A Study On Consumer's Preference Towards Cadbury Products in Chennai City

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A Study on consumer’s preference

towards Cadbury products in chennai


Objectives of the study:

1.To find out the consumers preference towards Cadbury
2.To know about the level of awareness among people's
towards Cadbury
3. To study about the purchasing pattern of Cadbury products.
4. To know the Consumer satisfaction levels regarding the
Cadbury products.
5. To Identify which brand is more by the consumer in Cadbury.
6. To increase customer satisfaction and Recapture the market
share by Fulfilling the customer needs.
7.To live the notice concerning the Cadbury product.
The Cadbury’s Inc has taken the opportunity to offer us a
broader view of chocolate category. The Cadbury’s,
India’s no.1 Chocolate, is able to share their market
insights based upon unparalleled breath of chocolate
Cadbury has grown from strength to strength with new
technologies being introduced to make the Cadbury
confectionary business, one of the most efficient in the
world. The merger in 1969 with Schweppes and the
subsequent development of the business have led to
Cadbury Schweppes taking the lead in both, the
confectionary and soft drink market and becoming a
major force in the international market. Cadbury
Schweppes today manufactures product in 60 countries
and trades in staggering 120. The Cadbury story is a
fascinating story of a family business that grew in one of
the biggest, most loved chocolate brand in the world.
This project is a sincere effort to study the buying
behavior of consumers when they buy chocolates. A
descriptive research procedure had been applied to
come to the conclusions of the project.
A detailed questionnaire had been prepared and the
responses of the samples had been collected for the
analysis. The project later concluded with analysis of the
responses keeping the limitations under consideration.
The legend called Cadbury

1824 – A business was opened in 1824 by a young

Quaker, John Cadbury, in Bull street Birmingham which
was to be the foundation of Cadbury Limited, now one of
the world’s largest producer of chocolate.

1831 -By this year the business had changed from a

grocery shop and John Cadbury had become a
manufacturer of drinking chocolate and cocoa. This was
the start of Cadbury manufacturing business as it is
known today. A larger factory in Bridge Street
Birmingham was rented in 1847, John Cadbury was
joined by his brother Birmingham and the business
became Cadbury Brother of Birmingham.

1861-John Cadbury resigned his business and handed

over to his sons, Richard, 25 and George, 21 who after 5
difficult years almost shut down the business to take up
other vocation. Fortunately for generation of chocolate
lovers, they didn’t.

1866 – Saw a turning point for the company with the

introduction of a process for pressing the cocoa butter
from the coca beans. This not only enabled Cadbury
Brothers to produce pure coca essence, but the plentiful
supply of coca butter remaining was also used to make
new kind of eating chocolate. The essence was
advertised as ‘Absolutely pure, therefore best’.

1879 - Business prospered from this time and Cadbury

Brother outgrew the Bridge Street factory, moving in
1879 to a ‘Greenfield’ site some miles from the center of
Birmingham which came to call Bourneville. The opening
of the Cadbury factory in a garden also heralded a new
era in industrial relations and employee welfare with
joint consultation being just one of the introduced by the
pioneering Cadbury Brothers.
1899 - In this year the business private limited company
– Cadbury Brothers Limited. Progress since the start of
the century through the inter- war years onwards has
been rapid. Chocolate has moved being a “luxury” item
to well within the financial reach of everyone.
1905 - Cadbury has many famous brands with one of
major success story being Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate
launched in 1905, today Britain’s favorite moduled
chocolate bar.

Cadbury today is the market leader in the U.K chocolate

confectionary market, employing the most advanced
processing technology and management information and
control techniques. The company is the confectionary
division of Cadbury Schweppes plc which is major force in
the confectionary and soft drinks international market.
World-wide Cadbury is one of the pre- eminent names in
confectionary with impressive range of famous brands.

Quality has been the focus of the Cadbury business from

the very beginning as generations have worked to
produce chocolate with that very special taste,
smoothness and snap, so characteristics of Cadbury’s
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Story

Chocolate has been enjoyed by successive generation

since the manufacturing process was developed in the
Victorian Times. Good chocolatiers is an art form
depending on recipe traditions, which have grown over
the years. Chocolatiers have use their skills to make
balanced recipe in which all the ingredients combine to
produced chocolate with all the characteristics that
enable full delicious taste to be enjoyed by the

By today’s standards the first chocolate for eating would

have been considered quite unpalatable. It was the
introduction of the Van Houten cocoa press from Holland
that was the major breakthrough in the chocolate
production as it provided extra cocoa butter needed to
make a smooth glossy chocolate.
Cadbury’s Milk Tray – 1915

Milk Tray has maintained its popularity in the changing

world since the milk chocolate assortment made with the
famous Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate was first
introduced in 1915. The name ‘tray’ derived from the
way in which the original assortment was delivered to
the shops. Originally Milk Tray was packed in five and as
half pound boxes, arranged on trays from which it was
sold loose o customers. The half pound deep lidded box
with the traditional purple background and gold script
was introduced in 1916, followed by one pound box in
1924. With its stylish, without frills presentation Milk
Tray was the assortment for everyday, not just special
occasion and it represented the best buy in the chocolate
for millions of people. The pack design has been regularly
updated and the assortment itself has changed in line
with consumers taste and preferences.

