DIAT RGO CDS PANI - Thermoelectric
DIAT RGO CDS PANI - Thermoelectric
DIAT RGO CDS PANI - Thermoelectric
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A ternary hybrid nanocomposite of RGO–CdS–polyaniline (PANI) is prepared by a simple two stage in situ
method for its thermoelectric studies. For this purpose, CdS quantum dots were first prepared with varying
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
concentrations in the presence of reduced graphene oxide to form RGO–CdS nanocomposites using
3-mercaptopropionic acid as a linker. Polyaniline was then prepared in situ in the presence of RGO–CdS
nanocomposites to eventually obtain RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites. The electrical conductivity,
Seebeck coefficient and power factor of the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites were calculated with
Received 14th June 2017
Accepted 6th August 2017
various loadings of RGO–CdS nanocomposites in PANI. The final RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites
delivered a high electric conductivity in the order of 105 S m1 and showed strong re-dispersion in DMF
DOI: 10.1039/c7se00290d
and ethanol. The effective band alignment and decreased thermal conductivity in RGO–CdS–PANI
rsc.li/sustainable-energy nanocomposites resulted in p-type behaviour and a high power factor value.
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Thus, in the present work, we have typically combined RGO SEM images and elemental analysis were performed on
with CdS QDs and PANI to enhance the thermoelectric prop- a Carl Zeiss Scanning electron microscope. Infrared (FTIR)
erties and improve the re-dispersion. For this purpose, we rst spectra were recorded at room temperature from 4000 cm1 to
performed the in situ synthesis of RGO–CdS nanocomposites 400 cm1 with an FTIR Perkin Elmer spectrum two (USA). TEM
with three different ratios of RGO to CdS. These RGO–CdS images were obtained using an FEI-TECNAI G2 (Czech
nanocomposites were thoroughly characterized and then Republic).
combined with polyaniline by polymerizing aniline in situ in
their presence to form ternary RGO–CdS–PANI nano- Synthesis of RGO–CdS nanocomposites
composites. The as-formed RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites
Graphene was prepared in three steps as reported in the liter-
with varied concentrations of RGO–CdS nanocomposites were
ature.31 In the rst step, graphite oxide was prepared from
then used for thermoelectric studies by forming thick pellets.
graphitic akes by the Hummers method. In the second step,
The measurement of the Seebeck coefficient, thermal conduc-
thermally expanded graphene oxide (TEGO) was prepared by
tivity, and electrical conductivity was performed experimentally
thermal expansion/exfoliation at 1050 C (Ar, 30 s). Finally, RGO
and the power factor (PF) was calculated from these values. The
was obtained by the hydrogen reduction of TEGO at 400 C for
effect of variation in CdS concentration on thermoelectric
2 h. In the second stage, we adopted the in situ synthesis
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
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inuence on thermoelectric properties. The as-prepared RGO– expected to show any absorbance in the visible region the only
CdS nanocomposite was thoroughly characterized to know the absorption possible for these samples was due to the presence
degree of CdS formation on RGO nanoplatelets. of CdS QDs in the nanocomposites. Thus, the presence of CdS
QDs was conrmed in the as-prepared G2, G3 and G4 nano-
composites. However, in the case of the RGO–CdS–PANI nano-
Results and discussion composite with a 0.4 wt% loading of the G4 sample, two broad
The presence of RGO and CdS QDs in the RGO–CdS nano- peaks covering the entire long-UV and visible region of the
composite was conrmed by UV-visible and PL spectroscopy spectrum were observed. These broad peaks were signature
(Fig. 1a and b). For this purpose, we separately synthesized CdS peaks of emeraldine base polyaniline conrming the formation
QDs alone by a similar method using MPA as the capping agent. of polyaniline in the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite. In addi-
The UV-visible spectrum of CdS alone (see Fig. SI. 1†) showed an tion to UV-visible spectroscopy, we also performed photo-
absorption peak at 370 nm conrming the formation of CdS luminescence (PL) spectroscopy for the as-prepared CdS QDs,
QDs, as the obtained band gap (3.35 eV) was much higher G2, G3 and G4 and RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites. The
than the bulk band gap of CdS (2.2 eV). The observed emission prole of CdS QDs showed a typical broad peak cen-
absorption proles of G2, G3 and G4 samples were typically tred at 525 nm which is due to the surface related defects
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
similar to the absorption prole of CdS QDs. Since, RGO is not created by the thiol group of MPA. However, the PL spectra of all
the G2, G3 and G4 nanocomposite samples showed a feature-
less prole with little or no photoluminescence. A similar PL
prole featuring quenching of photoluminescence was
observed for the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite with a 0.4 wt%
loading of the G4 sample. This observation was found to be
highly satisfactory, as complete quenching of the PL peak
highlights the effective charge transfer between CdS QDs, RGO
sheets and PANI. The excited electrons are expected to be
trapped by the surface related defects created by the MPA
capping ligand and the holes are expected to enter the Fermi
level of RGO. Such efficient transfer of charges from CdS to RGO
makes the as-prepared nanocomposites a highly promising
candidate for electronic applications.
