FDD - FCUBS12.0.3 - CASA - Amount Block
FDD - FCUBS12.0.3 - CASA - Amount Block
FDD - FCUBS12.0.3 - CASA - Amount Block
1. Glossary................................................................................................................................................9
2. Solution Overview..............................................................................................................................10
2.1 Summary..................................................................................................................................10
Design Approach.................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Business Process Task Flow....................................................................................................11
2.3 Features in Scope.....................................................................................................................11
2.3.1 <Feature ID> : Funds Sufficiency Check Request from Channels.........................................................11
2.3.2 <Feature ID> : Addition of New Flag to Amount Block Input Screen (CADAMBLK)........................12
2.3.3 <Feature ID> : Processing Amount Block Requests from Channels Using Web Service......................13
2.3.4 <Feature ID> : Processing Debit Transaction.........................................................................................15
2.3.5 <Feature ID> : Processing File Upload from Channels..........................................................................17
2.3.6 <Feature ID> : Currency Rounding Off & Settlement File Balancing...................................................20
2.4 Features Out of Scope..............................................................................................................21
None 21
2.5 Solution Flow Diagram............................................................................................................21
2.6 Solution Components List........................................................................................................22
2.7 Assumptions and Constraints...................................................................................................22
2.7.1 Assumptions............................................................................................................................................22
2.7.2 Constraints...............................................................................................................................................22
2.7.3 Recommended Set Up.............................................................................................................................22
3. Artifacts to Plan and Validate User Design for <Feature ID> : Processing of Amount Block
Transactions, Debit Transactions & File Upload........................................................................................23
3.1 Detailed Solution Flow............................................................................................................23
3.2 Product Use Cases....................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Activity – Task Name:.............................................................................................................................24
3.3 Navigation................................................................................................................................25
3.4 UI Wireframe...........................................................................................................................25
3.5 UI Prototype.............................................................................................................................25
3.5.1 Addition of New Flag in Amount Block Input Screen - CADAMBLK..................................................26
3.5.2 Addition of New Field in Journal Entry Input Screen - DEDJNLON....................................................27
3.6 Page Information......................................................................................................................28
3.7 UI Elements.............................................................................................................................28
3.7.1 Amount Block Input Screen - CADAMBLK..........................................................................................28
3.7.2 Addition of New Field in Journal Entry Input – DEDJNLON................................................................28
3.8 UI Business Rules....................................................................................................................29
3.9 UI Error Messages...................................................................................................................29
3.10 Embedded Help........................................................................................................................29
3.11 Impact on Audit Trail...............................................................................................................29
3.12 Impact on Authorization..........................................................................................................29
4. Security Considerations.....................................................................................................................30
4.1 Privileges..................................................................................................................................30
4.1.1 Duties.......................................................................................................................................................30
4.2 Function Security Mapping......................................................................................................30
4.3 Data Security Mapping............................................................................................................30
4.3.1 Permissions..............................................................................................................................................30
4.3.2 Constraints...............................................................................................................................................30
4.4 Other Security Considerations.................................................................................................30
5. SOA Components...............................................................................................................................31
5.1 Reference to SOA Components deliverable............................................................................31
Term Definition
BRD Business Requirement Document
FDD Functional Design Document
FCUBS Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking
UBS Universal Banking Solution
FCPB Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking
FCIS Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Services
2. Solution Overview
2.1 Summary
Facility required for handling the following requests from channels using the web service.
1. Funds Sufficiency check in the CASA account.
2. Imposing amount block in the account for the requested amount.
3. Providing the amount block confirmation to the channel from where the request was initiated along with the
amount block reference number.
4. Processing amount block modification requests from channels & providing confirmation.
5. Processing amount block release request from channels & providing the confirmation after releasing amount
6. Processing of account debit transaction based on the request received from channels & providing the confirmation
to the channel with transaction reference number.
The below mentioned transactions need to be handled through file upload facility in UBS. The file will be received from
other channels, UBS need to process the request & send back the confirmation to the respective channel.
1. Amount block creation for CASA accounts.
2. Amount block modification for CASA accounts.
3. Release of the existing amount block in the CASA accounts.
4. Posting debit/credit transactions in the CASA account.
Design Approach
1. A new flag “Verify Available Balance” will be added in the amount block screen (CADAMBLK). When this flag
is selected amount block will be done only when the funds are available in the account. The same flag will be
added in the amount block gateway service as well.
2. A new field “Source Code” will be added in amount block screen (CADAMBLK) to capture the source from
which the amount block has been initiated. This will be added in amount block gateway service as well.
3. The existing operation QueryCustAcc in the service FCUBSAccService can be used to perform the funds
sufficiency check in a CASA account before imposing an amount block into the account.
