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Australian Field Ornithology 2014, 31, Supplement
46 Yeramba Street, Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
*Corresponding author. Email: ian.mcallan@mq.edu.au
Summary. This paper is an account of all known records of birds from Christmas
Island in the eastern Indian Ocean. It also includes reviews of the history of the
Island’s ornithology, its avian biogeography, the taxonomy of selected endemic taxa,
population estimates of resident species, and current and past threats to its birds.
One hundred and forty-nine species of birds have been recorded from the Island,
of which 14 are breeding landbirds, nine are breeding seabirds, 18 are visitors and
108 are vagrant species. The Island has a high degree of endemism and this is
expressed in the avifauna through 11 endemic taxa among the 23 breeding species.
Biogeographically, Christmas Island is an oceanic island, with breeding and visiting
species originating from several sources including South-East Asia, Australia, the
Palaearctic, pelagic, and other undetermined sources. Links to the Greater Sunda
Islands and Wallacea are very minor. The Island was first occupied by humans in
1888. Since then, three bird species have been introduced (two deliberately) and
four have self-colonised. No bird taxa have become extinct locally, despite several
extinctions of other endemic and indigenous fauna. However, numerous threatening
processes are placing increasing pressure on native birds.
The birds of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, have been reviewed several times,
most recently in 2004 (Sharpe 1900; Chasen 1933a; Gibson-Hill 1947; Stokes 1988;
Johnstone & Darnell 2004a). Nevertheless, there is still a need to better analyse
the status, biogeography and trends of the avifauna, which is highly significant
for several reasons: there are seven endemic species, no fewer for instance than
countries such as Thailand, Costa Rica or Kenya (cf. Clements 2000); the avifauna
includes several globally threatened species; and includes many species that are
vagrants to both the nearby Indomalayan biogeographical region and to Australia
as a political unit. In addition, Christmas Island is biogeographically unique and
poorly studied (James & Milly 2006). Interest in the Island is increasing amongst
ornithologists and birders, particularly from Australia, but also globally (see
Here we review the birds of Christmas Island, assessing the status of the
breeding species and regular visitors, documenting and vetting many additional
records of vagrants, and assessing the significance and biogeographical affinities
of the avifauna.
Christmas Island
Christmas Island is located in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean at 10°28′S,
S2 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
& Milly 2006). The native vegetation consists of predominantly tall evergreen
rainforests in the interior with semi-deciduous vine thickets on the coastal terraces
[Australian Biological Resources Study 1993; see Figures 4–5 (pp. S50–51)]. The
forests are floristically depauperate, but structurally complex. Approximately 25%
of the Island has been cleared, and comprises open rocky ground and phosphate
mine fields, weed fields, secondary growth and urban areas (Gray & Clark 1995;
DNP 2002). There are at least 250 animals and plants (species and subspecies)
endemic to the Island (James & Milly 2006). Endemic animals, apart from birds,
include five mammals, five reptiles, four marine fish, 13 marine invertebrates and
>200 described terrestrial and subterranean invertebrates. However, there are
probably many more undescribed endemic invertebrates. The land crab fauna
is world-famous for its unparellelled taxonomic and ecological diversities and
its sheer biomass, and investigations continue to discover new endemic species
(Orchard 2012). The endemic Red Crab Gecarcoidea natalis plays a significant
role in determining the floristics and structure of the forests (Hicks et al. 1984;
Orchard 2012), and thus probably the avifaunal composition. The subterranean
invertebrate fauna is poorly known, but may be amongst the most significant in
the world (Humphreys & Eberhard 2001). One endemic genus of small beetles,
Rhyncholobus, has radiated into at least four species, each in a different habitat,
as in Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands (James & Milly 2006). A recent
review (Orchard 2012) suggests that autochthonous radiation may have occurred
in terrestrial and subterranean crabs, but the land area, habitat diversity and
perhaps isolation of Christmas Island are evidently insufficient to facilitate
autochthonous radiation in vertebrate species.
A total of 16 species of birds bred on the Island at the time of human colonisation
in 1888 (Sharpe 1900), although 23 species breed now (Johnstone & Darnell
2004a; James & Milly 2006; Valenzuela & James 2006). As recognised herein,
11 birds are endemic at either the species or subspecies level. Abbott’s Booby
Papasula abbotti is a palaeo-endemic species, so called because it once had a wider
breeding range, but is now confined to the Island. The rest are neo-endemics:
species that have evolved in situ. Six of these are endemic at the species level
(Christmas Island Imperial-Pigeon Ducula whartoni, Christmas Island Swiftlet
Collocalia natalis, Christmas Island Frigatebird Fregata andrewsi, Christmas
Island Goshawk Accipiter natalis, Christmas Island Hawk-Owl Ninox natalis
and Christmas Island White-eye Zosterops natalis), and four are endemic at the
subspecies level (White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus fulvus, Emerald
Dove Chalcophaps indica natalis, Great Frigatebird Fregata minor listeri and
Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus). The swiftlet has been
treated as a subspecies of either the Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta or Linchi
Swiftlet C. linchi, but is treated here as an endemic species. Similarly, the goshawk
has been treated as a subspecies of the Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus
natalis) in the past and more recently as a subspecies of the Variable Goshawk
(A. hiogaster natalis) (see Christidis & Boles 2008). No detailed taxonomic studies
have been made of either the swiftlet or the goshawk (but see the Taxonomy and
nomenclature section under Results). Five other species that were present at the
time of settlement are wider-ranging taxa in the tropics and are not confined to
the Island (Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda, Red-footed Booby Sula
S4 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
sula, Brown Booby S. leucogaster, Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra and Common
Noddy Anous stolidus). Four species have colonised the Island of their own
accord since settlement (Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides, c. 1940s; White-
faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae, between 1965 and 1977; Lesser Frigatebird
Fregata ariel, probably before 1980; and White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis
phoenicurus, c. 1992). A fifth species, the Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus,
has been present since c. 2002 and is possibly breeding. With the exception of
the frigatebird, the new species are dependent on secondary habitats and their
colonisation was facilitated by habitat clearance. Three introduced species
have become established (Feral Chicken Gallus gallus, Java Sparrow Lonchura
oryzivora and Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus). These are largely
commensal with human disturbance and are rarely found in natural habitats. In
addition, 18 species of migrants and 108 vagrants have been recorded on the Island
(this paper). The avian biogeography of the Island is analysed in the Results.
Most conservation issues on the Island stem from a combination of inadequate
quarantine (leading to the establishment of invasive plants and animals) and
inappropriate land management (past land clearing, abandonment of phosphate
mine fields, road verges etc.), which allows invasive species to prosper (James
2007). Wide-scale clearing for mining and municipal purposes, from colonisation
until the early 1980s, removed ~25% of the Island’s original forests. These
areas currently vary from active mine sites, bare limestone pinnacle fields,
abandoned weed fields, secondary-growth forests and revegetation fields to urban
environments. A moratorium on forest clearing since 1988 is tenuously supported
by law, but frequently challenged and seemingly vulnerable. A major threat in
recent years comes from the invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes,
which reaches high densities, and alters the forest environment significantly
(O’Dowd et al. 2003). Unfortunately, many other invasive species are present,
including numerous other ant species, centipedes, bees, reptiles, rats, cats and
plant weeds (James 2007). A focus on wide-scale control of Crazy Ants at the
expense of targeted protection for vulnerable remnant populations may have
had severe unintended consequences, such as the extinction of a bat and several
reptiles in the last decade (James & McAllan 2010). In the past, hunting, poaching
and persecution were significant threats (Stokes 1988). We are concerned that
human over-population of the Island is emerging as a serious threat to the biota
that apparently is not being monitored adequately; compare the situation on Lord
Howe Island where the number of humans has a set limit (McAllan et al. 2004).
Sources of information
Literature was sourced for references to the birds of Christmas Island from several libraries
(see Acknowledgements) and the files held at the office of Parks Australia North, Christmas
Island (hereafter the Parks Office). Much of the recent information on non-breeding species
is in the form of unpublished trip reports by visiting birders. We found some of this on
the internet, but also corresponded with many observers known to have visited the Island.
Records generally run to the end of December 2013 for vagrants and the end of December
2011 for regular and irregular visitors.
Birds of Christmas Island S5
For birds that are vagrants to Australian territory, case summaries and reports of the
Birds Australia Rarities Committee (BARC, now BirdLife Australia Rarities Committee)
were sourced from Wingspan, the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Report Series
and the BARC homepage (http://users.bigpond.net.au/palliser/barc/barc-home.html).
The unvetted reports series in ‘Twitchers corner’ (Wingspan), ‘Observations’ (Western
Australian Bird Notes), ‘Bird notes series’ (The Bird Observer) and ‘Observations of sea-
birds’ (The Sea Swallow) provided additional records. The equivalent series ‘From the field’
(Oriental Bird Club Bulletin and later BirdingAsia) and ‘Indonesian bird reports’ (Kukila)
were searched for additional information on the status of many visitors and for extralimital
records of Christmas Island seabirds.
A summary of Australian bird-banding data from the Island up to the end of 2011 was
provided by D. Drynan of the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Schemes (ABBBS).
We have inspected the specimens held at the Australian Museum (Sydney), Raffles
Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore (Singapore), Museum
Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor (Indonesia), Australian National Wildlife Collection
(Canberra), Museum Victoria (Melbourne), and Western Australian Museum (Perth).
The latter three museums and the Australian Museum have provided full listings of their
holdings from Christmas Island.
DJJ spent ~44 months on the Island between 2002 and 2013, including a period of
residency from December 2003 to April 2007. He undertook research into some of the
resident species and systematically recorded the occurrences of non-breeding species.
IAWM visited seven times between 2005 and 2013 (~2 months in total). All records made by
DJJ & IAWM that are not attributed to a publication are considered previously unpublished.
origins of resident avifauna and the source areas of potential colonisers. These and related
terms are defined below.
1. Pelagic species = species that are predominantly marine except when breeding, and
may have climatic or localised ranges, but whose ranges do not correspond with
terrestrial bioregions. Palaearctic migrants are excluded.
2. Palaearctic migrants = species that breed in northern Eurasia and migrate annually
to winter in the tropics or Southern Hemisphere, routinely crossing biogeographical
boundaries in the process.
3. Indomalayan Region species = species from eastern Asia, from south-eastern Siberia
through eastern and southern China to the Indian Subcontinent, Philippines,
mainland South-East Asia, and Greater Sundas, but excluding Palaearctic migrants
(the Oriental Region of some authors: see Clark et al. 1988).
4. Greater Sunda Islands species = species that are characteristic of the Greater Sunda
Islands (Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali) in Indonesia, and uncharacteristic of both
Wallacea and the rest of the Indomalayan Region.
5. Wallacean species = species that are characteristic of the islands of Eastern Indonesia
(i.e. the Lesser Sundas, Moluccas and Sulawesi) that lie between Wallace’s and
Lydekker’s Lines (White & Bruce 1986).
6. Australian species = species that are characteristic of areas on the Australian
continental shelf, including Tasmania and New Guinea.
7. Equivocal origins refers to species and subspecies that either do not fit into one of the
categories above, or for which more detailed information on the taxon is required.
8. Introduced by humans = introduced to Christmas Island directly or indirectly by
humans or human activity.
Inskipp et al. (1996) defined an ‘Oriental’ Region that was an artefact: in the north, it
is based on political rather than biogeographic boundaries and, in the south, including
Wallacea on the basis that it was an area of faunal transition between the Indomalayan and
Australian Regions. Inclusion of Wallacea in the Indomalayan Region is biogeographically
incorrect. Wallacea is not only an area of transition, but it is also an area of local endemism,
and therefore it is a region in its own right (Darlington 1957; Simpson 1977; White & Bruce
Vetting of records
Many bird records from Christmas Island are significant records not only for the Island
itself, but also for Australian territory and/or the nearby Indomalayan Region. All cases
reviewed by BARC are listed here, because BARC does not reject records outright, but either
accepts or does not accept them. Unless otherwise stated, records citing BARC case numbers
were accepted by that committee. We have had to investigate numerous unpublished
and unvetted records and have a responsibility to vet records carefully. Generally, we
have accepted records before 1990 that have been published by the original source (but
not necessarily those that were published secondhand), and all records of species that
are unquestionably regular visitors. With records of vagrants, we have had to weigh the
probabilities and consequences of misidentifications from the details available to us. Some
people might be upset that we have not accepted their records; however, many records of
rare birds from Christmas Island have not been documented carefully or the information
is not readily available. This said, we cannot always know the facts behind past events. We
can emphasise only that future observers must note the local and regional status of the
Birds of Christmas Island S7
species that they report, and take the trouble to thoroughly document significant records.
We hope that this review provides observers with a greater understanding of the status of
birds on Christmas Island. Observers often come from Australia not knowing whether to
report a species. For example, the Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes is a common migrant
species in mainland Australia, but is a rarer bird on the Island than the Malayan Night-
Heron Gorsachius melanolophus.
Species accounts
For breeding species, we give: the status and abundance according to the categories already
defined and specific population estimates if they are available; the first report; the dates of
the breeding season; preferred or recorded habitats; the extralimital range, if applicable; and
the conservation status and threats. For breeding marine species, we provide an overview
of marine distribution for endemic taxa or records at sea in local waters for non-endemic
taxa. For vagrant species, we give: the status; number of records; details of known records;
preferred or recorded habitats and locations; range of dates; and the usual distribution.
Regular visitors are treated much the same as vagrants, except that records are summarised
rather than listed in full.
Abbreviations used in the text:
ABBBS = Australian Bird and Bat Banding Schemes
AM = Australian Museum, Sydney
AMNH = American Museum of Natural History, New York
ANCA = Australian Nature Conservation Agency
ANPWS = Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service
ANWC = Australian National Wildlife Collection, Canberra
ARA = Australasian Raptor Association
BARC = BirdLife Australia Rarities Committee (formerly Birds Australia Rarities
BOCA = Bird Observers Club of Australia (now incorporated in BirdLife Australia)
BOM = Australian Bureau of Meteorology
CUMZ = Cambridge University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, UK
EEZ = Economic Exclusion Zone in marine waters surrounding sovereign land
EPBC Act = Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
IDC = Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre, Toms Ridge, North West Point
IOSG = Indian Ocean Seabird Group inaugural Conference, 18–22 April 2008
IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland
NHM = The Natural History Museum, Tring, UK [formerly the British Museum (Natural
nm = nautical miles
NMV = Museum Victoria, Melbourne
NSW = New South Wales
S8 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
A history of ornithology on Christmas Island
For convenience, the history of ornithology on Christmas Island can be divided
into six different eras, reflecting changes in the emphasis and the sources of
influence, although these eras are not entirely discrete.
The Island received its present name from Captain William Mynors of the Royal
Mary when he passed it on 25 December 1643 (Foster 1911; Gibson-Hill 1949a).
The first recorded landing and the first mention of the avifauna were made by
William Dampier aboard the Cygnet on 28 March 1688 (Gibson-Hill 1949a; Beken
1998). A landing party from the Cygnet obtained ‘as many Boobies, and Men of
War Birds [frigatebirds Fregata spp.] as sufficed all the Ship’s Company’ (Beken
1998, p. 224). Although it has been presumed that this party landed at the Dales
because the Cygnet was lying off the south-western point (e.g. DNP 2002), it
probably did not (Dampier in Gibson-Hill 1949a). At present, the nearest landing
point for a canoe where nests of boobies and frigatebirds can be accessed on foot is
West White Beach on the Island’s north-west, although the landing may have been
elsewhere. Landings by several later parties were usually poorly documented, but
Birds of Christmas Island S9
the Island may have become well known to mariners as a source of food if not
water (Gibson-Hill 1949a; DNP 2002). The first specimen of the endemic ‘Golden
Bosunbird’ Phaethon lepturus fulvus was collected some time before 1760 as it
was first described by Brisson (1760), but whether it was collected on the Island or
at sea is unknown. An attempt was made to explore the Island in 1857 by the crew
of the Amethyst, but the crew members could not get beyond the coastal terrace
(Gibson-Hill 1949a). The Clunies-Ross family established a colony on the Cocos
(Keeling) Islands in the 1820s and occasionally visited Christmas Island to harvest
‘teak’ (Berrya cordifolia) for building ships and houses, and apparently also to
harvest seabirds for food (Gibson-Hill 1949a).
the endemic birds to be described. In 1898, over 200 people moved to the Island
in preparation for commercial mining. Hugh Ross also collected a few additional
bird specimens, which he forwarded to Andrews. H.E. Durham visited the Island
from December 1901 to February 1902 and collected a few birds now held at the
CUMZ (Benson 1970).
collection was in storage and moved at least four times before 1987, when it was
moved to its present location at the National University of Singapore’s Kent Ridge
Campus (Morioka & Yang 1996; RMBR 2008). There is a possibility that some of
the missing specimens from the Indian Ocean Islands are in other museums, but
it is likely that many were lost, destroyed or discarded.
Japanese forces occupied Christmas Island from 31 March 1942 to August 1945,
during which time a significant area of breeding habitat for Christmas Island
Frigatebirds was cleared at the site of the present-day Golf Course (Williams 1971;
DNP 2002).
scale harvesting of seabirds for food that was recognised as a significant threat to
the rarer species (Bell in ERTS 1976). In 1975, the private ownership of guns and
sling-shots was banned to curb the hunting pressures on wildlife and, in 1977, the
Christmas Island Imperial-Pigeon was given formal protection. In August 1975,
an ‘environmental survey team’ led by Brian Bell (in ERTS 1976) visited the Island
to assess environmental issues for the Australian Government (SATCI 1983). A
flurry of commissioned investigations into the conservation of Christmas Island
wildlife ensued from 1972 to the 1980s (Stokes 1988).
Table 1. Bird species that have been recorded on Christmas Island. 1900 = Sharpe
(1900), 1933 = Chasen (1933a), 1947 = Gibson-Hill (1947), 1988 = Stokes (1988),
2004 = Johnstone & Darnell (2004a), and 2013 = this paper.
from both these visits were not published. Christmas Island came into greater
focus for Australian birders when M. Carter (1994) wrote an article about his trip
in October–November 1993. His visit was prompted by his involvement with a
list for the Island in the fourth edition of the Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
(Simpson & Day 1993) and insider information that the forthcoming checklist
of Australian birds (Christidis & Boles 1994) would, for the first time, include
the Indian Ocean territories. This triggered a succession of birders spurred on
by the sniff of rarities, and well-armed with a newly published field guide to the
Greater Sunda Islands (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993). Although it is impossible
to be precise about numbers, we are aware of more than 70 visits by more than
400 birders since 1990, which took the bird list from 89 in 1988 to 149 at the end
of 2013 (Table 1, Figure 6). The White-breasted Waterhen and Lesser Frigatebird
were recorded breeding for the first time in 1992 and 2001, respectively (Carter
1994; DNP 2002), and the Asian Koel may have started breeding even more
recently. In September 2006, the inaugural Christmas Island Birdweek had
themes of Christmas Island endemics and seabird research, and was attended by
~40 participants. A small field guide to the resident birds was published in booklet
form for the first Birdweek (Valenzuela & James 2006). Further Birdweeks have
been held in subsequent years. The inaugural IOSG Conference was held on the
Island in April 2008. Many of the otherwise unpublished observations by birders
since 1990 were summarised by Johnstone & Darnell (2004a).
The creation of the Christmas Island National Park, environmental legislation,
and the changing sentiment of the general public mean that the days of collecting
birds are over. However, Parks Australia’s rehabilitation program for injured and
sick birds and the collection of road-kill carcasses have ensured a steady supply of
bird specimens reaching Australian museums in the last decade. Meanwhile, the
conservation status of all species was reviewed (Garnett & Crowley 2000; Garnett
et al. 2011), and National Recovery Plans were prepared for several species.
S14 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
200 450
0 0
Figure 6. Graph of the total number of bird species recorded and total estimated
number of visits by observers recording birds on Christmas Island between 1887 and
2012. Solid line = total number of species, breeding and non-breeding; dotted line =
number of breeding species; dashed line = number of visits by bird observers.
Research continued into the birds during this era, funded by the Australian
Government, industry, and independently. This included studies on the seabirds,
the Christmas Island Goshawk and Christmas Island Hawk-Owl and landbirds in
general (James 2007; James & McAllan 2010). Unfortunately, with few exceptions
(see individual species accounts), most of this work remains unpublished and
Future prospects
Modifications of habitats by human colonisation have brought about substantial
environmental and ecological change. Christmas Island is in the midst of a
biodiversity crisis, with many species declining rapidly towards extinction.
Recently, the Christmas Island Pipistrelle Pipistrellus murrayi, an endemic
microbat, was conceded by the Australian Government to have become extinct
(Kamenev 2009; CIEWG 2010), all native reptile species have been reduced to tiny
vestigial populations (James 2007) and as many as three may have become extinct
in the wild in the last few years (K. Retallick pers. comm.; cf. CIEWG 2010). Many
invertebrate species have apparently vanished (James & Milly 2006; James 2007).
