By Christopher Wilson
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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A Frosty Reception
”The snow doesn’t give a soft white The girl open the door fully, revealing
damn whom it touches.” the simple the interior of the small
—E.E. Cummings, cabin. The old woman comes to the door
and welcomes you in with a large smile on
Enter the Snow Maiden her face. She is dressed in simple
peasant clothing and a head scarf. In a
While in the town of Krezk, the player rocking chair next to a fireplace sits an
characters have a chance for some down old man wearing similar clothing.
time. While helping the townsfolk with
day to day chores, they have the However, your eyes are immediately drawn
opportunity to meet Snegurochka. If
to the stunning beauty that is the girl
all else fails, the burgermeister of
Snegurochka. Her pale skin and blue eyes
Krezk will introduce her to the party.
are accentuated by a royal blue gown
rimmed in white wolf’s fur. Her lips seem
Ideally, meeting Snegurochka will
a bright red against the flowing blonde
happen before the player characters
travel to the Abbey of St. Markovia. hair braided and swept to one side over
Depending on how things transpire in her shoulder.
the Abbey, future events can start to
happen very quickly moving towards the Alotonia invites the player characters
final showdown with Strahd. in and offers to make them tea.
Likewise, Ivar offers the party his
The Petrovnas small pouch of pipeweed. The old
couple is extremely gracious and
Ivar and Alotonia live in a small two
Alotonia invites them for dinner. A
room cabin on the northwestern side of
beet stew is simmering over the fire
Krezk. A small larder can be found in
and Snegurochka goes back to the small
the basement. Ivar and Alotonia live
kitchen area to continue rolling flour
here with their daughter Snegurochka.
for bread.
They are an older couple, appearing to
be in their 60s while Snegurochka
During and after dinner, Snegurochka
seems to be in her mid 20s.
continues to be cold to the player
characters but Altonia and Ivar are
When PCs come to the Petrovna
warm and share their home generously.
residence, read or paraphrase the
At the DM’s discretion, have the
player characters make a Charisma
saving throw DC 15. This is
completely optional, but failure means
You knock on the door and after a brief they begin to have feelings for
wait a beautiful young woman with Snegurochka, despite her frigid
alabaster skin cracks the door slightly. demeanor. This will effect whether An
Odd Awakening takes place.
“Yes? What do you want? There are no
adventures to be found here.” She says While sitting around the fire, after
coldly, her sapphire blue eyes piercing dinner, read or paraphrase the
you like daggers. following:
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Alotonia speaks up as she sips her tea,
“even with the devil Strahd, our wish for
a daughter was granted!”
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A Cold, Cold Night
”Walls have ears. Doors have eyes.
Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies.” The old woman is actually Baba Lysaga,
—Catherine Fischer, Incarceron known as the witch of Berez. After
gathering the PCs and moving inside,
Alotonia and Ivar invite the player she continues her tale.
characters to stay the night. They
can only offer warm blankets and the
floor, but “it is far too cold to Alotonia offers Baba Lysaga some tea,
tread out into the night.” Ivar which she graciously accepts. “I have
breaks out two bottles of Purple Grape been aware of Snegurochka for some time.
Mash No. 5 wine from the Wizard of And I am aware of her desire to fall in
Wines and it truly appears that the love. I have a way to make this happen.”
Petrovnas are happy for the company.
Snegurochka shuts the to door to the Snegurochka seems genuinely intrigued by
private room and goes to sleep for the this and leans closer. “Tell me. How can
I make this happen,” she says.
