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Padolina • Padua

Crisostomo • Alumaga

Physical Science
Teacher’s Manual

Copyright © 2016 by Vibal Group, Inc. and Alicia L. Padua, Ma. Cristina D.
Padolina, Ricardo M. Crisosotomo, and Marie Jessica B. Alumaga.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means – electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in
writing from the publisher and authors.

Published and printed by Vibal Group Inc. with main office at 1253 Gregorio
Araneta Avenue, Quezon City.

Regional Offices: 0290 Nivel Hills, Lahug, Cebu City and Kalamansi St. cor. 1st
Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City


his book on Physical Science is for students whose intellectual and emotional
predilections lead them towards careers other than science and technology.
It attempts to instill among them an appreciation of how ideas about natural
phenomena are developed into theories, laws and principles that allow us to understand
the physical world and appreciate how resources and benefits may be derived from it.
One of the most interesting developments in science is how our ideas have developed
about the nature of matter, what it is made of, and the many changes different substances
and materials undergo. The ideas developed from mere speculations to theories and
models. How models of the atom, the basic constituent of all matter, underwent many
changes is a good example of how theories arise from observed phenomena and how
they are modified or totally discarded in the light of new empirical data.
The study of matter in this book goes on to a discussion of how the structure of matter
or how the atoms are connected to each other gives rise to differences in the properties
of different substances and materials. The study of the relationship of structure and
properties of matter is crucial to the development of products and materials used in
daily living.
Other natural phenomena such as the motion of objects in the firmament and of
objects on earth are also discussed in this book following a historical development of
ideas about motion on earth and in the universe. The theories about light and electricity
are used to explain observations on their behavior.
The book starts with ideas and theories about the smallest constituent of matter and
ends with a discussion about the vast universe. It is the hope that interest is generated
among students about their physical surroundings and how scientists arrived at present
day concepts and theories. Their understanding is expected to redound to a positive
view of the contribution of science and scientists to the advancement of humanity and

The Authors


Chapter 5 Rate of Chemical Reactions

Chapter Overview
This chapter consists of lessons that will help the students explain how reactions take place, and how much reactants
are needed and how much products are formed in a chemical reaction.

Content Standard
CHAPTER OPENER The learners demonstrate an understanding of the following aspects of chemical changes:
1. How fast a reaction takes place; and
2. How much reactants are needed and how much products are formed in a reaction.
Serves as an overview of the lessons Lesson 9: How do reactions take place?
contained in each chapter to be dis- Suggested Teaching Tips
1. Discuss the different conditions that must be satisfied for a reaction to occur (use the collision theory).

cussed by the teacher. Together with 2. Ask the students to give illustration or analogy that would describe activation energy. They can use video or
comic strip.
3. Show the parts of a typical energy diagram. Compare the energy diagrams of endothermic and exothermic reac-
the Content Standard, it also provides tions.
4. Let the students do inquiry lab on the factors affecting the rate of reaction. Check the materials and methods of
the students before they do the activity. Or, they can perform Exercise 82 (Factors affecting chemical reaction
the expected output or understanding rate) pp. 178-180 of Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Chemistry (101 Exercises to Choose from) Vibal Pub-
lishing House, Inc.

from the students. Answer to Quick Check (p. 60)

The factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions are concentration of the reactants, particle size of the reactants,
temperature, and the presence of catalyst.

Lesson 10: How much reactants are needed and how much products are
formed in a chemical reaction?

LESSON OPENER Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Review how to write and balance chemical equations using inspection. Emphasize the law of conservation of
Contains the objectives for each lesson 2. Briefly describe the different types of inorganic reactions. Provide laboratory work that could illustrate the differ-
ent types of chemical reactions.
Show sample problems involving determination of amounts (in grams, mole, and number of particles) of
and provides a guide to the teacher for products from the given amounts (in grams, mole, and number of particles) of reactant, and vice versa. Discuss
similar problems that are found on pp 61-64 of the textbook. Then, let the students do the practice math on page 64.
3. Show sample problems involving limiting reactant and percent yield. Refer to the solved problems on pp 68-71.
the discussions through the Suggested Ask the students to answer the practice math problems on pp 67 & 71.
4. Relate the lesson to environmental occurrences by asking the students to give at least five chemical reactions that

Teaching Tips. It also has answers to the occur in the environment. Write each of the chemical reactions in a balanced chemical equation. Then, let the
students identify the reactions that harm the environment and propose measures on how to prevent or lessen the
harmful effects.
questions for Quick Check.


Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p 53 of the textbook.

Performance (A & B)
Answers of the students may vary. You can use pp. 48-52 as reference.

CriTeriA PerformAnCe LeveL of PerformAnCe SCore

ASSESSMENT TASKS a. correctness in giving the

materials used to produce
the mentioned consumer
Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4


Provides the answers and rubrics for b. completeness in giving the

materials used to produce Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
the mentioned products

evaluating the students’ understand- c. correctness in giving the

properties of the materials
that made them appropriate Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
for the given consumer
ing of each chapter through Essays, d.
use of grammatically correct
Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1
and concise statements

Performance activities and Reviews. Essay

The answers of students may vary.
This rubric can help you grade your students’ responses to this part.

CriTeriA PerformAnCe LeveL of PerformAnCe SCore

a. Ability to give the risks of
Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
using Kevlar
b. Ability to provide
explanation on the use of
Kevlar against the hazards Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
that it will give to the
c. Use of grammatically Demonstrates only one of the Criteria
Needs improvement 1
correct statementsr or incomplete responses to the criteria

Answers to Review (p. 54)

A. 1. b
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. c

B. 1. The DNA will not form a helical structure and may not perform its function.
2. The difference in the boiling points of CH4, methane, H2S, hydrogen sulfide, and H2O, water, is due to the
kind of intermolecular forces found in them. Water with the highest boiling point has London dispersion
forces, dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bond. Hydrogen sulfide with a higher boiling point than
methane has London dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interaction. Methane with the lowest boiling point
has only London dispersion forces between molecules.

Chapter 1
The Atom: From Idea to Theory.........................................................................................................4
Lesson 1 How did the concept of an atom evolve?.......................................................................4
Lesson 2 What is the structure of atoms?..........................................................................................4
Chapter 2
Origin of the Elements........................................................................................................................8
Lesson 3 What is the origin of the elements found on earth?........................................................8
Lesson 4 How were elements discovered?.......................................................................................8
Chapter 3
Molecular Covalent Substances.................................................................................................. 11
Lesson 5 How are the the properties of molecular covalent substances
explained by their structure?............................................................................................. 11
Lesson 6 What are the shapes of molecules?...................................................................................12
Chapter 4
Intermolecular Forces....................................................................................................................15
Lesson 7 How do intermolecular forces affect the properties of
molecular covalent substances?.....................................................................................15
Lesson 8 How do structures of synthetic polymers relate to their properties and uses?..........15
Chapter 5
Rate of Chemical Reactions............................................................................................................17
Lesson 9 How do reactions take place?.........................................................................................17
Lesson 10 How much reactants are needed and how much products are formed in a
chemical reaction?............................................................................................................17
Chapter 6
Energy Change during Chemical Reactions............................................................................21
Lesson 11 What energy changes accompany chemical reactions?..........................................21
Lesson 12 How is energy harnessed from various sources?............................................................21
Chapter 7
Cleaning Materials............................................................................................................................24
Lesson 13 What are the ingredients of some cleaning materials?...............................................24
Chapter 8
Personal Care Products..................................................................................................................27
Lesson 14 What are the ingredients of personal care products?..................................................27

Chapter 1
Models of the Universe.....................................................................................................................28
Lesson 1 What is the Greek’s view of motion and the universe?.................................................28
Lesson 2 How do the models of the universe differ from each other?.......................................29
Lesson 3 How do the planets move according to Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion?..........29
Chapter 2
Universal Laws of Physics...............................................................................................................31
Lesson 4 How do objects move?......................................................................................................31
Lesson 5 How do Newton’s Laws of Motion explain the motion of an object?.........................33
Lesson 6 What is Newton’s Laws of Universal Gravitation?...........................................................34
Lesson 7 How are momentum and energy conserved?..............................................................34
Chapter 3
Light as Wave and Particle..............................................................................................................36
Lesson 8 How does light behave?....................................................................................................36
Lesson 9 How is light generated?.....................................................................................................37
Chapter 4
Relativity and Beyond.......................................................................................................................39
Lesson 10 What are the Theories of Relativity and their consequences?....................................39
Lesson 11 What is the idea behind the expanding universe?.......................................................39


Chapter 1 The Atom: from Idea to Theory
Chapter Overview
In this chapter we will find out the story of how the concepts of an atom and of an element evolved from idea to theory
to the recognition that atoms are real and can be observed and the discovery and isolation of element. The story is a
very good example of how a hypothesis, which is usually a good guess about a concept, may be discarded or revised
until a theory is established through numerous empirical testing of the hypothesis.