Although the causes (and extent) of this crisis have not been fully determined, it is
clear that the interactions between habitat modification and invasive species are
playing a major role. The invasive Yellow Crazy Ant has been the focus of much
attention, research and management efforts (summarised in CIEWG 2010). So far
the birds have not been badly affected, even though six now are listed as nationally
threatened under the EPBC Act. Fortunately, it seems that the immediate threats
to birds posed by the Yellow Crazy Ant and the predicted severe declines in bird
populations (e.g. Garnett & Crowley 2000; Davis 2002; Davis et al. 2008) have
Birds of Christmas Island S15
been greatly overestimated, at least in the short term (James & Retallick 2007;
CIEWG 2010; James & McAllan 2010). ‘New’ habitats such as the Airport,
Rubbish Tip, former slurry ponds, mine loading bays and other areas (particularly
those with open rainwater pools), have provided habitat for numerous migrant
and vagrant species that could not otherwise occupy the Island even temporarily.
Habitat modification has paved the way for the colonisation of the Island by four
self-introduced bird species and three species introduced by humans, and more
will likely follow.
It remains to be seen whether the mass declines affecting other groups of the
fauna will also affect the endemic birds. Insular bird faunas are renowned for
their sensitivity and vulnerability to threats associated with human settlement,
especially hunting, habitat modification and invasive species (Milberg &
Tyrberg 1993; Hughes 2004). However, the most recent signs of declining bird
populations on Christmas Island are emerging not in the endemics, but in three
recently arrived species and a wide-ranging seabird (White-faced Heron, White-
breasted Waterhen, Java Sparrow and Red-tailed Tropicbird—see respective
species accounts). The signs indicate perilous times ahead for the fauna of
Christmas Island. It is obvious that the threats to the Island’s biodiversity are
serious, multiple, complex and inadequately understood (James 2007; CIEWG
2010; James & McAllan 2010). Therefore, continuing to focus on a single issue
such as one alien invasive ant species (e.g. Garnett & Crowley 2000; DNP 2002;
Davis et al. 2008) will likely be counter-productive while there are many factors
contributing to biodiversity declines.
White-tailed Tropicbird
The pantropical White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus was treated as
monotypic by Marchant & Higgins (1990), but this was not substantiated. In the
Plumages and related sections of that work, a ‘golden morph’ was described with
the implication that it has no geographical restrictions different from the species
as a whole (Marchant & Higgins 1990, pp. 950–951). In the introduction to the
Family Phaethontidae, it was claimed that golden-plumaged forms are probably
better regarded as morphs than as subspecies ‘because they occur in different
proportions in different colonies’ (Marchant & Higgins 1990, p. 935). Most other
authors to consider subspecies have recognised fulvus as a valid and endemic
subspecies, based on the unique intensity and frequency of its golden-coloured
plumage (e.g. Peters 1931; Chasen 1933a, 1935; Condon 1975; Dorst & Mougin
1979; Orta 1992a; Le Corre & Jouventin 1999; Clements 2000; Dickinson 2003;
Gill & Donsker 2012).
Golden-plumaged White-tailed Tropicbirds dominate breeding populations of
the species at only two locations: Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean
and Europa Island, >7000 km away in the western Indian Ocean. This latter form
was recently named P. l. europae, based on its high frequency of golden plumage
(70% of birds) and significantly smaller size than fulvus and nominate lepturus
(Le Corre & Jouventin 1999). However, the strongly ‘apricot’ colour shown by 90%
of Christmas Island fulvus individuals is not present in europae. While examining
a live fulvus in the hand, Le Corre remarked to IAWM that subspecies europae
never shows the same brilliant apricot-coloured plumage as fulvus. Throughout
the rest of the range, only a slight golden tinge to the plumage on the body occurs,
in no more than 15% of any population (Le Corre & Jouventin 1999). The presence
of some white-plumaged birds on Christmas Island (<10%), their apparent
increase in recent years, and apparent assortative pairing (judged by courtship
displays) (Dunlop 1988; J.N. Dunlop pers. comm.; DJJ) indicate that the apricot
Birds of Christmas Island S17
Emerald Dove
This complex has two distinctive forms: the nominate indica group, which is found
from South Asia east to the Lesser Sundas and Moluccas, where it is replaced by the
longirostris group, continuing east to New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific. The
groups are differentiated by distinct plumage forms: the silver-crowned western
form and the brown-crowned eastern form. The boundary between the forms
is sharp, being between islands <50 km apart in the centre of Wallacea (White
& Bruce 1986). In addition, Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) cited differences in
vocalisations between the two groupings, and suggested that they were separate
species. Christidis & Boles (2008) did not come to a firm decision on this treatment
and continued to follow the traditional arrangement, but noted that further work
was under way. This split is gaining support (e.g. Gill & Donsker 2012), so we
here point out that the endemic subspecies on Christmas Island, natalis, is allied
with the putative western species ‘Common Emerald Dove’ C. indica. This would
make it a separate species from all other forms of Chalcophaps in Australian
territory, which would belong to ‘Pacific Emerald Dove’ C. longirostris. Note that
the species-group name chrysochlora Wagler 1827 is not available for this eastern
grouping, as it was based at least in part on birds from Java (Schodde & Mason
1997; contra Christidis & Boles 2008).
or nearly naked tarsi, but that there was considerable variation in the colour of
plumage gloss between populations. He also found that tarsus feathering varied
individually and not geographically. Somadikarta (1986) also recognised two
species with the same names, but different compositions: C. linchi including
subspecies linchi (Java and Nusa Penida), dodgei, ripleyi (montane Sumatra) and
dedii (Bali and Lombok); and C. esculenta, including cyanoptila (Malaya, Sumatra
and Borneo) and all forms to the east of Lombok, west of Sumatra and north of
Borneo. This was triggered by evidence of sympatry in Borneo and Sumatra, but
based on greenish versus bluish gloss in the plumage and the absence or presence
of a feather tuft on the hind toe. Somadikarta (1986) did not refer to Salomonsen or
analyse forms from the Philippines, or from east of Lombok, but kept cyanoptila in
esculenta despite being aware of their differing tail patterns. By contrast and as an
aside, he placed natalis in esculenta (following Stresemann) because of its spotted
tail, and proposed a novel biogeographical boundary in support. He showed that
there is more than one species in the Greater Sundas, but he split some forms from
the Greater Sundas and Lombok into C. linchi and ignored the rest of the complex.
This led to an unnatural grouping under the name C. esculenta of spotted-tailed
forms (east of Lombok) with some plain-tailed forms (from Lombok westwards).
Since then, some authorities have treated the complex as a single species,
C. esculenta (e.g. Christidis & Boles 1994; Inskipp et al. 1996; Schodde & Mason
1997). Others have recognised C. linchi as a second species and kept natalis in
C. esculenta (e.g. Andrew 1992; Chantler 1999; Chantler & Driessens 2000;
Clements 2000; Dickinson 2003; Gill & Donsker 2012). Christidis & Boles (2008)
moved natalis from C. esculenta to C. linchi and, although they emphasised
uncertainty, they unjustly cited support from Somadikarta (1986) and Carter
(1994), who suggested no such arrangement. In fact, Christidis & Boles (2008)
moved natalis to a different species without examining any material, presenting
any new data, or following any existing study.
Some recent genetic studies (Price et al. 2004, 2005; Thomassen et al.
2005; Moyle et al. 2008) have indicated greater speciation in the complex. For
instance, eastern forms representing the esculenta group (nitens from New
Guinea and becki from the Solomon Islands) appear distinct from both Bornean
cyanoptila and linchi. This suggests that no forms in the Greater Sundas belong
in C. esculenta. Birds from the central and southern Philippines form a separate
grouping again, marginata. The Bornean dodgei is not only separate from the
sympatric cyanoptila, but also apparently distinct from its more similar, but
allopatric, relative linchi (sensu stricto), an arrangement implicitly followed by
Myers (2009) and Phillipps & Phillipps (2009). The genetics of natalis has not
been studied in this detail.
Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to revise the taxonomy of the genus,
we have some additional data on natalis. All of ~40 freshly dead natalis examined
on Christmas Island had white tail-spots like those described in the esculenta
group, but lacked a feather tuft on the hind toe like the purported linchi group;
plumage gloss was considered to be dull and oily, somewhat green and certainly
not blue. Specimens of natalis examined at the ZRC and AM show this oily-green
gloss on the top of the head, the upperwings and the uppertail (including the tail-
Birds of Christmas Island S19
coverts). However, the upper-body tracts (mantle, back, scapulars and rump) and
hindneck lack the gloss, and the feathers there are dirty dark grey with narrow
whitish margins that increase rearwards to form pale scaling on the rump and
longest scapulars. This differs from C. (esculenta) cyanoptila, which has a dark
metallic-blue gloss (similar to the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, though not as
bright) to all of the upper-body, wing and tail tracts, with no pale margins to any
dorsal feathers (specimens from Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo at
the ZRC and field observations in Singapore by DJJ). Specimens of natalis and
cyanoptila are shown in Figure 7 (p. S51). C. (e.) natalis also differs from linchi,
which has a uniform dark oily-green gloss to all of the upper-body, wing and tail
tracts, with no pale margins to any dorsal feathers (field observations in Java by
DJJ). The distinctive grey back and scaly rump of natalis, contrasting with the
oily-green glossy wings and cap, are also readily visible in the field [DJJ; IAWM;
Figures 8–9 (p. S52)].
of Wallace’s Line that has a spotted tail. This might be an ancestral character
that links natalis with the esculenta group, and certainly indicates considerable
divergence from linchi, so placing natalis in C. linchi is unsatisfactory. Given the
geographical distance and biogeographical separation between natalis and the
other spotted-tailed forms and considering the apparent speciation elsewhere
in the complex, natalis is likely to have diverged from the eastern birds as well.
Under prevailing taxonomies, placing natalis in esculenta would also make
natalis conspecific with the cyanoptila group, although these two seem the least
similar (Table 2). Therefore, we consider it prudent to treat C. natalis as a separate
species, the Christmas Island Swiftlet, unless compelling evidence is found linking
it to another form in the broader white-bellied swiftlet complex.
Great Frigatebird
The Great Frigatebird Fregata minor was originally described as Pelecanus
minor by Gmelin (1789) based on a colour illustration of a female bird in Edwards
(1758–1764). Unfortunately, the provenance of Edwards’s subject is unknown.
Mathews (1914) described a form of Great Frigatebird as a new subspecies,
F. m. listeri. Mathews intended to represent birds from the eastern Indian Ocean
with listeri, and he based it on type-specimens from Christmas Island. In the same
paper, he mistakenly fixed the type-locality of minor (from Edwards’s illustration)
to Jamaica. Since the species does not occur in the Caribbean, Rothschild (1915)
moved the type-locality of minor to the Indian Ocean, and Lowe (1924) moved it
again to Christmas Island. These actions made F. m. listeri a junior synonym of
F. m. minor.
Females of the Christmas Island form always have a blue bill, whereas females
of all other populations in the Indian Ocean have a pink bill, so Christmas Island
birds are different from others in the Indian Ocean and are a subspecies endemic
to the Island. The female specimen illustrated by Edwards had a pink bill, and
thus Gmelin’s Pelecanus minor did not come from Christmas Island. Therefore,
Mathews’s listeri is a valid name for the endemic subspecies on Christmas Island,
which we hereby use. We intend to publish more on the taxonomy of Fregata
minor elsewhere.
but noted that Stresemann compared natalis with three forms of fasciatus and
one of hiogaster, all from Wallacea. The argument cited by Chasen (1933a)
appears contrived, to confirm Chasen’s preconceived notions that the fauna of
Christmas Island is affiliated with that of Wallacea and that islands rarely give rise
to endemic species. Our data disprove the former notion (see Avian biogeography
p. S28), whereas advances in evolutionary biology and island biogeography leave
the latter idea without any credence.
Wattel (1973) continued to keep natalis as a subspecies of fasciatus. However,
he noted great morphological differences between natalis and the nominate
subspecies, with adult natalis having a plain rufous breast, a generally darker
dorsum and shorter more rounded wings. His measurements indicated that,
although smaller than mainland Australian birds, natalis fits within the size
range of the various subspecies of fasciatus from Wallacea. In addition, Wattel’s
measurements indicated that natalis is larger than all the subspecies of the
novaehollandiae–hiogaster group from Wallacea, except for griseogularis. Often
overlooked is that Wattel found the wing proportions of natalis most similar to
those of A. melanochlamys (Black-mantled Goshawk), a high-altitude species
from New Guinea. Stresemann & Amadon (1979) continued to place natalis in
fasciatus, citing Wattel (1973) as the source for their treatment of the genus—even
though Stresemann died in 1972 before Wattel was published. They did not accept
Brown & Amadon’s (1968) split of griseogularis from novaehollandiae.
D. Rogers (in Marchant & Higgins 1993) listed significant differences between
natalis and mainland Australian subspecies of fasciatus: natalis had considerably
smaller size (though note the variation of fasciatus found by Wattel); much more
rounded wings; shorter plumage sequence to full maturation; and numerous,
substantial plumage differences. Despite these differences, natalis was still kept
in fasciatus. Based on observations and photographs, Carter (1994) suggested
that natalis was more closely related to the A. novaehollandiae–hiogaster
complex, noting the bright-yellow cere and different jizz. Debus (1994) agreed,
and considered the short tarsus, short tail, heavy bill and bright-yellow cere to
be inconsistent with the fasciatus group. Christidis & Boles (1994) and Inskipp
et al. (1996) followed Chasen and others in maintaining natalis within fasciatus,
largely because there were no other taxonomic studies to follow. Ferguson-Lees
et al. (2001) separated the novaehollandiae group (sensu lato) into three species
groups: novaehollandiae, hiogaster and griseogularis. They placed natalis in the
species A. hiogaster, but (inadvertently?) included natalis in the distribution map
of fasciatus. Separation of griseogularis from novaehollandiae was not new, as
it had been done previously by Brown & Amadon (1968), though they had kept
natalis in fasciatus. Similarly, the separation of hiogaster from novaehollandiae
was advocated by Schodde (1977), though he did not circumscribe full species-
limits for hiogaster. However, placement of natalis in hiogaster by Ferguson-
Lees et al. (2001) was novel, and was supported only by supposed and superficial
similarities in plumage between the forms, and without any serious consideration
of phylogeny, convergence, biogeography, etc. This treatment, which puts natalis
1300 km away from its nearest sister taxon on Sumbawa, is similar to the untenable
biogeographic arrangement of the Christmas Island Hawk-Owl (see p. S22; also
S22 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Number of species
At the end of 2013, a total of 149 species had been recorded definitely from
Christmas Island. This includes 23 breeding species, 18 visitors and 108 vagrants.
Birds of Christmas Island S23
(1972), vT = van Tets (1975), S = Stokes (1988), G & C = Garnett & Crowley (2000), C = Corbett et al. (2003), J & R = James & Retallick
(2007), BE = best estimate. Population estimates: i = individuals, p = breeding pairs, r = reporting rate (%), t = breeding territories. Sources
of best estimates: a = DJJ (this work), i; b = DJJ (this work), p; c = Dunlop (1988), p; d = Corbett et al. (2003), i; e = James (2003), p;
f = Yorkston & Green (1997), p; g = Stokes (1988), p; h = James (2007), i; and j = Hill & Lill (1998a), t. CI = Christmas Island.
White-tailed Tropicbird 300–450 1000–3000 10–100 600 10 000 36 6000–12 000 (c), p
Garnett & Crowley (2000) provided population estimates for ten species
and subspecies (all the endemic taxa except the Great Frigatebird). With some
exceptions, it is not clear what their estimates were based on, but all of them
were pessimistically low. All ten taxa were said to be declining and Critically
Endangered, mostly from the perceived threats posed by the Yellow Crazy Ant.
Fortunately, a decade later, these dire predictions of decline have not eventuated,
and no significant impacts on birds from ants have been observed.
During an impact assessment of proposed phosphate-mine leases in 2002,
Corbett et al. (2003) generated population estimates for four of the endemic forest
birds. They used the distance sampling technique, which assumes that all birds
present can be seen and counted and that birds do not move during the sampling
period. These assumptions are not easily met, and the sample sizes were too small
to provide accurate estimates, but they are the only quantitative survey estimates
for the species involved.
James & Retallick (2007) established baseline data on the relative abundance
of seven of the landbirds and the White-tailed Tropicbird. Their 511 presence–
absence surveys did not provide population estimates, but produced reporting
rates (i.e. percentage presence) with known statistical accuracies, so that repeat
surveys in the future can determine population trends. The data also provided
information on habitat preferences.
In this work, we have used the most recent published estimates available if they
were based on quantitative survey data. Of course, that does not necessarily mean
that the estimates are accurate. In cases where no quantitative data are available,
we have made estimates based on whatever information was available, particularly
our own field experiences.
The population estimates discussed here are summarised in Table 3. The figures
in the ‘best estimates’ column are discussed in the Species accounts.
Bird banding
Bird banding was first undertaken on the Island in May and June 1965, when
three species were banded by van Tets & van Tets (1967). Most seabird species
were systematically banded in moderate numbers, and other species were banded
opportunistically during the ANPWS era in the 1980s (Dunlop 1987; Stokes 1988).
During the 1990s, a few Christmas Island Hawk-Owls were banded by R. Hill,
and some other species were banded opportunistically. In 2004, a colour-banding
project for the Christmas Island Goshawk commenced (Hurley 2005), and
banding of Abbott’s Booby began in association with tracking studies (Hennicke
2004, 2006). By 2006, increased research on birds saw the expansion of banding
to include the Brown Booby, Red-tailed Tropicbird, Common Noddy and Island
Thrush, as well as other seabirds in tracking studies and birds in rehabilitation
(Table 4). Banding has been an integral focus of the annual Christmas Island
Birdweek since its inception in 2006.
Banding data for Christmas Island (up to the end of 2011) are summarised
in Table 4. Totals of 18 species and 1572 individuals were banded between May
Table 4. Summary of bird banding on Christmas Island. Banding data were provided by the ABBBS, current to the end of 2011. The
longest recovery (i.e. time elapsed from banding to recovery: right column) is given in months. CI = Christmas Island.
1965 and May 2011. There were 207 recoveries of banded birds between April
1985 and April 2010. Most of these were resightings of colour-banded Christmas
Island Goshawks (James 2007), and other recoveries totalled only 28 individuals
of seven species. There has been only one record of a bird banded on Christmas
Island and recovered at another locality, a Brown Booby banded on 27 August
1974 and recovered exhausted at Nusakembangan on the southern coast of Java
(466 km north-west) at an unspecified time. Only four species have been recovered
>12 months after banding. The longest time between banding and recovery was
for a Brown Booby, banded by T. Stokes in August 1985 and found dead >23 years
later in May 2009 (Hennicke et al. 2012).
Avian biogeography
The biogeography of Christmas Island has received little attention and none
recently. Andrews (1900, pp. 299–304) noted that the flora and fauna had strong
affinities to the ‘Indo-Malayan’ biogeographic region (i.e. mainland South-East
Asia and Greater Sundas). Nevertheless, he noted a high degree of endemism—at
that time thought to be 45% of the land fauna, though he suggested that this figure
would fall with further examination of the Greater Sundas fauna. In the late 19th
century, the concept of Wallacea as an area of biogeographic transition was not
fully developed, and Andrews was following the regions defined by Wallace (1876).
Chasen (1933a) seemed convinced that the birds of Christmas Island were
affiliated with the Lesser Sundas, well to the east. However, his arguments,
Birds of Christmas Island S29
Number of species
IM Wal Aust Pel PM Eq Int
geological, geographical and taxonomic, were flimsy. He did not recognise any
affiliation between the resident landbirds of the Island and those of mainland
South-East Asia and the Greater Sundas, and so supposed that the affiliations
must lie with the ‘Austro-Oriental’ (= Wallacean) Region. He then lumped most
of the landbirds with species from Wallacea, which consolidated his view of
biogeography. Chasen’s taxonomic decisions have largely been discredited (e.g.
Mees 1957; Norman et al. 1998; see Taxonomy and nomenclature in Methods).
In addition, Christmas Island is >1100 km west of Wallace’s Line at its nearest
point between Lombok and Bali, yet is only 350 km south of the Greater Sundas
(Java) subregion of the Indomalayan Region. In the geological past, the Island
lay farther to the south (Gray & Clark 1995) and so farther from Wallacea and the
Greater Sundas. Currently, winds blow from the south-east (i.e. from continental
Australia) and the north-west (i.e. the Indomalayan Region), but not from the east
(i.e. Wallacea). Gray & Clark (1995) and Stokes (1988) both suggested that the
Island’s biodiversity in general was more closely affiliated with the ‘Indonesian
Archipelago’ and ‘Indo-Malay’ regions, respectively, than with Australia.
