Ism Help
Ism Help
Ism Help
How do I install ISM ? A. Run SETUP.EXE from the CD Q. What is the recommeded system configuration for running ISM with Windows based applications ? A. Any computer running Windows 3.1/95/98/NT. ISM takes around 4-5Mb of disk space for software and approx. 50 KB for each ISFOC font. Q. If I install ISM for Windows, will all my applications running under Windows support ISM ? A. Yes and No. There are many reasons for this. If an application does not allow the usage of different fonts such as Windows Notepad then you can not use ISM and ISFOC fonts in it. If an application does not allow usage of 8-bit codes (256 characters), such as WordStar for Windows ISM can not support it. If an application expects the key strokes in a different way than the normal way of doing it, then the ISM software has to be modified to take care of it. W i n d o w s Q u e s t i o n s --------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Why is it not possible to modify an already entered word in the same way it was keyed-in? A. In ISM it is not possible to modify a word as it was entered. The keyed-in phonetic codes are converted into font codes (ISFOC Codes) for display, and the original codes are not retained. So it is not possible to modify text within a word. However it is possible to remove and enter a word again. Q. Can I sort on a column or field in a spreadsheet or database package under Windows ? A. It is not possible to do a proper sort in windows based applications as ISFOC codes are used for storage and display. ISFOC is basically a font code in which different shapes of various characters in a script is available. Since ISFOC is not a alphabetic code, it is not possible to arrange it in a dictionary sorting order. Also some conjuncts can be written in different forms with alternative display variants. Q. Characters are not aligning properly in PageMaker, when text is
justified. What to do ? A. While justifying a paragraph, by default, PageMaker tries to put micro-spaces between characters. This does not matter for an English text, but in Indian scripts, where characters overlap on each other, this will create misalignment of characters inside words. By specifying proper values for the paragraph specification, this can be avoided. In the paragraph option of the Type menu, click the spacing button. The "Spacing attributes" dialog box will appear. In that, for the Letter space, specify zero for all the Minimum, Desired and Maximum parameters. Q. When a write file created by A2IWIN is placed in PageMaker, character in location 96 is not coming. (See the ISFOC code chart for a specific script, e.g. "tha" in Devanagari.) How do I get it converted properly ? A. You will have to switch 'Off' the "Convert Quotes" option in the PageMaker's Place dialog box. Q. When I fit a Devanagari text on a circle using the "Fit Text to Path" command in CorelDraw, all the top bars in Devanagari (shirorekas) are splitting. Is there any way to get it properly connected ? A. The CorelDraw "Fit Text to Path" command is basically made with English in mind. While fitting the text over a circle, it tries to put spaces between the characters, which is causing the top bars in Devanagari to split. So this command can not be used as such. There are two ways of getting it done. One, "Convert the Text to Curves" and modify it as you wish. Other, you can edit the "Envelop" and drag the boundaries so as to make the text bend over a circle. Q. I want to type English capital letters with CAPS-LOCK on while ISM is active. What do I do ? A. You can temporarily deactivate ISM by pressing <CTRL>+<SPACE>. Then with CAPS-LOCK 'On' you can get English capital letter. This works in a toggle manner. This is possible from the ISM menu also. When ISM is disabled you will get [Disabled] below the ISM icon. Q.What are the settings to be done in LOTUS-Wordpro. A. In the Lotus Wordpro "Smartcorrect" settings should be made "off".Since the " Smartcorrect" feature is been designed for english this feature can't be used fo r Indian languages.The procedure for making "Smartcorrect" feature "off" is give n below: 1.From the File menu, choose User Setup, and then choose Word Pro Preferences. 2.Click the Enable panel. 3.To turn off SmartCorrect, deselect "SmartCorrect" in the "General usage" box. 4.Click OK. Q.What are the settings to be done in LOTUS-123 A.In Lotus 123 to make spreadsheets user needs to set up default font like DVB-T T SurekhEN so that he can use this font to type in indian language in the spread sheet cells.The procedure for setting the default font is given below: 1.From the File menu, choose User Setup, and then choose 1-2-3 Preferences. 2.Click the New Workbook Defaults tab in the dialog box. 3.Under Text format, select a font like DVB-TT Surekh EN., point size. 4.Click OK. Then you can use the font in whole spreadsheet.
