Biology 2nd Part

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Science Class10 Term-2 149

Short Answer Type-lQuestions () Feeding They prepare They feed upon

habit theirown herbivores.
foodby For Example
a1 State with reason any two
possible consequences
of the elimination of photosyn- ions.
decomposers from the earth.
The Possible consequences of thesis. For
decomposers from the earth are:
elimination of Example,
() Dead remains and organic waste green plants
accumulate in the environment. Thiscontinue
pollute the water bodies and soil
(i) As the organic compounds would ecosystem.
not be
Some students write wrong examples ofthird trophic level
degraded, nutrient cycle would be disturbed; Such as goat.
and soil will not become fertile.

CommonJError- Q5. Draw a food web of a forest.

Usually students get confused between the role of|

decomposers and consequences of elimination ofl
q2. Give anytwo examples of each: Jackal

() Organisms occupying the first trophic level

(i) Carnivores Goat

Ans. () Trees, Shrubs ite Wild

) Lion, Cheetah Caf

03. Considerthe food chain:

Grass Lion Raboir
What will happen if all the:
() Lions are removed? Snake
Green Plant
(i) Deers are removed? Mouse

Ans. ( If all the lions are removed, the population of Food Web
deer will increaseexponentially.Thus, deers and web increases the stability of an ecosystem.
Q6. Food
other plant-eaters will be present in abundance
which will leadto overgrazing of grass and soil Ans. Food web is a network of food chains which

erosion. interconnected at various trophic levels. In a food

If all the deer are removed, then there will be
no sufficient food available to the tigers. Some
web,each predator has a choice to feed on different
types of preys. Reduction in population of one type
ofthetigers will die due tostarvationand their of prey will not affect the predator
because it can
deer are
population will decrease. Since the Switch over to some other animals. Hence, in a food
herbivorous, their absence willincrease the never end. Therefore, it
web, the supplies of food
grassland area also. increases the stability of an ecosystem.
04. What is the difference between the organisms Q7. What is biological magnification? Will the levels
levels? levels of
belonging to the first and the third trophic this magnification be diferent at different
Give one example of each of the organisms the ecosystem?
to these two trophic levels. Ans. The accumulation of harmful chemicals in the body
Difference between first trophic level and third
of living organisms at different trophic levels in a
trophic level organisms: food chain is called biological magnification.

Basis First Trophic Third Trophic

of Difference Level Many students write improper definition of biological
The organisms magnification.
) Organisms The organ
category isms of this ofthis trophic Yes, the concentration of these harmful
level are called will be different at different trophic levels. t is
Carnivores or
arecalled maximum highest tropic levels and minimum
producers. secondary it is highest in
Consumers, atlowest tropic levels. For example, like plants.
numans and lowest in autotrophs
Q8. What steps are being taken to limit the damage to
Understand the concept of ecosystem, types of
the ozone layer?
Ans. To limit the damage to the ozone layer, following
ecosystems and its components.
steps are being taken:
) The release of CFCs into theatmosphere must Ans. () Aquatic
(i) Abiotic
bereduced. (i) Temperature, rainfall, wind, soil
(i) CFCs used as refrigerants andin fire and animals)
(iv) Living organisms (plants
extinguishers should be replaced with (v) An ecosystem
is the structural and functional
environmentally-safealternatives unit of biosphere, comprising of all the
the non-livina
09. we generate is biodegradable, will
If all the waste organisms in an area together with
this have no impact on the environment? theenvironment.
(NCERTEXERCISE) 2 . What is a food chain? Why is the
of energyin
Ans. The production of a large amount of biodegradable; an ecosystem
unidirectional? Explain briefly.
environment. The
threat to the (CBSE 2019)
waste will create a
degradation of such huge amount of biodegradable Ans. A food chain is the series of organismsthat
take part
material requires a large number of decomposers atvarious bioticlevels.
which are not available. In a food chain, the energy moves prOgressively
through the various trophic levels and iS
no longer
Incomplete degradation will result in the breeding previous trophic
available to the organisms of the
ground for flies causing the spread of diseases. Air The energy which is captured
back by the
smell of rotting and level.
Will be polluted with strong autotrophs does not
revert back to the solar input.

decompoition. in food chains is said to be

So, the energy flow
Q10. What are the problems by the non
caused unidirectional

biodegradable wastes that we generate? terrestrial food chain comprising

(NCERT EXERCISE) Q3. (i) Construct a

four trophiclevels
Ans. The problems caused by non-biodegradable What will happen if we
kill all the organisms in
one trophic level?
are available to the
) Biological magnification.
like plastics (ii) Calculate the amount of energy
materials level if the energy
(i) Non-biodegradable into the organisms at the fourth trophic
releases toxic chemicals at the second trophic
on burning available to the organisms
environment which leads to air pollution. level is 2000J. (CBSE 2020)
wastes like pesticides chain comprising four trophic
(ii)Non-biodegradable () A terrestrial food
soil that leads to soilAns. follows:
reduce the fertility of levels is shown as
GrassGrasshopper> Frog>Snake
(iv) It also causes water and land pollution. or