We classified the birds recorded from Christmas Island according to categories
of origin (pelagic species, Palaearctic migrants, Indomalayan, Greater Sunda
Islands, Wallacean, Australian, equivocal, and introduced taxa: see Methods). The
classifications are based on the analyses of distribution presented in the species
accounts. Figure 10 shows the geographic origins of breeding and non-breeding
species recorded on Christmas Island. Of the 23 breeding species, nine (39%) are
pelagic seabirds. Amongst the 14 breeding landbirds, two (14%) are Indomalayan
in origin, none are unequivocally Wallacean (contra Chasen 1933a), two (14%) are
Australian, seven (50%) have equivocal origins and three (21%) are introduced.
Of the 126 non-breeding species, 14 (11%) are pelagic, 48 (38%) are Palaearctic
migrants, 36 (29%) are from the Indomalayan Region [one of these (<1%) being
strictly from the Greater Sundas], none are strictly Wallacean, 13 (10%) are
Australian, and 15 (12%) have equivocal origins.
S30 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
These results fit logically with Christmas Island’s origins and location. It is close
to the boundary of two continental plates and has never been connected to another
landmass. It is thus in neither the Australian nor Indomalayan biogeographic
regions, though it receives migrants and strays from both. More species originate
from the Indomalayan Region than Australia because of the former’s proximity
though, with strong south-easterly winds for much of the year, birds regularly
arrive from Australia. Wallacea is far to the east and across the winds, so has little
if any influence. The Island is south of the Palaearctic, and close to the East Asian–
Australasian Flyway, so is therefore a minor stopover location or overshoot for
Palaearctic migrants. Being oceanic, tropical pelagic species also occur. Although
there is no direct evidence, we suspect that many migrants and vagrants from the
north may reach the Island by moving southwards down the Malay Peninsula,
continuing southwards down Sumatra and overshooting into the Indian Ocean.
Species accounts
All species positively recorded from the Island are documented here and listed
in Appendix 2. An assessment of the status of the species is given at the start of
each account. For vagrants and irregular visitors, the number of records is given,
followed by details of these records. The usual range of the species is summarised
at the end of each account. Unsuccessfully introduced species and species reported,
but considered unconfirmed at this time, are treated similarly in Appendix 1.
Johnstone & Darnell 2004a). On Christmas Island, Feral Chickens only rarely
resemble the wild Red Junglefowl (Smith 1996; DJJ; IAWM), and cocks never
show the white ear-lappets (DJJ) that are typical of the subspecies spadiceus and
bankiva in Peninsular Malaysia and the Greater Sundas (MacKinnon & Phillipps
1993; Wells 1999). It appears that domestic birds have been released by residents
to various sites throughout the Island in recent years, especially near temples and
natural water sources. These birds are considered noisy pests by many residents,
and the Shire Council has attempted to cull them in settled areas. We recommend
that feral birds be exterminated and domestic birds be regulated to prevent their
straying. Elsewhere in Australia, feral populations of this Asian species are found
on Norfolk Island, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and North-west Island in the
Capricorn Group, Queensland (Marchant & Higgins 1993).
Steep Point, Waterfall Cove and the northern half of the eastern coast. Inland cliff
locations include the Golf Course cliffs, Steep Point, South Point, Middle Point and
North West Point (Stokes 1988; DJJ). The number of sub-colonies or breeding
clusters is unknown. The presence of displaying adults above the colonies indicates
that there are more colonies or greater concentrations on the sea-cliffs than on
the inland cliffs. In the Rocky Point sub-colonies, the nests tended to be shallow
scrapes under vegetation (e.g. Pemphis acidula, Cabbage Tree Scaevola taccada,
Pandanus Pandanus christmatensis, Pisonia Pisonia grandis and vine tangles),
fallen fronds of Coconut Palm Cocos nucifera, or occasionally rocks (Ishii 2006).
Nest-sites always had >70% shade cover, and nesting density was highest under
Pemphis, presumably because of its consistent shade cover and clear understorey
(Ishii 2006). Nests are often clustered in loose colonies, but also occur in isolated
situations (DJJ). On the inland cliff, nest-sites appear to be in rock cavities, and
are sparser than on the coastal cliffs (DJJ).
Marine records: Some Red-tailed Tropicbirds were seen from the RV Franklin in
waters near Christmas Island in October 1987 (Dunlop et al. 1988a). N. Cheshire
saw a single bird 200 nm south-south-east at 13°34′S, 106°59′E on 12 April 1995,
and one outside the EEZ at 15°S, 107°E on 24 September 1995 (Bourne 1996;
N. Cheshire in litt.).
The Island population of the Red-tailed Tropicbird is not listed as globally
threatened by the IUCN (2013) or under the EPBC Act, as it is considered a
population of a more widely distributed and secure species. Nelson (1972)
recorded that the Tropicbird was shot occasionally for food. Stokes (1988)
estimated that 1.6 km of coastline breeding habitat has been lost to municipal
development, although Tropicbirds’ nests still occur along this coast (DJJ;
IAWM). A study in 2005–2006 found almost 100% losses of eggs or chicks in
each season (Ishii 2006; James 2007). Late in 2006, remote cameras recorded
two incidents of predation of chicks by feral Cats Felis catus and one by a Black
Rat Rattus rattus (James 2007). Almost complete nesting failure in these sub-
colonies continued until at least the 2010 season (Hennicke in Algar et al. 2011).
A long-delayed program has finally commenced to remove cats from the Island
(Algar et al. 2011), but it remains possible that this very important population
of Tropicbirds could collapse. Predictions that Yellow Crazy Ants could cause a
severe population decline (Garnett & Crowley 2000) have so far not eventuated.
There is no information about the effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation events on
nesting success. A study of breeding success of Settlement colonies of Tropicbirds
found that there was a significant reduction in the number of active nests and eggs
as a result of Cyclone Rosie in April 2008, though no adult Tropicbirds were found
dead (Hennicke & Flachsbarth 2009). Cyclonic conditions are rare on the Island,
but such events may become more frequent with climate change.
This species is found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific
Oceans, breeding at many localities (Nelson 2005). The nearest breeding localities
to Christmas Island are the Cocos (Keeling) Group, eastern Indonesia, Ashmore
Reef and islets off the WA coast, and the Chagos Group, though it is generally
absent from the central Indian Ocean (de Korte & Silvius 1994; Johnstone & Storr
1998; Symens 1999; Johnstone & Darnell 2004b; Milton 2005; Clarke et al. 2011).
S34 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Of these localities, the only significant colonies are at Gunung Api and Manuk
Island in eastern Indonesia.
Tarburton (1989) noted latitudinal clinal variation of the wing- and tarsus-
lengths of Red-tailed Tropicbirds throughout the Pacific Ocean, and he considered
the species monotypic. However, his paper found significant colour differences
between the populations of the western (rubricauda—white birds) and eastern
(westralis—pink-tinged birds) Indian Ocean, and between those in the Coral
and Tasman seas (roseotinctus—pink-tinged birds) and those in the remainder
of the Pacific (melanorhynchos—largely white birds). Some authors continue to
recognise these four subspecies, evidently on this basis (e.g. Orta 1992a; Dickinson
2003; Johnstone & Darnell 2004a,b). However, Christmas Island birds are
usually white, with a few showing a very faint tinge of pink flush to the underparts;
the incidence of pink-tinged birds is less than expected for the population of the
eastern Indian Ocean. Size differences between birds in the eastern Indian Ocean
and Coral and Tasman Seas are not significant, and also show clinal variation from
north to south. Birds in southern Tasman populations often have a pink tinge
(IAWM), but Coral Sea populations rarely do (DJJ). Thus, it appears that the pink
tinge also shows latitudinal variation, and is possibly related to the local diet.
Dispersal has been overlooked in the taxonomic discussion. Le Corre et al.
(2003) noted movements across the Indian Ocean, based on single banding
recoveries between Sumatra and Mauritius (Jenkins & Robertson 1969) and
between Sugarloaf Rock, WA, and Réunion Island. This suggests intermixing
between the western and eastern Indian Ocean populations, supposedly the most
different in colour. It thus appears that subspecies are not warranted.
breeding periodicity to be ~10 months apart. Nests are dispersed over much of
the Island, but are more common on the upper terraces than on the shore terrace
(Dunlop 1988). James & Retallick (2007) recorded the species less frequently at
the western end of the Island than elsewhere. The choice of nest-sites is diverse.
Most nests are in hollows in rainforest-canopy trees (Gibson-Hill 1947; Dunlop
1988; Stokes 1988). Some are in tree-hollows outside the rainforest (e.g. Territory
Day Park: DJJ), and some are in epiphytic Bird’s-nest Ferns Asplenium nidus in
the rainforest canopy (DJJ). Nests are also common in limestone cavities in the
sea- and inland cliffs (Sharpe 1900; Dunlop 1988; Stokes 1988; Reville & Stokes
1994), conspicuously so in the Settlement and the ‘incline’ between the Settlement
and Silver City (DJJ; IAWM). One nest (on the ground in the base of a hollow tree)
in Poon Saan was on the footpath outside an unoccupied block of flats and was used
successfully for several years even after re-occupation of the flats (DJJ; IAWM).
One nest was reported in a pipe in the moving phosphate-loading cantilevers at
Flying Fish Cove (Stokes 1988). Nesting was reported in mined pinnacle fields
in the 1980s (Stokes 1988), and it has since been incorrectly assumed that this
occurrence is widespread (e.g. Marchant & Higgins 1990; Corbett et al. 2003;
Johnstone & Darnell 2004a), but we found no evidence of this practice.
Marine records: The distinctive golden birds have been reported widely at sea,
both within the Island EEZ and well outside it. Pearson (1966) saw golden-
coloured tropicbirds 125 km south sometime in 1960–1964. They were reported
at sea in or just outside the EEZ on over 15 other occasions between 1964 and
1999, in different months (Bourne 1970, 1985, 1989, 2000; Simpson 1970; Bourne
& Dixon 1973; Slinn 1994; Cheshire 1995; N. Cheshire in litt.). Of note were
30 birds feeding with other seabirds between 45 and 60 nm east of Christmas Island
on 20 June 1967 (Simpson 1970). Outside the EEZ, Gibson-Hill (1947) reported
golden-coloured tropicbirds at sea off Java Head and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
During four marine surveys between 1987 and 1996, golden birds (mostly solitary)
were recorded around Christmas Island between 2°S and 21°S, as far afield as
1340 km east-south-east, 1540 km south-east and 1660 km north-west (Dunlop et al.
1988a, 2001). The Royal Navy Bird Watching Society database contains one record
from the Bay of Bengal near Myanmar (~3200 km north-north-west of Christmas
Island) and five records spread from the northern tip of Sumatra westwards about
halfway to Sri Lanka (2200–2800 km north-north-west) (S. Howe in litt.). It
also has >15 records of golden tropicbirds between southern Sumatra and Java
and the Australian North West Shelf (an area which includes Christmas Island)
and one in the Timor Sea between the northern Kimberley coast, WA, and Timor
(~2200 km east of the Island); essentially, these records are concentrated along the
deep waters of the Java Trench. Dunlop et al. (1988a, 2001) mapped golden-coloured
tropicbirds in deep water with sea-surface temperatures of 24.4–29.6°C and
salinities of 32.65–36.88‰.
The Island population of the White-tailed Tropicbird is not listed as globally
threatened by the IUCN (2013) as it is considered a population of a more widely
distributed and secure species. The subspecies is also not listed under the EPBC Act.
It has been said that the population has been reduced since settlement (Marchant &
Higgins 1990). This is presumably based on the assumption that clearing of 25% of
S36 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
breeding habitat for mining and municipal purposes would reduce the population,
as there are no data on population changes. There has been a moratorium on forest
clearing since 1988. Historically, the White-tailed Tropicbird was considered
uncommon on the Island, but it is presently conspicuous and usually considered
common. Stokes (1988) reported that feral cats and Christmas Island Goshawks
take nestlings, and its nests may be robbed by rats. Hill (2004a) noted an instance
of an adult being taken by a Christmas Island Goshawk. Recently, Garnett et al.
(2011) considered the subspecies Endangered on the basis of predation by rats
and cats, the limited breeding area, and the suspected threat from hybridisation.
The diverse nesting sites chosen suggest that the Tropicbird would be likely to
adapt to nest-boxes of a suitable design if they ever should be needed. There is no
information on effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation events on nesting success.
The White-tailed Tropicbird is pantropical in distribution, breeding at many
localities, though usually in low numbers (Nelson 2005). The nearest breeding
localities to Christmas Island are the Cocos (Keeling) Group, islets and cliffs on
the southern coast of Java (though the species is evidently absent from most of
Indonesia), the Chagos Group, and occasionally Ashmore Reef and Rowley Shoals
north of the WA coast (de Korte & Silvius 1994; Johnstone & Storr 1998; Symens
1999; Johnstone & Darnell 2004b; Milton 2005; Clarke et al. 2011). However,
all of these populations are small in number and consist entirely of white-morph
birds, so are a different subspecies from fulvus. There has been a suggestion that
there has been an increase in the number of white-morph birds on Christmas
Island in recent decades, from none up to the 1960s, ~5% in the 1970s and 7%
in the 1980s (Gibson-Hill 1947; Pearson 1966; Dunlop 1988). If this is the case,
then it may be the result of recruitment of birds from Indonesia, where there has
evidently been pressure on breeding sites, as White-tailed Tropicbirds there now
breed only on inaccessible cliffs (de Korte & Silvius 1994).
Some taxonomic issues are discussed in Taxonomy (p. S16).
are the only records for Australian territory, and probably all represent a single
long-staying adult male.
Northern populations in India and China are migratory over short distances,
but South-East Asian populations are resident (Robson 2000). This species is
known as a vagrant in Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia (Grimmett et al. 1998;
Wells 1999; Robson 2000). The sedentary Philippines subspecies humilis does
not reach Borneo (Kennedy et al. 2000; cf. MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993). The
population in Singapore, recorded only since 1940, is considered feral (Strange
& Jeyarajasingam 1993; Wells 1999; Wang & Hails 2007). The only record for
the Greater Sundas, a sight record in north-western Java in November 1995, was
considered most likely a bird escaped or released from captivity (van Balen 1997).
The only other known occurrences in Indonesia are feral populations in Sulawesi
(Andrew 1992). In this context, the Christmas Island reports may refer to birds
that escaped or were released from ships visiting from South-East Asia, and the
species’ status on the Australian list may be questionable.
placed in the fork of a thin, horizontal branch of a tree or shrub, 2–3 m above the
ground (Gibson-Hill (1947). DJJ saw one nest in an outer branchlet of a Strangler
Fig Ficus microcarpa 3 m above a road. The clutch-size is two (Gibson-Hill 1947).
The Christmas Island subspecies of the Emerald Dove C. i. natalis has been listed
as Endangered (as a subspecies of Emerald Dove C. indica, sensu lato) under the
EPBC Act since 2005. It is not listed as globally threatened by the IUCN (2013),
as it is considered a subspecies of a more widely distributed and secure species. It
was listed under the EPBC Act following predictions that Yellow Crazy Ants could
cause a severe population decline (Garnett & Crowley 2000; Davis 2002). Garnett
et al. (2011) considered it Near Threatened. Davis et al. (2008) reported a ninefold
decrease in abundance in forest sites invaded by Crazy Ants in 2001. Fortunately,
this has not resulted in an observed decline. James & Retallick (2007) found that
the Emerald Dove remained widely distributed in forested habitats in 2006. The
SSCSTE (1983) and Stokes (1988) listed poaching as a former threat, but there is
no evidence of recent poaching (DJJ). Stokes (1988) listed predation by cats as
definitely occurring and predation at nests by rats as probable, although Higgins &
Davies (1996) mis-cited the latter as definite. However, nests appear to be built in
outer branchlets beyond the reach of rats (Gibson-Hill 1947; DJJ). Emerald Doves
are occasionally killed on the roads by vehicles, although this is unlikely to have a
great impact on population levels (DJJ).
Some taxonomic issues are discussed in Taxonomy (p. S17).
Nominate bicolor occurs from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands through the
Greater Sundas, Philippines, and Wallacea to western New Guinea; subspecies
spilorrhoa occurs from northern Australia to southern New Guinea (MacKinnon
& Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996; Coates & Bishop 1997; Robson 2000).
These two taxa are sometimes treated as separate species (e.g. Gill & Donsker
2012). This is the only record of nominate bicolor from Australian territory.
It also responded to playback and was observed on 16, 18 and 20 February 2012
(Anon. 2012a; Dooley 2012b; Faulkner 2012).
The Grey Nightjar is polytypic. Separation into two species was advocated by
Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) and several later authors, but this was overlooked
by Christidis & Boles (2008). C. jotaka breeds widely in Asia from the Himalayas
in the west to Japan in the east and from southern Siberia south to the Philippines
and the Greater Sundas. Tropical populations are resident, but northern
populations migrate to winter in mainland South-East Asia, the Philippines and
Greater Sundas, with vagrants reaching Wallacea and New Guinea (MacKinnon
& Phillipps 1993; Coates & Bishop 1997; Robson 2000; Rasmussen & Anderton
2005). There are two prior reports from Australia: a photographic record from
Ashmore Reef on 25 December 2003 (Dooley 2005b; Carter 2009; BARC
Case 450) and a photographic record from onboard a ship in the Timor Sea on
23 August 2005 (Dooley 2006b; BARC Case 493; contra Carter 2009).
along roadsides (DJJ; IAWM). There have been no dietary studies for the Swiftlet
on the Island but, like its congeners, it feeds on small insects (Higgins 1999). It is
generally diurnal, but sometimes forages around street-lights after dusk (DJJ).
Several were once seen repeatedly drinking or bathing, while flying, at the pool
above Hughs Dale Waterfall in 2004 (DJJ).
Nests are located in caves, but the Christmas Island Swiftlet has been reported
breeding in only a few caves, all in the first inland cliff, and there have been no
systematic attempts to locate and document colonies or count nests. Reported
sites include Smiths Cave, (Upper) Daniel Roux Cave, Grimes Cave and other
nearby caves on Smith Point, the Managers Alcove, Swiftlet Cave, and unnamed
caves on the western side of South Point, near Hosnies Springs and at Smithsons
Bight (Stokes 1988; Humphreys & Ebehard 2001; James & Milly 2006; M. Jeffery
pers. comm.; DJJ). A. Graham (pers. comm.) found a few pairs breeding under a
house on low pillars at Rocky Point (near the Managers Alcove) in 2004 (James &
Milly 2006). DJJ found a few nesting in the roof of an abandoned building behind
the Kampong in April 2012.
Gibson-Hill (1947) reported a protracted breeding season from September to
March, with two peaks of laying, in October and January. This, coupled with a
40–45-day nestling period, and probably limited post-fledging dependence,
led him to speculate that the Swiftlets might double-brood. The clutch-size is
consistently two (Gibson-Hill 1947). Gibson-Hill (1947, p. 151) described the nest
as being made from lichen and ‘dried fibres of sago palm’, clearly the endemic
Christmas Island Palm Arenga listeri. Higgins (1999) later listed this as the Sago
Palm Metroxylon sago, which does not occur on the Island.
The Christmas Island Swiftlet is not listed as globally threatened by the IUCN
(2013), as it is considered a subspecies of a more widely distributed and secure
species. Garnett et al. (2011) considered it Near Threatened. Stokes (1988)
reported that the large colony at Daniel Roux Cave was abandoned in 1984, and
suggested visits by people as a potential cause. Humphreys & Ebehard (2001)
later recorded breeding there again. Another cave used near the oil terminal at
Smith Point in 2005 was abandoned the following year after the construction of
a pipeline adjacent to the cave entrance (IAWM). Stokes (1988) also considered
that pesticide use might be an indirect threat. Fortunately, predictions that Yellow
Crazy Ants could cause a severe population decline (Garnett & Crowley 2000)
have so far not eventuated. Christmas Island Swiftlets are often killed by vehicles
(van Tets & van Tets 1967), and this mortality shows spikes with increased traffic
associated with development activities, but the levels are not likely to be a threat
to the population (James 2007). James & Milly (2006) noted that the congeneric
Linchi Swiftlet remains very common in Java, where pressures on bird populations
are considerably greater than they are on Christmas Island.
Some taxonomic issues are discussed in the Taxonomy and nomenclature
section (p. S17).
pers. comm.; IAWM; BARC Case 570). These reports followed Cyclone Rosie, and
the birds were probably blown to the Island from near-coastal Sumatra. Singles
were reported from North West Point on 29 November and 3 December 2011
(Baxter 2011b; Dooley 2012a; BARC Case 737).
