Thesis End
Thesis End
Thesis End
JUNE 2022
BY Group Members
Name ID.NO
JUNE, 2022
We hereby declare that this thesis entitled” Estimation of Rainwater Harvesting Potential as
Alternative Water Supply Source (The Case of Bate Primary School)” was prepared by us,
with guidance of our advisor. The work contained herein is our own except where explicitly
stated otherwise in the text and that, this work has not been submitted in whole or in part.
This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as University
The main objective of this thesis is to assess the potential of rain water harvesting practice as
an alternative water supply to solve the problems of increasing water demand in Bate
Primary School. The research is carried out based on case-study of Bate primary school site
which is found in the northern part of Haramaya town. The site has about 6 long blocks with
an average roof area of 301.4 and serves for about 41 class in which they serve for about
2731 population. A descriptive quantitative study was carried out in order to achieve the
objectives of the study. A monthly rainfall data, catchment characteristics, roof material,
population data, water consumption and water demand data were collected from primary and
secondary sources. People's attitude and practice towards rainwater was also assessed. The
collected data was analyzed using different tools including MS Excel spread sheets, GIS and
etc. Based on the findings the maximum annual rainfall in month is 157 mm and the minimum
is 8.1 mm. The total yearly amount of water that can be collected from the total roof is
1241.1cubic meter in an average per year. This helps as an addition source of water for
community in addition to the available source of water. The total volume of water diverted
during the first flush should 310.25 m3 per year. The amount of the stored water were
930.85m3. Therefore a total 171 m3 of storage is recommended for the school service. Thus,
the storage tank of 7.4m diameter having a height of 4m were required to store the harvested
water. The average annual RWH potential at Bate primary school site is not enough to fulfill
the total water demand at this site. RWH has many benefits once it is applied for any blocks
for sustainable alternative water supply and sustainable storm water management. Thus, the
school can easily be get an access from this rain water as an alternative source of water in
addition to the existing water supply system.
Key words: Rain Water Harvesting, Water Demand, Storm water and Alternative source
First of all we would like to praise our Lord God for his speechless gift, help and protection
throughout our life. We would like to express our deep heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to
our advisor Mr. Alemayehu Hirko who helped us a lot from entail to final level. From the
beginning his valuable guidance and interesting discussion to brig solutions for problems,
advice and constructive comments made us able to develop an understanding of the subject.
Without his continuous follow up, correcting the manuscripts and constructive comments the
research work may not take the current forms.
Our sincerely thanks goes to school of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
lecturers who gave us different advice, how can we do our research. Last but not least we
offer our regards and thanks to all our family members, friends (specially our class mates)
and those who supported us in any aspect for the completion of the study.
LIST of TABLE...................................................................................................................................vii
LIST of FIGURES..............................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction to Rain Water Harvesting........................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem.............................................................................................................2
1.3. General Objective........................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. Specific Objectives...............................................................................................................3
1.4. Significance of the Study.............................................................................................................3
1.5. Scope and Limitations of the study..............................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO. LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................4
2.1. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting in Schools...................................................................................5
2.2. Water Shortage in Ethiopia..........................................................................................................5
2.3. Rainwater Harvesting System (RWHS).......................................................................................6
2.4. Components of Rain Water Harvesting Systems.........................................................................8
2.4.1. Roof or Catchment Surface...................................................................................................8
2.4.2. PVC Gutters and Down Pipes...............................................................................................8
2.4.3. Leaf Trap............................................................................................................................11
2.4.4. First Rain Separator............................................................................................................11
2.4.5. Filter...................................................................................................................................13
2.4.6. Storage Tank:......................................................................................................................14
2.4.7. Overflow Pipe.....................................................................................................................14
2.4.8. Tap......................................................................................................................................15
2.5. Rainwater Harvesting Delivery Systems....................................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................16
3.2 Types and Sources of Data.........................................................................................................18
3.3 Data Collection...........................................................................................................................18
3.4. Determination of Catchment Area.............................................................................................20
3.5. Estimation of water harvesting potential....................................................................................20
3.6. Runoff coefficient......................................................................................................................20
3.7. Estimation of water demand......................................................................................................21
3.8. Sizing of Gutters and Downpipes..............................................................................................22
3.9. Research flow chart:..................................................................................................................22
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.....................................................................................................23
4.1. Determination of Catchment Area.............................................................................................25
4.1.1. Estimation of Water Harvesting Potential...........................................................................26
4.1.2. Volume of Water that can be harvested From a Houses or Blocks......................................26
4.3. Down Pipes and Storage Tank Design.......................................................................................30
4.4. Volume of Diverted Water by the First Flush............................................................................31
4.5. Design of Storage Tanks............................................................................................................31
4.6. Estimating Storage Requirements..............................................................................................32
4.6.1. Water System Peaking Factors............................................................................................32
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................35
6. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................37
7. APPENDEX.....................................................................................................................................39
CIS Corrugated Iron Sheet
MM Millimeter
Table 4.5: Volume of Water that can be harvested from the houses per month (m3)………..26
Table 4.7: Demand for Schools average demand Littre per day……………………………...27
Fig 3.2: Map of the study area from the Google Map………………..……………………….17
Fig 4.3: Volume of Rain Water Harvested in Cubic meter per year for each blocks…………27
Water is very important renewable natural resource and it is available in many areas of the
world. But fresh water is scarce because of unplanned withdrawal of waters from rivers and
underground aquifers causing severe environmental problems like arsenic contamination. In
many countries, the amount of water being consumed has exceeded the annual amount of
renewal creating a non-sustainable situation(Al-Ansari et al., 2013).
