Tan vs. Abandal
Tan vs. Abandal
Tan vs. Abandal
To prove her case, she presented a psychologist (Dr. Fonso Garcia) 6. Essential marital obligations are not limited to those between
who, after interviewing Rosanna, Rosanna’s daughter, and Rosanna’s spouses. Hence, those covered by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family
sister, concluded that Mario was psychologically incapacitated to Code as regards the husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221
perform essential marital obligations. Dr. Garcia did not interview and 225 of the same Code in regard to parents and their children.
Mario as the latter, despite invitation, refused an interview. In her
assessment, Dr. Garcia found Mario to be suffering from Narcissistic 7. The decisions of the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of
Antisocial Personality Disorder. the Catholic Church of the Philippines has persuasive effect on
nullity cases pending before secular courts. Canonical decisions are,
In May 2007, the trial court voided the marriage between Rosanna to reiterate, merely persuasive and not binding on secular courts.
and Mario as it ruled that Rosanna was able to prove her case. The Canonical decisions are to only serve as evidence of the nullity of the
Court of Appeals however reversed the trial court on the ground that secular marriage, but ultimately, the elements of declaration of nullity
the findings of Dr. Garcia was unscientific and unreliable because she under Article 36 must still be weighed by the judge.
diagnosed Mario without interviewing him.
SUMMARY: Psychological incapacity consists of clear acts of
On appeal, the Supreme Court took the opportunity to revisit dysfunctionality that show a lack of understanding and concomitant
the Molina Guidelines and the other nullity casesdecided by the compliance with one’s essential marital obligations due to psychic
Supreme Court after Molina. causes. It is not a medical illness that has to be medically or clinically
identified; hence, expert opinion is not required. As an explicit
requirement of the law, the psychological incapacity must be shown
to have been existing at the time of the celebration of the marriage,
and is caused by a durable aspect of one’s personality structure, one
ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage between Rosanna and Mario is that was formed before the parties married. Furthermore, it must be
void. shown caused by a genuinely serious psychic cause. To prove
psychological incapacity, a party must present clear and convincing
evidence of its existence.
HELD: Yes. Dr. Garcia’s expert testimony is given due weight. The Supreme Court also emphasized that in voiding ill-equipped
HOWEVER, the Supreme Court declared, among others, that in marriages, courts are not really violating the inviolability of marriage
psychological incapacity cases, expert testimony is NOT a as a social institution which is enshrined in no less than the
requirement. Constitution. Courts should not hesitate to declare such marriages
void solely for the sake of their permanence when, paradoxically,
doing so destroyed the sanctity afforded to marriage. In declaring ill-
Below is the Supreme Court’s new set of guidelines in determining equipped marriages as void ab initio, the courts really assiduously
the existence of psychological incapacity: defend and promote the sanctity of marriage as an inviolable social
institution. The foundation of our society is thereby made all the
1. The burden of proof in proving psychological incapacity is still on more strong.
the plaintiff. The Supreme Court however clarified that the quantum
of proof required in nullity cases is clear and convincing
evidence which is more than preponderant evidence (ordinary civil
cases) but less than proof beyond reasonable doubt (criminal cases).