STP 494-1971

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Issued Under the Auspices of

American Society for Testing and Materials


The Defense Metals Information Center

Prepared by
R. W. Flax, R. E. Keith, and M. D. Randall

ASTM Sgecial Technical Publication 494

List price $3.50


1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-157308
ISBN 0-8031-0073-6

The Society is not responsible, as a body,

for the statements and opinions
advanced in this publication.

Printed in Alpha, N. J.
April 1971
The American Society for Testing and Materials and the Defense Metals Information Center share a
dedication to the more efficient utilization of technical information on metals and their properties. ASTM
is the leading society in the promotion of knowledge of materials and the standardization of specifications
and methods of testing; DMIC, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Defense and operated by Battelle
Memorial Institute, serves the technical community as a major source of information on the advanced

This report is the third cooperative publication of ASTM and DMIC. The first was the ASTM Data
Series Publication, "The Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Superalloys", DS 7-S1, issued in July,
1968. The Second, "Compilation of Chemical Compositions and Rupture Strengths of Superalloys",
DS 9E, was issued in October, 1970.





Welding Processes Used for the HY Steels 1

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding 1

Submerged-Arc Welding 2
Gas Metal-Arc W e l d i 2
Narrow-Gap Welding 3
Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding 4
Electron-Beam Welding. 6

Weldment Evaluation 7


Composition 7
Metallurgical Characteristics 8
Base-Material Properties . 8
Weldability 8
Properties of Weldments . 9

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding 9

Gas Metal-Arc Welding 10
Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding 10
Submerged-Arc Welding 11

Problems in Welding HY-80 11

Microcracking 11
Delayed Cracking 11


Composition 12
Metallurgical Characteristics. 12
Base-Metal Properties 12
Welding Characteristics 13
Comparison of Welding Processes for HY-130 13

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding . 15

Gas Metal-Arc Welding 15
Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding 17
Other Welding Processes 17

Weldment Properties 18

Weld Metal 18
Copyright by ASTMHeat-Affected Zone
Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016 18
by Fracture Toughness 20
University of Washington and Stress
(University Corrosionpursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
of Washington) 20
Explosion-Bulge Properties 21

Hydrogen Content of HY-130 Weld Metal 23

R. W. Flax, R. E. Keith, and M. D. Randall51


The principal advantages of the HY-steels are their good combination of strength and
toughness over a wide temperature range and their good weldability in heavy sections with
little preheat and no postweld heat treatment. This class of steels includes Ni-Cr-Mo steels
designated HY-80 and HY-100 and a Ni-Cr-Mo-V steel tentatively designated HY-130. They
are low-carbon steels that achieve their strength and toughness through a quenching and tempering
heat treatment.
The following welding processes and their proper application to the Hy-steels are discussed:
(1) shielded metal-arc welding, (2) submerged-arc welding, (3) gas metal-arc welding, (4) Narrow-
Gap welding, (5) gas tungsten-arc welding, (6) plasma arc welding, and (7) electron beam welding.
HY-80 and HY-100 have 80,000 psi and 100,000 psi minimum yield strengths respectively,
and very similar chemical compositions. In general, these alloys are considered highly weldable,
and their as-welded properties are very good when proper welding procedures are used. HY-130
is a higher alloy quenched-and-tempered steel having a minimum yield strength of 130,000 psi.
Development of filler materials for joining HY-130 has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining
the combination of high toughness and high strength required in the as-welded condition.
Heat-affected-zone microcracking and weld- and base-metal delayed cracking have been
problems in welding HY-80 and HY-100. These can, however, be controlled by proper melting
and processing of the base materials during production and by exercising proper precautions
during welding. HY-130 has shown sensitivity to weld-metal contamination by carbon, sulfur,
phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

Research Engineer, Associate Fellow, and Chief, respectively, Materials Joining Engineering
Division, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
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This report was prepared in response to a request from the

Working Panel on Metals, Subgroup P on Materials, of The Tech-
nical Cooperation Program, and covers the metallurgical character-
istics and mechanical properties of the HY-80, HY-100, and HY-
130 steels and weldments made from these steels as presented in
the open literature and in reports on Government-sponsored
research. The emphasis is placed on base-metal weldability and
mechanical properties of weldments. This report combined with
DMIC Report 229(1) provides a comprehensive study of the weld-
ability of steels ranging in yield strength from 80,000 psi to over
300,000 psi.
The principal advantages of the HY materials are their good WELDING.(2)
combination of strength and toughness and their good weldability
in heavy thicknesses with little preheat and no postweld heat
treatment. The good weldability was designed into these materials The E-XX15 electrodes, which are used on d-c reverse
during their development, and suitable filler metals and welding polarity (DCRP), are generally called low-hydrogen sodium type
procedures were developed concurrently. These materials are because sodium silicate is used as the binder in the flux. The
presently being used by the U. S. Navy for submersible.s and have E-XX16 electrodes are similar to the E-XX15 type, but potassium
industrial applications in pressure vessels. silicate is used as a binder. This modification makes it possible
to use the electrodes on ac as well as DCRP. About 30 percent
The objectives of this report are to summarize the proper- iron powder is added to the E-XX18 electrodes. This addition
ties and weldability of HY-80, HY-100, and HY-130 steels, to re- improves the deposition efficiency and also gives a quieter arc
view recent developments in welding each of these materials, and with low spatter. E-XX18 electrodes are usable on either ac or
to point out major areas for future study. d-c straight polority (DCSP).
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN WELDING The chief difference between ordinary electrodes, such as
HY-80. HY-100. and HY-130 STEELS the E-XX10 electrode, and the low-hydrogen type is that materials
containing hydrogen in any form are either minimized or eliminated
The discussion in this section applies to the joining of from the flux covering. While the protective atmosphere for an
all of the HY steels. Specific process requirements and weld- E-XX10 electrode is obtained from the burning of cellulose, the
joint properties of the individual HY-steels are discussed in later desired CO2 atmosphere for an E-XX18 electrode is obtained by
sections of the report. additions of inorganic materials, such as calcium carbonate,'to the
flux covering. Sodium silicate and potassium silicate are used as
Welding Processes Used For the HY Steels binders in low-hydrogen electrodes but the amounts are kept to a
minimum because of their hygroscopic properties. While
The purpose of this section is to discuss the basic arc welding electrodes, such as E-XX10, can contain from 3 to 7 percent
processes and their applicability for joining the HY steels. The water, low-hydrogen electrodes for the HY steels generally have a
proper application of the following fusion welding processes is specified maximum water content of 0.2 percent.
discussed: (.1) shielded metal-arc welding (SMA) (covered
electrode welding), (2) submerged-arc welding, (3) gas metal-arc Care of Electrodes. Packaging and storage of low-hydrogen
(GMA) welding, (4) Narrow-Gap welding, (5) gas tungsten-arc electrodes are very important. Hermetically sealed containers are
(GTA) welding, (6) plasma arc welding, and (7) electron beam used to preserve the low moisture content that existed at the time
welding. of manufacture. These electrodes should be stored at about 100 F
at not greater than 50 percent relative humidity. Once the
Shielded Metal-Arc Welding original container has been opened, the electrodes must be stored
at approximately 400 F to avoid moisture pickup from the
More commonly known as "covered electrode" welding, the atmosphere. If storage conditions have been unsatisfactory, then
SMA welding process is the oldest of the fusion welding processes it is necessary to recondition the electrodes before use in order to
applicable to welding the HY steels. The electrode consists of a insure satisfactory joints. Recommended reconditioning
solid core wire covered with an extruded layer of flux. This flux procedures for low-hydrogen electrodes generally consist of
covering, which may account for as much as half of the total heating in the range of 650 to 800 F for 1/2 to 2 hours. Specific
weight of the electrode, is the important factor in the process as procedures for reconditioning electrodes may be obtained from
its composition controls such things as arc atmosphere, arc electrode manufacturers or applicable electrode specifications.
stability, weld-metal composition, fluxing and protection of the If the electrodes have been exposed so that a great deal of
molten metal, type of welding current, properties of the slag moisture may have been absorbed, they should be held at 200 F
produced, bead contour, and welding position. The elements of for 2 hours prior to the high-temperature baking.
covered-electrode welding are shown in Figure 1.
Welding Techniques. In all cases, the arc should be kept
For welding the HY steels, the electrode coverings should be as short as possible. Lengthening of the arc may result in weld
of the "low hydrogen" type. These electrodes may be recognized porosity. This is particularly noticeable if a whipping or
by the inclusion of the digits 15, 16, or 18 in typical designations, weaving technique is used such that the electrode is lifted away
such as E-XX18-M*. Covered electrodes are available under from the puddle at the edges of the weld. A good general rule is
industrial specifications such as American Welding Society specifi- to use a drag technique or hold a 1/8-inch or less arc.
cation A5.5 and government specifications such as MIL-E-22200.
Arc starting is also very important. The arc and puddle
do not have the full protection of the electrode coating at the
* The numbers preceding the electrode-covering designation instant of starting, and porosity can result. A proven and
(15, 16, or 18) relate to the tensile strength of the weld metal; recommended starting procedure is to strike the arc an inch or
for example, an E-9018 electrode will deposit weld metal so ahead and then rapidly back-step to the desired starting spot.
having a 90,000-psi minimum tensile strength. In this way, the small amount of metal deposited during the start
will be remelted as welding progresses and cleansed of any gas
or impurities.
A stringer-bead technique should be used. The use of a The flux acts as a very efficient insulator and, thus, does
wide weave will slow down the progression of welding and, thus, not allow the rapid dissipation of the heat of the arc. Therefore,
will increase the heat input to the workpiece with subsequent relatively high welding speeds and deep penetration result. As
degradation of the properties in the heat-affected zone. a rule, the amount of the flux tliat is fused during welding is
approximately the same as the weight of the electrode deposited.
Interpass cleaning is important. Slag, scale, etc., must
be completely removed from previous beads before welding can The proper weld-metal chemical composition may be
continue. obtained in submerged-arc welding by using either a mild-steel
wire with an alloyed flux or an alloyed wire with a neutral flux.
A problem of toe cracking in fillet welds of high-strength If an alloy flux is used, the efficiency of alloy transfer from flux
materials is sometimes encountered when high-strength filler to the weld deposit will vary with the arc voltage. Therefore,
materials are used. This is due to the highly restrained nature of a welding conditions must be controlled very closely in order to
fillet weld and the stresses that develop during cooling. Since obtain the desired weld properties when using the alloy flux.
fillet welds are usually lower stressed than butt joints, it may be
possible to use a lower strength, more ductile filler metal than Gas Metal-Arc Welding
would ordinarily be selected for the particular steel.
Gas metal-arc (GMA) welding is a process that produces
fusion by heating with an electric arc between a consumable
Submerged-Arc Welding spooled-wire electrode and the work. The arc and weld puddle
are shielded from the atmosphere by a gas. The shielding gas
The essential elements of the submerged-arc welding process protects the molten weld metal from oxidation or contamination
are an automatically fed, continuous electrode wire, a separate by the surrounding atmosphere. The process was formerly known
granular flux or welding composition, and a suitable source of as metal inert-gas (MIG) welding. The elements of the equipment
welding power. used in the process are shown in Figure 3.

The flux may be preplaced over the prepared weld joint, GMA welding is generally performed with d-c reverse
but usually it is delivered to the area just ahead of the welding polarity (DCRP), i.e., the positive terminal of the d-c power
supply is attached to the electrode or torch. Direct-current
electrode. The arc is initiated between the electrode and the
workpiece and is protected from the atmosphere by the flux straight polarity (electrode negative, DCSP) results in a relatively
blanket. A quantity of the flux, melted by the heat from the unstable globular transfer having quite shallow penetration.
welding arc, enters into a reaction with the weld puddle. This
reaction results in a cleansing action and also may be used to add The GMA welding process was first used only in the "spray
certain alloying constituents to the weld metal. The main transfer" mode. The process proved much more versatile with
features of the submerged-arc process are shown in Figure 2. the development of the short-circuiting and pulsed-current
transfer modes.

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University of Washington (University 2. ELEMENTS
of Washington) OF toTHE
License PROCESS.(2)
Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
in the same cabinet. One power supply, called the pulse unit,
is used to produce single phase, half-wave rectified direct current.
Most commonly, this appears as a series of current pulses, at a
frequency of 60 cps (line frequency), separated by a low current
value during the time when the pulse unit does not deliver current.
The magnitude of these pulses will be greater than the minimum
transition current necessary to achieve spray transfer for the
wire size used. In parallel with the pulse unit, a second power
supply called the "background unit" is used to produce full-wave
rectified direct current at a lower amperage and voltage. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.

Shielding Gases. The shielding gas in GMA welding

protects the arc and molten weld pool from the air. The type of
shielding gas affects arc characteristics, the depth and shape of
weld penetration obtained, the fluidity and weldability of
FIGURE 3. ELEMENTS OF THE GAS METAL-ARC (GMA) the molten weld pool, and the chemical composition and
PROCESS.C2) mechanical properties of the deposited weld metal. The shielding
gases used are argon, helium, carbon dioxide, or mixtures of
these gases. Small additions of oxygen ( 1 to 5 percent) are
Spray Transfer. Spray-transfer welding in predominantly often added to argon or argon-helium mixtures when using spray
argon or helium shielding gases for a given wire size can only and pulsed-arc transfer to improve arc stability and improve
occur above a certain transition current. Above this current the wetting of the molten weld pool with the base material.
molten filler wire is projected smoothly across the arc in small Similarly, carbon dioxide is added to argon in quantities up to
droplets. Below this current the continuous spray is not 50 percent of the mixture to improve arc stability and wetting
possible and metal transfer occurs as large globules. Transition and to increase weld penetration. However, additions of
currents in a shielding gas mixture of argon-5 oxygen (95 Ar-5 02) carbon dioxide in excess of about 10 percent are usually used only
for various diameters of steel filler wires are shown in Table 1. for short-circuiting transfer.
While a spray arc can be achieved at these current values, it is
common to exceed them by 50 to 75 amperes in order to obtain The addition of active gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
a practical welding condition. Arc voltages in spray-transfer to the inert gases (argon and helium) can increase the porosity
welding are generally in excess of 25 volts. The spray-mode of and decrease the notch toughness of the weld. Increased porosity
metal transfer results in a hot, fluid puddle which, for steel, can results from a loss of filler-wire deoxidizers such as manganese
be used only in the flat position or for horizontal fillets. This and silicon from oxidation by the active gas in the arc. Then
restriction limited the use of the GMA process somewhat until the quantity of deoxidizers remaining may be insufficient to
the short-circuiting mode of transfer was developed. insure a sound weld deposit. Many commercial filler wires for
gas metal-arc welding have compositions that are properly
Short-Circuiting Transfer. In the short-circuiting-transfer adjusted for use in shielding gases containing oxygen or carbon
mode, the metal transfer occurs during a short-circuit when the dioxide.
arc is extinguished. This type of transfer is also known as
"short arc transfer" or "dip transfer". Short-circuiting transfer The loss of weld-metal notch toughness with additions of
welding is generally carried out in the range of 50 to 175 amperes oxygen and/or carbon dioxide is attributed to increased oxide
DCRP with some applications as high as 250 amperes. The arc inclusions in the weld metal.
voltage is generally in the range of 16 to 25 volts. Wire diameters
generally range 0.030 to 0.045 inch, although I/16-inch-diameter Narrow-Gap Welding
wire is sometimes used.
The Narrow-Gap welding process is an adaptation of the GMA
The short circuits usually occur at a frequency of 50 to process.(3) It derives its name from the type of joint layup which
150 cps. To weld under these conditions, it is necessary to have consists of a square-butt joint with a small gap approximately
a power supply of the constant-potential type with either an 5/16 inch wide. The use of this joint results in a substantially
adjustable or a fixed voltage/current slope, and an inductor. smaller quantity of filler metal required to fill the joint than that
These features serve to control the short circuit current during required when a conventional U- or V- groove joint design is used.
arc outages and to provide a stable arc and a fluid puddle. The economy of the Narrow-Gap joint increases greatly with
plate thickness. Narrow-Gap welding may be used in all
Figure 4 shows a typical short-circuiting-transfer welding positions (flat, vertical, horizontal, and overhead).
cycle. This is an idealized version of an oscillograph trace and
serves to illustrate the relationship of voltage and current during
the cycle. Also illustrated is the droplet detachment from the
end of the electrode to the work as the surge of short-circuit
current occurs. This single cycle occupies a time of approximately TABLE 1. TRANSITION CURRENTS FOR SPRAY-TRANS-
1/100 to 1/150 sec in most cases. FER GMA WELDING OF STEEL(2>
The net effect of the short-circuiting mode of operation Wire
is to give a usable welding condition at a lower operating current Diameter, Current
than would be available with spray-arc metal transfer. Thus the inch DCRP, amperes
weld puddle is smaller and less fluid. Therefore, short-circuiting
arc welding finds wide use because it can be used in all 0.030 150
welding positions. In addition, since the heat input is relatively 0.035 175
low, distortion is minimized. Another advantage is the ability
to handle wide gaps in fabrications where fit-up difficulties 0.045 200
are encountered. 1/16 275
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Pulsed Transfer. Pulsed-arc welding is accomplished by
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using two different sources of d-c power which may be assembled Shielding gas is 95 percent argon - 5 percent oxygen.
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1 - Parent Metal 6 - Right Guide Shield

2- 1/4-3/8 in. Gap 7 - Left Guide Shield

Narrow-Gap welding is carried out using two contact tubes 3 - Backup Strip (if needed) 8 - Right Wire Electrode
and two electrode wires simultaneously. The electrodes are
oriented so that one weld bead is deposited against one sidewall 4 - Weld-Metal Buildup 9 - Left Wire Electrode
and the other weld bead against the opposite sidewall. The
concept is illustrated in Figure 6. Narrow-Gap welding may 5 - Depth-Control Follower 10 - Gas Shield
also be done using a single contact tube centered in the weld
joint. The weld is completed from one side of the plate.
Electrode diameters may range from 0.035 to 0.062-inch.
Narrow-Gap welding operates in the spray-transfer current range. FIGURE 6. NARROW-GAP WELDING CONCEPT

Narrow-Gap welding equipment generally uses standard

commercial GMA welding components combined with unique
contact tubes, guidance systems, and gas-shielding facilites. The
contact tubes are water cooled and electrically insulated and are Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding
thin enough for insertion into a 5/16-inch-wide weld joint.
Guidance systems are employed to maintain good sidewall fusion Welding heat in gas tungsten-arc (GTA) welding* is produced
in the joint and to maintain constant contact tube-to-work by an arc between a virtually nonconsumable tungsten electrode
distance. A special shielding-gas nozzle is used to force the and the workpiece. The arc and weld puddle are protected by a
shielding gas to the bottom of the joint in a laminar flow to avoid shroud of suitable inert shielding gas that is directed by the welding
the aspiration of air. The efficiency of the gas shield has been torch or electrode holder. In general, the inert shielding gases are
demonstrated in flat- and horizontal-position welds in 8-inch- used to protect the tungsten electrode and molten weld metal
thick material. Other features of the Narrow-Gap welding equip- from contamination. The elements of the GTA process are shown
ment include a special wire-drive system to maintain accurate in Figure 7.
andCopyright by placement
consistent ASTM Int'l (all rights
of the reserved);
electrode Fri Jan
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sequencing controls. by
Downloaded/printed * GTA welding is often called TIG (tungsten-inert gas) welding.
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Argon or helium may be used as the shielding gas. Argon is toward the work until the electrode touches, and then withdraws
preferred for manual welding because small changes in arc length it to start the arc.
have less effect on the arc heat than when the shielding gas is
helium. For mechanized welding with closely controlled arc The electrodes used for the welding of steel are usually
lengths, helium or helium-argon mixtures are preferred. 98 percent tungsten and 2 percent thoria. This particular
composition is used because the thoria is a good electron emitter
Filler metal, if needed, is added to the puddle outside the that assists in arc starting and gives good, low-current stability.
arc column. This is an advantage because alloy-transfer efficiency Several other suitable types of tungsten-alloy electrodes are
under these conditions can be high; thus control over the available.
composition of the weld deposit is excellent.
Filler-Wire Addition. Filler wire may be added to the weld
For the welding of the HY steels, DCSP (electrode negative) puddle in two ways. The conventional method is called "cold
is used for most applications. With this system, the major portion wire addition" wherein the wire is added to the leading edge of
of the heat is directed toward the workpiece because the electron the puddle. This method is used in manual and mechanized GTA
flow is from the electrode to the work. This results in a deeply welding. The term "cold" in this case refers to the fact that the
penetrated weld. While DCRP can be used, the flow of electrons filler wire is electrically and physically cold as it enters the weld
to the electrode requires the use of large electrode diameters to puddle. Thus the welding arc between the tungsten electrode and
compensate for the electrode heating. The penetration when
the workpiece must provide all of the heat necessary to melt the
using DCRP for GTA welding is quite shallow. wire. Maximum metal-deposition rates for this type of welding
are on the order of 3 Ib per hour. Travel speeds are correspondingly
The power supply used for GTA welding can be any slow.
constant-current or drooping-characteristic generator or rectifier.
If it is suitable for SMA (covered-electrode) welding, then it may A relatively new development in GTA welding is the
be used also for GTA. As a convenience, superimposed high- addition of "hot wire." In this method, the filler wire is provided
frequency current may be used to start the arc. This has the with its own a-c power supply and is heated to the melting
advantage of preventing contamination of the tungsten electrode point by resistance heating as it enters the trailing edge of the
or obtaining tungsten inclusions in the weld because the arc is weld puddle. This is shown schematically in Figure 8. To
initiated without touching the electrode to the work. However, preserve the integrity of the wire, the heating is done in an inert
a skilled manual operator can start the arc efficiently by a striking atmosphere. This heating also volatizes surface contaminants
motion. For mechanized
Copyright by ASTM welding,
Int'l either high-frequency
(all rights orFri
reserved); retract
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on the wire and thus eliminates hydrogen pickup from this source.
starting is used. Retract starting
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need only Agreement. 15
supply approximately Nopercent
the energy authorized.
necessary to melt the wire as it enters the puddle.
Welding Techniques. Plasma arc welding can be applied
with two different techniques. The first is called the "melt-in"
mode where the arc impinges on the work and melts or
penetrates the surface to some depth. This method of applica-
tion is quite similar to the way GTA welding is used. The
second technique, called the "keyhole" mode, produces an
entirely different effect. Using a higher orifice gas flow than
that for the melt-in technique, the plasma arc is forced entirely
through the weld puddle. Surface-tension forces cause the
keyhole to close behind the arc as the torch progresses, and a
fully penetrated weld is obtained. The method has a great
advantage in that the arc can be seen on the under side of the
work; thus, full penetration is assured.
The size of the keyhole is related to the thickness of the
workpiece. Various diameters of orifices in the torch are
available and are chosen in accordance with material thickness.
The keyhole size may be increased by increasing the orifice size,
the orifice gas flow, or the welding current. A decrease may be
Deposition rates for hot-wire GTA welding can be as high as effected by using a multiport orifice or by increasing the travel
18 Ib per hr, but they are more characteristically held between speed.
8 to 12 Ib per hr. Travel speed increases of 300 percent over
that of cold-wire welding are not uncommon. In keyhole welding it is often desired to modify the size
and shape of the underbead. A wide underbead may be obtained
Hot-wire GTA welding should be practiced with voltage- by using a low flow of orifice gas and a high current, and vice
controlled heads for the best results. One of the advantages of versa for a narrow underbead.
the processes is that the wire-deposition rate can be varied widely
independent of arc current since the wire has its own power When keyhole welding on flat plate, it is the usual practice
supply. Therefore, reinforcement can be controlled, and to develop the keyhole on a starting tab and then run onto the
there exists the possibility of obtaining special properties such as workpiece. At the end of the weld the keyhole is carried onto
improved corrosion resistance or improved cracking resistance a run-off tab and the operation is stopped, leaving a hole in the
through controlled weld-metal dilution. run-off tab. For a circumferential part, some means is needed to
close the keyhole in order to achieve a complete joint. Welding
Plasma Arc Welding controls are available which have the means of programming
various weld functions. As the part under the torch comes full
In plasma arc welding, the welding arc is forced through a circle, the control automatically decreases the orifice gas flow
constricting orifice, which results in a stable, highly concentrated and sequences the power supply (through the control's
arc. The plasma arc, having a higher heat content than a non- current down-sloping capability). Thus, the keyhole is closed
constricted arc, thus allows higher welding speeds. gradually in a length of 2 or 3 inches, and a complete joint
Figure 9 compares the arc geometries in the GTA and plasma Filler-wire additions may be made to the plasma arc puddle
arc welding processes. The plasma arc has a columnar shape which using precisely the same technique as used in GTA welding.
varies little in diameter between the point where it leaves the While simple fusion passes in plasma arc welding may be made
orifice and the point at which it contacts the work. The arc in on all plate thicknesses without the addition of filler wire, some
GTA welding, by contrast, is quite conical and covers a relatively filler is needed to provide weld reinforcement for plate
wide area on the work. The concentration of the plasma arc means thicknesses in excess of 1/8 inch.
that the torch-to-work distance in plasma arc welding can
vary to a fairly wide degree and affect the heat input to the work Electron Beam Welding.
to only a small extent. A small change in torch (or electrode>to-
work distance with GTA arc has a significant effect on the area
of the arc which impinges on the work. Therefore, the heat input Electron beam welding is a fusion joining process in which
varies widely as the GTA torch height is changed. Plasma arc the workpiece is bombarded with a dense stream of high-velocity
welding can be applied more easily than GTA where torch-to- electrons as shown in Figure 10. Welding usually takes place in an
work distance cannot be controlled closely. evacuated chamber with both the generating-beam focusing
devices and the work in the vacuum environment. Welding in a
chamber provides a pure and inert environment in which metal
may be welded without fear of contamination.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 ESTFIGURE
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The outstanding feature of the process is its ability to make shapes and plate materials are available under the following
very narrow, deep welds. The electron beam is capable of such military specifications:
intense local heating that it can almost instantly vaporize a hole
through the entire joint thickness. The walls of the hole are (1) Plate - MIL-S-16216
molten and, as the hole is moved along the joint, more metal
on the advancing side of the hole is melted. This flows around (2) Extrusions - MIL-S-22664
the bore of the hole and solidifies along the rear, thus making the
weld. The intensity of the beam can be diminished, if desired, (3) Rolled Sections- MIL-S-22958
to give a partially penetrated weld of the same narrow configura-
tion. (4) Castings - MIL-S-23008

Arcs used in conventional welding melt little more than the (5) Forgings - MIL-S-23009
surface of the part. Additional depth of fusion is obtained by
conduction of heat in all directions from this surface molten The commercial grades of HY-80 and HY-100 plate are covered
spot and, thus, the fusion-zone width increases as the required by ASTM Specification A543, and the commercial forging
depth of penetration increases. material by ASTM A541 and A508. The chemical-composition
limits for HY-80 steel as specified by MIL-S-16216 and A-543
Heat input in electron beam welding is controlled by four are shown in Table 2 along with a typical HY-80 composition.
basic variables: the number of electrons per second (beam The chemical-composition limits for HY-100 steel as specified by
current) impinging on the workpiece; the electron speed at the MIL-S-16216 and A-543 are shown in Table 3.
moment of impact (accelerating potential); the diameter of the
beam at, or within, the workpiece (beam spot size); and the In these steels, limitation of sulfur and phosphorus content
speed of travel. is required to minimize the detrimental effects of these elements
Weldment Evaluation during welding. Manganese is used primarily to further control
the effect of sulfur in the material. Molybdenum is used to
The most important criterion for judging the performance increase temper resistance by retarding softening during tempering
of a weldment is the degree to which it performs the functions of the steel at high temperatures and also contributes
required for its intended service. A service-performance test, significantly to hardenability. Nickel contributes to the excellent
therefore, is really the final test. However, the need for weldment toughness of HY-80 and has the secondary effect of increasing
evaluation exists long before the final structure is complete and hardenability. Silicon is used primarily as a deoxidizer.
actual service begins. Some type of test that will give the best
information on how the product will perform during fabrication TABLE 2. CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION LIMITS OF HY-80 STEEL PLATE
and service must be used before fabrication to provide indications
of the efficiency of design, welding procedures, expected
Specification Limits Typical
mechanical properties, and behavior during service. Element MIL-S-16216 A543 (Grade A) Composition

Numerous reports are available on weldment-evaluation Carbon(a) 0.1 8 max. 0.23 max. 0.16
methods, but these usually are limited to a specific test method Manganese 0.10-0.40 0.40 max. 0.28
for a limited application. When considering evaluation methods Silicon 0.15-0.35 0.20 - 0.35 0.23
for weldments, it is difficult to obtain information on the wide Nickel 2.00-3.25 2.60-3.25 2.97
variety of test specimens or evaluation methods that are Chromium 1.00- 1.80 1.50-2.00 1.68
available and that will fulfill the designer's or fabricator's Molybdenum 0.20-0.60 0.45 - 0.60 0.45
requirements. DMIC Report 244 is a comprehensive report that Phosphorus(b) 0.025 max. 0.035 max. 0.015
reviews the broad range of test specimens and evaluation methods Sulfur<b) 0.025 max. 0.040 max. 0.016
Titanium 0.02 max. -- 0.005
that are available or are of special current interest for evaluating
Vanadium 0.03 max. 0.03 max. 0.005
welds.W Tension, shear, bend, toughness, fatigue, creep, stress-
Copper 0.25 max. 0.05
rupture, and cracking tests widely used for the evaluation of Iron Remainder Remainder
welded joints are discussed. No discussion of the mechanical-
test specimens or procedures used for the HY-80, HY100, and (a) 0.20 max. for plates 6 in. thick and over.
HY-130 weldments is given in the present report. The test (b) The percent of combined phosphorus and sulfur shall be 0.045 max.
methods are too numerous to discuss here and the reader is
referred to DMIC Report 244 for such discussions. The
mechanical-property data obtained with HY-80, HY-100, and TABLE 3. CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION LIMITS OF HY-100
HY-130 weldments are reported in subsequent sections of this STEEL PLATE
Specification Limits
WELDING OF HY-80 and HY-100 STEELS Element MIL-S-16216 A543 (Grade B)
Carbon 0.20 Max. 0.23 Max.
The HY-80 and HY-100 steels are quite similar in composi-
tion and are generally described in the same specifications. The Manganese 0.10-0.40 0.40 Max.
principal differences are closer control of residual elements and Silicon 0.15-0.35 0.20-0.35
slightly higher nickel content range for the HY-100 material. The Nickel 2.25-3.50 2.60-3.25
welding procedures and processes applicable to HY-80 are also Chromium
applicable to HY-100 when allowance is made for the additional 1.00- 1.80 1.5 - 2.0
strength. These materials are therefore discussed together in this Molybdenum 0.20 - 0.60 0.45 - 0.60
section. Phosphorus(a) 0.025 Max. 0.02 Max.
Sulfur(a> 0.025 Max. 0.02 Max.
Composition Titanium 0.02 --
Vanadium 0.03 0.03 Max.
HY-80 and HY-100 steels were the first high-strength
quenched-and-tempered steels approved for use by the U. S. Copper 0.25 --
Navy for construction of large ocean vessels. They are low-carbon Iron Remainder Remainder
steels that achieve their strength and toughness through a
quenching-and-tempering heat treatment. HY-80 and HY-100 (a) The percent of combined phosphorus and sulfur shall be
0.045 max.
The wide ranges for several of the elements permit steel The diagrams show the sluggishness with which HY-80
makers to adjust the hardenability of the steel to the thickness transforms as well as a high martensite transformation tempera-
of plate being produced.(5) Smaller amounts of alloying elements ture when the peak austenitizing temperature is 2400 F. Ms and
are required for complete hardenability in plates 1-1/4 inches Mf temperatures of 750 F and 645 F, respectively, have been
thick than are required for adequate hardening in plates 3 inches reported for an austenitizing temperature of 1650 F.(7) The
thick. slight discrepancy between these temperatures and the Ms shown
by the dotted curve in Figure 11 is believed to be due to the use
Metallurgical Characteristics of materials of different compositions.
HY-80 and HY-100 are fully killed, low-alloy steels that Base-Material Properties
attain a good combination of strength and toughness through
quenching and tempering. The microstructures are a combination The mechanical properties required by MIL-S-16216 and
of tempered bainite and tempered martensite in all section A543 for HY-80 plate material are shown in Table 4 along with
thicknesses. typical properties. The Charpy V-Notch impact requirements
for HY-80 and HY-100 are shown in Table 5. Specification A543
Procedures for the final quenching-and-tempering heat does not provide for minimum impact requirements. Mechanical
treatment used to obtain the required mechanical properties are property requirements for HY-100 are shown in Table 6. HY-80
left to the discretion of the steel manufacturer.^) Only two retains excellent toughness to -120 F as shown by the curve in
limitations are imposed by MIL-S-16216: Figure 12.
(1) The final tempering temperature shall be not less than
1100 F for HY-80, and not less than 1050 F for HY-100. Weldabilitv
Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of the
(2) The microstructure at midthickness of the plate must welding heat on HY-80 base material. (7-15) In general, HY-80
contain not less than 80 percent martensite. is considered highly weldable when proper welding procedures are
used, and its as-welded properties are very good.
Heat treatments for HY-80 generally consist of austenitization at
approximately 1650 F followed by a water quench(6) and HY-80 (and HY-100) is generally preheated for welding. The
tempering in the range of 1150 F to 1250 F followed by a minimum preheat temperature depends on plate thickness, as
water quench(5). shown in Table 7. The maximum preheat and interpass tempera-
A time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram for HY-80 ture is usually 300 F. Use of a 200 F minimum preheat for all
steel was developed by Emmanuel in a study of weld heat-affected- thicknesses will insure that the weld joint is free of water
zone metallurgy.(7) This diagram is shown in Figure 11. Also (hydrogen) and will aid in preventing weld-metal cracking in
included in Figure 11 is a curve showing the beginning of trans- restrained welds. No welding should be done when the ambient
formation on quenching from an austenitizing temperature of temperature is below zero F. Interpass temperatures greater than
1660F. 300 F adversely affect the ballistic properties of thin (less than
1 3/8 in.) HY-80 materials/7)



Specification Limits Typical

Value, 2-in.-
A543 thick
Property MIL-S-16216 (Grade A) material^)

Tensile Strength, NS< a > 105/125 111.5

Yield Strength 80/95(b> 85 min 95.5
0.2% Offset, ksi
Elongation in 2 in., 20(b) 14 25.0
min percent
Reduction in area,
Solid curve Dotted Curve Longitudinal 55(M NS
c 0.16 0.13
Transverse 50(b) NS

Mn 0.34 0.16 (a) NS - not specified

P (b) These values for plate thicknesses 5/8 inch and over.
0.014 0.009
S 0.024 0.013
2.87 3.08 MIL-S-16216
Cr 1.52 1.76
Plate Impact Strength,
Mo 0.41 0.49 Thickness ft-lb, min.
Temperature 2400 F 1650 F 1/4 to 1/2 in. Excl. (a)
Compiled from published information by Reference 7.
1/2 to 2 in. Incl. 50 at-120 F
OF TRANSFORMATION^) (a) Tests with the half-size Charpy specimen (10x5 mm) are
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
Note that increased transformation time and Ms required for information only. Tests are not required for
Downloaded/printed by
temperature result from increased austenitization materials less than 1/4 inch thick.
University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
TABLE 6. SPECIFICATION LIMITS FOR THE MECHANICAL machining. Stress-relieving temperatures should not exceed
PROPERTIES OF HY-100 STEEL 1150 F(3) since excessive time in the 700 F to 900 F range may
cause temper embrittlementO?). Extended exposure at these
Specification Limits temperatures will result in a significant loss of impact strength.
Property Mil-S-16216 A543 (Grade B)

Tensile strength, NS <a) 115/135 Properties of Weldments

Most of the arc-welding processes discussed previously have
Yield Strength 100/115(b) lOOMin. been used for welding HY-80 steel. Only very limited data are
(0.2% Offset, ksi) available on welding HY-100 steel. The following paragraphs
present impact and mechanical properties of welds deposited in
Elongation in 2 in., 18(b) 14 HY-80 plate by each of the welding processes. Data on fatigue,
min percent corrosion, stress-corrosion, and explosion-bulge results for HY-80
are given in subsequent sections on HY-130 steel for comparative
Reduction in area, purposes. Few comparable data for HY-100 steel weldments are
min percent available.
Longitudinal 500>) NS
Transverse 45(b) NS
Shielded Metal-Arc Welding
(a) Not specified
Only low-hydrogen-type covered electrodes should be used
(b) Values for plate thicknesses 5/8 inch and over. for welding HY-80 and HY-100. These electrodes are generally
of the AWS E-XX18 type, but may also be E-XX15or E-XX16.
The AWS E-10018 and E-l 1018 electrodes are commonly used
TABLE 7. MINIMUM PREHEAT TEMPERATURES FOR to insure 100 percent efficiency in a highly stressed joing in HY-80.
WELDING HY-80 AND HY-100 STEELS(2'16) Electrodes lower in strength, such as E-9018, are often adequate
(as in filler welds under longitudinal shear loads for example).(3)
Plate Thickness, Minimum Preheat or The lower strength weld metal is also frequently desired to prevent
inches Interpass Temp., F cracking in highly restrained fillet weldsX3) Typical mechanical
properties of SMA weld deposits in HY-80 using E-9018 and
To 1/2 75 E-l 1018 electrodes are shown in Table 8. Impact properties of
these weld deposits are shown in Table 9. The variations in
1/2 to 1-1/8 125 properties are generally due to variations in chemical composi-
tion of the weld deposits from electrodes produced by various
Over 1-1/8 200 manufacturers. The AWS E-l 1018 electrodes are generally used
in welding HY-100 to insure 100 percent efficiency in the weld

The care of welding electrodes for joining HY-80 and HY-

100, discussed under "General Considerations In Welding", should
be strictly observed. The E-XX15, E-XX16, and E-XX18 electrodes
generally have sufficiently low hydrogen contents to avoid
cracking in the weld and base metal provided that the electrodes
were supplied in hermetically sealed containers which have not
been damaged and the electrodes have not been exposed to the
air. The rapid absorption of moisture from the air into the
electrode coatings has been discussed previously.



Yield Strength Tensile Elonga-

Specimen Electrode 0.2% Offset, Strength, in 2 In.,
Type(a> Type ksi ksi percent Reference
W E-9018 81.5 91.1 26 7
W E-l 1018 108.5 113.0 22 7
W E-l 1018 105.0 117.0 25 7
FOR 1-INCH-THICK HY-80 PLATE.(5) T 89(b)
E-11018 112 21 18
(a) Joint Type - T transverse butt-welded plate
To ensure adequate notch toughness in the heat-affected W All-weld-metal specimen.
zones of welded joints in HY-80, maximum heat inputs should be (b) Fractured in base metal.
limited to 45,000 joules/inch* for plates over 1/2 inch thick.(3)
These maximum heat inputs combined with the preheat limits
will insure adequate cooling rates for the formation of martensite TABLE 9. CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT PROPERTIES OF SMA WELDS
in the heat-affected zone. The relatively high martensite-forma- DEPOSITED IN HY-80 STEEL WITH AWS E-9018 AND fi-
tion temperature (see Figure 11) allows for some self tempering l l 018 ELECTRODES
of the heat-affected-zone structures thus providing good as-welded
Specimen Impact Strength, ft-lb
properties. TypeCa) Electrode Type 30F OF -60 F Reference
HY-80 weldments generally do not require stress relieving.(3)
W E-9018 62 7
Stress relieving may be required, however, for applications where
W E-9018 -- -- 82 7
a weldment must retain its shape to close tolerances during
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016 W E-11018 -- -- 45 7
Downloaded/printed by T E-11018 56 46 -- 18
joules/inch = ire
voltage x arc current (amperes) x 60
of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
(a) Joint Type - T - Transverse butt-welded plate
travel' speed in inches/minute W - All-weld-metal specimen.
Gas Metal-Arc Welding Much of the work in the development of the Narrow-Gap
welding process has been carried out with HY-80 steel. (28-31)
The GMA welding process has been discussed previously Weld joint mechanical properties from flat-position welds are
under "General Considerations in Welding". Both spray and shown in Table 11. The impact properties of the Narrow-Gap
short-circuiting types of metal transfer have been used in joining weld-metal are adequate but are slightly lower than those of the
HY-80 steel. (10,19-27) Argon plus 1 or 2 percent oxygen is flat-position spray-transfer weld-metal shown in Table 10. This
generally preferred as the shielding gas for spray-transfer welding, may be due in part to the high CO2 concentration required
and 10 to 12 Ib/hr of metal can be deposited under typical flat- in the shielding gas. The impact properties of the Narrow-Gap
position welding parameters(21) Weld-metal mechanical and welds at -80 F are comparable to those of the short-circuiting
impact properties are shown in Table 10. transfer welds, thus making the Narrow-Gap welding process
highly attractive for all-position, automated, welding applications.
Short-circuiting transfer GMA welding is generally done in a
60 percent He - 38 percent Ar - 2 percent 02 shielding gasA4) Filler metals for GMA welding HY-80 steel are covered by
This gas mixture has the inherent characteristics of high heat specifications MIL-E-19822 and MIL-E-23765/2. MIL-E-23765/2
transfer imparted by the helium, ease of ionization imparted by also covers filler metals for welding HY-100. The use of electrodes
the argon, and arc stabilization imparted by the oxygen.(20) comforming to MIL-E-19822 to weld HY-80 should be avoided
Hazlett reports that the addition of 5 percent CO2 to this gas in structures which must be stress relieved after welding.(22)
mixture helps prevent incipient lack of fusion between passes Weld deposits from these materials are subject to temper
in multipass welds.(20) The CO2 addition also reduces spatter. embrittlement because of their vanadium content. Deposits from
An Ar-02-CO2 mixture has been successfully used in welding a electrodes conforming to either specification provide adequate
large HY-80 pressure sphere.(26) Telford reports that gases as-welded properties.
containing large amounts of CO2, such as 75 percent Ar - 25
percent CO2, should be avoided.(27) Welds made in such Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding
atmospheres may pick up several points of carbon and may
have significantly reduced impact resistance in multipass welds.
Mechanical and impact properties of short-circuiting transfer GTA welding has generally been used only for laboratory
evaluations of the weldability and crack susceptibility of HY-80.
weld deposits are shown in Table 10. (32-34) While the process is capable of depositing very high

Mechanical Properties
Yield Ultimate Elonga- Reduc- Impact Properties,
Strength Tensile V tion in tion of Charpv V-Notch, ft-lb.
3 c
Filler MetaK ) Specimen Transfer( ) 0.2% Offset, Strength, 2 In., Area, Room
Specification Type(") Mode ksi ksi percent percent Temp O F -60 F -100 F Reference
2 W-A ST 104 110 21 65 140 105 85 27
2 W-A SC 104 108 22 70 140 -- 105 70 27
2 W-B ST 109 115 20 61 190 125 110 85 27
2 W-B SC 113 119 20 65 -- 95 85 55 27
2 W-C ST 101 107 23 70 190 155 140 120 27
2 W-C SC 103 107 23 70 -- 135 105 55
1 W ST 115 120 18 50 -- -- -- -- 21
2 W ST 101 106-108 23-25 67-75 190 160 130 -- 26
2 W SC 103 106 22-25 70-75 -- 140 108 -- 26

(a) Filler-Metal Specifications- 1 -MIL-E-19822

(b) Specimen Type - W-A11 Weld Metal
Second letter represents filler-wire heat number for direct comparison of the properties obtained with
different transfer modes.
(c) Transfer Mode - ST - Spray Transfer
SC - Short-Circuiting Transfer