During heavy rainfall, if the drainage system is not properly designed it will leads to
accumulated flooding in urban areas. Water sustains life and life support processes. The
amount of water available for each person will continue to decrease as the world’s population
expands. Unfortunately our present and future water supplies in many parts of the world are
being degraded by pollution from domestic waste water, solid waste, industrial effluent and
agricultural drainage to mention a few. As natural waters become more polluted, less water is
available to fulfill the demands and the needs of the natural environment(Biswas & Mandal,
Every year, approximately 25 million people die either by drinking polluted water or because
they do not have enough water to meet their daily needs. A single person needs at least half a
liter per day to meet basic survival needs and two liters per day to avoid thirst. Some 27 to
110 liters are needed per person per day for drinking, sanitation, bathing and cooking.
Household water needs vary depending on the type of dwelling, number of residents and type
of plumbing fixtures. Traditional sources of water to meet our needs typically include surface
waters (rivers and lakes), groundwater (water stored below-ground in aquifers) and
rainwater(Climate & Centre, n.d.).
Direct capture, storage and use of rainwater, called Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) is the oldest
method of securing water, having been practiced by ancient civilizations for more than 4,000
years. This technique continues to be an important means of supplying water in many
communities, especially those located far away from municipal potable water supplies and in
areas the number of population and the availability of water is not proportion. RWH continues
to be among the most simple and low-cost means of water supply, employing technologies
that are generally easy to install and maintain.
Rainwater quality always exceeds the quality of surface water and is comparable to ground
water because of it does not come in contact with soil and rocks where it can dissolve salts
and mineral which are harmful for potable and non-portable uses. The rainwater quality
usually can be influenced by geographic location, activity in the area and storage tank.
However, with minimal treatment and adequate care of the system, rainwater can be used as
potable water, for sanitation as well as for irrigation. Rainwater can provide clean, safe and
reliable water for drinking so long as the collection system is properly constructed and
maintained and treated appropriately for its intended use(Awawdeh M et al., 2012).
Rainwater harvesting means capturing rain where it falls or capturing the runoff in a village or
town and taking all precautions to keep it unpolluted. For century’s world has relied upon
rainwater harvesting to supply water. Rainwater harvesting promotes self-sufficiency and
fosters an appreciation for water as a resource. It saves money, saves other resources of water,
reduces erosion and storm water runoff and increases water quality.
As Ethiopian development goes through different socioeconomic and physical changes the
population in which that seeks shelter, water supply and infrastructure also increasing
dramatically. Addressing the increasing water demand and surface runoff for schools and
urban areas with a centralized water supply and using constructed drainage lines respectively
are the most challenging and difficult problems in developing cities. Additionally, in Eastern
Hararge Zone there is a scarcity of water for drinking as well as for other human needs. In
addition ther existing water resources has also a salinity problem and it is not necessary for
drinking. Thus Bate Primary school is the area which is facing such challenges.
Therefore looking for alternative ways of supporting the municipal water supply as well as
solving the problem of storm water management in Bate town Rainwater Harvesting can be
essential alternative. The need for alternative, affordable and safe water supplies is critical if
poverty is to be reduced and an environment conducive to progress and economic
development fostered.
The general objective of the study is to estimate the potential of rain water harvesting practice
to use it as an alternative water supply source to solve problems of water shortage in Bate
Primary school.
The findings of this study serve as the basis for further improvement of rainwater harvesting
systems in schools in general and the study area in particular. Therefore, the outcomes of the
study can serve as a guide to any person or organization involved in planning and designing of
water related projects in which rainwater harvesting is under consideration.
This study focused only on Bate primary school with domestic demands due to time and
financial limitations. The study also did not considered the qualitative aspects of rainwater
harvesting since the plan was to support on the non-potable purposes of the water. As far as
our knowledge concerns there was no study available in this study area and lack of available
studies also limited the study in some areas. The rainwater harvesting in this thesis scenario
focused only on roof water harvesting.
Demand on water resources has increase day to day due to the population growth and
expansion in urbanization, industrialization and irrigated agricultural. Adopting the concept of
sustainability and conservation of water resources can help to cope with the global water
shortage. Rainwater harvesting system is one of the concepts that can be implemented to meet
the water shortage problem. Furthermore, rainwater has a lot of potential as an alternative
water resource for the future because of its high quality(Brief, n.d.).
Rainwater harvesting is a common practice in the countries and areas where the annual
precipitation is high and pure drinking and usable water is scarce. All over the world,
economical condition has prompted the low-income groups to harvest the rainwater for
household and essential uses. Several countries of the world in different regions have showed
the popularity of this method. Originated almost 5000 years ago in Iraq, rainwater harvesting
is practiced throughout the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, in Mexico, Africa as well as
in Australia and United States. As the population of the world increased, irrigation, the most
water consuming human activity, as well as domestic water usage increased, leading to a
consequence of crisis of water supply in different region. Among other available alternative
sources for water supply, rainwater harvesting has become the most economical solution for
the water crisis(Winther, 2017).