The XRD studies of all the RGO–CdS samples showed sharp
characteristic peaks corresponding to (002), (100), (101), (004),
(103) and (110) crystal planes of graphite (Fig. 1c). The domi-
nance of graphitic peaks was expected due to the high crystal-
line nature of the stacked RGO sheets. The CdS QDs when
synthesized alone showed the broad peak prole highlighting
their small size and amorphous nature (Fig. SI. 1†). The broad
peak of CdS QDs was evident in the G4 sample where the ratio of
RGO : CdS was 1 : 0.5 (w/w%). It was obvious that the broad
peak prole of CdS QDs was evident in the G4 sample due to the
high concentration of CdS QDs present in this sample. The
broad peak that was obtained from 20 to 35 for this sample
highlights the merging of peaks (111) and (220) of cubic CdS
crystal planes. For further conrming the presence of CdS QDs
in the nanocomposites, we performed Raman spectroscopy for
In bulk CdS crystals, the rule for the selection of Raman
scattering is q z 0, where q is the wave vector. However, in CdS
QDs, the selection rule (q z 0) is relaxed due to interference of
lattice periodicity. The group theory predicts seven optically
active branches at the zone centre in the CdS crystal structure.
These optical branches can be classied as symmetric A1 and
doubly degenerate E1, both active in Raman and infrared
spectra, and two doubly degenerate E2 branches (Raman
active only).32,33 In the present study, we observed six broad
optical vibrational Raman peaks between approximately
(a) UV-visible, (b) PL spectra and (c) XRD of RGO–CdS nano-
Fig. 1 290–480, 750–1000, 1100–1380, 1600–1850, 2000–2200 and
composites with different concentrations of CdS QDs. 2500–2700 cm1 in G2, G3 and G4 samples as shown in Fig. 2a.
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1720 cm1 and two peaks between 1210 and 1320 cm1
resembling C]O and C–O stretching vibrations were also
clearly observed for all the samples. The peak of S–H from thiol
(2500–2600 cm1) was absent in all the samples conrming the
bond between the S atom from thiol and the Cd atom from CdS
QDs. The FESEM images shown in Fig. 3a–c of the RGO–CdS
nanocomposite conrmed the uniform coverage of CdS quantum
dots over RGO as the ratio of CdS was increased from G2 to G4. The
coverage of CdS QDs over RGO sheets was found to be high in the
G4 sample as observed from the SEM image.
The presence of CdS QDs was observed on RGO sheets. The
EDX analysis conrmed the increase of elemental Cd and S
Fig. 2(a) FTIR and (b) Raman spectra of the as-prepared nano- from G2 to G4 samples (Fig. S4†). The HRTEM images of the G4
composites confirming the presence of CdS, RGO, PANI and MPA. sample further conrmed the presence of CdS QDs on RGO
sheets and also the exfoliation of RGO sheets (see Fig. 3). It was
observed that small aggregates of CdS QDs were uniformly
The peaks obtained are broad in nature and hence reecting the decorated over plane of wrecked RGO nanosheets. The lattice
presence of high density photons in the nanocomposites. The fringes were clearly visible and the lattice spacing of d ¼
presence of E-modes represents high phonon scattering in the 0.205 nm for the (220) crystal plane. The SEM and TEM images
sample which may reduce the thermal conductivity in the of the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite with a 0.4 wt% loading of
present nanocomposite system. The RGO–CdS–PANI nano- the G4 sample visibly showed the presence of globular PANI
composite with a 0.4 wt% loading of the G4 samples showed aggregates along with CdS coated RGO sheets in the sample
Fig. 3 (a–c) FESEM images of the RGO–CdS nanocomposite with different ratios of CdS and RGO, (d) TEM images of the G4 sample with a scale
bar of 100 nm (e) TEM images of the G4 sample with scale bars of 10 nm and 2 nm for the inset, and (f) schematic representation showing MPA
linkage between graphene sheets and CdS QDs.