Tensile Properties
Plate Strength Ultimate Elongationi Reduction Charpy V-Notch
Filler Thickness, 0.2% Offset, Strength, in 2 In., of Area Toughness, ft-lb
Wire inch ksi ksi percent percent 80F OF -40F -60F -80F Reference
A 1-1/2 91.7 107.1 19.5 70 47 30 20 20 17 29
A<»> 1-1/2 76 76 65 64 58 29
B 2 113.1 66 65 61 31
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
(a) Same asbyabove but with reduced heat input
UniversityNOTE: All welds(University
of Washington made usingof twin-wire procedure
Washington) pursuant with 80 percent
to License Ar + 20
Agreement. Nopercent
further CO2 Shieldingauthorized.
reproductions Gas.
quality welds, it is seldom used for fabricating large, thick-plate be formed as a result of hot tearing. Masubuchi concluded that
structures because of the low deposition rate with resulting high grain-boundary liquation caused by inclusions in the HY-80 steel
costs of the process. The GTA process is usually used with the may have been responsible for the microcracking. He observed
addition of filler metal. However, Thompson notes in passing that welding procedures appeared to have little influence on the
that melted HY-80 material without the addition of filler metal severity of microcracking.
is highly crack susceptible.C34) GTA welding may be useful in
critical applications if a crack-resistant filler material is added in Microcracking has been related to steel composition by
the process. Masubuchi,(8) Emmanuel,(7) and Thompson.(34) Increased
amounts of silicon and sulfur were found in some cracks.
The hot-wire GTA process employing a resistance-heated Thompson reported the association of microcracks with sulfide
filler wire is reported to offer deposition rates and weld properties inclusions and banding in the base material.(34) Masubuchi
comparable to those of the GMA process.C35) The properties are reported no correlation between cracking and banding. (8) In
summarized below: the investigation of many experimental heats of HY-80,
Emmanuel reported that the only heats that showed no cracking
Impact regardless of previous processing were those that contained very
Yield Ultimate Elonga- Reduc- Strength low sulfur.(7)
Strength Tensile tion in tion in Charpy
0.2% Offset, Strength; 2 In., Area, V-Notch,
t«i k<ti npri-pnt nercent ft-lb Savage has suggested that a significant number of micro-
97 105 23 74 105 at 0 F
cracks in HY-80 do not nucleate in the heat-affected zone, but,
instead, nucleate in a previously unrecognized region of the weld
Note: 15-lb/hr deposition rate employed. metal.(32) This is a region of melted base metal which is not
mixed with the crack-resistant filler metal and is, thus, crack
Submerged-Arc Welding sensitive. Cracking is related to segregation in the grain
boundaries in the solidifying unmixed region. This theory differs
In submerged-arc welding HY-80 steel, the alloy content in from that of Masubuchi(8) in that Savage relates cracking to
the weld metal may be obtained by using either a mild-steel wire segregation in a bulk-melted region and Masubuchi relates
with an alloyed flux or an alloyed wire with a neutral flux.(2) cracking to grain-boundary liquation (partial melting).
The latter method is generally preferred since the use of an alloy
flux must be very closely controlled in order to fix the amount Meitzner also observed heat-affected-zone microcracking
of flux melted and thus the quantity of alloy transferred per which was attributed to liquation.(10) The degree of heat-affected-
pound of wire. Early studies by Lewis, et al, using an alloy wire, zone microcracking was found to be related to the bead contour
neutral flux combination showed lower than expected weld- with the SMA, GMA, and submerged-arc welding processes. The
metal notch toughness.(36) This was attributed to the number of GMA welding process produced more microcracking in HY-80
inclusions in the welds and the oxygen content of the weld metal. than did either the SMA or the submerged-arc process. The
Subsequent work by Lewis on the development of filler wires and difference, also, could be related to bead-contour variations.
fluxes significantly increased the impact strength of the as-welded These results indicate that the weld-bead contour is influential in
and the stress-relieved welds.(37) All weld-metal properties of a determining the local stress pattern in the heat-affected zone
typical multipass submerged-arc weld in HY-80 steel are presented immediately after welding. The results also point out the
below: (2)
necessity of keeping restraint at a minimum during welding and
Charpy of using welding procedures which produce good weld-bead
V-Notch contours to minimize heat-affected-zone microcracking.
Ultimate Elonga- Reduc- Impact
Tensile Yield tion in tion in Strength, Rare-earth additions during melting have been effective in
Strength, Strength 2 In., Area, ft-lb reducing heat-affected-zone microcracking in HY-80.(13, 14, 33)
ksi 1r«i t oercent at -fiflF
It is believed that the rare-earth additions react with the sulfur to
98 92 20 55 35 form a slag that is removed prior to pouring the ingot thus
This weld was deposited by a MIL-100S-1 electrode (MIL-S- reducing the total sulfur content of the steel. Small additions of
23765/2) and a neutral flux. columbium (0.06 percent) have not been significant in reducing the
In a thorough analysis of submerged-arc welding procedures, microcracking tendency, and larger additions (0.23 percent) have
weld-metal notch toughness was found to correlate with both increased the cracking tendency.(12) The larger addition of
weld-metal oxygen content and weld microstructure.(38) The columbium formed a low-melting-point intergranular phase, which
impact strengths were high in welds with low oxygen contents resulted in microcracking due to liquation.
and fine-grained microstructures, and low in welds with higher
oxygen contents and coarser microstructures. In this study, both Delayed Cracking
conditions occurred simultaneously and no evaluation of the
relative effects of each was given. Delayed cracking may occur in HY-80 when improper welding
materials or techniques are used. Delayed cracking originates in
Problems in Welding HY-80 the hard zones of the heat-affected zone or weld metal after the
metal cools below its transformation temperature.(11) Such
Microcracking cracking may occur even several days after the weld is completed.
All investigators agree that some degree of restraint plus the
presence of hydrogen is required for delayed cracking.(8, 10, 11,
The welding of HY-80 steel is relatively trouble free when 15, 22, 25) Delayed cracking may appear as microcracks or
the proper precautions are observed in applying the respective gross macrocracks,(25) and it is generally transgranular rather
welding processes. The one seemingly inherent problem in welding than intergranular.
commercially produced HY-80 steel is heat-affected-zone micro-
Delayed cracking may or may not initiate from small
microcracks. Masubuchi showed macrocracks that appeared to
Masubuchi examined metallographically 17 HY-80 weldments start as intergranular cracks and change to transgranular cracks.(8)
of different design and fabricated with different welding proce- Meitzner reported there was no evidence to indicate that delayed
dures/8) Macrocracks were found in a few weldments, but cracking initiates at small microcracksX 10)
microcracks were
Copyright byfound
most(all of thereserved);
rights weldments. The1 23:00:30
Fri Jan micro- EST 2016
cracks Downloaded/printed
were intergranular byand were located in the heat-affected
zone adjacent toofthe fusion line. These microcracks appeared Hydrogen introduced into the weld zone in any form may
University Washington (University of Washington) pursuantto
to Licensecause
Agreement. Nocracking.
delayed further reproductions
Beachum authorized.
reported that hydrogen,
introduced into restrained welds during welding as gaseous For reference, compositions of three 80-ton heats are
hydrogen, in water vapor, or in propane, caused delayed given in Table 13. It will be noticed that levels of all of the
cracking.(25) Meitzner introduced hydrogen into a GMA weld major alloying elements differ from those of the embrittlement-
by cathodically charging the electrode wire in H2SO4 prior to resistant composition, although the principal significant
welding.UO) It was found that only 3.3 ppm hydrogen in the compositional difference between stress-relievable HY-130(T)
electrode will cause delayed cracking in highly restrained welds. and earlier HY-130(T) compositions is a decrease in the
Increased restraint generally lowers the quantity of hydrogen manganese level of the stress-relievable grade. Undersiable
required to cause delayed cracking. impurity elements, such as sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, and
oxygen must be held to the lowest possible commercial levels to
This discussion serves to emphasize the need for proper maintain adequate toughness at the 130-ksi yield-strength level.
welding procedures and materials. All materials in contact with United States Steel Corporation does not consider the stress-
the high-temperature portions of the weld and the heat-affected relievable HY-130 to be produceable by conventional air-melting
zone must be free of all hydrogen-containing substances. practice, vacuum melting being necessary to maintain the
residual-element contents at the required low levels.(45)
During the past decade, the upgrading of the HY-80
class of Naval hull-construction alloys to the 130-ksi yield-
strength level has been the subject of a major development effort, Weieht Percent(a)
Heat Heat Heat
first at Westinghouse Electric Corporation(39-41) and then at Element 5P0481 5P0747 3P0074
United States Steel Corporation.(42) This work has resulted in
new base-metal and welding-filler-wire compositions, and in the Carbon 0.11 0.11 0.11
accumulation of a large amount of data on the mechanical and Manganese 0.84 0.85 0.78
corrosion properties of base plate and weldments as influenced Phosphorus 0.007 0.009 0.008
by primary working, heat treatment, and welding practice. Alloys Sulfur 0.005 0.007 0.004
are still considered developmental, however, and there are no 0.23 0.29
Silicon 0.30
applicable military specifications for HY-130 type materials at
present. Alloy designations for this class of material are not yet Copper ND ND ND
standardized and the designations 5Ni-Cr-Mo-V, HY-150, HY-140, Nickel 4.84 4.91 5.03
HY-130/150, and HY-130(T) are all being used to describe the Chromium 0.55 0.58 0.56
same alloy in different stages of development. Molybdenum 0.59 0.58 0.42
Vanadium 0.04 0.05 0.05
Composition Titanium ND ND ND
Aluminum (acid 0.014 0.017 0.012
Development of the HY-130(T) alloy has been the result of soluble)
a series of statistically designed experiments, first with laboratory- Nitrogen (Kjeldahl) 0.009 0.009 0.011
size heats, and then with large heats melted using commercial Oxygen 0.0015 0.0033 0.0034
practice. The steel is of the medium-alloy Ni-Cr-Mo-V type, with
the alloying elements adjusted to give optimum properties. The (a) ND - not determined
purposes of the alloying elements are similar to those for HY-80.
The latest reported nominal composition for HY-130(T) base
plate is given in Table 12.(43) This composition was selected to
avoid embrittlement of the base plate during stress-relief heat Metallurgical Characteristics
HY-130(T) is in many ways a development from HY-80.
Like HY-80, it is intended for use in the quenched-and-tempered
condition, in which it has a martensitic microstructure. In the
TABLE 12. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF STRESS- center of 4-inch plates, as much as 40 percent lower bainite may
RELIEVABLE HY-130(T) STEEL(43) also be present. Typical calculated ideal diameters for HY-130(T)
(Check Analysis - Heat No. 5P2628) are around 15 inches. Table 14. taken from a 1964 paper,
summarizes some of the constants and properties of HY-130 type
Chemical Composition, weight percent material not elsewhere obtainable.(46) it will be noted that the
Element Composition recommended austenitizing and tempering temperatures are
somewhat lower than those for HY-80 steel (austenitization at
C 0.094 about 1650 F and tempering in the range 1150-1250 F, as
Mn 0.18 described on page 5).
P 0.002
Base-Metal Properties
S 0.007
Si 0.30 The target base-metal properties during the development
Ni 5.60 of HY-130(T) recognized the need for a combination of yield
Cr 0.78 strength, toughness, fatigue resistance, freedom from stress
Mo 0.35 corrosion, produceability in the desired form, and reasonable
V 0.070 cost. The desired yield strength was apparently progressively
lowered from 150 to 130 ksi during the development program
Al(a) 0.014
because of inherent limitation in toughness of this class of alloy
N 0.010 steel at high yield strengths. This limitation arises from the
0(b) 67
carbon-strengthened martensitic hardening mechanism.
As 0.003
Sb 0.0004 The quantitative target properties for HY-130(T) appear to
Sn 0.003 have been:
(a) Total aluminum
Copyright (1) A yield strength of at least 130 ksi at the center of a
by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
(b) Parts per million
Downloaded/printed by quenched-and-tempered 4-inch plate.
University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
TABLE 14. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HY-130- A linear relationship has been shown between the normalized
TYPE STEEL(46) values of the plane-strain stress-intensity factor, Klc, and the
Charpy V-notch energy absorption, CVN, for several high-strength
steels. See Figure 16.(42) For a nominal 130-ksi yield strength,
ACJ Temperature, F 1210
the experimental point shown for HY-130(T) corresponds to a
AO Temperature, F 1415 78 ft-lb Charpy energy and a Klc of 300 ksj/inch.
Ms Temperature, F 715 Table 15(43) shows the mechanical properties of an 80-ton
heat of stress-relievable HY-130 (chemical analysis for the same
Recommended Final Austenitiz- heat is given in Table 12).
ing Temperature, F 1500
Recommended Quenching Medium Water The fatigue properties of HY-130(T) are given in Figure
17.(42) it will be noted that the fatigue strengths, expressed in
Microstructure (as-quenched) terms of strain range, are higher than those of HY-80 over the
Midthickness of l/2-in.-thick plate Martensite 100 percent entire range of cycle lives.
Midthickness of 4-in.-thick plate 60 to 75 percent mar-
tensite, remainder
bainite Welding Characteristics
Recommended Tempering Tempera- Preheat and interpass temperatures for welding HY-130(T)
ture Range, F 1000 to 1150 are similar to those for HY-80; a minimum of 200 F is recom-
Coefficient of Linear Expansion mended for 1-inch plate,(48) Grotke(9) refers to a stipulated
(80 to HOOF) 7.1 x 10'6 in./in./F maximum preheat temperature of 300 F, although some
investigators(49) have found it necessary to go to preheat temper-
Density (at 30 C) 7.89'g/cc atures as high as 400 F to avoid transverse cracking. The moisture
content of SMA electrodes should not exceed 0.10 percent, and
Magnetic Properties the hydrogen content of GMA welding wire should be below
Bsat 20,5 20 gauss 3 ppm. Welding input energy should be limited to 50
Hsat 2,190 oersteds kilojoules/inch. Welding defects likely to be encountered with
Br (when Bmax = 15,000 gauss) 10,850 gauss HY-130(T) are chiefly weld-metal cracking and porosity. This
Hc (when Bmax = 15,000 gauss) 11.0 oersteds differs from HY-80, in which the most severe welding problems
have involved heat-affected-zone cracking.
^max 630
Filler metals for use with HY-130 steels have been developed
Compressive Yield Strength to match the base-plate properties. Because of the solidification
(0.2 percent offset) About 10 to 15 ksi high- cycle through which the weld fusion zone must pass and the
er than tensile yield inability to duplicate the base-metal processing, weld-metal
composition differs from that of the base metal. Actual weld-
Elevated-Temperature Yield Strength metal compositions are intermediate between those of the base
(0.2 percent offset) plate and the filler wire because of dilution. Carbon content
400 F 131 ksi of the filler wire is below that of the base metal because of
500 F 132 ksi carbon's tendency to cause cracking. Similarly, manganese
600 F 125 ksi content is relatively high because it imparts toughness; nickel
content is lowered to avoid cracking known to be caused by high
700 F 121 ksi nickel contents, and chromium content is raised for increased
800 F 113 ksi hardenability. The desired weld-metal microstructure is stated
Machinability About the same as by Dorschu and Lesnewich to consist of low-temperature
quenched and tempered bainite.(50) The composition range reported in 1964 for filler
AISI4140steelat36Rc metal by these investigators was:
C 0.05/0.09 Si 0.25/0.45
Mn 1.90/2.20 Mo 0.50/0.60
Ni 2.00/2.50 Cr 1.00/1.25
(2) A maximum fracture-transition-plastic temperature of
OF. with 0.010 maximum phosphorus and sulfur. This is
substantially the composition of Air Reduction Company's (Airco)
(3) A maximum nil-ductility temperature of-100 F. AX-140 electrode wire. The same metal composition was also
used successfully for SMA electrodes.
(4) A Charpy-V notch impact energy absorption of 60 ft-lb
at 0 F in the ductile fracture region ("shelf). The requirement that there be no embrittlement during
stress-relief treatment following welding has necessitated changes
Figure 13 shows the yield strength and toughness of base in electrode composition as well as in base plate. Table 16 gives
plate as influenced by tempering temperature.(47) The data were the analyses of three such heats of electrode filler wire.(45)
obtained from an 80-ton production heat in the form of 1/2-inch It will be noted from the low manganese, high nickel, and
plate. The lower transverse toughness properties are typical for inclusion of vanadium that these materials are considerably
this class of material, and can be made to approach the different from the 2Mn-2Ni type of electrode material.
longitudinal properties by cross rolling.
Comparison of Welding Processes for HY-130
Figure 14 shows the effect of increasing plate thickness on
yield strength and toughness.(47) It will be noted that Charpy At the 130-ksi yield-strength level, the submerged-arc process
results are for two test temperatures. The data are from several has not been considered capable of producing weldments with
heats, some with deliberate variations from the nominal composi- adequate yield strength and toughness. A submerged-arc welding
tion. For a given heat, the difference between longitudinal and study(45, 51) is currently in progress, however, using a newly
transverse impact
Copyright by toughness
ASTM Int'l may be considerably
(all rights reserved); Fri greater than EST 2016developed flux. The SMA, GMA, and GTA processes and
Jan 1 23:00:30
would Downloaded/printed
appear from Figure by 14 unless the material is given a variations of them have all been used to produce HY-130 weld-
considerable amount
University of cross (University
of Washington rolling. See Figure 15.(42)
of Washington) ments. No further reproductions authorized.
pursuant to License Agreement.




Individual test values are shown.



Tensile Properties
Yield Ultimate
Specimen Strength Tensile Elongation Reduction Charpy V-Notch
Location and3 0.2% Offset, Strength, in 2 Inches, of Area, Energy Absorption
Plate Orientation' ) ksi ksi percent percent at 0 F, ft-lb
063574 T 140 152 18.0 63.9 53 55 57
L rights reserved); Fri
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all 134 151 EST 2016
Jan 1 23:00:30 20.0 67.4 75 76 78
(a) T = Topbyof plate, transverse specimen.
University of L = Bottom(University
Washington of plate, longitudinal
of Washington) specimen.
pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Welding(a)_ Chemical Composition, weight percent

Process C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo V Ti Al(b) N(c>

SMA(d) 0.08 0.62 0.007 0.008 0.40 7.97 0.58 0.53 0.070 ND 0.004 0.019
GMA( ) 0.11 0.58 0.002 0.005 0.36 7.93 0.47 0.45 0.075 0.020 0.002 0.006
GMA( ) 0.10 0.57 0.001 0.005 0.36 7.89 0.46 0.40 0.071 0.020 0.002 0.006

(a) SMA= Shielded Metal Arc; GMA = Gas Metal Arc.

(b) Total.
(c) Kjeldahl analysis,
(d) Composition determined from weld deposited,
(e) Ladle analysis of heats.

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding

Manual SMA welding is the common shipyard-welding
method. For this reason, suitable electrode and coating
compositions were developed for use with HY-130(T) base
metal. Obtaining sufficient weld-metal toughness at this
strength level is a problem with the SMA process. Heuschkel
has reported the SMA welding conditions used in the
Westinghouse program, which appear as part of Table 17.(52)
Coatings were of the E-XX18, or low-hydrogen, iron-powder
type. SMA and GMA welding conditions used by United States
Steel Corporation for plates up to 4 inches thick were given by
Connor, Rathbone, and Gross (Table 18).(48) Recommended
preheat and interpass temperatures and heat inputs are given in
Table 19.

Maintenance of a low hydrogen content in the weld metal

is critical with steels at high-yield-strength levels, such as
HY-130(T). Table 20 gives the compositions of three types of
coatings for SMA electrodes developed for this application.(42)
The iron-powder type of coating, Class E-XXX18, results in
higher toughness welds than do the other types (See Figure
18),(42) and most of the SMA welding of HY-130(T) has been
done with this class of coating.
CHARPY V-NOTCH ENERGY ABSORPTION For a given yield strength, it is generally observed that a
(CVN) FOR SEVERAL HIGH-STRENGTH GMA weld will have greater toughness than an SMA weld. At
STEELS.(42> yield-strength levels above 130 ksi, it appears that the GMA
process will displace SMA for production welding.


