My Career Plan
My Career Plan
My Career Plan
First thing about career plan is discovering my abilities. Expertise is thing that we figured out how to
do. People have a lot of skills that they don't know about. Identifying our skills help to find us our ideal
job. It includes finding out what is important for you in job and what kind of decision maker we are.
Career planning is answer of the question "what am I doing after graduation?" after graduation most
people experiences the job search. Job hunting is an activity that a lot of us would just avoid if
possible. We are aware that in today's world having a job became necessity of life. Even the best
workers in the world cannot be through no fault in their lives. We always change our minds and we
have may made wrong choices or the job that held such promise has turned to dust. As a senior in
the College of Staten Island many students ponder the big question of life that seems to be asked by
many. No, that question is not where you want to go after college, what are you doing after college,
that question would be where you see yourself in ten years. I have numerous objectives and
yearnings that I might want to achieve inside the following ten years of my life. In ten years, I can see
myself having many my objective achieved, if not accomplished, I will be working on accomplishing
those goals to fulfill my life.
My objectives
At the end of the way, I want to be recognizing as a successful person who achieved all the goals she
planned and left a positive impression in people's lives. I will have to work as hard as I can to get that
recognition and I am willing to do what it takes to get that point. I approach everything in life with
positive attitude and lots of enthusiasm. I strongly believe that I will be a successful person in my
whole life. I want to start making my dreams come true with my PhD degree from probably a
university in another country. My goals are start to my career before I get my PhD degree, I believe
that will make me more successful. I am majoring in international business, but I want to take a
master's degree in business administration before pursuing a PhD. I want to improve my skills by
learning about my subject. I am willing to do everything to be where I want to be. I also want to
complete my studying by getting my MBA degree in Business. I also want to improve my skills in
finance sector, so I can work in any department. My all career goals have no geographic or salary. I
am willing to relocate anywhere in order to achieve success and gain my knowledge.
10-year plan as a glance
I live with my family at this moment, and I would like to start saving money for these upcoming years. I
intend to accomplish my objectives since I realize that in the event that I genuinely put my psyche to
something, I can do anything I want to do. Ten years not far off I see myself doing numerous things,
carrying on with the run of the mill life of a grown-up. I would hopefully like to start a nice family with a
beautiful wife and opening my own business. My first goal for this first year in 2019 is to graduate in
May with a bachelor's degree from CSI, then start an internship and go to Morocco in summer to get
engaged. The best thing in life is to know what you are doing and do not get influenced by the bad
negativity of people that can put you down. I will never give up on my dreams no matter what.
Furthermore, open a saving account with a high APY so my money can run higher with compounding
interest rates. For the second year 2020, I would like to start working a job that will be related to my
domain of international business or management and gain job tips experience and that will be as an
international business consultant. I want to learn how to do home repair so I can move to my own
apartment in the third year on 2021. Also, in 2021 my goal is to get married and bring my future wife
to the United States. Goals make our lives exciting. They make us rise every morning thinking of what
should be achieved to pursue them. Without them, life would be aimless, with no reason and with no
ability to know east from west. On my fourth year in 2022 I want to start writing my business plan and
find a secure job in any business-related field. The company should have a culture diversity with more
fun not just strictly work. I want to work in a flexible atmosphere, where the management appreciates
the effort of everyone within the workplace including junior staffs and even consults them during
decision making. Additionally, travel the world and especially go with my wife to watch the world cup
in Qatar, save 15% of income to an MBA program. Fifth year, in 2023 will be a year of hard training
because I want to stay fit and build upper body part. Also, my goal is to lose 10 to 15 pounds. Then
trying to find a niche in the company so I can become one of the company essential either as a
branch manager or some higher position. On the sixth year 2024, my goal is to talk with a business
advisor and have some ideas before opening my own business because I do not want to keep
working for someone's dream. I want to achieve success and have my dream of opening my own
business accomplished. I also want to have my first child that will bring a bundle of joy to our couple
life. I want to dedicate this year for my family and taking care of them emotionally, financially. The
seventh year on 2025 I want to adopt a healthier lifestyle of cutting the habit of eating so much junk
food. Moreover, open a restaurant in Morocco to have a stable profit that I will contribute some of
them to my saving account. Also, baptism for our kid in Morocco during the summer. I hope to be
financially secure within seven years from now. Then, after one year in 2026 I want to invest money in
stocks and buy a house with a mortgage that I would afford. My dream house is an open house with
just windows, a house that you can see anything outside with 360 rotation. In 2027, my ninth year on
the 10-year plan will be having another child if I had a girl, I would love having a boy with us, my
dream is to have a girl and boy. Lastly, in the tenth year I will dedicated to coach my child soccer and
travel the world with my beloved family.
