Applied Auditing Chapter08 - Answer

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8-1. Tests of details of financial balances are designed to determine the reasonableness
of the balances in sales, accounts receivable, and other account balances which are
affected by the sales and collection cycle. Such tests include confirmation of
accounts receivable, and examining documents supporting the balance in these

Tests of transactions for the sales and collection cycle are intended to determine
the effectiveness of internal control structure and to test the substance of the
transactions which are produced by this cycle. Such tests would consist of
examining sales invoices in support of entries in the sales journal, reconciling cash
receipts, or reviewing the approval of credit.

The results of the tests of transactions will be used to affect the procedures,
sample size, timing and particular items selected for the tests of details of financial
balances (i.e., an effective internal control structure will result in reduced testing
when compared to the tests of details required in the case of an inadequate internal
control structure).

8-2. There are two common types of confirmations used for confirming accounts
receivable: “positive” confirmations and “negative” confirmations. A positive
confirmation is a communication addressed to the debtor requesting him to
confirm directly whether the balance as stated on the confirmation request is
correct or incorrect. A negative confirmation is also a communication addressed
to the debtor, but it requests a response only when the debtor disagrees with the
stated amount.

A positive confirmation is more reliable evidence because the auditor can perform
follow-up procedures if a response is not received from the debtor. With a
negative confirmation, failure to reply must be regarded as a correct response even
though the debtor may have ignored the confirmation request.

Offsetting the reliability disadvantage, negative confirmations are less expensive

to send than positive confirmations, and thus more of them can be distributed for
the same total cost. The determination of which type of confirmation to be sent is
an auditor’s decision, and it should be based on the facts in the audit. The
following are the most important circumstances where positive confirmations
should be used:
8-2 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

1. There are a small number of large accounts which account for a significant
portion of total accounts receivable.
2. There are suspected conditions of dispute, inaccuracy, or irregularity. This
would be the case when internal controls are considered inadequate or if
prior year’s audit test results are unsatisfactory.
3. The rules of certain regulatory agencies require them. This is the case for
brokers and dealers in securities.

When the above conditions do not exist, it is acceptable to use negative

confirmations, but negative confirmations should not be used if the auditor
believes the customer is likely to ignore the confirmation. Typically, when
negative confirmations are used, the auditor is using a reduced control risk
assessment in the audit of accounts receivable. It is also common to use negative
confirmations for audits of hospitals, retail stores, and other industries where the
receivables are due from the general public. In these cases, far more assurance is
obtained from tests of internal control than from confirmations.

It is also common to use a combination of negative and positive confirmations by

sending the positives to accounts with large balances and negatives to those with
small balances.

8-3. It is acceptable to confirm accounts receivable prior to the balance sheet date if the
internal control structure is adequate and can provide reasonable assurance that
sales, cash receipts and other credits are properly recorded between the date of the
confirmation and the end of the accounting period. Other factors the auditor is
likely to consider in making the decision are the materiality of accounts receivable
and the auditor’s experience in prior years. If the decision is made to confirm
accounts receivable prior to year end, it is necessary to test the transactions
occurring between the confirmation date and the balance sheet date by examining
internal documents and performing analytical procedures at year end.

8-4. South Technologies, Inc.

(a) When confirmation requests are mailed to debtors whose accounts were
written off as uncollectible, the auditors’ purpose is to determine that the
receivables were genuine when they were first recorded in the accounts. In
some fraud cases, fictitious accounts receivable have been created to cover up
a shortage. Eventually these fictitious receivables must be disposed of; one
method is to write off the fictitious accounts as uncollectible.

(b) The South executive appears to believe the auditors are solely concerned with
the collectibility of accounts and notes receivable. In fact, the confirmation
process is primarily intended to establish that the receivables are genuine and
that the customers (or makers of notes) exist. Other audit procedures are
followed to determine collectibility.
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-3
8-5. The confirmation requests should go to the makers of the notes regardless of
whether the notes have been discounted. The act of discounting a note receivable
does not reduce the importance of the note being genuine and collectible. A
company which discounts its notes receivable remains in a position of sustaining a
loss if the makers of the notes fail to make payment at the maturity dates.

8-6. (a) When customers fail to respond to positive confirmation requests the CPAs
may not assume with confidence that these customers reviewed the requests
and found no disagreement and therefore did not reply. Some busy customers
will not take the time to review confirmation requests and will not respond;
hence, obvious exceptions may exist without being reported to the CPAs.

(b) If there is no response to a second request, the CPAs may mail a third request
and possibly make telephone calls in an effort to get a reply directly from the
customer. When it becomes apparent that the confirmation program will not
produce further evidence, the CPAs should consider each remaining customer
as to the size, nature, and age of the balance and the apparent reason for the
lack of a reply before they decide what additional work is necessary in the
circumstances. The CPAs should carry out the alternative audit procedures of
examining customers’ purchase orders or contracts, shipping documents and
sales invoices of the client, and remittances by nonconfirming customers
received by the client subsequent to the balance sheet date. The auditors may
also verify the existence, location, and credit standings of the nonconfirming
customers by reference to credit agencies or other sources independent of the

8-7. North, Inc.

