Mannila 1997

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Methods and Problems in Data Mining

Heikki Mannila*

Department of Computer Science

University of Helsinki,
FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland
E-mall: Heikki. .fi
URL: http://..., cs. hels ink i. f i/~mannila/

Abstract. Knowledge discovery in databases and data mining aim at

semiautomatic tools for the analysis of large data sets. We consider some
methods used in data mining, concentrating on levelwise search for all
frequently occurring patterns. We show how this technique can be used
in various applications. We also discuss possibilities for compiling data
mining queries into algorithms, and look at the use of sampling in data
mining. We conclude by listing several open research problems in data
mining and knowledge discovery.

1 Introduction

Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), often called data mining, aims at the
discovery of useful information from large collections of data. The discovered
knowledge can be rules describing properties of the data, frequently occurring
patterns, clusterings of the objects in the database, etc. Current technology makes
it fairly easy to collect data, but data analysis tends to be slow and expensive.
There is a suspicion that there might be nuggets of useful information hiding in
9the masses of unanalyzed or underanalyzed data, and therefore semiautomatic
methods for locating interesting information from data would be useful. Data
mining has in the 1990's emerged as visible research and development area; see
[11] for a recent overview of the area.
This tutorial describes some methods of data mining and also lists a variety
of open problems, both in the theory of data mining and in the systems side of it.
We start in Section 2 by briefly discussing the KDD process, basic data mining
techniques, and listing some prominent applications.
Section 3 moves to a generic data mining algorithm, and discusses some of
the architectural issues in data mining systems. Section 4 considers the specific
problems of finding association rules, episodes, or keys from large data sets.
In Section 5 we consider the possibilities of specifying KDD tasks in a high
level language and compiling these specifications to efficient discovery algorithms.
* Part of this work was done while the author was visiting the Max Planck Institut f/ir
Informatik in Saarbr/icken, Germany. Work supported by the Academy of Finland
and by the Alexander yon Humboldt Stiftung.

Section 6 studies the use of sampling in data mining, and Section 7 considers the
possibilities of representing large data sets by smaller condensed representations,
Section 8 gives a list of open problems in data mining.
Before starting on the KDD process, I digress briefly to other some topics not
treated in this paper. An important issue in data mining is its relationship with
machine learning and statistics. I refer to [11, 31] for some discussions on this.
Visualization of data is an important technique for obtaining useful information
from large masses of data. The area is large; see [25] for an overview. Visualization
can also be useful for making the discovered patterns easier to understand.
Clustering is obviously a central technique in analyzing large data collections.
The literature on the area is huge, and too wide to even scratch here.
Similarity searches are often needed in data mining applications: how does
one find objects that are roughly similar to the a query point. Again, the literature
is vast, and we provide only two recent pointers: [4, 49].

2 The KDD process

The goal of knowledge discovery is to obtain useful knowledge from large col-
lections of data. Such a task is inherently interactive and iterative: one cannot
expect to obtain useful knowledge simply by pushing a lot of data to a black
box. The user of a KDD system has to have a solid understanding of the domain
in order to select the right subsets of data, suitable classes of patterns, and good
criteria for interestingness of the patterns. Thus KDD systems should be seen as
interactive tools, not as automatic analysis systems.
Discovering knowledge from data should therefore be seen as a process con-
taining several steps:

1. understanding the domain,

2. preparing the data set,
3. discovering patterns (data mining),
4. postprocessing of discovered patterns, and
5. putting the results into use.
See [10] for a slightly different process model and excellent discussion.
The KDD process is necessarily iterative: the results of a data mining step
can show that some changes should be made to the data set formation step, post-
processing of patterns can cause the user to look for some slightly modified types
'of patterns, etc. Efficient support for such iteration is one important development
topic in KDD.
Prominent applications of KDD include health care data, financial applica-
tions, and scientific data [39, 30]. One of the more spectacular applications is
the SKICAT system [9], which operates on 3 terabytes of image data, produ-
cing a classification of approximately 2 billion sky objects into a few classes.
The task is obviously impossible to do manually. Using example classifications
provided by the users, the system learns classification rules that are able to do
the categorization accurately and fast.

In industry, the success of KDD is partly related to the rise of the concepts
of data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP). These strategies
for the storage and processing of the accumulated data in an organization have
become popular in recent years. KDD and data mining can be viewed as ways
of realizing some of the goals of data warehousing and OLAP.

