Workshop 03
Workshop 03
Workshop 03
Workshop 03
(1) Practicing skills at analyzing and implementing programs using user-defined
(2) Making familiar with some basic algorithms
Please submit your work including a report and source code. All of them should be
contained in a directory which is named as Workshop3_yourName_yourStudentID.
Then zip this directory and submit.
The report MUST be a pdf file. Name of the file should contain your name and your
student ID, such as Workshop3_yourName_yourStudentID.
The report must contain the pictures of all the test cases that you have done to test your
Program 1:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related Definition: A prime is positive integer that is greater than 1 and it is the
knowledge multiple of 1 and itself only.
Theorem: The integer n is a prime if and only if n>1 and it can not be
divided by all integers from 2 to square root of n .
Use the library math.h to get the function sqrt(double) for getting the
square root of a positive number.
Problem Write a C that will accept a positive integer n, n>=2 then print out primes
between 2 and n.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Nouns: Begin
positive integer Do {
int n Accept n;
While ( n<2);
For ( i=2 to n )
If (i is a prime ) Print out i; Function int prime (int i)
Algorithm for int prime( int n ) {
checking int m = sqrt(n); /* m: square root of n */
whether an int i; /* variable having value from 2 to m */
integer is a if (n<2) return 0; /* Condition 1 is not satisfied */
prime or not for ( i=2; i<=m; i++) /* checking the second condition */
if (n%i==0) return 0 ; /* n is divided by i n is not a prime */
return 1; /* n is a prime */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int prime(int n);
int main()
int n;
printf("please input your number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
if (prime(n)){
printf("%d is a prime\n", n);
} else {
printf("%d is not a prime\n", n);
return 0;
Program 2:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge Leap year (y): (y%400==0 || ( y%4==0 && y%100!=0))
Problem Write a C program that will accept data of a day then print out
whether they are valid or not.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Data of a day Begin
int d, m, y Accept d, m, y
If (valid(d,m,y)) print out “valid date”
Else print out “invalid date”
Algorithm for int validDate ( int d, int m, int y) {
checking whether a int maxd = 31; /*max day of months 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 */
date is valid or not /* basic checking */
if ( d<1 || d>31 || m<1 || m>12) return 0;
/* update maxd of a month */
if ( m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m=11) maxd=30;
else if (m==2) {
/* leap year? */
if ( y%400==0 || ( y%4==0 && y%100!=0) maxd=29;
else maxd=28;
return d<=maxd;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int validDate( int d, int m, int y);
int main()
int d, m, y;
printf("please input your day: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &d, &m, &y);
if (validDate(d,m,y)){
printf("it is a valid date\n");
} else {
printf("it is not a valid date\n");
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int getRelPos ( double x, double y, double r);
int main()
double x, y, r;
int chk;
printf("please input coordinator of the point: ");
scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y);
do {
printf("please input radius of the circle: ");
scanf("%lf", &r);
} while (r<0);
chk = getRelPos(x,y,r);
// printf("chk variable is %d\n", chk);
if (chk == 1){
printf("the point p is inside the circle\n");
} else if (chk == 0){
printf("the point p is on the circle\n");
} else {
printf("the point p is out of the circle\n");
return 0;
Program 4:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge n! = 1*2*3*…*n
Problem Write a C program that will accept a positive integer then print out its
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
A positive integer Begin
int n Do {
Accept n;
While (n<0);
Print out factorial(n);
Algorithm for double factorial ( int n) {
Computing factorial double p=1;
of an integer int i;
for (i=2; i<=n; i++) p *= i;
return p;
Program 5:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge Fibonacci sequence: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 …
Two first numbers: 1
Others: Its value is the sum of 2 previous numbers
Problem Write a C program that will print out the value at the nth position in
Fibonacci sequence.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
A position Begin
int n Do {
Accept n;
While (n<1);
Print out fibo(n);
Algorithm for double fibo ( int n) {
Computing the nth int t1=1, t2=1, f=1, i ;
value of the for ( i= 3, i<=n; i++) {
Fibonacci sequence f= t1 + t2;
t1= t2;
return f;
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F
T1 T2 F …
Program 6:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge
Problem Write a C program that will accept a positive integer then print out
whether it is an element of the Fibonacci sequence or not.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
An integer int n Begin
Do {
Accept n;
While (n<1);
If ( isFibonacci(n)==1) Print out “It is a Fibonacci element.”;
Else print out “It is not a Fibonacci element.”