No, the matter remains unresolved. First, oral evidence from the client is never in
itself sufficient; the auditors must follow up to determine the reliability of the oral
evidence. Second, payment of an account receivable is not confirmation; the
account might be fictitious, and the “payment” could have been made by a
dishonest employee who had created the fictitious account to conceal a cash
shortage. The auditors must examine the customer purchase order or contract, and
copies of the sales invoice and shipping document, in support of the unconfirmed
receivable. They should also determine the genuineness of the customer by
reference to the telephone directory or to credit agency reports.

8-8. Monty’s Meat, Inc.

a. The workpaper does not include a description of the auditing procedures

performed in confirming the accounts. The workpaper is also incomplete in
the following respects:
1) The workpaper does not state whether the auditor traced the ABC
Grocery remittance of P3,000 to November cash receipts.
8-4 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

2) The workpaper does not state whether the auditor examined the
November 2 credit memo issued to Sari-Sari Store.
3) The workpaper does not state whether the auditor traced the Lucena’s
Meat Market remittance to November cash receipts.
4) The workpaper does not state whether and how the auditor obtained
satisfaction regarding confirmation requests not returned.
5) The workpaper does not state whether the auditor examined
documentation for the Diana’s Supper Club order returned and received
on October 31.
6) Rather than summarizing the confirmations returned without exception,
as was done at the bottom of Working Paper 1, these confirmations
should have been listed separately.

b. 1) Sales P11,100
Accounts receivable P11,100

Inventory 8,600
Cost of goods sold 8,600
To reverse 2007 sale recorded in 2006.

2) Allowance for uncollectible accounts 1,277

Accounts receivable 1,277
To write off uncollectible account.

3) Sales returns and allowances 3,634

Accounts receivable 3,634
To record return of spoiled meat and
recognize loss in period in which incurred.
Meat not restored to inventory, inasmuch
as it was spoiled.

4) Sales 13,000
Accounts receivable 13,000
To correct error in recording customer
remittance as a sale.

5) Sales Returns 334

Accounts receivable 334

Inventory 250
Cost of goods sold 250
To record return and restore meat to inventory
because meat returned in good condition.
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-5
c. (See completed Exhibits 1.1 and 1.2 reproduced below and on the following

Exhibit 1.1

Monty’s Meat, Inc.

Accounts Receivable - Trade
Aging Analysis
October 31, 2006

Conf. Past Due (Days)

No. Customer Balance Current 1-30 31-60 Over 60
1060 Culley’s Meats P 1,330 P 1,330
1061 Jolly Roger Restaurant 466 P 466
1064 ABC Grocery 4,256 3,000 1,256
(Other) 329,433 280,763 33,467 P12,324 P 2,879
1602 Rudy’s Deli 378 378
1603 General Foods Grocers 13,468 13,000 468
1607 Kim’s Fresh Meats 2,334 1,074 1,260
1608 Dill’s Discount Grocery 12,469 12,469
1612 Diana’s Supper Club 866 334 532
10/31 Balance per ledger P365,000 P 311,970 P 36,449 P13,234 P 3,347
Audit Adjustments P (29,345) P (28,068) P(1,277)
10/31 Audited balance P335,655 P 283,902 P 36,449 P13,234 P 2,070
Cash receipts 11/1 – 11/27 P(210,113) P (13,353) P 0 P 0 &

11/27 Outstanding P 73,789 P 23,096 P13,234 P 2,070

Estimated percent uncollectible 10% 25% 70% 100%

10/31 Estimated uncollectible P 24,487 P 7,379 P 5,774 P 9,264 P 2,070

& Traced subsequent collections to November remittance advices.

# Obtained balances from subsidiary ledger after agreeing to general ledger control account.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Initial Date Initial Date
8-6 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Exhibit 1.2

Monty’s Meat, Inc.

Accounts Receivable - Trade
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
October 31, 2006

11/1/05 Balance per general ledger P28,000 #

11/1 - 10/31 Monthly provision 24,000 &
11/1 - 10/31 Write-offs (37,000) @
10/31/06 Balance per general ledger P15,000

AJE 2 (1,277)
AJE 6 P10,777

10/31/06 Audited balance P24,500 ^


Bad debts expense P10,777

Allowance for doubtful accounts P10,777
To adjust allowance for doubtful accounts to amount
considered reasonable in the circumstances.

# Traced to last year’s WTB - audited balance

& Traced to standard journal entries
@ Examined documentation and discussed with credit manager and legal counsel
^ In light of aging analysis, the above balance, as adjusted, appears to be adequate.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Initial Date Initial Date
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-7
8-9. Makati Company

For all of the exceptions, the auditor is concerned about four principal things.
(a) Whether there is a client error. Many times the confirmation response
differences are due to timing differences for deposits in the mail and
inventory in transit to the customer. Sometimes customers misunderstand the
confirmation or the information requested. The auditor must distinguish
between those and client errors.
(b) The amount of the client error if any.
(c) The cause of the error. It would be intentional, a misunderstanding of the
proper way to record a transaction, or a breakdown of internal control.
(d) Potential errors in the sample not tested. The auditor must estimate the error
in the untested population, based on the results of the tests of the sample.

