Gameof Thrones

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A Game of Signs:

A Semiotic Analysis of Game of Thrones



Background and Conceptual Framework

Media shapes our individual lives on the micro level, and

our society and culture on the macro level. It extends to all

people, regardless of age, gender, race, or sexual orientation.

It has the ability to shape lives of anyone who views media,

alter their perspectives and instill different values in them.

Given this power, we must be able to think critically and

understand why media does what it does and says what it says

(Porter, 2017).

“Binge-watching” had dominated the lives of teens, young

adults, and even some full grown adults. They spend hours of non-

stop watching of movies or television shows and Game of Thrones

is certainly one of them.

Game of Thrones is one of the most watched television shows

in history (Porter, 2017). Based on the book series called A

Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, it is set in the

fictional country of Westeros. This world contains magic, swords,

blood, dragons, and some explicit scenes. The television

adaptation takes its name from the title of the first book in

Martin’s series: A Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones has several plot lines and a large ensemble

cast but centers on three primary story arcs. The first story arc

centers on the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms and follows a

web of alliances and conflicts among the dynastic noble families

either vying to claim the throne or fighting for independence

from the throne. The second story arc focuses on the last

descendant of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty, exiled and

plotting a return to the throne. The third story arc centers on

the longstanding brotherhood charged with defending the realm

against the ancient threats of the fierce peoples and legendary

creatures that live far north, and an impending winter that

threatens the realm.

Game of Thrones has taken the world by storm and its growing

popularity does not seem to be slowing down. The latest season,

the seventh of eight in total, regularly drew in over ten (10)

million viewers. The show also cleans up during awards season and

it has been nominated for two Golden Globes in 2017. In 2016

alone, the show won 12 Primetime Emmy Awards, making it the

Emmy’s second most successful Television series of all time


The episode “The Dragon and the Wolf” of the seventh season

was used in this analysis. The television series was explored

through the utilization of semiotic analysis. Semiotics is using

the text centered approach to studying and further analyzing

media. This involves different tools in order to gain an


Semiotics is a discipline for interpreting these media

texts, whether it is movie scenes, Television show, add, or

picture. Semiotics looks at the signs that are present throughout

any given media text.

This study aimed to decipher the signs and characters of the

television show Game of Thrones and expose the connection to real

life of the mentioned work of fiction.

Figure 1 shows the television show Game of Thrones was
interpreted using Semiotic Analysis. Signs were identified from
the show were classified into various semiotic signs. Each sign
was decoded to interpret its meaning in the context of
connotation and denotation.

The Interpretation

Since using semiotic analysis requires the identification of

various signs found in the show such as iconic, symbolic, and

indexical. These meanings were analyzed deeply.

Iconic Signs

Table 1. Summary of the signs with their denotative and

connotative meanings and the sub-theme that each sign constitutes
in the over-all theme of the series.

Iconic Signs
Sign Denotative Connotative Sub-theme
Meaning meaning
Member of Jon Snow Courage and
House Stark represents resilience
Character of Jon and the those who
Snow Night’s Watch. think low of
He is the themselves
secret son because of the
Rhaegar way they are
Targaryen and treated in the
Lyanna Stark society.
but was raised
a as bastard He is also a
of Ned Stark, symbol of
brother of loyalty.
Lyanna Stark.
Later on
became the
King in the
Exiled Daenerys’ Power of women
princess of character
House shows us how Defiance of
Targaryen. strong women the norms
Daughter of are. She was
Character of the deposed first
Daenerys Mad King introduced as
Targaryen Aerys. She was a trembling
sold to the and terrified

