Stress Analysis, Strain Analysis, and Shearing of Soils
Stress Analysis, Strain Analysis, and Shearing of Soils
Stress Analysis, Strain Analysis, and Shearing of Soils
C H A P T E R 4
Stress Analysis, Strain
Analysis, and Shearing
of Soils
So I think we really have to, first, make some new kind of theories in which we take
regard to the fact that there is no linearity condition between stresses and strains
for soils.
J. Brinch Hansen
Foundation design requires that we analyze how structural loads are transferred to
the ground, and whether the soil will be able to support these loads safely and
without excessive deformation. In order to do that, we treat soil deposits as contin-
uous masses and develop the analyses needed for determining the stresses and
strains that appear in the soil mass as a result of application of loads on its bound-
aries. We then examine whether the stresses are such that shearing (large shear
strains) occurs anywhere in the soil. Other soil design problems involving slopes
and retaining structures are also analyzed by computing the stresses or strains
resulting within the soil from actions done on the boundaries of the soil mass. This
chapter covers the basic concepts of the mechanics of soils needed for understand-
ing these analyses. At the soil element level, coverage includes stress analysis,
strain analysis, shearing and the formation of slip surfaces, and laboratory tests
used to study the stress-strain response and shearing of soil elements. At the level
of boundary-value problems, coverage includes a relatively simple problem in soil
plasticity (Rankine states) and stresses generated inside a semi-infinite soil mass
by boundary loads.
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A significant amount of the work we do as foundation engineers is based on the
concept of stress. Stress is a concept from the mechanics of continuous bodies.
Because soil is not a continuous medium, it is useful to discuss the meaning of
stress in soils. Consider a small planar area A passing through point P located
within a soil mass (Fig. 4-1). A normal force FN and a tangential force FT are
applied on A. If soil were a continuum, the normal stress s acting normal to A at
1 Extremely large strains, particularly extremely large shear strains, are closely tied to concepts of
rupture, yield, and failure (which term is used depends on the publication and the subject it deals with).
None of these three terms perfectly describes the range of problems we deal with, so we will introduce
appropriate terms throughout the chapter and the remainder of the text.
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FN Figure 4-1
Definition of stress in soils: As the area A is allowed to
shrink down to a very small value, the ratios FN/A and
FT/A approach values s and t, the normal and shear
stress at P, respectively.
point P would be defined as the limit of FN/A as A tends to the point P (that is,
tends to zero, centered around P). The shear stress would be defined similarly.
s limAS0 (4.1)
t limAS0 (4.2)
Because soil is not a true continuum, we must modify this definition. A point
within a soil mass is defined as a volume V0 that is still very small compared with
the dimensions of the foundations, slopes, or retaining structures we analyze, but it
is sufficiently large to contain a large number of particles and thus be representa-
tive of the soil.2 To this representative volume V0, we associate a representative
area A0 (also very small, of a size related to that of V0). So we modify Eqs. (4.1)
and (4.2) by changing the limit approached by the area A from zero to A0:
s limASA0 (4.3)
t limASA0 (4.4)
The preceding discussion brings out one difference between soil mechanics
and the mechanics of metals, for example. In metals, the representative elementary
volume (REV) is very small. The REV for a given metal is indeed so small that, in
ordinary practice or introductory courses, we tend to think of it as being a point,
forgetting that metals are also made up of atoms arranged in particular ways, so
that they too have nonzero REVs, although much smaller than those we must use
in soil mechanics. In soil mechanics, our REVs must include enough particles and
the voids between them that, statistically, this group of particles will behave in a
way that is representative of the way larger volumes of the soil would behave.
2Mechanicians like to use the term “representative elementary volume” to describe the smallest volume
of a given material that captures its mechanical properties.
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Figure 4-2
Plane p11
(a) Elemental representation of two-dimensional
stress state at a point; (b) illustration of how the s33
element would distort when acted upon by a
positive s13 for the simple case with zero normal s13 tu su
stresses s11 and s33; (c) sectioned triangular
prismatic element, where su and tu depend on s11 s11 s11
u u
the angle u.
x3 Plane p33
s13 s13
s33 s33
x1 s13
(a) (c)
Vertical leg
of “L” parallel to p11
Horizontal leg
of “L” parallel to p33
Stress Analysis
Stress analysis allows us to obtain the normal and shear stresses in any plane pass-
ing through a point,3 given the normal and shear stresses acting on mutually per-
pendicular planes passing through the point.4 We will see in Section 4.6 some
examples of how these stresses can be calculated at a point inside a soil mass from
a variety of boundary loadings common in geotechnical engineering. Later in the
text, we discuss some applications requiring corrections for three-dimensional (3D)
effects, but for now we will focus on two-dimensional (2D) stress analysis, which
turns out to be applicable to most problems of interest in practice.
Figure 4-2(a) shows a small, prismatic element of soil representing a “point”
within the soil. The faces of the element are aligned with the directions of the ref-
erence axes x1 and x3. The soil element is acted upon by the normal stresses s11
acting in the x1 direction and s33 acting in the x3 direction and the shear stresses
s13 (which, due to the requirement of moment equilibrium, is identical to s31).5
The first subscript of a stress component represents the direction normal to the
plane on which it acts; the second, the direction of the stress component itself. A
3 A point in the soil is indistinguishable, for our purposes, from a representative soil element, which has
a very small volume (and so is a point for practical purposes) but is sufficiently large to be representative
of the soil in its mechanical behavior.
4 A more proper definition of stress analysis for advanced readers would be that stress analysis aims to
allow calculations of the traction (which has normal and shear components) on a plane given the stress
tensor at the point.
5 Note that many engineering texts use the notation t instead of s when i j to represent shear stress.
ij ij
We have retained here the traditional mechanics terminology, in which s is used for both normal and
shear stresses.
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stress component with different subscripts is a shear stress; one with identical sub-
scripts, a normal stress. For example, s11 is the stress acting on the plane normal
to x1 in the x1 direction (that is, it is a normal stress), while s13 is the stress that
acts on the plane normal to x1 in the x3 direction (and is thus a shear stress). It is
simpler (although not required) to solve problems if we adopt the practice of
choosing s11 and s33 such that s11 s33. So if the normal stresses are 1,000 and
300 kPa, then s11 1,000 kPa and s33 300 kPa. Likewise, if the normal
stresses are 100 and 500 kPa, then s11 100 kPa and s33 500 kPa.
The plane where s11 acts is denoted by p11; likewise, p33 is the plane where
s33 acts. The stresses s11, s33, and s13 are all represented in their positive direc-
tions in Fig. 4-2(a). This means normal stresses are positive in compression, and
the angle u is positive counterclockwise from p11. With respect to the shear stress
s13, note that the prism shown in the figure has four sides, two representing plane
p11 and two representing plane p33. Looking at the prism from the left side, we
may visualize the plane p11 as the vertical leg of an uppercase letter “L” and p33
as the horizontal leg of the uppercase letter “L.” We then see that a positive shear
stress s13 acts in such a way as to open up (increase) the right angle of the “L”
formed by planes p11 and p33. Figure 4-2(b) shows the deformed shape that would
result for the element assuming zero normal stresses and positive s13.
If we section the element of Fig. 4-2(a) along a plane making an angle u with
the plane p11, as shown in Fig. 4-2(c), a normal stress su and a shear stress tu must
be applied to this plane to account for the effects of the part of the element that is
removed. While the sign of the normal stress su is unambiguous (positive in com-
pression), the shear stress on the sloping plane has two possible directions: up or
down the plane. So we must decide which of these two directions is associated with
a positive shear stress. The positive direction of the shear stress actually follows
from the sign convention already discussed (that s13 0 when its effect would be
to increase the right angle of the uppercase “L” made up by p11 as its vertical and
p33 as its horizontal leg). It turns out the shear stress tu is positive as drawn in the
figure, when it is rotating around the prismatic element in the counterclockwise
direction. We will show why this is so later, when we introduce the Mohr circle.
Our problem now is to determine the normal stress su and the shear stress tu
acting on the plane making an angle u with p11. This can be done by considering
the equilibrium in the vertical and horizontal directions and solving for su and tu.
The following equations result:
where the signs of s11, s33, and s13 are as discussed earlier (positive in compres-
sion for the normal stresses and determined by the “L” rule in the case of s13).
will be two planes out of the infinite number of planes through the point for which
the normal stress will be a minimum and a maximum. These are called principal
stresses. They are obtained by maximizing and minimizing su by differentiating
Eq. (4.5) with respect to u and making the resulting expression equal to zero. The
largest principal stress is known as the major principal stress; it is denoted as s1.
The smallest principal stress is the minor principal stress, denoted as s3. The planes
where they act are referred to as the major and minor principal planes, denoted by
p1 and p3, respectively. When we differentiate Eq. (4.5) with respect to u and make
the resulting expression equal to zero, we obtain the same expression we obtain
when we make tu, given by Eq. (4.6), equal to zero. This means that the shear
stresses acting on principal planes are zero.