Suggested steps to clear each of the comments satisfactorily are:

1. (a) Examine supporting documents, including the sales invoices and
applicable sales and shipping orders, for propriety and valuation of the
(b) Review the cash receipts books for the period after December 31, 2005,
and note any collections from the PDQ Company. The degree of internal
control over cash receipts should be an important consideration in
determining the reliance that can be placed on the cash receipts entries.
In addition, as there is no assurance that collections after December 31
represent the payment of invoices supporting the December 31 trial
balance, consideration should be given to requesting a confirmation from
the PDQ Company of the invoices paid by their checks.
2. (a) The cause should be investigated thoroughly. If the credit was posted to
the wrong account, it may indicate merely a clerical error. On the other
hand, posting to the wrong account may indicate lapping.
(b) Such a comment may also indicate a delay in posting and depositing of
receipts. If upon investigation such is the case, the company should be
informed immediately so that it can take corrective steps.
3. This is a confirmation of the balance with an additional comment. Since the
customer has given us the data, it is preferable to check to see that the
information agrees with the company’s records. Such a procedure may
disclose misposting or delay in recording receipts.
4. This incomplete comment should raise an immediate question: does the
customer mean paid before or paid after December 31? Because the
customer’s intent is unknown, this account should be reconfirmed and the
customer asked to state the exact date. Upon receipt of the second
confirmation, the information thereon should be traced to the cash receipts
8-8 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

5. The auditor should first evaluate how long it takes to ship goods to the
customer in question. If it ordinarily takes more than five days, there is no
indication of error.
A comment of this type may indicate that the company may be recording
sales before an actual sale has taken place. The auditor should examine the
invoice and review with the appropriate officials the company’s policies.
Sales, cost of sales, inventories and accounts receivable may have to be
adjusted if title has not passed to the buyer as of December 31, 2005.
6. (a) Determine if such advance payment has been received and that it has
been properly recorded. A review should be made of other advance
payments to ascertain that charges against such advances have been
properly handled.
(b) If the advance payment was to cover these invoices, the auditor should
propose a reclassification of the P1,350, debiting the advance payment
account and crediting accounts receivable--trade.
7. (a) Examine the shipping order for indications that the goods were shipped
and, if available, carrier’s invoice and/or bill of lading for receipt of the
(b) If it appears that goods were shipped, send all available information to
the customer and ask the customer to reconfirm. If the customer still
insists that goods were never received, all data should be presented to an
appropriate company official for a complete explanation. This may
indicate that accounting for shipments is inadequate and consideration
should be given to reviewing the procedures to determine if
improvements can be made.
(c) If the goods were not shipped, the auditor should recommend an
adjustment reducing sales, cost of sales, and accounts receivable, and
increasing inventories.
8. This should be discussed with the appropriate officials and correspondence
with the customer should be reviewed to allow determination whether an
adjustment should be made in the amount receivable or if an allowance for
doubtful accounts should be set up.
9. As title on any goods shipped on consignment does not pass until those goods
are sold, the sales entry should be reversed, inventory charged, and cost of
sales credited if it is actually a consignment sale. Other so-called sales should
be reviewed and company officials queried to determine if other sales actual
represent consignment shipments; if so, the adjustment set forth in the
preceding sentence should be made for all consignment shipments.
10. This is a noncurrent asset and should be reclassified to either deposit or
prepaid rent. A review of other accounts, especially those with round
numbers, may disclose other accounts that should be so reclassified.
11. This may indicate a misposting of the credit or a delay in posting the credit.
Comments under 2 above would also apply to credits.
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-9
8-10. Ken Company

Requirement (a)
Ken Company
Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule
May 31, 2006

Proportion Amount Probability Estimated

of in of Uncollectible
Age Category Total Category Non-Collection Amount
Not yet due .680 P 816,000 .010 P 8,160
Less than 30 days past due .150 180,000 .035 6,300
30 to 60 days past due .080 96,000 .050 4,800
61 to 120 days past due .050 60,000 .090 5,400
121 to 180 days past due .025 30,000 .400 12,000
Over 180 days past due .015 18,000 .900 16,200
1.000 P1,200,000 P52,860

Requirement (b)
Ken Company
Analysis of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
May 31, 2006
June 1, 2005 balance P 30,250
Bad debt expense accrual (3,000,000 x .04) 120,000
Balance before write-offs of bad accounts P150,250
Write-offs of bad accounts 108,750
Balance before year-end adjustment P 41,500
Estimated uncollectible amount 52,860
Additional allowance needed P 11,360
Debit Credit
Bad Debts Expense 11,360
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 11,360

Requirement (c)
1. Steps to Improve the 2. Risks and Costs
Accounts Receivable Situation Involved
Establish more selective credit-granting This policy could result in lost sales and
policies, such as more restrictive credit increased costs of credit evaluation. Ken
requirements or more thorough credit may be all but forced to adhere to the
rating investigation. prevailing credit-granting policies of the
office equipment and supplies industry.
Establish a more rigorous collection policy This policy may offend current customers
either through external collection agencies and thus risk future sales. Increased
or by Ken’s own personal. collection costs could result from this
8-10 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition
Charge interest on overdue accounts. This policy may offend current customers
and thus risk future sales.
Insist on cash on delivery (COD) or cash This policy could result in lost sales and
on order (COO) for new customers or increased administrative costs.
poorer credit risks.

