Mango Prospectus

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Plantation Ownership Opportunity Thailand

Growing Your Future
Plantations International Associated Companies and Accreditations

Welcome to Plantations International 3

Introducing the “Nam Dok Mai” Mango 5

Mango Plantation - Project Rationale 6

Executive Product Summary 7

The Plantations International Advantage 9

Global Mango Demand 10

Global Fruit Consumption Comparison 11

Global Mango Exports 12

Mango Product Diversification 13

How Does Mango Plantation Ownership Work 14

Thailand Plantations & Location 15

Entry Prices & Harvest Yields 16

Annual Harvest Yields 17

25 Year Mango Harvest Outlook 18

Harvest Guarantee Insurance 19

Welcome to Thailand 20

Thailand Foreign Investor Overview 21

Portfolio Diversification 22

Agriculture as an Asset Class 23

Asset Class Performance 24

Food Security & Sustainability 26

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Welcome to Plantations International

Plantations International is a multinational plantation and farm management

conglomerate whose specialty is in providing sustainable agricultural and forestry
“agroforestry” management services for its clients. Plantations International has clients
ranging from private individuals to large land holders and institutional
investors. From the preconceptual planning stage to harvesting and marketing the final
products, we strive to go the extra mile to exceed our clients’ expectations.

At Plantations International we consider our clients to be our business partners. Your

success is our success and with our broad range of products and services and an endless
menu of custom-tailored solutions, we have the resources and experience to make your
Mango plantation commercially successful throughout its entire lifecycle. We put team-
work, innovation and our passion for creating “ethical & sustainable
capital” at the heart of everything we do.

Global Presence


Hong Kong
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Indonesia

Agroforestry Developments

Consultancy Services

Offices & Representatives

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Welcome to Plantations International

Plantations International’s

Management Team

Years Experience in
Plantation Management

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Introducing the “Nam Dok Mai” Mango

In Thailand, the words “Nam Dok Mai”

means water of the flower, and not surpris-
ingly, it is one of the most exceptional and
sought after mango varieties in the World
both in appearance and taste. Eaten ripe, the
skin is yellow to golden in colour. The flesh
is smooth, silky and unlike other mangoes,
is not fibrous. Extremely juicy with a sweet
and unique aromatic flavour, the Nam Dok
Mai is the epitome of all Mangoes. The fruit
can be eaten fresh, and is also ideal for
adding to fruit salads, warm dishes,
desserts, and smoothies.

The Nam Dok Mai is the most popular

mango variety in Thailand that is grown
commercially. The Nam Dok Mai tree is
medium-sized and can reach heights of over
six meters. It is an early-midseason mango
variety, with the ability for multiple harvests
in a year and each Mango fruit weighs in at
approximately 400 grams.

Nam Dok Mai trees are mature enough to

yield fruit after just four years. The harvest
time for Nam Dok Mai mangoes is 90 to
100 days after the flowers are fertilized.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Mango Plantation - Project Rationale

The mango sector of Thailand is an exceptional

opportunity for investors.

Nam Dok Mai Mangoes from the Thailand are world renown for their sweet taste with
strong overseas demand. Significant price premiums have existed for years and Thailand
has fully capitalized on it, establishing itself a 17%+ market share of all global mango

Mangoes are Thailand’s largest fruit industry, with the production of 1.6 million tons
produced annually of which the majority of the production is consumed domestically.

Nam Dok Mai Mangoes currently retail domestically in Thai supermarkets for USD
3-4 per K/G and for 3x this amount internationally. Thai mangoes retail in France and
Germany for over 10 USD/KG.

Mangoes from Thailand

#1 17%+ 3x
Most Exported Market More Profitable
fruit Share Overseas

Mangoes are Thailand dominates Thailands Mangoes

Thailand’s #1 Fruit the world’s Mango are sold internationally
export. export market with a for 3x more than they
17+ market share. are domestically.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Executive Product Summary

The Opportunity

- 15.76% average annualized harvest yields from domestic sales at

just $2 per KG.
- Export sales prices at $2-4 USD/KG.
- Pre-agreed domestic & international sales agreements are in place.
- Harvest Guarantee Insurance is provided.
- Grown alongside our own company owned trees.