An easy way to find the angles up1 and up3 that the principal planes p1 and p3
make with p11 (measured counterclockwise from p11) is then to make tu 0 in
Eq. (4.6), which leads to
tan 12u p 2
s11 s33
When up is substituted for u back into Eq. (4.5), we obtain the principal stresses s1
and s3, which are the two normal stresses acting on planes where tu 0 and are also
the maximum and minimum normal stress for the point under consideration, given by
Note that, given the definition of the tangent of an angle, there is an infinite
number of values of up that satisfy Eq. (4.7). Starting with any value of up satisfy-
ing Eq. (4.7), we obtain additional values that are also solutions of (4.7) by repeat-
edly either adding or subtracting 90°. Using a calculator or a computer program,
the value of up calculated from Eq. (4.7) is a number between 90° and 90°. If s11
s33, we expect the major principal stress s1 to be closer in direction to s11 (the
larger stress) than to s33 (the smaller stress); so if the absolute value of the calcu-
lated value of the angle up is less than 45°, up up1; otherwise, up up3. Once the
direction of one of the principle planes is known, the direction of the other plane
can be calculated easily by either adding or subtracting 90° to obtain an angle with
absolute value less than 90°. For example, if up1 is calculated as 25°, then up3 is
equal to 65°. Alternatively, if up1 is found to be 25°, then up3 is calculated as
25° 90° 65°.
Mohr Circle
Moving 12 (s11 s33) to the left-hand side of Eq. (4.5), taking the square of both
sides of the resulting equation, and adding it to Eq. (4.6) (with both sides also
squared), we obtain
Figure 4-5 t
The geometric property of circles that a
central angle 2u produces the same arc as
an inscribed angle u.
u 2u
inscribed angle corresponding to the same arc (Fig. 4-5). Applying this property to
the Mohr circle shown in Fig. 4-3, the angle made by two straight lines drawn
from any point of the circle to point S(su, tu) representing the stresses on the plane
of interest and to point S1(s11, s13) is equal to u. In particular, there is one and
only one point P on the circle with the property that the line joining P to point
S(su, tu) is parallel to the plane on which su and tu act. The point P with this
property is known as the pole of the Mohr circle. Based on the preceding discus-
sion, the pole can be defined as the point such that, if we draw a line through the
pole parallel to the plane where stresses su and tu act, this line intersects the Mohr
circle at a point whose coordinates are su, tu.
In order to determine the pole, we need to know the orientation of at least one
plane where the stresses are known. We can then use the known stresses (s, t) to
find the pole by drawing a line parallel to the plane acted upon by these stresses.
This line intersects the circle at a point; this point is the pole. Once we know the
pole P, we can determine the stresses on any plane by drawing a straight line
through the pole P parallel to the plane where the stresses are desired. This line
intersects the circle at a point whose coordinates are the desired stresses.
We can use Figs. 4-2 and 4-3 to illustrate the concept of the pole. Consider the
element of Fig. 4-2(a). By plotting the Mohr circle for this state of stress, we
obtain the expected diametrically opposed points S1 and S3 shown in Fig. 4-3. If
we look at point S1 on the circle and consider the corresponding stresses shown in
Fig. 4-2(a), we can easily determine the location of the pole. If we construct a line
through S1 that is parallel to the plane p11 where (s11, s13) acts, we will deter-
mine the pole as the point where this line intersects the Mohr circle. In this case,
since we are dealing with u 0°, the line is vertical, and the pole (point P in Fig.
4-3) lies directly above S1 (also shown in Fig. 4-3). Likewise, if we look at point S3
and construct a line through S3 parallel to plane p33 on which (s33, s13) acts, we
can also determine the pole as the point of intersection of this horizontal line with
the Mohr circle. As expected, the pole is found to be directly to the right of S3 and
to coincide with the point determined previously by examining point S1. This
shows clearly that the pole is unique for a given stress state. Figure 4-6 illustrates
for the same case how the principal directions and principal stresses would be
determined once the pole is known.
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Line parallel to p11 Figure 4-6
Illustration of the relationship of the principal directions
and their representation in a Mohr diagram.
Line parallel to p3
(s3, 0) P
(s1, 0)
Line parallel to p1
A state of stress is represented by the block in Fig. 4-7(a). Determine the location of the
pole and give its coordinates in the s-t system.
■ Solution
First, plot the Mohr circle [Fig. 4-7(b)]. Next, determine the location of the pole. Using
point (200, 100), draw a line parallel to the plane on which s11 (200 kPa) acts. In this case,
it is a vertical line since p11 is vertical. Likewise, if the other point is chosen (100, 100),
we draw a line parallel to the plane on which s33 (100 kPa) acts. In this case, it is a horizon-
tal line since p33 is horizontal. Either method produces the location of the pole: (200,
100 kPa
100 kPa
(200, 100)
200 kPa 200 kPa
100 200 s
100 kPa
(a) (b)
Figure 4-7
(a) Stress state for Example 4-1 and (b) corresponding Mohr circle.
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The state of stress at a point is represented in Fig. 4-8. Find (a) the principal planes, (b) the
principal stresses, and (c) the stresses on planes making angles
15° with the horizontal.
Solve both analytically and graphically.
■ Solution
Analytical Solution
Take s11 200 kPa and s33 50 kPa. So p11 makes an angle equal to 30° with the hor-
izontal, and p33 makes an angle equal to 60° with the horizontal. In order to assign a sign
to s13, we need to consider the right angle made by p11 and p33; we must look at this angle
200 kPa
50 kPa
50 kPa
50 kPa
50 kPa
200 kPa
Figure 4-8
State of stress at a point
(Example 4-2).
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as if it were an uppercase letter “L,” such that p11 is the “vertical” and p33 is the “horizon-
tal” leg of the letter “L.” Physically rotating the page until we see the “L” may be helpful in
this visualization. The effect of the shear stress on the right angle made by p11 and p33
looked at in this manner is to reduce it; accordingly, s13 50 kPa. We are now prepared
to solve the problem.
Principal Planes
Substituting the values of s11, s33, and s13 into Eq. (4.7):
2 1502
tan 12u p 2
200 50 3
from which
arctan a b 16.8°
1 2
2 3
Graphically, up1 would show as an angle of 16.8° clockwise from p11 because the calcu-
lated angle is negative. If the answer is desired in terms of the angles that p11 and p3 make
with the horizontal, then we need to add 30° (the angle that p11 makes with the horizontal) to
these two results: p11 is at an angle 13.2°, and p3 is at 103.2° (or 76.8°) to the horizontal.
Principal Stresses
The principal stresses can be calculated using either Eq. (4.5) with u 16.8° and 73.2° or
Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9). Using Eq. (4.5):
Not surprisingly, the su and tu values calculated here are very close to the values
for the major principal plane (215.1 and 0). You should verify that su 175 kPa and tu
75 kPa for the other plane (which makes an angle of 15° with the horizontal).
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Figure 4-9 t
Mohr circle and graphical solution of
Example 4-2.
(200, 50) 15
(214, 6)
100 p1
200 s
(175, 75)
(50, 50)
6 Note that, for Mohr circle construction, counterclockwise shear stresses are plotted as positive, while
clockwise shear stresses are plotted as negative.
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Pore pressure u
(s u, t) (s, t)
s, s
Effective-stress Total-stress
Mohr circle Mohr circle
Figure 4-10
Principle of effective stresses: illustration of the difference between the total and the effective
stress state as represented using the concept of the Mohr circle.
cle of total stresses displaced along the s-axis with respect to the Mohr circle of
effective stresses by an amount equal to the pore pressure u.
4.2 Strains*
Definitions of Normal and Shear Strains
Analysis of geotechnical problems cannot always be done only in terms of
stresses. These stresses induce deformations, which are represented by strains.
There are two types of strains: normal and shear strains. At a given point, a normal
strain in a given direction quantifies the change in length (contraction or elonga-
tion) of an infinitesimal linear element (a very small straight line) aligned with that
direction. The so-called engineering shear strain g is a measure, at a given point, of
the distortion (change in shape). With respect to the two reference axes x1 and x3,
the engineering shear strain g13 expresses the increase of the initial 90° angle
formed by two perpendicular infinitesimal linear elements aligned with these axes.
A shear strain, as it is defined in mechanics, is one half the value of the engineer-
ing shear strain.7
Both normal and shear strains eij can be expressed through
e ij a b
1 0u i 0u j
2 0xj 0xi
7 We have avoided duplication of symbols as much as possible, but there is no good alternative to using
the traditional notation for engineering shear strain, which of course is the same as used for unit weight.
The reader should observe the context in which symbols are used to avoid any confusion.
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differential elements and the directions in which displacements of the end points of
the differential elements are considered. When i j, the strain is a normal strain; it
is a shear strain otherwise.
The relationship between a shear strain eij and the corresponding engineering
shear strain gij is
gij 2e ij (4.12)
B B* Derive, in a simple way, the expression for the normal strain at a point in the direction of
dx1 du1 reference axis x1.
■ Solution
Let’s consider the case of Fig. 4-11. For an underformed soil mass, we have a differential
element dx1 aligned with the x1 direction (Fig. 4-11). We have labeled the initial point of the
segment A and the end point B. In drafting this figure, we have corrected for rigid body
translation in the x1 direction. In other words, we are plotting the deformed element as if the
x1 displacement of A were zero for easier comparison with the original, undeformed element.
This way, every displacement in the figure is relative to the displacement of A. If, after the
Figure 4-11 soil mass is deformed, point B moves more in the positive x1 direction than point A (that is,
Normal strain e11: if the displacement u1 of B is greater than that of A), as shown in Fig. 4-11, then the element
infinitesimal element
has clearly elongated (this elongation is seen in the figure as B* B).
dx1 shown after
Taking some liberty with mathematical notation, the unit elongation of dx1 is the differ-
correction for rigid
body motion both ence in displacement between points A and B (u1B u1A B* B du1 u1) divided
before deformation by the initial length of the element (x1), or u1/x1. It remains to determine whether elonga-
(AB) and after tion is a positive or negative normal strain. To be consistent with the sign convention for
deformation (AB*). stresses, according to which tensile stresses are negative, our normal strain e11 in the x1
direction must be
0u 1
e 11
Note that this, indeed, is the expression that results directly from Eq. (4.11) when we make
i 1 and j 1.
