9. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) states that the of other elements that are connected to it and of
sum of the currents entering a node equals the the current flowing through it.
sum of the currents leaving. 16. For a controlled voltage source, the voltage
10. Elements connected end to end are said to be in across the source terminals depends on other
series. For two elements to be in series, no other voltages or currents in the circuit. A voltage-
current path can be connected to their common controlled voltage source is a voltage source
node. The current is identical for all elements in having a voltage equal to a constant times the
a series connection. voltage across a pair of terminals elsewhere in
11. A loop in an electrical circuit is a closed path the network. A current-controlled voltage source
starting at a node and proceeding through circuit is a voltage source having a voltage equal to a
elements eventually returning to the starting constant times the current through some other
point. element in the circuit.
12. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) states that the 17. An ideal independent current source forces
algebraic sum of the voltages in a loop must a specified current to flow through itself,
equal zero. If the positive polarity of a voltage is independent of other elements that are
encountered first in going around the loop, the connected to it and of the voltage across it.
voltage carries a plus sign in the sum. On the other 18. For a controlled current source, the current
hand, if the negative polarity is encountered first, depends on other voltages or currents in the
the voltage carries a minus sign. circuit. A voltage-controlled current source
13. Two elements are in parallel if both ends of one produces a current equal to a constant times the
element are directly connected to corresponding voltage across a pair of terminals elsewhere in
ends of the other element. The voltages of the network. A current-controlled current source
parallel elements are identical. produces a current equal to a constant times
the current through some other element in the
14. The voltage between the ends of an ideal
conductor is zero regardless of the current
flowing through the conductor. All points in a 19. For constant resistances, voltage is proportional
circuit that are connected by ideal conductors to current. If the current and voltage references
can be considered as a single point. have the passive configuration, Ohm’s law states
that v = Ri. For references opposite to the
15. An ideal independent voltage source maintains a
passive configuration, v = -Ri.
specified voltage across its terminals independent
Section 1.1: Overview of Electrical Engineering Automotive Engineering, Chemical Engineer-
P1.1. Broadly speaking, what are the two main ing, or Civil Engineering for ideas.
objectives of electrical systems? Section 1.2: Circuits, Currents, and Voltages
P1.2. List four reasons why other engineering P1.5. Carefully define or explain the following
students need to learn the fundamentals of terms in your own words (give units where
electrical engineering. appropriate): a. Electrical current. b. Voltage.
P1.3. List eight subdivisions of electrical engineering. c. An open switch. d. A closed switch.
P1.4. Write a few paragraphs describing an inter- e. Direct current. f. Alternating current.
esting application of electrical engineering in P1.6. In the fluid-flow analogy for electrical
your field. Consult engineering journals and circuits, what is analogous to a. a conductor;
trade magazines such as the IEEE Spectrum, b. an open switch; c. a resistance; d. a battery?
Problems 57
P1.7. The charge of an electron is -1.60 * 10-19 C. [Hint: Current is the rate of flow of charge.
A current of 2 A flows in a wire carried by Thus, to find charge, we must integrate
electrons. How many electrons pass through current with respect to time.]
a cross section of the wire each second? P1.14. The net charge through a cross section of a
*P1.8. The ends of a length of wire are labelled a and certain circuit element is given by
b. If the current in the wire is iab = 10 A, are q(t) = 2 - 2e -2t C
electrons moving towards a or b? How much
charge passes through a cross section of the Determine the current through the element.
wire in 3 seconds? P1.15. A copper wire has a diameter of 4 mm and
P1.9. The circuit element shown in Figure P1.9 has carries a current of 15 A due solely to electrons.
v = 12 V and iba = - 2 A. What is the value Each electron has a charge of -1.60 * 10-19 C.
of vba? Be sure to give the correct algebraic Assume that the free-electron (these are
sign. What is the value of i? Is energy the electrons capable of moving through
delivered to the element or taken from it? the copper) concentration in copper is
1029 electrons/m3. Find the average velocity
a of the electrons in the wire.