Algorithm for int isFibonacci (int n)
Checking whether { int t1=1, t2=1, f=1;
an integer is a if (n==1) return 1; /* n belongs to the Fibonacci sequence*/
element of the while (f<n) /* Find out the Fibo number f to n */
Fibonacci sequence { f= t1 + t2;
or not t1=t2;
return n==f; /* if n==f n is Fibo element return 1 */
Program 7:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge Getting the rightmost digit of the integer n: n%10
Problem Write a C program that will carry out some times. In each time, a
nonnegative integer is accepted then print out the sum of its decimal
digits. The program will terminate when its value of accepted number
is negative.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Sum int S=0 Begin
Accepted integer Do
int n { Accept n;
If (n>=0)
{ S = sumDigits(n);
Print out S;
While (n>=0);
Algorithm for int sumDigits (int n)
Computing sum of { int sum=0; /* initialize sum of digits */
digits of a Do
nonnegative integer { int remainder = n%10 ; /* Get a digit at unit position */
n = n/10;
sum += remainder;
while (n>0);
return sum;
Program 8:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge Making a real number from its integral part and its fraction (its
fraction must be positive).
Example : 32 25 32.25
25 0.25 32+0.25= 32.25
Example -51 139 -51.139
139 0.139 -51- 0.139= -51.139
double makeDouble(int ipart, int fraction)
{ double d_f= fraction;
while (d_f >=1) d_f = d_f/10; /* create the fraction <1 */
if (ipart<0) return ipart – d_f; /* case -51 – 0.139 */
return ipart + d_f ; /* case 32 + 0.25 */
Problem Write a C program that will accept the integral part and fraction of a
real number then print out the this real number.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Integral part Begin
int ipart Accept ipart;
Fraction Do
int fraction { Accept fraction;
Real number }
double value While fraction<0;
value= makeDouble(ipart,fraction);
Print out value;
Program 9:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related knowledge Find out the greatest common divisor (gcd) and least common
multiple (lcm) of two positive integers:
Find out gcd of a and b
a b a b
14 21 13 8
14 7 5 8
7 7 5 3
2 3
2 1
1 1
int gcd( int a, int b)
{ while ( a != b )
if a>b then a -=b;
else b -= a;
return a;
int lcm ( int a, int b)
{ return a*b/ gcd(a,b);
Problem Write a C program that will accept two positive integers then print out
their greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Two integers Begin
int a, b Do
gcd int d { Accept a, b;
lcm int m }
While ( a<=0 OR b <=0);
d = gcd(a,b);
m = lcm (a.b);
Print out d;
Print out m;
Program 10:
Objectives Practice implementing simple functions
Related Print out the minimum and the maximum digits of a nonnegative integer
knowledge integer
Example: n= 10293 Print out 9, 0
void printMinMaxDigits( int n)
{ int digit; /* Variable for extracting 1 digit */
int min, max ; /* Result variables */
digit = n% 10; /* get the first rightmost digit: 3 */
n=n/10; /* 1029, the remainder needs to proceed after*/
min=max=remainder; /* initialize results */
while (n>0)
{ digit = n%10; /* Get the next digit */
if (min > remainder) min=remainder; /* update results */
if (max < remainder) max=remainder;
Print out min, max;
Problem Write a C program that will accept a non-negative integer then print out its
minimum and maximum digits.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Noun: Begin
A integer Do
int n { Accept n;
While (n<0);