Mosses Diversity From Lombok I

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IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

Mosses diversity from Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara

F I Windadri

Research Center for Biology – LIPI, Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, West
Java, Indonesia


Abstract. Lombok is a part of the Lesser Sunda Islands located in the West Nusa Tenggara
Province. The diversity of mosses reported by Touw in 1992. The mosses research at
surrounding Rinjani National Park was be conducted. The result reported 72 species of mosses
including 46 genera and 21 families. The higher of mosses diversity is Meteoriaceae. More
than 27% of mosses at the site is suggested as new records from Lombok.

1. Introduction
Lombok is one island of the Lesser Sunda Islands located in West Nusa Tenggara province. This
island has some conservation areas and one of them is Rinjani Mount National Park. This conservation
area located at 116°21’30” - 116°34’15” E and 8°18’18” - 8°32’19” S. The topography is mountainous
with varying land slopes: flat, bumpy, hilly to mountainous, with an area of ​ ​ 40,000 Ha and
altitude 500 - 3726 m asl (top of Rinjani Mount). The annual rainfall up to 2000 ml. Three types of
ecosystem in this national park were tropical lowland rain forest, sub mountain tropical rain forest and
sub alpine vegetation. Rinjani Mount National Park is a beautiful forest and as sources of germplasm,
research, education and tourism [1].
Plant diversity researches on this island have been carried out including mosses group. Some
researchers have conducted moss inventories on this island such as Elbert in 1909, Balasz in 1965 and
Touw & Snoek in 1986. The total collections are 150 species [22]. The interesting of the occurrence
of long-time gaps has not been rediscovered of mosses in this island (around 29 years) then it need to
re-collect on old site and new sites to increase of mosses diversity in this island.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Research areas

The inventory was carried out in some places surrounding Rinjani National Park at April to May 2015.
The areas were Kembang Kuning Resort Forest, Jeruk manis, Sikur, East Lombok; Aikmal Resort
Forest, East Lombok; Forest in surrounding hot spring water at Sebau, East Lombok and surrounding
Pusuk Mount natural reserves forest at West Lombok.

2.2. Method
The field study method has refered to the Rugayah et al. (2004) and Cornard (1982). Identification of
all samples were done in the Herbarium Bogoriense. Some references used to identify such as Mosses
of the Philippines (Bartram, 1939), A Handbooks of Malesian Mosses volume 1, 2,3 (Eddy, 1988;

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IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

1990; 1996), Moss and Liverworts of Hongkong volume 1&2 (So, 1995; Zhu & So, 1996) and the
herbarium Bogoriense mosses specimen collections. The distribution tracking from all mosses in
research areas were done manually or digitally to find out the taxonomic status. All moss collections
from research areas are processed as herbarium collections after data collection, labeling and packing,
then are stored in the Herbarium Bogoriense.

3. Results and Discussion

The mosses inventory from research areas was collected about 106 specimen samples and were
identified as 72 species, 46 genera and 21 families. The highest moss diversity in the research areas is
Meteoriaceae (Figure 1) and Meteorium polytrichum Dozy & Molk. is the common species which
hanging on twigs in the forest at 800-1550 m asl. The Meteoriaceae is a group of 'pleurocarpus' moss,
creeping or hanging on trees in the forest. According to Streiman [22], this family contain 21 genera
and 300 species as epiphytes in moist and dense forests at the tropics, subtropics and temperate
regions. Meteoriaceae along with Plagiochillaceae, Pterobryaceae, Neckeraceae, Phyllogoniaceae and
Lejeuneaceae which known as scio-hygrophilous mosses were found the lowest branches of trees [19].
In this research, members of this family were found hanging on the lowest branches of pine trees in
the humid forest at 1146 m asl. The environmental condition of this forest is suitable environment for
growth and development of the Meteroriaceae so that its presence in the forest is abundant.

Figure 1. Mosses diversity from research areas based on family group.

Mosses diversity from Lombok island were recorded about 150 species by Touw (1992) based on
specimen collections from Elber in 1909, Balasz in 1965, Touw &Snoek in 1986. Herbarium
Bogoriense is deposited 21 species of mosses from Lombok Island. While the research in 2015
collected about 72 species of mosess from surrounding Rinjani Mount National Park. The compiling
of all moss data collections from Lombok Island reported 208 species (Figure 2).
Mosses in Gunung Rinjani National Park has high species diversity because this region has many
ecosystem types from lowland tropical rainforests to mountain tropical forests and has relatively
undisturbed primary forests that are suitable as habitat for growth and development of moss. Gradstein
(2001) reports that the diversity of bryophyte in the tropical forests of sub-mountains and mountains is
higher compared to lowland tropical forests.

IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

reference: 116

8 49
7 2 field: 46

BO coll.: 11

Figure 2. Venn diagram of Lombok mosses diversity, based on data

of reference (Tow, 1992), BO collections and research areas.