Lesson 1: How did the concept of an atom evolve?

1.1 Ideas about the atom during ancient times
1.2 Explorations about elements
1.3 Blending the two concepts: atoms and elements

Quick Check
What two aspects about the atom as we know it today are different from Dalton’s postulates on the atom as the build-
ing block of matter?

1. All matter is composed of atoms that are indestructible. Dalton thought, like the ancient Greeks, that an atom
has no parts. We now know that atoms consist of smaller particles – protons, neutrons and electrons. In fact,
protons and neutrons have been shown to consist of elementary particles called quarks.
2. The atoms of a given element are identical. Further explorations on the structure of atoms have revealed that the
atoms of a given element may differ in mass. Atoms of an element that differ in mass are called isotopes.

Lesson 2: What is the structure of atoms?

2.1 Probing the atom
2.2 Present model of the atom

Quick Check
Of the three particles, proton, electron, and neutron, which two have about the same mass? Which one has the small-
est mass? Which one is not charged?

The proton and the neutron have about the same mass. The electron has a very small mass compared to the proton
and the neutron – approximately 1/1836 that of either the proton or neutron.

Draw an atom as presented by each of the following models: (a) Thomson’s model; (b) Dalton’s model; and (c) Ru-
therford’s model.

electrons charged matter

Dalton’s Model Thomson’s Model Rutherford’s Model

Quick Check
Silver has an atomic number of 47. How many protons are there in a silver atom? How many electrons in a neutral
silver atom? What is the charge of the nucleus of a silver atom?

The answer to all three questions is 47, although in referring to the charge of the nucleus, the correct answer should
include the sign of the charge, thus +47.

Assessment Task

Nuclear medicine uses radiation to obtain information about the functioning of a specific organ of a person or to
treat a diseased organ or tumor. Describe how the following isotopes are used in nuclear medicine: Technicium-99
and Iodine-131.

In answering this question the students should point out the different uses in medicine of the isotopes as well as the
properties of the isotopes that make them medically useful. Students may also discuss precautions in their use.
For example, one of the uses of Technecium-99 is the imaging of bone and heart muscle. One of the isotope’s
properties that allows it to be used in medicine is its half-life of six hours which is long enough to examine metabolic
processes yet short enough to minimize the radiation exposure of the patient. Other examples of the uses of Techneci-
um-99 may be mentioned by students. There are also other properties of the isotopes that makes it useful in medicine.
Iodine-131 is used as a treatment for an overactive thyroid, a condition called hyperthyroidism. It is also used to
treat thyroid cancer. When a small dose of radioactive iodine I-131 is swallowed, it is absorbed into the bloodstream
and concentrated in the thyroid gland, where it begins destroying the gland’s cells. Due to the exposure to I-131 of pa-
tients receiving therapeutic doses, there is a need for some level of isolation following therapy to minimize the risk to
other individuals. Most of the radioactive iodine is eliminated from the body after 3-5 days following administration.

Democritus proposed the idea of the atom. Dalton proposed the atomic theory. Discuss the difference between an
idea and a theory.

An idea, in this case, is something that was arrived at after some considerable thought. Sometimes an idea may be
based on experience, preliminary observations and logic. A theory, a scientific theory on the other hand is an expla-
nation about a phenomenon that is supported by multiple lines of evidence.

A. Choose the correct answer.
1. What did Rutherford and his coworkers conclude from their metal foil experiments
A. The electron is present in all matter.
B. The atom is indestructible.
C. The atom contains a very small, very dense, positive central region.
D. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons.

2. Whose idea or model of the atom described an atom that has parts?
A. Democritus
B. Aristotle
C. John Dalton
D. John Thomson

3. The atomic number of chlorine is seventeen. Which of the following is correct?

A. One of the isotopes of chlorine has the symbol Cl-17.
B. All atoms of chlorine have a nuclear charge of +17.
C. All atoms of chlorine have 17 neutrons.
D. All atoms of chlorine have 17 protons, 17 neutrons and 17 electrons.

4. Cobalt-60 is used in medical radiotherapy. A neutral atom of this isotope has 27 protons, 27 electrons and 33
neutrons. What is the mass number of this isotope?
A. 60
B. 27
C. 43
D. 54

5. Which of the following statement about atoms and elements is correct?

A. All atoms of an element are identical.
B. An atom can be identified as that of a specific element by the number of protons in its nucleus.
C. All atoms of a given element have the same number of nucleons
D. In a chemical reaction, changes occur in the nuclei of the atoms.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What observations led Rutherford and his coworkers to the conclusion that the atom has a massive and pos-
itively charged part.

The popular model of atomic structure at the time of Rutherford’s experiment was the plum pudding or raisin bread
model where the atom was a sphere of positive charge where the electrons are embedded like raisins in a raisin bread. In
this model, the alpha particles in Rutherford’s experiment would all just fly straight through the atom, with a very slight
deflection in their path. What Rutherford and his co-workers observed, however, was that although most of the alpha
particles went through with slight deflection, a small fraction were deflected by more than 90⁰ and occasionally, one
came right back. The observation that most of the alpha particles went through with very slight deflection suggested that
most of the atom were empty space. The very few number that came right back indicated that the collision takes place
very rarely and further suggested that the particle they collided with was very, very small. The observation that these very

small number of alpha particles came almost straight back to the source suggested that they collided with a particle that,
like the alpha particle is positively charged, resulting in a strong repulsion that strongly deflected these alpha particles.
Thus Rutherford concluded that the atom is mostly empty space with its most of its mass in a very tiny particle that is
positively charged. Rutherford named this particle nucleus from the Latin of kernel or inner part

2. Hydrogen has three isotopes that may be schematically drawn as shown below:
Three Isotopes of Hydrogen

e e e
p p n p n

Complete the following table for these isotopes:

z No. of Nuclear No. of elec- No. of neu- A Symbol
protons charge trons trons
of 1 1 +1 1 0 1 1

Hydrogen 1 1 +1 1 1 2 2
1 1 +1 1 1 3 3

Chapter 2 Origin of the Elements

Chapter Overview
This chapter entails not just the origin of the lighter elements, after the Big Bang, but also the formation of the heav-
ier elements. It will fascinate the students with the story of how the elements were formed. The people behind these
discoveries will also be dealt with.

Lesson 3. What is the origin of the elements found on earth?

3.1 Formation of the elements minutes after the Big Bang
3.2 Formation of heavier elements in stars
3.3 Formation of elements heavier than iron

Quick Check
1. What is it in the atoms of one element that must be changed so that the element is changed to another element?

The atomic number which is the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom is what distinguishes the atoms of one
element from those of other elements. If the number of protons is changed, the identity of the element is changed.

Lesson 4: How were elements discovered?

4.1 The 17th and 18th centuries
4.2 The 19th century to the present

Assessment Task

Take note of the atomic numbers of uranium, neptunium and plutonium. Uranium was named after the planet Ura-
nus. What do you think was the reason for the names of the elements neptunium and plutonium?

The atomic numbers of uranium, neptunium and plutonium are 92, 93, and 94, respectively. Uranium was named
after the planet Uranus which had been discovered eight years earlier in 1781. Later, in 1846, the planet Neptune was
discovered and when the element with the next higher atomic number to Uranium was discovered, that element was
named Neptunium. In 1930, the planet Pluto was discovered. Following the lead, Glenn Seaborg and his coworkers,
when they discovered the element with the next higher atomic number, named it Plutonium.

