STP 494-1971
STP 494-1971
STP 494-1971
Prepared by
R. W. Flax, R. E. Keith, and M. D. Randall
Printed in Alpha, N. J.
April 1971
The American Society for Testing and Materials and the Defense Metals Information Center share a
dedication to the more efficient utilization of technical information on metals and their properties. ASTM
is the leading society in the promotion of knowledge of materials and the standardization of specifications
and methods of testing; DMIC, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Defense and operated by Battelle
Memorial Institute, serves the technical community as a major source of information on the advanced
This report is the third cooperative publication of ASTM and DMIC. The first was the ASTM Data
Series Publication, "The Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Superalloys", DS 7-S1, issued in July,
1968. The Second, "Compilation of Chemical Compositions and Rupture Strengths of Superalloys",
DS 9E, was issued in October, 1970.
Weldment Evaluation 7
Composition 7
Metallurgical Characteristics 8
Base-Material Properties . 8
Weldability 8
Properties of Weldments . 9
Microcracking 11
Delayed Cracking 11
Composition 12
Metallurgical Characteristics. 12
Base-Metal Properties 12
Welding Characteristics 13
Comparison of Welding Processes for HY-130 13
Weldment Properties 18
Weld Metal 18
Copyright by ASTMHeat-Affected Zone
Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016 18
by Fracture Toughness 20
University of Washington and Stress
(University Corrosionpursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
of Washington) 20
Explosion-Bulge Properties 21
R. W. Flax, R. E. Keith, and M. D. Randall51
The principal advantages of the HY-steels are their good combination of strength and
toughness over a wide temperature range and their good weldability in heavy sections with
little preheat and no postweld heat treatment. This class of steels includes Ni-Cr-Mo steels
designated HY-80 and HY-100 and a Ni-Cr-Mo-V steel tentatively designated HY-130. They
are low-carbon steels that achieve their strength and toughness through a quenching and tempering
heat treatment.
The following welding processes and their proper application to the Hy-steels are discussed:
(1) shielded metal-arc welding, (2) submerged-arc welding, (3) gas metal-arc welding, (4) Narrow-
Gap welding, (5) gas tungsten-arc welding, (6) plasma arc welding, and (7) electron beam welding.
HY-80 and HY-100 have 80,000 psi and 100,000 psi minimum yield strengths respectively,
and very similar chemical compositions. In general, these alloys are considered highly weldable,
and their as-welded properties are very good when proper welding procedures are used. HY-130
is a higher alloy quenched-and-tempered steel having a minimum yield strength of 130,000 psi.
Development of filler materials for joining HY-130 has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining
the combination of high toughness and high strength required in the as-welded condition.
Heat-affected-zone microcracking and weld- and base-metal delayed cracking have been
problems in welding HY-80 and HY-100. These can, however, be controlled by proper melting
and processing of the base materials during production and by exercising proper precautions
during welding. HY-130 has shown sensitivity to weld-metal contamination by carbon, sulfur,
phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Research Engineer, Associate Fellow, and Chief, respectively, Materials Joining Engineering
Division, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
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The flux may be preplaced over the prepared weld joint, GMA welding is generally performed with d-c reverse
but usually it is delivered to the area just ahead of the welding polarity (DCRP), i.e., the positive terminal of the d-c power
supply is attached to the electrode or torch. Direct-current
electrode. The arc is initiated between the electrode and the
workpiece and is protected from the atmosphere by the flux straight polarity (electrode negative, DCSP) results in a relatively
blanket. A quantity of the flux, melted by the heat from the unstable globular transfer having quite shallow penetration.
welding arc, enters into a reaction with the weld puddle. This
reaction results in a cleansing action and also may be used to add The GMA welding process was first used only in the "spray
certain alloying constituents to the weld metal. The main transfer" mode. The process proved much more versatile with
features of the submerged-arc process are shown in Figure 2. the development of the short-circuiting and pulsed-current
transfer modes.