The House Swift is a polytypic species that breeds widely in southern Asia and is a
locally common resident in mainland South-East Asia and the Greater Sundas but
it is subject to local movement; it appears to be colonising Wallacea. In mainland
Australia, the subspecies subfurcatus has been recorded as a vagrant (Higgins
1999). However, subfurcatus is more southerly and largely sedentary, whereas
the more northerly nipalensis is partly migratory (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993;
Coates & Bishop 1997; Chantler & Driessens 2000; Robson 2000).
pass the vicinity of Christmas and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. This species has
also been reported from Aceh and the Riau Archipelago in Sumatra (van Marle &
Voous 1988; Rajathurai 1997). It may prove to be a rare passage migrant in seas
surrounding Christmas Island.
25 December 1999 and 1 January 2000 (Hansboro 2000a). A bird with a broken
wing was found by a resident in the Kampong on 29 September 2005 (AM O.71274).
This species was reported by G. Roberts (in litt.) in May 2007 without details. A
few individuals were seen by IOSG delegates (IOSG pers. comm.; IAWM) over
the sea from the Settlement on 22 April 2008 during Cyclone Rosie. DJJ did not
see this species from shore during >3 years in residence. The Shearwater seems
to avoid the inshore waters of the Island, despite the strong upwellings present,
perhaps to avoid intense competition from the breeding seabirds, or to avoid
kleptoparasitism and harassment from frigatebirds.
Marine records: Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were recorded in EEZ waters in
small to moderate numbers (up to 250+ birds) in January 1964 (Ozawa &
Nakamura 1966), October 1987, April 1995, September–October 1995 and
September–October 1999 (Bourne 1996; Dunlop et al. 1996; N. Cheshire in litt.).
This marine species is pantropical (Higgins & Davies 1990). The nearest
breeding colonies are on North Keeling Island, Ashmore Reef, islands along the
WA coast, and in the Chagos Group (Feare 1984; Burbidge et al. 1996; Symens
1999; Johnstone & Darnell 2004b; Milton 2005; Clarke et al. 2011). It is not
known to breed in Indonesia (de Korte 1984, 1991).
Most Herald Petrels breed on islands in the subtropical Pacific Ocean (Marchant
& Higgins 1990). However, three birds identified as ‘Herald Petrel Pterodroma
arminjoniana’ were seen apparently prospecting or breeding at North Keeling
Island in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in April 1986 (Stokes & Goh 1987; Marchant
& Higgins 1990). Although these birds were later considered to be Round Island
Petrels P. arminjoniana (DEH 2005), their pale lores definitely identify them
as P. heraldica (J. Darnell pers. comm.; V. Tatayah pers. comm.). The species
has not been recorded on North Keeling Island since, and is not known from the
Indomalayan and Wallacean Regions (Andrew 1992; MacKinnon & Phillipps
1993; Inskipp et al. 1996; Coates & Bishop 1997). Elsewhere in the Indian Ocean,
the species is now known to breed on Round Island off Mauritius, where there
is a small population of ~20 pairs (V. Tatayah pers. comm.). One bird found on
Round Island in April 2006 had been banded on Raine Island, Queensland, in
July 1984 (V. Tatayah pers. comm.). Vagrants have been recorded from WA waters
(Johnstone & Storr 1998; R. Johnstone pers. comm.).
and one of the males was seen to strike at twigs in the canopy, which is a nest-
building behaviour. Subsequently, the species was seen frequently in the western
and northern parts of the Island over the next 2 years, leading to suspicion that
it was breeding, or trying to breed. Two were seen in August 1990, though no
locality was noted (K. Coate in litt.). Since 1990, the species has been recorded in
low numbers by numerous observers on most visits (Carter 1994, 2000b, 2001,
2002, 2004, 2010b, 2011b; Harvey 1996; Hobcroft 1996, 2006; Farnes 1997;
Lansley 1997; Maher 1997; Anon. 1999b; O’Connor 1999; Hansboro 2000a; Smith
2000; Clarke 2001; Barrand & Barrand 2003, 2007; Doughty 2003; Hunter
2004; Langfield 2004; Adams 2005; Barrand 2005b; Brodie-Good 2005; Carter
et al. 2008; Roderick 2008; R. Baxter in litt.; K. Coate in litt.; B. King in litt.;
N. Pamment in litt.; D. Helliar pers. comm.; C. Nixon pers. comm.; DJJ; IAWM).
Between 2002 and 2007, DJJ observed many individuals and pairs, mostly adults,
regularly at many locations around the Island. The frequency of observations is
apparently increasing, though whether this is related to better observer ability or
actual changes in numbers of Lesser Frigatebirds is unclear. However, DJJ noted
unprecedented numbers for the Island in April 2012. There are no definite marine
records from the EEZ, but N. Cheshire saw two possible females just to the south
at 15°S, 107°E on 11 April 1995 (Bourne 1996).
Breeding records: A pair was observed on a nest behind West White Beach in mid
2001 (DNP 2002; Johnstone & Darnell 2004a; J. Middleton & J. Goldberg pers.
comm.). In January 2004, DJJ and C. Surman saw a flock of ~10 juveniles in an
apparent crèche with 100 juvenile Great Frigatebirds at the IDC. In April 2004,
a dedicated survey of the shore terrace of North West Point found one nest near
West White Beach (DJJ & C. Surman). In August–November 2004 and mid 2005,
up to five nests were recorded scattered along the shore terrace of North West
Point, mostly near the tip of the Point (DJJ). A chick found on the ground at Ethel
Beach in mid 2005, and reared by M. Orchard at the Parks Office, was identified
as a Lesser Frigatebird when juvenile (DJJ). During the IOSG Conference in April
2008, male Lesser Frigatebirds were seen carrying sticks at both the north-western
and eastern coasts (IAWM). The size and distribution of the breeding population
remains to be clarified, but is probably >10 breeding pairs.
The Island population of Lesser Frigatebirds is not listed as globally threatened
by the IUCN (2013) or under the EPBC Act, as it is considered a population of
a more widely distributed and secure species. There are no reports of any local
threats to this species.
The Lesser Frigatebird is a pantropical seabird. The nearest breeding colonies
are on North Keeling Island, Ashmore Reef, islands in the Banda Sea of eastern
Indonesia, islands off the Kimberley coast, WA, and in the Chagos Group (de
Korte & Silvius 1994; Johnstone & Storr 1998; Symens 1999; Johnstone & Darnell
2004b; Milton 2005; Clarke et al. 2011). There are several old records from western
Indonesia, though it is unclear if the species bred there (de Korte & Silvius 1994).
There have been recent apparent increases in populations of Lesser Frigatebirds
in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (McAllan et al. in prep.).
The subspecific taxonomy of the Lesser Frigatebird is poorly resolved. Four
Birds of Christmas Island S49
Figure 7. Specimens of Christmas Island Swiftlet Collocalia natalis (left two) and
C. (esculenta?) cyanoptila. Note the absence of gloss in the upper-body feather-tracts
of natalis. Specimens are from the ZRC Collection. Photos: David J. James
S52 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Figure 8. Christmas Island Swiftlet in flight. Note the absence of gloss in the upper-
body feather-tracts, white tips to rear scapulars and scaly rump; primaries are in moult.
Photo: Tony Palliser
Figure 11. Emerald Dove, adult male. Photo: Ian A.W. McAllan
Figure 16. Christmas Island Frigatebird, female. Photo: Ian A.W. McAllan
S56 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Figure 20. Christmas Island Goshawk, immature female. Photo: Ian A.W. McAllan
S58 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
subspecies have been described, of which three are usually recognised. Nominate
ariel has a type-locality of Raine Island, Qld, and that name applies to all Pacific
populations at least (Dorst & Mougin 1979). Matthews (1914) named the eastern
Indian Ocean birds (Bedout Island, WA) as F. a. tunnyi for their larger size, and
the western Indian Ocean ones (Aldabra Island, Mascarenes) as F. a. iredalei for
their smaller size. Rothschild (1915) considered the size difference of tunnyi to be
trivial and synonymised that subspecies under ariel, and subsequently Mathews
(1927) agreed. Most subsequent authorities have recognised ariel from the Pacific
and eastern Indian Oceans and iredalei from the western Indian Ocean, based
on size differences (Peters 1931; Dorst & Mougin 1979; Marchant & Higgins
1990; Orta 1992b; Dickinson 2003; Nelson 2005). Marchant & Higgins (1990)
noted reports of dimorphism in the colours of the bill (pink or blue-grey) and
orbital-ring (red or blue) in females from Aldabra (Diamond 1971; Nelson 1976)
and considered that this might be significant, but had no comparative data from
elsewhere. At Herald Cay in the Coral Sea, on the Lacepede Islands in WA, and at
Christmas Island, female Lesser Frigatebirds show this dimorphism in bill colour,
but the orbital-ring is always red (James 2004). It also seems that blue orbital-
ring colour does not occur in the North Keeling Island population (DJJ; IAWM).
Meanwhile, more specific data on the supposed blue orbital-ring of Aldabra Island
birds are required. In the interim, we recognise the Christmas Island population as
nominate ariel and recognise iredalei from the western Indian Ocean as distinct,
but consider tunnyi synonymous with ariel. Nevertheless, the boundary between
ariel and iredalei in the Indian Ocean remains unclear. The southern Atlantic
form is usually recognised as a separate subspecies, trinitatis (Peters 1931; Nelson
Point (including the current site of the IDC) were cleared for mining in 1986–
1987. Andrews (1900) recorded breeding at Flying Fish Cove where the species
has not nested for many years (Stokes 1988; DJJ). Some other loss of breeding
habitat has occurred at Lily Beach, Phosphate Hill and the Golf Course (Stokes
1988). Drowning during attempts to scoop up fresh water from artificial sources
whilst on the wing is a recurring threat. During the 1980s, up to 100 birds per
year drowned at the former mine slurry pond and water tanks at South Point
(Stokes 1988; PANCI file archives). Smaller numbers drowned annually in the
1990s at the swimming pool and fountain at the Resort (PANCI file archives;
M. Orchard pers. comm.), and a few drowned in the swimming pools at the
Recreation Centre and the former construction camp on Phosphate Hill, when
these were first constructed in the mid 2000s (DJJ). A few still drown in mud
at rainwater ponds in mine loading bays at LB3, Toms Ridge and elsewhere
(M. Orchard pers. comm.; DJJ). Poaching by flailing had a serious impact in the
past, but ceased after the resettlement of the Cocos Malays in 1977 (Stokes 1988).
There is occasional entanglement of Frigatebirds in discarded fishing line (Stokes
1988; DJJ), though this does not threaten at the population level (DJJ). Birds
S64 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
rarely if ever hit electrical lines (DJJ; contra Marchant & Higgins 1990). There is
no information about potential impacts from feral species such as the Yellow Crazy
Ant, or threats in the marine range. There is no information about the effects of El
Niño Southern Oscillation events on nesting success. However, it could be that a
reduced nesting participation observed in 2010–2012 (DJJ; IAWM) was related to
the significant La Niña event that took place at that time.
This species is pantropical, though the population in the Atlantic Ocean is small
and restricted (Nelson 2005). The nearest breeding sites are at North Keeling
Island, in the Banda Sea, in the Chagos Group, Ashmore Reef and Adele Island,
WA (de Korte & Silvius 1994; Johnstone & Storr 1998; Symens 1999; Johnstone &
Darnell 2004a; Milton 2005; Clarke et al. 2011). However, all of these populations
belong to a different subspecies from the one on Christmas Island. Some taxonomic
issues are discussed in the Taxonomy and nomenclature section (p. S20).
2003). The Margaret Beaches colony may represent a relocation of the former
colonies. All colonies are or were in semi-deciduous vine thickets. The woven stick
nests are typically placed high in the canopy or emergent trees, at sites with clear
access and a strong bias to the leeward of the south-easterly trade winds (Stokes
1988; James 2003). Christmas Island Frigatebirds have been recorded nesting in
15 species of tree, of which Sea Almond Terminalia catapa is the most favoured
(54%), followed by Stinking Wood Celtis timorensis (11%), Strangler Fig (8%),
Propeller Tree Gyrocarpus americanus (8%) and Pongamia Pongamia pinnata
(5%) (James 2003).
Marine records: Scattered sight records exist of single birds and of small
flocks of Christmas Island Frigatebirds within the Island’s EEZ (Bourne 1965;
S66 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Cheshire 1990; Dunlop et al. 2001; N. Cheshire in litt.), reflecting low observer
effort. Telemetry studies have revealed that nesting Frigatebirds forage in all
directions around the Island, with distance from the Island and duration of the
trip increasing during the course of the nesting cycle (DJJ & J. Hennicke unpubl.
data). Foraging trips lasting a week or more and extending >400 km from the
Island in all directions are routinely undertaken by birds with large chicks.
When not breeding, a significant proportion of the population leaves Christmas
Island to reside temporarily at roost-islands in South-East Asia. Adults depart from
the Island after failed nesting attempts or along with their dependent juveniles
after successful breeding (DJJ). The intervals that they spend away are unknown,
but would obviously depend on the birds’ recent history. Adults may return for
the following nesting season or rest for ≥1 year. Some young birds may spend the
majority of their 5 years of immaturity away from the Island, but some immatures
of all ages can be found on the Island at all times (DJJ; IAWM). Christmas Island
Frigatebirds typically vacate roost-islands daily before dawn and re-collect
in soaring flocks over the islands around dusk, but do not land until after dark
(A. Jensen, Q. Phillipps, N. Brickle, F. Noni, D. Bakewell, S. Rajathurai & K. Jordan
in litt.; DJJ). At least 13 roost-islands regularly used by non-breeding Frigatebirds
have been discovered through observation or by satellite-tracking studies
(Table 6). These are all located in the Java, South China, Sulu and Andaman Seas,
which are shallow, ‘brown water’ seas on the Sunda Shelf. Flocks of 100–≥500
Christmas Island Frigatebirds (often mixed with larger or smaller numbers of
Lesser and sometimes Great Frigatebirds) have been reported at some roost-
islands. Where counts have been made at roost-islands, females are more
common than males (Phillipps & Phillipps 2009; Jensen & Tan 2010), but it has
not been determined whether this reflects differences in behaviour, a skewed sex
ratio or other factors. These roost-islands are evidently important in providing an
opportunity for frigatebirds to remain at sea for extended periods, far from the
breeding colonies, without the need to rest on the water or remain on the wing.
Hundreds of reliable reports of Christmas Island Frigatebirds come from
locations on the Sunda Shelf seas and coastlines (DJJ). Records become sparser
with increasing distance from the Sunda Shelf. Northwards, the Frigatebird has
been recorded round the northern coast of the South China Sea as far as Hong Kong
(Chalmers 2002). Eastwards, there are only four records from Wallacea (Trainor
2004), plus a report from Darwin, NT (McKean et al. 1975), one from the Gulf of
Papua (Simpson 1990), and intriguing reports (with no supporting details) from
Melanesia (Dutson 2001). Southwards, the only records outside Christmas Island
waters are from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Stokes & Goh 1987). Westwards, the
Frigatebird is reported rarely from the Andaman Islands, Sri Lanka and India (e.g.
Dwarakanath 1981; Futehally 1981; Di Silva 1990, 1997; Saxena 1994; Warakagoda
1994) although many reports are unconvincing. The farthest and most unlikely
record is of a juvenile in Kenya in 1969 (Mann 1989). It was identified from
photographs by P. Harrison, but has frequently been considered unverified
(C. Mann in litt.). The identification has recently been verified from the
photographs by DJJ, using characters provided by James (2004). BirdLife
International (2001) has the most detailed collation of records published.
Birds of Christmas Island S67
This species breeds only on Christmas Island and is not known to have ever
bred elsewhere. The rarest of the world’s five species of frigatebirds, it is listed
as Critically Endangered by the IUCN (BirdLife International 2000, 2001, 2004;
IUCN 2013) and Vulnerable under the Australian EPBC Act. Garnett et al. (2011)
considered it Critically Endangered because of its limited area of breeding
colonies and continuing population decline, but listed mostly speculative threats.
Historically, loss of breeding habitat has been the most severe cause of decline.
There was probably a large colony in Flying Fish Cove before human settlement
(Ridley 1891; Sharpe 1900). A large area of prime habitat was cleared at the Golf
Course during World War II. The ‘dryers colony’ on the northern coast was large
in 1967, affected by phosphate dust from c. 1971, sparsely populated by 1985,
and abandoned by 2003 (Nelson 1972; Stokes 1985; James 2003). Harvesting
Frigatebirds for food also had a severe impact, probably from the early days of
settlement, but ceased from the late 1970s (Nelson 1972; Stokes 1985). James
(2003) detected a decline of 3–16% between 1985 and 2003, but identified no
threats on the Island that could account for this. He speculated that unknown
threats in the marine range might be operating. Certainly, the reliance on seas and
roost-islands over the Sunda Shelf presents a difficult conservation scenario: the
area is highly populated, intensely fished, frequently polluted, and spread across
numerous political jurisdictions where conservation has low priority.
uncertain relationship between the different survey methods. The results from a
second helicopter survey by PANCI in 2009 have not been published. Although
the trend of the surveys appears to show decline followed by recovery (Table 7),
the reality is probably decline followed by no recovery, with any apparent increase
caused by increasingly thorough surveys (Yorkston & Green 1997).
Abbott’s Booby has a protracted breeding cycle, averaging 16 months, to raise
the single chick (Nelson 1971; Nelson & Powell 1986; Reville et al. 1990a). Reville
et al. (1990a) reported that most (80%) successful breeders do not attempt to
breed the following year: 70% wait until 2 years later, and 10% wait even longer;
~5% successfully raise nestlings by laying late (e.g. November) in the following
season. Circumstantial evidence indicates high fidelity to mates and nest-sites
(Nelson & Powell 1986). Numerous authorities have described the nesting season
to include laying from April to July, with a clear peak in May that leads to a peak
hatching period of July (Nelson 1971, 1978; Nelson & Powell 1986). Reville et al.
(1990a) found a strong correlation between this peak hatching period and low
sea-surface temperatures associated with high marine productivity. However,
they also reported a wider spread of hatching dates, from July to October, and
found that chicks hatching earlier and reaching a larger size by November (when
food becomes scarcer) have higher survival rates. In 2004–2007, hatching
peaked as late as August or September (Hennicke 2004, 2006; J. Hennicke pers.
comm.). The magnitude and significance of this possible time-shift has yet to be
explained. Dependent juveniles remain at their nest-sites and are fed by their
parents until June or later of the next year (Reville et al. 1990a). Nests are located
in tall evergreen rainforest trees on the upper terraces and central plateau, mostly
150–260 m asl (Nelson 1971; Reville et al. 1990a), although Yorkston & Green
(1997) found some as low as 100 m asl on the northern coast. Successive surveys
show a gradual expansion of the breeding area (Nelson & Powell 1986; Yorkston
& Green 1997; Olsen 2004a,b). This may be a response to habitat loss and
degradation, which reduces nesting density, forces birds to seek new nesting areas,
and lowers breeding success in some instances (Reville et al. 1990a,b; Boland
et al. 2012). Nests tend to be located in trees that are sheltered from the prevailing
south-easterly trade winds, and on the north-western side of nest-trees. Over
60% of nests are in Planchonella nitida or Syzygium nervosum, and >95% are in
just six species of tree (Powell & Tranter 1981; Nelson & Powell 1986; Yorkston &
Green 1997).
Abbott’s Booby has been listed as globally Endangered by the IUCN for 48 years
(IUCN 1966, 2013), and is also listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act. Garnett et
al. (2011) considered it Endangered. The species was extirpated at other breeding
islands in the Indian Ocean by the early 20th century. Habitat clearance has been
the main threat, and the first declaration of National Park on Christmas Island
was specifically to protect Abbott’s Booby habitat (DNP 2002). Between 1970 and
1974, it was estimated that 25% of the breeding habitat and 15% of the Booby
population were destroyed (HRCEC 1976), and by 1987 one-third of the breeding
habitat had been cleared for mining (Reville et al. 1990b). D. Powell (in Yorkston
& Green 1997) witnessed the direct deaths of many chicks and adult birds, and
Reville et al. (1990a) estimated that 400 breeding pairs were lost. Wind turbulence
Birds of Christmas Island S69
Table 7. Population surveys of Abbott’s Booby. Breeding sites = active nests and
dependent juveniles at old nests (i.e. spanning 2 nesting seasons), though definitions
varied slightly between studies; breeding pairs = entire breeding populations estimated
using various assumptions regarding the proportion of birds absent from the Island at
the time of the survey. Sources: 1 = Nelson (1971, 1972), 2 = Powell & Tranter (1981),
3 = Nelson & Powell (1986), 4 = Reville et al. (1990a,b), 5 = Yorkston & Green (1992,
1997), 6 = Olsen (2004a,b), and 7 = PANCI unpubl. data.