The poem Desiderata contains the verses, “You are a child of the universe; no less than the trees and stars.” Discuss
the scientific basis of these verses.

In the essay, the student should defend the contention that we may be considered as “children” of the universe, that
the universe “gave birth” to us. Why are we considered to have our origins from the universe? The answer lies in the
origin of the atoms that make up our body? Where did these atoms come from? Is the origin of these atoms that make
up our body similar to the origin of the atoms in trees and the stars?

A. Choose the correct answer.
1. Who is recorded in history as the first person who had the idea that atoms that make up all matter are indi-
A. Aristotle
B. Democritus
C. Empedocles
D. Lavousier

2. Robert Boyle challenged the Ancient Greeks’ idea about the four elements by saying that:
A. there are more than four elements.
B. the basic elements are actually salt, sulfur and mercury.
C. elements are the simplest substances which do not combine with each other.
D. elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances

3. Which of the following statements correctly describe Dalton’s contribution to the theory about atoms and
A. All substances are made up of the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, in various proportions
B. An element is made up of atoms with the same nuclei
C. All atoms of an element are the same
D. In chemical reactions, atoms are destroyed to form atoms of other elements.

4. Which of the following contributed to the discovery of more elements in the 19th century:
A. The idea of alchemists that base metals can be converted to gold.
B. The knowledge that the unique characteristic of the atoms of an element is their atomic number
C. The development of laboratory techniques for separating and analyzing subtances.
D. The discovery of isotopes

5. Primordial nucleosynthesis, stellar nucleosynthesis, supernovae nucleosynthesis and nucleosynthesis in the

laboratory all involve the following:
A. the production of nuclei with different number of protons
B. the production of isotopes of the elements
C. the production of whole atoms complete with nuclei and electrons
D. all of the above

B. Answer the following questions:

1. The atomic theory of Dalton proposed by Dalton was very important and most of its postulates were correct.
Which two postulates were later found out to be incorrect and what are currently held to be correct about these.
2. What was the critical knowledge that guided scientists in the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory?

1. All matter is composed of atoms that are indestructible. Dalton thought, like the ancient Greeks, that an
atom has no parts. We now know that atoms consist of smaller particles – protons, neutrons and electrons.
In fact, protons and neutrons have been shown to consist of elementary particles called quarks.
2. The atoms of a given element are identical. Further explorations on the structure of atoms have revealed that
the atoms of a given element may differ in mass. Atoms of an element that differ in mass are called isotopes.
These isotopes differ in mass because they have different number of neutrons.

The critical knowledge that guided the scientists in their synthesis of new elements is that each element has a unique
atomic number which is the number of protons in all atoms of the element. They knew that if they wanted to syn-
thesize a new element that element has an atomic number that is different from the atomic number of any existing
element. The atoms of any new element has to have a different number of protons in their nuclei from that of any
other existing element.

Chapter 3 Molecular Covalent Substances

Chapter Overview
This chapter consists of lessons that will describe how the properties of molecular covalent substances are explained
by their structure. The students will learn how to determine the shapes of some molecules and identify whether a
molecule is polar or not.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and

Lesson 5: How are the properties of molecular covalent substances

explained by their structure?
Suggested Teaching Tips
1. Briefly review the different types of chemical bonds. Ask the students to give the description of each chemical
bond and let them enumerate examples of substances formed from each type of chemical bond.
2. Let the students prepare a poster or brochure showing the information (properties, production, importance,
hazards of producing/using the substance, effects on the environment, etc.) about the individual molecules found
on page 25 of the textbook. The posters or brochures will provide information for the other members of the
school especially if they are posted in bulletin boards.
3. Conduct experiments on the properties of molecular substances like solubility, melting point and poor electrical

Answer to Quick Check (p. 26)

Bond breaking of ammonia (NH3) molecules to produce nitrogen molecules (N2) and hydrogen molecules (H2).

Figure 5.1 A comparison of

breaking of (a) covalent bond
and (b) intermolecular forces of
(a) (b)
carbon dioxide molecules

Breaking of ammonia (NH3) intermolecular forces


Lesson 6: What are the shapes of molecules?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Review the Lewis electron dot structure. Enumerate the steps involved in writing the Lewis structures of covalent
2. Provide examples and include the exceptions to the octet rule.
3. Assign students to research on the various concepts that would explain the shapes of the molecules like Valence
Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory, valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory.
4. Visit a manufacturing plant such as cement, ceramic, dry ice, and table sugar factories.
5. Make an exhibit of the various molecular models prepared by the students.
6. Before the students will perform the Apply It on page 32, the teacher should try the activity so that he/she can
decide what kind of balloon should be used (preferably small and elongated).
7. Conduct experiment that will show how polarity of molecules affects the solubility of substances. This can be an
inquiry lab where the students propose the materials and the procedure of the activity. The teacher must check
the methods and the substances that the students will be using to prevent accidents and exposure to toxic sub-
stances. The teacher should emphasize safety inside the laboratory.

Answer to Quick Check (p. 32)

a. TeF4 – seesaw
b. CH3Cl – tetrahedral
c. HCN – linear
d. XeCl2 – bent

Answer to Apply It (p. 32)

The drawing of the students should show the following structures:

Number of twisted balloons Resulting structure

2 linear

3 trigonal planar

4 tetrahedral

5 trigonal bipyramidal

6 octahedral

Suggestion when checking the students’ output: one point each for the correct drawing and structure (Scores can be
multiplied with any number to get a total score higher than 10 points.)

Answers to Questions
1. The balloon models that are planar are the ones that has two and three twisted balloons. The models with four
to six twisted balloons are not planar.
2. There are changes in the size of the angles formed when additional balloons are attached to the two-balloon
structure. The angles formed can be predicted or estimated.

3. Table 6.1 Shapes and bond angles

Number of electron pairs Shape formed by the electron pairs Bond angle
2 linear 180 o
3 trigonal planar 120 o
4 tetrahedral 109.5o
5 trigonal bipyramidal 90 o, 120 o180 o
6 octahedral 90 o, 180 o

Answer to Quick Thinking (p. 34)

1. The element with the highest electronegativity value is fluorine.
2. Group 17 of the periodic table has the atoms with the highest electronegativity values.

Answer to Quick Check (p. 35)

Electronegativity difference Kind of bond
a. Ca and O 2.5 ionic
b. C and O 1.0 polar covalent
c. C and Cl 0.5 polar covalent
d. Xe and F 1.4 polar covalent
e. Si and H 0.3 nonpolar covalent

Answer to Quick Thinking (p. 36)

Water, H2O, and ammonia, NH3 are both polar molecules because of the following reasons:
1. The O-H bonds in water and the N-H bonds in ammonia are polar.
2. Water is a bent molecule with two lone pairs while ammonia is pyramidal and with a lone pair. The lone pairs
and the shapes of water and ammonia makes the distribution of polar bonds asymmetrical.

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p 37 of the textbook.

Performance (Making molecular models)

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score
a. correct number of atoms,
color coded and represent Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
relevant sizes of actual atoms
b. correct angles of the
Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
connected atoms
c. durable (The model does not
easily break or the parts are Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
not easily disconnected.)
d. informative (with description) Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

Both CH4 and CH3OH are tetrahedral molecules. CH4 is nonpolar because all the four C-H bonds are nonpolar. On
the other hand, CH3OH is polar because the molecule contains three nonpolar C-H bonds and one polar C-O bond.

This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. correctness in giving the Demonstrates all 3 criteria
Excellent 3
similarity of CH4 and CH3OH
b. correctness in giving the Demonstrates 2 of the criteria
Satisfactory 2
reason why CH4 is nonpolar
c. correctness in giving the Demonstrates only one of the criteria
Needs improvement 1
reason why CH3OH is polar or incomplete responses to the criteria

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Answers to Review (p. 37)

A. 1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. a

B. 1. NH3 is polar while BCl3 is nonpolar because NH3 is pyramidal with a lone pair whereas BCl3 is trigonal
planar and has no lone pair.
2. The possible molecular shapes of a hypothetical molecule, AB3, are

trigonal pyramidal T-shaped trigonal planar

Trigonal planar is not the correct shape for the hypothetical molecule, AB3, because the mentioned molecule is polar.
In a trigonal planar molecule the bonds are symmetrically arranged around the central atom which makes the mol-
ecule nonpolar.

