Underlying Cause
Underlying Cause
Underlying Cause
1. Definition:
UNDERLYING CAUSE OF DEATH is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as
the disease or injury that initiated the train of events leading directly to death, or the
circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury.
2. Purpose:
The selection of a specific condition from a number of reported conditions as the underlying
cause of a death facilitates categorizing deaths and enables development of statistical information
on cause of death. This permits measuring the rate of death in a particular population, monitoring
trends or comparing causes of death across geographic regions.
As deaths are registered, information on the causes of the death are reported by the physician
certifying to the death. For most deaths, the physician reports more that one condition (i.e.
disease, injury or complication) and may report a dozen or more conditions that caused or
significantly contributed to the death. The fact that most deaths are attributed to multiple causes
means that developing statistical information that summarizes what conditions cause death can
be complex and significant patterns or trends in causes of death might be missed. To address this
problem, the concept of an underlying cause of death was developed and is employed to simplify
and standardize statistical tabulations on the underlying cause of death.
4. Resources:
• The National Center for Health Statistics in the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention publishes and regularly updates underlying cause of death classification
instructions and reference materials.
Instruction Manual 2a: Instructions for Classifying the Underlying Cause of Death
provides basic instructions.
Instruction Manual 2c: ICD-10 ACME Decision Tables for Classifying Underlying
Causes of Death contains detailed decision rules that are important to appropriate
underlying cause selection.
See: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/dvs/im.htm
The National Center for Health Statistics developed and maintains the ACME system
software. Information on the ACME system and other cause of death related software is
available from their Web site.
See: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/dvs/medsof.htm
5. Technical Notes:
• The coding of causes of death involves fitting the medical conditions into recognized
categories. Since 1999 cause of death coding follows the International Classification of
Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). Causes of death were coded using the International
Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) for deaths occurring in 1979-1998.
With each successive change to the cause of death classification system, changes to the
rules used to determine underlying cause must also be adapted.
• There are often significant changes in the way deaths due to certain causes are classified
under different International Classification of Diseases revisions. These revisions often
reduce cause-of-death comparability due to changes in coding rules and disease
categories, which in turn reflect differences in medical knowledge and etiology of
For more information on this problem relative to the comparability of cause of death data
between the 9th and 10th versions of the ICD see:
• The history of working to develop and utilize standardized methods for determining the
underlying cause of death dates back to the 1920s. Uniform rules for use in determining
underlying cause first came into use internationally in 1939.
See: http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/HistoryOfICD.pdf
• The accuracy of reporting medical conditions on death certificates has been the subject of
concern. Some studies have established that, for important numbers of cases, the causes
of death reported on death certificates do not accurately reflect the decedent’s true cause
of death. These discrepancies may be due to lack of training on the part of the physician,
lack of ready access to the full history of a decedent when certifying to the death,
difficulty in identifying the correct diagnosis or a desire to suppress the true cause of
death in the interest of patient privacy. It is important to understand the reliability of these
data when analyzing cause of death information. For example, the number of influenza
deaths obtained from an annual NCHS death file - e.g., 1,812 in 2005 in the U.S. (ICD-10
codes J10-J11) - is considered a gross underestimate. People typically die from
complications of the flu, not from the flu itself. If a person with the flu develops severe
pneumonia and is taken to an ER, they are treated for the pneumonia and are usually not
tested for flu. If they die, the attending or ER physician would probably not know that flu
was the underlying cause (without a lab confirmation) and, therefore, would not include it
on the death certificate which leads to the undercount for flu as an underlying cause. This
is one of the reasons why NCHS mortality reports typically combine pneumonia with
influenza. This combined number does not accurately represent the number of deaths due
to the flu either (it would be an overestimate) as not all pneumonia deaths are caused by
the flu. However, one favorable aspect about the combined total is that those deaths that
are not complications of the flu tend to be relatively stable over time. Thus, the number
of pneumonia and influenza deaths tends to fluctuate in step with the flu season. This
makes the combined figure suitable for surveillance purposes - that is, a large increase in
pneumonia and influenza deaths would indicate a more severe flu season.