Prospectus 2011 12
Prospectus 2011 12
Prospectus 2011 12
Prospectus 2011-2012
Our Vision
To be a chrysalis where bright youngsters are transformed into technological entrepreneurs and innovative leaders of tomorrow's world, consistent with the Franciscan vision of integrity, peace and love.
Our Mission
To churn out highly competent engineering graduates with a commitment to result oriented work, a perennial zest for learning, a quest for excellence, an open mind and the universal values of honesty, dignity and mutual care.
Our Performance
The college has been consistently ranked within the top 6 Engineering Colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai since inception.
Our Placement
Our placements have been quite good over the years. About 70% to 80% of the students get placed through the college every year. Top notch IT and other companies visit the campus every year for recruitment on a regular basis. During the last academic year 2010-11, the placements are the highest, with 213 students out of 235 eligible (90%) placed during campus season.
SFIT offers 4 - year B. E. Degree Course in the following three branches of Engineering as per the syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai and the intake of seats sanctioned by AICTE.
Computer Engineering 120 seats Information Technology 120 seats Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 120 seats
SFIT is a private, un-aided, self-financing, religious (Roman Catholic) minority educational Institute. The Govt. of India, National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions was pleased to declare in September 2006 that St. Francis Institute of Technology (Engineering College) 'is an exclusively a Minority Educational Institution' within the meaning of Section 2(g) of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act 2004, covered under article 30 of the Constitution of India.
SFIT has excellent infrastructure facilities such as spacious class rooms, laboratories, tutorials, workshops, well equipped state of the art computer centre, library, staff rooms, student activities room, canteen, sports facilities and so on.
3. Digital Library @ SFIT facilitates access (on Intranet) to sample question papers of the University of Mumbai for courses offered by the Institute, e-books, VCDs on communication skills and research publications of the faculties. 4. Access to IIT Bombay library is one of the key features of our library. We also provide access to DELNET and select IEEE journals. The email address for general enquiries about Library services and resources is Additional contact details, including telephone numbers for staff and services, are provided on the relevant library web page. Guidance and assistance is available from any member of the Library staff.
3. 2 The Laboratories
SFIT has state of the art laboratories, equipped with latest instruments, computers, servers, as well as most modern software required to instruct the students and carry out prescribed practicals to complement classroom learning. Students have access to this excellent facility, complemented by twenty-four hour Internet connectivity. The resources and facilities of all of SFIT labs are befitting the excellent reputation and standards set by the Institute. They provide an efficient and effective support to students in their pursuit of academic excellence. Because of our excellent infrastructure facilities and faculty support, our Institute is being regularly selected as one of the Examination Centre for conducting Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) & Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) for admission to the IITs, as well as 'Application Receiving Centre' (ARC) for admission to Engineering and Pharmacy Colleges in the state of Maharashtra.
Under academic research, R&D centre continues to publish, Sanshodhan, a Technical Magazine containing research articles from staff and students of the college every year. R&D lecture series is being organized on a regular basis for the benefit of our teachers/students. The lectures covering the latest innovations and developments in the respective fields are conducted by experts from outside as well as by our own teachers. ISTE approved Short Term Training Programmes, National, International conferences; in-house workshops etc are being organized by our faculty in the College on a regular basis.
3.7 Canteen
SFIT has a well equipped canteen with adequate facilities for the use of staff & students.
4.1 The Interim Fee and Final Fee for the students admitted to the course in AY 2011 -2012 is as
fixed by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti (S.S.S.), appointed by the Government of Maharashtra. The 'Interim Fee' approved by the Samiti for the Academic Year 2011 -12 is as follows: Tuition fee & Development fee : University/Exam/Other fees Total fees : : Rs. 65,600/Rs. 1, 891/ Rs. 67, 491/-
The Institute undertakes that if the final fee approved by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti is less than the interim fee collected, the difference shall be refunded within four weeks. Similarly, students admitted in Academic Year 2011-12 will be deemed to have given an undertaking to pay additional fee, in case the final fee is more than the interim fee, within the stipulated time as may be notified by the Institute.