Chapter 4 Intermolecular Forces

Chapter Overview
This chapter consists of lessons that will describe the different intermolecular forces and how they affect the properties
of molecular covalent substances and will describe the structure and properties of polymer solids.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of :
1. How the uses of different materials are related to their properties and structures; and
2. The relationship between the function and structure of biological macromolecules.

Lesson 7: How do intermolecular forces affect the properties of molecular

covalent substances?
Suggested Teaching Tips
Ask students to prepare a table showing the differences between interatomic forces and intermolecular forces.
Let the students do Exercise 56 (Surface tension of liquids) on pages 128-130 and Exercise 57 (Evaporation of
liquids) on page 131 of Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Chemistry (101 Exercises to Choose from) Vibal Pub-
lishing House, Inc.
Enumerate the special properties of water and discuss the importance of these properties in the environment. Em-
phasize the importance of hydrogen bond to these properties.
Aside from DNA and keratin, the students can research on the structure of other biological molecules. Give em-
phasis on the role of intermolecular forces (hydrogen bond) to their structures and functions. Ask them to share the
output to the class using poster or multimedia presentation.

Answer to Quick Thinking (p. 40)

The indicators of strength of intermolecular forces are volatility, surface tension, and viscosity.

Answer to Quick Check (p. 43)

The intermolecular forces found in the given substances are
a. CH3CH2OH (l), ethanol – London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bond
b. CH4 (g), methane – London dispersion forces
c. Ne (g), neon – London dispersion forces
d. NH3 (l), ammonia – London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bond
e. I2 (s), iodine – London dispersion forces

Lesson 8: How do structures of synthetic polymers relate to their

properties and uses

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Let the students enumerate the different polymers that they use or have encountered. Ask them to write the poly-
mers and the smallest unit of each polymer. The students can refer to various print materials and websites for the
needed information. They can make a class table where they will list the polymers.
2. From the table that the class has prepared, classify whether the listed polymer is natural or synthetic.
3. Based on the classification of the polymers, let the students differentiate natural polymers from synthetic polymers.

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p 53 of the textbook.

Performance (A & B)
Answers of the students may vary. You can use pp. 48-52 as reference.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. correctness in giving the
materials used to produce
Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
the mentioned consumer
b. completeness in giving the
materials used to produce Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
the mentioned products
c. correctness in giving the
properties of the materials
that made them appropriate Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
for the given consumer
d. use of grammatically correct
Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1
and concise statements

The answers of students may vary.
This rubric can help you grade your students’ responses to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. Ability to give the risks of
Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
using Kevlar
b. Ability to provide
explanation on the use of
Kevlar against the hazards Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
that it will give to the
c. Use of grammatically Demonstrates only one of the Criteria
Needs improvement 1
correct statementsr or incomplete responses to the criteria

Answers to Review (p. 54)

A. 1. b
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. c

B. 1. The DNA will not form a helical structure and may not perform its function.
2. The difference in the boiling points of CH4, methane, H2S, hydrogen sulfide, and H2O, water, is due to the
kind of intermolecular forces found in them. Water with the highest boiling point has London dispersion
forces, dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bond. Hydrogen sulfide with a higher boiling point than
methane has London dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interaction. Methane with the lowest boiling point
has only London dispersion forces between molecules.

Chapter 5 Rate of Chemical Reactions

Chapter Overview
This chapter consists of lessons that will help the students explain how reactions take place, and how much reactants
are needed and how much products are formed in a chemical reaction.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the following aspects of chemical changes:
1. How fast a reaction takes place; and
2. How much reactants are needed and how much products are formed in a reaction.

Lesson 9: How do reactions take place?

Suggested Teaching Tips
1. Discuss the different conditions that must be satisfied for a reaction to occur (use the collision theory).
2. Ask the students to give illustration or analogy that would describe activation energy. They can use video or
comic strip.
3. Show the parts of a typical energy diagram. Compare the energy diagrams of endothermic and exothermic reac-
4. Let the students do inquiry lab on the factors affecting the rate of reaction. Check the materials and methods of
the students before they do the activity. Or, they can perform Exercise 82 (Factors affecting chemical reaction
rate) pp. 178-180 of Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Chemistry (101 Exercises to Choose from) Vibal Pub-
lishing House, Inc.

Answer to Quick Check (p. 60)

The factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions are concentration of the reactants, particle size of the reactants,
temperature, and the presence of catalyst.

Lesson 10: How much reactants are needed and how much products are
formed in a chemical reaction?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Review how to write and balance chemical equations using inspection. Emphasize the law of conservation of
2. Briefly describe the different types of inorganic reactions. Provide laboratory work that could illustrate the differ-
ent types of chemical reactions.
Show sample problems involving determination of amounts (in grams, mole, and number of particles) of
products from the given amounts (in grams, mole, and number of particles) of reactant, and vice versa. Discuss
similar problems that are found on pp 61-64 of the textbook. Then, let the students do the practice math on page 64.
3. Show sample problems involving limiting reactant and percent yield. Refer to the solved problems on pp 68-71.
Ask the students to answer the practice math problems on pp 67 & 71.
4. Relate the lesson to environmental occurrences by asking the students to give at least five chemical reactions that
occur in the environment. Write each of the chemical reactions in a balanced chemical equation. Then, let the
students identify the reactions that harm the environment and propose measures on how to prevent or lessen the
harmful effects.

Answers to Practice Math 1: (p. 64)

1mol O 2 2molFe2 O3 2
a. 32.0g O2 × × = molor 0.667molFe2 O3
32.0 g O 2 3 mol O 2 3
1mol Fe 32.0g O2
b. 11.2g Fe × × = 4.82g O2
55.8 g Fe 1mol O 2

4mol Fe 3mol O2
c. 17.0 mol Fe 2O3 × × = 34.0mol Fe
2 mol Fe 2O3 4 mol Fe

Answers to Practice Math 2: (p. 67)

Check which of C3H8 and O2 gave the smaller amount of CO2

1mol C3 H8 3mol CO2

10.00 g C3 H8 × × = 0.6818mol CO2
44.0 g C3 H8 1mol C 3H8

1mol O 2 3molCO2
10.00 g O 2 × × = 0.1875 mol CO2
32.0 g O 2 5 mol O 2

1. O2 is the limiting reactant.

2. 0.1875 mole CO2
3. 7.25 g of C3H8 did not react (The solution is written below.)

Amount of C3H8 reacted:

1mol O 2 1mol C3 H8 44.0g C3H8

10.00gO2 × × × = 2.750g C3H8
32.0 g O 2 5 mol O2 1mol C3 H8

Amount of C3H8 that did not react = Amount of C3H8 given - Amount of C3H8 reacted = 10.00 g – 2.750 g = 7.50g

Answers to Activity: The Limiting Part (p. 67)

1. a. Ch + 4T + By + 2Bp → toy racing car
b. 4T:1Ch
c. 4T:1By
d. 4T:2Bp
2. a. 30 toy racing cars
b. T or tires
c. Ch or chasis, By or body, and Bp or bumper
d. 10 Ch, 90 By, and 60 Bp
3. The T, tires, is the limiting part and from the given amount of T only 30 toy cars can be produced. Using ratio and
proportion, 4T = 120T = toy racing car, the toy cars will only use 30 Ch.
1Ch X

Answers to Practice Math 3: (p. 71)

Step 1 Determine the theoretical yield

1000g 1mole Cl2 1mol NaOCl 74.4g NaOCl 1kg

0.250kg Cl2 × × × × × = 0.262kg NaOCl
1k 70.9g 1mol Cl2 1mol NaOCl 1000g

Step 2 Calculate the percent yield

actual yield 0.250kg

Percent yeild = × 100 = × 100 = 95.4%
theoretical yeild 0.262kg

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p. 72 of the textbook.