4. The different operations under existing web service FCUBSCustomerService can be used to handle the following
amount block related requests that are coming from channels.
a. Creation of amount block.
b. Providing confirmation with amount block reference number.
c. Modification of the existing amount block & providing confirmation to channel.
d. Releasing the existing amount block & providing the confirmation to channel.
5. The existing web service FCUBSDEservice will be used for debit/credit settlement transactions in CASA/GL
6. The existing GI facilities will be used to handle the debit/credit transactions upload file from channels. A new field
will be added to provide the “Amount Block Number” in the file upload.
7. A facility will be added in the GI to process the file based amount block creation, amount block modification &
release requests from channels.
8. 24*7 support required for amount block creation, amount block modification, amount block release & debit/credit
settlement transactions.
RS Reference Description
The existing web service FCUBSAccService will be used to perform the funds sufficiency check from
channels. Description
The new flag will be added in the Amount Block Input screen (CADAMBLK).
2.3.3 <Feature ID> : Processing Amount Block Requests from Channels Using Web Service
Priority Must Have
Related Business FCUBS_Core_13_0011
Enhancement Not Applicable
Request Number
Performance Considerations
High Volume
High Concurrency Not Applicable
Transaction Flow Description
Using the existing web service FCUBSCustomerService the below mentioned actions related to amount
block can be performed from a channel. Description
Using the existing web service FCUBSDEService the below mentioned debit transaction can be
completed from the channels. Description
Using the file upload facility the below mentioned transactions are required to be performed from the
Activity Existing Proposed Functionality
Debit/Credit transactions Not Supported The GI facility will be utilized by external
using file upload channels to upload the Debit/Credit transaction
facility. file.
New interface codes DEIJNLON (for incoming)
& DEOJNLON (outgoing) will be created for
the debit/credit transaction upload file. The
outgoing file would be linked to incoming file
and generated in the context of the incoming file
data set.
The data will be provided by the external
channels in the standard file format.
The incoming file from the channels will be
processed & the status of file upload
(success/failure) will be provided to the
channels using the outgoing file format.
The file formats has been embedded in section
18 – appendix.
Handling failure Not supported When a transaction leg in a “Current Number”
transactions. has been failed then the entire transaction
entries pertain to that “Current Number” will be
rolled back including amount block.
Manual correction needs to be done further for
failed transactions.
The list of failure transactions & reason for
failure will be provided to the external channels
for reconciliation.
Amount block creation Supported. (However Amount block creation from external channels
using file upload further addition of fields can be done using the GI facility.
facility. (refer section & The existing interface codes AMTBLKIN
linking outgoing format (incoming) & CAOAMBLK (outgoing) will be
to incoming needs to be used for the same. The outgoing file would be
done). linked to incoming file and generated in the
context of the incoming file data set.
The status of upload (success/failure) will be
provided to channels after processing the file.
Modification of amount Not Supported New interface codes AMIBLKMD (incoming)
block using file upload & AMOBLKMD (outgoing) will be created for
facility. modifying the amount block record. The
outgoing file would be linked to incoming file
and generated in the context of the incoming file
data set. The fields are embedded in section 18 –
Amount block reference number which needs to
be modified will be provided by the channels.
The following fields can be modified in the
existing amount block record.
a. Amount.
b. Hold Code.
c. Expiry Date.
d. Remarks.
The validations that are applicable for the
amount block modification will be applied
during modification of the amount block
through upload facility also.
The status of upload (success/failure) will be
provided to channels after processing the file.
If the modification (increasing/decreasing the
amount of block) request has been failed for any
of the reasons then the original amount of the
block will be retained.
Release of amount block Not supported The GI facility will be utilized by external
using file upload channels to upload the amount block release
facility, file.
New Interface codes AMIBLKCL (incoming) &
AMOBLKCL will be created to support the
amount block release file upload from external
channels. The outgoing file would be linked to
incoming file and generated in the context of the
incoming file data set. The files are embedded
in section 18 – appendix.
Channel needs to provide the “Amount Block
Number” which is to be released..
The validations that are applicable for the
amount block release will be applied during
releasing of the amount block through upload
facility also.
The status of upload (success/failure) will be
provided to channels after processing the file.
2.3.6 <Feature ID> : Currency Rounding Off & Settlement File Balancing
Priority Must Have
Related Business FCUBS_Core_13_0011
Enhancement Not Applicable
Request Number
Performance Considerations
High Volume
High Concurrency Not Applicable
Transaction Flow Description
When the settlement file is received from external channels the same needs to be processed as described
Balancing of Settlement Supported. External channels will send the settlement file in
file in UBS that has transaction currency.
been received from Incase external channel does not send the local
external channels. currency equivalent amount, UBS will convert
the transaction amounts into local currency by
applying the applicable conversion rates.
