01x Studio Manager
01x Studio Manager
01x Studio Manager
• Click on FILE and select New Session there are two Stereo modules…
misunderstand…you do not have to light the BUS their level, then how can it be possible to combine
option in order to record. As we will see most them to a single module or a pair of modules
times you will probably route an input via a without overloading that module? The answer is,
DIRECT OUT to a track of your Digital Audio of course, the Attenuator – a way to attenuate
Workstation. But it is up to you and will depend (turn down) the signal so as not to distort.
on what it is you need to accomplish.
You can move the Direct out PRE or POST the
Where is the output assignment of a channel on module Fader. A reason for making the signal
the physical 01x? POST the fader is so that you have an artistic
• Press the [SELECT] button on the channel you control if it is necessary to adjust the level of the
wish to assign vocals during the record process. (This is all about
• Press the [PAN] multiple times to toggle flexibility). The PRE or POST FADER option for the
between several parameters (REC BUS, DIRECT OUT is found in UTILITY> 2 PATCH>
• Or – Press the [SELECTED CHANNEL] button.
This view will show not only the PAN Also of note, when talking about assignment: In
parameter, but will show the REC BUS assign, Studio Manager software you can see all your
the STEREO BUS assignment, the Phase, the PATCH settings (Input, Output and Effects) on a
ON/OFF status and the LEVEL of the selected convenient grid. Spend a little time making a
channel. The BUS in Studio Manager is change on the physical 01X and relating it to how
referring to the RECORD BUS. the change is reflected in the software and vice
versa. This will help you visualize the console and
Where is the RECORD BUS assigned out the options that you have. Once you understand
(connected to a destination) in the physical 01x? where things take place you will have a good
• Press UTILITY foundation on which to get creative. No one guide
• Press knob #2 PATCH could cover all the possibilities when it comes to
• Use the DISPLAY PAGE DOWN cursor to page “audio engineering” – and nothing illustrates this
through to Page 5 of 8 OUTPUT PATCH point more than creative patching. It is not a bad
idea to take a microphone and do some creative
Here you can connect the record bus, the stereo routing before you dive into a session. Do not
bus, the aux1/2 bus, or the aux3/4 bus (more on make the mistake of trying out things for the first
the Aux buses in a moment) to output time in the heat of a recording session. Take a
destinations. Any of these buses can be connected practice run on data that is purely for
to any pair of mLAN channels. This makes it experimentation. (The automobiles that they let
possible to use any of them as a destination when students drive are never expensive cars…why?
you need to combine signals. Here is an example Because nobody cries when it is just a practice
of such a situation: You might have the run.)
opportunity to record a choir - 8 singers, each on
their own microphone. It would not be prudent to Screen shot of the INPUT PATCH screen:
record them each on their own track. So you
might decide to record 2 passes with them but
combine each pass to a stereo pair of tracks…
resulting in 4 tracks with 16 singers – each stereo
pair is 8 singers. How is this done? Well, the REC
BUS can be assigned to any pair of mLAN
modules, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, on through to
23&24. You should maximize the gain of each
input during the record process so that you have
proper signal to noise ratio. When combining
multiple signals on a bus like this you can use the
module’s ATT (attenuator) to turn down the signal
prior to going to the Phase-> the EQ-> the
Dynamics-> and on to the DIRECT OUT (which
can be connected to a pair of tracks of your
DAW). The Attenuator is a very important
component, as you can see from this example.
Each input must be “gain-staged” – a term used
to describe the optimization of the record level so • Select the Windows pull-down and find PATCH
that you have maximum level short of distortion. EDITOR. INPUT PATCH (shown above).
If you have all these inputs each maximized as to OUTPUT PATCH (shown below).
Screen shot of the OUTPUT PATCH screen that if you have two microphones aimed at the
same object that you apply the 3:1 rule. The
distance between the first microphone and the
source is considered "1", then the distance
between the first and the second microphone
should be 3 times that distance. That is, if both
microphones are 1 foot from the source, there
should be 3 feet between them. If this is not
possible you may get a degree of phase
cancellation. A phase reverse can help in such
situation where the 3:1 rule cannot be observed.
There are many other tricks with Phase, please
consult your local library on audio engineering tips
and tricks.
When you click and highlight it (FX1) you will • “ST IN1L & ST IN1R” defaults to Internal
notice (if you are very observant) that in the next Effect processor number 1 (fed by AUX SEND
to last channel strip on your right (ST1) the word 3)
NONE now shows as the SOURCE for that channel • “ST IN2L & ST IN2R” defaults to Internal
module. That channel module is the “ST1” or Effect processor number 2 (fed by AUX SEND
STEREO IN 1 and it defaults to the return from the 4)
effect (FX1). Go to that next to the last module
and click on the NONE under the word “SOURCE” Okay, and pay attention here, this next bit is
and set it to FX1 (that's where it was before you important when finding these parameters on the
assigned it to channel module 1). Now go back to front panel of the 01X. You notice that global
channel module 1 and click FX2. Now see how the things concerning the SOURCE (PATCH) area are
last of the channel strips has changed. An effect in UTILITY. However, inserting an effect on a
can be reached via an AUX SEND or as we have channel happens on the channel. So certain
just seen, you can be have the effects INSERTED setting will be made at the channel level and
on any particular channel. others at the UTILITY (global) level. This will
become clear here in our next topic…
One important thing to notice on the two Stereo
Ins, ST1 and ST2, is that they are both stereo. Where do I INSERT an Effect on my channel
However you see they only have one fader each... module in the physical 01X?
you are viewing the left side or the ride side of Press the EFFECT button on the right side of the
this return. Press the [SELECT] button on the ST1 front panel. This will take you to the area where
channel module and this will toggle to the you can select effect types and route the two 32-
opposite side. Typically, a paired set of channels bit effect processors. Spend a little time getting
like this share everything (except the pan used to the screens in this area. It will return to
position)... so only one fader is shown on the the screen you were last looking at so learning to
console view at a time. If you are viewing the left navigate this area will be directly related to you
side, typically the PAN is set to hard left and the knowing what screens appear in this area. We
SOURCE at the top will say FX1-1, when you are have been working with EFFECT 1 (FX1) Use the
viewing the right side the PAN is set to hard right DISPLAY PAGE UP screen to return to the first
and the SOURCE at the top will say FX1-2. This is screen in this area. Here you will see EFFECT 1
indicating Left (1) and Right (2). PATCH to AUX 3 (that is the default setting set at
the factory). If you change this you are
Shown below is a screen shot of the “ST IN1 L” or reassigning the Effect 1 processor to a particular
Stereo Input 1 Left channel. The Studio Manager input channel. As you turn this knob and make
lets you view the Left and Right channel of this setting - notice the Studio Manager screen will
stereo pair individually. This Stereo Input is instantly reflect where you have assigned it. The
assigned to the INTERNAL EFFECT #1 by default. FX1 button will activate on the currently selected
You can select the right side by clicking on the channel.
Channel Select.
How do you Patch the INSERT Effect back to its
typical function on AUX 3?
Obviously you cannot do this on an input channel.
Patching it back to its default of AUX 3 will be a
function found in UTILITY. If you think about it for
a minute it makes sense - you are making the
Effect globally available to any channel - so that
type of parameter would be found in [UTILITY].
to PAGE 3 of 8. Set the INPUT SOURCE of the ST1
to FX1.
assign it and mistakenly think it should be with what else you have selected you will see different
the channel assignment options. It isn’t…it is in things. And once you grok this next little gem you
UTILITY. It is logical. will be well on your way to “getting” the 01X.
Channel Module: DYN Make sure that [SELECTED CHANNEL] is not lit.
This button simply turns the DYNAMICS Press the [LOW] button four times, you will see a
PROCESSOR on and off for the channel module. view where 8 channels have their info displayed.
When you want to edit the Dynamics Processor, it You will see the following four parameters
is a simple matter to SELECT the channel and (NAME):
launch the [SELECTED CHANNEL] window. This is
found in the software under the WINDOWS Shown Actual parameter
heading on the toolbar or you can use the quick ”EQ-ON” EQ ON/OFF
keys indicated next the SELECTED CHANNEL. ”EQL-G” EQ Low GAIN boost or cut
There will be more on setting up the Dynamics ”EQL-F” EQ Low Frequency setting
Processor in a separate Power User article. ”EQL-Q” EQ Low Bandwidth
Typically an ON/OFF button like this is used to
compare what you have now with what was • Press the button [NAME/VALUE] (to switch the
originally the signal. This is called an A/B view to VALUE).
comparison. This way you can quickly hear if you • Press the LOW button four more times. You
have actually improved the sound or degraded it. will see the following four parameters
found on the physical 01X? Value Explanation
Each channel has a [SELECT] button and on the ON Status of the EQ
right front panel there is a dedicated [DYNAMICS] 0.0 Amount of boost or cut
button. When this is pressed you can turn the 125 Frequency in Hertz
knob associated with a channel to turn the L-SHVL Type or Q setting, smaller is wider
processor ON and OFF.
The significant thing to get is that one view is
How do you edit the DYNAMICS PROCESSOR from showing the NAME of the parameter and the other
the front panel of the 01X? is showing you the VALUE (setting). If you have
After you have selected the channel module you the NAME showing and you turn the associated
wish to edit the Dynamics Processor, press the knob - the parameter will change and be visual for
[SELECTED CHANNEL] button and the parameters a few seconds before switching back to the NAME.
of the Processor will be shown. Multiple presses of If this is disturbing or confusing you can turn that
the [DYNAMICS] button will toggle between the function OFF, or you can simply use the VALUE
two editing screens. One screen allows you to view.
select the Dynamics algorithm and the other
screen lets you edit the parameters. Now once you have this item down. Let’s go one
more step. Press the [SELECTED CHANNEL]
Channel Module: EQ button. Now you get an overview of the channel
The 4-band parametric EQ ON/OFF button simply we are dealing with. In the left of the screen you
allows you to toggle the EQ on and off when doing will see:
comparisons. When you want to edit the EQ, it is
a simple matter to SELECT the channel and launch ”EQ-ON” - this can be toggled by turning knob 1
the SELECTED CHANNEL window as explained ”ATT” (attenuation) - this can boost or cut the
above. There will be more on setting up the EQ in overall signal by turning knob 2
a separate Power User article. ”Q” (bandwidth) - this will broaden or narrow the
affected range knob 4
Where is the EQ ON/OFF found on the physical ”F” (frequency) - this will set the frequency
01X? affected in Hertz knob 5
Each channel has a SELECT button and on the ”G” (gain) - this is how you are boosting or
right front panel there are 4 buttons, one for each cutting the specified frequency knob 6
of the four ranges LOW, LOW-MID, HI-MID and
HIGH. We will use the EQ area to demonstrate In the upper right corner you will see the
and learn a small but very useful trick about the currently selected channel.
front panel of the 01X.
Again toggle the [NAME/VALUE] button to see
Press the LOW button, repeatedly. You will toggle how this allows you to see the parameter names
around through four screens. Now depending on and then there current values. Once you see how
these views differ and what is going on, you start Several presses will toggle you through the
to realize how to interface with the 01X screen. various sends. Remember AUX 3 is FX1, and AUX
4 is FX2. AUX 1 and AUX 2 are sent directly to the
One last tip with the EQ on our channel strip: You AUX/STEREO output jacks on the back panel of
can with the mouse drag over the flat line on the the 01X.
screen of Studio Manager and do a quick EQ
without having to go in and deal with parameters. AUX SENDS can be PRE or POST (that is simply
This is useful when you are playing back a CD or before or after) the channel fader. The
other data and want to just put a "smiley curve" significance of this has to do with whether the
on it quickly. (Not an endorsement of smiley curve send is going to be influenced by the channel
EQ). fader. If the AUX SEND is PRE the fader - then the
fader’s position does not affect the signal being
Below the EQ Section but above the AUX SENDS sent. If the AUX SEND is POST the fader - then
is the Channel Module Number [1-24],[Bus], the fader’s position will have a big influence on
[Aux1-4], and [ST1-ST2]. the signal being sent.
Channel Module: AUX Let’s use an example, you want to set up AUX 1 to
The four horizontal blue lines represent the AUX feed a separate headphone amplifier so that the
SEND level. If you drag on this with your mouse singer can have a separate mix. Would you want
you can change the send level. It will be orange the send to be pre or post the fader? PRE... this
(post) or green (pre) as you drag left-to-right to way your fader can be set to control a separate
increase the send amount. Make sure you have mix for yourself. This way you can adjust the level
not INSERTED an effect on the channel (FX1/FX2 of AUX SEND 1 to the comfort of the singer
are not lit on any channels. The FX assignment without having to listen to the same balance of
should be showing on the ST1/ST2 (Stereo In) instrument to vocal.
modules on the right side of the Studio Manager).
The AUX SEND would be used to send a portion of When applying the PRE/POST concept to effects, a
the channel's signal to an effect - by dragging good example of the difference would be the
from left to right on AUX3 you will be sending following: You have a vocal track going through a
signal to EFFECT 1 (FX1). You can bypass this by channel module and you want the effect that the
clicking on the number 3 in this area. The orange singer is walking away down a long hallway into
(post) or green (pre) line will go hollow and you the distance. Using reverb to create the illusion of
have bypassed the send level. This is useful for spaciousness, you can make the send PRE the
comparing and troubleshooting. If you have channel fader. Now when you fade the signal out
signal connected to input 1 of the 01X you will see with the channel fader, the dry signal will
signal appear in the meters of Studio Manager. disappear but the vocal will continue to be sent to
Click on the MASTER button above the Stereo the reverb and returned to the ST1 (return) -
fader on the far right of the console. This will let leaving a ghostly image of the voice - it will sound
you see the four AUX SENDS the two Stereo as if they walked away down a long hallway. If the
Returns and the Main stereo out. You should see send had been post, both the dry and wet signal
your signal reflected in AUX 3 (send) and ST1 would have faded out together and it would be an
(return). entirely different impact.
The prime directive: Never, ever, ever, send the In the Studio Manager software, click on
ST1 (return) back out to AUX3. Bad things will WINDOWS and open the SELECTED CHANNEL
happen - this would be the definition of a view. On the right side of the screen you will see
feedback loop. Yes you could send the return to the AUX SEND knobs and a button below each one
AUX 4 That's okay. But never back to itself. to make that send PRE or POST.
Conversely never return the ST2 (return) back out
to AUX 4. You could send it to AUX 3 but not to There will be a bit more on this in the Conclusions
itself. Feedback is dangerous for a few reasons; it and Final Thoughts section of this article.
can potentially damage your gear, it can
potentially damage your ears (imagine having Channel Module: PAN and SELECT
headphones on at drummer volume and feedback The Pan Pot (panorama potentiometer) or PAN,
occurs) it is a serious situation and understanding for short, is the act of adding resistance to one
how to avoid it is your job. side so signal flows easily to the other. In other
words when you pan something left you are
Where do I find the AUX SEND level in the actually adding resistance to signal flow going to
physical 01X? the right, and vice versa. When you have paired a
Press the SEND button on the right front panel. set of channels this will allow you to position them
left or right. activated. And as mentioned any ON button
pressed when a channel is placed in a MUTE
The [SELECT] button is pretty self-explanatory. It GROUP can act as the master ON/OFF for the
is simply the channel you are currently working group.
Channel Module: FADER
In order to pair two channels you must pair them Fader is a valve. Like a valve you would find on a
in ODD/EVEN pairs. For example, 1&2 is a good pipe. It is not responsible for gain (that is the
pair, while 2&3 would not be possible. The ODD analog knob on the front panel of the 01x and is
number will always be first. To create a pair is not represented in Studio Manager). The faders
easy. Open the SELECTED CHANNEL (press controls how much water is flowing in the pipe on
WINDOWS on the toolbar) and click on the broken a per channel basis. If the signal distorts it more
HEART in the lower left corner ("unbreak the times than not occurs at the analog input stage.
heart" - so to speak, [great tune]). The faders are Turning down the fader will not help rectify this -
typically set to 0.0 during tracking – to raise the you will only hear the distortion less –you will not
faders to nominal simply press the knob create a situation where the is less distortion - it
associated with them. is still there. A fader is an in-line attenuator for
artistically controlling the signal flow. In a similar
How do I pan on the physical 01X? fashion to how MUTE GROUPS are created you can
Press the PAN button. And now you know about create Fader Groups where any fader in the group
several ways to view this. Try them out. Work can control all the other members of the group.
with the NAME/VALUE button, and the SELECT
CHANNEL view on the front panel of the 01X. You may initially think that signal flows from the
top down the module…but this is not true. The
How do I pair channels on the physical 01X? typical mixing console is laid out so that things
Hold down the odd number channel's SEL button you use most often are closest to you and things
and touch the adjacent SEL button. Hold SEL you “set and forget” are farther away. The fader is
button 1 and touch button 2. You are given truly the artistic level control during the mixdown
options to copy any data you have already setup process so it has found its way to the bottom (or
on one of the channels to the other or you can closest) position. The input assignment is done at
RESET them both. Resetting them both will reduce the start of the session is not changed during the
their volume to infinity (off) and pan them hard recording. What follows is a chart of actual signal
left and right respectively. flow in an 01X channel module.
• Press knob 7 PREFER
• Press PAGE DOWN to select page 4 of 5
Channel Module: ON
The ON button activates the channel and is used
to SOLO a channel when the SOLO button is
Plug in a microphone into AD input 1. We will take software to be recorded. The Direct Out is
a run through this channel functioning as an ultimately assigned (connected to) a track in
INPUT CHANNEL. your DAW. The Direct Outs are referred to by
as mLAN 1 through mLAN 24 by your Digital
• First the signal goes through the Mic/Gain trim Audio Workstation. Even though the first 8
control (in the analog domain). Here the modules are analog inputs and the next 16
overall level of the signal is determined: Mic are called mLAN1~mLAN16, when we are
signal (weak)/ Line level signal (strong) – the referring to Direct Outs sent to your DAW –
gain/trim is all about boosting or reducing they all travel via mLAN and are referred to as
level. Notice that channels 1 and 2 have mLAN1 through mLAN24. If you look closely
access to a +48V power source – this is a you will see options to route signal to the
switchable function used by condenser DIRECT OUT both PRE and POST the
microphones. module’s FADER (the fader is shown as a
• Then on to the AD converter - from this point rectangle with and arrow through it that says
on you are in the digital domain (top LEVEL. A PRE-fader send, the channel FADER
diagram). You can decide what channel and then the POST-fader Send follow this.
module the input will appear at the INPUT • And finally the signal arrives at the Panorama
SELECT PATCH point. Set the channel Potentiometer (PAN POT). After this point you
module you want to use to SOURCE = AD1. connect it on to whatever your goal for this
Any analog input can be connected to any input is... in a live or monitoring situation you
channel (for example, if you plug a guitar into would route this to the stereo bus. In a
the high impedance input at number 8, you situation where you are bus recording
can route that to the first module by setting (bouncing) you would route this on to a bus
SOURCE = AD8). that is connected to other channel modules
• Next is the channel ATTENUATOR (ATT) for and then on to your recorder and so on.
turning down signal. The attenuator is
typically set at 0.0. You would use the SELECTED CHANNEL View
attenuator when a channel is receiving input
from several other channels i.e., when
bouncing channels making a composite mix -
the attenuator keeps your signals from over
loading the channel - because when signals
are bounced together internally you do not go
through the gain/trim1.
• Next is the PHASE REVERSE option, followed
by an INSERT point where you can PATCH
the Effect processors (FX1/FX2) as an in-line
• Next is the 4-band parametric EQ. The
significance of a Parametric EQ means you can
select the Frequency, you can select the “Q”
or bandwidth (small number = wide) and you
can boost or cut the Gain at that frequency.
On the toolbar of the Studio Manager program
• Next is the DYNAMICS PROCESSOR. This unit
you can click on “Windows” and choose the
can be configured as a Compressor, a Limiter,
“Selected Channel” view. This is everything on a
an Expander, a Noise Gate, or a Ducker. You
single channel strip. We have briefly mentions the
can recall setups from the LIBRARY and tweak
Selected Channel button on the front panel of the
them as necessary. This Leveling Amplifier is
01X – this changes the view of the 01X screen so
one of the most powerful weapons in the 01X
that the information pertains to just the current
arsenal of professional tools.
channel. There are times when you will prefer one
• Then an option to select to METER the signal
view or the other. It is simply a matter of choice
– there is also a METER associated with the
and convenience.
DYNAMICS PROCESSOR because you can
boost and reduce gain in that device.
• Next is the Channel module ON/OFF switch.
There are four Fader Groups, (A-B-C-D), and four
• Next you have a point at which you can send
Mute Groups (E-F-G-H). When a module is
data to a DIRECT OUT. This DIRECT OUT is
assigned to a Group any member of the group can
typically where signal is sent to your DAW
act as Master to control the others. Fader groups
will all respond in proportion to each other’s
Such signal arrives at the INPUT SELECT PATCH point. position. The Groups are not selectable on the
main Studio Manager screen but are accessible the Stereo bus, Record bus, Phase reverse,
when in the SELECTED CHANNEL view. On the SELECT, SOLO, and ON/OFF.
01X front panel you will find a dedicated [GROUP]
button. If you place an “A” above a particular These can all be viewed in the physical 01X by
module, this would assign it to Fader group “A”. pressing the MIXING LAYER [MASTER] button.
All other modules designated for Group “A” would Typically the levels of all buses are kept at 0.0dB -
move when any one of them was moved. If you fully open (they are valves on the signal pipe). On
assign a module a letter “E”, for example, it would close inspection you will notice that the BUS, AUX
join a Mute Group. All modules designated for SENDS, and STEREO MASTER have 0dB at the top
Group “E” would be silenced when you press the of the fader's travels, while channel modules, and
ON/OFF button for any member of the group. the two stereo Returns have 0dB and then an area
These are extremely useful for adjusting multiple that goes up to +6dB at the top of the travel. This
modules simultaneously. is to allow for boosting signals when these type
channels are dealing with combining signals from
MASTER VIEW other modules. The BUS, AUX and STEREO do not
have this extra area because you do not go over
+0db on a scientific output for any reason in the
digital domain (because no one has found a
musical use for total digital distortion). If you
have properly gain staged your system by the
time you get to busing, sending AUX outs and to
the final stereo out you do not need any boosts.
PRE and POST, which speaks to the whole signal recorder. It is also true that vocalist’s request
flow scenario. Simply put this is BEFORE and reverb in the headphones…ever wonder why?
AFTER. We talked about it in terms of the routing Because like when you sing in the shower,
pre or post the channel fader in a send scenario. reverberation helps the ear/brain “hear” itself
But on a larger scale you think about it in other better – the notes hang in the air allowing you to
ways as well. For example, the INPUT channel is make subtle changes to correct your pitch and
PRE the recorder, and a TRACK Channel is POST enjoy the experience. Reverb is a necessary evil
the recorder. What is a TRACK Channel? Simply but you do not want to record with reverb in a
put a Channel module can be carrying inputs to multi-track scenario – why? Because you do not
the recorder or it can be playing back data from want to commit to a final amount until all the
the recorder. Other than that the devices on each components can be balanced together. You
module are very similar…the only difference normally want to wait until “final mixdown” to
being: the INPUT channel goes through the AD apply finishing touches like reverb. Therefore, you
converter, while the track channel starts its would apply the reverb on signal POST the direct
module run at the INPUT PATCH Point (tracks are out to the recorder. The signal that is POST the
not in the analog domain but start in the digital DIRECT out is the one you would feed to the
domain). Things done to a signal PRE the recorder musician’s headphone mix. You would send the
will be recorded to the take, however, things done headphone mix POST the DIRECT OUT but PRE
to the signal POST the recorder are simply your fader. This will allow you to set a separate
monitored (heard in the speakers). This will be a balance of instruments for the singer – while you
very important part of your life now in the world monitor as you wish. This is the beauty and
of recording. Signals coming into your 01X (before complexity of the recording setup. You have signal
they are recorded) will be considered the that is scientific, and you have signal that is
“scientific” signal – in that you are going to print subjective. Pre/Post – find your own way to think
that to the recording. Signals coming back from about it. But I have found through the years that
the recorder will be considered the subjective knowing the signal flow and what you are looking
signal – in that you can alter it without penalty of at will serve you well and let you troubleshoot
the alteration being permanent – at least until you your own system. No one can tell you what to do
decide to create a final mixdown. exactly. It is all about signal flow – once you know
what is possible, it is an artistic tool that you can
Let’s give an example in the real world. Typically use to your creative whim. Learn the basics and
when working with computer-based systems you then “go for it!” See you online…
have been taught to apply processing and effects
POST the recording. However, this has, up until Locking in the setup:
now, been a limitation of the technology. Because Setup your 01X to your own particular
many systems cannot process on the way in, the preferences; including which DAW is the default
adage “Fix it in the mix” has been the norm. One REMOTE, all of your initial PATCH settings, Word
of the advantages of having an audio interface Clock preference, etc.
that is hardware is that you can process on the Press [SHIFT] + [UTILITY] to create a “BACKUP”
way to the recorder. Often with reverb you want Your mixer settings will be stored until you either
to wait until later, but sometimes with guitars or rewrite the backup or do a Factory reset.
basses or keyboards you want to record the effect
because it is “all about” the processing. You wind Run Studio Manager
up playing the guitar effects – it is part of the Synchronize from 01X Æ PC
musician’s performance. In other words, the way Then FILE> “Save Session as…”
that they play is affected by the sound you create Name the file
on the way in to the recorder. This is a key
advantage of the 01X and mLAN with its flexible When next you boot: Run Studio Manager
routing. Zero Latency means – absolutely no Then FILE> OPEN SESSION
delay and that is the norm here. You are listening Choose the .X1X file
to the signal prior to going to the recorder. Then SYNCHRONZATION/RE-SYNC
Press PCÆ 01X Button
A good example of a recording scenario is where
you want to record a lead vocal. You need to use
a compressor to give optimum control over signal Phil “Bad Mister” Clendeninn
level and to get the correct presence on the Senior Product Specialist
vocal recording. Compressing the vocal after-the- Technology Products
fact is bogus…vocals benefit from recording with Yamaha Corporation of America
proper compression as you record. You can apply
the compressor at the 01X on the way to the