As an international business consultant expert, I would oversee giving relevant and modern data
about significant business angles and market data for universal organizations. The worldwide
business expert is somebody who gets all the data from outside organizations. As I need to work in
the travel industry area, this may be the great advance of my profession; since I would prefer not to
work in my own nation. I need to go as much as I can to improve my insight. As an advisor in the
travel industry division, it is a decent open door for me to work universal. I want to travel as much as I
can to improve my knowledge. As a consultant in tourism sector, it is a good opportunity for me to
work international. The international consultant in hotel, I must be able to get all the information and
business investments from different hotels and I should be able to watch the sector's new
opportunities and even information about how the promotions work for competitors. I would like to
work in hotel which are already working international, for instance I would rather to choose a hotel
which have another hotels bond in different countries. Maybe I might get chance to travel and work in
a hotel in more than one country. Common work duties as a international consultant, I might travel to
various countries and areas to research positive information for my company and learn different types
of cultures to welcome my guests from different countries. I might meet all the managers and any
other consultant officially who are professional about their business and I can get chance to discuss
about working in foreign country with different working conditions. I may venture out to different
nations and zones to inquire about positive data for my organization and learn various sorts of
societies to respect my visitors from various nations. I may meet every one of the supervisors and
some other expert authoritatively who are proficient about their business and I can get opportunity to
talk about working in remote nation with various working conditions. After getting a job as a consultant
and learn everything about it, I want to be marketing manager. I will take a shot at my business,
showcasing and publicizing abilities. As an administrator, I will oversee some regular things, for
example, improvement, sorting out, coordinating and controlling exercises in various regions. I should
contract my very own worker; I can pick them utilizing by industry like retail organizations. As a chief I
will enlist, fire workers and persuade them to improve their capacity and aptitudes. Getting some
answers concerning new advancements and imparting them to my customers would make me gain
my relational abilities. Like each showcasing director, make preparing areas for my workers will be
one of my obligations. Have a Family What is the point of pursuing all these goals if I have no one to
share it with? This is the most important goal for me. I pray that within the next five years, I will settle
down and start a family. I also hope that within the same time frame I will have at least one child, who
will be my bundle of joy. My aim is to have a small family of 2 children. I hope to have a fun and loving
family. For example, I imagine my family having karaoke sessions each Friday evenings. We will
likewise be investing quality energy every day as a family. We will have morning meals and dinners
together. Weekends will be carefully for companions and friends and family and on occasion we will
go out to have a decent time or especially travelling in different cities or countries. My children will
have all that they want, from toys to books to melodic instruments. I need to develop a culture in my
family, where my children will seek after whichever vocations they need throughout everyday life. My
accomplice and I will give them a head-begin throughout everyday life and give all that they must
support their abilities. I don't need them to experience the difficulties I experienced growing up I will
likewise guarantee that they have a legitimate childhood, with the goal that they become upstanding
individuals from society. I also talked in my10-year plan on a glance about starting my own business,
start a Business by opening a restaurant while having my fantasy work is something I anticipate,
remaining utilized for an amazing remainder isn't something I imagined myself doing. I would prefer
not to burn through the entirety of my young years building another person's dreams. I need to
assemble my own fantasy. I have dependably longed for having a business, ideally in the restorative
business. I need to work for myself. I need to utilize similarly invested individuals, who will enable me
to assemble my vision. I need to improve the lives of both my clients and representatives. Most
importantly, I need to have money related opportunity. Organizations require a great deal of infusions,
regarding time and assets, before they can remain alone. In this manner, beginning a business
presently is the best budgetary move I can ever make I'm as yet young, I have all the time on the
planet, I have less obligations and if there should be an occurrence of a business disappointment, I
can generally recover myself. This is presumably the last objective I would like to seek after in my
multiyear plan, since I need to guarantee my life is all together first before I can begin a business and
this restaurant will be specifically in morocco first and then I will try to open more in different countries
especially one in Miami. Furthermore, another thing I will go in det on it is buying my house. My goal
is to own a big home. With a good mortgage plan, I believe I can buy the house of my dreams.
Rooms for the children and one for visitors. It ought to likewise have three restrooms, a kitchen, a
pantry, a family room, a lounge area, garden at the back, a patio and a perfectly kept yard at the front.
It ought to likewise have a pool. The house ought to likewise be surrounded by a few trees. I need to
appreciate the view when their blossoms sprout amid spring.
This assignment was of the best assignment I had during this semester, and especially that I had to
write the same thing, a 10-year plan for another class so it was doing one work for both at the same
time. I am straightforward. It caused me to acknowledge bunches of things about my life. I never
pondered where my life is going or what sort of chances, I have throughout everyday life, however at
this point I know. Presently, I realize what I will realize, what sort of things I will probably do, and I
have a lifelong arrangement. I used to believe that career plan is something that individuals never
pursue yet I will pursue my whole arrangement and I trust it will be the best for me.