Cellular Spectrum Allocation and Pricing Final Draft Nepal
Cellular Spectrum Allocation and Pricing Final Draft Nepal
Cellular Spectrum Allocation and Pricing Final Draft Nepal
Spectrum Demands
Nepal Satellite requests to increase assigned bandwidth UTL requesting one additional carrier in CDMA800 band for EVDO operation STMs request for 2x5 Mhz for its WLL services Smart Telecom request for spectrum for WLL
1710~1755 Mhz 1805~1850 Mhz 1850~1880 Mhz 1930~1960 Mhz 1960~1980 Mhz 2150~2170 Mhz
EGSM 900 5 -
CDMA 1900 30
IMT 2000 20 10 10
16 8
10 9 3
16 0
24.4 0.6
5 0
38 7
10 20
20 0
113.4 27.6
Only one side of the duplex Bandwidth is shown in the figures to minimize space in the table.
* Temporary Assignment
Refarming Initiatives
NTA engaged Consultant to review spectrum management Consultant recommendation for Refarming NTA issued consultation paper in this regard.
Comments on Refarming
Not possible to release, Will restrict expansion Will degrade quality,
Difficult to vacate in short time will delay development activities Will divert resources intended for development
UTL: Desires to acquire GSM band once unified licensing regime is introduced Experts Opinion:
Use strong fiscal instruments to discourage spectrum hoarding.
Key Findings
Spectrum Hoarding Tendencies
No costs at all to reserve and hoard spectrum Need to pay only upon usage No guarantee to obtain spectrum when needed.
Set Premium prices for Hoarding Revoke hoarded spectrum if kept unused for over 2 years.
Need to set limits to spectrum assigned to a single operator Must define criteria for spectrum assignment
500 1,800,000
800 2,880,000
1,200 4,320,000
1,700 6,120,000
Notes on:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
different frequency ranges for the same type of services (GSM or CAMA)
Subscriber Base: These are the figures of active subscribers (VLR) averaged over a month. Revenue Base: Audited Annual Revenue The spectrum allotment: based on carriers numbers (2x1.25 Mhz for CDMA and 2x1.2MHz for GSM) subject to availability of spectrum. Calculation of Required bandwidth in GSM between 2x12 Mhz and 2x15 Mhz may be done as follows: Let the subscriber number be: 3,700,000. The essential bandwidth is: 2x[12+(15-12)/(4,500-3,000)*(3,700-3,000)] = 2x13.4 Mhz =26.8 Mhz
GSM bandwidth taken as next higher multiple of 2x200 Khz (1 carrier), and CDMA of 2x1.25Mhz (one carrier)
These Figures are very relaxed compared to DOT India Criteria for A and B circles as given in the annexes: ref. DOT Order No. J-14025/200(17)/2004-NT
Spectrum Pricing
Spectrum is very precious All countries charges spectrum on
Reservation or Holding
Charged only if used.
2G and 2.5G spectrum Usage (Ordinary mobile and or WLL with or without mobility) NDCL SNPL UTL NSTPL STM NDCL SNPL 2,860 1,720 117 0 0 NA NA 2x35 2x19 2x12.5 2x18.4 2x2.4 2x10 2x10 12,000 5,700 6,500 4,900 200 2x14.15 2x9 2x2.5 0 0 N/P 0.74 0.1 0 0 0 0
* Calculated as a ratio of Rs 28 millions per 2x19 Mhz N/P: does Not Pay NA: Not Available,
Rs 50 millions/Mhz/year
Bangladesh auctioned spectrum at 800 million takas/Mhz, which comes to:
Variable pricing
Mixed Type
e.g. Australia
Consultants suggest comparison of spectrum charges based on annual Price per Mega hertz per Population (PMP) PMP vary from country to country and are mostly in the range from Rs 0.5 to Rs 5/Mhz/Population/year (some countries have even much higher PMP figures) Indian charges add up to around Rs 0.67/Mhz/Year
(derived from 6% of annual revenue of comparable operator in Nepal)
Rs 2.5
Intends to earn through auction $ 6 billions total for new operators For existing operators levy a one time Charge and additional 1% in the revenue sharing for spectrum fee )
BW : Frequency Bandwidth (sum of both sides of duplex bandwidths in case of FDD) R : Rate = Rs 1.4 Millions/Mhz/Year now and increasing it annually to Rs 15.0 Millions/per year in 5 years time.