3 A generic data mining algorithm and architecture

A fairly large class of data mining tasks can be described as the search for
interesting and frequently occurring patterns from the data. That is, we are given
a class 79 of patterns or sentences that describe properties of the data, and we
can specify whether a pattern p E 79 occurs frequently enough and is otherwise
interesting. That is, the generic data mining task is to find the set

PI(d, 79) = {p E 79 I P occurs sufficiently often in d

and p is interesting}.

An alternative formalism would be to consider a language ~: of sentences and

view data mining as the problem of finding the sentences in s that are "suf-
ficiently true" in the data and furthermore fulfill the user's other criteria for
interestingness. This point of view has either implicitly or explicitly been used in
discovering integrity constraints from databases, in inductive logic programming,
and in machine learning [6, 7, 26, 30, 32]; some theoretical results can be found
in [37], and a suggested logical formalism in [23].
While the frequency of occurrence of a pattern or the truth of a sentence
can defined rigorously, the interestingness of patterns or sentences seems much
harder to specify and measure.
A general algorithm for finding PI(d, 79) is to first compute all frequent pat-
terns by the following algorithm Find-frequent-patterns, and then select the in-
teresting ones from the output.

A l g o r i t h m 1 FFP: Finding all frequent patterns. Assume that there is an or-

dering < defined between the patterns of 79.

1. g := {p E 79 I for no q E P we have q < p};

- C contains the initial patterns from 7);
while g # ~ do
3. for each p E C
find the number of occurrences of p in d;
5. ~" := 2"U {p E g I P is sufficiently frequent in d};
6. g := {p E 7) I all q E P with q < p have been considered already
and it is possible that p is frequent};
8. output .T.

The algorithm proceeds by first investigating the initial patterns with no

predecessors in the ordering <. Then, the information about frequent patterns
is used to generate new candidates, i.e., patterns that could be frequent on the
basis of the current knowledge.
In the next section we show how this algorithm can be used to solve several
data mining problems. If line 6 is instantiated differently, hill-climbing searches
for best descriptions [19, 30] can also be fitted into this framework. In hill-
climbing, the set r will contain only the neighbors of the current "most interest-
ing" pattern.
The generic algorithm suggests a data mining system architecture consisting
of a discovery module and a database management system. The discovery module
sends queries to the database, and the database answers. The queries are typically
of the form "How many objects in the database match p", where p is a possibly
interesting pattern; the database answers by giving the count.
If implemented naively, this architecture leads to slow operations. To achieve
anything resembling the efficiency of tailored solutions, the database manage-
ment system should be able to utilize the strong similarities between the queries
generated by the discovery module.
The view of data mining as locating frequently occurring and interesting
patterns from data suggests that data mining can benefit from the extensive
research done in the area of combinatorial pattern matching (CPM); see, e.g.,
[14]. One can even state the following CPM principle of data mining:
It is better to use complicated primitive patterns and simple logical com-
binations than simple primitive patterns and complex logical form.

4 Examples

In this section we discuss three data mining problems where instantiations of the
above algorithm can be used.

4.1 Association rules

Given a schema R = {A1,..., Ap} of attributes with domain {0, 1}, and a relation
r over R, an association rule [1] about r is an expression of the form X ==r B,
where X C / ~ and B E R \ X. The intuitive meaning of the rule is that if a row
of the matrix r has a 1 in each column of X, then the row tends to have a 1 also
in column B.
Examples of data where association rules might be applicable include the
- A student database at a university: rows correspond to students, columns to
courses, and a 1 in entry (s, c) indicates that the student s has taken course
- Data collected from bar-code readers in supermarkets: columns correspond
to products, and each row corresponds to the set of items purchased at one