·Mango imports are rising tremendously. Since 2015 imports are up

strongly in: Eastern Europe (60% p.a), North Africa (22% p.a), East
Asia (22% p.a.) and Europe (13% p.a.).

·Mangoes are one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Annual con
sumption is up to 2x more than peaches & nectarines, pears and 5x
Demand more than strawberries.

·Export prices for mangoes from Thailand are up to 3x more profitable

than domestically due to high International demand and limited supply.

·Thailand’s Nam Dok Mai Mangoes are selling for over 10 USD/KG
across Asia.

·Thailand dominates the world mango export market with a 17%+

market share (Tridge Mango Intelligence)

Export ·The Si Racha seaport is less than 30 minutes from our plantation and
Infrastructure the port of Bangkok is 2 hours away, giving us a very fast from
“Harvest to Ship” time ratio.

·Thailand has direct transit lines to Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea

and China, guaranteeing speed to market and freshness.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Executive Product Summary

·Our mangoes are harvested as early as Year 4 with intercropping returns

paid out as early as Year 1.
·Harvest yields per acre are up to 2x higher than average yields in
·Export orientated and non GMO strategy enables higher yielding harvest
·Expected average annualized harvest yields of over 15.76% if sold only
domestically at just 2 USD/KG with a 0% pricing inflationary increase.

·Harvest Guarantee Insurance is provided in your management

agreement for the entire 25 year life-cycle of your plantation.
·Pre-agreed offtake sales agreements are in place.
Security ·Collaborations with nationally recognized and leading mango specialists
in Thailand.
·Export focused production aimed at ensuring higher priced income

·Experienced management team that has been involved with the sales
marketing of agroforestry products across Asia, the Middle East, Africa
Management and the Americas.

·The Thailand based scientific advisors to our mango plantations are

nationally renowned and have over 20 years Nam Dok Mai mango

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
The Plantations International Advantage

“ Plantations International is perfectly positioned to

export mangoes from Thailand to Asia & Europe via
our vertically integrated distribution chain.
We Plant, We Grow, We Sell. ”

Experience Matters Sales Price Guarantee

The Plantations International mango team in You are contractually guaranteed a minimum
Thailand comprises leading agronomists and 2 USD/KG for the mangoes from your trees.
the country’s top Mango experts.

Export Agreements Distribution Network

Export agreements are already in place via our By controlling the distribution chain from A-Z,
own and third party distribution networks. we guarantee that we can achieve the best
possible prices.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Global Mango Demand

· Mangoes are one of the world's most Global Mango Imports

consumed fruits. Annual consumption
is 5x more than strawberries.
· Export markets are underdeveloped
with world trade accounting for only
4% of production. 96% of total
production is consumed domestically.
· Mango demand is rising dramatically
in Eastern Europe, North Africa and
East Asia.
· Demand for Nam Dok Mai mangoes
is particularly high due to their unique

Annual Mango Import Growth (2017 - 2020)

Eastern Europe North Africa

60% 22%

East Asia Europe

22% 12%

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
entypo mango sales.qxp_Layout 1 15/06/2021 14:58 Page 12

Global Fruit Consumption Comparison

Mangoes are consumed

More than

More than
Pears and

Mangoes 45,056,434 MT

Tangerines & Mandarins 33,414,216 MT

Melons 31,948,349 MT

Pineapples 27,402,956 MT

Peaches & Nectarines 24,665,205 MT

Pears 24,168,309 MT

Strawberries 9,223,815 MT

Source: Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAOSTAT 2017

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Global Mango Exports

• Thailand is the world’s largest mango exporter with 17%+ market share.
• Thailand has a very well established supply chain export management systems in place.
• The Thailand based scientific advisors to our mango plantations are nationally
renowned and have over 20 years Nam Dok Mai mango experience.
• Plantations located near U-Tapao International Airport and see ports of Si Racha
and Bangkok for expedited times from “harvest to market”.
• Most of Thailand’s mango production are sold is fresh fruit in the domestic market.
• Thailand’s Nam Dok Mai mangoes retail for over 10 USD/KG in Europe & Asia.