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in the same cabinet. One power supply, called the pulse unit,
is used to produce single phase, half-wave rectified direct current.
Most commonly, this appears as a series of current pulses, at a
frequency of 60 cps (line frequency), separated by a low current
value during the time when the pulse unit does not deliver current.
The magnitude of these pulses will be greater than the minimum
transition current necessary to achieve spray transfer for the
wire size used. In parallel with the pulse unit, a second power
supply called the "background unit" is used to produce full-wave
rectified direct current at a lower amperage and voltage. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.
Narrow-Gap welding is carried out using two contact tubes 3 - Backup Strip (if needed) 8 - Right Wire Electrode
and two electrode wires simultaneously. The electrodes are
oriented so that one weld bead is deposited against one sidewall 4 - Weld-Metal Buildup 9 - Left Wire Electrode
and the other weld bead against the opposite sidewall. The
concept is illustrated in Figure 6. Narrow-Gap welding may 5 - Depth-Control Follower 10 - Gas Shield
also be done using a single contact tube centered in the weld
joint. The weld is completed from one side of the plate.
Electrode diameters may range from 0.035 to 0.062-inch.
Narrow-Gap welding operates in the spray-transfer current range. FIGURE 6. NARROW-GAP WELDING CONCEPT
Argon or helium may be used as the shielding gas. Argon is toward the work until the electrode touches, and then withdraws
preferred for manual welding because small changes in arc length it to start the arc.
have less effect on the arc heat than when the shielding gas is
helium. For mechanized welding with closely controlled arc The electrodes used for the welding of steel are usually
lengths, helium or helium-argon mixtures are preferred. 98 percent tungsten and 2 percent thoria. This particular
composition is used because the thoria is a good electron emitter
Filler metal, if needed, is added to the puddle outside the that assists in arc starting and gives good, low-current stability.
arc column. This is an advantage because alloy-transfer efficiency Several other suitable types of tungsten-alloy electrodes are
under these conditions can be high; thus control over the available.
composition of the weld deposit is excellent.
Filler-Wire Addition. Filler wire may be added to the weld
For the welding of the HY steels, DCSP (electrode negative) puddle in two ways. The conventional method is called "cold
is used for most applications. With this system, the major portion wire addition" wherein the wire is added to the leading edge of
of the heat is directed toward the workpiece because the electron the puddle. This method is used in manual and mechanized GTA
flow is from the electrode to the work. This results in a deeply welding. The term "cold" in this case refers to the fact that the
penetrated weld. While DCRP can be used, the flow of electrons filler wire is electrically and physically cold as it enters the weld
to the electrode requires the use of large electrode diameters to puddle. Thus the welding arc between the tungsten electrode and
compensate for the electrode heating. The penetration when
the workpiece must provide all of the heat necessary to melt the
using DCRP for GTA welding is quite shallow. wire. Maximum metal-deposition rates for this type of welding
are on the order of 3 Ib per hour. Travel speeds are correspondingly
The power supply used for GTA welding can be any slow.
constant-current or drooping-characteristic generator or rectifier.
If it is suitable for SMA (covered-electrode) welding, then it may A relatively new development in GTA welding is the
be used also for GTA. As a convenience, superimposed high- addition of "hot wire." In this method, the filler wire is provided
frequency current may be used to start the arc. This has the with its own a-c power supply and is heated to the melting
advantage of preventing contamination of the tungsten electrode point by resistance heating as it enters the trailing edge of the
or obtaining tungsten inclusions in the weld because the arc is weld puddle. This is shown schematically in Figure 8. To
initiated without touching the electrode to the work. However, preserve the integrity of the wire, the heating is done in an inert
a skilled manual operator can start the arc efficiently by a striking atmosphere. This heating also volatizes surface contaminants
motion. For mechanized
Copyright by ASTM welding,
Int'l either high-frequency
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reserved); retract
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on the wire and thus eliminates hydrogen pickup from this source.
starting is used. Retract starting
Downloaded/printed by is combined with an automatic, The arc is left to concentrate on fusing the workpiece since it
University (arcoflength) head that(University
Washington drives the torch downward pursuant
of Washington) to License
need only Agreement. 15
supply approximately Nopercent
the energy authorized.
necessary to melt the wire as it enters the puddle.
