Ai Assignment 1
Ai Assignment 1
Ai Assignment 1
Agent program: It is the implementation of the object function that program which, combined
with a machine architecture, implements an agent function. In our simple designs, the program
takes a new percept on each invocation and returns an action.
Rationality: A property of agents that choose actions that maximize their expected utility, given
the percepts to date.
Autonomy:It is a property of agents whose behavior is determined by their own experience
rather than solely by their initial programming.
Reflex agent: It performs actions and It take decisions on the basis of the current percepts and
ignore the rest of the percept history.
Model-based agent: An agent whose action is derived directly from an internal model of the
current world state that is updated over time.
Goal-based agent: an agent that selects actions that it believes will achieve explicitly
represented goals.
Utility-based agent: an agent that selects actions that it believes will maximize the expected
utility of the outcome state.
Learning agent: an agent whose behavior improves over time based on its experience.
State is a representation of problem elements at a given moment. A State space is the set of
all states reachable from the initial state.
state space is a graph whose nodes are the set of all states, and whose links are actions that
transform one state into another.
Search tree is a tree (a graph with no undirected loops) in which the root node is the start state
and the set of children for each node consists of the states reachable by taking any action. A
search node is a node in the search tree.
Goal is a state that the agent is trying to reach.
Action is something that the agent can choose to do.
Successor function is a function that generates a next state from the current state, plus the
choices that affect state changes
Branching factor in a search tree is the number of actions available to the agent
In goal formulation, we decide which aspects of the world we are interested in, and which can
be ignored or abstracted away. Then in problem formulation we decide how to manipulate the
important aspects (and ignore the others). If we did problem formulation first we would not
know what to include and what to leave out. That said, it can happen that there is a cycle of
iterations between goal formulation, problem formulation, and problem solving until one
arrives at a sufficiently useful and efficient solution.
#### successor_fn defined in terms of result and legal_actions
def successor_fn(s):
return [(a, result(a, s)) for a in legal_actions(s)]
#### legal_actions and result defined in terms of successor_fn
def legal_actions(s):
return [a for (a, s) in successor_fn(s)]
def result(a, s):
for (a1, s1) in successor_fn(s):
if a == a1:
return s1
Definition: The goal state has the numbers in a certain order, which we will measure as starting
at the upper left corner, then proceeding left to right, and when we reach the end of a row,
going down to the leftmost square in the row below. For any other configuration besides the
goal, whenever a tile with a greater number on it precedes a tile with a smaller number, the
two tiles are said to be inverted.
Proposition: For a given puzzle configuration, let P denote the sum of the total number of
inversions and the row number of the empty square. Then GPRQTSVU; WJ is invariant under
any legal move. In other words, after a legal move an odd P remains odd whereas an even P
remains even. Therefore the goal state in Figure 3.4, with no inversions and empty square in
the first row, has PYX[Z , and can only be reached from starting states with odd P, not from
starting states with even P.
Proof: First of all, sliding a tile horizontally changes neither the total number of inversions nor
the row number of the empty square. Therefore let us consider sliding a tile vertically.
Let’s assume, for example, that the tile 5 is located directly over the empty square. Sliding it
down changes the parity of the row number of the empty square. Now consider the total
number of inversions. The move only affects relative positions of tiles 5, >, \, and ]. If none of
the >, \, ] caused an inversion relative to 5 (i.e., all three are larger than 5) then after sliding one
gets three (an odd number) of additional inversions. If one of the three is smaller than 5, then
before the move >, \, and ] contributed a single inversion (relative to 5) whereas after the move
they’ll be contributing two inversions - a change of 1, also an odd number. Two additional cases
obviously lead to the same result. Thus the change in the sum P is always even. This is precisely
what we have set out to show.
So before we solve a puzzle, we should compute the P value of the start and goal state and
make sure they have the same parity, otherwise no solution is possible.
No, a finite state space does not always lead to a finite search tree. Consider a state space with
two states, both of which have actions that lead to the other. This yields an infinite search tree,
because we can go back and forth any number of times. However, if the state space is a finite
tree, or in general, a finite DAG (directed acyclic graph), then there can be no loops, and the
search tree is finite.
a. Initial state: No regions colored. Goal test: All regions colored, and no two adjacent
regions have the same color. Successor function: Assign a color to a region. Cost
function: Number of assignments.
b. . Initial state: As described in the text. Goal test: Monkey has bananas. Successor
function: Hop on crate; Hop off crate; Push crate from one spot to another; Walk from
one spot to another; grab bananas (if standing on crate). Cost function: Number of
c. Initial state: considering all input records. Goal test: considering a single record, and it
gives “illegal input” message. Successor function: run again on the first half of the
records; run again on the second half of the records. Cost function: Number of runs.
d. Initial state: jugs have values 4`W6"`W6"`< . Successor function: given values 4H96IK6"a
< , generate 4ZW W6IK6"a < , 4Hb6"cW6"a < , 4Hb6Id6"e< (by filling); 4`W6Id6"a < ,
4H96"`W6"a < , 4H96IK6"`< (by emptying); or for any two jugs with current values H and
I, pour I into H; this changes the jug with H to the minimum of HgfhI and the capacity of
the jug, and decrements the jug with I by by the amount gained by the first jug. Cost
function: Number of actions.
a. Tree: