English 8 Worksheet - Contextclues
English 8 Worksheet - Contextclues
English 8 Worksheet - Contextclues
You are about to explore Context Clues. Read and understand the important concepts presented.
Enjoy learning!
Read the notes below for you to be guided on the lesson.
Context Clues are hints found within a statement, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand
the meaning of new or unfamiliar words. In literature, these are used by writers to readers to better
understand the concept of what they are reading.
1. DEFINITION CONTEXT CLUES give the meaning of the unfamiliar word right in the sentence.
It is equated to a more familiar word or phrase. In literary pieces, authors include a definition to help
the reader understand the meaning of a word.
Example: “The galabia, a loose -fitting hooded gown or robe worn by men in North Africa, is
usually worn during festivities.”
-The term galabia is already defined in the sentence.
2. EXAMPLE CONTEXT CLUES are used when the author employs specific examples to define the
term. Several words or statements that give clues to the word’s meaning are provided.
Example: “Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many
hours doing sedentary activities like reading, watching television, or playing video games.”
3. ANTONYM OR CONTRAST CLUES use a word with an opposite definition to give the meaning
of the vocabulary word. The author uses another word or phrase that means the opposite of an
unfamiliar word.
Example: “Lena’s parrot was loquacious but Jim’s said very little.
-The word ‘but’ is included in the sentence to show that an opposite thought is presented- as with the
word ‘unlike’ to show comparison.
4. SYNONYM OR RESTATEMENT CLUES are used when the author uses a word having the same
or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a sentence. The words or ideas mean
the same.
Example: “After seeing the photos of people infected with corona virus, we all felt compassion or
pity for their heartbreaking situation.”
A. Instruction: Each sentence has context clues to help you figure out the meaning of the highlighted
word. Circle the correct meaning of each highlighted word.
1. The long hike up to the top of the mountain was currently grueling.
a. loud b. tiring c. easy d. beautiful
5. The parking lot was so congested, it took half an hour to get out.
a. empty b. hot c. crowded d. full
To summarize the lesson, write at least five sentences on your understanding about context clues below.
What is the effect or impact of these to you as a student in terms of writing and communicating effectively?