Rainwater harvesting has been practiced for more than 4, 000 years, and, in most developing
countries, is becoming essential owing to the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall.
Rainwater harvesting is necessary in all areas as it brings water closer to the houses more than
what even a stream could do. It is also important in areas having enough rainfall but lacking
any kind of conventional, centralized government supply system, and also in areas where
good quality fresh surface water or groundwater is lacking. (Maddodi & Udayashankar,
2019) argue that the application of an appropriate rainwater harvesting technology can make
possible utilization of rainwater as a valuable and necessary water resource.
2.1. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting in Schools
Many schools presently do not have a reliable source of water for drinking and other use. The
school rooftop rainwater harvesting system seeks to provide a source of water for all purpose
such as toilet flushing, cooking, washing hands and feet before eating and after toilet use,
hygiene and finally if the rainwater is treated well for drinking purpose. This is especially
important in areas where there is Fluoride, Nitrate, iron or salt in the groundwater and
therefore it is unfit for consumption. In these places the rainwater harvesting tank can provide
mineral free water for consumption(Schedule et al., n.d.).
The Ethiopian economy has gone through rapid structural change for the last 3 decades. In
global arena, Ethiopia is often considered as a ‘developing’ country. The urban growth is
dynamic in accordance with the rapid economic growth and industrialization. The
infrastructure has been strained by rapid urban growth and there are high needs of
improvement of amenities such as water supply, electricity, transportation, environment and
drainage. The impacts of the growth have put excessive demands on water supply and water
resources. Besides economy and industrialization, the number of population also has an
A number of factors for urban water supply shortage are indicated in different literatures.
Those which focus on the problem in developing countries point out the common factors like
weak actions to reduce environmental degradation, economic development, distribution
inefficiency of the water supply system, inconsistency of the system, climatic changes
(temperature and rainfall variability), topography of the area, population growth and
urbanization, water loss in the system, capacity of towns to manage the water system.
Environmental degradation affects both the quantity and quality of water resources. (WSP,
2009)World Water Week synthesis report 2009 indicated that many of the actions for
reducing environmental degradation are focused at the local level and scaling-up these to the
river basin and regional levels, and the ability to tailor solutions are major challenges. The
report also showed that primary threats to water resources and ecosystems emerge from
greater wealth and consumption and increasing populations. These threats will be exacerbated
by climate change and must be addressed together. Developing large water schemes for urban
areas require relatively huge investments. Governments of developing countries fail to finance
these investments. In many developing countries lack of financial resources and low
prioritization of water and sanitation constrain both the maintenance and expansion of water
and sanitation services. However, using efficiently the available finance is another challenge.
Institutional issues of urban water supply are raised the poor performance of water supply and
sanitation (WSS) services is often due to an inappropriate institutional framework, lack of
regulatory mechanisms, an absence of appropriate attitudes and skills, and a lack of explicit
directives and incentives to serve the poor.
The origin of the term “water harvesting” is not known, but probably first used by the Geddes
of the University of Sidney. He defined water harvesting as “the collection and storage of any
farm waters, either runoff or creek flow, for irrigation use.” Several modifications of the
definition have broadened the term to mean “the process of collecting natural precipitation
from prepared watersheds for beneficial use.” Different types of water harvesting system can
be distinguished, including rooftop harvesting system, surface runoff harvesting and
underground harvesting (Chanan et al., 2003).
Rooftop harvesting system is comprised of the rooftop as the catchment area, connected by
gutters and pipes to the storage tank. The most suitable rooftop surfaces are corrugated iron
sheets, although tiled; parachute cloth and asbestos sheet roofs can also be used. Surface
harvesting systems catch rapid runoff from natural or man-made surfaces, then concentrate
and store it strategic locations. Underground harvesting systems exploit water already
infiltrated and concentrated through natural hydrological processes into the sand rivers that fill
valleys in arid and semi-arid areas. In Bangladesh, different forms of water harvesting
techniques are used in the hilly and flat areas. Hilly areas are located along the north-east
borders of the country, which include the hills of Mymensingh, Sylhet, and Chittagong Hill
Tracts (CHT)(Milagros, 2007).
Roofs can be made from a variety of materials. Roofs made from thatch houses and those
likely to generate toxic materials are not recommended. The typical roofing material include
the following: Corrugated Iron Sheet (CIS) or plastic sheets, or tiles. Thatched roofs made
from palm leaves (coconut and palms with tight thatching are better).Other thatching materials
and mud discolor and contaminate the rainwater. Unpainted and uncoated surface areas are
best. If paint is used it must be non-toxic (no lead based paints). Asbestos-cement roofing
does not pose health risks - no evidence is found in any research. However, the airborne
asbestos fibers from cutting, etc. do pose a serious health risk if in haled.