The qualifying examination for all admissions is MHT-CET 2011/A.I.E.E.E. The intake in each of the three branches is as under:
BRANCH-WISE INTAKE OF SEATS 1. 2. 3. Computer Engineering Information Technology Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 120 seats 120 seats 120 seats
The distribution of seats under Minority, Institute Level & CAP quota are as notified by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai. For detailed information on Admission Procedure for Minority and Institute level seats, kindly refer to College Notice Board/Website: www. under 'Admission Notification for Academic Year 2011-12.' For detailed information on Centralized Admission Process (CAP) of DTE, kindly refer to the notification of Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra State, Mumbai on its Website:
Minority Admission Procedure:For admission under the Minority quota, candidates are required to fill in the Application Form and submit on-line. A link shall be provided for the same under 'Admissions', on the college website A print out of the same Application Form duly signed is to be submitted in person at any one of the four 'Application Receiving Centres' along with one set of attested copies of needed documents for verification and a processing fee of Rs.1000/- . The name and address of the 4 Application Receiving Centres will be notified on the College Notice Board/Website along with the Admission Schedule and other details.
Admission Procedure for Institute Level/CAP Vacancy seats :For admission for Institute level/CAP vacancy seats, candidates are required to fill-in a separate Application Form and submit on-line on the college website:, under 'Admissions'. A print out of the same Application Form duly signed is to be submitted in person to the College office, along with one set of attested copies of needed documents for verification and a processing fee of Rs. 500/- (payable in cash) to the College office as per schedule which shall be notified on the College Notice Board/Website.
MHT-CET 2011 Score Card. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C. - Std. X) mark sheet & Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC Std. XII) mark sheet or ICSE & CBSE Mark sheets as the case may be. School/Institution leaving certificate after passing H.S.C. (Std. XII). Certificate of the Indian Nationality of the candidate. Eligibility Certificate from Mumbai University (in case of candidates who have passed qualifying examination of ICSE, CBSE or HSC from Outside Maharashtra State) Domicile Certificate of Maharashtra State Physical/Medical fitness Certificate from a Registered Medical practitioner
Additionally, for students seeking admission for Roman Catholic Minority Seats: Proof of Roman Catholic Status
Candidates' College / School Leaving Certificate with Religion mentioned as Roman Catholic Or School /College Leaving Certificate of Candidate's Father / Brother / Unmarried Sister with Religion mentioned as Roman Catholic Or An Affidavit on a Rs.100/- stamp paper & Undertaking (in college format ) stating that he/she is a Roman Catholic accompanied by (a) Baptism Certificate and (b) Bishop's Letter All Minority candidates should have passed X Std (SSC) and XII Std (HSC) from Maharashtra State. Note: The initial Admission Notification for Minority, Institute Level/CAP Vacancy seats shall be issued in the Indian Express, Mumbai Edition, Lok Satta & Lokmat (Marathi) and also shall be displayed on the College Notice Board as well as Website:
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Society of St. Francis Industrial Training Institute Society Mt. Poinsur, S.V.P. Road, Borivli (W), Mumbai - 400103 Registrar of Societies & Public Trust 27/12/1972 & 10/10/1974 respectively University of Mumbai M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 032 2010 2011 Dr. A.K. Sen Principal 022-28928585 / 28908585 022-28954787 Ph.D IE &M Instrumentation
4. Bro. Vijaykumar Pereira - Member of the Governing Council Nominee of the Management 5. Bro. Jose K.S Deputy Director SFIT - Member of the Governing Council Nominee of the Management Chairman, St. Francis Institute of Management and Research, Member of the Governing Council Nominee of the Management - Prof. in Electrical Engineering IIT, Powai (Academia and Subject Expert) Nominee of the Management Principal, Shah and Anchor college, Former Professor and Head Of Department, Electronics, VJTI, Mumbai and Chairman Board of Studies in Electronics, University of Mumbai (Academia and Subject Expert) Nominee of Management. Director, R & D and former Principal, Don Bosco Institute of Technology (Academia and Subject Expert) Nominee of the Management. Principal, Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts & Management Studies and Shantaben Nagindas Khandwala College of Science, Malad, and The B.S.G.D's Junior College of Commerce, Arts & Science and Senate Member and Chairperson of Standing Committee, University of Mumbai (Academia and General Expert) Nominee of the Management. Former Principal, Staff Training College RBI Nominee of the Management. Entrepreneur and Industrialist Nominee of the Management. Founder, Attainix Consulting Nominee of the Management. Advocate High Court Mumbai Legal Consultant, (Practicing Legal Professional) Nominee of the Management. Principal and Member Secretary
9. Dr. S. Krishnamoorthy
12. Mr. Albert D' Souza 13. Shri Abijit Talukdar 14. Shri Yogesh Naidu
Frequency of the Governing Council Meetings & date of last meeting Meetings are held twice in an Academic Year. Last meeting date: 2/4/2011.
