Grand Strategies

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Grand Strategies:

 Sever the Head - kill all your opponent’s heroes.

 Hold the Line - keep your Battleline units alive.
 Vendetta - kill your opponents general, but yours lives.
 Dominating Presence - you have more units left than your opponent.
 Beast Master - you still have monsters alive.
 Prized Sorcery - you still have wizards alive.
 Pillars of Belief - you still have priests alive.
 Predator's Domain - You control more terrain than your opponent.
Core Battalions:
 Warlord
 Battle Regiment
 Redemption Brotherhood
 Grand Battery
 Brotherhood Command
 Vanguard
 Soulstrike Brotherhood
 Linebreaker
 Command Entourage

Scions of the Storm – set a unit on the side as reserve unit (1 unit for each unit on the battlefield). At the
end of movement phase, set up 1 or more of the units on the battlefield, more than 9” from all enemy
-Bastian Carthalos:
 Castellan of Azyr – at the start of the first battle round, after determining who has the first turn
and before the first turn begin, pick D3 units and set them up again.
 Voice of Thunder – once per turn, this unit can issue a command without CP.
-Lord Imperatant:
 Distinguished Leader – once per turn, this unit can issue a command without CP.

1. Hero Phase
The player who takes the first turn gets 1 CP, the player who takes the second turn gets 2 CP.
-Battle tactic:
 Bring it down - kill an enemy monster.
 Aggressive Expansion - take 2 objectives not wholly within your territory.
 Monstrous Takeover - control an objective with a monster.
 Savage Spearhead - have 2 units wholly within enemy territory.
 Broken Ranks - kill an enemy Battleline unit.
 Conquer - take an objective from your opponent.
 Slay the Warlord - kill the enemy general.
 Ferocious Advance - run 3 units and end with each unit within 3" of the others.
 Pioneers of the Realms – all objectives in your opponent’s territory are contested by friendly
Cities of Sigmar units.
 No Challenge Too Great – an enemy Hero is slain by a melee weapon by a Redeemer unit.
 Hammerstrike Assault – an enemy Hero of their starting army with Wounds of 10 or more and 0
wounds allocated is slain.
 Ligthing-shattered Morale – an enemy unit with Bravery of 10 or more flees.
 Draconith Destruction – an enemy unit of 10 or more models is destroyed by Draconith, Stardrake
or Dracoth.
 A Matter of Honour: 1 enemy Monster is destroyed by Draconith or Stardrake.
(Each tactic only once per battle)
-Heroic Action:
 Heroic Leadership – get a CP with a Hero with a 4+ (add 2 to roll if your general has been slain).
 Heroic Willpower – a Hero (not Wizard) can unbind 1 spell (enemy’s phase) or dispel 1 endless
spell (your phase) as a Wizard.
 Their Finest Hour – a Hero gets +1 for attacks and +1 for save (only one Hero per battle).
 Heroic Recovery – roll 2D6, a Hero heals D3 wounds if it’s less than their Bravery, 1 wound if it’s
equal to their Bravery.

-Command Abilities:
 Rally – a unit more than 3” from all enemy units rolls 1 dice for each slain model and gets a model
back for each 6.
 Tunderbolt Volley – a Justicar or Angelos unit can shoot in the hero phase, issued by a Knight
wholly within 12”/Lord or Draconith wholly within 18”.
 Dazzling Radiance – return 1 slain model to a unit with Wounds 3 or less, wholly within 12”.
-Bastian Carthalos:
 The Thunderborn – roll the number of dice equal to Wounds of an enemy unit, for each 6 it suffers
1 mortal wound.
-Knight Vexillor:
 The Banner of the Reforged – pick 3 units wholly within 12”. Once: heal D3 wounds/return slain
models with D3 combined Wounds or less. Twice: heal 2D3 wounds/return slain models with 2D3
combined Wounds or less. Thrice: heal 3D3 wounds/return slain models with 3D3 combined
Wounds or less.
-Knight Draconis:
 Warth of the Draconith – once per battle, in the hero phase, pick a Stormdrake Guard wholly
within 12” that has not made a shooting attack and it can shoot.
-Stormdrake Guard:
 Draconic Onslaught - once per battle, in the hero phase, this unit can make a normal move. Roll
a dice if any enemy units are within 12”. On a 2+, it can attempt a charge.
Roll a 2D6. If it is equal to or greater than the casting value, it is successfully cast. With a casting roll of 2,
the spell is miscast: the caster suffers D3 mortal wounds and cannot cast more spells in that hero phase.
Your opponent can pick 1 Wizard within 30” of the caster to unbind the spell with an unbinding roll of
2D6. If it is greater than the roll used to cast the spell, the spell is unbound.
 Knight Draconis:
Arcane Heritage – each time is is affected by a spell, ignore it on a 4+.
 Knight Arcanum:
Indomitable Loreseekers – predatory endless spells cannot pass across or finish within 3”.
Make a chanting roll with a dice, if it is equal to or greater than the answer value, the prayer is answered.
On an unmodified chanting roll of 1, the chanting Priest suffers Divine Wrath, suffering 1 mortal wound.