Top Mango Exporting Countries

1 Yr. Growth 3 Yr. Growth 5 Yr. Growth Export Quantity

Thailand 17.23% +97.44% +271.92% +211.25% 333.16K MT

Mexico 12.31% + 4.56% +16.63% +55.01`% 414.97K MT

Netherlands 10.13% + 5.33% +26.14% +44.87% 192.74 MT

Vietnam 9.41% + 2.19% +163.83% +239.66% 158.82 MT

Peru 7.57% +0.16% +32.72% +84.61% 206.30K MT

Brazil 6.3% +20.49% +16.92% +28.01% 219.64K MT

* The Netherlands is considered a re-export hub for central Europe.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Mango Product Diversification

The globalization of mango production

and consumption is a relatively new Fresh Fruit
phenomenon in the West. According to
the United Nations, over the past ten Dried
years, trade in mango products have
tripled to over USD 2 billion per year.
Mango products include fresh fruit and
processed ones including dried, frozen,
puree, beverages and sweets & desserts.

Risk mitigation in the Mango sector is Sweets

& Desserts
uniquely positive due to the fact that the
Mango has multiple end uses. If of one
of the end uses falls out of favor, the
remainder end uses will quickly take Over the past 10 years
up any slack.
wholesale trade in
This document focuses exclusively on mango products alone
fresh fruit exports and only barley
has more than tripled,
touches on the processed food and skincare
sectors, which are both multi-billion rising on average 12%
dollar industries.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
How Does Mango Plantation Ownership Work

Land Preparation
Land clearing, leveling, soil work, irriga- Ownership Structure
tion and other preparation services are
conducted to make sure land is optimal for
mango growth. You will receive the following:

Sapling Nursery & Planting • Tree Purchase & Land Agreement

Saplings are grown in a nursery until they • Tree Management Agreement
are ready and resilient enough for planting • Ownership Certificate
on site.
Also included:
Management & Harvesting
Trees are managed and monitored contin- • 2 USD/KG Price Guarantee
uously with staff on site. Once fruit are • Harvest Guarantee Insurance
ready they are harvested and delivered to
• Annual Harvests from Year 1
distributers for sale.

(1) Land Preperation

(2) Sapling Planting
(3) Early - Intermediate Growth
(4) Intermediate - Mature Growth

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Thailand Plantations & Location

Plantations International’s Mango, Agarwood and Cassava plantations are located in

the town of Si Racha in the province of Chon Buri, just an hour’s drive from Thailand’s
Thailand’s capital city of Bangkok. Soil and climatic conditions in Si Racha are ideal
for agriculture, with over 85% of all arable land currently being cultivated.
All our plantations are ideally positioned for exports. They are close to U-Tapao
International Airport and both the ports of Bangkok and Si Racha, the two major
shipping ports of southern Thailand.
Also Bangkok is just a 19 hr 30 min (1,425.4 km) drive from the Malaysian Border,
where our Malaysian subsidiary United Tropical Fruit Sdn. Bhd. will act as the
primary distributor for your mangoes in Malaysia.


Bangkok Head Office


Si Racha, Chon Buri Plantations

· Mangoes
· Agarwood
· Cassava

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Entry Prices & Harvest Yields

Mango Plantation Ownership

25 Years of Annual Harvests

394.09% 15.76%

Total Yield % Annualized Yield %

Package values are based on domestic Mango Prices of 2 USD/KG,

however export wholesale prices range between 2-4 USD/KG.

25 Tree 50 Tree 100 Tree

Package Package Package

Mango Trees 25 50 100

USD Entry Price $17,435 $34,870 $69,740

Annual Avg. Proceeds $2,748 $5,497 $10,994

Total Net Proceeds $68,710 $137,420 $274,840

* Based 0% inflationary price increase in the price per KG. Thailand averages over 1% inflation per annum.
* The above figures are inclusive of the 20% Harvest fee and intercropping yields.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Annual Harvest Yields
50 Tree Package
USD 34,780

2 USD/KG has been used below to show domestic sale prices. Export prices range between
2-4 USD/KG. At harvest time you will receive the highest price per KG. we sell at.

