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Process Recorder

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zenon manual

Process Recorder

©2017 Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

All rights reserved.

Distribution and/or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely
with the written permission of the company COPA-DATA. Technical data is only used for product
description and are not guaranteed qualities in the legal sense. Subject to change, technical or

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help ...................................................................................................... 4

2. Process Recorder ......................................................................................................................... 5

3. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Recording .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Replay.......................................................................................................................................................... 6

4. Engineering in the Editor.............................................................................................................. 8

4.1 Variables and data types ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Process Recorder data - recording .............................................................................................................. 9
4.3 Process Recorder screen ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Create Process Recorder screen ................................................................................................. 12
4.3.2 Control elements for Process Recorder screens ........................................................................ 12
4.4 zenon functions ......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.1 Activate/deactivate project simulation ...................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Screen switch Process Recorder ................................................................................................. 23
4.4.3 Process Recorder: Activate/deactivate playback ....................................................................... 32

5. Process Recorder in the Runtime................................................................................................ 34

6. Process Recorder in the zenon network ...................................................................................... 35

7. LOG entries ............................................................................................................................... 36

Welcome to COPA-DATA help

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help


You can find practical examples for project configuration with zenon in our YouTube channel
(https://www.copadata.com/tutorial_menu). The tutorials are grouped according to topics and give an
initial insight into working with different zenon modules. All tutorials are available in English.


If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that you
would like added, please send an email to documentation@copadata.com


You can receive support for any real project you may have from our Support Team, who you can contact
via email at support@copadata.com (mailto:support@copadata.com).


If you find that you need other modules or licenses, our staff will be happy to help you. Email
sales@copadata.com (mailto:sales@copadata.com).

Process Recorder

2. Process Recorder
The Process Recorder module offers you the possibility to record process data in the productive
Runtime. At a later point in time, this recorded data can be visualized in Runtime in a project simulation

 Selected variables are recorded during the course of the productive process.
 Recording is carried out in the event of value changes.
 These recordings can be played back in zenon Runtime in simulation mode.
 Time and time period of this playback can be freely selected.
 Existing zenon screens can be used.
 If playback is not started in a Runtime with several projects, all recorded values from all projects
are loaded, correctly sorted in chronological order and played back.
 The module is integrated into the zenon network and also supports redundancy.

License information
Must be licensed for Editor and Runtime (single-user, Server, Standby and Client).
The Process Recorder module requires a license for the server (Server, Standby, and
Editor). The client is automatically licensed via the server.
The project simulation is included in the license of the process recorder.


3. Introduction
The module Process Recorder consists of two parts:
1. When configuring a project in zenon, variables for logging are activated.
These variables are logged in Runtime during the course of the productive process.
2. The recorded data is played back again in Runtime by means of project simulation.
 This recorded data can be called up at any time and played back. This playback is carried out
in simulation mode of Runtime outside of the productive process.
 With this playback, recorded processes can be visualized or analyzed.
 Existing zenon screens can be used for this playback. Because each desired zenon screen is
used for playback, processes from the past can be traced in the working environment.
 Screens that have only been configured by the person configuring the project for playback
can also be used for the analysis.

3.1 Recording

Data from the ongoing process is continually recorded and saved.

Recording is activated for each configured variable by means of the Activate recording variable property.

3.2 Replay

Recorded data from the productive environment can be played back at a later time:
 The recorded data can be played back for each recorded point in time.
 This playback is carried out in simulation mode of Runtime outside of the productive
 With this playback, recoded processes can be visualized or analyzed.
 Existing zenon screens can be used for this playback. Because each desired zenon screen is
used for playback, processes from the past can be traced in the working environment.
 Playback is controlled with a zenon Process Recorder screen.
 Screens that have only been configured by the person configuring the project for playback
can also be used for the analysis.