2. Movement Phase
- Normal move: inches equal or less to Move, not within 3” of enemy units.
- Retreat: inches equal or less to Move, more than 3” from enemy units. Cannot shoot or charge.
- Run: make a run roll and add to Move, not within 3” of enemy unit. Cannot shoot or charge.
-Command Abilities:
 At the Double: a unit directly adds 6” to its Move.
 Redeploy: after the enemy finishes a normal move, run or retreat, a unit within 9” makes a D6”
move more than 3” from enemy units. Cannot shoot later.
-Lord Imperatant:
 Guided by Lightning – at the end of your movement phase, pick a unit of 3 or less Wounds in
reserve. Set up that unit more than 7” from enemy units instead of 9”.

3. Shooting Phase
Make shooting attacks with each model in every unit. A unit within 3” of an enemy unit can only target
enemies within 3”.
 Look out, Sir! – Subtract 1 from hit roll from a missile attack to an enemy Hero with less than 10
Wounds within 3” of an enemy unit of 3 or more models.
-Command Abilities:
 All-out Attack – add 1 to hit rolls for attacks by a unit until the end of the phase.
 All-out Defence – add 1 to save rolls for attacks to a unit until the end of the phase.
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Navigators of the Storm – if it wounds an enemy unit with Bow, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks on
that target until end of turn.

4. Charge Phase
Pick a unit within 12” of an enemy. Charge roll 2D6, move a distance in inches equal or less than the charge
-Command Abilities:
 Forward to Victory – re-roll the charge roll for that unit.
 Unleash Hell – after an enemy unit finishes a charge move, within 9” of that unit and more than
3” from all other enemy units, your unit can shoot in that phase, with -1 hit tolls and can only
target the unit that charged.
-Monstrous Rampage:
 Roar – pick 1 enemy unit within 3” and roll a dice, on a 3+ that unit cannot issue or receive
commands in the next combat phase.
 Stomp – pick 1 enemy unit within 3” that is not a Monster and roll a dice, on a 2+ it suffers D3
mortal wounds.
 Titanic Duel – pick an enemy Monster within 3” of this model, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks by this
model to that Monster until the end of the next combat phase.
 Smash to Rubble – pick 1 faction/defensible terrain feature within 3” of this model and roll a dice,
on a 3+ it is demolished / its rules cannot be used.
-Anvils of the Heldenhammer:
 Deathly Aura – at the end of the charge phase, roll 2D6 for each enemy unit within 1”. If the roll
is greater than their Bravery, their first 2 wounds are neglected.
-Knight Vexillor:
 Soul-charged Icon – re-roll charge rolls for units within 12”.

5. Combat Phase
Pick a unit within 3” of an enemy. Make a pile-in move with each model of the unit (up to 3”). Make
combat attacks with each model within range of an enemy model.
-Command Abilities:
 All-out Attack – add 1 to hit rolls for attacks by a unit until the end of the phase.
 All-out Defence – add 1 to save rolls for attacks to a unit until the end of the phase.
 The Prime Huntress – with enemy Monsters within 3”, add 10 to number of wounds when
determining the row on their damage table.
 Champion of Sigmar – ward of 4+.
-Bastian Carthalos:
 Mantle of the First Storm – at the end of a phase, if any enemy models were slain by wounds by
this unit, heal all wounds.
-Knight Draconis:
 Dragged into the Tempest – after all his attacks, pick 1 enemy unit within 1” and roll a dice. If it’s
greater than its Wounds, 1 model in that unit is slain.
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Stormsoul Arsenal – a hit roll of 6 is 1 mortal wound.
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Blazing Impact – after this unit is set up on the battlefield for the first time, roll a dice for each
enemy unit within 10”. On a 3+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. You can re-roll charge rolls
if set up in the same turn.
 Force of a Falling Star – after a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1” and roll a number of
dice equal to that charge roll (-1 with 2 models, -2 with 1 model). For each 4+, 1 mortal wound.
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Soul-forged Guardians – at the start of first battle round, pick 1 Hero to be bound to. Before
allocating a wound or mortal wound to that Hero within 3”, roll a dice. 1-2, mortal wound to the
Hero. 3-4, to this unit instead. 5-6, negated.
-Stormdrake Guard:
 Champion – add 1 to Attacks.
 Merciless Impact – Drakerider’s Lances have a Rend of -2 instead of -1 and Damage of 2 instead
of 1 if it made a charge.
 Dragged into the Tempest – after all his attacks, pick 1 enemy unit within 1” and roll a dice. If it’s
greater than its Wounds, 1 model in that unit is slain.