Derive, in a simple way, the expression of the shear strain at a point in the x1-x3 plane.
■ Solution
Consider two differential linear elements, dx1 and dx3, aligned with the x1- and x3-axis,
respectively, at a point within an undeformed soil mass (Fig. 4-12). Now consider that the
soil mass is deformed, and, as a result, points B and C (the end points of elements dx1 and
dx3, respectively) move as shown (to new positions labeled B* and C*) with respect to point
A (note that, as for Example 4-3, we are not representing rigid-body translation in the x1 and
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x3 directions in the figure). We can see that both point B and point C have displace- C*
ments that have components in both the x1 and x3 directions. Here we are interested in C
just the distortion of the square element made up of dx1 and dx3, not in the elongation
or shortening of dx1 and dx3 individually. The distortion of the element clearly results
from difference in the displacement u3 in the x3 direction between A and B and in the
dx3 ∂u3
displacement u1 in the x1 direction between A and C. ∂x1
Taking again some liberties with mathematical notation, we can state that the dif- B*
ferences in the displacements of points B and A (in the x3 direction) and C and A (in A dx1 B
the x1 direction) can be denoted as u3 and u1, respectively. Since the deformations we x3
are dealing with are small, the angle by which the differential element dx1 rotates coun-
terclockwise is approximately equal to u3 divided by the length of the element itself,
or u3/x1; similarly, the angle by which dx3 rotates clockwise is u1/x3. These two
rotations create a reduction in the angle between the elements dx1 and dx3, which was x1
originally 90°, characterizing a measure of distortion of the element. If we add them
together, we obtain the absolute value of what has become known as the engineering Figure 4-12
shear strain g13; one-half the sum gives us the absolute value of e13. It remains to deter- Shear strain e13:
mine whether this is a positive or negative distortion. Our sign convention for shear infinitesimal square
strains must be consistent with our shear stress sign convention. Recall from our earlier element shown after
discussion in the chapter that a positive shear stress was one that caused the 90° angle correction for rigid body
of our square to open up (to increase), not to decrease. Therefore, we will need a nega- translation both before
tive sign in front of our sum in order to obtain a negative shear strain for the reduction deformation (defined by
of the 90° angle we found to take place for the element in Fig. 4-12: dx1 AB and dx3 AC)
and after deformation
(defined by dx1* AB*
e 13 a b
1 0u 1 0u 3
2 0x3 0x1 and dx3* AC*).
Note that this equation results directly from Eq. (4.11) when we make i 1 and j 3
(or vice versa).
Strains as expressed by Eq. (4.11) are small numbers; there are other ways of
defining strain that are more appropriate when elongations, contractions, or distor-
tions become very large. However, Eq. (4.11) may still be used for increments of
strains, even if the cumulative strains measured from an initial configuration are
very large. It is appropriate in that case to use a d (the symbol for differential)
before the strain symbol (as in de and dg) to indicate that we refer to a strain
As was true for stresses, there are also principal strains e1 and e3 (and principal
strain increments de1 and de3). These are strains (or strain increments) in the direc-
tions in which there is no distortion, and the shear strains (or shear strain increments)
are equal to zero. Distortion happens any time the shape of an element changes. It is
important to understand that a point in the soil experiences distortion as long as de1
de3. To illustrate this, Fig. 4-13(b) and (c) show two alternative elements repre-
senting a point P. The larger, outer element is aligned with the principal directions,
and the deformed shape of the element [shown in Fig. 4-13(a)] does not immediately
suggest the notion of distortion. However, there is no doubt that distortion has taken
place when we observe the change of shape of the smaller, inner element as we go
from the initial to the final configuration [Fig. 4-13(b) and (c)].
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The volumetric strain increment dev, defined as minus the change in volume
divided by the original volume (the negative sign being required to make contrac-
tion positive), can be easily determined in terms of a cubic element with sides with
length initially equal to 1 and aligned with the principal directions (which means
x1, x2, and x3 are principal directions). The element is then allowed to expand as a
result of elongations equal to du1, du2, and du3 in the three reference directions. As
the cube is aligned with the principal directions, there will be no distortion in the
planes x1x2, x1x3, or x2x3. It is apparent from Fig. 4-14 that
dV 11 du 1 2 11 du 2 2 11 du 3 2 1
Referring back to our definition of normal strain and considering that the initial
length of the sides of the cube are of unit length and the initial volume of the cube
is also equal to 1, we can write the following for the volumetric strain increment:
1 11 de 1 2 11 de 2 2 11 de 3 2
de v
which, given that the strain increments are very small (and that second- and third-
order terms would be extremely small and thus negligible), reduces to
de v de 1 de 2 de 3 (4.13)
The volume change at a point is clearly independent of the reference system
and of any distortion, so the following equation would also apply even if x1, x2,
and x3 were not the principal directions:
de v de 11 de 22 de 33 (4.14)
where de11, de22, and de33 normal strains in the arbitrary directions x1, x2, and x3.
de3 1
P P P de1
2 dg
1 dgz)
A1 (0,
Pole P O(
2 dev, 0) c
(de3, 0) Z (de1, 0) de
1 dgz)
A2 (0,
Figure 4-15
Mohr circle of strains.
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each of these two directions such that x1 in each system is aligned with the direc-
tion of zero normal strain. To clearly indicate that x1 is a direction of zero normal
strain, we can use a superscript z, as in x z1. This will be useful in our discussion of
the dilatancy angle, which follows.
Dilatancy Angle
The angle c shown in Fig. 4-15, known as the dilatancy angle, is quite useful in
understanding and quantifying soil behavior. There are two ways of expressing the
dilatancy angle based on the geometry of the Mohr circle of strains:
2 1de 1 de 3 2
OZ de 1 de 3 de v
0 OA 1 0 0 dgmax 0
sin c 1
2 1de 1 de 3 2
de 1 de 3
OZ 2 de v dev
0 ZA1 0 0 dg 0
tan c 1 z z
0 2 dg 0
The dilatancy angle is clearly related to the volumetric strain resulting from a
unit increase in shear strain.8 By definition, the dilatancy angle c is positive when
there is dilation (volume expansion). This is apparent from Eqs. (4.15) and (4.16),
for the dilatancy angle clearly results positive when volume expands, that is, when
dev 0. Note that the denominators of Eqs. (4.15) and (4.16) are always positive
(hence the absolute values taken), for the dilatancy angle is related to the volumet-
ric strain increment resulting from a unit increment in shear strain, regardless of
the orientation of the shear strain. In other words, the dilatancy angle would still be
the same positive value if the element shown in Fig. 4-16 were sheared to the left
and not to the right as shown. The direction of zero normal strain in Fig. 4-16 is
Figure 4-16
State of strain visualized for an
element with one side aligned with x1z Direction of zero
the direction of zero normal strain. normal strain
8 Technically, both the shear and volumetric strain increments in the definition of the dilatancy angle are
plastic strain increments, a distinction that for our purposes is not necessary to make.
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represented by x z1, and the direction normal to it, by x zp 3 , where the superscript zp
means that the direction x zp
3 is perpendicular to the direction of zero normal strain.
There are in fact two distinct directions of zero normal strain, as will be shown
The Mohr circle of Fig. 4-15 corresponds to a state of dilation (expansion), as
dev 0. Examining the state of deformation in the x z1-x zp 3 reference system, expan-
sion implies that the normal strain in the x zp 3 direction, normal to x z1, is negative
(that is, that elongation takes place in the x zp
3 direction, as is clearly shown in Fig.
4-16). If we locate the pole in Fig. 4-15 and then draw two lines (one through A1
and one through A2), the two lines perpendicular to these two lines are the direc-
tions of zero normal strain, as we will discuss in detail later.
A soil element is subjected to the following incremental strains: de1 0.03%, de3
0.05%. Knowing that plane-strain conditions are in force (that is, the strain in the x2 direc-
tion is zero), calculate the dilatancy angle.
■ Solution
Because we know the principal strain increments, we can immediately calculate the dila-
tancy angle as
dev de1 de3 0.03 0.05
0 dgmax 0
sin c 0.25
de1 de3 0.03 10.052
from which
c 14.5°
In Problem 4-18, you are asked to continue this by plotting the Mohr circle, finding the
pole for the case when the major principal strain increment is vertical and determining the
directions of the potential slip planes through this element (which is the subject of a subse-
quent section).
For a triaxial strain state, in which e2 e3, the dilatancy angle needs to be
redefined because a maximum engineering shear strain increment dgmax is no
longer possible to define with clarity. In place of it, we work with des, defined as
de s de 1 2de 3 (4.17)
The volumetric strain in the triaxial case follows from Eq. (4.13):
de v de 1 2de 3
Thus, the dilatancy angle for triaxial conditions is written as
de 1 2de 3
sin c (4.18)
de 1 2de 3
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A single expression for it, which applies to both plane-strain and triaxial
conditions, is
de1 kde3 dev de1
sin c (4.19)
de1 kde3 de1 kde3 dev
k e
1 for plane-strain conditions
2 for triaxial conditions
Shear stress
Figure 4-17
Nonlinearity of stress-strain relationship for soils and failure (the
onset of very large deformations at some value of stress, represented
by point F). Note that the first strain increment a generates the stress
increment b and that the second strain increment generates a stress
increment c b b. a 2a Shear strain
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possible in the stress-control case to plot the stress-strain relationship after point F
is reached.