The existing roof is made use of to collect rainwater. Since rainwater is pure as it falls from
the sky it is necessary that the roof be kept clean for it to remain pure when it is collected.
This means the roof will need to be swept and cleaned daily during the rainy season in the
This should be carefully done by an adult (never by children unless it is accessible and safe)
equipped with the necessary implements such as a ladder, broom and a brush if necessary.
Some schools will have shady trees to cover the roof. However leaves falling from the roof
will cause blockage in the gutters and pipes. The leaves can also color the water and cause it
to decompose and smell. Therefore, roofs should invariably be completely cleaned of all
leaves, dust, bird droppings etc. using a broom. Water should only be used if necessary as
most times a dry sweeping with a broom will be enough. When cleaning the roof with water
be careful to keep the first rain separator open so as not to allow the dirt to come into the filter
and the tank(Chanan et al., 2003).
The gutters of PVC collect the rainwater from the roof and transfer it to the filter. On sloping
roofs, PVC gutters can pick up leaves, dust, small twigs and other organic matter. The gutters
need to be cleaned regularly at least weekly once. During the rainy season the PVC gutters
should be inspected and cleaned daily. Gutters are channels fixed to the edges of roof all
around to collect and transport rainwater from the roof to the storage tank. These must be
properly sized, sloped and installed to maximize efficiency and minimize water loss. Gutters
come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, ranging from the factory made PVC type to
home-made gutters using bamboo or folded metal sheet. Gutters are usually fixed to the
building just below the roof and catch the water as it falls from the roof. For effective
operation of RWH, a well-designed and carefully constructed gutter system is crucial. 90 % or
more of the rainwater collected on the roof will be drained to the storage tank if the gutter and
down pipe system is properly fitted and maintained. Common materials for gutters and down
pipes are metal and plastic; which are available locally. But also cement-based products and
wood can be used. With high intensity rains, rainwater may shoot over the conventional
gutter, resulting in a low production; splash guards can prevent this spillage.
To keep leaves and other debris from entering the system, the gutters can have a continuous
leaf screen made of quarter-inch wire mesh in a metal frame installed along the length of the
gutter and a screen or wire basket at the head of the downpipes. Or, just clean out gutters
regularly. Gutters can be prepared in semi-circular and rectangular shapes. Locally available
material such as plain galvanized iron sheet can be easily folded to required shapes to prepare
semi-circular and rectangular gutters. Semi-circular gutters of PVC material can be readily
prepared by cutting the PVC pipes into two equal semi-circular channels. Bamboo poles can
also be used for making gutters if they are locally available in sufficient quantity. Use of such
locally available materials reduces the overall cost of the system(Biswas & Mandal, 2014).
Fig 2.2: A Clean PVC gutter to catch every drop of rain
The gutters are fixed to the roof or to the walls with clamps. The clamps hold the gutter or
pipes to the wall or to the roof firmly and allow a small slope in the system to enable water to
flow in one direction. The clamps sometimes may come off due to various reasons. The
clamps should be fixed immediately whenever it is seen to be loose or when it has come off.
At all times the PVC gutters or pipes should slope in the direction of the storage tank and not
away from it. The PVC gutters should always have an end cap at the end where rainwater
begins to flow in the direction of the tank. PVC down pipes brings the water from the
rainwater gutters or pipes vertically down. They should invariably be clamped firmly to the
wall and should never be loosely fixed. Always check that the down pipe is firmly fixed and if
necessary replace or tighten the clamp whenever necessary (Chanan et al., 2003).
Table 2.1: Gutter Width and Down Pipe Size (SOPAC, 2004)
Where the roof of a school has lots of leaves falling from a tree or trees a conical leaf trap can
be placed in the vertical down pipe. This has a mesh on top. The mesh prevents small leaves,
twigs and other material from entering the pipe and blocking it or choking the filter. The
material collected on the leaf trap if any must be removed at regular intervals and daily during
the rainy season.
To remove debris that gathers on the catchment surface, and ensure high quality water for
either potable use or to work well without clogging emitters, a series of filters are necessary.
Essentially, mesh screens remove debris both before and after the storage tank. The defense in
keeping debris out of a rainwater harvesting system is some type of leaf screen along the
gutter or in the downpipes. Depending upon the amount and type of tree litter and dust
accumulation, the homeowner may have to experiment to find the method that works best.
Leaf screens must be regularly cleaned to be effective. If not maintained, leaf screens can
become clogged and prevent Rainwater from flowing into a tank. Built-up debris can also
harbor bacteria and the products of leaf decay(Milagros, 2007).
The first rain separator or a washout pipe as it is called, has a valve or an end cap to allow the
first little amount of rainwater to be collected separately. This has most of the dust and dirt in
it. The first rain separator also is used when the roof is being cleaned or when rainwater is
NOT to be collected. It is important to ensure that the first rain separator is always kept in the
closed position and never left open. After every rain it should be opened carefully and the
waste water allowed to flow out. The pipe should then be cleaned and the valve or the end cap
closed. Sometimes the first rain separator can get jammed due to the dirt or dust in it. In such
a situation the valve or the end cap should be carefully replaced by a good plumber(Al-Ansari
et al., 2013).