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(Fig. 4a). The lattice fringes of CdS QDs were clearly visible in obtained values of S and s (PF ¼ S2s). Interestingly, we observed
the TEM images which conrmed their existence over RGO that the electrical conductivity of RGO–CdS–PANI nano-
sheets (Fig. SI. 5†). composites increased with the increase in the ller (G2, G3 &
G4) concentration (Fig. 4b). The increase in electrical conduc-
Thermoelectric application of RGO–CdS in the polyaniline tivity was mainly due to addition of RGO–CdS nanocomposites,
matrix as pristine PANI showed low electrical conductivity in the range
of 104 S m1. The Seebeck coefficient also exhibited an inter-
The electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient/thermopower esting trend as the maximum value was obtained for a sample
and power factor are the three main components which with 0.2 wt% of G4 loading while the lowest value was obtained
describe thermoelectric properties. The measurement of for a sample with 0.4 wt% of G4 loading (see Fig. 4c). The PF of
electrical conductivity and thermopower was carried out the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites increased as the ller
experimentally at room temperature (RT) and under ambient concentration increased and reached a very high value
conditions. The power factor (PF) was calculated from the
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
Fig. 4 (a) SEM image of the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite with a 0.4 wt% loading of the G4 sample plus photograph of its re-dispersion in
ethanol (inset), plots of (b) electrical conductivity, (c) Seebeck coefficient, (d) power factor versus filler concentration and (e) graphical repre-
sentation for energy levels of the RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite promoting p-type charge transport and energy filtering effect.
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(91.95 mW m1 K2) for 0.4 wt% loading of G4 (Fig. 4d). This PF samples creating a good network of exfoliated RGO sheets. The
value was found to be slightly lower than the highest ever re- uniformly distributed RGO increases the interfacial area which
ported value for the PANI based system. Recently, Wang et al. facilitates high charge mobility and high carrier transfer
reported a PF of 101 mW m1 K2 using a composite of PANI, between PANI–RGO and CdS–PANI interfaces. However, it has
SWNT's and Te nanorods.43 The present nanocomposite system been reported previously that a thiol based capping ligand may
however, can be more advantageous as a low thermal conduc- form an electron trapping centre by creating an energy level
tivity (0.14 for 0.4 wt% G4 loading) was obtained as compared to near the valence band of CdS QDs.44 Such an electron trapping
0.3 for the above-reported material. The low thermal conduc- centre can be formed due to the MPA capping ligand blocking
tivity and high electrical conductivity of the present RGO–CdS– the electron transport from CdS QDs to RGO. Furthermore, the
PANI nanocomposite (with 0.4 wt% loading G4) yielded an conduction band of CdS QDs is assumed to be below the LUMO
excellent ZT value of 1.97. of PANI while the valence band of PANI is situated above the
The electrical conductivity in the present nanocomposite valence band of CdS QDs. The band alignment in the present
system may have followed the percolation law which helps to nanocomposites favours the electron transfer from PANI to CdS
predict an increase in electrical conductivity till it reaches QDs and hole transfer from CdS QDs to PANI aer thermal or
a critical concentration level of the ller. Generally, when two visible light excitation. Such charge transfer will increase the
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
different materials with a large difference in electrical conduc- electron and hole density in CdS QDs (conduction band) and
tivities are mixed, such a phenomenon is observed. Interest- PANI (HOMO) respectively. Since, the MPA ligand binds the CdS
ingly, the role of CdS QDs was vital in obtaining high PF values. and RGO together; the excited electrons will not transfer from
It should be noted that the concentration of RGO and PANI was CdS to RGO due to their difference in energy levels. However,
kept constant in RGO–CdS and RGO–CdS–PANI nano- the energy level of RGO is expected to be above the HOMO of
composites respectively. Thus, only the CdS QD concentration PANI which will favour the hole transfer from PANI to RGO
was systematically increased in the nal RGO–CdS–PANI (Fig. 4a). Hence, the as-prepared RGO–CdS–PANI nano-
nanocomposites as the loading of G2, G3 and G4 was increased. composite behaves like a p-type material which was evident
The PF value of RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites with a 0.4 wt% from the positive Seebeck coefficient values.45 Furthermore, the
G3 loading was 75 while with a similar G4 loading was work function of PANI (emeraldine base) is known to be near
92 (Fig. 4d). Thus, the increase in CdS QD concentration 5 eV while the work function of CdS and RGO is 3.9 and 4.7 eV
(0.25 to 0.5 wt% with respect to RGO) in the as-prepared respectively.46 We assume that a small energy barrier may be
RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites played a vital role in present at the PANI/RGO interface. It has been reported that the
increasing the PF value. Additionally, the increase in CdS QD inorganic/organic hybrid nanocomposites exhibit an energy
concentrations (from G2 to G4) also leads to the increase in ltering effect where the carriers possessing high energy cross