Performance (Making a poster, a flyer or a brochure)

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score
a. richness and accuracy of
Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
information (with references)
b. adequacy of data (includes
uses, properties, mode of Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
action, and precautions)
c. clarity of message Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
d. creativity and novelty Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

Dried leaves will burn faster in an environment with pure oxygen than in air. Greater concentration of oxygen allows
more collision of reacting substances and will have greater chance of achieving effective collision.
This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. correctness in stating that
dried leaves will burn faster Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
in pure oxygen than in air
b. correctness in mentioning
that greater oxygen
concentration results in Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
more collision of reacting
c. correctness in stating
that greater oxygen
Demonstrates only one of the Criteria
concentration leads to Needs improvement 1
or incomplete responses to the criteria
more effective collision of
reacting particles

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Answers to Review (p. 72)

A. 1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. c

B. 1. No, the amount needed to remove 40.0 g CaCO3 is 48.0 g acetic acid.
Consider the solution.

1mole CaCO 3 2 moles CH3 COOH 60g CH3COOH

40.0 g CaCO 3 × × × = 48.0g CH3COOH
100 g CaCO3 1mole CaCO3 1mole CH3 COOH

2. The mass of C7H6O3 needed is 3.52 g.

The solution is

actual yield × 100 3.45g × 100

Theoretical yield = = = 3.8764g C8H8O3
percent yield 89.0

1mole C8H8 O3 1mole C7H6 O3 138g C7H6 O 3

3.8764 g C8H8O 3 × × × 3.5194g C7H6 O 3 3.52g C7H6 O 3
152 g C8H8 O3 1mole C8H8 O3 1mole C7H6 O 3

Chapter 6 Energy Change during Chemical Reactions

Thermodynamics is the study of energy, its different forms and patterns of change. This area of study began when
relationships among heat, work and the energy content of fuels were studied in an effort to maximize the performance
of steam engines. This chapter consists of lessons that describe the energy changes during chemical reactions.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of :
1. How much energy is involved in a reaction; and
2. How energy is harnessed.

Lesson 11: What energy changes accompany chemical reactions?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Enumerate situations where thermochemistry is applied.
2. Introduce the commonly used units of energy. Refer to p. 76 of the textbook. Cite examples and illustrations that
would show the transformations of different forms of energy.
3. Remember the important points to consider when writing thermochemical equations.
4. Do Exercise 85 (Enthalpy change of an acid-base reaction) pp. 185-186 of Laboratory Manual and Workbook in
Chemistry (101 Exercises to Choose from) Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
5. Extend your discussion to calories in food and cellular respiration.
6. Show how the caloric content of food is determined.

Lesson 12: How is energy harnessed from various sources?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Recall physical, chemical, and nuclear processes and compare the energy involved in these processes. Ask the
students to enumerate examples.
2. Discuss the different sources of energy and how energy is harnessed from the mentioned sources. Refer to pp.
79-84 of the textbook.
3. Show a poster of the water cycle. Let the students give the different processes involved in the water cycle.
Emphasize the role of energy during phase transformation. Relate this phase transformation as the basis of
4. Show a video on energy generation inside a power plant.
5. Visit power plants and interview the key personnel (on energy generation and safety measures).
6. Make a miniature power plant (solar, geothermal, hydropower, etc.) using recycled materials. Label the different
parts and give the uses of these parts. Emphasize the parts where energy is generated and transformed into heat.
Share the output to other students in a form of exhibit.

Answer to Quick Check (p. 80)

C8H18 (l) + 12½O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) + 9H2O (g) H = –5460 kJ or C8H18 (l) + 12½O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) +
9H2O (g) + 5460 kJ

Answer to Apply It (p. 86)

Answers may vary.

Sample computation of consumption (Watching TV as one of the pastime

Consumption (kWh) = (108 w x 240 h)/1000 = 25.92 kWh
Monthly cost = 25.92 kWh x Php 9.75/kWh = Php 252.72

Rubrics for evaluating the student output:

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. completeness in writing the 3
Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
pastime activities
b. adequacy of data
(calculated monthly Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
electrical consumption)
c. ability to provide the most-
energy consuming and least- Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
energy consuming pastime
d. clarity and conciseness of the
Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p 87-88 of the textbook.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score
a. ability to enumerate the
harmful waste-products or by
products in the production of
Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
the chosen source of energy
and the hazards that they
b. ability to enumerate the
harmful effects on the
Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
environment when the fuel is
c. clarity and conciseness of
statements that give the
effects on the environment
Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
and the society when the fuel
is permanently removed from
its source
d. creativity and novelty of the
Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

Coal is the cheapest source of energy for generating electricity. It can be burned directly, transformed into liquid or
gas. Natural gas is an inexpensive source for generating electricity and has high heating value.

This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. Ability to give the reason
Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
why coal is used
b. Ability to give the reason
Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
why natural gas is used.
c. Use of grammatically Demonstrates only one of the Criteria
Needs improvement 1
correct statements or incomplete responses to the criteria

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Answers to Review (p. 88)

A. 1. a
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. c

B. 1. The thermochemical equation for the complete combustion of 1 mole C8H18

C8H18 (l) + 12½O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) + 9H2O (g) Hcomb = –5471 kJ
The thermochemical equation for the complete combustion of 1 mole C2H5OH
C2H5OH (l) + 3O2 (g) → 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O (g) Hcomb = –1367 kJ
C8H18, octane, releases greater amount of energy per mole used during combustion compared
to C2H5OH, ethanol. It also releases greater amount of energy per kilogram of fuel used compared to
C2H5OH, ethanol. But, when you look at the equation, C8H18, octane, releases greater amount of carbon
dioxide, considered a greenhouse gas, than C2H5OH, ethanol.

2. Energy conservation must be practiced by all the members of the family at home. Below are some of the
practices (The students can have a list aside from the ones mentioned below.)
• use of pail and dipper when taking a bath or watering the plants
• use of drinking glass when brushing teeth
• use of collected rainwater in cleaning garages and watering the plants
• use of water from rinsing clothes in washing rags, cleaning tools, and gardening tools
• turning off lights when not in use
• turning off appliances like electric fans, TV, etc. when not in use
• cleaning the lamps and bulbs for efficient lighting
• ironing of clothes during daytime or when few electrical equipment are currently in use

Chapter 7 Cleaning Materials

Chapter Overview
Cleaning materials take form in either liquid, detergent, spray, powders, etc., that are used to clean, disinfect or
eliminate bad odors. This chapter will help you understand the ingredients of some cleaning materials that you used
at home. It will give you an idea on how to properly use them to prevent serious damages. It will also help you decide
in the selection of cleaning materials based on the substances that are found in them.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the properties and mode of action of the cleaning materials.

Performance Standard
The learners make either a poster, a flyer, or a brochure on a product(such as fuels, household, or personal care prod-
ucts) indicating its uses, properties, mode of action, and precautions.

Lesson 13: What are the ingredients of some cleaning materials?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Download a commercial advertisement. Show it to the students. Ask the products that they use when cleaning
their clothes and surroundings.
2. Make a table listing the cleaning products that the members of the class use. Write the active ingredients/compo-
nents of the cleaning products.
3. Ask the students to give the similarities and differences of soap and detergent.
4. When doing the activity on p. 99, the students should include the label of the cleaning products.

This can help for easy checking of the ingredients presented to the class.

Answer to Quick Thinking (p. 93)

In alkylbenzene sulfonate found in Figure 13.3, the alkyl group is the hydrophobic group and the sulfonate is the
hydrophilic group.

Answer to the Activity (p. 99)

Answers may vary. The students may have answers similar to the ones listed in the table.