King of the woman. But in
Dothrakis, later seasons,
Khal Drogo and she built up
became the the courage
Khaleesi of and conquered
the Great many cities,
Grass Sea. She freed many
also had 3 slaves, and
dragons. She saved many
is known to people. Also,
have the she was both
title: “The the most
unburnt, Queen respected and
of the Andals feared rulers.
and the First
Men, Queen of
Khaleesi of
the Great
Grass Sea,
Breaker of
Chains, and
Mother of
Claims to be
the rightful
heir to the
Iron Throne
Character of Cersei of Although Greediness and
Cersei Lannister House mostly being cruelty of
Lannister and known to be leaders
House merciless, she
Baratheon is was also known Genuine love
the current to be a mother of mother to
Queen of the who would do her children
Seven Kingdoms anything for
of Westeros her children.
and is married After losing
to the later Joffrey,
deceased Tommen, and
Robert Marcella, she
Baratheon. Her became more
children, ruthless as
Joffrey, she was trying
Tommen, and to seek
Marcella, revenge for
which all died their deaths.

in the earlier Cersei reminds
seasons, were us all what a
results of her mother is
incestuous willing to do
affairs with to protect her
her twin children and
brother, her family.
Jaime. She is
known to be Cersei also
ruthless and serves as a
vain but her metaphor of
love for her some
children was politicians.
Character of Tyrion of Tyrion Wisdom
Tyrion Lannister House symbolizes the
Lannister was oppressed and
the younger the bullied in
brother of the society.
Cersei and He is not
Jaime. He is a physically
dwarf; and his powerful and
mother died is always
during his underestimated
birth in which by the others,
his father, but Tyrion is
Tywin, blames known to have
him. He was a cunning mind
also wrongly and often uses
accused for this to his
Joffrey advantage.
murder. He
then exiled to
Essos and
later on
became the
Queen’s hand
of Daenerys.
Character of Arya Arya Stark of Arya becomes a Vengeance
Stark House Stark is symbol of
the younger revenge and Loyalty to
daughter and strength. Her family
third child of strength
Lord Eddard amidst all the
and Catelyn challenges she
Stark. encountered

Witnessed the also
beheading of represents the
her father and strength of a
was at hand woman to
when her endure pain.
mother and
brother were
killed in the
Red Wedding.
She fled to
Bravos and
started to
train with the
called “the
faceless men”.
She then
killed Wadder
Frey and Petyr
Character of Sansa Stark of Symbolizes Readiness for
Sansa Stark House Stark is teenagers who the
the first were forced to responsibility
daughter and mature because
second child of the
of Eddard and responsibility Strength of
Catelyn Stark. handed to her. women
Former bride She also is a
of Tyrion symbol of the
Lannister and strength of
Ramsay Bolton. women,
She is considering
currently the what she had
Lady of been through.

Character of the The King of Represents the Evil
White King the White evil and death
Walkers. in this world. Death
Leading the
attack against
the living.

Symbolic Signs

Table 2. Summary of the signs with their denotative and

connotative meanings and the sub-theme that each sign constitutes
in the over-all theme of the series.

Symbolic Signs
Sign Denotative Connotative Sub-theme
Meaning meaning
Iron Throne A throne made The Iron Power
of swords Throne
where the represents the
current ruler difficulty of
of the Seven ruling and the
Kingdoms sits brutality
on. needed to gain

Sigil of House The symbol of Represents the Cruelty

Targaryen the House necessary
Targaryen means to gain
that shows a power.

red three-
dragon. Often
with their
house words:
“Fire and

Sigil of House The symbol of Represents the The

Stark House Stark Starks’ importance of
which shows a resiliency and Loyalty
grey dire loyalty.
wolf on a The white
white field. background Strength
House words: represents the
“Winter is snow in
coming.” Winterfell and
the dire wolf
represents the
Starks. Dire
wolves are
known to
intense cold
and deep
loyalty to
their masters.
Sigil of House The symbol of The Lannisters Slyness
Lannister House are known to
Lannister be one of the Greed
that shows a richest
golden lion families in
on a red Westeros. The
field. House gold lion
words: “Hear represents
me roar!” or their desire
“A Lannister for more power
always pays and gold and
their debts” the red field
represents the
blood that
resulted from
them achieving
their desires.