electrical conductivities of the nanocomposites i.e. samples with the energy barrier at the interface. The low energy carriers are
G4 loading have the highest values followed by G3 and then G2. not allowed to pass through the interface and thus, leading to
enhancement of low electrical conductivity and high Seebeck
coefficient.47 In the present ternary nanocomposites, two
Mechanism and role of various interfaces in charge transport different interfaces (PANI–RGO and PANI–CdS) are active for
The most peculiar part of thermoelectric properties is the the passage of charge carriers. The obvious enhancement in the
interdependency of electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Seebeck coefficient for the low concentrations of G2, G3 and G4
and thermal conductivity. The electrical and thermal conduc- in RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite lms may be attributed to
tivity of the thermoelectric material enhances and reduces the synergetic energy ltering effect at these two interfaces of
simultaneously. RGO possess high electrical and thermal PANI–RGO and CdS–PANI. However, when the concentration of
conductivity hence; it is not an ideal candidate for thermo- G2, G3 and G4 was increased in the RGO–CdS–PANI nano-
electric applications. In the present case, the decoration with composite, the Seebeck coefficient decreased. The decreased
CdS QDs over RGO and the PANI matrix helps to decouple Seebeck coefficient could be a result of increase in population of
electrical and thermal conductivity in the as-prepared nano- high energy charge carriers resulting in higher electrical
composites. Since, the thermal conductivities of both CdS and conductivity. The RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites represent
PANI are more than 10 times lower than that of graphene, the a brilliant description in which temperature gradients have
present nanocomposites may offer high electrical conductivity been maintained between two edges of the material resulting in
but low thermal conductivity. The broadness of the RAMAN generation of electric potential. The schematic representation
peaks of these nanocomposites hinted high scattering of of the charge transport and the energy ltering effect in the
phonons which may lower the thermal conductivity. present RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposite is shown in Fig. 4e.
In the present study, CdS QDs were prepared over and in Overall, such a favourable network of the as-prepared RGO–
between the RGO layers during processing. As a result, the CdS–PANI nanocomposite may promote high electrical
tendency of graphitic stacking in the as-prepared nano- conductivity but reduce the thermal conductivity.
composite may have reduced. The decoration of CdS QDs To justify the claims of the present work, a summary of the
obstructs the phonon transport but permits charge transport latest thermoelectric reports based on the PANI matrix has been
which further results in a decrease of thermal conductivity. The highlighted in Table 1. The as-synthesized RGO–CdS–PANI
FESEM images revealed the uniform presence of RGO in all the nanocomposites showed strong re-dispersion in common
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Table 1 Compilation of the recent reports on thermoelectric properties of PANI based composite materials
PANI based composites for thermoelectric studies s, S m1 S, mV k1 k, W mK1 Calculated PF (S2s), mW m1 K2
PANI + SWCNT composites with different SWCNTs34 10–125 (RT) 11–40 (RT) 0.5–1 (RT) 0.5–5 (300 K)
PANI + unoxidized SWCNTs35 5.30 104 33 — 0.6
PANI + HCl + MWCNTs (40%)36 1.71 103 10 — 0.17
PANI + CNTs (15.8%)37 6.1 103 29 0.4–0.5 5
PANI + HCl + graphene (50%)38 123 34 3.3 14
PANI + GNP (in situ polymerization with ZT (300 K) ¼
protonation ratio – 0.2)
Neat PANI 150 7 0.6 3.68 106
Neat GNP 2 104 5 74 3.04 106
PANI/GNP (50 mM, as made) 5900 33 13 1.51 104
PANI/GNP (50 mM, reprotonated)39 1.74 104 19 15 1.26 104
PANI + 30% graphene (in situ polymerization)40 5 103 at 323 K 12 — ZT ¼ 1.95 103 at 453 K
PANI at 420 K 500 13 — 0.1
PANI + 5–30% graphene41 700–4.0 103 28–32 — 0.4–2.6
Published on 07 August 2017. Downloaded on 22/08/2017 13:37:31.
solvents such as DMF and ethanol which was stable for more the RGO–CdS nanocomposite in the PANI matrix are among the
than 08 weeks (Fig. SI. 2†). We believe that the strong re- highest reported values for PANI based TE materials. The
dispersion could be due to the high exfoliation of RGO result- present RGO–CdS–PANI nanocomposites can be considered
ing in small sub-micron sized RGO–CdS nanocomposites a highly suitable material for exible thermoelectric devices or
(Fig. SI. 3†). These small sized RGO–CdS sheets along with fabrics due to their high re-dispersion and easy processing.
globules of PANI could easily disperse in the solvent medium.
The high re-dispersibility of these nanocomposites may be
signicant for their application in exible thermoelectric Conflicts of interest
devices where solution processed or printed devices are fabri- There are no conicts of interest to declare.
cated. Additionally, the high electrical conductivities (in order
of 105 S m1) and suitable energy band positioning can be vital
for utilizing these nanocomposites for various energy and Acknowledgements
electronic applications.
We thank the Vice Chancellor (DIAT) for support. PM thanks the
DST, Govt. of India for a research grant through DST INSPIRE
Conclusion AWARD project no. IFA-13-PH-68.
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