(v)Cloggingof drains
(Any four) Grass > Rabbit > Wolf>Tiger
kill all the organisms
in one trophic level
(i) If we
organisms of the
therewill be nofood for the starvation.
Questions and they will die of
Short Answer Type-lI next trophic level,
Also, the organisms of the
previous trophic
as there will
flow chart based on levelswill increase in food. It will
Q1 Complete the following (CBSE 2020) no organism to
consume them as
ecosystem and its
as every
create an imbalance
in the ecosystem
on each other.
TERRESTRIAL trophic level is interdependent10% of energy i5
02 Comprises (i) According to 10% law, only
transferred to next level.
available at second trophic
BIOTIC Hence, if energy
available to third
level is 2000J then energy
J (10/100) x 2000
YPECOSYSTEM trophiclevel =10%
of 2000 =

2 = 200J
available to third level =20o
Comprises Therefore, energy
Definition available to fourth trophic
Similarly, energy
level =10% of 200J 20J
200J =

(10/100) x

available at fourth
trophic level
Hence, energy

is 20J.
Science Class 10 | Term-2 | 151
because these substances are non
Reason: It is
blodegradable and while passing from one trophic
at each
Oractice numericals based on 10% law, i.e, calculating the keep on accumulating
level to another, they
amount of energy available at different trophic levels. level. a
organisms, create
a food chain 07. (i) From the following group of advantageous for
Q4. ()Create of the following organisms: food chain which is
the most
Insect, Hawk, Grass, Snake, Frog human beings in terms
of energy:
c) Name the organism at the third trophic level of ;
the created food chain. Plant,
Hawk, Rat, Cereal
(ii) Which organism of this food chain will have the Goat, Snake, Human Being
highest concentration of non-biodegradable
disadvantage if the cereal
associated with it. State the possible
(iv) Name the phenomenon i) soil rich in pesticides.
is available to frogs, plant is growing in
(If 10,000 joules energy of food web using
the organisms
available to snakes in (i) Construct a
how much energywill be (CBSE 2020)
(CBSE 2020)) mentioned above.
this food chain? for human
chain most advantageous
Frog Snake > Hawk Ans. )The food
Ans. () GrassInsect
being is:
(i) Frog Cereal plantHuman being
ii) Hawk this cereal plant,
When human beings c o n s u m e
(iv) Biological Magnification go in their body with
thenthe pesticides would
10% of 10,000J to biological magnification.
(v) Energy available to snakes = 10,000J =1000J the food and leads
= (10/100)x ii) Food web:

block diagram to
show the flow of Hawk
Draw a
Q5. ()
an ecosystem.
energy in
insects and Snake
food chain of frogs, grass,
(i)In a
level frogs. To which
snakes assign trophic Human being
do they belong to? Goat Rat
category of

in an ecosystem:
Ans. (i) Flow of energy Cereal plant
Top Carnivores

construct the correct food web.
Many students fail to
Herbivores following table:
Q8. )Complete the
Producers Formula

Benefits to biotic | (ii).

* a

Sunlight component ** *******ss

and are levels of

to the third trophic level formed at the higher
i) Frogs belong How is ozone
(CBSE 2020)
secondary consumers.
decrease atmosphere?
of (b) Oa
the Ans. ) a) 02
() State with or external
6. ecosystem. for breathing
carnivores in an Oxygen is necessary
in number of level at which
state the trophic respiration
(i) In a food chain, chemicals is harmful ultraviolet
the concentration
harmfulof (d) Ozone protects us from
(CBSE2020) produced by the sun.
maximum. Why is it so?
occur due UV rays into atomic oxygen
will molecule splits of
Ans. () The following (i) Oxygen of atmosphere
number of
carnivores in an higher levels
to decrease in 0) at These atoms then
UV to form
higher energy molecular oxygen
ecosystem: due to Combine with the
will increase
a)Population of herbivores ozone as shown
the absence of
or disappear Uo+ 0
(6) Plants will decrease in number O2
due to overgrazing by
from the system
O+02 03
herbivores will have the maximum;
(i) Tertiary consumers chemicals.
concentration of harmful
Q9. Write the essential function performed byozone at () Definition Materlalsthat can Materials that
the higher levels of the earth's atmosphere? How is be broken down into cannot be
it produced? Name the synthetic chemicals mainly simplersubstances broken down
the in nature of dlue into harmless
responsible for the drop of amount of ozone in
How the use of these chemicals course of time by |slibstances by the
atmosphere. can
the action of micro- action of micro
be reduced?
organisms such as organisms in
certain bacteria. nature.
-T!P- (i) Examples Cattledung.wool, Plastics,
Learn the concept of ozone laye, its formation and
depletion carefully,
paper, compost. polythene bags.
The ozone layer acts as a protective blanket around
glass objects
The two changes in hablt that people must adopt to
the earth which shields the entire earth from
dispose non-biodegradable waste are:
radiations that from the
harmful ultraviolet come

