BSHM THC3 CourseGuide
BSHM THC3 CourseGuide
BSHM THC3 CourseGuide
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
a. Identify their self – qualities particularly in knowledge, skills and attitude that will match the
requirements and practices in tourism industry.
b. Communicate professionally through writing, speaking and listening in business situations. c.
Establish a professional development plan (roadmap) that outlines a path to a chosen career in
tourism industry by outlining the skills and activities required for the target job. d. Perform
research on companies in hospitality industry, identifying major products, markets, and
cultures that will match the personal -professional preparedness.
Unit I. Importance Module 1
of Professional ▪ Principles of Professional Development
Week Date/Period Activity
As LSPU students, you know that for the most part you will be studying on your own. Do
read/view the resources, guided by the Course Syllabus. This way you will be able to keep up
with the discussion, assignments and other requirements.
A. Participation in the Discussion
Professional Development and Applied Ethics is a flexible learning course. Class discussions will
be online through the discussion forums in the Google Meet learning platform using the
Learning Management System.
Please participate in the online discussion since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what
you have learned on your own not only with your tutor but also with other members of the
class. It is also a good way to learn from one another. Depending on the size of the class, a tutor
other than myself, may facilitate online discussions.
Your contribution to the discussion boards will be graded. Your postings should answer the
discussion questions in a concise way and with as much insight and reflection as possible. There
are usually no right or wrong answers to the questions, only honest and well thought out ones.
B. Performance Tasks Accomplishment
This course requires performance tasks assigned in each of the modules. For Online Activities,
you may refer to the assigned Google Classroom intended for this course. For Offline Activities,
you can accomplish your tasks either saved in a flash drives or writing on the printed modules.
Submission Guidelines. Activity Sheets may be submitted online as email attachments in the
LMS or with the designated email address of the Faculty-in-Charge.
Examples: eTHC3_Week1_MabansayR.doc
Midterm and Final Examination. This will cover the major concepts and organizing principles of
the course. This exam is scheduled on the eighteenth week of the course, as per the LSPU
Academic Calendar for AY 2020-2021. Please mark this early in your calendar so you free
this date for the exam and can make necessary arrangements if needed.
HPC1 exams are given ONLINE, with the permission and scheduled given by your facilitator,
either Google Classroom, Moodle-based or through any other online software formats, if LMS is
not feasible
Following are the allotted points for each course requirement. The table shows the transmutation
values for the final course grade.
▪ Grading System for synchronous and asynchronous