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Into the Deep Forest
”A cold wind was blowing from the block). The player characters should
north, and it made the trees rustle make another Dexterity(Stealth) check
like living things.” versus the Krampus’ Passive Perception
—George R.R. Martin, A Song of of 14. Failure causes one of the
Ice and Fire Krampus to take Snegurochka deeper into
the woods while the second Krampus
Assuming that the player characters attacks the PCs. If the second Krampus
agree to follow Snegurochka, have them gets to half or less its Hit Points, it
make a group Dexterity(Stealth) check will retreat.
versus Snegurochka’s Passive
Perception of 12. On the first The first Krampus, or both if the PCs
failure, Snegurochka is spooked but remain hidden, will use their Charm
continues on. On a second failure, racial ability on Snegurochka and lead
she calls out the PCs. They will then her to the “Krampus Cave.”
need a Charisma(Persuasion) check at
DC 12 to convince her to allow them to Random Encounters
accompany her.
While travelling through the Svalich
Woods, feel free to throw in a random
The forest should be dark, creepy, and
encounter. If the encounter takes
cold in a typical fairy tale style.
longer than 4 rounds, the player
Hooting owls, the howl of a wolf, the
characters will need to succeed at a
creak of trees blowing in the wind
Wisdom (Survival) check to pick up the
should all be sounds that are heard.
trail and continue following
Shadows of trees appear to be claw-
like and looking up at the actual
trees should not be a comfort.
Roll D6 Encounter
Read or paraphrase the following:
A Krampus Clearing
Close to midnight, the party will
follow Snegurochka to a small clearing.
A large fire is blazing in the middle
of the clearing with two demonic
creatures dancing and singing around it.
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The Krampus Cave
”When you are wrestling for possession and west walls. See the
of a sword, the man with the handle “Solstice Temple” section for
always wins.” more information on this room.
—Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
3. Five goblin-like creatures
An old, giant, tree lies on it’s side
wearing jester’s hats sit around
rotting in the Svalich Wood. It’s
a table rolling bone dice.
enormous root ball appearing like the
Filthy straw mats can be found on
head of a giant medusa; it’s roots
the floor and a small cooking
clawing at the forest canopy like a
fire is in the northwest corner.
million snakes in the dark of night.
A pot hangs over the fire by a
A roughed out set of carved stairs
chain connected to some roots
lead down into a cave under the giant
growing through the dirt in the
root ball with a pair of flickering
ceiling. Use the Goblin stat
torches flanking the entrance.
block from the Monster Manual but
add the Etheral Jaunt ability of
Cave Map Locations a Phase Spider and change the
creature type to Small Fey. The
goblins will attack following a
surprise round.
Unless otherwise noted, the cave should have the following
4. This long, wide, hall is lined
Ceilings: All ceilings are 7 feet in height and are dirt and mud with six cages made from tree
brick in construction. Roots can be seen coming through the roots along the north wall.
ceiling in most locations. In the Solstice Temple, ceilings are 10 Three of these cages are occupied
feet tall and made entirely of mud brick. by emaciated children. Two of
the children were taken from the
Passages: Hallways are 10 feet wide and dug out of raw dirt town of Vallaki and the third
with mud brick and timber reinforcement. Doorways are 5 feet from the town of Krezk. The
wide and usually covered with a simple burlap cloth, rather than children will beg to be set free
a door. The entrance to the Solstice Temple is 10 feet wide and and will promise to be good from
consists of dual timber doors with copper and iron handles.
now on if the player character’s
will help them.
Floors: The floors are uneven and dug out from the dirt with
sections of mud brick. Roots coming out from the wall and up
through the floor cause the floors to be considered difficult 5. This room is setup like a small
terrain. The floor of the Solstice Temple is entirely mud brick kitchen with a kiln-like oven in
and an even surface. one corner. A blood stained
butchers block sits in the center
1. Root Ball Entrance. The rough of the room and a crank operated
hewn dirt and mud brick stairs grinding wheel sits to one side.
lead down to a wide room. Exits Two of the goblin-like creatures
covered with brown burlap flaps found in room 3 can be found here
lead out of the room to the west grinding small bones into a flour
and to the north. An like dust. They’ll be surprised
Intelligence (Survival) check at by the PCs but will attack
DC 12 reveals tracks by bipedal following a surprise round.