Breeding Breeding
Year Timing Survey Source
sites pairs
Marine records: Within the EEZ, two Abbott’s Boobies were seen 8 nm north-
west of the Island on 16 October 1987, one was seen 63 nm north on 15 April 1995,
and one was seen outside the EEZ, 225 nm east-south-east at 11°24′S, 109°22′E on
3 October 1995 (N. Cheshire in litt.). Birds sometimes feed within a few kilometres
of the northern coast, while commuting (DJJ). Tracking studies have shown
that birds brooding small chicks feed throughout a radius of 200–500 km from
the Island, but especially to the north and north-west (Hennicke 2004, 2006).
Reports within the potential range of breeding birds have come from the cold
upwelling near the southern coast of Java (Becking 1976b), Java Head (J.B. Nelson
in Becking 1976b) and the Sunda Strait (P. Andrew pers. comm.). Farther afield
in the Indian Ocean, there are single records from Ashmore Reef, the Exmouth
Plateau and a ‘sub-adult’ from Broome, WA (Hassell & Boyle 2000; Palliser 2005;
BARC Cases 297, 432 & 541), near Scotts Reef (Graff 2013; Watson 2013) and
the Banda Sea (van Balen 1996). Two early sight records from the Chagos Group
(Bourne 1971; Hirons et al. 1976) are not supported by descriptive details (Bourne
& Nelson 1976), but a 1996 record is more plausible (Symens 1999). A recent sight
record from Rota in the Northern Marianas, Pacific Ocean (Pratt et al. 2009), is an
exceptional and surprising record.
Currently, Abbott’s Booby breeds only on Christmas Island, where it is a
relict species. The collection of the first specimen on Assumption Island (north
of Madagascar) followed by two more in 1908 (Fryer 1911) strongly suggests
that it bred there in historical times (Abbott in Ridgway 1895; Bourne 1976),
although Gibson-Hill (1950) and Nelson (1974b) argued that the habitat there
was unsuitable. Formerly, it bred on Mauritius (pre-human subfossil material),
and probably on Rodriguez Island, Mauritius (Nelson 1974b; Bourne 1976; Cheke
2001). Circumstantial evidence that it also nested on Glorieuses, Cosmoleda, the
Seychelles and the Chagos Group is not compelling (Bourne 1971, 1976; Nelson
1974b). Subfossil remains of the nominate subspecies have also been found
in the Pacific at Tikopia in the Solomon Islands and Efate in Vanuatu (Olson &
Warheit 1988; Steadman 2006). A second subspecies, P. a. costelloi, has been
described from subfossils recovered farther east in the Marquesas, central Pacific
(Steadman et al. 1988). The suggestion that a large booby on Cocos Island (Costa
Rica) in the eastern Pacific Ocean (Slud 1967) is, or was, a relict population of
Abbott’s Booby or very similar (Nelson 1974b) was thought improbable by Bourne
(1976). Note however that this was before the description of costelloi. In any case,
Abbott’s Booby bred widely in the tropical Indo-Pacific before the arrival of, and
persecution by, humans.
1058 nesting pairs in 16.4 ha of forest (65 nests per ha) at South Point in 1984 and
1985, before the site was mined.
Breeding is highly seasonal, with nest-building in April and laying concentrated
in May–June (Gibson-Hill 1947; Nelson 1972). Colonies are located primarily in
semi-deciduous forests on the shore terraces and footslopes of the inland cliff, and
in some places on the upper terrace up to ~150 m asl (Gibson-Hill 1947; Stokes
1988). Nests are always in trees, and usually high above the ground. Formerly,
Red-footed Boobies may have nested close to the ground near Lily Beach before
abandoning the practice under hunting pressure (Nelson 1972). In the early
2000s, >50 nests were counted in each of three giant trees (a Strangler Fig and
two Propeller Trees) behind the Golf Course, but two of those fell over, in 2002
and 2005 (DJJ). When a Propeller Tree fell in April 2005, DJJ was nearby and
inspected within 20 minutes of the crash; adult Boobies had been building nests,
but none was killed or injured (DJJ). Red-footed Boobies frequently nest alongside
both Great and Christmas Island Frigatebirds, sometimes within a few metres.
Nest-sites are generally separated from those of Abbott’s Booby, except possibly
on the second terrace above Middle Point, where the two species come very close
Marine records: Red-footed Boobies are often observed from shore in large flocks
feeding on bait fish driven to the surface by pelagic predatory fish, particularly
Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares (DJJ). Many were seen close to the Island on
21 February 1964 (Slinn 1994). N. Cheshire (in litt.) made many observations from
the RV Franklin over several cruises in October 1987, April and September 1995
and September–October 1999, which included: 11 birds 55 nm north, 32 feeding
75 nm north, 34 feeding 20 nm east-north-east, 60 birds 76 nm east-north-east,
65 feeding 20 nm east, 500 birds 22 nm east flying towards the Island, 15 birds
48 nm east, 30+ feeding 27 nm west-south-west, one bird 83 nm east-south-east,
three adults 90 nm south-east, 100+ adult and 20+ immature birds 52 nm south-
south-east, four birds 97 nm south-south-east, six birds 198 nm south-south-east,
and 400+ birds feeding 8 nm north-west of the Island. During four marine surveys
between 1987 and 1996, Dunlop et al. (2001) recorded Red-footed Boobies on
57 occasions between 9°S and 17°S, over waters with sea-surface temperatures
of 26.2–29.9°C and salinities of 32.65–34.77‰. Records away from the Island
might include birds from other breeding stations. Breeding birds with small chicks
tend to make 1-day (returning at night) or 2-day foraging trips, ranging from near-
shore up to 200 km offshore, with most trips being ≥100 km offshore (Taylor
2010; J. Hennicke pers. comm.).
The Island population of Red-footed Boobies is not listed as globally threatened
by the IUCN (2013) or under the EPBC Act, as it is considered a secure population
of a more widely distributed and secure species. Stokes (1988) estimated that
220 ha of breeding habitat had been cleared up to December 1987, including areas
with densities of up to 65 nests per ha, but a moratorium on forest clearing has
been in place since 1988. Many, possibly 2000 birds per year, were taken for food
up to the late 1970s (Nelson 1972; Stokes 1988). Strong winds sometimes cause
many chicks to fall to the forest floor. There is little information about the effects of
El Niño Southern Oscillation events on nesting success, but La Niña events seem
S72 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
to reduce nesting success. J. Hennicke (in Taylor 2010) reported low breeding
participation and success in 2010, and suggested that these were related to high
rainfall and high sea-surface temperatures.
Colour morphs and taxonomy: This is a pantropical and monotypic species. It
has been said to have three subspecies (e.g. Dorst & Mougin 1979; Dickinson
2003). However, as noted by Murphy (1936) and Nelson (1978, 2005), these are
based on colour morphs. Colour morphs include largely white birds, white-tailed
brown birds (the brown being of varying intensities), and all-brown birds. The
colour morphs often cluster geographically within island groups. Nevertheless,
the three morphs co-exist, with many island groups having more than one colour
morph freely interbreeding. This confounds the broader geographical boundaries
suggested for subspecies. For example, all the populations of Red-footed Boobies
of the Indian Ocean east to the central Pacific were included in one subspecies,
yet just within the Indian Ocean there is considerable variation. Most populations
in the Indian Ocean are all-white morphs, yet white-tailed brown-morph birds
are (or were) dominant in the western Indian Ocean populations on Europa,
Tromelin, the Glorieuses and Rodrigues Islands, and were also present at Agalega
and possibly St Brandon (Le Corre 1999; Cheke 2001).
The Island population of Red-footed Boobies consists almost entirely of white-
morph birds. The orange-buff wash to the head and underparts in the breeding
plumage is particularly strong in the Island population, suggesting some degree
of genetic separation. The first record of a white-tailed brown-morph bird was in
early June 1967, though no further details were given (van Tets & van Tets 1967;
contra Hennicke 2009). Since then, white-tailed brown-morph Boobies (with
brown scapulars—sensu Nelson 1978; contra Marchant & Higgins 1990) have
been seen on several occasions, including single adults at sea off Lily Beach in July
2005 (DJJ), flying over the Settlement in August 2005 (DJJ), and at Flying Fish
Cove in December 2005 (IAWM). An adult was seen collecting sticks on several
occasions near Ethel Beach in August and September 2007 (Hennicke 2009). An
adult with a damaged wing was being rehabilitated at the Parks Office in April
2008 and was still present in May 2009 (IAWM). At least two Boobies were seen
collecting sticks in May 2009, one at the Chinese Cemetery on 2 May and one near
Ethel Beach on 6–7 May (IAWM). Two were seen returning from the sea in April
2012 (DJJ). Clear sexual dimorphism in bare-part coloration was documented in
breeding colonies in the Coral Sea (James 2001b), but is barely discernible on
Christmas Island (DJJ). Gibson-Hill (1947) described changes in the coloration of
bare parts associated with progressive stages of breeding.
The breeding colonies of Red-footed Boobies nearest to Christmas Island are
on North Keeling Island, Ashmore Reef, islands in the Flores and Banda Seas in
Eastern Indonesia, on the Spratly and Paracel (Xisha) Islands in the South China
Sea, and in the Chagos Group (de Korte & Silvius 1994; Hsu & Melville 1994; Poole
1994; Symens 1999; Johnstone & Darnell 2004b; Clarke et al. 2011). In Indonesia,
Red-footed Booby colonies include both white morphs and white-tailed brown
morphs (de Korte 1984; de Jong 2011), with the colony on Suanggi Island in the
Banda Sea having 5–15% white-tailed brown-morph birds. Indonesian populations
of the Boobies are under threat from human activity, including hunting and
Birds of Christmas Island S73
habitat loss, and the Red-footed Booby has long been extinct as a breeding species
in western Indonesia (de Korte & Silvius 1994; de Jong 2011). Continued pressure
on the eastern Indonesian populations may have encouraged movement of birds,
including white-tailed brown-morph birds, into Christmas Island waters.
where it is widespread and highly nomadic (Marchant & Higgins 1990). The
Eurasian subspecies sinensis is resident in northern South-East Asia and a scarce
visitor to the Malay Peninsula (Robson 2000). This species is extremely rare in the
Greater Sundas: it is not recorded from Java or Bali, is possibly extinct in Sumatra
and rare in Borneo (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Holmes 1997). In Wallacea,
it has been recorded only from the Kai Islands, where it is likely to have been
subspecies carboides, given the proximity to New Guinea (White & Bruce 1986;
Coates & Bishop 1997; Clements 2000). In this context, the Great Cormorant that
supposedly rode from Java to Christmas Island on a yacht seems implausible.
observers (Anon. 2008b; Baxter 2008a; Carter & Carter 2008; Dooley 2008b;
Ramsay 2008c; Palliser 2009; BARC Case 555). It was captured, photographed
and released at Waterfall Cove on 1 March, but was not seen again. A bird of either
this species or Schrenck’s Bittern was seen to land on the phosphate loader in
Flying Fish Cove on 7 December 2009 (Baxter 2009; Ramsay 2010a). A male was
photographed near Ma Chor Nui Nui Temple on 27–28 February 2010 (Anon.
2010b; Baxter 2010a; Dooley 2010a; Ramsay 2010b; R. Baxter & L. Preston pers.
comm.). One was photographed near the entrance to the Resort on 10 February
2011 (Anon. 2011b; Clarke 2011b; Dooley 2011b; Ramsay 2011b).
This monotypic species is common to abundant in mainland South-East Asia,
the Greater Sundas, western Wallacea and the Philippines, with some passage
migration recorded in Malaya (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Coates & Bishop
1997; Kennedy et al. 2000; Robson 2000). It has recently been reported from
the Vogelkop of western New Guinea (Tindige 2003), though its status there is
clouded by the presence of a cinnamon morph of the Black Bittern I. flavicollis
(P. Gregory in litt.). These were the only records from Australian territory until
two records from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in early 2011 (Carter 2011a; IAWM)
and one from south of Broome, WA, in December 2011 (BARC Case 730).
Course on 24 January 1963, where it was found dead on 29 January 1963 (Pearson
1966). Another was seen on 2 October 1963 (Pearson 1966). It was listed by van
Tets (1974a, 1983) as a rare visitor. Occasional individuals were seen between mid
1983 and early 1987 (Stokes 1988). Johnstone & Darnell (2004a) listed it as a
rare or casual visitor. Since 1990, it has been recorded on numerous occasions
by many observers, particularly from 2002 onwards (e.g. Barkla 1996; Hobcroft
1996; Carter 2001, 2010b; Barrand & Barrand 2003; Barrand 2005b, c. 2009;
K. Coate in litt.; N. Hamilton in litt.; L. Preston pers. comm.; DJJ; IAWM). No
Eastern Great Egrets were present in early 2004, but from May 2004 to early
2006 a bold individual was resident in the north-east of the Island (DJJ). This
individual or another was seen occasionally at South Point and the Rubbish Tip
during the same period (DJJ). It patrolled yards in Poon Saan, Silver City and the
Settlement; it hunted grasshoppers in gardens; it hunted Eurasian Tree Sparrows
at chicken-coops and waited on roof-tops for Sparrows flushed from yards by
people; it lay in wait to hunt Christmas Island White-eyes at bird-baths; it hunted
exotic fish in garden ponds; and it visited Flying Fish Cove to hunt in the tidal
pools. Several residents reported that it cleaned all the fish out of their ponds,
and eventually it was dispatched by locals who had lost their fish. Eastern Great
Egrets have also been noted eating Red-footed Booby chicks in the latter’s nests
behind the Kampong (L. Preston pers. comm.). From June 2005 to early 2006
at least, another two Egrets were present in the north-east of the Island (DJJ).
As a pair, they also hunted at garden ponds, in grassy clearings and were often at
Waterfall Cove. They sometimes walked across the crowns of trees as if they were
on floating water-plants, waiting for flocks of foraging White-eyes. They moved
with the White-eye flocks, seemingly trying to stay ahead of them and anticipate
which way the flock was headed. The Egret has been recorded in all months of
the calendar year since 2002. Locations where it has been recorded include the
Airport, Phosphate Hill, Rubbish Tip, Poon Saan, Drumsite, Flying Fish Cove,
Smith Point, the Settlement, North East Point, Golf Course, Resort, Waterfall
Cove, near Stronach Hill, LB3 ponds and South Point.
As delineated, the species is widely distributed from India to Japan and south
through South-East Asia to Australia and New Zealand, with no subspecies
(Christidis & Boles 2008; Marchant & Higgins 1990). The origins of Christmas
Island birds are unknown.
individual, was seen at the Golf Course on numerous occasions from 9 July to
26 November 2004 by DJJ and by two tour groups between 22 November and
6 December 2004 (Carter 2004; Anon. 2005b). One was seen in March 2008
(R. Baxter in litt.) and, presumably the same bird, near the Chinese Cemetery from
11 to 18 April 2008 (J.N. Dunlop pers. comm.). One was seen at the LB3 ponds on
29 November and 3 December 2009 (Barrand c. 2009) and (probably the same
bird) on several days in January 2010 (Carter 2010b). One was seen by a tour
group at the Golf Course on 25–26 November 2012 (James 2012).
This species is widely, but patchily distributed, in the Old World, mostly south of
the Himalayas in Asia and south of 23°N in Africa. Geographical variation is subtle
and poorly understood, with opinions differing substantially about the number of
subspecies (Sharpe 1898; Kuroda 1936; Deignan 1947; Hancock & Elliott 1978;
Mees 1982; Wild Bird Society of Japan 1982; Hancock & Kushlan 1984; White
& Bruce 1986; Marchant & Higgins 1990; MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Coates
& Bishop 1997; Robson 2000; Kushlan & Hancock 2005). Differentiation of
subspecies is based mostly on coloration of bare parts during the courtship period,
so the origins of Christmas Island birds are unresolved.
number of resident individuals was involved, and breeding is even possible. In this
scenario, they could be either javanicus or spodiogaster (sipora). Conversely, the
narrow range of dates (November–May) could indicate a regular wintering pattern
by individuals of a longer-distance migrant, either amurensis or actophilus.
The Javan Pond Heron breeds in southern Sumatra, Java, southern Borneo,
Sulawesi, and the Lesser Sundas east to Sumbawa, and southern central
Myanmar, central Thailand, Cambodia and southern Vietnam. This species has
been recorded also from Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah and Mindanao, where breeding
is suspected (Kushlan & Hancock 2005). Elsewhere in Australia, this species
has been recorded in Darwin in March 2007, and in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
from February to December 2009 and again in 2012 (Anon. 2009b; Baxter 2009;
Palliser & Carter 2012; P. Jones pers. comm.; IAWM), and Kununurra, WA, on
13 January 2011 (Palliser & Carter 2012; BARC Case 661).
South Baseline, South Point, LB3 ponds, Field 22, the IDC, Drumsite, Smith Point,
Flying Fish Cove, Chinese Cemetery, Norris Point, Ma Chor Nui Nui Temple, the
Resort, and Waterfall Cove. Small numbers were also reported regularly to DJJ by
numerous visiting birders during this period.
M. Orchard (pers. comm.) noticed a decline in numbers between 1993 and the
mid 2000s. This is consistent with Stokes’s (1988) estimate of 100 individuals
versus DJJ’s highest count of 15 over 5 years (with no higher counts by visiting
birders since then), and reports of culling. DJJ noted the species to be very wary
of humans and vehicles, which is consistent with persecution. Direct observation
of nesting on the Island has not been reported. However, the observations of
courtship behaviour (Stokes 1988), and newly fledged juveniles (DJJ), and the
year-round presence and persistence of the species despite reported culling leave
little doubt that it nests on the Island.
This species was originally widespread and partially nomadic in Australia, New
Guinea, New Caledonia and the Lesser Sundas (White & Bruce 1986; Marchant
& Higgins 1990). Although currently thought of as monotypic, birds from New
Caledonia have sometimes been separated as the subspecies nana (Amadon 1942).
The subspecies has colonised several island groups: Norfolk Island and Lord
Howe Island c. 1938, though it has been seen on these islands since at least 1907
(Hull 1910; McAllan et al. 2004); New Zealand in the 1940s, where it continues
to increase in number (Robertson et al. 2007); the Kermadec Group since the
1950s (Turbott 1990); the Chatham Group since the 1970s (Turbott 1990); and
Fiji since 1997 (Dutson & Watling 2007). It has been recorded as a vagrant in
Vanuatu, the Louisiade Archipelago, Bougainville, Guadalcanal, Tonga, the Snares
Islands, Auckland, Campbell and Macquarie Islands, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands,
Bali and, intriguingly, Xiamen Island in China (Stokes et al. 1984; Coates 1985;
Gill 1988; Turbott 1990; Bregulla 1992; MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Heather
& Robertson 1997; Dutson 2001; Kushlan & Hancock 2005). It is believed that
birds recorded from the Moluccas may be wintering birds from farther south
(White & Bruce 1986). Apart from vagrants in Bali and China, it has not been
recorded in the Indomalayan Region proper (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993;
cf. Robson 2000).
(Clarke 2001; Anon. 2002b). One, of the Australian subspecies immaculata, was
seen and photographed at the LB3 ponds on 27–28 April 2008 (Carter et al. 2008;
T. Palliser pers. comm.). Another of the subspecies immaculata was seen by a tour
group at the northern end of the runway on 1 December 2012 (James 2012).
Little Egrets on Christmas Island should be identified with caution: juvenile
white-morph Eastern Reef Egrets E. sacra frequently show yellow soles or yellow
feet and lower legs, unusual bill colours, and a more gracile shape than adults
(N. Moores in litt.; DJJ). Subspecies immaculata is widely distributed in northern
and eastern Australia, and undertakes long-distance movements on occasion; it
has yellow soles to black feet (Hancock & Kushlan 1984; Marchant & Higgins 1990;
Kushlan & Hancock 2005). Subspecies nigripes has black feet, but occasional
individuals have yellowish soles (Kushlan & Hancock 2005). It breeds in Java,
though the limits of its range are unclear. It is known from the southern Malay
Peninsula, and is said to disperse to Sumatra, Borneo and Wallacea, where visitors
from Australia (immaculata) may also occur (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993;
Coates & Bishop 1997; Wells 1999; Wang & Hails 2007). These two subspecies
are sometimes synonymised under nigripes (e.g. Marchant & Higgins 1990).
Nominate garzetta has yellow feet and lower legs; it breeds throughout much
of Eurasia, and is a scarce to common resident and winter visitor to mainland
South-East Asia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and Ambon (White & Bruce 1986;
MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Robson 2000). It has been recorded at least twice
in mainland Australia (Carter & Menkhorst 2006). Observations on Christmas
Island of the subspecies garzetta can only be of birds originating from South-
East Asia, but, without a description, a ‘nigripes’ could be from Australia, Java or
Wallacea. Christmas Island Little Egrets clearly have multiple origins.
at Dolly and Ethel Beaches. Most birdwatching tours from 1990 to the present
have noted this species. Between February 2002 and April 2007, DJJ recorded
it regularly at all beaches, the Golf Course and the lower reaches of the Dales.