By the end mid- thirties the Cadbury’s Milk Tray

assortment outsold all its competitions and today it is
still one of the most popular boxes of chocolates in this
The secret of Cadbury’s success

What is the secret of Cadbury’s continuing success first

there’s the careful selection of the finest coca beans
from west Africa, as well as tasty hazel nuts from Turkey
and the fine sheet and choicest natural ingredient
available to us anywhere. Finally there’s skillful
marketing Cadbury always takes extreme care in
selecting and marketing the right range of product in
every cause.

The right product, the right partners, the right marketing,

the promotional back up and the right employees. These
are the ingredients in Cadbury’s latest recipes for
Right from the stand Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate
success has been based on 3 factors:
➢ Quality
➢ Value for money
➢ Advertising.
In this research I have survey the product performance
and buying behavior of famous brands of chocolates –
Cadbury, which are consumed by people of all ages.
During this research I have interacted with people. After
this research I came to know how people perceives these
products on the variables like price, quality,
advertisement, satisfaction, taste, packaging, brand
loyalty etc. I also came to know which particular brand of
chocolate is most preferred by people of different age
groups. In this research I have surveyed that how
frequently and how much chocolate they consume,
whether they buy small, big or family pack. Trend of
ongoing changes in their likings has been shown in the
report. In this report I have tried to explain the entire
research and facts product wise.
Marketing has become a pervasive force capable of
guiding and even controlling production. In fact, it is the
market potential and not production resources that
guide a business today. This involves the integration of a
number of activities from the conception of a product
idea to its profitable selling and ultimate consumption.
“Marketing starts and ends with consumer”. In olden
days peoples celebrated the important functions With
sweets and confectionaries. It was just like sugar, but in
the modern days our youngsters celebrate the Functions
with chocolates instead of sweets and confectionaries.
Chocolates occupy a pivotal role in the Industry.
Important events like birthday, wedding day, school and
college days or any other celebrations is Started with a
branded chocolates. In the olden days there were
unorganized industries to make chocolates like
Homemade chocolates. But when days passed many
companies core with variety of chocolates to attract the
Customers in India there are plenty of companies to
make and market chocolate. It does not mean kids alone
Would like to taste chocolates. Nowadays people even at
the 80 & 90 are interested in tasting chocolates. Still
people’s maintain a difference in the universe to prefer
and taste chocolates.
Review of literature

❖Paul Rozin (1991) in his article states that Chocolate

is the most craved food among females, and is
craved by almust half of the female sample (in both
age groups) Although this craving is related to a
sweet craving, it cannot be accounted for as a
craving for sweets. About half of the female cravers
show a very well defined craving peak for chocolate
in the premenstrual period, beginning from a few
days before the onset of menses and extending into
the first few days of menses There is not a significant
relation in chocolate craving or liking between
parents and their children.

❖Sarah Hagget (1994) says that a controversial,

government endorsed campaign to tackle obesity by
encouraging children to exchange chocolate bar
wrappers for sports equipment. A company like
Cadbury is capable of delivering 12 million messages
into the market place and engaging young people in
positive dialogue. Under the scheme, school-
children. Get “free” equipenent when they collect
tokens from Cadbury chocolate bars. It has heen
calculated that children need to collect tokers from
3440 chocolate bars for a nut and set of volleyball

❖Lipp (1998) in his view states that his work reviews

the literature on the compositional data of vegetable
fats used or proposed as alternatives to cocoa butter
in chocolate and confectionery products. Cocoa
butter is the only continuous phase in chocolate,
thus responsible for the despersion of all other
constituents and for the physical behavior of
chocolate. Unique to cocoa butter is its brittleness at
room temperature and its quick and complete
melring at hody tenperature. There were, and are,
strong efforts to replace cocoa butter in part for
Chocolate production for technological and

❖Philip K. Wilson (1999) from his view says that in

1753, the noted nosologist, Carl Linnas, named it
Theobroma cacao, food of the Gods. Two and a half
centuries later, Joanne Hamis emphasized this
exotic’s erotic sensations in her award winning
fiction debut, Chocalar, For millennia, healers have
touted its myriad medicinal, yet mystical, abilities. By
the 1950s, chocolate, what had long been used as a
drug, a food and as a source of currency, was heing
marketed merely as a pleasure-filled snack. Over the
next half century the craving to carve out chocolate’s
healthy, medicinal qualities resurged

❖Jan Wollgast (2000) feels that Cocoa beans are rich

in polyphenols. Particular catechins and
proanthocyanidins However, a sharp decrease in
quantity occurs during fermentation and drying of
cocoa beans and further retention has been
reported during roasting. Characterisation and in
particular quantification of polyphenols in chocolate
has only heen developed relatively recently. This
work reviews further on the literature on the
available methodology for analysis, quantification,
isolation, purification, and structure elucidation of
polyphenols in cucus components and other
commodities The characterization and quantification
of the polyphenol composition is amongst the first
steps to be done tu evaluate a putative contribution
of chocolate to human health.