- A database of publications: the rows and columns both correspond to pub-

lications, and (p, pl) = 1 means that publication p refers to publication pl.
- A set of measurements about the behavior a system, say exchanges in a
telephone network. The columns correspond to the presence or absence of
certain conditions, and each row correspond to a measurement: if entry (m, c)
is 1, then at measurement m condition c was present.
Given W C R, we denote by s(W, r) the frequency of W in r: the fraction
of rows of r that have a 1 in each column of W. The frequency of the rule
X =:~ B in r is defined to be s(X U {B},r), and the confidence of the rule is
s(x u {B}, r)/s(X, r).
In the discovery of association rules, the task is to find all rules X =:> B such
that the frequency of the rule is at least a given threshold ~ and the confidence of
the rule is at least another threshold 0. In large retailing applications the number
of rows might be 106 or even 10s, and the number of columns around 5000. The
frequency threshold r typically is around 10 -2 - - 10 -4. The confidence threshold
can be anything from 0 to 1. From such a database one might obtain thousands
or hundreds of thousands of association rules. (Of course, one has to be careful
in assigning any statistical significance to findings obtained from such methods.)
Note that there is no predefined limit on the number of attributes of the left-
hand side X of an association rule X :=~ B, and B is not fixed, either; this is
important so that unexpected associations are not ruled out before the processing
starts. It also means that the search space of the rules has exponential size in the
number of attributes of the input relation. Handling this requires some care for
the algorithms, but there is a simple way of pruning the search space.
We call a subset X C R frequent in r, if s(X, r) > r Once all frequent sets
of r are known, finding the association rules is easy. Namely, for each frequent
set X and each B E X verify whether the rule X \ {B} :=> B has sufficiently high
How can one find all frequent sets X ? This can be done in a multitude of
ways [1, 2, 16, 18, 43, 48]. A typical approach [2] is to use that fact that all
subsets of a frequent set are also frequent. A way of applying the framework of
Algorithm Find-frequent-patterns is as follows.
First find all frequent sets of size 1 by reading the data once and recording
the number of times each attribute A occurs. Then form candidate sets of size 2
by taking all pairs {B, C} of attributes such that {B} and {C} both are frequent.
The frequency of the candidate sets is again evaluated against the database. Once
frequent sets of size 2 are known, candidate sets of size 3 can be formed; these
are sets {B, C, D} such that {B, C}, {B, O}, and {C, D} are all frequent. This
process is continued until no more candidate sets can be formed.
As an algorithm, the process is as follows.

A l g o r i t h m 2 Finding frequent sets.

1. g := {{A} [A e R};
2. • := ~;
3. i:= 1;

4. while C r 0 do
5. Y~ :-- the sets X E C that are frequent;
6. add ~" to jr;
7. C := sets Y of size i + 1 such that
8. each subset W of Y of size i is frequent;
9. i := i+1;
10. od;

The algorithm has to read the database at most K + 1 times, where K is the
size of the largest frequent set. In the applications, K is small, typicMly at most
10, so the number of passes through the data is reasonable.
A modification of the above method is obtained by computing for each fre-
quent set X the subrelation r x C r consisting of those rows t E r such that
t[A] = 1 for all A E X. Then it is easy to see that for example r{A,B,C } - -

r{A,B } N r{B,C }. Thus the relation r x for a set X of size k can be obtained
from the relations rx, and rx,,, where X ' = X \ {A) and X " = X \ {B) for
some A, B E X with A r B. This method has the advantage that rows that do
not contribute to any frequent set will not be inspected more than once. For
comparisons of the two approaches, see [2, 18, 43].
The algorithms described above work quite nicely on large input relations.
Their running time is approximately O ( N F ) , where N = n p is the size of the
input and F is the sum of the sizes of the sets in the candidate collection C during
the operation of the algorithm [37]. This is nearly linear, and the algorithms seem
to scale nicely to tens of millions of examples. Typically the only case when they
fail is when the output is too large, i.e., there are too many frequent sets.
The methods for finding frequent sets are simple: they are based on one
nice but simple observation (subsets of frequent sets must be frequent), and use
straightforward implementation techniques.
A naive implementation of the algorithms on top of a relational database
system would be easy: we need to pose to the database management system
queries of the form "What is s ( { A 1 , . . . , Ak}, r)?", or in SQL

select count(*) from r t

where t [ A 1 ] - 1 a n d - . , and t[Ak] = 1
The number of such queries can be large: if there are thousands of frequent sets,
there will be thousands of queries. The overhead in performing the queries on an
ordinary DBMS would probably be prohibitive.
The customized algorithms described above are able to evaluate masses of
such queries reasonably efficiently, for several reasons. First, all the queries are
very simple, and have the same general form; thus there is no need to com-
pile each query individually. Second, the algorithms that make repeated passes
through the data evaluate a large collection of queries during a single pass. Third,
the algorithm that build the relations r x for frequent sets X use the results of
previous queries to avoid looking at the whole data for each query.
Association rules are a simple formalism and they produce nice results for
binary data. The basic restriction is that the relation should be sparse in the

sense that there are no frequent sets that contain more than about 15 attributes.
Namely, the framework of finding all association rules generates typically at least
as many rules as there are frequent sets, and if there is a frequent set of size K,
there will be at least 2/~ frequent sets.
The information about the frequent sets can actually be used to approximate
fairly accurately the confidences and supports of a far wider set of rules, including
negation and disjunction [36].