The Mohr-Coulomb failure (or strength) criterion has been traditionally used
in soil mechanics to represent the shear strength of soil. It expresses the notion that
shear strength of soil increases with increasing normal effective stress applied on
the potential shearing plane. Although in stress analysis we do not have to concern
ourselves with whether we are dealing with effective or total stresses because the
analysis applies to both, we must now make a clear distinction. Soils “feel” only
effective stresses (that is, any deformation of the soil skeleton happens only in
response to effective stress changes); thus, the response of soil to loading and the
shear strength of soil depends only on the effective stresses. Based on this consid-
eration, we represent the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in s-t space as two straight
lines making angles
f with the horizontal and intercepting the t-axis at distances
c and c from the s-axis. Figure 4-18 shows only the line lying above the s-
axis, since the diagram is symmetric about the s-axis. The distance c is usually
referred to as the cohesive intercept. Mathematically, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion
may be represented in a simple way by
s c s¿ tan f (4.21)
where s is the shear strength of the soil and f is its friction angle. For a given nor-
mal effective stress s on a plane, if the shear stress on the plane is t s as given
by Eq. (4.21), shearing or what is commonly referred to in engineering practice as
“failure” of the material occurs. Failure here means the occurrence of very large
strains in the direction of that plane. This means that the soil cannot sustain shear
stresses above the value given by Eq. (4.21). Equation (4.21) is a straight line in
s-t space (as shown in Fig. 4-18) that is referred to as the Mohr-Coulomb
strength envelope. There can be no combination of s and t that would lie above
the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope.
Figure 4-19 shows the Mohr circle for a soil element (or point) within a soil
mass, at failure, where s and t act on the two planes corresponding to the two
tangency points between the circle and the envelope (again, only the half of the
diagram lying above the s-axis is shown, as the part below the s-axis is symmet-
ric). All other points, representing all the planes where (s, t) do not satisfy Eq.
(4.21), lie below the Mohr-Coulomb envelope. If we know the directions of the
Figure 4-18
s The Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.
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Figure 4-19 t
Mohr circle at failure.
f c P 90 f
(s3, 0) (s1 , 0) s
45 f/2
1 (s s ) 1 (s s )
c cot f
2 1 3 2 1 3
principal stresses, we can determine the pole for this circle. Assuming a vertical
major principal stress and a horizontal minor principal stress, the pole P lies at
point (s3, 0). By simple geometry, the central angle corresponding to the arc
extending from (s1, 0) to the point of tangency is 90° f. This means the planes
corresponding to the points of tangency lie at
(45° f/2) with the horizontal.
The direction of a real shear (slip) surface passing through the soil element can be
approximated by one of these two possible directions. Note that this refers to the
direction of the slip surface at the point under consideration, and that at other
points of the soil mass the slip surface direction may be different because the prin-
cipal directions at those points may be different. This means that a slip surface
through a soil mass is a surface tangent at every point to the direction estimated as
described earlier, a direction making an angle of
(45° f/2) with the direction
of the major principal plane at the point. In a subsequent subsection, we discuss in
more detail the issue of slip surfaces, their nature, and their geometry.
It is possible to find the relationship between the principal stresses s1 and s3
at failure from the geometry of Fig. 4-19. It is easier to proceed if we define new,
transformed normal stresses s* through
s* s¿ c cot f (4.22)
Taking Eq. (4.22) into Eq. (4.21) leads to
s s* tan f (4.23)
This transformation (sometimes referred to as Caquot’s principle after the per-
son who first made use of it) is represented graphically in Fig. 4-20. A Mohr circle at
failure is also represented. We can write sin f in terms of the ratio of the radius of
the Mohr circle to the distance from the center of the Mohr circle to the origin of the
transformed system of stress coordinates (that is, where the s*- and t*-axes cross):
s*1 s*3
sin f
s*1 s*3
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t* t Figure 4-20
Caquot’s principle: transformed
normal stresses.
1 (s* s*)
2 1 3
s, s*
c cot f
Slip Surfaces*
Figure 4-21(a) shows a slip surface and an element of it, which is expanded in Fig.
4-21(b). A slip surface (also referred to in the literature as a failure surface or the
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Slip surface
Zero-extension line dx1
Expanded in (b)
(a) x3
more technical “shear band”) develops when the shear stresses on every point of
it reach the corresponding shear strengths. The slip surface is a surface along
which a soil mass slides with respect to another, usually stationary, soil mass.
These soil masses behave very much like rigid blocks, not undergoing any defor-
mation. Accordingly, an acceptable model for the slip surface element shown in
Fig. 4-21(b) has the element bounded by two rigid blocks. In truth, slip surfaces
are not truly surfaces, but very thin zones or bands of highly concentrated shear
strains, hence the representation of a slip surface element in Fig. 4-21 as having
nonzero thickness.
The slip surface is bounded by rigid blocks that are on the verge of sliding past
one another. On the onset of failure, these rigid blocks are connected to the slip sur-
face and, being rigid, prevent any contraction or elongation in the direction of the
slip surface. This means the normal strain in the direction x z1 of the slip surface is
equal to zero. The slip surface x z1 is, accordingly, a zero-extension line. The state of
strain at a point of the slip surface, referred to the axis x z1 parallel to the slip surface
and another x zp
3 normal to it, is represented by Fig. 4-16. Taking the thickness of the
slip surface as being equal to 1, the state of strain for the slip surface element of
Fig. 4-21 can be expressed as follows:
de z11 0
de zp dx3
0 dg z 0
de v de z11 de zp
33 dx 3
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Recalling the definition of the dilatancy angle c given in Eq. (4.16), we can
de v dx3
0 dg 0
tan c z (4.29)
Equation (4.29) shows that the dilatancy angle represents the angle of the motion
at the top of the element with respect to the horizontal. Equation (4.29) is instru-
mental in understanding the geometry of slip surfaces. Take, for example, the soil
slope of Fig. 4-22. It is common to see such slopes failing along curved slip sur-
faces. The shape of a potential slip surface can be determined if we take a center of
rotation such that every point of the surface is at a variable distance r from the cen-
ter of rotation. Once a relationship between r and the angle of rotation u around
the center of rotation is defined, the shape of the slip surface becomes known.
An infinitesimal rotation du with respect to the center of rotation corresponds
to a tangent displacement rdu along the slip surface and to a possible small
increase of the radius by an amount dr. So dr is analogous to the dx3, and rdu is
analogous to the dx1 of Eq. (4.29). Taking these into Eq. (4.29) gives
tan c (4.30)
With knowledge of one point of the slip surface, defined by r0 and u0, integra-
tion of Eq. (4.30) leads to
r r0e1uu02 tan c (4.31)
where r0 is the radius corresponding to a reference angle u0.
Equation (4.31) is a geometrical shape referred to as a logarithmic spiral (or
log-spiral, for short). The implication is that a homogeneous soil mass, with the
same dilatancy angle throughout, is expected to fail along a curved slip surface with
the shape of a log spiral. We often approximate these curved surfaces by planes or
cylinders (straight lines or circles in cross section). Both are strictly applicable only
if c 0, for then Eq. (4.31) reduces to that of a circle, and a straight line is nothing
more than a circle with infinite radius; but the approximation is sometimes justified
when the maximum value (umax u0) of u u0 in Eq. (4.31) is small. We analyze
Center of rotation
Figure 4-22
Slip surface geometry.
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PB1 PA1 soils that shear under undrained conditions using total
2 dg PB2 PA2 stresses and c 0. We often do that for clays. The use of
a slip surface with circular cross section then follows
directly from Eq. (4.31).
s¿1 s¿3 qu m s (4.32)
B qu
soil, if the vertical effective stress is increased by an amount dsv, the lateral effec-
tive stress increases by an amount dsh K0 dsv in order to keep the ratio of sh to
sv constant and equal to K0. To consider the effects of stress history, assume that
the vertical effective stress is then reduced by dsv down to the original value; if that
is done, the lateral effective stress does not go back to its previous value, retaining a
considerable fraction of the increase dsh it experienced when sv was increased. It
follows that soils that have experienced a larger vertical effective stress previously,
referred to as overconsolidated soils, have higher K0 than normally consolidated
soils. Physically, the reason lateral stresses get locked in is the change in the fabric
and density of the soil required to accommodate the increase in vertical effective
stress, which is to some extent inelastic in nature and thus irrecoverable.
Brooker and Ireland (1965) investigated the effects of stress history on K0,
arriving at the following equation:
Rankine States
Level Ground In order to investigate the behavior of soil deposits when sub-
jected to relatively large strains, it will help us now to go through an imaginary
exercise. Let us consider that we could insert a smooth, infinite, infinitesimally
thin plane vertically into the soil deposit without disturbing the soil [Fig. 4-24(b)],
thus keeping vertical shear stresses equal to zero. Let us consider further that we
could remove all the soil from one side of the plane [Fig. 4-24(c)] so that we could
now either push or pull on the plane in the horizontal direction, thereby either
causing the soil on the other side of the plane to compress or extend in the hori-
zontal direction.