There appeared to be a communal roost-tree near Ethel Beach, used by perhaps
ten birds at times. The species was also occasionally seen at the Chinese Cemetery
and other locations along the road between the Settlement and Resort, and once
at Smith Point. More significantly, it was regularly recorded in accessible areas
where extensive areas of bare pinnacles extend inland from the sea-cliff (e.g. on
the western coast of South Point). During cruises along the northern, eastern and
western coasts by boat, it was seen at irregular intervals, foraging in tidal pools at
the base of the sea-cliff, perching on top of the cliffs or flying along the cliff-faces.
It was never seen above the shore terrace, in mine fields or on rainforest tracks.
Based on this, the population may be in the order of 40 ± 20 pairs (DJJ), though
this does not imply any increase from earlier estimates. The ratio of white to grey
morphs seemed about even or slightly favouring the grey morph.
This polytypic species is widely distributed along the coasts of the Indomalayan
Region, Wallacea, Australasia and Polynesia (Hancock & Kushlan 1984; Marchant
& Higgins 1990; MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Coates & Bishop 1997; Robson
2000; Dickinson 2003). Subspecies albolineata is said to occur in New Caledonia
and the Loyalty Islands, with nominate sacra occupying the remainder of the
range, including Christmas Island.
habitat loss is a severe threat to any species with such an intrinsically small
range and low population size. Although Gibson-Hill (1947, p. 146) considered it
‘fairly common over the whole island’, Pearson (1966) saw <10 birds in 2.5 years.
Perhaps this difference was caused by a significant decline between 1940 and 1961,
or perhaps it was a difference in perception. Nelson (1977) asserted that Goshawk
numbers decreased between 1938 and the early 1970s and increased again by
1977, but provided no supporting data. Others have assumed ≥25% reduction in
the population size proportional with habitat loss (e.g. Stokes 1988; Hill 2004a;
Hurley 2005). However, secondary forest and other disturbed habitats, although
not breeding habitat, still provide foraging habitat for breeding adults and
probably a refuge supporting elevated populations of pre-breeding birds (DJJ).
This species was formerly heavily persecuted for attacking domestic poultry,
and was trapped and shot with guns and sling-shots (Gibson-Hill 1947; SSCSTE
1983; Stokes 1988), though this abated after 1977 (Stokes 1988) and is apparently
rare or absent now (DJJ). Fortunately, predictions that Yellow Crazy Ants could
cause a severe population decline (Garnett & Crowley 2000; Hill 2004a) have
so far not eventuated. Hill (2004a) also listed potential threats as confinement
to an island, disease, natural catastrophes, small population size, inbreeding
depression, predation by cats, road-kill and weed invasion. There are few data
to assess the reality of any of these, though the road-kill levels are low (James
2007) and inbreeding depression is not a high risk for species with naturally low
population levels. Potential competition with the self-introduced Nankeen Kestrel
(Hurley 2005) has received little consideration, although the two species largely
occupy different habitats.
Some taxonomic issues are discussed in Taxonomy (p. S20).
later that month (Anon. 2011b; Baxter 2011a; L. Preston pers. comm.). This
record is tentatively accepted because photographs confirm the identification,
although vetting by BARC is still required. A bird thought to be a male Japanese
Sparrowhawk was seen on 1 December 1996 (Hobcroft 1996; Eades 1997a). A small
accipiter, possibly this species, was seen on the walking track to West White Beach
in December 2001 (Clarke 2001; R.H. Clarke in litt.). A small accipiter, thought
to be a juvenile male Japanese Sparrowhawk, was seen by DJJ at the Rubbish
Tip on 17 January 2004 (Palliser 2006; BARC Case 418—not accepted). A small
accipiter seen by DJJ and IAWM below Margaret Knoll on 14 December 2005 was
too distant to identify, but was smaller than a Nankeen Kestrel.
In the austral spring, thousands of Japanese Sparrowhawks migrate through the
Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Java to Wallacea (Ash 1993; Nijman 2001; Germi
2005). Elsewhere in Australian territory, this species was recorded on Ashmore
Reef (Anon. 2012b; BARC Case 747). Recent reports and photographs of birds
considered to be this species from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (e.g. Baxter 2010b;
Carter 2011a; Clarke 2011a; Dooley 2012a; DJJ; IAWM; BARC Case 802—under
review) have not yet been vetted.
in open country, and also occurs along roads and cliffs, but is absent in forest
and rare over the forest canopy (James & Retallick 2007; DJJ). Reville (1989)
reported a diet of grasshoppers and lizards. In December 2005 and May 2006,
Schulz & Lumsden (2009) examined pellets from 115 regular feeding sites. The
large grasshopper Valanga irregularis accounted for ~97% of food items, but
other insects (beetles, moths and butterflies) and the introduced Grass Skink
were occasionally present. Remains of the Christmas Island Swiftlet were found at
12% of sites, and these authors speculated that Swiftlets were caught on the wing.
However, given the number of road-killed Swiftlets on the Island, it seems more
likely that Kestrels scavenge these carcasses rather than catch Swiftlets in flight.
Christmas Island White-eyes frequently give alarm calls when Nankeen Kestrels
appear, but there are no records of predation. Although technically indigenous, the
Kestrel probably acts as an invasive predator. It has been suggested (though not
proved) that its predation contributed to the declines of the endemic Christmas
Island Blue-tailed Skink Cryptoblepharus egeriae and Christmas Island Pipistrelle
(Rumpff 1992; James 2005, 2007).
The nominate subspecies breeds on the Australian mainland, Tasmania and
Christmas Island, some birds migrate to Wallacea, and strays occasionally reach
Bali, Java, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and New Zealand (MacKinnon & Phillipps
1993; Marchant & Higgins 1993; Johnstone & Darnell 2004b). Subspecies baru is
resident in New Guinea.
two other independent juveniles apparently from an earlier brood. Another pair at
the Rubbish Tip had three chicks in March 2002. DJJ made a similar number of
sightings in 2004, but during >300 days on the Island, and no chicks were seen.
From 2005 to April 2007, DJJ’s sightings steadily decreased in terms of frequency
and the number of sites. This trend continues, with very few records since 2007,
despite numerous visiting birders to the end of 2011 (Carter et al. 2008; Baxter
2009, 2010a,b, 2011b; Carter 2010b, 2011b; James 2010; Clarke 2011b; Marsh
2011; N. Pamment in litt.; D. Helliar pers. comm.; IOSG delegates pers. comm.;
L. Preston pers. comm.; DJJ; IAWM). Carter (2010b) even presumed it to be
extinct on the Island. However, some birds were still present in low numbers
in early 2012 (IAWM). The Island population briefly reached >20 adults in
2002–2004, but has declined since then (Figure 22). The cause of this apparent
decline is probably attributable to feral cats, although there is no direct evidence.
There have been more records from November and December than other months,
but this probably just reflects visits by birders, as the species has been reported
year-round and there were no seasonal patterns to DJJ’s records.
Apart from a pair at North West Point from January 2004 until at least early
2007 (DJJ) and a bird seen at the Central Area Workshop on 6 September 2011
(N. Hamilton in litt.), the White-breasted Waterhen has been recorded only in
the ‘dogs-head’ area north-east of a line from Lily Beach to the Plantation, which
includes the Airport, Phosphate Hill, Rubbish Tip, Irvine Hill, Phosphate Dryers,
Drumsite, Territory Day Park (Parks Nursery), Poon Saan, Silver City, Chinese
Cemetery, North East Point, Golf Course, Norris Point, and the Resort. It favours
disturbed habitats, including grassy clearings and weed thickets. It is fairly shy
and rarely frequents suburban areas. Breeding has been reported in January,
March, April and October, possibly indicating a lack of seasonality.
This species has an extensive range in southern Asia south of the Himalayas,
from India to southern China, mainland South-East Asia, the Greater Sundas,
Sulawesi and the Philippines (Mackinnon & Phillipps 1993; Wells 1999; Robson
2000; Rasmussen & Anderton 2005; Brazil 2009). It colonised the Cocos (Keeling)
Islands in c. 1998 (McAllan et al. in prep.). It is now a common resident there (e.g.
James 2010; Carter 2011a; IAWM). There is also one record from Ashmore Reef
on 25–27 January 2003 (BARC Case 431).
There are differing views on the number of identifiable subspecies for the White-
breasted Waterhen. Named subspecies include nominate phoenicurus (Sri Lanka
and Travancore); chinensis (the remainder of India, where all populations are
resident, east to southern Thailand and China); three resident taxa on the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands (insularis, leucocephala and midnicobaricus), with another
(maldivicus) in the Maldives; javanicus (resident in the Greater Sundas, Malay
Peninsula, Philippines, and Talaud and Sangihe in the North Moluccas); and
leucomelana in the remainder of Wallacea (Peters 1934; Taylor & van Perlo 1998;
Wells 1999; Rasmussen & Anderton 2005). These are often reduced to as few as
three taxa (e.g. Ripley 1977; Dickinson 2003). The recent consensus is that at least
Indian birds are the same as Sri Lankan birds, and that resident leucomelana is
recognisable. The resident birds in Malaya and the Greater Sundas (javanicus)
Birds of Christmas Island S95
Number of individuals
Figure 22. Ad hoc count data for the White-breasted Waterhen on Christmas Island
from 1992 to 2012 (n = 62). Counts exclude chicks; counts of zero are displayed as ‘–1’
to distinguish from missing values. See text for data sources and interpretation.
are smaller than migratory birds from the north and should be recognised (e.g.
Mees 1986; Wells 1999). Consequently, the birds that colonised Christmas Island
[and the Cocos (Keeling) Group] might be javanicus or the migratory population,
which is either chinensis (if it is valid) or else phoenicurus. Since the Waterhen is
resident on Christmas Island, it is most likely javanicus.
There are three specimens of the White-breasted Waterhen from the Island. A
WAM specimen (WAM A. 26879) is unsexed but, from its wing-length of 144 mm
(Johnstone & Darnell 2004a), it is either a male javanicus or a very large female,
bordering on the size of a small migratory bird. An adult female in NMV has a
wing-length of only 143 mm (NMV B.24008; N.W. Longmore pers. comm.), fitting
into the size range of javanicus. However, an adult female in the AM has a wing-
length of 160 mm (right wing of AM O.71277, measured by IAWM), placing this
bird firmly in the size range of migratory birds. It is therefore possible that more
than one subspecies is involved, but it is clear that more work is needed on the
taxonomy of the species. The subspecies found in China has expanded into Japan
in recent decades (Taylor & van Perlo 1998).
2002 (Palliser 2004; BARC Case 346). One juvenile male was regularly seen and
photographed at the Golf Course from 6 January to 11 February 2011 (Anon. 2011a;
Carter 2011b; Clarke 2011b; Dooley 2011b; Ramsay 2011b; DJJ; IAWM; BARC
Case 695). Up to three birds were observed near North East Point in early March
2011 (Baxter 2011a). One male in breeding plumage was seen at the entrance to
the Resort on 30 April 2011 (C. Nixon pers. comm.; IAWM).
This monotypic species occurs in southern Asia from India east to Japan
and south to the Philippines, the Greater Sundas and occasionally Wallacea
(MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Marchant & Higgins 1993; Coates & Bishop 1997;
Robson 2000). These are the only records from Australian territory (Marchant &
Higgins 1993), apart from recent records from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (e.g.
Chongkin et al. 2009; James 2010; Carter 2011a; Clarke 2011a; Dooley 2012a;
BARC Cases 566, 681 & 740) and Ashmore Reef (Graff 2013; Watson 2013; BARC
Case 773).
Bali in April 1997 (Mason 1997). Apart from the Bali record, this species is unknown
from the Indomalayan Region proper (Andrew 1992; Inskipp et al. 1996).
& Eades 1994). One female in non-breeding plumage was seen by DJJ at Flying
Fish Cove on most days from 17 April to 15 May 2005 (Anon. 2005c; Palliser &
Carter 2012; BARC Case 641).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas regularly, though it is a
vagrant to Australia (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Marchant & Higgins 1993).
The 2005 record was the third for Australian territory.
on the roadside verge near Poon Saan during heavy rain on 12 December 1995
(Andrew 1996a; Harvey 1996; K. Coate in litt.). One unidentified snipe seen near
North West Point in early January 1996 was possibly this species (Anon. 1996a;
Craig 1996). One was found dead under a power-line near the Sports Ground
on 10 January 1996 (Anon. 1996a; K. Coate in litt.). The specimen had 27 tail-
feathers and was undoubtedly this species (K. Coate in litt.). It was handed to the
Parks Office, but apparently the specimen was not kept. Two were photographed
at the Airport on 5 December 1996 (Hobcroft 1996). One was seen at the Rubbish
Tip on 28 December 1996 and others were heard at the Airport (Farnes 1997;
Lansley 1997). A possible snipe was heard calling at night near the Airport in mid
March 1997 (Maher 1997). One was flushed several times from long grass near
the Golf Course from 30 November 1998 to 5 December 1998 (K. Coate in litt.).
Two were seen at Poon Saan on 30 December 1999 (Hansboro 2000a,b; Palliser
2004; BARC Case 304—not accepted). One was seen on the Golf Course on
16 November 2001 (Carter 2001; Anon. 2002a; Stafford 2002a). One was seen at
the Resort entrance on 13 December 2001 (Clarke 2001; Stafford 2002a). One was
seen at Low Point on 8 March 2002 and another was seen near Migrant Hill on
30 March 2002 (Holmes 2002). Four were seen at the former go-kart track near
the Sports Ground on 15 March 2002 (Anon. 2002c). Three were seen by DJJ
at Phosphate Hill airport beacon on 16 March 2002. One was photographed by
DJJ and C. Surman at the Pink House on 17 December 2003. Up to 10 snipe were
scattered around the Airport apron at night on 29 March 2007 (M. Holdsworth,
N. Mooney, P. Menkhorst & M. Webb pers. comm.; DJJ). Two were seen at the
LB3 ponds by M. O’Connell on 4 January 2010 and one at the same place by
M. Carter on 6 January 2010 (Carter 2010b; Ramsay 2010b). Three or more birds
at the LB3 ponds in January 2012 could have been Swinhoe’s Snipe G. megala
rather than Pin-tailed Snipe (L. Preston pers. comm.; IAWM). The earliest date
that a snipe was seen was 16 November and the latest was 29 March.
The Pin-tailed Snipe is a Palaearctic migrant and reaches the Greater Sundas
regularly, the Cocos (Keeling) Group in most years, and northern Australia
irregularly (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996; IAWM).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas and Australia regularly
(MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
Cove on 9 December 1977 (Stokes et al. 1987). One seen by D. Merton at Ross Hill
Springs on 30 September 1978 (Stokes et al. 1987) seems an unlikely record on the
basis of habitat. One was seen at Waterfall Cove on 7 December 1996 (Hobcroft
1996). One was seen at Dolly Beach in April 2000 (Smith 2000; K. Coate in litt.).
One was photographed at Flying Fish Cove on 3 October 2010 (L. Preston in litt.),
where two were seen on 25 September 2011 (N. Hamilton in litt.).
This Palaearctic migrant is rare in Sumatra and uncommon in Java and Borneo,
but regularly visits Australia (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies
1996; Grantham & Kemp 2000).
Flying Fish Cove in September 1939 and deposited at the ZRC (Gibson-Hill 1947),
although it can no longer be located (Morioka & Yang 1996; DJJ; IAWM). It was
said to be a regular visitor by van Tets (1974a, 1983).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas regularly and Australia and
the Cocos (Keeling) Islands rarely (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies
Low Point, Ethel Beach, and once each at Waterfall and Flying Fish Coves. At Low
Point, it is usually in mixed flocks with the more common Pacific Golden Plover
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas, Australia and the Cocos
(Keeling) Group regularly (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
on 1–2 November 2008 (N. Pamment in litt.). One in breeding plumage was seen
at the LB3 ponds on 1 May 2009 (L. Preston pers. comm.; IAWM).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas and Australia regularly
(MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
Airport and the South Point slurry ponds on 10 days between 23 September and
12 November 1978 (Stokes et al. 1987). A specimen in the WAM (WAM A.26543)
is dated as 1 December 1988. Five Curlew Sandpipers were photographed by
Z. Hassan at the Airport on 18 November 1999 (Carter 2000b). One adult in non-
breeding plumage was seen by DJJ at the LB3 ponds on 30–31 March 2005 (Anon.
2005c). Two were seen at South Point on 14 October 2010 (L. Preston in litt.). One
was found dead by J. Woinarski at Flying Fish Cove on 2 October 2011 (specimen
seen in PANCI freezer by IAWM).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas and Australia regularly
(MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas and Australia regularly
(MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
Lily Beach Road on 5 January 1983, and died later that day (Stokes et al. 1987).
It was measured and a written description taken, but was not preserved. Another
small jaeger was found dead in mid 1979 (Stokes et al. 1987). Photographs were
sent to several seabird experts, who thought that it was either an Arctic Jaeger or
a Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus.
This Palaearctic migrant reaches the Greater Sundas rarely and Australia
regularly (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996).
Sooty Terns from Common Noddies, and never recorded Common Noddies near
Christmas Island. Sooty Terns were seen near Christmas Island on at least four
occasions in October 1987 by observers aboard the RV Franklin (Dunlop et al.
1988a); N. Cheshire (in litt.) recorded Sooty Terns in the one-degree blocks
centred on 10°S, 104°E and 12°S, 106°E in April 1995, and saw ~50 Sooty Terns
south-south-east of the Island on 7 September 1999.
This marine species is pantropical (Higgins & Davies 1996). The breeding
locations nearest to Christmas Island are the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Ashmore
and Cartier Reefs, the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Lari Larian off the south-
eastern coast of Kalimantan, Layang-Layang in the South China Sea, Gunung Api
in the Banda Sea and the Chagos Group (Feare 1984; de Korte 1991; de Korte &
Silvius 1994; Poole 1994; Burbidge et al. 1996; Symens 1999; Clarke et al. 2011).
East Asia and the Greater Sundas, and that subspecies malayanus is resident in
the same areas (Wells 1999; Robson 2000; Dickinson 2003). To the contrary,
apparently only malayanus is represented in the ZRC collection from mainland
South-East Asia (DJJ). However, the Christmas Island koels appear more
likely to be chinensis than malayanus. Firstly, Wells (1999) and Payne (2005)
differentiated malayanus by its warm rufous tones in adult female plumage from
chinensis with its colder dark and white tones. Females on Christmas Island are
consistently cold-toned and lack rufous tones to the feathers (DJJ). Secondly,
juvenile specimens of malayanus from Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam (ZRC)
have predominantly brown plumage (including remiges and rectrices) and a
blackish head (DJJ). Conversely, two juveniles seen on the Island were black with
fine white spots dorsally and white scaling on the vent, and four first-winter males
had retained juvenile remiges and rectrices that were predominantly black (DJJ;
IAWM). The only other records of this species from Australian territory are from
the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, largely since 2007 (Palliser & Carter 2012) except for
a possible sighting in November 1999 (McAllan et al. in prep.).
least 12 visiting parties in most years since 2001 (Clarke 2001; Anon. 2002b,
2003, 2004b, 2005b, 2006c,d, 2007a; Barrand & Barrand 2003; Doughty
2003; Carter 2004; Barrand 2005b; Hobcroft 2005, 2006; Baxter 2010a,b;
C. Surman pers. comm.; IAWM). DJJ saw five different (recognised by plumage
and location) birds in November 2004, five in October–November 2005, and four
in November 2006. The earliest date recorded was 17 October (in 2005) (DJJ) and,
apart from a few in January and February 2010 (Baxter 2010a; Carter 2010b), the
latest was 18 December (in 2006) (Hobcroft 2006), indicating that most records
are from the southward passage migration. Most birds have been hepatic-morph
females or juveniles, but a few grey-morph adults have been identified. Himalayan
Cuckoos were mostly seen on the margins of secondary forests along roads and
tracks, or at the Rubbish Tip. Other localities include Phosphate Hill, Irvine Hill,
North West Point, the Dales Track, Winifred Beach Track, South Point, Pink
House, Grants Well and Margaret Knoll. Several were noted eating the caterpillars
of nymphalid butterflies (DJJ).
Payne (2005) and King (2005) recommended that the traditional Oriental
Cuckoo C. saturatus (sensu lato) be treated as three separate species, the Oriental
Cuckoo C. optatus, the Himalayan Cuckoo C. saturatus (sensu stricto) and the
Sunda Cuckoo C. lepidus, mainly because of differences in vocalisations. Christidis
& Boles (2008) accepted this taxonomy although Erritzoe et al. (2012) continued
to consider saturatus and optatus the one species. Mainland Australian records
are all of optatus, with the exception of two specimens whose measurements
indicate they might be saturatus (Rogers in Higgins 1999). The proportion of
saturatus versus optatus increases from east to west across Indonesia (Cramp
1985); optatus is virtually the only form in Micronesia and the most common
form in Wallacea; the two are equally common in Borneo, Java and perhaps
the Philippines; and saturatus is common in Sumatra where optatus is almost
unknown (Cramp 1985; van Marle & Voous 1988; Higgins 1999; Kennedy et al.