Winter The coldest Symbolizes Death
season of the death of the
year that is living,
after autumn famine, and
and before dominance of
spring. the White
Dragons An imaginary Represents the Cruelty
animal that power of
can breathe Daenerys Power
out fire and Targaryen.
looks like a
very large
lizard with
wings, a long
tail, and
large claws.
Also refers
to the
children of
Sword A weapon with Symbolizes Honor
a long metal both honor and
blade for cruelty. Cruelty
cutting or
Crown A decorative Symbolizes her Victory
object that triumph and
is shaped authority over
like a circle her enemies.
and worn on
the head of a
king or queen
for special
Also refers
to the crown
worn by

The wall A wall made Symbolizes Hope

of thick ice protection
from death

Indexical Signs

Table 3. Summary of the signs with their denotative and

connotative meanings and the sub-theme that each sign constitutes
in the over-all theme of the series.

Indexical Signs
Sign Denotative Connotative Sub-theme
Meaning Meaning
Arrival of The act of Depicts Power
Daenerys riding Daenerys Daenerys’ power
her dragon arriving at play. Her
King’s Landing showing off the
for their power that she
meeting riding possesses and
on her dragon that they
should respect

Meeting of The act of Gives hope that Hope

House Houses enemies could
Lannister, Lannister, come together
Targaryen, and Tarygaryen, and for the greater
Stark in King’s Stark meeting good.
Landing to come to a
common decision
for a truce to
stop the war
The fall of The act of Symbolizes the End of
Petyr Littlefinger end of mischief treachery
“Littlefinger” dying in the and turncoatism
Baelish hands of Arya

The fall of the The act of the Symbolizes the Death
wall wall crumbling dominance of
down evil and that
the end is


The episode “The Dragon and the Wolf” started with Bronn and

Jaime Lannister seeing the fortifications built up outside of

King’s Landing before the agreed meeting of the different houses

in the Dargonpit. This scene was followed by Jon Snow and Tyrion

Lannister, together with Lord Varys, Theon Greyjoy, The Hound,

Davos Seaworth, Missandei, and Jorah Mormont sailing to King’s


When they arrived, Tyrion, Jon, and the others were then

escorted to the Dragonpit by Bronn and some soldiers of the

Lannister army. When they arrived, Cersei together with Jaime

arrived soon after. They waited a while for Daenerys and she

arrived riding her dragon.

When all houses were present, the meeting began. Tyrion and

Jon tried hard to convice Cersei to have a truce or to

momentarily stop the war between them to deal with the white

walkers. Cersei, of course is skeptical with the idea. So The

Hound, showed them the white walker that they have captured.

Cersei was terrified of what she saw. So she agreed to have a

truce as long as Jon Snow pledges his loyalty to House Lannister.

Jon, who have already bent the knee to Daenerys and who is known

to be loyal, refused. So Cersei refused to have a truce and left.

But Tyrion felt determined to talk to her sister, so he did. When

they were in a serious conversation, Tyrion found out that Cersei

was pregnant and she then realized that she was wrong. So, they

came back and agreed to the truce and vowed to make his armies

march to the North to help stop the white walkers.

Meanwhile, in Winterfell, Littlefinger persuades Sansa Stark

how dangerous her sister Arya is. Then in the next scene, Sansa

confronts Littlefinger for his treachery and attempt to turn her

against her own sister. They put an end to Littlefinger by means

of the Arya’s blade to his throat.

On the other hand, while Jaime was giving instructions to

his men before riding to the North, Cersei stops him and tells

him that she has no intention keep that truce. In that instant,

Jaime left riding his horse.

Going back to Winterfell, Sam arrives at Winterfell with his

family. Bran tells him that Jon's real parents were Rhaegar

Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Sam reveals information from the High

Septon's journal: in secret, Rhaegar's marriage to Elia Martell

was annulled and he married Lyanna. Bran views the wedding and

Jon's birth, learning the name Lyanna gave him: Aegon Targaryen.

Bran determines that, as Rhaegar's legitimate son, Jon is the

heir to the Iron Throne.

While sailing in the Narrow Sea, Tyrion witnesses Jon Snow

entering Daenerys's cabin. Jon and Daenerys give in to their

feelings for each other and the two have sexual intercourse,

unaware that they are related.