8-11. Demo Inc.

Requirement (a)
Accounts Receivable


Per General Per Months Outstanding
Ledger Subsidiary 0-1 1-3 3-6 over 6

Unadjusted Balances P197,000 P198,240 P93,240 P76,820 P22,180 P6,000

Add (Deduct) Adjustments:
AJE (2) to correct
understatement of
accounts written off on
October 31. (200)
(3) to write off definitely
uncollectible accounts (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
(4) to reclassify advances
from customers 2,000 2,000 2,000
(5) to reclassify accounts
with credit balances 500 500 500
(6) to adjust general ledger
balance to agree with
subsidiary balance 1,440 _______ ______ _______ _______ ______
Balances as adjusted P199,740 P199,740 P95,240 P77,320 P22,180 P5,000

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Balance per Ledger P12,000.00
Add (Deduct) Adjustments:
AJE (1) to correct error in recording bad debts recovery 324.00
(2) to correct understatement of accounts written off ( 200.00)
(3) to write off definitely uncollectible accounts ( 1,000.00)
(4) to adjust allowance to required balance (Schedule 1) ( 6,359.80)
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-11

Balance as adjusted P 4,764.20

Schedule 1: Computation of Required Allowance
Adjusted Required Allowance
Account Classification Total % Amount
0-1 month outstanding P 95,240 1 P 952.40
1-3 months outstanding 77,320 2 1,546.40
3-6 months outstanding 22,180 3 665.40
over 6 months outstanding 5,000 P2,000-50% 1,000.00
_______ P3,000-20% 600.00
Totals P199,740 P4,764.20

Requirement (b) Adjusting Journal Entries 12-31-05

(1) Bad Debts 324.00

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 324.00
(2) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 200.00
Accounts Receivable 200.00
(3) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,000.00
Accounts Receivable 1,000.00
(4) Accounts Receivable 2,000.00
Advances from Customers 2,000.00
(5) Accounts Receivable 500.00
Customers’ accounts with credit balances 500.00
(6) Accounts Receivable 1,440.00
Sales 1,440.00
(7) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 6,359.80
Bad Debts Expense 6,359.80

8-12. Tripoli Company

Requirement (1)

Accounts receivable, trade.............................................. 40,000

Advances to suppliers..................................................... 450
Due from officers............................................................ 2,500
Subscriptions receivable – share capital......................... 4,600
Expense advances to salespeople.................................... 1,000
Accounts payable, trade (P19,250 – P450)*............ 19,250
Advances from customers on sales contracts........... 450
Salaries payable....................................................... 3,300
Allowance for doubtful accounts............................. 500
8-12 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Receivables (to close permanently)......................... 23,050

Customers’ credit balances...................................... 2,000
Requirement (2)

Current assets:
Accounts receivable, trade....................................... 40,000
Less allowance for doubtful accounts...................... 500 P39,500
Creditors’ debit balances.......................................... 450
Due from officers**................................................. 2,500
Subscriptions receivable – ordinary shares**.......... 4,600
Expense advances to salespeople............................. 1,000

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable, trade........................................... 19,250
Customers’ credit balances...................................... 2,000
Cash advances from customers on sales
(not yet shipped)................................................... 450
Salaries payable....................................................... 3,300

* These amounts are netted against normal balances to reflect control balances;
but if material in amount, they should be reported separately on the balance
sheet as indicated in Requirement 2.
** Considered as current assets only if currently collectible. All items are
assumed to be material in amount.

8-13. Pearl Corporation

1. Estimated bad debt percentage based on year-end accounts receivable:

2003 2004 2005 2006
Actual bad debts P 3,300a P 5,700c P 7,800e P 16,800
Credit Sales P90,000 P158,000 P210,000 P459,000
Outstanding receivables
(year-end) P 9,500b P 19,900d P 29,500f P 58,900
Percentage of
receivables 0.347 0.286 0.264 0.285#
P2,500 + P500 + P300 = P3,300
0 + P90,000 - P78,000 - P2,500 = P9,500
P4,600 + P700 + P400 = P5,700
P9,500 + P158,000 - P8,500 - P134,000 - P500 - P4,600 = P19,900
Estimated. The bad debts written off in the third year following the sale have
averaged about 7.8% [(P300 + P400)  (P3,300 + P5,700)] of the total actual bad
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-13
debts in the previous 2 years. Therefore, the bad debts on 2005 sales of P6,200 and
P1,000 are about 92.2% of the total bad debts expected on 2005 sales.
P19,900 + P210,000 - P200 - P14,200 - P178,800 - P300 - P700 - P6,200 = P29,500
2. Bad debts estimated as a percentage of year-end accounts receivable
P29,500 + P235,000 - P300 - P19,500 - P400 - P1,000 - P200,000
= P43,300
P43,300 x 0.285 = P12,340.50, or approximately P12,300. Criteria for
recognition of bad debts or impairment of receivables under PAS 39
should be applied.