First flush or the rain diverter is provided to flush off the first rain before it enters the storage
tank. The first flush water will be most contaminated by particulate matter, bird droppings,
and other material laying on the roof (debris, dirt and dust). When the first rains arrive, it is
essential to prevent this unwanted material to go into the storage tank. This can cause
contamination of water collected in the storage tank. After screening gutters a first flush
device is incorporated in the Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems to dispose of the 'first
flush' water so that it does not enter the tank.
This device will improve the quality of water lengthen the life of system components and
reduce overall maintenance. There are two such simple systems. One is based on a simple
manually operated arrangement, whereby, the down pipe is moved away from the tank inlet
and replaced again once the first flush water has been disposed. In another simple and semi-
automatic system, a separate vertical pipe is fixed to the gutter with a valve provided below
the "T" junction. After the first rain is washed out through first flush pipe, the valve is closed
to allow the water to enter the down pipe and reach the storage tank.
Figure 2.3: First-Flush Systems Using Float-Ball Mechanism (Source: UNEP, 2009) (FROM
2.4.5. Filter
A gravel, sand and ‘netlon’ mesh filter is designed and placed on top of the storage tank. This
filter is very important in keeping the rainwater in the storage tank clean. It removes silt, dust,
leaves and other organic matter from entering the storage tank. The filter media should be
cleaned daily after every rainfall event. Clogged filters prevent rainwater from easily entering
the storage tank and the filter may overflow. The sand or gravel media should be taken out
and washed before it is replaced in the filter.
The quality of stored water can be much improved if leaves and other debris are kept out of
the system by the use of a coarse filter or screen on the inlet of the tank. Without screens,
leaves and other material may enter tanks and provide food and nutrients for micro-organisms
to multiply. In the absence of such nutrients, bacteria eventually (within 2-20 days) die off
from starvation. A filter or screen should be durable, easy to clean and replace, and should not
block. It is essential that there are no gaps in the storage tank inlets where mosquitoes can
enter or exit. Coarse filtration screens (made of stainless steel or synthetic mesh) are the
simplest, most inexpensive and widely used technology. Typically these are mounted across
the top inlet of the storage tank with the downpipe above the screen. Alternatively, the
downpipe from the roof could enter the tank through an appropriately sized hole at the top of
the tank with the filtration screen at the entrance to the downpipe from the gutter. Finer filter
devices have been used to remove small sized sediment which would otherwise either be
suspended in the water or settle to the bottom of the tank leaving sludge(Villar-Navascués et
al., 2020).
Fig 2.4: A good filter with mesh and gravel on top
The rainwater storage tank collects all the filtered rainwater and keeps it for future use. The
storage tank is made above the ground and on a platform. It can also be an underground sump
in some cases. The tank is invariably painted white on the outside. This is done to keep the
water inside cool and prevent the growth of bacteria. Every year the tank must be white
washed neatly.
The tank also will be sealed from the top either with Cuddapah slabs or concrete slabs or any
local stone. It must be ensured that the top cover is permanent and always fully covered. This
will prevent the growth of algae or bacteria in the tank. In no case should it be opened. If there
are small cracks in the joints they should be sealed with cement mortar immediately.
Mosquitoes and dust should never be allowed in to the stored rainwater tank. The tank should
also be completely water tight. If there is any leak in the tank or even dampness, the problem
should be addressed immediately with the help of a trained engineer.
The storage tank will have an overflow pipe from the top of the tank. In case of heavy rain,
the overflow pipe will allow the excess rain water to be safely disposed of without causing
any flooding. The size of the overflow pipe should be the same as that of the inlet pipe. It will
have a mesh at the bottom to prevent rats, squirrels and cockroach from coming in. The mesh
should be checked weekly and if torn or open should be repaired or replaced immediately. It
should also be ensured that the overflow water is drained away effectively to a pit, plant or
storm water drain and not allowed to cause flooding.
2.4.8. Tap
A tap is provided in every tank to draw the rainwater out. Sometimes a tank can have more
than one tap. Invariably it is found that children play with the pipe outlet or the tap and it is
damaged. Children should be taught not to stand on the pipe or to play with the tap. A broken
tap will result in the entire system going to waste as all the collected rainwater will flow out.
If there is no tap on the tank or if it is broken, no rainwater will be collected in the tank when
it rains. Ownership of the system should be created and the tap taken care of and inspected
daily. If there is any leak in the tap, that too should be taken care of by replacing the washer or
by getting a good plumber to repair it immediately. Where the taps are located the area will be
cemented to drain out any waste water from the site. This drain out water will be lead into a
pit or a plant whichever is available.
There are many ways of transportation system the stored water from the tank to the parts of
customers. In taller buildings roof based tank that works by gravity feed is popular with
commercial buildings rather than domestic. There are two main systems of deliveries of water
from the storage tank (Environmental Agency, 2010).
Gravity feed systems: - These are normally positioned at the top of the building and use the
power of gravity to drive the water to different parts of the house. They do not need any other
power source such as electricity.
Pump feed systems: - The tank in this instance can be at ground level, or even under the
ground, and a pump is then used to distribute the water around the house. Both systems work
the essentially the same way in that they collect water from the roof by the guttering, it passes
through a series of filters, and is then stored in a large tank ready for distribution.