The following is applicable for playback:


 Display in playback is carried out solely on the basis of the recorded values. Current process data
is not visualized during playback.
 Only screens with recorded values are supplied. All other zenon modules do not receive any


 Internal driver

The values of the internal values that have not been activated for recording in the process
recorder are (in addition to the recorded values) supplied with current values, even in playback.
 system driver

The values of the system driver variables that have not been activated for recording in the
Process Recorder are also supplied with current values during playback.
This is applicable for variables of the following themes:
 Batch Control
 Command Processing
 User-defined
 User Administration
 Printer
 Folder
 Project information
 Command Sequencer
 System information


The appropriate file for the given start time is selected on starting. A corresponding LOG message is
created and can be displayed in the Diagnosis Viewer tool.

The appropriate file:

 Ends with *.rec
 Is in the simulation directory in the computer data directory in the ProcessRecorder folder
 Is the file whose time stamp corresponds most closely to the selected start time of playback.
 and whose time stamp + 5 minutes still contains the selected point in time.

If no file meets these criteria, no file is loaded and a LOG message is also written.

Engineering in the Editor

4. Engineering in the Editor

Configuration steps for the Process Recorder module:
1. Activate the Activate Process Recorder project property to activate the module.
a) In zenon, activate the project in the tree view of the Workspace.
b) Activate, in the Process Recorder project properties group, the Activate Process Recorder
2. Activate the Activate recording property for the variables that you want to record.
a) Highlight the variable(s) that you want to record.
Note: Multiple selection is possible.
b) Activate, in the Process Recorder properties group, the Activate recording.
This property can also be configured for data types. This setting can be passed on to
all variables of this data type.
You can find further information on this in the Variables and data types (on page 8) chapter.
3. Configure a zenon Process Recorder screen.
You can find further information on this in the Process Recorder screen (on page 11) chapter.
4. Configure a screen switch function (on page 23) or the Activate/deactivate project simulation
You can find further information on this in the Activate/deactivate project simulation (on page 17)
You can find additional information in the project simulation manual.

4.1 Variables and data types

To record variables for subsequent playback, this must be activated with the Activate recording property
for recording. You can find this property in the Process Recorder properties group of the variable or the
data type.

Apply variables when creating new parameters for the data type property.

The variables with parameters set as such are advised when Runtime starts. The variables are
unadvised again when Runtime is ended.


Variables and data types take on an existing parameter setting from the higher-level data type.

Please note:

Engineering in the Editor

 Data types take on the parameters of the property at the time the data type is newly created.
Changes to the original data type are not applied.
 Variables take on the parameters of the property from the assigned data type.
Changes to the data type are applied for the variable:
 If the Activate recording property has been applied by the data type and not amended, all
changes to the data type are applied for the variable.
 If the Activate recording property has been amended for the variable, changes to the data
type are no longer applied for the corresponding variable.
This is also applicable if the property corresponds to the parameter settings of
the data type again after several changes. A change to the data type is not applied to the
variable in this case.
 If a variable is assigned a new data type, the current parameter setting of the variable remains.
This is then independent of the parameter settings of the (newly-assigned) data type.
 Arrays:
The behavior of arrays is the same as that for variables.
 Structure data types:
Are supported. The behavior is the same as for data types.

If the properties of a variable have been amended, the parameter setting can be
transferred from the data type again with the Link all properties with data
type context menu entry.


If the existing configuration of one or more variables is subsequently changed, the recording is amended
accordingly after the project is reloaded into Runtime. Newly-activated variables are only available for
use in the Process recorder from the time of activation and reloading. The same apples for amendments
to a data type.

4.2 Process Recorder data - recording

To have process data available for subsequent playback or evaluation in the Process Recorder module,
all variables are saved in files with the Activate recording property activated.

Recording occurs:
 Each time there is a value change
 Each time the status bit of the variable is changed
 Each time a time stamp is changed

Engineering in the Editor

The respective new value is written to the file. If there is still no value when Runtime is started, no entry
is written.


Process Recorder files have a .rec file suffix.

The following are saved in this file:
 Current value of the variable
Signal values of the variable are always saved, not the values calculated by the value
This corresponds to the zenon Editor properties Value range PLC for the signal value and Value
adjustment linear for the value amendment.
 Status bits of the variable
 Time stamp of the variable
The time stamp of the variables are saved as UTC and have a precision of milliseconds.
 External time stamp
 Internal time stamp
 Process Recorder time stamp
This time stamp is only used for playback in the Process Recorder module. It is issued
automatically and cannot be actively configured or modified.

The following is applicable for the REC file:

 Recording is carried out in an REC file in the data directory of the computer. The file is named
automatically. As a name, the time when the file was created is used, with the given name
 Save location of the Process Recorder files:
The data for subsequent playback in the Process Recorder is saved in the data directory of the
local computer.
Save location of the logging files: ../[project name]/[computer name]/[project
The PRYYYY folder is created automatically by zenon and contains all Recorder files from a year.
You can find further information on the save location in the Runtime manual in the File structure
You can open the local save location of the Runtime files in the zenon Editor with the
Ctrl+Alt+R keyboard shortcut.
 A new file is saved automatically every five minutes. This cycle is fixed and cannot be configured.
 The current recording file is only opened if required and closed again after writing.
As a result, the file sync between server and standby is not blocked, because the file is only
blocked for a short time.

Please note that the requirements for storage space grow. The longer the recording runs, the more
memory intensive the required storage space on the drive becomes.

Engineering in the Editor


Ensure that you have sufficient storage space. Also note the quality of the storage
location: Removable media or USB sticks are expressly not recommended.

4.3 Process Recorder screen

The Process Recorder screen is for controlling playback of recorded process data in Runtime. The
recorded data is played back in zenon in simulation mode.

Configure the Process Recorder screen in its own template.

Engineering in the Editor

4.3.1 Create Process Recorder screen

The Process Recorder screen is for control when playing back recorded process data in zenon


Steps to create the screen:

1. Create a new screen:
In the tool bar or the context menu of the Screensnode, select the New screen command.
An empty Standard screen is created.
2. Change the properties of the screen:
a) Name the screen in the Name property.
b) Select Process Recorder in the Screen type property.
c) Select the desired frame in the Frame property.
3. Configure the content of the screen:
a) select menu item Control elements from the menu bar
b) Select Insert template in the drop-down list.
The dialog to select pre-defined layouts is opened. Certain control elements are inserted into
the screen at predefined positions.
c) Remove elements that are not required from the screen.
d) If necessary, select additional elements in the Elements drop-down list. Place these at the
desired position in the screen.
4. Create a screen switch function.
Configure this screen switching function.
You can find further information in relation to this in the Process Recorder screen switching (on
page 23) chapter.

4.3.2 Control elements for Process Recorder screens

Engineering in the Editor

Control element Description

Insert template... Opens the dialog for selecting a template for the screen
Templates are shipped together with zenon and can also
be created by the user.
Templates add pre-defined control elements to
pre-defined position in the screen. Elements that are not
necessary can also be removed individually once they
have been created. Additional elements are selected
from the drop-down list and placed in the zenon screen.
Elements can be moved on the screen and arranged


Parameter Description
Playback position Shows the point in time of playback in local time.
Empty if Runtime is not in playback mode.
The value is N/A if no recorder file is loaded.
Cancel Cancels the reloading of recorded data.
Playback is continued at the current point in time.


The button is named Start/Pause.

The display of this button in Runtime depends on whether playback is currently running or not.
 Pause:
In playback mode, with playback running
 Start:
Playback mode has not been started yet

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Play Starts playback mode.
Not visible in playback mode.
Pause Pauses playback mode.
Not visible with playback mode paused.


Clicking on the button jumps to playback of the next or previous value change. The next or previous
value change is listed in the event preview.
Control element Description
Step forward Switches to the next value change for playback.
Not active in playback mode.
Step backward Switches to the previous value change for playback.
Not active in playback mode.


Clicking on the button jumps forwards or backwards by the configured interval.

This interval step is always executed, regardless of whether these value changes are present or
not after this interval jump.
Control element Description
Interval forward Jumps forward by the configured interval during

The interval is configured in the screen switching

function (on page 23).
Not active in playback mode.
Interval backward Jumps back by the configured interval during playback.

The interval is configured in the screen switching

function (on page 23).
Not active in playback mode.


List of the next or previous value changes of the recording. The events within the current interval are

Engineering in the Editor

Playback jumps to the time of the selected event by selecting an event in the list and clicking on the
Jump to event button.