4.2 Finding episodes from sequences

The basic ideas of the algorithm for finding association rules are fairly widely
applicable. In this section we describe an application of the same ideas to the
problem of finding repeated episodes in sequences of events.
Consider a sequence of events (e,t), where e is the type of the event and t
is the time when the event occurred. Such data is routinely collected in, e.g.,
telecommunication networks, process monitoring, quality control, user interface
studies, and epidemiology. There is an extensive statistical literature on how such
data can be analyzed, but most methods are suited only for small numbers of
event types.
For example, a telecommunications network alarm database is used to collect
all the notifications about abnormal situations in the network. The number of
event types is around 200, and there are 1000-10000 alarms per day [17].
As a first step in analyzing such data, one can try to find which event types
occur frequently close together. Denoting by E the set of all event types, an
episode ~ is a partially ordered set of elements from E. An episode might, e.g.,
state that events of type A and B occur (in either order) before an event of type
Given an alarm sequence r = ( e l , t l ) , . . . , (e,,tn), a slice rt of r of width W
consists of those events (ei, ti) of r such that t < ti < t + W. An episode !a occurs
in rt, if there are events in rt corresponding to the event types of !a and they
occur in an order respecting the partial order of 9. An episode is frequent, if it
occurs in sufficiently many slices of the original sequence.
How to find all episodes from a long sequence of events? Using the same
idea as before, we first locate frequent episodes of size 1, then use these to
generate candidate episodes of size 2, verify these against the data, generate
candidate episodes of size 3, etc. The algorithm can be further improved by using
incremental recognition of episodes; see [38] for details, and [35] for extensions
with logical variables etc. The results are good: the algorithms are efficient, and
using them one can find easily comprehensible results about the combinations of
event types that occur together. See also [42] for a temporal logic approach to
this area.

4.3 Finding keys or f u n c t i o n a l dependencies

The key finding problem is: given a relation r, find all minimal keys of r. It is
a special case of the problem of finding the functional dependencies that hold

in a given relation. Applications of the key finding problem include database

design, semantic query optimization [24, 44, 46]; one can also argue that finding
functional dependencies is a necessary step in some types of structure learning.
The size of an instance of the key finding problem is given by two parameters:
the number of rows, and the number of columns. In the typical database applic-
ations the n, the number of rows, can be thousands or millions. The number of
attributes p is typically somewhere from 5 to 50. However, for some data mining
applications, p could easily be 1000.
While the problem of finding the keys of a relation is simple to state, its
algorithmic properties turn out to be surprising complex. See [33, 34] for a variety
of results, and Section 8 for theoretically intriguing open problems.
The algorithm for finding PI(d, p) in Section 3 can straightforwardly be ap-
plied to finding the keys of a relation. The patterns are sets of attributes. A
pattern X C R is frequent, if X is a superkey, and the relation < between
patterns is the converse of set inclusion.
In the first two examples in this section algorithm Find-frequent-patterns
produced good results. However, for finding keys this method is not particularly
suitable, since the part of the pattern space that has to be inspected can be
huge, as a key can be very far from the starting point in the ordering <. Several
suggested algorithms try to jump in the subset lattice to avoid looking at all

5 KDD queries and their compilation

Viewing data mining as computing PI(d, p) is based on the methodological idea

of first generating lots of rules or patterns, and then letting the user select the
truly interesting ones from these. The advantage of this approach is that one does
not have to go back to the data every time the user finds a new topic of interest.
The disadvantage is that if the user is interested in only a very tightly specified
set of rules or patterns, finding a far wider set of rules can be quite wasteful.
To make the idea of generating rules and selecting interesting ones from them
work, one has to provide the user methods and tools for selecting, ordering, and
grouping of rules. See [29, 30] for some work along these lines. Many data mining
systems try to do the pruning of uninteresting rules while the rules are located;
it seems to me that the user's needs are so hard to predict that an automatic
selection of interesting patterns is not easy. Still, if the user has a fixed set of
interesting attributes in mind, or otherwise has some specific knowledge of the
patterns that are needed, it would be wasteful to avoid using this information.
Currently, data mining research and development consists mainly of isolated
applications. One can even argue that data mining is today at the same state as
data management was in the 1960's [20, 21]: then all data management applic-
ations were ad hoc; only the advent of the relational model and powerful query
languages made it possible to develop applications fast. Consequently, data min-
ing would need a similar theoretical framework.

