasakha, it is the time when the Sun disappears during sunset. In the rainy season and in autumn m the four lunar months,
of Svavana, B'nadrapada, Aswini and Karttika, it is the time when sunset is complete. In late autumn and winter, in the four lunar months of
Margasira, Pushya, Magha and Phalguna, it is the time when the Sun appears like a round lump of food.

Merits of this muhutra: The Godhuli Muhurta is highly praised in Muhurta Chintamani and Muhutrta Ganapati. One need not examine Tithi (lunar
day), Vara (weekday), Nakshatra (asterism), Yoga, Karana, Lagna, Navamsa, 8th house, Muhurta, Jamitra, Latta, and Patha etc., for the Godhuli
Muhutra. It is excellent for all activities.
Some blemishes of this muhurta
1. Kulika, Kranti Samya (same declination of the Sun and Moon), the Moon in lagna, the Moon in the 6th and Moon in the 8th the Godhuli muhurta
should be devoid of these 5 evils.

2. Sunday is prohibited for Godhuli Muhurta.

3. The asterism occupied by a malefic planet should be discarded for the Godhuli Muhurta.

4. Saturday should be avoided. But the godhuli Muhurta is acceptable on Saturday before sunset.

5. Godhuli Muhurta of 12 minutes only before sunset on Thursday should be deemed evil, but not after sunset.

6. The Moon in the 1st, 6th or 8th is fatal to bride; Mars in 1st, 7th or 8th is fatal to bridegroom as per Jyotishsamhitasara.

7. For the Godhuli Muhurta the placement of the Moon in 2nd, 3rd or 11th is a must.

2. Tyajaya kala or forbidden times:

These are the negative periods that should be avoided for commencement of anyauspicious work. The negative periods fall at a specific duration-
point within a nakshatra, tithi or vaar. After the commencement of nakshatra period, tithi or vaar (as taken from Sunrise), the negative period
comes after the passage of certain -duration of that nakshatra, tithi or vaar. This negative period lasts for 4 ghatis duration (1 hour 36 minutes)
from thence.

a. Nakshatra tyajaya kalas: In the case of nakshatra the bad and avoidable period commences on the expiry of 30 ghatis of the commencement
of Krittika, Punarvasu, Magha and Revati; after 40 ghatis of the commencement of Rohini; after 32 ghatis of the commencement of Ashlesha; after
50 ghatis of the commencement of Ashwini; after 18 ghatis of the commencement of U. phalguni and Shatabhisha; after 20 ghatis of the
commencement of P. phalguni, Chitra, U. shadha and Pushya; after 21 ghatis of the commencement of Aridra and Hasta; after 24 ghatis of the
commencement of U.bhadra, P.shadha and Bharani; after 14 ghatis of the commencement of Vishakha, 5wati, Mrigashira and Jyestha; after 16
ghatis of the commencement of P. bhadra; after 10 ghatis of the commencement of Anuradha, Dhanishta and Sravana and after 56 ghatis of the
commencement of Moola nakshatra. The bad period lasts for 4 ghatis (one hour 36 minutes)

b. Titihi tyajaya kalas: Likewise, visha ghatis of tithis are 4 ghatis after 15,5, 8,7,7, 5, 4, 8, 1, 10, 3, 13, 14, 7 and 8 ghatis-of the commencement of
the tithis Pratipada to Chaturdashi, Amavasya or Poornima, as the case may be, respectively.

c. Vaar tyajaya kalas: Similarly, visha ghatis of week-days (vaar) are 4 ghatis after 20, 2, 12, 10, 7, 5 and 25 ghatis of the commencement of Sunday,
Monday Saturday respectively.

Cancellation of this dosha: Moon in kendra (barring lagna), or trikona and lagnesh in own house, own vargas, in angles or in trikonas or if under
aspect of the benefic friend cancels this dosha. Moon in Mrigshira nakshatra also cancels this dosha.

3. Swayam siddha muhurta: The following five days in a year are always auspicious.

a. Chaitra Shukla Pratipada,

b. Akshya Triteeya (tithi 3rd, shuklapaksha, vaisakha maas)

c. Vijaydashmi (tithi 10th shuklapaksha, aswina maas),

d. Deepawali,

e. Basant Panchami.

