2 Float Glass
2 Float Glass
2 Float Glass
• produced on the float process with the
• It involves the pouring of molten glass from a furnace onto a addition of small quantities of metal oxides
large, shallow bath of molten tin. to the normal clear glass mix.
• Clear float glass is colorless and transparent thereby providing • The standard range of colors are Green,
a high degree of visible light transmittance. Grey,
Blue and Bronze.
• The color density will increase with
thickness while the
visible light transmittance will decrease
correspondingly as the thickness increases
• Tinted glasses reduce solar transmittance by
absorbing a large proportion of the solar
energy, the majority of which is
subsequently dissipated to the outside by
re-radiation and convection.
• One of the supertints specifically
• The supertints are a further extension of the designed to provide high light transmittance
along with excellent solar control properties.
family of tinted glass products. Products such - 66% light transmittance,
as Evergreen/Solargreen, Azurlite and Arctic Blue - 43% for standard grey,
- 51% for standard bronze
• These products are often termed - 78% for standard green.
‘spectrally selective’ as they effectively select • It offers approximately 20% better solar performance than body
the visible light band from the solar spectrum tinted glass with a shading coefficient of 0.58 compared to 0.69 -
(resulting in a higher light transmission) and 0.71 for the standard tints.
filter out the UV and infra-red bands when AZURLITE:
compared to standard tints • Has a pleasing azure blue appearance,
and combines a high light transmittance with
SUPERGRAY: an effective, relatively low shading coefficient
• Provides the lowest visible light
transmittance (8%) of any body tinted glass
• Optigray 23 is designed to offer a
• It gives exceptional solar control with
much lower light transmittance of only 23%.
the lowest shading coefficient (0.39) of any
While at the same time, the total heat
uncoated glass
transmittance is reduced to 41% and achieving
• it has very low indoor and outdoor
an effective shading coefficient of 0.47 and a
reflectance of only 4% and is extremely
luminous efficacy of 0.49
effective in reducing glare and the need for
internal blinds