Total KG. Sales Price Intercropping Gross Harvest 20% Annual Harvest
Year Net Proceeds
Yields USD/KG. Proceeds Proceeds Harvest Fee Yields (%)

Totals 83,000 $5,775 $171,775 $34,355 $137,420 394.09%

25 Years Accumulated Proceeds $137,420
25 Years Accumulated Proceeds % 394.09%
Average Annual Harvest Yields % 15.76% Average Annual
Annual Harvest Proceeds $5,497 Harvest Yields

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
25 Year Mango Harvest Outlook

The following is a summary that details your Mango plantations harvests, over
its entire 25 Year life cycle.

Value Measure Description

Sapling Survival Rate 100% Saplings are grown at our nursery and trans-
planted on the plantation only once fit and ready.
Additionally, the company replaces all failed
plantings through its insurance policy, free of

Harvest Duration 25 Years Harvests including intercropping are annual and

will continue for a full 25 years.

Weight per Fruit 400 grams Fruit weight can range between 350-450 grams,
dependent on natural and biological factors.

Harvest Fee 20% 20% harvest fee deducted from your annual gross
harvest proceeds (20/80 split)

Guaranteed Price 2USD/KG You are guaranteed a minimum 2 USD/KG for

your Mangoes. This price is underpinned through
our pre-agreed forward purchase agreements.

Retail Market Price 5-20 International retail prices range between 5-20
USD/KG USD/KG depending on the export destination.

Price Inflation 0% Price inflation has not been applied. Global infla-
tion is approximately 3% annually, meaning
prices of your fruit should realistically increase
by that amount each year.

Total Harvest Yield 394.90% The total harvest yield includes all sales proceeds
over your entire 25 year ownership term.

Average Harvest Yield 15.76% Average harvest yield refers to the average of all
annual harvest yields, in terms of sales proceeds.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Harvest Guarantee Insurance

Plantations International provides all clients with “Harvest Guarantee Insurance” in

the form of a contractual replacement warranty, this fully guarantees that should any
of their Mango trees die or become severely damaged due to any of below noted fac-
tors. Plantations International will immediately replace or replant them at no addi-
tional cost to the client, thus guaranteeing its clients a 100% harvest.

The Harvest Guarantee Insurance includes the following:

Lightning Damage or Hail
Pests & Disease
Wild Animal Damage
Theft & Vandalism

All Mango trees are fully covered from these

risk events by our “BUFFER STOCK”

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Welcome to Thailand

Population: 70,000,000
GDP: USD 544 Billion
Time Zone: G M T + 7

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Thailand Foreign Investor Overview

Travelling to the kingdom of Thailand is no longer limited to just shopping and tourism.
Thailand is rapidly growing its economy and is inviting people from around the world
to make investments in various business sectors including agriculture.

The Thai government has always believed in a free and open economy and is globally
acknowledged for its ease and clarity in dealing with foreign investors.

According to a recent World Bank report, Thailand is ranked 13th. from 181 countries
in the category of easy business performance.

Over the last decade, foreign direct investment into Thailand has a positive upward
trend and the current Thai government has created and opened up multiple opportunities
for foreign investors.

Thailand Investor Highlights

Superb Location in the heart of Asia

Investment Welcoming Thai Government

Young and Dynamic Workforce

Open Foreign Direct Investment Policies

ASEAN Free Trade Association

Investor Protection Legislation

Thailand Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Applications by Country 2019 - 2020

Japan 42,454

China 24,278

Switzerland 11,443

Hong Kong 7,615

Singapore 7,534

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000

Singapore Hong Kong Switzerland China Japan

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Portfolio Diversification

Modern portfolio theory is a key financial

theory which attempts to maximise
returns relative to risk by constructing a
Ca Sto
sh diversified portfolio of assets. A diversified
portfolio is created by selecting unique
uncorrelated asset classes. This can help
Forex reduce risk and increase returns.
Property ercial

n ds Plantations International adds another



layer to this theory by providing a product



which in itself is diversified. Mangoes


can be converted into a variety of different

products which mitigates risk further,
and is essential to having a truly well
Mangoes balanced portfolio.

Fresh Fruit Frozen Fruit Ice Cream Beverages

Chips & Crackers Chocolate Cakes & Pastry Candies

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Agriculture as an asset class

The agricultural industry is worth over USD 8 trillion.