8-14. Flores Corporation

Requirement (1)
Flores Corporation
Analysis of Changes in the
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
For the Year Ended December 31, 2006

Balance at January 1, 2006 P130,000

Provision for doubtful accounts (P9,000,000 x 2%) 180,000
Recovery in 2006 of bad debts written off previously 15,000
Deduct write-offs for (P90,000 + P60,000) 150,000
Balance at December 31, 2006, before additional impairment loss P175,000
Increase in estimated uncollectible accounts during 2006 (P235,300 - P175,000) 60,300
Balance at December 31, 2006, adjusted (Schedule 1) P235,300

Schedule 1:
Computation of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
at December 31, 2006
Aging category Balance Percent Doubtful accounts
November-December 2006 P1,140,000 2 P 22,800
July-October 600,000 10 60,000
January-June 400,000 25 100,000
Prior to 1/1/06 70,000 a 75 52,500
P130,000 - P60,000

Requirement (2)
Flores Corporation
Journal Entry
December 31, 2006

Bad Debt Expense 60,300

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 60,300
To increase the allowance for doubtful
8-14 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

accounts at December 31, 2006, resulting

from evaluation of collectibility of remaining

8-15. Visayas Company

Requirement (a)
Visayas Company
Accounts Receivable

Balance, 12.31.05 P 546,400

Add: Sales on account for the year 2,622,832
Total P3,169,232
Less: Collections during the year
- with discount (1) P2,050,859
- without discount (2) 848,118
Accounts written off 18,700
Credit memo for sales returns & allowances 37,000 2,954,677
Balance, 12.31.06 P 214,555

Total collections P2,857,960

Less: Accts paid w/ discount 2,009,842 ( 98% = P2,050,859) (1)
Accts paid by customers w/o
discount P 848,118 (2)

Requirement (b)

AJE (1) Doubtful accounts expense 6,599

Allowance for doubtful accounts 6,599

Supporting Analysis:

% allowance to AR 12.31.05 P 16,392 = 3%

Required % allowance to
AR 12.31.06 2/3 x 3% = 2%
Required allowance 12.31.06
2% x P214,555 P4,291

Allowance for doubtful accounts balance, 12.31.05 P 16,392

Less: Accounts written off 18,700
P( 2,308)
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-15
Required balance, 12.31.06 4,291
Estimated bad debts expense for 12.31.06 P 6,599

8-16. Charry Company

Requirement (a) Adjusting Journal Entries

(1) Accounts Receivable 5,500

Customers’ accounts with credit balances 5,500
(P500 + P5,000)

(2) Sales 5,000

Accounts Receivable 5,000

(3) Subscriptions Receivable 15,000

Accounts Receivable 15,000

(4) Deposit on Contract 15,000

Accounts Receivable 15,000

(5) Claims Receivable 500

Accounts Receivable 500

(6) Advances to Employees 500

Accounts Receivable 500

(7) Advances to Affiliated Company 10,000

Accounts Receivable 10,000

(8) Advances to Supplier 5,000

Accounts Receivable 5,000

Requirement (b) Balance Sheet Presentation 12-31-06

Current Assets
Accounts Receivable - Trade P59,500
Claims Receivable 500
Advances to Employees 500
Advances to Supplier 5,000
Advances to Affiliated Company 10,000
Other Assets
Deposit on Contract 15,000
8-16 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Shareholders’ Equity
Subscribed Share Capital (net of subscriptions
receivable of P15,000) xxx

Supporting Analysis:

Charry Company
Accounts Receivable -Trade

Balance per ledger P105,000

Add (Deduct) Adjustments:
AJE (1) To reclassify accounts with credit balances 5,500
(2) To reverse entry for consignment deliveries ( 5,000)
(3) To reclassify subscriptions receivable ( 15,000)
(4) To reclassify deposit on contract ( 15,000)
(5) To reclassify balance of claims from carrier for
shipping damages ( 500)
(6) To reclassify employee’s IOU’s ( 500)
(7) To reclassify advances to affiliate ( 10,000)
(8) To reclassify advances to supplier ( 5,000)
Net adjustments ( 45,500)
Balance as adjusted P 59,500

If correct entries were made for the transactions given, the Accounts
Receivable account would show the following postings:

Accounts Receivable
Jan. 1 Balance P 56,000 Collections P615,000
Charge Sales 625,000 Write offs 3,500
Recoveries of Merchandise returns 2,500
accounts written off 1,000 Allowance for shipping
________ damages 1,500

P682,000 P622,500
________ Balance Dec. 31 59,500
P682,000 P682,000

8-17. The Preston Companies

(amounts in P millions)

Requirement (1)
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-17
(a) Preston’s earnings would have increased (1 – 0.40) P105 million or P63
million in 2006. Net accounts receivable and total assets would have been
P105 million higher than actually reported in 2006. Ignoring differences
between tax and financial reporting, income tax payable would have
increased by P0.40 (P105 million) or P42 million, and retained earnings
would be greater by P63 million. This example illustrates the material effect
estimated bad debts can have on reported earnings and total assets.