With playback active, these lists are blocked and are not updated.
List window in Runtime:
 The columns can be sorted and filtered in Runtime.
 Filtering and sorting can be saved in the filter profiles.
 The column width can be amended by holding down the right mouse button.
 Columns can be rearranged by means of drag&drop.
Control element Description
Next event Display of the next event for playback.
Previous event Display of the previous event for playback.
List of next events List of the next value changes in playback.
The display of the list is configured in the screen switch
function (on page 23).
The display of this list is empty in Runtime if the
recording file is empty.
The entries in this list are filtered for the duration of the
List of previous events List of the previous value changes of the playback.
The display of the list is configured in the screen
switching function (on page 23).
The display of this list is empty in Runtime if the
recording file is empty.
The entries in this list are filtered for the duration of the


Skips through playback to the time of an event selected in a preview list. If there are several events or no
event from a preview list is selected, the button is grayed out in Runtime.


The time list visualizes the time period of playback. Positioning in the zenon screen is possible
horizontally or vertically.

The position of playback can be moved forwards and backwards in Runtime with the mouse pointer. To
do this, move the slide control in the scroll bar with the mouse button held down. This positioning is
possible in each mode of the Process Recorder. Playback is then continued at the position of the time

Engineering in the Editor

line. To stop moving, move the mouse out to the to the display area. The slide control is then placed in
the initial position again.

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported:

Key Description
End Jumps to the end of the playback time period.
Pos1 Jumps to the start of the playback time period.
Page Down Jumps, during playback, forward to the configured time
of an interval.
Page Up Jumps, during playback, backward to the configured time
of an interval.

The start and end of a playback period can also be shown in Runtime with the system driver
variables [Process Recorder] start of playback period and [Process Recorder] end of
playback period in Runtime.

Operation in Runtime

The following is applicable for display in Runtime:

Engineering in the Editor

 If zenon Runtime is not running in Process Recorder playback mode, all screen elements of the
Process Recorder screen type are grayed out or empty.

 The lists of the event preview are updated dynamically.

 The recorded values of all loaded projects are taken into account for playback.
These values are shown compiled in the lists.
 When calling up a screen in playback mode, the recorded values are loaded from the Recorder
files into the memory and buffered. The Process Recorder module detects if a further Recorder
file needs to be loaded and loads this into the buffer in the background.
 It is thus ensured that in Runtime, jumping forwards or backwards to events or by an
interval (by means of buttons on Process Recorder screens) is possible without delay.
 However, if the loading of a Recorder file takes longer, this is visualized in Runtime by a
dialog. The updating of the values is delayed briefly as a result.
 If, during ongoing playback, the Activate/deactivate Process Recorder playback function is called
up with a new point in time, playback is paused.
 If a step is executed, a corresponding LOG entry (on page 36) is created.

4.4 zenon functions

4.4.1 Activate/deactivate project simulation

You start the project simulation with the Activate/deactivate project simulation function. In this chapter,
you get information about this function that is relevant for the Process Recorder module.

Engineering in the Editor

You can find further information on this function in the project simulation manual, in the
Activate/deactivate project simulation chapter.


Parameter Description
Process Recorder files When starting the project simulation, the pre-existing
logging files are used for the simulation.
Not active if Initialize with process image and
Runtime files is not active.
Start the Process Recorder in playback mode The project simulation starts in the playback mode of the
Process Recorder. Existing recordings can thus be
visualized in Runtime.
Only available if Process Recorder files is active.
As an alternative to this property, the Process
Recorder: activate/deactivate playback (on page
32) function can also be used at the start of playback.

: The current playback mode is also shown in the system driver variable [Process Recorder]
Recorder mode.

Engineering in the Editor



Steps to create the function:

1. Create a new function:
In the toolbar or in the context menu of the Functions node, select New function.
The dialog to select a function is opened.
2. Navigate to node Application
3. Select the Activate/deactivate project simulation function.
The dialog to set parameters for project simulation is opened.
4. Select:
a) Initialize with process image and Runtime files
b) Activate the Process Recorder files
c) Optional: To start the simulation in Runtime directly after calling up the function in playback
mode, configure the settings in the Playback tab.
5. In addition, you can configure the Options and Runtime properties.
6. Name the function in the Name property.