6. Battleshock Phase
Take a battleshock test for each unit that had models slain. Roll a dice and add the number of slain models.
It it’s greater that the unit’s Bravery, the test has failed. For each point by which the roll exceeds Bravery,
1 model in that unit flees.
-Command Abilities:
 Inspiring Presence – the unit does not have to take battleshock tests.
 Hawk of the Celestial Skies – do not take battleshock tests for units wholly within 12”.
 Standard Bearer – add 1 to Bravery.
Objectives: a player gains control of an objective which is within 6” of any model and more than 6” from
an enemy model. When contested, you gain control with more models than enemy models. Each Monster
counts as 5 models, each model with 5 or more Wounds that is not a Monster counts as 2 models.

Roll a 2D6. If it is equal to or greater than the casting value, it is successfully cast. With a casting roll of 2,
the spell is miscast: the caster suffers D3 mortal wounds and cannot cast more spells in that hero phase.
Your opponent can pick 1 Wizard within 30” of the caster to unbind the spell with an unbinding roll of
2D6. If it is greater than the roll used to cast the spell, the spell is unbound.
 Knight Draconis:
Arcane Heritage – each time is is affected by a spell, ignore it on a 4+.
 Knight Arcanum:
Indomitable Loreseekers – predatory endless spells cannot pass across or finish within 3”.
Blaze of the Heavens – casting value of 7 and range of 18” (+2” wholly within other Thunderstrike
units), 1 enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
 Lightning Blast – casting value of 5, closest visible enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
 Azyrite Halo – casting value of 5 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord or Draconith. Pick a
friendly unit. An attacking enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound if the unmodified save roll for that
unit is 6.
 Chain Lightning - casting value of 6 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord or Draconith. 1
enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, and each other enemy unit within 6” suffers 1 mortal
wound on a 3+.
 Thundershock - casting value of 6 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord or Draconith. Roll
a dice for each visible enemy unit, on a 3+ subtract 1 from wound rolls.
 Starfall - casting value of 5 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord or Draconith. Pick 1 visible
point on the battlefield, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3”. On a 3+, that unit cannot make
pile-in moves.
 Arcane Bolt – casting value of 5 and range of 12”, pick 1 visible enemy unit within range at the
start of any phase before your next hero phase. It suffers 1 mortal wound, or D3 mortal wounds
if within 3”.
 Mystic Shield - casting value of 5 and range of 12”, pick a visible unit wholly within range and add
1 to save rolls until next hero phase.
Make a chanting roll with a dice, if it is equal to or greater than the answer value, the prayer is answered.
On an unmodified chanting roll of 1, the chanting Priest suffers Divine Wrath, suffering 1 mortal wound.
 Lord Relictor (priest):
Mortis Priest – add 1 to chanting rolls.
Healing Storm – answer value of 4 and range of 12”, 1 visible unit heals up to D3 wounds.
Lightning Storm – answer value of 4 and range of 12”, 1 visible unit suffers D3 mortal wounds
and subtracts 1 from hit rolls.
 Divine Light – answer value of 3 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord. Pick 1 visible enemy
unit, re-roll hit rolls of 1.
 Translocation – answer value of 3 and range of 9” with Knight/12” with Lord. 1 visible unit can
be set up again anywhere on the battlefield more than 9” from enemy units.
 Bless Weapon – answer value of 3 and range of 12” with Knight/18” with Lord. Pick 1 visible unit,
unmodified hit rolls of 6 score 2 hits. Wound and save roll for each hit.
 Bless – answer value of 4 and range of 12”, a friendly unit has a ward of 6+ until next hero phase.
 Smite – answer value of 2 and range of 48”, a visible enemy Priest suffers 1 mortal wounds. If the
chanting roll was 6 or more, they suffer D3 mortal wounds.

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