When we pull the vertical plane horizontally, it allows the soil to expand in
the horizontal direction, which leads to a drop in the horizontal effective stress sh .
If we continue to pull on the plane, sh continues to drop, while sv remains
unchanged. This process is illustrated by the Mohr circles in Fig. 4-25, all with the
same major principal stress s1 sv but a decreasing minor principal stress s3
sh . This process, by which sh decreases while sv remains unchanged, cannot go
on indefinitely; it in fact comes to an end when sv /sh becomes equal to the flow
number N s1 /s3 (1 sin f)/(1 sin f), at which point the Mohr circle
touches the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope (assumed here with c 0), the failure
criterion is satisfied, and slip surfaces can potentially form anywhere in the soil
mass. This state in which the whole soil mass is in a state of incipient collapse is
known as an active Rankine state: active because the self-weight of the soil con-
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sh sv s1
Mohr circle
for active
45 f/2
Rankine state
45 f/2
Figure 4-26 t f
Mohr circles representing the Passive
at-rest state and the active and
passive Rankine states. At rest
shA KAs
sh 0 K0sv
sv gz
shP KPsv
(45° f/2) with the horizontal (Fig. 4-25). Figure 4-24(e) shows the directions
of the potential slip surfaces in the soil mass. Figure 4-26 shows the Mohr circles
for the three states we have examined and how the corresponding lateral effective
stresses relate to the vertical effective stress through the corresponding coefficient
of lateral earth pressure. Note that K0, KP, and KA are ratios of effective, not total,
Active and passive earth pressure analysis can be easily extended to c-f mate-
rials (a good reference for that is Terzaghi 1943), but its usefulness in practice is
rather limited. We will therefore not discuss this extension in this text.
For a normally consolidated cohesionless soil with f 30°, calculate the at-rest, active, and
passive values of the earth pressure coefficient K.
■ Solution
The coefficient K0 of lateral earth pressure at rest is calculated using Eq. (4.33):
K 0 1 sin f 1 sin 30° 0.5
The active and passive lateral earth pressure coefficients are calculated using Eqs.
(4.37) and (4.38):
1 sin 30° 1
1 sin 30° 3
1 sin 30°
KP 3
1 sin 30°
Note how the ratio of passive to active pressures is 9 for a 30° friction angle.
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ag Figure 4-27
1 Active Rankine state in sloping ground: (a) a prism with
unit width with base at depth z in a soil deposit with
sloping surface; (b) Mohr circle corresponding to active
state at base of prism.
T gz cos ag s gz cos2 ag
t gz sin ag cos ag
gz cos2 ag
F A ag
P gz cos ag sin ag
C s
B ag
Sloping Ground* Consider a soil mass sloping at an angle ag with respect to the
horizontal [Fig. 4-27(a)]. For simplicity, consider the soil mass to be free of water.
Focusing on the prism of unit width shown in Fig. 4-27(a), we see that the weight
of the prism per unit length into the plane of the figure is equal to gz. The weight
of the prism is the only reason its base is subjected to a normal and a shear stress.
By projecting the weight normally and tangentially to the base of the prism and
dividing the component forces by the area of the base (which is 1/cos ag per unit
length of prism normal to the plane of the figure), we obtain the following expres-
sions for the normal and shear stresses at the base of the prism:
s¿ gz cos2 a g (4.39)
t gz sin a g cos a g (4.40)
Note that the effective traction T (the resultant of the normal and shear effec-
tive stresses) on the base of the prism of Fig. 4-27(a) is vertical and given by
T¿ gz cos a g (4.41)
It is important to understand that T is vertical but is not sv (that is, it is not
the vertical effective stress on the horizontal plane) and does not act on the hori-
zontal plane.
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We can plot the state of stress defined by Eqs, (4.39) and (4.40) in a Mohr dia-
gram as point A, as illustrated in Fig. 4-27(b). Note that the distance OA from the
origin of the s-t space to point A is equal to gz cos ag (that is, T). When OA is
projected onto the s- and t-axes, we get Eqs. (4.39) and (4.40). The Mohr circle
corresponding to the active Rankine state is drawn in the figure going through A.
Because point A defines the stresses on a plane making an angle ag with the hori-
zontal, the pole P lies on the intersection of the Mohr circle with the OA line.
Now let us say we wish to determine the resultant stress on a vertical plane.
Drawing a vertical line through the pole, we obtain point D as the intersection of
this line with the Mohr circle. The resultant stress (traction) TA (which, note, is not
the horizontal effective stress and is not even horizontal) is thus given by the line
OD; that is,
Let us now find the magnitude of the ratio of OD to OA and then its normal
and tangential components acting on the vertical plane. We do that by analyzing
the geometry of the Mohr diagram of Fig. 4-27(b). We first note that, because CE
is perpendicular to OA,
We can now write
But OE is simply
OE OC cos a g (4.43)
To find EP, we note that AEC is a right triangle and that CA CF. We can
now write
EC OC sin a g
CA CF OC sin f
So we have
CA2 CE 2 EA2
which leads to
Taking Eqs. (4.43) and (4.44) into Eq. (4.42), we obtain an expression for the
active Rankine earth-pressure coefficient for sloping ground:
The directions of slip planes can be determined in much the same way as we
found directions for level ground, with lines drawn from P through F and G yield-
ing these directions.
t 12 1s1 s3 2 (4.49)
where s corresponds to the center of the Mohr circle, and t is equal to the radius of
the Mohr circle and is thus a measure of shear stress.
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Figure 4-28 t
Definition of stress variables s (s, t)
and t.
2 (s1 s3)
(s3, 0) (s1, 0) s
1 (s s )
2 1 3
A stress path is a plot in s-t space of the progression of (s, t) points represent-
ing the loading process for a soil element or laboratory soil sample. Figure 4-29
shows the four possible general directions a stress path can take from a point (s0,
t0) depending on whether only s1 or only s3 changes, and whether the change is
an increase or a decrease.
Referring to Eqs. (4.48) and (4.49), we can write the differentials of s and t as
ds 12 1ds1 ds3 2 (4.50)
s1 unchanged
s3 unchanged
(s0, t0)
s1 unchanged
s3 unchanged
Figure 4-29
Possible directions for s-t paths from a starting point (s0, t0). s
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ds 12ds3
dt 12ds3
It follows that all possible stress paths when only one of s1 or s3 changes are
straight lines at 45° with the horizontal, with dt/ds 1 when s1 alone changes and
dt/ds 1 when s3 alone changes. Naturally, other directions are possible if s1
and s3 are allowed to change simultaneously.
Stress plots can also be done in terms of effective stresses:
p sm soct (4.56)
q toct (4.57)
where the octahedral normal stress is also known as the mean stress sm. Thus, p
and q are normal and shear stresses that are representative of the three-dimensional
stress state at a point.
Effective stress versions p and q of p and q can also be defined:
p¿ p u (4.58)
q¿ q (4.59)
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stones Sample
Figure 4-30
Consolidometer: Consolidation
(a) photo, ring
(b) schematic diagram. (a) (b)
Slip surface N
T0 Soil sample
Before application
of shear force T
T0 Soil sample
Figure 4-31
Direct shear machine: After application
(a) photo, of shear force T
(b) schematic diagram. (a) (b)
11Note that soil consolidation can be accomplished in many different test setups; however, we will retain
the more traditional name for this test in the remainder of the book.
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Figure 4-32
Triaxial test system: (a) photo,
(b) schematic diagram.
Axial force
Top platen
Soil Cell
sample pressure s3
Bottom platen
(a) (b)
while both the direct shear test and the triaxial compression test have a consolida-
tion stage (in which the sample is taken to a desired stress state) and a shearing
stage (in which the shear stress level is increased within the sample, usually until
very large shear strains, of the order of 20%, develop). The unconfined compres-
sion test is a test that can be done only on soil samples that don’t fall apart when
unconfined and don’t have major defects (fissures, seams of different materials cut-
ting across the soil, and the like). Many clays can be tested in this manner, as we
will see in Chapter 6. The sample is not subjected to a confining stress, that is, the
total stress s3 0. It has only a shearing stage, in which an axial load is applied
on the sample until failure.
The consolidation (one-dimensional compression) test is performed by apply-
ing a vertical load on a cylindrical sample of soil restrained laterally by a steel ring
(Fig. 4-30) and measuring the resulting vertical deflection. If we recall our discus-
sion of the at-rest state and of the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest as a
ratio of sh to sv for a normally consolidated, level soil deposit, it is easy to under-
stand why the stress path imposed by this test is as shown in Fig. 4-33(b). The
sample is kept under water to ensure full saturation. Although there is more than
one size of consolidometers, the most typical sample size is 70 mm (diameter) by
25 mm (thickness). The consolidation test is particularly useful in the study of
clays, and we will therefore rediscuss it in Chapter 6.
The direct shear test is performed on a soil sample that is also restrained hori-
zontally by a split box constituted of a top and a bottom part that can move hori-
zontally with respect to each other (Fig. 4-31). The sample is first loaded vertically
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t 1
t K0 line A B s
K0 line B D
A s AB Isotropic consolidation
AB 1D consolidation BC Shearing in compression
s s BC Shearing BD Shearing in extension
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4-33
Stress paths for (a) isotropic compression, (b) one-dimensional consolidation, (c) direct shear test, and (d) triaxial
compression and extension tests.
both the consolidation and shearing stages. The effective stress state at the end of
the consolidation stage will be different from the initial state only if drainage is
allowed. Tests in which drainage is allowed during the consolidation stage are
referred to as consolidated or C tests; when drainage is prevented, they are known
as unconsolidated or U tests. Tests in which drainage is allowed during the shear-
ing stage are known as drained (D); otherwise, tests are referred to as undrained
(U). Table 4-1 summarizes the drainage conditions for the three main types of tri-
axial tests.