(b) Under the allowance method, failure to write off an account has no effect on
earnings (assuming a sufficient balance exists in the allowance account), or
any net balances in the balance sheet. Only the components of net accounts
receivable would be affected. Both gross accounts receivable and the
allowance for doubtful accounts would be overstated P0.6 million.

Requirement (2)

Beginning allowance balance P183
Bad debt expense 105
Ending allowance balance (212)
Write-offs of accounts P 76

Requirement (3)

(a) The ratio of bad debt expense to operating revenue for the two years is: 2006,
P105/P3,729 = 2.8%; 2005, P81/P3,534 = 2.3%. This ratio appears relatively
stable although is increasing.

(b) The composite rate of uncollectible accounts as a percentage of gross

accounts receivable = ending allowance balance/ending accounts receivable.
The ratio for 2006 is P212 / (P951 + P212) = 18.2%, and for 2005 is P183 /
(P972 + P183) = 15.8%. This ratio is less stable and also is increasing.

(c) Bad debt expense is considerably higher than the write-offs in 2006. The
firm has experienced an increase in expected write-offs. Apparently the firm
expects an increase in bad debts, which is partially an estimate of future

8-18. Rain Company

Requirement (1)

Present value of the note:

P150,000 x (PV1, 12%, 3) (0.71178) = P106,767

8-18 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Requirement (2)
Correction and Collection Schedule:
Note Receivable
Date Explanation and Interest Revenue Change Balance
1-1-2005 Recorded originally at face amount P150,000
12-31-2005 Correction to restate to present value – P 43,233 106,767
12-31-2005 To accrue interest, P106,767 x 12% = P12,812 + 12,812 119,579
12-31-2006 To accrue interest, P119,579 x 12% = P14,349 + 14,349 133,928
12-31-2007 To accrue interest, P133,928 x 12% = P16,072* + 16,072 150,000
12-31-2007 Collection on face amount, debit Cash – 150,000 0

* Rounded.

1. d. The Josefina note is a short-term note and is reported at face value
although the note can be recorded at present value. The Nicole note is
reported at present value: [(P20,000 + 5(0.3) (P20,000)] (PV1, 8%, 5) =
P23,000 (0.68058) = P15,653
2. c. The annual payment is computed as: P10,000 (PVA, 8%, 5) = P10,000 /
3.99271 = P2,505.
Discounting this stream of payments at 9% yields cash proceeds of:
P2,505 (PVA, 9%, 5) = P2,505 (3.88965) = P9,744.
Total interest equals total payments less proceeds = 5 (P2,505) – P9,744
= P2,781.
3. b. Interest receivable is recorded for one month.
4. c. Maturity value..................................................................... P100,000
Discount P100,000 (0.10) (6/12)......................................... (5,000)
Proceeds............................................................................... P 95,000

8-20. Luce Company

(1) AJE: Sales returns and allowances 30,000

Inventory 12.31.06 24,000
Accounts receivable 30,000
Cost of sales 24,000
Income will decrease by P6,000 if
the above AJE is made.
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-19
Ans. (c)
(2) AJE: Sales 10,000
Accounts receivable 10,000
Income was overstated by P10,000
Ans. (a)
(3) Actual number of units sold to Mr. Lazo was 320. P48,000
Ans. (b)
(4) Correct receivable from
Mr. Lazo : 320 x P100 P 32,000
Per client 48,000
Overstatement P 16,000
Ans. (d)
(5) Accounts receivable from Mr. Sia is correctly stated because the goods
are considered sold in 2006.
Ans. (a)
(6) Ans. (d)

8-21. ETC Co.

Adjusting Journal Entries
AJE 1. Cash 225,000
Other Current Liabilities (UCPB Overdraft) 225,000
2. Accounts Receivable 37,500
Cash 37,500
3. Cash 28,709
Accounts Payable 28,709

4. Notes Payable 67,500

Interest Expense 16,200
Cash 83,700
5. Cash – BPI 25,000
Other Current Liabilities (UCPB Overdraft) 25,000
6. Cash – SBTC 73,690
Accounts Receivable 73,690

Per books P 15,825,000

8-20 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

AJE 1. 225,000
2. (37,500)
3. 28,709
4. (83,700)
5. 25,000
6. 73,690
Adjusted balance P16,056,199 (1) (c)
Accounts Receivable

Subsidiary Ledger General Ledger

P8,047,054 P7,868,029
AJE 2. 37,500 37,500
6. (73,690)
P7,831,839 P7,831,839 (2) (b)

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Aging Estimated to be
Distribution Subsidiary Ledger % Uncollectible
Current P1,737,690.00 + P122,500 = P1,860,190.00 x 2 = P 37,203.80
Past due:
1 – 30 P1,617,340.00 = 1,617,340.00 x 5 = 80,867.00
31 – 60 P1,437,706.50 = 1,437,706.50 x 10 = 143,770.70
61 – 90 P1,474,450.00 = 1,474,450.00 x 15 = 221,167.50
Over 90 P1,779,867.50 + P37,500
___________ – P375,215 = 1,442,152.50 x 20 = 288,430.50
(3) (a) P8,047,054.00 P7,831,839.00 P771,439.50

8-22. Ling, Inc.