This is comparable to all gold ever mined on earth.
Forbes, "The Biggest Investment Opportunity
You've Probably Never Heard Of "

Agriculture falls under the broad asset class known as "real
assets"which are physical in nature and provide hard tangible
ownership. Other real assets include real estate and commodities
such as gold. Agriculture as a sector has been rising in promi-
nence over the past decade reaching over 8 USD trillion in value. Of Global
To put this figure into perspective it is comparable to all the value
of all gold ever mined and the global professionally managed
real estate industry. Additionally, the sector accounts for

approximately 30% of global GDP.

Between 2015 and 2020, the asset size of investments specializing

in food and agriculture assets jumped from USD 24 billion to 73 USD Billion
billion, growing 25% p.a. The majority of investment into the AUM
sector is through indirect exposure holdings. Over 60% is held
via commodities, futures and equities.

In terms of physical ownership, almost all investment at the mo-

ment is privately owned with institutional investment surprisingly
only 0.50% of the total value. This is slowly changing as savvy
institutional investors are beginning to take notice of this sectors Owned
appeal. For most investors however the sector remains by Institutions
fragmented, confusing, and costly to enter.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Asset Class Performance

Agriculture has become an attractive invest-

ment destination for a number of reasons. Investments into the
Most important of all are the strong market sector have surpassed
fundamentals in support of the sector, on
both the demand and supply side. An increas-
USD 70 billion, rising
ing population, changing demographics, re- 24% p.a. since 2012.
ductions in arable land and climate change
have led to an urgent need for more food and Valora Advisors, 2018 Global Food &
increased productivity. Agriculture Investment Outlook

Agriculture has historically outperformed other asset classes includ-

ing stocks, bonds and real estate. Agriculture has yielded 13.69%
since 2000 with a standard deviation of only 7.58%.

Agriculture vs. Other Asset Classes (2000 -2020)



12% Agriculture
8% (KITCO)
Annual Returns

Corp. Bonds
6% (Moody's AAA) Real Estate, U.S
4% 10 YR Treasry,U.S U.S
(US10Y) (Nasdaq)
Equities, Int

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Standard Deviation (Risk)

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Asset Class Performance

Quick to mature, permanently in high demand, and always prof-

itable. Agriculture is one of the most safest and secure ways to
hedge your portfolio against market volatility. No matter what
happens in the world, people will always need food.

Key Asset Class Benefits

Returns Agriculture has outperformed most assets

throughout history, particularly on a risk basis
i.e. volatility.

Inflation Protection Food prices rise with inflation. As a result,

agriculture is a good hedge against rising

Diversification Agriculture has low correlation to traditional

assets such as stocks and bonds.

Limited Economic Food demand is driven by rising populations.

Cycle Relationship Unlike traditional assets, it is less related to
economic crashes.

Biological Growth Biological growth is unrelated to the perform-

ance of the economy. Trees keep growing and
increase in value as they age.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand
Food Security & Sustainability

70% more food will be needed by 2050 to feed the

worlds rapidly expanding population.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food along with water and air is essential for

human life. High levels of food security are
necessary for human existence but it is also Food Security Indicators
imperative to global and country specific eco-
nomic growth, stability and prosperity.
Costs, food programs
Low levels of food security place significant
and import tarriffs,
stress on government expenditures and popu-
lations. It forces governments to invest sub- Availability
stantial resources in the short-term through Supply, storage,
programs and subsidies. It also increases their wastage and related
reliance on food imports which is detrimental infrastructure.
to long term food self- sufficiency. The FAO
has reported that high rates of malnutrition Quality & Safety
can lead to a GDP loss of as much as 4-5%. Nutritional produce
and access to clean
There will be 9.6 billion people in the world water.
by 2050, that will require more than 70% Natural Factors
more crops than we have today. This com- Soil erosion and expo-
bined with a reduction in arable land and the sure to droughts,
effects of climate change means drastic floods etc.
change is needed. Significant investment is re-
quired into the agricultural sector in terms of
capacity and more efficient sustainable meth-
ods of production.

Plantation Ownership Opportunity -Thailand

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