Table 4-2 shows the evolution of the effective stress state acting on a triaxial
test sample tested under drained conditions. Samples are usually saturated with
water. One of the advantages of doing so is that sample volume change can be eas-
ily measured by measuring the volume of water either expelled from within the
sample or sucked in by the sample. When water is sucked in, the void ratio of the
soil increases, weakening the soil. When water is expelled, the void ratio drops,
and the sample gets stronger. Note that there is no generation of pore pressures due
to consolidation or shearing during drained tests, as the drainage lines are open
during both consolidation and shearing. However, we usually apply a pore pressure
ub (called back pressure) within the sample to dissolve air bubbles into the pore
water, ensuring sample saturation. So the total stresses acting on the sample are
larger than the effective stresses of Table 4-2 by a magnitude ub. CD tests are com-
monly used for sands.
In CU tests, it is possible and desirable to measure the pore pressures during
shearing. The effective stresses within the sample can then be calculated through-
out shearing, and effective stress paths in terms of either (s, t) or (p, q) can be
plotted. CU tests are commonly used for clays. Sands are sometimes tested this
way as well either to enhance understanding of the behavior of the soil or to quan-
tify its response to loads that are applied very fast, as during earthquakes, when the
rate of loading is much faster than the rate of dissipation of excess pore pressure
generated by the loading.
Bulk modulus K
3 11 2n2
E 11 n2 3K 4G
Constrained modulus M
11 n2 11 2n2 3
cept of stress or strain potentials. Some of the solutions can be obtained by direct
integration of the displacements from the Boussinesq solution (discussed later in
this section). Whatever the approach, the solutions are typically somewhat involved
and are outside the scope of this text; they can be found in elasticity texts such as
Timoshenko and Goodier (1970), Fung (1993), or Saada (1993). We will present
only the results that will be of use to engineers solving foundation problems.
Elasticity solutions are given in terms of stresses, strains, and displacements.
The displacements are obtained from the strains by integration. A few displace-
ment solutions are useful in foundation engineering because they form the basis
for calculation of the settlement of shallow foundations; they are presented in
Chapter 9. We restrict ourselves in this chapter to stresses created within soil
masses by boundary loads.
A point anywhere in the soil can be expressed with respect to the origin by
using Cartesian coordinates (x1, x2, x3), cylindrical coordinates (radius r, depth z,
and angle u), or spherical coordinates (radius r and angles u and w). The notation
x, y, and z can be used interchangeably with x1, x2, x3, as convenient. The choice of
which coordinate system to use depends, for any problem, on which system leads
to an easier solution of the problem or the most compact equations. We will use sv
for vertical stress whenever possible, instead of the sz that would typically be used
in elasticity theory, in order to maintain consistency with normal soil mechanics
practice and the other chapters. The same is not done for vertical strain, which is
denoted by ez, because ev is reserved for volumetric strain.12
12Notation can be problematic in a discipline that deals with so many concepts and lies at the crossroads
of many different branches of science. We will keep notation as simple, logical, and consistent as
possible, but keeping track of it will still require some effort on the reader’s part.
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Loadings can be applied to the surface of an elastic soil mass in two ways: by
application of point or distributed loads or by application (or imposition) of dis-
placements. When loads are applied, that implies ideal flexibility. There is no inter-
nal rigidity to the loading. When displacements are imposed, there is rigidity
implied. For example, we might push a rigid cylinder vertically down into a soil
mass. This means every point of the cylinder in contact with the soil will settle by
the same amount. This is what happens when a rigid footing resting on soil is
loaded. We will now discuss the stresses that are generated inside a soil mass by
various types of loads.
E, n
z sz sv sr
Cross srz
section r su
su Expanded view
(normal to plane)
u sz sv (Normal to plane)
Q r sr
view su
All points of a circle
Figure 4-34 at depth z with radius
r are subject to the
Vertical point load on boundary of soil mass
same stresses (axial
(Boussinesq’s problem). symmetry).
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sz sv
2p 1r2 z2 2 5>2
2p 1r2 z2 2 5>2
11 2n2z
c 2 d
8p 11 n2 1r z2 2 3>2
E, v
sz sv
Cross z
section P
r sr
Q s r , sz
view su
11 2n2z
c 2 d
Q 3z 3
8p 11 n2 1r z 2 2 3>2 1r 2 z 2 2 5>2
11 2n2r
c 2 d
Q 3rz2
8p 11 n2 1r z2 2 3>2 1r2 z2 2 5>2
qb c 1 d
sv `
1b 2 z 2 2 3>2
2 11 n2z
qb e 1 2n c 2 d f
1 z
sr ` su `
1b z 2 2 1>2 1b 2 z 2 2 1>2
r0 r0 2
qb 2mn2C 1 1 C 1
c tan1 a bd
2mn2C 1
s33` sv` (4.73)
corner corner 4p C 1 C 2 C1 C1 C2
qb x
B r L B
y y
sv r 0
sr r 0 P
Figure 4-36 Figure 4-37
Circular loaded area on the boundary of a semi-infinite Rectangular loaded area on the boundary of a semi-
soil mass. infinite soil mass.
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m (4.74)
n (4.75)
C1 1 m2 n2 (4.76)
C 2 1mn2 2 (4.77)
The arctangent term in Eq. (4.73) must be a positive angle in radians; thus,
when C2 C1 and a calculator gives a negative angle, we must add p to that angle.
Using Eq. (4.73), we can calculate the vertical stress at any point with depth z
by using the principle of superposition. For example, the vertical stress at a depth z
below the center of a rectangular loaded area would be the sum of the stresses
under the common corner of the four rectangular loaded areas with half the width
and length of the original area that, considered together, constitute the loaded area.
By using a combination of positive and negative loaded areas, it is possible to cal-
culate the stress induced by a rectangle at a point not lying directly below the
loaded area, as shown in Example 4-7.
The load of a heavy building with plan dimensions 10 and 15 m is assumed to be uniformly
distributed and equal to 150 kPa. Calculate the vertical stress induced by this load at a point
P, which is 5 m from the smaller side and 5 m from the larger side of the building, as shown
in Fig. 4-38, at a depth of 5 m.
■ Solution
Figure 4-38 shows that we can do this calculation by considering the uniformly distributed
load qb applied over a large rectangle 1 (ACGP) with the corner lying directly above the
point where the stress is desired. This generates an excess stress that is now compensated
for by assuming qb applied across rectangles 2 (ABHP) and 3 (FDGP). We are not done
yet because we have now removed the load across the intersection of rectangles 2 and 3
twice. We must add this area, rectangle 4 (FEHP), back in by considering a new load qb
applied over it. We can use Eq. (4.73) directly.
For the large rectangle ACGP:
B 15
m 3
z 5
L 20
n 4
z 5
C 1 32 4 2 1 26
C 2 13 4 2 2 144
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10 m Plan
P 5m
15 m 5m
qb 2 3 4226 1 26 2 3 4226
sv ` c tan1 a bd
corner 4p 26 144 26 26 144
We see that the arctangent argument is a negative number. If we take the arctangent of
1.037 in a calculator we get 0.804, a negative angle in radians, not the positive angle
producing the same arctangent, which is the one we need. We calculate that number by
adding p to 0.804, obtaining 2.338. This gives us
30.748 2.338 4
sv `
corner 4p
0.246qb 0.246 150 36.9 kPa
Calculations for the other three rectangles and solution of the whole problem are
shown in Table 4-4. We find that the vertical stress at point P is only 2 kPa. The small stress
we calculated suggests that vertical stress dissipates very quickly as we move away from the
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building. In a problem at the end of the chapter, the stress at the same depth as in this exam-
ple under the center of the building is calculated.
(a) (b)
Figure 4-39
Vertical line load on the boundary of semi-infinite soil mass.
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32 1u 2 u 1 2 1sin 2u 2 sin 2u 1 2 4
s11 (4.83)
1u 2 u 1 2
2nqb 2nqba
s22 (4.84)
p p
32 1u 2 u 1 2 1sin 2u 2 sin 2u 1 2 4
s33 (4.85)
3 1cos 2u 1 cos 2u 2 2 4
s13 (4.86)
where a is the angle formed by PP1 and PP2 (shown in Fig. 4-40), which is given by
a u2 u1 (4.87)
The strip load is one of the most important boundary loadings in soil mechan-
ics because the analysis of strip foundations serves as a basis for the core of shallow
foundation design. Recall from our earlier discussion that when a load (as opposed
to a displacement) is applied, as in this case, the results are strictly applicable to a
13 A reminder of this type of stress notation, discussed earlier in the chapter: sij is the stress component
in the direction j acting on the plane normal to direction xi; when i j, sij is a normal stress in that
direction; when i j, sij is a shear stress, for it acts in a given plane in a direction tangential to it.
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qb Figure 4-40
Uniform pressure over
B infinite strip on boundary of
semi-infinite soil mass.
P1 P2 x1
x2 a
flexible foundation. We will explore some additional facts about this loading later in
the chapter and in the Conceptual Problems section for this chapter.
x or r
Figure 4-41
Cross section of either a rigid strip or a
x for strip footing rigid cylindrical footing on boundary of
r for cylindrical footing w wz semi-infinite, elastic soil mass.