The maximum permissible tolerance limit for
balancing a curr no. can be set up in the system
internal parameter cstb_param. A new
be introduced to achieve this functionality.
After converting the transaction amounts into
local currency equivalent, if there is any
difference between credit & debit transaction
totals it will be handled in the following way.
a. If the file is balanced without any
difference then the Dr/Cr transactions
will be posted into the respective
b. If there is any difference found due to
which the curr no. is not balanced then
system will check whether the
difference is within the maximum
permissible tolerance limit. 1. If the
difference is within the maximum
permissible tolerance limit then the
transactions will be posted into
respective Dr/Cr accounts by adjusting
the local currency equivalent amount
into the last transaction leg. 2. If the
difference is beyond the maximum
permissible tolerance limit then the
entire set of transactions under the
“Current Number” will be failed.
c. If the transaction is failed, further
reconciliation needs to be done
manually. Description
2.7.1 Assumptions
1. The amount block request from the channels will be received only in account currency.
2.7.2 Constraints
2. The field upload for DE (DEDJNLON) can be configured as auto authorized always in the integrated scenario with
3. Artifacts to Plan and Validate User Design for <Feature ID> : Processing of
Amount Block Transactions, Debit Transactions & File Upload
On successful completion of the request amount block reference number AB4936 will be provided to FCIS.
Once the transaction is successfully processed successfully in UBS a confirmation will be sent back to FCPB.
Parent PUC
Scenario Type
Related Business Use Case ID
Setup Assumptions
Scenario Priority
Performance Considerations
Type (select one from options below for Description
each row)
3.3 Navigation
3.4 UI Wireframe
3.5 UI Prototype
3.5.1 Addition of New Flag in Amount Block Input Screen - CADAMBLK
1. A new flag “Block Only If Funds are Available” will be added in the Amount Block Input Screen (CADAMBLK).
3.7 UI Elements
Display Alt Text Description Attribute Object Required/ Business Data Type/ Field Validation Default Value
Name Type Type Mandatory object Size
Verify Verify When this Manual Checkbox No NA Varchar (1) None Blank
Available Available flag is Input
Balance Balance selected
system will
block the
amount only
funds are
Source Source The source Display Textbox No NA Valid source None None
Code Code code from code values
which the
block has
Display Alt Text Description Attribute Object Required/ Business Data Type/ Field Validation Default Value
Name Type Type Mandatory object Size
Amount Amount Display Text box No NA Size of Valid Amount Blank
Block Block The amount existing Block reference
Number Number block amount Number. Value to
number block this field can be
provided in number in provided only
this field will CADAMBL during file upload.
be released K screen.
as part of the
3.8 UI Business Rules
4.1.1 Duties
4.3.1 Permissions
4.3.2 Constraints
Task Annotation Related Business Object Related Business Event Default Approval
7. Service Solution Component
7.1.1 Service Information
Related Features
Service Visibility
Business Process Task
Business Objects
Consuming Products
Consuming Technology
Related Use Cases
Extensibility Required
Industry Standard
Third Party Integration
Setup Related
Used for Replication
7.2 FCUBSCustomerService
1. The new fields “Block Only If Funds are Available” will be added in the following operations.
a. CreateAmtBlk.
b. ModifyAmtBlk.
c. CloseAmtBlk.
2. The operation CreateAmtBlk can be consumed by external channels for creating new amount blocks.
3. The operation ModifyAmtBlk can be utilized by the external channels for modifying amount blocks.
4. The operation CloseAmtBlk can be utilized by the external channels for releasing the existing amount blocks.
7.3 FCUBSDEService
1. The operation CreateMjrnlbook can be utilized by external channels for posting debit/credit transactions online.
8.1.2 Screenshot
8.1.4 Parameters
Header Section
Tabular Section
Column Description Retrieval Logic
8.1.10 Graphs
9.1.3 Parameters
Header Section
Tabular Section
Column Description Retrieval Logic
Body Details
No Field Name Type Length Derivation Logic Default Values
11.1.2 Parameters
11.1.5 Output
12.1.1 Lookups
12.1.3 FlexFields
15.1 Dependencies
15.2 Impacts
Related Features
Date Raised
Raised by
Interested Parties
Target Date
Date Closed
Issue Description
Related Features
Date Raised
Raised by
Interested Parties
Target Date
Date Closed
Issue Description
18. Appendix: <Multi Multi Journal Entry & Amount Block Modification Amount
Block Release Files>