A combined pump and gravity system: - The systems can also a combined pump and
gravity system that moves the water to the top of the house to another tank where it can be
stored before being distributed through the pipes. This basically pumps water first of all up to
a storage tank in the loft where it is then distributed by gravity. The benefit of this is more
energy efficient than a full pump system because it uses less electricity.
Bate Primary School is located in Bate town which is located in Haramaya (Haramayaa or
Haroomaayaa); officially known as Haramaya Located in the Haramaya district, East Hararge
Zone of the Oromia, Ethiopia. The School has a latitude and longitude of 9°42′N 42°02′E with
an elevation of 2047 meters above sea. It is located in Lake Haramaya catchment. The total
area of the catchment is 5032 ha and encompasses a small part of Haramaya town, the
Haramaya university campus, three peasant associations (Damota, Ifa-Bate, and Tiji Gebissa)
fully, and another two partially, Ifa-Oromia (90%) and Gubi-Selama (10%).
The daily temperature in the site ranges from 10°C -25°C. The livelihood in the area is based
on agriculture. Therefore, different agricultural practices are practiced within the Lake
Haramaya watershed (Haile and Ararso, 2016).
Data for this study was captured from secondary sources. The majority of secondary data was
collected from East Hararge Water and Energy Office. These documents include, rainfall data,
Number of population or students reports from Bate Primary School Office.
The data used for this project is secondary data. Data required for study such as previous
water consumption, area of the roofs, rainfall data, population and runoff coefficient are
collected from different sources. The 12 years of rainfall data it is required to compare and
select the station that is near and relatively describe the rainfall characteristics of the project
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2002 0.58 0.02 1.82 2.81 1.55 1.44 2.09 5.33 2.78 0.70 0.00 0.69
2003 0.12 0.59 0.81 4.74 0.62 2.08 3.44 8.79 2.57 0.01 0.00 1.31
2004 1.23 0.00 0.88 7.17 1.28 0.84 2.39 3.75 4.22 1.41 1.12 0.15
2005 0.02 0.07 1.29 3.98 6.40 0.78 2.20 4.26 5.15 0.55 0.40 0.00
2006 0.13 1.28 1.59 6.37 2.38 2.47 3.86 6.17 6.01 3.60 0.05 2.85
2007 0.00 0.13 0.82 4.76 1.80 2.05 6.34 3.56 4.56 0.87 0.22 0.00
2008 0.18 0.00 0.01 0.89 5.77 3.54 4.24 3.89 5.67 0.45 4.02 0.00
2009 0.76 0.19 0.18 2.61 2.90 1.79 5.27 3.11 2.17 4.49 0.41 0.85
2010 0.09 1.58 2.65 4.13 2.36 0.85 4.67 5.79 5.68 0.18 0.37 0.35
2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 3.66 1.92 3.85 7.32 5.39 0.00 0.00 0.00
2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21 1.65 0.00 6.93 4.82 3.50 0.15 0.02 0.22
2013 0.19 0.00 5.14 5.72 1.78 0.53 6.95 5.97 4.74 2.30 2.72 0.03
Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The rooftop surface area is the catchment area that receives the incident rainfall. The rooftop
areas of the buildings in the school are selected as catchment areas in the study. The rooftop
area and heights of the selected buildings are mentioned in table I.
The quantity of water that is received from rainfall over an area is called the rainwater
potential of that area. And the quantity that can be effectively harvested is called the rain
water harvesting potential. Rain water harvesting potential can be calculated using the
following formula. Rainwater Harvesting potential (m3) = Area of Catchment (m2) X Amount
of rainfall (mm) X Runoff coefficient.
3.6. Runoff coefficient
Runoff coefficient is the factor which accounts for the fact that all the rainfall falling on a
catchment cannot be collected. Some rainfall will be lost from the catchment by evaporation
and retention on the surface itself. (Refer Table 2.1 for runoff coefficient). Rainwater yield
varies with the size and texture of the catchment area. A smoother, cleaner, and more
impervious roofing material contributes to better water quality and greater quantity. While
loss is negligible for pitched metal roofs, concrete or asphalt roofs average less than 10 per
cent loss, and built up tar and gravel roofs average a maximum of 15 per cent loss. Losses can
also occur in the gutters and in storage. Regardless of roofing material, many designers
assume loss on annual rainfall up 2-15 to 25 per cent. These losses are due to several factors:
the roofing material texture which slows down the flow; evaporation; and inefficiencies in the
collection process (Pacey et al, 1989).
The Total water demand of the School was estimated considering the per capita consumption
of water for domestic use as per the norms of Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority
mentioned in table.
Total average 40
Gutters are an almost essential but relatively cheap part of a Rain-water harvesting (RWH)
system. It is possible to collect roof water without them by using instead glides or ground
level troughs. The size (width) of the gutters should be chosen based on the roof section area.
The South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) Handbook rainwater
harvesting provides guidance to sizing of the gutters and the downpipes appropriate to handle
rainstorms in tropical regions(Mengistu, 2017).
The research flow chart follows the following methodology that are presented below.
From the rainfall data of the stations high rainy seasons are observed in July and August. The
minimum rainfall is recorded in January and February. During this period the maximum
monthly average was 156.9 mm for the month of August and the minimum was 8.1 mm for
January. Figure below shows that the average monthly precipitation of the study area which
was collected from the East Hararge Zone Bureau of water and Energy.
Average ppt in mm
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
The cumulative yearly precipitation varies from 607.1 mm/year in 2002 to 1118.8 mm/year in
400 #REF!
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
The rooftop surface area is the catchment area that receives the incident rainfall. The rooftop
areas of 6 Houses are selected as catchment areas in the study. The rooftop area of the
selected buildings are mentioned in Table 1.
A 150.8
E 228.7
F 351.3
The amount of water that can be harvested is calculated according to the equation. V = Sum
(R*A*RC/1000) (1) where V is the annual volume of rainwater that could be harvested (m 3 ),
R is the average annual rainfall (mm/y), A is the total area used for RWH (m 2 ), RC is the run-
off coefficient (dimensionless), and 1000 is the conversion factor from mm to m. Runoff
coefficient for any catchment is the ratio of the volume of water that runs off a surface to the
volume of rainfall that falls on the surface. For a corrugated metal sheets the Value of C=0.9
will be taken.
To calculate the amount of rain that can be captured off a roof surface per year, a procedure
known as the ‘Rational Method’ can be applied. The average annual rainfall should be
available from National Meteorological Agency.
The corrugated metal roof has a runoff coefficient of 0.9, which means that 90% of the rain
can be harvested. Based on this runoff coefficient and a total roof area of 1808.2 square
meters a volume of 13.2 cubic meter (8.1 mm x 1808.2 m² x 0.9) of water can be collected in
the driest month (January) and 255.3 cubic meter (156.9 mm x 1808.2m² x 0.9) in the wettest
month (August).
Table 4.5: Volume of Water that can be harvested from the houses per month (m3)
Month Avg. ppt in Avg. ppt per Volume captured Volume captured
mm per day month m/month m3per day m3 per month
Jan 0.27 0.008 0.4 13.2
Feb 0.32 0.010 0.5 15.6
Mar 1.27 0.038 2.1 62.0
Apr 3.89 0.117 6.3 189.9
May 2.68 0.080 4.4 130.8
June 1.53 0.046 2.5 74.7
July 4.35 0.131 7.1 212.4
Aug 5.23 0.157 8.5 255.3
Sept 4.37 0.131 7.1 213.3
Oct 1.23 0.037 2.0 60.1
Nov 0.78 0.023 1.3 38.1
Dec 0.54 0.016 0.9 26.4
The total yearly amount of water that can be collected from the total roof is 1241.1cubic meter
in an average per year.
Fig 4.3: Volume of Rain Water Harvested in Cubic meter per year for each blocks.
Table 4.7: Demand for Schools average demand Littre per day
For Schools
Demand l/p/day average demand l/p/day
Toilet flushing 8_10 9
floor washing 6_8 7
green areas 1_3 2
Other uses 8_10 8
Total demand 26 l/p/day
Demand = total population*estimated per capita water requirement. The total population in
the school is the summation of teachers in the schools, secretaries, guards, students and the
cleaners. Bate primary School consists of 61 teachers, 2 guards, 2 secretaries, 5 cleaners and
2661 students. Thus the total population in the school are 2731 people.
The demand of the water required in the school per month is, Demand =1491.7 m3/month
The amount of water required to as an additional water supply will be collected from the rain
fall of the season. Thus required amount of is 1241.1 m 3/year will be collected. Thus the
storage tank must be designed for this volume of water.
Supply v s De ma nd i n m3 / mo nt h
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Using the above table 2, the type of gutter and down pipe were recommended as shown in
table below.
Thus, the gutter width and the down pipe for each type of the block were selected depending
up on the roof area of the catchment.
To calculate the volume of water diverted by the first flush system, it is generally assumed
that a depth of rainfall on the roof equivalent to 0.5 mm is required to wash off the
accumulated contaminants. First we need to determine the area of the roof and simply
multiply by 0.5 mm. Volume of diverted water (liters) = average house length (m) x house
width (m) x 0.5 (mm) = 34 m*10 m*0.5 mm =0.17 m 3 of water being diverted from a single
But for the whole block the Volume of diverted water is = Number of block * volume of
water diverted. Volume of water diverted= 6*0.17 m 3 = 0.85m3 per day. Thus the total volume
of water diverted during the first flush should be: 0.85*365 =310.25 m 3. Thus the storage
required is 1241.1 m3- 310.25 m3 = 930.85 m3.
It is clear that as roof areas increase, the volume of precipitation that could potentially be
stored increases, and so the tank size required capturing the total amount of precipitation is
larger. The graph’s behavior illustrates how as rooftop areas are larger, the percentage of days
when all daily precipitation can be captured by the proposed tank volumes, decreases. It is
also evident that there is a point at which, tank sizes can get larger, but there will be a small or
no benefit from that increase. This information provides a clear view for determining
appropriate tank volumes that can be installed for rainwater harvesting system. Precipitation
analysis was also used to determine how much supply could be provided to users, whether this
technology could be implemented as a sole solution or if its application should be considered
as a complementary supply to other systems.