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load qb), expressed in terms of cylindrical coordinates with origin at the center of
the circular cross section of the cylinder, is given by
qb (4.90)
pB2B2 4r 2
Figure 4-42 qb
2:1 stress dissipation with
Consider a 2-m-wide strip load with uniform magnitude 150 kPa placed directly on the sur-
face of the elastic half-space. Calculate and plot the distribution of the vertical stress with
depth z right below the centerline (y 0 m) of the strip load using both elasticity theory
and the 2:1 vertical stress dissipation method.
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0 Figure 4-43
1 2:1 method Distribution of vertical stress with depth
along the centerline of the strip footing of
Example 4-8 from both elasticity theory
3 Elasticity and the 2:1 method.
Depth (m)
0 50 100 150
sv (kPa)
■ Solution
The vertical stress from elasticity theory is given by Eq. (4.85), where s33 sv. For points
lying on the plane of symmetry of the load, u2 u1 u, and u is given, as a function of
depth (z x3), by
u tan1 a b
14u 2 sin 2u 2
Q qb 150
Bz z z
1 1
B 2
Figure 4-43 shows results from the application of the preceding equations for the 0- to
10-m depth range. We observe that the approximate 2:1 method underestimates the value of
the vertical stress within the depth range between 0 and 1.5B vertically below the load and
overestimates it for larger depths.
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Saint-Venant’s Principle
Saint-Venant’s principle is occasionally useful in design calculations. It states that,
if a point where we may want to calculate the stresses (or strains) is sufficiently
removed from the loading causing these stresses (or strains), any statically equiva-
lent load generates approximately the same stresses (or strains). Statically equiva-
lent loads are loads with the same resultant and same moment with respect to an
arbitrary point. What this principle states is that the details (that is, the geometry)
of the loading have a negligible effect on the calculated stresses so long as the dis-
tance from the point where the stresses are desired to the loading is much larger
than the scale of the load.
A uniform, 2-m-wide square 100-kPa load is placed directly on the surface of a semi-infinite,
elastic soil mass. For this load and for a statically equivalent point load, calculate the verti-
cal stress at points A* and B* located 2 m below points A and B, respectively (refer to Fig.
4-44). Point A is located at the center of the square load; point B is located 3 m away from
both sides of the square load (a distance 4.25 m from the closest corner of the footing along
its diagonal). Discuss the accuracy/applicability of the approximation using a statically
equivalent point load.
■ Solution
To calculate the vertical stress at point A*, we discretize the applied load as four squares,
each with sides 1 m long, sharing point A at one corner. This way, the induced stress will be
four times the stress calculated using Eq. (4.73):
qb 2 mn 2C 1 1 C 1
c tan1 a bd
2 mn2C 1
sv `
corner 4p C 1 C 2 C1 C1 C2
1 1 1 1
2 21.5 2 21.5
1 1.5
≥ tan1 ± ≤¥
100 2 2 2 2
sv ` 4sv `
A corner p 1 1.5 1
1.5 1.5
16 16
Now we calculate the stress increase due to an equivalent load Q, obtained by multi-
plying the stress qb by the area on which it acts:
3Qz 3 3 400 2 3
sv 47.7 kPa 48 kPa
2p 1r 2 z 2 2 5>2 2p 10 2 2 2 2 5>2
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A 2m
Plan 3m
2m 3m
Note that this stress is much larger than the 34 kPa calculated earlier using the exact solu-
tion, indicating that use of Eq. (4.65) here is not appropriate because the point at which the
stress is to be calculated is too close to the load.
To calculate the stress at point B*, we use the same two approaches. Using Eq. (4.73)
for rectangles BECD, BDFI, BEHJ, and BIGJ, the desired stress is expressed by the super-
position principle of elasticity as:
sv ` sv ` sv ` sv ` sv `
Considering that the effects on B of BDFI and BEHJ are the same:
sv ` sv ` 2sv ` sv `
5 5 5 5
2 213.5 2 213.5
£ tan1 ° ¢ § 24 kPa
100 2 2 14.5 2 2
sv `
B,BECD 4p 52.6 13.5 25.6
3 5 3 5
2 29.5 2 29.5
£ tan1 ° ¢ § 22.7 kPa
100 2 2 10.5 2 2
sv `
B,BDFI 4p 23.6 9.5 4.6
3 3 3 3
2 25.5 2 25.5
£ tan1 ° ¢ § 21.6 kPa
100 2 2 6.5 2 2
sv `
B,BIGJ 4p 10.6 5.5 0.4
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This gives
sv ` 24 2 22.7 21.6 0.2 kPa
3Qz 3 3 400 2 3
sz 0.2 kPa
2p 1r 2 z 2 2 5>2 2p 132 2 2 2 5>2
Clearly, for point B*, both methods produce the same result because point B* is suffi-
ciently removed from the load that its details (such as its geometry, that is, whether it is a
point load or a distributed load with some shape) become unimportant, and any statically
equivalent load will produce acceptable results.
In sands, effective stress analysis is almost always used because sands are
free-draining, and induced pore pressures are equal to zero (the exception are seis-
mic loads and other types of loads applied very fast). In clays, in contrast, total
stress analysis is much more frequently used. The main reason is that the determi-
nation of pore pressures, except in simple problems, is often difficult, requiring rel-
atively sophisticated analysis. We will discuss effective and total stress analyses in
more detail in the contexts of the load-carrying capacity of shallow and deep foun-
dations (Chapters 10 and 13) and the stability of retaining structures (Chapter 16)
and slopes (Chapter 17).
The principal planes are the planes where the shear stresses are equal to zero. The
angles up that the principal planes make with the reference plane p11 are determined from
the equation:
tan 12u p 2
s11 s33
The normal stresses on these planes are the principal stresses s1 and s3, given by
Stress analysis problems can also be solved graphically using the Mohr circle and the
pole method; the pole is the point such that any line drawn through it parallel to a plane
where we wish to determine the stresses intersects the Mohr circle at a point with coordi-
nates equal to the stresses on that plane. A separate sign convention exists for plotting shear
stresses in a Mohr diagram. Shear stresses that are applied on the face of an element in the
counterclockwise orientation are positive for that purpose.
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Soils are said to have attained a plastic state of “failure” (or to have sheared) when the
principal stress ratio s*/s
1 3* satisfies the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, expressed mathe-
matically as
N (4.24)
where N is known as the flow number, given by
1 sin f
N (4.25)
1 sin f
s* s c cot f
Mohr circles can also be plotted for strains. The space used for plotting the Mohr cir-
cle of strains is defined by a horizontal axis where incremental normal strains de are plot-
ted and a vertical axis where incremental shear strains 12 dg are plotted. The pole method
applies to the Mohr circle of strains as well. The dilatancy angle c can be visualized
through the Mohr circle. The sine of this angle expresses the rate of increase in volumetric
strain for a unit increase in maximum shear strain:
de v
0 dgmax 0
sin c (4.15)
The dilatancy angle can be used to show that slip surfaces in soils with nonzero c are
log-spirals. In a soil where c 0, the slip surface is circular. The dilatancy angle is useful
in other ways, as we will see in Chapter 5.
If undisturbed, soil exists in a state of rest, for which the ratio of lateral to vertical
effective stress is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0. If allowed to stretch in the
horizontal direction, a level soil mass reaches an active Rankine state, in which the whole
soil is in a state of incipient plastic failure, with potential slip surfaces making angles of
(45° f/2) with the horizontal. The ratio of lateral to vertical effective stress in this case
is KA. If compressed in the horizontal direction, the soil reaches a passive Rankine state, in
which the whole soil is in a state of incipient plastic failure, with potential slip surfaces
making angles of
(45° f/2) with the horizontal. The ratio of lateral to vertical effective
stress in this case is KP. The values of K0, KA, and KP are calculated using
1 sin f
KP N (4.38)
1 sin f
1 1 sin f
KA (4.37)
N 1 sin f
The stress-strain response and shear strength of soils are studied and measured in the
laboratory using mostly the consolidation, direct shear, triaxial, and unconfined com-
pression tests. Stress paths are a useful way of visualizing the loading of the samples in
these tests. Stress paths are the evolution of p and q (total stress paths) or p and q (effec-
tive stress paths) during loading of a soil element or test sample.
For a triaxial test,
p sm 13 1s1 2s3 2 (4.60)
saL00581_ch04.qxd 9/14/06 4:54 PM Page 169
q q¿ s1 s3 (4.62)
Applications of loads on the boundary of a soil mass generate stress increments at every
point within the soil mass that have magnitude and direction that depend on the magnitudes
and directions of the loads, the geometry of the soil mass and the distance from the point to
the various loads. These stress increments have a pore pressure and an effective stress com-
ponent, the magnitudes of which depend on the draining properties of the soil and drainage
boundary conditions. An analysis in terms of total stresses is called total stress analysis.
Likewise, an analysis in terms of effective stresses is called effective stress analysis.
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4.9 References
References Cited
Brooker, E. W., and H. O. Ireland (1965). “Earth Pressures at Rest Related to Stress History.”
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 115.
Cook, G. (1950). “Rankine and the Theory of Earth Pressure.” Geotechnique, Vol. 2,
Fung, Y. C. (1993). A First Course in Continuum Mechanics. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
Hoek, E., and E. T. Brown (1980). “Empirical Strength Criterion for Rock Masses.” Journal
of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. GT9, 1013–1035.
