Ratios Formulas
Ratios Formulas
Ratios Formulas
Liquidity position of the company helps to assess the short term financial health of a company. Liquidity
is closely related to cash flows and its short term assets.
Profitability ratios
Profit is the surplus income in raw form it is the total revenue minus total costs. It is mostly concentrated
from the information of income statement or profit and loss account.
6. Return on capital employed =Earing before interest and tax ÷ (Total assets –current liabilities)
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE), a profitability ratio, measures how efficiently a company is using
its capital to generate profits
Coverage ratios
These ratios that tells us about the ability of the company to pay the recourse provider.
Activity ratios help to assess the level of productivity in business cycle of an enterprise.
Valuation ratios
Valuation ratio shows the relationship between the market value of a company or its equity and some
fundamental financial
4. Dividend Yield Ratio = Dividend per Share ÷ Market Price per Share
Measures the percentage of return through dividends when compared to the price paid for
the stock. A high yield is attractive to investors who are after dividends rather than longterm capital