Bhadra(Vishti Karan)

Bhadra is the name of a karana Vishti which is = 14 tithi. Bhadra falls on 2nd half (Uttarardha) of Krishan paksha on tithi 3rd, 10th; on 1st half
(Poorvardha) of Krishan paksha on tithi 7th, 14th; on 2nd half of Shukla paksha on tithi 4th, 11th and on 1st half of Shukla paksha on tithi 8th, 15th


1. Prahar is 8th part of tithi-maan. It is equal to 3 hours app. Tithi = 8 prahar.

2. 5 ghatis of prahar under tithi 4 of mouth ghatis and 3 ghatis under tail ghatis are taken if 60 ghatis are in a tithi. If this value is different, these
ghatis are calculated proportionately.
3. Prahar is counted from the beginning of a tithi.

4. The mouth and tail ghatis 5 and 3 indicate the duration of 5 ghatis and 3 ghatis from the beginning of the prahar mentioned.

5. Mouth is an inauspicious period. Tail is an auspicious period.

6. 1st half of bhadra during nighttime and 2nd half during daytime is auspicious.

Important considerations on bhadra

1. Last 3 ghatis of bhadra are auspicious.

2. Bhadra be better avoided for commencing good deeds. Because Krishna paksha bhadra is like poison in the sting (Scorpio) and Shukla paksha
bhadra is like poison in mouth (naga, sarpina).

3. In case of unavoidable circumstances, auspicious deeds can be commenced during bhadra tail in Shukla paksha and during bhadra mouth in
Krishna paksha.

4. Deeds which can be started in bhadra are to imprison, to poison, to put to fire, use of arms & armaments, to cut an article, any work relating to
buffaloes, camel or horse, uchhattan etc.

5. In case of travel during bhadra, at least avoid the direction in which bhadra resides.

6. Bhadra is ineffective during nighttime and daytime when bhadra starts during daytime and during nighttime respectively.

7. During the month of Pisces Sankrianti, bhadra becomes auspicious after Mahadeva or Ganesh aradhana, Devi Poojan or Vishnu - surya sadhana.

8. Effects of bhadra are felt as per the loka (world) in which it resides and the deeds of that loka should be avoided in that bhadra. Commencement
of any auspicious work must be avoided during Bhadra,when transit Moon is in signs Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces.

9. Tuesday, bhadra, Vyatipata, Vaidhriti and janama nakshatra are shubha in afternoon.

5. 21 great evils (ekavimsati mahadoshas) 21 koota There are 21 great evils (21 koota) that are to be avoided. If not possible, neutralising
combinations be taken advantage which act as antidotes.

1. Panchanga Shuddhi: All 5 components should be auspicious. (Tuesday is not evil after mid-day or if Mars is strong).

2. Surya Sankramana: When Sun is about to leave a sign and enter next sign (16ghatis, i.e. 6h 24m both before & after entry into a sign).

3. Kartari Dosha: Lagna hemmed between evil planets.

4. Shashtashta Riphagatha Chandra Dosha: Moon in 6, 8 or 12 in muhurta kundli be avoided. (Chandrashtama is not evil when Moon is waxing,
or is in a benefic sign and benefic navamsa or when Moon and 8th lord are friends).

5. Sagraha Chandra Dosha: Moon's conjunction with any planet is avoided.

6. Lagna Shuddhi: Lagna and 7th lord be strong.

7. Durmuhurta: Muhurtas 1,2,4,10,11,12,15 during daytime and 1,2,6,7 during nighttime are in auspicious. (Divided day or night time in 15 parts)

8. Gadantas: All the 3 gadantas (i. nakshatra gadanta is last 2 ghatis of Jyestha, Revati, Aslesha; 1st 2 ghatis of Aswini, Moola, Magha. ii. Lagna
gadanta is last Vi ghati of sign 4, 8, 12 and 1st Vi ghati of sign 1, 5, 9. iii. Tithi gadanta is last 1 ghati of Poorna tithis (5, 10, 15) and 1st 1 ghati of
Nanda tithis (1, 6, 11). Dosha removed if Moon or Jupiter is strong. No dosha if gadanta coincides with abhijit nakshatra.
9. Papashadvarga: Malefics should not be strong in muhurta shadavargas.