Tanks need to be watertight although some leakage (such as <5 % of daily abstraction) might
be tolerable if it does not weaken the structure or cause puddles. They also need to hold the
required volume and to be adequately durable (say 25 years before they become
unserviceable). Beyond these basic requirements we can list many further specific
Unlike other domestic storage reservoirs, RWH reservoirs don’t permit an over flow. Because
if an excess amount of water comes it will damage infrastructures and other flood problems
will happen. So, the storage reservoir capacity must be designed well. But, due to an expected
rains and other problems if an over flow happens the over flow water will goes to the nearby
4.6.1. Water System Peaking Factors
Water system facilities are generally sized to meet peak demand periods. The peaking
conditions of most concern for facility sizing are typically maximum month demand,
maximum day demand with fire flow and peak hour demand. Peak water use is typically
expressed as a ratio or peaking factor, dividing the peak water use by the average daily water
use. These peaking factor are then used to calculate maximum month, maximum day and peak
hour water use condition (Description et al., 2014).
From last 12 years of daily rainfall data it is assumes that the maximum daily precipitation for
the area is about 70mm (from daily rainfall data of observatory station). Therefore for:
Therefore a total 171 m3 of storage is recommended for the school service. Cross-section of
the storage tank was having a diameter of 7.4 m and height of 4m.
Fig 4.6: Storage tank.
The community in the school could use the water from the common point. They can use the
water from the reservoir directly. The reservoir should have two out let to serve the students
and teachers.
The storage tank have an overflow pipe from the top of the tank. In case of heavy rain, the
overflow pipe will allow the excess rain water to be safely disposed of without causing any
flooding. The size of the overflow pipe should be the same as that of the inlet pipe. It will
have a mesh at the bottom to prevent rats, squirrels and cockroach from coming in. The mesh
should be checked weekly and if torn or open should be repaired or replaced immediately. It
should also be ensured that the overflow water is drained away effectively to a pit, plant or
storm water drain and not allowed to cause flooding.
Rain is the best source of pure water without any treatment. More awareness should be made
to make Rain Water Harvesting a success. Special monitoring is needed to operate this system
successfully. If students, teachers, and community people become interested and Government
and NGOs are willing to work on it, then it will become a great success at our country.
This study evaluated the feasibility of rainwater harvesting and its domestic usage in a local
water is high salinity of water. Where there is severe scarcity of drinking water. A rainwater
harvesting system for a small household was constructed by using commodities and resources
available in local markets and was found to be very much effective as well as viable. It was
found that the amount of harvested and stored rainwater could be utilized not only in rainy
season but also over the whole dry periods of the year for the studied household.
Based on the study results and conclusions the responsible bodies to supply water to residents
and those who concern about storm water needs to work with integration so as to adopt
sustainable solutions for solving the problems. One of the sustainable solution is rainwater
harvesting which will have high initial cost but least operation, maintenance cost but greatest
benefits. This study focused on the quantitative aspects, therefore others also needs to study
the qualitative aspects of rainwater in Bate kebele so as to utilize the rainwater for potable
purposes after a certain additional treatment.
To maintain RWHS properly operation & maintenance is must. Without Operation &
Maintenance no RWHS can be successful. Based on the analysis and field experience
following recommendations are given to run RWHS properly.
Take necessary action to raise awareness among people regarding uses of rain water.
Revolving fund might be developed to continue the repair work.
Willingness of user is another drive to keep run the RWHS.
First flush should be maintained properly.
Gutter and catchment should be kept clean regularly and repair when needed.
Regular Operation & Maintenance is essential.
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Year Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2002 0.58 0.02 1.82 2.81 1.55 1.44 2.09 5.33 2.78 0.70 0.00 0.69
2003 0.12 0.59 0.81 4.74 0.62 2.08 3.44 8.79 2.57 0.01 0.00 1.31
2004 1.23 0.00 0.88 7.17 1.28 0.84 2.39 3.75 4.22 1.41 1.12 0.15
2005 0.02 0.07 1.29 3.98 6.40 0.78 2.20 4.26 5.15 0.55 0.40 0.00
2006 0.13 1.28 1.59 6.37 2.38 2.47 3.86 6.17 6.01 3.60 0.05 2.85
2007 0.00 0.13 0.82 4.76 1.80 2.05 6.34 3.56 4.56 0.87 0.22 0.00
2008 0.18 0.00 0.01 0.89 5.77 3.54 4.24 3.89 5.67 0.45 4.02 0.00
2009 0.76 0.19 0.18 2.61 2.90 1.79 5.27 3.11 2.17 4.49 0.41 0.85
2010 0.09 1.58 2.65 4.13 2.36 0.85 4.67 5.79 5.68 0.18 0.37 0.35
2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 3.66 1.92 3.85 7.32 5.39 0.00 0.00 0.00
2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21 1.65 0.00 6.93 4.82 3.50 0.15 0.02 0.22
2013 0.19 0.00 5.14 5.72 1.78 0.53 6.95 5.97 4.74 2.30 2.72 0.03