Based on the Venn diagram (Figure 1), two species of moss (Aerobryopsis wallichii and
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme) were rediscovered at the research areas. Aerobryopsis wallichii has a
synonym Aerobryopsis longissima. It was collected by J. Elber in 1909 (E 1123, 2127B, 2188, 2193
mix) from Rinjani Mount (2400-2650 m asl) and Kembang kerang (1350-2200 m asl). Touw & Snoek
also collected it in 1986 (TS 22224) from Tetebatu (700-800 m asl). This research rediscovered it was
hanging on twigs in the forest surrounding Jeruk Manis waterfall in Kembang Kuning Resort, Sikur,
East Lombok (FIW 4169) and in Pusuk Protected Forest, Sebau, West Lombok (FIW 4289). While
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme was collected from Pusuk Mount by by J. Elbert in 1909 (600-900 m asl; E.
1852 & 1921) and from Rinjani Mount (1000-2050 m asl) by J.Elbert (E. 2192), Balasz in 1965
(Balasz 47E) and Touw & Snoek in 1986 (TS22359). The rediscovery of both mosses in research
areas with a long-time gap (Elbert- Balasz: 56 years; Balasz – Touw &Snoek: 21 years; Tow &
Snoek – FIW: 29 years) indicated that the environmental condition in this national park areas are well
Based on the diagram above (Figure 1), it showed that 57 species (11 species mosses were
unpublished and deposited in Herbarium Bogoriense and 46 species from research areas) were
proposed as new records for Lombok Island. The appearance of new records from the research areas
can be caused by nature and anthropogenic activities. The environment changing is caused by natural
disasters such as landslides, the fall of old trees in the forest, the activities of Rinjani Mount (nine
times of eruption during 1874-2004) and forest change of the other mount surrounding Rinjani
Mount National Park [1]. While anthropogenic changing is caused by the addition of tourism facilities
in the Gunung Rinjani National Park area. The nature and anthropogenic changing will have an impact
on the changing microclimate. Sonnleitner, et al. (2009) reported that the microclimatic parameters
(availability of temperature, relative humidity and light) and phorophyte identities were correlated to
the differences of cover, diversity and species composition of bryophyte. Microclimate is also regarded
as the major driver of epiphyll distribution [5, 13, 14, 17, 25]. The small environmental changing will

IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

greatly affect on the mosses and other microorganism in its habitat. The addition of moss diversity in
these environments can occur due to the moss spores which are small and easily dispersed by the wind.
If the spores find a suitable environment, it will germinate and grow into mature moss plants. Likewise,
the development of tourism in the national park area such as the addition of tourism supporting
facilities will also slightly change the condition of the previous forest.

Table 1. New records of mosses for Lombok island.

Family / Species Name: Field Bo Coll. Loc. Coll. Date
1. Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid.  2 2015
2. Eurhynchium striatum (Schreb. ex Hedw.) Schimp.  1&5 2015
3. Leptostomum erectum R. Br.  8 1909
4. Ptychostomum capillare (Hedw.) D. T. Holyoak. &
N. Pedersen  6 2015
5. Trematodon longicollis Michx.  5 2015
6. Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy and Molk) Dozy and
Molk  2 2015
7. Calymperes afzelii Sw.  2 2015
9. Calymperes boulayi Besch.  2 2015
10. Calymperes palisotii Schwägr.  1 2015
11. Leucophanes angustifolium Renauld & Cardot  2 2015
12. Syrrhopodon proliffer Schwagr.  5 2015
13. Syrrhopodon spiculosus Hook. & Grev.  2 2015
14. Campylopus schmidii (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger  8 1909
15. Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid.  7 2015
16. Dicranoloma assimile (Hampe.) Paris  6 2015
17. Dicranoloma billardieri (Brid.) Paris  1 &4 2015
18. Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Mull. Hall  5 2015
19. Leucoloma molle (Müll. Hal.) Mitt.  5 2015
20. Microcampylopus khasianus (Griffths) Giese & J.-
P. Frahm  8 1909
21. Pilopogon blumii Broth  8 1909
22. Fissidens anomalus Mont.  1 2015
23. Fissidens braunii (Müll. Hal.) Dozy & Molk.  2 2015
24. Fissidens laxus Sull. & Lesq.  2 2015
25. Fisssidens delicatulus (Reinw. & Hornsch.) A.
Jaeger  1 2015
Note: 1= Tetebatu, East Lombok; 2: Kembang Kuning Resort, Jeruk Manis, Sikur, East Lombok; 3: Aikmal
Resort, East Lombok; 4: Alor Gedang, East Lombok; 5: Sebau, West Lombok; 6: Pusuk Mount., West
Lombok; 7: Joben, Rinjani National Park, Lombok; 8: Rinjani Mount.

IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

Table 1 (Continue)
Family / Species Name: Field Bo Coll. Loc. Coll. Date
26. Funaria hygrometrica var clavescens (Schwaegr.)
Mont.  8 1909
27. Rhacomitrium hypnoides Lindb.  8 1909
28. Ectropothecium dealbatum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) A.
Jaeger  1 2015
29. Ectropothecium ichnotocladum (Mull. Hal.) A. Jaeger  2 2015
30. Ectropothecium falciforme Jaeg  8 1909
31. Isopterygium minutirameum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger  2 2015
32. Vesicularia montagnei (Schimp.) Broth.  2 2015
33. Aerobryopsis subleptostigmata Broth. & Paris  1 2015
34. Barbella flagellifera (Cardot) Nog.  5 2015
35. Barbella rufifolioides (Broth.) Broth.  2 2015
36. Floribundaria pseudofloribunda M.Fleisch.  5&2 2015
37. Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth.  2 2015
38. Neckera complanata (Hedw.) Huebener  1 2015
39, Pinatella ambigua (Bosch & Sande Lac.) M. Fleisch.  2 2015
40. Macromitrium falcatulum Müll. Hal.  2 2015
41. Macromitrium fasciculare Mitt.  1 2015
42. Macromitrium goniorrhynchum Mitt   8 1909
43. Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr.  3 2015
44. Macromitrium schimidii Mull. Hal.  2 2015
45. Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky  3 2015
46. Barbula laxiretis Broth.  8 1909
47. Barbula unguiculata Hedw.  6 2015
48. Hymenostylium luzonense Broth. var minus Broth  8 1909
49. Calyptothecium phyllogonioides Nog. & X.J. Li  3&6 2015
50. Acroporioum fuscoflavum (Paris) Broth.  2 2015
51. Herpetineuron toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Cardot  2 2015
52. Thuidium assimile (Mitt.) A. Jaeger  2 2015
53. Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Schimp.  5 2015
54. Thuidium investe (Mitt.) A. Jaeger  2 2015
55. Thuidium meyenianum (Hampe) Dozy & Molk.  1 2015
Note: 1= Tetebatu, East Lombok; 2: Kembang Kuning Resort, Jeruk Manis, Sikur, East Lombok; 3: Aikmal
Resort, East Lombok; 4: Alor Gedang, East Lombok; 5: Sebau, West Lombok; 6: Pusuk Mount., West
Lombok; 7: Joben, Rinjani National Park, Lombok; 8: Rinjani Mount.

IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

Tabel 1 (Continue)
Family / Species Name: Field Bo Coll. Loc. Coll. Date
56. Thuidium tamariscellum (Müll. Hal.) Bosch & Sande
Lac.  2 2015
57. Trachypodopsis serrulata (P. Beauv.) M. Fleisch.  2 2015
Note: 1= Tetebatu, East Lombok; 2: Kembang Kuning Resort, Jeruk Manis, Sikur, East Lombok; 3: Aikmal
Resort, East Lombok; 4: Alor Gedang, East Lombok; 5: Sebau, West Lombok; 6: Pusuk Mount., West
Lombok; 7: Joben, Rinjani National Park, Lombok; 8: Rinjani Mount.

Mosses are a simplest group of chlorophyllous plants which grow as epiphyte in a variety of
substrates. Mosses in these research areas were found growing on various substrate such as soil, rocks,
dead log, decaying wood, and tree trunks. Based on observation data at these research areas, the tree
trunk is the best substrate for moss 49.5 % (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Percentage of mosses on the substrate at the research areas.

The tree trunks with over grown of moss are generally on old tree trunks. This result is line to
Smith (1982) and Bates (2008) reports. Phorophyte properties are considered to influence colonization
and establishment of epiphyllous communities [5, 15, 16]. Old tree trunk is a stabil substrate and
generally have rough skin surfaces or cracks along with increasing of age. The bark surface is a good
place to descend of mosses spore and rainwater with minerals dissolved in it. If the environmental
conditions are suitable and did not find inhibiting factors, the moss spores will start to germinate [19, 3,
24]. Bark structure and microclimate were identified as key drivers of epiphytic bryophyte distribution
within the forest. Due to the lack of a protective cuticle, bryophytes are sensitive indicators of climatic
conditions [9, 11, 27]. The part of stem that overgrown with moss is generally not covered by bushes
because moss requires light for the photosynthesis. The general epiphylls seem to grow best under
moderate light levels [12] such as the small gap in forest.

4. Conclusion
Mosses in Gunung Rinjani National Park has high species diversity with 210 species.The long-time
gap not re-collected of the moss diversity in the Gunung Rinjani National Park has an impact on the
addition of diversity, 42 species were found in the research areas as new records. Aerobryopsis
walichii and Pyrrhobryum spiniforme which were rediscovered at the research areas showed that
forest management in the Gunung Rinjani National Park area is well preserved.

5. References
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

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Gratitude was conveyed to the head of the Biology-Biology research center who provided the
opportunity to conduct this research activity, the head of the Gunung Rinjani national park and its staff

IS BIOREV 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 308 (2019) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012074

who had provided facilities for this research activity. Thanks are also conveyed to Eka Fatmawati
Tihurua and all parties who have helped improve this manuscript.

Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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