In simulation, the Process Recorder does not record any further data.


In the Playback tab, you configure parameters for the playback mode of the Process Recorder module.
If this dialog is shown in Runtime, only the time requirements can be amended.

The settings of this tab are optional.

Engineering in the Editor

They only make sense if a switch from live mode direct to playback is to be made.

Parameter Description
Start Process Recorder in replay mode Checkbox to select the Runtime behavior after the
function has been executed.
 Active:
Runtime starts in playback mode.
 Inactive:
Runtime is started in simulation mode.
Default: Inactive


You configure the start time of playback in Runtime in this area.

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Time filter absolute Start and end of the playback area are given manually.
Entry of the start time of playback in input fields,
separated according to start and end.
 Date: DD.MM.YYYY
Default: Date of day
 Time: hh:mm:ss
Default: 12:00:00 AM
Default: active
not active if the filter type is Time filter relative.
Time filter relative Start of playback range, relative to the start time. The
start time is configured in the Start time area.
Entry of the difference in input fields.
 Deduct time:
d hh:mm:ss.
 Add time:
d hh:mm:ss.
Default: Inactive
not active if the filter type is absolute time filter.


The options are then only available if relative time filter is activated as a filter. Otherwise the options are
grayed out. Selection of the start time from an option field.

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Manual The start time of playback for the Process Recorder
module is entered manually.
Configuration of the start time with entry into both
Default: Date of day / 00:00:00
From variable The start time of playback for the Process Recorder
module is then taken from the value of the configured
Click on button ... in order to open the dialog for selecting
The DINT data type is recommended for the linked
If the variable does not have a valid value or has the value
0, the function is not executed! A corresponding LOG
entry is created in the process.
Take over from calling screen The start time of playback in Runtime in the Process
Recorder module is taken from the calling screen.

Please note:
 The Activate/deactivate project simulation function
can be successfully called up from a zenon Alarm
Message List or Chronological Event
List screen.
 For calling up, only one entry (alarm or event) from
the list can be selected.
The incoming time can be used as a start time for
playback in the Process Recorder module.
If the function cannot be successfully started up using
Take over from calling screen, a corresponding LOG
entry is written.


Options Description
OK Applies all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

Engineering in the Editor

4.4.2 Screen switch Process Recorder

To open a Process Recorder screen in Runtime:

1. Configure a Process Recorder screen.
2. Create a function Screen switch for this screen.
3. Define the desired filter properties


A screen switching function is for calling up screens in Runtime. For screen switching to a Process
Recorder screen, you can also configure the step size of the interval as well as the graphical appearance
of the lists in the event preview.


Steps to create the function:

1. Create a new function:
In the toolbar or in the context menu of the Functions node, select New function.
The dialog to select a function is opened.
2. Navigate to node Screens
3. Select the Screen switching function
The dialog for selecting a screen is opened.
4. Select the desired screen.
If you select a screen from another project, ensure that the project is running in Runtime.
5. Confirm your selection by clicking on the OK button.
The Filter (on page 23) dialog to configure the playback settings and for the graphical
appearance of the interval and event list is opened.
6. Name the function in the Name property.

Process Recorder screen switching filter

In this dialog, you configure:

 The step size (in seconds) of an interval step

Engineering in the Editor

 The graphical appearance of the list in the event preview


Parameter Description
Interval size Entry of the interval size. Entry in seconds.
Default: 30


Configuration of the display in Runtime for event list forwards and event list backwards.

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Preview Preview of the configured display.
Configuration by means of mouse click, context
menu or the Column selection... and Column
format... buttons

Column selection... Opens the dialog for selecting the columns which should
be displayed (on page 26).
Column format… Opens the dialog for configuring the column formats (on
page 27).
Use user-defined colors for next event For the next and previous result in the event preview list
and in the interval list, text and background color can - in
contrast to configuration for the complete list - be
configured separately.
If this option is activated, only specially-configured
appearances configured are used for the next or previous
entry in the list. All other entries in the list use the
settings as configured in Column format (on page 27).
Activation by means of checkbox.
Textfarbe Color for the text display for the next event in the event
preview list. Clicking on the color opens the color palette
to select a color.
not active if Use user-defined colors for next
event is inactive.
Hintergrundfarbe Color for the background color of the next event in the
preview list.
not active if Use user-defined colors for next
event is inactive.


Configuration of the display in Runtime for previous event list and next event.

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Preview initial amendments can already be configured in
this preview by clicking the mouse or by means of the
context menu.
Column selection... Opens the dialog for selecting the columns which should
be displayed.
Column format… Opens the dialog for configuring the column display.


Option Description
OK Applies settings and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

Column selection

You configure the columns to be displayed in Runtime here.

Engineering in the Editor

Options Function
Available columns List of columns that can be displayed in the table.
Selected columns Columns that are displayed in the table.
Add -> Moves the selected column from the available ones to the
selected items. After you confirm the dialog with OK, they are
shown in the detail view.
Add all -> Moves all available columns to the selected columns.
<- Remove Removes the marked columns from the selected items and shows
them in the list of available columns. After you confirm the dialog
with OK, they are removed from the detail view.

<- Remove all All columns are removed from the list of the selected columns.

Up Moves the selected entry upward. This function is only available

for unique entries, multiple selection is not possible.

Down Moves the selected entry downward. This function is only

available for unique entries, multiple selection is not possible.


Options Description
OK Applies settings and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

Column Format

Graphical appearance of the selected columns.

Engineering in the Editor

Configuration of the properties of the columns for configurable lists. The settings have an effect on the
respective list in the Editor or - when configuring screen switching - in Runtime.

Engineering in the Editor


Options Description
Available columns List of the available columns via Column selection. The
highlighted column is configured via the options in the Settings


Option Description
Settings Settings for selected column.
Labeling Name for column title.
The column title is online language switchable. To do this, the @
character must be entered in front of the name.
Width Width of the column in characters.
Calculation: Number time average character width of the selected
Alignment Alignment. Selection by means of radio buttons.
Possible settings:
 Left: Text is justified on the left edge of the column.
 Centered: Text is displayed centered in the column.
 Right: Text is justified on the right edge of the column.
User-defined colors Properties in order to define user-defined colors for text and
background. The settings have an effect on the Editor and

 These settings are only available for configurable lists.

 In addition, the respective focus in the list can be signalized
in Runtime by means of different text and background
colors. These are configured using the project properties.
User defined colors Active: User-defined colors are used.

Text color Color for text display. Clicking on the color opens the color
palette to select a color.
Background color Color for the display of the cell background. Clicking on the color
opens the color palette to select a color.

Engineering in the Editor

Lock column filter in the Runtime  Active: The filter for this column cannot be changed in
Only available for:
 Batch Control
 Extended Trend
 Filter screens
 Message Control
 Recipe Group Manager
 Shift Management
 Context List


Options Description
OK Applies all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

Engineering in the Editor


Options Description
Available columns List of the available columns via Column selection. The
highlighted column is configured via the options in the Settings


Option Description
Settings Settings for selected column.
Labeling Name for column title.
The column title is online language switchable. To do this, the @
character must be entered in front of the name.
Width Width of the column in characters.
Calculation: Number time average character width of the selected
Alignment Alignment. Selection by means of radio buttons.
Possible settings:
 Left: Text is justified on the left edge of the column.
 Centered: Text is displayed centered in the column.
 Right: Text is justified on the right edge of the column.
User-defined colors Properties in order to define user-defined colors for text and
background. The settings have an effect on the Editor and

 These settings are only available for configurable lists.

 In addition, the respective focus in the list can be signalized
in Runtime by means of different text and background
colors. These are configured using the project properties.
User defined colors Active: User-defined colors are used.

Text color Color for text display. Clicking on the color opens the color
palette to select a color.
Background color Color for the display of the cell background. Clicking on the color
opens the color palette to select a color.

Engineering in the Editor

Lock column filter in the Runtime  Active: The filter for this column cannot be changed in
Only available for:
 Batch Control
 Extended Trend
 Filter screens
 Message Control
 Recipe Group Manager
 Shift Management
 Context List


Options Description
OK Applies all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes in all tabs and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

4.4.3 Process Recorder: Activate/deactivate playback

You start or stop the playback of recording in Runtime with the Activate/deactivate project simulation

Engineering in the Editor

Parameter Description
Simulation mode Type of simulation in zenon Runtime.
Selection of the mode from an option field:
 Process Recorder playback
Starts Runtime in playback mode of the
project simulation for the Process Recorder
 Simulation
Switches Runtime from playback mode back
to project simulation.

Default: Simulation
Playback start Start time of playback.
Entry of the point in time at which playback is started in
Selection of date and time from a combobox.
Display format: DD.MM.YYYY or HH:MM:SS
Click on the desired area to highlight this for the change.
Change the area with an entry or by clicking on the cursor
Default: Date of the call, 00:00:00
Note: Not active if simulation mode is simulation.
Show this dialog in the Runtime Checkbox to select whether this dialog is shown in
 Active:
This dialog is called up during operation in Runtime
on the current computer or in the network on the
calling client. Changes made by the user in the
existing project configurations are thus made
 Inactive:
This dialog is not shown in Runtime during
operation. The function or the command is
immediately executed with the project configuration
created in the Editor.
Default: Inactive


Options Description
OK Applies settings and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.

Process Recorder in the Runtime

Options Description
Help Opens online help.

In order to have the greatest flexibility during playback in Runtime, configure the
function with Show this dialog in Runtime activated.
Link this function to a button in a template that can be reached by the screens used in
As a result, the start time can be selected flexibly during ongoing playback.

5. Process Recorder in the Runtime

The following is applicable for the Process Recorder in zenon Runtime:
 Loading files in playback mode:
Data from the playback runs in its own thread. This allows the continuous playback of the
recorded data without time-consuming reload pauses.
 Record files:
The data recording of the Process Recorder module runs in its own thread. This allows
continuous data recording without a loss of performance.
 Display of values:
If a time range during which Runtime was not active is replayed in the playback, no values are
shown during the playback. The elements in the process screens remain empty.
 Cross-project:
Data that overlaps several projects in terms of time is compiled into a time bar and played back
after being sorted chronologically.
 Variables that have not been recorded are marked with the PR_NR status bit.
If the status bit is active, this status is shown in a yellow square in a screen element during


If Runtime is in playback mode, it continues to act as in project simulation.

 No recording of Process Recorder data.
 Files are created or read in the simulation directory (for example: batch, command sequences).

Process Recorder in the zenon network

 The AUTOEND_Simul script also works in playback mode when Runtime is closed.
 When closing Runtime, the Variable image remanent property is taken into account for each
 Archives cannot be exported.
 The import of command sequences that have been created during simulation is not carried out.
 The Shift Management module does not access the database.

No data that is created by the playback is saved during playback. This is applicable for the following
 Alarm Message List
 Historian
 Process Recorder
 HD saving

The teaching process for the Command Sequencer module is also available if Runtime
is running in Process Recorder's playback mode.

6. Process Recorder in the zenon network

The following rules are applicable for the behavior of the Process Recorder module in the network:
 Server and Standby create an initial file on startup.
 Behavior on the server:
 A new entry is saved in the file on the server in the event of a value change.
 The entry is also sent to the Standby Server.
 Behavior on the standby server:
 The standby server gets the existing Process Recorder files from the server on starting.
 After transferring the files:
The standby writes the entry received from the server to the file on the standby.
 If the file does not exist, the standby writes a corresponding LOG message.
 To design the file sync as efficiently as possible, it is ensured that the Recorder files on the
standby server have the file properties as on the server.

LOG entries

 For redundancy switching and reloading the project:

 The current recorder file is closed.
 A new Recorder file is created.

Please note:
 On the Standby Server, the values of the primary server are recorded in the Process
Recorder. It is not the values that have been received by the standby server's own driver
that are used.
 Seamless redundancy is not supported for the Process Recorder. The variables are
advised to the standby server but are not buffered. Recording is thus not guaranteed
during redundancy switching.