Cleaning product Ingredients Role of the ingredients

1. liquid cleanser Sodium citrate Builder
Citric acid Chelating agent
Potassium carbonate Builder
Sucrose laurate Emulsifier
Propylene glycol Enyzme
water Bulking agent
2. toothpaste Cocamidopropyl betaine Surfactant
Hydrated silica Abrasive
Sorbitol Sweetener
Sucralose Enzyme
Water Bulking agent

3. shampoo Sodium cocoyl isethionate Surfactant

Potassium sorbate Preservative
Glycerin moisturizer
4. face wash Castille soap Surfactant
Glycerin Moisturizer
water Bulking agent
5. branded detergent Ethoxy sulphate Surfactant
Citric acid Chelating agent
Sodium percarbonate Bleaching agent
Propylene glycol Enzyme
Zinc phthalocyanine sulphonate Photobleaching agent

You may grade the students’ output by giving one point for every correct ingredient and classification.

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p. 00 of the textbook.

(For table completion of a branded household cleaning product)

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. completeness and
correctness in identifying the Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
product ingredients
b. adequacy of information
(includes the product
Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
brand, and the formula and
functions of the ingredients)
c. completeness and
correctness in giving the
Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
possible hazards of the
d. neatness of the table Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

(For making a poster, a flyer or a brochure)

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. richness and accuracy of
Demonstrates all 5 criteria Excellent 5
information (with references)
b. adequacy of data (includes
uses, properties, mode of Demonstrates 4 of the criteria Very satisfactory 4
action, and precautions)
c. ability to give the nontoxic or
homemade substitute for the Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Satisfactory 3
d. clarity of message Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Moderately satisfactory 2
e. creativity and novelty Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1

Answers may vary

This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. Ability to give an answer
Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
(yes or no)
b. Quality of explanation
(should include safety
Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
to one’s health and the
c. Use of grammatically Demonstrates only one of the criteria
Needs improvement 1
correct statements or incomplete responses to the criteria

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Answers to Review (p. 100)

A. 1. d
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. a
B. 1. If too much fabric softener is added to the water for rinsing the clothes, the dried clothes will feel greasy and
will not absorb water.
2. Vinegar cannot be used for polishing marble surfaces since marbles are made of limestone, CaCO3. Vinegar
can dissolve limestone.

Chapter 8 Personal Care Products

Chapter Overview
Today, personal care products and grooming aids are sold in various brands in the market. People have numerous
choices for products to clean themselves and alter their appearance. This chapter will help you decide in the selection
of personal care products based on the substances that are found in them.

Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the properties and mode of action of cosmetics/personal care products.

Lesson 14 What are the ingredients of personal care products?

Suggested Teaching Tips

1. Start the lesson by a “Knowing you” activity. Here, a pair of students will be asking each other of their daily ac-
tivities/regimen before, during and after school and the cosmetic/personal care products that they use. They can
prepare a table where they will list the activities and the cosmetic/personal care products. Let the two students
give their similarities and differences based on the interview results.
2. Tell the students to create a poem or a song about the personal care products and the damage that their hazardous
ingredients can give to the user.
3. Visit a personal care product manufacturing firm and observe how the product is made. Interview key personnel
on the hazards and precautionary measures that they follow.
4. Make a list of hazardous ingredients found in different cleaning and personal care products and use it when
selecting or buying various products.
5. Compare personal care products from the market based on the ingredients and their cost.
6. Create flyers, brochures, and bulletin boards to inform the consumers of the health risks of using personal care
products that contain hazardous ingredients.

Answer to Quick Check (p 110)

Some hair care products and their uses
Hair conditioner – makes hair smooth and silky
Hairspray – holds the hair in place for a short time
Tonic and dressing – facilitates combing and hair styling
Hair straighteners and relaxers – makes the hair becomes straight or straighter or to relax tightly curled hair and
to soften or loosen the curls
Hair wax – holds the hair and provides low shine
Hair gel – provides maximum hold and high shine to hair

Assessment Tasks
The scoring rubrics below can be used for the assessment tasks on p 112-113 of the textbook.

i. Performance
Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score
a. ability to enumerate the
students’ mostly used Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
personal care products
b. ability to enumerate the
students’ least likely used Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
personal care products
c. adequacy and completeness
of information (showing the
ingredients in the mostly and Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
least likely used personal care
d. ability to provide information
and reasoning regarding the
health risk of students due Demonstrates only one criterion Needs improvement 1
to the use of the mentioned
personal care products

ii. Essay
The students’ answers may vary.
This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. Ability to agree/disagree
on the use of homemade Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
personal care products
b. Ability to provide reasoning
whether it is agreeable/
disagreeable to use Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
homemade personal care
c. Use of grammatically correct Demonstrates only one of the
statements criteria or incomplete responses to Needs improvement 1
the criteria

You can use multiplier if you want to give higher scores to your students.

Answers to Review (p 113)

A. 1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. c
B. 1. Answer may vary.
The student can read the ingredients of the personal care product he/she is using and check if the ingredients
belong to the list found on p 111 of this textbook.
This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

d. Ability to categorize the
personal care products as Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
toxic or not
e. Ability to provide reasoning
whether the personal care Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
products are toxic or not
f. Use of grammatically correct Demonstrates only one of the
statements criteria or incomplete responses to Needs improvement 1
the criteria

2. The students’ answers may vary (depending on his/her preference).

This rubric can help you grade your students’ answer to this part.

Criteria Performance Level of Performance Score

a. Ability to identify the personal
care product/s that are least Demonstrates all 3 criteria Excellent 3
b. Ability to provide reasoning
on the need to continue/
Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
discontinue the use of the
personal care products
c. Use of grammatically correct Demonstrates only one of the
statements criteria or incomplete responses to Needs improvement 1
the criteria

Chapter 1 Models of the Universe
Chapter Overview
This chapter deals with the Greek’s view of motion and the universe. This also includes the competing models of the
universe as proposed by several philosophers and scientists.

Lesson 1: What is the Greek’s view of motion and the universe?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

Explore prior knowledge using Anticipation Guide. Below is a sample guide. The students will only answer the Before

BeFore Statement AFTER

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
1. Anaximander’s view of the universe includes a
mechanistic view towards a mythological and
supernatural explanation of the universe.
2. The Milky was composed of thousands of
unresolved stars according to Democritus.
3. Diurnal motion is a result of the Earth’s rotation
on the axis from West to East.
4. The starts are heavenly bodies which are fixed.
5. Natural Motion puts object in its natural
position such as the Earth below water, water
below air, air below fire, and all below others.

• Let the students watch a film on “Universe in Motion.”

• Lead the discussion to the Greek’s views of matter, motion, and the universe.
• Ask the students to perform Apply It on page 121 of the textbook to reinforce discussion on “Saving Appearances.”
• Let the students go back to the Anticipation Guide and answer the After Column to check their understanding
of the lesson.
• Ask the students to do stargazing activity to observe the stars and their diurnal motion.
• Ask the students to do a research on the latest technology that allows gathering of information on the motion of
the universe as enrichment activity.
• Present to the students a trivia related to diurnal motion: What is the antonym of the word diurnal? Does the
antonym of the word help in understanding diurnal?

Answers to Quick Check (p. 121)

1. Diurnal motion is the apparent daily motion of the sky from east to west in which celestial objects are seen to rise
and set while annual motion carries the sun eastward in the sky over the course of an entire year.
2. Anaximander’s view of the universe includes a mechanistic view towards a mythological and supernatural
explanation of the universe while Pythagoras believed in a well ordered harmonious universe based on geometry
rather than experiments.

Lesson 2: How do the models of the universe differ from each other?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Without using the book, ask volunteer to draw a model of the universe.
• Let the students compare what were drawn on the board with the different models presented on pp. 122-124 of
the textbook.
• Ask the students to compare and contrast the different models.
• Assign students to report on astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the advent of telescopes
(sunspots, supernova).