) Dispose household waste, chemical waste and
Ozone is formed in the upperatmo phere when the hospital waste in alandfill
UVrays act on an oxygen molecule (02). As a result, (i) Broken plastic articles such as buckets, bowls.
molecular oxygen gets splitintofree oxygen atoms Cups, plates, etc, should be sent to plastic
(0). These atoms then combine with the molecular processing factoriesS.
Oxygen to form ozone.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) which are used
refrigerators, fire extinguishers, aerosol sprays etc Long Answer Type Questions
are responsible for the drop of amount of ozone

the atmosphere. Q1 (i) Differentiate between producers, consumers

The use of CFCs can be reduced by: and decomposers and give one example of
(a) minimising leakage through air conditioners each.
andrefrigerators (i) Pesticides like DDT which are sprayed to kill
pests on crops are found to be present in
(b)finding substitute chemicals that are ozone
ground water, water bodies etc. Explain how do
they reach these places.
Q10. How help in reducing the problem of waste
can we
(CBSE2019) Ans. () Producers: These are organisms which can
disposal? Suggest any three methods.
Ans. We can reduce the problem of waste disposal in the maketheir own foodfrom inorganic substances
following ways: by photosynthesis, e.g all green plants and
certain bacteria.
) By segregating and disposing biodegradable Consumers: These are organisms which depend
and non-biodegradable substances separately.
upon theproducers for food, either directly
(i)By converting domestic wastes such as fruit or indirectly by feeding on other consumers
andvegetable peels, left over food, dry leaves for their sustenance. They are also called
into a pit in
etc. into Compost by burying them heterotrophs, e.g.lion,man etc.
the ground. Decomposers: These are organisms which break
(ii) By recycling plastic, paper, glass and metal down the complex organic substances present
items to make required things instead of inthe dead remains of plants and animalsinto
synthesising or extracting fresh plastic, paper, Simpleinorganic substances, eg. bacteria and
glass or metal fung
i) Groundwater: Through irrigation in the fields
Q11. Differentiate between biodegradable and non
these pesticides present in soil pass into lower
biodegradable substances with the help of one
layers of soil and reaches groundwater.
example each. List two changes in habit that people
Water Bodies: Movement into water bodies
must adopt to dispose non-biodegradable waste, for
occurs when runoff, after rainfall, moves
saving the environment. (CBSE2015) through areas that have been sprayed With
Ans. Difference between biodegradable and non-
biodegradable substances: pesticide5.
Non- Q2. (i) Give two differences between food chain
S. Basis of Biodegradable biodegradable food web.
No. |Difference Substances
Substances (ii) Why are smaller food chains better?
(ii) What is 10% law?
Science Class 10| Term-2
(iv) Choose one organism each that belongs to better because the
Gi) The smaller food chains are
the second and third trophic levels from the chain is so
lossof energy at each step of food
organisms given below: is left after
Eagle, frog, tiger, rabbit, fox big that a verylittle usable energy next
levels to support the
) Difference between food chain and food web: three or four trophic
Ans. size gives it more
trophic level. Thus, smaller
Basis of
Food Chain Food Web stability.
Difference that, 'only 10 percent of
(ii) 10 percent law states
(a) Definition Food chain is a Food web
particular trophic
series of consists of thetotal energy entering a
the nexttrôphic
levelis available fortransfer to
a number of
interlinked food
feeding on one chains.
Members of Members of
(6) FeedingS
habit of higher trophic higher trophic
level can feed
Remember statement of 10 per cent law ofenergy
level feed upon
organismsS organisms transfer.
a single tyVpe of upon
of the lower
organism of the Rabbit
(iv) Second trophic level
lower trophic trophic levels of
other food chain. Third trophic level
Frog andfox

Chapter TEST

Decomposers help in recycling

Q5. Assertion (A): non-living
nutrients between living and
Multiple Choice Questions of
components of ecosystem.
. .is a terrestrial ecosystem. Decomposers help in
Q. b. Lake Reason (R): return various
A natural forest organisms and
dead bodies of
d. Aquarium water and
C. Pond source viz.,
elements to their

Q2. Which out ofthem is Lion d. Tiger air.

b. Shark depleted at
a. Cow
her mate, what Assertion (A): Ozone layer is getting
black widowspider
Q3. As a
she could be occupying? of the atmosphere.
the higher levels
lowest trophic level affect the ozone
is the b. First Chlorofluorocarbons

a. Third Reason (R): and in fire

d. Fourth used as refrigerants
which are
c. Second group(s) layer
groups ofmaterials,which extinguishers.
Inthe following items?
04. non-biodegradable

contain only
Wood, paper, leather
Case Study structural and
(i) PVC be defined as a
detergent, An ecosystem may living
(i) functional unit of the
biosphere comprising
detergent, grass
(ii) Plastic,
their non-living
organisms and chains and
(iv) Plastic, b. (iv) means of food
a. (i) d. (i) and (v) which interact by
in energy-flow,
c. () and (ii) biogeochemical cycles resulting
cycling to form a
Reason Type Questions
and biotic diversity
and material
As n questions, a:
stable, self-supporting system.
6): In the following statement of carefully and give
Read the above passage
(A) isfollowed by
correct choice as: answer of thefollowing
involved in an
basic process
R are true and R is the correct
Q.7. What are the two
ecosystem? which
of A. lala 2quarium
and cropland

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