*P1.16. A certain lead acid storage battery has a
i mass of 20 kg. Starting from a fully charged
state, it can supply 5 amperes for 24 hours
with a terminal voltage of 12 V before it is
totally discharged. a. If the energy stored
in the fully charged battery is used to lift
Figure P1.9
the battery with 100-percent efficiency,
P1.10. To stop current from flowing through the what height is attained? Assume that the
headlight circuit of Figure 1.2 on page 27, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 and
should the switch be open or closed? In the is constant with height. b. If the energy
fluid-flow analogy for the circuit, would the stored is used to accelerate the battery
valve corresponding to the switch be open or with 100-percent efficiency, what velocity
closed? What state for a valve, open or closed, is attained? c. Gasoline contains about
is analogous to an open switch? 4.5 * 107 J/kg. Compare this with the energy
content per unit mass for the fully charged
*P1.11. The net charge through a cross section of a
circuit element is given by q(t) = 4 + 5t C.
Find the current through the element. P1.17. A circuit element having terminals a and b
has vab = 10 V and iba = 1 A. Over a period
P1.12. The current through a particular circuit
of 20 seconds, how much charge moves
element is given by i(t) = 5 sin(200pt) A
through the element? If electrons carry the
in which the angle is in radians. a. Sketch
charge, which terminal do they enter? How
i(t) to scale versus time. b. Determine the
much energy is transferred? Is it delivered to
net charge that passes through the element
the element or taken from it?
between t = 0 and t = 5 ms. c. Repeat for
the interval from t = 0 to t = 10 ms. P1.18. An electron moves through a voltage of
5 V from the positive polarity to the negative
*P1.13. The current through a given circuit element
polarity. How much energy is transferred?
is given by
Does the electron gain or lose energy? Each
i(t) = 4e -t A electron has a change of - 1.60 * 10-19 C.
Find the net charge that passes through the *P1.19. A typical “deep-cycle” battery (used for
element in the interval for t = 0 to t = ∞, electric trolling motors for fishing boats) is
* Denotes that answers are contained in the Student Solutions files. See Appendix E for more information about accessing the
Student Solutions.
58 Chapter 1 Introduction
+ A
+ -
i(t) AM
+ -
- VM
*P1.28. Repeat Problem P1.27 with the meters con- in mind that all points connected by ideal
nected as shown in Figure P1.28. conductors are considered to be a single node
in electrical circuits.
A P1.32. State Kirchhoff’s current law.
- +
P1.33. Two electrical elements are connected in
series. What can you say about the currents
+ - through the elements?
VM P1.34. Suppose that in the fluid-flow analogy for
an electrical circuit the analog of electrical
Figure P1.28 current is volumetric flow rate with units
of cm3/s. For a proper analogy to electrical
P1.29. A certain type of D-cell battery that costs $1
circuits, must the fluid be compressible
is capable of producing 2 V and a current of
or incompressible? Must the walls of the
1 A for a period of 60 hours. Determine the
pipes be elastic or inelastic? Explain your
cost of the energy delivered by this battery
per kilowatt hour. (For comparison, the
approximate cost of energy purchased from *P1.35. Identify elements that are in series in the
electric utilities in the United States is $0.12 circuit of Figure P1.31.
per kilowatt hour.) P1.36. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P1.36.
P1.30. The electronics aboard a certain sailboat a. Which elements are in series? b. What is
consume 50 W when operated from a 12.6-V the relationship between id and ic? c. Given
source. If a certain fully charged deep-cycle that ia = 3 A and ic = 2 A, Determine the
lead acid storage battery is rated for 12.6 V values of ib and id.
and 100 ampere hours, for how many hours
can the electronics be operated from the ic
A ia C D E
ic ie = 1 A
Figure P1.37
ia if + va - + vf -
D D vd
ib ig - vb + + vg -
ve E
E ie
ic ih - vc + - vh +
P1.39. Find the values of the other currents in Figure *P1.44. Use KVL and KCL to solve for the labelled
P1.38 if ia = - 2 A, ic = 1 A, ig = 4 A, and currents and voltages in Figure P1.44.
ih = 5 A. Compute the power for each element and
show that power is conserved (i.e., the
algebraic sum of the powers is zero).
Section 1.5: Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
- vb +
P1.40. State Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
B id = 2 A
P1.41. Consider the circuit show in Figure P1.36. a. + + +
Which elements are in parallel? b. What is ib
the relationship between va and vb? c. Given va = 20 V A vc C D vd = 10 V
that va = 1 V and vd = - 5 V, determine the - - -
values of vb and vc. ia = 1 A
*P1.42. Use KVL to solve for the voltage va, vb, and
vc in Figure P1.42. Figure P1.44
10 V 5V vb
*P1.50. Draw a circuit that contains a 5@Ω resistance, Section 1.7: Introduction to Circuits
a 10-V independent voltage source, and a P1.59. Plot i versus v to scale for each of the parts of
2-A independent current source. Connect all Figure P1.59.
three elements in series. Because the polarity
of the voltage source and reference direction i i i
for the current source are not specified,
several correct answers are possible. +
10 V v 2A v 5Æ v
P1.51. Repeat Problem P1.50, placing all three -
elements in parallel.