Welding Techniques. Plasma arc welding can be applied
with two different techniques. The first is called the "melt-in"
mode where the arc impinges on the work and melts or
penetrates the surface to some depth. This method of applica-
tion is quite similar to the way GTA welding is used. The
second technique, called the "keyhole" mode, produces an
entirely different effect. Using a higher orifice gas flow than
that for the melt-in technique, the plasma arc is forced entirely
through the weld puddle. Surface-tension forces cause the
keyhole to close behind the arc as the torch progresses, and a
fully penetrated weld is obtained. The method has a great
advantage in that the arc can be seen on the under side of the
work; thus, full penetration is assured.
The size of the keyhole is related to the thickness of the
workpiece. Various diameters of orifices in the torch are
available and are chosen in accordance with material thickness.
The keyhole size may be increased by increasing the orifice size,
the orifice gas flow, or the welding current. A decrease may be
Deposition rates for hot-wire GTA welding can be as high as effected by using a multiport orifice or by increasing the travel
18 Ib per hr, but they are more characteristically held between speed.
8 to 12 Ib per hr. Travel speed increases of 300 percent over
that of cold-wire welding are not uncommon. In keyhole welding it is often desired to modify the size
and shape of the underbead. A wide underbead may be obtained
Hot-wire GTA welding should be practiced with voltage- by using a low flow of orifice gas and a high current, and vice
controlled heads for the best results. One of the advantages of versa for a narrow underbead.
the processes is that the wire-deposition rate can be varied widely
independent of arc current since the wire has its own power When keyhole welding on flat plate, it is the usual practice
supply. Therefore, reinforcement can be controlled, and to develop the keyhole on a starting tab and then run onto the
there exists the possibility of obtaining special properties such as workpiece. At the end of the weld the keyhole is carried onto
improved corrosion resistance or improved cracking resistance a run-off tab and the operation is stopped, leaving a hole in the
through controlled weld-metal dilution. run-off tab. For a circumferential part, some means is needed to
close the keyhole in order to achieve a complete joint. Welding
Plasma Arc Welding controls are available which have the means of programming
various weld functions. As the part under the torch comes full
In plasma arc welding, the welding arc is forced through a circle, the control automatically decreases the orifice gas flow
constricting orifice, which results in a stable, highly concentrated and sequences the power supply (through the control's
arc. The plasma arc, having a higher heat content than a non- current down-sloping capability). Thus, the keyhole is closed
constricted arc, thus allows higher welding speeds. gradually in a length of 2 or 3 inches, and a complete joint
Figure 9 compares the arc geometries in the GTA and plasma Filler-wire additions may be made to the plasma arc puddle
arc welding processes. The plasma arc has a columnar shape which using precisely the same technique as used in GTA welding.
varies little in diameter between the point where it leaves the While simple fusion passes in plasma arc welding may be made
orifice and the point at which it contacts the work. The arc in on all plate thicknesses without the addition of filler wire, some
GTA welding, by contrast, is quite conical and covers a relatively filler is needed to provide weld reinforcement for plate
wide area on the work. The concentration of the plasma arc means thicknesses in excess of 1/8 inch.
that the torch-to-work distance in plasma arc welding can
vary to a fairly wide degree and affect the heat input to the work Electron Beam Welding.