for Rural Area, 0.5 for FWDR and/or MWDR, and 0.75 for any other option excluding Kathmandu
Revenue Based
As a % of Revenue Is simple to calculate and favorable to small operators
Does not put price on Reservation/Holding/Hoarding Encourages Hoarding
Comments: Does not support usage, No need now to differentiate WLL and GSM
Offers a unified approach for both 2G/2.5G and 3G spectrum prices by adopting a single formula
Where P: Percent figure taken as 1 % which should gradually be increased to 4% AGOR: Annual Gross Operating Revenue BWE: Bandwidth Essential for the service, determined For 2G and 2.5 G as per the earlier defined subscriber/revenue linked criteria For 3G taken as 2x5 Mhz Total Bandwidth is the sum of the two. BWL: Total Spectral Bandwidth in Lower Frequencies (e.g. CDMA800 and GSM/EGMS900) BWU: Total Bandwidth in Higher Frequencies (e.g. CDMA1900 and GSM1800). BW3G: Total Bandwidth in 3G spectrum BWT: Total Bandwidth Assigned to the operator = BWL +BWU+ BW3G R: Annual Rate of Spectrum Charge (Rs./MHz) for Extra Bandwidth, R= Rs. 7,000,000/Mhz (For TDD nominal bandwidth, and for FDD sum of transmit and receive bandwidths, e.g. for 2x6Mhz block the bandwidth is 12 Mhz). R should be gradually increased to Rs 28 millions/Mhz/year in next 5 years : Regional Coefficient: 1 for all Nepal, 0.9 for Kathmandu, 0.3 for Rural Area, 0.5 for FWDR and/or MWDR, and 0.75 for any other option excluding Kathmandu
Assign spectrum based on defined criteria: Subscriber or Revenue criteria, whichever is favorable for network expansion Obtain approval form RFPDC, MOIC to adopt Mixed Spectrum Pricing Formula. Obtain firm Network Roll out plan for next 2 years from operators. Allocate spectrum adequate for current and next two years requirement.
Conclusions (contd.)
5. 6.
Revoke excess bandwidth (i.e. bandwidth requirements for over next two years) Charge, as per Mixed pricing formula, for the essential bandwidth and the bandwidth necessary for the next two years requirement Implement the New Spectrum Management Regime by 6 months time
Conclusions (contd.)
Provide equal level playing field to all operators by applying the same regime Apply the new Regime equally Make decisions on the issues after Apply the new Pricing and Management regime for the purpose of spectrum usage
1 2 3 4 5
Conduct consultation on the new considerations outlined here to implement the spectrum refarming. Make final decisions after taking into consideration the comments from consultation. Obtain permission from MOIC to implement the New Pricing Regime Apply the new Pricing Regime from FY066/65 Spectrum Fee shall be paid in advance for upcoming fiscal year and will be adjusted at the end of the year
For operators already providing service, payment to be based on previous years fees For new operators fees to be charged on reservation based on proposed business plan
500 2x2.4 12 3 2% % Dist 100% 5% 50% 30% 10% 5% 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Of BTS 500 25 250 150 50 25 Erl Per BTS Total Erl. 14 8.79 14.07 19.34 24.60 42.00 63.00 72.00 87.60 126.00 150.60 350 2,198 2,111 967 615 6,240
6,240 Subscribers supported 12.48 Maximum per BTS 25 Average Per BTS 75% Total in the Network
Erl/BTS 14 8.79 14.07 19.34 24.60 49.00 63.00 87.60 126.00 150.60
CDMA800 Abnormal Frequency allocation table. Guard band is not suitable. For e.g. the difference of ch no. 349 of operator 2 and channel 370 of operator is only 21 instead of at least 41. The name of the operators is not mentioned although the operators have already been assigned the spectrum. From this it can't be said that amount of spectrum intended to provide to the NDCL Channel no. of the proposed is not matched the existing usage of the channel.(existing usage of NDCL is 119, 201, 283; Future paln:160, 242) If the channel no is changed the mismatch of the terminal device with that of the CDMA network system results the disruption of the service Being unavailability of the over the air service provisioning (OTASP) in the FWP/FWT, it is necessary to change the channel no. in the network and subscribers' terminal manually. Current no. of subscribers is ~6 lakhs, so it is impossible to change the ch. no. in each terminal of the subscribers. So it is not suitable to change the channel. usage pattern from the existing channel usage pattern
CDMA1800 overlaps with about 10 MHz of GSM1800 band which has imposed a constraint in allocation of GSM 1800 spectrum GSM would be certainly suitable as compared to CDMA
Minimum subscriber base (In Lakh) required for allotment of different amounts of GSM spectrum 4.4 MHz 6.2 MHz 8 7.2 MHz 30
No criteria*