Answers to Quick Check (p. 126)

Models of the Universe Center of the Universe Orbits of the Heavenly Body
Eudoxus Earth circular
Aristotle Earth circular
Aristarchus Sun circular
Ptolemy Earth circular
Copernicus Sun circular

Lesson 3: How do the planets move according to Kepler’s Laws of

Planetary Motion?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Ask volunteer to draw the Heliocentric and the Geocentric models of the universe. Use this as springboard for
the discussion of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
• Demonstrate the elliptical of a planet around the sun using strings and chalk.
• Let the students perform an activity to show Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion. (source:

A large plastic cup
A wooden ball (5 cm) with a hole drilled through it
A metal ball (5 cm) with a hole drilled through it
String (1.5 m) (Parcel string works best)

What to do:
1. Drill a hole through the center at the base of the plastic cup. Make sure that the string can pass through the
2. Insert the string through the hole. Attach the wooden ball to one end of the string that is at the bottom of the
plastic cup. Then, attach the metal ball on the other end of the string inside the cup.
3. Hold the cup in one hand, allow the wooden ball to hang down while supporting the metal ball with the other
4. Slowly swing the wooden ball in a circle over your head. Make sure that the speed of swinging is constant.
5. Release the metal ball. Observe what happens to the path of the wooden ball.

Conduct a discussion on the activity performed by asking the following questions:

• What is the “string” in orbital motion?
• What path was followed by the wooden ball?
• Can orbits only be ellipses?
• Stress to the students that when the metal ball moves up and down, an ellipse is traced with the wooden ball.

Answers to Quick Check (p. 128)

1. It is warm during summer when the planet is closer to the sun and cold during winter when the planet is farther
from the sun.
2. Some days have longer days because according to Kepler’s 2nd law of planetary motion, the imaginary line join-
ing the center of the planet to the center of the sun sweeps out the same amount of area in each equal interval of
time. Thus, when a planet is closest to the Sun it travels fastest in its orbit, and when it’s farthest from the Sun,
the planet travels slowest in its orbit.

At the end of the Chapter

Assessment Tasks for the Chapter (with scoring rubrics, if applicable for the task)

Answers to Review (p. 129)

A. 1. a
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. c

B. 1. a. A star has its own light while a planet has no light of its own. A planet only reflects light.
b. Stars twinkle at night while planets do NOT twinkle.
2. Galileo’s observations that the 4 largest moons of Jupiter orbit around the planet and that Venus displayed
phases very much like our moon reinforced the Copernican Theory that everything rotates around the sun.
3. The implication of Kepler’s second law of planetary motion is that planet moves faster near perihelion and
slow near aphelion.

Chapter 2 Universal Laws of Physics

Chapter Overview
In this chapter, how objects move will be explained thoroughly through different theories such as Newton’s Law of
Motion and Law of Universal Gravitation. It also deals with conservation of momentum and energy.

Lesson 4: How do objects move?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

Explore prior knowledge using Word Association. Prepare two-column table on the board. Invite students to fill each
blank with a word or phrase which they think of in relation to the lesson topic or lesson essential question.

Distance Displacement

Do the same for speed and velocity.

Ask student volunteer to walk and show the difference between distance and displacement.
Recall with the students the kinematic equations and let them solve problems.

Provide ready data about motion of objects and let the students construct a graph of position-time graph and veloci-
ty-time graph. Below are sample data:

Table 1:

Time (s) Distance (m)

0 0
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15

Table 2:

Time (s) Distance (m)

0 0
1 3
2 12
3 27
4 48
5 75

• Let the students analyze the graph by comparing the graphs of position-time and velocity-time graphs with
regard to trend and slope.
• Show to the students sample graph of motion and ask the students to describe the motion of the object by
making a creative story.

V (m/s)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t(s)

• Use the graph below to discuss with the students the area bounded by the curve along the x axis.







10 20 30 40 50

Answers to Quick Check (p. 132)

1. speed
2. velocity
3. distance
4. displacement
5. displacement

Lesson 5: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion explain the motion of an


Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

Present the ideas of Aristotle and Galileo on motion. Ask the students between the two who has the correct idea. Let
them explain their answers.

Ask 6 volunteer to play “tug of war”

• rope
• hand gloves
• handkerchief

What to do:
1. Divide the volunteers in two groups of 3 members to play the tug of war.

2. Let them pull as hard as they can. Observe what happens.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, but divide the group with 4 members on one side and 2 on the other side. Observe what

Let the students go through a “Gallery Walk” (students explore multiple texts or images that are placed around the room).
1. Prepare 30 pictures that illustrate Newton’s Three Laws of Motion (10 for each law) and post them around the room.
2. Divide the class into 8 groups.
3. Ask the students to look at the picture and associate them with the three laws of motion.
4. Let 2 representatives from each group to choose 3 pictures. (Call the groups one at a time).
5. Let the groups discuss how the laws of motion are illustrated in their chosen pictures for a few minutes and pre-
pare for a 2-min presentation per group to the class.

Derive the equation for Newton’s second law of motion and let the students solve problems.

Lesson 6: What is Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Explore prior knowledge using Word Splash. Students are given a “splash” of the key words: gravity, mass, force,
distance. They should write a few meaningful sentences to capture their ideas. (relying on their background
knowledge) using these words.
• Using the sentences given by the students, lead the discussion to the relationship among gravitational force, mass-
es of two objects, and the distance separating them.
• Stress to the students the difference between “g” (-9.8 m/s2)and “G”(6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/s2).
• Illustrate to the students how to solve problems involving the law of universal gravitation.
• To check the student’s understanding let them go through an “Exit Pass” activity.
• Ask them to state in one sentence what they have learned before they can exit the classroom. They may also state
what they need more to learn and how to learn them.

Lesson 7: How are momentum and energy conserved?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Explore prior knowledge using “Alphabet Game.” Divide the alphabet among the class (or groups). Each student
(or group) must think of one descriptor, fact, example, etc. about Momentum , Impulse, Collision and Momen-
tum and Energy Conservation that begins with the letter that the students are assigned. Have them share with
the entire class.
• Discuss with the students the concepts of impulse and momentum, collision, conservation of momentum and energy.
• Have the students perform the activity below to extend their understanding of the impulse -momentum theorem.

• basketball
• tennis ball
• meterstick

What to do:
Put the tennis ball on top of the basketball and drop them at the same time. Make
sure the tennis ball stays on top of the basketball as it falls. What happened?

Did the tennis ball bounce higher than in step one? Explain your answer.

For enrichment, you may ask the students to explain the Physics behind the following Laws on Road Safety such as:
a. seatbelt law
b. speed limit

For career guidance, ask students to identify careers which require understanding and application of momentum and
impulse. Let the students share to the class how a particular job or career make use of their understanding of the concepts.
For performance task, ask the students to create tag lines to prevent road accidents in relation to the impulse and
momentum and collision. (e.g. “Distancia Amigo”) or propose a new law for road safety.

Answers to Quick Thinking (p. 152)

Perfectly inelastic Inelastic Elastic

At the end of the Chapter

(Refer to p. 152, TB)
(with scoring rubrics, if applicable for the task)

SET OF CRITERIA Performance Level of Performance Score

1. Correct application of
Meets all 4 criteria Excellent 4
2. Clear plan for the design Meets the first 3 criteria Very satisfactory 3
3. Creativity/novelty of
Meets 2 of the first 3 criteria Satisfactory 2
4. Performs its intended function Meets only 1 of the first 3 criteria Needs improvement 1

Answers to Review (p. 153)

1. Any energy that is used to do work or is transformed into sound or heat will be an energy loss to the system. 
2. The egg that lands on the ground shatters while the one on the haystack does not break because the change in
momentum of the egg that lands on the haystack occurs over a long period of time, producing lesser force of
impact on the egg compared to the egg that lands on the ground. 
3. The impulse required to change the momentum of a bungee jumper is the same whether a steel cable or an elastic
cord is used. However, using elastic cord will allow the jumper to prolong the time and reduce the impact force
compared to using a steel cable.
4. a. the frictional force between the road and the tire
b. the lifting force produced by the rotating propeller
c. the force of the water pushing back against the paddle as the rower moves the paddle against the water.
5. the mass is not enough to have an effect

Chapter 3 Light as Wave and Particle

Chapter Overview
This chapter discusses the different theories on the nature of light as proposed by different scientists. It also explains
the different properties of light which can explain various light phenomena.