Requirement (1)

Long-term Receivables Section of Balance Sheet
December 31, 2005

9% note receivable from sale of division, due in annual

installments of P500,000 to May 1, 2007, less current
installment P 500,000 [1]
8% note receivable from officer, due December 31, 2007,
collaterized by 10,000 shares of Ling, Inc., ordinary shares
with a fair value of P450,000 400,000
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-21
Non-interest-bearing note from sale of patent, net of 15%
imputed interest, due April 1, 2007 84,105 [2]
Installment contract receivable, due in annual installments of
P50,000 to July 1, 2009, less current installment 112,400 [3]
Total long-term receivables P1,096,505

Requirement (2)

Selected Balance Sheet Balances
December 31, 2005

Current portion of long-term receivables:

Note receivable from sale of division P500,000 [1]
Installment contract receivable 27,600 [3]
Total P527,600

Accrued interest receivable:

Note receivable from sale of division P 60,000 [4]
Installment contract receivable 11,200 [5]
Total P 71,200

Requirement (3)

Interest Income from Long-Term Receivables
and Gains Recognized on Sale of Assets
For the Year Ended December 31, 2005

Interest income:
Note receivable from sale of division P105,000 [6]
Note receivable from sale of patent 8,505 [2]
Note receivable from officer 32,000 [7]
Installment contract receivable from sale of land 11,200 [5]
Total interest income for year ended 12/31/05 P156,705

Gains recognized on sale of assets:

Patent P 37,600 [8]
Land 50,000 [9]
Total gains recognized for year ended 12/31/05 P 87,600

Explanation of amounts:

[1] Long-term Portion of 9% Note Receivable at 12/31/05

Face amount, 5/1/00 P1,500,000
8-22 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Less: installment received 5/1/05 (500,000)

Balance, 12/31/05 P1,000,000
Less: installment due 5/1/06 (500,000)
Long-term portion, 12/31/05 P 500,000

[2] Non-interest-bearing Note, Net of Imputed Interest at 12/31/05

Face amount, 4/1/05 P 100,000
Less: imputed interest
[P100,000 – (P100,0000 x 0.756)] (24,400)
Balance, 4/1/05 P 75,600
Add: interest earned to 12/31/05
(P75,600 x 15% x 9/12) 8,505
Balance, 12/31/05 P 84,105

[3] Long-term Portion of Installment Contract Receivable at 12/31/05

Contract selling price, 7/1/05 P 200,000
Less: down payment, 7/1/05 (60,000)
Balance, 12/31/05 P 140,000
Less: installment due 7/1/06
[P50,000 – (P140,000 x 16%)] (27,600)
Long-term portion, 12/31/05 P 112,400

[4] Accrued Interest – Note Receivable, Sale of Division, at 12/31/05

Interest accrued from 5/1 to 12/31/05
(P1,000,000 x 9% x 8/12) P 60,000

[5] Accrued Interest – Installment Contract at 12/31/05

Interest accrued from 7/1 to 12/31/05
(P140,000 x 16% x ½) P 11,200

[6] Interest Income – Note Receivable, Sale of Division, for 2005

Interest earned from 1/1 to 5/1/05
(P1,500,000 x 9% x 4/12) P 45,000
Interest earned from 5/1 to 12/31/05
(P1,000,000 x 9% x 8/12) 60,000
Interest income P 105,000

[7] Interest Income – Note Receivable, Officer, for 2005

Interest earned 1/1 to 12/31/05 (P400,000 x 8%) P 32,000

[8] Gain Recognized on Sale of Patent

Stated selling price P 100,000
Less: imputed interest (24,400)
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-23
Actual selling price (P100,000 x 0.756) P 75,600
Less: cost of patent (net)
Carrying value 1/1/05 P40,000
Less amortization 1/1 to 4/1/06
(P8,000 x ¼) (2,000) (38,000)
Gain recognized P 37,600

[9] Gain Recognized on Sale of Land

Sale of price P 200,000
Less: cost (150,000)
Gain recognized P 50,000

8-23. Grande Company

Requirement 1

PAS 39, paragraph 63 will be applied in this case. On December 31, 2006,
Grande Company should record the 2006 accrued interest and the impairment:
Notes / Interest Receivable (0.06) (100,000) 6,000
Interest Income 6,000
Bad Debts Expense 55,537 *
Allowance for decline in note value 55,537
* Carrying value of note and interest (100,000 + 6,000) P106,000
Present value / New carrying value of
note (discount rate – 6%)
Due on 12.31.08 (P30,000 x 0.89000) P26,700
Due on 12.31.10 (P30,000 x 0.79209) 23,763 50,463
Impairment write-down P 55,537