❖Ankita Singh (2012) made a study on “Brand Image

Measurement towards Cadbury Dairy Milk”. The
main objective of the study is to increase the
consumption and encourage the usage of CPM as an
integral part of sweets. Primary data are collected
through interview method with the sample size of
140 respondents. Toolslike BAV analysis were used
for this study. The outcome of the study reveals that
CPM is a universally accepted brand that instigates a
childlike behavior and happiness among all the age

❖Poateek Pawar (2016) conducted a study entitled

“Consumer Behavior towards Dairy MilkChocolates”.
The main objective of the study is to study the
consumer behavior towards chocolates with
reference to dairy milk and to understand the buying
pattern of the consumers of dairy milk. The study
involves both primary and secondary data. The
primary data were collected through questionnaire
with the sample size of 100 respondents by using
simple random convenience sampling method. The
outcome of the study reveals that the consumers are
satisfied with the product. Consumers are also
pleased for the sugar free chocolates because they
want a product to be more benefit to them as well
as concerned about the health.

❖Karthikeyan (2017) conducted a research, consumer

satisfaction towards dairy milk chocolate. Need for
the study is to find satisfaction level of customer
towards dairy milk. By adopting random sampling
method primary data were collected through
questionnaire with 100 respondents. The finding of
the study include that overall satisfaction level
among the customers is more than 40%.

❖Chakraborty (2010) in a study conducted in

Hyderabad. In India he identified the driving
shopping, motives of Indian consumer. Factor
analysis three shopping motives two of which
related to hedonic shopping motive and one of the
utilitarian. The factor were named as diversion,
socialization and utilitarian. Other dimension are
store attributes, shopping outcomes and shopping
perceived cost.The identified factor could be the key
for discount stores for understanding the shoppers.

❖Dr. Shendge 1 (2012) on his study “A comparative

shoppers Consumer perception towards Cadbury
and nestle chocolates with special reference to Navi
Peth Area in Solapur city” viewed that chocolate is
liked and eaten by all age groups of people.

❖Prof. R.C.S. Rajpurohit and Dr. M.L.. Vasita (2011) on

their study “consumer preference and satisfaction
towards various mobile phone service providers an
exploratory study m Jodhapur city. Rajasthan”
conducted that on 250 mobile phone users of
various mobile phone service providers such as
Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, Reliance, Idea and few other
players. The result derived from this study indicate
that the factor induces the consumer to buy a
particular mobile phone operator followed by a
network coverage and brand.
❖Dr. S. Subadra (2010) on their study Consumer
Perceptions and Behaviour: A Study with special
reference to Car Owners in Namakkal District”
reviewed that the market is now predominately
consumer driver. The focuses shifting for product
based marketing to need based marketing. So it is
important to study the consumer perception and
behaviour of the car owners which will give as
feedback on how marketing strategy can be worked.
Namakal town in Tamilnadu, which is in the southern
part of India, which progressive and growing market
for cars. The simple random sampling technique was
adopted in the study to select the sample
respondents. As the size of the universe is respected,
the study has been conducted on the respondents of
all the segments of passenger cars. Cluster analysis
has been used to identify the consumer with similar
taste and preference with respect to purchase of car.
This study is concluded that consumer behaviour
plays a vital role in marketing cars and there is more
scope for extensive Research in this area.
❖Anil Mathur (2001) 151 on his study “A study of
changes in Brand preference “stated the brand
preference are usually studied by attempting to
profile and understand royal consumers. This paper
presents a study of changes in brand preference.
Theory and research is used to proper and test a
model based on proposition the changes in brand
preference and their development on the result of
life event that service as marker of life transitions.
Changes are viewed to be result of adjustments to
new life conditions and changes in life time to cope
with stressful life changes. The data support these
notions and suggest implications for consumer

❖Usha.V (2007) in her study “A Study on Buying

Behavior of Consumers towards Instant Food
Products in Kolar District” stated that In India,
majority of food consumption is still at home.
Nevertheless, out-of-home food consumption is
increasing due to increase in urbanization, breaking
up of the traditional joint family system, desire for
quality, time which translates into an increased need
for convenience, increasing number of working
women, rise in per capita income, changing lifestyles
and increasing level of affluence in the middle
income group had brought about changes in food

❖A.AYANBIMIPE (2005) has tested a take a look at at

the have an impact on of marketing and marketing
on client logo preference. The goal of the Take a look
at hasto study the have an impact on on client
shopping for behaviour, decide the have an impact
on of age on marketing and marketing and Make
advice for development in marketing and marketing
and logo management. The take a look at changed
into primarily based totally at the survey of 315
randomly decided on consumers .The gear used to
research the information may be chi-rectangular and
percent analysis. The takea look at has to Discover
the marketing and marketing has a main have an
impact on on client preference. The take a look at
changed into concluded via way of means Of the
marketing and marketing does now no longer
various effect on age group.

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