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and

Lesson 8: How does light behave?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Let the students watch a short video (14.24 minutes) presentation on Theories on the Nature of Light (source: This video presentation discusses the dual nature of light,
starting with a brief overview of how light was determined to be an electromagnetic wave and what properties
light was classically associated with. From there, the results of Planck’s blackbody experiments was presented and
the concept of quantization was introduced. After explaining how the quantum of action (h) works, it showed
experiments that challenged the wave picture of light, and how Einstein and Compton, made it clear that light
can behave like a particle.
• Let the students watch a video (4.23 minutes) on Interaction of Light with Matter (source:
lessons/is-light-a-particle-or-a-wave-colm-kelleher) as a spring board to the discussion of the difference between
particle theory and wave theory on pp. 160-161, TB.
• Let the students perform an activity on the speed of light using the microwave as prelude to the discussion of the
relationship of wavelength, frequency, and speed of light.

• Microwave oven
• chocolate chips
• microwavable container
• ruler

What to do:
1. Remove turntable from microwave.
2. Put your chocolate in the middle of the microwavable container and place it in the microwave oven for a few
seconds until chocolate starts to melt.
3. Take the chocolate out of the microwave. (CAUTION: It will be hot).
4. Measure the distance between the two melted spots (farthest opposite points reached by the melted choco-
late) in centimeters and convert to meters.
5. Find out the frequency of the microwave oven that you used. Standard model has a frequency of about 2.45
gigahertz. This means that the microwaves move up and down 2.45 billion times per second.
6. Calculate the speed of light by multiplying the wavelength and the frequency. The wavelength is two times
the distance between the melted areas. In this experiment, the speed of light is c= λ f.

Wavelength = 2 (distance between two melted spots) m

Frequency of the microwave Hz
Speed of light : c= λ f

• Ask the students to prepare a presentation by groups on various natural phenomena that can be explained by the
properties of light. (e.g. mirage, blue sky and red sunset, halos and sundogs, rainbows, and clouds)
• For interdisciplinary connections, let the students come up with a creative output (e.g. song, poem, dance) on the
different light phenomena.

Answer Key to the lesson’s assessment part (“Quick Thinking,” “Practice Math,”
“Quick Check”)

Lesson 9: How is light generated?

Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson

• Explore prior knowledge using “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” (The student just give a thumbs up or down sign
to indicate whether they agree (thumbs up) or disagree (thumbs down) with a given statement. Below are example
1. Electricity is transferred by the exchange of electrons.
2. The standard unit for current is called coulombs.
3. The direction of the electric field of a negative center charge is always toward the center.

• Recall with the students Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and compare it with Coulomb’s Law.
k ∗k Q
∗Q ∗Q
1 ∗1 Q2 2
G ∗Gm∗1m
∗m1 ∗2m2
Felect= =
Felect FgravFgrav
= = 2
d2 d
2 2 2 2
(k(k= =9.0
9.0 ×10
×10 9 9
N•m 2 2
/C 2 2
/C)) (G(G = 6.67
= 6.67 ×10 −11 −11
×10 N•m N•m / kg
/ kg ) )

• To deepen understanding of electric charges and electric field, bring the students to the computer lab and let
them work with Phet Interactive Simulation for Physics: Charges and Fields (source:
• Trace the magnetic field around a current carrying wire.
• Demonstrate the relationship between magnetic field and electric field using bar magnets, coil and ammeter as
shown on page 178, TB or use the Phet Interactive Simulation for Physics: Faraday’s Law (https://phet.colorado.

Answers for Quick Check (p. 174)


+Q +Q


–Q –Q


+Q +Q

At the end of the Chapter

Assessment Tasks for the CHAPTER

(Refer to p. 180 of the textbook)
(with scoring rubrics, if applicable for the task)

SET OF CRITERIA Performance Level of Performance POINTS

1. Sound explanation of
how technology is used,
its advantages and Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
disadvantages and where it
is used
2. Accuracy and adequacy of
Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
information in the poster
3. Clarity of message Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
4. Creativity/novelty of
Demonstrates only 1 of the criteria Needs improvement 1

Rubrics for Brochure

SET OF CRITERIA Performance Level of Performance POINTS
1. Accuracy of information Meets all 4 criteria Excellent 4
2. Creativity/novelty of
Meets the first 3 criteria Very satisfactory 3
3. Proper documentation of
sources and/or clarity of Meets 2 of the first 3 criteria Satisfactory 2
4. Neatness Meets only 1 of the first 3 criteria Needs improvement 1

Rubrics for Powerpoint Presentation

SET OF CRITERIA Performance Level of Performance POINTS
1. Content is accurate and
information is presented in a Demonstrates all 4 criteria Excellent 4
logical order.
2. Presentation flows well and
Demonstrates 3 of the criteria Very satisfactory 3
3. Presentation reflects extensive
use of tools in a creative way Demonstrates 2 of the criteria Satisfactory 2
and images are appropriate.
4. Proper documentation of
Demonstrates only 1 of the criteria Needs improvement 1

Chapter 4. Relativity and Beyond

Chapter Overview
This chapter deals with matters that involve a little more investigation, matters that scientists and philosophers of long
ago and some, only of late, have only speculated about.

Lesson 10: What are the Theories of Relativity and their consequences?
wala po sagot para sa
Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson Review (p. 181)
• Let the student engage in a quick talk with a partner in 3-5 minutes to express what they think about Einstein’s
Theory of Special Relativity which predicts that time moves most slowly for objects moving close to the speed of
light than for you. If you could travel close to the speed of light you will age more slowly than if you remained on
Earth. Ask them if this prediction makes sense to them. Let them explain their answer.
• Lead them to the discussion on the Theory of Special Relativity and its consequences.
pwede po ba ito na sagot
• Let the students research on how the accuracy of GPS calculated positions would be affected without relativistic
para sa quick check p. 184?
corrections. (source for the teacher only:
Modules/03%20-%20General%20Relativity/03%20-%20General_Relativity_Activity.pdf) 1. It is a nonrotating, non
• Let the student share their research on the effects of Theory of General Relativity on GPS. frame, one in
• Lead the discussion to other consequences of the Theory of General Relativity.which Newton's first law of
motion holds.
Answer Key to the lesson’s assessment part (“Quick Thinking,” 2. True.“Practice Math,”
“Quick Check”) 3. Their experiment proved
that the 'ether' did not exist
Lesson 11: What is the idea behind the expanding universe? and that no matter which
direction of the beam of the
Teaching Tips in the Presentation of the Lesson lights were aimed, they
Let the students read an essay entitled “Will Dark Energy Please Come to Light” (source:
bounce back at the
same instant. or
watch a documentary film on “The Ever Expanding Universe and Dark Energy” (source:
Ask the students to answer after reading the essay or watching the documentary film. Here are sample questions
and possible answers:
1. How did the Universe begin? (Answer: In a cataclysmic explosion call the Big Bang.)

2. What events guided the scientists to state that the Universe was expanding at a fast pace? (Answer: Two teams
of scientists were studying supernovae—exploding stars—at large distances from Earth. The exploding stars
seemed fainter than what the scientists expected them to be. The simplest explanation was that the expansion
of the Universe has been speeding up over that last 5 billion years.)
3. How did this finding affect scientists’ understanding of the expansion of the Universe? (Answer: Scientists
expected that over time the expansion of the Universe would be slowing down because of their understanding
of gravity and the behavior of matter. All the matter in the Universe is attracting all the other matter. There-
fore, the expansion of the Universe would be slowing.)
4. What is redshift? (Answer: Redshift corresponds to how quickly an object is receding from Earth—the rate
of expansion of the intervening space.)

Answer Key to the lesson’s assessment part (“Quick Thinking,” “Practice Math,”
“Quick Check”)

At the end of the Chapter

Assessment Tasks for the CHAPTER

(Refer to p. 200)
(with scoring rubrics, if applicable for the task)

Rubrics for Making Model

SET OF CRITERIA Performance Level of Performance POINTS
1. Correct application of
Meets all 4 criteria Excellent 4
2. Clear plan for the design Meets the first 3 criteria Very satisfactory 3
3. Creativity/novelty of
Meets 2 of the first 3 criteria Satisfactory 2
4. Performs its intended function Meets only 1 of the first 3 criteria Needs improvement 1

Answer Keys to “Review”

Answer Keys to “Review”

wala po sagot para sa mga end of

lesson activities

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