7. LOG entries
The Process Recorder writes the following LOG entries.

LOG entries


Entry Level Description

Unable to Create File: ERROR The new file could not be created.
[File name]
Unable to Create ERROR The target directory could not be created.
Filefolder: [Folder Possible reasons:
 Inadequate user rights
 Insufficient free storage space
 Target directory cannot be reached

Could not write to file ERROR Access to the file failed or the file has not yet
! been created.
This message can occur the first time a variable is
advised, because the required file is not yet
present and is only now created automatically.
Filehandler not ERROR Functionalities for the writing of the Process
initialized Recorder file have not been started.
This LOG entry can only be made on starting.


Entry Level Description

Send Data: Debug LOG entry on the server.
StartFile Sends a message to the standby that new file
name:<filename> <filename> with the size <size> and time
size:<filesize> <time> has been written.
Receive Data: Debug LOG entry on the standby.
StartFile Received message that new file <filename>
name:<filename> with size <size> and time <time> has been
size:<filesize> written on the server.
Unable to start new file ERROR LOG entry on the standby.
correctly: <filename>
New file <filename> could not be created.
Data is missing. File is ERROR LOG entry on the standby.
smaller in size on
SB<filename> In the event of a value change if the file
<filename> is too small. This is the case if the
file on the server has more entries than on the
Receive Data: DEBUG LOG entry on the standby.

LOG entries

ValueChange Notification from the server that new value

file:<filename> changes have been recorded on the server.
startPos: :<start>
modifyTime:<time> Value changes from the server to write to the file
length:<length> <filename> from position <start> with time
stamp <time> received. Dump has a length of
Send Data: DEBUG LOG entry on the server.
ValueChange Send value changes to the standby server to write
file:<filename> to the <filename> file from <start> position
startPos: :<start> with time stamp <time>. Dump has a length of
modifyTime:<time> <length>
Unable to write value ERROR LOG entry on the standby.
changes to file:
<filename> Value changes could not be written to the file
Unable to set modify time ERROR LOG entry on the standby.
correctly: <filename>
Value changes could be written but the time
stamp of the <filename> file could not be
This is the case if the time stamp of the file is
different to the to the time stamp of the file from
the server. The file is synchronized during the next
file sync.


Entry Level Description

Reload PR with process DEBUG Reloading in the event of a change of the
recorder now enabled / activation of the Process Recorder:
 No change to the variable property.
 Process Recorder has been activated or
Reload <n> DEBUG Reloading of the configuration for Process
variables with Recorder:
process recorder enabled
The variable administration (with <n> new or
amended values) was reloaded.
The Process Recorder is now also used for this
Runtime switch to DEBUG Runtime switches from playback mode to
Simulationmode simulation mode.
Runtime switch to DEBUG Runtime switches from simulation mode to

LOG entries

Playbackmode playback mode.

RT started in playback DEBUG Runtime was started in playback mode.
RT started in simulation DEBUG Runtime was started in simulation mode.
Start time for playback ERROR No valid value or no variable for execution of the
from Abs: | Rel: %source% function found.
is invalid source:
 User input
 Variable name (with start time from
 Screen name (with start time from calling


Entry Level Description

No file loaded DEBUG When playback was started, no file that contains
recorded data for the selected time point could be
Load file for replay DEBUG Notification of success on starting playback: The
<filename> file <filename> was loaded and contains valid
recording data for the selected time point.
No replay buffer filled DEBUG No values were found in the file.
Filled buffer for repla DEBUG Values for variables were found in the file.
y with <count> variable
s and <number> entries  <count>:
Number of variables with entries
 <number>:
Number of value changes

Intervallstep forward DEBUG Successful jump forwards by an interval step

during playback.

LOG entries

Intervallstep back DEBUG Successful jump backwards by an interval step

during playback.
Cancel action DEBUG Successful cancellation of a jump command
singlestep forward DEBUG Successful switch to the next value change.
singlestep back DEBUG Successful switch to the previous value change.
playback status change DEBUG Playback was started or paused:
 started
 paused
replay timer waiting n DEEPDEBUG Search for value changes during playback.
n ms
Unload File: <filename> DEBUG The file <filename> is removed from the
memory in playback mode.


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