P1.52. The resistance of a certain copper wire is
0.1 Ω. Determine the resistance of a tungsten (a) (b) (c)
wire having the same dimensions as the
copper wire. i
P1.53. Draw a circuit that contains a 5@Ω resistor, a
10-V voltage source, and a voltage-controlled
voltage source having a gain constant of 0.5. v 5Æ v
Assume that the voltage across the resistor is 10 V
the control voltage for the controlled source.
Place all three elements in series.
P1.54. Draw a circuit that contains a 10@Ω resistor,
(d) (e)
a 20-V voltage source, and a current-
controlled voltage source having a gain Figure P1.59
constant of 4 Ω. Assume that the current
through the resistor is the control current *P1.60. Which of the following are self-contradictory
for the controlled source. Place all three combinations of circuit elements? a. A 12-V
elements in series. voltage source in parallel with a 2-A current
source. b. A 2-A current source in series with a
*P1.55. A power of 10 W is delivered to a certain 3-A current source. c. A 2-A current source in
resistor when the applied voltage is 10 V. parallel with a short circuit. d. A 2-A current
Find the resistance. Suppose that the voltage source in series with an open circuit. e. A 5-V
is reduced by 20 percent (to 8 V). By what voltage source in parallel with a short circuit.
percentage is the power reduced? Assume
that the resistance remains constant. P1.61. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P1.61.
Find the power for the voltage source and for
P1.56. The voltage across a 20@Ω resistor is given the current source. Which source is absorbing
by v(t) = 10e -4t V. Determine the energy power?
delivered to the resistor between t = 0 and
t = ∞.
P1.57. The voltage across a 5@Ω resistor is given by
v(t) = 10 sin(2pt) V. Determine the energy +
4A 15 V
delivered to the resistor between t = 0 and
t = 20 s.
P1.58. A certain wire has a resistance of 1 Ω. Find Figure P1.61
the new resistance a. if the length of the wire
is doubled, b. if the diameter of the wire is *P1.62. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P1.62.
doubled. Find the current iR flowing through the resistor.
62 Chapter 1 Introduction
Find the power for each element in the circuit. elements are in parallel? c. Apply Ohm’s and
Which elements are absorbing power? Kirchhoff’s laws to solve for Vx.
iR 3Æ
20 Æ
+ +
4A - 5V 6Æ 1A Vx
Figure P1.62
Figure P1.66
P1.63. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P1.63.
Find the current iR flowing through the P1.67. The circuit shown in Figure P1.67 is the
resistor. Find the power for each element electrical model for an electronic megaphone,
in the circuit. Which elements are receiving in which the 10 Ω resistance models a
power? loudspeaker, the source Vx and the 10 kΩ
resistance represent a microphone, and the
remaining elements model an amplifier.
Given that the power delivered to the 10 Ω
1A 10 Æ
5V resistance is 10 W, determine the current
circulating in the right-hand loop of the
circuit. Also, determine the value of the
microphone voltage Vx.
Figure P1.63
10 kÆ 10 Æ
*P1.64. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P1.64.
Use Ohm’s law, KVL, and KCL to find Vx. +
iin 30 Æ io
500 Vin
3Æ + +
Vx Vin 10 Æ
- -
2A -
V1 6Æ 3Æ 3Æ
Figure P1.67
2Æ 6Æ
5Æ + 1.2 A
Ix 5Æ 10 Æ 30 V
- 10 V
Rx 4Æ
Figure P1.65
Figure P1.68
Figure P1.69 + v1 - +
+ v2
20 V 6Æ
*P1.70. The circuit shown in Figure P1.70 contains a i
voltage-controlled voltage source. a. Use KVL
to write an equation relating the voltages and
Figure P1.74
solve for vx. b. Use Ohm’s law to find the
current ix. c. Find the power for each element in *P1.75. The circuit shown in Figure P1.75 contains
the circuit and verify that power is conserved. a voltage-controlled current source. Solve
for vs.
+ vx - 2Æ 1Æ
+ + + vx - 3A
6V 2Vx
- ix -
+ vx
vs 5Æ
- 3
Figure P1.70