to only a small extent. A small change in torch (or electrode>to-
work distance with GTA arc has a significant effect on the area
of the arc which impinges on the work. Therefore, the heat input Electron beam welding is a fusion joining process in which
varies widely as the GTA torch height is changed. Plasma arc the workpiece is bombarded with a dense stream of high-velocity
welding can be applied more easily than GTA where torch-to- electrons as shown in Figure 10. Welding usually takes place in an
work distance cannot be controlled closely. evacuated chamber with both the generating-beam focusing
devices and the work in the vacuum environment. Welding in a
chamber provides a pure and inert environment in which metal
may be welded without fear of contamination.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 ESTFIGURE
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The outstanding feature of the process is its ability to make shapes and plate materials are available under the following
very narrow, deep welds. The electron beam is capable of such military specifications:
intense local heating that it can almost instantly vaporize a hole
through the entire joint thickness. The walls of the hole are (1) Plate - MIL-S-16216
molten and, as the hole is moved along the joint, more metal
on the advancing side of the hole is melted. This flows around (2) Extrusions - MIL-S-22664
the bore of the hole and solidifies along the rear, thus making the
weld. The intensity of the beam can be diminished, if desired, (3) Rolled Sections- MIL-S-22958
to give a partially penetrated weld of the same narrow configura-
tion. (4) Castings - MIL-S-23008
Arcs used in conventional welding melt little more than the (5) Forgings - MIL-S-23009
surface of the part. Additional depth of fusion is obtained by
conduction of heat in all directions from this surface molten The commercial grades of HY-80 and HY-100 plate are covered
spot and, thus, the fusion-zone width increases as the required by ASTM Specification A543, and the commercial forging
depth of penetration increases. material by ASTM A541 and A508. The chemical-composition
limits for HY-80 steel as specified by MIL-S-16216 and A-543
Heat input in electron beam welding is controlled by four are shown in Table 2 along with a typical HY-80 composition.
basic variables: the number of electrons per second (beam The chemical-composition limits for HY-100 steel as specified by
current) impinging on the workpiece; the electron speed at the MIL-S-16216 and A-543 are shown in Table 3.
moment of impact (accelerating potential); the diameter of the
beam at, or within, the workpiece (beam spot size); and the In these steels, limitation of sulfur and phosphorus content
speed of travel. is required to minimize the detrimental effects of these elements
Weldment Evaluation during welding. Manganese is used primarily to further control
the effect of sulfur in the material. Molybdenum is used to
The most important criterion for judging the performance increase temper resistance by retarding softening during tempering
of a weldment is the degree to which it performs the functions of the steel at high temperatures and also contributes
required for its intended service. A service-performance test, significantly to hardenability. Nickel contributes to the excellent
therefore, is really the final test. However, the need for weldment toughness of HY-80 and has the secondary effect of increasing
evaluation exists long before the final structure is complete and hardenability. Silicon is used primarily as a deoxidizer.
actual service begins. Some type of test that will give the best
information on how the product will perform during fabrication TABLE 2. CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION LIMITS OF HY-80 STEEL PLATE
and service must be used before fabrication to provide indications
of the efficiency of design, welding procedures, expected
Specification Limits Typical
mechanical properties, and behavior during service. Element MIL-S-16216 A543 (Grade A) Composition
Numerous reports are available on weldment-evaluation Carbon(a) 0.1 8 max. 0.23 max. 0.16
methods, but these usually are limited to a specific test method Manganese 0.10-0.40 0.40 max. 0.28
for a limited application. When considering evaluation methods Silicon 0.15-0.35 0.20 - 0.35 0.23
for weldments, it is difficult to obtain information on the wide Nickel 2.00-3.25 2.60-3.25 2.97
variety of test specimens or evaluation methods that are Chromium 1.00- 1.80 1.50-2.00 1.68
available and that will fulfill the designer's or fabricator's Molybdenum 0.20-0.60 0.45 - 0.60 0.45
requirements. DMIC Report 244 is a comprehensive report that Phosphorus(b) 0.025 max. 0.035 max. 0.015
reviews the broad range of test specimens and evaluation methods Sulfur<b) 0.025 max. 0.040 max. 0.016
Titanium 0.02 max. -- 0.005
that are available or are of special current interest for evaluating
Vanadium 0.03 max. 0.03 max. 0.005
welds.W Tension, shear, bend, toughness, fatigue, creep, stress-
Copper 0.25 max. 0.05
rupture, and cracking tests widely used for the evaluation of Iron Remainder Remainder
welded joints are discussed. No discussion of the mechanical-
test specimens or procedures used for the HY-80, HY100, and (a) 0.20 max. for plates 6 in. thick and over.