10. Bhrigu Shatka: Venus in 6th is avoided specially for marriage.

11. Kujasthama: Mars in 8th be avoided.

12. Ashtama Lagna Dosha: 8th sign ofjanama lagna of both boy and girl should not be lagna in muhurta kundii.

13. Rasi Visha Ghatika: Even if lagna is strong, avoid 1st navamsa on Wednesday and Saturday, 5th navamsa on Monday and Friday and last
navamsa on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

14. Kunavamsa Dosha: Lagna should not occupy a malefic navamsa.

15. Vara Dosha: Avoid Tuesday, prefer Thursday, Friday.

16. Grahanothpatha Dosha: Nakshatra in which eclipses appear be avoided for 6 months.

17. Ekargala Dosha: Occurs when Yogas Vyaghaata, Ganda, Vyatipaata, Shoola, Vishakumbha, Vaidhriti, Vajra, Parigha or Atiganda prevail at
muhurta and at the same time the count from Sun's nakshatra to that of Moon is odd. (In this count Abhijit nakshatra is included). It should be

18. Krura Samyuta Dosha: This dosha occurs if Sun and Moon on vivaah day occupy rasi positions as 1/5 or 2/10 or 9/3 or 4/8 or 6/12 or 7/11. In
the figure this dosha becomes clear. If Moon is in Aries & Sun is in Leo in sign 5 corresponding to sign 1 or vice versa, this dosha occurs.

19. Akalagharjitha Vrishti Dosha: This dosha occurs when there is rainfall and thunder out of season.

20. Mahapata Dosha: When declination of Sun and Moon are equal and on the same side of equator.

21. Vaidhriti Dosha: 27th Yoga (Vyatipatct or Vaidhriti doshas are defunct after mid-day).

Neutralising factors to off set any of the above doshas: 1. Moon should not be in lagna except in Taurus or Cancer sign or when it is full Moon.

2. No planet should be in 7th. However, benefics like Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter in 7th are not bad as per Jyotisha Tattwa Vivek or Muhurta

3. A Planet in exaltation or Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in lagna completely destroys all evils.

4. Moon or Sun in 11th is a antidote to all evils.

5. Jupiter or Venus in kendra and malefics in 3, 6 or 11 remove all doshas of Panchanga shuddhi.

6. Visha ghatis:

Visha ghatis or tyajaya kala or negative period of a nakshatra must be avoided for starting any auspicious deeds. These bad ghatis last 4 ghatis (1
hour 36 minutes) after 30 ghatis of the commencement of Krittika, Punarvasu, Magha and Revati; after 40 ghatis of the commencement of Rohini;
after 32 ghatis of the commencement of Ashlesha; after 50 ghatis of the commencement of Ashwini; after 18 ghatis of the commencement of U.
Phalguni and Shatabhisha; after 20 ghatis of the commencement of P. phalguni, Chitra, U. Shadha and Pushya; after 21 ghatis of the
commencement of Aridra and Hasta; after 24 ghatis of the commencement of U.bhadra, P.shadha and Bharani; after 14 ghatis of the
commencement of Vishakha, swati, Mrigashira and Jyestha; after 16 ghatis of the commencement of P. bhadra; after 10 ghatis ofthe
commencement of Anuradha, dhanishta and sravana and aftei 56 ghatis of the commencement of Moola. Likewise, visha ghatis of tithis are 4
ghatis after 15, 5, 8, 7, 7, 5, 4, 8, 7, 10, 3, 10, 12, 7 and 8 ghatis of the commencement of the tithis Pratipada to Chaturdashi, Amavasya or Poornima,
as the case may be, respectively. Similarly, vishaghatis of week-days (vaar) are 4 ghatis after 20,2, 12, 10, 7, 5 and 25 ghatis of the commencement
of Sunday, Monday Saturday respectively. Cancellation of this dosha: The dosha of visha ghatis cancels if Moon is in an angle and is aspected by
benefic planets.

Journeys: If Sun and Moon are in Uttarayana, then the journey towards east and north is auspicious. If Sun and Moon are in Dakshinayana, then
the journey towards west and south is auspicious. If situation of Sun and Moon are different ayans, then the journey in the direction indicated by
Sun may be made during daytime and that indicated by Moon will be auspicious if made during nighttime.

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