Gas Shielded Gas
Tungsten- Arc Metal-arc Metal-arc
Filler Metal Diam, In. 3/16 3/16 1/16
Amps 400/420 200/250 275/485
Volts 12 22/27 24/32.5
Beads 16/22 13/14 6/12
Travel, ipm 5/6 8/10 11.5/18.0
Range, joules/in. 49000/54300 29050/37650 31200/74000
Avg., joules/in. 53200 31700 47200

(all rights reserved);
OF HY-80Fri Jan
AND1 23:00:30 EST 2016
Downloaded/printed by
University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Gas Metal-Arc (GMA) Shielded Metal-Arc (SMA)
Heat input, kilojoule/in. 40 60 25 30 .40
Electrode diam, in. 0.045(0.062)(a) 0.062 1/8 5/32 3/16
Current, amp (dcrp) 240/280(300/320)( ) 300/350 120/140 160/180 200/220
Arc voltage, V 28/29 30/31 22/24 22/24 22/24
Travel speed, ipm 11/13 9/11 6/8 6/8 6/8
Shielding gas Argon + 2 percent Argon + 2 percent
oxygen oxygen
(a) Weldments fabricated with electrodes A and B were welded with 0.062-in.-diam filler metal with a
nominal heat input of 40 kilojoule/in.


HY-130(T) STEEL(48)
Preheat and
Interpass Heat Input,
Plate Thickness, in. Temp F kiloioule/in.
Gas Metal-Arc Welding Procedures
130-ksi minimum yield strength
Up to 3/8 Not recommended(a)
3/8 and including 5/8 125 to 150 35
Over 5/8 and including 7/8 150 to 200 40
Over 7/8 and including 1 1/2 200 to 275 45
Over 1 1/2 225 to 300 50
140-ksi minimum yield strength
Up to 3/4 Not recommended(a) DEPOSITED WITH THREE COVERED-
3/4 and including 1 125 to 200 35 ELECTRODE SYSTEMS.C42)

Over 1 and including 1 1/2 200 to 275 40

Spray Transfer. The welding conditions developed on the
Over 1 1/2 225 to 300 42 United States Steel Corporation program for welding HY-130(T)
by the GMA process under spray-transfer conditions are given
1 30-ksi minimum yield strength
in Table 19. Welding conditions used at Union Carbide
Less than 3/8 Not recommended(a) Corporation's Linde Division by Enis and Telford(53) agree with
those cited in Table 17 except that a slightly lower voltage is
3/8 and including 5/8 125 to 150 30 specified (in the 24 to 26 volt range).
Over 5/8 and including 7/8 150 to 200 35 In a rocket-motor-case-fabrication study carried out for
Over 7/8 and including 1 1/4 200 to 275 35 NASA, Tiffany, et al., investigated several different welding
processes for 1-inch-thick HY-150 plate.(54) They selected
Over 1 1/4 and including 4 225 to 300 40 spray-transfer GMA as the preferred process, with an SMA root
(a) Welding of these light-gage plates by either gas metal-arc or pass to accommodate fit up variations. Welding was limited to
shielded metal-arc processes is not recommended. For such the flat position since no need for out-of-position welding was
welding, the gas tungsten-arc process with appropriate controls visualized for the application. Their welding conditions were
is recommended. substantially the same as the 40-kilojoules/inch conditions
recommended in Table 18.
COVERED ELECTRODES(42) Short-Circuiting Transfer. Enis and Telford have also
investigated GMA welding of HY-130(T) in the short-circuiting
mode. Toughness of welds made in this manner was not as
AWS Class and Type of Coating, Weight Percent adversely affected by increases in carbon as that of welds made
Lime Titania Iron-powder using the spray-transfer mode. A shielding gas composed of
(E-xxxl5) (E-xxxl6) (E-xxxl8) 60He-35Ar-5CO2 was substituted for the Ar-CO2 mixture used
Calcium carbonate 10-30 10-30 10-30
for spray transfer. A weaving-torch technique rather than a
stringer-bead technique gave improved mechanical properties
Fluorspar 10-30 10-30 10-30 in the weld metal. For vertical welding in the dip-transfer mode,
Titanium dioxide 0-8 15-30 0-8 a 40-kilojoule/inch heat-input rate was optimum. The rate was
0-5 0-5 15-30 raised to 65 kilojoules/inch for the root pass, the actual conditions
Iron powder
being 125 amperes, 17 volts, and 2 ipm vertical travel speed.
Ferro alloys 15-30 15-30 15-30
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 ESTSubsequent
2016 passes were made at 150 amperes, 18 volts, and
silicates 5-10 5-10 5-10 4 ipm. A static power supply slope of 5 volts per 100 amperes
5-15 5-15
gave the smoothest operation.
and/or potassium silicate
of Washington 5-15
(University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Pulsed-Arc Welding. Investigation of the pulsed-arc process
for welding HY-130(T) type alloys is still in progress. The
welding parameters, as reported by United States Steel Corpora-
tion, are given in Table 21.(45) Work done by the Air Reduction
Company under somewhat different conditions provides
additional information regarding use of the pulsed-arc process.(55)
Airco used an Ar-2 percent 02 shielding gas mixture, a 1/4-inch
arc length, and a 3/4-inch contact-tip separation. They varied
duty cycle at three frequencies for two different wire sizes
(0.035 and 0.045 inch). Figure 19 shows the type of relationship
observed among the welding variables. Increasing the duty cycle
or the frequency narrows the acceptable range over which spray
transfer can be obtained. A 20 percent duty cycle at 120 pulses
per second is noted as appearing particularly promising for
welding HY-130(T).

Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding

Because of its relatively low deposition rate, conventional

GTA welding has not been seriously considered for ship construc-
tion. Its ability to produce fusion welds of the highest attainable
quality has however, made GTA a candidate welding process for
fabrication of large solid-fuel rocket-motor cases. GTA welding
was also used in an Air Force-sponsored study at the Boeing
Company to prepare weldments in 1-inch HY-150 and HP-150*
plates.(56) Table 22 shows the joint design and the welding
parameters used. A preheat between 250 and 300 F was used
for both alloys. The welding conditions are somewhat different FIGURE 19. THREE-DIMENSIONAL REPRESENTATION OF
from those used in the earlier Westinghouse investigation THE INTERACTION OF DUTY CYCLE, PEAK
Hot-Wire GTA Welding. United States Steel Corporation ING OPERATING RANGES (wire diam - 0.045
has conducted a study to optimize the process variable for the in.)(55)
hot-wire GTA process.(57) This process is of interest because of
its improved metal-deposition rate relative to that of conventional
GTA welding. The investigators were able to achieve bead-on- TABLE 22. GTA WELDING PROCEDURE FOR HY-150 AND
plate welds of suitable contour at deposition rates as high as 11 HP-150 STEEL PLATES(56)
pounds per hour from any of three sets of conditions. See
Table 23. Conditions held constant during the study are given
in Table 24.

Other Welding Processes

Narrow-Gap Welding. Hy-130 has been welded using the

Narrow-Gap process.(45) The oxygen content of the resulting
welds was between 312, and 438 ppm, indicating a need for an
altered shielding-gas composition. The high thermal efficiency
of the Narrow-Gap process results in high cooling rates of the
weld metal. Use of the filler wire developed for GMA welding of
HY-130 results in an overmatched weld (i.e., fusion-zone yield
strengths are around 150 ksi), and in hydrogen embrittlement.
A program is underway to develop a suitable 130-ksi filler metal
for the Narrow-Gap process. Weld Amperes 180-210
Arc Voltage 11-14
* HP-150 is a high-strength steel manufactured by Republic Steel Travel, In/Min. 6-10
Corporation. A typical composition is 0.22 C, 0.11 Mn, 3.0 Ni, Wire Feed, In/Min. 24 (.060 In. Dia.)
1.39 Cr, 0.87 Mo, 0.07 Cb, 0.019 Al, 0.007 S, 0.006 P.
Tungsten Dia. 3/32
Backup Gas 25 CFH'Ar
Vertical-Up and Horizontal Trailing Gas 50 CHF Ar
Overhead Positions Position
Pulse Frequency, cps 120 120
Electrode Diameter, inch 0.045 0.045 TABLE 23. SETS OF HOT-WIRE GTA WELDING
Shielding Gas, percent (75 Ar-25 He) (75 Ar - 25 He) VARIABLES(57)
plus 1 O2<a) plus 1 O2<a)
Shielding-gas flow rate, 30 to 50, depending on 30 to 50, depending on Deposition Rate - 11 Ib per hr
cuft/hr nozzle size nozzle size Current - 500 amperes
Oscillation Amplitude, inch
AC Power to Wire - 2500 watts (approximate)
3/8 to 5/8 Not more than required to
produce a flat bead
Electrode Stick-Out, inch 1/2 1/2 Speed, Voltage,
Arc Length, inch 3/15 Set ipm volts
Average Current, amperes 130/150(b) 190/210(b) 1 10.0-11.0 15.5-16.0
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
(a) For maximum penetration,bya gas mixture of 75% helium and 25% argon 15.0-16.0
to which 1% oxygen is added is preferred; however, inexperienced welders may 2 12.0-14.0
have more difficulty
University controlling the
of Washington weld poolofwhen
(University using this pursuant
Washington) gas. to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
3 15.0-16.0 14.5-15.0
(b) The wire-feed speed should be limited to about 150 ipm in the vertical-up
and overhead positions, and to about 230 ipm in the horizontal position.

Tungsten-Electrode Diameter, inch 5/32

Tungsten-Electrode Tip Angle, degrees 60
Tungsten-Electrode Stick Out, inch 3/4
Shielding-Gas Type 75 He + 25 percent Ar
Shielding-Gas Flow Rate, cfh 70
Hot-Wire-Shielding-Gas Type 100 percent Ar
Hot-Wire-Shielding-Gas Flow Rate, cfh 10
Initial Plate Temperature, F 75
Hot- Wire Diameter, inch 0.045
At 3 Ib per hr 110
At 7 Ib per hr 260
At 1 1 Ib per hr 410 of 30 F/second has been specified for HY-130 weldments. It can
be seen that lower cooling rates will result in weld-metal yield
strengths below 130 ksi. The minimum cooling-rate requirement
limits the maximum preheat temperature that can be used in
Navy Extended Electrode Technique (NEET). NEET uses a
conventional GMA torch placed above the plates to be welded. Figure 21 shows the Charpy V-notch impact toughness
A square-edge preparation is used on the plates. The unsupported as a function of temperature for one of the developmental
0.062-inch-diameter filler wire is extended into the 1/4 to filler-metal compositions.(50) The term "mils expansion" refers
7/16-inch gap between the plates. Welds are made manually. to the Poisson broadening of the transverse dimension of the
The results of a preliminary investigation have been described specimen in the vicinity of the fracture, and is one measure of
by Schaper and Stern.(58) the ductility. The weld metal was deposited using the GMA
process (310 to 330 amperes, 27 to 30 volts, 11 ipm, 50
Electron Beam Welding. Electron beam welds of promising kilojoules/inch, Ar-1 percent 02 gas). Notches in the transverse
quality have been produced in HY-130. Connor and Rathbone Charpy specimens were oriented perpendicular to the plate
welded 2-inch plates and reported good strength and ductility, surface. Curves similar to the one presented for other filler-metal
compositions (given in the reference) show that impact properties
moderately good weld-metal toughness, and excellent heat-
affected-zone toughness.(59) They concluded, however, that are strong functions of composition. It can be seen from Figure
electron beam welding offered no metallurgical advantages over 21, however, that this filler metal appears to have adequate
welding by the GMA process in material this thick. Connor and toughness. It has a yield strength of 130 ksi. In general, the
Haak used electron beam welding to join HY-130 that had been toughness-yield strength tradeoff has been one of the major
given a grain-refining heat treatment ("rapid heat treating"), problems in filler-metal development as it has in base-plate
presumably because they expected less heat-affected zone development. This is illustrated in Figure 22 by the data from
damage from electron beam welding than from other welding Gross, which shows the impact strengths from a number of
processes.(60) The weldments had excellent bend ductility and weld-metal compositions and the resulting toughness-yield
good toughness. Pollack and Stern made electron beam welds in strength envelope.(42) it is this inability to obtain both a
several deep-submergence-vessel steels including HY-130 and high yield strength and a high toughness index in HY-130 steels
they believe that electron beam welds can be produced having that has been responsible for the lowering of the target yield
properties superior to those made by arc welding.(61) They strength from 150 to 130 ksi. Weld metals deposited by the
also demonstrated that defective electron beam welds could be SMA process generally have toughness properties inferior to
repaired successfully by GTA welding. All three of the studies those of GTA weld metals (Figure 23).(41)
cited were limited, laboratory-scale investigations. Successful Heat-Affected Zone
production-scale electron beam welding of ship-hull steels will
require specialized equipment and tooling. Grotke has reported the impact properties of HY-150
heat-affected-zone microstructures obtained using specimens
Weldment Properties prepared by duplicating the known weld thermal cycles at
different distances from the fusion zone.(9) Impact specimens
In this section, typical properties of weldments prepared that had been cycled to 1400 F and 2400 F peak temperatures
from HY-130-type steels are presented and discussed. There is were tested with and without a subsequent 1200 F temper.
no lack of data on developmental weldments. It is frequently The energy-absorption and fracture curves for these specimens
difficult to select the-most meaningful information since the are shown in Figures 24 and 25. Analysis of the vacuum-teemed
data have often been obtained using base plates, filler metals, heat from which the specimens came was as follows: 0.17 C,
and, to some extent, welding practices that are still under develop- 0.35 Mn, 3.53 Ni, 1.63 Cr, 0.31 Mo, 0.10 V, 0.22 Si, 0.005 Ti,
ment. Therefore, typical data are presented, with the under- 0.005 Al, 0.008 P, and 0.009 S.
standing that they are in no sense design data, to serve merely as
ranges and trends of properties available in HY-130 type weld- Heat-affected-zone impact properties, also determined using
ments. simulated welding cycles, were studied by Connor, Rathbone,
and Gross for 52 heats of Ni-Cr-Mo-V steels of varying composi-
Weld Metal tion. (62) Figure 26 shows the data obtained from one of these
heats. The resulting curves can be considered as profiles of
The transformation kinetics and, therefore, the mechanical impact properties across the heat-affected zone. Although there
properties of the weld metal are strongly influenced by the
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016 is a minimum in the impact strengths for the peak temperature
cooling rate. The cooling rate at 1000 F after welding is taken of 1300 F, all of the impact-energy absorption values are 60 ft-lb
Downloaded/printed by
as being indicative of the properties to be expected. Figure 20 or higher. The weld heat-affected-zone cracking that has been a
showsUniversity of Washington
the variation of yield(University
strength withof Washington)
cooling ratespursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
in weld problem with HY-80 has not given difficulties with the HY-130
metal from 1- and 2-inch plates. (42) A minimum cooling rate type steels. Adams and Corrigan have shown that the residual
stresses are distributed differently in welds made in these two HY-130/150 weldments that they examined were located in the
types of material.(63) They found that the stress in the fusion heat-affected zones. They attributed the unusual stress distribu-
zone of HY-130/150 was lower than that in HY-80 by as much tion in HY-130/150 welds to the transformation of austenite at
as a factor of 5. and that such stress maxima as existed in the relatively low temperatures.