HY-130 weldments is given in the present report. The test (b) The percent of combined phosphorus and sulfur shall be 0.045 max.
methods are too numerous to discuss here and the reader is
referred to DMIC Report 244 for such discussions. The
mechanical-property data obtained with HY-80, HY-100, and TABLE 3. CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION LIMITS OF HY-100
HY-130 weldments are reported in subsequent sections of this STEEL PLATE
Specification Limits
WELDING OF HY-80 and HY-100 STEELS Element MIL-S-16216 A543 (Grade B)
Carbon 0.20 Max. 0.23 Max.
The HY-80 and HY-100 steels are quite similar in composi-
tion and are generally described in the same specifications. The Manganese 0.10-0.40 0.40 Max.
principal differences are closer control of residual elements and Silicon 0.15-0.35 0.20-0.35
slightly higher nickel content range for the HY-100 material. The Nickel 2.25-3.50 2.60-3.25
welding procedures and processes applicable to HY-80 are also Chromium
applicable to HY-100 when allowance is made for the additional 1.00- 1.80 1.5 - 2.0
strength. These materials are therefore discussed together in this Molybdenum 0.20 - 0.60 0.45 - 0.60
section. Phosphorus(a) 0.025 Max. 0.02 Max.
Sulfur(a> 0.025 Max. 0.02 Max.
Composition Titanium 0.02 --
Vanadium 0.03 0.03 Max.
HY-80 and HY-100 steels were the first high-strength
quenched-and-tempered steels approved for use by the U. S. Copper 0.25 --
Navy for construction of large ocean vessels. They are low-carbon Iron Remainder Remainder
steels that achieve their strength and toughness through a
quenching-and-tempering heat treatment. HY-80 and HY-100 (a) The percent of combined phosphorus and sulfur shall be
0.045 max.
The wide ranges for several of the elements permit steel The diagrams show the sluggishness with which HY-80
makers to adjust the hardenability of the steel to the thickness transforms as well as a high martensite transformation tempera-
of plate being produced.(5) Smaller amounts of alloying elements ture when the peak austenitizing temperature is 2400 F. Ms and
are required for complete hardenability in plates 1-1/4 inches Mf temperatures of 750 F and 645 F, respectively, have been
thick than are required for adequate hardening in plates 3 inches reported for an austenitizing temperature of 1650 F.(7) The
thick. slight discrepancy between these temperatures and the Ms shown
by the dotted curve in Figure 11 is believed to be due to the use
Metallurgical Characteristics of materials of different compositions.
HY-80 and HY-100 are fully killed, low-alloy steels that Base-Material Properties
attain a good combination of strength and toughness through
quenching and tempering. The microstructures are a combination The mechanical properties required by MIL-S-16216 and
of tempered bainite and tempered martensite in all section A543 for HY-80 plate material are shown in Table 4 along with
thicknesses. typical properties. The Charpy V-Notch impact requirements
for HY-80 and HY-100 are shown in Table 5. Specification A543
Procedures for the final quenching-and-tempering heat does not provide for minimum impact requirements. Mechanical
treatment used to obtain the required mechanical properties are property requirements for HY-100 are shown in Table 6. HY-80
left to the discretion of the steel manufacturer.^) Only two retains excellent toughness to -120 F as shown by the curve in
limitations are imposed by MIL-S-16216: Figure 12.
(1) The final tempering temperature shall be not less than
1100 F for HY-80, and not less than 1050 F for HY-100. Weldabilitv
Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of the
(2) The microstructure at midthickness of the plate must welding heat on HY-80 base material. (7-15) In general, HY-80
contain not less than 80 percent martensite. is considered highly weldable when proper welding procedures are
used, and its as-welded properties are very good.
Heat treatments for HY-80 generally consist of austenitization at
approximately 1650 F followed by a water quench(6) and HY-80 (and HY-100) is generally preheated for welding. The
tempering in the range of 1150 F to 1250 F followed by a minimum preheat temperature depends on plate thickness, as
water quench(5). shown in Table 7. The maximum preheat and interpass tempera-
A time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram for HY-80 ture is usually 300 F. Use of a 200 F minimum preheat for all
steel was developed by Emmanuel in a study of weld heat-affected- thicknesses will insure that the weld joint is free of water
zone metallurgy.(7) This diagram is shown in Figure 11. Also (hydrogen) and will aid in preventing weld-metal cracking in
included in Figure 11 is a curve showing the beginning of trans- restrained welds. No welding should be done when the ambient
formation on quenching from an austenitizing temperature of temperature is below zero F. Interpass temperatures greater than
1660F. 300 F adversely affect the ballistic properties of thin (less than
1 3/8 in.) HY-80 materials/7)
Mechanical Properties
Yield Ultimate Elonga- Reduc- Impact Properties,
Strength Tensile V tion in tion of Charpv V-Notch, ft-lb.
3 c
Filler MetaK ) Specimen Transfer( ) 0.2% Offset, Strength, 2 In., Area, Room
Specification Type(") Mode ksi ksi percent percent Temp O F -60 F -100 F Reference
2 W-A ST 104 110 21 65 140 105 85 27
2 W-A SC 104 108 22 70 140 -- 105 70 27
2 W-B ST 109 115 20 61 190 125 110 85 27
2 W-B SC 113 119 20 65 -- 95 85 55 27
2 W-C ST 101 107 23 70 190 155 140 120 27
2 W-C SC 103 107 23 70 -- 135 105 55
1 W ST 115 120 18 50 -- -- -- -- 21
2 W ST 101 106-108 23-25 67-75 190 160 130 -- 26
2 W SC 103 106 22-25 70-75 -- 140 108 -- 26
Tensile Properties
Yield Ultimate
Specimen Strength Tensile Elongation Reduction Charpy V-Notch
Location and3 0.2% Offset, Strength, in 2 Inches, of Area, Energy Absorption
Plate Orientation' ) ksi ksi percent percent at 0 F, ft-lb
063574 T 140 152 18.0 63.9 53 55 57
L rights reserved); Fri
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all 134 151 EST 2016
Jan 1 23:00:30 20.0 67.4 75 76 78
(a) T = Topbyof plate, transverse specimen.
University of L = Bottom(University
Washington of plate, longitudinal
of Washington) specimen.
pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
SMA(d) 0.08 0.62 0.007 0.008 0.40 7.97 0.58 0.53 0.070 ND 0.004 0.019
GMA( ) 0.11 0.58 0.002 0.005 0.36 7.93 0.47 0.45 0.075 0.020 0.002 0.006
GMA( ) 0.10 0.57 0.001 0.005 0.36 7.89 0.46 0.40 0.071 0.020 0.002 0.006
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OF HY-80Fri Jan
AND1 23:00:30 EST 2016
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University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Gas Metal-Arc (GMA) Shielded Metal-Arc (SMA)
Heat input, kilojoule/in. 40 60 25 30 .40
Electrode diam, in. 0.045(0.062)(a) 0.062 1/8 5/32 3/16
Current, amp (dcrp) 240/280(300/320)( ) 300/350 120/140 160/180 200/220
Arc voltage, V 28/29 30/31 22/24 22/24 22/24
Travel speed, ipm 11/13 9/11 6/8 6/8 6/8
Shielding gas Argon + 2 percent Argon + 2 percent
oxygen oxygen
(a) Weldments fabricated with electrodes A and B were welded with 0.062-in.-diam filler metal with a
nominal heat input of 40 kilojoule/in.