Requirement 2
The entries with the corresponding computations follow:
Effective Interest Method
December 31, 2007
Allowance for decline in note value 3,028
Interest income (0.06) (50,463) 3,028

December 31, 2008

Allowance for decline in note value 3,209
Interest income
(0.06) (50,463 + 3,028) 3,209
8-24 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Cash 30,000
Notes receivable 30,000

December 31, 2009

Allowance for decline in note value 1,602
Interest income
(0.06) (50,463 + 3,208 + 3,209 – 30,000) 1,602

December 31, 2010

Allowance for decline in note value 1,698*
Interest income 1,698
0.06 (26,700 + 1,602)

Cash 30,000
Notes receivable 30,000

Allowance for decline in note value 46,000

Notes receivable 46,000
To close remaining balance in
notes receivable and allowance

* At this point, the amortized cost of the notes receivable is zero.

Notes Receivable Allowance for Decline in Note Value

100,000 30,000 3,028 55,537
6,000 30,000 3,209
106,000 60,000 1,602
46,000 bal 1,698
9,537 55,537

8-24. Amy Corporation

Requirement 1
Accounts Receivable (Trade) 15,500
Accounts Receivable (Officer) 3,600
Ordinary Shares Subscriptions Receivable 12,000
Advances to Employees 1,800
Notes Receivable (Trade) 6,000
Deposit to Guarantee Contract Performance 5,000
Utility Deposit 500
Receivables 44,400

Requirement 2
Accounts receivable (trade)--current asset, trade receivable
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-25
Accounts receivable (officer)--normally current nontrade receivable
Ordinary shares subscription receivable--current or noncurrent asset, depending
on due date; nontrade receivable
Advances to employees--current asset, nontrade receivable
Notes receivable (trade)--noncurrent asset, trade receivable
Deposit to guarantee contract performance--separately classify, could be current
or noncurrent asset, depending on the length of the contract; nontrade
Utility deposit--separately classify, probably noncurrent nontrade receivable
8-25. Jane’s Department Store

Requirement 1
Estimated Estimated
Percentage Amount
Age Balance Uncollectible Uncollectible
Under 30 days P193,000 0.008 P 1,544
30- 60 days 114,000 0.020 2,280
61-120 days 73,000 0.050 3,650
121-240 days 41,000 0.200 8,200
241-360 days 25,000 0.350 8,750
Over 360 days 19,000 0.600 11,400
P465,000 P35,824
Requirement 2

a. Bad Debt Expense 35,824

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 35,824
b. Bad Debt Expense (P35,824 + P3,000) 38,824
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 38,824
c. Bad Debt Expense (P35,824 – P2,800) 33,024
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 33,024

8-26. Blue Corporation

Requirement 1
Dec. 1 Cash [(P175,000 x 0.80) – P1,400] 138,600
Assignment Service Charge Expense
(P175,000 x 0.80 x 0.01) 1,400
Notes Payable (P175,000 x 0.80) 140,000

Dec. 1 Accounts Receivable Assigned 175,000

Accounts Receivable 175,000
8-26 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

11 Sales Returns and Allowances 1,000

Accounts Receivable Assigned 1,000

31 Cash 86,000
Accounts Receivable Assigned 86,000

31 Notes Payable 86,000

Interest Expense (P140,000
x 0.12 x 1/12) 1,400
Cash 87,400
Jan. 29 Cash 60,000
Accounts Receivable Assigned 60,000

29 Notes Payable (P140,000 – P86,000) 54,000

Interest Expense (P54,000
x 0.12 x 1/12) 540
Cash 54,540

29 Accounts Receivable 28,000

Accounts Receivable Assigned
(P175,000 – P1,000 –
P86,000 – P60,000) 28,000

Requirement 2
On the December 31, 2005 balance sheet of the Blue Corporation, the assigned
accounts receivable and the remaining liability would be reported as follows:

Current Assets:
Accounts receivable assigned P88,000

Current Liabilities:
Note payable P54,000

8-27. Tandy Shoes

Sept. 15 Accounts Receivable 1,995

Credit Card Expense (P2,100 x 0.05) 105
Sales 2,100

21 Sales Returns and Allowances 200

Accounts Receivable 190
Credit Card Expense (P200 x 0.05) 10

29 Cash 1,805
Substantive Tests of Receivables and Sales 8-27
Accounts Receivable 1,805

8-28. Gabe Company

Income Statement Effect
For the Year Ended December 31, 2005

Expenses resulting from accounts receivable assigned

(Schedule 1) P15,100
Expenses resulting from accounts receivable sold
(P300,000 – P260,000) 40,000
Total expenses P55,100

Schedule 1: Computation of Expenses for Accounts Receivable Assigned

Assignment expense:
Accounts receivable assigned P200,000
x 85%
Advance by Belle P170,000
x 3%
P 5,100
Interest expense 10,000
Total expenses P 15,100

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