Feedback / Evaluation sheets are circulated to students at the end, before the closing of each term. These forms contain a) items on faculty's teaching effectiveness & b) feedback on various infrastructural facilities. Additionally a drop box is provided near Director's office in which students can freely voice their opinions without disclosing identity if they wish on any matter pertaining to the Institute.
: Applied, expert committee visit awaited : No : No : Staff are members of IEEE, CSI, ISTE, IETE : Various technical events, STTPs, workshops, industrial visits / tours are conducted under different societies/chapters. : NIL : NIL : The department has successfully conducted a National Conference in cooperation with other departments, STTPs, University Orientation Programmes and Technical workshops. Many teachers have presented papers in International Journals / Conferences. Two students of the department were Gold Medalist of the Mumbai University. : Mr. Srikant Dave 2003 batch MBA from NMIMS & MBA from USA Mr. Mayank Jain 2003 batch MBA from US, working in Meryl Lynch USA Mr. Joy Tuscano 2007 batch MBA from IIMA
Distinguished Alumni
Computer Engineering
Level : UG / PG UG 1st Year of approval by the Council: 1999-2000 Year wise Sanctioned Intake Year wise Actual Admissions Cut off marks General quota 2010-11 120 2010-11 120+1 (J&K) 2010-11 84 2010-11 (BE) 2010-11 (BE) 2010-11 61 2010-11 3.00lacs CTC 2010-11 2009-10 60 2009-10 60 + 1 (J&K) 2009-10 103 2009-10 20 2009-10 66.66 2009-10 17 2009-10 3.33lacs CTC 2009-10 NA 2008-09 60 2008-09 60 + 1 (J&K) 2008-09 118 2008-09 40.32 2008-09 51.61 2008-09 40 2008-09 2.85lacs CTC 2008-09 2
% Students passed with Distinction % Students passed with First Class Students Placed Average Pay package, Rs./Year Students opted for Higher Studies Accreditation Status of the course Doctoral Courses Foreign Collaborations, if any Professional Society Memberships Professional activities Consultancy activities
: Applied, expert committee visit awaited : No : Not Applicable : Staff are members of IEEE, CSI, ISTE, IETE and student chapters of CSI & IETE : STTPs on specific topics and for faculty enablement conducted under various chapters like ISTE : In coherence with the Training and Placement cell, various initiatives are being undertaken along with industries (Campus Connect with Infosys being one of them). R&D lab is being set up so that consultancy projects may be undertaken in future. : NIL
: Eligible students have been placed in companies like TCS, Infosys, PCS, etc. Staff have pursued M.E. under faculty improvement programme and successfully completed it. Department has conducted ISTE Approve STTP on Image Processing Application: Basics to Advanced in Jan 2010. : Mr. Vikas Anchan 2006 (pass) batch, is selected for MBA in IIM Ahmedabad
Distinguished Alumni
% Students passed with Distinction (BE) % Students passed with First Class (BE) Students Placed Average Pay package, Rs./Year Students opted for Higher Studies Accreditation Status of the course Doctoral Courses Foreign Collaborations, if any Professional Society Memberships
: Applied, expert committee visit awaited : No : Not Applicable : Teachers are members of various professional societies like IEEE (Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers), ISTE (Institution of Society of Technical Education) and CSI (Computer Society of India) : Workshops / seminars /Short Term Training Programmes are organized and conducted for teaching staff and students by professional personnel. : Currently, the department is interacting with various IT industries in co-ordination wit Training & Placement department which could result in helping the department to get projects and consulting for its staff. NIL : The department organizes and conducts ISTE approved Short Term Technical Programmes. Consistently achieved more than 90% pass percentage in last three years in the Final Year Engineering. Students participated in national event i.e. Robocon for the last three years in which they designed & developed Robots based themes of the competition. : Mr. Riyaz Rehaman 2007 (pass) batch is presently doing his MBA from IIM Ahmedabad
Professional activities
Consultancy activities
Distinguished Alumni
Teaching Faculty
Teaching Faculty
Teaching Faculty
RESEARCH & CONSULTANCY ITEMS Research & Development Activities & Research Guidance Industry sponsored projects Providing Consultancy and Testing Services Promotion of Industry Institution interaction and R&D RESPONSIBILITY Teaching Faculty Dean R & D Teaching Faculty /Students Teaching Faculty TPO/ Dean R&D
C) ADMINISTRATION Administrative Management of the Institution Administration both at Departmental and Institutional levels Development, Administration & Management of Institutional Facilities Helping mobilisation of resources For the institution Conduct performance Appraisal Academic Management Plan and implement Staff Development Activities Policy planning, monitoring and Evaluation and promotional activities, Both departmental and institutional Level. Participation in Policy planning At the Regional, National level For development of technical Education Monitoring and Evaluation of Academic and research activities Preparing project proposals for Funding in areas of R&D work Laboratory development, Modernisation, Expansion, etc, Design and Development of new Programmes Develop, update and maintain MIS Maintain accountability Director
Director Director Director Director Principal Director, Principal Director, Principal and Heads of Departments Director / Principal / HOD Principal & Dean R&D Dean R & D
D) EXTENSION ITEMS Extension Services Interaction with Industry and Society Participation in Community Services Providing R&D support and Consultancy services to Industry And other user agencies Providing non-formal modes of Education for the benefit of the Community Promotion of entrepreneurship and Job creation Dissemination of knowledge Providing technical support in Areas of social relevance RESPONSIBILITY Director TPO, Director
Dean R & D
TPO / Director / Management Teaching faculty, Principal All faculty members, Principal, Director, Management
And any other relevant work assigned by the Director, the Head of the Institution
M. A. (Psychology)
M. A. (English Literature), B. Ed
Ph.D (Organic Chemistry) M.Sc (Organic Chemistry) M.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
DR. RADHEKRISHNA DUBEY Assistant Professor Applied Physics MS BELINDA D'CUNHA Assistant Professor MS GRISHALADA MATHOS Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics MS ASTRID MATHOS Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics MS PRIYA KARUNAKARAN Assistant Professor Computer Programming MR. KARTIK KOTHARI Assistant Professor Computer Programming MR. B.D. GOKHALE Lecturer Basic Electrical & Electronics RAVINDRA K GARMODE Assistant Professor Engg. Mech. & Drawing. AMIT A. CHAUDHARI Lecturer in Engg. Mech. & Drawg. SHWETA SUBRAMANIAN Lecturer in Communication Skills UTKAL JADHAV Lecturer in Engg. Mech. & Drawing
Ph. D (Physics) M.Sc. (Physics) M.Sc. (Mathematics) Applied Mathematics M.Sc. (Mathematics)
13. 14.