2000; Payne 2005; Phillipps & Phillipps 2009). C. optatus also migrates earlier
than C. saturatus, moving through the Philippines, Wallacea and New Guinea
from early September onwards (Higgins 1999); and large numbers of (evidently)
optatus move past Ashmore Reef in September and October (M. Carter pers.
comm.; DJJ). Conversely, C. saturatus migrates through the Malay Peninsula
in October and November, to winter in Sumatra and Java from November to
February (van Marle & Voous 1988; Higgins 1999; Wells 1999). We consider the
Christmas Island records likely to be saturatus (cf. Johnstone & Darnell 2004a)
that have overshot their wintering destination in Sumatra, based on the location of
the Island south of Sumatra and the late timing of their appearance. Since the birds
do not call on Christmas Island, measurements or specimens would be desirable.
C. saturatus has not been confirmed elsewhere in Australian territory, but vagrant
‘Oriental Cuckoos’ in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands are also likely to be saturatus.
This species breeds from the Himalayas to eastern China, and south to northern
Myanmar, Thailand and Indochina (Payne 2005). It winters south to the Greater
and Lesser Sunda Islands and is an uncommon winter (i.e. austral summer) visitor
to Java (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Payne 2005). The only other records from
Australian territory are several sightings from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands since
December 2010 (Baxter 2010b, 2011a,b; Barrand c. 2011; Carter 2011a; Clarke
2011a; Anon. 2012a; Dooley 2012a; P. Jones pers. comm.).
Hill 1947; Kent & Boles 1984; Phillips et al. 1991; Hill & Lill 1998b). This includes
introduced and indigenous species (Kent & Boles 1984). Higgins (1999) listed the
endemic Christmas Island Pipistrelle in the diet, but this was only speculative
(cf. Olsen & Stokes 1989). Observed foraging strategies include snatching prey
from foliage in the understorey, perch-hunting around clearings, and sallying for
moths at street-lights (Olsen & Stokes 1989; Hill & Lill 1998a; DJJ).
This species is listed as globally Vulnerable, as it has a single small population
restricted to one location (IUCN 2013). It is also listed as Vulnerable under
the EPBC Act and by Garnett et al. (2011). Hill & Lill (1998a) and Hill (2000,
2004b) listed the main threat as introduced diseases, but this is speculative. Hill
(2000) listed predation by feral cats and death from vehicle collisions as potential
threats, but concluded that neither was significant in the mid 1990s. Fortunately,
predictions that Yellow Crazy Ants could cause a severe population decline (in
this case by swarming nest-sites and killing chicks: Garnett & Crowley 2000; Hill
2004b) have so far not eventuated. Impacts of habitat modification by weeds
and Yellow Crazy Ants have been flagged (Hill 2004b), but not assessed. Other
potential threats, such as attacks by feral bees or centipedes and the recent loss of
prey such as endemic geckoes and skinks have not been considered. It has been
deduced that the clearing of 25% of the Island led to a population reduction of 25%
and proportionately increased the species’ vulnerability to extinction (Hill 2000).
However, some breeding pairs have large parts of their territory in secondary
growth and urban habitats (Hill & Lill 1998a; DJJ). It is also likely that secondary
growth unsuitable for breeding provides refuge for fledged juveniles, increasing
their survival, which in turn provides some resilience in the population dynamics.
Some taxonomic issues are discussed in Taxonomy (p. S22).
which breeds in southern and eastern Asia and winters south to the Greater
Sundas and Wallacea (Fry & Fry 1992). This subspecies lays as early as January,
and this is consistent with the worn juvenile plumage noted in September; the
more northern subspecies lays from April onwards.
several of the records lack details, they may have been of the Sacred Kingfisher,
which may not have been adequately considered (Johnstone & Darnell 2004a).
The Collared Kingfisher is widespread, with numerous subspecies scattered
from the Red Sea through South and South-East Asia to Australia and the Pacific
east to Samoa (Fry & Fry 1992). Christmas Island birds are likely to be from South-
East Asia and most likely subspecies humii, but possibly the inland armstrongi
(Fry & Fry 1992; Robson 2000; cf. Wells 1999). The taxonomy of this complex is
in disarray, with widely differing opinions, but few data in the literature, and there
could be several species included under this name. The relationships between
T. sanctus, T. c. humii and Australian subspecies of T. chloris require inspection.
2000 (Anon. 2000b; Coate 2000; Smith 2000; K. Coate in litt.). It was thought to
be either subspecies confusus or lucionensis (Smith 2000), but no substantiating
details were provided. One was reported by E. Ervasti and G. Lindstrom at the
High School in Drumsite on 4 March 2001 (Robson 2001). One was seen by Rohan
Clarke at Poon Saan on 12–13 December 2001 (Anon. 2002b; Stafford 2002a;
Palliser 2003; BARC Case 329). The rufous coloration on the back and rump and
a large pale area on the forehead suggest that it was most likely the subspecies
superciliosus, which winters south to Sumatra, Java and the Lesser Sundas
(Lefranc & Worfolk 1997; BARC Case 329).
This polytypic species breeds in North-East Asia, south to southern China, and
winters in India, Sri Lanka, southern and coastal China, and South-East Asia
(Lefranc & Worfolk 1997). All four subspecies reach the Greater Sundas. These
were the only records from Australian territory until a sight record of subspecies
lucionensis from Ashmore Reef in November 2011 (Dooley 2012a; R. Clarke pers.
East Asia, with lower numbers in New Guinea (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993;
Baker 1997; Coates & Bishop 1997). It has been reported from northern Australia
and Ashmore Reef on numerous occasions. BARC has accepted nine records, and
Higgins et al. (2006) accepted several more.
527 10-minute surveys, a reporting rate of 99% that made it the most frequently
reported forest bird in their study, and found no significant difference in habitat
preferences or distribution across the Island. It is abundant in all habitats except
where there are no trees or shrubs (DJJ; IAWM).
Despite the abundance and conspicuous nature of this species, it is very
poorly known. It is very gregarious, forming flocks of up to ~100, but usually
10–30 birds. It forages from the top of the canopy to the ground, with no
competitors. Food includes nectar, fruit, seeds and insects (caught by gleaning),
but few specific details have been published (Higgins et al. 2006). Introduced
plants are important in the diet in disturbed habitats (Gibson-Hill 1947), especially
the Japanese Cherry (DJJ). The White-eye is abundant deep inside evergreen
and semi-deciduous forests (James & Retallick 2007), where the fruits and/or
flowers of Strangler Fig, Macaranga, Stinking Wood and Tristiropsis acutangula
seem important (DJJ). Davis et al. (2008) observed 44 instances of White-eyes
‘attacking’ the introduced scale insects.
Breeding is thought to be from September to January (Gibson-Hill 1947), but
otherwise breeding biology is very poorly known (Higgins et al. 2006).
This abundant species seems secure at present. It is listed as globally Near
Threatened (IUCN 2013), although BirdLife International (2004) considered it
Vulnerable because it has a small population restricted to two localities. Garnett
et al. (2011) considered it Near Threatened. It was previously listed as globally
Critically Endangered but, fortunately, predictions that Yellow Crazy Ants could
cause a severe population decline (Garnett & Crowley 2000) have so far not
eventuated. In 2005, a nomination for listing as Endangered under the EPBC Act
was not accepted on advice from the TSSC (TSSC 2005b). Davis (2002) found no
evidence of impacts from Yellow Crazy Ants. Re-analysing the same data, Davis
et al. (2008) claimed that the White-eye actually benefitted from ant invasion,
presumably related to an increase in honeydew-secreting scale insect prey because
of the mutualism between the ants and the scale. Stokes (1988) listed cats and
probably rats as occasional predators. Small numbers of White-eyes are taken
by Christmas Island Goshawks (Lister 1889; Gibson-Hill 1947) and visiting
Eastern Great Egrets (DJJ), and the White-eye gives alarm calls in the presence
of Christmas Island Hawk-Owls (Hill & Lill 1998b), Nankeen Kestrels (DJJ) and
larger vagrant species (e.g. Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo: IAWM). It is only rarely
killed by cars (James 2007).
This species is endemic to Christmas Island. It was introduced to Horsburgh
Island in the Cocos (Keeling) Group supposedly between 1890 and 1895 (Wood-
Jones 1909), but more likely by the Clunies-Ross family between November 1888
and August 1890 (Ridley 1891), and remains extant there today (IAWM; DJJ).
Mees (1957, p. 200) considered it ‘a distinct species without close relatives’.
by Gibson-Hill (1947), although he did not document any records. This species
was listed as a regular visitor between September and November by van Tets
(1974a, 1983) and between September and January by Stokes (1988). Johnstone
& Darnell (2004a) described it as a moderately common visitor mainly between
October and January, with odd records in April. They claimed that all records
are referrable to H. r. gutturalis, which is likely to be correct on geographical
grounds, but supported only by the 1897 specimen. It was reported in singles and
small flocks by at least 36 visiting parties in most years since 1990 (Carter 1994,
2000b, 2001, 2002, 2010b, 2011b; Barkla 1996; Craig 1996; Hobcroft 1996, 2005,
2007; Smith 1996; Anon. 1997a, 2002c; Farnes 1997; Lester 1997; Maher 1997;
O’Connor 1999; Coate 2000; Hansboro 2000a; Smith 2000; Clarke 2001, 2011b;
Holmes 2002; Stafford 2002a; Barrand & Barrand 2003; Doughty 2003; Hunter
2004; Barrand 2005b, c. 2009; Morris 2005; Rogers 2006; Baxter 2008a, 2011b;
Carter & Carter 2008; Carter et al. 2008; Low 2011; R. Baxter in litt.; K. Coate in
litt.; N. Hamilton in litt.; N. Pamment in litt.; D. Helliar pers. comm.; IAWM).
The number of birds seen in any one season can vary considerably (DJJ). This
species has been recorded from all months except May–June, but most records
are from late October to mid April. The spread of dates has grown in recent years
as a result of increasing observer effort. A single record for the month of July
(30 July 2004: DJJ) is the earliest arrival date and 27 April (in 2008) is the latest
date (Carter et al. 2008). The pattern of records suggests that some birds winter
on the Island for up to 3 months, but many are passage migrants. Larger flocks
included ≥20 in December 1996 and January 1997 (Farnes 1997), 14 in March 1997
(Maher 1997), ~12 in April 2000 (Smith 2000), 20 in April 2002 (Holmes 2002),
and 15 in March 2004 (DJJ). Localities where it has been recorded are mostly in
the north-east, and include the Rubbish Tip, Phosphate Hill, Airport, Phosphate
Dryers, Drumsite, Poon Saan, Flying Fish Cove, the Settlement, Chinese Cemetery,
North East Point and the Golf Course, as well as North West and South Points.
This Palaearctic and New World migrant reaches the Greater Sundas and
northern Australia regularly (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins et al. 2006).
This Australian species is a regular visitor to the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda
Islands, and has been observed to breed on Alor in the Lesser Sundas (White &
Bruce 1986; Holmes 1995). It is unknown from the Indomalayan Region proper
(cf. Andrew 1992; MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Inskipp et al. 1996).
earliest report was on 31 October (in 2008), and the latest was on 28 April (in
2008). Flock sizes have varied from one to 30 (Baxter 2011b). On Christmas
Island, the Asian House Martin has not been seen to perch; perching is rarely
recorded in this species (Robson 2000; Wells 2007).
Nominate dasypus is a long-distance migrant and is the only form recorded
from the Malay Peninsula southwards. It is fairly common in southern mainland
South-East Asia and sporadic in the Greater Sundas (MacKinnon & Phillipps
1993; Robson 2000). The species has not been reported in Wallacea (Coates &
Bishop 1997) and is rare in the Philippines (Kennedy et al. 2000). Elsewhere in
Australian territory, there is one confirmed record of a single bird on the Cocos
(Keeling) Islands in March 2007 (Baxter 2007; BARC Case 530).
2000). Davis (2002) and Davis et al. (2008) found variations in abundance and
nesting success of the Thrush associated with different levels of infestation by
Yellow Crazy Ants, and feared a population decline of the Thrush. Yet, over a
decade later, the Thrush remains abundant throughout the forests of Christmas
Island (James & Retallick 2007; DJJ; IAWM). Stokes (1988) listed bird trapping,
cats and rats as threats, but considered the population of the Island Thrush to be
very abundant and in no danger of extinction; trapping no longer occurs (DJJ).
Occasional Thrushes are killed by cars (DJJ). Garnett et al. (2011) considered the
Christmas Island subspecies of the Island Thrush to be Near Threatened.
This species has ~50 subspecies spread widely from Taiwan through the
Philippines, Greater Sundas, Wallacea, Melanesia south to New Caledonia and
east to Samoa (Clement & Hathway 2000; Clements 2000). Two other subspecies
from the Australian territories of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands are both extinct
(Higgins et al. 2006). The localised and insular subspecies are largely confined to
mountain peaks above 2000 m or small oceanic islands (MacKinnon & Phillipps
1993; Clement & Hathway 2000). T. p. erythropleurus was introduced to several
of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, supposedly between 1890 and 1895 (Wood-Jones
1909), but more likely by the Clunies-Ross family between November 1888 and
August 1890 (Ridley 1891). It was last reported there in 1941 (Gibson-Hill 1949b).
range was also reported in 1961 (Mees 1966). Mees collected two specimens at
the Grotto near the Golf Course in June and July 1961 (WAM A.9273 and A.9421;
IAWM). According to Forshaw & Shephard (2012), the Sparrow was present at
the Golf Course, the Chinese Cemetery and throughout the settled areas in the
1980s. Higgins et al. (2006) wrote that it occurred at the Airport, but this was an
incorrect interpretation of van Tets (1983), who merely speculated that it could
colonise there. Since 1990, it has been recorded by numerous visiting parties, in
all months, from Settlement (Flying Fish Cove, Kampong, Post Office Padang, and
the Cocos Padang east to Rocky Point), Chinese Cemetery, Silver City (all suburban
areas), Poon Saan (all suburban areas including Taman Sweetland), Drumsite (all
suburban areas, Parks Office, Territory Day Park and Nursery) and the Phosphate
The range appears to be contracting gradually. The last sightings east of the
Settlement were at the Chinese Cemetery in February and March 2002 (DJJ); this
coincided with the closure in about 2001 of the chicken-battery that was located
between the Christian and Chinese Cemeteries, which had supported large flocks
of Java Sparrows (M. & B. Orchard pers. comm.). The Sparrow has rarely been
reported in the Kampong since 1994. From 2002 to 2007, DJJ found it to be
scarce at Drumsite. The only recent sighting beyond Drumsite was a report at the
Phosphate Dryers in November 2003 (Barrand & Barrand 2003). In November
2012, it was found only in Poon Saan despite a concerted search over several days
at the Settlement and Drumsite (DJJ).
Reported numbers vary widely, and appear to fluctuate. Gibson-Hill (1947)
considered the species to be very plentiful in 1939–1940. Van Tets & van Tets
(1967, p. 316) reported ‘large numbers’ and ‘flocks of 50 or more’. In the late 1980s,
Reville (1993) considered the population level to be ~200–300 birds, and it was
probably ~300 birds in the period 2002–2007 (DJJ). The highest counts since
1990 were ~100–140 birds in Poon Saan in March 2002 (Carter 2002; Holmes
2002; DJJ), though obviously this was only part of the population. Available
counts of Java Sparrows between 1995 and 2012 are plotted in Figure 28. The data
are from a wide variety of sources (Anon. 1996a, 2002c; Farnes 1997; Maher 1997;
Carter 2000b, 2004, 2010b, 2011b; Hansboro 2000a; Clarke 2001, 2011b; Holmes
2002; Barrand & Barrand 2003; Langfield 2004; Morris 2005; Hobcroft 2006,
2007; Rogers 2006; Carter & Carter 2008; Carter et al. 2008; Barrand c. 2009,
c. 2011; Baxter 2010a, 2011a,b; James 2010; Marsh 2011; R. Baxter in litt.;
K. Coate in litt.; B. King in litt.; N. Pamment in litt.; DJJ; IAWM), so it should be
noted that they were not collected systematically and they are counts of birds in
one or more flocks and are not population estimates. Nevertheless, the data show
that the counts peaked around 2002 and then declined substantially through
to 2010, with the suggestion of some recovery in 2011. This might indicate that
(1) the population level fluctuates over periods of years or decades (e.g. according
to environmental conditions such as rainfall), (2) the population is in rapid decline
(in which case it might not persist longer than a few more years), (3) mobile flocks
follow fluctuating resources and therefore their visibility changes or (4) there are
too many biases in the data set. Perhaps all are partly true, but the long-term pattern
Birds of Christmas Island S133
Number of individuals
Figure 28. Ad hoc count data for the Java Sparrow on Christmas Island from 1995 to
2013 (n = 51; see text for data sources and interpretation).
and the concurrent decline in range best support explanations (1) or (2). The
population was apparently <50 birds at the end of 2012, although this number
may change rapidly.
The Java Sparrow population is heavily dependent on anthropogenic food
sources, such as rice grain, bread and chicken food (accessed at chicken-runs),
on lawns, and occasionally at feeding tables (Gibson-Hill 1947; DJJ). Gibson-
Hill (1947) also reported that Sparrows feed on the seeds of grasses and Stinking
Passion Flower Passiflora foetida along the edge of clearings. Barrand & Barrand
(2003) reported them feeding on seeding grass on the road edge. DJJ recorded
a flock of 48 on the road verge in Poon Saan in March 2004 and a pair at the
Parks Office several times in 2005 feeding on the seeds of Gomphrena Weed
Gomphrena celosioides. In a yard in Silver City in 2004, DJJ frequently observed
Sparrows climbing the seed stalks of Golden Beard Grass Chrysopogon aciculatus
(a common lawn grass on the Island) to bend them over and access the ripening
seeds. In April 2011, IAWM observed nine feeding at length on a limestone cliff
behind houses in the Settlement, where there was no obvious seed—possibly they
were feeding on the soil for minerals. A flock at Poon Saan in April 2011 may have
been feeding on fallen seeds from she-oaks Allocasuarina sp. (IAWM). Artificial
water sources (especially bird-baths) appear to be very important (M. Carter in
Forshaw & Shephard 2012; DJJ).
Gibson-Hill (1947) found six Java Sparrow nests between May and August,
and Reville (1993) reported a nest in May. DJJ recorded adults carrying nesting
material in July, newly fledged juveniles in June, older (but still dependent)
juveniles in August, and flocking, newly independent juveniles in July. Perhaps
exceptionally, K. Coate (in litt.) reported several pairs with juveniles at Poon Saan
S134 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
in November 2001. Four of Gibson-Hill’s (1947) nests found in cavities were not
completely closed over at the top, whereas two in bushes were globular. Reville
(1993) reported a nest in a hollow branch of a Coral Tree Erythrina variegata.
M. Orchard (pers. comm.) reported Java Sparrows nesting in the axillary cavities
of Date Palms Phoenix dactylifera along Murray Road opposite the Parks Office
in the late 1990s, and DJJ suspected similar activity at the Cocos Padang in the
mid 2000s.
This species is gregarious and sometimes forms large flocks at food sources
(Higgins et al. 2006). Independent juveniles sometimes form separate flocks from
adults (DJJ). At feeding sites, the Java Sparrow sometimes forms mixed flocks
with Christmas Island White-eyes (Gibson-Hill 1947) and Eurasian Tree Sparrows
It has been claimed that the Java Sparrow could pose a threat to native species
by carrying or harbouring disease (Hill 1997a, 2004a). Based on this speculation,
Bomford & Sinclair (2002, p. 34) even categorised it as a ‘serious threat to the
environment ... as a possible vector of disease to the endangered Christmas Island
Hawk Owl’. We agree with Forshaw & Shephard (2012) that this accusation is
unjustified. The Java Sparrow on Christmas Island is now just as insular as the
Hawk-Owl after at least 87 years of quarantine, no avian diseases have ever
been identified on Christmas Island, and there is no evidence that the Hawk-
Owl is facing decline. This population of Java Sparrows is more likely to have
conservation value as a disease-free population of a globally threatened species.
Individuals are occasionally killed by cats (Higgins et al. 2006; K. Coate in litt.),
cars (K. Coate in litt.; DJJ), Christmas Island Goshawks (Gibson-Hill 1947; Hill
2004a; DJJ) and by entanglement in chicken-coops (S. Comport pers. comm.;
A. Graham pers. comm.; DJJ). Circumstantial evidence indicates that the Island’s
population of Java Sparrows is likely being displaced by the other introduced
granivorous passerine, the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Higgins et al. 2006; Forshaw
& Shephard 2012; DJJ). The shift of people away from a village lifestyle, such
as occurred along the water-pipeline and railway before World War II (Adams &
Neale 1993), probably led to a reduced distribution and population level of Java
Sparrows (DJJ).