hooved creatures leading north
and smaller footprints leading 6. This room contains a number of
both north and west. wooden chests that are filled
with children’s toys, stuffed
2. The Solstice Temple. This large animals, and clothing. None of
room is dominated by a stone the clothing has been folded and
alter near the southern wall and it seems that these items have
is lit by torches along the east simply been discarded in the
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chests. Two of the goblin-like
creatures found in room 3 are What the player characters do not know
here going through the chests. is that Baba Lysaga has already
They will attack immediately informed Strahd that his new bride is
following a surprise round. awaiting him. Strahd will arrive in
15 rounds. He will not fight to the
death, but this can be a good chance
to slap the players around a bit.
Once Strahd has dropped two of the
player characters to 0 hit points or
if he takes half the hit points saved
in the Heart of Sorrow, he will either
grab Snegurochka and flee or he will
change to mist form and flee.
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The Love of the Ages
”Well I know now. I know a little
more how much a simple thing like a A sleigh, pulled by an overly large white
snowfall can mean to a person.” stag, makes it’s way through the village
—Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged of Krezk. Adults and children alike seem
Journals of Sylvia Plath to follow the sleigh but keep a short
distance behind it. An old man with a
If Strahd has been successful in long white beard and dressed in a long,
taking Snegurochka, she will fall in hooded, royal blue coat rimmed with white
love with him over the course of wolf fur holds the reins. Every so
three days. However, if the player often, the man will reach behind him and
characters are successful in rescuing pull a package out of a bag and throw it
Snegurochka, she will fall in love from the sleigh. Children that pick up
with one of them. The obvious choice these packages find that they are filled
is the character that was involved in with sweets or small toys.
“An Odd Awakening.” If you chose to
not use that section, you can The Petrovnas come out of their home and
randomly choose a player character. whisper the name, “Ded Moroz…the druid of
old,” and immediately start to follow the
Because of the time spent with the The old man stops the sleigh at the pool
player characters, Snegurochka will in the northwest corner of town. He
fall in love at first sight with the singles out the Petrovnas and says, “I
PC of your choosing. The magic of know you have recently suffered a great
love will cause her to feel it’s loss. Don’t cry. Snegurochka is still
warmth for the first time. This with us.” Reaching to a pouch on his
causes her to cry tears of joy and belt, he cups a handful of sparkling dust
begin to evaporate into a misty cloud and blows it from his hand. Swirling in
that will dissipate into the room. a cloud, the dust starts to take shape
She will completely vanish within a and in but a moment, Snegurochka stands
next to him! “The Snow Maiden shall be
my helper and shall visit you at this
The player characters will have to go
time each year!” He proclaims. With
back to Krezk to give the sad news to
that, he and Snegurochka start to hand
Snegurochka’s adoptive parents.
out packages to each of the assembled
Ded Moroz Comes to Town villagers. But Ded Moroz has a special
gift for those that attempted to help The
Snegurochka’s parents are, obviously, Snow Maiden!
beside themselves with grief over the
loss of their adopted daughter.
However, they hold no ill will
towards the player characters. Three Roll d100 on Magic Item Table F on
days later, on the morning of what page 146 of the Dungeon Master’s
would be the winter solstice, an old Guide for each player character.
man visits the town. These are the gifts given for the PCs
assistance. Once his gifts are given
Read or paraphrase the following: out, Snegurochka hugs her parents and
thanks the player characters. Ded
Moroz then rides the sleigh out of
town and soon disappears into the the
Svalic Woods.
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Switch Attack: The Krampus makes an attack with it’s
Medium fey, neutral
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 27 (5d8+5)
Speed: 30 ft.
12(+1) 14(+2) 14(+2) 12(+1) 12(+1) 8(-2)
Multiattack: The Krampus makes three melee attacks.
Legendary Actions
Move: The Krampus moves up to it’s speed without
provoking attacks of opportunity.
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