Weld-Metal Composition
Element Percent
C 0,06
Mn 1.67
Si 0.37
Ni 2.55
Cr 0.36
Mo 0.49
Cu <0.01
P 0.006
S 0.006
Tensile Properties
Yield strength 0.2%
offset, ksi 130
Tensile strength, ksi 137
Elongation in
2 in., % 19
Reduction of area,
% 64
Charpy V-notch
impact properties
Energy absorption
Transition temp, at FOR AS-DEPOSITED HY-130 WELD METALS/41)
20 ft-lb, F 150
Comments Sound
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
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University EXPERIMENTAL HY-130
of Washington (University of WELD METAL.(SO)
Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Cr-Mo-V STEEL (HEAT NO X53185).(62)
Tiffany, Masters, and Regan estimated a Klc for GTA United States Steel Corporation(65) is studying corrosion
welds in 1-inch-thick HY-150 plate to be in excess of 250 ksi and stress corrosion of unwelded plate and weldments of HY-80
v/lnch.(56) in a test vessel having an artificially prepared surface and HY-130(T) steels exposed to seawater in total immersion,
crack 0.79 inch deep by 2.44 inches long in a longitudinal weld, in the tide zone, in a trough with flowing water, and in a marine
the crack being submerged in seawater, they demonstrated the atmosphere. Tests, still in progress, will be continued for a
leak-before-failure characteristics of the material by pressurizing total of 4 years.
the vessel to 143 ksi before crack propagation through the
thickness occurred. Experimental values of Klc obtained by In 2-year tests, the corrosion behavior of HY-130(T) steel
States Steel Corporation
by ASTM for HY-130(T)
Int'l (all rights SMA
reserved); Fri Janwelds specimens was substantially equivalent to that of the HY-80
1 23:00:30 EST 2016
were Downloaded/printed
142 and 163 ksijinch,
depending on notch orientation.(64) steel. Weldments of HY-130(T) steel in 2-year, seawater tests
University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
showed less corrosion than did weldments of HY-80 steel.
(See Figures 27 and 28). In seawater, the HY-80 steel weldments
were corroded most in the weld metal and in-the base metal, and
considerably less in the heat-affected zone. For the HY-130( T)
steel weldments, the difference in corrosion rates of the base
metal, weld metal, and heat-affected zone was appreciably less
than that for the HY-80 steel weldments.
Hydrogen Content of HY-130 Weld Metal more of these elements can cause weld-metal cracking of the
type sometimes reported in HY-130 welds. Because of this
As previously mentioned, HY-130 does not appear to be sensitivity, carbon is purposely kept as low as is consistent with
proportionately more difficult to weld than HY-80. In fact, the attaining the desired yield strength; sulfur and phosphorus are
heat-affected-zone cracking that has been a problem with HY-80 kept as low as possible; and every effort is made to exclude
does not appear to be severe with HY-130, probably because of moisture, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen from the electrodes
its different transformation kinetics. (10. 67) Lite any high-yield- and coatings. Figure 30 shows the possible effects of exceeding
strength steel, however, HY-130 is more sensitive than is HY-80 the allowable hydrogen content of GMA electrode wire and SMA
to contamination from gases
Copyright by ASTM andrights
Int'l (all suchreserved);
carbon, sulfur,
1 23:00:30 EST 2016electrode coatings on weld-metal cracking in HY-130 weld-
and phosphorus. The presence of excessive amounts of one or ments.(42)
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(26) Welding Design and Fabrication 39 (11), 49-52 (1966). (47) Porter, L. F., Manganello, S. J., Dabkowski, D. S., and
Gross, J. H., "Ultraservice Steels with Yield Strengths of
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