The approach of computing PI(d, 7~) presented in the previous section provides
one possible framework. A data mining task could be given by specifying the class
and the interestingness predicate. That is, the user of a KDD system makes a
pattern query. Mimicking the behavior of an ordinary DBMS, the KDD system
compiles and optimizes the pattern query, and executes it by searching for the
patterns that satisfy the user's specifications and have sufficient frequency in the
As an example, consider the simple case of mining for association rules in a
course enrollment database. The user might say that he/she is interested only
in rules that have the "Data Management" course on the left-hand side. This re-
striction can be utilized in the algorithm for finding frequent sets: only candidate
sets that contain "Data Management" need to be considered.
Developing methods for such pattern queries and their optimization is cur-
rently one of the most interesting research topics in data mining. So far, even the
simple techniques such as the above have not been sufficiently studied. It is not
clear how far one can get by using such methods, but the possible payoff is large.
Such queries have some similarities with the strategies adopted in OLAP. The
difference is mainly that OLAP is verification-driven, in the sense that the ques-
tions are fairly well fixed in advance. Data mining, on the other hand, is discovery-
driven: one does not want to specify in advance what exactly is searched for.
In addition to developing query processing strategies for data mining applica-
tions, changes in the underlying storage model can also have a strong effect on the
performance. A very interesting experiment in this direction is the work on the
Monet database server developed at CWI in the Netherlands by Martin Kersten
and others [5, 19]. The Monet system is based on the vertical partitioning of the
relations: a relation with k attributes is decomposed into k relations, each with
two attributes: the OID and one of the original attributes. The system is built on
the extensive use of main memory, has an extensible set of basic operations, and
supports shared-memory parallelism. Experiments with Monet on data mining
applications have produced quite good results [18, 19].

6 Sampling

Data mining is often difficult for at least two reasons: first, there are lots of data,
and second, the data is multidimensional. The hypothesis or pattern space is in
most cases exponential in the number of attributes, so the multidimensionality
can actually be the harder problem.
A simple way of alleviating the problems caused by the volume of data (i.e.,
the number of rows) is to use sampling. Even small samples can give quite good
approximation to the association rules [2, 48] or functional dependencies [28]
that hold in a relation. See [27] for a general analysis on the relationship between
the logical form of the discovered knowledge and the sample sizes needed for
discovering it.
The problem with using sampling is that the results can be wrong, with a
small probability. A possibility is to first use a sample and then verify (and, if

necessary, correct) the results against the whole data set. For instances of this
scheme, see [28, 48]; also the generic algorithm can be modified to correspond to
this approach. We give the sample-and-correct algorithm for finding functional
A l g o r i t h m 3 Finding the keys of a relation by sampling and correcting.
I n p u t . A relation r over schema R.
O u t p u t . The set of keys of r.
1. s := a sample of r;
2. /C := keys(s);
3. w h i l e there is a set X E/C such that X is not a key of r do
4. add some rows u, v E r with u[X] = v[Z] to s;
5. /~ := keys(s);
6. od;
7. output K:.

7 Condensed representations

We remarked in Section 2 that KDD is an iterative process. Once a data mining

algorithm has been used to discover potentially interesting patterns, the user
often wants to view these patterns in different ways, have a look at the actual
data, visualize the patterns, etc. A typical phenomenon is also that some pattern
p looks interesting, and the user wants to evaluate other patterns that closely
resemble p. In implementing such queries, caching of previous results is obviously
useful. Still, having to go back to the original data each time the user wants
some more information seems somewhat wasteful. Similarly, in the generic data
mining algorithm presented in Section 3 the frequency and interestingness of
each pattern are verified against the database. It would be faster to look at some
sort of short representation of the data.
Given a data collection d E :D, and a class of patterns "P, a condensed repres-
entation for d and 7~ is a data structure that makes it possible to answer queries
of the form "How many times does p E / ~ occur in d" approximately correctly
and more efficiently than by looking at d itself.
A simple example of a condensed representation is obtained by taking a
sample from the data: by counting the occurrences of the pattern in the sample,
one gets an approximation of the number of occurrences in the original data.
Another, less obvious example is given by the collection of frequent sets of a 0-1
valued relation [36]: the collection of frequent sets can be used to give approxim-
ate answers to arbitrary boolean queries about the data, even though the frequent
sets represent only conjunctive concepts. The data cube [15] can also be viewed
as a condensed representation for a class of queries. Similarly, in computational
geometry the notion of an e-approximation [41] is closely related.
Developing condensed representations for various classes of patterns seems a
promising way of improving the effectiveness of data mining algorithms. Whether
this approach is generally useful is still open.

8 Open problems

Data mining is an applied field, and research in the area seems to succeed best
when done in cooperation with the appliers. Hence I am a little hesitant to offer
a list of research questions or open problems; on the other hand, it seems to me
that such a list gives a reasonable sample of the research issues in the area.
Thus, this section contains a list of research topics in data mining that I
consider interesting or important. The problems are very varying, from archi-
tectural issues to specific algorithmic questions. For brevity, the descriptions are
quite succinct, and I also provide only a couple of references.

F r a m e w o r k a n d general t h e o r y

1. Develop a general theory of data mining. Possible starting points are [6, 7,
23, 26, 30, 37]. (One might call this the theory of inductive databases.)
2. What is the relationship between the logical form of sentences to be dis-
covered and the computational complexity of the discovery task? (The issue
of logical form vs. sample size is considered in [27].)
3. Prove or disprove the CPM principle (Section 3).
4. What can be said about the performance of Algorithm 3 and its analogues
for other problems?
5. How useful is the concept of condensed representation? [36]

S y s t e m a n d l a n g u a g e issues

6. What is a good architecture of a data mining system? How should a database

management system and the search modules be connected? [19, 3]
7. Develop a language for expressing KDD queries and techniques for optimizing
such queries. Some suggestions are given in [22, 45, 40].
8. A subproblem of the previous one: how can caching strategies help in pro-
cessing sequences of related queries? [19]
9. Extend the association rule framework to handle attributes with continuous
values. (Some partial solutions to this problem are given in [12, 13, 47].)
10. Investigate the usefulness of temporal databases in the mining of event se-
quence data.
11. Develop tools for selecting, grouping, and visualizing discovered knowledge
[29, 30]. How can background knowledge be used?

Algorithmic open problems

12. Design an algorithm for the key finding problem that works in polynomial
time with respect to the size of the output and the number Of attributes, and
in subquadratic time in the number of rows. Solutions to the two following
problems would imply considerable progress for this problem.

13. Finding the keys of a relation contains as a subproblem the problem of finding
transversals of hypergraphs [33, 8, 36]. Given a hypergraph 7/, can the set
Tr(7/) of its transversals be computed in time polynomial in 17/I and ITr(7/)I?
14. When one reduces the problem of finding keys to transversals of hypergraphs,
one has to solve the following preliminary problem. Given a relation r over
schema R and two rows u, v E r, denote ag(u, v) = { g E R I u[A] = viAl},
and let disag(u, v) = R \ a g ( u , v). Denote ag(r) = {ag(u, v) I u, v E r, u • v),
and disag(r) = {disag(u, v) I u, v E r, u r v). Further, let maxag(r) be the
collection of maximal elements of ag(r) and mindisag(r) the collection of
minimal elements of disag(r). Given a relation r, compute mindisag(r) in
time O(q(Imindisag(r)l)f(Ir[)), where q is a polynomial and f = o(Ir12).
15. In the analysis of event sequences, patterns are typically subsequences. Given
a sequence s = a l - . . a , ~ , a pattern p = b l . . . b k and a window width W,
decide in o(nk) time whether p occurs as a subsequence in s within a window
of width W, i.e., whether there are indices 1 < il < i2 < . " < ik < n such
that ik - il < W and for all j = 1 , . . . , k we have aij = bj. [38, 35] (The
solution should work for very large alphabets.)

Acknowle dgements
Comments from Dimitrios Gunopulos and Hannu Toivonen are gratefully ac-

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