A Deadly Disturbance v1.0
A Deadly Disturbance v1.0
A Deadly Disturbance v1.0
The door to this chamber is locked. The key is on the body This appears to be an ornate tomb meant for
in the hallway to area 3. The door can also be picked with a a person of importance. Corpses lie scattered
successful DC 16 Dexterity check with Thieves' Tools. about the floor and a partially open
Encounter: Ghoul & Ghasts . As soon as someone sarcophagus can be seen against the far wall.
reaches the candlelight, the sarcophagi all open and the
undead within emerge. The alcoves contain a ghoul each
and the sarcophagus against the northern wall contains a This room is a red herring. It appears to be the
ghast. They swarm one target at a time if possible. necromancer's tomb at first glance, but it's actually the
Secret Door. There is a hidden passageway beneath resting place of one of his minions. The bodies lying about
the northern sarcophagus. It can be moved aside with a were Lazarus' lackeys who fell to the wight in the
successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. sarcophagus.
Encounter: Wight & Zombies . If anyone approaches
5. Mushroom Chamber the sarcophagus, the wight inside rises and attacks along
with the four zombies. The zombies try to grapple and
push targets prone while the wight uses its sword and Life
Drain attacks.
This chamber is cast in an eerie blue glow
emanating from a cluster of strange
mushrooms against the southern wall. 8. Side Tomb
Resting against it is a fresh corpse.