15. (Mathematics)
M.E. (Mechanical) B.E. ( Mechanical) M.E. (Mechanical) Pursuing B.E. (Mechanical) M. Phil English Lit (Pursuing) M.A. English Literature B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
5. 6.
B.E. - EXTC M.E. EXTC B.Tech. INFT M.E. Computers (Pursuing) B.E. INFT M.E. Computers (Pursuing B.E. (MECH) B.E. INFT B.E. EXTC M.Tech. - Electronics
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MR. P. L. GHONE Registrar MR. B. K. JOSHI Training & Placement Officer MS. SALLY JOHN Accounts Executive MR. FRANCIS D'SOUZA Office Manager MS. ANILA ELIZABETH JOHN Office Executive MS. MAMTA D'SOUZA Office Executive MS. JANE BRAGANZA Office Executive MS. RENU BINOYE Office Executive M.A. B. E. (Mechanical) / D. I. M. B.COM M.B.A. (PM & IR) B. Com B. Com B. Com B. Com 9. MS. ARINA D'SOUZA Office Executive B. Com B.SC B. Com MBA SSC SSC SSC SSC
10. MS ASHA D'ABREAO Office Executive 11. MS CECILIA LOPES Office Executive 12. MS. MANAMI SARKAR Assistant TPO 13. MR. VIJAY DEVRUKHAR Office Attendant 14. MR. MATES MICHEL BRITTO Office Attendant 15. MR. ASHISH JADHAV Office Attendant 16. MR. SANJAY MARUTI SAKAT Office Attendant
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MS. CHINMAYEE BHANGE Librarian MS. SUCHETA PRABHUDESAI Assistant Librarian SR. BHAVYA Assistant Librarian MR. ANANT YADAV Library Attendant MR. RAHIM ADAM SAYYED Library Attendant M.Lib Science/B.Lib. Science M. A. /B. Lib. Science B.A., M. Lib. Science SSC SSC
7. 8. 9.
10. MS. SEEMA DHANE Lab Assistant - Electronics 11. MR. AMANATH Y. PATHAN Lab Assistant Computers 12. MR. SALUNKHE D. PRAKASH Lab Assistant. Engg. Mech & Drawing 13. MS VRUSHALI JADHAV Lab Assistant EXTC 14. MR. NILESH R. DADDIKAR Lab Assistant - Chemistry 15. MS MEENAKSHI SURVE Lab Assistant EXTC 16. MR. SURESH DHONDU LAD Workshop Assistant 17. MR. ASHSIH SATISH ULMAN System Analyst - INFT 18. MR. GAURAV PRAKASH SALVI Lab Assistant INFT 19. MS JANET NILESH PEREIRA Lab Assistant INFT 20. MR. SANDEEP SHETAGE Lab Assistant
The SFIT is managed by the Society of Franciscan Brothers which was founded in 1901 to look after and educate the orphans of the area. An Orphanage and a School were established in 1908. The Congregation now has
numerous centres in India conducting Orphanages, Schools, Technical Education Centres, Leprosy Centres, Agricultural Training Farms, Youth Centres, Clinics, Dispensaries, Hospitals, etc. The main focus in all these activities is oriented around orphans, the poor, and lower middle class without any distinction whatsoever. In rural areas, the society aims to provide primary education and an appropriate level of technical education to create self-employed / small entrepreneur class.
The Society's Higher Education Centres are located in urban and semi urban areas, providing higher level general & technical education with a view to create a technical entrepreneur and skilled labour class. The Society's Institutions / Schools /Colleges have a very high level of competency & reputation and have been
wining State & National Awards. All the units of the organization are registered under the relevant laws of the States as Trusts/Public Societies etc. We have similar Centres in the USA, Canada, South America, Sri Lanka, Germany, Switzerland and Italy with Mumbai as the International Headquarters.
College Anthem
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is darkness, light And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive It is in pardoning that We are pardoned; And it is in dying that We are born to eternal life St. Francis of Assisi
Location Map