Weld-Metal Composition
Element Percent
C 0,06
Mn 1.67
Si 0.37
Ni 2.55
Cr 0.36
Mo 0.49
Cu <0.01
P 0.006
S 0.006

Tensile Properties
Yield strength 0.2%
offset, ksi 130
Tensile strength, ksi 137
Elongation in
2 in., % 19
Reduction of area,
% 64
Charpy V-notch
impact properties
Energy absorption
Transition temp, at FOR AS-DEPOSITED HY-130 WELD METALS/41)
20 ft-lb, F 150
Comments Sound

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
Downloaded/printed by AND DUCTILITY OF
University EXPERIMENTAL HY-130
of Washington (University of WELD METAL.(SO)
Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


Cr-Mo-V STEEL (HEAT NO X53185).(62)

Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness Corrosion and Stress Corrosion

Tiffany, Masters, and Regan estimated a Klc for GTA United States Steel Corporation(65) is studying corrosion
welds in 1-inch-thick HY-150 plate to be in excess of 250 ksi and stress corrosion of unwelded plate and weldments of HY-80
v/lnch.(56) in a test vessel having an artificially prepared surface and HY-130(T) steels exposed to seawater in total immersion,
crack 0.79 inch deep by 2.44 inches long in a longitudinal weld, in the tide zone, in a trough with flowing water, and in a marine
the crack being submerged in seawater, they demonstrated the atmosphere. Tests, still in progress, will be continued for a
leak-before-failure characteristics of the material by pressurizing total of 4 years.
the vessel to 143 ksi before crack propagation through the
thickness occurred. Experimental values of Klc obtained by In 2-year tests, the corrosion behavior of HY-130(T) steel
States Steel Corporation
by ASTM for HY-130(T)
Int'l (all rights SMA
reserved); Fri Janwelds specimens was substantially equivalent to that of the HY-80
1 23:00:30 EST 2016
were Downloaded/printed
142 and 163 ksijinch,
depending on notch orientation.(64) steel. Weldments of HY-130(T) steel in 2-year, seawater tests
University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
showed less corrosion than did weldments of HY-80 steel.
(See Figures 27 and 28). In seawater, the HY-80 steel weldments
were corroded most in the weld metal and in-the base metal, and
considerably less in the heat-affected zone. For the HY-130( T)
steel weldments, the difference in corrosion rates of the base
metal, weld metal, and heat-affected zone was appreciably less
than that for the HY-80 steel weldments.

In the marine atmosphere, the corrosion rates after 2 years

of exposure were relatively low and about the same for the
HY-80 and HY-130(T) steels.

Both steels-unwelded plate and welded HY-80 and

HY-130(T) steels-were resistant to stress-corrosion cracking in FIGURE 28. WELD-METAL CORROSION OF HY-130CT)
marine atmospheres and in shallow seawater. In the deepsea STEEL WELDMENTS IN MARINE ENVIRON-
corrosion and stress-corrosion tests, one set of HY-130(T) MENTS/65)
unwelded plate and welded specimens was exposed for 6 months
at a nominal depth of 2500 feet and another set for about 1 year
at a nominal depth of 6000 feet. The stress-corrosion specimens
were U-bend specimens. There were no cracks in the unwelded
plate or welded HY-130(T) steel specimens exposed at 2500
feet. One U-bend stress-corrosion specimen of HY-130(T)
containing a transverse weld section failed by stress corrosion
through the weld metal after exposure at the 6000-foot depth.
There is a question whether a crack had been initiated during
bending of the specimen, however, and the filler metal used
had been one that later proved crack-susceptible. No other
U-bend specimens have failed thus far. The specimens exposed
at 2500 and 6000-foot depths showed only a moderate amount of
corrosion. There was no indication of galvanic attack between
base metal and weld metal. On the basis of these tests, corrosion
and stress corrosion of HY-130(T) is not expected to be a
serious problem.

United States Steel Corporation also has investigated the

effect of notch orientation on the susceptibility of HY-130(T)
weld metal to stress-corrosion cracking.(64) Notch orientation
was studied because the possibility exists that stress-corrosion
cracks may propagate parallel to the weldment surface in a
structure as well as perpendicular to the surface. The welds were
deposited by the SMA process using E-14018 covered electrodes. FIGURE 29. EFFECT OF NOTCH ORIENTATION ON Kiscc
The weld metal was notched parallel to the weldment surface in BEHAVIOR OF HY-130(T) SMA WELD
one group of specimens and perpendicular to the weldment METAL/64)
surface in another group. A fatigue crack was induced at the
notch. The cantilever-beam specimens were dead-weight loaded
to failure. The apparent critical plane-strain, stress-intensity
factor, Klc, was determined for specimens loaded in air. The
Explosion-Bulge Properties
critical plane-strain, stress-corrosion-crack intensity factor,
Klscc, was determined for specimens immersed in 3-percent sodium
chloride solution. The results of these tests are shown in Results of explosion-bulge tests of HY-130(T) weldments
have been reported by Rathbone.(66) Test specimens from
Figure 29. The results showed that the Klc and Klscc values
were higher for specimens having the notch parallel with the four heats of 2-inch plate were welded using the SMA process
weldment surface. in the vertical position by three subcontractors on the United
States Steel Corporation program; Air Reduction Company,
Arcos Corporation, and The McKay Company. United States
Steel Corporation prepared explosion bulge weldments of
HY-80 using a Class E-l 1018 electrode material for reference.
Each subcontractor used his preferred welding conditions,
electrode composition, and coating. Base-plate compositions,
welding conditions, weld-metal compositions, and weld-metal
mechanical properties are given in Tables 25 through 28.

Weldment specimens were explosion-bulge tested at +30 F

using an 18-inch-diameter circular die and a 17 inch standoff
distance for the explosive charges. Size of the charges was
adjusted to produce similar amounts of plastic deformation per
shot. This resulted in a 42-lb Pentolite charge for the HY-130(T)
and a 24-lb charge for the HY-80. A summary of the test results
is given in Table 29. Complete descriptive information and
photographs of the specimens are given in the original report.
On the basis of the limited thickness reduction, the limited
amount of bulging, and the frequent occurrence of fractures
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016along the edge of the fusion zone, the author of the referenced
Downloaded/printed by report classified the explosion-bulge-test performance of the
University CORROSION
of Washington (University OF HY-80
of Washington) STEEL
pursuant HY-130(T)
to License Agreement. Noweldments as marginal.
further reproductions authorized.

Plat(3 Chemical ConiDosition, perce nt

Steel Heat C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo V
HY-80 66U438 0.17 0.38 0.018 0.016 0.18 2.58 1.56 0.30
HY-130(T) 5P0323 0.12 0.68 0.004 0.006 0.28 4.85 0.54 0.40 0.05
HY-130(T) 3P0365 0.12 0.75 0.003 0.004 0.28 4.95 0.57 0.46 0.07
HY-130(T) 5P0540 0.12 0.79 0.004 0.005 0.35 4.96 0.57 0.41 0.06
Tensile Properties^)
Yield V-Notch(a)
Strength Elonga- Reduc- Energy
(0.2 percent Tensile tion in tion Absorption,
Specimen offset), Strength, 2-Inches, of Area, ft-lb
Set Heat Plate Orientation ksi ksi percent percent +30 F 0 F '_
HY-80 66U438 0117727 Longitudinal 84 103 27.0 75 146
U. S. Steel Transverse 86 105 24.0 68 89
HY-130(T) Steel 3P0365 0178588A Longitudinal 133 146 20.0 65 94 92
Air Reduction Transverse 136 147 18.0 62 58
HY-130(T) Steel 5P0540 0233631 A Longitudinal 142 152 19.0 65 90 81
Arcos Transverse 140 150 19.0 63 74 73
HY-130(T) Steel 5P0323 0143624A Longitudinal 137 144 19.0 64 72 71
McKay Transverse 141 148 16.0 55 66 60

(a) Average of two tests.


HY-80 Steel HY-130(T) Steel HY-130(T) Steel HY-130(T) Steel

U. S. Steel Air Reduction Arcos McKay
Position Vertical Up Vertical Up Vertical Up Vertical Down
Electrode Diameter, inch 1/8, 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32
Current (DCRP), amperes 120,140 150 125 190
Voltage, volts 22,22 22 20 24
Average Travel Speed, ipm 2.9,2.6 3.9 4.7 11.5
Preheat and interpass
temperature, F 200 to 300 200 to 300 225 to 275 275
Total Number of Passes 26 38 33 60
Joint Geometry 60-degree, double V 60-degree, double V 60-degree, double V 45-degree, double V
Root Opening, inch 1/8 1/8 1/8 5/32


Composition of Tension-Test Specimens, percent(a)

Item Specimen Set C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo Al(b) N(c) 0(d)
A HY-80 Steel 0.073 1.70 0.015 0.014 0.39 1.86 0.42 0.32 ND 0.010 324
U. S. Steel
B HY-130(T) Steel 0.11 1.98 0.004 0.013 0.45 2.21 0.86 0.50 0.012 0.012 306
Air Reduction
C HY-130(T) Steel 0.099 1.92 0.005 0.007 0.45 3.58 0.65 0.48 0.007 0.010 226
D HY-130(T) Steel 0.062 1.80 0.005 0.006 0.52 2.10 0.78 0.41 0.009 0.017 389
(a) All analyses were obtained from the reduced section of all-weld-metal 0.505-inch-diameter tension-test specimens.
ND-not determined.
(b) Total.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jan 1 23:00:30 EST 2016
(c) Kjeldahl determination.
Downloaded/printed by
(d) Results are of
University inWashington
ppm. (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


Charpy V-Notch Impact
All-Weld-Metal Tensile Prooerties(a) Properties(b)
Strength Elonga- Energy Fibrous
(0.2% Tensile tion in Reduction Absorption, Fracture,
Offset), Strength, 2 Inches, of Area, ftlb percent
Item Specimen Set ksi ksi percent percent +30 F 0 F -60 F +30 F 0 F -60 F
A HY-80 Steel 120 132 19.0 60 56 46 90 80
U. S. Steel
B HY-130(T) Steel 145 153 16.8 56 53 41 34 98 85 70
Air Reduction
C HY-1 30 (T) Steel 141 158 17.1 50 35 30 21 88 50 28
D HY-130(T) Steel 141 146 14.0 43 52 47 27 80 65 35
(a) Average of four 0.505-inch-diameter specimens.
(b) Average of two specimens.