Q.How to work in Lotus 123. A.In Lotus 123 to move between cells and type in indian languges follow the proc edure given below: 1.Double click the cell using mouse or Press key fuction key "F2" in which you want to type and start typing. 2.To type in the next cell Double Click using mouse in that cell and start typin g or press "Enter" and move to next cell ,press "F2" and start typing. In Lotus 123 user may not see some characters in the cells with bilingual fonts like DVB-TT Surekh while typing in those cells because of some display problem i n LOTUS 123.If you move to next cell characters will be visible. Its observed th at this problem will not occur in monolingual fonts. So it is recommended to use monolingual fonts in Lotus 123. Q.What are the settings to be done in MS-WORD. A.For use in Ms-Word the following options have to be taken care of : a) In the font menu select a bilingual font e.g. DVB-TTSurekhEN. b) Go to 'Tools' then to 'AutoCorrect' and switch off all the options available. Say O.K. c) If typing a bilingual document (with e.g. caps lock) creates a problem then g o to 'Tools', 'Customize', 'Keyboard', 'Fileprintpreview' and 'Remove' both the shortcuts mentioned in the 'Current key' option. d) Put ON the script key (for e.g. capslock key) and start working. Q.What are the settings to be done in MS-EXCEL. A.For use in MS-Excel : a) First select (highlight) the entire plain document. b) Select the particular bilingual font. c) Put ON the script key (for e.g. capslock) and start working. Q.Is ISM Works in Word 97 under Windows NT. A.ISM do not work in WORD 97 under Windows NT operating system.The updates will be given once the solution is been found for the above apllication. Q. Is ISM Works in LOTUS Freelance Graphics. a.In Lotus Freelancegraphics under Windows 95,98 user will be able to type dire ctly in the slide design view using Monolingual fonts like DV-TT Surekh etc. In Windows NT user can type the text in Wordpad using ISM and copy that text and paste into freelance graphics.Then apply the font on the text. I S M U t i l i t i e s --------------------------------------------------------------------Q. When I convert an ISCII (PC-ACII) file created using GIST card with A2IWIN and opened it in Write, I get only junk. What went wrong in my conversion ? A. GIST Card uses two different codes, ACII (also called as 8-bit ISCII), and the PC-ISCII. Text which is entered in the DATA PAGE (8bit), or in the PC-ISCII mode of the SP or the GIST Card ALP, needs the PC-ISCII button to be ON (by default ISCII is selected) for A2IWIN. You can also use the GIST Code CONVERT utility, which is there in your ISM directory for converting between different codes. Other than GIST and ALP, there are some other packages available in the market which uses
the ISCII code. But may be the old version, ISCII-86. You can use the CNVISCII utility available in the ISM directory to convert them to the ISCII-88, which is the ALP and the ACI2ISF standard. You can check out the code of a particular file by running the TELLCODE utility followed by the file name which you want to convert. Q. How to get the Script numerals instead of International numerals in the files converted by A2IWIN ? A. By switching "Off" (Un-Checked) the "English Numerals" check box in the A2IWIN dialogue box. Q. Can a specific font be selected for different scripts while converting an ACII file using A2IWIN ? A. To select the font of your choice during conversion select the Default Script and click on the "Choose Font" button. You will see a dialogue box showing all the various typefaces installed in your system. Select the font and the point size of your choice from that dialogue box. Then your document will be converted with that font you have specified. Q. How to disable the Inscript Keyboard overlay without removing it ? A. By pressing <CTRL>+<SPACE> you can disable the Inscript Keyboard overlay in Windows. This will toggle the Keyboard overlay between the Inscript and the normal QWERTY mode.
I S F O C F o n t s R e l a t e d Q u e s t i o n s --------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are Matching English Fonts ? A. These are English fonts made to match a specific typeface of a script by look, style, weight and size. This removes a lot of irritation in selecting a matching English font for a script face, which saves time and gives a better look to multilingual documents. For e.g. 12 point Normal DV1-TTYogesh (English) font will optically match 12 point Normal DV-TTYogesh (Devanagari) font. Q. What about Sanskrit in ISFOC Devanagari ? A. With ISM 2.5 Devanagari version, Sanskrit has been provided. One font SD-TTSurekh (Normal and Bold) with around 50 traditional conjuncts is included.
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