This monotypic species is indigenous to Java, Bali and Kangean, though it has
been widely introduced elsewhere (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Higgins et al.
2006; Wells 2007). Elsewhere in Australian territory, it was introduced to the
Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the 19th century, but is no longer extant there (Higgins
et al. 2006). Given the previous movement of shipping, the Christmas Island birds
could have originated directly from Java or from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
When Stokes left the Island in 1987, numbers had grown (but were still <20),
and it was probable that the Sparrow had bred (Stokes 1988; Reville 1989, 1993).
K. Coate (in litt.) considered it to be common around the Settlement in August
1990, and in December 1998 he noted flocks of 30–50, and estimated that there
were 250–300 birds in the settled areas of the Island. Carter (2000b) noted a
great increase in numbers between his visits in 1993 and 1999. There were likely
to be >1000 individuals by 2005 (DJJ).
Between 2002 and 2007, DJJ noted that the species was common throughout
the residential areas of the Settlement (from the boat ramp in western Flying
Fish Cove to Rocky Point and up Gaze Road to the George Fam Centre), Silver
City and Poon Saan. Higher estimates of birds observed in the Settlement alone
include 150–200 (and a flock of 120) in November 1999 (Carter 2000b), 50 in
mid December 2007 (Hobcroft 2007) and several hundred in May 2009 (IAWM).
In April 2012, DJJ recorded multiple flocks (at least five) of ~100 birds at the
Settlement alone. It is less common at Drumsite. DJJ recorded it commonly at
the High School, but rarely elsewhere. Sightings increased gradually in eastern
Drumsite (from the Parks Office to the shops) from c. 2005 to 2007, but it was
much less common there than in the lower residential areas. The situation was
little changed at Drumsite in April 2012 (DJJ). This suggests that at the time the
Eurasian Tree Sparrow was still colonising Drumsite. By 2012, it was not found
outside residential areas. Subject to anthropogenic food supplies, this highly
commensal species could potentially colonise Phosphate Hill (e.g. the Hospital,
light industrial area, Recreation Centre, Rubbish Tip and Airport), along the
incline and conveyor between the Phosphate Dryers and the Wharf, the Resort,
and the IDC at North West Point. It is unlikely to colonise undisturbed sites. It is
probably heavily reliant on anthropogenic food sources, but also feeds on lawns
(DJJ; IAWM). It frequents chicken-pens and yards where free-range or ‘stray’
chickens are fed. Many congregated daily at the Noodle House in the Settlement
to feed on food scraps, especially cooked rice, that are deliberately left for them
(M. Carter in Johnstone & Darnell 2004a; DJJ; IAWM).
Newly fledged juveniles were observed by DJJ at Silver City in July 2004.
Most nests are probably located in cavities in buildings. However, DJJ observed
apparent nest building in cavities in the inland cliff behind the Cocos Padang and
Temple Court in the Settlement. Suitable nesting sites in the limestone cliffs are
likely to be abundant.
It has been claimed that the Eurasian Tree Sparrow could pose a threat to
native species by carrying or harbouring disease (Hill 1997a,b, 2004a,b). It could
potentially displace the other introduced granivorous passerine, the Java Sparrow,
through competition (Higgins et al. 2006). Individuals are occasionally killed by
Eastern Great Egrets and possibly by Christmas Island Goshawks and feral cats
This species is found throughout the Palaearctic south to India, South-East Asia,
the Greater Sundas, Philippines and Wallacea (Wells 2007). The subspecies on
the Island is unknown. The initial appearance of small numbers in the Wharf area
indicates that the original colonists reached the Island by ship (Stokes et al. 1987;
S136 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
(Eades 1995; Andrew 1996a; Anon. 1996a, 2000a, 2002b, 2004a, 2005b, 2006d;
Craig 1996; Harvey 1996; Mitchell 1996a,b; Smith 1996; Farnes 1997; O’Connor
1999; Carter 2000b,c, 2001, 2004, 2011b; Coate 2000; Hansboro 2000a; Clarke
2001, 2011b; Stafford 2002a; Barrand & Barrand 2003; Barrand 2005b, c. 2009;
Hobcroft 2005; Morris 2005; Dooley 2006a; Rogers 2006; Baxter 2009, 2010a,b,
2011b, 2013; Ramsay 2009c, 2010a,b,d, 2011a; James 2010; Low 2011; Marsh
2011; K. Coate in litt.; N. Hamilton in litt.; B. King in litt.; N. Pamment in litt.;
IAWM). DJJ also recorded the species >70 times between 2002 and 2006. In the
period 2003–2006, the earliest arrivals were in mid to late August each year, the
earliest date being 12 August (in 2003). Numbers accumulated gradually so that
by September or October there were usually several individuals or small flocks
spread over the Island, amounting to up to 10 birds. By December, they tended
to congregate in slightly larger flocks, often at the Plantation or Rubbish Tip. By
mid January each year, most had left the Island, and the latest date for wintering
birds was 23 January (in 2003) (DJJ). A straggler was noted in late February (in
2010) (Baxter 2010a). Later in the year, passage migrants have been recorded on
11 April in 1996 (Mitchell 1996b); 6 May in 2004 (DJJ) and 7 May in 2010 (Baxter
in Ramsay 2010c). From August to November, many Grey Wagtails observed by
DJJ were in first non-breeding plumage (which is similar to adult non-breeding
plumage, but with a pale base to the lower mandible, faint pale fringes on feathers
on the crown, mantle and wing-coverts, and a buff wash to the supercilia and
breast), but by December immature birds were rarely distinguished (DJJ). Larger
flocks of Grey Wagtails reported include seven in January 1996 (Anon. 1996a;
Mitchell 1996a), five in December 2001 (Clarke 2001), eight in November–
December 2004 (Anon. 2005b, 2006e), six in December 2005 (DJJ & IAWM),
nine in December 2009 (Ramsay 2010a), and up to 11 in December 2009–January
2010 (Carter 2010b; R. Baxter pers. comm.). Field guides generally suggest that
Grey Wagtails prefer habitats near water, particularly forest streams. However,
in the absence of fresh water on Christmas Island they often occur on roads and
tracks, particularly in the shade of large trees such as figs. Localities where the
species has been recorded are spread across the Island and include the Rubbish
Tip, Phosphate Hill, Irvine Hill, Plantation, Phosphate Dryers, Drumsite, Poon
Saan, Flying Fish Cove, the Settlement, North East Point, Golf Course, Resort,
Waterfall Cove, Ross Hill Springs, South Point, LB3 ponds, Pink House, Grants
Well, Central Area Workshop, LB4, North West Point, almost the entire lengths of
Murray and North West Point Roads, and numerous other roads and tracks on the
central plateau and coastal terraces.
This species breeds in the Palaearctic south to southern Europe, Iran, the
Himalayas and central China, and winters in Africa, South and South-East Asia,
the Greater Sundas and Wallacea (Alström & Mild 2003; Tyler 2004). Elsewhere
in Australian territory, it is known only as a vagrant.
subspecies leucopsis were seen by P. Maher at the quarry near the Airport on
17 March 1997 (Anon. 1997c; Maher 1997), but without details this record is
unconfirmed. A bird described as a cross between a Willie Wagtail Rhipidura
leucophrys and a Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca was seen by J. McDonald
(pers. comm.) at South Point in late February 2002. An adult male of subspecies
leucopsis was seen by DJJ and G. Holmes (2002) at the Rubbish Tip on 4–5 March
2002 (BARC Case 350). A first-year individual (probably female) of subspecies
ocularis was seen by M. Carter and S. Dooley at the LB3 ponds on 11 March 2002,
and a different first-year individual (probably a male) also of subspecies ocularis
was seen at the Rubbish Tip on 11–12 March 2002 (Carter 2002; Holmes 2002;
Dooley 2005a; DJJ; BARC Cases 339 & 340). A further two different males in
non-breeding plumage of subspecies leucopsis were photographed on 17 March
2002 at the Rubbish Tip and South Point (Carter 2002; Dooley 2005a). To
summarise, there were at least five individuals recorded between 4 and 17 March
2002, three leucopsis and two ocularis; both ocularis and one leucopsis records
were submitted to BARC and accepted. One bird was seen flying over the Poon
Saan shops by DJJ on 10 March 2005, but the subspecies was not determined.
A male leucopsis, probably in first-summer plumage, was observed by DJJ at
close quarters for >1 hour in the Settlement on 4 April 2006 (Palliser & Carter
2012; BARC Case 639). One bird of subspecies leucopsis was seen by R. Baxter,
S. Pell and DJJ at the Rubbish Tip on 10–14 March 2007 (Ramsay 2007a; BARC
Case 568). One bird of subspecies leucopsis was photographed at Ma Chor Nui
Nui Temple in early March 2010 (Dooley 2010a; Ramsay 2010b; L. Preston in
litt.). One bird was seen and heard flying over Phosphate Hill by DJJ on 4 April
2012, but the subspecies was not determined.
This species breeds in the northern Palaearctic and Alaska south to southern
Europe, northern India and northern South-East Asia (Alström & Mild 2003).
Northern and high-altitude populations winter south to Africa, South and South-
East Asia and Borneo. There are no records of this species for Sumatra, Java or the
Wallacean region (Andrew 1992; Coates & Bishop 1997), though it is common in
northern Borneo (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993).
Numerous people answered our queries or helped us in the field or in other ways. They
include: Joan Adams, Paul Andrew, Barry Baker, Peter Barrand, Lauren Barrow, Richard
Baxter, David Bishop, Chris Boland, Walter Boles, Mark Bramson, Stuart Butchart, Mike
Carter, Linda Cash, Yves Cherel, H’ng Kim Chey, Rae Clark, Rohan Clarke, Kevin Coate,
Steve Comport, Peter Coyne, Earl of Cranbrook, John Darnell, Claire Davies, Jeff Davies,
Stephen Debus, Tony Diamond, Edward Dickinson, Mike Double, David Drynan, Nick
Dunlop, Ian Falkenberg, Tim Faulkner, Chris Feare, Garry Foo, Robbie Gafney, Stephen
Garnett, Jennifer Goldberg, Alistair Graham, Jane Graham, Peter Green, Phil Gregory, Peter
Harlow, David Helliar, Janos Hennicke, Richard Hill, Dion Hobcroft, Mark Holdsworth,
Glenn Holmes, Paul Holt, John Hueston, Victor Hurley, Nana Ishii, Eddly Johari, Ron
Johnstone, Leo Joseph, Sheryl & Arthur Keates, Ben King, Matthieu Le Corre, Kelvin Lim,
Wayne Longmore, Vladimir Loskot, Tim Low, Janene Luff, Paul Maberly, Daniel Mantle,
John McDonald, Gerloff Mees, Jeff Middleton, Nick Mooney, Nial Moores, Alan Morris,
Peter Morris, Junko Murakami, Ted Nixon, Rory O’Brien, Frank O’Connor, Lena Olsen,
Penny Olsen, Guan Oon, Max Orchard, Tony Palliser, Neville Pamment, David Philips,
Trish Pontynen, Lisa Preston, Jon Pridham, Rebecca Reeves, Julian Reid, Kent Retallick,
Allan Richards, Mick Roderick, Danny Rogers, Martin Schulz, Cath Shurcliffe, Betty-Anne
Schreiber, Robyn Stephenson, David Stewart, Dejan Stojanovic, Tony Stokes, Chris Surman,
Ai Suzuki, Margaret Sykes, Tan Heok Hui, Tan Sohn Joo, Vikash Tatayah, Judy Tent, Jeff
Tranter, Ghes Valenzuela, Erica Wagner, Mike Weston, Phil Whittington, Jo Wieneke, John
Woinarski, Chang Man Yang, Azmi Yon and Hugh Yorkston.
Staff of the following libraries gave us access and helped us with numerous requests:
Australian Museum, Sydney; Australian National Library, Canberra; J.S. Battye Library,
State Library of Western Australia, Perth; Biological Sciences Library, University of Western
Australia, Perth; BirdLife Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia (now known as Burung Indonesia);
Christmas Island Public Library, George Fam Centre, Christmas Island; Fisher and Madsen
Libraries, University of Sydney, Sydney; Macquarie University Library, Sydney; Mitchell
Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney; Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense,
Bogor, Indonesia; National Library of Singapore, Singapore; Science and Medical Library,
National University of Singapore, Singapore; and Wetlands International, Bogor, Indonesia.
In addition, staff at the following institutions provided information on specimens in
their care: Australian Museum, Sydney; Australian National Wildlife Collection, Canberra;
Museum Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia; Museum Victoria, Melbourne; Western Australian
Museum, Perth; and Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore,
Singapore. The Australian Bird and Bat Banding Schemes (ABBBS) provided data on all
birds banded on Christmas Island.
The manuscript was kindly reviewed by Janos Hennicke, Andrew Ley and Alan Lill, and
carefully edited by Andrew Ley, Stephen Debus, Julia Hurley and James Fitzsimons. We are
grateful to Mark Holdsworth, Ian Montgomery, Max Orchard, Tony Palliser and Jenny Spry
for generously allowing us to reproduce their photographs.
In this list of references there are numerous unpublished reports. It should be noted that
although the account of the birds in Andrews’s monograph on Christmas Island (Andrews
1900) was said to have been written by R.B. Sharpe, the vast bulk of the information in this
account was actually verbatim text supplied by Andrews himself.
Adams, D. (2005). Christmas Island Trip Report (long). Unpublished report. Birding-Aus
archives (2 May 2005).
S142 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
Adams, J. & Neale, M. (1993). Christmas Island: The Early Years 1888 to 1958. Bruce
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Alström, P. & Mild, K. (2003). Pipits and Wagtails. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
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Birds of Christmas Island S143
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S164 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
A. A large unidentified swiftlet with a white rump seen by T. Stokes on 8 April 1984
near the Central Area Workshop (Stokes et al. 1987) might have been a very-pale-
rumped Aerodramus swiftlet or a House Swift.
B. A dark swiftlet photographed by D. Hobcroft near the Phosphate Dryers on
2 December 1996 (Hobcroft 1996; see photograph in Eades 2001a) was first thought
probably to be a Black-nest Swiftlet A. maximus, but is now thought more likely to
be a Himalayan Swiftlet A. brevirostris (D. Hobcroft in litt.; B. van Balen in litt.).
C. A bird seen near the IDC by DJJ on 7 and 8 November 2005 (Anon. 2006a,c; Dooley
2006a) was thought probably to be an Edible-nest Swiftlet A. fuciphagus, but has
now been claimed as a Himalayan Swiftlet, based upon its large size, deeply forked
tail and pale rump with faint dark streaks (DJJ; BARC Case 697—not accepted).
Birds of Christmas Island S165
D. Up to 20 swiftlets were seen after Cyclone Rosie at various sites (the Rubbish
Tip, North East Point, near Ma Chor Nui Nui Temple and North West Point) on
23–28 April 2008 by many observers (Anon. 2008c; Dooley 2008c; Ramsay 2008c;
M. Carter, F. O’Connor & T. Palliser pers. comm.; IOSG delegates pers. comm.;
IAWM). They appeared to be of two species: the more common and paler types have
been claimed as Edible-nest Swiftlet (BARC Case 577—not accepted) and some all-
dark types with slightly forked tails have been claimed as the Mossy-nest Swiftlet
A. salanganus (BARC Case 578—not accepted).
E. A bird considered as either a Black-nest or an Edible-nest Swiftlet was seen briefly
on 10–11 December 2009 by a tour group near the entrance to the IDC (Baxter 2009;
Ramsay 2010a).
F. A bird considered to be a Mossy-nest Swiftlet was seen at the Airport on 30 November
2010 (Baxter 2010b; Dooley 2011a; Ramsay 2011a). This was also reported as a
possible Black-nest Swiftlet in early December 2010 (Dooley 2011a).
G. A dark swiftlet with a slightly notched tail seen near the Resort on 29 January 2011
was considered to be a Mossy-nest Swiftlet (Marsh 2011).
H. A tour group reported a single unidentified ‘nest swiftlet’ at South Point, and
four Edible-nest Swiftlets and a Himalayan Swiftlet at North West Point, all on
29 November 2011 (Baxter 2011b; Dooley 2012a). These were followed by reports of
four Edible-nest Swiftlets on 30 November and a Mossy-nest Swiftlet on 2 December
2011 at North West Point (Baxter 2011b; Dooley 2012a).
I. A single bird, believed to be an Edible-nest Swiftlet, was observed along the North
South Baseline on 9 December 2011 (Barrand c. 2011).
The Himalayan Swiftlet breeds in southern Asia (north-western and north-eastern India,
southern China, Nepal, Bhutan south to Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand), and is a
passage migrant through Peninsular Malaysia, apparently Sumatra and probably Singapore.
The Black-nest Swiftlet is widespread in South-East Asia from Myanmar to Peninsular
Malaysia and the Greater Sunda Islands, and is thought to be sedentary. The Mossy-nest
Swiftlet is endemic to the Greater Sundas and is largely sedentary. Traditionally, the
Edible-nest Swiftlet has been considered a widespread resident of southern Asia, from the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands through mainland South-East Asia, the Greater Sundas, and
east to Timor in the Lesser Sundas and Palawan in the Philippines, with several subspecies
that are not all adequately described (Chantler & Driessens 2000). This broad species
definition includes only swiftlets with ‘white’ or ‘edible’ nests, but it includes dark forms and
forms that are paler with pale rumps. Separation of dark-rumped forms (A. fuciphagus with
vestitus, micans and dammermani) from paler forms (A. inexpectatus with germani and
perplexus) creates two allopatric species with consistent and different appearances instead
of one that is extremely variable (Robson 2000; Cranbrook et al. 2013; Earl of Cranbrook in
litt.). Of these two, only the dark A. fuciphagus (sensu stricto) occurs naturally in the Greater
Sundas and Lesser Sundas (Chantler & Driessens 2000; Lim & Cranbrook 2002), whereas
the paler A. inexpectatus occurs in coastal mainland South-East Asia and the Andaman
Islands. The ‘farming’ of swiftlets in South-East Asia for their nests has complicated this
situation greatly. Genetic and morphological evidence indicates that various hybrids from
A. fuciphagus × A. i. germani dominate semi-domesticated populations in swift farm
houses throughout South-East Asia (Cranbrook et al. 2013). These hybrids are frequently
sympatric with their pure parental forms still nesting in natural situations (i.e. caves).
Many of the claims of Edible-nest Swiftlets from Christmas Island seem to be pale swiftlets
that could be farm swiftlets or a natural population of A. inexpectatus or A. brevirostris.
The darker birds could be A. fuciphagus (sensu stricto), A. salanganus or A. maximus,
S166 Australian Field Ornithology D.J. James & I.A.W. McAllan
which are extremely difficult species to identify in the field. Other reports of Aerodramus
swiftlets from Australian territory include at least five from Broome, WA, two from the
Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and three from Ashmore Reef (Hopton 2006; A. Boyle, M. Carter,
J. Darnell, J. Reid & G. Swann pers. comm.). An individual photographed near Broome,
WA, on 15 February 2001 was accepted by BARC as either an Edible-nest or a Black-nest
Swiftlet (Palliser 2004; BARC Case 342), and the other reports are unconfirmed.
visiting tourists, but none have been confirmed with detailed descriptions or photographs.
The nearest breeding stations for Masked Boobies are the Cocos (Keeling) Group and
islands off the WA coast (Johnstone & Storr 1998; Johnstone & Darnell 2004a). Dickinson
(2003) erroneously listed the Masked Booby as breeding on Christmas Island, but not the
Cocos (Keeling) Group.
Appendix 2 continued
Birds of Christmas Island S173
Appendix 3 continued
Appendix 3 continued
* We use the coined name ‘Migrant Hill’ for the crest of the cliff overlooking North West Point and
the IDC. This feature has no official name. Confusingly, it has been called Murray Hill, Powells
Hill and Jacks Hill in birding reports in recent years. It was nicknamed ‘Helicopter Hill’ by Parks
Australia staff in 2002 and ‘Media Hill’ more recently by journalists filming the IDC. It appears
as an inland cliff on the north-western edge of a massif formed by Murray, Powells, Jacks and
other hills.
BirdLife Australia and the authors gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors whose
contributions made possible the publication of this account:
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Australian Field Ornithology
Introduction S1
Methods S4
Results: A history of ornithology on Christmas Island S8
Bird specimens held in museums S15
Taxonomy and nomenclature S16
Number of species S22
Population estimates of breeding species S23
Bird banding S26
Significance of the avifauna S28
Avian biogeography S28
Species accounts S30
Maps S49
Photographs of habitat and endemic birds S50
Acknowledgements S141
References S141
1. Supplementary list of birds on Christmas Island S164
2. Species list and status of birds on Christmas Island S171
3. Gazetteer of locations on Christmas Island used in the text S173