MIL Lesson 3
MIL Lesson 3
MIL Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Understanding Media: Aesthetics of the Image, Text, and Audio
I. Introduction
The Key to appreciate information technologies and communication process is reading. If you don’t know how to read
very well, then you cannot thoroughly enjoy the information society. And when we say reading, we don’t mean learning
how to distinguish your ABCs. Going beyond the basics, we also need to learn how to decipher meanings embedded in
media texts.
But first, in order to comprehend deeper meanings, we need to comprehend how much each medium of information and
communication dissemination works with the image and the written word. We will also touch upon how the written word
is given new meaning when it turns into the spoken word.
II. Objectives
TASK 1: Answer the following questions on your notebook. Copy questions before answering. Write your name and
section on top. Take a pic/scan then submit this under this assignment. Due is September 6, 2022.
1. Describe how news is framed through differing media outlets.
2. How can you relate newspaper with journalism?
3. What is the most effective way of presenting news in the world of print, online, or broadcast?
4. What is necessary for you to get the perfect shot in taking photographs?
5. Do you still listen to radios? Why?
TASK 2: Create a 9 to 12 frame comic strip, explaining how radio, newspaper, and television influence our society. This
may be encoded or hand-drawn in a short bondpaper. Take a pic of your work then submit it under the announcement that
will be posted on September 12, 2022.
TASK 3: Make a 10 page – magazine (5 long bond papers folded at middle; should be computerized) about the
following topics: (choose one topic only). Due is on October 31, 2022.
1. Me, myself, and I
2. My goals, dreams, and aspiration
3. My family and me
4. My dream wedding
5. Any…
IV. Reference: