Aum Ce
Aum Ce
Aum Ce
Freshmen Year
Semester 1 Semester 2
Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP
ENGR Transforming Ideas to Innovation I Transforming Ideas to Innovation II
2 ENGR 132 2 ENGR 131
131 (General Eng.) (General Eng.)
MAT 110 or MA 158
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Analytic Geometry And Calculus II
MA 165 4 or ENG Math MA 166 4 MA 165
(Mathematics) (Mathematics)
Placement Test
CHM 115 General Chemistry I (Science) 4 ConP: MA 165 PHYS 172 Modern Mechanics (Science) 4 ConP: MA 165
ENGL English for Academic Studies (English Programming Applications for
3 CS 159 3 ENGR 131
100 Lan. & Com.) Engineers (General Eng.)
General Education Elective First-Year Composition
GEE 3 ENGL 106 4 ENGL 100
(refer to course catalogue) (English Lan. & Com.)
Semester Credits = 16 Semester Credits = 17
Sophomore Year
Semester 3 Semester 4
Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP
ENGR 131, MA 166
CE 201 (min C),
CE 201 Linear Circuit Analysis I (CE Core) 3 (min C-), PHYS 172; CE 202 Linear Circuit Analysis II (CE Core) 3
ConP: MA 266
ConP: MA 261
Introduction to Digital System Design
MA 261 Multivariate Calculus (Mathematics) 4 MA 166 CE 270 4 ConP: CE 201
+ Lab (CE Core)
Electric And Magnetic Interactions + PHYS 172, Ordinary Differential Equations
PHYS 272 4 MA 266 3 MA 261
Lab (Science) ConP: MA 166 (Mathematics)
Electronic Measurement Techniques Introduction to Electronic Analysis
CE 207 1 ConP: CE 201 CE 255 3 CE 201 (min C)
Lab (CE Core) and Design (CE Core)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Electronic Devices and Design CE 207,
CE 200 0 Sophomore CE 208 1
Sophomore Seminar (CE Seminars) Laboratory (CE Core) ConP: CE 255
Fund. of Speech Communication General Education Elective
COM 114 3 ENGL 100 GEE 3
(English Lan. & Com.) (refer to course catalogue)
AUM reserves the right to change program content, course requirements, materials, and/or schedules as deemed necessary
Junior Year
Semester 5
Semester 6
Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP
CE 202 (min C), ASIC Design Laboratory EE 270 (min C)
CE 301 Signals and Systems (CE Core) 3 CE 337 2
MA 266 (Advanced CE Selective) or CE 270 (min C)
CE 264 Advanced C Programming (CE Core) 3 CS 159 (min C-) CE 368 Data Structures (CE Core) 3 CE 264 (min C-)
Microprocessor Systems and EE 270 (min C) or CE Software Engineering Tools
CE 362 4 CE 364 1 CE 264
Interfacing (CE Core) 270 (min C), CS 159 Laboratory (CE Core)
Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and MA 266,
MA 265 Linear Algebra (Mathematics) 3 MA 166 CE 302 3
Computer Engineering (CE Core) ConP: CE 301
General Education Elective (for ex. for ENGL 421: ENGL Discrete Mathematics for Computer
GEE 3 MA 369 3 CE 270
ENGL 421; refer to course catalogue) 106 Engineering (Mathematics)
General Education Elective
(refer to course catalogue)
Semester Credits = 16 Semester Credits = 15
Senior Year
Semester 7 Semester 8
Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP Course Title Cr. Pre/ConP
Professional Development and
Advanced CE Selective
CE 400 Career Guidance - Graduation 1 CE 200, Senior ACES 4 for CE 469: CE 368, CE 437
(CE 469 or CE 468)
Project I (CE Seminars)
Computer Design and Prototyping Digital Systems Senior Project +Lab CE 400 or EE 400, CE or EE
CE 437 4 CE 337, CE 362 CE 477 4
(Advanced CE Selective) (Senior Design) Core Curriculum, Senior
Complementary Elective for CE 463: CE 264,
CEE CE Elective (for example: CE 462) 3 for CE 462: CE 264 CEL 3
(for example: CE 463) ConP: EE 302 or CE 302
Engineering Breadth*
SC Science Elective * 4 EB 3
(General Eng.)
General Education Elective (refer to General Education Elective (refer to
course catalogue) course catalogue)
Semester Credits = 15 Semester Credits = 17
Total Minimum Credits Required for Graduation = 128
CE Core Courses (32 credits): CE 201 (3credits), CE 207 (1credit), CE 202 (3 credits), CE 255 (3 credits), CE 208 (1 credit), CE 264 (3credits), CE 270 (4 credits), CE 301 (3
credits), CE 302 (3 credits), CE 362 (4 credits), CE 364 (1credit), CE 368 (3credits).
AUM reserves the right to change program content, course requirements, materials, and/or schedules as deemed necessary
The sample plan of study is designed for a full time student within an ordinary graduation period between four and five years.