Explosive Loads and Thickness Reduction

Associated With Extensive Crack Propagation
Weldment HY130(T) Steel Weldments
Specimen Test" Item A Item B ItemC ItemD
Geometry Measurement Vertical Flat(a) Vertical Flat(a) Vertical Flat(a) Vertical
With reinforcement Number of Shots 4 3 2 2 2 3 2
reduction, percent 14.9 10.3 6.2 6.7 4.7 14.1 4.8
Without reinforcement Number of Shots 6 4 3 4 3 4 3
reduction, percent 28.0 17.6 12.7 18.3 11.6 19.3 8.3
(a) Data obtained from previous explosion-bulge tests.

Hydrogen Content of HY-130 Weld Metal more of these elements can cause weld-metal cracking of the
type sometimes reported in HY-130 welds. Because of this
As previously mentioned, HY-130 does not appear to be sensitivity, carbon is purposely kept as low as is consistent with
proportionately more difficult to weld than HY-80. In fact, the attaining the desired yield strength; sulfur and phosphorus are
heat-affected-zone cracking that has been a problem with HY-80 kept as low as possible; and every effort is made to exclude
does not appear to be severe with HY-130, probably because of moisture, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen from the electrodes
its different transformation kinetics. (10. 67) Lite any high-yield- and coatings. Figure 30 shows the possible effects of exceeding
strength steel, however, HY-130 is more sensitive than is HY-80 the allowable hydrogen content of GMA electrode wire and SMA
to contamination from gases
Copyright by ASTM andrights
Int'l (all suchreserved);
carbon, sulfur,
1 23:00:30 EST 2016electrode coatings on weld-metal cracking in HY-130 weld-
and phosphorus. The presence of excessive amounts of one or ments.(42)
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University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



REFERENCES (14) Thompson, R. E. "The Study of Hot Cracking in Welded

High-Strength Steels Using the Varestraint Test", U. S.
(1) Kammer, P. A. and Martin, D. C., "Welding High Strength Navy Marine Laboratory, Annapolis, Maryland, Phase
Steels", DMIC Report 229, Battelle Memorial Institute, Report 13/67 (March, 1967).
Defense Metals Information Center, Columbus, Ohio
(June 15, 1966). (15) Baker, R. G., Watkinson, F., Boniszewski, T., "Metallurgical
Implications of Welding Structural Steels", British Welding
(2) Metals Engineering Quarterly, 9(1), 27-43 (1969). Research Association, London, England (December, 1964).
(3) Welding Journal 48_(2), pp 102-8 (1969). (16) Welding Journal, 4_8_(4), 180-7, (1969).
(4) Vagi, J. J. Meister, R. P., and Randall, M. D., "Weldment (17) Boerman, G. L., "Effects of Stress Relief on the Mechanical
Evaluation Methods", Defense Metals Information Center, Properties of HY-80 Material", Ordnance Engineering Div.,
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, DMIC Report FMC Corp., San Jose, California, Technical Report 1807
244(1968). (June, 1968).
(5) Naval Engineers Journal, Feb. 1965, pp. 29-44, and April, (18) Rathbone, A. M., "Explosion Bulge Tests of HY-80 and
1965, pp. 193-200. HY-130 (T) Weldments Fabricated in the Vertical Position",
Applied Research Laboratory, U. S. Steel Corporation,
(6) Welding Journal, 44 (7), 289s-309s (1965). Monroeville, Pa. (May 1, 1967).
(7) Metals Engineering Quarterly, 1_ (3), 82-97, (1961). (19) Welding Journal,^2 (5), 219s-232s (1963).
(8) Welding Journal, 41 (8), 375s-384s (1962). (20) Ibid., 46 (5), 235s-240s (1967).
(9) Ibid.,^3 (6), 265s-281s (1964). (21) Ibid., 43 (8) 679-685 (1964).
(10)Jbid., 45_(9), 393s-400s, (1966). (22) Ibid., 40, (4), 175s-181s, (1961).
(1 l)jBureau of Ships Journal, 9-17, (May 1959). (23) Travis, R. E., Adams, C. M., Jr., "Weld Cracking in
Submarine Steels", Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
(12)Spahr, G. L., "An Investigation of the Weldability of HY-80 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Navy Contract NObs-88370
Steel", The Babcock and Wilcox Company, Barbarton, Ohio (June, 1964).
Navy Contract NObs-84169 (March 16, 1961).
(24) Abramov, P., and Ginsberg, F., "Effects of Stress Relieving
(13)Schreitz, W. G., "Restraint Cracking Technique for Use in on Manual Metal Arc (MMA) and Metal Inert Gas Spray
Simulated Weld Thermal Cycling Studies", U. S. Navy Arc (MIG) HY-80 Tee Weldments", U. S. Naval Applied
Marine Laboratory, Annapolis, Maryland, MEL R&D Report Science Laboratory, Brooklyn, New York, Progress Report
90/64 (June 26, 1964). No. 6 (April 26, 1967).
(25) Welding Journal, 4Q (4), pp 155s-159s (1961). (46) Welding Journal 43 (11), 514s-520s, (1964).

(26) Welding Design and Fabrication 39 (11), 49-52 (1966). (47) Porter, L. F., Manganello, S. J., Dabkowski, D. S., and
Gross, J. H., "Ultraservice Steels with Yield Strengths of
(27) Welding Journal, 44, (3), 169-176 (1965). 130 to 200 ksi", ASM Tech. Rept. No. D5-22.4, Presented
at 1965 Metals/Materials Congress, Detroit, Mich.,
(28) Meister, R. P., Monroe, R. E., and Martin, D. C., "Develop- (October 18-22, 1965).
ment of Equipment for Automatic Narrow-Gap Welding
for Shipyard Use - Phase I", Battelle Memorial Institute, (48) Welding Journal^ (7), 309s-321s, (1967).
Columbus, Ohio, Navy Contract NObs-90408 (June 30, 1965).

(29) Nelson, J. W., Randall, M. D., and Martin, D. C., "Develop- (49) "Hydrofoil Materials Research Program", 3rd Informal
ment of Methods for Making Narrow Welds in Thick Steel Progress Report, No. 2-53100/4L-1071, Chance Vought
Plates by Automatic Arc Welding Processes", Battelle Corp., Dallas, Texas, (January 15 - April 15, 1964).
Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, Navy Contract
NObs-86424 (March 23, 1964). (50) Welding Journal43 (12), 564s-576s, (1964).

(30) "Narrow-Gap Welds in 2-Inch HY-80 Steels", U. S. Naval (51) Connor, L. P. Porter, L. F., and Rolfe, S. T., "Fourth
Applied Science Laboratory, Naval Base, Brooklyn, New Progress Report: Extended Investigation of HY-130/150
York, Technical Memorandum No. 12, (August 7, 1964). Weldments", U. S. Steel Corporation Tech. Rept. on
Proj. No. 39.018-016(9), Contract NObs-94535(FBM),
(31) Meister, R. P., Butler, C. A., and Randall, M. D. "Develop- (July 1, 1968).
ment of Equipment for Automatic Narrow-Gap Welding for
Shipyard Use", Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, (52) Welding Journal, 43 (8), 361s-384s, (1964).
Ohio, Summary Report on Phase II, Navy Contract
NObs N0408 (March 29, 1968).
(53) ibid 47. (6), 271s-278s, (1968).
(32) Welding Journal, 46_(2), 94s-96s (1967).
(54) Tiffany, C. F., Masters, J. N., Barclay, D. L., and Regan,
(33) Savage, W. F., "A Supplemental Study of the Weldability R. E., "A Study of Low-Cost Weldments in Pressure
of HY-80 Steel", Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Vessels Made of HY-150 Steel Plates", The Boeing
New York, Navy Contract NObs 78818 (August 18, 1965). Company, NASA CR-72468, Contract NAS3-10281,
(October 1968).
(34) Thompson, R. E., "Some Observations on Weld Cracking
in HY-80 Steel", U. S. Navy Marine Engineering Laboratory, (55) Fragetta, W. A., "Pulsed Power Welding of HY-130(T)
Annapolis, Maryland, R&D Report 87 117A (February 20, Steel; The Effects of Welding Parameters on Arc Stability
1964). and Fusion Zone Dimensions: Part I", Air Reduction
Company Activity Rept. RE-68-002-CRE-44, Contract
(35) Welding Journal 47_(5), 386-393 (1968). NObs-94535(FBM), (January 15, 1968).

(36) Ibid., 39 (6)^266s -272s (1960). (56) Tiffany, C. F., Masters, J. N., and Regan, R. E., "Large
Motor Case Technology Evaluation", The Boeing
(37) Ibid., 4Q_(8), 337s-345s, (1961). Company, AFML-TR-67-190, Contract AF33(615)-1623,
(August 1967).
(38) Lewis, W. J., Faulkner, G. E., Rieppel, P. J., "Development
of Procedures for Submerged Arc Welding HY-80 Steel". (57) Bertino, J. P., Lee, A. G., Jr., Pepe, J. J., and Splitstone,
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, Navy Contract D. E., "A Study of Hot-Wire GTA Welding Process
NObs-788-39 (December 31,1961). Variables", U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech. Rept. on
Proj. No. 39.018-017(2), Contract NObs-94535(FBM),
(39) Welding Journal, 42. ( 11), 512s-528s, (1963). (July 1, 1968).

(40) Ibid., 43 (5), 215s-231s, (1964). (58) Schaper, V. D., and Stern, I. L, "Development of a Navy
Extended Electrode Technique (NEET) for Welding Ship
(41) Ibid., 46 (2), 74s-93s, (1967). Structures", U. S. Naval Applied Science Laboratory,
Prog. Rept. No. 7, on Proj. 930-91, (August 23, 1968).
(42) Ibid., 47 (6), 241s-270s, (1968).
(59) Connor, L. P. and Rathbone, A. M., "Evaluation of 2-Inch-
(43) Konkol, P. J., and Connor, L. P., "Weldability of Stress- Thick Electron-Beam Weldments", U. S. Steel Corporation,
Relievable HY-130 Steel", U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech. Contract NObs-88540, (July 1, 1964).
Rept, Proj. No. 39.018-013(5), Contract NObs-94535(FBM),
(January 2, 1969). (60) Connor, L. P., and Haak, R. P., "Welding Characteristics of
Rapidly Heat-Treated 5Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel", U. S. Steel
(44) Konkol, P. J., "Stress-Relief Embrittlement of HY-130(T) Corporation, Contract NObs-88540, July 1, 1965.
Weld Metals", U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech. Rept. on
Proj. No. 39.018-013(2), Contract NObs-94535(FBM), (61) Pollack, A., and Stern, I. L., "State of the Art of Electron
(August 1, 1967). Beam Welding of 130,000 Psi and 180,000 Psi Yield
Strength Steels", U. S. Naval Applied Science Laboratory,
(45) Connor, L. P., Porter, L. F., and Rolfe, S. T., "Sixth Prog. Rept. No.4 on Proj. No. 930-91, (June 20, 1968).
Progress Report: Extended Investigation of HY-130/150
Weldments", U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech. Rept. on
Proj. No. 39.018-016(14), Contract NObs-94535(FBM), (62) Connor, L. P., Rathbone, A. M., and Gross, J. H., "The
(June, 30, 1969). Weldability of Ni-Cr-Mo Constructional Alloy Steels",
ASM Tech. Kept. No. D5-18.2 Presented at the 1965 (65) Loginow, A. W., "Corrosion and Stress Corrosion of HY-130
Metals/Materials Congress, Detroit, Mich., (October 18-22 (T) Steel and HY-80 Steel in Marine Environments", U. S.
1965). Steel Corporation, Tech. Rept. on Proj. No. 39.001-100(2),
Contract NObs-94535 (FBM), (July 15, 1967).
(63) Adams, C. M., Jr., and Conigan, D. A., "Mechanical and
Metallurgical Behavior of Restrained Welds in Submarine
Service", Massachusetts Instititute of Technology, Cambridge (66) Rathbone, A. M., "Explosion-Bulge Tests of HY-80 and
Mass., Final Report, Contract NObs-92077, (May 1966). HY130(T) Weldments Fabricated in the Vertical Position",
U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech. Rept. on Proj. No.
(64) Smith, J. H., and Rolfe, S. T., "Effect of Notch Orientation 39.018-006(5), Contract NObs-94535(FBM), (May 1, 1967).
on Klscc of Weld Metal", U. S. Steel Corporation, Tech.
Rept. on Proj. No. 39.018-016(5), Contract NObs-94535 (67) Welding Journal 45 (5), 203s-216s, (May 1967).
(FBM), (December 26, 1967).

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