Hoek, E., and E. T. Brown (1988). “The Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion—A 1988 Update.”
Proc. 15th Canadian Rock Mech. Symp. (ed. J.C. Curran), 31–38. University of
Toronto, Dept. Civil Engineering, Toronto.
Jaky, J. (1944). “The Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest.” Journal of Society of Hungarian
Architects and Engineers, October, 355–358.
Rankine W. J. M. (1857). “On the Stability of Loose Earth.” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,
Vol. 147, No. 1, 9–27.
Saada, A. (1993). Elasticity: Theory and Applications. Krieger, Melbourne, FL.
saL00581_ch04.qxd 9/14/06 4:54 PM Page 171
Additional References
Duncan, J. M., and C. Y. Chang (1970). “Nonlinear Analysis of Stress-Strain in Soils.”
Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 96, No.
SM5, 1629–1653.
Fahey, M., and J. P. Carter (1993). “A Finite Element Study of the Pressuremeter Test in
Sand Using a Non-Linear Elastic Plastic Model.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.
30, No. 2, 348–361.
Fung, Y. C. (1993). A First Course in Continuum Mechanics. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
Kondner, R. L. (1963). “Hyperbolic Stress-Strain Response: Cohesive Soil.” Journal of Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 89, No. SM1, 115–143.
Lee, J. H., and R. Salgado (1999). “Determination of Pile Base Resistance in Sands.” Journal
of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 8, 673–683.
Lee, J. H., and R. Salgado (2000). “Analysis of Calibration Chamber Plate Load Tests.”
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, 14–25.
Michalowski, R. L. (2005). “Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest.” Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 11, 1429–1433.
Parry, R. H. G. (1995). Mohr Circles, Stress Paths and Geotechnics. E&F Spon, London.
Poulos, H. G., and E. H. Davis (1974). “Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics.”
Wiley, New York.
4.10 Problems
Conceptual Problems
4-1 Define all the terms in bold contained in the chapter summary.
4-2* The concept of stress is crucial for geotechnical analyses. By considering soils with
different particle sizes, give an example of a problem in which it is perfectly valid to
use stresses in calculations and another in which it is not.
4-3 Consider Fig. 4-13. Demonstrate visually that there is no distortion in the soil if de1
de3 by replotting the figure for this condition.
4-4* What is a state of plastic equilibrium?
4-5* Why does a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 imply incompressibility?
4-6* Given that foundation loading in saturated clays is applied under undrained
conditions, what can we state about the volumetric change undergone by the soil after
load application? What value of Poisson’s ratio would be used in settlement equations
for saturated clays derived using elasticity assumptions? What does that imply about
the mechanism by which immediate settlements develop in saturated clays?
4-7 When is a soil said to be in a state of rest?
4-8 What is the range of values that the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest can
assume for typical sands and clays?
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4-9 What is a Rankine state? What is the difference between an active and a passive
Rankine state?
4-10 What is the pole method? If the stress state at a point in the soil mass is known, how
can the pole be determined in the corresponding Mohr circle?
4-11 How can the direction of potential slip surfaces through a point in a soil mass be
4-12* Consider drained tests (a triaxial compression and a triaxial extension test) on two
soil samples. Is there a difference between the total stress path and effective stress
path? Plot their stress paths in both the s versus t and the p versus q spaces. During
the shearing phase of the test, what is the slope of the stress path in p versus q space?
Quantitative Problems
4-13 Figure 4-45 shows the state of stress at a point within a soil deposit. Using both an
analytical approach and the pole method, determine (a) the direction of the principal
planes, (b) the magnitude of the principal stresses, and (c) the normal and shear stress
in a plane at 45° with the horizontal.
4-14 For the state of stress defined in Fig. 4-46: (a) draw the Mohr circle; (b) find the pole,
identify it in the Mohr circle, and write its coordinates below; (c) find the principal
planes and stresses (both graphically and analytically); (d) find the stresses (s and t)
on the planes making angles of
45° with the horizontal, indicate which is which,
and solve both graphically and analytically.
4-15 Repeat Problem 4-14 for the state of stress of Fig. 4-47.
4-16 Consider the stress state of Problem 4-13. Redo the problem for shear stresses of 0,
0.2, and 0.3 MPa. What effect do you observe on (a) the magnitude and (b) the
direction of the principal stresses as the applied shear stresses increase?
1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.4 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.4 MPa
60 30
500 kPa
a b 100 kN/m
100 kN/m d c
500 kPa
Figure 4-48
Element corresponding to Problem 4-17.
Figure 4-47
State of stress for Problem 4-15.
4-17* The unit block abcd is acted upon by loadings as shown in Fig. 4-48. (a) Draw the
Mohr circle of stress. (b) Locate the points on the Mohr circle indicating the stresses
on faces ad and dc. (c) Find the pole. (d) Find the directions of principal planes and
the magnitudes of the major and minor principal stresses. (e) Draw a smaller element
inside abcd to represent the principal planes and stresses acting on them. (f) Solve
the problem analytically and compare your results.
4-18 For the soil element of Example 4-5, consider the major principal strain increment to
be vertical and (a) find the pole and (b) find the directions of the zero-extension lines
(slip lines) through the element.
4-19* For the state of strain shown in Fig. 4-49, (a) draw the Mohr circle, (b) find the pole,
(c) find the principal directions and the values of the principal strain increments, and
(d) find the directions of the zero-extension lines.
2.5 103
3 103
Figure 4-49
1.5 103 Incremental strains for Problem 4-19 expressed
103 in terms of the original and deformed shape of a
Initial lengths of element sides 1 square element with sides with length equal to 1.
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of 8°. If the plate moves in the direction away from the soil, resulting in an extension
corresponding to a lateral strain increment of 0.5%, what is the vertical strain in the
retained soil mass? What is the direction of the slip plane through the soil mass?
4-23 If the soil of Problem 4-22 has a friction angle of 34.5°, what is the error in the
estimate of the slip plane direction based on friction angle?
4-24* Consider the following ways in which you could shear a triaxial sample: (a) reduce
the radial stress while keeping the axial stress unchanged; (b) increase the radial
stress while keeping the axial stress unchanged; (c) increase the axial stress while
keeping the radial stress unchanged; (d) reduce the axial stress while keeping the
radial stress unchanged. Plot (total stress) p-q diagrams for all four cases. Be specific
about the directions of the total stress paths. Calculate also the following ratio for
each case: (s2 s3)/(s1 s3). What do you believe this ratio tells you about what
you are doing to the sample?
4-25 Three vertical point loads (800, 200, and 250 kN) are applied to the surface of a level
soil mass along a straight line. The loads are separated by distances of 2 m. Using the
Boussinesq equation, compute the vertical stress increase due to these loads at a
depth of 2 m along their vertical lines of action.
4-26 A 100-kN point load is applied at a point on the surface of a soil mass. Calculate
the vertical stress increase due to this load at a point with distances 1.5, 2, and 1 m
with respect to the point of application of the load in the x, y, and z directions,
4-27 Two buildings, shown in Fig. 4-50, are separated by 7 m. The uniformly distributed
load of building 1, with dimensions 10 15 m, is equal to 300 kPa; that of building
2, with dimensions 7 25 m, is 500 kPa. Compute the vertical stress increase due to
both buildings at point P, 8 m below the center of building 1.
500 kPa
300 kPa
Plan P 15 m
7m 7m 10 m
Figure 4-50
Two buildings of Problem 4-27.
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 20 24 25 26 21 11
4 columns at
15 m 4-m spacing
2 19 23 28 27 22 12
1 18 17 16 15 14 13
2.0 m
3.0 m
2.5 m
11 m NC clay (gsat 17 kN/m3)
2.5 m
3.0 m
Sand (g 22 kN/m3)
(Not to scale)
Figure 4-51
Building and its foundations for analysis in Problem 4-28.
4-28 A building is to be built on top of the soil profile of Fig. 4-51. A solution based on
footings14 bearing on a layer of compacted soil is proposed. The areas of the
footings are not yet available. The average unit load to be carried by the foundations
will be approximately 100 kPa, but it is expected that it will be distributed among
three classes of columns: A, B, and C. Columns C will carry two times the load
carried by columns of class B, which, in turn, will carry 1.25 times as much load as
columns of class A. Estimate the vertical stress increase due to the building loading
for depths ranging from 2 to 13 m: (a) below point D (center of the corner column),
(b) below point E, and (c) below the center of the building. Consider first the
average unit load of 100 kPa applied over the entire plan area of the building and
then the statically equivalent column (point) loads consistent with the 2 and 1.25
ratios discussed earlier.
4-29* In Section 4.6, we studied the strip loading (Fig. 4-40). (a) Find the principal stresses
s1 and s3 acting on principal planes p1 and p3 at point P with coordinates u1 and u2.
Express the results for s1 and s3 in terms of a. (b) Show that the points belonging to
a circle passing through P and through the two edges P1 and P2 of the strip load have
the same state of stress as P. Write the equation for the maximum shear stress for
this circle. (c) Sketch the trajectories of s1 and s3. (d) Using the equation for the
maximum shear stress you obtained in (b), find the maximum shear stress for a given
loading and the circle corresponding to it (that is, the value of a corresponding to
maximum shear stress). The equations derived in Section 4.6 for s11, s33, and s13 are
repeated below for convenience:
1u2 u1 2
2nqb 2nqba
p p