Meanwhile, the army of white walkers arrive at Eastwatch;

when the Night King appears, riding Viserion, Tormund orders the

defenders to evacuate. Breathing blue fire, Viserion destroys

Eastwatch and a section of the Wall, allowing the White Walkers

to finally enter the Seven Kingdoms.

Iconic Signs

Character of Jon Snow

Introduced as the bastard of Winterfell, the

illegitimate child of Ned Stark and an unknown mother.

Joined the Night’s Watch and soon became the Lord Commander.

When he was Lord Commander, he struck an alliance with the

Free Folk, the people beyond the wall, and for that he was

betrayed by his own men but was then resurrected by


Although regarded and treated lowly by the others, he

was a skilled swordsman and has innate leadership skills.

With this, he gained the respect of other and was named the

King of the North.

In the episode “the Dragon and the Wolf”, it was

revealed that he was not a bastard at all. But he was the

legitimate son of Rhaeghar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. This

makes him, one of the rightful heirs to the iron throne.

This shows that to him, title did not matter. He is a

very humble man. He accomplished a lot of things without him

having a title and acquired his titles only with his own

efforts. All that mattered to him was the wellbeing of his

family, friends, and his people.

Jon Snow is probably the most loyal and kind-hearted

character in the Game of Thrones. His loyalty was most

prevalent in the episode used in this interpretation. He

could have lied and pretended that he has his allegiance to

Cersei, but he did not. He pledged to Daenerys and kept his

word. He is the type of person to value loyalty as much as

he values his life.

Character of Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is an image of a strong woman. She

had encountered many trials, including being sold to the

Dothrakis, being raped, assassination attempts, and had a

miscarriage. Despite all these unfortunate events, Daenarys

continued to rule and conquer many cities and help many

people. Daenerys was also well respected by men. He

attempted to be brought down by several men, but still

triumphed over them.

In the “the Dragon and the Wolf”, it showed a

confident, strong, and powerful Daenerys Targaryen. There

were no signs of weakness coming from her.

Although her family is majorly known for being brutal

and ruthless, she showed the complete opposite. She was a

leader who has sympathy for her people. She asked for a

truce to stop the war to defeat their common enemy, the

white walkers.

Character of Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister is known to be ruthless and evil. This

episode showed both how cunning she is and how passionate

she is as a mother.

Cersei at first did not agree to the truce that

Daenerys was proposing. But as revealed that she is pregnant

and with the help on Tyrion convincing her, she agreed to

the truce and told them that she will order all their

banners to march north and help defeat their common enemy.

But later in the episode, she told her brother Jaime that

she had lied and she had no intention or desire of helping

Daenerys and Jon Snow in protecting the north.

She considering the life of her soon to be child and

agreeing to the truce gave us the impression of her as a

passionate mother and is willing to sacrifice even her own

power and pride for her child’s safety. Her being still

upset about the death of her children and her desire to

avenge their deaths shows how she values her family,

especially her children. But in the end, she lied thus

providing us the context that she cares for nothing but

herself and her power.

This shows how greedy she is to hold on to her power

she has. She serves as a metaphor of politicians today.

Turncoating and making promises that they have no intentions

of pursuing.

Character of Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion of House Lannister was the younger brother of

Cersei and Jaime. He is a dwarf; and his mother died during

his birth in which his father, Tywin, blames him. He was

also wrongly accused for Joffrey Lannister’s murder. He then

exiled to Essos and later on became the Queen’s hand of


Although resented by his own family and by society, he

is known to have a cunning mind and knows how to play

politics. He never thought lowly of himself but still remain


Tyrion is often the negotiator and uses his wise words

to persuade people to be on his side. He finds words as his

most powerful asset in surviving in their brutal world. This

can especially be seen in the episode used in this

interpretation as he was the one to convince Cersei to their

proposed truce.

Character of Arya Stark

Arya of House Stark is the younger daughter and third

child of Lord Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Witnessed the

horrible beheading of her father and was nearby when her

mother and brother were killed in the hands of the Freys.

She then exiled to Bravos and started to train with the

assassins called “the faceless men”. When she felt strong

enough, she went back to Westeros and killed Wadder Frey and

soon after, Lord Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish.

With the anger and pain bottled inside her heart, she

trained to be skillful in sword fighting and assassinating.

She is eager to avenge her father, mother, and brother’s

death. She saw killing the people who wronged her family as

her motivation to keep going amidst all the difficulties she

encountered along her way home to Winterfell.

In this episode, she killed Lord Petyr “Littlefinger”

Baelish, who was also someone who she hated and had

oppressed her and her family. She swiftly slit

Littlefinger’s throat with her knife without even flinching

this suggests her eagerness for revenge and her satisfaction

of his death.

With her eagerness for revenge and love and willingness

to protect her family, she is considered to be one of the

strongest characters in the Game of Thrones.

Character of Sansa Stark

Sansa of House Stark is the first daughter and second

child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. She was the former bride

of Tyrion Lannister and was later sold to Ramsay Bolton by

Lord Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. With her being the eldest

Stark left in Winterfell, she became the Lady of Winterfell.

Sansa was a teenager who was forced to mature to cope

with the obligations handed to her. She was forced to marry

people for allegiances, to rule Winterfell in the absence of

her brother, Jon, and she was forced to protect her family

and the North. These obligations cannot be handled alone by

a teenager and she must be able to meet the people’s

expectations so there is tremendous pressure put upon her


Considering what she had been through, Sansa is

handling her situation very well. She is an image of a

strong independent woman.

Character of The White King

Nothing much has been said about the White King but he is

the King of the White walkers or of the dead. He is the one

who leads the attack on the living.

The White King symbolizes evil and death since he is

eager to bring death among the living.

Symbolic Signs

The Iron Throne

The Iron throne, according to the novel was built by

Aegon Targaryen out of the swords of his conquered enemies.

Aegon thinks that a king should not sit easily and should

defeat the enemies threatening him to abandon the throne.

Just based on how the throne was made, the Iron Throne

symbolizes the cruelty and hardships to be endured in order

to rule a kingdom. This also shows the brutality in the

process of acquiring power. The ruler will take the

necessary measures needed to just sit on the Iron Throne.

Whether it would be killing a person or people, turn against

their own allies, burning cities, or even forcing alliances

with other families. The brutality continues and will not

stop until the person who desires to sit on the throne sits

on the Iron Throne.

Sigil of House Targaryen

This is the symbol of the House Targaryen that shows a

red three-headed dragon. This is often associated with their

house words: “Fire and Blood”.

Their house sigil symbolizes the characteristic of

their family. Targaryens are often regarded as cruel

leaders, using their dragons to spread fear and cause the

spill of blood. Although, Daenerys is kinder than her

ancestors, there is still that fire of cruelty deep within

her heart. Their house sigil still represents her well.

Sigil of House Stark

This is the symbol of House Stark that shows a grey

dire wolf on a white field. This is also associated with

their house words: “Winter is coming”.

The white field represents the snow at their home,

Winterfell. The grey dire wolf represents the Stark family.

Dire wolves can endure intense cold temperatures. Dire

wolves are also known to loyal to the masters they serve.

Similarly, the Starks are known to loyal people, obnoxiously

so. Most of the family members have been killed because of

their blind loyalty. Despite the tragic events in the Stark

family, Jon Snow still remained loyal to the pledge he gave

to Daenerys in this episode.

Despite of Jon Snow being revealed as a Targaryen and

not a Stark, the sigil of House Stark still symbolizes him


Sigil of House Lannister

This is the symbol of House Lannister that shows a

golden lion on a red field. This is also associated with

their house words: “Hear me roar!” or “A Lannister always

pays their debts”.

The colors red and gold are often associated to

royalty, which shows their ambition of claiming the Iron

Throne. The gold lion symbolizes their aspiration for more

power and the red field symbolizes the blood that spilled

and will be spilled in the process of them claiming the Iron


Their house sigil symbolizes the Lannister family

precisely. They are known to be cunning and blinded by their

ambitions to hold power. This is explicitly shown as Cersei

faked her agreeing to the truce to save millions of people

and reveals she had already planned her next move in

defeating Daenerys.


Known to be the coldest season of the year that is

after autumn and before spring. In Game of Thrones, although

winter really does arrive in Westeros, winter means another


Winter symbolizes famine. In winter, the amount of food

they have will be limited and there will be no crops or

livestock available in winter, thus people might starve.

Winter also suggests the death of the living because of

the expected attack of the white walkers to the living. They

are expected to breach the wall and dominate Westeros in

Winter, thus suggesting the end of the living.


Dragons imaginary animals that can breathe out fire and

looks like a very large lizard with wings, a long tail, and

large claws. They also refer to the children of Daenerys


The dragons in the Game of Thrones symbolize the power

of Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys is not famously known for

her fighting skills, but for her dragons. Without her

dragons, she would not be as powerful and respected as she

currently is.


A sword is a weapon with a long metal blade for cutting

or thrusting. The sword also symbolizes both honor and


The sword symbolizes honor because owning and yielding

a sword requires training and precision which is not

acquired overnight. One must train to handle the sword

swiftly. A person who yields a sword deserves the honor.

It also symbolizes cruelty as a sword brings about

death. A sword is a weapon used to kill other people, thus

bringing cruelty and death.


A crown is a decorative object that is shaped like a

circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special

ceremonies. Also refers to the crown worn by Cersei


She wears her crown as a symbol of her triumph and

authority over her enemies. She wears it high and proud

knowing that the throne and the power is hers.

The Wall

A wall along the borders of Westeros made out of thick

ice. The wall in the Game of Thrones serves as the living’s

protection against what is lurking and threatening them

beyond the wall. It symbolizes their protection from death.

The wall is the only barrier between the living and the

dead. But in the end of the episode, the white walkers, with

the help of Daenery’s dead dragon, the wall finally went

crumbling down and the dead made their way in Westeros to

conquer the living.

Indexical Signs

Arrival of Daenerys riding her dragon

As the others have arrived in King’s Landing, they waited

for Daenerys and she arrived at the meeting riding on her dragon.

This was one of the most unforgettable scenes in the

episode. Daenerys arriving on the back of her dragon is a power

play well delivered by her. She wanted to show strength and power

over the others and what better way to do that than arriving on

the back of one of her fire breathing dragons. This was effective

considering the reactions of the Lannisters as they saw this.

Meeting of House Lannister, Targaryen, and Stark in King’s


Houses Lannister, Targaryen, and Stark agreed to meet

in the Dragonpit in King’s Landing to agree on a truce to

stop the war momentarily until the problem with the white

walkers is dealt with.

This momentous event that brought the most powerful

houses in one place is a symbol for hope. These are a group

of people who do not like one another, yet them agreeing to

meet gave viewers signs of peace and hope that their

differences and problems will be settled through

negotiations and not through the shedding of blood.

The fall of Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

Before this scene, Littlefinger was convincing Sansa

that her sister Arya is dangerous and is threatening to take

the title “Lady of Winterfell” from her. Littlefinger was

known to be the slyest character in the show. He murdered

people, he turned family against family, and he even started

wars and conflict.

As he thought Sansa was falling for his plan to execute

Arya, Sansa knew better and turned on Littlefinger. Sansa

revealed his acts of slyness and gave the verdict. Arya

executed Littlefinger by swiftly sliding her knife on his

throat, instantly bringing death.

His death symbolizes the end of mischief and

turncoatism brought about by Littlefinger. Since

Littlefinger was the biggest traitor among the other

characters, his death brings the idea that loyalty still and

will prevail.

The fall of the wall

The scene where Daenerys’ dead dragon burned down the

wall and the wall started crumbling down. As soon as the

wall was down, the army of white walkers marches beyond the


This scene symbolizes the nearness and arrival of death

among the living. This also means that evil will always find

a way to spread fear and wickedness


Porter, J.C. (2017). Semiotics and Structuralism in “Game of

Thrones”. Retrieved September 29, 2018, from


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